##VIDEO ID:ma7XSi4V2Ug## good evening everyone that's today good evening good evening oh good good evening everyone I don't think it's on too much no it's not very loud hello good evening everyone and Welcome to our uh regular meeting of city council city of Island Tuesday August 13 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Mr Acosta here Mr franchis skini here Mr Spinelli here Mr Vargas here Dr Arthur here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation of God invisible Li public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given on December 13 2023 by the city clerk in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board and Lobby of City Hall providing written notice to the offices of the Daily Journal in the Press of Atlantic City in filing written notice in the office of the city clerk of the city of Island contains a motion to adopt to approve the 2024 minutes of the pre-meeting conference and regular meeting of July 23rd the special meeting of July 29th and the work session of August 5th so move I second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes I have resolution 202 24- 336 a resolution recognizing Charles Tarpley upon retiring from public service effect of August 1 2024 chair attains a motion to adopt the resolution number 202 24- 336 no move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franus skini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I don't think Mr Tarpley is present no 202 24- 363 is a resolution recognizing Raphael Lopez upon retiring from public service effect of August 1 2024 attains a motion to adopt resolution number 2024 363 according to law so move move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes and we have the director here who's going to be safe guys yeah that's good Dr Arthur and councel uh thank you very much uh tonight we honor a firefighter on his retirement from Service uh Ralph if you could step forward please we acknowledge and honor rapael Lopez for having served the citizens of violent for 15 years as a firefighter with the violent fire department as an offer of thanks the fire department and the city Administration present you with a commemorative resolution and a th Red Line flag American flag for your service to the department in our community this is the commemorative resolution that will be read into the record and it says whereas RAF Lopez began his career with the city of violent on March 22nd 2009 and whereas Raphael has furthered the city's Mission by providing valuable public service to Violent community and whereas Raphael has earned the respect and confidence of his co-workers and employer throughout his many years of faithful service and whereas Raphael Lopez has earned a well-deserved retirement from the city of violent effec of August 1 2024 ending his Public Service career in the fire department as a firefighter now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the city of Island extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Raphael Lopez for a career of loyal and meritorious service with best wishes for many years of health and happiness adopted August 13 2024 we also uh will present Ralph with a Thin Red Line American flag The Thin Red Line is a symbol used by the fire departments across the United States to show the respect for firefighters there are a few theories on how the symbol originated but the most common stemming from the cian war of 1854 today as firefighters perform their duties they Place their lives second to those they protect they are forced to face their own fears and grasp every ounce of courage to perform the necessary task in front of them The Thin Red Line represents the last ounce of courage firefighters find deep in their blood to conquer their darkest fears in order to save and protect life and property for firefighters their friends and family the thin Redline flag is full of meaning and one that we only know because of the 100 Years of Blood Sweat and Tears tonight we present Raphael Lopez with this flag as our expression of appreciation for your service bravery and commitment to help our community when needed Ralph on be behalf of the mayor and in the administration I congratulate you and extend all the best wishes for success and health in your well-deserved retirement God bless you my [Applause] friend piur hold it so you get a photo there you go [Laughter] Ralph you want to say a couple words okay I just want to thank everyone who's helped me through all these years from fire school to whoever donated time for my injury through all these years I've always had support my family and especially the fire department all right that's it congratulations congratulations all the best to you control I would make a comment he's probably the best dress retiree that I've seen very very impressive thank you to his family thank you public comment provides an opportunity for members of the public to inform the governing body about their views governing body prescribes to City council's bylaws and the New Jersey statutes on open public meetings when engaging during public comment as such each individual shall have a f minute limit to comment can yield time to another individual may only approach the podium once during public comment for any one topic vulgar offensive language is prohibited and city council will not engage in dialogue with the public during this time the governing body maintains model courtesy and respect and requires members of the public to do the same and at this time is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard if so please come to the mic no one I have ordinance number 202 24-410 supplement ordinance number eight which is Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island tax collector and tax search officer which is ready for a public hearing fa entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-410 to the public for discussion so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis SK yes Mr Spinelli Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24- 41 no one chair contains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24- 41 be closed so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes JS a motion at ordinance number 20 24- 1 be taken up for the final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 41 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island tax collector and tax search officer this ordinance is adopted Ed pki please submit ordinance number 204-4127 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which is revise the classification and compensation plans for the city of island security guard part-time and full-time which is ready for a public hearing he entertains a motion that ordinance number 202442 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second Mr Acosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas Dr Arthur yes there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-42 no one chair contains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202442 be closed so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes car contains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-42 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move a second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis gy yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 2024-25 island security guard part-time and full-time