##VIDEO ID:41NAoUv1gCY## of the October 19th meeting of the Belia County Council and at this time we will have public participation uh you can come and speak on any item that's not on the agenda if you fill out a card we'll give you three minutes to share your thoughts and Carl dbec is here from the SBA disaster relief uh agency I guess and share some information with us on how we can help uh serve youth small businesses that need help in disaster recovery so chairman Kelly thank you very much chairman Kelly council members my name is Carl dbec I represent the US small business administration's office of Disaster Assistance which is a vital part of the federal disaster relief effort now chairman Kelly you uh mentioned something that is really uh built into our message and that is in times of disaster we help far more than just small businesses we help large businesses not for-profits and surprisingly to a lot of people homeowners and renters as well now the help we're able to offer is in the form of low interest dis loans that are structured to help them get back to normal to get back to pre- Irma conditions rebuild their homes replace their personal property rebuild their businesses they're structured in a way that uh really makes me very proud to represent them they're structured to make recovery affordable terms can go as long as 30 years there are some very generous limits businesses can borrow up to $2 million for physical damage economic injury or some combination of the two homeowners can borrow up to $200,000 to replace their their home or Real Estate another $40,000 for personal property and that limit also applies to renters if perhaps your apartment was destroyed or damaged you've had to move somewhere else the the landlord will take care of the building but you need to replace your furniture your clothes your other appliances and such as that so these are low interest loans in the most part I would say 90% are offered low interest rates homeowners are offered 1.75% interest not for profits 25% and businesses This Disaster 3.35% I know that's getting out to the third decimal point but we're the government we have to do that um they are the most simple Accounting 101 loans you could possibly Envision simple interest fixed for the term of the loan no points no closing cost no origination fees no application fees and importantly no obligation to take them if they're offered and you don't feel that you need them or you don't feel that it would be appropriate you can decline it uh if you decide in within 6 months that G the insurance didn't pay me as much as I need I could probably use that loan we can reactivate that within 6 months now it's important and the reason I'm here today is that we are three weeks from the filing deadline it's important that anybody who is affected by Irma register with FEMA first at disasterassistance.gov that's the easiest and most accurate way they have a phone number but you'll sit on hold for a while and I don't know what a while is but it's a while after that if you are presented with an SBA disaster loan application whether you're you're a business a homeowner or a renter complete it and return it especially for homeowners and renters it is vital that we have the completed application because if we look at that and say you're right uh a loan would not be right for you we will then refer you back to FEMA for potentially additional Grant assistance but if we don't get the application it's as though you're saying I'm fine where I am and if that's the case it is fine but if you're not then the process stops and there's no additional help for you so it's vital to return that application and get it back uh to us so we can make the determination now if we are able to offer you a loan the first payment will not be due for one year from the date you signed the note our administrators in Washington made the decision that with Irma and Harvey and hurricanes yet to be named there's enough out there that you're going to have to really work to get these people out to your house to fix it and we don't want you to have to start paying back the loan at least until some work is done so that's why there's a year deferment and um they are Direct Loans from the federal government no bank is involved and um they're we work with each disaster disaster victim to tailor these as much as possible to your circumstances to help you recover rebuild and basically get on with your lives thank thank you very much for coming sharing this I know that you're going to get with Joanne if you haven't and give her all the information so we can get that out to the public and put it on the website uh to make it available to as many people as possible thank you very much have a great day I have no other cards for anyone at this time so we will close the meeting for public participation and we will see you back here at 10 o' e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah that that's a good level though where it was hey hey Jeff hello there uh we have you live in the chambers uh so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and mute until the meeting actually starts okay all right okay very good thank you ma'am hi thank you Mr Patterson says hi good morning good morning okay okay have about two minutes a little bit less than 2 minutes we'll to start the meeting at 10:00 so just giv you a heads up everybody seems nice and quiet which is kind of unusual before a meeting but we'll be back with you in 1 minute and 12 seconds e Mr chair we're ready we're ready you're ready it's 10:00 and welcome to the October 19th meeting of the Valia County Council we'll call the meeting to order and today we have the invocation will be offered by Pastor Mark shid of the sanctuary of Delan and I'm going ask the council if you'll stand and then which will be followed by The Pledge those of you who desire to stand may do so thank you let us pray our father and great God Eternal King of the universe we honor you today thank you that the Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and all the inhabitants thereof so belua is yours and we are yours and we invoke your presence here today we also invoke your Prosperity upon all of our citizens Lord our the protection upon every one of our residents keep our First Responders safe from all harm and danger enable them as they minister so wonderfully well we thank you for this County Council we pray for them in your provision of wisdom your provision of guidance many of the plans of a man but the Lord's plans Prevail we pray that your will is done on Earth as it is in heaven and everything to be deliberated here today Lord we will give you thanks as we pray that in all things that Lord your Providence is done and that Lord in all ways we ask you to put a banner of love over our County we love aluia and we know that you love valua so Lord may your blessings be seen and may your Prosperity be evident your protection clear and your Providence sure Lord bless America and bless fucia in this meeting today we pray in Christ's name amen amen you have to walk for those of you that are here and those of you listening online uh just want you to know that the leader of your faith community is invited to give the invocation it's open to all and so if you'd like to do that just please contact uh Marcy at uh here or send me an email and we will make sure that that happens this time we will have the roll call Miss Dennis Miss Dennis oh she is here she's appearing telephonically okay sorry M uh Dr Lowry here Mr Patterson here miss post here miss wheeler miss kusac Mr Kelly here and with that we everyone his attendance either here or by Tone yes sir okay any comments by anyone Mr Denine on the consent no sir no comments on the consent agenda do anyone wish to pull anything from the consent do I hear a motion for approval of the consent agenda Mr chair I move approval of the uh consent agenda I'll second made by Mr Patterson uh second by Miss post uh I guess we can't do the uh we need to do roll call because Miss Denis can't hear can she she can hear now okay if you yes I can hear I'm good all in favor say I I those opposed like sign I should have just okay motion passes unanimous that's a 70 vote and now we will move to item two and this is a uh update on the master plan and Maryland Ford good morning Marilyn Chandler Ford director special projects I'm very happy to be here today and talk about the uh third quarter of the dynamic master plan which is for calendar year 2017 this quarter from July through September 29 matrices from divisions and departments were updated 26 were due to something that council did that does not cover all of the activities because some matrices had two or more accomplishments compare that with our last quarter second quarter 16 matrices were uh updated and the first of this year there were eight so as try as hard as I did to summarize this in one page y all accomplished so much between Council and the manager and staff I just couldn't get it to one page to review for everyone the County's mission is to provide responsive and fiscally responsible services for the health safety and quality of life of our citizens we do that today and our vision for today and into the future is to be a community rich with resources and opportunities today and for generations to come as a means to summarize all of the work we have three goals and objectives and so what I've listed here for the goal of thriving communities are just some broad bullets and a lot of accomplishments you worked addressing the needs of the homeless near homeless and homeless preventing homelessness you address Mobility acute care services social services safety needs responded to disaster and emergency needs of the community which we were not anticipating but we've gotten quite good at you acted with an eye to the Future protecting our natural environment planning for growth and the quality of life and you acted on infrastructure and capital projects you achieved two major projects you completed the boardwalk at new SM Dunes Park and Doyle rout road paving from Providence to Saxon Boulevard and you had a number of interim achievements your second goal and objective economic and financial Vitality you encourage business you approve multiple grants contracts and fees which either produce revenue or offset our costs you acted with fiscal respons abbility for efficiency and sustainability in services and decisions you made and you developed and retained Workforce that is diverse and has varying job opportunities and you're going to hear that about that in a couple minutes from Human Resources the third goal and objective excellence in government and what you did was really about the power of Partnerships recognizing our history and brand volution county is a great place to live work and play high level of customer service and you met expectations for Quality I know I have summarized that pretty quickly there's a lot of work a lot of matrices I know you have them for the public at home are listening audience they're available on the web are there any questions any question thank you Marilyn thank you very much Mr Denine now item three or I guess uh George I'm going to do is introduce George going to is going to do the capital piece of the update the nice thing together with what uh Marilyn said and what George is going to say you can look at it this way it's sort of a report card on the council themselves for the last quarter uh this process I think really works well because you can you do do so many things that it gets lost sometimes just one way to keep track of what we do and in the case of the capital Georg is going to tell you what's happened because of something like the Hurricanes also George good morning uh Mr chair honorable councel I'm just going to go over our uh Capital project uh piece of this uh but you know as Jimmy mentioned of course you know we've actually had two hurricanes within the last fiscal year so um eventually it was going to catch up to us in a few of these projects and it has uh there's some other things and there's some good news in here we got one project uh Marilyn mentioned the uh the fishing pier part of the newno dunes was was completed actually ahead of schedule and the actual remaining parts of the boardwalk through that Park are are on schedule and that's pretty amazing considering uh you know that that's been right out there uh taking some of the brunt of the storm uh just kind of going down through the list here though uh out at uh lemon Bluff Park uh we did have a little bit of a a delay there where we're doing a little bit of a design change that's where we're taking it out and we're actually uh meeting with the neighbors so uh it's a good thing it just added a little bit of time uh but shell Harbor Park was definitely hurricane uh delayed a little bit in that process to get it started no sense to start it when uh you can't hardly get to that area right now because of the high water on the St John's river area um there was a slight change uh change order on the U Airfield rescue firefighting facility but that's expected to uh be opening here uh we hope to have that complete the end of this month um some of the other projects you see we the terminal roof and cany Rehab that's you know the area out front of the airport that's done it's completed um just down a little bit farther the terminal Renovations we've talked about uh that's really been uh we've been in the process of uh negotiating with a uh an architect for that project so and coming up with a fee schedule with them so so that that's we'll get moving here shortly um and then a few more hurricane victims uh the Branch Jail roof uh now is not the best time for us to be doing Roofing projects with the roofs that uh that are out there and the the the stress on that industry um so that was delayed a little bit there but uh we're still expected uh uh we just pushed it out one quarter uh some of the other projects down some of the uh off Beach parking uh we did do a a design review again we're looking talking to the neighbors on the one on 726 North Atlantic and um a little bit of a design change on the uh 650 uh Atlantic Avenue um there's some question and I know uh council person Denny's out there uh there's some question on 10th Street so I figured I'd put a little bit of time into that uh history uh of that goes back almost 10 years um 10th Street as many of you know runs between Mission Road uh and US1 and it's the border between New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater it also has uh new smrna Beach High School was built uh on that road and uh of course Daytona State College has a satellite campus there you uh when that road was planned we worked with the school board we worked with the cities and it was phased in such a way that make sure that we got the high school and there areas around the school expanded first and that's been that's been completed was completed several years ago um but the final link between uh where we we stopped the widening um it's just a very short Peri uh length I think it's less than a quarter of a mile um to US1 of course you cross um the FC Railroad and if you've ever had to deal with the rail road um I could tell you history of you my past when I first came into college I trying to push the railroad around and I quickly got told that uh you know son you know you're Crossing uh my Railroad and that is the way the rail roads you know have the jurisdiction you cross them by permit so you're really at their mercy and we've uh Jerry and the Gang we've he could explain some of the uh interesting turns of events with the RAR the r got sold in the middle of this so then we had to kind of start over again with a new engineering team um so we've diligently but the good news is is I think we have something in sight finally we have a design um that particular there's a big Crossing there you have the gabori canal that comes right down so uh you know you're not talking about just laying new track it's a big box CT and and so it's a very complicated project so but the good news also in that is um as part of it we may be picking up some extra land for a big uh storm water uh project that will help clean the uh mosquito Lagoon and helps take some of the pollutants out of the gabori canal so it's it's a kind of a win-win situation where we're working with uh another property owner there um so that agreement will be coming before you hopefully in a few weeks a few meetings and but that should not delay where we're at with the project itself it's not it's it's where our storm water is going to go but it's not tied directly to the rail road so we hope to be moving forward uh with that project uh and with this new twist to it uh there's been some of course stuff in the paper saw most you saw what happened on the crane tipping over on the Veterans Memorial Bridge the uh that again I I've said this in some of the previous meetings it's a little early to officially say they're behind but you know you you don't really you know when you tip over a crane you have two hurricanes you know they're they're running behind um they still they're a big company they have the opportunity to maybe bring in more resources and make up some of the Gap we don't know if they'll choose to do that or not um however uh I could tell you that the manager himself has met with the vice president of the of the company and uh uh and their upper staff um and Mr Britton and his team are managing it along with the Department of Transportation which is a critical partner uh with us uh because again this is a Fally funded project and it's important that uh everything just like we talk about on the FEMA world every well same thing really with the Federal Highway Administration you have to work with them very closely on on anything that's out there and we're doing that um so and then turnable Bay uh that bridge is still on time uh and that's again that's a they're a great company down there and they've worked around uh flooding conditions and things um I was also going to mention the Park Avenue three lane widening that actually has an adjustment uh in the positive because we got some land faster than we thought so um that one actually may have moved up a little bit uh in schedule and just make it sure yep and that that's it we completed uh a few things there John had the Plymouth Avenue uh traffic signal uh one last thing the Deep Creek aquafer performance test well that got shoved out just a little bit but that's uh really was had to do with preparing in a good scope um it's a test well it's important we get it right um Mike has secured uh some grants and stuff for that so um but we expected to actually uh it was originally to be done uh by the third quarter of this year and we think it's still will be so that's it okay uh any questions Miss weeder Mr chair Deb's on the line yeah Mr chair yes ma'am um I would just like to thank Mr reonal for addressing those concerns on the 10th Street widening that for some reason is just getting a lot of attention from the citizens it's been an ongoing project but uh when it's done it's it's going to be uh fantastic so thanks for all literally the twists and turns that have occurred in this particular one so thank you for addressing those because there's quite a few people listening today on this particular item so thank you Mr reong thank you okay now I was going to go to Deb after that but uh it's okay thank you Mr chair um I just would like to have a little bit of an update on the record I know City islands been impacted greatly by the uh hurricane and I do have quite a few people in my district that are calling about that and they're getting the vibe that this is going to be closed forever and everything and of course we've got the playground going but that's the least amount of the problems right now if you can kind of George do you want or you want just yeah I think well Donna if you're talking about the City Island library yes yeah and that's not on the capital list because it's a repair but Donna she can update you exactly where that's set that kind of goes with the the playground of course is is playground I can tell you what happened there definitely was uh that is on the that was affected by the hurricane but also there was a fence issue we had to change out uh particular design of the fence and that's the city's side of it so uh we they're handling that and then of course uh in a way there's serendipitous ly it worked out I mean we didn't have all that out there because we had damage we also are not going to do anything to keep to finish or dedicate the playground okay until the library is up and running so those two things will go hand in hand and that will push it back because we plan on doing a pretty significant dedication there thank you Miss gusak I see you trying to push the button thank thank you Mr chair just to further uh engage in that piece is the fact that uh commissioner white and I have been working with the playground and it's kind of like on hold for right now until we get see where we are as far as the library is concerned so that is progressing quite well but now we are kind of like if if I might and I want to ask just on another subject about the debris did you did you say ex exactly give me a little update as to where we are with the debris pickup from the hurricane uh there was a good article today uh I I haven't checked with John yet but I think we're approaching nearly I think it was 185,000 cubic yards as of yesterday uh I will tell you that Phillips and Jordan are debris contractor that did step into the hole and and take uh take this on I think it's now up to about 70 Vehicles so they've really not starting to approach the strength that we had in in Matthew so they've really uh in the last few weeks have really started adding resource I think the answer should I think the answer should be actually as of today 94 so they're really just loading in no 94 uh Vehicles now remember we started with about 25 so they've almost uh quadrupled uh the uh the equipment and stuff that's out there over the last few weeks so we're I think the answer people don't care about how many trucks I don't think they care about what per what percent of people what percent of people are still picked up and what haven't well I can tell you yeah we're 4% yeah we're about 40% if you look at it we estimate between 5 and 600,000 cubic yards we're uh as of yesterday the total was uh 196,000 cubic yards of vegetation another 21,000 uh cubic yards um that uh the county picked up so you're actually over 200,000 cubic yards okay but again so that's about 40% of the pickup is there any am I speaking Mr chair all right thank you uh I was just wondering if there was any way that we could kind of give an idea to the residents as to in different areas or segments are you doing are you on unincorporated area in in of outside of Armen Beach or Newar Beach what about on the west side of uh well tell you now we're we're we literally have vehicles in just about every uh unincorporated area of the county and we've moved from the hardest hit Area uh in and around into like around D land I know that they're uh right along Boundary Avenue and you know a lot of people don't really realize where the Delan boundaries are but uh we're in and around all of Western Delan Southern Dand um we are all through Dilan Springs 15a from boundary to 15a on out where are you in that area I think well that would be appreciated mapping everywhere where they're going so we'll show you exactly uh where vehic but the statistic I think the chair was getting that that by early November to Mid November we'll have the full first pass done right so we'll be done that'll be the first pass through all the neighborhoods and then you're looking at whatever was left in terms of the second pass and that's when we drew the private roads so that'll come after that a lot of it has to do with how many more trucks they put out one other thing people have to remember is that because everyone was in trouble the cities were in trouble that when we did the contract the the the trucks that became available through uh ashrit we encouraged them to give them to the cities so that we gave up some to work as a group so that the cities would have trucks also right but we're really ramping up I mean it's you wouldn't want to project the first week out because at that time we only had 25 Vehicles we now have four times that amount out there so it's getting faster and faster could be the early November for the first pass so you would think that it would be safe to say to Residents that we will have at least a first pickup by mid uh November abolutely that was and that was uh stated actually I think today in Joyce could be a little earlier could be a little earlier if they keep up with this level trucks thank you Mr chair I would like to answer the question Billy had on the library Donna can answer that Billy I want to make assurances to everyone that we are in the process of repairing and fixing the library there is no intent to leave it closed we've got to go through the process now we're at the point where it's been remediated in other words all the the dirty water has been moved out it's been sanitized and all the air quality tests we have to go through all of that have been completed so they're in the process now we have a vendor in there at this moment putting in back the drywall that all had to be removed and so we're we're at the point where we've got we're getting the uh vendors lined up to do the mill work which it has to put the shelving back in and we have a significant amount of Floor Covering that has to go back down so in the process of getting all that done now keep in mind we've got to do this very methodically very carefully to make sure we get not only FEMA reimbursement but to satisfy our insurance company as well so we're trying to make sure we have everything in place and do it the right way so we don't have a misst and we won't get reim bur so we're several months out because it's just a big big area to have to cover just to order the materials takes a significant amount of time the the shelving is is somewhat custom so to so it'll all match and be be correct of course the children's area which was relatively new all has to be redone so we want it we want to put it back the way it was and the original