##VIDEO ID:mRk7j1zRtGY## now [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 10 minutes [Music] he a [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] down [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 minutes [Music] [Music] l [Music] District Two council member to my left we have David Santiago District 5 council member to his left we have Don Dempsey District 1 council member next to Don we have Jenna misel she's a records manager then we have Erica Aras our Administrative Assistant we have Carissa green our Deputy County Clerk and in the back you'll see from time to time coming out Terry Carrie and Hazel and my name is Troy Kent I am your Vice chairman and District 4 representative on the County Council at this time we're going to start with our invocation I'd like to bring up Pastor Joel a Newman from Life Fellowship Church of the Nazarene from Deltona and when the pastor comes up uh if you'll please stand and then stay standing for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Pastor are you here okay at this time we're going to have a moment of of Silence followed by the Pledge of Allegiance thank you very much I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and thank you you may be seated Miss green at this time would you please call the role Mr Johansson here Mr Kent here Mr Reinhardt here Mr Robbins here Mr Santiago here Mr dimsey Mr Brower okay and Mr brower's out not feeling well and we hope that he gets better soon next up we have our public participation if you want to speak to your County Council you're welcome to do so you'll go see Miss green she'll hand you a yellow card you'll fill it out you'll have three minutes to talk about anything that you want to talk about I ask that all comments are directed towards this Council and at this time I'll also ask if you have a cell phone if you please silence it we'd appreciate it first up is Bella Schwarz and when you come up you don't have to give your address for safety reasons but we do like it if you tell us what district you live in so that your District representative knows that you're in our area uh bellish wordss I'm not sure which district it's okay all right good evening vucha County Council and chair Bella can I stop you just for a minute take that mic and pull it right to you talk right into that thing all righty is this good good evening bua County Council and chair I've heard it said that picture is worth a thousand words um since I only have 3 minutes here today I brought this simple picture with me showing how the destruction of wetlands directly contributes to flooding our County was devastated by Hurrican Milton many homes roads and businesses were destroyed the chart shows that when we have storms or significant rain such water is absorbed by the wetlands grass and trees but when such green is bolded and replaced by concrete water has nowhere to go hence the flooding my name is Bella Schwarz I'm now 16 speaking on behalf the citizens and youth of our County I want to take this moment to quote Theodore Roosevelt our former president who established 150 national forests throughout America he said there can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country he also said do what you can with what you have where you are councilman a moratorium on development is urgent summoning laws need to be held tightly against those wanting to bulldo our future let's move Full Speed Ahead with land conservation efforts let's start the ground truth thing of nonprotected land to look for endangered species in Lucia so that more lands can be protected and preserved my appeal to this committee reminds me of the story about the man stuck on his roof when water was rising and he was at risk of drowning he prayed to God to save him he was sent a rope a raft and a boat he denied each opportunity saying that God would save him personally and when he died of course he asked God why didn't you save me and God said I sent you a rope a raft in a boat why didn't you seize the opportunity as Roosevelt would have recommended the man on the roof didn't do what he could with what he had where he was you see we are like that man stuck on the roof and we have a chance right now to change the future destruction of this County what more is it going to take what what is going to take I'm asking each one of you to jump into the boat Elanor Roosevelt said the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams I believe in the beauty of my dreams and I'm dreaming of a green valua in the spirit of President Roosevelt join me but stop further destruction because nothing is more important than the conservation of our country thank you thank you Bella next up is Raquel Levy followed by Lisa Burke Mr chairman if I may real quick can you uh um inform the audience on our our process that we don't typically respond to public and if they want to hear it maybe they'll stay till the end where we can comment yeah thank you for bringing that up councilman Santiago and and he's exactly right we follow strict rules and we're we're governed by Robert's Rules of Order we have rules that we have established as a sitting Council and just so you know you're going to we're going to hear a lot of different things this afternoon but we don't respond right now because that's that's not how these meetings are run and we run an efficient meeting we want to make sure everybody's voice is heard but you're right at the end of the meetings a council member very well could take up whatever someone said and talk about it at that time so thanks for bringing that up Miss Levy good afternoon valua County Council Mr Kent it's good to see you I want to say that I'm very proud of this young lady who just spoke her name is Bella Schwarz and if she comes becomes the next American president I sure hope she hires me I sure hope she does because I would gladly packed my bags and move to Washington to support that ideology Bella quoted Theodore Roosevelt who said There Is No Greater issue in this country than conservation conservation is or at least should be one of the greatest issues in our country my name is Raquel Levy and I'm the sole owner of Atlantic Law Center we are a personal injury Law Firm on US1 and we unapologize netically stand for conservation we are a friend of animals of their habitats and we're also a friend to the people that love them we're a friend of nature of the outdoors and my daughters and I spend a great deal of time outdoors I want to let you know how the development and Massacre of this county has affected my business well being a small business it used to be that I used to get a few car AC accidents here and there a couple of month you know car accidents have become an epidemic now it has become very common in vucha county that roundabout in Victoria Circle that's a great source of business for somebody like me councilman a moratorium on development is urgent I don't know that it can be done but if possible that is what we need it is necessary it is right and it is what Valia County needs enough is enough when are we going to stop when will we stop when the last tree is cut down developers don't care they'll just keep bulldozing everything that is true and green and real the developers don't care about the lines at the grocery store they don't care about the car accidents about the traffic about the attack on our quality of life I believe in property rights I believe in Freedom and I actually love money just as much as everybody else here and in Valia County but what's happening is not Freedom it's not progress It's not Prosperity it is an attack on our Green Space which is causing our quality of life to go down wild life has nowhere to go Wildlife is ending up in our neighborhoods in our subdivisions but if I were to be honest with you it's not that there's a bear in our subdivision there's a subdivision in the bears habitat which is being taken over by development by the tens of thousands of Acres thank you Miss Levy your time is up thank you very much thank you Lisa [Applause] Burke Miss L you never told us who Bella was who's your maybe will work for her Administration one day is that your daughter she is yeah Miss Burk good afternoon I'm Lisa Burke from what was formerly known as the United Methodist Children's Home we are now residing hope Mr renwall and commission I was going to email you today but I thought it would best to everyone to hear this hi Jake what happened during this storm was absolutely amazing your staff I can't say enough good about in one of our Cottages we are not using um we had lost power and then the fire alarm went off during the worst part of the storm our kids as you know they don't have any parents they've had the worst life their traffic they don't feel secure so here it is horrible wind rain and who comes out to save them in the middle of this the valua County fire department they came and they had their backs those kids their faces had such relief to know that somebody that this County those men who gave up being with their family came out to save those kids and US Mr reenal if you could I don't know who the fire chief is but he needs to be commended sir your staff is amazing what they did the confidence and the and the hope that they gave those kids that someone in this County cares about them and David I apologize the last time I was here you said you weren't there you've been there three times with your wife and I truly appreciate what this Council does we still need a box truck but we still need you to show up at our events and show these kids that we love them Danny the clothes everything when Mr renald came out the last time he says get these kids in the county get them a job get them off the system and that's our goal and so I just can't thank you enough an email wouldn't have been enough to show our gratitude our senior leadership wanted you to know that the fire department was there those kids were panicked we had no power and there they were it was horrible and there they were to protect him so I thank you from the bottom of our heart and so does our senior leadership thank you m time yeah thank you very much before you leave go go back there Chief King will raise his hand he's going to give you a business card that way you can speak with him and you can share exactly what you want to share Chief is right back there next up is Paul Richardson followed by Pat Joselyn afternoon Council my name is Paul Richardson of the land I would first like to say thank you to the r County staff fire rescue sah deputies local city police FPL and anyone else that I miss for their continuous support through this Ty difficult time I pray that God gives them and their family strength to continue in their service unfortunately hurricane Milton sadly took four lives here in brissa County my prayers and thoughts also FL to their families and friends hopeful that God Comforts and gives them strength living in Florida has never meant to be easy we live in a swamp and hurricanes is the fact of life it's not that the hurricanes have become delier but there are more people in things cost more money it's so fortunate that we're going to purposely bring yet another storm our way in the form of evil Amendment 4 not only does this amendment put unborn human life in danger but women who can be permanently harmed and could die by unsafe abortion practices now the media has been breathlessly reporting those for death for people that die in BR County rightly so it is a legitimate newsworthy event and we can learn how to prevent deaths in the future however will the same media breathlessly report the the first four murder babies or how about the first four deaths of women due to PO forces no they will not they are going to celebrate the inhuman bloodthirsty practice and call it progress murdering the innocent unborn human life in unsafe condition distance is not progress if we truly want to save lives then I highly suggest that anyone listening to me to vote against amendment for this coming November God bless Lua County God Bless America and her internal Ally Israel thank you thank you Paul Pat Joselyn and after Pat will be Evelyn Rodriguez my name is Pat Joselyn I live at 1330 East Taylor Road Delan Florida I'm going to do everything I can to not cry we are flooded again and I don't care what anybody says it's the 5500 homes that have gone in I don't blame you guys because you guys tried to stop it our n neighbor behind us Ronnie is on the Pud committee and he he tried to stop it by not voting for it he told the subdivision that's going in down the street from us on the corner of Blue Lake and Taylor that look down the road they're still flooded they annexed into the land they annexed into the land all of those houses annexed into the land but I need you guys to help us we need to stop it we need to put a moratorium on building anywhere in Belia County anywhere it needs to stop because if you don't you can buy us out and turn us into a lake and put a bridge over our property we're 5T at my road this before we started I can barely get my truck out of the road the first day of the hurricane I don't know what time it is the first day of the hurricane I called 911 for them to close the road they said ma'am we don't have anybody to close the road we don't have enough stuff I said have I have cones I will go out and put cones in the road they said you can't legally do that I said watch me I went out and I put cones on the road Jerry I don't know if Jerry is here Jerry came around he's a retired FHP Captain he came around and helped me he put hes at the other end of the road I had somebody yesterday say to me I was out straightening the hoses you your staff your your road workking staff is absolutely wonderful Lewis trivet is absolutely wonderful he's the one that got us the pump to begin with and I don't mean to be staring at you but your chair so he got us the pump to begin with he turned it on even before Helen that's how come we're not more flooded I don't understand why we can't stop I don't know what we need to do I called St Waters St John's thank you water management today I have given their name and a direct phone number to everybody that is here by email if they're on my email or my Facebook because we've got to stop this we've got to stop this and Jerry Jerry thank you thank you than you I yelled at everybody that came down the road some of them drove around me if you came from the other end I gave you a lesson in Etiquette thank you Pat miss Mr rectenwald if if you would just keep a note of those positive we heard about those Public Works employees and just share with them tomorrow I know we would appreciate it Evelyn thank you ma'am Evelyn Rodriguez followed by Pam Teeter 11 months ago today I applied for transform 386 assistance because my house was flooded by Hurricane Ian and I didn't have flood insurance to date no one from 386 has come to assess the damages in February a report a representative 386 appeared at a neighborhood meeting in Daytona Beach and announced that they had expected to receive about 3,000 applications but only received about 1,000 so they were reopening the application process in March of this year after many exhausting attempts to get anywhere with the caseworker assigned to my case I contacted Mr Reinhardt via email he forwarded my email to Adonna Butler who forwarded my email to Lisa Patterson who informed me that my case was categorized as a level eight with level one being the lowest income and most vulnerable population in April they asked me to update my information on a new software I was given 12 hours a window of 12 hours to re-enter my information well that didn't happen because I saw the email too late but eventually they fixed that since August I received emails once every two weeks telling me we are still working with damage assessments for priorities one and two and the site visits are based on priority level and your priority seven okay in September I found this in my door my door knob I said oh my gosh I I better call 386 because I missed the the case worker to come to assess me oh no I called them they said oh no we're just soliciting for more applications for assistance then I see this in the hometown News September 13 valua County transform 386 initiative is now accepting application for its rental repair program which aimed to restore the affordable rental housing stock in the county and I am still waiting if anyone doesn't see anything wrong with this scenario I I think whoever doesn't see they're dumber than a fifth grader oh by the way I got flooded by Milton again thank you Evelyn Pam terer you're next chief King I want to put you to work a little bit the individual standing in the back if you'll help them locate some chairs up here so they can sit down they're blocking the view of other people um who have been here we have plenty of seats up front I think we can just about get everybody there Pam you are up followed by Stephen I think it's Rella it's at our home overflowed onto our property within 30 ft of our home and created a second Redemption Pond this latest hurricane brought even more water and once again the retention Pond overflowed to our property as well as all the other water in the area we watched in horror as the water level Rose all around us and then came pouring into our home I'm sorry we tried everything to stop it towels sandbags but we were no match for this amount of water our home was flooded and we raced to try to protect our things our floors are totally damaged sheetrock moldings it's like a nightmare the septic was underwater and sewage came pouring into our shower our pool and Equipment our whale we don't even know how much damage because our home is still sitting in water the house is not livable and we have had to move out we are retired and this was supposed to be our golden years it's going to take weeks for months for the water to recede the repairs to our home even longer if we clean up this time what is going to prevent this from happening over and over will you please help us the amount of runoff our property is experienced and is not sustainable even though we've had to move out are we going to be required to pay the $99,000 tax bill for for a home that we can't even live in any help that you could give us we appreciate thank you thank you for sh for sharing Miss terer uh Steven Rella Steven RI I don't want you live in D land yes come on down okay excuse me Mr chairman Lisa Smith will be next yes can can I ask a quick question to staff please um it it seems I know some of the information can be found is on our website so as we're going through these can we possibly get the website to replace the public participation uh banner up there so people can at least take that and look at what we have to offer instead of walking away with tears and no answer from us right away if we can do that it's a it's a great idea councilman Johansson and and George could you direct staff to see if make that happen on the Fly hurricanes I think is where a majority of it is Stephen thank you for being patient the floor is yours okay thank you good evening members of the council and fellow residents uh I'm I'm actually representing my niece uh Lisa Smith and also a good very good friend of mine Stephanie black Stephen I'm sorry madam clerk I need the time the timer going please thank you okay go okay I'm actually representing my niece and also a good friend Stephanie black that lives at 1510 Rockingham Lane in Delan she's lived there in this home since 1986 and raised two of her children in this community over the years she's witnessed many changes but one of the most concerning issues she faces is today or they face today is increasing frequency and severity of flooding most recently hurricane Milton brought extensive flooding to the area and many of us sawar our properties impacted in ways we hadn't expected before back in 2004 when we had three hurricanes in quick succession uh she remembers facing challenges but never lost property as she did this time or two years ago nor nor did they deal with the kind of flooding that were're actually seeing now the flooding problem is not just about the storms themselves the shift the shifting Sugar Sand west of us has altered the topology and disrupted the natural drainage as a result the homes are now at risk of flooding even in less severe weather conditions personally she's been unable to even drive her car and my car as well out of her own driveway uh after some of these floods we need immediate action to address these issues our current drainage systems are no longer adequate and we need to ensure what happened during Hurricane mil Milton does not become a regular occurrence this isn't just about convenience it's about protecting our home our homes and the future of our community um and this is I I believe representing all the residents that are affected I don't know if any of the council was actually affected but you have to understand this is heartfelt this is people's lives this this is impacting them in a way they they're losing their homes they're losing their livelihoods and something really needs to be done about that so I thank you for your time and I hope the council will take the steps and find Solutions before the next storm comes uh and damages more of our town thank you thank you Stephen leis Lisa Smith followed by John Nicholson and while Lisa's coming up I I'll just say it it's brutal absolutely brutal and when you have water coming your home it's like you feel violated so I hear you good afternoon everybody I have nothing actually prepared but I'm just going to speak from my heart [Music] um I've been in my family home since 1986 when my parents built it I live down Rockingham Lane and it is Criminal what it looks like right now it's horrible what's happening we have never in all those years Don's wife used to live across the street from me her parents can attest your wife can attest I'm sure never have we had the flooding like we have now until Victoria Park started their building they do not have sufficient drainage it has now it's smelling out there terribly people's septics are covered pumps Wells are covered sheds are destroyed with with valuables that are in there Jerry my neighbor he's lost his home it actually went into his home as well as my other neighbor who is up north I mean it's just we are surrounded we have moats around our houses it's not going anywhere nobody's pumping it out for us and it's it's criminal what's happening why are the builders protected but the residents who have been here for all these years are not protected why is that and I mean what are you guys going to do thank you I I appreciate the positives but we're going to keep this going so we don't run over please Miss Smith go ahead I mean I just I'm not as upset with individuals I'm just upset about I don't mind the growth you know bring it but before you do that you've got to protect the people that have been here I mean these are people's you know this is their retirement this is their family's homes memories um you can't there's got please please stop the building until you fix what's broken please I'm begging you guys really it's got to stop I mean thank you for listening and I hope something will be done thank you Miss Smith next is John Nicholson followed by Jorge figur John Nicholson Daytona Beach side um I don't have any stories to tell like that my house is 40 fet above grade uh it'll never flood all right but driving over here for the first time in 40 years coming to the land the water on the side of the road is literally above those ditches and onto the road to where they uh blocked off about 400 ft of 92 because you couldn't drive that lane because there was water over it that's never happened before so what happens when the water then goes to the second lane and we lose the ability to go east and west all right that's right around the corner it's not a fairy tale it's right there what these people are experiencing uh we've had that in Daytona Beach for the 40 years I've been there Midtown has been flooding forever all right and we've done nothing about it all right um now I've talked to you about trees absorbing the water well if you know between dayona Beach and here there's got to be a gazillion trees and they didn't absorb the water so there have to be other ways to do this uh Miami put ditches canals on both sides of the road to help with the drainage that might help 92 but what happens to all these people when you've built 5ft land around them and they're now in the Gully all the water that would have sat on the property around them is now sitting on their property we're doing that because we thought it was the right thing to do to raise the property so that those homes wouldn't flood and we forgot about the people that were already living here and they're the ones that we should be concerned about I'm not saying stop development but we have to sit there and say okay guys if you're going to build X Y and Z property all right you're going to do this 10 acre home sites into a third of an acre home sites and put in 500 homes instead of one where's your water going to go now Clay's been telling us oh all the water stays on property no it doesn't you hear all of these people saying the water's got to come from somewhere and when they raise their property up it goes down to the lowest point and so we've got to find a solution before we pass the next development develop go ahead but they absolutely must not affect their neighbors thank you thank you Mr Nicholson next up and it might be I'm sorry George figuro you'll straighten me up when you come up please that was a gymnastic move there it looked great by the way George figuro thank you or Jorge either one my name boring all right I'm running out of time um look when I I hate attack I don't want to attack people that I'm asking for help from okay you know the problem I know your engineers I worked with Engineers my entire career I know they're back there saying look this was a Thousand-Year event we had a trillion gallons of water what did you expect all right so this is the rare storm but when it isn't the rare storm we're still getting this kind of enormous flooding my son's going to talk he's been battling this for seven years I know you all know him JC [Music] um chairman uh is running for re-election he's getting criticized in campaign ads because he hasn't been able to fix it well every time I look at votes on this board to approve development it's four to three okay so the developers are strong their campaign contributions are strong I get that it's hard not to go native when you're in a political position I've been around politics a long time I thank Mr Reen wall for what he's trying to do I know the city approved this crap excuse my language uh but but something's got to be done all right my son has been dealing with this for seven years it's atrocious I know many of you have seen it I'm telling you as a father it's everything I can do not to lose my mind over this great I'm put some thoughts in your heads okay I'm going to say three times the next time it rains your brain's going to tell you I'm ruining people's lives the next time it rains your brain's going to tell you I'm ruining people's lives the next time it rains I'm telling your brain's going to tell you I'm ruining people's lives you have to solve this this is not going away I've been here many times and I have no ill will for any of you but I know so many of you are affected by this but this needs to be resolved um the last thing I'll say uh I know there's a joint project going on with the city um I don't know the status of it um but I know there's a project looking at some my my son's area and that that that area over there and I hope something comes out of it I hope we don't get to the point where well we have nowhere to put the water I don't know what the answer is but the answer needs to be found please and that lady that was up here that bought that property when when they bought it I thought oh my God how could somebody sell them that property the lady that was crying and I know you're well- intended sir but referencing to the website is not enough and I mean I don't know what what words what what other words can I say to please to get through so thank you this is not going away we need your help thank you George next up is Suzanne Shyer followed by JC figuro the Suzanne Shyer dream green Valia Orman Beach is the Valia County Charter outdated invalid or meaningless now it's a question the following is from a portion on storm water in the county Charter article three Land Development regulations division 4 the section on General design criteria States consideration of soil and flood hazards a development shall not be approved unless all land intended for use as building sites can be used safely for building purposes without Danger from flood or other inundation or from adverse soil or Foundation conditions or from any other minutes to health safety or public welfare lands shall not be subdivided Andor developed until proper Provisions are made for protective flood control measures and Water Management facilities necessary for flood-free development and flood-free vehicular access to such sites it is the the intent of the provision that no filling or grade level change will be permitted which will cause adverse drainage or public health or Public Safety impacts to any surrounding area also section 72 778m Water Management permit reviews States not drain storm water onto adjacent lands not receiving runoff from their proposed Development Area when minimum standards are no longer working then what existing property owners have rights and the county collects taxes from residents of Valia no matter what happens to the residents the suffering of citizens losing their personal property is at a high Valia County government can't squeeze blood out of a turnip County government cannot get something from people they don't have especially money there are people filing bankruptcy and ready to abandon their homes because they don't have the financial means to make repairs I spoke to them more than one new areas flooded and areas flooded for the second and third time is the government prepared to absorb flooded houses and have you considered the future of economics in valua keep in mind that some who flooded were not in a flood zone economic failure is real to Residents if what is being done isn't working then stop doing it respect the charter minimum standards review the charter minimum standards to set a higher bar actively pursue the rural boundary sooner clean out drainage canals in the county and work with cities increase storm water capture enforce the minimum standards with the cities and please stop overdeveloping lastly I want to thank the vucha county staff who worked during this storm I understand that it was probably brutal thank you all for your time thank you Suzanne JC figuro and you'll be followed by Amy Muni hi my name is JC figuro uh I live on uh Jackson Woods Road um I've been dealing with this flooding a long time I have a few things that I want to get up front before I start talking about this picture here um Troy Kent Dempsey and Brower none of this is really to you guys you guys have been supportive on this fact Johansson Robbins Reinhardt and Santiago you guys are the problem you guys have failed us you have done zero good for any of us I came here and put up topography Maps JC I'm going to stop just for a minute we'll keep your time at 228 I I appreciate wanting free speech and saying that just please keep all of your comments to the entire Council as a whole perect thank you came up here with topography maps and laid them up here and I colored all the areas of places that were going to flood I was right it's happening you see it you labeled this as propaganda that I was spreading false prop propaganda at the next meeting not not directly at me but you tried to block what people could promote and could put on this screen that's not okay Reinhardt I don't know you I'm sure you're a good guy but we need Steve Miller if you'll just keep all comments to council thank you we need we need Miller in here we need the vote to change and and go the other way if Brower Kent and Dempsey's votes disappear especially Brower this whole flooding situation is going to be gone and I truly believe that I don't know what the problem is with you guys investigating this and looking into this deeper I've provided professional studies with people with phds to show the construction defects in the developments that are affecting the county I don't know if it's because the County's engineer was the one who stamped the plans so if this is like a cover up like you guys are like saving your buddy I don't know if that's what it is but yes your chief engineer did stamp all the plans that have the construction defects in it so that's a problem uh this rural boundary needs to be pushed through I see it's getting trying to be delayed that's not okay and we see the big picture behind it you guys are are seriously affecting us this lady's house that was up here crying is on you guys I warned you I couldn't make the picture any clearer I've spent the money I've done the work I I know the County's getting a study done I've called the company you know what the study is going to be it's going to be worthless the guy has zero idea on what's actually causing this flooding he thinks just like when the city's report was done and the city gave devvo which they spent 60 70 $80,000 to this report a quarter of the information so the second that I find out that this guy is not going around to private property and listening to us people it's worthless so I'm going to leave this is my house the picture before was a pond right next to it where the pop off is overflowing so pond water is overflowing Victoria Park also bought 200 million gallons of water in the last three months to fill their ponds thank you JC Amy Amy Muni followed by David Hill after Amy Amy munzy Delon Springs Community Association at our meeting last night we were overflowing with praise and gratitude to the county manager's office and the EMTs and all the staff throughout this county that helped us and that sent out a tremendous amount of good useful information to our community Comm the media Department did a phenomenal job sending things out just bombarding us with useful information we sent it out to our members and they in turn sent it out via all of their social media and really helped to prepare our community protect our community and get our community ready to get back into gear I want to especially thank councilman Johansson for staying in touch with us asking us on a regular basis are you okay do you need anything just incredible and um I also want to switch gears to the Code Compliance department since we started as an organization over a decade ago our main goal was to try to revitalize Delon Springs clean it up and make it be the jewel that it had been in the past and part of that was working with vsso and Code Compliance to uh share information about derc properties and people in businesses that weren't complying with codes and and they have really worked with us over a long period of time and we've communicated with them and they've helped us and we've had an opportunity as Citizens to come together to work together and to um clean up our community and part of that is um them coming out to our community and uh kind of helping people understand what they're doing wrong and a lot of times people don't really realize how they violated the law and so they're quick to change things others have kind of an attitude that this is my business this is my property and you're not going to tell me what to do and so then law enforcements had to come in code compliances had to enforce the law and also want to talk about the county attorney's office who has recently um enforc enforced your own noise ordinance and that's very important because you have a noise ordinance and they've actually taken action to enforce that so we can get back our peace and quiet you know people often say quality of life quality of life and my um property rights end at the edge of yours but when sound travels it's a whole different world and we have citizens out there over a hundred neighbors that have complained about noise in various locations and um they've just done a wonderful job working with the sheriff's department working with the county attorney's office County manager's office and I just really want to take time to thank yall for everything you've done to help us get back the jewel that we once were thank you thank you Amy David Hill followed by David Kirkpatrick hello my name is Dave Hill I live on Miller Road in Orange City Florida I'm in district one uh ever since fot put their retention pond on Miller Road above Miller Lake every time we have a hurricane it overflows and I see they're pumping now and I and I've been told that they're pumping to the river eventually that water gets to the river River but I just feel like who's dumping water into Miller Lake is at the commercial plazas across the street I mean you can see it coming down during the hurricane that's part of the reason why the roadway probably blew out but I I just I can't seem to find anybody in the county that can say who is putting water in Miller Lake and that's my real question uh because I can't get to my house now and a lot of the people can't get to their homes now uh so I I just hope that someone would contact me and say Hey you know these are the people that are putting water there cuz our lake is still Rising right now uh it's still coming up and