##VIDEO ID:Z0-lrolo12Q## good evening everyone and Welcome to our regular meeting on Tuesday November 26 2024 at 6:34 p.m. Mr Acosta here Mr franchis skini here Mr Spinelli here Mr Vargas here Dr Arthur here please rise for the pledge of allegiance of aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given on December 13th 2023 by the city clerk in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board in lobby of City Hall providing written notice to the offices of the Daily Journal and the Press of Atlantic City and filing written notice in the office of the city clerk of the city city of Isa car contains a motion that the 20 24 minutes of the pre-meeting conference and regular meeting of November 12th and the work session of November 18th be approved as submitted so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have resolution 2024-25 a resolution authorizing the exclusion of the public from a meeting between the mayor city council City Clerk and staff business administrator and staff city solicitor and staff Chief Financial Officer and staff and law firm of Madden and Madden concerning matters relating to litigation in which the public body is or may become a party in matters falling under the attorney client privilege and authorizing the disclosure of minutes of said meeting as provided here in Kar attains a motion that resolution number 20 24- 550 be adopted according to law move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes chair entertains a motion to recess to our closed meeting don't move second Mr aosta yes Mr francini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes just for members of the public um city council will now be recessing for a few minutes to go into close session and then they'll be returning back here to continue with the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e chair entertains a motion to reconvene our work our regular session no move second uh Mr aosta yes Francis Milly yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have resolution number 22456 resolution authorizing the execution of a settlement agreement by between the city of Island and Mar a Cheney in the matter filed in Superior Court of New Jersey Law division docket number C- l-00 00179 D20 attains a motion that resolution number 2024 560 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Costa I'm recusing myself from this franchini yes Mr spelli ringly yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur by resolution 2024-25 resolution recognizing Jon Jones upon retiring from public service effective December 1 2024 here entertains a motion that resolution number 2024-25 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion just wish Mr Jones the best of luck good health and retirement enjoy itone else congratulations and all the best to you in your retirement Mr P Mr aosta yes Mr Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I'll just add one comment if you don't mind sure uh Mr Jones worked 43 and a half years wow public comment provides an opportunity for members of the public to inform the governing body about their views the governing body prescribes the city council's bylaws and the New Jersey statutes on open public meetings when engaging during public comment as such each individual shall have a five minute limit to comment cannot yield time to another individual may only approach the podium once during public comment for any one topic vulgar offensive language is prohibited and city council will not engage in dialogue with the public during this time the governing body maintains model courtesy and respect and requires members of the public to do the same and at this time is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard if so please come to the podium state your name no one I have ordinance number 20 24-55 in ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number8 which revise the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island director of Economic and Industrial Development which is ready for a public hearing here JS a motion that ordinance number 20 24-55 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move second M Costa yes Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargus yes Dr yes is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-55 no one entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 2024 55 be closed so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes he a motion that ordinance number 20 24-55 be taken up for the final reading and adopted according to law who move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr arth yes ordinance number 202 24-55 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island director of economic develop economic and Industrial Development this ordinance is adopted rski please submit ordinance number 202 24-55 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you welcome I ordinance number 202 24- 556 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island assistant director of Economic and Industrial Development which is ready for a public hearing here motion that ordinance number 20 24- 56 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis genini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24- 56 no one he entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 2456 be taken up for a final reading and adop adopted according to law no move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 22456 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island assistant director of Economic and Industrial Development this ordinance is adopted Mr Petroski please submit ordinance number 20 24- 56 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I have ordinance number 224-5741 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion a move second Costa yes Mr SK yes Mr pelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr arth yes is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24- 57 no one chair ands a motion at the public hearing on ordinance number 2024 d57 be closed who move second Mr Costa yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes obtains a motion at ordinance number 2024 - 57 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law move a second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 20 24- 57 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island program monitored this ordinance is adopted Mr pataski please submit ordinance number 2024571970 Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr selli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24-58 no one shair entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24-58 be closed so move second Mr Costa yes Mr Francis yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-58 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr selli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-58 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island Mason helper this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 202 24-58 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I have ordinance number 20245 in ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number H which establish the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island truck driver heavy Road