construction to put that together the originally took took took a year or so but we're thinking this will probably take another 6 months probably before we can see an opening it's a little early to tell to get an exact date cuz we don't have all the the pieces and parts together yet okay Miss post I wanted to see can you give us an update on the um the sheriff's evidence it is on it is on can you hear me yes okay um an update on the sheriff's evidence facility I know Jody th is here and did you want to I don't think your microphone is working or testing there you go okay all right okay the uh the guaranteed maximum price which is you know part of the process when you have a construction manager um which is Big complicated building like this have uh should be coming before you in January so that's part of you know they're going through the process process you know the design has been done now they're actually going out and securing the pricing from all of the subcontractors that would be working and then they'll set that guaranteed maximum price uh based off that estimate and that should be coming to you in in January the financing will be coming in December we have to borrow money against the MSD $7 million that'll be coming before you in December right so get finance and then get the price but the uh actual design work uh is complete and it's just part of putting together the final uh estimate and did you have anything okay and just making sure they didn't have any yeah thank you thank you thank okay thank you George thanks George we'll move now to item four yes uh Mr chair if Tom M will come forward um really pleased to do this this update was requested by the council um we're really proud of this program it's been in in effect for a number of years uh Tom will give you the update the overview Tom good morning um my name is Tom Moes I'm the Human Resources Director and to my white right here I have Molly Hudson our uh manager of diversity and employment and Jamie Edmonson our employe uh diversity specialist we came to you in July with our master plan for diversity and inclusion which is a multi prone program one that deals with Recruitment and the other is on inclusion as since that time we've been implementing that plan uh one of the things that we had to do was August the 9th we held a meeting with the leadership we had 200 people attend at the Ocean Center where we rolled out the program for the master plan for the leadership we had a speaker Mr broom who came in and that meeting was very uh well attended and very excited people were excited about the plan uh since that time as we started moving forward we've accelerated the training when we came to you in July we've trained 450 employees we've trained over 300 additional since that time we're training uh our existing Workforce at about a 100 a month we've also instituted diversity into our orientation a program so new employees get that as they come in the door they understand what we're our goal is and what we're trying to change in this organization each division when we rolled out we asked them to identify diversity champion to work with human resources work with Molly and Jamie to help put this through the organization they have identified those people and as of last Friday we met with those Jamie uh had a session with them so we've now got that part kicked off uh we also Molly has met with each of a lot of the divisions and working with them on internships and shadowing programs to bring awareness uh and the diversity into the those are pools they are feeder groups groups to help us hire people she's been working with those and particularly in areas that have not been diverse we've also said we're part of our training is going to be is posting videos out there for our managers and our employes we've now got two out there one of them is from our meeting in July Mr broom uh he allowed us to be able to use that internally and the other one we have out there is the power of one story they're on our intrnet under Human Resources under diversity and I'd ask you like to go and look at those they're very powerful they're very thought-provoking and we'll be using those in our trainings currently uh if you may notice part of our ongoing thing we've had for a number of years is each a year we've had uh the divisions do a diversity project they work with another division not only understand each other how diverse we are as an organization not only in our services but the people we hire and some of that's currently just happen to be this week it's in the uh rot Tundra and tomorrow we're having a diversity luncheon uh in which we help raise awareness so these are some of the things that we've been doing since uh July Molly and Jamie's been very busy and if you don't mind I'd like to take a moment and let each kind of tell you a little bit what they're experiencing and the changes they're seeing out there okay thank you good morning I'm Molly Hudson the human resources and diversity manager thank you for having us here this morning um it's important to know as we talk about diversity and inclusion when we out there when we're out in the field what we're finding is that it's not just the recruitment of people trying to get people to work here I think it's also changing the mindset of people who work with and the employees here so I think it's when we go into these classes and we have the sessions and we have this moment you hear the different examples and you know you come to find out that people don't know what they don't know so it's really interesting to talk with them and get to understand their differences or their Insight or CU you realize that the upbringing the the um the atmosphere they grew up in those things have a part to play a role to play in how in their makeup you know so I don't think they're out there not wanting to do what's right but they just don't understand why it's important to diversify and it's not just a need it's a business asset so talking with them in the classes and getting to talk with them we're seeing that it's exciting after your class when you have somebody come up to you and give you examples of things or so we're seeing all that so it's not just the recruitment piece of it we're seeing we're working on that actually but we're also getting to work with the mindset change and that's really exciting for us um we we I believe that we have the support of the employees when we go out there I believe that they really want to do right they're excited about it now what we want to focus on and Zone in on is the management we can get them as well you know to get on board it'll make us really that you know the r the team effort I think we we're excited about that so so right now it's all fun when we go out there and talk to the managers we're excited you know what they want to do like Tom said the feeder groups are the special workers the interns the um what do you call them the I don't know other groups internship shadowing programs were bringing those to life as well because we believe those will help us build our pool for those opportunities for people maybe the kids out there that don't have a clue of what we're doing here having those areas for them to come in and see and making it in those areas that are not usually diverse getting some diversity in that helps also solidify what we're doing so it's exciting to do this it's exciting to go out in the field with Jamie and you know like um like Tom said tomorrow we have the diversity exposure Tammy King put that up for the diversity lunch and it's going to be a fun aspect of it so we have the serious piece then we have the fun piece as well you know you look at the returner the fun aspect of the diverse things we do in the county so there's a lot of energy in this program and I think Jimmy and I the energy we have we have too much sometimes you know but I think it's good but I think it's good it makes us exciting about we love what we do we want to keep doing it and we enjoy it so we thank you so much for your support and I think with time you know as we go do this and with your support I think we're going to get to what but we don't want to relent because this is something an ongoing process it's not an an initiative it's an ongoing process for us and we're really excited about that and having the opportunity to do that so thank you I'm going to have Jamie talk a little bit about the Champions thank you so much Jamie Edmonson diversity specialist and I'm most excited to be here to talk about the progress that we've made and between now and the last time that we were here to to speak with you all they mentioned that we had the diversity champions in place I want to touch on that a little bit uh it's a new organization that we've created where we've got one representative or Champion true champion for each of the divisions we got together last Friday and had a meet greet and eat where we talked about the purpose and some of the short and long-term goals of that group we also had each of those new members give one word of what they hoped for the new team and I have saved and we're going to use that in some of our trainings but it was anywhere from awareness and light and togetherness and unity and it was just a really beautiful sentiment about what everybody wanted to bring about what these Champions wanted to bring but what's more important is what they take back to their divisions so we hope that it is a journey of learning we do hope that we continue the progress and that we are more involving the field uh going forward but thank you for your time and for the support of all of these programs it's very much appreciated and we can't do it without it thank you thank you Miss KAG thank you Mr chair you know I'm just in love with this I I have to tell you that it just warms my heart that we are uh in the process of trying to make sure that we understand exactly what we're trying to accomplish through diversity and inclusion we have been there but we are just now we're beginning to really we peill the the onion back if you will to see where we are in our mindsets and and and and sometime it's not what you see is the things that you don't even recognize that you don't see and so I I'm I'm I'm I'm just excited I'm excited and I and I hope and pray that we this will be embraced by councils of the future and so uh Mr Denine I think that this is on the right track for valua count I think we far exceed all other Departments of government in this area or maybe in this country and and we have work to do and I'm so proud to be a part of that Mr chair thank you thank you so much thank you Miss post um Mr Moes you've mentioned Mr brone several times can you just explain for the record who that is and is that a consultant yeah he was a consultant and a speaker that on diversity and uh he goes around the country and and major firms have used him and he he came in and spoke about diversity the importance of it and he's really a motivator and it was really to help motivate and educate at the same time as what he does well the other thing we're going to do that went over so well and we have the rights to use his material with our employees okay we made sure of that we can't use them for other people but for our employees we can uh we had a lot of people request getting to see the tape that couldn't go to the meeting I if for the ones that went I know Joyce went and Billy went if it it really makes people think differently it makes them feel good about well you don't recognize things we actually talking about having a couple of other motivational speakers come in to talk on this topic because what we want and I think Molly and them said it and Jamie said it best is that we want people to embrace this we're not shoving it down people's throat we want this to be part of the culture of being here and and that really helped the only thing I need to do is get the employees to be I need Molly them to be more enthusiastic I'm sure that's going to be difficult to do but miss wheeler thank you Mr chair I you refer to the shadow program and I'm assuming is that like the apprenticeship or internship internship you want to come in yeah young kids from high school who want to be exposed into different professions we bring them in we give them the opportunity that's it so we go to the colleges and all of that do we have a pretty active internship at this time is it is working well because we have to get the people in to e to exactly absolutely exact so we have a good internship program working and we also have where we have young kids in school they want to Shadow like the library they want to be a special worker we want to get the diversity in those areas or they want to shadow in different areas we want to get them in so they can see what it's like you know and then say wow maybe I want to do this you know we don't know until they come see so it's working for us and we're trying to get that out there the big thing so do we go into the colleges and speak to them is how do we approach them most so the high schools now most and we also have we also have management team that goes into the college well to talk with them yes and offer them internships and also we go to the high schools like the Evac ASD we just had a program with as's um what you call ambulance ambulance Supply technicians the EST the ambulance Supply technicians come and work as interns so we have the AIG program at the ATC as well you know where we we also have a strong presence there as well so we do different things to try and get them attracted to this area we have an internship program also with the colleges that's pretty well attended um so the other thing is that in today's world if you're going to have a diversified Workforce of qualified people you have to be competitive you can't expect it just to happen we have to go out there and sell ourselves not only to attract people but to keep them because qualified people have places have lots of opportunities and so we really have to make an effort to to really and I think we have started to recruit in places we never recruited before but as Molly said and Jamie said and Tom said you one our supervisors and managers have to be they have to be color blind uh they have to be blind to differences in terms of when they select people we have to make sure our our subconscious bias doesn't get in the way but you got to have an environment where people of different backgrounds want to work and want to stay and so that's another part of of of making it a positive environment that we all live in and I think the motivational speakers and a lot of things we doing the Champions will all make a difference so it's not a one this plan is not one element it's multiple elements going after the the the solution you know like you said um bringing them in is one thing when you diversify you get them in here but want to keep them want to bring them in attract them and retain that's retention and I think the inclusion piece helps the retention I was teaching a class and I told them I said inclusion to me and this is where I look at it it's um diversity it's bring asking somebody to a party you come to your party you know you want to come to I invite you to your party everybody comes in there but inclusion is when you come to that party and I actually ask you to dance yeah you know so now you're in the party but now I'm asking you to dance like wow I'm not just a person you're inviting you're asking me to dance so I mean something you really want to see me in action you know and I think that's the inclusion piece that we also want to sell and capitalize on you know so I think it's it's all fine great I just to show you how how oh somebody else speaking down there George no uh just to show you how diverse it is the lunch in tomorrow we're included I guess right that's right so I mean you can't get more diverse than that so we we will be there we were actually asked to come some might have another word for that somebody really open opened the guidelines on that and we look forward to seeing those that will be here tomorrow thank you very much so much thank you thank you all goodbye thanks Joanne we'll move to item six um five good morning Joan magley Community information director with fuchia County government and I'm here with your community events update but before we get to the uh community events I want to uh mention a few other announcements that were just recently confirmed uh in the past couple of days so they did not make this sheet um as you all know the vucha county uh Daytona Beach Administration Building at 250 Beach Street is closed to damage uh caused by Hurricane Irma but today we're announcing two new temporary locations for a couple of County Services that were housed there um the first is for the property appraiser they have opened a branch at the Florida Department of Health on wholesome back Drive in Daytona Beach uh the location will only service Homestead and exemption applications but I'd like to introduce property appraiser Larry Bartlett who would like to talk more about this temporary location morning Mr chair council members I'm glad to be here I'm glad to be in a new location um our uh our folks at 250 North Beach um were temporarily housed all here in Dand and uh now they're not all here some of them are still here our district 2 folks are still here on the second floor but uh they have uh a good place to work and U really being well looked after by U their fellow County Employees so I appreciate that I uh I like the fact that we have a location now um over at the um uh holsen back building because we we like to um um service our our taxpayers on the on the east side and uh our district three is which Services uh New Smyrna and and Port Orange is now located in the old EOC building uh on E late road so it's uh it's good to have your own place but these places are are temporary we understand that uh talking to the to the folks from from from the county um they say that they're going to build out the the building on holsen Beck Road and that's a great location uh we we'd very much like to be there and look forward to doing that but that's going to be a while so we'll we'll do the the people's work and the locations that I've I've described until that time but actually we're looking forward to a new building uh on Beach Street if in fact that comes to pass but in the meantime we'll keep our fingers crossed and uh we'll do uh what we need to do and help the folks on the east side from the locations I mentioned um the um the old building uh 250 North Beach I don't know what the plan is for that uh but that is an old building and uh we at the Property Appraiser's office are are looking to forward to a new building does anybody have any questions new new building can't come soon soon enough for me but that's just me all right thank you very much thank you okay and in addition a temporary tag and title Branch will open in the west Concourse of the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach and that's starting Monday October 23rd customers can park in the Ocean Center South lot and enter the building using the entrance on auditor Auditorium Boulevard which is across from the Peabody and there won't be any charge for parking in that lot and also we want to remind people that they can renew vehicle registrations online ata.org renewexpress we have a full list of the services and alternative locations on b.org pin so that'll list out all the different services that were displaced from 250 Beach Street all so will there be signage or snip behind the uh Ocean Center okay yes so people easily find it thank you okay and now on to the event updates so for October on October 24th 4 and 26th Votran will hold two public meetings regarding proposed service improvements that are slated to be implemented between February and June in 2018 and as you recall those service um those Services include the addition of holiday service for Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Year's Day increased frequency on routes 7 and 11 from 60 Minutes to 30 minutes and the addition of a new route to serve the State Road 44 corridor from Beachside to Walmart in new samna beach so that first meeting will will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday October 24th at the Votran Administration office in South Daytona and the second will take place from 5: to 7:00 p.m. Thursday October 26th at the new srer Beach City Hall and again this information is is online for people who need to go back and get some more November 4th we'll be celebrating birdfest at the Belia County Marine Science Center in Pon Inlet this is the 13th annual birdfest it it'll be held 10:00 a.m. to 3: p.m. and it includes up close uh look at Birds of Prey and people can also get free tours of the Marine Science Center and the Mary Kelly seabird rehab rehabilitation sanctuary and that Sanctuary provides treatment for injured and sick birds so that's November 4th and then November 11th and 12th we will be holding uh Public tours of the lady filamina uh at the Sea Love Marina in Pon Inlet and as you recall the lady filamina it's 150t steel vessel it was donated to the county for reefing by the US Customs and Border service and during this during the tours people can actually go up onto the boat walk around we'll have some tour guides there to kind of point out some things but we'll also have staff from various County divisions like the Marine Science Center the Coastal Division um parks to talk about the County's Reef system so it's a a real educational event and then later um that that ship and the tug Everglades which we also acquired those will be sunk the week of November 19th at the County's permitted art artificial Reef site site number 12 which is about 9 Mi offshore and about 80 ft of water thing we're Mr chair the other thing we're going to do we're going to try and see if the Everglades can also be with the filamina when we walk on those ships you also be able to sign your name it is also our intent uh to put a plaque on the ship that represents all the cities in the county so you'll get to dedicate that also we're anticipating trying to have a ship available that's big enough to hold the console and other members and even open to the public uh on the day that we go out and sync the ship so we'll go out with them and you can watch them sync we're going to try and do it at a time we hope to do it on time when it'll be available so people can take their own private Vehicles out but it's a pretty uh it's pretty exciting she said we'll have people there talking about our artificial Reef system how Customs works and how they seize the boat for drugs and I think it'll be pretty interesting we anticipate a lot of school kids also coming to see it m Mr chair could I have the drama mean concession on that we're going out on the SS Minnow on that aren we you're talking about a a Navy person warning Dramamine that's true that is true I mean I know you those Wooden Ships that they they use back there with the sails the four masted Schooners and things I never got seasick in my four years so well we'll make sure you have D Mr chairry the only thing you have to worry about is if you're still on the lady film you know other tugs ever Glade on the 19th because I wouldn't want to be on those two ships on that you can be on the weekend before but you don't want to be on the day we sing them thank you customary for the chair or the captain to go down with go down with this ship I think I think that's where the chair designates someone to be go down with the ship that's uh thank you that's it thank you Joanne for that update Miss Denny are you still with us just want to make sure the connection is still there you're still there okay we're moving into uh part of the public hearing I just want to make sure that you're still connected sometimes technology thank you okay we'll move to item six uh Mr Brenton good morning Mr chair and members of council I'm Jerry Brenton County engineer before you today is a uh a petition by the city of Port Orange uh to vacate Antiquated uh lot within a platted area and uh a port a uh section of uh a platted 30 foot rideway as you may be aware um the city and the county jointly own 410 acres of land um north of of Pioneer Trail and west of tamoka Farms Road and in 2006 and again amended in 2016 the city and county um agreed that a portion of that property could be used for a city gun range and so at this time the city is ready to move forward with with uh developing that gun range and in order to do so and comply with regulations and all those Antiquated Lots need to be vacated as you can see on this exhibit everything in red has already been vacated the smaller section uh is in blue that's where the gun range would be and so their request as petitioners is for the County Council to uh vacate the lots and on that eastern border is a 30 foot planted RightWay that's not needed and that would that's in their request to be vacated as well and uh there are any questions that uh members of the city uh staff are here if you have any questions or if they'd like to add anything as I mentioned this is a public hearing and I have Linda Johnson who is here to answer any questions from the city of Port Orange if needed uh if if there are no questions uh are there any questions of Miss Johnson Dr Lowry I was going to go ahead and move for the vacation of portion of plot uh how Courier allotment map book four page motion made by uh Mr Lowry second by Miss wheeler uh any disc discussion Miss Denny you still hear us any I am any objection to the motion hearing no objection the motion passes unanimous thank you and thank you Linda for being here if we had questions thank you very much we'll close the public hearing and move on to item number seven and uh you're back good morning Clay Irving director of growth and resource management for you today is a request to make an amendment to the adopted beluchi County comprehensive plan what we're looking at are specifically the policies pertaining to minimum densities that are required for urban lands if you look at page 7-10 of your agenda packet there's a table there that identifies the future land use categories that are designated as Urban these are areas that are primarily along uh in North Peninsula some of the areas near New Smyrna Beach on the Barrier Islands ever West near Delon