this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 202442 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I have ordinance number 202443 ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement of sale buying between the state of New Jersey Department of Treasury and the City of Island for a certain property known as 6 uh 860 North Orchard Road Block 2101 lot 53 which is ready for a public hearing a attains a motion that ordinance number 202 24- 43 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion no move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202443 here entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202443 be closed so move second Mr Acosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here anything a motion that ordinance number 202443 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law no move second is there any discussion by counil on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchis yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance 202443 ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement of sale buying between the state of New Jersey Department of Treasury and the City of vand for certain property known as 860 North Ure road block 21001 lot 53 this ordinance is adopted M patoski please submit ordinance number 202443 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I have ordinance sever 202 24-44 ordinance amending ordinance 201757 chapter 81 of the code of the city of on then entitled Atlantis theater Foundation board of directors which is ready for a public hearing here a motion ordinance number 202 24-44 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move second Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-44 no one pars a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-44 be closed to move second Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes attains a motion at ordinance number 20 24-44 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move by second there any discussion by councel on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-44 ordinance meting ordinance 201757 chapter 81 of the code of the city of Island entitled at ltis theater Foundation board of directors this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 20 24-44 to the mayor for his approval approval or disapproval yes you're welcome I have ordinance number 202 24- 45 which is ready for a first reading gains a motion that ordinance number 202 24- 45 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr Acosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 45 in ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number8 which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island municipal judge entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-4 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. no move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 2024 46 which is ready for first reading he contains a motion that ordinance number 20 24- 46 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 22446 ordinance denying a request to amend ordinance 2004 25 as amended entitled an ordinance adopting the center city Redevelopment plan so as to amend block 4108 Lot 10 412 South 6th Street as recommended on a planning board resolution 6651 here Andel motion that ordinance number 20 2446 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 202 24- 47 which is ready for a first reading there entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-4 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-4 ordinance amending ordinance 202289649 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th at 6:30 p.m. don't move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 20 24-48 which is ready for a first reading he attains a motion that ordinance number 202 24-48 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis skini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-48 ordinance amending ordinance 20 21-29 chapter 620 article 3 section section 62-7 of the code of the city of Island entitled responsibility for solid waste and recycling collection removal and disposals a motion that ordinance number 20 24-48 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. they move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franches skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 202 24- 49 which is ready for a first reading gains a motion that ordinance number 20 2449 be taken up for the first reading no move second Mr aosta yes Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes 2024 49 amendment to ordinance number 20217 providing for the sanitary sewer extension project for cavalo Drive in by the city of on in the county of Cumberland New Jersey appropriating $210,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of $200,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing part of the cost thereof and directing the special assessment of the cost thereof here entertains a motion at ordinance number 20 24- 49 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 20 24-50 which is ready for a first reading here entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-50 be taken up for the first reading no move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-50 an ordinance in accordance with provisions of njsa 4A 12-4 and njsa 481 12-5 approving easement agreements accepting grants of easements for the purpose of constructing drainage easements partains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-50 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 27th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes we'll move now into the consent agenda items I have a communication from mayor Anthony ranucci appoint reappointing I found this on the Terry jordano Esquire as chief judge of the van municipal court for a term of three years and request the communication be received and filed resolution number 2024 337 is a resolution ratifying confirming the reappointment of Terry jordano Esquire as chief judge of the Municipal Court of the city of Island I have a communication from mayor Anthony oruci reappointing John armano Esquire as judge of the van municipal court for a term of three years and request the communication be received and filed and I have resolution 2024 338 ratifying confirming the reappointment of John armano Esquire to the position of judge by the Municipal Court 202 24-33 is a resolution authorizing the mayor to endorse the application of TN Reserve LLC to the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for treatment works approval for the trout National the reserve Golf Course facility 201 24-34 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a letter of agreement between the county of Cumberland and the City of Vinland for administration of a grant to the Vinland Municipal Alliance 2024 341 is a resolution authorizing member participation in the interlocal purchasing Cooperative by board a national cooperative and authorizing the use of contracts of assistants vendors for County year 2024 202 24- 342 is a resolution providing for the insertion the calar year 202 four budget of the city of Island special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from New Jersey Association of County and City Health officials agreement in the amount of $168,400 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from a County of Cumberland prosecutor's