repairer one which is ready for a public hearing he attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 59 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 224-592-2787 yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here obtains a motion at ordinance number 20 24- 59 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion n Mr aosta yes Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024 59 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which establish the class classification and compensation plans for the city of Island truck driver heavy Road repair one this ordinance is adopted Mr patasi please submit ordinance number 20 24- 59 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I ordinance number 2024 D60 ordinance amending the code of the city of Island chapter 651 taxi cab section five entitled fees which is ready for a public hearing he entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-6 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr arth yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 2024 D60 no one sh attains a motion that public hearing on ordinance number 20246 be closed so move second Costa yes Mr francini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes f attains a motion that ordinance number 202 4-60 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move by second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes Mr Francis kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-6 ordinance amending the code of the city of Island chapter 651 taxi cabs section five entitled fees this ordinance is adopted Roski please submit ordinance number 2024-25 61 which is ready for a first reading a attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 61 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 61 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which establish the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island Chief emergency medical technician here attains a motion at ordinance number 2024 61 be passed for first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. who move by second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 202462 which is ready for a first reading contains a motion that ordinance number 202462 be taken up for the first reading no move a second Mr Costa yes franchis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202462 ordinance amending ordinance 996-4945 d270 entitled word usage definitions to clarify the term office and substance abuse counseling or treatment centers and to consider other types of offices as defined terms in accordance with resolution of the city of onland planning board he andain a motion that ordinance number 202462 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 202 24- 63 which is ready for a first reading here entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 63 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr Costa yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024 63 ordinance amending ordinance 964 as amended chapter 425 Article 15 sections 425- 293 entitled B1 business Zone standards section 425- 294 entitled B2 business Zone standards section 425- 295 entitled B3 business Zone standards 425- 298 entitled in1 institutional Zone standards in accordance with resolution 6667 of the city of vland planning boards a motion that ordinance number 2024 63 be passed for first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargus yes Dr Arthur yes I ordinance number 202 24- 64 which is ready for a first reading chair attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 64 be taken up for the first reading so move second aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024 d64 ordinance amending ordinance 20443 as amended chapter 425 Article 1 sections 42512 of the code of the city of is entitled notice of application for development a obtains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 64 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I resolution 2024 D 548 resolution confirming the steps used in the new license issuance process using the Historical Method for a new plenary retail consumption license under the hotel motel exception and recommending the award to Smith Street Hotel LLC trading as holiday and Express and Suites for premises located at 398 Smith Street L New Jersey contains a motion that resolution number 2024-the here um we had one applicant uh for this license uh for um hotel with 100 or more rooms located on at 398 Smith Street um no other applicants were submitted we followed the guidelines of the state of New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control and um this seems to be the um uh complete application evaluating factors such as the intended use location traffic Aesthetics proximity to churches and schools land use provisions rable impact Community needs parking business experience Etc is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on resolution number 2024-25 48 be closed I'll move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances Kini yes Mr spelli Mr Vargas yes Arthur yes attains a motion that resolution number 2024 548 be adopted according to law we move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes we'll move now into the consent agenda items 202 24- 530 is a resolution acknowledging the receipt of the city of onland County of Cumberland landfill closure escrow fund audit report for the year ending September 30th 2024 and authorizing the same to be received and filed with the city engineer and the chief finance officer 20 24- 531 is a resolution acknowledging the receipt of the city of Von County of Cumberland vland Public Library audit report for the year ending December 31 2023 and authorizing the same to be received and filed with the city clerk and chief finance officer 202 24- 532 is a resolution to recognize the certificate of determination and award for Bond anticipation notes in the amount of 22,5 8,750 2024 533 is a resolution to recognize the certificate of determination and award for the general Improvement bond series 2024 in the amount of $9 million 2024-25 2024 for police cloud-based scheduling system and administration of special Duty police details RFP 202 24- 57 202 24- 535 is a resolution authorizing a Professional Services agreement with rington and Vernick Engineers Cherry Hill New Jersey for structural evaluation and Design Services for rehabilitation of the existing concrete well at well number two and well number three water treatment facilities in an amount not to exceed $83,000 2024 536 is a resolution exercising the one-year contract extension to contract c24 0082 for scr reagent quality ammonia for unit 11 and Clayville 1 for Vu generation 2024-25 is a resolution exercising the one-year contract extension to contract c23 D 0122 for district distribution Transformers 202 24- 538 is a resolution exercising the one-year contract extension to contract c24 0052 for the Furnishing and delivery of itron Reva pit water modules 202 24- 539 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of a mandatory supplemental change order number one to contract number c24 d92 purchase order number 2 4- 0339 2 issu to syc pavers hardscaping LLC Mount Royal New Jersey at the amount of 8,760 