I see other areas going down so I feel like people are pumping water in there and I just like to know who it is so I I know who I can deal with uh and if if the county or you know of anybody pumping water in the Miller Lake I would ask that you ask them to stop thank you thank you David David before you leave go over to our County Manager right there George rectenwald he's going to give you his business card that way you can have a conversation with him about this tomorrow we're going to get that answer for you next up David Kirkpatrick followed by Molly I think it's Ferguson good afternoon gentlemen I'm David Kirkpatrick I'm a property owner uh here in the county Mr David yes if you could just bring those mics a little bit closer to your face can you hear me better now yeah and I'm going to stop you just for a minute Mr re wall will you just will you just hand him the card thank you sir go ahead it's your three three minutes it's yours I don't understand that's okay I'll lean over all right gentlemen um I'm G to follow his comments what I found uh trying to determine uh and and access information through County I found some indifference and some stonewalling um what I'm looking for is access to records audience thank you yep we we'll get it squared away just grab that mic and lift it right up to your face okay trying to be in the middle of all of them all right uh again indifference in stonewalling um what I'm looking for is records and information and access to records as a property owner I want to understand what storm management is for the county I'm having difficulty even finding it if there's a resolution that can be made so that the cooperation with property owners I I don't believe in M moratoriums I believe in good engineering and to find those answers I think it's a cooperation between property owners and County right now I'm by myself and in the dark I don't seem to be able to get access to County records for things like storm water management plans that's what I want to address and probably talk to the county manager right well yeah I'm going to try to get some answers for you so thank you very much David if you'll just head over and grab a card from our County manager that way you all can have that conversation but any of us are available as well Molly Ferguson followed by Janine [Music] Kembro I go by Kitty everyone knows me in my town here by um going to go by the seat of my pants here I lived in U bla County here in our District 3 for 37 years my house my my husband was wonderful I my dream was to live in the country 37 years ago he built me a beautiful house and I love it I've made wonderful friends I had a great business going on I've made great friends here but I'm literally watching vucha County and I don't know what's going on I'm seeing it when I was a kid we had little my brothers used to build little dams and we just kept moving the water I'm watching it when I watched uh Sam Stiller Road went under and people walking their horses out down the road three4 down my house here I'm seeing um I was on an island this time the hurricane before the water came across from the West went straight through like a river and I'm like what are you kidding there was a sinkhole in the asphalt I watched people from the road I have a uh little CT thing facing at my place I'm like the covert I am am like the retention Pond I um watched the property next to me I'm was confused cuz I watched 17 ACR be slaughtered of all the trees all of them I was curious I'd asked question I guess you don't have to have permits you can just slaughter them out I watched them take down gorgeous cypress trees in the back I've seen them bring in mulch and bring it in there now I guess it's called mediate where they buy other properties and they can do that now so where's that water going my place is going more under here my yard after they slaughtered all the trees looked like machine gun came to it cuz I literally watched the animals the squirrels and everything come out out there I'm tired of burying animals because they're drowning I am W to know what you guys are going to do for everyone in here this is crazy where's this water coming from I have an alligator now in my pond that and like that that's terrifying you know I'm I'm moccasins I'm getting terrified my finally it finally went down but thank goodness for my brother to help me out but I feel for all these people this has got to stop this is not this is not funny anymore I'm like everybody else what are you gonna do for us I'm I don't even want to live here in valuch County I actually am in a panic mode want to leave anybody who wants to move into vucha county is crazy thank you thank you kitty Janine Kimbro followed by Michael na hello I'm Janine Kembro and my husband David Kembro and I have lived on Mana War Drive for the past 32 years since 1992 um showing on the screens will be some property of our flooding and the surrounding areas we have experienced worse and worse flooding over the years when we lived in our house at when we first moved there tayor road was not there Blue Lake was a dirt road um this past hurricane we have had the worst flooding that we have ever seen we have 3 and 1/2 feet at our gate you can see that picture above um we parked some of our cars in trucks because when we have hurricanes sometimes we can't get our cars off the property we did this the same time and parked the car the Mustang on man of war and to our shock at the end of these pictures you will see the Mustang is a complete loss and parked on the same place that we always parked it we are devastated we have applied for help to try to help with this flooding um in 386 transform and I have dealt with the coordinator over time but I was denied and primarily I was denied because I took money out of my 401k which I've earned over the past 40 years I feel like I should be re be be able to reapply and be maybe re-evaluated not taking that money into consideration uh no one has ever come to assess our damage I would appreciate uh your consideration that our septic system is now underwater that's the gate uh you can't even see where my property is to the right hand side that's a shot from a neighbor's property and our septic system is flooded our shed is flooded luckily our house did not flood we are so thankful of that thank God and right now our my car is stranded on my property and there's not going to be any way for me to get it out unless I go through a neighbor's property um and normally when we have just routine storms over the last few years we end up with six to eight Ines of flooding at our gate just routinely just a regular thunderstorm so I'd like to reapply for the 386 transform just to get money to try to help us with that issue I thank you thank you Janine Michael na followed by Kate price can you hear me now yes sir okay my name is Michael we go by Nave my sons go by NA they had to be fancy we moved here in 1962 and I was a school teacher for 42 years and from 1962 to 2024 I never had water standing on my on my property it's funny how when you get in front of a microphone you start get all weepy I didn't do that teaching the land was pumping water into a retention Pond by my house it's 5 Acres retention pond they filled it up overflowed it and put it on my property they didn't ask they just did it didn't ask my permission just did it and that's the power of councils it's the power of government they can just run over you you all they want is your money and your vote it was so bad it was so bad there that my neighbor is so flooded she can't even get out of the house fortunately we have a very good neighbor and he put his fence down and she can drive out so see I'm reinforcing the fact that you guys need to help us out there's a definite problem you see the problem everybody here is talking about the problem and it needs need done something about it I came here to this meeting to fight for for something and it's for consideration for us I even have a battle scar thank you thank you Michael Kate [Applause] price good afternoon I'm Kate C I'm Mr neighbor I'm on 5 Acres he is on a large plot of land um I'll say first though I moved to Delan because I didn't want to live in a big city growth happens have responsible growth I also have 35 years experience in heavy construction building golf courses these things don't happen they're not approved without the infrastructure and the ability to obtain the needs that go around that that is it's just unbelievable that these things are happening without and then we'll fix it later no you're not another thing that does not want to be said and I will find out with water testing is the water that is being pumped to our area that has flooded us goes from Earl Brown to behind the old Kmart to the reclaimed water that gets pumped down to the retention area which was great that was great until we overbuilt and there was too much going in that area I've never had a problem until this year what you have to consider is this is not just water you have the reclaimed water and we're all aware that the sewage tanks have probably overflowed so we're not talking about dirty water we're talking about dirty water and I will be having some water tests done I'm on a well it's been pumped onto my property I cannot get out with without driving through a neighbor's yard and no one has even checked on me the city workers have gone down there they took a back ho down there yesterday they must have had something clogged um we stayed about an hour we went out there's this dumb lady up there in the yard but we're not going to see if she's okay if we can evacuate her does she need anything um if we're going to have growth it needs to be done in a responsible manner they tried they did the right thing they built a retention area it worked just fine but they didn't factor in the amount of growth that was done two too many in too many places and pump stations that are pumping this up here down here over there oh it's just one or two houses we're not going to worry about it um it already happened this was a historical event I'll be the first one to say it was a lot of rain but there's going to have to be a little more thought put into how to support all of these houses thank you Kate thank you audience I'm not being rude but I need to speak with my fellow council members for a moment gentlemen are we we're governed by the rules that we have our Charter says that we will listen to public comment for an hour but we as a council can change those rules basically anytime we need to I I for one would like to listen to the rest of the individuals that are here is everybody else okay with that on the DS up here yes I see good perfect okay Karen Clark you are up followed by Nancy cars Karen Clark and Glenwood and first thing is kudos to every County employee all of you even especially your what was that department called the citizens information center that uh Jeff Brower sent out I'm sure that other people other County people sent that out as well but I made phone calls because I have a lot of questions as you can figure and yes it was a wonderful thing that you did it helped a lot wondering if the garbage that's being collected is the trees and thank you George for Mr reol for allowing those big trucks that come and take the big trees that are laying along the side of the road that were chopped up so ahead of time which was incredible just one moment we're going to keep your time at 2:20 if you pause that just for a moment we find out what's going on out there we have people that are doing it now just one second Karen oh that's okay I can I didn't mean to interrupt your thought but I've been here I've been here almost two years I've never heard this before so I want to make sure we're good and our fire chief's heading out there so I think we're [Music] okay sounds like a [Music] car this is so great that everybody's here got you just so you know somebody opened an emergency exit that said when you open this door this alarm will sound that was that alarm Karen please continue thank you okay the one thing that I'm annoyed with is the zoning changes that go through by the time it gets here it's already been in the works for years sometimes and what I don't like is when we come here to maybe fight a zoning of going from agriculture to the next step to the next step and ending all you voting for uh 38 uh 72 houses next to the dump all in one afternoon where is the warning to the people that live around there we get their little orange signs they say in 30 days or whatever it's coming that you can go out here and talk but then you have the next couple of items after that assuming it's going to pass and it's just incredible so anyway that's one thing and then how can a site developer at construction where the trees have been stripped out because that's what they do pump out all that water on property look at what was on TV from Edgewater they had pumps with 8 in hoses going into the neighborhood because their site was being flooded that that wasn't fair and that's not the city of edgewaters problem you know that's not their thing um thank you to the staff at the Joyce cusac Resource Center in DeLand when you have you're stuck for money or anything or supplies you go there and they will help you and it's run by the county people so that's a major thing in the neighborhood um and the cities and I know most of you Mayers are here stop annexing in and allowing all this growth from that point because they come in and Annex some more just to do it do you have all your infrastructure ready and Beyond what you actually need for the city at the time and it's not your fault you get stuck with the crap later that's about it but and thanks all you guys are doing all this stuff and I got 28 seconds left thank you Karen thank you Nancy kurs followed by Patty I think it's Niles Patty whoever lives in Dand I don't want to give up your address but good afternoon my husband and I have owned our home on tropical Terrace we're near the intersection of North car uh North Kepler and East Minnesota since 2012 this is the second time our property is flooded along with other neighboring properties on the south side of tropical Terrace and at least one home behind our house our septic and drainfield are still underwater and not fully operable the drainage ditches along North Kepler appear to not be maintained and do not drain properly the culvert pipe running under tropical Terrace is crushed at each end and has been for years now and it quickly becomes blocked we appreciate the county coming out and clearing the clog after Hurricane Milton but it appears to be clogged again with standing water on the South Side backing up into the woods behind our house today it's dry on the North side North Side appears to be about 12 Ines too high of course the county Engineers would be able to better assess that but it can't get to the northern storm drain and then to Little Lake toage where it has always flown our backyards are currently the retention Pond we were at about 4 feet at the deepest we're still around 3 feet coming up right to the backs of the houses luckily we haven't flooded we and our neighbors would very much appreciate the County's attention to the situation we're also concerned that the plan development at the corner of 44 in Kepler Road will add to the current flooding issues and Quest that the county ass sure new development will not make it worse we understand our situation is not near as dire as others in the county but we are all concerned about future development being performed without proper water mitigation systems in place thank you thank you Nancy Patty Niles or miles and Christine lovings you'll be next thank thank you that's I'm Patty Niles and I live on Pimco and our neighborhood represented here by tonight by at least three or four speakers is Blue Lake Hills we're blocked back from Taylor and uh Victoria Park buts up to our uh East Side um I have a lot of thoughts nothing formally prepared uh I I moved here two two years and two months ago we've had three hurricane since to be expected uh to call this last one um one of a century I we don't know that I think that's naive and hopeful but uh I think we should plan for it rather than think that it's a one-off because as those folks in North Carolina it's it I think they would agree um I have to add I think about the development that has occurred um Blue Lake has been extended in a southerly direction we have a pending uh development advertise so to speak approved but bordering Blue Lake and Taylor that's the Taylor that floods at um just about any significant rainstorm Pat knows about it so do my neighbors an Jerry George Kelly and Willie my husband Tom um so that's just a nightmare waiting to happen not trying to be dramatic but I guess I am uh and now we're extending barisford to an easterly Direction so okay and I I have to disagree with uh some members um the the Buck has to stop somewhere and it it's your buck and a person mentioned and I've read about these three to four four to three votes approving cont uh past development that that's so tight it it warrants some emotion that I think I'm starting to show um like the young lady said who I think has since departed conserving Wetlands at the cranberry bog in tannerville Pennsylvania save that little town back in 1950s when most of Monroe County was wiped out by a flood in the 50s that's what saved the town uh put the braak slow the tap the brakes on development and Paving um if you saw the broadcast last night it's not only Taylor that floods that's the obvious but it's everything around it all those homes lastly get a bigger pump on Taylor as for my husband's benefit you need a four thank you Patty thank you Patty Christine lovings followed by Janet Meredith Christine leing here I live on Lake wi misset um flooding and overdevelopment seemed to be an issue as you have been hearing um and my daughter is a civil engineer and she said that the um Corp of Engineers for the state they redo the flood plane maps about every 5 years mostly because of imperious the increase of impervious surface which of course is Paving and development you've heard that over and over again um what I wanted to speak of specifically is yes we have this amazingly horrendous storm we just had it might be a storm of 500 years but we' have them over and over every couple of years so I think it's unrealistic to think it's not going to continue um what I'm showing you that sorry that first picture real quick again I live on like wiam misset this is right here is the um new crestwind development that was approved um by the city 300 and some Acres 630 homes going in um they're required to keep the water on their property uh this is this arrow is showing water flowing into our lake under the road this is across the road right into the lake this muddy water it's been flowing into the lake for the last 6 days nonstop uh next picture and then of course you can kind of run through these pictures of the pl properties around the lake the lake I've lived there 20 some years some of my neighbors have lived there 40 years have never had water this High um and you can see the houses this is along 44 there was water flood flowing over 44 into the lake in about five places can you turn that I live right next to what's called a canoe trail and it's been there since the 20s and it's designed there's a a wear under the road like a concrete flat Culvert that goes under the road that's at 53 ft above sea level and um in many of the other hurricanes when the lake water gets high it flows out into the wetlands and into the swampy area Northeast of us again with development with wind misset Oaks with just I the water doesn't have anywhere to go right now it's really clogged as you can see it and we're hoping again there's so much debris we're hoping that the county uh can get in there and help do some cleaning out so that the water can flow out this is a topic graphical map that a county rad and Bridge Guy brought me I know it's really hard to see um this is this is the Cano well you can't see my fingers so it's not helping um Christine thank you very much your time is up I'm sorry okay you can see where it flows should flow out thank you thank you Janet Meredith followed by Katherine Cat pante hello my name is Janet Meredith and I am a Dayton Beach native and thank you everyone for being here this evening I do believe that I am in uh Mr reinhardt's District but I would like to speak as most people have as a concerned Citizen and a voter um and I'm also passionate about the beach and our Coastline um so as far as flooding goes everybody knows what just happened during Ian I actually lost my car the condo that I live in 33 units flooded um this time I moved my car and so my car was safe but 28 units just flooded I was stranded at my home for 5 days the two main roads into where the development where I live were um flooded and they still are well the little bit I could get out on one of them today so we really need action to improve our infrastructure overdevelopment I believe is a major cause I know that maybe um Amazon and Margaritaville maybe are not your thing but those things are problem areas certainly for the Daytona area um I remember when Williamson and Airport Road were both dirt roads I went to Spruce Creek High School and we would skip school and go on those dirt roads and now they are nothing ex but um development after development after development um so I I don't know the answer but I do I am very strongly feel that a moratorium on any building and any more development needs to happen immediately a 10-year plan is 20 years too late in my opinion um so we need to pull the emergency break on building and development not tapping the brakes the other issue I would like to speak about real quick is about the Dune restoration which is item number three um I am in favor of living shorelines um do not defer the this any longer our coastline is in critical condition the Florida Department of Environmental Protection um put out a report saying that our our coastline is in critical condition and it still is and nothing has really been done and that was Ian was Ian and Nicole were two years ago so please do not extend that um Dune restoration project any further so I'll just leave with a question for pondering how much more critical does this need to get thank you thank you very much Janet next up will be Katherine pante and Katherine while you're while you're coming up please no come on up I just want to say Council I apologize I do see a few elected officials in in the house so mayor Lois paritzky thank you for being here just wanted to wave to you council member skip white thank you for being here and mayor Nancy Miller thank you for being here as well if I missed anybody else I apologize I haven't seen you but thank you for being here this afternoon Miss pante please Pat pante Daytona Beach District 2 and I have relatives I'm speaking for in District 3 dear Council we understand you did not create the natural disasters that plague our state no one is casting blame for them what you are responsible for is creating the conditions that have greatly intensified flooding by developing irresponsibly we cannot afford business as usual with development blushia County Council and all the 16 cities within our County continue to allow large-scale housing developments in apartments it is obvious to everyone these developments are directly connected to the development induced flooding we not only see with heavy rainfall but are creating much more hazardous flooding conditions when we are experiencing tropical Cyclones we do not have the adequate infrastructure to support these developments and much of our current infrastructure is outdated and needs upgrading in addition to regular maintenance which needs to be conducted a minimum of twice each year and more if warranted the excuse of these developments were a few 10 to 20 years ago is not acceptable we see development is causing the problem and has been the last several years and instead of halting all development with the exception of schools hospitals grocery stores and Urgent Cares you continue to put the public in grave danger because you fear being sued by a developer this tells me the county and the 16 cities have no regard for the lives of its residents their property or the financial hardship this causes take action with conscience declare a state of emergency place a moratorium on building replace outdated infrastructure Ure and clean the existing storm drains each city and vucha county leader should be petitioning the governor to do this across our whole state be responsible leaders take bold action to protect the people and the communities you were elected to serve versus development interests the developers do not pay the price of flooding us residents do we pay the cost of cleanup repairs Insurance deductibles and increased property taxes replacing water damage contents shelter to Live While damage is being repaired also unfortunately some families pay the ultimate price with the loss of a loved one this is why our County needs to have a rural boundary Charter Amendment as to my personal losses my sister and I still own our childhood home that flooded during Eden during Hurricane iron or whatever it is anyway we had to take out a $50,000 loan from the federal government in order to fix it it has never flooded in the 50 years that my parents were alive and owned it this storm my home came in like probably an inch from flooding my garage flooded had my car not broken down that day before and I had it at the shop I would have lost my car so I urge you to take action thank you thank you Cat next up is Rodney Linsky followed following him will be David Smith so David Smith if you You're On Deck if you want to get ready to come down followed following David will be Jim Miller yeah I'm Ronney Linsky I born here in d uh and y'all got some serious problems about where y'all letting all this building going on uh all of y'all are doing is is did make them to land bigger and y'all bringing all this sewage back into the land where it stinks the town really smells really bad okay now what really happened is when the Storm come in all you're pumping everything back into the city D land y'all do understand that that whole plant was completely underwater so there was no nothing functioning in here they had no power the generators could not work so what do y'all do I went and took a tree off this lady's house the other day and I could drive right in there six wheeel Drive bucket truck she tells me I can't get my truck back in her yard you know why because they pumped all that raw sewage into that retention Pond which is fine just like what she said until they pump it over into the lady cannot get out of her driveway five foot of water she cannot get out the city employees drive right around don't even look at her okay the worst part about it is she's got a well there that is raw sewage going in to her property she lives in the county that's the city's problem and they don't even acknowledge that and we're going to build some more homes bring it from outside to bring it back to the city to land that we know floods every single time everybody knows that Earl's Brown Park's always underwater where's the city plant at the whole block was completely underwater so I mean I think that somebody should acknowledge and stop the pumping down there with raw sewage in there everybody knows that plant was not working it was all the way up to so we got to get the school open right we got to get school going so you pump the water and keep pumping it so I don't know y'all need to figure out so let's put some more homes in there why are they pumping all that from these subdivisions from way out putting it back in the city to lands what I wanted it why don't they if they're going to develop why don't they have their own sewer system in it you go down the road down Orange Camp Road when morning you smell that going out because they have to have the list station to pump it back to theant my buy says I i' never bought my house here if I had to smell that every single morning well anybody going got a nice smell and a good mood so you smell that going by sitting in that red light so I don't know maybe y'all need to change something build some more houses but I think maybe they need to put the pond or whatever right there at their place instead of pumping it into the land stinks now because of this and let's bring some more so if the retention Pond can't well let's just pump it at somebody else's house would you want it pumped in the front of your house that's really all I got to say but somebody really needs to do something about pumping raw sewage into somebody that has a water they have their own well and a city water I wouldn't want it because I got City water because they wouldn't let me drill a well because they put City water and my dogs you should look at my dog ball how nasty it is you wouldn't drink it thank you Rodney David Smith and then following David will be Jim Miller good afternoon Council I'm Dave Smith Orman Lakes District 4 I've lived in blch county for over 50 years I'd like to say thank you to the First Responders in the storm Crews who have worked so hard for our civil defense I arrived a little bit late today due to flooding at I4 and ISB across roads of the county Valia County ground is now saturated a chamber full of voices here today confirmed confirms that property owners patience is now saturated with clear cutting and overdevelopment a moratorium on development until a careful study of this present flooding crisis is completed makes good sense valua property owners and voters are closely watching this council's future voting record regarding future development adding insult to injury the support of any council members to Bader's proposed fuel transfer and storage facility on actively flooded Wetlands within close proximity to large residential communities will violate valua County Charter standards and will not serve its thousands of negatively affected residents I speak in favor of the rural County Charter Amendment thank you David Jim Miller and after Jim will be Susan shaunessy I'm Jim Miller live on Rockingham Lane like folks around here I do have to say we're not putting water in Miller pond so just add that uh speaking to my friend who spoke earlier uh I hope you all are listening I mean I hope you all have enough heart to listen to the pain and to the anger that this commission has voted in favor of and I'm looking you in the eye and I hope you heard the gasps and I couldn't see who it was CU all the people back there when somebody said something we shouldn't be coming here crying good God people we count as Citizens as residents of vucha County for the valusa County Commission to have our backs and the lakes in which we now live in places where I've told by people who lived here 35 years right where we live it's never flooded in The Lakes where we live to Echo what somebody said earlier what it looks like you don't have our back you got developers back have a heart for the people you represent fix the problem before you make it worse now where we live I don't know how much time I got where we live it's never flooded oh it's never flooded it's never flooded our house didn't flood this time I'm a professor 6 months from retirement I lost an office outside a small building to flooding thousands of dollars got a workshop on the property lost two cars in that workshop and I can't get to my pickup truck to find out if that's a gone or two lost a mower probably going to have to come back to get some uh permission to do some stuff on the land so this doesn't all happen again how many thousand do am I looking at my wife and I I'm 6 months from retirement we look to you to have our back hear please hear the pain and the frustration and the anger of the people who look to you to help us that's not what we've got that's not what we're getting thank you for hearing me that's it thank you Jim Susan shaunessy you're next and following you will be Barbara sainsbury hi my name is Susan shaunessy um I believe I am District number one and I live at 1323 Jackson Woods Road um first of all I I thank you for the time thank you for listening uh I'm another face of a real person affected by flooding in in our neighborhood um I want to thank my neighbors especially JC figer figuro and Ronnie Mills for uh shining a light on what's happening in our neighborhood we have been on Jackson Woods Road for um since 1998 and um we cannot access our home currently um and that's tough you know we thankfully have a son in Orange City who is providing shelter for us he's um actually on storm Duty helping to restore power on the west side of the state and uh very grateful for everyone who does that um JC has made some uh very helpful videos and also Mr Brower came to to Common Ground farm and um was on Taylor Road making a video um and he said something that um and and the I'm so thankful for people who who brought you know really good documentation but the uh development behind us is supposed to retain its water by Florida law that is not happening that is not happening in fact Jackson Ranch Road was not flooded after the hurricane but the next day because of pumping from Freedom Elementary School the first dip way underwater and that wasn't from the storm that was from pumping from the elementary school was my understanding um I don't know when we're going to be able to go home um we can't live there under these conditions uh we would never be able to access like an ambulance the garbage men can't come get our garbage um I'm just just another face I represent my husband Tom and um I'm just asking for your help and I want to thank my neighbors again for all the hard work that they have done um to really document what's going on thank you very much thank you Susan and I would disagree you are not just another face Barbara sainburg saintsbury Orange City hi I apologize Barbara I'm having a difficult time um making out your last name on this card sainsbury thank you good afternoon Council um I sent a resolution regarding Amendment 4 a month ago regarding the dangers of the amendment and I hope everyone that is here today will truly open their ears and their mind and listen to what I'm saying one more time the law is very clear in the beginning no law shall prohibit penalize delay or restrict no law these words are were carefully crafted by people some attorneys these people didn't even live in Florida this amendment if past will allow abortion up to birth will remove parental consent from minors and replace it with notification only it will remove medical doctor requirements using the term health care provider will allow non-medical to determine the need for abortions it will remove health and safety regulations for abortion centers that we have put in place over the years it will remove the 24-hour waiting period why the rush on such an important decision for a young woman to make when we have a 24-hour waiting period for Union people the cooling off period well this is more important than that if the abortion surgery is botched causing death of the young woman or preventing her to have future babies the abortionist is not penalized no law shall penalize but actually someone is penalized the woman the woman who may not be able to have children in the future after that abortion or the woman who just died Amendment four will cause lawsuits by the same attorneys that wrote the amendment in order to force in the future taxpayers funded abortions now Florida is the only Southern state that actually has such a radical Amendment so what's going to happen well the destination to Florida will happen with increased abortions which we will pay for my end the whole point here this is my fourth time here which I greatly appreciate but how can this amendment resolution not even be considered for discussion when we have so many voters that I've spoken to in parking lots and stores in churches that are not even familiar with this amendment because it is written so vaguely and so short it has it's nothing like amendments thank you very much thank you Katherine denmore from Dand you're next following you will be Donna Evangelista Donna Evangelista said that she was leaving the meeting okay Katherine denmore and next would be Nick selt SCH maybe maybe it's Schultz new Sam Mora Beach okay hi I am a Florida native and I've been in Dand for 20 years now um I'm concerned with the flooding uh particularly at Dand High School I sent a um email to uh Ray Underwood just a few days ago requesting a um inspection of the lift station there uh Delan High School currently has two Retention Ponds both of which did not work during the the storm and overflowed into my property and into tamoka Avenue Christian Church um I don't know whose responsibility it is the Christian church is in uh the city limits the high school is in the city on city land I am on fucha County um with every storm that comes Ian uh I can't even I can't even go back the other ones the other ones we have been flooding every single year does anyone have kids that go to Dand High School no one has any kids that go to dant high school well you may know me if you did I have the little goat farm there right at the corner I've had to shut down my business I had to let my goats Run free they're now living on my deck my um I've lost two uh goat enclosures to the flood I'm within inches of losing my house uh I'm still sitting at water that's over 3 fet deep um during uh the day after the storm it was 4 and 1/2 ft I could take a kayak and ride it all