##VIDEO ID:WX9i_YNaNf8## e e e I'd like to call this meeting to order Mr mustel roll call please Mr Costa Mr Bono here Mr foki here Mr medo Mr Rivera here Mr sobran present Mr Silva here Mr Holmes here Mrs kispa present in compliance with the New Jersey open public meeting law commonly referred to as the Sunshine Law the vinm board of education has caused notice and posting of this meeting to be sent to the following announcing time place agenda Etc The Daily Journal SNJ today the Press of Atlantic City V Bueno the clerk for the city of vinand and the administrative office public bulletin board would everyone please rise for the flag salute for for col un States are don't is there a resolution for executive session there is thank you now therefore be a resolve that the Board of Education of the city of Island School District will convene an executive session for the following reasons is outlined in njsa 10 col 4-12 discussions about any collective bargaining agreement any matter involving a proposed lease or acquisition of real property and any matter falling within the attorney client privileged to the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise her ethical duties as a lawyer do I have a motion and second so moov second roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr foki yes Mr Medio yes Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs kispa yes motion carries do we have any special presentations this evening yes we do uh at this time I would like to uh take the podium so we could recognize some of our students uh this evening so just allow me a moment to come down to the podium just tonight I have the special privilege uh to honor VHS senior members of the Air Force Junior Roc and the VHS marching band uh do I have Master Sergeant Eubanks is he here with us okay all right all right so we we want him to uh come up here with us so he can announce the seniors I believe I see him coming back and Mr Feliciano are you here with us there you go I looked right over you thank you so we'll start with Marchin band uh so tonight we have uh the opportunity to recognize some of our most talented and spirited students at Von High School our marching band students our senior members of the marching band this year the band truly did out outdid themselves with an incredible field show VHS Grim which not only showcased their creativity but also their incredible hard work their efforts earned them several well deserved accolades this fall including first place for music at the clear viiew compe ition in second place at the NJ mbda competition at Kingsway High School beyond the trophies though this band has a unique ability to bring energy excitement and pride to every event that they attend we are incredibly proud of each of you for representing our district with such talent and passion I'd now I'd now like to welcome March and B director Justin Feliciano sir them and we'll have them stand sure sure sure uh good evening my name is Justin Feliciano and I'm the Von High School marching band director uh thank you all for thank you for taking the time to honor our seniors uh they have all tirelessly worked to make themselves better students musicians and human beings um I could sit up here and talk all day about their accomplishments and how great they are but I always feel that it's better to hear from the students that we serve as Educators so I would like to call up our drum major uh Angelina medo to say a few words good evening everyone I'm sure most of you know my grandfather over here Eugene medo well I'm the Mini version of him but I'd like to thank you guys for letting me speak at tonight's meeting on behalf of the violent High School marching band ever since I can remember I've performed on a stage my longest experience was for dance but i' would rather say it's for band instead over the last four years I performed for VHS which has been the highlight of my high school career especially being the drum major for the 2024 2025 marching season throughout this marching season we have performed in many competitions parades football games and community events one competition that sticks in my mind specifically was our clear viiew Regional High School competition Oops I messed that up but my Clear View High School competition which we received the award for High music which means that musically we perform the best out of all the ensembles that were there we could not have achieved any of our goals without our amazing band members band parents and staff as well as the board of education for supporting us without any of you we wouldn't have any of the tools or resources to be the best band that we could be thank you for everything you do for the violent High School Marching Band thank you and have a good night [Applause] and if you can come back up for us come up front CL our first senior is Lacy Buckingham [Applause] next up is Abigail [Applause] Burger next up we have Alysa Donnelly jesua Maldonado Angelina medo Brandon yis Sebastian Rodriguez Evan Roman and Patrick Spinelli [Applause] conratulations yeah for you [Applause] now we would like to recognize our Air Force Junior ROTC and uh to the podium Master Sergeant Eubanks thank you thank you for thank you all right Alpha flight fall in Alpha flight fall in all right we have some amazing Cadets with us tonight this is our leadership core from our Alpha flight they make all the decisions for the program uh in the last year we did 3,400 hours of community service in the area uh we rebuilt this program it was actually um not doing very well a few years ago when I got here we got it all rebuilt we have 130 Cadets assigned this year last year we had 120 and we have some amazing talent right here left H per raid rest dress right dress just's push down a little bit okay I'd like to introduce our Cadet Corps Commander