##VIDEO ID:Q_FDvLvKoEg## oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 10 minutes [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 minutes [Music] w [Music] okay if everybody wants to find a seat we'll get started in a few seconds [Music] okay we will call the August 20th 2024 vuia County council meeting to order at 400 p.m. um as always we will start our meeting with an invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance um in a minute I'll ask you to to stand if if you care to for the invocation and the pledge if you are a member of a faith group who would like to participate in the invocation um you are welcome to do that just send a an email to uh K greenv valaoras org and she will get you all set up uh today uh for our invocation we have the Reverend Neil gan of coina Presbyterian Church on uh Highway uh 40 in Orman Beach um Reverend if you would like to come forward and and stand if you would care to thank you Father it is a great uh pleasure father to uh at the beginning of this meeting seek your your place here uh father we pray that whe whether we are elected representatives or some of the excellent staff here in our County or those who've come to uh be part of this evening tonight as Spectators or other kinds of participants that all that we say and do might bring glory to The God Who Made Us in His image and gave us the kind of governance that we have today that whether we be little or little or Big Rich or poor of whatever denominational or or lack of of uh religion we have might have that we are all part of a nation that invites us to participate in governance we thank you for the good governance that we all here enjoy as citizens of this County we ask you in this meeting that you give our Representatives wisdom and in all that they say and do Lord they will serve the great good of this good County I pray this all in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ amen I pled I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you sir thank you okay Carissa would you call the role Please Mr Reinhardt here Mr Robbins here Mr Santiago here Mr Dempsey Mr Johansson here Mr Ken here Mr Brower here so we have a full house and a quorum we will start uh with a public a comment when I call your name if you would just come down front here make sure that the microphones are close to you so that we can hear you and and the people listening online can hear you you will have three minutes to talk to us uh about uh anything in the county county business that you would care to talk about um there is a clock on the monitor in front of you there's also a clock uh will be on the screen over my head so I tell you when you uh get close to your three minutes first we have uh Henry Thomas and when you come down please tell us Henry and everybody else uh that comes just tell us what part of the county that you're from so your representative uh knows that you're in his district I'm Henry Thomas I live at 2725 Bots Landing Road in honon area honon Peninsula I guess that' be district one there he is so um anyway I have lived in honon neighborhood 30 years and Delan area 65 years our neighborhood has avoided the crazy overdevelopment going on everywhere until now if you're familiar with with the honon peninsula you know it's a unique place I am speaking today concerning the honon Delan conservation subdivision on the west side of honon road at Palm Drive 80 acres will have 60% conservation land and 40% home sites 142 Lots even though this type of subdivision is allowed under present zoning it doesn't fit with the existing neighboring properties the west side of honon Road from Old New York to bots Landing Road 1.2 miles has 10 properties with at least 10 acres each with active agricultural Endeavors I have watched the County Land Development staff review meetings and development review committee meetings online and was told by the DRC Land devel Development Office I don't remember who I talk to that was no forum for public concerns or comments meetings are only for the developer and the county staff only I would have it would have been neighborly for the developing developer or the county to at least contact AB buding Property Owners which I'm not one I'm only two over from but what I about what to expect as usual it's all about the money neither I or anyone I know has enough money to challenge anything we will have to go with the flow and hope for the best thank you thank you Lauren Larson hi I'm Laura Larson I've lived in Florida for a lot of years and on it's County one block where I am now I think because of its being County the county and the city can't make up their mind as to who needs to take care of the water situation so I have a hole in the ground in front a 316 Chipola because I had to hire Mr rder to come and put a flap in on the pipe where the water goes out when he gets down there he told us we need to look because the city Side was all broken the city said it's on your property you have to take care of it I've already taken care of putting in the flap that they were supposed to have to separate our system to begin with and it's costly okay so I've got this hole in the front yard that's waiting for ,000 to go to the bank that I had to borrow to pay Mr rder to come and fix it so that I don't have the gases coming into the house well the city says it isn't our responsibility and the county says it isn't our responsibility it doesn't matter matter who street you live on so here we've got this pile of dirt in the front yard you can't even know where it is because the pile of dirt is so big it's not safe because the depth of the hole is about HP deep one of the cats got down in it and I had to climb down in it to get the cat out okay that's the start of my issue what takes it a little further is that a young man was shot at 2:00 at night in front of the house and it just happened to be a night that we're watching late movies through the night to entertain ourselves cuz we neither one of us were able to sleep right smack in the front of the house this guy was shot in heart because he was left nuded by the police I stood there and my son stood behind to make sure that nobody had a chance to come and defile that body lur and you are out of time but I'm going to tell you we will uh be in touch with you we've got your phone number okay and your address my son will tell you a little bit more about that okay okay uh that would be Tanner Lars to continue M story uh the individual who passed away his family has left a memorial out in front of the house we allowed them to have that Memorial to begin with because of out of respect of of the gentleman who passed away and his family they have changed their memorial from a uh wood pallet to a wooden box now this wooden box is where they it's not just a small pallet now it's a big huge wooden box it's a fire hazard uh because they keep on putting candles in it and those candles can ignite anything that's in it along with the Box itself and burn the area down uh which is not safe for anybody this is one of the issues that we have uh another issue that we have about the house and property is recently a um gentleman with uh code enforcement came on to the property did not uh adhere to the no trespassing sign came up to the house knocked on the door got in touch with my mother went into the backyard and took pictures of our backyard without permission and I am concerned when individuals who are officials in an official standing are not abiding by individuals rights and individuals home and their safety it it makes me very concerned as to what's going on what is being allowed why is this being allowed who is it that's giving this person permission to do these things that everybody that I've spoken to has said my backyard is my backyard not anybody else's backyard not somebody else's right to go into my backyard so I'm just wanting counil to be aware of this uh of course we are at 316 Chipola which is County's Z like my mom said the water issue has become a major issue has been that for years just recently they came out and did more cleaning up of their own equipment and it's still having problems with so and they still have an accepted respon responsibility for what's on our property so and it it was definitely broken so thank you okay thank you Jean Bailey hello Council belouch County I know you've seen me here a couple times I've been coming for the last six months about my son Bradley Steven Bailey that died of a drug overdose in Daytona Beach I'm a resident of Dand but I'm still advocating for the people that are losing their lives when we have a harm reduction tool that will help um I know you all have heard me that we have um the free Naran vending machines I've been putting up um I've asked the the county if I could put some on County property where they're I find they're mostly needed um I want to thank you all for tasking uh Mr Dr Brad uh to assist me he's been very helpful we've went on field trips to see what I'm talking about so he's really aware of what I'm trying to do I did just want to come up here today again thank you for his help um he did tell me on the 17th we'd be discussing it again so I wanted to let you know that I do have the machine in Daytona Beach but I just installed a machine um Wednesday on the corner of Woodland and vor's at a private gas station I'm not sure if you know where the gas station is but unfortunately I couldn't put it where I wanted it to go so it is on the back of that building so it there is some available here in Dand now um my goal is to get 20 of them and to hit all of the lcia County so I just wanted to let you know we got one here in Dand I still ask that the County allow me to put some on County property at the locations that are really needed and that's what I come here today tell you all thank you Barbara uh mon hello I urgently need help with a persisting issue at my residence for 19 years I have lived at 1680 West Parkway in Daytona Park Estates however due to recent housing development in the area I have been dealing with a significant increase in water buildup in my yard the construction of two new houses near me has resulted in persistent standing water with the water even reaching up against my house as a result my backyard has become unusable for most of the summer and even my landscaper is unable to mold the lawn due to excessive water so it looks like a jungle furthermore I am worried about the safety of my dog due to potential presence of snakes to exacerbate the issue a neighboring house on Third Street now drains into my yard causing substantial increase in water flow during storms hurricane or just afternoon storms this problem also caused standing water in my neighbor's yard at 1670 West Parkway where it was never a problem before despite seeking assistance from the county building inspector and Vol County Drainage management both have failed to provide a solution insisting that this issue is my responsibility I firmly believe that this is unfair and unsafe the standing water against my home poses a serious risk of flooding and damage to my foundation and it is imperative to address this problem before it escalates I kindly request your assistance in finding a solution to PR prevent potential damage to my property your help would be greatly appreciated and I have a little video to show you so this is my backyard this is the new house that they're building next to me which is 2 ft higher than my house this is my yard I had my fence taken down to have some try and alleviate some of this issue this house right there all the water from their yard comes into mine and this is what my yard looks like I can't get my lawn guy back here to get it mowed I can't let my dog out here for very long just to do her business that's it all this water has been standing here for days and days excuse me and days it's been 5 days since tropical storm Debbie came through and now I have standing water up against my house right here look you can see the water right here and I've never I've lived here for 19 years I've never had this issue before with the water sanding like this [Music] my thank you thank you uh Gary is it LOF Miller I came pretty close thank you first and foremost um as you mentioned my name is Gary LOF Miller I live in the Glenwood area I believe we would all agree that there is nothing more unsightly than people leaving couches mattresses and other furniture on the side of the road rather than taking these to the dump oft times these are left in areas where no garbage service is done or along paths in scenic areas I've often wondered why anyone would do this why destroy and litter your own Community a few weeks ago however I believe I found the answer we recently renovated a few rooms in our house and had an old desk a shelf and a cabinet to dispose of as I've done in the past I loaded these onto a trailer and headed to the West fuia transfer station during my trip I passed two dump sites on Grand Avenue upon arriving at the transfer station I was asked what I had to drop off I informed the attendant that it was old furniture and he informed me that because it was in a quote unquote dump trailer the waste is considered as demolition debris and I would therefore not be allowed to dump this material at this location I was rerouted to tamoka landfill almost 20 mi away this after driving almost 15 miles to get to the transfer station at the tamoka facility I was routed to the top of a very large Hill of waste if it had not been for four-wheel drive we would have gotten stuck in the soft and saturated mulch layer somewhat covering the garbage in a PL in in places we had to drive over sharp metal pieces and Nails sticking out of the waist upon leaving the facility after dumping only 720 lbs I asked the attendant where I would dispose of a couch or a mattress as opposed to a desk she confirmed I should have been able to do that at the West fuia transfer station however the current policy is to divert commercial loads from this facility to tamoka it was the trailer not the waste that required the hassle I went through this day I am not a contractor I've never used a dump trailer before in fact I own a small trailer and I have a pickup from which I could have delivered the load if I had not done this I could have dropped this furniture as anticipated at the facility near the fairgrounds saving myself myself hours of time money and Fuel and potentially four flat tires the only mistake I made was borrowing a quote unquote dump trailer from a friend so again I ask why would anyone ever dump a couch or a mattress on the side of the road the answer because ridiculous policies and buau ocratic apathy on the part of the solid waste division throws the burden of keeping the community clean on citizens or trying to do the right thing rather than on employees to take a minute to think and assess the actual waste being disposed of if I had thrown the desk on the side of the road my troubles would have been over valua County would have eventually sent someone to pick up the unsightly waste in summary I don't believe these policies incentivized citizens to do the things the right way if I had been hauling old paint cleaning chemicals or hazardous waste I would not have been directed to the top of a steaming pile of crap just because it was a quote unquote dump trailer I should not have been forced to take this furniture to this location under the same logic I ask that this Council consider how the arbitrary policies and apathetic attitudes of solid waste administrators and staff be evaluated and corrected as needed the easier it is to legally and correctly dump waste the less garbage we will see littered on our beautiful County thank you thank you John Nicholson John tell beach side uh couple of things one uh Arrow Oro Arrow the French company that's building the uh hanger out at the airport is looking to site either Flagler or vuch County uh the U the airport here um the paper says we have offered up to 500 ,000 and Flagler offered 5 million um I know you all are very fiscally conservative however it takes money to make money um I'm asking that we evaluate that half million to make sure that we get this facility uh the jobs alone would be worth it uh the ability to bring in other airlines would be worth it so I'm asking you to take a look at that and make sure that we can compete dollar for dollar and location for location with Flagler uh secondly with the Naran I know she wants it in Dophin Park I've worked for 20 years to clean up dolphin Park uh the homeless were sleeping there they were leaving their trash around yes there were people doing drugs there it is not that way any longer I do not wish you to bring it back if you put the Naran uh dispenser there it will attract those people and then it starts all over again I'm asking you to be very careful where you put this Naran uh third we were supposed to have a meeting on reefs offshore reefs uh um we'd like to know when we're going to have that I think it's important we are now into hurricane season knock on wood we've missed it two of them three of them four of them who knows what's going to happen the rest of the season so uh it is terribly important that we protect our reach side uh it's important uh to protect protect the the property owners if we can prevent their walls their insurance because insurance at this point is ridiculous people are just dropping Insurance period so um I'm asking you to to have that meeting and let's take a really good look at saving them and lastly you've seen this time and again for the Last Five Years everybody comes before you and says we're going to keep all of our water on site well look at those two houses there's no way they're keeping water on site there's the house the land around it it slopes into the neighbor's yards so I'm asking you to take a look at this very carefully she's not the first person people I've heard of for years are now complaining about water in their property in LPGA um Margaritaville even and they're just opening so uh I think we need to take a look at it to see if we are doing all that we can do for the Neighbors of where we develop we're going to develop we need to develop but we need to develop wisely thank you thank you and that uh concludes the public comment for this part of the meeting uh so I'll move to uh item one approval of the agenda do I have a motion to approve have a motion to approved by councilman Joe Hansen second by councilman Robbins uh all in favor say I I any opposed and the agenda is approved 7 to0 which brings us to the consent agenda does anyone have an item they would like to pull for discussion or a vote seeing chairman motion to approve the consent agenda as proposed second have a motion to approve uh as proposed by Vice chair Kent second was was by Matt Reinhardt any discussion all in favor of approving the consent agenda as it's laid out say I I any opposed consent agenda is approved 7 to [Music] zero Vice chair Kent would you like to say anything about that George great job yet again keep keep knocking it out of the park brings us to item three presentation of the valouch County Medical Examiner district 7 Mark Swanson good afternoon Council Members Mark Swanson uh public protection director item number three is a presentation of the uh annual report for the medical examiners and Dr fure is here to present that report to us we have my presentation excellent thank you uh thank you coun for having me I appreciate it so uh next slide please today I have great news today you are living in a county that is fully accredited by the National Association of medical examiners this is an accreditation that was a long time coming it took the support of this Council to do that it took the support of this County to do that so I thank you uh we achieved the accreditation in the summer so it took almost exactly 5 years to do we definitely needed the building uh this really represents an external validation and evaluation of our policies procedures Staffing quality assurance everything was scrutinized to a very high degree during this inspection so uh I guess they're moving me along um we so this is the uh the disclaimer for the annual report uh we do not take jurisdiction over every person that died we investigate unnatural unexplained we investigated about 25% of deaths that occur in the county and then we also did uh almost 6,000 cremation reviews which are a more limited evaluation if someone is going to be uh cremated my office has to sign off on it as a non-natural death obviously if someone is injured or murdered we don't want them being cremated before I look at the body that's the whole point of that um so summary we actually evaluate almost 3/4 of the uh fatalities in this County which is an excellent uh Benchmark very very very good Most states that's going to be under 20 30% so we're really doing very well there next Slide the executive summary I'm told I have a short amount of time here uh cases are largely unchanged uh the good news I do have very good news overdoses are down about 10% uh the big player there's still fentel nothing's changed I will say we're getting a few more designer drugs floating around some have gone some have come but in a general sense overdoses are down motor vehicle collisions are down uh motor vehicle collision related fatalities are down slightly homicides are down uh suicides are up unfortunately uh for last year I don't want to alarm anybody I know there'll be questions 2022 was just an abnormally low year so we're basically back up to our normal Baseline we've been running at 100 20 for a decade or so and we just dropped in 2022 for some reason I don't know why now it's back up in 2023 turnaround time is still excellent uh external benchmarks are 60 and 90 days so we're at 20 uh cremation approvals are slightly down that's largely due to an overall decrease in mortality due to covid and other things so next slide you can see the jurisdiction largely unchanged next slide cases by manner the vast majority of cases we're looking at are accidents both uh two things accidental overdoses and then uh older persons that fall and break something that's very very common in this County uh homicides are a very small number uh the suicides as you can see in kind of the gray color and then the uh the naturals those cases are cases we do an autopsy on or some sort of Investigation to rule out trauma basically next slide uh once again overdoses are down slightly we went from 335 down to 303 that's good news once again I would point out we're not at our pre-co Baseline yet we've still got a ways to go but things are getting better so there's Improvement just not as much as I think we would like next slide uh once again overdoses are still trending upward in age this pie chart starts at uh teenagers from uh 10 to 19 we had two and you can see there's a huge large population that kind of comes up in the 30 to 40 range and then even goes into the almost 60 years age 60 years of age on this chart ends between the blue and the green that should be shocking to everyone next slide in fact our average age is now it was 45 years of age the last time I spoke to you the average age of an overdose in this county is now 50 50 years of age that's the average a lot of people above that that are overdosing it's shocking once again fentanyl the biggest player uh what we see mixed with fentanyl this number is over our total because people take multiple different things in this County if you buy drugs on the street no matter what your drug dealer tells you're getting you're almost certainly getting Fentanyl and methamphetamine sometimes cocaine sometimes all three but almost certainly Fentanyl and methampetamine the other compounds are present at much lower concentrations and rates next slide there we are 50 years of age 67 of our overdoses are over the age of 40 uh 9% actually were under 30 which is kind of shocking and then this is not surprising 70% male pretty much all medical examiner work has a male bias with risk-taking behavior violence and whatnot so we usually do about 3/4 of our cases are men next slide mvas are Downs that's also good news down from 142 down to 132 next slide almost done this is the chart I show you every year uh once again not at our Baseline for overdoses but making progress so that is good and I believe that's oh a couple more things I told you I'd be an educator when you hired me I've continued to do that the new building excels in that I've had 30 Daytona State uh detectives or uh trainees come through I've had the Sheriff's Office trainees come through it's a fantastic educational facility and this is just a small list I've been to local high schools I brought them in for tours they're not seeing autopsies obviously but brought them in for tours so it's going well and I think that's it in summary fully accredited huge milestone beating all benchmarks new building is outstanding I can tell the inspector had nothing bad to say at all we basically almost got a perfect score we had like a 99 percenti on the inspection she wouldn't she wouldn't give us that last point but that was not necessarily us let's just say that so uh the building was great though pass with flying colors and that's all I