around my property um like uh someone else said no one has asked me if they could pump my water back over to that retention Pond which would have been an easy fix and we wouldn't have water there now but I'm still sitting on 3 ft of water um and like I said I'm not 100% sure whose responsibility it is to fix the lift stations or the Retention Ponds at the school but I know the school has continued to build and build and get bigger and have to house more children I have been very gracious the uh parents park right along my property to pick up their kids every day as well as at the um Christian Church they use that as a parking lot Katherine thank you very much Nick Schultz followed by Sher uh following you will be Sherry Herring hello Nick Schultz new samna beach um just wanted to come represent my area so I have horses we keep in samla I have a house on Turnbull Creek on the east side of 95 and then I have a house on on beach side during Ian our where we keep our horses was flooded I didn't get uh signed up in time to send photos but is it okay if I show you some photos on my iPad so that's samla Drive in Sam Sula that's my horse Neck Deep in water um that's my daughter my 16-year-old well 16 now 14 then going to pick up the horse so we could transport him out of the water um this continues to happen because we keep letting people develop land we're not coming up with a plan for them to do with their water what needs to be done in a other than normal rainfall the totals that they calculate are on normal rainfall they don't take into consideration uh tide levels we're on a creek that's Title St John's is title everything that flows everywhere flows into either the St John's Spruce Creek tural Creek which flows out to the ocean if it happens in September or October we have uh King Tides the Tide's a foot higher than it normally is so if it's a foot higher it back feeds everywhere everywhere floods that's why we're having these issues in September and October there needs to be a moratorium there was a moratorium after Ian apparently during the investigation during the uh moratorium you guys must have found that it was okay to do it wasn't going to happen again it was a A Thousand Years event well a Thousand-Year event happened we flooded for Ian we flooded for Nicole and now we flooded during Milton so something needs to be done that's it thank you Nick Sherry Herring and after Sherry will be Robert Watson thank you I'm Sher hering I live in D land I live in par Park states which has a lot of flooding problems but that's not why I'm here um I didn't prepare my remarks but um I wore my shirt because I feel like I'm we have a Target on our back and um I feel like you know we can't individually do anything about this it's up to you guys um you know I could say that you know let's let's just say we don't we're not blaming you let's not blame you we're not going to find fault with you but you're the ones that can do something about it so you're the ones that can be our hero you know um I was very upset when I was here two weeks ago and a property owner was granted the right to build on a 1acre lot in a 10 acre um you know restriction area and that's the kind of the problem that has caused a lot of this is letting you know turning the areas that were designated during the comprehensive plan into um areas that could be built with massive you know instead of leaving them rural so um I'm I'm a realtor and uh you know this is you could say that um I don't have these a lot of problems at my house but I'm hearing all of these other problems and the stresses of dealing with buyers and customers and um you know looking at property and then thinking about do I even want to keep doing this this is making me sick why am I living here I don't want to live here anymore I mean and this is what I'm hearing from a lot of people in here so um you know you're our custodians you're our servants and you can be Our Saviors by helping us resolve this issue there's no way that this is going to just resolve itself and we can't just like Let It Go why don't we stick to the plan people have mentioned storm management we had comprehensive plan um you know the the rural boundary solution is for the future it's not going to change the condition of what has been happening now it's not going to change any of the conditions that are existing now these things you have to stop everything and go back and prevent anything from going and it's not right that just because somebody was able to build something that then the guy next door to him that has 100 acres now has the right to sell his land to a development you know you can't you you can help us get our property values up by making this a wonderful place to live you know if you want to make vucha better that's what you got to do um I guess I've hit everything um thank you very much we uh you know we can hold you responsible to solve this and uh if not you who thank you thank you Sherry up next is Robert Watson and after Robert will be Nancy L LA Rivier LA River good afternoon thank you for hearing us um as you can see on the photos first and foremost let me explain I I moved to the land about 34 years ago and I made a a nice living in auto racing I ran a racetrack in New Hampshire for 34 years and I moved to Florida basically working for NASCAR and then a friend of mine that was also a racer decided he wanted to move to the land as well we searched the area and found a nice property piece of property for him and at the time Victoria Park was just a thought if you can see in the photo there's a nice big big garage at one time he had 11 race cars working this area he passed away 2 years ago I'm here today with a sorrow heart because his wife just passed away Saturday she couldn't live here because of the property being underwater she had to stay in her final Years in New Hampshire as you can see they elevated the land in Victoria Park in front of his home eight fet guess where that water came into his property as you can this is a photo that was taken this morning I have photos back dating back two years three years ago same problem she would not come back to this property she lost her life last Saturday so I'm here to tell you gentlemen stop the building my goodness everybody's just were hurting all over the this is right off of uh Rockingham Road off of Taylor we're getting all that water from Taylor back on his property and if you drive by there right where the new fire department is that little development there all that water is coming right into Mr Daly's property I am a caretaker for that property I don't own the property as you can see this is the picture was just taken two years two days ago it is underwater and the the Family itself don't even want to come back to this property there's a realtor now that's taking over the property how can he sell that property it won't be it's right now it's waterfront property believe me you guys need to help us I don't live there I just take care of that property I live way up on in the county off of the truck route on Shady Oak Lane I'm way up on a hill I don't have this water problem but I do have because I have to take care of his property thank you gentlemen for hearing me out thank you Robert Nancy laivier from Dand Nancy and following you will be Jerry Adams hello thanks for hearing me today Nancy La rier I'm president of the lake winam asset civic association um I have an actual action item that you can do something about so hopefully that'll give you something to do after this that will be hopeful for everyone um after hurricane Irma that took down most of a 400-year-old Live Oak in my front yard I watched Davis Tree Service cut a 3ft diameter limb and water came out of this limb like a torrent it was like a fire hose there was so much water in there and I came to realize how much water is stored in these big trees um trees suck up tons of water as you probably know tens of thousands of trees have been moved in the past year for crestwind for Lake Park Estates and the vancort storage facility so now my neighborhood Lake winet area is completely surrounded by new development on all sides currently city property is overflowing onto County property so here's the action item that will help my neighborhood it's a small thing but I do have people there are people on Lake winam set whose houses are actually flooded I've been on Lake wamit for almost 38 years and I've never seen a house get flooded Waters come up all of our docks are underwater right now that's the second time I've seen that in 38 years but for the first time there's actually water in people's houses so we have this canoe trail that's north of the lake it passes underneath a bridge on Lake winam misset Drive it needs to get cleaned out in 2004 after the five hurricanes that came through the neighbors got got together we cleaned out the um the canoe trail the lake went down a couple of feet within days so this is something that can be done right now but we need some help from the from the county because most of us who did this 20 years ago are now over 65 and it's real hard to swing a machete at this point so perhaps you could send us somebody somebody had actually gotten an excavator and helped us clear this canoe trail out it'll make a big difference in our neighborhood can't help all of uchia County but it will help our neighborhood thank you thank you Nancy Jerry L I think it's Adams or Ado Jerry and after Jerry it'll be Elizabeth bans or Bando listen this ain't going to be nothing new you've heard a lot of stories a lot of these folks are my neighbors we live off Blue Lake Hill that's Rockingham and Taylor out of the 15 homes all on three acres eight of us are underwater you know about that the retention pond on Taylor Road East of Blue Lake and on the north side of Taylor is that big retention Pond my house is adjacent to it dead center you can walk up to my fence line and look over you're looking in the retention Pond I've pumped my yard which helped two other neighbors four times so far I'm done uh SE setic tank is gone I have a 500 gallon propane bottle for my Genera system because the power goes out it's trying to pop up the lid popped up on it it's trying to move up I'm hoping it stays down my house is not liveable now we're not going back to our home my home is up for sale and if the county would like to buy my house you come on out and talk to me and I'll give you a fair price we're done I been through so much and I got Neighbors in here that would bout for me that I've done so much for them to help us all out I'm tired I can't do it no more it's it's every year now my wife she's all stressed out and it makes it rough for me to try to go on with my day um I I went out to my house I can't get to it so I had to walk through that water and what I'm doing is walking through water that belongs to my neighbors too septic tank and when I got home I went through two bars of soap trying to get that stuff off me I I just don't y'all need to stop building put it on standby get the proper people get the proper people to come in here I'll come down and talk to them all day long we've been through a lot and if y'all got got a heart you got to stop the building first of all because if if if you don't stop the building the area is Buford Road South to Orange Camp and then it would BL be Blue Lake East to Martin Luther King that whole area is underwater and it's a crying shame we have to live this way um as far as the retention Pond they came out I met with the supervisor several times and he brought the spider machine out he only dug the edges out he left a center and I tried to explain once the edges F I mean the center the center's going to run to the edges the edges are going to overflow well it's overflowed on my property four times so far uh I want to conclude by saying they were Rec supposed to reconstruct it in August they never showed up Jerry thank you very much okay Elizabeth Bando or bans and then next after Elizabeth will be Jim Morgan hi um it's bonds Liz Bonds Sorry Miss bons Oh no you're good um I had a concern as to why we have so much development and just on the Valia County elections website um we have a donation to a certain uh person going for reelection uh four different four different donations uh from the same company to two of there four companies they're kind of like shell companies I guess all come from from the same address 30 3801 Avalon Park East Boulevard sweet 400 Orlando Florida um that is Avalon Park company um and that's all going to uh Mr Reinhardt um on July 17th 2024 May 3rd 2023 he had 10 $11,000 donations from the same address 2379 Bevel Road um I one of the it's 10 different companies they all have different names um but they all came from the same place ICI home residential Holdings LLC ICI home Tampa Holdings LLC and the eight other names that they go by um seven on July 26 2024 the realtor political advocacy Committee of Orlando Florida gave you $1,000 um you have a total of $27,000 from investment firms property management and real estate companies um and then you have $7,750 thou $50 um from insurance companies some from Maryland New Jersey Michigan um construction companies one from Orlando $1,000 and then board sheds so I think we realized why and this this the um the address for um 2379 Bevel Road ICI homes has multiple donations to multiple people on the council uh they have us are different shell companies so I'd like to say that you know we realize why why this is going on and who you're answering to so I think maybe you could just give back the money you know join the join the resistance you know let's Miss Bond if if you would just keep all comments to the entire Council thank you very much okay so I'm going to go on to agenda three now um the Dune restoration requirement no ma'am that we'll we'll have that come before us a little later I can say it in less than a minute you can talk about anything you want except for what's on the printed agenda when that comes up you can speak at that time enjoy your money sir next up will be Jim Morgan and after Jim we have Noel R Rivera first of all I'm in very poor health so please excuse me my name is Jim Morgan I live at 1353 South Blue Lake Avenue which has been my home since 1977 I was a biologist for the State of Florida Department of Environmental regulation which is near the Department of Environmental Protection I know how to review land when I found my property in 19 1977 I knew it was high dry Uplands Jim will you talk right to one of the mics please my my property is a property that is bounded by Red Pony Ranch Road on the North side and Freedom Elementary School on the south side it's 11 acres I've never had any standing water on my property on Friday morning after the storm my wife and I walked our entire property it was bone dry there was no standing water anywhere including the lowest point and I know where the lowest point is by Friday afternoon around 10:05 Water started coming into my property with a force that I can hardly describe by 7:00 it was approaching my house by 8:00 my wife and I had water coming into the house it's flooded the entire house my wife and I finally took our dogs and swam the dogs to our truck and went to Georgia I came back this morning because I have to go in the hospital tomorrow but this property the property that's been developed is Victoria Park I knew it well when it was owned by Tom Stewart it used to be grassy ponds and low Ling Uplands that he grazed cattle on it's now all houses the grassy ponds are gone and their water is being dumped on us we can see it coming we know where it's coming from they had to elevate all of the houses in Victoria Park so that they could build houses now that water is dumped on us my whole property is underwater I've already spent a lot of money in the last two days having someone try to build Coffer dams to surround my house to try to protect it it's too late because it's already flooded I know my time is running short my parting shot as I left as I left my house I can't talk anymore thank you thank you Jim and I wish you the best tomorrow with your procedure Noel Rivera and after Noel will be um I think Josie Rivera Noel Noel Rivera J josia J Joshua Rivera hello everybody all right here it goes um here are the issues that Mill Road is dealing with flooding Mill Road's flooding 20 28 in deep in the road 120 ft 120 yards long 4 feet 5T in front of people's driveways Emergency Services can't get to the back case of a house fire emergency potential sink holes there's a newborn in the back elderly can't get their medic medicine um can't get groceries why is valua County continuously pumping uh fdot pumping into Miller Pond especially after they know that it's currently making the problem worse what are the long-term short-term solutions for water M management Miller Road please stop overdeveloping in the barri in general the water has no place to go clearly a suggestion is address to 37 on Miller Road should be used for more retention the previous owner added 30 loads of dirt and Miller Road because of her her they flooded her 15 acres and the property is in foreclosure right now she had to leave in the future of Louch County this is a question I asked myself and it's a pretty legitimate question cuz I'm currently going through it in the future will most vucha County residents have to own a Swamp Buggy that's 10t tall and and I know it sounds funny but it's not a joke because I'm looking for swamp buggies right now right and 10ft Tall or airboat to get out of their neighborhood or a kayak as I am currently using and my wife is using to get to our vehicles to go to work to get groceries I'm a fireman she's a crime SC investigator I had to go figure out a way to go from the driveway cuz those cars won't make it through or damage our trucks and then what to go from land to water to land to water so luckily there's little dollies you could put underneath kayaks that you can do that to make that transition we're doing this at 5:30 in the morning so we can get to work making it happen that's good for now we have that massive sinkhole in 1792 those are extremely dangerous there's a bunch of bubbles coming through Miller Road so hopefully that doesn't sink down that'll be disastrous right um whatever 20 seconds all I ask all I ask is to make the same decision that you would make of all these flooding issues if it was your family your mother your father your kids that you raised and purchased these structures and they're going through this you all know what the right thing is to do please just do it thank you for your time you guys know what to do thank you Mr Rivera thank you Mary Mary Wayne Wright and after Mary Mary Wayne Wright will be George right good afternoon I hold two things that no one has mentioned yet you're not the only ones to blame it's the city for some reason they have the right to emminent domain anything they want so they can add it to the tax roles and as you all know that we we've been way over building we live my address is 960 South Massachusetts Avenue and that's on the corner of beersford which goes all the way up to Blue Lake and there is a developer I even think he's approved that wants to put 87 houses in it and that would be from Massachusetts to Blue Lake and it is it's going to be a nightmare number one they'll never be able to get out of there and number two the water because we live in the Old Clay mine for those of you who have lived in Dand long long time ago well when they excavated it it came down and our property comes down 40 ft and the water is going to it's going to make our whole lives unbearable and I speak for every single person in here who talked about their personal tragedies with this water it what it's not just milon you can't blame this present storm on all the other times that things were happening I say to you not just from your heart but don't let the city get you motivated with their plans of all the money they want and all the development they want don't do it let them they can get their make their own problem bigger than I am first off I want to I want to tell you that uh I have two degrees in University of Florida one in forestry one in engineering and the only reason I'm telling you this is I want you to understand that I do know what I'm talking you speak right into the mic so they can hear you there thank you sir good enough much better that good did you hear me want repeat it NOP much better okay that's good I've lived in the land for 55 years okay uh I bought this mine clay mine 40 something years ago and we plow off a little plateau and we put our house on it we said on our back porch through eight hurricanes okay and the wind we lost a lot of trees uh but uh water is primarily our problem maintaining it and getting it away from the house okay this development that you're proposing to build to the east of us the ghetto okay is what it's going to mount to because you're talking about 20 by 20 homes you you think ahead 10 years what the hell is that going to look like and I have looked at the plan that that you have got there and you have a a retention Pond over here on the hill and the road comes down the road is 62 ft that's the elevation here your retention Pond is 68 feet how the hell are you going to get that water up there okay you say well we'll dig it deeper okay what what did I say I lived in a clay mine you go down 6 or 8 feet you're going to hit clay what is one of the natural characteristics of clay doesn't perk okay so whatever is there is going to have to evaporate evaporate or it's going to have to float laterally okay and I know you guys are not going to do anything about it but I can see a tsunami coming my way uh if we have a hurricane uh it will it will literally wipe my house out and like I said I live in a clay mine I have lots of clay lots and lots of clay and I am going to build a burm between me and that development it's going to be like maybe 8 feet above the road and Massachusetts will cease to be a a road because it will be continuously thank you very much Mr Wright thank you good luck thank you Heavenly figuro and then after Heavenly our last speaker for the first part of our public comment portion will be Martha Ashley good evening he was great I was not planning on speaking my husband JC is definitely the voice of this situation as you guys know he knows the facts he knows um a lot this has consumed our life for seven years okay we have two kids so I'm going to kind of speak out of the heart and try not to cry um you guys can hear his frustration you know how mad he is um because it's very frustrating living like this it's tearing us apart um 7 years ago we decided to purchase some property right here in Dand he's a business owner and um he's been that business owner his whole life since he was 18 we wanted our kids to grow up on some property and um just have that life that lifestyle our sun rides dirt bikes we purchased the 5 Acres that we live on that we built our home custom built from the ground up we lived in a camper as our home was built um my daughter's now 10 today is my son's 15th birthday and we're here so this is how much it's affected us um the five acres that we built our home on um we decided to invest another 10 which is next to us which is our son's dirt bike track okay so 15-year-old boy loves what he does keeps him out of trouble um huge race this weekend he's busted his butt for two years to get to where he is we can't even get out of our property I can't get into our property there is one road so we're on 1359 Jackson Woods that is right in town off of Blue Lake right next to Freedom Elementary right now this is our everyday life okay I had to wake up back to school back to work we have one car his truck that can get through this water we have a side by side I have a huge SUV the water is up to his doors I took the SUV I'm sorry I took the side by side to my daughter's cheer practice so we drove the side by side up the road have to park it on the side take the key and have a coach come pick us up you can't get down our road I had to lift my feet up to not have water coming in through the side by side this is not just our home it's not just our our easement it is my whole Road and two years ago it wasn't as bad as it is now so I used to be able to park my SUV up on the side now it would be on Blue Lake um this is affecting our life um this is every day how am I gonna get I'm going to drop him off I'm G to get in the side by side I'm going to have all these bags I'm a cheer coach I work he's got dirt bikes we can't get him to his race now because our our RV and our trailer won't make it out so just think from a mom like this is our kids this is our life and we don't want to live like this we don't want to live here anymore thank you Miss figuro okay um finishing up with public comment is Martha Ashley hi Martha Ashley I live in Glenwood many people have said some of the things I've come here to say um we have reached the point of catastrophic property damage loss of life and injuries the cost of recover recovery beginning with First Responders storm reparations and providing safe haven for evacuees to rescues and cleanup has become astronomical we all pay for this we are all tired of paying for this people have been displaced for the first time ever because their homes or properties have flooded and the number of those peoples is quickly climbing the cities and County are responsible for this because permits were issued for buildings that should never have happened it's time to stop not only is our quality of life deteriorating people are actually dying we are begging you to put a Mor torium on building my brother I have relatives on the east side of the county we're high and dry where I live I have relatives on the east side of the county my brother was flooded about 14 in in his house the last one talked to him before this storm was coming and he told me the city of Port Orange was doing their best and they had every faith in the fact that they would get all that taken care of well he only had 4 and a half inches in his house this time and he was thankful for that I can't tell you how it feels some of you may know I don't know but be worried about your sister living in Port Orange and has dementia and her 83 old husband while you worry about your brother and his wife it takes a toll on anybody that has a heart someone earlier said that they want you to imagine your you having these problems in your yard and acting like you would if it was you I'm not going to say that because I no longer have faith that people are going to do the right thing even if it happens to them some people just don't understand things even while the water rises in their own homes so I'm just going to say that you guys need to answer to us and if for no other reason for financial reasons we can't keep paying for all this the county the cities all these people paying their their own money for everything that's happened on land that they never thought would have water it's too expensive thank you for listening thank you Miss Ashley Council thank you for bending our rules and allowing us to hear from the public today residents thank you for showing up and sharing with us no ma'am I'm sorry um I'll just tell you very very briefly and and we were not going to have it back and forth but on the County's web page there all the council members email addresses and phone numbers are there um so that you can get a hold of them that way thank you okay Council we are finished with the first public participation part of our meeting item number one approval of the agenda we're going to need a motion in a second move to approve second okay motion made by Mr Santiago Mr chairman before before we vote on that second by Mr Johansson yes sir go ahead I'm sorry to interrupt I know it's not normal but I see people are walking out that have spoken about some very important topic today um I was going to I wanted them to hear this Mr chair if I may a personal privilege I wanted them to know that after this I'm going to make a motion to move forward item agenda 2A that we've added on yes which is going to be from our staff and we're going to have a discussion of what's uh occurred what the county has done and what's going forward and future plans so um if I would encourage you if you can stay stay because you'll hear from our staff firsthand on some of the things that have happen more certainly in vucha County thank you Mr chair for the latitude but I wanted them to hear that I'm going to make that motion right after this councilman Santiago I think it's very appropriate I'm I'm pleased that you're going to make that hopefully we get a second and and it it goes through so Council we have a uh a motion by Mr Santiago a second by Mr Johansson to approve the agenda all those in favor say I I those opposed nay okay unanimous 60 Mr chair yes Mr Santiago Mr chairman I'd like to move that we adjust our agenda schedule to move item 2 A1 as the next topic of discussion from the council and staff second Johansson okay motion made by Mr Santiago to move 2 A1 up to the very next item seconded by Mr Johansson Council all those in favor say I I those oppose nay okay 60 again all right George who do you have I see Mr judge coming up right now yes sir uh Mr judge sorry to throw you off a little bit but we know you're ready so if you could please Vice chair Kent members of the council Jim judge Emergency Services director for Valia County and with me this evening is uh Clint mum our Emergency Management director so you know we have a number of things we want to go over with you this evening just on where we're at with the response uh along the St John's river but also where we are with recovery and uh if I could we'd like to show a brief video thank you go right ahead maybe not [Music] 911 what's going on yeah some we flood it we're in the house with about 4 in of water the water's coming up to the left down to see him yep [Music] mhm where we made it we're here all right we're coming around so we'll be safe [Applause] [Music] 104 State Route 40 at the bla Lake County [Applause] [Music] Line your family called and said they were worried about you is it do you here me and two cats and I believe we also have a few pictures that we want to show this took place today uh Valia County fire went out and rescued a dog it was uh on a little spit of land surrounded by water so that rescue took place just today uh a couple quick things um we experienced 178 High waterer rescues that were performed countywide it was a coordinated response with the Sheriff's Office fucha County fire rescue our Municipal Partners Beach safety National Guard Florida Fish and Wildlife so uh quite a undertaking immediately after the storm uh the uh valua County fire rescue experienced a high call volume of calls that included 38 hazardous materials so when you're on that right side that's where you're going to get the rain the wind the potential for tornadoes but as this system approached the coast it went from a tropical to a non-tropical system so that made the left quadrant the worst of the storm so where was that over valua County so significant uh weather conditions that we experienced as we all know from the videos and also from the testimony of the folks here tonight but also I'd like to turn it over to Clint uh Clint as our em director has done an incredible job you know we had a couple uh slow pitch is at him uh with a few events lately but he got a fast ball down the middle and was handled extremely well so Clint if you could take it over thank you very much Mr judge I appreciate that Mr Vice chair counsel thank you for uh some time this evening uh before I get into any particulars about the storm itself I want to qualify that the uh information that I have as far as storm data comes from the National Weather Service a and it we use that as our standard I'll preface by saying um before Milton hit valuchi County had already experienced a a a large quantity of rainfall in the two weeks prior to the event uh from September 15th up until the be the eve of the storm uh we uh vucha County received anywhere from 2 to 9 and a half inches of rain before the storm actually impacted so uh above and beyond that as uh hurricane Milton came ashore it it was came ashore as a category 3 over cesta key at 8:30 p.m. on the 9th uh it it uh crossed the uh the peninsula as we all know and uh it exited between the Melbourne and Titusville areas of Bard County um as a category one so it maintained very strong in intense winds and intense uh tropical storm characteristics uh as it crossed the peninsula uh valua County Emergency Management we stepped into our our mode of enhancing our watch levels and began engagement with the National Weather Service in the state as early as October 6th and we started having meetings in preparation as this storm looked like it was going to develop uh in the in the in the Gulf area um we started engaging uh with uh twice daily calls uh we went to a level two activation and then we went to a full level one activation uh beginning on the 8th of October uh on on the 8th uh we did um we um uh dealt with um some executive order stuff um as a matter of fact the governor issued his executive order for Milton way back on October third um our shelters and along with our executive order uh our shelters uh activated on the 9th as that was expected to be uh our day of most significant impact um we also uh in conjunction with the shelter operations um had a uh evacuation order and a curfew put in place in conjunction with the sheriff's office um with for our shelters we activated five general population shelters and we activated two special needs shelters uh we house approximately 1,031 evacuees or that evening through those shelters um and that was in conjunction with our partners with the valuch county school district as well as Votran providing uh uh Transportation as well um we opened our citizens information center as early as October 7th that Monday the cic is was in has been in operation through um today and will remain in operation through Friday uh the the hours that we started operating post storm were 8 to5 uh and to date well not today excuse me through yesterday we have uh we have uh taken 4,121 uh 25 calls from through the citizens information center uh to and and provided help to those folks that have reached out that way uh power outages I'll touch on that real briefly at at our Peak Florida Power and Light had 173,000 just over 173,000 power outages Duke had over over 55,000 uh clay had 114 and new SMY utilities had just under 5900 so we were at about 234,000 folks without power at the peak as of yesterday uh close of business we were down to under 2,000 power outages across all four utility companies um countywide uh Mr judge already talked on uh touched on the uh water rescues um the property appraiser in our cities and again we've had very good cooperation from our cities in doing the initial damage assessments um we have a total count of property types of just over 5,100 properties reporting damage of various degrees right now with an estimated cost right now of approximately $267 million so that's where we stand property damage wise getting back to the rainfalls I had mentioned the rainfalls prior to the storm during the storm itself we saw the highest um rain level that we saw officially from the National Weather Service was in Orman Beach believe it or not at 16.52% was approximately 7 1/2 in wind speeds the highest official wind speed that we um had recorded was at the Daytona Beach International airort Airport sustained wind of 62 mil an hour so that sustained over at least a period of of of 10 minutes um the highest wind gust that was recorded was 88 miles an hour and again we may have areas that experienced higher winds those are just the official ones that we could record through um the National Weather Service right now ongoing activities as I mentioned the the um citizens information center will remain open through at least Friday 8 to 5 to again provide access for our citizens to request assistance um we are encouraging our citizens to apply for transitional Sheltering assistance TSA the federal government has not turned that program on yet but we are encouraging people to apply so they're in the queue when they do turn it on um we are working with our state and federal Partners to establish a disaster recovery center uh that um that um process we um finish that request today as far as locations and again we've had very very good cooperation from our cities in asking for locations uh the libraries are also prepping to provide assistance uh to help our citizens with individual assistance individual assistance public assistance and Hazard mitigation Grant programs have been activated for this storm by FEMA and the libraries are prepping to make sure that they're um ready to be access points to help our citizens apply for that individual assistance and begin that that process being mindful of time and the fact that I can go on for a long long time and I apologize for that I will end my comments there and I am happy to answer or entertain any questions uh that the council may have Mr meum thank you don't run off because there are a few names already lit up uh that want to ask you some questions or Mr judge and Mr judge thank thank you as well Council we had a motion in a second to move this item up we're not going to vote on this to the end just accept the information but before we get involved in this I would like to have a motion in a second just that we even want to participate in this so so moved thank you thank you just keeping our ducks in a row