202 24-54 is a resolution authorizing an upgrade to the electric utilities fiber infrastructure from grey bar Teterboro New Jersey the amount not to exceed 2,136 4 pursuant to a national Cooperative contract with the Kansas City city city of Kansas City Missouri 202 24-54 is a resolution awarding a contract to Dan suy and Son Incorporated Scotch Plains New Jersey for 2024 city-wide line striping in the amount of 9,819 202 24- 542 is a resolution awarding a contract to matys Construction Company Incorporated little Lake Harbor New Jersey for 2025 Citywide drainage improvements various locations in the amount of 1,577 761 base bid 202 24-54 is a resolution approving shorty reduction release or renewal as submitted by the city engineer 202 24- 544 is a resolution cancelling outdated checks issued by the city of Island 2024 d 545 is a resolution cancelling grants receivable balances and unencumbered balances of Grant appropr appropriation reserves 202 24- 546 is a resolution providing for the transfer of certain calendar year 2024 budget Appropriations balances 202 24- 547 is a resolution providing an authorizing the payment of bills and demands against the city of irand 2024 - 549 is a resolution authorizing and granting the application for a new plenary retail consumption license under the hotel motel exception to Smith Street Hotel LLC trading as holiday in express and Suites for premises located at 398 Smith Street Van New Jersey effective November 27 2024 2024 d551 is a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vendor Motorola Solutions Wireless CA West Berlin New Jersey for communications equipment and services in an amount not to exceed 52,2 2640 202 24- 552 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of an mandatory supplemental change order number one to contract number c23 0099 purchase order number 24 d3548 issue to print and mail har local government Easley South Carolina in the amount of $3,211 202 24- 553 is a resolution authorizing the director of the Department of licenses and inspections to issue various original Endor renewal licenses for the year 2025 2024-the a Professional Services agreement with CDM Smith Edison New Jersey to provide construction Engineering Services for the lead service line replacement program as main by the state of New Jersey in an amount not to exceed $500,000 202 24-55 is a resolution authorizing the purchase of hydrop valves of various sizes from Ferguson Enterprises eggh Harbor Township New Jersey amount not to exceed $ 81,7 pursuant to a national cooperative contract agreement with Omnia Partners National Cooperative 202 24-55 is a resolution wording the contract to xylm dewatering Incorporated doing business as walks Water Service Columbia Maryland for the water utility 2025 2026 valve exercising program 202 24-5 57 is a resolution awarding a contract to water remediation technology LLC Westminster Colorado for well number 13 drinking water media replacement in the amount of $518,000 202 24- 558 is a resolution exercising third option year renewal to contract c22 d83 for the grinding and Hauling of brush at Material Handling facility div on and bid 2021 53 202 24-5 59 is a resolution setting forth reasons for deviation from resolution 667 of the planning board of the city of Island regarding amendments to chapter 425 Article 1 Section 425-1225 and expiring December 31 2025 5 and request the communication be received and filed I also have a communication from mayor fucci uh reappointing Sandy valz as class 4 member of the planning board commencing January 1 2025 and expiring December 31 2028 and request the communication be received and filed he attains a motion to approve all items on the consent agenda so move I second Mr Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes that's all the formal business I have Madam president thank you Mr patoski you're welcome at this time are there any comments from Council yes just briefly uh actually I just want to congratulate uh my colleagues that U ran for election they won congratulations there you go thank you thank you yes if you see the mayor tell him I said great job I'm sure he'll have a few words for me I'm sure yes uh and I just want to wish everyone a great Thanksgiving and um hopefully the parade won't be too cold but that's it thank you Casta I too want to wish uh everyone a Happy Thanksgiving for you uh get light on the salt um salt is not really good for you yes uh let's hope the parade it's not too cold councilman Spinelli again Happy Thanksgiving everybody and welcome back Ron uh from your world tour uh I was glad that I could get the daily update well I did it for you Paul cuz I know you're concern very much also uh turkey day 10:00 a.m. Kon Stadium V and milville football uh come out and cheer for the red and gray uh also uh November 30th this Saturday coming up uh we have the Christmas parade 5:00 is a start it starts at uh 2nd Street I believe it goes all the way down to Myrtle Street um it's usually uh it's one of the best parades that that I've seen uh for for what it's considered to be I guess a small city um we had over 100 entries last year and I believe there's like 120 this year uh also the week following that December 6th at 5:00 we have the tree lighting out here on City Hall steps uh and there are fireworks I believe that are going to be uh going off since we had some rain uh and um Tim Donovan is there to highlight it and there's a some entertainment as well on the steps uh Christmas songs and stuff like that and then at 600 p.m. at L theater it starts we have a ribbon cutting um and if your kids have never had a horse and buggy ride the rides are free they're there all night we have two horse and Buggies for the evening uh that lasts until about 9:00 and then December 7th it continues from noon to 7:00 uh throughout the day in the 800 block so uh if you're not doing anything this weekend uh there's a lot to do with the parade and the following weekend there's a ton to do at the oldfashioned international Christmas uh in front of the Landis theater is where most of it starts there's vendors there's uh trolley rides that are free there's uh the horse and buggy like I said and then there's a ton of entertainment coming in and there's also a concert that night at the theater so uh if you're interested please come out everything's pretty much free councilman Vargas yes uh the Police Athletic League will be hosting here Christmas party on December 14th uh from 11 to 2 at the pal Building located at six Ander Street Happy Thanksgiving to all be safe on the road and congratulations again to Jon Jones on his retirement did on Mr Jones's uh retirement congratulations ations as well Happy Thanksgiving and if you missed everything that Paul said councilman Spinelli said we have a mind violin app you can put that on your phone it's for free and all those dates and events are there as well so if you don't have the my violent app make sure you add it to your phone all the activities that are going on throughout the city anything further nothing further council is here entertains a motion to adjourn the regular meeting so move second Costa yes Fran Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr yes thank you have a good night and a safe and happy