office Grant in the amount of $10,000 and an appropriation in said budget for like sumon purpose 2024-25 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of vland a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from the state of New Jersey uez Authority funds for the vanan administrative budget Grant in the amount of 31,5 0 and an appropriation in said budget for like sumon purpose 202 24- 345 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of vinand a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from V revolving Loan Fund city of Von fourth floor Renovations in the amount of $650,000 and an appropriation and set budget for like sell purpose 202 24- 346 is a resolution providing for the insertion the county year 2024 budget of the city of Inland special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from National opioid settlement Fund in the amount of $629,450 and 49 and an appropriation in said budget for like selling purpose 2024 347 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by revenue revenue realized from the state of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety safe and secure communities Grant in the amount of $ 67,2 and an appropriation in said budget for like sumon purpose 202 24- 348 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of the mandatory supplemental change order number one to purchase order number 23-05 315 issued to matthys Construction Company Incorporated little Harbor New Jersey in the amount of $768 2024 349 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of a mandatory supplemental change order number three contract number c21 0070 purchase order number 21- 03496789033 202 24- 350 is a resolution authorizing a Professional Services agreement with Manders migi Porten farell Architects LLC Vine the New Jersey to provide architectural and Engineering Services related to Renovations of the city of V the Municipal Court Staff office in an amount not to exceed $63,000 20124 d351 is a resolution authorizing contract award to a state contract vendor Insight public sector Incorporated Chandler Arizona for IBM Maximo application Suite subscription 202 24- 352 is a resolution to amend resolution number 2023 598 approving revolving loan funds for Highland kingdale Associates LLC or assigns 2024 d353 is a resolution amending resolution number 202 24-24 and resolution 20243 approving a project beautify loan from first generation Enterprise Zone funds 202 24- 354 is a resolution amending resolution number 202 24-17 and approving an amended and restated boundary line agreement with the owners of 822 North Brewster Road Block 2505 Lot 4 202 24- 355 is a resolution forgivable loans from first generation Enterprise Zone funds for project beautify 2024 356 is a resolution approving charge against various land for land clearance and authorizing said charge to become a lean upon such land it be added to and become part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon such land 2024 357 is a resolution approving shorty reduction release or renewal as submitted by the city engineer 2024 - 358 is a resolution cancelling outdated checks issued by the city of IA 202 24- 359 is a resolution providing and authorizing the payment of bills and demands against the city of Island 202 24- 360 is a resolution certifying the governing body reviewed the calendar year 2023 annual audit according to the regulations prated by the local Finance Board of the state of New Jersey 2024 361 is a resolution authorizing and granting the application for a new plenary retail consumption license under the hotel motel exception to Smith Street Hotel LLC trading as holiday and express and sues for premises located at 398 Smith Street V New Jersey 2024-25 the New Jersey for architectural engineering work in connection with atlis theater Renovations in the amount not to exceed $133,000 202 24- 364 is a resolution amending resolution number 2023-24 to comply with the provisions of the Department of Community Affairs for the American Rescue plan firefighter Grant 2024 365 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a grant applic a for grant funding for Von and Fire Station Number Two from American Rescue plan firefighter Grant to provide First Responders with proper protective and cleaning equipment protect against the strain of emergency fire requests and maintain proper virus protection 202 24- 366 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant application for grant funding for ven fire station number three from the American Rescue plan fire fighter Grant to provide First Responders with proper protective and cleaning equipment protect against the strain of emergency fire requests and maintain proper virus protection 202 24- 367 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant application for grant funding for Von and Fire Station Number Four from the American Rescue plan firefighter Grant to provide First Responders with proper protective clean equipment protect against the strain of emergency fire requests and maintain proper buyers's protection 2024 368 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant application for grant funding for V and fire station number five from the American Rescue plan firefighter Grant to provide First Responders with proper protective and cleaning equipment protect against the strain of emergency fire requests and maintain proper virus protection 2024 369 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a Grant application for grant funding for Von and Fire Station Number Six from the American Rescue plan firefighter Grant to provide First Responders with proper protective and cleaning equipment protect against the strain of emergency fire requests and maintain proper virus protection 202 24-37 is a resolution authorizing Electronic Tax sale and cost of mailing 2024-the agreement with Pedro ciano Chief of Police from January 1 2024 through December 31 2026 in accordance with njac 4A colon 41.6 B3 2024 372 is a resolution approving an employee agreement with Steven onos Deputy Chief of Police from January 1 2024 through December 31 2026 in accordance with njac 4 a colon 4- 1.6 B3 and I have a motion to refer to the city of onland planning board a request to amend the center city Redevelopment plan so as to allow the conversion of certain property located at West Landis Avenue block 2802 Lots 20 21 and 22 from a retail department store and auto center to house a to a house of worship and Community programs and to present findings of fact and recommendations there too kains a motion to approve all items on the consent agenda so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes that's all the formal business I have Madam president rki and at this time is there are there any comments from Council com no comment councilman Spinelli yes just a congratulations to uh fireman Lopez uh on his retirement wishing the best of luck and good health and retirement and uh many blessings in the future cman Vargas just like to Echo that also just congratulations on your time and enjoy stay healthy and uh welcome to the club like I always say also congratulations to both of the retirees wish them all the best in their next chapter anything [Music] else further entertains a motion to adjourn the regular meeting so move second Mr aosta yes Mr francini yes Mr spelli yes Mr V varus yes Dr Arthur yes thank you and have a good night