here all right uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chair can you give us a brief uh synopsis also I know you you talked about what happened in vuia how response and first let me say I I think your emergency Team all of them going down to the responders did did a good job uh um so thank you I've got a few I fielded a few calls that I passed on to you all and it was handled immediately so um you know thank you for what you did can you give us the US and the public a little bit more information on how it affected the state right I know we're just one County but we have 67 counties and that can you give us some more information a absolutely and and again as we all know uh when Milton came ashore it did come asore as a category 3 storm with 105 mph sustained winds um down uh near Tampa in in the Sarasota area um those counties took the brunt of the impact and and have been reporting they saw Storm surges as high as 12 feet in some areas which is incredibly High um for our region um St Lucy County to the south of us for example experienced a tornado outbreak at last count the N uh we had been told that they they suspect at this point up to 38 tornadoes actually impacted Oola and the St Lucy uh areas uh with significant damage there as Mr judge is that unprecedent basicly uh according to the National Weather Service and and the folks that work there out of the the Melbourne office The Experience level goes back 30 years and there their exact comment was we've never seen anything like it so and then as Mr judge said for us it became a non-tropical storm so instead of the right quadrant with most of the convection and most of the impact being in this particular case along the track to the South it was to the north so while the track while the storm tracked to the South the south of us it as it moved to the South we saw less wind but more rain so the counties that were closer to the eye sustained much more wind damage while they might have not seen as much rain damage does that give you answer your question sir about flooding flooding has been absolutely y all along the uh the storm path if you go down to Venice Florida tremendous flooding all the way along the path flooding and uh in significant damage we looked at the videos we've uh talked to our friends to the South Southwest and uh significant damage significant flooding tornadoes as Clint mentioned uh but you know just utter Devastation again this one moved up to uh number five on the alltime list for and it it surpassed many well-known hurricanes that uh that we all have known so it just uh again I think it's number five now of the worst hurricanes to strike the United States just to again just setting a basis is what what I think what I'm trying to do here um you made the statement that's still stuck with me that someone else said that we've never seen anything like it this storm but when you top that we never seen anything like it with what happened 2 to nine days prior with all the rainfall that we received like it we've never seen anything even more so like this based on on what the weather pattern did for us right and that's exactly what the National Weather Service told us and and as we began engaging with them even pre storm they kept telling us Belia County um um Lake County some of our other partners you're already very wet and you're going to get much wetter I've heard some people describe different types of terminology one in 100 one in 500 one in a th000 what is the general consensus amongst Experts of what did we kind of really get in that in the in in that number range so the National Weather Service hasn't actually given us an official yet but I have heard um multiple um 100e plus event ter kicked around but again nothing official sir okay um Mr chairman quick um I just would add for this area a 100e storm event which is a 1% chance of that storm occurring in terms of rainfall in a 24 24-hour period is approximately 11 Ines of rain in a 24 24hour period so if we were getting upwards of 15 or 16 inches of rain in areas that well exceeds a 1% storm chance or 100-year storm event exceeds a 100e event correct but no number has been put on it yet okay and Mr chairman I just want to make a quick comment and then I I'll yield if I may because um the I think a gentleman said and I wrote it down I don't think he's here anymore he said and I I don't have any more questions for you right now but Others May um the gentleman said I hear the pain and frustration um and I can say I hear the pain and the frustration and I I'm sure my colleagues hear the pain and the frustration too in my 20 years of serving vucha County in different capacities this is probably the most no this is the most emotional meeting from people uh having Devastation that I've ever particip participated in so it doesn't fall light on me and I don't think it falls light on my colleagues either um and I'll say more a little bit toward the end but there's I'm just stuck with um I I want to point out that the folks that spoke 99% of you I I I like what you said right I like that you shared some real compassion um some stories that help us um you know understand what you're going through but I was still stuck with two individuals that I can't let lightly because this shouldn't happen um some of my colleagues were called out individually um which I think was inappropriate um specifically one colleague uh someone read out some campaign donations that they made and funny that they picked just a a few of them that may pick the narrative that the person is a bad guy and I can tell you he's not 100% but if you really look through it you see firefighters law enforcement small business owners consulting firm health care provider and so on regular people that still believed in this individual serving the county so I won't let that go by you can blame me for shooting back but that's inappropriate your your concerns are legitimate but the personal attacks should not have happened um and it was inappropriate and and and liess in my opinion because I won't let that go the other part that I won't let go because another individual did similar Mr chair I'd like to put an image up on the screen sure can you put up one of my images and this is by the way what I'm sharing now is not to take away from legitimate issues because they're absolutely out there right but I want to point this out go back to the other one cuz this individual called out several members of this Council for I I won't even say that what what words but it was inappropriate but let me show you this property from an individual that spoke and CH and accused this Council of doing wrongdoing this is from December 2004 the property in the Middle where is like a little bit green let me see if I can annotate that here the public should know the facts that's what's important oh it's not showing oh here it is right in here here right one individual that spoke properties right inside there guess what this is flooding 2004 no house on the property go to the other image see this here no house on the property still guess what this is this is the subdivision that built right behind this individual later on there was flooding on this property in 2004 not negating the fact that this property is flooded now I'm not trying to take away from that but what's I've seen often I want to find Solutions I've said that since I've been here in the beginning and I try to talk to Engineers um I I know when emotions are going people want to find someone to blame right and so do I if I can get facts around it but this I'll just use this one property as an example it flooded in 2004 significantly there was nothing behind it I'm not saying development doesn't play a part in it um and I'll leave with this Mr chair and then we can talk more later but the people should know that this County Council for my recollection I'm just going off my memory I think we've only approved since I've been here two years maybe two or three developments that have been of midscale in this County Council this County Council two to three since I've been here two to three developments um and I don't think it was in the areas of anybody that was affected here again not taking away from what your legitimate concerns are but a lot of this has happened outside of the County's perview since I've been here uh for the last two years um we have standards that I agree I think I wrote down the note I I wrote down here we learned I learned a lot and I think we should and we should plan for it that was another comment that somebody said I don't remember where that person is because right now the standard you all all know that the standard by D in the state is to two standards that we apply one is to develop in a 20 one in 25e storm so when a sub division comes it's it's one standard depending on where it's located okay and the basins that they're located through the county again these are ntion the state standards that we apply one and 25 and then if you're in a closed Basin certain areas in the county if you're in a closed Basin and you want to develop there currently you have to develop a retention a water mitigation uh process to one in 100 so that's what's happening today should we look at it absolutely as a matter of fact this County Council about six months ago we directed our committee I see I think she's the chair woman I'm not quite sure if she's the chairwoman still oh she's not but she's out there um she's a member of this committee and I don't want to sorry I called you out but we tasked this committee to start working to create additional standards that we can do for storm mortar specifically so I want you to know that we haven't taken it lightly we're working on it it's it's bad what happened um and I'm all in to find Solutions we have to find scientific Solutions and I just urge you all in in in in in a campaign season which is where we're in people sometimes like to stir the pot and like to take advantage of people's emotions let's go deal with this with the facts I'm in and you can keep coming to the County Council hold me accountable to it saying what are you doing I'm asking our enra committee to continue to look at it our staff is looking at it you got Solutions bring them to me you got ideas bring them to me I'll pass them I'm not an engineer but I'm all in for Solutions But please understand political season heighten things up this was a storm that I don't think anybody could have predicted with the two to nine inches that we got um and help is on the way from the perspective of we're looking to see how do we develop more better I don't know 100% certainty I'll finish Mr chair I don't know 100% certainty that that's the 100% culprit I think there's other causes that we all need to look at in the big picture to solve this problem thank you Mr chair thank you Mr Santiago uh Mr Johansson comment sir if you don't mind yes first of all um I want to call out a few people and I apologize for this but uh um I had a lot of calls uh under you over you and to you uh regarding helping citizens out uh uh east side and west side this this past few days um Clint your your group did phenomenally every time I called including you looking for phone numbers that are easily identifiable on our website and on the Valia County EMS uh uh app um you were quick to respond uh I I know Holly winhoven isn't sitting out there somewhere I couldn't Point her out if I if I could in a lineup um but she was instrumental in making stuff happen uh for me so I appreciate it um i' also like to give a kick in the butt to Jim judge who's this is his last Rodeo for now Jim I I appreciate everything you've done for for me personally in the in the 10 or 12 years we've known each other and uh for this last harah you you went out with a bang my friend I appreciate everything uh you've done um and and Clint I look forward to you uh picking up those uh those pieces that he left on the floor and and putting them back in the bag and running with it um but uh you you all from an EOC perspective did a did a great job um I know you couldn't have stopped what what happened uh but you did a good job of mitigating um you asked everybody to get out of town and some of us didn't and you still went out and and took care of them and got them to a safe spot so uh um my hats off to you sir for all of your time I'm I'm sure you'll get a cake at some point um uh so so I appreciate you sir thank you so very much 50 years is long enough in public service and uh you know as I walk down the EOC and I look at all the name storms on the walls all the way back to Matthew with George uh you know we've been through a lot we've been through pandemics we've been through multiple hurricanes tornadoes tropical storms flood events you name it um you know over the years so but I'm passing the torch to Clint and his staff that uh are doing an excellent job we'll continue to do an excellent job for the county great thank you very much Chim okay Mr Dempsey I just kind of wanted to respond to what David was talking about with the that you showed from 20 years ago and then a more recent one showing it dry but I can just I can just uh attest to I'm very familiar with that area that's in my district and I think I've told you before but I've ridden dirt bikes with my oldest son when he was two years old back since the early 90s and I've written when that was just the Stewarts property before Victoria Park was ever there I've ridden dirt bikes all through that area I mean all through the area year round pre-storm post storm all that never have I seen standing water like this and I've been back through there since since I've been on the council and there is standing water I mean it's an issue I don't know who to point fingers at I don't know who the bad guy is for this but there is a problem with flooding in that area I've known my wife grew up with Trooper Adams now retired and right across from Common Grounds at Rockingham all that stuff she was raised I went to high school living on that same street she has told me there's never been flooding like that never so I have no reason to doubt her I'm speaking from personal experience over there is a problem but I don't know if it's the de I don't know who to blame but there is I just hope that we're looking into it that's why I voted to keep enra that's why I voted to explore this Urban boundary thing I'm not saying that I'm going to vote for it necessarily but I think we need to look into all options and I'm just hoping we push forward um the question I had and I didn't know if this is possible I don't know who I'd even need to address but are we able to use some of this transform 386 money for infrastructure because it seems like a lot of the problems that I'm getting complaints about are very concentrated to like Mr fera and Trooper Adams and all the Rockingham people that's all in one area Common Ground that's all in one area I drove down there right after the storm and uh it's it's everything they're saying it is also over there by FFA on the truck route that's a concentrated area of flooding is there any reason why we can't use this 50 million for infrastructure for those neighborhoods to either buy out the homeowners I think one homeowner said I'll sell my property right now if you want to buy it can we do that I know we bought Lake Mo from the Ford family which basically is a storm water runoff on the east side of Kepler can we not buy some of the properties on the West Side around Common Ground the figuras or Trooper Adams who wants to get out here now is that something that's an option for us to look into well there may be an option but just to update from the previous storm the 386 money uh has gone out through a process and it's there's been uh it's been out to the cities uh along with the county there are several projects uh that have gone through that process and the money really is being allocated into those other areas because remember the flooding it's not just those areas you named you saw those pictures uh I mean they're all it's all through the county so there's you know we'll take a look uh if there's an I think there may be monies left over that are not spoken for yet and we'll we'll take a look at those monies uh and either the county or the city that that where the floodings occurred will be encouraged to put in more projects for infrastructure so that that that's a uring as we speak so would that actually because I think Mr Johansson said there was actually another 42 million that was in another fund that was available when we were debating how much should go to where and um yeah it's about $92 million total Okay so this otherwise qualify it it could it could projects could could qualify I mean there you got to look the last batch had to be specific to those storms and hurricanes now you're going to give probably more money on top of that from these storms and hurricanes so uh the the feds are kind of funny about you know matching up uh storm you know with the the money with the storm but in some of these cases they flooded in both so that's not an issue yeah so these people I think everybody we've heard from from Ian which I think is what's trans the 386 monies for in one case and it was mentioned I think by one of the gentlemen we're already uh uh in a engineering study for one of the areas that was talked about and we I I I disagree with the gentleman's uh opinion of of uh uh the company that he disparaged in that comment is a very uh very good engineering company and they've done a lot of great work Statewide they're probably one of the Premier uh storm water companies in the in the State of Florida and that's who's selected and who's working on that particular project okay is that something also we might consider valua forever money going to I know we purchased Lake Moore with volution forever money is that possible we could buy some of these continually flooded neighborhoods that a different pot uh there's other we'll look at other ways to do that FEMA multiple when you have uh multiple floods you're and they're and they're and they're reported to FEMA they become eligible for FEMA assistant and through the years we've done quite a bit of that actually we've we've purchased homes and and converted areas into storm water parks and and things of that nature so what should these people do if they are interested in just you know throwing in a towel and saying I want to move first thing is to go to that site we had up there and report and apply with FEMA even if that they don't meet all their criteria they need to get their information in and get on the list that way it makes them eligible maybe for later programs or programs that are out there but it's very important if they had damage to get on that list and there'll be questions in there do you have insurance do you have other things go ahead and answer all that because uh you may not have enough Insurance there may be other factors you got to get on that list so everybody you know who has any kind of damage I strongly encourage you get on the FEMA website and and and get listing your property what when Clint is doing and when he's not running around uh storms and all that is we do have this the FEMA uh programs that they help get people through through the arduous process but they get them through and we do get properties uh almost every year there's some sort of a FEMA mitigation uh project but that's just for houses that are damaged it seems like a common theme Here is the houses become Islands and this the surrounding neighborhood that gets flooded the driveways the roads going in and out of flooded areas to get to your house which is dry albeit your septic tank is underwater and your well is underwater but your house is dry I mean does that qualify for FEMA or can we get them over to the transform 386 money as that might be more of a uh right that might be more of a fix for infrastructure in that case so yes there's different you're correct that if house didn't Flood now they may show damages though with their septic and other things on their property so and is access part of the criteria you know so a number any anytime there's there's recurring loss there is a there is Grant monies out there that hmgp that Hazard mitigation grant program part of that process looks at that recurring loss and what can be done to mitigate that recurring loss sir right I'm just talking about the pot the 50 million pot that we just allocated less than a year ago I'm wondering if there's anything left of that and can that be used for these people who were affected Doran Ian as well as now Milton I I believe the next meeting will have the current allocation of the pro of all the projects that came in from the last storm you're going to see that next so uh with that we'll have an accounting for what's left over and then we can take a look at maybe the next level of of of of projects do you think it's too late for these people to put in for some of that money well the the infrastructure has to be put in by a government so it would be us and the uh cities and and again in the area you're talking about we're already linked up with the land uh and we partnered on that study that we just talked about with that engineering firm so that's the first one out of the gate okay all right thank you thank thank you Mr Dempsey um Mr Reon Wald you're up next but I'm going to give you a break for just a second and let Mr Santiago jump in because he he may have a question for you I don't know I just wanted to add something that I forgot Mr chair for me um I I wanted to just make another comment that I wrote down um which was a concern for me and maybe staff can look at it a lady said something about um qualifying for the 386 um money she said ref something about she needed to deplete her 401k or something like that and I I know that there's Financial uh qualifiers around that and I'm not saying that that that's the case but it was it raised my alarm for me um uh that if someone would have to deplete their 401K I just want to put on you guys radar and maybe get back some information yeah we took we got her information and we're going to talk okay I'd hate to see somebody do that just to qualify for for the those funds what she said I uh just I I don't know if she's still here but I think what she said is because she took money out of her 401K it probably showed a uh an in okay yeah and that's what I think triggered the issue yeah I just hope there's there's parameters that we can help people onun that and and Don um the only reason I showed that property was because he he said his property never flooded and the fact that he came up here and made personal attacks um to this council members of this Council um when his property flooded in 2004 and again I give the most the benefit of emotions I get that um and then the young lady just left um I felt because there's new faces in here I'll still say it um that I think there was a young lady that's one of the first ladies that spoke um she spoke about preserving land uh and things of that nature in Green Space uh it's important for members of the public to know that this County Council has had a very aggressive uh approach towards preserving conservation lands um and currently I I wish I could have had dialogue back and forth with her because I would have asked her one question how much land should we Preserve in the county all right and I would have been interested to see what her number was um and but members of the public that are new here we continue to buy lands for conservation and for water mitigation and for recharge things like that that help towards this we currently have 36% 36% of the county this County Council has led the fight to preserve um in in conservation and we have a goal in place of 50% so that is also happening already um again I understand what the issue is before us but know that this council is not blind and not going after things that have been mentioned here there's been plans in place that we have been executing and adding money last year I think we added another 20 million to it if I recall so it's a very aggressive plan that we're doing towards that and I wish she was here to hear that but she's not but I wanted the other new members here to hear that thank you Mr chair appreciate it thanks for the second bite no not a problem and I I just have a few comments and then I'm going to go to the public we do have one public card to to speak on this and you know to the community of Luchia County and our 16 cities to this Council to George my thoughts on this this is a county of uchia problem but this is also the Ci's in vucha County problem for the solution I believe it needs to be the county of valua the Cities our state and we can also and should get help from our federal government George I believe this we need a multi-prong approach here first and foremost we need we need to look at the topography and where we're holding water right now when we know there's going to be a rain event it's like you're going to buy tickets to it but that's what they call it um a rain event or a a big storm coming we need to be pumping those water levels down get that out into the inter Coastal and ocean we need to be make sure that our ditches are cleared so that the water can freely flow we need to have a plan in place and the areas that are constantly flooding we need to really seriously be looking at purchasing those properties multiple properties and making sure that we can hold millions and billions of gallons of water for retention because this is happening more often and I just think it's incumbent upon us to have a plan to help help you um very quickly before I go to you George I'm going to bring John Cheney up you wanted to speak on this item you'll have three minutes please address the entire council with your comments Mr Cheney John cheny 1521 Windgate Drive uh I'm here to represent the Westminster Woods uh HOA uh we have 70 homes that that were built in the county in the mid 80s of which seven are threatened by water did you say 70 homes 70 homes that were built in the county by the county back in the 80s and of those seven are threatened by water and one of them has has water encroached inside of it our uh storm water Pond sits adjacent to South Blue Lake which sits adjacent to a county Pond and which it's adjacent to the storm waterer Pond for Victoria Park uh everyone's been kicking Victoria Park but I will get to that later what we would ask is that you direct the county staff to review our storm water Pond when it was constructed in the mid 80s um South Blue Lake was a dirt road adjacent to our pond was a sinkhole and so when we would get flooding there was a reasonable expectation that our stormw water Pond would follow the natural topography and go into the sinkhole when South Blue Lake was constructed the county built over the sinkhole which is now why there's a failure in two at least two locations where the road's starting to settle the other issue we have is the storm water Pond that was constructed it reaches maybe 80% of its capacity and then it starts backing up onto South Blue Lake which then overflows the roadway down the embankment into our pond our HOA has worked with the county to get the permission of the homeowners so that you could armor the embankment with rocks so that it wouldn't erode like it has in the past we would ask the county the County Council to direct staff to review that storm water Pond to see if anything can be done to restore our um reasonable expectation of the storm water flowing somewhere whether you mitigate that or not we do also know that the storm water Pond for Victoria Park is currently overflowing we understand that there was uh some issue at Freedom Elementary I pray to God that no one was actually pumping water out of the pond but it came through the home sites on Victoria Park into the storm water Pond that pond is now overflowing uh into the county Pond which by happen sense the is now migrating into our storm water Pond we would ask that if there was a failure of the pond at Freedom that there'd be no failure of the pond at um Victoria Park um I apologize I I do have one suggestion having worked with County I mean with government for over 30 years Mr Cheney thank you very much Council are you okay if we give him 10 more seconds so he can finish his last thought you okay with that go ahead what I would ask is your storm water evaluation you're looking at half the problem our issue is not only storm water it's with the underground water flow we know Victoria Park's uh Retention Ponds are 15 ft higher than ours it follows the natural ground we have a documented study by the city and there are uh expert uh underground water uh consultant saying that we are getting leakage we would ask that when you're looking at these standards you look at storm water and underground and that you have a buffer of a quarter mile or whatever so that you evaluate the adjoining storm water ponds which right now none of the computer models do they just lay the water goes into the ground thank you Mr Cheney thank you very much um Mr rectal yeah thank you Mr chair I I do have a couple more uh items to finish the report uh so just uh first off I wanted to bring up uh as we move move into recovery uh there'll be questions on debris and and uh sure we'll be putting that information out as we speak we'll be following the the governor uh just I think yesterday uh issued a new updated uh order which will be of course in compliance with and that means we will have our landfill will be open uh 247 uh we'll be setting up a special uh system there we don't want anyone to get hurt or anything out there it's uh not a good place to be uh uh especially at night so we will set things up we've requested uh assistance from the state for light plants and probably security and uh and we'll set up a system uh where people uh can uh if they are out there at night they'll be using that system but we'll also be setting up uh as we have in past citizen drop off sites in other areas throughout the county uh to make it as venient as possible for people who do do their own cleanup uh then there's the other side uh the the more professional cleanup with uh contractors and our staff is you probably are aware this with the storm following on the heels of of Helen uh there uh I think the statement was made by the director of Dem there is a fundamental shortage of uh uh of uh debris contractors and equipment and as one can imagine was when we' hit two storms like that so we are uh we will attempt to do a lot of the cleanup with our own forces uh but we also will uh we do have contracts in place but I may be uh forced to bring some of those contracts back uh to you uh as they may have to be adjusted uh giving uh the current situation and lack of sub subcontract RoR so I just want to let you know we're in the process of of that right now and that is something that's been done I can tell you on the west coast of Florida uh and now it's coming uh this way too so we'll work on that uh right now uh we are already beginning the debris removal process uh as as directed by this Governor we'll be hitting some specialized spots uh we do have uh flooding uh anticipated along the river and we'd like to get some of that taken care of and you do have uh a large event Daytona Beach coming so we'll be uh working out ahead of that and then we'll be going in Earnest as we get more resources uh from our contractors so I just wanted to give that update and then lastly uh I had uh chisa set out in front of you we did this at the last uh major storm excuse me uh with all the people that are hurting with a lot of damage uh last time the council uh uh requested to uh suspend uh application permit and plan review fees uh if it's the council's uh desire to do that again uh I we took the uh Liberty this time I know we don't do this often but given the emergency circumstances we're in uh we had this prepared if you wanted to suspend uh permit fees uh review fees and plan fees we have that resolution here in front of you what what's the timeline on that Mr reonal what does it say as far as how long are we going to suspend those till April 30th 2025 okay hopefully a member of council will want to bring that up as a motion a little bit later not right now but a little bit later because Mr Santiago you had a question thank you Mr chair I have a question George on the storm debris um if I understood you correctly in between the lines there you said bringing back those contracts are they wanting more money is that basically what's happening yes uh the the reason like I say is our debris contractors for the most part are price gouging us well that's a Statewide issue bigger than us I could I could say that so uh there's a lot uh going on with that but what what happens of course is uh these contractors depend on smaller subcontractors and so those guys go to where the money is and and some cases uh that's turned into a bidding war we're trying to get uh ahead of that uh I think that uh we have uh one of our selected contractor has a good track record here in vucha county and uh uh they are going to have to submit something in order to get more contractors here um we've asked the state and that's something that uh I know the uh the idea to keep the landfill open was to make sure that it could be continuous uh debris removal which uh and I think they're trying to take uh advantage of the the FEMA uh um plan to 100% reimburse for 90 days so there's a certain amount of pressure to get all this done in that 90 days we we'll be fine with that if we can have the right amount of contractors it's not the landfill being open or not because like I say we always have these drop offs and we have debris uh uh reduction sites anyway and we work 24 hours anyway those at night that's when they reduce the the debris grinding burning however they do it so uh that's really not the issue the issue really is getting contractors to get this thing picked up and we ever attempted to do like a local thing I mean I don't know what capacity we have out there but um well we we have and and in fact what uh I I've already put uh uh our contractor on notice to go on out he always puts up a um a contact line and and they get in touch with uh that contractor and and usually they work as a subcontractor uh to that because it's all bonded work and uh it requires uh a lot of backing in order to do that it's really what these companies are our large bonding uh agencies uh so which protects us because they have that insurance and bonding to finish the job um and then they of course they're fronting that storm uh for a certain amount of time the people who come in they expect to get paid weekly and this is one of those things very kind of rare when you do uh debris removal it's going to be a large expense in a hurry you know when you think about in the past we've been around $20 million in debris removal uh but we're spending that in just a couple of months and that's fast for a construction project thank George thank you Mr chair absolutely um no problem at all so I don't see any other names up Council we have a motion in a second on item 2- A1 hurricane Milton update we're just accepting this update and by the way Mr judge and Mr meum great great job thank you we have a Motion in a second all those in favor say I uh anybody disapprove no all right we're approved 60 on that and we are I'm going to hold on just for a moment here George did you were you hoping that the council was going to approve this resolution today I I see Mr Dyer shaking his head yes Council whoever makes this motion if you would please just to make me feel better about it if you would read the bolded part in Black at the top just so that the listening audience knows what we're doing I know we see it but I think they need to hear what we're doing as well right now yes sir if you want to make that motion yes I'd like to make a motion to approve a resol resolution of the County Council of Alicia County Florida providing for waiver of certain application permit and plan review fees for repair and reconstruction of commercial and residential structures that sustain damage Dage directly related to Hurricane Milton providing proof of storm related damage providing permit application must be submitted within a certain time frame providing an effective date thank you sir is there a second second okay got a second by Mr Reinhardt and this was not on the agenda and we're going to vote on this so if anybody from the public would like to participate and have a comment on this I'm going to open it right now perfect seeing none uh Council all those in favor say I Mr I those oppos I just had a question for possible modific I'm so sorry I didn't even see that we're gonna we're going to back that vote up uh Mr Robbins thank you chair sorry about that um Council I'm going to bounce this off here real quick because I think we can do more I know this was put on us uh last minute uh section four if I can bring your attention is section four in the event of variance required to reconstruct the structure the applicant will be responsible for actual cost of due public cost of the due public and legal notices but will not be charged an administrative review fee uh where Storm related um lost my train of thought for a second okay we'll be responsible for actual cost can we wave that cost how do you guys feel about that I'm less than lukewarm about it are we allowed to person yeah it's an actual cost we have to we have to advertise so we be eating that cost um you know if my thought process if it's storm related it's storm related could we get could we get FEMA reimbursed for that no right because