Springs in the city of Dand um what we are observing is that we have smaller Parcels under five acres which have development around them and because of our minimum densities we cannot maintain that pattern of development that surround these Parcels what we are requesting is that you grant us an administrative waiver capabilities for these properties that are under 5 Acres so that we can maintain the land use pattern that we're observing with the developed portions this would a an amendment to the comprehensive plan it was presented to the pdrc at its October 3D meeting at that point the uh pdrc recommended approval in fact the council uh the chairman identified that he had personally had some difficulties with these minimum densities in the past and made a recommendation that we do more than what is being proposed in front of you uh staff at this point feels if if we can go forward with what's presented to you we can see how it works and if we see that we need to tweak it in the future we'll be glad to do so so Mr chair this is considered one of those this is a public hearing and I have no cards of anyone wishing to speak so I will close the public hearing portion sorry I was going to say Mr chair this is one of those Common Sense things that the council has asked us repeatedly to start bringing forward the fact that I think you have a staff that can make good decisions on what makes sense for everyone involved and they always have the right to appeal to you if they feel it's been misused but the bottom line is that I think that gives your staff an opportunity to fix a lot of problems for that sense problems before they come to you is is there a motion from I'll make a motion to approve the transmittal hearing for large scale comprehensive plan amendment to Future land use element to address single family residential infill development in the urban areas cpa-1 17-8 second by Mr Patterson any discussion any objection to the motion hearing no OB hearing no objections the motion passed is unanimous we'll now move to item number eight once again good morning Clay Irving growth and Resource Management director uh this is another uh amendment to our comprehensive plan this is pertaining to our intergovernmental coordination element one of the efforts that uh the County Council has initiated is development of interlocal service boundary agreements with various cities within valuchi County this allows for Effective joint planning of these areas and allows for a smooth and efficient annexation of areas that are appropriate for annexation we entered into such an agreement with the city of oakill that was approved back in uh August 17 2017 this is final step basically it's just acknowledging that we do have this agreement within our interlocal uh coordination element uh it was at the October 3rd pdrc there were no comments from the public and the pdrc unanimously recommended approval if there's any questions I'll be glad to answer this is a public hearing again I have no one wishing to speak from the public so we'll close the public hearing council is there a motion motion to approve transmittal hearing for the large scale administrative text Amendment to the intergovernmental coordination element of the comprehensive plan to refer to the interlocal service boundary agreement with the city of Oak K cpa-1 17-9 motion made by wheeler second by Lowry any objection to the motion hear no objection the motion carries unanimous and we will now move to item number nine and open the public hearing Mr Irvin clay Irving growth and Resource Management director this is a request by Glenn Storch to reson a 32 acre property that is located near the city of newna beach is located on the east side of I 95 just kind of Northeast of where Pioneer Trail turns back to State Road 44 the subject property is currently zoned A2 and is has a requested resoning of RR which is the rural residential it is within the airport overlay so therefore uh it does have to um to be abide by our recently adopted standards for that it does pertain to the uh new SMA Beach Municipal Airport staff has reviewed it uh the critical element is that the requested application for reone is consistent with our comprehensive plan it uh was presented to our pdrc at the October 3rd 2017 meeting there was no one who spoke against the proposed resoning and the pdrc unanimously recommended approval of it uh on pages 928 is a location map that shows the proximity of where this property is on page 929 is a aerial that reflects the conditions out there on page 9-30 is the zoning map and in front of you right now is on page 9917 and that is the cons conceptual subdivision PL plan that they hope to do once this resoning is approved uh the applicant is available here for any questions staff is also available if you have any questions as well mcad thank you Mr chair I will move for the approval of rezoning from rural agricultural airport protection overlay classification to the rural residential airport protection overlay classification of a 3 31.9 Acre property located at 375 turn bu Bay Road in new Sam Beach z-1 17- 051 second second by wheeler um councelor are you okay with just resting any objection to the motion hear no objection the motion did I hear something no hearing no objection the motion passes unanimous and thank you thank you clay for the work on that and and Glenn and some of these are seem like housekeep in issues that are pretty much Common Sense there's a lot of them so we'll move to the next one item 10 this is a public hearing the public hearing is now open Mr irvan thank you very much um in the implementation of our zoning ordinance we have to review the standards that we have contained in uh section 72- 241 in that it lists uses that are permitted by right and uses that are allowed by special exception before you today is an appeal of our zoning officer determination to not accept an application for a special exception the subject property was subject to a special exception back in 1995 for warehousing for agricultural products not grown on site there was a warehouse structure constructed it is um on the property still the owner was approached and um was asked if they could utilize that same structure for warehousing for distribution of basically groceries to smaller convenience stores that type of use is not allowed either by right or by special exception in the current zoning the zoning is prime agricultural A1 staff felt that we could not accept that because the special exception would basically be granting a variance to the use we understand that there is some confusion from the property owner in regards to why is it that I had a warehouse that's out here and why can't I keep using it so staff has understanding of the concerns that they have if the council believes that the property owner should be given the right to at least try and get that use reestablished staff would request that you uphold our determination that the application is not appropriate but please refer the property owner to pursue a BP UD through that process so that that way we are not setting a precedent and we can also address the concerns are being raids in regards to making sure that the property owner has fair and equable use of their property as well as the existing building if there's any questions I'll be glad to answer them thank you I do have three cards from the public wishing to speak but I'd like to ask uh Mr Patterson uh to address this first if it's okay with uh Chris and Jim and Fred if youall let him if he would speak first I'm was sure let you you speak but Mr Patterson thank you Mr chair I I've been out to the site quite a bit matter of fact back for years I've been out there because Jack Schuman before he passed away was a very close friend of mine and uh when this came up and I've been kind of concerned because here we have a piece of property that the uh Warehouse they're paying about $4,500 in property taxes and they have an opportunity to uh to to you know use that property because it it is a big place it's uh it's got uh air conditioning and U and a freezer not freezer but a reefer in there and it was used for Ferns and of course many of you know that the fern industry is kind of taking a dump and uh so this is something but and I feel that because this was a previous special exception on the property I consider this an unusual unique case so what I'd like to do is make a motion to uphold the zoning enforcements official interpretation but to process the applic ation as a BP UD and to use the current fees paid and not charge any additional fees so that is my motion Mr that's seconded by uh Mr Lowry uh the three people that had wished to speak do you still wish to speak or you okay with this Chris calabi are you okay with the motion either either come forward and and speak I me he's made a motion to approve uh to deny that but to go through the Pud without having to pay additional funding to create the Pud which could be within the rights of the of the use to do it that way Jim Tatum Jim you okay or you need to speak you can't speak from there if you're okay come sure okay explain a little bit well okay the motion's made and seconded Mr chair sometimes we talk too much and get things talked out m i uh retired from the property appraisers office my name is Jim Tatum I live Mr chair if I may clarify one thing because this is an appeal of the zoning officials inter um interpretation much like the the next item um this is not should not be slated as a public hearing the chair the council has the authority to hear from the applicant because it's the applicant's appeal and from staff there isn't any opportunity to take additional testimony from the public in this matter because this is an appeal under our code okay so I would just like to give a little information I think you need that's it I think he said you couldn't right now it's it's 33 years with the prop excuse me sir agult lands excuse me I just there's going to be other problems with agricultural buildings excuse me excuse me you're going to need to sit down okay thank you appreciate I mean uh and we went over this in pre- agenda and the public hearing Park should have been stricken from the agenda and it was not that's why I read it that way I know we discussed it uh apologize for that being being on there as a public hearing Mr chair that's not your fault that shouldn't that shouldn't have been listed that way and that's a mistake on How It Was Written I didn't catch it I should have remembered although a lot of things haveen happened since last Wednesday so uh we have a motion to uh uphold the uh appeal but to add the different process any questions of this motions made and any objection to the motion hear no objection the motion passes so now we will move to item sorry M this is Marcy Zimmerman I want to make sure miss Denny's is still on because I didn't hear her comment on that he's there are you there yep I'm here y okay thank you but actually what she's she is not commenting unless there's an objection I was I think we kind of clarifi clarified that I understand thank you Mr chair just a matter of clarification we're denying the appeal correct we're denying the appeal but asking for the appeal and the money that had been applied for the application to continue that money would go toward the applying for a PUD uh process which is allowable use within the zoning where this was not allowed correct right thank you all clear thank you members okay thank you very much now we'll move to item number 11 good morning Clay Irvin and this is a public hearing yes it is director of growth and resource management and I do have apologize for the confusion on that last item this is a special exception for a property located at 579 Johnson Lake Road uh this subject property uh was originally approved back in uh the late 80s 1988 89 for what was then called a an adult congregate living facility today that term is now known as an assisted living facility it operated until 2007 at that point because they did not continue the use the use was U basically discontinued and prohibited after a year so after 2008 anyone who wanted to Res establish an Alf would have to go through a special exception process as was here before you today the applicant has purchased the property is working on trying to develop it again for an assisted living facility it um the current location is shown on from page 1119 there's an aerial that reflects the site on page 11-20 and the zoning of the property is reflected on 11:21 there's a survey of the existing conditions located on page 11-13 of your agenda packet staff presented this to the pdrc at its October 3rd 2017 meeting there was uh comments from an adjacent property owner who had concerns not necessarily with the use as it's being proposed because the current applicant is identifying uh a targeted population of retired military veterans the adjacent property owner was concerned that the population that could occupy the assisted living facility may not be military veterans and could be everything from rehab to anti- recidivis Etc uh the pdrc also voiced similar concerns we are preempted by state law to identify specific populations that can or cannot go into alfs and group homes so in other words it's an all or nothing in this particular situation uh we do not have the right as a local government to limit who can or cannot come into these facilities that being the case there was a um discussion as to what could be done at the pdrc ultimately it was recommended for approval 5 to one with uh coun or commission member Mills objecting uh in front of you we have the criteria that are established for the review of special exceptions they have met all the criteria so that is why you see that staff has recommended approval if there's any questions I'll be glad to answer them I have no cards from anyone from the public wishing to speak so I'll close the public hearing portion uh comment from councel Mr Mr Patterson Mr chair I I'll go ahead and make the motion for the special exception for a group home on a 13 acre property was owning a prime Agriculture and Resource coridor Property is located at 579 Johnson Lake Road De Leon Springs second seconded by Mr Lowry any questions any discussion any objections to the motion and just to confirm that uh Miss Dennis you are there and not objecting correct I'm here sir yes okay I'm trying to get this straight hear no objection the motion passes unanimously and we will now move to item number 12 good morning I'm Palmer Panton director of planning and development services this is a request for a rehearing of case PUD 17-2 it's a rezoning of 2.4 Acres from rural agricultural estate to BP UD this was uh denied at the August 17 2017 council meeting the applicant and his attorney have submitted reasons for the uh rehearing there on Mr crosman's on Pages uh 12-5 and six on your agenda and Mr Rio on 12-3 and four on your agenda if the uh Council agrees to have a rehearing then this would be set for a time and date certain uh we would probably suggest November 16th for that date and a time as determined okay again this since this is an appeal of an action this is not a public hearing councel is that correct that is correct you're entitled to hear from the applicant who's the appellant in the matter that's right so because this is not voting to do anything but to rule as a I guess quazi judicial proceeding on an action that had already been taken so um I guess uh councelor Rio I know I saw you earlier good morning Mr chair members of the council my name is Robert Rio I'm here on behalf of uh Robert crosan the applicant who was present along with the project engineer uh Dwight Durant and Mark caret who was the project planner um we as you may know back in August uh you heard a presentation uh of a PUD plan um and I think almost exclusively all the comments uh related to a gas station component which was one of the allowable uses uh within that plan uh you expressed uh uh at least five of you expressed uh concerns about that and uh the applicant uh you know uh was never asked whether or not they might be willing to uh reduce or or remove that element from its plan um it was sort of an all or nothing so to speak and uh we are we are very much concerned about that because frequently you do allow people to either uh make changes that you might feel are necessary or send it back to pdrc uh in the course of that proceeding also after the comment period had been closed to the public and as well as to the applic uh there were statements that were made uh that indicated that the there had been no public hearing or not public hearing but commun Community hearing had taken place which is I I consider quite prejudicial to the applicant because it makes it look like we're trying to pull a fast one we're not trying to P county code uh and and nothing could be further from the case because there was in fact a public or a community hearing that was held at the feed store door right in the community on November 10th 2015 uh notices were sent out to the adjoining land owners the area was posted uh and there were people in attendance uh and this is the difficult part because essentially I'm trying to rebut something that I was not allowed to rebut at the hearing and I don't know whether it's appropriate for there to be testimony because that is essentially one of our arguments is that we never got a chance to say uh that in fact occurred um and and that is a concern uh the other thing as well is that with respect to this and it sort of reflects the fact that it it was started back a while back the originally the county had floated the idea of the feed store being rezoned uh to resolve some issues and there are host of issues that involve not only the applicant's property but ad joining properties uh uh that it in the course of this proceeding we're essentially doing a cleanup uh of the area um and among these um are trying to upgrade the feed store um and to provide bring the area more in conformance because it goes back forever that feed store's grandfather regardless of what happens the feed store can continue because it's a grandfathered use we would like to remove it and put a better Feed Store there something that meets current standards and actually would be removed right now the feed store is right on the property boundary um and so we'd move it away from there and closer to tamoka Farms Road we also discovered in the course of this that the neighbors who live to the west of us their storm water system is supposed to uh it actually falls on my client's property and there is easement but there they actually their ditch empties out into an area that is not part of their easement and we were in the process of trying to correct that and resolve things for them so that their storm water system would now be consistent uh with what had originally been proposed uh and uh let's see there were there were question uh I mean we were going to bring this up to Snuff as far as setbacks retention Landscaping buffers and finally the the neighbors had over time complained about driveway locations and we were going to move all the driveway locations and so what we would and and and as addition uh except for the the uh and I the county staff had approved the the gas station use and recommended approval for it and but the other uses were things that related even more to a rural area like a hardware store get your hinges or bolts or things of that small one uh and some of that dealt with the issues with the feed store as to what was hardware and what is agriculture and finally there was a um and so from those those standpoints we never really got a chance to get into what was behind doing all of this uh again we heard the the the the comments that were made relative to the feed store and we have talked with the county staff and we have we are we have already supplied them with a new plan that gets rid of gas station fuel pumps and all of those types of things uh and and takes it back down to essentially um the feed store type rezoning but with the uses that are are are going to be much more what in line with what the uh we feel was appropriate what county staff felt was appropriate rate and like I said this has been going on two years the county had initially suggested doing a rezoning we have uh the applicant has hired the applicant is not a developer he hired an engineering company that is uh uh well- known in this area and knowledgeable about things he had a planner who had worked for government and was familiar with the types of things uh that come into play when you're doing something of this nature um we worked I can't tell you how many iterations of the plan went back and forth between us and the county we finally got County staff to say yeah we recommend approval of this we went in front of pdrc and I think it was 51 as I recall and so we would like an opportunity to at least try to resolve these issues and if there are things you don't like then we can try to fix that or or or work cooperatively because this has been a Cooperative Venture so far to bring that area into compliance with codes uh councel I'm going to ask you to stick to the uh the point the point is you're appealing the decision not future use and that's what we will be addressing that would be what our decision is made on is whether or not we will grant the appeal of the denial to go forward to discuss anything else so if you could kind of keep your remarks in in that that vein Mr because what what would happen after if it's approved what would happen would be separate and apart from what we're discussing right now is my understanding it it is you to some extent and it isn't because what I'm trying to say uh Mr chair is that we had put together a big plan that solved a lot of different problems and all of the negativity focused on the gas station and instead of trying to address the resolution of all of those other issues it was just focused on the gas station and if the gas station's not part of it then we have the ability to deal with all those issues and as I also said and I also said I feel that from the standpoint of the uh statements and I uh that were made relative to uh the uh the lack of a community hearing um uh that is provided for by the code in which did occur um and uh that this was prejudicial to the applicant as well and warrants going back and trying to revisit that we don't know where that came from it's not part of the record of this proceeding and being a quasi judicial proceeding we should be able to go back and say here is where the the state where this came from uh and it's a prejudicial item shouldn't be there as as a matter of the the final decision process if it's not part of the record so that's the our you know big legal concern and not speaking for you but you feel that the denial was based on the service station component of the project that was presented that's correct and you're asking us to give a rehearing uh for the Pud uh which may or may not include a service station is that correct that doesn't really matter does it counselor that's that was what we discussed in our pre- agenda that we're discussing to hear to allow it whether whether Council will set a rehearing whether you agree to rehear the case and to set a time and date for the rehearing yes sir right okay so if if if that's done you're correct okay I'm just saying that we would be foolish to bring a hearing say you can say that M wheeler has has a question thank you thank you Mr chair um I can assure you that um I didn't make my decision on not hearing that there was a public meeting I that one passed right over me so that wasn't my decision was totally on the fact that um it was not consistent with that tamoka Farms Village local plan and that is my concern still today Dr Lowry I just want to refresh my memory did wasn't that uh recommended for approval by the staff and by plrc or whoever's in that's correct okay five that's one to refresh thank you okay any I'm not trying to cut you off I I didn't know whether you were I think you were getting close to where we could discuss it or or whatever we've had one com yes our our interest is primarily we've put a lot of time in effort into this in terms of trying to formulate something so that uh either we we we come up with we come up with something that is acceptable to the council because the issues that are out there that have given rise to this and pot of is the feed store are not resolved by the actions taken because the feed store continues as a use it's grandfathered uh and it continues in the location it's at and so from that standpoint we we're trying to we were directed to do a rezoning and maybe there are parts of it you don't like or what have you but the only opportunity we we get to basically hear from the council as a whole is at a hearing sure and we would and we would like at least the opportunity to understand what it is that you feel is appropriate and then to uh if necessary then we can go back to plrc or something of that nature but not to basically be told sorry you guessed wrong because we came in thinking we guessed right getting staff recommendations and pdrc recommendations okay M gak you yes my my concerns are the fact the gas station and the amount of traffic and and and the and the plan long range plan now if I am hearing correctly are you saying if we if we would AG to rehear this would that be included as a gas station is that what is that a part of the rehearing process what I can say and I think it would be consistent with what with what your advice we would be foolish to include a gas station okay and so I I think Council said I can't talk about what would be there but I think uh because I don't even want to revisit that we don't we don't either and so I just want to make have that uh on the table as to whether or not if we're revisiting that because you have uh something in addition to say that we did not hear at that first hearing then I would be more amable to a revisit than not Mr chair that's all I want to say any other questions or comments I mean to me you answered the question that You' be foolish and what we're being asked to do is to have a rehearing to to designate this property as a BP UD which is a a business uh plan unit development uh and whether or not we be willing to do that then whatever that they would want to propose to us would