##VIDEO ID:f5x_smwCg10## Friday oh yeah I haven't even done anything yeah I haven't done anything e good evening everyone and Welcome to our regular meeting of city council city of Island Tuesday August 27 2024 at 6:30 p.m. councilman aosta here councilman francini here councilman spelli pres councilman Vargas here Dr here please rise for the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible justice for all public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open Public's meeting act has been given on December 13 2023 by the city clerk in the following manner Post in written notice on the official bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall providing written notice to the offices of the Daily Journal and Press of Atlantic City and filing written notice in the office of the city clerk of the city of M JS a motion that the 20 24 minutes of the pre-meeting conference and regular meeting of August 13th and the work session of August 20th be approved as submitted so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes Madam president I present resolution number 2024-25 a resolution recognizing Maria Marcato upon retiring from public service effective September 1 202 four he attains a motion that resolution number 20 24- 373 be adopted according to law so move by second is there any discussion by Council on this motion I I see she's ready ready to go it's around the corner no other comments no other comments call the rooll is councilman aasta yes counc fusini councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes and congratulations we have for you here a commending resolution that was read into the record which reads whereas Maria Marcato began her career with the city of Island on January 29th 2018 and whereas Maria has furthered the city's Mission by providing valuable public service to the violent community and whereas Maria has earned the respect and confidence of her co-workers and employer throughout her many years of faithful service and whereas Maria Marcato has earned a well-deserved retirement from the city of Island effective September 1 2024 ending her Public Service career in the department of administration as community service worker now therefore be resolved that mayor and Council of the city of Island extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Maria Marcato for a career of loyal and meritorious service for best wishes for many years of health and happiness adopted August 27 201 [Applause] 24 and then if you'd like to say something sure congratulations best of luck the hug I'd like to say thank you to the board for inviting me to this special meeting it means a lot to me I'd like to thank my wonderful boss Mr Aaron Melnick back there for all his support he has given us throughout the five years that I've known him I'd like to thank Mr Bobby D for always supporting us as well Rick Tanetta always for supporting us when we need you and it has been a pleasure and I am honored that I have been able to achieve one of my goals after I retired previously from my previous employer to be able to serve as a community service worker and I plan on continuing to be a resource for the community after I retire thank you so [Applause] much BR yes you already did it here present resolution number 2024 374 a resolution recognizing Thomas Shelton upon retiring from public service effective September 1 2024 here attains a motion that resolution number 2024-25 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion no councilman aosta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman VAR Dr yes Thom Shelton is not here we provide that to Mr congratulations move to the public comment at this time is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard please come to the mic state your name oh he's wearing the right shirt that's good Thomas price 1380 South Spring Road right here and violing the I'd like to thank city council and city employees for allowing me this opportunity to voice concerns of the quality of life in our neighborhood which is almost non-existent due to reckless driving excessive noise I came in almost a year ago with a petition signed by 125 families in that area regarding these issues we've had new people move into the neighborhood that have already um said something to us about the reckless driving in our area um it was we had about a 3- week period last fall when the violent Police Department uh heavily ticketed the area and it made a difference I mean it didn't knock it out but it seems that there's a new breed or um they know that they can run with impunity because the uh the force has pretty much been lifted from the area and I Know It Takes 22 weeks to cycle the Traffic Unit around but our area uh requires much more than that they use South Spring Road as a bypass from Main Road to get from Lincoln to all the way down to Maple and into town look at split you don't have all this traffic lights we have a four-way stop it doesn't even exist they blow right through it and it's four-way stop we had one individual uh last February came through the made a left turn through the four-way stop with so much speed he lost control and took out the speed limit sign which we had just going to cancel to to get one and uh they destroyed it and it hasn't been replaced I've made um three calls to different individuals in the city about getting that speed limit sign replaced it's a 35 mph speed limit and this guy lost control and took out speed limit sign that shows you the severity of uh what we're doing with there that could have been somebody walking on the sidewalk or the kids waiting for a school bus who knows it happens all the time it's um the last month has been pretty quiet because like almost nobody's been in town but now that we get the influx everybody coming back from