we we chose to wave how much would that really hurt us is it something we can manage we're talking about newspaper and mailing advertisements clay do you have an estimated per property cost uh good evening clay Urban director of growth and resource management for variances we have to post the property which is Staff time and we don't really charge for that what we primarily charge for is the advertisement that is in the uh Daytona Beach News Journal how much is that approximately I would say $600 for everyone depends on the the size and what we have to do but I'm just gonna say right thing to do for our residents and if if we come back and we can always make a change down down the road if we need to I I love that you're wanting to do more I I just don't know that I'm ready right now to jump with that can you meet me halfway chargeing 50% if if the maker of the motion was okay with that and uh the seconder then I could have go along with that and I don't see the maker of the mo okay give me give me a minute and Don I'm coming to you I promise your name up there nipples and dimes may I clarify what this is for first and foremost that is if a building is damaged to the point that if reconstruction would require to have to go through our planning and Land Development regulation commission for a variance to be reconstructed I have to say that I'm not aware of any from the previous situations and I've been here since 2016 so we had Matthew Irma I and Nicole come through plus some other nasty tornadoes so I'm not certain that it's a widespread impact we're throwing it in there because we know it could potentially happen and we did not want to have to if someone God forbid had to go through that throw on the application fee which is again approximately $600 so we're already taking away staff's Revenue we pull in to help support our staff's operation Council just so you know you know this is really nickels and dimes but to people that have lost their business business that have to go through this process the time the government the bureaucracy $600 or 700 or even a th000 or if it was 2,000 is a lot of money to our our Blue Collar small business folks and and uh folks that really need it um that's my thought process behind it whatever we can do even 50% um it's something it's just another uh another Avenue for us to take care of our folks in my opinion so as a maker of the motion I I I would say that that there's all probability that if they're reconstructing a a building they're probably having insurance pay for it in which case all fees are are part of that um and as far as meeting 50% it looks like staff has already met 50% by getting rid of most of the other stuff um uh it is nickel and dime um but I'm not a pro at this and and staff and legal is and and this probably runs pretty close to what most of the cities are doing and we can change it later so I'm I'm I think I'm going to stick with the motion um due to the rapidness of the resolution and then maybe bring it back if it if it needs to be uh tweaked a little bit I'm not opposed after I do a little more research but uh I'll stick with the motion as it stands right now Mr Dempsey I just want to make sure clay I don't know oh I'm sorry clay I mean I you get up but I just want to make sure we're clear that when this is probably going to be released um through the media this only applies to the unincorporated sections of the county right because I guys I've been hearing like when this first happened I don't know if it came from the city of D land but it was being reminded that you know you can't put your fence back up in the land after the storm without getting permits and stuff like that is there you have any idea how we could squeeze these cities to kind of do something similar no sir it's up to the individual elected officials of the cities to make that determination right okay I just we report we meet with a city managers on a almost daily basis right now we have one tomorrow yes sir so we will bring that up that uh what what C did and we'll encourage and I I can say in working with a city sure they're very usually very quick to do the the same thing in fact we're probably even behind some of them that you you can squeeze a lot of Mayors at one time at that meeting so I was going to say send me an email because I go but you probably shouldn't do that either figure out a way but uh but that is a good place to squeeze them in addition to the the city manager meetings thank you thank you before we vote Mr Cheney you're in the back still before you leave would you just go see Mr rectenwald get his card I thought your questions were great and I too want to find out if any any of the schools were were pumping water out you you mentioned that I heard another another constituent mention that as well I think we need to find out and see what happened so thank you for that I do know what happened you do good yes um there was a pond at Freedom Elementary that pond filled up with water their burm to that pond breached let the water out flowed South just like Mr Cheney said into the um that makes me feel much better that's great to the school board's credit they did get folks out there very quick and repaired the that makes that that makes me feel much better I'm sorry that it it breached but I'm glad that they went and fixed it right away because you know we were hearing from the public some some things that were concerning um Council we have this resolution before us we're going to be uh waving um repair and construction uh permits all those in favor uh and by the way the motion was made by Mr Johansson seconded by Mr Reinhardt all those in favor say I I those opposed nay it passes six to zero and we are now on the consent agenda item two consent agenda would any member of council like to pull an item on the on the consent for a vote or for a um a comment Mr Robbins yes chair um item a airport services and also uh just some additional information on Item B and I apologize I didn't I didn't have my staff meeting no that's okay um both of those for a vote or do you just want to make comments maybe a for a vote and and B may go there I just have to understand it a little bit better let's do both for a vote then that way we're squared away anybody else Council I need somebody to make a motion to motion approve items C [Music] through r on the consent agenda okay all right we have a motion by Mr Johansson seconded by Mr Santiago on the consent agenda um minus items A and B all those in favor say I I I those opposed nay we have a 60 vote on that and we are now on to consent agenda item a breeze Aviation Group Incorporated DBA Breeze Airways Airline operating do we there's Cyrus thank you good evening gentlemen y we'll let we'll let Mr Robin start maybe with his questions if that's okay okay well Cyrus Callum Aviation and economic resources good evening gentlemen thank you you're welcome hey I'll try to make this this quick uh I didn't get a chance just because of the storm to to get with youall on on on few questions how are we doing with uh do you have any numbers or stats for AEL and and uh what we did in the past how's it working and is this sort of the same thing that we did for AEL or partial um uh that we did for aell uh I really just want to know how how we're doing with that before um I can vote on um on this again absolutely I'd be happy to tell you about a um this is the breeze announcement or the breeze deal there's no minimum Revenue guarantee that's associated with breeze so no avalor tax money nothing from the economic development incentive fund is coming from Breeze this $600,000 budget item is actually what we've done with any of the airlines that have come in where we've given them marketing money from the airport's Enterprise fund and so because they're bringing in four different routs at $150,000 is the price per route that's why the amount $600,000 but this goes with marketing this goes with waving the fees that they would pay at the airport initially for two years and that's in line with the Federal Aviation Administration what they allow us airports to do what kind of returns can we ECT you think economically so each passenger that comes to the airport we will receive approximately $21 per inl passenger so $21 per passenger that comes through that's going to be passenger facility charges that's going to be concessions that we receive so the airport's ultimately going to make money based on this Airline being here and my last question maybe stupid but why do we have and this was asked to me I I just don't have the answer why do we have these programs if we're just waving them if that's the the norm why don't we just say hey they're free we're a small airport and we have to compete with the other airports in the region and if we don't have these programs we don't get the airlines okay all right thanks Mr Santiago are we going to have to add a new uh Wing in this airport soon what's happening we're going to get very busy we're going to get very busy don't be saying that oh wow jeez uh oh I I unfortunately cannot predict the future but what I can predict is with adding these four new destinations we're going to see new passengers similar to what we've seen with the aello traffic aelo has resulted in an increase of anywhere between 10 and 15% of increased passengers and those passengers have been contributing greatly to our economy locally um you can see through the convention and visitors bureaus and the bed taxes and a variety of other services that we have throughout the community they are all benefiting from the airport and our Community Partners and bringing in additional air service so and I'll just leave with this Mr chair you know back when we talked about airport stuff and and funding before before AEL you know i' recall a comment that I said um that I said if uh if you're in the airport business which we are this is the airport business these are the certain kinds of things that everyone is doing out there whether we like it or not if we're going to be in the airport business we need to be in the airport business and we have to do things that require you to do in the airport business right and gentlemen I assure you I negotiated the best possible deal for the county and for the airport so I I just want to see more people being able to come to our area take advantage of what we have to offer improve our economy and so I wanted to make sure that this particular instance was not on the backs of our taxpayers thank you Mr Dempsey oh okay Cyrus this 350 for advertising is that on top of the bed tax issue we just debated a couple weeks ago yes so this is what the airport's able to contribute through Federal Aviation Administration adherences and then the cvbs are going to help us with marketing uh additionally on top of this where where does that money come from is that this money here is from from Airport Enterprise revenues okay yep is that all Mr Dempsey yeah that's it okay and Mr Santiago I'll just say you helped get me over that finish line with aell because I was concerned about this and when you said we are in the airport business and we have an airport manager and why are we not giving him all of the tools he needs to be successful it was impactful for me so so thank you for that um Mr Robbins just chair motion to approve item a motion made by Mr Robbins seconded by Mr Santiago Council all those in favor of item a on the consent agenda say I I those appros n those oppose nay passes 6 to zero and we are now on item B Master gas sales agreement with NEX Tera Energy Services Florida LLC for natural gas utility services estimated annual expenditure $360,000 and do we have Mr Corbett and Miss Jennings yes we do yes sir good evening council members staff Jim cor facility management director uh this uh Master agreement will just be for our natural gas services to the buildings as you see listed Corrections being our largest consumer followed by the ocean Center andal control mostly that is boiler and um and or gas dryers so Mr Reinhardt easy Danny it's a jail so that we're just paying for the services yes this is simply like paying for electricity yes sir okay all right motion to approve all right motion made by Mr Robins seconded again by Mr Santiago and Council all those in favor say I I those oppose nay the eyes have it 6 to zero and I believe we are on item three now item number three a resolution providing for a limited waiver of Dune replacement and planting requirements for property owners impacted by hurricanes Ian and Nicole do we have Mr Klay Irvin yes we do clay you want to start us off yes sir uh Kay Irvin director of growth and Resource Management this has been an issue since Ian and Nicole first hit our Coast unfort fortunately uh we have in place a uh beaches and dunes permit where if you're putting in Armament specifically seaw walls or rock revetments that we require the placement of a dune with sea or with the appropriate plantings to help uh Kickstart restoration of the habitat what we were seeing is that um many of the property owners were concerned about expending money to put a 4ot Dune in front of these seaw walls when we were still intital in other words putting the sand out there would be just simply washed away well one of the options that we have is that you can also pay into a sand placement fund at based on the cost of what would be your replacement because it's not a set amount it's based on the width of the property and those types of things so this Council realizing that we had received over $80 million in state fun funds for sand restoration said let's wait before we start triggering that requirement we need to kind of pause this because we're not certain where this is going to land and we are not certain how much sand we're going to be able to get on the beach and those types of things and why should we be charging people for the sand placement when we ourselves are getting money from the state to come in and restore the sand on the beach so we've been pushing it forward and what we found is at this point there are um approximately about 190 permits still uh kind of in flux that are running into deadlines not necessarily our deadlines but deadlines with their insurance carriers deadlines in regards to come of their some of their revenue sources that they have to have uh specifically for Condominiums and their types of associations so so what you have before you is a isolated effort to allow for those buildings that were impacted by hurricanes Ian and Nicole to not have to contribute to that fund and not have to do the placement I would be remiss in not identifying that we have collected revenues in excess of 200,000 from approximately 40 property owners that we feel that if this resolution is approved those folks would be eligible to request a refund of their money because it would be appropriate to allow for those who've already contributed into that fund as part of their permit requirements and closed out their permits if we're waving it for the other roughly 100 or so 196 that they would be treated the same way we want to make sure that it's clear it's not a a a situation where we want to discourage restoration of the habitat uh we don't want to place the burden on those property owners that are budding the coastal resource there uh what we're looking at is that plain and simple the timing of when we're going to be able to get all of the sand on the beach and the ability for us to distribute that sand that's being funded through the State of Florida and also our long-term plans for Beach management have not yet finalized we not in a situation where we can sit there and say the money that we would be collecting would be used here or here or in what manner so we see this as a method to allow for those Property Owners to close out their permits proceed forward through the D process as well because their Department of Environmental Protection permits are on hold pending satisfaction of our beaches and dunes permit so in front of you is that waiver it is no longer would be a deferral it would be a straight up defer uh waiver thank you Mr Irvin Mr Reinhart Mr Santiago are do you have questions I do okay Mr Reinhardt thank you chair um I think you said it all but just to reiterate the fact that this is just related to those properties that were directly affected by I and Nicole which we already have record of it is obvious that the beach is not the same makeup correct that it is or was even a few years ago correct yes sir um I know that we have taken some pictures recently of the coastline uh and that was I think just at the do we have those or not Mr reard uh Vice chair Ken I took some pictures that uh Jenna can bring up and this is I think not really uh anything that would be of a surprise to the council they were taken off of our beach cams this was on Wednesday the day before the hurricane uh at 11: a.m. which was actually about an hour and a half before high tide if you could flip through them real quick the point of this is the unstable nature of the beach we have now having uh High Tides come up to the seaw wall uh and the base of these properties is actually common uh in fact too common and to have a 4ot dune placed in front of a property in an unstable condition I it would be washed away rapidly as I think it's quite obvious and this is before high tide correct yeah it's a it's about two hours two hours before high tide which most would assume that would be before I actually have a question for you ma'am if I could thank you thank you um the sand and we all know the answers this is just more so for education of the public we do have which was spoken by Mr Irvin with respect to the uh Dune restoration project uh when does that begin the Army Corps is issuing a notice to proceed I believe uh October 31st so we're anticipating them to show up to town most likely after Christmas due to contractor scheduling Jess we just tell everybody who you are really quick oh I'm sorry I'm very sorry Jessica Coastal director of Foria County sorry Jessica I should have called it out um so the dun restoration project that that's in question will be the 770,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand from the entire inter Coastal Waterway correct that they're and that's just navigating through the center basically correct the the ponon inlet navigation Channel as well as the inter Coastal water Channel as well as both okay you have an additional 550,000 coming off of rattlesnake rattlesnake Island for new samna area correct okay and then the staging of that would of course for the first one will go in uh to um where where where were we stockpiling that again we're going to be stockpiling between excuse between Beach Street in Ocean View in Pon and then it will be truck hauled to property as it's being brought in and the same basically would apply for the Rattlesnake Island for South going into n samna Only it's going to be a pipe project and not a truck that's already in place from the last time so with that 770,000 cubic yards from the first drudging project conducted by the Army Corp of engineer is there a uh study that's being done as well we have a feasibility study that's underway as we speak we are looking to do public meetings in our community in January after the holidays individual communities on what they want to see right now your Coastal Engineers uh tailor engineering major firm Elite firm in the country on Coastal Engineering is analyzing are very unique data as it relates to our beach characteristics our erosion rates our accretion rates and they will come back to you after the public feedback probably next spring summer with a presentation and options that are catered specifically to Valia County and our beaches and then we'll have um a conversation of where we want our beaches to be as a community so that's to take place in January the Army Corp Engineers roll into town soon uh the feasibility study will determine how we keep this going in the future meanwhile the makeup of the beach is not the same as it was as I already said so we're talking about several months meanwhile these permits are still being asked to be closed or else these people cannot continue with their work correct and they therefore become more sustainable to more damage because of that so that was one of the the issues also one quick question if I could chair thank you um the after the completion of the uh d reing project done by the Army Corps of Engineers I had heard that there's a possibility because of the shs that are left in existence of still Beach compatible sand that's in the inter Coastal waterway that could be dredge as well that we may have money left over to assist with that for who knows how much more sand we're hoping about 3 million keep so there's 300 million so three million uh wow okay love to have 100 million yeah I would love to too so 3 million is still a good significant amount that continue this process again that's not going to happen tomorrow meanwhile permits are meing to be closed those are the things thank you so much for for pointing that out thank you Mr Reinhard Mr Santiago good job there Mr Matt I like that I got questions for clay um I want to kind of SE set this up from the perspective help me understand why we have this ordinance can we start there yes sir uh whenever anybody puts in a uh Coastal Armament you put from where there were Dunes now you have a a a steady structure there that can encourage scouring so what we do is we try to utilize this small Dune system to help jumpstart the accretion of sand and creation of new Dunes in front of the Armament so that we have a natural buffer to the waves as opposed to a man-made one which can result in scouring and those types of things but this particular funding process what's the what's the Nexus for that what was it well what we we identifi the pro what we're looking the wave that part and several years ago when we put in place the the uh beaches and dunes as a permit requirement what we established was there are going to be areas specifically like down in Daytona Beach Shores where at high tide the ocean was already coming up to the uh seaw walls that were in existence so placing sand there was not logical because it would simply wash away and it wouldn't benefit the habitat wouldn't benefit the property owner so therefore we identifi that giving us the cost equivalent of that placement could be put into this fund so that that way when we start getting into the ability of either adding sand as part of a public project or or tied with one of our parks in another area we could utilize that for those purposes okay thank you thank you that's helpful for me um let me just make sure I understand what you said so we had identified that there are areas on our Coastline that it doesn't make sense to do this put the sand in front of these barriers but there are other areas within the County's Shoreline that this does make sense with the supplies right correct if we pass this uh this limited waiver is it specific to just the ones that way it doesn't make sense to put but that sand well right now the reason why they're paying into the fund is because they know if they put the sand out there it'll get washed away nine times out of 10 it's easier for you to you have your contractor come in and put the 4 foot sand in and do your plantings rather than paying into our fund yeah let me maybe ask a question a little bit different and I don't know where the years I know you said they ton to beat Shores but let's say they Tron to beat Shores we have these seaw walls that it doesn't make sense to put the sand in front of them right I get that I support that 100% if it doesn't make sense don't do it but let's say Orman Beach there are areas where this Dune uh program as we have it restoration does make sense to do right there are other areas yes sir if we pass this waiver today would people that should be doing this benefit from this waiver in other words like are we losing out on the opportunity to utilize These funds to uh Subs uh add sand in other parts of the I got you not necessarily the funds but the requirement to place the sand there if something happened basically it's this if you have a property which is impacted tidy yeah and you pay into that fund we can use those funds on other areas that are not impacted by the tide so yes there would be Revenue that would be going into that fund F that could be utilized for sand placement in other parts of the I got you and I don't like charging somebody for something that they can't benefit from I'll say that so I that that basis to me bothers me but let me ask the question maybe a littleit different because it'll be helpful to me and I'll just use Orman Beach um in Orman Beach if we have a seaw wall property owner with a seaw wall that is impacted say for whatever it is and the Dune is gone um today oh it says Ian let's just say from Ian um they would still be subject to being able to for to get this Wave Wait see that's where I have the problem well let me let me not say that correction um help me understand the funding that's coming also um I shouldn't have said that I have a problem yet but because I need to establish a funding what monies were available to folks in this area that were impacted like this to put the S there there were grants available through d uh at varying stages since the storms hit initially there was was a 5050 match up to I think 150,000 then there was an unlimited no match grant that just uh went through as well but um again that was for placement of the sand no plantings nothing along those lines again so therefore you could get the grant put the sand but you would have to put the sand sand in and ask for reimbursement through D I'm with I'm with you because that I thought about that 100% Grant it's no match basically the government's paying for it right I'm I'm trying to distinguish the difference between an area where they it makes no sense to put sand right I wouldn't support putting sand in an area that we know is going to be washed out with an area that makes sense to put the sand and restore the dunes when there's money available and I don't know if there are any people that fall in that category I have no idea but when there's 100% available in an area that it makes sense why would we wave this so just to clarify this is only for Ian and Nicole that's correct yeah yeah I know yeah I know not I know it's not this dorm do we know what properties are affected are right yeah I don't know if there any that are that maybe I should ask this clarifying question because this are there any affected properties where the sand restoration of the Sand Dune makes sense that has still not been completed we would not be supporting the idea of the waiver of this fund or this fee uh w I if if if we were not aware that it was impacting a specific geographic area that was severely impacted and knowing that we can't really do anything with those funds in those areas and that it's going to take a larger approach to the overall Beach management um clay yes if I if I could jump into and Mr Santiago I I have some pictures I just tried to email them to Jenna but I see she's stepped out um and I took these pictures also last week at the very northernmost property of Orman by the Sea the very last private property uh that is on the east side of of uh A1A and even there the tide was up to the wall and to the base of the property so is there any property where you can place them right now I think we'd be hard pressed there there may be a single property somewhere but right now the beach is so unstable it's impractical I think for us to require it anywhere where there's private property that I'm aware of and I'm seeing Jessica CL and that's all I'm trying to establish and because I don't know the case um and I think this be my last question Mr chair um when we do do all the studies and all those things are done in sand um who's going to pay to put the sand now in those areas where we have done these waivers that's so really Jessica Fentress Coastal director that is the winning question how are we going to pay to maintain our beaches long term um there are a couple of mechanisms we will present that to you fully when we have our report and we have some true physical numbers for a couple of different approaches everything from artificial reefs to full-on beach nourishment but I'm talking about the Dune restoration stuff that we're waving here so in other words we have 82 million right now and that's from FD as an emergency grant that will go to fund sand placement we are encouraging everybody to provide us with an easement to allow us to put sand on their property okay so you're saying that once all the studies in the N Army Corps and all that stuff and we have the sand stored somewhere we're ready to place this sand we're not going to come back to General Revenue funds that's where I'm going folks just want to make sure we're clear well this round of there there is no general fund uh I'm talking about later yeah later there is no plan for later yet unfortunately I mean I think there's no real delicate way of saying that we have a study underway by Taylor engineering utilizing State funds to try for Valia County to begin to craft a long-term plan for our Coast we're also trying to get funded a federal study and I think those studies will reveal what options are up there out there and then it will be up to the community this Council and the community to figure out what investment if any makes sense for our community and our Coast I I get that let me ask another question on the no match Grant um I'm guess that's a state Grant correct yes sir the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has a grant available for zero match 100% reimbursable uh sand placement as long as it's Beach quality material you can Place sand seaward of your revetment or your seaw wall it does not count for backfill and it's a uh reimbursement until the money runs out and it's after the s's been placed reimburse after it's place yes sir okay um and I to my colleagues I'm just worried that you know I want to make sure that in a year or so the General Revenue fund is not going to be hit to restore Dunes on you know private property on the beach again I don't have nothing against anybody I just want to make sure that we balance it that's a very inexpensive uh very very valid question so thank you for that thank you Mr chair sorry for so many questions Mr no don't apologize Mr reard is more questions no okay so we have 10 members of the public that would like to to speak but before before they speak to us I I just want to make sure that we we have anybody on the Das that wants to make a motion in a second and we'll vote on it later but I'd like to make a motion for approval the resolution providing for a limited waiver of Doom replacement and planning requirements contained in chapter 50 and 72 of the county code and ordinances for property owners impacted by hurricanes Ian and Nicole oh thank you motion made by Mr Reinhardt seconded by Mr Robbins all right and now we're going to go to the public Steve wonderly um you all will have three minutes to address the council please make sure your comments are to the entire Council and Steve thank you following Steve will be Deborah Taylor good evening Council and staff I'm Steve wonderly I live in Daytona Beach District 2 and I'm here this evening to urge you to vote against the resolution there um I applaud you for your efforts to help people post hurricane but this resolution is not an equ equitable way to accomplish that there are problems with how the resolution is written and problems with the general goals of the resolution note that section two of the resolution calls for a waiver not a temporary waiver but just a Flatout waiver of certain sections of code including a section that appears in both the Land Development regulation and it also appears in the minimum environmental standards and that uh that section reads all new and Recon constructed Dune systems shall be maintained by the property owner as long as the armoring structure is in place so the code requires that the property owner maintain the Dune systems in perpetuity but the resolution waves that requirement does the coun does the council really favor Shifting the responsibility from the owner to the rest of the taxpayers for all the future years that that structure may be in place regardless of what was intended in the text it is certainly open to interpret interpreting that way so that wouldn't be fair H which is the bigger issue with this resolution it isn't Equitable the property property owners knew when they applied for permits to harden the coastline that they would be respons what they would be responsible for carrying out restoration or paying into the sand mitigation fund the property owners are the ones whose structures impact the public beaches and they agreed to pay to help protect the beach from the damage that those structures do it's not fair now to shift the burden to the rest of the taxpayers the beaches must be protected they're so essential to much of to so much of life in Valia County but we need a better fairer solution than this for example wave for 2 years only the requirement for the homeowner in question to perform the restoration requiring instead that they pay into the sand mitigation fund giving them two years to complete that payment if the homeowner accepts the waiver the matter then simply becomes a collection issue and permits can be closed this would provide temporary relief for the property owners without putting the rest of taxpayers on the hook for the obligations they signed up for thank you thank you Mr wonderly Deborah Taylor you're up next and Nancy Miller you will follow may you may you may yep Nancy Miller you are up mayor of Daytona Beach Shores thanks for being here I have to put this way down again Mayor Miller Nancy Miller of Daytona Beach Shores and with me I have our city manager Curt worz I do want to say that on top of being the mayor of Daytona Beach Shores I also the president of Florida League of Mayors for the entire State of Florida so in that capacity I reached out last week to the majority of the Mayors in vucha county and was devastated to hear about the flooding that happened but listening tonight I agree with you um Mr Santiago I heard the pain the frustration and the helplessness um if there's anything that I can do in my capacity as president and I'm also an active member of the American flood Coalition so I am available for whatever needs help I didn't come for here for that tonight but first of all I do want to say thank you to the commission and to the wonderful staff for all the help that they've given us um Miss Ventress since Ian and Nicole so I'm just here to say so these are the pictures that our city manager took the one you're seeing right now is right before the storm took place but if you see um the steps there so the sand was up to those steps and that got washed away so the previous gentleman that spoke I mean I cannot in good conscious think that we will be able to do Dune replacement when it's looking like this at all also I want to talk a little bit so this you can see right now this is going all the way up to the seaw wall so would you have liked as a resident to put any money into any fund and then see that wash wased away we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars of sand that could be washed away just like that um I I want to tell you a little bit about the residents of Daytona Beach Shores but I don't want to speak just for Daytona Beach Shores anywhere on the coast so Orman Beach Pond Daytona uh new samna beach they are all on the same Coast that have this same occurrence of water coming right up to the seaw wall washing everything away um Mr Santiago I'm going to invite you to lunch and come to Daytona Beach Shores during high tide and we're going to walk down there you're going to see how it comes crashing over to the seaw wall um so the residents of Daytona Beach Shores bought these properties using their life savings um they're retired they're SI a senior citizens and there has been many many um HOA dues that need to be assessed to this these $2 million seaw walls are not insurable so the residents of these condos had to pay for these seaw walls and now we're asking them on top of that to put Dunes in front of the seaw walls that they've paid for I want everyone to understand so I'm hoping that $80 million that we have will take care of these seaw walls uh can I talk real quick about the rock revent you've got five seconds okay so this is a rock revent that was approved by D so that is Rock right there and probably if you went there a week ago you would have seen sand on top of that with vegetation so everything got washed away except the Rocks so uh city manager can I turn it over to you please um thank you Miss Miller no next up is Deborah Taylor no Miss Taylor I want you to come up your name's next on the list to go we're going to follow the protocol thank you and is the city manager did you fill out a card perfect you'll speak when whenever we get to you thanks well my name is Deborah Taylor I live ocean front in Daytona Beach Shores and I'm here to ask you to help us with that Dune replacement one of those pictures you sh was my condo that I live in and I have some great pictures for you to show you later it the waves are so strong by the way and I'm deviating from what I wanted to say but the the splashing of the Waves covered the 15t seaw wall that was approved so had we gone ahead and put the sand in there we were waiting it would have been gone now so it seems really foolish and