still then have to go back through PDL or I always get that one mixed up no it would come directly back to you and then you would review the particular uses and I think what the applicant is trying to say is that um had he had opportunity at the original hearing some of those uses might have been withdrawn and correct the remaining uses may have been more palatable and would not have caused some of the concerns and may have been more the resoning would Grant the right uh to have different uses than a gas station for example that's correct yes okay uh Dr Lowry I was going to ask legal wouldn't it be kind of wise for us maybe to put them back through the pdrc process or is that just asking them to do an unnecessary step well the pdrc found it consistent with the gas station they pass okay it was Council that found it incon the gas station inconsistent um and and the applicant's request is that you consider whether or not obviously they're they're going to approve it with this change because they approved it with it with the gas station yes sir okay thank Miss Dennis I know you were you spoke quite a bit on this in the previous uh time that that was here do you have any questions at this time hello she still there just checking with you miss Denny's I know that you did have discussions on this maybe she took a drama main maybe she has no questions uh with that uh Council what's your pleasure it's either to uh rehear or not rehear that is a question whether get I'll make a motion that we allow rehearing on this motion made by Dr Lowry to rehear is there a second second second by Patterson any further discussion of councel all in any objection to the motion and second negative objecting by post that was me yeah un Deb said something I didn't hear Deb no that was that was M that was Miss post okay motion passes oh no had you had any object I just asked if there was any objections and then you could either say yes I would recommend a roll call Mr chair Mr chair in if there's an objection then you need to have Mr yes hello oh there you are yes yes m Mr chair yes got please uh yeah I was trying to weigh in I don't know what happened here can you hear me now I can hear you now I was asking you I know for whatever reason we weren't connecting I just texted Mr Crumbley but what's missing in this dialogue yet again is the reference to the tamoka Farms rural Village plan that was the reason that and it still is my reason for not uh uh supporting this and if it's going to be just a feed store we don't need to be PUD but if you read the application if you read it on page 12-2 it says and to allow the possibility of other complimentary uses as you know Council if we change this we cannot nor should we be able to discriminate with what can or cannot go there so we would basically be agreeing to blank check on this property in this Rural tamoka Farms rural Village plan uh I'm all for supporting something that will clean that corner up and leave the feed store as I said originally but my decision my vote was clearly based on the tamoka farms rural Village plan and that yet again is not being is not in the discussion but I also believe Miss Seaman don't you have to be on the presiding vote to vote to bring it back I I asked that question before they put it on and since it's being brought as a request from the applicant and not one of us you are correct if I had tried to bring it I couldn't uh Miss Denny's um Miss Denny's that would be Robert's Rules of Order in this particular instance there is a provision in our code that any adversely affected party may ask for a rehearing ing the applicant having received a negative vote is eligible to utilize that provision in our code to ask for the rehearing okay well I I'm just on the record um after reading all this in in in very genuinely reading um the letter uh to council from the attorney um uh I'm I'm not I'm not changing my position at this time I will tell you when I voted um I don't believe we failed in the purpose as is stated in the letter and I don't believe there was a rush to denial and I don't do not for me was not distracted by any amount of public participation that had no weight on my vote it had everything to do and still does with the tamoka Farms rural Village plan so uh because of that I am going to uh vote to deny Mr chairman if I may interject let me just finish with with and Miss D that's why I was uh actively trying to find you uh because I knew your I knew your position so I was trying to find you and glad that you were able to to weigh in on this uh we we've already had a motion in a second and Mr chair this is where I we we are we feel that there is a dis first of all the complimentary the uses for this property is in your stand development agreement are listed uh in item uh let's see D2 and that was the intent was that the use would be one of those uses that's part of a development agreement well but but it goes what we're asking and what were was being asked was to go from ra to b p and that's the question and right now it's currently that use of a uh service station or convenience store or anything like that is not permitted in the ra zoning classification is that correct Mr Irvin or I have oh that's right you can't I'm sorry just I just want to get this on the record sorry name Scott Ashley senior zoning manager that is correct the ra does not allow the microphone's off sorry Scott Ashley senior zoning manager the ra does not currently allow any type of commercial use such as this it doesn't allow uh the any commercial use that's been proposed in the Pud the the applicant is correct and the current feed store has been determined to be a legal non-conforming use right but beyond that any other use that being proposed has to have the rezoning and and that's what I was trying to clarify for those listening online those of you here currently we're only being asked to uh change the zoning classification from ra to rehear the chance to do that not to not we're going to be changing it but we we could ask to be reheard and still deny the change of that but right now we're just being asked do we want to have the rehearing to hear the application to change from ra to BP or not and that's the question and we already have Mr chair if I if I may again I hate to interrupt you're not interrupted you're fine I what we have here is what I consider a major disconnect between staff and pdrc in this Council in terms of Staff recommending approval plld drrc recommending approval and I think it was 5 to one and Council what we need is you have now taken over the role of trying to determine of what is appropriate there and we would would like to be able to have a forum or in some way so that we get some Direction so that we can resolve some of these things with respect to the feed store well as sad as it may be we're kind of like maybe the Supreme Court I hate to say that but the buck the decision has to be made with Council if it passed 70 on the PDL RC if it passed by staff 100% the decision finally is made and based upon the council determination of what the council feels is appropriate for the entire community and as sad as that may be or as real as that may be it is the reality and that's that's where we are sometimes your honor appell at courts do what they call a remand of the Supreme Court you can't appeal us I know you I know you can't appeal but to send it back down the lad so that my client who was not a developer that hasn't wasted his time and effort and money trying to get to you to find out that all of what he was told along the way to get to you is not correct and so if it goes back to plrc we have an opportunity then to refashion something that hopefully can come back to you uh and meet with your approval because there are issues involving the feed store that the code enforcement board said you specifically need a rezoning to accomplish and so that is what we're looking for we don't want to wasted all of our time getting here only to be told that everybody along the way was supposed to advise us didn't know the rules well the the rules were that you can apply for a resoning classification the application does not guarantee that it will be approved correct but having been told that we were recommended by all of those lower entities I understand we would liked at least the opportunity to be able to go back and refashion something that hopefully can come back before you and meet with your approval instead of being precluded from doing anything if you can convince I think this only requires four votes is that correct if you can convince four people to have the rehearing then it would be granted if if the council come back here yeah not to approve the the anything that's there but to approve the reclassification and that's what that's all we're talking about then at that time whatever would be wanted wanted to be redone or visited would be approved or rejected and like I said you wouldn't want to submit a 12 uh station gas station Mr Patterson yeah I'm in the queue here um just to be clear my second you know a second doesn't mean I necessarily support the motion but I wanted some more clarification I think some other facts have come out here uh Miss Seaman so you're saying the that all we can do here is just rehear what what what happened we can't send it back to the pdrc correct you can okay Mr Mr Lowry's question is whether I thought that would be helpful um I had not heard from the applicant until just now that he thinks that it would be helpful um the reason that I I and answer the way with Dr Lowry when he asked me the question was because it was a 61 approval with the gas station so um I I if the pdrc had already thought that it was consistent I didn't think that just removing the gas station would change their position one way or another um but if Council in its its its discretion believes you should send it back for a remand yes you may do that you have enunciated your opinions as to why you feel that the problems or the the comprehensive plan Provisions that you feel are applicable that pdrc didn't and so you give them now direction as to in as to their review of this matter well I think we've had expression of at least two or three not to go forward at least I'm counting from here so uh the four remaining that have not said yay or nay because as Mr Patterson mentioned the second or could be seconding for discussion or or for the hearing part of it so um at this time I think we should call the vote Marcy sir call call The Voice vote Voice vote for absolutely Mr rearing rearing rehearing okay Miss Denis no all right Mr Lowry yes Mr Patterson no Miss post no Miss wheeler no Miss kusac no Mr Kelly yes okay the motion it failed um two to five motion fail two to five uh thank you at this time uh we go ahead and take the uh lunch break and we will be back at 1:00 is that correct I'm just there's some other things no we're going to lunch we're going to lunch now and we're doing the uh Union discussions you'll be back at one o'clock would probably be the best time are there some of those other items later on or we just depending upon when you finished item 13 we either do those items before Brown and Brown or after Brown and Brown okay I was thinking like the go ahead go you feel that if you want to do the nominations or or let's just go we've already recessed until until one we can yes that's that's come back at the reason we're doing it is because of the timing that we've already told people on other items later in the C calendar and because we know that item 13 is going to take a significant amount of time and we're also going to meet on negotiations so we we'll we'll be back at one e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e one yes we have about one minute and we're going to start if anyone has any excuse me if anyone has any information that they want submitted please get that to Marcy uh so that Miss denus can have it forwarded to her because she doesn't have access to seeing this if you have anything that you want any of the council to see get that to Marcy now or it will not be uh able to be admitted so those of you who may have something if there's any questions just make sure that uh she has it because we have to confirm by email that she has it and we will start in one minute as soon as we get Miss Denny's back online he don't need to be you can't have this know hey Deb hello okay we got you on but we're not ready but we're not ready yet we got a couple more minutes Heather are you here sir couple more we're not ready Oh I thought you said you had her on we have her on but we're not ready over here yet okay Miss Deb we're going to be uh on mute for a couple minutes okay we still need a couple more minutes to make the connection for those of you who weren't here earlier Miss Dennis is uh communicating and listening online hey Jeff you say you had Deb on mute how's that work I heard that Fred e e e e e e hey I think we're ready to start we're going to reconvene the um October 19th County council meeting and this is item 13 it is a public hearing and uh Mr Irving can we conf confirm Miss Denny's is on the phone can we confirm Miss Denny is on the phone if so say yes accounted for thank there she is thank you thank you good afternoon clay Irvin growth and Resource Management director before you as a request to make an major amendment to an existing PUD for 4.1 acre parcel located at the southeast corner of Kepler Road and State Road 44 the original PUD was approved for a 5,000 foot medical office and a 5,000 foot banquet drive-through this was approved back in 2008 after an extended time of uh I would say public hearings and discussions between the property owner and adjacent neighbors to come up with a compromised PUD so that that way the property could be developed for commercial uses the subject property has a land use of urban low intensity and that allows for a variety of both commercial and residential zoning categories the previous application was for a PUD there is an opportunity to resum reone of property also to be to reason why I bring that up is that as a zoning that is allowed basically uh assumed to be compatible per our comprehensive plan and going through this process the applicant has provided us with plans that indicate the site plan and elevation of the building plus detailed analysis of wildlife traffic etc those are Incorporated in your staff report and were part of the review that staff undertook with the application in going through this staff has analyzed whether or not it is compliant with the criteria that you have listed on pages 13-27 through 1335 of your staff report I also have to let you know that on pages 13 152 153 154 are location aerial and Zoning Maps the reason why I bring this up is that if we put them on the overhead it will interfere with the conversation with Miss Denny so unless y'all want to see those we have them available we also have the site plan elevations on pages 13- 54 133 55 and 13- 56 staff made a recommendation to the pdrc at their October 3rd 2017 meeting to recommend denial of the proposed amendment the reason why is the proposed convenience door exceeds our 5,000 SQ foot requirement that's contained in our comprehensive plan I want to make sure that I'm very clear it's in our comprehensive plan so from staff's position we cannot deviate from that in order to get a building over 5,000 square ft you would have to process a comp plan amendment in order to allow that on site we conveyed this we conveyed to the property owner and the applicant that a 5,000 foot was not allowed and gave them the opportunity that they chose to reduce the size they could prior to the October 3rd meeting they've decided to go forward with it as it was originally presented I do also have to clarify and it's the conversation ation starts in the minutes that are shown on pages 3- 263 of our staff report that there was question as as to staff as to if the building was 4,999 ft or under the 5,000 foot requirement would the staff's recommendation been for approval and the answer would have been yes because based on the criteria and what we received as far as documentation we could recommend approval at that time but giving that the building was 55 500 s ft instead of 5,000 square ft we could not so therefore you have a pdrc recommendation of denial that was a 42 vote with chairman srino and member Bender voting against the recommendation of denial the applicant is here and has a detailed presentation as you can see there are uh members of the public who also want to speak I'll be glad to answer any questions y'all may have after the presentations or any time good afternoon Mr chairman members of the council I'm Tom Sullivan with the gray Robinson Law Firm 301 East Pine Street in Orlando on behalf of racetrack on this BPD Amendment uh request uh have some folks here with me this afternoon Tom Hardy as racetracks uh director of engineering for Florida Brian Potts our civil engineer and uh Muhammad abdulla our traffic consultant I wanted to start off um just by saying that we've enjoyed working with your staff we've been working on the project for several months now as I think a lot of you've heard uh and I think it's it's fair to say that we've come about as close as you can to get in their recommendation I think Mr Irvin was pretty clear as to why we didn't had their recommendation regarding the size of of the store which we'll talk about more in a minute uh we know I wanted to say UPF front too we know there are a number of folks here from uh Lake wiip this morning I also wanted to say as I said at the pdrc that we really appreciated them uh accommodating our request to meet earlier this summer I think we met with them back on May 2nd and uh kind of exchanged some ideas and sort of had to agree to disagree but I appreciate the dialogue with them and certainly um wanted to say that on the record um here today so uh with that in mind uh Mr chairman uh We've prepared a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the kind of the main concern that we've heard throughout the process which is traffic as everyone I think knows uh and PowerPoint is is largely designed to address that so if I could uh ask yeah the yes ma'am thank you so while we're waiting for that to come up the the PowerPoint um walks through the traffic but it also just there's some some information up front as to why we think the request makes sense in general so uh the first slide I I'll be uh quickly move through through these I know we've got a got a time limit to to adhere to but uh the first slide tells you a little bit about racetrack as a company um I I would uh guess that you've seen a number of their newer generation of stores primarily in the Deltona and the Daytona area of the last few years um this would be the first uh new store in the unincorporated area and racetrack employs about 180 employees countywide this would put that number over uh 200 with this with the store um this slide just shows you a little more information about racetracks growth uh in recent years uh and you can start to see on the bottom there how how some of the newer stores look uh this slide just shows you the um uh the 13 existing stores there's three more that are planned in the county uh and the the next slide shows you a little bit of a little bit more about what the newest generation of stores look like uh on the inside and on and on the outside the uh you can see and and this is I think somewhat relevant in terms of the size of the store but there's a lot of new product offerings that are provided at the newer stores there's racetracks frozen yogurt brand swirl world and some newer fresh like freshly made uh products that that that that are associated with the newer stores that would' be excited to bring to this location there's I should also mention there's an outdoor seating area that you can see kind of in the top top left image there uh as well yeah this yeah this is this was actually the prior version of the presentation but that's okay we can we can work with this uh okay we can we can roll with the punches if we need to thank you all right there we go that's perfect that's perfect thank you all um so this is this is a um artist rendering of the uh of the canopy and the store that we've that we' would like to do at this location uh with the council support we agreed not to do the the traditional red canopy with the white stripe that that you typically see with racetracks corporate colors this is a neutral Earth Tone color and I mean look we're proud of the way the we're proud of the way this looks we think it's an attractive building and and we think it compares favorably to uh to our competitors and we wanted to just highlight that for you in terms of what what this would actually look like the next slide uh shows you an aerial uh where the proposal here is at the southeast corner of Kepler and 44 you can see the existing Circle K the aial is a little small but you can see it at the Northwest um the northwest corner the uh here's here's a copy of our site plan I know some of this is already in your packet but the Project's oriented directly towards 44 uh with access from both 44 and from Kepler uh the next slide addresses the size of the store now I'm going to alter I'm going to change a little bit what I was going to say in in this regard because um to be candid with the council it wasn't it wasn't really clear Mr Irvin made it perfectly clear um but it wasn't wasn't really clear to us that the that the size of the store required a comp plan Amendment um to go over the 5,000 uh we we were under the impression that the uh that could be accommodated through the BP request partly because the existing approval was for a total of 10,000 square feet so there were but they were two 5,000 foot buildings but we thought hey we're reducing it by 4500 that it could be allowed but we understand um that uh I you know just just to keep it simple I understand exactly what his point was that we need a complant amendment to to change it so um we think we can you know so having said that we would uh accept the 5,000 square F feet as part of this I won't go into the reasons why we have the bigger store but we understand procedurally that the council could only uh approve us at 5,000 today and and that that would that would um have your staff's support so with that said Mr chairman I want to ask our traffic consultant Muhammad Abdullah to come up and go through the traffic because I think that's really kind of the the meat and potatoes of what what folks want to talk about so Mohammad okay thank you thank you Tom good afternoon uh chairman Commissioners Muhammad Abdullah traffic and Mobility Consultants 3101 Maguire uh Boulevard Orlando Florida um as as Tom just mentioned we we did some traffic uh uh work and traffic analysis at the uh you for this for this application and we we delved a little bit deeper than we would usually for for this level of application uh understandably because of the concerns here in the area so we we basically we went out and looked at the intersection looked at the operations and and and tried to see what exactly is is happening here we know there have been some past efforts on uh uh trying to get some improvements at this intersection uh nothing shocking here the the obviously the the the roads are uh 44 is uh nearing capacity and uh uh Kepler is is oh 44 is at capacity Kepler is nearing capacity uh parts of the problems are the geometry at the intersection aren't really set up to handle the level of traffic that's there today so we'll get into a little bit of that but before we go there we heard quite a bit about the uh the uh experience of the residents here with with the safety and crashes and while we understand there's quite a bit going on on 44 itself it's a it's a two-lane B Road further to the to the east and west from the intersection at the inter section itself we looked at the profile for the you know the latest publicly available data and it it's it's really very typical of what you would find at any signalized intersection a lot of rear end crashes but you know all the the really dangerous crashes aren't there at the intersection now they may be happening further down on the curves and but but that's a that's a different item uh as far as traffic like I just said you know I U uh the 44 is really the northern entrance into the City and it's connecting I4 to the city so we understandably there's quite a bit of traffic on that two-lane road so zeroing in and going into the intersection and what's going on there so we went out and took some uh traffic counts on on multiple occasions just to make sure that our counts are are correct and then we adjusted using the factors to make sure we looking at Peak seas and volumes and essentially what we found there the the flow patterns in this area are the major flow is east west again very intuitive there's a heavy flow to the north going on Kepler north towards the airport and some of the uh employment centers uh to the North and then back and obviously on Kepler there's some traffic heading north south so those are the competing movements that are trying to uh jockey for time at the signal uh what you get out of this is because of the way the intersection is laid out you get very long cues in in the direction so we said okay what does that mean as far as driver experience so we went out and we did what we call Travel Time study so we we take a a vehicle that's uh telemetric it has all the equipment and we we drive back in and forth on the corridor during the rush hour to see how long it takes us to get from A to B so running from I4 into the land and back essentially what happens in the rush hour it's doubling your trip time where if there was nothing in your way that would be a six minute drive with all the traffic and uh and the signals and the stopping it's a 12-minute drive and you know that happens in the morning in One Direction and the evening in the other direction so uh it's it's pretty balanced uh the queuing as I just mentioned it's coming around the curve and uh what we've observed in the in the west so heading towards the land in the morning it cues all the way around the curve and you know in front of lake wiet and again we you know that's not that's not the way you want it to be so we started to get into why does that happen what what's what's causing this and uh you