the shore getting ready to go to school getting ready to go to work it's um it's already started we can't sleep at night with our windows open um it um may have been thought that we exaggerate the situation but there's a sergeant on the violent Police Department that lives very close to us that signed the petition and he handles the Firearms permits and I'm sure he'd be glad to discuss the issue with anybody we also had the city clerk last year ATT test to the fact that he's witnessed people running these stop signs and there's no crosswalk there almost every intersection in town has a crosswalk except this one and it's right up the street from the park heavily traveled area and these people don't let pedestrians cross you have to you have to take your life in your own hands to cross that intersection and I called first about this two years ago I spoke to Nancy in the engineering department and she told me she'd give back to me well I'm still waiting and I still have the same phone number I've talked other City officials about it no change then let's see I want to say though that we hold the highest respect for the violent Police Department I think this issue is more administrative than the um people on the ground they just recently put no parking signs in the park near our intersection overwhelming number of no parking signs right by the playground where the parents would park to get their kids into the playground area they put all those stop signs there which aren't going to be enforced anyway no signage is enforced in the city including handicapped parking and I can attest to that you see my cane right there I have the I have the thing a lot of stores I try to go to I can't park in the handicap parking then some young individual come out and drive away I've never seen anybody ticketed for that so it doesn't matter they put all the no parking signs there is not going to be in forand any way I think I covered pretty much all my scribble but I'm just hoping that this time we can take this issue serious enough this area that I'm talking about is between Lincoln and Maine on Magnolia and Lincoln and uh Chestnut on South Spring Road that's the area that I'm talking about it's high density and I don't know why we have a passing zone at the stop sign well actually I do know why because when the people run the stops sign there might be somebody going slow and they have to pass them right away as soon as they clear the intersection that must be why we have a passing zone there um right now it's 1.3 miles from Lincoln to the first speed limit sign on the road and the road it's a 35 mph speed limit we're talking about I really really hope that um Council and uh other City officials would please Rectify this situation thank you very much thank you Mr Price thank you anyone else in the public granetta Madam president I present ordinance number 20 24- 45 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which which revise the classification of compensation plans for the city of vinand municipal judge which is ready for a public hearing here obtains a motion at ordinance number 202 24- 45 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second councilman aosta yes councilman Francis councilman Spinelli councilman Vargas Dr Arthur yes anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24- 45 1 fa entertains a motion at the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24- 45 be closed so move second councilman aosta yes councilman franchis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes EXs a motion that ordinance number 20 24-4 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024 d45 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island municipal judge with a vote of five y this ordinance is hereby adopted Mr franchetta please submit ordinance number 2024 45 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you I present ordinance number 2024 46 ordinance denying a request to amend ordinance 2004-2 as amended entitled an ordinance adopting the center city Redevelopment plan so as to amend block 4108 lot 10412 South 6th Street as recommended by the planning board resolution 6651 which is ready for a public hearing here entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 46 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move second Costa yes councilman Francis skini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr AR yes is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-240 20 2446 sorry no one here entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24- 46 be closed so move second councilman aasta yes councilman Frances skini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman maras yes Dr AR yes j d a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 46 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any disc is there any discussion by Council on this motion no councilman aasta yeah councilman Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 20 24- 46 ordinance denying a request to amend ordinance 2004 25 as amended entitled an ordinance adopting the center city Redevelopment plan so as to amend block 4108 Lot 10 412 South 6th Street as recommended by the planning board resolution 6651 with a vote of 5 y this ordinance is hereby adopted BR cheda please submit ordinance number 2020 20 24- 46 to the mayor for approval or disapproval yes thank I present ordinance number 2024 47 ordinance amending ordinance 202289649 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move second councilman aasta yes councilman francini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr arth yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-4 no one chair entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-4 be closed so move second councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes t attains a motion that ordinance number 20244 7 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law no move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none councila yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 47 ordinance amending ordinance 202289649 qualifications and standards with a vote of 5 y this ordinance is hereby adopted Mr Bretta please submit ordinance number 20 24- 47 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you I present ordinance number 202 24-48 ordinance amending ordinance 20212 chapter 620 article 3 section 6207 of the code of the city of irland entitled responsibility for solid waste and recycling collection removal and dispos which is ready for a public hearing he entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-48 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Keeny yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-48 no one JS a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24-48 be closed so move second councilman aasta yes Council Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes GS a motion that ordinance number 20 24-48 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman aasta yes Council Francis KY yes councilman spelli yes Council Vargas Dr arth yes ordinance number 202 24-48 ordinance amending ordinance 2021 d29 CH 620 article 3 section 6207 of the code of the city of Island entitled responsibility for solid waste and recycling collection removal and Disposal with a vote of five y this ordinance is hereby adopted vetta please submit ordinance number 20 24-48 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes I present ordinance number 2024 49 amend amendment to ordinance number 2021-22 sewer extension project for cavalo drive in and by the city of band in the county of Cumberland New Jersey appropriating $210,000 even therefore authorizing the issuance of $200,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the cost thereof and directing the special assessment of the cost thereof which is ready for a public hearing sh contains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 49 be taken up for a public hearing hearing and open to the public for discussion no move second councilman aosta yes councilman Francis Kini yes counc spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24- 49 no one chair entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 2449 be closed so move second councilman aosta yes councilman Francis skini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas Dr yes cars a motion that ordinance number 20 24-4 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman aosta yes councilman francini abstain councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-4 amendment to ordinance number 2021 75 providing for the sanitary sewer extension project for cabala drive in and by the city of island in the county of Cumberland New Jersey appropriating $200,000 even therefore authorizing the issuance of $2,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the cost thereof and directing the special assessment of the cost thereof with a vote of four y one exstension this ordinance is hereby adopted Mr Bretta please submit ordinance number 20 24- 49 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes yes I present ordinance number 202 24-50 an ordinance in accordance with the provisions of njsa 48 12-4 and njsa 40a col 12-5 approving easement agreements accepting grants of easements for the purpose of constructing drainings easements which is ready for public hearing he attains a motion at ordinance number 20245 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move by second councilman aasta yes councilman Francis gen yes Council spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24-50 no one chair entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24-50 be closed so move second councilman aasta yes councilman francini yes Council pelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr orth yes entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-50 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2 24-50 in ordinance in accordance with the provisions of njsa 4A col 12-4 and njsa 4A colon 12-5 approving easements agreements accepting grants of easements for the purpose of constructing drainage easements with a vote of 5 y this ordinance is hereby adopted BEDA please submit ordinance number 20 24-50 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes present ordinance number which is ready for a first reading CH obtains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 51 be taken up for the first reading no move by second councilman aosta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 51 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which revise the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island alternate public defender aains a motion at ordinance number 20 24- 51 passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. motion so move a second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr AR yes following items will be considering the consent agenda resolution number 202 24- 375 resolution approving and adopting the fiscal year 2024 budget for the Department of Community Development resolution number 202 24- 376 resolution authorizing the execution of a shared services agreement by Between the Boling housing authority and the City of Boling for the acquisition of rock salt resolution number 202 24- 377 resolution acknowledging the receipt of the city of Island County of Cumberland length of service award program losap review report for the year ending December 31 2023 and authorized the same to be received and filed with the director of fire and chief finance officer resolution number 202 24- 378 a resolution authorizing