have sorry I took a little too long it's all right I looks like you've got some questions or discussion we'll start with councilman Santiago just a quick question thank you for the presentation yes um do do we track pedestrian uh homicides uh like pedestrian versus motor vehicle yes yes I can do that I don't have that but I can absolutely get that data for you absolutely is tracked I don't have it okay committed to memory yeah next time or you get to staff the reason I asked that because I remember reading an article maybe about a year or two ago that said valua was uh considerably higher in that that category versus other counties so yeah we we we do have some um I can look at the data and get that to you uh we see them I will tell you generally uh I don't know exactly the percentage but a lot of those pedestrians are intoxicated Goa uh so there's that works both ways I can tell you usually because I ask there's a crosswalk nearby that someone doesn't use because they're intoxicated so that happens a lot thank you thank you Mr chair Vice chair Troy Kent thank you chairman Dr fure a couple of things first of all congratulations on the accreditation thank you I appreciate it and thank you for taking what George said to heart about going through with your presentation um expeditiously because we're well read we got this report we were able to go through it but I appreciate you taking the time to go through each slide and kind of share some information not only with us but for the listening audience as well I thoroughly enjoyed our our visit last year when um we spent some time together you're extremely knowledgeable and there's no doubt in my mind you're the right man for the job as as far as the fentel um overdose deaths I appreciate um you thinking that we're going to get that back down before preco levels I don't know I mean maybe you can explain to this Council how that happens until somebody puts the squash on this fentanyl coming across our borders and and these drug dealers cutting it because you know one takeaway I hope anybody that's in the audience listening or those online you said basically 100% of all drugs on the street are cut with fentanyl and it is frightening it should scare every parent it should it should scare and then you look at the numbers 40 50 year olds and I think when we talked it's it's white males absolutely is is is the number one group of people that are are doing these recreational drugs and never waking up it is a sobering statistic and I'm glad that you're bringing it to light so I'm going to be done in in 30 seconds and then I want you to touch on that fentanyl piece about if we if we can get it below pre-co levels I don't see how unless the feds step up their game and put the squash on these illegal drugs coming across our border and the second thing I want you to talk about is tell us how great this new building is for your efficiency and Effectiveness sure and and thanks for that educational program you're doing with these students because it's actually helping you to get the cream of the crop of employees as well if my memory abely thank you uh okay answerers questions first right okay so uh the fentel thing you're right it's it's enforcement it's uh keeping it away from the country this is uh based on the dea's information this is largely produced in China India smuggled across uh our Southern border um that does have to happen uh there's there's no question enforcement's important prosecutions enforc my office is happy to assist uh in the uh testimony uh for overdoses if that is needed we have done that that is not a problem at all I also believe that education is important and then also harm reduction acts I think that was just brought up uh Narcan does help I'm working actually with uh Mr Reinhardt uh on the uh work uh the recovery friendly workplace Alliance and they're talking about the same type of fenel thing I'm sorry the fenel with the Narcan devices so uh I can tell as a medical provider there's there there's no negative to Naran and I'm not sure that I agree that the presence of the antidote attracts people to an area my understanding is most of most of these people are if it's there that's great but they're going to do the drugs where they get them it's kind of a I mean we we see people deceased everywhere in very strange places and I think the answer to the question is always that's just where they got the drug and then they did it almost immediately when they were in private that's where they are uh so yeah uh that's that's what we do there as far as a county I think we're doing what we can I think the programs Mr ryanard and I are in are very valuable uh his uh association with corrections has been huge getting those people careers after being released is a massive thing and uh I think we're g to make some progress on that so you know if we can Whittle this down 10% every year it's going to take four or five years to get back but it's going to be a process as far as the building it's incredible efficiency is excellent the low dox machine you bought me is something now we're doing as a standard protocol the inspector was impressed we had it it uh makes triaging cases very effective it allows us to have the bandwidth as medical examiners to do the education I told you I would do I would have never ever ever brought in 25 Daytona State students in the Criminal Justice Academy into that autopsy Suite in the old space it would have been a disaster and you all know that very well the new space is exceptional there's there's nothing bad that can be said about it it's been copied people are asking for the plans I know we've distributed the plans across state lines and also other the countries in fact thank thank you Dr fure and you know just like having your expertise and your fingerprints on it like when you showed me in the new building the two separate waiting areas right for the families that we didn't have at our old medical examiner's office but you know it's not always you know a situation where two different families can be in the same room and just and just things like that you know that you you you put your fingerprints on to make us better and to help people during some of the worst times of their life thank you very welcome thank you you're not done I know I'm not done kelt and Joe Hanson thank you thanks do it was is a a great presentation I also appreciate the time you spent with the younger kids uh the POR South Daytona C leadership and and uh uh keep that up I I like seeing I'd like to see that number of two down to zero but but I'm I'm glad it's not the youth that are the preponderance of deaths do you see any way you can impact that 49 30 and above death rate um by by education somehow other than other than the program that that you and uh and Mr Reinhardt and a bunch of other people are working on yeah uh the question is uh can I impact that middle-aged bracket kind of my aged bracket and I'm not really sure how you get to that population you know they have careers jobs it's kind of awkward to reach out to that population uh I think the program that Mr Reinhardt and I are working on is The Logical choice because these are people that have already shown they have a predilection to addiction right so I think that's the the high yield place to start so I guess I would go back to to that population and while this sounds awful and I never have good news about overdoses you know the vast majority of 40y olds in this County are not doing drugs obviously so you have to get that very select population and I think these programs work for that they really do um and I I think just education as far as you know media blasts about what we're seeing in the community uh public relations can talk to them about what you're buying on the street in Valia County I'd like to ask probably a politically charged question um any any talk in your professional association about uh the the effects of of legalized marijuana versus non- legalized marijuana and how how the you know by legalizing it are we making people that age group safer or or is it going to be equally as bad uh B based on what you're what your community so my my peer group doesn't have an official stance on legalized marijuana or medical marijuana Iana uh in in my world of forensic pathology uh marijuana might contribute to a fatality but it never really completely drives it um I guess if your choice is marijuana versus fenel that's an easy choice but I would be fearful that uh that marijuana might lead to additional substances particularly if it's bought obviously illicitly and I suppose if it's if it's monitored maybe that would help but I can't I can't be sure no no statistical data from the community though oh my my community uh has stayed away from that thank you wisely thank you two things doc yes councilman Dempsey go ahead thank you uh first kind of following in uh in the wake of what Jake brought up is it fair to say um that a lot of street level marijuana that's purchased illegally obviously um is laced with fentanyl unknowingly to the purchaser some of it can be it's difficult for us to know exactly we do have people that come into our office that the family swears they only smoke marijuana right and then they have fentanyl methamphetamine and whatever um but once again I'm getting this information secondhand I can tell you exactly what's in the decedent but I can't tell you exactly how they got it okay so I would assume based on the stories we hear yes some of it is spiked have you heard stories of people buying medic marijuana from a dispensary you know overseen by state have you ever heard of them purchasing marijuana which was laced with fentol I have not heard that okay so kind of I don't know if Jake was bringing that up as a segue drug marijuana leading to a fentanyl Addiction in my experience might somehow contribute to less uh accidental fentanyl overdoses potentially potentially yes okay anytime you eliminate an elcid substance I think you decrease the risk of of bad things being added in so that's a possibility yes and is that more prevalent these days like that cocaine is laced with fentanyl or marijuana is laced with fentanyl everything you buy despite whatever it is described as by the street side dealer usually has fentanyl in it as its main ingredient fentanyl is significantly easier to smuggle if you smuggle a portion of fentanyl the size of a deck of cards you have thousands and thousands and thousands of doses as opposed to cocaine where you may have several hundred so from the perspective of the cartel and the uh illicit drug trade fentel is an incredibly attractive substance and the one thing I will tell you is at least based on what we understand from families and dealers is that I mean that the dealer truly the street side dealer truly believes what they're being told or at least they they think they are but they don't they're not running Mass Spec Laboratories you know they have no idea what they're selling so okay good question it's fair to say that fentanyl leads to a a better High than just straight marijuana oh a very different High yeah we're talking about an opiate versus THC so a very different high with an incredibly uh more toxic uh risk profile for sure uh the fentanyl cases we see the overdoses almost uh fit a very standard pattern in fact we had a case recently where people when they overdose on fentanyl just collapse respiratory suppression and the way they collapse to a medical examiner is very telling we can look at the body at the scene and say that's suspicious for fentel and we brought one in the other day just because of that so I'll ask you this a question you may not want to answer it but do you think legalization of recreational marijuana may cause less accidental fentanyl deaths I think that is a possibility however I'm not sure with states that have borne out the legalization that it has really done I'd have to do the research so I don't I don't really know um I do I would point out and this is I'm from Virginia and Virginia has a very novel solution to the thing they make people grow their own plants so they know exactly where it's coming from so every person of legal age can grow a certain number of plants that they maintain and it's on them and then it cuts out all the middlemen and all the commercialism except for the seeds which are expensive it's a interesting solution I don't know what the Virginia statistics say but to me that might make more sense potentially than a whole conglomeration of a commercial operation second interesting idea I hope you'll indulge me on this I just want to share with everybody up here because I'm around the criminal bar on a daily basis and uh your reputation in both this the prosecution and the defense far is phenomenal I mean i' I've been here 34 years I've experienced different issues with the medical examiner's office and heard different issues but you have hit the top bar I mean they they know you're an incredible witness you do a stellar job instructing or testifying telling the jury about issues with the me's office and uh you have a wonderful wonderful reputation thank you in the criminal justice I really appreciate it sir thank you okay thank you anyone else and and your responses are are proving one of the reasons why U councilman Reinhardt thank you chair excellent job excellent presentation I could actually sit there and listen to you so for hours as far as a teacher you have to be phenomenal thank you um and I was very excited to hear how everything that you told us you would do you have done the accreditation hiring the extra doctors equipping uh appropriate staff you know keeping those staff levels up uh the adjustment in the hours to for the for the workplace environment and then to top it off your involvement in the what you mentioned you know with the uh the B Alliance recovery and the workplace opioid issue that we spearheaded and and that's got legs and I I believe that the job fair issue will be a big proponent to to assisting with that so in answer to your question whether or not we can find ways and Mr Kent had can we find ways to reduce it I think that's a step in the right direction yeah but I also think it it also has to do with with getting out to the community as well now you mentioned about the laced issue with the Fentanyl and I know that you were referring to uh marijuana right I'm not going to give you that gotcha question okay good so but like Don did um but I you know my story and the fact that uh we now believe that when my brother passed away from a fentanyl overdose and the and I wasn't surprised at the age group that you referred to because he was 63 um he was looking for uh they they found the uh opioid in his system in addition to the fentanyl so he was probably looking for something to alleviate the pain um at least that's my thought and I'm sticking with it so but I wasn't surprised by the age brackets because we're seeing more and more of that even here locally with that absolutely um so thank you very much for your efforts and that and I hope we have a lot of success I do have one question yes um Mr Santiago asked a question whether or not uh pedestrian data uh was available when that's obtained could we also is it is there a way of doing it by Zone by area I can so I'm kind of curious you know because I know fdot has has launched a very aggressive campaign with zero deaths in The Pedestrian whatnot and I know we have a lot of those areas over in the Daytona Beach area yeah A1A you know I see it every day as I'm driving down that way your your district will be well well represented imagine I would imagine so thank you and thank you very much for all you've done I will do that I would can I Circle back to something you said um something Mr Reinhardt said that you know it was important we talked about beating this problem and this age bracket when you get the criminal record it's kind of this self-fulfilling prophecy that getting a job is difficult at least getting a good job so we've talked about that how the options are limited for some of these very talented people because of several bad mistakes they've made so getting employers to work with people and be a little more flexible uh really really is a big thing and that's one of the drives that we're hoping to do because it's a it's a catch 22 you can't win because you've got a criminal record but you want a job well they won't talk to you because of the record so it's tough that's it oh sorry just I'm going to try and stay away from the gotcha question but I'm going back to marijuana okay um I'm wondering if there's any medical evidence or scientific evidence we hear a lot uh in the public that marijuana is a gateway drug and wondering is is there any medical evidence or scientific evidence that that marijuana itself leads somebody to want other drugs or is it perhaps that the Gateway is really the drug Pusher who has lots of other drugs and is offering them to people and if you like this high this high would even be better is there do you see any evidence you talk to the families yeah I would I would say the second part there the availability of other drugs from the same person is a huge issue yes um I'm not aware of any data that says that if you use marijuana you were at increased risk of doing other other drugs it certainly may exist but I I'm not aware of it so I think I think your Point's well made that having to buy the marijuana from a person that has other substances available is a problem it's certainly a Gateway yeah oh yeah it would be absolutely all right thank you I'm not going to I'm not going to push you any more in that I I just want to say you you've heard a lot of you've gotten lots of pats on the back um incredibly welld deserved we are very fortunate to have you here you you're a tremendous hire I don't know how we found you there's not many there's not many people that do what you do there aren't and there's not enough to go around and we we got the very best here what you've done in five years with that facility not only does it make us look good but it's serving the public well it's serving law enforcement well and um you you're just you've given us a gold star thank you and I appreciate it um everything I think this whole Council appreciates the work you do so I don't see anything else not anybody else all right thank you I appreciate it uh can I get a motion to uh to approve the presentation motion approve presentation Johansson second motion to approve by uh Jake Johansson and the second the first second came from Matt Reinhardt all in favor say I I any opposed and you're approved 7 to zero continue to do good work for us County Council and Staff Mark Swanson director public protection item number four is the renewal of the medical director's contract in 201 19 the county uh the council approved the contractor Dr fure um for a period of 5 years through September 30th 2024 with the option of a renewal for additional 5-year term so we're back today um we request approval for amendment number four which includes the extension of the contract for five additional years years um through September 30th of 2029 um the cost for the contract is 3,807 12189 which includes a 3.5% increase for this year seek an approval okay thank you very much Dr fure are you feeling a little nervous now after everything that was just said U um councilman Reinhardt thank you chair I think everything was just said I think in the last update everything that you've been able to accomplish promises were made you kept them up it's appreciated I think it's it's definitely you know we're state-ofthe-art yeah we are we are and we stand above everybody else so motion to approve uh the extension of the contract Second Joe Hanson we have a motion to approve the contract is given by U Matt Reinhardt and the second was from Jake Johansson and uh for discussion or questions Troy Kent thank you chairman and um Dr fure I'll just tell you I I was prepared to make the motion Andor second it thank you but I also wanted you to know I questioned that 3 and a half% increase okay behind the scenes um you know I I sent uh George uh my list of questions and that was one of them okay um I'm not going to go into detail with it because I think it's warranted thank you uh I just wanted you to know that it wasn't just a for me I don't think for anybody but I can't speak for any but myself I want my constituents to know this was not this was not a rubber stamp this is uh the cost of doing business and by and by the way and you've heard it from everybody up here you know thus far um the business you're doing is a wonderful thing for this community it wasn't always like that things things were not going well and um I commend George rectenwald because you said it with that National search and that's you know George and I we've had a couple of disagreements but one thing I Contin to Pat him on the back about is he knows how to put the right people in the right positions and I'm just going to say you talked about you know Virginia don't go back to Virginia just just just stay right here in this beautiful state in this beautiful County thank you I I will I'll stay here I promise and if if you ask I mean it's it's all physician labor and just expenses toxicology everything I mean the national average is we still are lacking about 50% of our Workforce on the medical examiner side the doctors wow you can't it takes after college it takes nine years to make a medical examiner potentially 10 so there's this time lag so we'll be dealing with a shortage for the next for the foreseeable future you're welcome thank you very much we have a motion on the uh floor to approve the budget by uh Councilman Ryan second by councilman Johanson all in favor say I I any opposed and budget is passed 7 to zero thank youate and that brings us to item five the um advertising Authority budget who's going first first the hboard greetings I'm Lori Campbell B the executive director for the Halifax area who advertising Authority doing business as the Daytona Beach area convention and visitors bureau I have set the three minute clock because we are going to be super short before I start I want to the next slide please I want to talk just for a minute to your to your audience is that me oh okay about how we're funded we are not part of the ADV valorum tax um we are funded by the three 3% bed tax so when people stay overnight 3% goes to tourism funding tourism marketing and another three goes to paying down the the bounds Bonds on our Ocean Center so it's very exciting through our Collective work we get over 10 million visitors every year and they spend a lot of money $5.4 billion doar in our community I want to introduce three board members Sandra Boon John Phillips is here and Johnny McGill and also our staff our leadership team K Galloway Andrew booth and Chuck Grimes uh next slide please I'm going to go real quickly into what we're doing for marketing we're continuing the beach on campaign it's being very successful it's got a lot of legs we're having a lot of fun with it we're going to add to this a digital content creator this year content is King we shoot a lot of it we need more and more to feed those channels under sales we have a director of sales who sells the faith-based market she would be here with us today but she's out selling so they're looking at faith-based they're working on sporting groups associations and we're putting an extra special uh focus on corporate and incentive as well in terms of international markets we've got representation now in the UK we're adding representation in Canada and of course we're still nurturing that Brazilian Market under Communications more more more more travel writers more influencers more ways to have people come to our area tell their authentic stories and send that message out into the world and in order to get that done next slide please collaboration is key so we collaborate with the uh I think they're here the airport team the ocean center team um huge collaboration there between the teams and then of course with Debbie and Georgia these are some of our collaterals on the left countywide assets that we promote to everyone and we share them locally as well so that people our ambassadors can get the word out um for us and that is all I got and I still have 12 seconds to go well done I just want to say thank you in my 10 seconds for all of your support over the years for the things that you're doing your dog beaches your sporting facilities those are things we can talk about and give us something fresh so thank you thank you very much any any questions uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman thank you for the presentation uh I have a few questions um obviously yours is the biggest budget of the three so I look at all three but that one I kind of hone in because the numbers attract you a little bit more um but I wanted to ask you if you can give this Council some more insight first let let me lay the foundation I like that um on your slide 5-06 the one right before this there you go I like that we have uh at least an image of the partnership with aello um as as you probably seen this Council has made significant investments in our airport um and we've just recently