uh Cadet Aaron she I want you to fall out come up here for a minute okay some other accomplishments this year we did we had operation lynville Falls where we um got 12,000 lounds of uh Goods that went to North Carolina to help those that uh victims of hurricane Helena and uh without their help uh Shipman and KC Conrad that would not have happened so I want to give a round of applause to them have a certificate for okay and we have certificates for them right where's Conrad at Conrad come up it was actually conect Conrad's idea to do this uh he does have family in that area in North Carolina it didn't only help that Community helped all the surrounding communities I believe 180 families um benefited from all the goods we took down there we had first aid supplies water food blankets jackets clothing and uh as well as anything else we could collect the send down uh we're probably going to do something like that here again in the fall I mean in the springtime when it warms up a little bit there's still a lot of need there so we hope that uh we can get even more donations for the area okay thank you very much oh by oh all the that's okay where's Lopez fall out what Ops person okay just introduce all all the team by name okay when you hear your name called just uh come out to the center and then walk down that line we'll Cadet Lieutenant Colonel cologne Greg kette major Robinson Erica [Applause] Cadet senior master sergeant delar [Applause] Rosa Cadet major Gonzalez can Captain [Applause] Rodriguez KET Lieutenant Colonel Van Austin [Applause] Ferrari Cadet Master Sergeant Roman KET Captain uh Jer Spencer [Applause] Cadet major [Applause] Rosado and Cadet major oroo [Applause] we [Applause] all e [Applause] heart sh we're going to retire into executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e seeing none approval of minutes November 13 2024 combined and executive session questions or comments motion so moved second roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr Fuki yes Mr Medio abstain Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs Scot spotti motion carries yes good evening the finance committee met on Tuesday December 3rd at 8: a.m uh via Google meet in attendance was Mr mustell miss kespa Mr Silva Mr AA and myself following topics were discussed high impact Grant contract renewal for Gonzalez Park uh Transportation joint chair with milville public school district for Transportation uh upcoming RFP renewals for 2526 six um Alternative High School lease at 1350 Southwest Building Boulevard substitute Staffing athletic field maintenance carpet and flooring Fuel Services backup District IT services Fuel Services uh with the city of Island Food Service um back and backend technology two facility items uh V High School North broken pipe and vet High School South broken hydrant line um next is appraisal for Cunningham and Asher properties Landis hbac and lastly the 2526 budget process has begun thank you I have a question on that under the rfps I didn't see the before and after school program uh there a reason for that the RFP for the before and after yeah that was a point of contention back in uh May or June I believe we did an RFP last year for this year right I believe it's a two-year I can check and get back to you no you're going have to get back to me but the two-year is uh what do you call isn't it optional on our part I I'm I apologize I don't know off the top of my I don't remember off the top of I'm not trying to Ambush anybody the point was we gave it to a company from Oregon a million doll plus contract and there was a $700 difference between that and a local company so I would think that the board members would want to put it out again and not renew the option here continue Dennis all right on November 18th uh the discipline I discipline committee met in attendance were the Elementary School principls Mr Bermudez miss kispa Mr uh and myself excuse me um some things of concerns that came up with the mental health issues that are affecting our children uh some behavioral issues that have uh arised in the school buses also discussed where the behavioral specialists uh that are not currently in our in our preschools but are in our elementary schools um some concerns as well from uh District uh perspective is Parental concerns um pretty much students and their behavior uh social interactions between students in school suspension is being considered at the elementary School level and the code of conduct and what it's how it's impacted uh this year so far at the elementary level on November 21st at 4:30 via Google meet the facilities meeting uh committee met in attendance were Mr sabran Mr Bono Mr Yano Mr mustell Mr farachio and myself among the topics discussed were the eser three windows at Durand windows and doors are completely done the district camera bid phase two entire project completed except for the Zone mapping which is in the contractor's responsibility the VHS campus signage Road size signage will be installed the week of 129 land ass signage land ass signage plan for last the last week of November was now finished the is is RFP the Energy savings Improvement plan continues in advance uh Landis roof was also discussed the VHS North Water Source heat pump replacement uh it's currently delayed until the spring uh a couple of emerging items we have the poon Rossy HVAC systems manufacturer cancel the order of 16 replacement HVAC we're waiting for a solution on that uh anticipated delivery spring of 25 Landis structural cracks are visible but safe at this time the VHS North Pool overfill all repairs associated with the pool are not completed and the pool is operational once again the VHS North pipe break a pipe burst over the weekend of the 17th over in the East Wing uh clean up of the building and preparations were completed and ready