the issuance of an amendatory supplemental change order number one to contract number c23 d103 issued to chase Environmental Group Incorporated Lenor City Tennessee in the amount of $133,600 contract number C2 24- 0093 purchase order number 24-36 issued the perryman's Escavating Incorporated milm New Jersey in the amount of $7,295 85 resolution number 202 24- 380 a resolution authorizing the issuance of a mandatory supplemental change order number one to contract number C2 24-85 issued to CTX infrastructure LLC Hamington New Jersey in the amount of $50,000 even resolution number 2024 381 the resolution authorizing the issuance of an mandatory supplemental change order number two to contract number c 24-9 purchase order number 24-0 3311 issued to new road construction management company incorporated Cherry Hill New Jersey in the amount of $571 120 resolution number 202 24- 382 resolution exercising The second contract year extension to contract c22 d130 for the Furnishing of industrial gases resolution number 202 24- 383 resolution authorizing the execution of a Professional Services agreement with Van note Harvey division of penon Associates Haden Heights New Jersey for continuation of engineering design and bidding services for the violent Jake Park all-inclusive playground resolution number 202 24- 384 a resolution awarding an open-end contract to Copper utility and Industrial Products Leland North Carolina for the Furnishing of Southern Pine poles in the estimated amount of $300,000 even resolution number 2024 385 a resolution authorizing a contract award to State contract vendor Municipal Emergency Services psky New York for structural firefighting PPE equipment turnout coats and pants resolution number 202 24- 386 a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vendor Deval safety and supplies Buffalo New York for structural firefighting PPE equipment to include gloves hoods boots and helmets resolution number 2024 - 387 a resolution authorizing the purchase of a proof Point renewal email protection from Shi international corporation Somerset New Jersey in the amount not to exceed $583 436 pursuant to a County cooperative contract agreement under the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance resolution number 202 24- 388 a resolution authorizing the purchase of a spa spatial data logic Enterprise licensing for for software from Shi international corporation Somerset New Jersey in the amount not to exceed $ 56,3 70 even pursuant to a County cooperative contract agreement on the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance resolution number 2024 389 a resolution approving charges against certain properties in the city of Island for demolition of unfit structures pursuant to ordinance number 997 and authorizing said charges to become leans upon such lands and to be added to and to become part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon such lands resolution number 20 24-39 a resolution approving charge against various land for land clearance and authorizing said charge to be a lean upon such land and to be added to and become a part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon such land resolution number 2024 391 a resolution cancelling grants receivable balances and unencumbered balances of Grant appropriation reserves resolution number 20 24- 392 a resolution authorizing the cancellation of taxes for the calendar year 2024 and calendar year 2025 for the reason recommended by the city of Island tax collector resolution number 2024-25 a resolution authorizing and directing the refund of taxes resolution number 2024 394 a resolution authorizing the tax collector of the city of Island to extend the grace period for payment of third quarter 2024 tax bills resolution number 2024-25 a resolution approving assurity reduction release or renewal as submitted by the city engineer resolution number 2024 d396 a resolution providing and authorizing the payment of bills and demands against the city of binland I have a communication from mayor Anthony R fucci reappointing Albert Fischer as alternate number one and Jameson afanador as alternate number two for the Zoning Board of adjustment commencing September 1 2024 and expiring August 31 2026 and request the same to be received and filed I have a resolution 20 24- 397 a resolution ratifying and confirming the reappointment of Albert fiser as alternate number one and Jameson afanador as alternate number two to the Zoning Board of adjustment have a communication from mayor Anthony ranucci reappointing Thomas tobolski as alternate number one for the planning board commencing September 1 2024 and expiring August 31 2026 and requesting the same to be received and filed and request res excuse me resolution number 2024 398 the resolution ratifying confirming the reappointment of Thomas toosi as alternate number one of planning board resolution number 2024 399 a resolution appointing school crossing guards for the school year 2024 D2 2025 resolution number 202 24-4 00 a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to kobelco compressors America Incorporated Corona California for the purchas for the purchase of services and materials for the fuel gas compressor overhaul for ES4 414 unit 11 in the amount not to exceed $268,100 180 I have a communication from mayor Anthony aranui app s Daniel Hutcherson Esquire to fill an unexpired term as part-time public defender for the municipal Bing Municipal Court commencing September 1 2024 and expiring January 31 2025 and request the same to be received and filed then I have resolution number 2024 401 resolution ratifying and confirming the appointment of s Daniel Hutchinson Esquire came to New Jersey as part-time public defender for the Municipal Court of the city of violand and authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute a Professional Services agreement therefore resolution number 202 24-42 a resolution approving transfer of membership of Joseph dallo from Fire Company number three to Fire Company Number Four resolution number 202443 a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vender Dell Round Rock Texas for vinent Municipal Court 2 room recording system resolution number 2024 d44 a resolution awarding an open-end contract to integrated power Services LLC Philadelphia PA for the rigging motor overhaul and Services Unit 11 in the amount of 98,6 even I have resolution number 2024-25 a resolution appointing Dr Elizabeth A Arthur a member of the city council to the planning board class three filling the unexpired term of councilman David aosta who resigned I have a motion to refer to the violin Zoning Board of adjustment a request to interpret the vi the municipal land use laws of the city of violin and determine whether entities which may provide harm reduction Services as defined in njac 863-1117 district and requested to be received and followed aains a motion to approve all items on the consent [Music] agenda second councilman aosta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman spelli yes councilman Vargas yes Dr Arthur abstained from 20 24- 405 and yes on everything else okay all right at this time are there any comments from Council I have no comment councilman aasta I just want to continue reiterating uh the gentleman who came in and spoke about uh traffic situation and East violin um and uh there's been way too many fatalities if you're driving or riding be conscious that that your actions can cause someone's life if not your own um isvan or my neighborhood there's in the last 18 months been 12 deaths all as a result of careless driving excessive driving speed especially with these ATV vehicles life is too precious for you to just waste it uh just because you want to have a a joy ride in one of these expensive machines thank you like sleepy time on the right side is D okay little little slow on the Move reaction we're cautious that word begin with a Q uh listen good Paul that's a good reiterate what David said and what this gentleman said tonight we were talking about it in our pre- meeting um speeding is car in general uh and the Spring Road four-way stop uh spring and Magnolia I live right there nobody stops it's all Florida Florida stops they just roll right through them all right and uh when I get there I stop I let everybody go CU I don't know what they're doing yeah too nervous so uh and earlier we were talking about the ATVs and the dirt bikes and just be aware parents as well as young adults that are doing it uh one you're risking your life two you're risking somebody else's life which is uh in my opinion more important you know if you got a suicide wish nobody's going to stop it but if you know you're hurting somebody else that's uh you know that that's egregious and um it's gotten very aggressive and uh parents that have kids that are doing driving these things I know it's a lot of what in East on this Farm country and they figure they can go out and do all that stuff in the woods and in the farms unfortunately they're on the streets and they're playing chicken with cars and that that's a death wish and it could be a death wish for the driver of the car as well so please have conversations with your your kids and even if they're adult kids have those conversations um karaoke night September 6th atlis theater uh if you're into that kind of stuff there's a Full Slate of people doing karaoke some are very talented um I believe it's a free event so you just go when you watch it and then whatever concessions you want to buy or food you want to buy uh you pay for uh but it's it's it's a pretty good night the last karaoke night was very successful uh September 8th is the food truck festival it's on Sunday uh September 8th on the 7 and 800 block um there are 30 food trucks that are going to be there along with other uh type vendors uh in that those block regions also uh coming in October is the taste of vinin which honors uh volunteers for the VD it's held at Eastland um you can get tickets at the VD office uh or a member of the VD board and um the theater is also back to having concerts every weekend for the fall and in the winter uh I know they took about a month off in the summer because nobody was in vinin uh but they're back having uh concerts Friday and Saturday nights and uh support the theater and uh so uh it's a quality of life type thing if you like music uh it's a great place to hear it uh no one has better technology than atlis theater the sound and the lighting and things of that nature are awesome that's it is see a date on karaoke December 6th Friday night than oh and back to school be careful kids are out there buses are out there buses there another thing and uh stop for school bus nobody stops for the school bus and sometimes even the school bus goes a little too fast down the street so sorry I just GNA say that but great you said that I just want to I congratulate Maria Marcado again on a retirement um best of luck enjoy your retirement also want to congratulate both retirees I'm Sor wish them all the best and good luck in your next chapter I believe our pool is going to be closing on this week th th's thing so it'll be the last day for the pool uh other than that anything else one more thing I apologize to Mr Thomas sheld on his retirement uh sir enjoy it and uh welcome to the club like like I always say if nothing further chair entertains a motion to adjourn the regular meeting so move second councilman aasta yes councilman Francis Kini yes councilman Spinelli you want to stay here slow motion Ron yes Dr Ary yes thank you and have a good night 711 wants to see