##VIDEO ID:7zJhooZVTWo## good evening everyone and Welcome to our regular meeting of city council Tuesday October 8th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Mr aosta here Mr Frances skini here Mr Spinelli is absent Mr Vargas here Dr Arthur here this evening we have with us our students are from Leaders of Tomorrow Early Learning Academy going to ask them to come up and they're going to lead us in the uh flag salute this evening FL of the United States of America and to the which stands one nation indivisible andice for all e than for you all thank you so very much for our to our leaders of tomorrow and thank you Mr Ynez thank you to the school as well and to the parents thank you for allow bringing your students thank you have a good evening public notice this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given on December 13th 2023 by the city clerk in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board and Lobby of City Hall providing written notice in the offices of the Daily Journal in the Press of Atlantic City and filing written notice in the office of the city clerk of the city of Island chair entertains a motion that the 20 24 minutes of the preeing conference and regular meeting of September 24th and the work session of October 1 so move a second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes public comment provides an opportunity for members of the public to inform the governing body about their views governing body prescribes the city council's bylaws and the New Jersey statutes on open public meetings when engaging during public comment as such each individual shall have a five minute limit to comment cannot yield time to another individual may only approach the podium once during public comment for any one topic vulgar offensive language is prohibited and city council will not engage in dialogue with the public during this time governing body maintains model courtesy and respect and requires members of the public to do the same and at this time is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard if so please come to the mic state your name no one I have ordinance SE 202 24- 53 which is ready for a first reading gains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 53 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 53 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which Revis the classification and comp compensation plans for the city of Island principal data control clerk here aains a motion that ordinance number 2024 d53 be passed for first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I ordinance number 202 24-54 which is ready for a first reading kains a motion at ordinance number 202454 be taken up for the first reading so move second Costa yes Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024-25 a colon 9-42 entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-54 be passed for a first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move I second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes move now into the consent agenda items resolution number 202 24- 448 is a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the City of vland with respect to the Reconstruction of Southeast Avenue 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the City of vland with respect to the Landis Avenue and Valley Avenue traffic signal upgrades 202 244-4508 51 is a resolution authorizing the mayor to endorse the application of Ida International LLC to the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for treatment works approval for construction of a sanitary sewer line extension subject to conditions listed for Orchard estate's residential subdivision 2024-25 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from the state of New Jersey uez Authority funds for the violent for the downtown promotion Grant in the amount of $175,000 and an appropriation in said budget for like suon purpose 202 24- 453 is a resolution providing for the insertion in a calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by revenue realiz from state of New Jersey Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Grant allocation amount of $98,400 202 24- 454 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island the special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from state of New Jersey Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Grant allocation in the amount of $ 42,6 4138 and an appropriation is said budget for like suon purpose 24- 455 is a resolution providing for the insertion the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from state of New Jersey Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Grant allocation in the amount of 1,895 1839 and 6 cents and an appropriation in said budget for like sumon purpose 202 24-4 56 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a Professional Services agreement buy between Sean Energy Incorporated Houston Texas and the City of Island for fall outage support for unit 11 and Clayville generating stations in amount of $42,715 pursuant to a long-term service agreement 202 24- 457 is a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to starnet Solutions Incorporated farming Dale New Jersey for the purchase of scale Computing scale Weare Services one-year renewal in an amount not to exceed $2,761 202 24- 458 is a resolution exercising the one-year contract extension to contract c24 0051 for the Furnishing and delivery of Corporation Valves and service fittings 202 24- 459 is a resolution exercising the onee contract extension to contract c23 d0110 for stack emissions and ratat testing services 2024 460 is a resolution authorizing issuance of the mandatory supplemental change order number one to contract number c23 0083 purchase order number 23-4 223 South State Incorporated Bridgton New Jersey 202 24- 461 is a resolution authorizing the issue and some mandatory supplemental change order number two to contract number c23 d86 purchase order number 23- 049 issued to Construction Incorporated Metford Lakes New Jersey in the amount of $ 36,990 204-4626 for for Memorial Park Dam repairs and authorizing