wasteful for for me to think that we're going to spend additional dollars on a restoration requirement while it does seem doable and while it is important for us to do the efforts will never produce the intended results because sand is a sacrificial lamb it goes away Mother Nature will always win you never pick pick an argument with Mother Nature she will win St kits condo the one that I live in only has 24 residents we spent $1.4 million to build a seaw wall which I might add worked very well during the hurricane but by comparison the beach access walkover which is adjacent to our property the work had just been finished there they put in rock they brought in sand they planted plants gone after the hurricane again nature is going to win so the coastline as someone spoke to has changed in Daytona Beach Shores it is not the coastline that many people moved here for it will take much more than the required four feet of increase sand in plants to restore the beach I'm asking you to stop this senseless requirement this mandate because it's me that has to pay for it it's not anyone else to get this permit cleared I have to put sand there that's not going to stay there so by bringing in the core of engineers having them advise us what to do putting in a long-term CL plan makes so much more sense thank you thank you very much Miss Taylor and now Kurt schwarzlander you're up good evening thank you uh Vice chair can you hear me all right absolutely uh and members of the council uh I'd like to address a couple of quick things one I think uh council member Santi ago you had mentioned the 100% Grant and yes the sand portion of that Grant was 100% reimbursable the problem that our citizens are facing is after this weekend that sand would have been gone they would have been 100 100% reimbursed however after this weekend they have to do it again as you heard the other gentleman say it's in perpetuity for that so there's I think there was about $50 million that the state had available for that I would rather see that money be spent towards a large scale project rather than peace meal um so that's my concern with a 100% Grant yes it would have been reimbursable their money's gone um if you saw the pictures the mayor started to talk about it we had about 30 homes I think 20 of 28 of them did that rock revetment that you saw in that one picture all of the Rock is now exposed they had beautiful plantings beautiful sand piles it's all gone so until there's a long-term plan the short-term requirement to me makes no sense for any of the citizens of Luccia County to pay into even to pay into the fund right now without a defined purpose for that funding we don't go to the store and say hey Publix let me give you $55,000 which was the average of the seawell cost for groceries that I may buy in in the future when there's a plan then I think we should as a whole figure out how to pay for that but until there's a definitive plan and I know the county is doing great work to work on that plan but until you have that plan it makes no sense to me so thank you thank you Mr schwarzlander uh John Nicholson you are up and following you will be Stephanie Ruda John Nicholson Daytona Beach Beachside um I don't live on the beach I live a block away but for 40 years I've been walking the beach and when I first walked the beach uh up near belir Plaza the Sand Dune was about 20 feet above the grass on the berardini property Floyd came in and that 20 ft vanished plus an additional 10 ft and what did I find when I walked a seaw wall a 4ft seaw wall 30 feet underneath the Dune so to me that says when they built the house in the 50s there was a reason they built the seaw wall 30 feet below because for 26 years there hadn't been a hurricane and the sand built up Hugo came and it went the storms that we've had remember 2004 bing bing bing bing sand went we lost 20t of sand normally when I walk during the winter time the water comes up to the boardwalk hits the boardwalk from war Street Park to the Hilton there a little bit of sand left to the pier and then sand after the pier all of that's gone when I walked the other day the 1930 foundation for the steps that were there in the 30s are now visible all right it's gone that far down it's it's about 15 ft below the uh seaw wall so this is going to happen it's going to come and go to put it there now it's only going to wash away in the summer starting in April the S will build back again $80 million is a lot of money or $8 million of sand is going to do a lot at that time it doesn't make sense to require it at this point I'm asking you to do what they're asking allow this temporary it's not going to be imp perpetuity as a gentleman said it's just for this short time period until we can get through this it makes sense please pass it thank you Stephanie Ruda following Stephanie will be Howard paritzky did Howard leave we'll go to you then hi I'm Stephanie rud and I've got to say I'm really impressed by the council's um stamina it's been a long evening I'm hungry I'm tired I don't know about you it's only been 4 hours um this is my first council meeting so it's all kind of a new experience to me and um I have to tell you I had with the opening comments based on the the resolution that that you're asking to be passed I had a a sense of relief because I feel like we're saying the obvious it's like the emperor has no clothes this is a different Beach everyone I mean there is there is just a different Beach since Ian since Nicole since a little bit of Helen and a whole lot of Milton I mean um our uh I live in I I represent two condos let me start with that first of all um I'm representing uh gr Cina which has 125 owners voters taxpayers and was built in the 70s and um peek tower that was built in I'm sorry in the '90s and peek was built in the 70s so these are not new condos this isn't new construction but what is new is the storms the the frequency of them the verocity of them the strength of them the amount of water that's being deluged um gr cookina uh was a hotel it had a basically a six foot you I wouldn't even call it a seaw wall it was just more of a a placement wall to say where the property ended and that absolutely absolutely did not um prevent in any way shape or form the damage that condo was quite extensive uh the owners all of the all 125 owners were evacuated with little notice for 42 days we weren't sure if the building was going to be condemned quite frankly and um we've had to spend an enormous amount of money and energy and time and sweat and pain trying to rebuild from that that um space and I see I'm losing Mr Santiago and I understand it's a long night but but um our owner our our president who's six foot tall was literally standing under the foundation and not tou touching the bottom of the foundation it took out so much sand so because of that kind of damage we had to rebuild the seaw wall that was a new application and um a suggestion I have respectfully for the council and I I know this is an easy one but that process even our our very expensive Engineers can't seem to figure out how to coordinate the process between the county the state the D the um I think now our our permits are still not approved I think right now they're sitting with the county the the turtle um specialist how the new lighting needs to work it's been it's been horrific and the reason the president's not standing here is because he just has no words left and he's not very diplomatic anymore miss miss Nancy knows that for sure um it's it's not that everybody doesn't want to do the right thing we I I was on the turtle Patrol we want to do the right thing but guys it can't take seven months thank you very much much all right councilman white from Pon sunlet good to see you skip Council first I want to say thank you uh for giving me the opportunity uh to quickly address this and when I say quickly I promise I will not go over my three minutes I learned my lessons years ago um but you know a a good salesman knows when to stop selling there's been some great presentations put up here there's been some great presentations put up here um and so I don't want to take a lot of time from that but clay and Jessica did a fantastic job of explaining this we all share the beach think about that what I just said we all share the beach it's very important uh Vice chair Kent and I have had many discussions about the beach and we had three homes in ponet that actually paid 1.5 million for their seaw wall after they got their reimbursement from the grant they still owed over1 million doar for that seaw wall and for us to ask them to put sand behind the seaw wall now is to me a little bit crazy because we all share the beach you know the the biggest piece that I see um Mr San dieago you know answer your question on the grant of of the s s um I called about the sand I live on the beach uh two years ago I paid over $10,000 for sand to go behind my home um did not get reimbursed until today we actually received our check in the mail today on the 100% Grant the issue you have is you have to go ahead I I've already called D I can get a permit for additional sand tomorrow a field permit but then you get in the cue of when it gets accepted after the job is done if the money's gone guess what I get nothing I get zero so it's not like if you say I want to get a permit I get approved by the state all of a sudden you're already in number 10 in line to receive the money it's not if the money's gone when you finish the job you're out the money if the grant is gone so that's what makes it tough on the residents right now they're saying why in the world should we go out and bring in more sand hoping that the money's still there with the grant so that's that's a big issue and and you know I'll close with this I'm a firm believer in sand fencing and Jessica knows where I'm going with this the sand that we brought in two years ago right in front of that we put in sand fencing so over the past two years we've caught sand because luckily we had no storms after this storm we only lost 75% of the sand that my fences caught that's a that's a victory that that saves my money right there so there's all kinds of ways we can do this the coastline and the way it goes up and down in valua County if you look I promise I knew I wasn't going to make it that gum one quick point and seriously if you look at the coastline and the way it goes up and down Valia county ponil is very fortunate because we actually come out if you go excuse me comes in if you go up towards Daytona it Jets out so the pictures you're seeing up here that's where we need to not think about place thank thank you for the firsthand knowledge about it and now I know why Miss White was smiling with that $10,000 check today congratulations Elizabeth bonds and our last speaker after Elizabeth will be Wendy Anderson Miss Miss bonds I'm not gonna say it okay okay Wendy Anderson you'll finish us up for public comment on item three thank you Wendy Anderson I live in Dand which is not at the beach because I choose to live in a low-risk area um although we heard enough earlier about the high-risk areas of Dand um so with uh with the absence of Miss Bond I guess I'm the last one who can possibly stir the pot here um Mr Santiago thank you for your really good questions earlier those were exactly the questions I was going to ask um earlier when I was thinking about my comments but since you've already asked those very good questions and they have been addressed I don't think satisfactorily but addressed I'm going to move on to a couple of things I want to um I want to say back to the residents from the beach sitting behind me the words I just heard them say nature is going to win this is not the shoreline it used to be it is senseless to keep putting sand there that is going to wash away it is foolish to keep building and rebuilding a good salesman knows when to stop selling and we all share the beach even those of us in the land so when you put those quotes together I want to remind you as I did when I when I addressed you two weeks ago that all we really need to do is just follow the good rules that we have and here we are tonight talking about waving one of those good rules um tangent I'm a professor I have tangents earlier today I didn't speak on on the flooding issues because I was busy finishing writing an exam for tomorrow morning where I um am asking questions about the value of ecosystem services including the value of coastal Dunes in protecting our Shoreland communities and that's the reason we have these or with these ordinances I agree it doesn't make sense to put sand here anymore what the ORD the ordinance we need to uphold is our Coastal Construction Control line we have an ordinance on the books that says do not build do not build anymore in the areas that are at high risk do not rebuild in the areas that are high risk that is an ordinance on our books let's follow this one go ahead wave wave this one wave this one for now for later I don't care it doesn't make any sense to spend County or state or federal dollars to put another grain of sand on this beach just stop building there that's all I ask I think that's the long-term solution thank you thank you Miss Anderson Mr Santiago thank you Mr chairman and thank you for your kind words I know we're not always on the same side of issues I guess I appreciate that um I just wanted to clarify I think my my line of questioning helped me Mr chair um I I I'm of the opinion that we should not be putting sand here I've learned that obviously I didn't know I'm not a beach guy like my chairman today is he always reminds us that he grew up on the beach with the station wagon with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I remember them all absolutely um but um it doesn't make sense uh to put the sand there more more so I'll just kind of what I've learned is that the ordinance is flawed now if this ordinance were before us today and it said that you have to pay into a fund that we won't let you put sand because the Sand's going to wash away I would say heck no I would not make anybody pay any money something that they would not benefit from so from from a principal perspective I wouldn't even never support that concept saying you pay for someone else to get sand you know 10 miles down the road where it might be so um I I'm I'm okay with the the waiver um I think the the ordinance needs to be fixed to not make people pay for something they will never benefit from so um and my thank you for answering my questions it helped me thank you Mr chair thank you Mr Johansson yes quickly a question for clay when did we or Paulo when did we enact the ordinance that made [Music] them contribute or put sanding uh that was when we created the beaches and dunes permit I want to say that was about five years ago five years ago four five years ago so so if we permanently wave this it it's just for those properties impacted by in in Nicole which is a certified number we probably already know by by property who they are if L we decide to undo the waiver we can do that correct I we can't with a new ordinance when you say undo the waiver uh I mean this is this specific go back to making it happen 20 years down the line uh well this is time limited so it ends when there's a specific uh sorry Paul sorus Senior assistant County attorney um this ends when there's a specific Department of Environmental Protection emergency fun order that is specific to Valia County so when that ends you know if you construct a seaw wall after that time you will be required to put in the four foot dude perfect so that only benefits those entities there if you want to change the actual policy that requires a little bit more you know uh coordination and an ordinance change all right I Council I've not heard anybody speak about this and a um concerning our negative way we have a motion by council member Reinhardt seconded by Mr Robbins Council all those in favor for this say I I those oppos nay the eyes have it 6 to zero and we are going to move on to item number four we're going to talk about selecting a firm for State lobbyist Services an annual expenditure of $100,000 it's John Booker in the house there he is come on down Mr Booker and Mr Santiago I'm going to say publicly I'm leaning on on you for this one no pressure no there's pressure on you for this one so hi hello you are Pam wilsky director of purchasing and contracts and I'm going to help you guys walk through this evaluation process today thanks um if you would like Mr Booker can give you a brief overview of this if not we can kind of get right into it um he's he's shaking his head no just go ahead and jump right into it okay all righty so what we are doing today is we are going to be selecting the state lobbyist Services we released a statement of qualifications I'm sorry just one second yeah thank you very much if you could just be quiet in the back thank you thank you we released a statement of qualification seeking uh respondents for State lobbying services to serve the county um we received four responses uh pinpoint results Pitman Law Group Sunrise Consulting Group and the subn group we as staff have reviewed them and both all of the um applicants are responsive and resp responsible they are here today to make a um 5minute presentation to you all um you should have already received from us the proposals their presentation evaluation criteria Etc um while I am talking right now and getting them queued up to come up Jennifer ditler is going to hand you a ballot that we will use at the end to make your selection also need to ask um if anyone has a conflict of interest with any of these firms so they they need to disclose okay our Council I think knows that but I'm glad you set up publicly if anybody has a conflict make sure you disclose that no conflict none with me okay thank you and they know they have five minutes no they have five minutes we went over that beforehand um we're ready we are going to make sure that the clicker is on for them and we are going to go just in alphabetical order so first up is going to be pinpoint results okay good evening all right are we ready good evening council members thank you so much for the opportunity to present to you to this this evening I'm Marty kohley and as a survivor of hurricane Michael also a category 5 hurricane that landed in 2018 my heart goes out to all of you um but I we are here to talk about pinpoint results and how we can help you pinpoint specializes in all aspects of government relations procurement and grants in the legislative Arena our firm has excelled in securing funding for our clients in the state budget because of our experience we know the process from every angle I served as a budget chair for an Appropriations subcommittee as well as Vice chair for the full Appropriations Committee two of our team members Brian and Vance have served as Chief legislative AIDS who oversaw District Appropriations for their members and we also have a former budget Chief so we have the expertise to navigate the process but we also know our clients we take time to meet with our clients to fully understand their needs we collaborate with them to prioritize those needs and then develop a strategy to succeed we will always guide you in the direction that leads to success we then Advocate on your behalf educating the members and the staff which is critically important to make sure they have the necessary information to support your priorities uh we do the same with the governor's staff the people that you see here today will be the people you work with year round you will never have to guess what we're doing because communication is key I'm going to pass it on to Brian cherry and let him talk to you a little bit about R Great appreciate the opportunity to speak with you just briefly I want to give you a little example um we've represented local government since 2017 in our firm we're very familiar with local government issues up on the screen just a few highlights a few of the bills we're heavily involved in this past legislative session uh Senate Bill 328 actually would be very relevant to tonight's discussion on development and development specifically in areas where um they are sucess able to flooding and so affordable housing big component of that bill what we wanted to do in that bill is protect local government's right um for resiliency planning so allow local government the control to continue to uh restrict or or have higher standards for development in areas that are subject to uh to flood uh House Bill 1365 unauthorized public camping uh highly controversial we wanted to work and allow local government still set have some input on implementation dates uh providing exemptions to rural communities that were fiscally constrained and then of course work to add an additional appropriation for the homeless challenge Grant as a part of that legislation uh and then suits against the local government uh these are liability we worked on uh keeping those rates or at least in some of the negotiation work the liability claims the level of liability uh to 200,000 or lower ultimately that bill did not pass pass it on to Vance Coy now well good evening and it's a great to have the opportunity to be here as he said my name is Vance Coley um I'm also a a government Affairs consultant with pinpoint results but I have the unique opportunity to lead our grants vertical um and what that means Beyond obviously applying for and receiving grants which we do very well and are very successful at means we interact with agencies every day year round the reality is legislative session is 60 days plus a few committee weeks the majority of what you and your lobbyists are doing and you and your your government Affairs Consultants are doing are working with agencies solving problems preparing for session um and and generally just working together constantly we pride ourselves on that at pinpoint results we pride ourselves on the fact that we are available at all times um and we especially pride ourselves on solving problems at the agency level we had a project recently that was about $35 million over budget after it received State funding uh working with the agency directly we were able to tap into extra funding that project is moving forward successfully uh without having to go back to the legislature for more funding uh we are very PR of that we are excited what we can do for you with State agencies I'm going to turn it over to Jason M to tell you a little bit more about that real quick uh the last thing we want to kind of go over is sometimes our interactions with state agencies is more than just advocacy sometimes it's uh education and the consideration here we have a client that is a meals provider for seniors uh in fact they provide millions of meals every year they interact with two different state agencies one by dbpr as a licensing inspecting agency and of course Department of Elder Affairs provides the grants that they operate under uh part of what we offer is that we have the ability to go in and talk to them with detail about the legal capacity in which they operate in this scenario we allowed those two agencies to come together and understand what each other did a little bit better we added continuity in their programs and that really helped ensure that we have uh those meals continue for seniors uh and thank you and we you know it gives us the opportunity to ensure that there was continuity for seniors we also are able to transition that into a lot of other areas of what we do with our legislative operation too thank you very much for the time we're happy to answer any questions we do appreciate the opportunity to be in front of you today thank you very much if you have the opportunity right now if you have questions for them you can ask now absolutely a board's lien up uh councilman Santiago I was gonna Jake I yeld to you okay councilman Johansson tell me about your input and your influence during the uh the Liv local act that Senator pido was so the live local act uh from two sessions ago uh sp328 was uh the follow-up Bill to that the development bill so specifically what we wanted to do in that bill on behalf of our client was preserve the right for local governments who had resiliency plans to be still afforded to have that right when this legislation passed so ultimately we fought to the end to to keep language out which would have prevented local governments um who wanted to prevent or provide stricter standards for affordable housing developments that are in areas that were prone for flooding and so were able to prevent that language from being in the bill which uh left it uh the ability for local government to enact those policies thank you Mr Santiago he asked my question I'm good uh another one Mr joh Hansson okay thank you very much we certainly appreciate you coming [Music] down all right we're going to go ahead and bring up Pitman Law Group and while they're coming just um kind of I'll just kind of walk through what's going to happen once we're done um once you've had every presentation then it will go back to you all for um discussion if there's any public participation and then when you are ready then we'll complete your ballots you're going to be ranking the firms from one to four one being your your number one choice and then we'll announce it at the end thank you very much all right pit in a law group good evening thank you for the opportunity to present tonight my name is Sam Peltier and I'm the associate director of government Affairs for the Pitman Law Group I'm joined tonight by William witson who's our local government adviser y'all may know him he has been around for a minute let me get into it the Pitman Law Group is a fullservice legal and governmental Affairs firm nationally recognized for our in-depth legislative knowledge extensive relationships and results driven approach on behalf of our clients since our Inception in 2001 the Pitman Law Group has represented local government across the across Florida and the country with over 50 years of combined experience representing local governments we're experts in navigating complex legal Frameworks and securing scarce resources for our clients and their objectives while headquartered in Tallahassee our firm has deep ties to Central Florida William operates out of Flagler County and has worked in Valia County for over a decade in a pre previous career and we have represented municipalities in the region for over a decade Furthermore with a satellite office in Orlando though we are readily available to meet and respond to any issues facing the county when necessary our firm is proud to currently represent 14 total public organization clients these clients have given us unique insights into the issues faced by local governments including infrastructure water and Disaster Recovery furthermore as a boutique firm we have strong relationships with each of our clients so these are collaborative efforts which extend year round and not just during the 60-day legislative session our work has given us our work has given us close relationships with agency staff and Department stakeholders within the legislative process one example I love to give is that we had a client who was trying to get an exit ramp sign welcoming Floridians to their Community off I75 and were unsuccessful with do for years within two months of us being hired as their firm we were able to work with do and have the sign placed to welcome tourists the community furthermore we had another client who was impacted by a major storm a few years back was having trouble reaching the department of Emergency Management and we are able to put them in touch with the executive director and make sure that they had the resources they needed in a timely fashion to get back on their feet Furthermore with our local advocacy work we've been given strong working relationships with the Florida Association of counties the Florida Alliance for intergovernmental relations and more aligned interest groups these Partnerships have allowed us to more effectively represent our clients and build consensus before the legislature for any policy issue in the past 5 years our firm has brought home over $25 million for local government bodies Our firm Works hand inand with our clients to develop their appropriation strategies before every legislative session that's to say we strategize with each of our clients on the priorities of both the house the Senate as well as the governor's office work with them to identify sponsors and stay constant communication throughout the legislative process to give them the best chance of success before the legislature a few of the projects we've secured in fuchia County over the last couple years have included water projects transportation improvements public safety measures and Emergency Management resources to name a few along with our appropriation success our firm has worked for years on with our local government clients on the issues of preemption and home rule one example that you can see on your screen is the minimum wage issue a couple years back where we successfully fought against an effort to preempt local living wages from some of our public clients by working with House and Senate leadership as well as members of each chamber to ensure the passage of a bill that gave specific car outs to existing minimum wage limits for local governments really quick I just wanted to mention the third member of our team it is our founder and managing partner Shan Pitman before starting the Pitman Law Group in 2001 Sea had worked at all levels of Florida's government including the legislature state agencies and the governor's office furthermore William and I have both worked in local government throughout our careers which I believe gives us unique insights into the operations of these um organizations and better allows us to Advocate before the legislature the last thing I'll leave you with I try to keep it concise is that if you would look at our client roster I'd encourage you to check the dates for each of these clients our longest serving clients have in fact been local governments which I think is a Real Testament to both our professionalism and our ability to deliver results on behalf of these local governments thank you for the time thank you very much no one's queued up yet but I have a quick question for you yes sir um Can Can you go back to where over the five years the amount of money you got for each community so so why is Broward County the outlier so Broward generally we've been working on policy issues for Broward County that in the last five years I believe we've been given two projects for the county to work on um and one of them of course was an appropriation for $750,000 okay and um CH I think I could help you with that answer too good I want to hear from that but I just I I was waiting on Mr Johansson to queue up you know why I see city of Port Orange there and I thought we have worked with the counselor for that's probably why Sean's not here um um this is good information no I appreciate it yeah well so I was going to go to comment but since you asked um um Sean and his team and his if the Orlando team is still the person I think it is is had had a a very unique relationship with a lot of influential uh people up in Tallahassee and he he was very able and his team was very able to get us in front of the people we needed to be in front of to get what we needed uh I didn't want to spend time when I went up to Tallahassee to see David Santiago I can get him here at the at the local West Side uh uh McDonald so um so he he had the unique ability to do that I also understand that that there's others and I'll talk during comment they can do the same thing but I have firsthand knowledge of Pitman long group and they they've always uh done great things for us in a in a nonpartisan way might I add thank you um your name's not up there but I did want to hear from you Mr Santiago I was just going to say for Broward County because Broward county is such a big County they have multiple lobbyists so and they do task people with different things so that's probably why they were tasked that way so just F FY they're one of the big boys that spend a lot of money that's correct counselor Pitman Law Group thank you very much are you ready for for the next one so we're going to call Sunrise Consulting Group no she's getting to you just ours just uh goes with a motto kiss keep it simple stupid so we wanted to keep these very very simple we know you got a lot of information in your packets uh my name is Sean Foster I'm the president and founder of Sunrise Consulting Group and first of all I just want to say we're honored to be here um it was very uh interesting also to hear some of the same issues that you're uh dealing with that we're dealing with over in our side of the state in Pasco County and our thoughts and prayers uh are with the families who lost their lives uh here not only here but throughout the State of Florida and those who lost everything um but I can tell you those hurricanes are going to make this a very interesting session um it's going to be one that you're going to want somebody that's working with you and representing you it's going to be fighting for you because there's going to be so many needs throughout the state and our next slide it really is just really simple it says what makes us different and I think what makes us different is you're going to hear you got tremendous organizations here but you have some who have some very deep relationships and also deep knowledge of the issues that are impacting local governments local governments were the first clients that I had when I founded the firm and I still have some of them now that I had when we started and and second is that you want to have a client Centric approach and when you're working with these folks you're making a very personalized service when we do reports for you you're not going to get something that's a cookie cutter you're going to get stuff that's specific to valua County and with information about meetings that we did throughout that week in Tallahassee and last class you want somebody who's going to tackle things for Valia County and who's going to fight for them we call that all-in it's our Allin motto Allin to us is not just saying something that is flashy or it's an approach that others use Allin is what helps us succeed for our clients when I say Allin I mean legislation that impacts valua County like the live local Bill we're Allin when we talk about fighting for legislation that to meet the needs that you have for the flooding in your streets we are all in when you want your fair share of Appropriations for the other infrastructure projects that we're talking about we are all in and when you want somebody to respond to a text an email or a phone call in less than 24 hours that's our office that's the service you're going to get and that's guaranteed so folks I just want to say thank you again for letting me introduce my team next and one of our guys who I think is an expert matter live local in other issues Andrew kle Mr chair members of the council thank you so much my name is Andrew I have been in and out in and around state government my entire career which I started when I was 18 so it may sound short but it's been a while um I'm a government operations local government kind of policy won when we look at things Valia county is working on storm water water quality body cameras on code enforcement officers that is something that I'm actively working on I think what I bring to this team and what I bring to this county is the fact that I kind of value myself as a dynamic con a dynamic consultant I help far past the house far past the Senate and I appreciated your comments about trying to get in front of the right people when you mentioned um state agency work and I appreciate honestly the previous respondents that that brought that up because I think it's so important to have somebody that can help you pass the legislature regulatory work other intergovernmental Affairs work um that is pretty much what I want to say and I want to turn it over to George MC good evening I think by now most of you know me I've been in this area for a long time and uh it's a real privilege to be before you tonight I have deep roots in this County and I think that's what I bring to the table for Sunrise I have I live here I work here I have an office here and I have teamed up with them on this work because we want to help Valia County and have that Personal Touch I regularly attend Valia uh League of cities meetings and also the valuch County elected Round Table officials meetings and I my career in government spans over four decades I I'm only 13 when I started um I represent several cities in the county I specialize in Appropriations I have worked hard since 1995 being in government to really emphasize that relationships are everything and key staff is also everything if you get to know the staff because of term limits you're able to get a lot of stuff done I um I want to just tell you that um I'm not going to list my accomplishments but I have helped with Appropriations for several cities including um oakill who has had a a terrible time and had no sepic towerer when I started and um I'm glad to be here and I'm going to turn this back over to Sean we we see the time ending I'll just say real quick we led the charge when it came to C Bill 328 local don't don't worry about that finish your presentation and uh and lastly I'll just say to you real quick we've bought over half a mill half a billion dollars in the past 10 years uh for our clients and we're very