announced some new new additions some new uh locations that we're flying to um can you please tell me what is your agency doing to help promotee those markets uh specifically if you can give me some specifics that'd be helpful absolutely so we include all of the flight schedules on the website in our messaging in our social media we we use their social and we push that forward we're amplifying their message um we have $150,000 in this current year budgeted we use 50,000 of that for AEL in the budget that we're talking about approving today and again $150,000 we have U meeting set up with the airport team in Daytona Beach and with Breeze and avello to talk about how they want to Market that as you know the airport team here under Cyrus um and Karen and Joanne Market to our locals and it's super important that our locals use these flights we go into the those areas and we mark it to people coming to this area so they go that way we go this way and we work very closely together to make that messaging happen you said 150,000 was it 150,000 last year also yes and what was the other 100,000 used for you said you used 50 for AA you didn't use it so it was it was unspent unspent under that okay carry over um and What markets are we can can you elaborate a little bit more on what we're doing in the specific markets and I tell you where my motive is right we we need all hands on deck with with with real serious commitments to this airport not saying you are and that's what I'm trying to get to to see if maybe it can be enhanced um we're making significant Investments uh as a council um and I want to make sure that our partners are doing the same thing so um I I I want to be certain because we approve your budget so we we have authority on this budget folks just to let you know um unless I'm wrong staff can correct me that is correct I'm correct um so so we have some some authority over this budget but my commitment to this airport is is I think I've said it several times so it's not a surprise that that and what what happens along the east sides are the economic engines to this County so my motive is to make sure that in those markets that we're doing everything we can and know social media is social media but what other physical presence are we doing in those markets so we're running digital ads we have not yet sat down to talk about how we're going to add that messaging in we haven't yet had that conversation with your team or with Breeze just so you know okay so there is a plan coming forward but yes we are absolutely committed to the airport because it helps us more than just on the Leisure side of the business we have because we knew that that um Breeze is adding a Raleigh Durham flight we've just joined an association in North Carolina and our director of sales has already committed to trying to pull Meeting Planners down in order to help fill the Ocean Center help fill those meetings hotels so yes we are already strategizing but this is this is a new project um we're not there yet there are markets that we have digital ads already running in um but we are still finding out what our strategy is going to be we are 100% committed to this airport because it means so much to us when we're trying to book business people a lot of times don't realize that there's a an airport here in Daytona Beach in vucha County they get very excited about that when they hear more flights are coming in that's good for all of us good Mr chairman I have a couple more questions for you though Mr chairman if I could because I I'd like to I want to drill down a little bit more on the the destination stuff but I don't have the answer I'd like to ask Cyrus a question about our destinations if I may bring them up Cyrus come on down I think this is important good evening Gentlemen of the council chair Brower U Mr Santiago absolutely pleasure thank you Cyrus um how many destinations do we have that are going to be flying and are currently flying out of Daytona okay so right now well ultimately um I would say that we've taken destinations and I'll go back I'll do some numbers in my head here since 2021 we've gone from two markets to where we are now once the service starts we'll be at 20 markets so we've increased by 1,000% since 2021 so what we will have come November is the Westchester Market in addition to what we already have with Delta going to Atlanta with American going to Charlotte then we have um the AEL service going to New Haven and Harford Connecticut in November as well and then in February we'll have the other three markets rally Durham we'll have the Providence Rhode Island and then we'll have the Harford Connecticut service on Breeze as well wow I did not know that all so and I'm sure it came across but I didn't know was thatt yes thank you Suzanne and yeah I'd be remissed if I didn't speak about wington who was with us when the avelo service started but they have returned and they will be back in service in November as well thank you thank you for that um and I know some of these markets recently came to notice right so not everybody knew that this was in play when people were creating budgets probably you and and your partners um and we knew we had something fabulous we did we did I I relay a ton of teasers to Lori and her team so yeah we've been in negotiation for quite some time um and I know some of my other colleagues have questions but I I'll just say this uh uh to to my colleagues on the council um I'll I'll yield for more questions um I had more but I I'll yield to you guys but I want to have conversation um at the end of questions Mr chair um I think 150,000 is too low we we we are now a market that is on the spotlight um not only across this nation but airlines are seeing what we're doing here so um I want to have some dialogue at the end Mr chair about that $150,000 commitment so with with that I yield Mr chair Vice chair Troy Kent thank you chairman and councilman Santiago I publicly just want to say thank you I appreciate you dialing down into this because if not now when and I think it's an extremely appropriate conversation to have together as an elected body so um I'm also anxious to hear what you're going to say whenever you you get back to your questions um and and Cyrus it's it's obvious you're a council favorite you know you you have have done wonderful things in the short tenure we've been together but it wasn't lost on me when you told me how much visitors spend when they fly in here as opposed to driving in here um and correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was like three to 3 to one the numbers is that is that close yeah so um on average those visitors when they come in apologize on average those visitors when they come in when they fly into our Market they're going to stay anywhere between for and and so they're going to be staying in our hotels of course unless they have family situations or other opportunities but if they're coming to our area they're staying in our hotels right yeah absolutely and then just my last piece Council that I had and and I'm appreciative you know to look at this um Halifax area advertising Authority 2024 25 marketing plan I look all through it but I'd be remiss if I didn't say I just you mentioned it Miss Campbell Baker but I would have loved to have seen a section in there about the dog friendly section of the beach just no really really just because there are people that they don't travel unless they can have their pets with them and we've heard people come up and tell us they didn't stay in our area because our beaches were unwelcomed for for well-behaved dogs and well- behaved owners to walk their dogs and I'm just putting it out there i' I'd love to see that in the future thank you if I could just say um and thank you for the conversation before this meeting as well the dog friendly beach has gone over well and we do promote it and and we appreciate it so thank you we couldn't put everything in a three minute presentation but we certainly [Music] tried that's true let me let me ask you on the dog friendly Beach we have a lot of dog friendly um hotels do you know how many I don't off the top of my head but I can get that information for you I think there's quite a few it surprised me when I first heard it so I think this this is important and I'm I I knew that you were promoting it I'm I'm glad that that you are um I I want to go back to the to the questioning that councilman Santiago was was pushing at because I would like to hear from the from the Council on this I I agree with him that I would like to see uh more than 150 there's an interesting debate in the community is should you be spending anything out of your advertising budget to help promote Airlines is that a corporate giveaway I I don't see it that way I see it that we're promoting the airport which is now in the best position it's ever been in to compete with the Sanford uh routes you already said it Cyrus that we bring people here they on the airlines they rent cars they stay in motels they eat in our restaurants they go to the new aquarium uh on East ISB um it's a win for for the count I see it as promoting um the entire County but the the airport is is such an attractive airport to bring people from all over the all over the United States and outside of the United States if I could just say we are thrilled to promote the airport we're thrilled to to follow this guy around and see what he's bringing next um last year is a perfect example we budgeted 150 we only spent 50 um so we don't want to have a big line item budget that doesn't get to get spent right but I say this we have 15 slated for this year and I've already told him and I've told Suzanne if we come to a point where we need more money I am perfectly happy to get in front of the board and ask them to move money in order to make it happen that's how excited we are about the airport in this partnership with Cyrus and his team they're knocking it out of the ballp part we know that they are okay thank you we've we've just now started running numbers on some of the markets that we're in and we're spending about $350,000 already in these markets so what's the message you know we we haven't even gotten that far but we're already working toward that these are these are good markets thank you uh councilman Dempsey yeah just to kind of follow up with uh with David here um Cyrus you know I think you're doing a wonderful job I really support your efforts I think you're the perfect man for the job um you know I voted against this million dollar guarantee from the county for aell um how much money has they've been in place now for a year is that right they've been in place for a year and two months okay how much of that million have they taken so far so the Wilmington service has taken they've used their portion of the minimum Revenue guarantee the New Haven service has not we still have the majority of their portion in as a matter of fact we have not touched the the New Haven portion of that since November of last year so that's one reason why they add added an extra flight this summer so they were doing three days a week and then they've also added that additional Market to Harford Connecticut and then brought back the Wilmington service because there was overwhelming requests from the general public to have Wilmington Delaware and Daytona Beach reconnected okay and just because I had this conversation about a week ago um how much have they taken though so far out of the million so it's it's about uh I want to say um about $500,000 flat yeah Okay so we've got a two-year deal with them correct they've already taken half of the pot we've already taken half of the pot but Economic Development wise we've made $6.1 million of impact I understand I mean I understand this is a gamble the taxpayers are taking all our votes that AEL makes it and I hope it does I mean I understand where you're coming from and I think it's awesome that you got Breeze here yeah my fear is what happened to Melbourne I think Melbourne kicked in 230,000 and aello took a walk after six seven months is my understanding so this is why this marketing Arrangement is so important that we have that's what I'm getting to that's exactly it yeah my thoughts are I voted against it but here we are they've already taken half of the money so I don't know if they're thriving or if they're here just to take the other half and then do to us what they did in Melbourne or not but I do think as long as we've got a pile of money sitting in the tourism pot that we need to take as much as possible and put it into the airport advertising to make sure that AEL thrives it's not like we're increasing taxes let's take the pot of money that we've got in the advertising budget and I'm glad you brought it up David more than 50 more than 150 whatever we can do to maximize A's appeal to their customer base and to attract hopefully more airports the way you brought in Breeze to let's make sure that they don't do to us what they did to Melbourne and just take the money and then run and go to some other airport so I I agree with David I think we need to really discuss the availability of even more money to get shifted towards a v in the airport to get more Airlines here if possible so I do think you're doing a great job I didn't mean to bring that up to embarrass you no no not at all trying to make a point it's all part of the business and actually the reason why Breeze is here is because of the success of a you know we we made a calculated risk we proved a concept the airlines wanted to see how we would respond to that concept and right now we're reaping the benefits having the most destinations that we've had in some time yeah and you've got a hard sell I mean it's hard to sell Daytona as an airport Hub or even a a landing spot so I'm glad you're doing what you're doing it's just I don't like I don't want to do this again for another million with some other Airline I'd like to see this be a pilot have it work and move on to the next Breeze type of arrangement you probably won't see another minimum Revenue guarantee during my tenure because I I I think that was um a philosophy that we employed to get the other airlines to take notice in our market and as a result of that we're getting Breeze and we're having discussions with a few others and you know we're going to run out of facilities here before we know it yeah well thank I hope it works out I really have all the faith in you I do thanks councilman Santiago thank you and and thank you Don you unpacked my my thought process there right because we've made this huge investment we got to make sure we're putting whatever resources we can that they're successful so that we don't have to go back to our bucket uh to try to revive if things go down so that's that's what was in my head I'm going to go back to that point in a second but I first wanted to ask you International markets I you said Canada is one of your new focuses is that correct can you right Canada has always been our biggest Market um but we cannot take for granted that Canada is coming so we right now have representation in the UK um and we're going to add some Canadian represent representation to that we're going to work very closely with the tour operators and travel agents in Canada to bring them here and how do we track that we track it through the hotels and the number of rooms booked and and I I just want to reiterate that point everything that we do um we do with Roi return on investment what are we spending versus what what are we getting so we look at the dollars that we're spending in the rooms that we're booking we know that there's an economic impact for things like dayers coming in that's awesome that's not our mission at all we need to get them to stay overnight or we're not paying down those Bonds on the Ocean Center and we're not creating dollars to put the message out in other areas how long have you had the international program for the UK you mean yeah or any any investment in the international program so the UK we've had representation over five years and I'm not sure I want to say seven but I'm guessing and what's the ROI been on that so far um I can get you all of that I do not have it in front of me okay all right thank you I didn't know we had one so I apologize yeah no this is good um and and we work very closely with um a corporation called hat marketing over in the UK thank you um and and Mr chairman um I don't know how we're going to handle um all of the the particular presentations um but but I I want to suggest if this board is willing to to agree that on this particular budget request um that we send it back we send it back um the reason why SE if you really look at it 20 markets if we stay with $150,000 that's $7,500 a market if you Market it in every single market right um I think it's too important and I don't know what the number is to tell them I I don't know how they so we don't know what the number is either we literally have not even had that conversation with for instance Breeze we know that they do a lot of digital digital isn't doesn't cost as much as other marketing if I could finish Mr chair thank you um and and I and I I get that but I'm I'm not personally satisfied with well we'll change the number later on I like to see things committed early on um so we know basically where we're focusing the dollars again I have nothing against your organization I just want to I think we should send them back and saying go back and sharpen your pencil and commit some more funds do whatever you got to do in your in your numbers and come back and say we're going to allocate this this and this and I get it that you may not know that on this Market but allocate funds work with Cyrus he knows who's coming work with Cyrus and I want to see some serious numbers Behind These markets it's too important for us to just say all right go ahead and figure it out later on if you need more money ask for more money it's our fiduciary responsibility to approve this budget um and it means scrutinizing it sometimes as as uncomfortable as that may feel but I think you can do it I really think you can do it but as an individual council member I want to see it on paper what is your plan for these 20 markets and $150,000 is way too low that's my thoughts Mr chair and I don't know how you want to deal with each one should I make a motion for this one individually and hear them all out or let me clarify what your are you uh are you suggesting just this budget for Halifax or all three of the you know what let's if we can let's go through all three see what my colleagues feel under all three and we'll deal with it at the end is that okay okay and if we we separate them at that point we can or if we vote them all in one way we can too okay yes cuz I have questions for the next one too okay is uh you're presenting your budget separately from west valua or east correct so my budget has been through all of the subcommittees and the board workshop and the board itself so I would suggest that you could approve the budget as is and then I'll take this concept back to the board to move money if you don't approve the budget we take the chance of October 1 not having marketing out there there's a lot of big votes that come up so I leave that to you but I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't do it that way David I I think there's a way to get to where you want to go that involves the approval of our board and a strategy session right now we don't have numbers I could throw a number you you don't know if that's too much or enough Mr chair respond yes um you know I appreciate that feedback because I don't want to hurt what you're doing right now I want to make sure that's not my motive um at the same time I'm a little bit bothered by the fact that this is a budget that we have a fiduciary responsibility to approve and to bring it to us with a timeline saying you can't do anything other than approve it because it hurts us later Iran is is very disturbing to me otherwise don't bring it to me um so that's that may be a procedural thing just so you know um if if I have a say I'm going to execute exercise that say and I hope you guys will too if you want to so I'm bothered by that I'm looking at Cyrus because I'm trying to I'm I I don't like I like concrete things as far as at least what do we have for them specific yeah so right now the deal that's been negotiated is of course with the airport support program that you all approve via the consent agenda right now um for less than daily service because the services that have been announced by the air carriers are twice weekly they'll get $150,000 of marketing from the airport they'll get fee waivers for two years and so that means no Landing fees know oh Sor let me cut you off for a second what I'm talking about what do we know specifically for certain the markets that we're definitely going to be working in and what we're currently working in yeah so the authority could have that information Providence Rhode Island we already know White Plains New York we already know Hartford Connecticut on two fronts and um Raleigh Durham we know those markets yes and one question for staff Mr chair um uh Mike or or George this budget presentation what is our Authority is just vote up or down can we edit the budget ourselves or I'm pretty sure it's up up or down yeah it's up or down approval so if you but let me add this I don't she's got her staff here I don't think they've heard this argument for so this is really good for them I think they're going to go back and have a really serious conversation so and come back with some changes so I I almost think you've got mission accomplished gotcha let me just ask one more question because I I think I think you're probably right um what what is your Authority uh as a board to call special meetings or anything like that do you have that capability yes and I would need to get a quorum so um it could happen okay I'll wait for the other two Mr chair that's good idea thank you okay uh but before you go uh councilman Johansson thank you um I I have a quick point I I think the the conversation is going in the right direction um I I wish we had listen to the other two to find out how much money they're putting toward the uh uh toward the the of their budget toward um marketing the the airport which I know uh they do have line items I also wish that their budget was and it probably is if we really think about it there Mr Dyer that that that we can line item that one piece and approve the rest what I'd like to know uh for for all of them since we're talking about the airport is I if we levied an additional requirement on you um I would I would hoping I would hope that you would take it out of fund balance or or reserves to make up the difference and not lose any other um advertising however if you decide not to do that as a board that that you would come back to us and tell us what is going to drop because I I don't I don't want to lose something at the expense of something else without having that that Roi discussion so I I want to make sure um uh for example I I I don't want to lose um I don't want to lose New York at the expense of Raleigh dur if New York's going to give us bigger bang bang for the buck so uh if it comes out of reserves I want to know the impact of that um and and the other point to be made is we have if you have no clue we have no clue let's find the people who've got a clue and make it a um I mean we make estimates all the time on what we think it's going to be let's let's find out what we think it's going to be um apparently we were 100 Grand too too large last year or we didn't spend it we could have but it sounds like this year is going to be a different year and if Cyrus can pull more rabbits out of his hat it'll be even better next year we hope he does I think he will so uh I I'd like to hear the other two and and then and then see if we can figure out how to line item everything so they can proceed with their budget save that piece if they can possibly do it okay I think that's all the questions for you thank you and we'll go to Southeast fuia everybody's rewriting their speech [Laughter] now all right well thank you and I want to start by thanking my board Southeast fucha and Donna Ruby our Treasurer sitting here in the audience with me tonight and all the staff back at the ranch uh Haley Robin and Eva and I will get right into it I'm most proud this year of our re accreditation with our Global accreditation program with our association this was 117 different modules from um you know HR um website you name it uh fiscal responsibility everything and we got distinction so I can elaborate more later but just moving on that was a huge accreditation for us I wanted to talk about some media we just opened the floodgates this year we had every journalist that wanted to come come you can see here Charlotte Observer we brought in people we try to be on in the markets where there's lift uh Cyrus Joanne Karen everyone's been fantastic to work with um Atlanta for the Delta flights we've got um Connecticut everything else covered um this is just the kind of the top Publications uh we're working with Garden and Gun Magazine which works right up the Atlantic coast