for Monday the 18th uh for classes VHS South on November 18th a fire hydrant supply line cracked in front of the campus property uh facilities worth with violent city to address and repair the crack uh food surface equipment some uh Mr farach noted that some of the our food service equipment is reaching the end of life and failing um we are working with Peres in Food Services to and plan to replace some of those uh equipment and finally technology overw Mr ferachi you're noted that the ongoing work for Network upgrades the team is planning and coordinating future work this includes support for supplemental software the district is now using a well as our camera project on the back end for efficiency and optimization Mr medo I've looked up the RFP and the contract was for one year and may be extended for two one-year terms or one two-year term just to answer I want to make sure you got an answer right away curriculum instruction met on Monday December 2nd 4:30 VI Google meet president were superintendent Yano Mrs Demari miss scusi Mr sabran and Mr Silva and myself we discussed the Verizon Innovative learning schools digital promise Grant meeting with Verizon will be held on December 10th discuss the 2526 VHS course selection guide and updates n9th grade academy at VHS Tanner building uh there was a voluntary meeting today that I attended was very informative and I'd like to uh give to our central office members for the good job that they did today on that studio production course and integration of the VPS van high impact touring Grant T start date is February 2025 dual enrollment Grant and reapplication for maintenance and updates for special education on Tuesday December 3rd the transportation committee met via Google meet president were Mr mustel superintendent Gano uh Mr Bermudez Mr Rivera Miss Mason and myself driver recap 143 drivers budgeted 136 route packages 132 filled positions six drivers on leave 12 substitute drivers and four drivers in training average absences in the after in the morning of November 2024 was 17 average absences in the afternoon uh for the month of November was 20 registrations open registrations as of December 2nd was three registrations complete ated uh in the month of November was 34 six of which were uh preschool joint ches bua Gloucester County Willingboro Township Schools Winslow Township Schools and milville public schools Co-op year-to-date total is 13 four accidents in the month of dece uh in the month of November no injuries supervising inventory clerk uh position was filled November events for diabetes Awareness Day staff War blue on November 14th buses moved for Thanksgiving Day game parking TSA seat uh followup drill scheduled for December buses six buses from Monro Township via go deals two still waiting on inspection registration two Kia vans one van is titled waiting to be inspected and registered General announcements Transportation Arrangements uh have been made for the elementary schools um that are par participating in the gifted and talented program the anticipated start date of that program will be Monday December 9th uh also um we will no longer be offering transportation services to outside organizations due to Staffing and for risk reduction purposes thank you meeting a report by the board solicitor nothing on the legal front just want to wish everybody a happy holiday season and happy New Year to come that's it thank you uh Miss Giuliani good evening my name is Michaela Giuliani and I'm the senior class president at Finland High School the weeks that followed the last meeting were just as busy as the weeks preceding it like I had mentioned Powderpuff the battle of the classes was a hit among students the senior class girls won the game of flag football and in particular the halftime routine performed by the boys left the crowd roaring we were so proud of them in fact that they had the chance to perform their routine again the following week at the annual Thanksgiving Eve bonfire due to Drought restrictions this year it was simulated with fog and lights but was just as fun as any other with performances by the VHS marching band and varsity cheer team some words from the seniors and coaches and the VHS varsity football team's tradition of breaking the milville bolt the next morning VHS marching band cheerleaders and football players gathered together for breakfast from the fire from the violent fire department who gave them one last sendoff before the game even though Vim lost against noo high school we were the first to score and the day was not void of celebrations as we honored the seniors in football cheer and band this month we have just as much exciting um just as much excitement coming up VHS is getting into the holiday spirit we've decked the halls and soon they will become even more festive with our annual door decorating contest where home rooms will compete for a popular vote for the best decorated door this Saturday VHS has their holiday bazaar at the VHS North Tanner building from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. a free Event open to the community where VHS organizations will host activities and sell various goodies next Thursday our vocal program has returned to having their own concert doors will open at 6 p.m. and the show will begin at 6:30 the Winter concert is a perfect evening holiday activity for members of the community and is completely free to guests the select choir would love for High attendance as we have worked very hard to plan the concert with our interim director Gary Guadalupe we hope to see you there VHS will continue to celebrate the holidays in a variety of ways before we have winter break winter break including a spirit week on behalf of the senior class and everyone at bin high school I'd like to wish a happy holidays a restful break and as we like to say on