proud of that and seeing the changes they make in our community but the last thing I'll say we are very honored to meet with Senator pasido and it's if you want to ask a question on that but I know we ran out of time so I apologize there there is uh a couple that have queued up on the board to speak so um council member Johansson I'm gonna let David answer ask a question too but uh for for I guess for Georgia I I think she'll probably be the one we see most often what what other cities in in FIA County do you represent I represent city of Edgewater I represent Deltona and I represent the city of oakill got it all right thank you very much Mr chair I just I guess I wanted to ask Jake's question we forgot to ask it to the previous group I think you mentioned live local I think we keep with that question too if you can elaborate what your exposure will if anybody read the newspapers during session you could see that Pasco County who we represent was very intrical and being opposed to a lot of the parts with it I will tell you quickly I got a phone call from Senator Kathleen Pasad when you get a phone call from the Senate President at 8:00 pm on a Wednesday it's not a good thing you can imagine her exact word Sean I love you but I'm not real happy with Pasco County can you come in and meet with me I said absolutely we had already sent an off a letter about some ideas that we had and I will tell you for about 3 weeks we worked on legislation and amendment to really get to a part where it was not just beneficial for Pasco County but it was beneficial for everybody throughout the state who already saw the needs for affordable housing being met and that's where the opt out language that you see and that you saw afterwards for counties cities and local municipalities uh that came from us leading the charge and having a phenomenal relationship with the president's office uh I did get a lot of gray hair from that and uh but I will tell you um we absolutely our firm was that who took the charge and and the leading with her chief of staff and her staff to come up with those amendments Mr Reinhardt thank you chair you said you get a lot of gray here from that it could be gone I'm saying so yes sir um I heard you mention something about the um body cans for code enforcement that's me sir so um was that inclusive of just for code enforcement or animal control and code enforcement kind of throw throwing them under that umbrella of of law enforcement I know was something that was of particular interest to me so that's an excellent question right now we're just working on code enforcement officers uh haven't thought about Animal Control uh we actually have some language we're working on um and that's that's for just code officers at this time I guess when I was thinking about that I was looking at all aspects of individuals that may respond to homes that are not law enforcement but could ultimately fall thank you very much and just briefly is it Sean yes sir so I appreciate the background and the stories about the president reaching out to you and having a meeting with you so if if we were to choose your team what kind of access do we have to you well I I think one of the questions was real quick about you know about this I was asked this in the same situation one of the County Commissioners said to me Sean do you feel that it's a negative that you don't live in Tallahassee and I said no it's a positive every single one of my members we have three other members not here today do not live in Tallahassee only one of them the rest of us live throughout the state with our legislators when they're in Tallahassee we're in Tallahassee for those committee weeks and we're there for the session but we're back home during the time they're going to chamber events when they're going to the nonprofit events when they're doing their own events where do you think the long relationships are made and the five or 10 minutes that you're going to get with them are Tallahassee are those back home the incoming um Senator prorations chairman is my personal Senate senator in Pasco County Ed Hooper we have a tremendous relationship so I think it benefits us for the relationships that we have established around the state by living in the communities but back to my question what kind of access will we valua County have with you follow following just right that what I said the close relationships that we have what we have done is we look out six years ahead of time saying who's going to be in leadership and how can we work with them so we've have raised money with them we've done the fundraisers for them I would tell you you would have the same access to the top law firms and the same access that we've had for the past 12 years okay all right thank you and thank you our next final group group to come up is g to be the Southern Group there's the clicker right there I think i' know how to use it by now um good good evening um Oscar Anderson uh with the Southern Group here with Nicole Kelly um we appreciate the opportunity to be here for sure and uh continue hopefully continue our partnership we've had for the last six years with the county um we've seen a lot over the last six years covid um uh you know dramatically Changing State budgets a lot of things have happened um a quick overview our firm because I'm not sure everybody knows everything thing about our firm we have 45 Partners more than that now in our firm around the state and seven different offices um we we took that strategy very early on with the purpose and knowing that it's better to be closer to the legislator so we have access to all the legislators throughout the entire State um because of that there's five members of the team our founder Paul Bradshaw Nicole myself David brownie who's been here before with me and Sydney Ridley in tallah Tallahassee I'm G to pass it over to uh oh what happened there it is to Nicole sorry I'm short um here's just a little overview of the the legislative timeline right now the agencies are working on their legislative budget requ ests those have to be um some agencies have already started completing them and they'll submit them to the governor's office and then the governor and around January February will release his um government his Governor's recommendations session switches off each year this year it's a later session so session will start in March um and lasts through May and then the new fiscal year begins July 1 from November on we'll start having committee weeks it's a little strange this year the Senate and House are not aligned entirely L on committee weeks but that process will start in in um in November after the elections that's going to help thank you um so the our approach to Appropriations is it's very strategic and comprehensive basically what we do is we like to to work with our clients in an off election year earlier in the summer it's different this year because it's an election year so we'll start that process a little bit later we like to work with our clients and then I like to go and everybody has a different strategy but this is my personal strategy I like to to go to the members of the delegation who would likely be your sponsors and I like to put the you know wish list in front of them and say what do you think and it sort of becomes their idea and then they have a little bit of ownership of it and so when you're working through the process and it and it gets crazy during budget budget conference they have this ownership in this process in this project because they kind of came up with the idea at least in their mind they made the final decision so we found that has been very very successful for us we we like to vet things with the governor's office prior to so that we aren't getting to the stage of the veto and where we don't want to be surprised or have our our clients you know coming to us and saying what happened the governor had an issue but you guys made it through the legislative process so we like to do that all in the beginning and so that it's it's smooth sailing and we have a really great Appropriations team we've we got over $2 billion doar for our clients last year um my group which is Sydney Ridley David Browning and myself we the three of us got over almost a billion between our clients and um it's we're a well oiled machine and and we we really enjoy the Appropriations process um spe specific questions about preemption and home rule um we represent about 40 different local governments around the state um we were fully engaged with uh the association of counties League of cities fair when it existed on all the home rule issues um I was thinking back to a specific case uh related to an issue we took on for L County County a few years ago Senate Bill 336 that was trying to change the thresholds on local referendum for sales tax um to 2/3 and and had an immediate effective date and that was a big issue for the county because you had one on the ballot and so we worked really hard um with our partners but kind of took the lead on trying to push that bait back so we got the effective date after um the the uh election in November and we also got eventually got rid of the two-thirds requirement too so it was a very successful fight against that um I don't want to talk briefly about sorry I'll try to speed it up so basically um our approach with we we have we're unique in Florida obviously there's there's term limits um so we know the presiding officers well in advance of their term as as being the leaders of their various Chambers so what we do and and we have we are fortunate we have close to 50 lobbyists we are able to build those relationships early on and and really Foster like a trust and and we're supportive of them in the offseason which is is right now and fundraising we're supportive of them we put our clients in front of the decision makers and not only do we have you know one person that's close with Danny Perez we have five that are very very close with Danny Perez and the same for Ben Alberton we have depth in relationships with Leaders with uh committee chairs with Appropriations chairman you can send five different people in to make a really big ask and we're able to do that because we're such a large [Music] firm um um I'm I finish finish your thought please okay that's fine um I was going to talk about one specific example related to um working with the executive branch during covid there was a huge influx of State inmat inmates that were being left in the jail here at the county and we worked really hard with the county staff to get the Department of Corrections to start moving those inmates out sooner very successfully so that's one of our examples um there um in conclusion though you know we're here we were here six years ago making a lot of the same promises you've heard um and standing here now saying I think we fulfilled those promises I mean just in the last few years we've raised we got brought back over 11 and a over 11 million to the county 12 yeah um so we're very proud of our work for the county um it's election season so I would ask for your support um in this ballot to continue to be your partner in Tallahasse thank you very much Mr Johansson I got a quick question for you you are the biggest firm here representing uh today and uh I I think you said you have 40 uh municipalities or counties um what happens when we we want something that another municipality you represent wants the opposite of how do you navigate that that irony or or does it seldom happen if one County wants it we usually all want it I mean the counties are particularly good at working together on things I you know most of the home rule issues we run into are frankly because of some local government in South Florida that did something crazy um just being honest and and so we end up trying to to fight against that as as they've created s many in tassi but we don't really run into a lot of conflicts I mean there's a few areas where we always say cities and counties are sort of mortal enemies right like land use stuff sometimes they can become um can become competitors but for the most part we're we work together a lot on a lot of issues um we haven't had we haven't run anything that I'm aware of so thank you Mr Dempsey yeah I just um looking at your website I see here that John Thrasher is part of your team and he's 80 years old and obviously he's a very politically powerful person um is he still active in lobbying would we be able to get his Services yes I yes he is around for sure um he's he's more kind of of counsil now he helps us out on specific projects and and has a lot of relationships around the state that are very deep and and helps us with some clients um he actually has moved to Orlando so I see him all the time I live in Orlando so so you think he's despite his age he's still willing to maybe Lobby on our behalf I'm sure I happy to ask him um okay all right thank you Mr Dempsey Mr Santiago no question just go next St no question okay all right we're ready for the next step step is really at this point um check to see if you have any public participation slips Madam clerk any no we do not if not then I turn it back to you for um Council discuss discussion all right and we're going to start the discussion off with councilman Santiago thank you Mr chair this is a tough one uh obviously for me because almost all the pictures that were up there I I know almost every single one of them the folks that spoke I I I think I know almost every single one of them and worked them with them one capacity or another um and um which is why if I can jump in it it really means means a lot to me what you say about this I mean you were up there you worked with these individuals so no pressure yeah I hope I don't lose any friends today in this process um but you know Mr chair and my colleagues I'm going to take this from the approach and share my comments mainly from what we've experienced in the last two years since I've served in a council um and where I think our opportunities have been and and and um where we've had some failures um in some cases also and who can probably I think they're all competent firms let me first say that um Marty nice to see you I haven't seen you in a while I want say hi sorry I too um uh all competent organizations but I think if you recall my comments when we were talking about the lobby firm contract last year I made a lot of commentary around we shouldn't really focus a lot on policy if you recall um we may have some policy things that we we we fight with alongside with some of the other counties you know we have the Florida associations of counties I said that back then what I have found in my experience is that when you go into this loan person on a policy issue that you want to change I haven't seen a lot of very effective much Effectiveness in that um now when you have some unique circumstances that you got to work with an agency I'll just use the the jail thing that was the right thing to do right to to do so when you're working with agencies you you it's a little bit different when you go in there and say there is a problem here we should just fix this but to go through that Pol iCal process with policy um I I haven't seen a lot of success in it um from a lobbying effort um sometimes you could squeeze things in there but what you know we're a we're a midsize County um you know when you you mentioned Broward earlier right Broward is a huge County Miami Dade you know they got tons of lobbyists they just come in one after the other so with that said Mr chair I'm focusing from the perspective of who can really help us with our funding issues right um that is going to be the key thing for me I want us to create our plan and um say this is what we want to fight for and we want a bigger piece of the pie that's what I want I want a bigger piece of the pie for valua County and I usually look at the the budget at the end of the year every year and I I get angry because I see some of the money that's being dished out and I think we should do better uh as a county we've had our challenges because um some people have made people not happy up in Tallahassee um but Tallahasse is a relationship business that's all it is in my opinion there's tons of knowledgeable people up there tons um you can learn so much up there but at the end of the day in my opinion 90% of it comes to relationship I'm going to go to my buddy Troy my buddy Danny Don I'm say hey I need help with this because this is this and this and that it's really what it comes down to at the end of the day so with that I'll kind of go through um I'll start with our our our current lobbying firm um Don and and Nicole nice to see you too I had seen you a while she's back there somewhere um and uh Southern Southern Group is one of the biggest ones in in Florida uh they they're the they're the big boy um and I think for me therein lies the problem um you know I don't want to say too big to fail because I don't think they're a failure as an organization but for me um if you recall we had some policy issues where we had some conflicts because it was a who asked the question about conflict like uh Jake you did um I don't want to rehash you know previous issues but we had an amendment issue that was rolling around there and they were conflicted somewhere though they may may have not said they were conflicted but they were conflicted and that's a product of their own success because they've been able to grow that firm with excellent people in it but at the end of the day who do you serve right um and the bigger you get the more conflicts whether you know conflicts in Tallahassee have become a blurred term uh lately um with some of these big firms and I think that does a disservice to at the end of the day to the client um very capable firms but I didn't like the conflicts um and I think we could do better in the appropriation side the Pitman group um I've known of the Pitman group for a long time um and you notice the word I said of and the reason I say of because I can share with you that in my eight years that I served in the legisl not one time did someone from the Pitman group come see me that's a big deal I'm sorry that's my opinion not once a member of the Valia delegation and you have you represent people in Valia um and I've made that ver verbalized when I was still serving at that time so I I didn't understand that um and i' I've probably one of the most accessible members um while I I served up there um if I can go Mr continue okay um so there's my hold on hold on let me just make sure the council's okay with that Council you okay with Santiago getting a few more minutes yeah they're good I'm almost done I'm almost done M sure I know it's been a late long night but the Pitman group my failure with my their failure with me is that they never came to see me I I I I I don't know how they got that well I have my assumptions um but that that's a big deal for me and I cannot give them my vote of confidence because I don't know how they're going to work with the rest of the delegation um on the other uh firm um Marty's firm I'm sorry I forgot the name pinpoint results you know I I I was hoping you you would talk a little bit more about Appropriations because that's my focus um I don't know how long your firm it may be in there it's been in place so I don't know if the real connections are there um and then I'll end with where I think we should lie is the the sunrise Consulting Group um reason I say him his firm uh I've worked with this individual as as as as like the others Al also for almost 10 years um what I liked about Mr uh Sean Foster is that this guy works the Halls oh my gosh he doesn't just work the the friendships which I said it's very key he he used the words all in but he works the halls in a very personalized committed level um I've seen the relationships he's developed and um he's a smaller Boutique firm obviously right um we're not going to get the conflicts that I think we have developed in the past um and uh i' I've just seen the guy work and and uh I I I think if we set him loose with some key Appropriations uh tasks he's got the right relationship to say I need this for valua um and and he'll work it and I've seen him do policies that's he mentioned a little bit about live local MR chair um I knew that he was in the Forefront of that live local act because he had the personal relationship with Senator Senate President Pasad so he was in the trenches with that and he's got those relationships and I think if we roll the dice with the uh Sunrise Consulting Group I think we'll net some results in money and small policy wins thank you Mr chair thank you Mr Santiago Mr Joe Hansson I think I'm good now I think okay I think David just mentioned most of it okay at this point are you looking for each of us to give you you talked about a one two three and four you have should have a ballot in front of you you will fill out under your name 1 2 3 4 and then we will um tabulate them quickly for you and we'll give you the result one one's First Choice yeah one through four one is the First Choice yes is your number one choice yes I'm sorry you ready to take these yes absolutely because I'm ready hope I didn't lose any friends today Mr chair listen if you're going to lose a friend over that they weren't worth having anyway I actually only thought we'd have one left due to attrition while we're waiting just to the four firms thank you very much for sticking it out here today bringing your team down here most of you had everything locked up here you just you were seamless I I appreciate it um thank you for I know right get it hey Mr chairman you didn't recognize Lisa Lewis over here oh she's coming up she I'm waiting I'm waiting on Miss Lewis she's she's before us asking for some big time you deserve it you don't want sandbags in front of the building do you we gave out all the sand money we're not prous we're just going to double check ourselves real quick timing to say that was perfect Miss Lewis for all righty you ready you're ready all right tell us the results Mr Dyer I have to read everybody's Vote or just the totals Russ Brown Deputy County attorney uh you can read everybody's vote in and then give the total at the end that's technically I think we're supposed to do for the record all right so I will start with U Mr Johansson and I'm just going to read down your votes um so pinpoint results for Pitman law three Sunrise one the Southern Group Two Mr Dempsey Pitman pinpoint results three Pitman Law Group four Sunrise Consulting one the Southern Group Two Mr rinhart pinpoint results four Pitman Law Group three Sunrise Consulting one the Southern Group Two Mr Robbins pinpoint results three Pitman Law Group Two Sunrise Consulting four the Southern Group one Vice chair Mr Kent pinpoint results two Pitman Law Group four Sunrise Consulting one the Southern Group three Mr Santiago pinpoint results three Pitman Law Group four Sunrise Consulting one the southern group two so the low score will go to Sunrise Consulting with nine um so we will look for a um recommendation from the council to negotiate a contract and then we'll bring it back to you for approval at a later date okay I I wasn't aware we were going to negotiate because it says annual expenditure $100,000 we'll just we'll bring back the contract to you at a later date okay um Mr Dyer do you do you need a motion from us tonight then yes sir if you could and then it would be the council's selection and they would authorize us to proceed with the negotiation and tell us who ranked first again it's going to be sunrise Consulting at 9 they were the lowest score the Southern Group would be number two at 12 pinpoint results would be number three at 19 and Pitman Law Group would be four with 20 but in the motion they really just need Sunrise Consulting correct okay motion motion to bring Sunrise Consulting back with a contract to uh be our consultant motion made by Mr Johansson seconded by Mr Santiago Council all those in favor for bringing Sunrise Consulting back say I I those opposed nay anybody okay we have a 60 vote to bring back Sunrise Consulting happy negotiations all righty thank you okay moving on to the next item which is thank you everyone yes item number five we will now be selecting a firm for our federal lobbyist Services annual expenditure $42,500 and I'm back yes you are all righty so same um procedure we released a statement of qualifications for federal lobbying Services had two responses um Becker and poof poov PA in the porter group they are both here to make presentations they are going to go in alphabetical order so Becker um will be first Jennifer is going to quickly hand out the ballots for this one um as well and we will bring them up if you are ready for them to get started Mr Johansson did you want to jump in first before Pam can I ask a quick question absolutely uh we didn't I don't think we got the solicitation in our packet and if we did I apologize how long are these contracts for it's in um there a threeyear with the option to great thank you but you did get the solicitation you just got an abbreviated version of it I believe it okay 311 got it thanks okay we're ready cool well Mr Vice chair members of the council Mr reonal and the rest of the team so glad to be here I'm Clarence Williams with background poof very pleased once again to make my appearance uh before you excuse me um we at Beck and poov are a am I up there we go went the wrong way um we are a 50-year-old firm um based in Fort Lauderdale with 14 offices around the State of Florida um our state practice has been around for that entire length of time our federal practice is relatively new um we are a bunch of Hill veterans that came to Becker in 2011 um Omar franka who is our managing director and one of my partners and part of this team um came to me and said hey I've talked to Alan Becker at Becker and poof he would love to have a federal practice but we can only do this if I have me on the other side uh Omar worked for Mario Diaz Bart at the time I worked in the uh Florida Senate with him uh we opened up our shop just the two of us um that was in 2011 we are now 14 strong uh but we still operate in a boutique fashion that is what we believe is our our bread and butter and our strength um we work as one person with 14 different abilities 14 different rolodexes and that is yours everything that we do we apply everybody's strength to it um we are diverse and bipartisan group we are purpose-built uh every person that was added was added for a reason and not because one was a Republican or one was a Democrat but because they brought additive nature and value to our group uh we consider ourselves leadership proof um it doesn't matter who was in The White House on November 6th it doesn't matter who's The Speaker of the House doesn't matter who's the majority leader in the Senate we've built ourselves to be able to weather any Administration any group of leaders uh in in so doing uh with this group in particular as I'm mentioned Omar Franco um who was in California today wished he could be here but he's out in California on some business uh Omar Franco is one of our Appropriations folks again he worked for Mario Diaz Bart who is the Cur Uh current chairman of appropriation State and foreign Ops he is the former chairman of the te Hut Appropriations um uh subcommittee of Appropriations um and is always a friend to us um Amanda Wood Amanda Wood is the local government Queen pen um she came to us from Ferguson Group which is a well-known local lobbying group um and she was one of their strongest um she has done things with Appropriations that folks really I'm still figuring out learning from her after 12 years I consider her my mentor um and Anthony Bedell Anthony Bedell is a creature of the executive branch side uh he served as the number two at the US Department of uh uh Transportation under President Trump uh prior to that he served um as the um number two at the Department of Labor under elae Chow um we do a lot on the appropriation side we consider ourselves local government uh um uh stalwarts in 19 excuse me in fiscal year 23 we did about $75 million uh in Appropriations um uh last year we did closer to 97 million uh this year we're on board to do about 72 million uh in Appropriations um one of the things that I'm most proud about is we're slowly working uh representative Waltz into taking on Appropriations this year we got him to do the one appropriation that he did that was non-military in his entire time and that was to help us uh with our issues uh with the Army Corps um he put in a million and a half for us in Appropriations that tied with the language we got in the word bill uh will afford us to get our uh our Coastal resilience study uh done which is an important thing um there are several other issues that we'll be looking at as I'm watching my time uh we're very very proud to see all the great work that you guys have done in your Investments at the airport uh they're going to render a great great uh investment overall for the county the $4 million in investment that we got from the Eda is only but a trickle of what I can expect that we will get in and working with the Eda and US doot to start the processes for the things that you guys are doing uh we expect that uh an exponential amount of investment will come not only from Eda but from Dot from the Department of Defense uh and others um and so we're looking forward to helping you there I will just go ahead please continue your thought thank you so much um I will just say this that Valia County for me is a labor of love um I am not myself from vucha County but as I've mentioned to you before um the efficient at my wedding my best man two of my groomsmen are all volu County residents um right up the way uh one in Port Orange uh two of them live um um in Daytona and uh one actually just moved up to Jacksonville but that's you know we don't talk about her um but so this is to me of the clients that we have that we consider Marquee clients you guys are marquee for me um one that I speak about proudly and everything that you guys do to make this place greater makes me happy because I'm helping people that I know and that I love uh with that I will turn it over for any questions thank thank you very much um I appreciate the background about the people in your wedding party it's a shame none we're from orand but whatever oh yeah I heard Daytona two two in Dayton actually and actually my my best man lives in orand they just just got their power back a couple days ago talking to them I could hear the generator going in the background that so the best man Mr Santiago please lead us off yeah a question um is uh is Congress broken yes okay good thank you yes appreciate the honesty um and then uh uh I'm gonna have questions Mr chair from John Booker I just wanted to say that and if staff is is Cyrus still around if so I'd like to ask him a question um after both presentations thank you very much good job absolutely okay Mr Booker come on up because no one else is uh ready for any comments or questions no no there's one oh oh you you're waiting for the other one okay okay thank you we're ready for the second presentation of the porter group thank you good evening everyone um it's an honor to be here my name is John Porter representing the porter group uh I I must say that uh having been a member of the city council for a decade and mayor and then serving in State Senate and then most recently as a member of Congress I've sat through a lot of meetings as have you and I want to applaud you tonight with your passion concern uh Vice chairman appreciate you handling the meeting again sat through hundreds of meetings and I applaud you and to your team uh thank you again for this opportunity and as I mentioned uh my background is a little unique and different in that as u a passion for me was to continue in public service uh after I left US Congress and I think you'll find many of you once you leave office you too will find other ways to serve the community so I decided to put together a team of individuals of professionals um that I felt would be unique and different I've been lobbied by the best and I've been lobbied by the worst in my 25 years in office and I've tried to take what I've learned and bring together and and be entrusted with the clients that we represent uh again I mentioned we created this team as a p as a passion of mind but also our members of our team there's 12 of us uh have extensive experience on Capitol Hill both in the Senate and in the US House of Representatives but we don't just Lobby we find there's far more to Public Service than a a widget or funding and by the way I I think and Ben will address this uh plus 200 million or so just in the last year year and a half we' found for our clients but we try to connect uh the resources we want to raise and Elevate Valia County to be a major player in Washington DC and I know based upon size my experience is such with large uh to small communities municipalities airports convention authorities uh Economic Development authorities our expertise is in in Emergency Management and FEMA uh we understand what it takes to operate an airport I was honored to serve on the Las Vegas Convention Authority 40 some million visitors a year so we do have a depth of experience uh way above and beyond what this contract would call for and helping you whether it be Economic Development whether it be travel and tourism whether it be finding other opportunities for the Comm community of Bia so again I'm honored that we do things unique I know what it's like like to push a button I know what it's like to be accountable to go to the grocery store and spend a couple hours at times and I know local government is the most difficult in my tenure of 10 years of serving the community so we're unique and different in that we bring the passion the expertise the understanding but also what it means for you to vote tonight or in the future it's not just showing up to vote so with that I'd like to introduce Mr Ben roson who's with our team as well Ben thank you Congressman um so again Ben rosenbom I'm a third generation Floridian a graduate of the University of Florida if you're not a Florida Gator fan don't hold it against me uh and I'm also a 15-year there we go uh also a 15-year veteran of Capitol Hill as the congressman mentioned my wife from Tennessee man okay well it was a rough game I have to say uh but with my limited time I will uh I I'll move to uh a brighter stories I guess uh the the porter group has Decades of experience on Capitol Hill as the congressman mentioned uh we served on a variety of different committees uh we are uh generalists which sometimes could be have a negative connotation um but we believe that we have the understanding skill sets uh and and strategies uh to really bring what your goals and passions are um to Washington and and be able to deliver and that's both on the policy side as well as on um the funding side preparations is something we take very seriously we work with a number of Municipal clients uh we recognize their are challenges uh you know we heard about conman Waltz and sort of him some of his limitations in terms of his uh Community Project funding requests uh we know the Senators themselves do not request funding uh but we have found ways to deliver for our clients uh we are very close relationships with a number of folks on the Appropriations Committee including the now chair of the homeland security committee um and uh I previously worked for a member of Congress who is the subcommittee ranking member uh for Emergency Management e iomic development and public buildings uh so she has oversight over the Stafford act The Guiding document for disaster relief for FEMA um that was the area that I spent my time working on uh along with the work on economic development um so we have deep relationships with the Eda um I will say there's a a handful of issues we know are are critical for the county um you know in terms of transportation and infrastructure um this is somewhere where we we have uh done a lot to uh invest in airports continue your thought yeah uh thank you very much uh invest in airports uh in transit systems and Paratransit systems highways as well as uh water and and Wastewater infrastructure um you know I I will say um you know our approach one on a lot of these issues uh is is is working through um uh you know exactly what um has sort of been discussed earlier uh we take a sort of a holistic approach we know that there's a lot of challenges we look at not just the federal level but also how it interacts with the state and local level as well um we work with a number of teams that have uh State lobbyists as well and so we're we're really good in in working in sort of those team environments to be able to bring those those those uh projects and priorities forward if I may conclude uh I I did have the opportunity many years ago to work on a lot of your projects with ucha County as a subcontractor uh with a different firm that I was with at the time so we do have an understanding uh of Florida's challenges I'm too am a resident of Florida as I think Ben mentioned he's third generation but we're we're proud of the clients we represent we're proud of the work that we do we're proud to love to represent you as well in the same capacity and I do believe we can bring belusa County uh to the table and Elevate you substantially in Washington DC so thank you for your time appreciate this thank you Mr Po you have a couple couple council members have queued up they'd like to ask you some questions Mr Mr Reinhardt thank you chair um you have made the comment