know especially in that in that West direction if you look at the approach there's a very short right turn lane and a lot of that traffic that's waiting in the line is trying to go north on Kepler yeah but they can't get to they just can't get to the signal to go so they're stuck waiting behind everyone waiting to go through uh yeah so we we built a model to see how we can best replicate that and uh and fix that and this here shows you basically a model of what's going on today and you can see here it's going to zoom in in a second all those cars that are in white are going through all the yellows are trying to turn right and you can see them they're stuck behind the white cars just to get to their Lane so every time the light goes red they end up queuing back and back and back and further back so we thought a pretty straightforward pretty simple way to fix this this isn't the uh Global solution but what could fix this is take that right turn lane and push it all the way back as far as we can go without interfering with other access points so here what you see is a you know a a a plan to take the existing right turn lane which is currently about 200 odd feet and push it back to about a little bit more than a thousand feet so we're creating essentially a much longer uh area that cars can store and other cars that trying that are trying to go north can get get in behind them and get to the intersection so they're not stuck waiting and what happens when when we do that we basically reran the same scenario with that additional Lane and what ends up happening is now you can see all the cars that are going through are stacked in their own lane and the right Turners can get in behind them get get to the light and make a right so you're taking about a third of the traffic that's there on the road and getting it out of the way so it doesn't have to queue all the way back and if you look at the uh the response is now that those people can go that line of cars that was otherwise going all the way back to Lake wiet is now handled pretty much at the signal and you can see that you can see that long stack of white cars and the yellow car just getting in behind them and turnning and this is the exact same period as you saw the other simulation so nothing's different in volumes uh in fact we added the volumes from the project on the second scenario so that was also handling the additional development so why also we think another factor in in having a convenience market versus the other uses that were proposed at the location uh this is uh convenience markets tend to be convenience generating trips I mean if it's not convenient to go there you're not going to go there so uh as opposed to a medical office where if I have an appointment at 8:00 in the morning with my doctor I'm going to Kepler and 44 to go to my appointment with with this type of use it really captures about 3/4 of his traffic from the existing uh traffic that's there on the road uh in fact uh in this case I think my opinion is that would be even higher because I'm not going to go out of my way to go to 44 and Kepler knowing the situation there just to get gas I can get gas a lot of other places if I'm not already there uh in the morning and in the afternoon so again the convenience versus the the uh the uh destination use makes a big difference in how much traffic you end up uh driving to that intersection and we think uh obviously the convenience use would have a much smaller impact on the operations there be happy to answer any questions otherwise I don't Mr chairman we've got a a minute to spare so we that's all we had for you but would be um like the opportunity to respond to the comments absolutely answer any questions you have too thank you okay as I said this is a public hearing and we've had the staff report and now we'll go to public participation and we have I think about 15 of you have signed up to speak you will be given three minutes to State your uh make your comments and the first I would like Mr chair I think Miss Seaman needs to speak Mr chair can you verify with Miss Denny's that she was able to hear and see the presentation did you hear that Deb Miss Denny's I can't Define presentations I have all the emails the power referenced the power Point presentation that was sent to you earlier were you able to go through that PowerPoint presentation yes thank you yes yes I have all the email attachments and the pictures yes and they've been opened and read okay well before we get to to the rest of the council uh know this is a quazi Judicial hearing and each of us will state any communication that we've had uh Jamie would wouldn't we do that before we when we go to council not not at this point so uh if you would come and this is is um State your opinion if you could try to move through this pretty quickly because otherwise you're going to be sitting there for about an hour uh and the faster you can get up here and share your your thoughts and we want you to hear each of you but we would like to move this along as quickly as possible if something has been said then you agree with it it'd be kind of you to say I agree with the previous speaker instead of continually repeating the same thing but uh each of you entitled to your opinion uh and if you could the first speaker is Keith Allen followed by Tom uh Tom's the district super person Tom Henry uh Tom would be second and then I'm going to have to get somebody to do the names Tom you're Keith Keith okay state your name and address for the record and yes I'm Keith Allen and I live at 1990 2 Avenue D land and as I think most of you know but uh I know uh Mr Patterson does and I'm in Miss Denny's District um where I live is Daytona Park Estates which is somewhat to the north and east of that intersection but it's an intersection that I would say probably almost everybody in Daytona Park Estates heavily relies on uh just for normal traffic and I even remember one case in which I was on us 92 going from Delan to my home in Daytona Park States um and there was a car wreck and I had to be diverted so at that point I had to go use that intersection and that was fairly late at night but it was still very crowded um in fact that intersection is just horrendously crowded and that's how it is now um and if if a new store especially of the type RAC track is with the various food items other uh items people might need 24 hours a day and especially the gas pumps something like that added there on top of what we have now a couple of new Lanes or something like that that's not going to change it for the better it's going to be absolutely horrendous and I think those of us in Daytona Park Estates I hope there'll be more from that area but my wife and I we're just absolutely appalled at the thought this could come in there it is so difficult to get through there and not just at rush hour so I thank you very much for your consideration thank you I have help in reading the next speaker the next speaker is Tom is it Henry or handy uhhuh I said the same thing Tom with uh you believe you're with the project manager okay your wait okay next as to Perry please hello everybody my name is Astra deer I live at 113 Lake winam AET Drive in Del land I am here today as the attorney for the lake winet civic association I've been a resident of this area since 1989 and I believe I live about a quarter mile away from this property first and foremost I want to thank you all for your time and attention today you do real good work and and I appreciate it enormously I'm going to try and keep my opening remarks brief because I know there are many speakers who are going to be presenting a lot of information to you uh just plain simple we believe that that this proposal is not compatible with a comprehensive plan and is inconsistent with our neighborhood by any Fair measure what is being presented to you is a form of Highway commercial use it's not a neighborhood convenience store it's not intended to to benefit my neighborhood it's intended to benefit the traveling public um they they've told you that they rely on pass by traffic and that's why they're here if you had um time to read some of my emails about the history of of the zoning I can skip over that and jump to uh what was approved and that was the BPU for a bank and a medical office building that was very very narrowly approved on very very strict conditions and if you look at the old package you will see that uh there were architect designed buildings that that looked like beautiful houses probably the nicest houses in my neighborhood uh maybe with bigger parking lots and and they were Lush landscape and they would be operating during normal business hours they would not be open 247 they would not be catering to the traveling public at the time uh we we did not like this but we we said okay we can live with this as a transitional use we're we're not going to challenge this in court we're willing to accept this deal and and that's what we thought we had we thought we had a deal we thought that that this was um a good compromise measure for a transitional use and and and what we saw was exactly what we were going to get we were we were going to have a deal so what has changed in the intervening time what what has changed in our neighborhood is the traffic better no the traffic is much worse uh has the neighborhood changed no the neighborhood is exactly the same um has the comprehensive plan changed there have been no changes to the comprehensive plan that would make this any different our racetracks now suddenly looking more like like houses and acting more like houses and and con more consistent with single family residential no it's still a highway commercial use the the city of danan has consistently cast doubt on the wisdom of this proposal every time it's come before the county they've cast out on this and most recently I think you've all uh gotten a letter from uh mayor Robert apgar and um I don't need to read that for you at this time um so why are we here today very simply because Fifth Third Bank as the attorney do I get a little extra time no ma'am you don't okay your time is over all right thank you then I I would like to introduce Joanie Gonzalez I think she will call the next speaker Miss Gonzalez is up is she the next one yes sir uh good morning or good afternoon it is now uh my name is Joanie gonz uh we've been Property Owners at 2225 East New York Avenue otherwise known as sr44 for 22 years I'm the president of the lake wam asset civic association which was established in 1955 we have approximately 200 active members we also have a petition with hundreds of signatures opposing this development signatures of those who can't be here today well the families from lakew misset Lake Avenue area George Street area Daytona Park states in the wiet o Community please stand thank you all for supporting your neighborhood and delance future all of us that live on New York Avenue risk Our Lives daily pulling out of our driveways taking out the trash picking up our mail 18 wheel trucks cement trucks cars and trucks pulling trailers speed past us with no regard while we're near the shoulder of the road we dare not turn our backs to the road or take our eyes off traffic while doing any the simple task we personally been Ed two times in our driveway One driver admittedly hit my husband he was driving his red Jeep that you can see from very far away he had his blinker on slowing to go on our driveway and the guy had his uh cruise control set at 55 miles an hour he didn't apply his brakes until he shoved my husband over 75 ft and um he has herniated disc now and it's changed his lifestyle completely uh I have pictures to show of the Chevron signs um that are supposed to slow you for before going into the this turn that some of us call the bank of dant um none of them are visible and there's one down and my story will get to that we've all been First Responders that live on New York Avenue horrific accidents for two years I've reported these Downs signs that are pointed out um and there actually could be two down along the side of the road February 28th at 7:40 p.m. our 21-year-old son heard the familiar sound of metal crashing screeching tires in front of our home once again he ran out to find a motorcyclist that had been hit head-on by a vehicle that crossed the center line on the 44 curve he had traumatic head and body injuries he did not survive his father followed him on his own motorcycle and witnessed his son's fatal wreck no drugs or alcohol were involved in this crash I still wonder what 29-year-old Nicholas heon's family would do if they knew that these signs on 44 had not been taken care of we simply cannot Embrace a larger traffic night M to our neighborhood if the funds aren't available now to a racetrack and accept a token fixed to this temporary for a temporary Improvement my neighbors speaking here today don't bring emotions like I do they bring facts statistics and evidence that a 24-hour gas gas station should not be located at 44 and Kepler right now delus won the best small downtown in the nation award for the second year in a row we have an obligation to help the land grow in a positive and Beautiful direction we deserve a grand entrance to our beautiful town I personally will push for the half cent tax raise to help our area offend problems like this honor the contract and vote now you thank you sandre willims Willams Williams thank you uh good afternoon my name is Captain Sandra Williams I'm a retired Airline captain these days I fly skydivers out at Skydive to land so I spend a lot of time looking down on Valia County so I can tell you that lake wiam misset is the gem of this County all of us here love the lake we also love this County so I'm not a lawyer I would do much better if you just had me in a big complicated plane no problem but I have read the County's comprehensive plan and I've compared it to the uh staff report on this proposal when I read it I realized if you actually compare the two the answer should be no I only have time for a few of these exciting little Bond mops so let's start with page 40 which says from the comprehensive plan which says the size location and function of shopping centers and other commercial uses should be related and Central to the population and the market area they serve so we're the market area and and let us be plain this racetrack is about the worst thing that could happen to our area it will not serve us we don't need another gas station we're good now page 39 quote residential neighborhoods and other residential areas shall be protected from encroachment by incompatible land uses such as commercial and Industrial Development encroachment from incompatible land use that is the perfect description of this proposal I could not have said it better myself the staff report does say on page 13 that this segment of State Route 44 is considered critical meaning the existing traffic volume already exceeds the road capacity meanwhile page 46 of the comprehensive plan states that any commercial project in Valia county is to be located in areas which are adequately served by the arterial and collector Road system so as to not burden the local Road Network serving adjacent neighborhoods so the road is already critical and the comprehensive plan clearly says that the road must be able to handle the project which it can't so you have to wonder how it is that adding 1,578 extra trips per day page 15 to an already overloaded road is going to serve the market area or valua County for that matter I finally figured out what this is about I think I know the county wants to do something about the disaster which this road which is excellent but this isn't it these improvements are little iotas where Big Ideas are needed maybe something to do with barisford so approving this project feels a little like busting up the family Strat of areas to make a fire because you're chilly the benefit is Tiny and then the treasure is gone forever so there's lots more items in the comprehensive plan but let's finish on page 42 where it says that all new request shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan this is the County's own comprehensive plan and may I point out we are Valia County not putam County so all of you this doesn't look like an easy job and this is local government functioning as it should so I really thank you all for being here but surely this should be I hope obvious that let's have Kepler Road be the Line in the Sand west of Kepler go for it east of Kepler no way so please side with staff Community the pl drrc and vote against this and by the way half percent half cent sales in tax increase is fine with me thank you thank you very much Linda Culver Dorian hello thank you very much my name is Linda Calver Dorian and I live at 790 onx Parkway in Delan um and until two months ago my husband and I own property for over 14 years at Lake wiet Oaks so I know this area well we visited it often and we're good friends with people who live there um I would first like to thank you for your time for this but also to point out as an attorney although I'm representing myself today on behalf of the interest of my friends but also myself because any of us who live in the land and love the treasures of Port Orange and new smna and go back and forth and we hope that you all come over to examine our treasures and arts Community um and we have Noble thin men wants concert this weekend so please come um that um we all use that too but most importantly the neighbors who live out there um this is inconsistent development and I think it's so important in zoning issues that one considers the impact on the quality of life of the people who already live in the neighborhoods and have invested in this County paid taxes work here these folks are some of the best Minds in our community who offer uh a great deal to the city of Dand and to all of uchia County um a development like this I I like race racetrack I think everybody in the room likes racetrack it's a good business this is just simply uh the wrong location and real estate is real estate development zoning is all about location location location it's wrong I think not to honor the plan that the neighbors in good faith negotiated and entered into with the county 10 years ago and maybe that shouldn't be in place another 10 years from now maybe there will be a plan that comes up that really will take care of some of the problems and it would be appropriate at that time to reopen it but not now because this plan with more than 1500 additional cars on the roadways every day is going to cause more accidents put more of these Neighbors at risk of rear ending and other potentially catastrophic injuries and I think it would be irresponsible to make a decision that would jeopardize um quality of life is one thing the plain fact of life is the ultimate issue and this is a hazardous um area that more traffic would make even more difficult to transverse and I think that would be wrong so I also want to thank you I've been so impressed by the quality of the planning the pdrc and the work those people do you appoint good people these are great citizens that study hard in-depth issues that you all because of all of your responsibilities simply don't have the time to do I think they serve you well and I think they serve the citizens very well so I hope you pay difference to their opinion and vote no on this project thank you very much deor black my name is Deborah black and I own 108 East George Street which is the first street immediately south of the property in question even at 5,000 square fet this racetrack would be a large store in fact it's larger than 90% of the stores in the trip generation study cited by racetrack this large Market will offer a selection of coffees which will bring customers in for breakfast it will offer freshly prepared foods providing quick takeout dinners and midnight snacks it will have a 500t seat cleaning area for lunches it will have frozen yogurt with a toppings bar and a wide selection of products off the shelf racetrack uses these additions to a basic chips and beer convenience store to draw customers in who do not need gas and are not just passing by but fuel is racetrack's main retail product and its main sales floor is not within the four walls of the store most customers who stop to buy gas turn in fill up and leave without ever stepping foot in the store racetrack's main retail area is actually the pavement and islands that make up the 14 fuel service positions that retail area by itself is 7,694 sare Ft for a total retail area of 13,194 square ft regardless of definitions or guidelines this cannot be ignored imagine if this station had no store no building at all but only self-service pumps would this still be commercial space of course it would racetrack would still be selling gasoline the building is not the defining Factor there is an obvious difference between a two-lane drive-thru where the services and products all originate inside the building such as a bank and the 14 freestanding gas pumps that comprise the majority retail area for the gas station in 2008 Gary Storch then lawyer for the current owner called Banks and medical offices quote more more appropriate than other uses such as convenience stores End quotes the current zoning was granted on that premise with the County Council assurances that there would be no further modifications for more intense use at any time in the future if you discard that agreement this is what we have left a 13,000 sqt commercial destination open 247 on a constrained two-lane Street at a failing intersection with all the associated turns slowing traffic and increasing accidents while providing no benefit to the immediate neighborhood as required by the comprehensive plan I am asking that you look at the totality of the negative impacts and the true intensity of this commercial activity and recommend against approval thank you very much Nancy La Rivier hi I'm Nancy laier I live at 225 East New York Avenue about 200 yards from the proposed site I own uh parachute Laboratories which is a small parachute company on the Dand airport um I'd like to make three major points they are about light and noise pollution water pollution and traffic obviously I'm opposed to the building of this huge gas station so close to our neighborhood I'm in charge of uh Florida lak watch for the civic association Lake watch is a volunteer Lake monitoring program coordinated through the University of Florida we help Monitor and manage Florida lakes rivers and Coastal sites through monthly monitoring activities Lake winet is just 200 yards from the proposed development site winet is unique in that it is one of a handful of uh clear Sandy bottomed lakes in the state it's oligotrophic meaning it has a high oxygen content and little algae that means it's a good habitat for fish and birds it's a currently healthy Lake I'm very concerned about runoff from this massive pavement project project the lake has some runoff issues now after a rain Rubber and oil from State Road 44 washes off the highway and up onto shorelines both these gas stations would be on septic these sites share our aquafer my drinking well will be 250 yards from the edge of the racetrack parking lot other neighbors are a lot closer oil and gas will be spilled on this 4 acre lot there's no doubt that some of that runoff will make its way into pristine like wi misset sites of former gas stations regularly require three phases of Environmental Studies and some form of cleanup it makes these sites unattractive and expensive for redevelopment environmental impact is a given with fuel storage and distribution activities Lake winet is home to at least five mated pairs of sandill cranes a mated pair of bald eagles a pair of Ospreys Red shouldered Hawks great blue herons Ibis great egrets and count other species that rely on the lake for food and habitat we lose on average two Sand Hill cranes per year as they try to cross State Road 44 they get hit by speeding cars last year we lost three Sand Hill cranes this year we lost two this is an environmentally sensitive plot I have photos uh of an active breeding colony of gopher tortoises taken by my neighbor on George Street Deborah black the gopher tortoise is a keystone species because it digs Burrows that provide shelter for 360 to 400 other animal species if you disturb their habitat excuse me invasive species often take their place uh like cars and gas stations the photos show gopher tortoises and their Burrows on the proposed development site and in the yards that back up to that property additionally where there are gopher tortoises there are indigo snakes since they typically share a burrow indigo snakes are also a beneficial and threatened species it would be detrimental to say the least to rip out trees and massively pave over Green Space raise the local temperature thank you very much for your comments thank you the proposed gas station won't benefit our neighborhood thank you for your time Christine livings hi I'm uh Christine levings I'm a 35 year resident of Alicia County and I live at uh 415 Lake winam misset um I'd like to share with you another reason why the racetrack proposal is a bad idea um I'm sure you've heard about the Beford extension it's been on the books with so many trying to make it happen for more than 15 years uh the Beford extension makes total sense everyone benefits and it has money ear marked for it in fact it's on the 5-year Road Improvement plan and many of the traffic studies are based on um Beford extension having been completed uh taxpayers interest would be much better served if you put precious time and resources into something that will actually relieve congestion as you may know this extension will lead to at least 20% reduction in traffic volumes at 44 and if well executed will provide the desperately needed alternative access to Dand from the East um the a logical well-planned forlane extension will also provide numerous opportunities for commercial construction there um with significant tax increased Revenue why would anyone with the best interest of vucha citizens in mind add to the chaos of this intersection rather than support the Beford extension the money pledged by racra to modify the intersection is just a Band-Aid on a terminal wound the be bef extension would be the necessary lifesaving bypass surgery