in Midwest um they've got far reach we're doing some events with them um October is going to be a fantastic month we for the first time have a restaurant month it's going to run October 1st through the 31st we have 18 participating restaurants we'll have prefixed three course meals $39 or $59 and um couldn't be more excited because then it overlaps a station program that we have many of our properties are getting a little soft some of the condos are soft right now so we have launched a station program we have over a couple hundred different units in the program at discounted raise for people to play in their own backyard and we um met a journalist in Connecticut on one of my four trips I'm leaving tomorrow night on a vill to do the same we're doing a media Mission uh this week and those journalists have actually brought their foodie event which is a long weekend is called worth tasting they're coming in October um so we are stocked up with plent or paint we got the Garden and Gun an art Affair and we also have worth tasting so October is going to be a month not to miss in New M Beach our Partnerships we're working on a stewardship plan with leave no Trace we're working with wheel the Whirl for accessible travel ability that includes autism wheelchair seniors you name it we've got a lot of hotels participating in that key Partnerships I mentioned Daytona Beach um they're um airport sorry uh they're all absolutely fabulous we work with the speedway um and we're doing a lot of missions i' I think this will be my fifth one now um we're already scouting out Providence and um I'm from the New England area originally I mean it's my favorite backyard to go uh dig into some of the media that I grew up with so we are working hard to do that in Raleigh North Carolina as well um the budget you have before you um not too much changing we're going to finally fill those two other positions um marketing we have there and that includes a host of things this current year because I know the question might come we had 10,000 um on a line item for the airport we actually have spent about 25,000 I have 50,000 online item for next year and I'm sure we'll probably exceed that because we're already working on some of the other uh lift that Bree will have so um pie chart and thank you I'll answer any questions you I don't mean to scare you but the first question is going to be councilman Santiago I love tourism anticipated that I you know I I kind of I thank you Mr chairman but but I said um multiple times since I've been up here the uh uh the economic engine we have to find ways to continue to fuel that thing um and certainly you're a part of that your organizations are a part of that so absolutely which means that as uncomfortable in my field we have to scrutinize it sometimes we appraise it when we have to um you already said the number I think you said 50,000 for for the airport from your entity um do you have the capability of calling your board for a special meeting at any time absolutely okay it's called a special meeting and when is is your next scheduled meeting September end of September end of September is your next meeting exactly so and your budget also starts October 1st correct okay um and you got 2.1 million in reserves correct correct and I know last year one of my colleagu spoke a lot about the reserve yes amounts um and refresh my memory um as a percentage of your total budget why is it 2 million well I feel to be fiscally responsible it probably should be a little bit more we've seen pandemics happen we have hurricanes that happen we have terrorism we have everything that could and most likely could happen so we need to start the year and strong out of the gates um the way the bed tax happens um we are actually starting October with August proceeds and then November is September two of our slowest months ever we need to have the Reserves a for opportunities that come up in the marketplace or pandemics um or anything else that may happen that might be adverse to the industry uh the world is open right now so um I did not increase that Reserve this year how did you all do during the pandemic um actually we did well because the governor opened the state but that was not what we were being told by our Global associations they were telling us to be very fortunate that we would even get a penny from our hotel years because everything was shut down people were afraid to travel and they would have to use whatever money they made to probably stay afloat so so a pandemic didn't affect you basically well um I only brought that up because you said that based on your reserve number we were the only state open at that time so yes we did still have the same Governor we have the same governor next year yeah I don't want a pandemic he been very supportive of Tourism I'm very appreciative thank you um that's all I have from her Mr chair thank you thank you just uh quick question for you so 50,000 on top of her 150 so now we're up to 200,000 do you do all three of you um collaborate do you know when you're spending money advertising what what the other two are doing so you can work together and yes Lori George and I meet often and then we also meet with Cyrus and his his team at the airport and we talk about what we're doing how we're doing it and all of that um obviously Lori wants to fill her her hotels I want to fill mine and Georgia wants to fill hers and that's all fine because at the end of the day we don't want anybody Le in valua County right so we want to get them here um and we support airport 100% um one of the biggest things too is that we do have to make the destinations known uh new samr beach has been one of those secret kind of enclaves that we're trying to get out and you know the biggest thing that I hear when I go places is the shark bites you know so that's something that we do have to overcome um but you know that we spin that the way we should and that we have clean Waters and we're thankful for that so yes we do communicate okay thank you yeah I want Georgia to fill her motels as well yes so any other questions okay Georgia all right put three minutes on the clock uh really I just want to talk to y'all about a couple of quick things um before we talk about the airport but um anyway we're just kind of continuing on our tried and true um things that we do all the time is promoting our Trails I mean that's really the big thing not only our traditional Trails but our coolcraft beverage Trail and our uh other Trail that's the wings of the West Trail so um also we do a lot with arts and culture and with health and wellness um and I'm going to tell you a little bit more about our probably our new thing our newest thing that we're doing um next next next okay our our new venue promotion uh is going to be a focus because we I told you last year that there's a a venue that's come to us and has asked us to co-promote with them similar to what the ston Mansion has done in the past it's the Northwest Northwest Square that's uh opening right outside of downtown and they have a budget and are asking us to go with them to some um meetings and conventions meetings so that's going to be a really cool thing stetson's also approached us because they're looking more um renting out some of their space uh of course we've got the center at Deltona and Sanborn Center and you know just different places like that so that's going to be a big part of what we're going to do and we're kind of changing around our staff a little bit to do that um then we always next we come up with a lot of uh creative things to do because we don't have a lot of money but um something that we're doing this upcoming year is called Carver TI and it's actually um uh branding and wrapping cars um that that go out for like door Dash and Lyft and Uber and that kind of thing within um the because the drive Market is a big part of what we do and we're trying to drive um we're trying it out in Jacksonville to try to drive Market to drive uh business down here in the our slower time in December we also adopted a family this year uh a a local blogger who has a Blog called walk and paddle came to us and approached us when she was living in RV a couple of years ago we finally gotten her on board and we renamed her family which is the mine hoffers that doesn't really have the same ring as the westons so we've named them the westons but uh we're also going to be included on some national and international TV this year um with a on the Discovery Channel with Let's Take It Outside and also a crappie uh CPP real big for us still and we're going to have a a crappie um show that's uh up in Canada uh next and as Debbie and Lori both said we meet with them on a regular basis they're very kind to us here we are in West fuia miles away from the airport and they promote us all the time but um this past year we took a trip uh up to New Haven and talked with those folks about you know what we could best do to work with them we've done a lot of digital marketing and some different things but right now in my budget there's only about $7500 so um and that's just the way it is but you know I mean same way when you were asking I'll just go ahead and answer your questions before you ask them but um you know we can also come before our board and ask for more we've done it in the past and the good news about what we do David is everything is just about everything we're doing has a digital aspect you know like like a Facebook or digital ads and that kind of thing so it's very easy to be nimble and to move some of this around um we were just talking amongst ourselves a minute ago that we've got um a pot you know kind of like a pot of money for um doing ading or whatever it is and uh really focused it this year not out of that $7,500 but out of the Facebook account with um doing more ads and targeting up in New Haven and we can see it already I mean every day there's four or five you know six New Haven uh requests for information so I think that's working but you know just as far as I think we all are I mean there it might be coming out of other potts's money as as as well so just don't want you to think we're ignoring the airport at all especially over here because they take you know I brag on them all the time they take good care of us when you come into the airport and I've had a lot of people say it before they know they see DeBerry Hall they see you know STS and Mansion they see our parks and manatees and all that so they know that West Felicia is a part of you know what's what's available here so thank anyway those are my questions those are your answers before you ask them great dou councilman Santiago you answered one partially so I got to follow up you almost got 100% okay thanks are you capable of calling your board to meet at any time a special meeting if you and luckily I have a board meeting tomorrow do you okay good so I can talk with them about about this as well and yeah and and I think um there's no criticism Mr Sheriff that you don't um care for the airport neither three of you I and and I know I know you didn't mean that I know it's just a big investment yeah and and it's about making sure that you know of our partners are in on it right and and you are but I think on a very small minor amount and it needs more attention um and and that's our job that's why this budget comes before us to review so that we can opine and make suggestions um and Mr chair since we're we're done with the presentations um let me ask one I have one question for um SunRail how how important is that to you just said you're that is important focused on driving in but you also mentioned trails and that is a part of our uh Trail program it has been from you know within the last couple of years we've been working with the Evolve that does the marketing for SunRail uh to try to bring people especially into downtown to land and um you know they're very conscious of uh connecting with the with the traditional Trails as we call them the biking trails there's um you know already been a path that's gone through uh that sunre you know put together to to bring people downtown on bikes and luckily we've um also got a lot of information out at the Amtrak station and the SunRail to um bring people in because people were so excited you know what else is there to do here but um you know the the downtown is definitely a a a huge huge um you know place for people to come and they've been seeing about it for you know for for a long time so I think that that's going to do well with SunRail but really that's going to connect a lot of you know people who might drive back later or you know that just may come back later we think good get a taste of it from coming in on sun rail okay good I'm glad to hear you say that the trails and especially the uh micro Brewery Trails yeah cool craft cool craft summer last until September 2nd okay um back to councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman um council members I'm going to move that we table all three of these budgets to be brought back to us in the second meeting of the month of September which still gives them time time to uh Implement in their time for their budget cycle with the direction to the boards that they need to re-evaluate their commitment to the airport and significantly increase their budget item for that issue chairman I'll second that motion so we can have discussion on that and a vote okay we have a motion on the table to uh to table all three uh bud budgets until the second meeting of September motion made by David Santiago seconded by Vice chair Kent uh you want to start Vice chair Kent yeah I don't I don't mind you know I the one um councilman Santiago that jumped out at me was the Halifax area advertising but I appreciative that we're talking about all three of them you know when I look at their their budget of advertising you know $20 million and we're looking at 150,000 to go for the airport you bring up a valid point which is why I seconded your motion and um we'll probably be voting to say hey you you have the option to call for a special meeting you've heard um depending upon what this board this this Council says here direction we give you this is what we'd like to see so if you can if you can make that happen great and maybe their board will say no and you know have reasons why and we can discuss that when it comes to us again but I'm going to support you on this councilman Joe Hanson thank you chairman um I I'd like to redirect the original question to staff about acceptance of this budget you were quick to say no you you can't line item one item to allow this uh budget minus the the the airport U budget item is is that we we've had a chance to confer a little bit about about on that so the statute requires their budget to be approved if you wanted to send it back and say I want to see this particular program increased so essentially alline them I think you can do that um I think and allow them should they not should they not be able to get back to us before October 1st that that it would it would not be a continuing resolution but they'd be able to move forward with this budget knowing that that they'd have to figure out right they would not have an approved budget they know I think the the the basis the thinking of the motion here is you will be taking back a revised budget for Action up or down second meeting of September I think that's the intent I think that's one path forward I I think I may Mr I think Jake I would have loved to Chang the line item but I don't think we we could but um I think the message is clear to them to uh yeah I'm just I'm I'm just try I don't knowing how contracts work I I I I don't want them to stop advertising until they come back to see us or lose a contract that that I need a guarantee that you will continue operating with the same Vigor that you are right now going into October 1st don't stop what you're doing and say well I told you we wouldn't be able to do it I I don't think that would happen but I I don't know your board well enough to know that they'll they'll St sit there and say fine we we'll we'll do it but you can't do this this and that I want them to continue doing what they do and do well uh while while we try to you know Whittle some more money toward toward the airport um uh if I get assurances that that's done then then I support the the motion but um if things are going to come to a stop over one line on them then then then I think we ought to consider other other options but but I I just need affirmation that we we'll continue pressing so um can I get that from from our three executive directors thumbs up um it doesn't look like yes from the ha is this like the uh federal government where all civilians go home for a couple weeks till we figure it out all of our current contracts run through September so we we're we're fine like everything runs through the end of September so yeah nothing's going to stop right now um is it going to stop October 1st no no if if we can get a meeting and a vote is there an amount that you're looking at um we haven't met with the airport or or the airport team is there an amount that you're since I still have the uh since I still have the microphone I I I would hope that the the professional advertisers here on this di don't give you that number um I I rely on yes I don't know I need to take something back to the board I mean they are very supportive of the airport but I'm I don't know what to take back because we haven't met with them yet we hav met with the Val and Breeze to find out what their needs are I think that's up to Cyrus and the staff to work with you guys to come up with a good number okay yeah thank you Mr chairman uh councilman Santiago Mr chair if I could I uh I think this is clear so and I think it's clear with the advertising authorities as well they have to have a budget to spend money beginning of October one okay councilman Santiago thank you shair and then if we if we approve it on the second meeting of September then business as usual continues with the new budget correct it would be before October 1st yes correct so we'll have plenty of time and and and Jake I'm glad you asked that question about to clarify that because I think all three of them just said they can continue to doing business and that's a legitimate question make sure nothing got stalled um as far as the number I also agree with you Jake um get with staff I think um I'll speak for myself and judging body language to my colleagues the number is way too low I'll just say that it's just is way too low and I realize that not all of the three entities can uh it's all relative to the size of your budgets um I think at least me and and probably some of my council members want that number to go up significantly and join us in this big investment that we have in the airport thank you Mr chair councilman Dempsey yeah I mean I'm I don't want to reiterate this but I will um David you brought up a good point here about aello I mean with Melbourne they were there I believe seven months they took $230 some, and they left they've been here a year they've taken a half million doll what happens at the end of next year after they take the other the next half million dolls are they going to do to us what they did to Melbourne because what happens in year three when that million dollar guarantee is gone are they going to go to St John's St Augustine are they going to go to another destination and due to us what they did to Melbourne that's why I was against it that's why I don't see this with brighty bushy eyed type of optimism that I wish I had but as long as we're here and we have a $20 million pot of money sitting there at Halifax I think we need to kick in a lot more than $150,000 to do what we can to make AOW so successful that they're not going to do to us what they did to Melbourne because I'm afraid they're just going to be here until that million dollars is gone and then see you later thanks okay that's my biggest fear the other thing is correct me if I'm wrong George but I think we're one of the few counties that de divies up the hotel tax bed tax into sections within the county right yes we were created that was created by the state legislature yeah I think we're the only that are divied up yeah and I think we talked about this and you know that doesn't necessarily set well with me because the west side as you can see on the budget we're you know again not to recap a year and a half of whining on behalf of the West side but we only got 1.8 million the other two combined get 26 million so I'm hoping whatever uh meetings that go down Georgia you do a wonderful job I've talked to her directly about this numerous times do you think it's fair what we're getting and she says listen we get along great as a team we work well together she's happy with the other two districts and the way they treat her so I'll leave it at that but I would hope that we're not going to ask the West Side to come off of hardly any money if at all to promote an East Side thing because this is still the airports an East Side thing we have the land airport we got our skydiving we're the skydiving capital of the world and but I would just hope that we leave George's thin budget alone and ask that Halifax in the Southeast agency kick in all of the extra money for the East Side promotion of the airport thanks guys thank you uh before I ask my question George go ahead I just wanted to comment that uh having worked with uh all three agencies and the executive directors now for many years uh we're light years ahead of where we've have been in the past in terms of working together they uh we meet here we meet once a year together they come we talk about how uh we work as an entire County because we have a lot of beautiful assets over here that uh they're when they're trying to attract visitors um they're they're pulling all of the wonderful things we have in this County uh and they work with very well with each other to do that so I just again I I want to commend them they always worked very well together and uh and again that's a testament to the the three people that we have running those outfits today and that's and that's been that way for many years so um I do appreciate that thank you U that kind of leads me into to this I I'm I'm a little bit concerned with this um for one reason I I think Jake said it that I don't think we should be setting the dollar amount for you we we don't know until you get together with Cyrus the airlines the three of you um so it becomes a catch 22 if we don't tell you a figure you don't know what to come back with my concern is that you come back in the second meeting of September and we don't like it and don't approve it then we are bumping on October 1st so I I for me I after working with the three of you for almost four years I've developed a level of trust that you see what's going on here you know exactly what we want I I have a level of trust to send you back with an approved budget and and have you come back with some changes um for this um I'm not opposed to what my colleagues are asking I agree I think we all agree we that there needs to be more money spent to promote our uh our airport um but that is that is a concern I have that we we're really knocking on the door of of October 1st and we need to continue on with advertising so uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman I guess last bite um I appreciate your comments I think we've established though Mr chair that they can meet and they can get it to us by the the second meeting in September and we've established that Cyrus and staff will work with them to figure out what that cuz I I'll throw a number but I'm not an advertising guy I think Jake said it well I'd rather them working I trust them and I agree with you those are three very professional uh experienced women that do a good job but the budget at the same time is a statement from US also right it's a statement as to how much we're wanting to commit it tells the public that we want to do this so that's why I'd rather let them go do their work I know it's going to probably be a headache get your boards together figure it out but it's a statement that's going to come from you and saying this is our commitment to you based on what you told us meaning the Council and then we're going to acknowledge that statement as a County Council saying this is how important our airport is to our to our community and this is what we've accomplish so I think the work can be done Mr chair I don't think the doors are going to close and they've confirmed that to us thank you Mr chair and I agree with that I think that I don't have any doubt that the work can be done what what I have doubt about is we don't like their budget now if it comes back and we still don't like it then we're in trouble and it's not fair to them um we won't know until we know so I think they'll get it done but I I I I I agree with your your your your your caution but we can't throw a number out there to that be a mistake I think no I don't want to I don't want to give them a number I I'm I think they'll come back with a number I think they I think they're hearing what we're we're saying and they're going to take it seriously uh councilman Reinhardt