the last day of school in December see you next year thank you are there any com any yellow sheets for comments we we have no yellow sheets but if anybody would like to address the board they can do so at this time see none superintendent okay requesting discussion and approval of personnel items 1.1 to 1.3 and I believe our solicitor has a statement about 1.3 can we just do 1.1 and 1 sure we will do request and approval and discussion of items 1.1 and 1.2 as noted on our agenda questions or comments do I have a motion so moveed roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr foki yes Mr medo Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs kispa yes motion carries I would like to uh just recognize a new teacher who we hired uh tonight uh FR Marie Williams Spanish teacher at Johnstone she's here with us this evening uh Welcome to our team she's a vinand resident and we're excited to have her at Johnstone requesting discussion and approval of item 1.3 as noted on our agenda yes I'd just like to note that um item 1.3 we uh the board will be invoking the doctrine of necessity as Mr Rivera Mr medo Mr Silva and Mr foki are initially conflicted uh out of this matter due to either actual or perceived conflicts and as such we wouldn't have the necessary votes to move this potential agreement along as such we will be again invoking the doctrine of necessity and all the board members will be voting on this item 1.3 questions or comments do I have a motion so moved roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr fi yes Mr medo Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs kispa yes motion carries requesting discussion and approval regarding procedures and operations items 2.1 through 2.4 questions or comments do I have a motion so mooved second roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr fi yes Mr medo Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs kispa yes motion carries request and discussion and approval regarding buildings and grounds item 3.1 questions or comments do I have a motion so move roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr fi Mr medo Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes yes Mrs kispa yes motion carries requesting approval and disc discussion and approval excuse me regarding Finance items 4.1 through 4.4 questions or comments do I have a motion so moved second roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr fi yes Mr medo Mr Rivera yes to all I recuse myself from 4.5 thank you Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs cottis body yes motion carries there are no regular agenda items proposed items for review or discussion by board members there are none are there any questions or comments regarding the itemized bill pay list of October 2024 seeing none derive a motion so moved second roll call please Mr Bono yes Mr fi yes Mr medo Mr Rivera yes Mr sabran yes Mr Silva yes Mr Holmes yes Mrs cottis body yes motion carries there are no emergent items old business new business board member comments I'm going to start with Mr Rivera good evening everyone uh I'd like to thank the uh Air Force Junior RTC for leading Us in the flag salute I'd also like to congratulate the seniors from the band and also the uh junior RC air force RC um for their hard work these four years that they've been with us um the band and the junior RC are two of our crown jewels here in violent and um just yet another reason why I say violent is the best District in New Jersey um we're proud of them we know that they are going to impact not only our community but when they graduate impact this world and I'm going to steal a little slogan from Trenton it's not what Trenton makes what violent makes the world takes and um we're very proud of them um I'd like to uh congratulate the the um the sports teams uh particular the football team even though they they didn't win but they put up a fight um it was a wet game it was cold but it was still fun and it's always great to go out there and and enjoy the violent high school milville high school rivalry um we still have a lead in the in the series though um also the I was I had the opportunity to attend today the the uh special education uh programs they had their uh yearly Holiday Program holiday uh party over at Rossy school it was great to see all the smiling faces every little kid went and saw Santa told them what they wanted and all got a gift it was great to see it was a fun time um thank you for the invitation it was a great time um I'm going to cut my time a little short because I was threatened with bodily harm if I exceeded my five minutes um but I just want to wish every single family here in vinand a blessed holiday season merry Christmas happy Hanukkah um get may God bless you and have a great night Mr sabran I agree with my colleague steam college that the RC program is is is a Crown Jewel and I remember when it first started at the high school it had a uplifting effect on the the school climate and discipline almost immediately so it's something that we should cherish congratulations to them and also to our band members uh I want to follow up on the comments of gratitude I made in November about the completion of the broadcast TV van uh beyond the work on the vehicle itself uh and the engineering but the integration of the field work with the curriculum at our high school is now fully composed and articulated the details of this were shared with uh Mrs by Mrs Demari at our cni meeting on Monday and I was really really excited because it shows how the circle has closed and now includes not only fieldwork but instruction on the many facets of electronic communication this fits perfectly not only with the vision that we had in the past but with the actual work of creating content for our social media platforms and also soon I hope on our two TV