reference Transit and Par Transit is that relative to funding to ABS both on the funding side as well as on policy so uh we represent two um um mpos U that also include their transportation authorities their traffic Management Systems um and they they both have U pair transit systems um and when I worked for congresswoman Titus uh in Congress that was one of the areas that she really concentrated on and it was because of the conversations we were having with the local entities you know they brought the stories forward we were able to take those stories turn them into policy ideas if it's you know it could be reimbursements or um you know more investment in different types of systems to address the changing needs um you know it's it's really an area that we've concentrated on the the porter group also represents an organization that is the largest Association of nonprofits for people with disabilities um finding employment opportunities and so this is sort of something that has kind of found its way throughout our work uh is sort of working in that space and so uh it's certainly something that we've we've concentrated on and and we've seen that it has a benefit um for a lot of our different there's always a need there I I chair that board locally that's why it was a particular interest to me as well thank you course thank you Mr Reinhardt um Mr Santiago you said no questions you just had a comment question for Mr Booker okay thank you gentleman may have a seat thank you very much thank you I me please yes John Booker government Affairs valicia County thanks John um Congress broken yes thank you how much how much over the the last year and I'm not trying to say you did a lot or a little but how much interaction do we really have with Federal issues well on the it's more specific in nature during covid um with so much information coming out of the federal government um we looked to the firm to give us some of that information because we were starved for it it was the cares act infra um so in that regard it was um useful to have a federal representative uh up in Washington uh as well as the airport issues the Eda grant that we're finishing up now was based on a conversation that we had had with our lobbying firm at the time so it's more of a case-by case basis the core of engineers issue with the beach um has been ongoing for for two years now uh working with uh Mr wals and Mr mills's office um so I'm not sure if that exactly answered your question that does help me a little bit can I elaborate a little bit from Cyrus if I may Mr chair sure and Cyrus thanks for being nearby we thought maybe you were gone for the night thank you sir I appreciate that Cyrus I it perked my interest when I read the first presentation when we talked about airports right because I know you you work very closely with the feds I'm guessing um regarding airports but I I just want your your uh input and how much of that work is with a lobbying firm or is it with directly with the feds so it's a combination of both like I've been working very closely with John Booker regarding Federal support we had a number of different things come up from the federal government due to covid as as uh John was mentioning the cares act uh we had Carissa then we had arpa and pardon all of the acronyms of course in the aviation world we live in that but um another big one was the bipartisan infrastructure law and for a lot of airports it was very important that they had some type of lobbyist support in order to get the amount of dollars across and so we used a great deal of our bipartisan infastructure law money on our security system upgrade program that we're currently in the process of trying to complete and so it's very important to have those conversations with our lobbyists to kind of help push some things over the finish line and just like John Booker said as well the Eda Grant opportunity that we're just getting ready to wrap up and and we're actively trying to get developers on that particular piece of property it was very important to have that extra push from our federal lobbyists at the time is that something that I'm going to assume that there is a Florida Association of airports just like there's a Florida Association of counties is that something that that you could not get from the Florida Association of airports well we could but every it's it's a Florida airports Council Y and so every little push has helps especially when you're competing against 19 other commercial service airports in the state so uh my job really is about competing it's a lot of competition with all of the other airports and not only are we competing for Air Service we're competing for money for infrastructure projects and so forth so every little help every little bit helps last question and I hope I'm not putting you in the spot and I apologize if I do George and you um is this a good investment that's what I'm trying to determine for me personally I believe it is thank you thank you Mr chair thank you Mr Santiago Mr Reinhardt yes sir thank you chair it's more of a comment I think with what Cyrus just said there's been the public has been very receptive to how well the airport's doing and they've been very vocal about making the airport great and I know I'm thinking of one individual and I couldn't agree with them more and if you can have every little push and every little hand to help absolutely that that makes us great so thank you for what you do and appreciate it thank you Mr Reinhardt are we ready to start voting no more com no more comments on our end we no public do we have any public comments Madam clerk no we don't okay does anybody have any conflicts of interest they need need to disclose I have none I'm not hearing any all right then you all are ready to complete that ballot again one is your Top Choice two your bless you those are good man we've got to me too Tad's coming right getting ready good I'm not going to let her watch this I'm not going let talk yes you spend a ton of money for it now we're gonna spend a ton more Russ you got enough fingers got well we have six members and we have a tie so I just consulted with uh Mr Brown you all can vote again amongst yourselves or you can continue it until Mr Brower is back they will have to come and present again for him um and then we can move forward from there let me ask you why would they have to come and present again can't he watch this meeting I would hate to make them have to travel down again he could that is an option yes sir okay that's an option okay Council um I'll leave it up to you I mean I'm not keen on changing my vote is anybody keen on changing their vote I think Matt should change his so I don't know who he's voting for but I think we should put Matt can can we get a motion to continue this to our next meeting motion to continue to the next meeting second Johansson okay motion made to continue by Mr Santiago seconded by Mr Johansson Council all those in favor say I I those opposed with an A okay next meeting we'll let Mr Brower make the final decision all righty thank you thank you I think so are you read read out the votes at the next meeting I can yes we'll wait till the next meeting to read those out and T sir well can I can I ask for clarification on that I mean we're going to be doing a new Vote or we're going to be accepting him his vote no we would so you could read them now for the six of you if you want to individually then do the accumulation and then you could just add his into the record and then she would update the accumulation personally I personally don't want to sway his vote by knowing what our votes are right now correct correct good point good point concerned with you know so we just have to make sure before when he makes his vote she will then read them all individually to the record like she did for item four and then we'll do the final tally and then make the announcement perfect okay thank and David did you make that motion to continue I did who seconded that just so I know Joe Hanson thank you let me just make sure I get that right okay we're moving on to item six selection and award of contract with am wle Construction Incorporated for the supervisor of elections building expenditure not to exceed 4,397 36 move to approve okay we have a motion to approve second Mr Santiago seconded by Johansson and this might be the quickest one we have do we have any public comment on this I just have one comment okay Mr Santiago no no okay Mr Reinhardt just one comment with respect to who was chosen with Amy go couldn't have picked a better company they did the work out there at the jail they're phenomenal so thank you great job and um our supervisor of election Le Lisa Lewis is in the building thank you for being here you don't have to say anything I just wanted to recognize you for being here thank you very much but I do want to correct Mr Santiago that we are a large County we haven't voted on this yet but I also did hear that the locks are not working good at the jail so you sure about company we we are about to crack the top 10 County in Florida and just so I just want everyone to know because we have this group called ulcers which is the top 16 counties in the State of Florida that we meet once a quarter Urban large County election registar and supervisor is what it stands for and we send some people I send some people that meet to have roll aads to help with the ulcers but they have made me The Unofficial chair when supervisor C's retired from Orange County who was my mentor so I just we are growing hence why we do need more space want to withdraw my motion I'm I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking thank you super no stay there supervisor okay uh Council all those in favor of item six say I I those opposed say nay you a 60 vote congratulations there you go thank you moving on to item number seven this is a public hearing is Tad caser here good okay he is proposed vacation of a portion of Vestal Park mapbook nine oin area please make it um as quick or as long as you think you need it yes sir good evening Tad casbeer County engineer uh this vacation is a request to vacate a portion of Eaton and Wall Streets within the uh plat uh surrounded by property owned by the petitioner uh approximately half an acre uh unimproved we have no use for it and we recommend uh the vacation move to approve Mr chair okay motion made by S Mr Santiago was that Mr Robbins see all right motion and a second um Council all those in favor say I I I those oppose nay the eyes have it six to zero and stay right there because item number eight you're going to talk to us as well when you're done with item number eight talk what's going on with the beard What's Happening Here looks looks looks great by the way how do you know my wife is out of town without me tell that was a bad weed whacker accident in storm or something item item eight proposed vacation of a portion of lower St John's river in the Atlantic coast map about book 21 uh Mr casbeer yes sir again another vacation with their request to uh vacate Jackson Street in this case a 60 foot rideway and an unnamed 16t Alleyway uh property owner owns the properties adjacent uh it's unapproved and we recommend approval move to approve thank you um motion made by Mr Santiago second by Mr Reinhardt and I apologize item number seven I did not publicly close that public hearing but I'm closing that public hearing now sorry about that legal uh any any comments cards anybody want to speak on that okay Council we have a motion and a second all those in favor of item 8 say I I those opposed with an a it's a 60 vote we're on to item number nine nominations and appointments yes sir that's clever okay at large East Side appointment to the valua forever advisory committee uh chman I'd like to reappoint uh make a motion to reappoint John Macaluso um he got dropped uh due to some personal issues he has resolved those issues we've chatted once or twice and he is motivated to get back on the uh committee and do great work he did great work for us uh previously uh before his personal issues uh came up and he's ready and willing to do it uh some more um I I'll I'll note that John worked with me in Port Orange on the environmental advisory committee and he and I often don't agree but that's why I want them on the board uh I don't want a bunch of the same thinking people so uh he's my pick okay um at large member Johansson has it's his appointment John maaloa I think is how you say it by Johansson is there a second okay I'm gonna give it to Reinhardt I heard him first and Mr Johansson I'll just say you know one of my appointments was someone that was not a supporter of me was I think brutal towards me but I liked that that it was somebody that didn't think the way I did so I can I can um adhere to that way of thinking so thanks for sharing that Council all those in favor of item nine say I I anybody oppos say nay okay it's a 60 vote congratulations to John meluso and now item number 10 at large and District Five appointment to the code enforcement board and Mr Johansson you want to go first sure I'd like to nominate uh Andrew Hall say that name again and Andrew Hall okay reappoint Andrew Hall that's correct I'll nominate Chad T lingan felter Chad lingan felter okay can can one of you gentlemen just so this is all cleaned up um make the motion for both of those individuals in someone second yes I'd like to make a motion to approve Andrew Ryan Hall and Chad T lingan felter second perfect motion made by Mr Johansson seconded by m Council all those in favor say I I anybody oppose with an N the eyes have it six to zero and that is how we round out a meeting gentlemen okay closing comments we have a couple we have two so number one is John Nicholson thanks for hanging around this late Mr Nicholson you have three minutes use them wisely John Nicholson Beachside I often hang around late um couple of things one I like the historic uh photos you had when you pulled up and though the gentleman says it never flooded and then here's a picture of flooding uh I often go to a place or did go uh for an all you can eat and they had pictures of Daytona Beach and the beach and it showed where the um Shoreline was and everybody says and they remember having the shoreline go out so far well I walked it it was 450 ft at low tide during the summer so it really hasn't shrunk it just changed a little bit um secondly um Rob Marill once made a comment at doar City commission that that um his projects his new projects didn't flood because we have a problem in Midtown with flooding right so he goes oh no no we keep all of our water on our property so our properties don't flood well if you raise it 5 feet obviously it's not going to flood the neighbors will flood which is what's happening so we as a county and City changed the rules back maybe 40 years ago to raise the properties so they wouldn't flood never thinking and never understanding that it would flood the neighboring uh communities so if we can solve the problem once about raising the property of all new houses we can solve this problem it'll just take some time and thinking outside the box I remember historically Midtown raised all their houses on Center blocks so they were like three or four 4 ft off the ground to start with so the flood water just went underneath well they decided in the ' 50s to start putting them flat on the ground and all those homes that sit flat on the ground flood go figure all right um and lastly um well we did the parking garage at the um uh Ocean Walk all right the county What's called the county parking garage now all right counted the number of spaces that were there there were 900 parking spaces that we were going to lose because we were putting in the parking garage all right they wanted to build a parking garage of a th000 parking spaces so we would gain 100 parking spaces for taking 500 cars off the beach for a theater next door and for the Daytona Lagoon so we needed ,500 parking spaces and we were only going to build a th000 if it didn't make spense all right then several years later we decided to expand the Ocean Center and we were going to count the new expansion which is more cars thank you Mr Nicholson Wendy Anderson you're going to round us out with public comment the second time for this evening thank you yes I did stick around I did have a few things to say um in response to the flooding remarks at the beginning of the meeting but I needed to ponder them for a little while and and um kind of let you all do the rest of your meeting um I just wanted to start by saying that um I lived in the uh in the neighborhood that took a lot of heat tonight um I L I lived there for six years in Victoria Park I was on the HOA board um I was also on the Master Association board before um before I stepped off of it after one month because I just couldn't stomach in anymore and in August I moved out of the neighborhood because I couldn't be a part of the problem anymore um I lived right across the street where I had to look at JC's property every day I watched that water rise I moved in there just as saw your's Landing was built which is the neighborhood inside the neighborhood that's not the neighborhood and um that's supposed to make you chuckle but it's true it's there's another neighborhood in there that's not us and um it these neighborhoods Victoria trails and saers Landing have flooded that property yes there might have been standing water on there in 2004 after three hurricanes in that photo that you showed Mr Santiago but now it is a lake 365 days a year every year for 6 years it's different now and those neighborhoods did that I watched it happen Okay that's all I'm going to say so so even though J and others you know have been pretty um aggressive in their communication strategy about it and poked a lot of bears about it um he's right it's true okay um we are looking at recurrent events you know we use this language of 500-year storms or this is a you know a historic occasion or whatever but we just did this two years ago this is our new normal I won't say the c-word because I know you all don't like to hear about that this is our new normal whatever you call it and we need to start planning and designing policies that address our new normal we can't keep doing what we're doing inra is doing good work but we're being actually very conservative in our work because we know that we have this Council to present to that is going to be very cautious about making change but I'm telling you it is time for some aggressive change and I hope that our new lobbyists that are going to represent the county in tallah will help us get support from our representatives in Tallahassee to have the freedom the home rule the right to make the changes in policy that help protect our residents in this County um that's really all I wanted to say I really appreciate the conversations you all have had tonight and um look forward to working with you in the future thank you thank you Miss Anderson um closing comments and Rush Brown you never get a chance and I never knew why they never gave you or Suzanne a chance so you both are getting a chance tonight any closing comments thank you sir no no comments that's a perfect comment thank you Michael Dyer closing comments no sir thank you Suzanne kin closing comments Mr re okay Mr rectenwald closing comments a few announcements uh I just encourage everyone uh and the public if they need assistance to go to our website and go to our Milton uh section on the website there's uh FEMA assistance uh you can get your way to that we also have uh um bla County residents will be eligible for the Army corp's Blue Roof program we also uh will be talking about uh ship funding that'll be available for qualified residents who need repairs uh we and then I'd like to also say uh uh this weekend Lucia County is organizing a community volunteer event to connect residents businesses and organizations and churches with local recovery efforts following Milton the event will pair volunteers with residents who need assistance with debris cleanup tree trim removal the mucking out of flooded areas and other tasks we ask the volunteers arrive at 9 a.m. on Saturday October 19th at the vucha county a center out at 3100 East New York Avenue in the land upon arrival participants will check in complete necessary paperwork receive safety briefing and be matched with opportunities based on their skills and the community's needs also uh just want to point out uh we have another event coming at the Ocean Center October uh 15th uh actually October 25 on Friday uh 6:30 bethon cookman University was celebrated at 12th anniversary at the Ocean Center with a homecoming pep rally concert featuring Big Boy Muny long and young jock tickets are $25 and available at ticketmaster.com and I think Suzanne you I just wanted to add one point and this is for council members who may hear from residents who need help I they can call the cic and and indicate they need help with tree trimming mucking whatever they are we're looking for those missions because we're going to assign them out to volunteers on Saturday so if you know of any residents who need volunteer help it's important that they call in and get their name on that list by Saturday there probably will be help after that but I know that's our first effort and wanted to make that plug all right is that all George that's it all right thank you very much tonight we we start with council member Johansson and Jake before you start I just want to publicly just say thank you during the public comment portion when you asked that we have staff put up the information that would help people even though there was a comment somewhat of a snide comment I thought about it I think that there were others who looked at it as helpful I saw people writing down taking pictures I think it makes us better so thank you Mr Johansson so and and the reason I gave a a shout out to Holly earlier when when Jim and Clint were here is uh when when a council member calls the the cic line you you don't talk to the guy that answers the phone you talk to the supervisor pretty quick um uh but but the phone was answered on the first ring and whoever answered the phone before they asked me what my name was was willing to help me get whatever Services I needed um uh so uh I'm I'm I'm a strong proponent of of that number that that person has access to all the people that sit or or represent the the EOC to include our nonprofits uh the red cross the United Way and tons of others so so they're all sitting there or they all know where to go to get the service you need um I called the EOC I got a hold of the the crisis cleanup team Maria Trent who got out to Magnolia Gardens and took care of a problem that I was trying to take care of myself so so uh my hats off to that whole team uh tonight I have I have a bunch of items but the the the first one was probably based on most of the comments that we heard earlier and and I I simply with everybody who's going through uh flooding issues we we currently have some dear friends living at our house who had about uh 10 in well I know they had 10 in cuz we measured it 10 in of of water in their entire home and um and so I saw firsthand again first JY in and now the the problems that happened so so I know there's problems out there I'll tell you what else I saw that was interesting to me I was talking to George earlier that I was I was in my vehicle and I saw I saw water going from one property across the road in into another property not owned by this person um and and I was like so if the guy whose property it was going into was was sick of it and sold it to a developer who built one house or 20 houses or 30 houses and had to raise the grade because that's what the building code calls for then then the water would probably not flow over there anymore and they would return retain all the water over there and they'd be happy but the guy over here on this side now has to retain all his water that was going over next door which by the way he was relatively empty of water the following day so it all went over to the neighbor's house so I know over development is is the big buzzword and it's being circulated in social media but I also believe there are other reasons why things like that happen not to mention the Monumental Monumental epic storm that happens once every one or two years now so we do have to take a look at it uh I I throw this warning out here if we're going to try to mitigate a Milton type episode we're not going to be doing it at rollback folks I'll just tell you that uh regardless of the federal and state funding we get um secondly somebody from the public looked at a certain group of us with their stealy eyes and talked about four or three votes for zoning and rezoning it wasn't you John so I went through and did some light math while we were talking about some items rezoning special exceptions and variances as quick as I could tell there were 52 of those that have been looked at during this council's time sitting up here of those of those and I may be one or two off 41 41 have been either a 70 or a 60 vote 41 of 52 four of them four of them were 61 three of them were 52 and four of them were that dreaded 43 vote So when you say most of them were 4-3 votes and you look at the three people or the four people who voted for them not the case most of them were 70 so when you look at us with steal eye and and and vice chairman acting chairman Kent mentioned it today you're talking to us as a council when we're sitting up here voting we are one person one body so uh just just and I may be one or two off so when somebody comes back and says you're wrong it was 40 uh so that that's how I see it uh lastly something completely off topic uh a couple weeks ago before but I think it was between Helen and and Milton which is how my timeline works these days we we got an email or a official letter from Rob Marlet cob Cole asking us to entertain uh request for amendment to Land Development code for billboard expansion at Lamar Advertising I've Bri briefly talked to George about this he said that that it's something we can look at we've we've looked at it before and um I'd like to ask that we entertain putting that on a council meeting in the near future where it fits where we can have a proper discussion about whether we want uh uh any advertising company to do uh billboard expansion it'll give us a little bit of Revenue but but um uh I'm not sure whether we want to do it or not but I I would like to have that discussion you want to make make a I like to make a motion to bring back a request for Amendment for Land Development code for billboard expansion what kind of timeline you want in two months three months George what would work for you probably January given where we're at no later than the end of February then because stuff happens gotcha motion and no later than the end of February George do we have a second second by Mr Robbins yeah Mr Santiago I know it's to bring it back Jake I have a strong I'm a strong no on it the idea I see it as eye pollution I've been this many of us probably been in the cities where they're everywhere it's disgusting that's just my opinion so I'll be voting no not because your IDE I just don't no that's that's fine and that's the way it may go I just want to bring it back and have a healthy discussion thanks and that's what I like about this and and I've been quoted about it but if it's important to you it's important to me so we can have the conversation so I want to be clear I'm not sure it's important to me I want to have staff look at it and have it have and have that discussion gotcha and try is important to me not to bring kidding I don't believe it than thank you so we have a motion in a second to bring the Lamar Advertising back before February all those in favor say I I any oppos nay nay okay it's 51 to bring it back so it's coming back for us next we have Mr Reinhardt thank you chair um first off every everybody giving thanks out today and I want to do the same to George Suzanne thank you very much for what your staff provided during that event you heard a lot of public come up and and make the same comments about our fire services and law enforcement and and whatnot I I personally want to thank uh Michael Ryan you are a resource for me to call and I appreciate that as well as Clint is he still here no uh we had an issue um with a local vet clinic and Clint was on top of it making phone calls put me in contact with the right people as did everybody had phone calls of of situations they were handling so um they had emergent pets that were injured as a result of the storm and they were actually having to take care of those animals in the parking lot and uh there was a need for it so I appreciate that and um Brad thank you very much for what you did picking up the phone calling and we had the event at the greater new Ze Zion Primitive Baptist Church on Martin Luther King in Midtown several of the council members were there to assist and you promised and you showed up and you delivered and thank you very much I appreciate that um along with food brings hope and Jeep Beach were two of the other big participants in that so it was an excellent Brad I didn't want to leave you out because you know you answer some phone calls for me today so thank you I app and you did the other day I appreciate it so thank you for your help I appreciate everybody's help on that so that's all I have thank you and David thank you and you know what for all right thank you very much Mr Robbins thank you um chair I'd like to Echo a lot of what Jake and mat said um Ben and his team uh Public Works can't say enough about you guys uh you were at the tip of the spear through this whole thing and and uh took a lot of picture of your guys work uh sometimes and chest uh deep water uh cleaning up uh a lot of debris U from some of the um I don't if you call them vendors but some of the folks that were helping us out getting some uh trees off the power lines and whatnot also everyone in District 3 uh I'm going to be sending out an email to staff after hearing a lot today and and um kind of pandering over over some things that have developed uh in Edgewater in southeast fuia um I'm going to be try to craft some policy when it comes to some development uh standards and also to some storm water standards but it's too much to get into right now uh I still I still have some some research to do but I'll get it to staff to get it out to everybody to see if there's a consensus to um get it on the agenda uh and and whatnot but other than that um thank you uh thank you all you know for for volunteering and getting out there in the community I saw just about everybody out there working uh for the people and people notice that stuff so uh thank you guys it's a uh it's a team effort thanks thank you Mr Santiago yeah I just want to everybody know that I'm starting a GoFundMe account for Tad to get him a new eacker um I'll start taking donations today but uh I just wanted to comment Wendy thank you for your closing comments today at at the end um I really appreciated them and then I just wanted to add commentary to your commentary if that makes sense um that the the the first let me go back to the digress for the the property that was shown was maybe because person came on aggressive made personal attacks but didn't provide the facts and that's why I went there and I knew those facts for months but I decided to share that with the public because what we need are facts right we need accurate information um it's clear we need to do something the state needs to do something this isn't just a vucha county issue right um and the approach that I like to take is factual approach because I'm not an engineer a lot of people become engineers when things happen but we can't do that I won't do that I have to go with this from from scientific information so that we make the best decision maybe what we're calling the one in 100 and the 1 in 500 aren't those anymore maybe they're the one in or the one in t we have to figure out what that standard is and change our development patterns to adjust to that and I'm open to that but um where where where I kind of draw the line is when I see and I'm not accusing you of this um when I see individuals that are Fanning the Flames what I am of the opinion Fanning the Flames spreading false information uh and driving uh Pitchfork and knife mentalities um that doesn't help the narrative we have to going through it fact-based so I appreciate your comments and I think um not often enough um those that sometimes fan the Flames don't really share what we've been doing because we've been doing a lot of work I keep sharing the 36% the 50% goal that's not shared with those individuals that are rallied to come here which I I appreciate their information but we have to give people factual information and then let them share it from there so this Council I think is committed to it from a factual approach uh and a re reable approach to make sure that we do it right so thank you thank you Mr chair I'm done I'll start I'll take donations at the end of the meeting for a t you got it councilman Dempsey we can get you some Rog G too during that GoFundMe Matt we want Matt too um I just wanted to umh I know I told Ben earlier but I I was really impressed I went down through Taylor Road before Milton even came and I noticed the county already had the pumps gone they were already pre- draining everything I mean you guys really were proactive in this and I I I think that's commendable I me it was a big pump too I mean that thing was really throwing out the water and you know do its job and so that that was great and um Dr Anderson I appreciate you being here I I really appreciate enra and what you guys do I mean you're all highly skilled professionals giving us invaluable um advice which I I think is very commendable David um like I was telling you and I kind of go into that 4-3 thing that Jake um pointed out I I this is something we've inherited all this stuff you know was done long before we were a body so I just hope nobody's mad at us I don't think it's any particular people's fault I don't think any of us are the reason for this flooding that's going on so I I mean it was probably unfair to say 43 and I understand why um it's not maybe the proper way of putting it um but we're in we're just left to clean up prior councils or prior cities whoever is to blame I have no idea there is a flooding problem I've always said that and I will firmly believe it but I don't know who to point fingers at I have no idea but this is something I think we've all inherited I don't think it's a result of a four people or anything like that I think it's just we're all looking to solve it it's just how we do it is you know still I don't know but I it just uh um it's just it's a mess and I think we all have the same goal to fix it so and that's it I appreciate you guys thanks thank you Mr Dempsey and and just closing out tonight George I've said it before and I'll say it again um my opinion but your one of your best attributes is that you you know how to not only surround yourself with hardworking dedicated good people but you promote you seem to be promoting the right people to elevate to the position and the need and this storm just showcased it yet again from a perspective of valuchi County even with the epic failures of flooding which Don I couldn't agree with you more which if you're going to blame people I don't think you can blame this elected body um and for the guy that sat on the Commission in Orman for 19 years our growth rate was 1% or less every year fact check it so George your your team for them to be able to not only get out there and do the job they did but be prepared today with video footage and Drone footage during the event and the aftermath to have that ready for us is next level for me I had no idea you had that part of the presentation going to be here so thank thank you for that um Sheldon Gardner the news journal you know I know it's your job to write about what's going on in local government but I see a lot of reporters like every now and then because they can watch it online and they can go and type it all up tomorrow but you show up and you sit here and I'm appreciative of that effort that you do and last but not least I really think that we as an elected body need to talk about a multi-pronged approach to address the flooding that's happening in vucha county and and David you're right this is not just a vucha county issue this is a cities in vucha County issue this is a state issue and I believe we can get some help from the feds because not only do we need to make sure that the ditches are cleaned and we're pumping the water levels down before these storms but that those low-lying areas that flood whenever you spit on the ground that there's a plan to purchase those homes and and turn that into some type of retention so it's a multi-pronged approach but if we don't do it then who will and thank you all for being kind to me today for running this meeting I got the phone call around 11:00 a.m. that the chair wasn't going to be here I he's not one to miss a meeting so I I hope he recovers uh pretty quickly to my wife and my son who's listening online I love you both have a good night and what movie is this from to my kid who should be in bed yo Adrian Rocky what which one which one the first one it no it was not one or two who said four Ben Bartlett your birthday youn it was Rocky 4 vers the Russian and he said it yes that's right so Wyatt go to bed he's in college yeah we're adjourned yeah he's in bed all [Music] right e e e for