thank you chair um I have the same concern um as as the chair did um I'm a little concerned with the second week in September um that that's cutting it close um and I I pray that they can come back uh with that I think that Cyrus I have the utmost confidence in the world that he can come up with the figure um I wish that we could take that line and that line item and look at it uh that being said I'll support it but I am I am hesitant like Don was hesitant about the uh the million dollars you know we voted for it and uh I have the hesitation as well on this but uh I I do understand your point Vice chair Troy Kent thank you chairman I'm not hesitant at all and I'm going to tell you why because all three of those women are extremely intelligent and they can get the job done I think if we told them they had until tomorrow at 5:00 pm they could get their board together and come back and and have an answer for us I'm going to tell you why because it's their budget and we get one bite at this apple it happens this this time every single year and you know I don't know Mr Dyer if from a a legislative standpoint it has to be like this where it's pretty close to October 1st when they have to have this meeting because maybe in the future we don't put it back at this date maybe maybe it's you know a month earlier in case something like this happens again and Mr Santiago I want to applaud you because what you did is UN is for some people not me but for some people uncomfortable but you get one bite at this apple and it's tonight and because of one person's leadership on this issue we are going to see hopefully a change that several of us up here have talked about we would like to see because we want that airport wildly successful and there's money in their budgets to help with this so thank you thank you councilman Reinhardt thank you chair one one more more point to clarify I also have every con confidence in the world of these ladies uh to do the same thing so I don't want it to be like I I said that I don't have that confidence in you I do uh my fear is up here we have spent how long on this issue exactly so that's that's my fear it's not with them it's not with cats it's with us so I want to make sure that we can uh I have every confidence that they can present that to us and then we're in agreement with it but I can't predict the future so but um I I am in agreement with you but I want to clarify that thank you yeah that that's my only concern as well I I don't have any doubt that they're going to get the work done bring it back what none of us know is will we like it with whatever they bring back and then if we vote it down again then um we have an issue so uh no other comments or questions um so the motion on the table is to uh table all three into the second meeting in September when um you will come back with a uh it's not going to be with a new budget U it'll be the same total dollars but moving around the money within the budget to um to pay for this to put more money in the airport um marketing which uh you can see the three of you that the the council agrees that that needs to be a a more of a priority so no other questions um I'll call for the uh call the vote all in favor of tabling this to the second meeting in September say I I any opposed and the motion carries 7 to zero item six um rezoning uh resolution to rezone from R4 to a PUD zoning classification for 50 town houses and uh clay Irvin good evening clay Irvin director of growth and Resource Management uh before you tonight is a Quai judicial hearing on a rezoning of an 8 acre parcel located at Garfield in Kentucky Avenue near the city of the land uh the subject property oh excuse me this is quasi judicial so they'll have to to be for nonex parte communication I start with that yeah I mean does one of them has left the room so um we I can do it after you um so what we have in front of you is a piece of property it's approximately 8 acres in size uh the land use underneath it in other words what gives it its theoretical maximum density is urban medium intensity so that allows up to 8 units per acre meaning that this property could be developed upwards of 64 units the applicants are seeking to develop it for 50 town home units uh the town homes will be on platted Lots they will be owner occupied it is not targeted for student housing because that was one of the concerns that came out with the hearing at the planning and Land Development regulation commission clay hold on one second the people in the back are signaling that they can't hear what you're saying oh okay is that better is that better yes okay so what we see here is that the requests go from R4 which would allow for single family on 7500 sqare foot Lots 75 by 100 are the minimum Dimensions requirements for that zoning category to come in with 50 town home units that would be on platted Lots with common area it is a private gated development so they would be responsible for all internal uh roadways all the stormm water uh it is within the utility service area of the city of Dand it is also within the area of the 2050 plan adopted by the city of Delan which has identified this for this type of development uh staff reviewed it and recommended approval to the pdrc there were uh two letters of objection and two folks spoke out against it uh main concern was uh this is a heavily treed lot they were concerned about vegetation there was concerned about traffic um and there was also concern about the size of the units and the type of development uh the pdrc unanimously 5 to0 recommended approval of the proposed PUD it's coming to you with that I'll be glad to answer any questions from the staff perspective I know the applicant has a presentation tonight okay don't don't go away yet does anyone uh on Council have any expar to declare no no no no okay uh thank you um Vice chair Troy Kent quick question for you just to get on the record so these town homes are they individual residences I've seen some town homes that are like duplexes but it's called a town home these are individual so just 50 individual Town Homes there'll be town homes they will be connected there's eight buildings they'll be spread throughout that there's a varying number of units per building and there'll be a separation between the buildings as well there's a total of 50 though total 50 homes eight buildings right thank [Music] you any other questions for clay okay next uh hold on one second hold Don Dempsey I don't know if I could ask you this because um I've just yeah I guess I can um we just heard from the the lady Doran uh public comment at the opening and I just heard this from even some from some developers uh are they going to be building this up are they going to add soil to this development like a foot or two to make the adjoining properties to the north a lower level of property that's the only thing that seems to be a recurring concern of property owners who live next to subdivisions that are new subdivisions uh they will be required to meet the minimum finished floor elevations it is not in a flood zone so they will not have to meet a an extended floor elevation to address that they will have to have the finished floor elevation six inches above the center line of the adjoining roads that is what is applicable to all new homes that are being constructed um you know the fact is is that the issues that we're facing in Daytona Park Estates is a is a a completely different animal than what we would be facing in many other areas because Dayton par Park Estates has no infrastructure really out there right now so in this particular situation the pre and post uh development condition has to be maintained in regards to the volume of water coming and going from the site so they will have for a 25e 24hour storm event so again it it it will have to be contained on site before it can be discharged this is in a closed Basin so it's not going to be facing the 25 year it's actually a 100-year storm event so this is a different I'm very familiar with this neighborhood and it's it it does seem to be a good fit I mean that was just a matter of time until somebody developed it I just that's my only concern because I keep hearing this over and over again so are you saying that Daytona Park Estates and the lady who had that issue with the flooding because of the two new houses obviously that were elevated above her property and she swears that's the cause of the flooding you're saying that will not be the case here yes sir okay all right thank you MH go ahead click right there good afternoon good evening uh for the record Michael Woods cob Cole 231 North Wen Boulevard here today on behalf of the applicant and and very happy to be in front of you this evening to do an honest to goodness infill project um and one that we're really excited to bring forward to you because I think it ticks off a lot of the boxes of some of the projects we've been looking for in the county in general but in the greater Delan area in particular um as as clay had said in your staff report we are looking for a maximum of 50 units uh in the area and we are relying upon that Urban medium intensity to allow for the density that's kind of that first check of the box that we're coming here working within the allowable density that's already provided and uh I'll show you in another couple of slides kind of how that fits into the full picture um to the point Mr Dempsey said you know this is one of those out Parcels that you just kind of wonder when something's going to come through here and I think the project that's being provided here uh uh really lines up not only with the county and when you see the map you know this is that part of where the county in the city of Del land's kind of boundaries we are in Enclave we are not contiguous so we do have to come before you but this is that portion that the city of D land has kind of encircled this and this is all part of D land which is why we double check and make sure that this lines up with that 2050 plan this is the part of the 2050 plan that Dand contemplates additional density going towards we'll show you that map in just a second other great thing is all the municipal services are in place we're already in conversations with Jiles at the city of D land making sure that everything uh is resolve there and um you've got some other kind of elements we'll touch on it very briefly um we're dedicating some extra ride away because these roadways in that area are smaller you know either prescriptive easements historically or just smaller roadways getting additional um land being dedicated but this is also in direct uh proximity to an extension of the um multimodal trail system down Garfield Avenue so runs all the way up to ISB where we have the multimodal trail that runs along Publix and all the way up to the airport runs down to I believe Plymouth it's not fully constructed now it will be so that's past George Marks Elementary so probably disruptive for the residents that had the sidewalks put in place but overall a pretty good connectivity because otherwise this was an area that didn't have really good sidewalk access um giving you the location here we are that big red box there with 92 on the North and 17 on the western side uh obviously you can see in that white well you can't really see the yellow too well on the overhead but yellow or tan being the city Delan City Limits uh and then this this is just a show for the Delan 2050 plan that yellow star is where we're located and that darker orange color is the urban core um so that's where they want to redirect uh growth um proximity I think is really important with this project and one of the things that kind of gets me excited um to kind of give you a frame of reference of where we are in the town and what's near us um if you go west along Kentucky to Woodland that's about half a mile uh from a walking perspective uh if you go um West Long Kentucky and then head north uh I'm sorry West Long Kentucky on that green arrow uh that's the Dand Oaks Condominiums and those have been there for many many years but multif family in a single family residential area to the north to get to 17 I'm sorry to to 92 it's uh 3/10 of a mile along Garfield and a little under 210 of a mile that's from our Northern boundary but we don't connect through there um and then for your frame of reference 3/10 of a mile is basically uh walk out the Athens theater and then walk down to the new court house so the length of Indiana Avenue so yes it's August yes it's hot but focusing in on some of the walkability and accessibility for the Project's important uh again frame of reference here the green star is the the land Oaks Condos uh the yellow star um in the Incorporated area that's another uh Mia Place Apartments again smaller scale uh but but multif family and that's a you know rental project there um and then to kind of give you the bigger picture and this is why the field sidewalk kind of comes into play here over to the west to kind of give you a frame of reference where those two red stars are if you're driving down Woodland Boulevard that's IHOP and the new parva restaurant so that's that close proximity um I think the the the numbers to be aware of here is walking up Garfield to ISB you're 610 of a mile from Publix uh you're you're pretty close to Lowe's you got the Grand Villas in there as well and though this is not a affordable housing you know our Target here is about 3 325 per unit um just putting that there is a townhouse project that's within 6 t0 of a mile of your super circulator for the Votran which is located between uh Publix and Lowe's um this is getting into checking the boxes of your planning perspective of what you're trying to do infill little bit higher density in close proximity to excuse me to all these resources um this is just so you can kind of see we're getting through here um and I apologize if your screen is is as light as that one there but the light blue is the Incorporated area the the white is what's still within the county this makes it a little bit easier you can kind of see so your external areas along 92 and along uh Woodland are obviously commercial then you have the urban medium intensity is kind of the transition between the commercial usage and the and the uh low intensity residential single family residential we are right on the edge of that Umi but this was contemplated whole time that this would be that transition uh it's not so much that we are in a single family neighborhood but we are between a single family neighborhood and two of the highest travel commercial strips in Delan and then this just to kind of show you from a color coding perspective uh what we're dealing with there so well thought out well plann this kind of fits in pretty well although the surrounding area has got more single family homes we do have sprinkles of other apartments and whatnot in the area because of the PD uh you're getting some extra stuff here that you wouldn't otherwise get through Straight zoning uh we do have that 20% must be common open space we will be able to meet that for sure you also have a tree protection area 15% no problem with that um we do have an internal roadway and it is gated uh some of that is for the geometry of the roadway for us to be able to um have our our driveways work properly um but it also addresses some of the comments we've had in other multif family projects where traffic spillover goes into the residential neighborhood uh the trade-off of that is we have a single access point for our subdivision or for our our project with emergency access on an adjacent roadway and I did give you a a table here just to kind of show you the setbacks and buffer rings that would otherwise be required for single family versus what our multif family is we've got a landscape buffer of about 20 ft minimum around the entirety of the project we have a 45 foot setback build U building setback for the whole property except for a segment on our Southeast corner and I'll show you uh what is going on with that it's basically more rideway is being dedicated but we don't think the rideway will ever be improved um and I'll go through these very quickly uh mainly because we are anticipating at planning board what does this mean for the surrounding property because we are bringing in tow houses they will be two stories adjacent to single family and kind of working around from the southeast corner and around here you're looking at 30 ft of landscape buffer tree protection area and the nearest building to the edge of the rideway is 48 ft and it includes dedication for sidewalk now when you get to the southwest corner we do have our retention Pond that there and we will talk about that a little bit as well um there we have a 25 ft um landscape buffer and the building itself is about 45 ft away but the retention Pond obviously goes down to that 25 ft uh on the western side this would be along Garfield uh a very large step back from the building 145 ft off because that land or that retention Pond will be in the center there these two uh locations here are probably the ones you want to pay most attention to cuz there is a single family home that sits there so looking south from their property line again the closest building's 45 ft away and you've got 30 ft of tree buffer land TPA landscape buffer between them and then if you look from their backyard um the only distinction or difference I want you to be aware of from planning board uh we still have 83 ft Edge to the building we have a landscape buffer of 20 ft uh bumps up to 30 ft that pickle ball quarts getting moved because everyone loves pickle ball no one really wants to live next to it so a bot ball court is going there instead and a pickle ball Court's going to the other side the main point on this to emphasize is that if this was developed as single family residential you could have a swimming pool I think 5T off the property line so again we're trying to screen we're trying to address the the neighbors and try to uh minimize impacts to them uh again 45 ft of building 30t of landscape buffer along the northern side uh and then this is going down um Smith roadway which is on the east Eastern side of the property um for most of this we're about 90 ft from the edge of the property to the building size and um when you get to the corner here um we are dedicating 20 ft of rideway but this is a very old kind of we're not relying on this roadway for our usage it's servicing about three or four homes on there count is getting the ride away because they need it but no one anticipates any construction or building there so that's going to likely remain treed but we technically only have a 25 ft set back from that inch that's the closest that we get to but we felt comfortable given the RightWay dedication and this is just a a photo of that street looking North along Smith Avenue and again to also show the proximity of this building I tried to come up with like a crude drawing but if you look at this distance from the roadway it's about 83 ft that would be the front or the southern edge of our building and then the Northern or Northern edge of that building uh is that blue dot right there too so we don't even those buildings don't sit uh adjacent to the neighboring property or neighboring uh structure um and again um all the dedication for the rideway one of the things that kind of came up uh in conversation at planning board and then a little after is the nature of bringing in non- single family use into a single family neighborhood and D's been doing that for quite some time and pretty well these projects don't line up Apples to Apples but one of the questions is how does this impact or how does this um interact with the surrounding uh neighborhood um I just pulled a couple of things from the greater kind of the downtown D land area just for your frame of reference um this first one with the yellow stars called the Stetson Cove Apartments it started as general apartments in 1974 Stetson bought it and it's technically student housing now um the only reason why I bring that up is that even with that student housing and you can kind of see the nature of the buildings there um that's more of a traditional obviously 1974 architecture it's surrounded by single family without any real problems or conflict uh similarly if you go to uh it's now called University Hall dorms it used to be the University Inn um used to be able to get a swimming pass there when I was a kid uh to go swimming there when it was still a hotel that's full student housing like that operates as a dorm uh with you know direct access to the stairway those are 58 rooms there and it's important to kind of think for some of these projects kind of the intensity what they have that 11 11 one room bedrooms and 32 two room bedroom apartments is on 2 Acres this is on 1.3 AC again it's student but it's in the historic district of the land and it works out pretty well these two are really interesting as well um this is behind the or in the close proximity to the Dam Museum of Art and that's Minnesota Avenue that's running down there with the two stars it's the corner of Minnesota and Florida um the orange building there it's twostory it's on half an acre of land and there's a total of 18 units on there and then right next to it is the the the um lighter brick color with the white that's 12 units it's on n on 0.96 Acres right in between the university Woodland Boulevard and the historic district and I think if you see a a house that needs a new roof that's mine down at the back end there it's about five or six houses away I drive by there all the time and it works out really well um so there's this stigma sometimes of having non- single family but you've got some pretty good examples and then this is probably the more intense one uh this is a Long Hill uh Avenue just north of 44 um this is the lofs of the land in Al Villas alaha Villas that's the picture in the top I'm sorry in the bottom right that's the larger project that's about 60 units and you can kind of see the building pattern there it's it's no real infrastructure no real storm water you got you know probably two parking spaces per unit and uh 60 units on 5.6 acres and the loss of the land that I think was probably in the 90s when that was constructed and again 13 and those are sold as condo but um 13 units on one acre and that you know right down the street from Blue Lake Elementary um so we're able to kind of make that transition in and work well with surrounding neighbors um if you look through your staff report you know our traffic analysis we didn't trigger we don't have enough volume to trigger a mandatory Tia um but if you do the analysis and compare what is kind of built into the system under the maximum development under the urban medium intensity our plan with the PD utilizes less than that and some of that gets into the numbers of multif family generates less trips than single family and that's the regulations that you kind of review through that the only other thing I would say kind of on the Soap Box um as far as not so much this project but you kind of raised the question on the storm water and I know we're in the process with the U or with the low low impact design stuff um if you look at our our pond here we meet the requirements that we have um from from the uh actually the new requirements that St John's now requires the more intense that's what kimbuck firm is working with to provide um but it's a more standard rctr linear one because this is still operating under the standards where you can't use the open space for like the liid and this is one of those projects when you zoom out and see the full map and it's probably in your staff report that some of that creativity moving forward this one's pretty good but moving forward as we work through those standards You' have something that looks a little bit more um maybe ornate uh moving forward with that but other than that we're real happy to come in with an infill um you know this market and this type of product is in pretty high demand in in the land we haven't had a whole lot of it um and you saw a lot of those buildings that I was trying to show for comparison have a few years on them um there's probably a few that are newer um but we're we're excited to bring this forward so happy to answer any questions or to address any comments uh should they be raised thank you very much uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman um Mike you know you you parked my interest with the uh the pond talk and the uh liid y uh talk and I think you referenced that because of our setback requirements the way they still written in our code don't allow us to I don't want to put words in your mouth I want to don't allow us to um currently um adopt all the standards easily well so what we're what we're massaging and it's in the workshop process now and I I glanced through the first draft so I I'm I haven't seen everything that's proposed but where we kind of get jammed up on multiple projects multiple designers is um it's a disincentivized more Elbow Room for the LI standards right because you have to meet your target for your TPA you have to meet your target for your open space and again I think I've said this before all