access channels in Vinland Channel 9 on the um the uh Verizon fos I'm sorry exfinity Comcast network and channel 4 one for Verizon FiOS uh this gives our students not only access to a state-of-the-art mobile learning lab but the opportunity become experience far beyond the scope of most high school schools and a wide range of valuable uh sophisticated electronic and digital programming many thanks to everyone involved especially Mr Yano for his nearly infinite patience with my determination to see this project through painfully so during the covid era Mr must must Al for finding appropriate funding through a couple of years so that we could keep the thing going Mr faracha Mr senno for help with the actual vehic itself and of course M Missori and Mr diola uh for working with the students uh very very proud of this project and looking forward um to much more success with it in the future also um wish a safe and happy holiday period for our students our staff and their families I hope that we are unlike other communities that always seem to find a way to experience some tragedy a fire an accident or something and that we have everyone come back to school in January smiling and happy and having had a good time so happy holidays everyone thank you Mr Silva Le yes I'd like to just wish everyone a happy and blessed Christmas and a happy happy New Year thank you Mr f a merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone thank you Mr bio same here Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone before I move over to Mr uh Bono Miss aasta asked me to um thank everyone for her term here she's been on the board for I believe it was 9 10 years uh she was unable to be here tonight and she sincerely was honored and she said she would do anything she could for the district in the near future Mr Bono thank you um I'd like to thank the J Junior Roc and the band members for uh coming out tonight being part of the meeting um and special thanks to all those seniors for putting the time in over their four years of High School uh that dedication uh means a lot uh to the to the groups and uh to our district so thank you uh I'd like to give a special thanks to uh Mrs uh Analise Castellini she's a member or excuse me she's an educator within the uh food science uh department at the uh senior or the south building at southa building um she let me partake in a knife skills U education course for students she reached out to me saying that she's with a knife and wanted me to take part in it but I it was a great experience always said when I retire I'd love to get into uh little culinary arts program somewhere and continue the education but special thanks to her and the great job she's doing over there at the food science department and the uh the EG uh with the a students um and just like to wish everyone in the district a healthy happy uh married mer Christmas and uh New Year thank you mran oh Mr Holmes oh Merry Christmas Happy New Year okay just uh want to Echo some of the comments that were made already you know just a special shout out to the Air Force jrc and our marching band students they bring a lot of spirit to our community a lot of highlights a lot of energy so thank you to the team members also Awesome event today at The Rotary sponsored by the Rotary Club in partnership with our special ed Department uh led by Terry gutzki uh it was amazing to see those little faces today uh big smiles you know uh super excitement when Santa came in seeing staff and our community members dancing with children seeing Mr Rivera coloring with some kids at at the tables it was kind of cute uh day and uh always just helps us feel very excited about what's coming in the future uh want to wish our two board members an ASA Mr medo Eugene medo all the best as they finish their time on the board uh we um are excited about uh the work that we've done together we've made a lot of great decisions moving the district forward so your dedication to our students in the district is appreciated you'll be missed and I know you won't be tooo far away Mr medo you always connect with us in our Athletics program so we appreciate your support we want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season uh we look forward to seeing you at our so many events throughout the rest of this month there's constantly something going on every day or every evening and we'll be back here January 8th for our reorganization meeting thank you I'd like to Echo what my fellow board members have said um congratulations to our band our band is exceptional and it just keeps keeps growing our Junior Roc program I am so incredibly proud of I come from a military family so watching them and seeing this grow and us actually having a great inspection last year it just makes my heart pitter patter um we have an inspection coming this year on December 11th and if any of the board members can possibly show up to this you know at least for an hour it is just something worth seeing these kids put so much effort into this and we're recognizing the state now so thank you um to all of those students who um helped with the Hurricanes um especially two of our students Austin Conrad and Aaron Shipman they went above and beyond to go I think they went down twice to help with the hurricane relief program down down south North Carolina um I'd like to wish everyone a very very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I'd like to thank the staff for everything that they've done so far this year uh Miss Casta you will be missed um sorry you couldn't be here tonight Mr medo you are invaluable to us and I'm sure you're still going to be contributing at some point so I will miss you um the board will miss you and I'm sure we'll be hearing from you anyway so with that being said do I have a motion to adjourn so move all in favor all right for