a half-cent sales tax proposal along with other monies pledged could make the Beford extension of reality and be a much more significant much more significant than the small amount of money to add more congestion to a failed intersection I hope you this Council will follow the recommendations of the pl L DRC adhere to the contract of 2008 and tell racetrack no then focus on the real solution the Bears for extension thank you for your time thank you very much well put Dan Gunderson I have a PowerPoint um my name is Dan Gunderson I live at 113 Lake wiam C Drive I've been a professor at Stetson for 42 years and I've seen the growth uh going on in Dand and so mine is aesthetic one thinking about the uh Gateway entry and so first of all I'm going to show you some pictures of other racetrack this is on South B Boulevard it's a six Lane um with a medium and uh next slide please this is at Saxon Boulevard in Delona uh you can see at the four lane uh with medium uh and you know this is one thing that all of these uh views are in next slide please this is something they all have in common there's a a large um four lane in front of them uh you can also see that uh you can see the building very well because they've used deciduous trees these this are Bal cypris which uh do not have leaves in the winter time um next slide please um this is uh this is on Le Woodland Boulevard uh 1792 um this is again with turn Lanes uh four lane with a medium um which is easily accessed getting in and out does not cause traffic problems and I'm not against rack at all but in terms of this location next slide please uh this is in the land and again U I'm a tree planter I planted a thousand trees since I lived in the land uh these are uh long leaf pine and you can see they lose their bottom branches so it doesn't do any blockage of the uh of making it into a residential area um the kind of tree that is used uh really takes away from uh what the buffer was intended next slides please so uh one thing that's happened at the other side of uh 44 is the entryway has the same intersection except again you can see this is a four lane uh of the 15a and it has three gas stations okay so what has happened when we allow three gas stations to come into an area uh next slide please uh you get this is the third uh gas station it's a Circle K but you see they put in live oos which actually are not deciduous and uh you have you just see the signs this would be a nice thing and that's what the Circle K is intending to do in the future next slide please this is what you get this is the other gas station and next slide and this is the gas station that failed uh this is what it looks like today um when you have too much to serve a community and uh what I would like not to have happen next slide please is this is going all the way back to I4 um the traffic study they were showing this is a Wednesday at 9 :00 in the morning thank you very much thank you we do not want to have uh same thing happen Rodney black we took a picture of it you have this one does Miss dendy have that I don't just I don't know if she doesn't have that we can't use it no m Den has received that Miss Denny's this is the photo that was sent to you that has the red squares on it and an orange square at the North West cor I have okay thank you I'm just just confirming because I didn't wonder where I appreciate that thank you you're ready okay my name is Rod black I live at 108 George Street George Street homes would become the backyard of racetrack we all know the overall problem is a very busy and faing intersection at 44 and Kepler but what's interesting is that this is currently a through traffic intersection traffic flows through it on its way to destinations that are located away from it I think we can all agree the vast majority of these drivers do not live in the immediate neighborhood but there's a bigger picture here and that picture is up on your screen Circle K is highlighted in Orange highlighted in red are a total of eight Parcels within 300 yards of the intersection that are for sale I find this kind of curious let's look at the 9 acre parcel on Kepler north of the Circle K that is for sale what type of development will be approved and be built on it the 10 acre parcel across the street from it is for sale what will be approved for that the other two corners of the intersection are for sale will we see gas stations on all four corners in the future this brings up development versus overdevelopment there are two types of overdevelopment one is for a whole area the other is for particular parcel of land in a specific neighborhood clearly a gas station a super drugstore a fast food restaurant these types of businesses are overdevelopment for both this parcel and this neighborhood they are not sensitive to existing and adjacent future land uses so I'm asking you to vote no on this gas station proposal in the past a previous County Council voted 4 to3 to go ahead and start building at this intersection today this County Council will decide what the intersection will look like in the future keep your eyes on the bigger picture do not approve the wrong type of development at this intersection thank you thank you very much Jan Lee good afternoon chairman Kelly and fellow members of the vucha County Council my name is Joan Lee I'm a recently retired educator and assistant principal from vucha County schools and I have resided at 424 L when I'm set drve for the past four 20 26 years for those of you unfamiliar with the the area Lake WIA Drive is a two-lane winding Scenic Road which loops around the lake from the southeast near I4 and extends 2 and a/4 miles around the lake to the Northwest entrance at State Road 44 this is just a quarter mile from Kepler road on the intersection of the proposed racetrack in recent years I have observed westbound traffic from outside of our neighborhood regularly bypass State Road 44 by cutting through Lake wet drive cars and trucks use our road as an alternate route because it is faster than waiting through the traffic that is backed up on 44 every weekday morning these vehicles enter Lake wiet Drive from the southeast entrance and get to Kepler Avenue by turning down Ridge Boulevard or Lake Charles Road our only two intersecting side streets at the same time eastbound traffic enters Lake wiam misset Drive from Ridge Boulevard and Lake Charles Road and drive around the lake in the opposite direction during peak hours hundreds of vehicles regularly use Lake wiam misset Drive as an alternate route as a means of avoiding the traffic on State Road 44 and I know this because as I am retired I have time in the morning to count the cars that go by my house increased traffic along Lake wiam misset Drive negatively impacts the personal safety and quality of life of our neighbors who regularly bike Jog and walk with children children and strollers along our road which has no sidewalks those who reside in our neighborhood are mindful of speed limits they know to be observant of neighbors out for a stroll or run and for children to walking to school bus stops however those cars and trucks that use our road as an alternate route in their hurry to get to work are speeding through our neighborhood running stop signs and jeopardizing the safety of all I can't even walk my grandchildren down the road without fearing for their safety lake Lake winam misset Drive is a beautiful neighborhood road that was never intended to be an alternate route for traffic driving from the I4 area to Delan proper the changing traffic patterns resulting from the proposed racetrack development will certainly compound this already serious problem as a concerned vucha County resident and and Citizen and resident of Lake wiet I urge you to support the Beford extension to direct traffic away from State Road 44 support the half cent sales tax honor the 2008 contract and most importantly abide by the pdrc recommendation by voting no to racetrack I hope you will take these points into consideration when making your recommendation and thank you for your time thank you very much Todd Fletcher good afternoon my name is Todd Fletcher and I live at 2423 East New York a I used to live in Syracuse New York where I was a critical care paramedic and a fire department Lieutenant for over 25 years I never thought I'd have to use my paramedic skills in my semi-retirement but I have I've been the first responder on a number of crashes on 44 the last one involving a toddler stuck in a smoldering truck this got me interested and led to research on actual statistics which are quite Illuminating this data comes from fdot's own crash analysis reporting system from 2005 through 2010 there were 879 crashes on the stretch of road from Kepler to I4 with 881 reportable injuries and 22 fatalities this breaks down to 12 plus injuries a month and someone dying on this road about every three months forward now to 2000 2011 to 2017 of course I have incomplete data because the year is not done there have been over 1100 crashes 867 injuries and 32 fatalities this breaks down to about 12 folks getting hurt every month and someone getting killed on this road now about every two and a half months may sound like stat statistics but those 54 people who have died they all had families loved ones and lives which are now gone the trend is pretty obvious the road is in trouble and getting worse and our citizens are paying the price I agree that we need to do something about this horrible situation but letting a gigantic new gas station for the sake of few improvements to one intersection is not the answer the answer is probably the barisford Street Extension the racetrack folks probably pointed out that no one has died recently right at the corner of New York and Kepler but honestly this is about the entire Road not just one intersection any improvements they offer will not make State Route 44 any less of a killing machine and they might actually make it worse by increasing traffic if the county needs to raise funds for improvements then please I am all in favor of the half cent for half% sales tax increase please for the sake of lives not yet lost please side with this community which has made a huge effort to show up today side with your staff's report side with the pdrc and vote against this proposal thank you for your time thank you very much John Engle uh John Engel 2215 East New York Avenue has uh has been recorded on many a 911 call I live do we have a I'll go on uh we're talking about a section of road from I4 to Kepler Road road which is a very critical section of road it's about 2.1 miles I believe as will come up on my PowerPoint when it if it shows up um I live right at the Apex of that sharp corner before you get to Kepler Road uh and that's where the majority of these accidents happen um but I'm going to talk about traffic first really quick uh beersford extension I'll click through a few of these slides uh you've seen a lot of this this is what the intersection used to look like back in 2008 it was a single family home previously everything in fact east of Kepler is residential in nature afternoon traffic uh 1.25 miles from Summit Avenue County Road 4139 to Kepler uh the traffic routinely backs up to where that the bottom part of that uh yellow line starts that's fairly common a daily feature uh and I'll show you in the next picture you've heard a lot about this but it you got to see it in order to know it what's really happening so here we have a green light the intersection I'm stopped this is stop traffic uh going over 1.25 miles to go through one traffic light at Kepler Road this is uh highly repeatable this day is's this was February 28th so here we are at 5:26 p.m. going west uh here we are again at 5:34 uh going around the final Corner before we get to the uh intersection and here we are at the intersection at 5:38 p.m. you can see the cars extending off into nowhere um so 1.25 miles 12 minutes that's an average of 6.25 mph that's a common occurrence this happens in the afternoon it happens in the morning uh certain days are worse than others but this is the average uh here's some other afternoon traffic again at the at the light here's looking at the intersection in the afternoon traffic disappearing in every direction until you can't see it anymore uh here's the light yellow but everybody stopped anyways green light everybody stopped and here's more afternoon traffic extending off further than the eye can see so imagine a gas station there with traffic trying to turn in and out of it all the cars on the road are already stopped so where are you going to go morning traffic is roughly the same uh this is that picture that my neighbor Dan gave you before this is at Grim Lane so we're about a half a mile further east of uh the Summit Avenue light where Daytona State College is and this is still single file traffic so morning traffic is roughly the same uh fdot data 20,200 cars a day on State Road 44 similar to a lot of other four lane median roads around the country or County accidents I started taking pictures of these three or four years ago now uh this is a common occurrence in front of my house thank you thank you very much please consider the fatalities before you vote thank you thank you Jay lawyer ladies and gentlemen of the council my name is Jay lawyer and I live at 228 Lake wiam misset Drive into land and thank you for your time I along with the community oppose this rezoning and asked that you each vote to do the same based on what we've heard today it is worth visiting what do we know and what do we not know where are the r risks of getting this wrong if we approve the resoning what we know is best describe by one word that has been used by many In This Very Room about the intersection of 44 and Kepler disaster what we do not know and with all due respect to everybody present today no one has the ability to absolutely foresee how severe the consequences may be of the current resoning we do know that this intersection is untenable un unburden and is a disaster we do know that mistakes have been made in the past that have put us where we are today and we know that there are other alternatives to fixing this problem that do not burden us with the risks brought forth by the rezoning we do know that if reone there's a real risk of turning a current traffic disaster into a long-term tragic reality and I have a few requests for this Council I asked that you be patient and vote no this decision should be based on fact and not supposition please wait until the beer forred extension and other traffic relief efforts are realized and in place before you make any decisions of this magnitude to impact our community I ask that you consider that a resoning approval risks making an indelible footprint on the doorstep of this county seat and our gateway to the city of Dand the risk is real and acknowledged by all parties I ask that you acknowledge that there may be an even more costly burden it may be counted in dollars today but consider that the overburdened traffic if one more accident or fatality on these roads feeding this intersection occurs or if one child is injured on Lake wiet Drive due to diversions it will be horribly regrettable sadly it will then be almost impossible to unmake because the footprint will then be in stone only after the current issues are rectified without resoning will we know what is and is not sustainable for the area and how best to serve the residents enclosure please give proper due weight to the voices of your citizens the community elected leaders who've raised their concerns and their fears about the recommendations of their realities this is a major Amendment and with that in mind should be denied given the risks involved in the known issues as presented such as a half-cent sales tax which I too do support so thank you thank you thank you very much and the last speaker is Todd Comin Todd we've been looking for you thought I'd throw that out there while just better than dancing or doing some like good afternoon my name is Todd cumins I live at 119 Lake wad Drive I've been in that area since 2003 so I frequent obviously Lake one misset drive I'm only bringing this up because it hasn't been brought up yet but coming out of Lake wiam misset Drive and turning on to Highway 44 you can make obviously a right or a left 90% of the time you can't make a left because the traffic is so bad so you have to make a right and then I'll make an illegal u-turn on 44 to go back East so that's one part of the issue when you go to where they're building this gas station the main part that the community that this affects the most you see everybody here from Lake wet won't even be able to use this convenience store because it's a right turn in right turnout off of New York and off of Kepler so we can't turn to the right on 44 and then turn left into the gas station because it's a right turn only we can't even go and turn on Kepler and turn in because it's a right turn only so the people that this is affecting the most by this being there won't even be able to use this Convenience St so that's all I want to say thank you very much there are no more public participants M Mr Sullivan uh thank you Mr chairman uh for the record Tom Sullivan again um wanted to make a few points in response to to what I just heard uh I'll try to click go through these rather quickly but uh first uh there was a statement made earlier uh regarding the comprehensive plan and that the project wasn't consistent with the comprehensive plan I just wanted to point out the use is permitted in the property Uli comp plan designation that's frankly why we don't need a requested Amendment to the comp plan for this use because it's already consistent and approved so I just wanted to point that out for the council um with regard to uh compatibility I think there was a statement about uh the the use being uh incompatible uh I mean the first thing I would say in that regard is the Circle K is already there it's already across the street the use is already in the immediate area and uh as I believe the council knows we're matching the number of gas pumps that they currently have I understand they're going through a process right now and they'll probably be in front of the council fairly soon but they've got seven pumps we're asking for the same number to to match them and that's partly because of compatibility with what's already at the intersection um a similar relative point is this property's 4.1 acres in size and as I mentioned some of the other racetracks that you might see around the area or anywhere frankly is you've got about a two to two and a quar acre piece of property so we are proposing I want every to make sure that this is clear because it's Incorporated in the staff report and in the developers agreement but we're proposing to limit the development on this property to the single use uh which is why you have the open space percentage that you do here and I think that's another significant factor that weighs in the compatibility question we we've only got 88.6% lot coverage I mean that's in the that's a fact that's that's in the staff report that I wanted to point out to you um with regard to traffic uh as I said at the beginning and we've known right along that's the most sign ific issue um that that keeps coming up I'm no Transportation engineer that's why we had uh our expert here uh Mr Abdullah who is who is a a professional come in to to explain uh our thinking on that and I want to just recap what I think the most significant points were number one the traffic is an existing problem I mean that's everybody knows that that's been said here today it's generated Downstream from people coming off of I4 and coming in and out of the land it's there now we know it's bad we're not AR we're not arguing that point but we think think but it's not being created by this project and I just want to make sure that that that that's that's that point is clear here number two the operational improvements that we're agreeing to make and we and we've went into some detail on that they're significant and they are costly uh they're in the neighborhood of a half million dollars and frankly they more than offset race tracks impacts uh in that regard it's more than what our proportionate share would be and we know that uh but those improvements will help the traffic situation they're not going to solve the entire problem we haven't said that that they are we're not taking that position um but that wouldn't be fair to ask of this project anyway but I think it's critically important um that we've demonstrated to you uh that that through our traffic analysis and through the simulation that we showed you that that inter that intersection is going to function better with the added traffic from racetrack but with those improvements together I think that's a really important Point uh related to that I mentioned the Circle K already uh it's it's it's coming through your process seems to have some momentum it's got staff support I think it was Rec by the pdrc if you're going to do if that project gets approved you're going to have a set of improvements on the other side of the road I believe that are being required and for this intersection to function uh with you know ideally you're going to have improvements on both sides of the street not on one side so so really both sets of improvements we need to go through uh we talked about uh uh I would also say too when you think about how this is going to function Circle K is going to get a lot of the am traffic kind of going westbound people can make a right in they can easily get into into the site we're going to get a lot of uh afternoon traffic I think if you have both options for people you're also going to have an added benefit for people not trying to cut across if they only have one option they and they absolutely have to get gas uh we mentioned that the uh we think the convenience use is superior to to the destination uses which already were approved the traffic's already on the road you're really just catching that that uh pass by traffic for the most part um regarding the letter from the mayor Dand uh and I'm trying to obviously cover this stuff stuff before I run out of time but that letter says that the roundabout solution that they're talking about is going to take years years to be implemented the improvements that we're talking about here that again we've demonstrated to you are going to make a real difference here are going to be done when this Project's developed and frankly that could be we anticipate would be under construction by June of next year so that's a real world uh Improvement I would say the same regarding the Beford extension from what I understand about that there's there's needed right away that hasn't yet been acquired and that and therefore that is very much in doubt as far as when that's going to happen it's likely quite a bit off into the future uh in conclusion uh as your professional staff said in their report and on the record today they support this request at 5,000 ft we've conceeded on the record that we would accept that we meet your criteria in the in the to amend the bped and the comp plan uh the zoning code and your Land devel and Your Land Development code and with that said we'd appreciate uh your support thank you I will allow you should anyone on Council have questions of you I will allow you to return for their questions and uh at this time though we will close the public participation part and go to council uh the first thing I think we should do Jamie is to each of us State whether or not uh we've had conversation and uh Miss kusak start with you and go down this wave thank you Mr chair uh I've had contact with Mr Sullivan uh Mr Abella from the racetrack I've had discussion with as de Linda Doran uh Nancy laera and Deborah black lots of emails that and they're already on the record thank you m wheer yes Mr chair I've also had a meeting with Mr Sol and his team as well as I had a phone call from Ted Duran um and I got numerous emails which are all on record I've had no conversation with anyone other than the emails which are on record and my responses to those emails are also on record well I guess Fred left um I've had conversations uh to get the whole perception I've had conversations with Mr Sullivan and his team from Gray Robinson and also um Mr hardy from uh the racetrack as well and his team and I've also had conversations with astred you're gonna have to remind me of your last name to Perry and Linda Dorian in one meeting to get the feel from the uh citizens and then I've received numerous emails as well and Mr Patterson and then then you have the floor okay thank you um I've had conversations with with Mr Sullivan and his team prior to even them applying for the um special exception or for this let let's check with Miss Denny's too what since she is listening as well and then also Mr Lowry if if I may I'll finish as de Perry Linda Dorian Dan Gunderson Scott Weiss the ones that I've had conversations with yester emails that that I've received same thing for me uh met with Mr Sullivan and also had a phone conversation with Mr Perry Miss Denis can you hear me yes Mr chair um I had a phone conference um with I guess the same individuals and of course all the emails that I've received okay and then and then Mr Patterson okay uh I I have some questions for Mr Sullivan and that while he's coming up here can we have the aerial of the uh of the property because I have questions relating to that area and if that causes us to lose Miss Denny's we'll have to get her back it's just temporary okay I'm I'm looking maybe I can do this that's not working the the area where it is I I I can see a bunch of residences which which would be on the uh south east corner there uh and what I see right now is is a lot of trees there will they be clear cutting all those trees out of there it's that's a good question um Brian can you come up real quick I'm just gonna I'm going to answer your question but I want to make sure I'm giving you 100% accurate information the the uh I think we're going to I think the answers we're trying to keep as many as we can along that border in addition to putting up a wall but do you want to give us a specific answer uh Brian Potts tan design engineer there is a buffer that we're required to keep natural along there and we also plan on putting