those regulations serve a really good purpose and I think I kind of joked it either this board or the planning board we don't want to go back to where you're having kids run and play football in the dry Retention Ponds right because for a lot of subdivisions like in the 80s or or late 70s that was your amenity was hopefully it didn't rain and you can go play ball we don't want to get back to that but we do you know as as the St John starts requiring a a higher volume count you to account for the the longer storms that's growing up but we're not really have not yet tweaked or adjusted the ratios on the property liid where that works the best is where you have some natural attenuation and that that takes more Elbow Room right so you got the more sailes and that before the water gets to your traditional retention Pond um you you basically allow it to percolate a little bit sooner and that gets into the whole nature of the source of where the low points are and you can design a more natural system but right now if you try to do that you can't put it into your into your open space even if you're trying to amenitie it and I think you will be getting some recommendations coming before you that work towards that with this project we can work within that but I just this is the check the box that when you know the presentation comes before you in September October whatever that is keep that in mind because that that design um getting that flexibility allows the developer to be a little bit more this is just a conceptual plan correct well this is yeah this is our conceptual plan but we're pretty close like we we'll be moving forward with with St John's review for that for that uh intensity can I ask clay a question Mr chair yes clay clay do we have any Topo uh information on this parcel I was just looking at it oh wow really can you tell me the the if you if you have it already or if you've analyzed it the the nature of the topography and how it goes in this property as it pertains uh yeah the highest there's two high points that are around 94 elevation and the low points right around 90 uh the two high points are over on the east side there's a third High Point uh over on the the west side up at the northwest corner where the existing single family home so basically the uh site basically feeds into the middle and then drains North and South feeds into the middle of itself yes um I'm looking at this Pond clay and is is it's the layout of this Pond based on our ordinances saying that it has to be I'll just ask it does it have to be one p no could I know they may not like this but could there could this Pond be cut up into four pieces and be scattered throughout the property uh I don't know off the top of my head not without the soils themselves are pretty good soils in that area but when you're starting to talk about volume treatment and attenuation I that's outside my gotcha my ba the only reason I asked that question cuz I'm not an engineer I just hear what I've heard over the last you know almost two years and you hear people say that even the ponds as they percolate they percolate into someone else's property or side e Extrusion I guess if that makes sense that word and I I was wondering why don't we or why can't we or consider or work with if it if it makes science sense to have multiple pond so you can spread that along a parcel instead of uh putting somebody let's just say east of of this with the full pressure I I want to make sure we apply our code because I'm a code guy right but I'm also trying to find Solutions without having an engineering degree what Mike is and you were both referencing is that when you start utilizing alternative methods toest your traditional pipe and pond is that you can start utilizing swes and other things to go for uh your staff has had conversations conversations uh as of last week with St John's River Water Management District about that very topic and so we are working towards that so that hopefully we can have better integration of more naturall looking drainage facilities such as the BIOS swes and some of these other uh loow impact development methods is the property to the east where the current uh uh Pond is buildable I'm sorry what to the east I guess that would be East right where the pond currently exists oh okay that's on the west side of the property that's West okay sorry yeah and again that's the tenative location uh where they want to place it again that's going to be subject to review and and approval of the final plans on all of these last question I think and again I'm a code guy and process guy I want to make sure I'm not trying to chip anybody but I'm thinking Concepts could this plan be submitted in a method where and I'm not selling you where to go but I will just for description purposes well can I can I let me get this little screen thing here okay is it working there we go could this Pond be removed right and put I'm just Basics put over there and this building go over here and again I'm not suggesting that as it I'm the concept is what I'm looking at and balancing a site Distributing ponds out there does that make sense yes sir if you look in the wording of the Pud documents we have standard language for what are considered minor amendments that would be something that would be considered a minor Amendment as long as the total number of units the setbacks the buffering and everything else in other words if the layout was had to be modified because of engineering or some other needs for it as long as they maintained all of the setbacks buffering and everything else that could be handled through the administrative process thank thank you Mr chair if I could just one other thing too is the questions you're asking make a lot of sense and that's why I wanted to bring it up when you're dealing with a smaller lot here you know you're not your questions fit in perfectly when we're dealing with something like the Trinity Gardens project that's you know 300 acres and you do want to make sure that you're not having a centralized Pond you're kind of splitting it over here with this design element as it was kind of contemplated part of the thought process was that the putting the pond where it is functions as a buffer against one of the resid one of the main streets there too um but but to to Clay's point you know there is that ability of a modification if it's a minor modification there um you know you're still early on with doing the engineering but I want to make sure that you know you were aware that as they've designed this um and and really kind of talking through like the the dimensions and depth it is because they are designing to meet the new um St John standards for the higher volume um and and that's fine and we can hit that um I just think as we move forward with those other policies um and that would be a good policy to have when we get started because then you can that that dictates the design early on so thank you I'm just going to continue on on that a second um those those were good questions uh about the pond you've done uh but before I ask you this the you're absolutely right on the lid um requirements as you know I want that but there we can't do it if we're just going to add um requirements on top of requirements there's got to be some give and take and that's a huge one that you've got to be able to calculate that as part of the the unpaved property um you've done uh I'm assuming core sampling there you know what the soils are do you expect that this Pond will be dry or hold water oh we have an engineer yeah I'm with uh Allen engineering uh I represent the applicant for the engineering side um yeah this is going to be a dry Pond um I don't recall exactly I have the I have the Geotech Report with me I can take a look at it but um uh I believe the bottom of our pond is going to be a minimum of four or 5et above the water table um so it should remain dry it is also currently designed as a full capture so we are not planning on discharging any water off site um any any water that we capture in our storm water system is going to stay in that pond and perk and okay stay right there because that was my second question when when clay was up he said it will um hold all the water on site until discharg and I think the discharge is what Don and I are concerned about is it going to discharge it into the surrounding neighborhoods because I'm assuming the surrounding neighborhoods were were built before current standards were in place not not on the surface no it's it's going to it's going to per percolate into the into the groundwater table and then it'll it'll flow out horizontally from there and you uh I think clay said it's going to flow north and south how and through underground uh I don't there's not let me cl let me clarify as I was saying under the current topography that is out there there's two high points over on the east side and one high point over on the northwest corner and and so basically it it flows to the center of the site and then goes north or south if it leaves it all because again the soils are very Sandy okay um thank you very much it's good to have you have you here to uh to explain that um the current density is what I think clay said it according to the Future land use map the adopted land use category is Umi which allows up to eight units per acre so how many total unit that would be 64 65 units based on the 8175 Acres okay so you bought or is this land already purchased yeah yeah oh no it's on contract purchase you got a contract on land that says you can already today you can build 64 homes on it and you're asking for 50 so you're not increasing density you're going down which led I think to the questions about single family housing there's still it's still single family housing except they're attached corre yeah and I know that that's always been the kind of yeah the the the gymnastics we had to go through linguistically to explain how we categorize that but yes single family home it doesn't rise to the level of of an apartment um so it's still a single family neighborhood it's just in a slightly different uh configuration right so for me you're you're heading toward W's um Li it just doesn't qualify as it with or because of requirements stacked on top of requirements um you're not increasing density it's single families living in here um the um my my biggest concern always is we've talked a lot about this is and you've just heard it from Don flooding the surrounding neighborhoods they are did not have to build with a requirement that the center of the property was 6 in higher or 6 Ines higher than the center of the road so they're going to be a little bit lower you're going to bring some fill in and um to level the property so it may be a little bit there there will be there will be a little bit of fill and the only the only water um on this proper that should be coming back to the rideway is what's inside of our buffers to come back to grade and I don't even I don't even think it's that much um uh our you know it's a fairly it's fairly flat site we don't have to do a whole lot of fill um and and so they the the only the only impact to outside of the site is is where we come back to grade okay and and like uh like he was saying it's it's very sandy soil um um so it's so it's very likely that that water just seeps into the ground and and doesn't cause any any kind of uh issue okay uh the other you keep saying checking off checking off boxes the other box that you checked off was that this is a gated community so you're going to build the roads and you're going to maintain the roads instead of giving that bill to the taxpayers to maintain the roads in there clay can that be 5 years from now can that be changed can can it be an ungated Community people can always request that that occur it would be the ultimate decision of the County Council as to whether or not to accept it your staff would analyze it to see if it meant our minimum requirements for our infrastructure needs and our infrastructure standards and we would make a recommendation I can tell you that this is going to be basically a parking lot with driveways so we would sit there and say that it's not a truly a public right of way and we would recommend that the County Council not accept it okay thank you uh you've got another councilman that has questions for you and then there's two members of the public as well but councilman Dempsey yeah I just and kind of following up with David um I think clay if you could answer I know you were looking at the topography map you said the southeast corner is 94 feet elevation and I think you said the center is 90 is that right according to our GIS right now if you looked at it there's over along the east side there's two Mounds at the highest is around a 94 95 um and then if you look towards the West towards the north side of it it goes up to a height of 94 okay and so the uh I don't know if I heard the adjoining properties to the north do you know what their elevation is um they continue on at around 9088 uh so it does fall off towards this North and you there is a low area immediately to the Northeast where there's either a sinkhole or a wetland over in that area okay but my concern is the house on the northwest corner and the one directly to the north they the the one at the northwest corner is at the highest one of the highest spots on the property that's 99 you said 94 94 so it's so when you're talking about making this once you do the grading are we talking about a center point now at 94 92 where I'll have to have the engineer to clarify where he's taking the grades on the side uh I believe the the the current way we have this graded is is our pond the top of Bank of our pond is either at 90 or 91 um so so that that that property that's adjacent to the Northwest should flow down into sorry should flow down into our pond um so so we will not be we will not be discharging back into them we'll be grading onto our site from their from their property so once this site's finished and graded out what will be the highest point at this um I don't know what the finished floor elevations are off the top of my head but it'll it'll probably be um the the one of the buildings on the on the northwest uh side um we we'll probably be one of the highest points on the site but we don't know how high that'll be in relation to the off the top of my head I I I don't know I'm sorry will they be higher than the adjoining properties to the north I I can't answer that right now uh that's that's yeah and I'll have to look at the plans I mean can you make assurances that it won't be any higher than the adjoining properties to the North or is that we we can make assurances that we're not going to to discharge any water to the north yeah yeah we we'll we'll capture that water you know I don't know what the cause of all this flooding is on the west side but there is flooding on the west side and maybe it's a coincidence to your detriment today that that lady came here and was talking about her situation in Daytona Park Estates where clearly they were adjoining properties elevated and causing flooding onto her property I my concern is what assurances do you think we could have that these properties to the north won't suffer what that lady did in the opening presentation it I mean that's just that's just part of at least for us in our in our firm that that's part of our okay yeah go ahead yeah okay on page 54 your staff report this shows you the elevations and also we go through and study this uh the soil's conditions the soil condition here is 180 degrees from Daytona Park States Daytona parkka States is a low-lying it's got a lot of organic material a lot of muck a lot of wetlands in those areas so therefore it is already got a high groundwater table as he was just referencing when he comes in and digs the storm water Pond his storm water Pond is going to be four feet above the uh water table so this is an area of Sandy soils that has very well drained the water table is well below the surface and so as he was saying when he comes in that his uh his pond is basically at existing grade if you look at that exhibit that's right now on your uh screen mhm see how the 94s are over there towards the east side you have 94 right by the pro the single family home existing at the northwest corner so I can tell you this much just looking at it it's it is not an Apples to Apples comparison to the unfortunate situation that's happening in Daytona Park Estates okay all right thank you thank you that's all thank you thank you councilman Johansson thank you Mike can answer it too but I I I just want to be very clear on this uh a single family property a residence that raises the grade of their property during a Rena or whatever their obligation isn't to retain all their their drainage on their on their small property they their the obligation is that it's supposed to go down into the drainage ditch like every other home right single family there's not one- siiz fits-all if you have a subdivision that was approved after the adoption of many of our codes we have very detailed drainage plans so they would have to adhere to that it's the situation specifically like in Daytona Park Estates where you don't have a master grading plan you don't have a master storm water so we require the builders to come in there because now they're having to raise their property to meet FEMA minimum requirements to direct the water either to not onto the other adjacent properties and as you said directly onto the streets so that that way they can hopefully be collected into the swes the unfortunate situation is there are properties out there where because of the low-lying land it may flow into the street but then flow back into the neighbor's property that's right now and that's happening Nationwide as as we raise elevations of of single family homes so so this project and projects like it where where we retain or make a good honest effort scientifically to retain is is better than one by one raising raising homes or raising the greater homes as as we rebuild yes correct and and you also see it with the recent changes from uh St John's river water they've in improved and increased requirements for some of their storm water requirements okay thank you thank you okay thank you yeah uh let's let me call on the public that's here we've got two people that wanted to speak William Nyon it's com on up you have three minutes to toh talk to us thank you if I would love it if we could get the elevation chart that was on there earlier um I'm uh so yes I'm Bill Nyland I'm a uh resident to the east of the uh um project um I was hoping we could get some of those uh elevation charts there that one if if you look at uh at the problem where the t is on Smith Street a little bit below that um or I should say above is a drainage uh uh a drainage ditch I would say that and it drains into a pond that's on my property and that pond is then connected even more through back of my property around into the property that was mentioned earlier just at the end of Smith Street um it's a hydrological system and what my concern is is that first of all I'm super glad about the retention Pond I think that's a great idea water going in and not going out great idea any water that would come from the East side onto Smith Street as it's built right now would flow into this one Dr in ditch into our pond which would then I have a very small pipe which takes it off into the rest of this hydrological system and I'm worried that this would overwhelm that system which has been in place for decades um that's all that's my exclusive concern to let the the builders know the engineers know that um anything that runs off on the east side is going to end up in that and it will not just flood my property but assuming that would be a flood it would impact a large number of areas to the west and the north of this property so as long as people are aware not just inside the property but outside I'm really pleased if they would do that and that's my comment thank you so much thank you for that before I call on the next speaker Mr engineer can can you deal with that concern uh yes yeah uh we have enough we have enough setback between our our buildings and our rideway that um sailes and yard drains can be utilized to capture that water so that way nothing from our site makes it back onto Smith Street so that it doesn't that yes that it does not go to Smith Street yes correct we would capture that water okay um councilman Santiago yeah Mr chairman um are we done with po comments no oh then I'll wait okay uh John Ju John wi and I live at 295 Spring Garden Avenue in the Leon Springs but my business and a lot of my business is in the land I know I'm limited to 3 minutes I'm going try to keep it to three minutes but it seems like a couple of issues here that I just want to uh put some clarity to now I'm I'm a part uh investor in the property I'm a part owner of the property so I've got uh I'm a developer and been developing for many years the first thing I would like to say as at my age I just want to be a good neighbor and I mean that very sincerely all these issues are I I've listened and I've been developing for 50 years and I've developed over a thousand Lots over a thousand and I know what's involved with these with all these issues that you're talking about I'm not going to get into time because I don't have that kind of time but there's a couple of key issues here that I want clarification when we met with staff and by the way a lot of thank yous going on around here tonight and I want to thank our staff in the county because I go all the way back to Palmer Patton and also Don stockham I'm not name dropping but the staff has been and I'm very impressed with whoever this gentleman is here whoever he is God bless him cuz he he he's giving you the facts I'm I'm thankful for the staff now with that said our first staff meeting after much review several key people alluded to why don't we go to a private development when we came back we discussed it um so we debated whether to keep it public or go to private now the overall vote for that was that uh if we went private uh there were certain planning issues such as open space uh additional par off street parking uh and other issues I won't get into so we decided to go private with this which meant we would have to do the gate and do these other things Frankly Speaking I personally voted for that because I wanted if the county wanted that then then I felt like as a developer and on the sales end of the thing that it would be an advantage to go private so let me just put that stake in the ground please now the other issue uh seems to be over this drainage thing and I'm not an engineer but I've been doing a lot of developing and and you know my brother always taught me he was an engineer the water always drains downhill now we're we're at we're at uh correct me if I'm wrong but we're at what we're at 60 70 foot elevation overall on this thing our water table is something like 14 foot down we have hold on just one second yes sir Council how do you feel about giving him an extra minute to finish up I think this is important anybody have a issue with that okay go ahead I I know I'm under time limit here but I and I'm trying to say a lot in a few minutes but and I'm trying to give you fact no fluff no fluff with any of this we have good Engineers we have the best of the best we have the county staff we we have tried from the very beginning and this gentleman here we've tried to to uh go out of our way to do it right to do it right and we still continue that commitment and to be good neighbors thank you for your time thank you I appreciate it okay councilman Santiago thanks Mr chairman just a point of clarification from the applicants attorney and then a motion Mr chair um this is a remind me on the number of units is it what the entitlements are on the property right now how many total 50 tow houses um no under existing entitlements oh I'm sorry uh about 644 so down down in the number of units for the partial right and what's entitled okay um and Mr chairman I make a motion to approve um the resolution for play David Santiago makes a motion to approved the second one was by councilman Johansson oh no I thought you I thought you wanted to talk him out of it okay any other questions any other all the presenters have presented okay then we have a a motion on the floor to approve um be before we vote my final comment was we you and I have talked a lot about different things and this is this is a project you know it's it's campaign season so I'm out talking about changing the development pattern and and you checked off most of the boxes that I talked about one of them is not building roads and then giving them to the taxpayers to maintain the rest of our lives George can't keep up with it now now um so the and the other one is that all the easy places are developed the easy places in my mind are like this high and and dry instead of trying to develop um wetlands and Low Places Daytona Park Estates uh which is a serious problem for the people out there so um with that said I will call for the vote all in favor of the project say I I any opposed and you just hit a home run play