the purchasing agent to re 202 24- 463 is a resolution approving forgivable loans from first generation Enterprise Zone funds for project beautify 202 24- 464 resolution approving a udag cdbg small business loan program to Bruno real estate Holdings LLC 202 24- 465 is a resolution to resend by the city engineer 2024-25 is a resolution approving shorty reduction release or Renewal by the director of licenses and 202 24- 46 seven it's a resolution approving charge against various land for land clearance and authorizing said charge become a lean upon such land added to and become part of the taxes to be assessed 2024 468 a resolution determining the form and other details of $9 million General Improvement bonds series 2024 of the city of v and the county of Cumberland New Jersey and providing for their sale I have a communication from mayor fucci appointing Terry Andress say alternate number four of the Zoning Board of adjustment commencing October 9th 2024 and expired 2025 and companion resolution 2024 469 ratifying confirming the appointment of Terry Andrew as alternate number four of the zoning 202 24- 470 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of original taxi cab licenses for 202 4 202 24-7 excuse me is a resolution providing and authorizing the payment of bills and demands against the city of Island I have a communication from mayor fucci appointing Alfred Vero Esquire to the position of part-time conflict alternate Port public defender commencing October expiring September 30th 2025 and request the communication be received I have resolution 202442 ratifying confirming the appointment of Alfred verose Esquire as conflict alternate public defender for the city of vinand and Mars River Township municipal courts authorizing the execution Professional Services agreement therefore 224-4723 accepting the generous donation of a can9 to be trained and to become a violent police K9 Officer from Fletcher Cox 224-4740 d475 is resolution authorizing the cancellation of taxes for County year 2024 County year 2025 for the reason recommended 202 24- 476 is a resolution providing for the combination of certain issues of General Improvement bond series 2024 of the city of onland and the county of C New Jersey into a single issue of bonds aggregating $9 million in amount I have a motion to refer to the planning board of the city of Island a request to REM to amend the center city Redevelopment plan so as to convert improvements located at block 4108 Lot 10 412 South 6th Street from a first floor restaurant and one apartment on the second floor to one 1,888 square ft four bedroom apartment on the first floor and two apartments on the second floor consist and present findings of fact and recommendations there too motion referred to the planning board of the city of vland a request to amend the center city devopment plan so as to allow outdoor self storage facilities and provide for an additional bond to complete site site plan improve requirements on property known as block 2802 lot one 215 North dce Drive and present findings of fact and recommendations there to this time chair entertains a motion to approve all items on the consent agenda so move second aosta yes Mr Francis gy yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes that's all the formal business I have Madam president thank you Mr voski at this time do we have any comments from Council I do just that um let's pray for uh the residents in Florida um because they're going to be meeting uh hurricane Milton anytime soon right now it's category five um it's supposed to be downgraded by three hopefully by the time it hits Tampa um this is going to be what I'm hearing you know catastrophic uh for many reasons along with since we already had a hurricane helina um it's been two weeks ago and I think uh I know you know I'm heavily involved with r Fross and we've sent um probably close to a couple thousand volunteers down there to stage and get ready for the hurricane as much as that initial response um this will take years to recover from uh both in the Carolinas as well as as Florida as we know the Katrina we're still recovering from Katrina and that's 20 years ago so um it's it's a marathon when it comes to E kind of catastrophic events just reminds us to prepare and um I always liked what Ben franklen would say by failing to prepare you are preparing to fail so um remember we had Hurricane Sandy on Halloween so there's always a possibility but if not just uh that's it thank you the Casta yeah I'd like to Echo what my colleague here has said in particular to uh potential effects uh in Florida I have a large number of relatives in the storm area and I've had conversations with them um and as much as you try to prepare you never know what uh Devastation types of a phenomenon will will bring upon us well said uh pray that they survive councilman Vargas I just Echo from uh my dear councilman they just uh made this statement uh regarding Florida I just want to send a prayer to all having family there as officers for its responders in the Orlando area and throughout the Florida State uh wish them well and uh had emple mened time to uh evacuate I hope they listened and sending prayers to all thank you I personally want to extend prayers also um to all of those there I have a son that works in Tampa lives in Tampa but as of last night he and his wife did move up to Orlando to be with her um parents his in-laws because they're a little bit older so they wanted to make sure they were okay and so certainly I pray that everything goes well um with this uh storm uh ending out there and I know that we have some city workers here that also have relatives in Tampa so let's remember each other in prayer as we get through until the weekend uh gets here so thank you for offering prayers for those don't forget the uh fire ceremony on fire department is being dedicated on Saturday hopefully we'll see all of you there thank you any further comments what's the score uhoh it's on if nothing further Tain a motion to adjourn the regular session so move I second Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Vargas yes Dr