up a uh a screen wall so all those houses back there will be impacted somewhat from this trucks coming in and out uh of it in the back or in the front or where would they be coming in they would um they we really they'd be coming off of 44 um I I mean we have access off of off of Kepler but I think the the Tom you want to come up here on that I'm going to ask Tom Hardy to come on she's a little more familiar with their operations in terms of deliveries but Tom Hardy racetrack petroleum uh 200 Galleria Parkway sweet 900 Atlanta Georgia uh I believe the question was are the trucks and all that going to impact uh all of our deliveries and all of our um fuel deliveries will be in the front fronting along 44 we try to frontload a lot of our impact on the front side uh to Brian's point we also we uh our site plan and our efforts are trying to screen and best uh lessen the impact on our neighbors and try to be a good neighbor in that way um and try to keep a lot of that stuff situated away from them uh to Tom's point we will come off of Kepler we will come off 44 but immediately turn back towards the front part of the site away from them what what time of day do the trucks deliver our uh store delivery trucks are business hours uh during the day those guys have families same as everyone else our fuel deliveries uh are uh for the majority uh uh during uh the business hour the same normal business hours how however our tanks uh trucks and all that do run 24 hours there are sensors in the tank um and they do but usually it's our much busier stores that receive those deliveries um you know off hours I don't we don't anticipate this one being one of those uh so for the most part most of our deliveries uh all of our store deliveries will be during the day and for the overwhelming majority our fuel deliveries will be uh during the day also sir how big are the deliveries trucks uh standard semi- 53 ft uh our site plans and the truck turning radiuses one that was one of our site plans showing that our trucks uh we take great pride in making sure those trucks can navigate the sites uh easily um as you can see there on the screen uh they navigate away from the those Neighbors in the back everything's situated in the front and um and some of our delivery trucks coming there on the side you see okay uh so fuel delivery uh daily food deliveries you know we got to uh have the the goods come in from uh from our local bakeries and all that that come in delivering donuts and and things of that nature so those are delivery trucks other delivery trucks like bread trucks yes sir that uh beverage trucks things of that other type of goods that coming in there yeah anything we sell in the store that's daily weekly uh some of those I mean there's going to be a daily truck there that you know the uh alcohol beverage truck will be there sometime during the day you'll have a Coke truck there a Pepsi truck you know they'll uh not there'll be one or two every day okay so um so the hours of operation will be what 24 hours a day yes sir we're 24 hours uh operation we find that uh that helps uh there are customers that come in and do business with ours that have those swing shifts and things of that nature they'll come in and do business hours over that also a lot of times that's uh racetrack takes a great deal in our reputation of keeping clean stores and uh highly uh making it a uh where somebody wants to come in and we do a lot of our maintenance and our cleaning during those overnight hours and if it's our opinion if we have employees there keep the doors open for those guests that do want to freak frequent with us during the night okay the the picture I have here right now so where is George Street is this trying to figure out where George would be on this is that to yeah s right okay right there so so this is a buffer between what what is all this right right behind the store yes sir right there what you're pointing out that is the buffer coming down yeah that's the buffer and what's what's behind that uh those are the houses those are actual those where you're pointing out right there those are actually the residential lots and you've got that that buffer there then also Brian pointed we have a screen wall on our side uh right here right there where your PIN is uh a screen wall that will screen the back of house and you'll see nothing you know uh we've had six foot screen walls like that and many of other stores and it screens every bit of the back of house deliveries and all that that you'll see that those neighbors potentially could see through that that looks like a 20 foot or 15 to 20 foot buffer there okay from the site plan I'm seeing here looks like you're going to have to clearcut all the trees that are well from if you got the retention Pond I guess over there and then the store and then all this it looks like there's not much room for a a tree to survive there well we do have that spot that's help me out Brian that area is a bit undisturbed correct yeah we we have a um code requirement that we maintain 15% of the site trees in state so a large area that we're we're planning on keeping is that area buffer between the houses along George Street oh I apologize um we have a requirement in your code that we maintain 15% of the uh natural trees on areas on site so this area um buffering the houses on George Street I believe it's actually a 30 foot buffer is uh intended to stay natural we're planning on keeping those trees to help with the buffer and the code requirement and and the storage tanks where they're going to be located at fuel tanks will will be uh front of the canopy front mhm yes sir okay the um security lighting is that going to be on all sides I mean our lighting plans uh the light the security lighting and the sight lighting uh that's all will eliminate all the um the the parking area and the vehicle use areas uh you know that is we use today's technology with LED lights downcasting that the light pollution uh bleeds out very fast uh we we can comply with night sky requirements so that there's uh our dark sky requirements to make sure there's no light spillage or light pollution to the neighbors uh we've done that when we've been adjacent to neighbors so we more than willing to put on the record that we'd do dark sky initiatives for our lighting plans okay thank Dr Lowry you know I oh I'm sorry I'm I still have I'm sorry I going I'm I'm I I I I don't really I just want to make a couple of statements here because um I live near inity I'm not on um wiet I'm on Lake Charles so I'm close to all of this from where I live um so that's more of a disclosure here so people know that I am in that neighborhood and I'm affected by the traffic that's out there um I'm to the point now going to my office and daytime on the beach I use uh International Speedway Boulevard because you just it's too hard to turn left out to get to uh State Road 44 in the afternoon it's it's a it's a nightmare and it's actually at noon time it's pretty much a nightmare out there all the time and I understand that a lot of people are just traveling back and forth and not necessarily going there so the traffic is there and we've been working on this I've been working on trying to improve this for over 20 years uh but I've run up to some brick walls along the way so hopefully I can get this stuff done and you know and get the intersection fixed in a few years not a lot of years um Mr chair based on the evidence and testimony presented I make a motion for denial of the major Amendment to the Pud as a character of the traffic will have an adverse effect on the transportation system and the proposed use will have an adverse effect on the adjacent residential area that is my motion MO made for denial by Mr Patterson second was that Miss we second M Denny Denny's I I knew I didn't see anybody down here looking motions made and seconded uh that's just to get this discussion discussion um I don't see anyone else's line I'll just make a oh you did have it and it disappeared yeah it's okay there you go well uh we have a motion on but uh I was going to ask staff a couple question questions if I might do that uh whoever's representing if if I understand if it's if this was going to be under 5,000 square fet the staff would have approved on this is that correct yes sir so uh of course I can't we probably can't put words in the pdc's mouth but U I'm assuming they would have probably approved as well based on your recommendation or can we I can't I I I would not go that way well I know you guys said to requested to deny I uh you know looking at that did you guys do any kind of traffic look at that uh we reviewed the traffic analysis that was provided to us our traffic Engineering Group did and that's includ I heard a couple a couple times said 1,500 more trips a day is that does that sounds like something that you guys let me look through I don't have the number right off the top of my head but it's included in your analysis I thought one of them was about 700 yeah I was thinking that was a little high that's not that excuse me please don't call out from the audience oh I'm sorry thank you Jamie got a lot of lot of people to watch here I'm trying to check the monitor well let me go ahead while they're looking for that uh the beersford extension has been brought up several times is that something that's going to happen soon the Bears for extension the beersford extension came out of a 1999 PD looking at an alternative to the widening of State Road 44 has been identified and and carried through in uh several work programs but right now I'm not aware of any funding that's specifically identified for uh acquisition of rideway and or design and construction George may have an answer for you yeah this morning's Capital project update we we reported on that project and and said it was basically uh uh put out out indefinitely due to we we have issues with uh land uh originally when it was thought uh there would be donation and um I think land has changed hands and new owners in different hands now and and renegotiations have had to to begin so uh that project right now um and there's no funding to build it there's only funding you know to uh to do some of the initial study that's not something that's going to happen fairly soon then it's going to be a while it's not it's not on our Capital Verizon okay also as you guys looked at the traffic the right-and lane that's being proposed uh right hand lane turning North on Kepler uh would that help alleviate that ex that extension that uh race track is willing to put in would that help alleviate traffic flow there okay first of all to address your initial question I'm going to read directly from page 13-33 of the staff report uh the report concludes that the N while the number of new daily trips can be expected to increase by 615 from 963 under what is approved now to 1,578 the number of new PM Peak out peak hour trips during a single hour when the highest volume between 4 and 600 PM will likely decrease by 63 from 158 to 95 this translates to fewer new trips during the evening Rush Hour but a greater number of trips overall throughout the day when compared to the uses currently approved okay so what they're saying is over a 24hour period you're going to have more traffic but in the PM Peak which is between 4 and 6 you will have less traffic comparing the two uses those which are approved and what is proposed and then my question was the right hand lane going from a couple hundred feet I think over a TH or something like it what how do you all feel that will help well uh obviously anything that you do increasing the stacking and I'm not going to speak for the engineers but I can tell you that the increasing the overall length of the stacking gives ability for right those trying to turn right to be able to get out of the through Lane so that they can get onto Northbound Kepler quicker and easier and will not be caught up in queued in the through Lane going westbound on 44 and that's some of the problem I think was mentioned that some of the people said that some of the right hand turning traffic is taking shortcut through their area if I understood that correct so if that can be alleviated some that seem like that would might even help that I want last question I want to ask the racetrack people uh just one quick question I understand what you guys are wanting to do to help the uh intersection There is close to half a million dollars or more of improvement yes sir is that normal for you guys to do that no sir it's not no I mean no it's it's I think we um we looked at what a proportionate impact would be is about $80,000 maybe $90,000 worth of improvement so we're going well well above that okay all right thank you that's all I have Miss Gus thank you Mr chair and and my uh thanks to all of you for coming and being active participant in government it's important that we hear from you it's also important that we not forget that we do want to increase our tax base and economic development is important to us so to racetrack we appreciate the fact that you you're interested in doing business in in Valia County and I find that this is a a decision that I'm I will be making based on the fact that the impact today it will have on on the community to put another uh filling station or in that area now be mindful of the fact that in future years it's going to have to be address Kepler and and 44 it's a terrible intersection there I I know that growth is very difficult for all of us and it in particular if you're a native of uchia County you don't you realize that we've had a a jewel in this County and growth is going to happen but I want you to know that we have to do all we can to control that growth and that we have to deal within our comprehensive plans and and even with the plans we have to consider neighborhoods and the impact that these things will have the case has been very well presented here today that they've tried to be good stewards to help us or toide a convenience for us a destination versus a a pass through you you articulated that very well so I I say to both sides that we have got to do something to address the traffic in 44 and Kepler Road it's going to happen we're going to have some development there but we have to do all we can to try to control that development and so I would ask you to Lobby your state legislator and your federal folk to make sure that they help us get on the on the books cuz right now Kepler and 44 is not on the radar even the tpr TPO is not addressing it so it's it's uh it's going to happen but we need you to be just as diligent about that as you about this today so with that in mind Mr chair I would say that we I just thank everyone for being here and for making some good comments and decisions or to help make help us all make good decision as how we will proceed in the future thank you Mr chair uh George yeah just uh was CH just want to clarify something I just said uh for the record U there's no funding for the section uh from Kepler over the summit uh there is money uh a total of $3.9 million in the program uh for the section beersford from Kepler road down to Blue Lake now but again there's been no design and no uh and and the property uh that's the section where it says it's on hold uh due depending sale of property previous expected to be donated so so in other words we're in property negotiation so it that project is still quite would be quite a few few years out but uh but there's nothing from there to Summit so the only section we're talking about would be Kepler to to Blue Lake on that make sure that's uh clear he I think the um what uh councilwoman kusac said I I definitely uh uh think Bears repeating and uh and the the main issue here is obviously definitely the traffic uh in that area we've we've gotten the letter from uh mayor abgar with the city of Delan reference the traffic um we've heard from citizens about the traffic uh crashes there um and I can tell you I've I've worked that area I've worked many crashes myself as a Zone Deputy in that area um bad crashes and um when this came up that was one of the conversations that I had was um the traffic in that area is bad um improvements to that intersection need to be made uh right now if we're looking at uh what's on the list with the TPO um or what's not on the list with the TPO in the state um we're not looking at any in the near future to fix all of the various traffic uh issues that a lot of you the citizens have brought up today um now they have suggested that if the racetrack goes in that there will be a number of improvements to that intersection um the Circle K it has been suggested as well that if if there's improvements to the Circle K that the Circle K also will be making improvements to the intersection um I think that that bears keeping in mind um that at least that that may be a Band-Aid um and in the future we do need additional um assistance in working on the traffic at that intersection it may be a Band-Aid but I think um that the tremendous impact of that Band-Aid at this time should be um should definitely be taken into account as well as as we make this decision thank you thank you I think if if we started today and had the money and had the property you're 5 to 10 years out based knowing how things work and we don't have all the money we don't have all the property for the new bur we don't have the money to do anything at Kepler and that's one of the reasons this Council took the action to try to look and to support a look and study at what we could do for an infrastru infrastructure tax which uh it's it's out there still being discussed even with that if it goes through and goes to the voters in November next year and it's passed you're years and years and years away from even PD and and getting anything done so it you're stuck I will not go through that intersection period I've shared that enough times here with this this group uh the sheriff and I both got stuck at noon the same day and by about 20 minutes trying to get through there I just will not take 44 off the interstate to come through there I just will avoid it I personally think based upon my experience in working with uh in this particular type of situation where there was as a commissioner or the mayor or and now that right-and turn lane that th ft may be a stere strip it is going to improve the traffic The increased traffic is not going to be that significant and I think that it would be a first of all I wouldn't take the Lake Road the lake I don't why anybody would take that as a bypass because that looks like it's not that neat to do that but I guess you say some people do it would be an improvement and you do have to look at everything something has to be done with that inter intersection uh I know years ago uh John Cheney said he got his hand almost handed to him for put suggesting a flyover that's one way a roundabout a flyover those of us who serve on and study all of us up here aware of what a TPO in the process of going through to get something on a list to get it uh on a list is timec consuming then you have to go through all the steps um I'm not going to put John on the the spot but I would probably say that he would say that I was close in my assumption of five to 10 years to getting anything done he said yes that's a thumbs up so that's the earliest we can help is the and the racetrack you know I guess I can con confess I buy gas gas at racetrack but I also buy gas at Shell and other places because those are the two cards that Publix gives when you get the $50 and you you get to buy one for 40 that's a 20% discount off of $2.50 a gallon gas that's 50 c which puts it down to $2 a gallon so I'm guilty of that as charge but uh I think it is a a very all of you that have come out and express you did a very very admirable job I had kind of felt like that I might be able to convince some of you to say I agree with the previous speaker but you all had it all outlined so that you weren't repeating each other so I couldn't say that so a job well done on your your behalf uh several of the statements I I took issue with I won't bring those all up because they weren't correct uh but there were statements that were not not exactly uh correct and I try to weigh weigh those and balance those out uh Miss wheeler and then Miss Denny's I know you're sitting out there um did did you want to make a comment uh Mr chair no I'm I'm good thank you okay Miss wheer yes thank you Mr chair um I'm I'm not going to repeat I kind of go along with everything that Joyce has said and what you have also said Mr chair um thank you racetrack for putting on such a wonderful presentation and I always go to racetrack you know love you um this to me was about traffic and I go through that intersection coming over from the East side that's the way I come over here and I Grumble and I growl and I pray every single time I go through it um I you know I know we've had at one time we were even talking a roundabout and somehow or another that's all been thrown out and I think that is where we need to head to progress any further comments at all on that area is getting that traffic taken care of um I I just you know we have no idea what what they're going to come up with is the determination for how that traffic should be handled but I think that has to be addressed first so okay I am opposed to that there's no other comments from the council I'll ask for a roll call vote the a yes vote would be a vote to deny a no vote would be a vote to approve so remember that as you vote Yes means you deny and no vote means you approved Mr chair to be perfectly clear you're saying a yes vote because their recommendation as it appears today is Mr Patterson made the motion to deny okay we it's been so long ago [Laughter] after we are moving along at a uh go for turtle tortoise Pace roll call may I proceed okay Miss Denny's move to deny yes Mr Lowry Dr Lowry no Patterson yes post Miss post no sorry Mr Patterson I should have called you Mr Patterson Miss wheeler yes Miss kusac yes and Mr Kelly no the motion pass passes four to three huh 4 three four to three four to three so the motion is passed to deny thank you all for coming uh we'll we'll give you time to uh could we move for 10 minute recess we're going to take 10 minutes uh everyone can stretch their legs and we can go get some coffee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e is Miss Dennis on Deb are you there I'm waiting for Deb dendy to see if she's here well she's not here here but let's make let's make sure that happens staff yes chair yes Mr chair I'm here okay okay thank you and uh Miss kusac is she'll be here momentarily here momentarily so her purse is here so she's still here she hasn't left with that we'll go ahead and um reconvene the uh council meeting and we'll go to the item at hand which is item 14 Mr Denine uh thank you Mr chair uh this today is the follow-up meeting to address and move forward the direction of the council to the staff at your October 7 meeting to support and endorse the proposed The Proposal from BR and BR to locate their future headquarters on on Beach Street in downtown Daytona Beach um today we have representatives from Brown and Brown to address any questions you have on the project I especially want to recognize CC Brown Hy Brown and pal Brown are here today uh if you'd like to come to the microphone he can uh open some comments for br and brown uh before he speaks I want to point out that uh what we have is a report ready from the county attorney's office on the details of the economic development Grant agreement between vucha County Daytona Beach and Brown and Brown and at the direction of the council Mr chair Jamie Seaman ready to explain how we put your direction in place legally that provides for the 4.5 million of capital infrastructure and with defining what those are how the payments are going to be made and the protections if the project does not go as planned thank you Mr Po Mr chairman council members thank you for the consideration of this project I uh we have a several teammates and uh the expanded team here that came today so in the event that you have questions I would hope that we have everybody here that could address any of your concerns if I may take a moment and ask everybody on the Brown and Brown team or affiliated with brown and brown if you could please stand up that would be good so we think somebody in this group will'll be able to answer your questions yall can stand sit down thank you very much I have to tell you that I've thought about our comments the last time that I was here and uh I have been pleasantly surprised at how people have responded to two terms teammates and partnership those are two common terms in our firm we have teammates only as you heard me say and we work with part we have Partnerships with people and that's the way we viewed this all along so we believe as we've said before that we have an obligation back into the community which has given us the opportunity to earn our livings and launch our company and as I said before we're not thinking about what it looks like when we're 8600 teammates we're thinking about what it looks like when we're 25,000 teammates and how many of those people will be here and around the country and maybe even around the world but I just wanted to say thank you in advance for your consideration for this very important project for our firm and our teammates thank you very much thank you thank you B Mr uh Mr chair if you'd like at this time what Jamie could do is quickly walk you through the agreement that you have before you that specifically outlines legally of the things that you ask us to do in a format that I think you believe you need to make sure that you you feel good about how we're going to make this work for the public thank you okay jie Jamie Mr chair and Council um you have in front of you an updated version there have been no changes since the document was attached to the agenda item however it was collated into one document and what see is the commitment of the two partners you already have the signature pages of Brown and Brown and the City of Daytona Beach in the agreement that I've just handed out to you the agreement is as Council said that you wanted to commit up to $4.5 million the agreement provides that your funding will first go to the roadway improvements and the drainage in order to improve the