you got a lot of compliments there today do they know it's your birthday yeah yeah happy birthday I thought so yeah I look rough for 30 uh I didn't compliment you you get so many of them item seven is a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment 3728 West International Speedway Boulevard for a contractor shop yes sir if uh the council will allow uh staff would like to do a presentation for item seven and eight at the same time since they are dealing with a comp plan Amendment and a rezoning to PUD that are associated uh this subject property is 1.7 Acres located on ISB by uh the Indian Lake Road it is in the High Ridge area that is why it's having to go through the rezoning to PUD otherwise we would be able to utilize a standard commercial zoning uh staff reviewed it for compliance to the code and the uh consistency with the comprehensive plan we recommended approval on both the uh small scale land use Amendment and the resoning to PUD uh the uh plrc our planning Land Development regulation commission also is making those recommendations there was no public comment at the public hearings for either one of these items the applicant's representative is here if you have any questions uh councilman Santiago I'll wait for public comments to finished all right we have uh two people um is it uh call Colleen okay um Exar communication because we are handling both okay no expar any council members have any experte to declare okay Colleen miles Land Development Resource Group on behalf of the owners I'm willing to answer any questions you may have okay same person both of these are from you because you were going to speak on both items okay I'm not sure that you're going to have a lot of questions but uh councilman Santiago Mr chairman can through legal can we uh make one motion to approve both at the same time with one motion no uh I move to approve ordinance 2024 d015 second Johansson motion to approve by David Santiago second uh by councilman Joe Hansen questions Colleen all the way down here um all in favor say I I any opposed item eight is the uh the second part of this is there a motion move to approve item number eight the resolution second Johansson motion to approve by David Santiago the second is also by Jake Johansson questions all in favor say I I any opposed and the motion carries unanimously you did good work thank you all for your your name's still up your name's still up there item nine contract with Halifax P Paving Inc for the barisford Avenue Extension it's easy for you to say good evening Tad casbeer County engineer uh as you said we're seeking approval of the const Construction contract with Halifax Paving for the extension of beersford from Blue Lake over to Kepler uh for the total amount of 4 million where's the number 237,000 yep 365 big number big number some of this money includes uh contributions from the developer we are building turn Lanes as a part of our project on their behalf so they're funding that portion of it so we don't have two construction projects going on at the same time or have them come in immediately after we construct our section and tear portions of it out questions from staff councilman Robbins never mind I'll save it move to approve motion to approve by David Santiago Second Joe Hanson and the second is by councilman johe Hanson and uh question from Vice chair Kent just just to comment since we have a motion in a second if you don't mind chair Noe I don't mind um Council we all know 5,280 ft is a mile and um prices are out of control I'm going to approve this I'm going to vote for this this is a little over 4,000 ft this is less than a mile and um it needs to get done so I'm going to approve it begrudgingly because this is less than a mile of road work that's all y uh councilman Robbins thanks Sher I know we talked about this in a staff meeting in terms of the mix do we know what kind of mix they doing with the recycle 30% 45% have the 20% maximums okay do we know a cost savings if we were to do it at the 45% that's not off the top of my head no because we didn't uh didn't B it that way so I wouldn't I could Hazard a guess but I'm going to go ahead and and and vote for it too but that's something I'd like to see as well cost difference in bank for the buck to see why uh or what we're saving if we uh put more recycled uh material in there so more than double yeah we can get you that number thanks remember it's not just the cost there but then you're could be sacrificing life of payment by doing that so we we we will be meeting with the paving folks and the do to go over to find out you know what they're finding out because yeah you just pay me now pay me later but that's all you're done okay um there is a motion to approve this expensive project but what Mr Kent said is correct I mean this is a needed needed infrastructure um so the motion on the table is to approve all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 7 to zero okay item 10 Road Network needs discussion good evening Ben Bartlett Public Works director um this item is being brought before council at y'all's Direction regarding the discussion a few meetings back about the uh additional millage and to kind of discuss what is uh focused on capacity projects and uh grants and legislative Appropriations which are typically specific to each project and uh focus on capacity and safety um what we're going to discuss in this presentation is projects related to maintenance and safety the uh capacity projects are typically funded by our impact fees and prop fair share which we get from new development so first let's talk about safety capital projects currently we allocate about $2 million a year this is an average some years it's higher some years it's lower really we uh what we do is we put a set amount of money away every year building towards the amount uh to have a the full amount for a project currently the project next up on the list for safety is Old Mission Road um the design will be complete and ready for construction in fiscal year 2425 unfortunately we've been saving every year but we've been having trouble with inflationary costs and keeping up so we're looking at currently a $3 million funding Gap uh between the money we have allocated for this and getting it to construction so if we wanted to construct this project next fiscal year we would need approximately when when it's ready when it's designed and Perman which we anticipated being would need about an additional $3 million some additional uh safety projects that we have lined up include Jacobs Derry Road pave shoulders Timber Creek inter and Airport Road intersection improvements as well as some uh improvements to Howen Boulevard uh from I4 to Catalina so um based on you know the upcoming projects as well as the uh estimated need for Old Mission we're looking for an additional uh need of about $2 and A5 million doll per year just on these safety projects up next pedestrian safety projects so I believe councilman Santiago mentioned it earlier in the discussion about there was a uh a study done in vucha County ranked unfortunately very high in terms of pedestrian safety and fatality currently we uh we fund new sidewalk projects we focus on safe routes to schools areas around 2 miles around schools where sidewalk gaps exist and we have about $400,000 a year currently funded out of gas tax for those types of projects um we worked with the what's going to be called the valusa Flagler TPO formerly the river to see TPO as well as Flagler County to apply and get a grant for to develop a safety action plan for uh Safe Streets and roads for all um we expect this uh Safety Action Plan to be completed in the upcoming year it's going to recommend a series of projects to be done to address pedestrian safety and we're going to anticipate um requests from the the TP and and Flagler to have a collaborative effort on some of these projects and we're estimating one to two million a year will be needed to fund some of these projects um and then also you know you've seen a lot of these going in mid block crosswalks the rrfbs the flashing yellow lights um there's also the what they call the pedestrian in hybrid Beacon if you're ever on ISB in your Mainland you see it looks like a traffic signal we are seeing lots of requests for these types of uh pedestrian Crossings a lot and um so we we kind of handle them as they come in based on the studies and so we we budget as we see as we can and so the those flashing RPS R run about 60,000 a year and those pedestrian hybrid beacons which the dot is going to which I think you're going to see more of run about $300,000 um uh per installation so you're going to see a lot more of these requests come through and so I just want to put that out there as something that we're seeing requests on and and how much they cost up next Bridge projects so um right now we have a bridge Capital plan this is just to to handle the bridges that we have on our current inventory we have budgeted uh 1.4 million over the next 5 years 85 % of that funding is allocated to the two draw Bridges the High Bridge Knox bridge and the uh Main Street Bridge all of this funding comes from local option fuel tax um we have $500,000 uh in fiscal year 2829 allocated for fixed Bridges we have 48 fixed Bridges two draw Bridges one of those fixed Bridges is the brand new Veterans Memorial Bridge which even though it's fairly new still requires a fair amount of Maintenance um and and the high rises in that type of environment are are maintenance heavy one thing we've seen with some of our fix Bridges is during Hurricane I which with the massive amount of water that was flowing under these Bridges normally in Florida we don't see uh creeks and canals flow with high velocity because it's flat it's tidal but during Hurricane Ian you had a buildup of that water as the tide was being you know pushed back in and when the tide left out that water came rushing through and it caused what we call scouring underneath the bridge and so we are seeing these issues at multiple Bridges and around Spruce Creek and the tamoka river and uh we're already in design for one scour repair project and we just got noticed on another bridge that has some scour based on the inspection that we're probably going to have to add a load rating to so these are projects that we're going to have to address and these are projects that weren't anticipated up until now and so we're looking at a need of about $1 million a year over five years for these type of projects and then uh Bridge replacement project so Main Street Bridge pretty Old Bridge um it's uh made its way on the list on the state's replacement Bridge list um the approximate cost on that bridge to replace would be about $80 million I'm not advocating for that right now I'm just stating that that bridge currently meets kind of the criteria for a replacement situation and that's about what it would cost and then on fixed Bridges we have a for that um and that's right around really what it costs a mile to pave a dirt road um we do it with our in-house Crews with our own Paving crews out of rad and Bridge to save costs and uh the costs can vary up or down based on you know some of the width of those roads varies the storm water and the in the current conditions of that road and then resurfacing we have have uh just under a th000 miles of roads to resurface um we allocate $6.5 million out of the gas tax to do the resurfacing and um in order every year we uh we uh do a survey of all our paved roads and we measure the the pavement condition index and our last survey in order to maintain the average PCI we would need an additional $2 million in funding now that survey was about three years old we're current currently the roads are being driven right now as part of that so we'll get a new updated report here shortly which will base our three-year resurfacing program on so given inflation that's occurred recently over the past few years that number could go up and so we track our pcis as we go through as we resurface and see which roads are lasting longer and which roads are doing better and we use that to develop our program so quick summary current needs safety projects $25 million a year ped project 1 and half to $2 and5 million a year Bridge projects a million and uh maintenance projects about $2 million a year these are this is money that we could spend right away over the next few years to address these series of projects I want to stress that you know we have that long list of unmet capital needs that are that you see in the budget none of that none of those projects are included in this group answer any questions otherwise I'll turn it over to Aaron who's going to talk a little bit about the mill hold on hold on before you do there's two people up do you have questions right now councilman Robbins I can I can wait until uh Alex is done oh you Alex Aaron thanks Donnie Aaron van cleek Deputy Finance director the uh this is just a review of what you uh what you guys voted on last meeting when you did the road millage so we had the recommended millage rate what the dedicated fund uh Road fund funding millage rate would be and then the tentatively set millage rate for your review and then just a comparison of what the operating and non-operating budget is with that change um I just like to point this out that you notice the change to both sides because while we Levy that tax in the operating fund we're transferring the money to a non-operating fund so it just goes to what we've said all along the non-operating budget is all money that's generated from your operating budget so you do not add those two together so that gives you your recommended budget and then what the tentatively set budget it is with that addition and then this gives you your ongoing Road funding if you were to keep that dedicated millage rate for the roads each year based on the assumptions of growth and taxable value you can see you would have $22.4 million after four years uh for Road funding or the list that Ben went over based on current assumptions okay councilman Robbins thank you chair uh Ben real quick you had sent out a good email just I didn't know if all Council got it can you just talk a little bit about the the uh the power of for instance $5 million not saying that I want to proceed forward with that when it comes to bonding do you remember the figure on that I'm gonna let our finance guy handle that one at current interest rates it's estimated that $5 million a year would be able to Pro provide for The Debt Service to receive $64 million upfront over a 20-year Debt Service Horizon okay all right and first of all staff thank you guys um Aaron and and Ryan Ben everybody that that put their heads together to to to make this happen um Council if we remember uh a few weeks ago we we had some soft commitments from the opposition I I know I forget what the vote was either 43 or 52 but uh if we found uh additional dollars without raising the millage rate uh that we would be game to uh start knocking some of these projects out my biggest Focus if we can pull up the safety projects um my biggest focus with with some of this found money that I'll get into here momentarily would be the safety projects and The Pedestrian projects okay is this just the the is that the full list or is that countywide list or is that just District I I don't want this to be District yeah no this is this is would be as we tick off these safety projects okay these would be the next ones up um in the in the p i mean we have lots of roads that have you know that we should we can be able to update paved shoulders guard rail all those kinds of things that are older constructed under different you know specifications so these were the next four up um you know normally it takes us a few years to save up for these types of Roads inflation's been kind of tough on that but these would be the next four uh four up on the list so as we tick them off we would proceed to the next one okay and finance Ryan we have approximately 3.2 million left over in arpa that's unallocated 3.8 3.8 yeah at the um June the last meeting in June when we presented the arpa reallocation it included an addition allocation to revenue loss of $3.8 million uh that we're able to justify with the calculations and the savings on other projects that money was budgeted to be transferred to the revenue loss the arpa transition fund but a project has not yet been identified for that do we have a rough idea of the any arpa savings that are left over from projects I'm trying to hit that 5 million Mark I I got a sense that we can get there the with the arpas in particular because we just took it to uh the council meeting in June we had already Tred up everything to the best of our ability based on estimates so on the actual arpa direct projects we don't think there'll be any any material say there probably will be but at this point we can't estimate it one might come in high one might come in low we're still waiting on bids on several projects thank you um okay Council something I want to bounce off you guys or make a proposition um I'm pretty sure staff can get to that $5 million Mark what I'm willing to do is make a commitment to you guys and I want this to be a countywide Initiative for safety and pedestrian projects um I think this would be a great use of that arpa money uh to get up to speed especially uh in some of these areas uh that are that are much needed so I'd be willing to if we can make a commitment today to give direction to the county manager to use the onetime arpit dollars in any of remaining savings to go to the the road program as identified through staff I'll go ahead when the time is right uh re retract uh my motion we'll take that 5 million back off and bring it down bring the milit rate back down to the recommended um original milit rate I think that's pretty yeah sure second okay so excuse me pardon me no he said you want to shorten it up yeah I thought uh councilman Santiago had a question but no yes yes thank Mr chairman um Danny thanks for that that the work you did there um he he just put a motion on the floor do you have a question about them okay good yeah I want to compliment first even though I don't really like them but I'm kidding um you know we we originally talked about this idea when we talked about the millage you know we had also talked about tackling the the growing infrastructure problems we have on roads right and how are we going to solve that um we can barely keep up with inflation um with these road projects and uh I I I thought we could probably get to the point where we can have that bigger conversation um and make a real strong statement towards you know how we're going to tackle our our roads right and it takes money and it's going to take us to have some tough conversations and I'm okay with having that we probably the ship is already sailed probably for this budget cycle for a real serious uh modification or changes to that but I think we should be having this conversation in first of January you know start already having some real Dialogue on these major road projects and you know that was $5 million I think right and I'm okay with your idea but I think there's more I I like the safety projects that's you went you read my mind but I'd like to spend those other five million on more safety projects that's just my thoughts mik chair may I real quick yes and and I if if I can get in a soft agreement with you guys to we have this money if we want to put this off a little bit I'm good with that um but what i' would like to see is some sort of commitment because and I purposely had them identify everything there has to do without roads I want to get out of the the notion that it's 5 million a mile yes it is five but there's a hundred other Road things that we're pushing aside in focusing on 5 million mile when we have safety and ped projects or other things that we can use some of these dollars that we have right now that we have to use uh uh at some point so um what I was trying to do was get a commitment uh to tackle this lwh hanging fruit and if we want to uh um this budget cycle look at a designated fund great I'm all for it uh to that where we can actually start doing the new road or expansion projects but this money right here it's not going to go to that you're going to use this arpa money for this this sort of stuff right here but either way if I can get a commitment from you guys I'll go ahead and I can retract my um um original motion to add the 5 million to the general fund let's go ahead and use this and we'll go ahead and we'll tackle this lwh hanging fruit so if I think Mr chair May respond yes you may um so I I think I think I know where you're going is you're proposing this uh additional arpa fund and other savings for staff for us to give them direction to spend those funds to these safety projects onlined the other money that we were talking about a few weeks ago we'll deal with that decision when it comes back before us right correct and if we get that obligation for this I'll go ahead and I'll pull my motion out for that F additional 5 million off the general fund and we'll do it in the next uh cycle I got you I'm I'm I'm willing to do that to have that conversation whatever it is later on thank you Mr chair okay Jake Johansson yeah I just I want to point of clarification here um Mr Robbins raised the max millage rate right Mr Robins raised the max millage rate so we have a Max millage rate and that's all it is a Max millage rate and and we'll talk about millage in in a couple weeks so so that's out there there's no adding or removing the max millage rate has been set at $5 million more than it was when we started that that conversation so put that aside now due to some great staff work with our elected officials there's $5 million out there that we found for safety projects that's what we're here for right now I'm I'm all for that I also like the the the option to bond this we we are we are a a macro surf sign Condo Association right now we work so hard to keep the taxes down we we did you solid we kept your taxes down your house is going to C in but by goly we're going to get reelected because we kept your taxes down there there's got to be a balance between keeping the taxes down and and keeping the infrastructure sound and this is infrastructure in general so so there's a bunch of different ways to solve those big problems uh David and and I want to solve those big problems bonding is just one way to do it a referendum votes another way to do it I mean we we put something on the referendum to get 2 m for everything under the uh Under the Sun I I'm not saying that's the right answer either but we have to start tackling our infrastructure issues before we end up collapsing we we already have places some of them in in Incorporated cities that that have failing underground infrastructure um and and I think it's important that that we at the county take a lead at at being quick and do the right thing and properly explain why we're doing what we're doing um and and get some of these things taken care of so I'm in for the long I'm I'm great with this short I'm I'm all about safety first um um but I think the more we We Kick the Can um we talked in your presentation about scour issues of of multiple Bridges because of hurricane damage I mean are we taking money from the transform 386 to address this because I wanted more than just the 50 million That was supposed to be set aside for that could be an option because it it would be a resilient project if we can Harden some of these bridges on the scour project have we gone down that path yet and if not why not um well frankly because it's a very new issue and I anticipate that we we're going to have some transform 386 money or another round of infrastructure the the applications are already in but um I have identified one of these projects as a possibility for transform through on the scour protection how much uh how much how much are we talking about do you think in potential cost for all these scour issues um well the one that's under design um we're we're still waiting for an estimate on that it's really a project that um it's kind of unique that we haven't had to deal with before um on the other on one of the other Bridges it we are literally just got the inspection report on it uh weeks ago so um that one could be anywhere from uh scour protection all the way up to uh a major repair to increase uh you know some structural stuff around the pile so we're still working on that is that something we could in good faith do major repairs to to for preservation in the future structurally I mean could we apply this transform 386 money possibly yeah because it it would fall under I mean this would fall under some of that resilient making infrastructure resilient to storm damage and things like that so it would fall under that so that is something that we've already started looking at I know a lot of the applications are already in um and we're waiting to see you know based on the applications that are in working with Donna to see if there's any money left over and if there is we we'll probably we might have another round of of applications you suspect we're going to run out of money I