storm water and the quality going into the Halifax River Brown and Brown showed their commitment to this project by offering to front the infrastructure they will be constructing it with their funds UPF front upon completion of the infrastructure they will be reimbursed Daytona Beach agreed that whatever the amount that will be reimbursed from the county will be equal by the city up to the $45 million so if there appears to be that the County's portion seems to be higher or the city's portion seems to be higher we both will pay the same amount up to the $4.5 million each up to $9 million total once the infrastructure is complete Brown and Brown will notify the city we will go over that with the city we will provide the money to the city within 30 days of the request and the city will then reimburse Brown and Brown this way we know that the public has gotten the infrastructure that was promised by the agreement it also keeps us out of the way of Brown and Brown they get to control how the project proceeds whether the building gets constructed first or the infrastructure first that's very important for them to be able to have their Engineers determine that timeline the city of Daytona Beach will ensure that there will be a public bidding for the uh uh public infrastructure part of the project and they have Provisions in this contract for the city of Daytona Beach to oversee that aspect in order to ensure that everything is constructed and it correlates with your qti Grant Brown and Brown has that they will build up at a minimum 175,000 ft building the key was not the amount of money they put into the building but the size of the building you could build a $30 million 20,000 ft building or you can build a quality 175,000 foot building and fill it with jobs and that's what Brown and Brown committed to do for us they also committed that they would meet a benchmark that was in the qti Grant they must have 450 jobs in place by December 31 2022 to qualify for the qti now the qti is 600 by December 31 2023 but to match that they have committed in this agreement that they will meet that 450 job Benchmark if they do not meet the 450 job Benchmark or they do not meet the 175,000 Square ft they fall short by 90% % by 95% by 70% our contribution will be reduced by that equal percentage and that calculation is spelled out in the contract and I believe that hits the highlights of all of the items that um Were Meant to protect council's investment um and as I said the commitment is shown because you already have signed Pages by both your other partners and um now it's your turn to decide whether you're going to join them this chair It's the final piece because we always they always ask me where's the money coming from okay if you decide to move forward and vote for this agreement today at the next meeting I will have a budget resolution brought forward and I will be moving 4.5 from my Economic Development reserves because I have six million in there to a separate fund specifically so this for this project so it will it will no longer be either a hindrance or in competition with any of the other funds we have so no long it won't interfere with any of our our funds going forward okay any any questions by Council Miss Reaver thank you Mr chair I just want to make a comment um I think for any of our constituents who have questioned this whole action um this is your money being put to good use uh when you're talking about 4.5 million and approximately 249 million I think it was return on investment annually I you know this this is a good good decision for us to make for the citizens of uchia County I think with this agreement that we have it has protected Us in every way that the citizens would want us to protect them and that is you know they have to produce and and the money they can have the money when it's when we see the evidence of it I think this is a a um this is a wise decision for all Economic Development and for our area for Daytona Beach uh for Beach Street for the economy of uchia County I I am um very encouraged by this and again I think this 4.5 million is a really good investment in our future thank Miss post no miss kusak you switched I would agree with with with all that Miss wheeler had to say just let me be mindful that it's important that we look at the future of this County and when you talk about economic impact and development you have to know that this is far-reaching this investment and that's That's What I Call it's an investment in our future and our for our children and our children and children's children so I think that we have to look at all ends of the spectrum here and make sure that we have done everything to provide that amount of time and Longevity for the growth of buia County and we have to do that one step at a time and this is a good step in the right direction that we will build an economic base in vucha county that will keep our children home and so with that Mr chair I would move for the approval of the Brian Economic Development Grant agreement with the city of Dayton Beach and Brown and Brown second wonder how that vote's going to go I'll give this the second to miss wheeler motions made and seconded uh Miss post you have a comment I do have a comment um I think it's very important that the a couple things to be mentioned for the public I know there's been a lot of questions um and uh $4.5 million is a lot of money obviously especially to the the average citizen um that dollar amount gives gives me as as well as anyone I'm sure heartburn but um and I'm I'm going to use these two words um and I'm certainly don't mean to offend anyone but um corporate welfare has been brought up um in in conversation in the community and I think it's very important to stress in this situation um I personally do not believe that this is corporate welfare um this money specifically uh and it states in the uh agreement that's been prepared the this County funding will specifically be used for roadway and storm water improvements for that area um for public for infrastructure and so it's not you know being spent on um the building and and all these different things it's it's literally being spent on uh roadway and storm R improvements for that area um to help that area to grow to uh to assist in economic development in that area and as a whole to assistant economic development in vucha county and uh so I just wanted to stress that um I don't consider this even though this is going to um a company that uh uh has been very successful and and long rooted uh in the community um I I think that this is money well spent and um I just wanted to say that thank you uh just want to say this is uh an investment as Miss kusac pointed out in the future of generation after generation after Generation The Catalyst that this will provide for Valia County will be so far reaching that in a few years people will not believe where we are on the map and what we will be able to attract because the stimulation that this is going to do not only for Beach Street it's going to be so far reaching it's going to affect Beachside it's going to affect us here it's going to affect us north and south and it's going to be the most positive single positive event in many of our lifetimes there's probably others that have done I know previous councils have made decision but I'm so positive with this I already practiced signing uh where you signed the agreement so uh just that give away my secret of where I fell on this but uh this is one document I know I have to sign a lot I'm really proud yeah big day to to put my name on this one that's right so with that we if there's no more comments we'll have a roll call vote M Denny's yes Mr L Dr Lowry yes Mr Patterson yes Miss post yes Miss wheeler miss kusac Mr Kelly yes 70 thank you on behalf of everybody here in vucha county and 8600 teammates currently we want to say thank you for investing in this partnership we are very excited about the future and we appreciate your consideration and participation have a wonderful day just just in closing all of ucha county is a teammate now right exactly the way we feel about it and i' be remiss if I didn't mention chairman Frank Bruno and Joey Alexander previously here Frank Bruno is the the chair of all chairs so uh thank you all for being here and be a part of it thank you very much we'll take just about a f minute break and uh move to the next item e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I've got 45 minute drive so you you you're not impacted by that he knows that yeah you know I like thank you we're going to go ahead and reconvene the meeting at 3:35 and uh we'll move to item 15 and this will be we'll go with Dan Dan or Jim Mr I'll just open up Mr chair uh item 15 I think this is a great Jos after we did that and now we're coming back to a CRA I think Joyce will maybe want to comment on that uh this is the donation we said we would make make to the CRA and um Dan you are gift I assume can answer any questions in the agreement this was the agreement for the $250,000 right uh Dan is Dan you g to make a comment Dan on this uh if or not you don't have to not if not unless you have any questions except to say that we've distributed to exhibit a which would uh which was you saw before actually when the city was here before and to comment that the agreement is uh with the with the city also uh actually the city will uh be uh constructing the facility right uh they'll be issuing uh they'll will stage the the uh payments uh as provided for in the agreement and use as described in the agenda item um I don't really think there's anything much else to say we recommend it for your approval thank you uh just for the record Miss Denny is no longer online so there'll just be the the six of us miss kusak and then M thank you Mr chair it's uh it's really uh when I was in the legislature there was someone that used to say it's been a good day I think that was Johnny bird said it's a great day in the State of Florida what we used to that's what he would say but I would say it's a great day in Valia County County that's right and so with that in mind Mr chair I think that we have just invested in a major cooperation here for $4.5 million that will help to grow this economy and a very positive way for generations to come now this is a contract that we are signing an agreement if you will to invest $250,000 it's an investment not not a handout it's an investment in a Spring Hill CRA and the City of Delan it's agreement with them that we will do what we can to make sure that we have the economic development and the engine tool in place to make a difference in the lives of many folk that live in Spring Hill and in West fuia so with that in mind Mr chair uh my thanks to every everyone involved at making the getting to get us to this place today I would want to make sure that we thank the citizens in the Spring Hill area that served so well with the CRA and with this and the city and and my colleague Mr Patterson for being diligent about helping us to try to invest to improveed the economic structure in the Spring Hill area with that in mind item 15 I would agree I would move for the agreement with the city of Dand and Spring Hill community redevelopment Agency for funds to construct a new resource center and the expenditure is for $250,000 second is the motion motion made by m Kack second by Mr Patterson any comments if Mr chair if I could just one more detail for you for your benefit uh hopefully uh unlike the last agreement and unlike most that you execute in this instance uh we're the county council's approving first before the city and the and the agency uh we have coordinated with the city staff and we uh have reason reason to believe that they'll recommend it for that this commission approval but that will will occur at a later date okay any objection to the motion hearing no objection the motion passes unanimously and we will go to item 16 and Mr Irvin is back hello good afternoon clay Irvin growth and Resource Management director before you is a uh item where we are seeking direction from the council as you're aware we cannot amend any of our codes without the direction of the County Council uh over the past five years there's been series of changes that have been requested by the County Council yourself as well as a smart growth in uh implementation committee and staff as well as just technical changes that have occurred this is consistent with the dynamic master plan one of the things that is identified for our department is to improve the efficiency of the organization and so what we're seeing here is that we've given you a list of specific changes and identified what was the source of the change be it the council be it the smart growth committee be it technical standards or staff initiated change so therefore what we're asking for for you to do is give us direction to go ahead and proceed with these changes as you can see it's a long list we are not going to bombard you with all of these at one time this is basically a long-term plan so that uh the growth Resource Management staff can work through these changes and present them to you in a reasonable time they will have to go through the pdrc for review to ensure they're consistent with our comprehensive Plan before they come to you we will also make sure to incorporate any other professional organizations environmental groups or anyone else who's associated with these particular topics to make sure that we get feedback from our stakeholders so with that unless there's any questions we would appreciate direction to go ahead and proceed on with those proposed changes one thing I'd like to add is this is one of the main things when we hired Mr Iran this has been long in coming these are common sense issues that will make Economic Development better in this community make it easier and yet protect the environment and be rational for people I mean this thing remember the big issues for some of you'll smile Jo it's been a long time we'd have three hour arent over a historic tree well this allows them to make some rational decisions at their level if it if they make an irrational decision people will you'll still hear about it but I really we heard a lot from people that our regulations needed changed and I asked him to put this together as a work plan he will bring all those changes to you so you'll know but you'll be doing what we've been asked to be do for for years which is to update and make this stuff better right and I think it's a good idea because this is something that all the cities have gone through uh trying to look at those and my suggestion would be to go thorough but as fast as you can go to get as much accomplished don't don't be afraid to give us too much uh if you need the plrc to meet more than they they meet to get it done because these are items out there that are hindrances they're not they're stumbling blocks in many cases so clearing that up clearing the language up and getting that done I think will only benefit all of us so is there a motion thank you was wasn't that just Direction yeah actually Mr Mr chair I agree I would like a motion on this no confusion that this is the work plan for the staff um move move uh approval of the work plan for staff regarding the comprehensive land use plan second second by wheeler any objection to the motion hear none the motion passes 60 thank you very much thank you clay thanks now we move to item seven this is for the appointment to the housing Mr chair before they leave I would just like to say to Clay today that you've done some good work and I hope that you got through it without too many rolay we we're we're calling this we're calling this clay day I think this was Clay day thank you so much for all your hard work absolutely does anyone have a nomination for the appointment to the Housing Finance Authority I guess this is anyone can make this one okay I'll just uh make uh the recommendation for Robert Alex Bitner Robert Alex Bitner has been nominated to the Housing Finance Authority any objection to this motion just trying to help hearing no objection Alex Robert Alex bner has been appointed for a four-year term to the uh Housing Finance Authority beginning it begins October 16th which is passed we'll move now to item 18 this is for appointment to the code enforcement board is there a vote on that I'm sorry is there a vote on that motion um yeah yeah yeah I said without objection okay okay okay I sometimes maybe I spoke kind of quietly no item 18 is appointment to um code enforcement and Marcy have you received the uh application from Tom Wright no sir only the ones you see on your list there okay Mr chair yes I'll make a motion for Harry wild okay Harry wild appointment of the code enforcement board Harry wild has been nominated by Miss wheeler for the uh code enforcement board any objections hearing none Harry wild has been appointed uh with think it's also it's three-year term beginning November 19 to the code enforcement board and then now we have uh I guess District three which is Mr chair yes I'll nominate Donald NM I'm I'm sorry there there are three different districts oh but that each person is to okay so that would be Dev one but she's not here so she's off I thought anybody could do these sorry I I have U one but he has his application apparently has not been submitted so I'll hold mine till the next appointed time and with that we'll go to public participation I have no cards of anyone wishing to speak additionally at this time so we'll close the public participation and go to the county manager the only comment I have Mr chair is that I'm going to just so with your agreement we're going to put some directions up there by the technology up at the podium and maybe have you let them know in the future there's technology that's available to people when they were talking to you that they could have outlined on the screen the things they were talking about I'm now convinced that I need to put better directions up there and then maybe we'll have you do is have them understand that they can use the technology with that nothing else thank you uh yes Mr chair I have two items uh first uh if you didn't already take care of it this this morning while while I was not present uh I would ask that you extend the Declaration of emergency by seven days we did that the last meeting so we do it again this time we have not done that I ask that you do it again for another 7-Day period please also move move by Mr um Lowry second by Miss kusac is there any objection to extending the emergency declaration for seven days hearing none the motion carries 60 and with that we'll go to oh who was that it was Dan huh oh I'm sorry yes sir uh then the second item is is this uh I wanted to announce for the record uh last meeting uh you had uh adopted a a conflict resolution um and with the city of Daytona Beach Shores and the the the conflict assessment meeting had been advertised to take place tomorrow uh I wanted to announce that it will not take place tomorrow not be because we're not interested in proceeding through the process but the city of Daytona Beach Shores also adopted a resolution and they could not meet the advertising deadlines uh for the meeting to take place at the same time so it will take place uh both uh on November 10th at 11: a. am at the Emergency Operations Center uh in the media room at least that's the that's the current plan uh me between two manag between now this is a meeting between it's a public meeting but it's between the two managers right so so you won't be there I will be there uh how or someone from my office will will be there but it's a it's not a meeting of the of the governing bodies that that just between the two managers I'm saying for the public and so there would not for anybody who was planning on attending there will not be a meeting tomorrow okay thank you that is Veterans Day November 10th and we'll start member comments with Dr Lowry that was the day the S City suggested so if they we're happy to change it if we can meet the advertising time just real quick I don't really have that much just want to uh thank staff for the great job they're doing uh through this hurricane situation Stone island people are very appreciative of of all the uh attention that's been given to them and rightfully so because a lot of them are really underwater and uh just wanted to pass that along and also Gerald I need to see you before we get out here today Mr Brittain Please Mr Patterson uh I will be out of town I'm going to Baltimore to the smart um rail conference in Baltimore and the TP meeting is on uh will be Thursday no I'm sorry Wednesday so I need to have somebody who is not already on the TP be the alternate so I'll okay I will let them know that you'll be there Dr L uh the other thing I have uh we are coming up on the fair and one of the things that the County Council has done in the past is uh to uh go to the auction and by Mr Piggy and um I nominate he post to be the pig lady I mean just don't raise your hand unless you really mean it out there that's right and the alternate will be Dr Lowry when is that I don't know I'll let you know but it's the auction you go out there and you hang out and then you've got to go bid on the pig and then um then you'll write a great big check and then we'll read emburse you if we feel like it and we've been donating the uh Pig after he is uh taken care of and uh he is uh I Wrestled a few pigs in my time I think I'd be up for what was his name um but then we've been donating it to Halifax servan Ministries which gives us credit for our little um food drive right y yeah okay so it's a couple of hundred bucks okay don't raise your hand again Fred ra no Fred raised his hand to talk to somebody was Ring to wave to me he ended up bidding on a pig well that's the right steer I think it was up to about $1,000 is that it pat that's it Miss post I I wanted to say I know um a number of us went to the uh Department of Corrections volunteer uh banquet uh earlier this month and uh I just wanted to say I was truly amazed at how many people showed up um that were volunteers for the Department of Corrections for the jail um it was a how many people would you say were there Fred it was a packed room uh 300 yeah it was a packed room of volunteers and they um uh they lotted people that had been volunteering for 30 35 years for the Department of Corrections at the jail and um I don't think that the uh the general public is truly aware of all of the different things that the jail does uh for the inmates and the the various programs that are provided um so um I just wanted to make note of that because um it it really is fantastic the the programs that the jail provides to um to the inmates they don't just house them so um let's see the other thing is uh next week is a United Way make a difference week so I just uh I'm hoping that uh anybody that wants to volunteer um will contact your local United Way and they have a whole bunch of slots available for um for citizens to just volunteer in many different capacities and certainly I know the Hurricane's been over for a while but certainly we still have uh quite a bit of recovery and clean up of uh things going on so uh if you're interested in that I think that's the 23rd through the 28th and um I won't see everybody till after Halloween so stay safe thank you if we can get these comments in the next 5 minutes we will get out of here before 4:00 which I'd like to see not 4:00 on our time out meeting Miss wheeler Miss wheer I can do mine quickly I have one comment uh Tony grippa and Frank molar had asked me if I wouldn't um ask if Frank molar could be added to the Beachside Redevelopment group I understand that it will be finishing up very quickly but they would like him on there because he is the head of the economic development for Daytona so I just need to know that he can be appointed so if that's okay with everybody um appointed to that group for their last few months it's not any of us that are appointing I mean this was one that they asked for we already we did the three Mayors or something uh if if do we need a nomination to do that or can we just just an appointment just app Point yeah well if anybody want I mean I'm okay yeah I mean okay yeah everybody's okay with you appointing then he's appointed I guess yeah one thing would would be good one one thing would be good is that the some of the cities did not take advantage of the adding the extra people anyway yeah good that is that it Miss kusak I I have no comments oh yes we're gonna make it I'll make mine quickly uh thank You' all for letting me go to the um Governor's uh Mansion it was very very uh nice it was cool that he remembered West Maul who is the new Emergency Management person I'd had a 30 minute conversation with him on my way up uh yeah well that's he promised it but he is and then I had a a uh I guess it was Monday now Tuesday I had a u conference call with West and several other people with the tal Department in Tallahassee and found out something strange there's over a million dollars of money sitting there for one of the cities that they have not requested the funds for that's there so I in vucha County over a million dollars and the city has not requested and it's not not necessarily us we do have I think two small checks that are there uh we have I think they said they have like 11 left and there still is about $60 million uh left up there that a lot of it I found out that we thought FEMA had approved they actually had not so which is the sad part we have two small checks but uh but that's that's cool West Maul is is very much on top of it he's going to be coming in in the next couple of weeks to have an additional meeting with uh several and uh tomorrow I'll see those of you that'll be here to serve lunch exciting for that and on the 22nd of November I will not be able to be at TPO if any that's the day before Thanksgiving which kind of surprising huh huh I'll be there I'm going I'm surprised they used to switch that to the third meeting when it came before holiday maybe they will do that maybe Deb can get that done but if if they don't if they don't I can attend but at least we have one person I'll be here on the 22nd okay and other than that we will adjourn this meeting at 3 ah I almost had 5 358 thank you all a great day Pig e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e