don't know I I I'm Not The Keeper of the transform 386 money um I don't want to speak to that but um I do know that the application's in because we've submitted some already for other projects in the county um but we need a little bit more information till we're ready because you have to go through a whole cost benefit analysis and all these other uh parts of the application so all right thank you Ben councilman Robbins I saw David left but uh chair I'm ready to make a motion uh to use the onetime ARP dollars 3.8 million and uh whatever unused dollars that the county manager identifies to uh start tackling the uh safety and pedestrian projects Hansen okay we have a motion on the floor to use a onetime or money and whatever savings County staff comes up with by uh councilman Robins second by was that Jake Johansson second by Jake Johansson um we do have a member of the public who wanted to speak on this um any other council members have questions um I know we uh apparently we've moved to now that the millage question will come up in the final budget meetings well that's for you guys to determine you can also address the millage question tonight which would make things little easier uh at the next meeting so up Aon uh if it's is the the council's desire to pull back the $5 million off the uh millage then that was going to be the next question we would ask is uh if you if you would do that tonight and when we come in uh for the September hearings they will be back to the recommended millage from before and then everything kind of lines up paperwork wise um at that time so okay I think that's going to be possible your thoughts there said okay uh Danny Robbins chair just my recommendation I uh we do have the motion on the floor um I'd rather address that first and then we can go into talking about uh the millage rate reduction we can do that that work for you I want to make make sure it's easy for y'all to uh to deal with County Manager yep that great okay so we have a motion on the floor to use a onetime ARP of money uh don't see any other questions let's call John Nicholson who wanted to speak on this issue johnon go get it comedians uh John Nicholson beach side um you're going around Robin on this to me um I was thinking uh how much would it be able to raise with a uh 5 million a year I think it came out $64 million uh and that's at present uh interest rates I'm guessing that within a year whether or not Donald elected or not it will the interest rates will go down all right and you'll get more bang for your buck several years ago uh we tried Penny uh half penny sales tax for infrastructure and because we didn't Market it well it was turned down it didn't mean the public didn't realize there was a need I think there's a half what a $100 million or so for infrastructure needs this couple of dollars a year is not going to help you've seen the inflation the cost of everything is gone up Asphalt is ridiculous cement so I'm thinking if you would take a look at it orman's had this for years all right and nobody's complained about their roads it's taken out automatically the city of Daytona Beach has it our water our water increases every year nobody sees it everybody knows we need infrastructure done I have a problem with the city of Daytona Beach because it never saw a need to widen LPGA because they never thought that homes were going to go on the property west of 95 they were convinced that there would be no homes there well it's too late now so they were were happy with 2040 for widening LPGA it doesn't help us now it's too late if you bond that 5 million what can staff do with 64 million in today's dollars what is the cost of asphalt and infrastructure Etc in 20 years all right you never going to be able to do what you're able to do now so I'm asking you to consider that $5 million bonded this year I think the public will back you when you say infrastructure everybody understands that we are growing astronomically everybody does not want to sit at a traffic light for four traffic light stops they don't want to waste their time sitting in traffic so I'm asking you to think very carefully about bonding now and what it would cost in 20 years thank you thank you okay so we have the motion on the table still no other questions motion is to use one time arpa money all in favor say I I any opposed and that one passes 720 uh councilman Robbins chair and if you'd like I can uh once Aaron uh how do you want to do this because I'll make that motion to go ahead and reduce the millage back uh back down so the motion would reduce the millage rate back to the 3.27 uh which would be the general fund millage rate and then the uh tentative budget would be reduced by the 5,496 and the new recommended operating budget would be 1 million 1 billi 3, 22,100 one 1 billi3 22 M1 15357 and the non-operating budget of 257 m428 775 I'll make that motion you could go lower we have two more two more votes budget yes yes September 3rd and September 17th okay okay so you're making the uh counsman Robbins has made the motion to reduce it back to the original M um and the second is by uh Matt Reinhardt got it and Danny you still have a NOP any other questions all in favor say I I any opposed and that one passes seven to zero chair may I say something real quick yes Council uh real quick thank you um that's exactly what I uh what we what I was shooting for here also to uh chair I can either do it now or later I want to give direction to staff to also set that workshop for um or get a date for the uh discuss roads but also to get our local Partners some of our road builders and contractors at the table with us during that meeting um where I can hold it till after the [Music] meeting all I think it would be I think it would be appropriate to set the workshop now if you want to make that motion you're on a streak George you think uh after budget Jake you're staring at you've already you already gave us direction for the workshop so we we need to set the date on that but right now they're in the middle matter of fact uh they have uh Zone meetings Thursday Thursday and then next week in Thursday can we do it the New Year definitely that'd be great I saw the whites and Jake's eyes from my peripheral and I got my hair started standing up I think it would be a great way to kick off the New Year in January let's do it fir okay somewhere first month in the meantime your other part of your discussion I think it's be more proper if I can meet with the contractor part separately uh before that absolutely all right so I will and Council just real quick I started meeting with a lot of the road builders and uh there is so much to learn with this I mean I'm just blown away it's it's absolutely a science but I encourage anybody and I can get get you all the contact numbers or or whatever but I encourage everybody to talk to some of these folks and the people that bid on these projects it's it's amazing what they uh what they do but also too the Insight that they can provide on where we can save money is just uh tremendous so thank you guys for for supporting uh these great initiatives thanks Mr chairman point of privilege i' like to be excused I have a pretty long trip to ver uh Virginia this evening to be there tomorrow morning like yep thank you very much are you flying or driving driving you can fly from Daytona fairly inexpensively I don't think I can wait till uh then I'm trying Cyrus all right have a safe trip okay item 11 resolution one appointment to the vucha county Industrial Development Authority is there a nomination correct so Mr Dennis Stark his term expired July 19th of 2024 he is seeking reappointment and he is the only applicant to serve on the board what's the board's pleasure is there a nomination for the valuchi county Industrial Development Authority we have one correct you have one application he is the incumbent seeking reappointment say the name again please Dennis dark and previously Mr Johnson had appointed him okay yes correct Reinhardt makes a motion to approve Mr Dennis is there a second second and it's seconded by David Santiago any questions all in favor say I any opposed and he is appointed um chair's assignment to the Early Learning Coalition of valua and Flagler counties correct so this is the position that Mr Ken a couple meetings ago stated that he couldn't serve on due to the meeting times it is the chair's appointment as a part of the chair's nominations we did bring it back that Miss lucenda Coy the library Services director can serve on that board okay and I will uh make that nomination is there a second yes I'll second it try Kent makes the second any questions all in favor say I I any opposed Library director is appointed public participation just come on up Mr Nicholson you know the drill you have you have 60 seconds to say what you you're yanky uh sides tonight um a couple of things one uh don with regard to the bed tax um there are several people years ago who put an ironclad where they could spend it and how they could spend it uh I don't know if they can do what you're asking um and I mean I guess they could but it's not what their charism is for it's for it's for uh advertis iing it's for bringing heads in beds um so I don't like fooling with it you know especially when there's no need uh they're very good at at donating to get Airlines in which we did very well on that we put aside a million bucks they only used half a million you're worried about what happened in um uh Melbourne Melbourne didn't get Riders that's why they shut down they're doing well here they're not going to shut down it's not one of those things where you just grab the Money and Run they're here to make a profit they are making a profit I'm anticipating them they're staying that's why Delta's here that's why the other airlines are here uh secondly the opio sett settlement didn't we get a settlement for opioid if we did where's it going or has it been spent or whatever I know it's out there somewhere uh secondly I want to let you all know that uh Daytona Beach is down five major hotels they've been destroyed by the Hurricanes they've not come back so that bed tax would be a heck of a lot higher if we had those what a, 1,400 hotel rooms so um it's a major uh problem for us uh secondly I don't know if you all read the magazine the other day ponts Inlet number one small city to retire to in the nation Pont Inlet I think that's that's a feather in our cap uh and lastly could we get another airline like United a major airline into the airport I know where we've gone with the smaller ones we need to go out west we really do need to go to California the Texas yeah oh I know I mentioned it uh he's got another thing on the hook that I'm I'm pushing him for as well but uh I think uh if we could get a top T another major airline going out west which is what we need because we don't go to Texas we don't go to um Colorado Washington State I know we may not want to go to California but it's lucrative all right and we may want to go back overseas it's been years since we went to Germany remember latanza that was years ago we haven't done anything like that since so uh time's up thank you have a good day thank you add Italy to that list Cyrus okay Rome um Cyrus I'm going to say this for you you can correct me if and I'm going to be careful but one of the things that Cyrus is looking forward to is as as this occurs it also puts pressure on every other carrier to um reduce uh fars and uh bring more people to the or uh the pona Beach airport instead of Orlando and Sanford so just keep it up um bring us Southwest Airlines all right um that takes us to the uh County Manager I have nothing tonight are you disappointed I'm never bring us to the county attorney I think George just started a trend I have nothing he's starting to what he started a trend okay here come the breaks then we come to Matt Reinhardt I do have something um what's happening at to jail yeah exactly and I was going to leave it out but uh we do have something exciting at the jail as a matter of fact I had to bring it up tomorrow we'll be doing doing the first ever job fair for inmates uh we're putting local businesses uh in front of these inmates this first time ever we've never done that before um this way that can't be used as an excuse that that seemed to be the biggest thing that when these individuals return to custody that they uh said they couldn't find a job and I think it was mentioned tonight so it's an effort to join the the small businesses with Personnel people that can work and their their businesses in addition to hopefully lowering that recidivism rate and addressing some of the other issues that were brought up by Dr fure so very excited about that that's a uh one of hopefully many the other thing I want to talk about uh a while back um after the storms we had uh suspended the uh ordinance with respect to sand placement the 4T up 12T out uh to allow individuals the opportunity to invest that money into their property and and try to fix that um a little while back I know that sun sets in December of this year uh a few meetings ago I brought up the possibility of extending that or doing away with that and there was some resistance and I respect that and I think Mr Santiago brought up some very good points about that however I have a an option um knowing that we are getting ready to undertake our um dredging projects which will place the multitude of of uh I should just say a lot of sand being brought to the area as a result of that drudging project with the Army Corp of Engineers I would ask if uh Council would entertain at least a suspension of that until that project is done so this way we're not doing away with it entirely like I originally asked but um at least till that project is done it just makes no sense for people to invest that money to put that sand placement when we very may very well be able to provide them with that sand from that drudging project uh the 770,000 cubic yards coming from the inter Coastal and the 550 from the uh uh that's going to new samna area from the Rattlesnake Island project and there may be yet a third project that we we haven't talked about yet uh from the in uh inter Coastal so um if they'll entertain that go ahead May Mr yes please um I I I I like the idea for me it would be a little bit more details uh for from staff as to what would we normally do with that sand right if we didn't have this what would what would be the plan for it and what is the timeline does it fit uh council member reinhardt's uh suggestion on the extension um Mr Santiago I I think that if council's supportive of Mr reinhardt's suggestion we'll be bringing back to you uh for Action uh the extension of the program in short I would say that both sand projects the Army Corps of Engineers dredging sand and the Rattlesnake Island probably about a million and a half cubic yards in total that we'll be placing through those two projects uh will be about uh a year from now uh before it would be complete at the earliest it's about a year out uh so I'll be work we'd be working as a team with Jessica Fentress and others to Define when it would come back what is the plan for that sand currently currently the plan for that sand is to place a Dunes of I think it's 18 cubic yards per linear foot upon those properties that grant us an easement for the sand placement for as far as it will go linearly north and south from the inlet uh based on and that'll be based on how many people grant us the easement for that placement and if I could add to that these are the most uh the ones identified are the most vulnerable areas of pond Inlet they T to be Shores which we know we were discussing as of recent um so that Sam will help out those individuals I I would just one last comment and Council may have noticed last week we did a press release and some social media outreach especially to the property owners along the ocean uh the state has as of July opened a new grant program that will allow ocean front property owners not the count but Property Owners to seek 100% reimbursement for any sand they're willing to place east of their SE wall or east of their Dune so right now compliance with the code requirements the the permit requirements can be met and reimbursed at 100% by the state as long as the state has those funds that's a firsttime grant of its type so while I am supportive of extending the permit I also do want to encourage our property owners to take advantage of those dollars the state's offering that will only add more sand to our beaches which will be good for the system in especially if there's a year that we're we're talking about within that year time frame I'm I'm I'm open to to support you Matt if as an individual I'd like to make that motion if that's I'll I'll I'll second it to bring it back bring back yes okay so your motion is to have bring that that information back to us about the right yes what she said second second by uh councilman Santiago any questions on that all in favor say I I any opposed I we have one opposed six in favor five oh that's true okay you done yes I'm done than you all right Danny Robbins thank you uh Chris I sent you a couple emails with some links Council this is actually kind of neat no no it's called the sandbagger David it's not about you um I'm I'm kidding David I love you man um Hey so uh there's a couple of these portable machines you know with our elderly population I know you know obviously we get we get these storms and pretty much here in September we're going to be at the height of uh hurricane season I don't know if it's something I don't think I have to give direction on it but I just wanted to bring up a couple different examples to make it a little easy on a residents at a couple different locations they use these in Port Orange uh and I think they still May at at a couple different locations uh but there's this technology out there it's probably fairly reasonable to to just help our people people out Chris do we have the other one some of these fill like fills up to 4,800 bags in 8 hours you know where where we don't have our our people uh you know or the residents uh filling them up but it's uh pretty neat stuff just something to look at and um some for staff Yeah we actually have something similar to the first one located out at Corrections and that's what they use and uh they fill bags even ahead of time so we always have a uh a a stash of them ready to go and then they can make more but uh you know we'll look at uh what our needs are um but yep you're done you're done councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman I I'll just be brief I just wanted I know today we had a a good tough conversation on our uh tourism authorities and I just want to let them know that I you know I I appreciate the work that they do um and out of respect I I hope they appreciate the work that we have to do um there's a lot of uh invested in the airport and we want to make sure that you know everyone is in on this so um the economic engine of Valia is what's important to me and that's the motive uh single motive thank you Mr chair I'm thank you uh councilman Dempsey yeah I'll just just as a followup to what David said and actually John I mean John I'm reading the news journal article Melbourne's incentives came similar to ours Landing fees wav terminal ground handling fees were waved for the first two years they pledged 275,000 and they left after 230 40,000 and so I'm not I would love to see this to be a thriving destination airport and every Legacy Airline every National Airline come in and out of here but I mean we got to be realistic we're Daytona We're Not Orlando and um so and we've pledged a million they've already sucked through a half a million and they're halfway through so the first thing I was always told is the best thing to learn from is history because history repeats itself and I'm just hoping that doesn't happen here I'm not a naysayer to this but I voted against it and I'm still not optimistic that this is going to be a success I Cyrus did a great job he's doing a great job he got Breeze here which is awesome but again I just uh that's why I want to make sure that whatever pool of money is sitting over there with Halifax goes to the airport because if we're ever going to invest that money this is the year to do it to make sure that avll is a success I really do hope it works but I'd hate to see it not work and here we end up ending up just like melburn so um I hope I'm wrong I really do but so that's all and I'm as I'm not proposing that we chop it up it's just with the West Side getting 1.8 million of Tourism money and the East Side getting 26 million it's just you can see where maybe I can see a little Injustice there you know so I just I still love you but that's all I have I have nothing else I just wanted to respond to that because I respect you John um and that's it thanks guys you're welcome uh Jake Johansson you are not here Troy Kent Jake's on Dempsey air right now flying thank thank you chairman uh just a a couple a couple of things this evening George that that woman that spoke tonight at public comment that had video of her feet in the water clay is still here thank goodness that really bothered me because I believed her when she said for 19 years she's lived there and it hasn't happened until these homes got there I'm hopeful that we can help her come up with a solution because there's I mean to me it just seemed like that's why she's having this problem and I would be spitting nails and at the same time devastated if there was water up against my house like that when there hasn't been in the past I'm hopeful George that you and or your team will reach out to her and um talk to her about real solutions uh that one bugged me uh Mark Swanson and Jim judge we heard are retiring and I just have to say congratulations and at the same time like a huge no that institutional knowledge that they have I mean George I you know I put feathers in your cap about that you hiring and putting the right people in positions those are two tough ones that you know you're you're going to have to I I don't know how you recover from that I mean really those men with that institutional knowledge and that kind of background you just can't impart that into someone else so um good luck with that I think Jim judge's gonna go and come back again going to come back yeah um we heard a a councilman talk uh Mr Robins talk about the sand bagger I can just tell you all in orand we have those and they fill the bags and then they have a line of cars coming into public works and then they have a team of employees that are on rotation so they don't get too tired and they will actually put 10 in your trunk for you and I was thinking gosh we have this out there by the jail why don't we have inmates who have earned it lined up putting the bags in the vehicles of our valuchi County residents we do that yes we do brilliant perfect I love it um Lyn Flanders yep she's still here I know that Lynn has been having some meetings with some people in the community who were in The know about rigging and concerts and I just wanted to say thank you for having an open mind and having those meetings because in the near future and in the very recent past these bands have been to the St Augustine amphithe theater Crowded House UB 40 the English Beat Billy Idol IR all of those bands should be at the Ocean Center where there is air condition and great concessions and I am positive you can make that happen because I love all of the Bands I just mentioned but what I don't love is driving to St Augustine and sitting out in that scorching heat you know when we've got a beautiful center right here so I just wanted to to put that out there Troy you forgot to mention gr combo yes and them as well yes thank you um for those listening online and those here the next District dialogue for residents will be on Monday September 16th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Holly Hill City Hall it is an open dialogue meeting with your District 4 County councilman and we talk about anything that you want to talk about last but not least um last Thursday my wife Heather and I we uh we moved Wyatt into his college dorm and what an exciting time down in bcer rone at uh Florida Atlantic University so our our house is uh is empty and um you know Believe It or Not uh I'm the softy and the family you know um Heather likes to think that she is but I'm I'm really the one and if you want to bring me to my knees just talk about my mother or my son uh because it can happen quickly but we got a text from him a picture of him walking on the beach his second day there and it just said one thing living my best life and I thought good kid you know now get your tail into class Monday morning and show us in the world what you can do so uh to WK I say we love you and keep crushing it have a nice [Music] evening thank you and I'm going to skip because as all everybody knows it is uh election Night results are still coming in and I'm going to go uh spend some time with people that help me and and my wife and see if uh John Nicholson voted for me or not I should have been nicer to you so um thank you all for a good meeting and um we will adjourn at 8:00