##VIDEO ID:YwhzpRTni9A## I'd like to bring this meeting toter welcome everybody to Mia Echo advisory committee Wednesday January 15 at 902 uh sen please have roll call reie stilly here yes go Patricia drgo here John Macaluso here Stephanie Mason T here Pat northy here J Pendergast here uh we have a tour thank you um about participation do we have any to the public I think okay why is this nothing okay um do we have any additions or corrections to the minutes from October 22nd 2024 I have read them and move approve I second are those in favor all right I the uh minutes are imprinted and filed are okay new business the 2025 work plan B yeah so today we're going to talk about the work plan and goals as well as the annual report uh just know that the uh work plan does follow along with the resolution that's in place that governs this advisory committee um so those are there for you guys to take a look at um I'll pull them up on the screen for you as well thank so we added you know a new one this year would be following the Imp implementation of the Strategic plan which we'll give a presentation on you today um about and then just a few highlights from the annual report you know we had two cycles um which we granted about $6.8 Million worth of echo grants so we had 12 total projects and the two cycles combined um we closed out 11 projects in 2024 um we are closing out more projects as they come through um and then we had seven ribbon cuttings and two groundbreakings were projects uh during 2024 so we will need uh approval of the work plan and annual report today we have a motion we the work plan second I'll second all those in favor say I saw discussion no I was to go to the angel support VI that we have to this two separate motions correct no just that's y always should be okay any oppose the motion carries all right so next uh new business we're going to talk about the AO strategic plan presentation uh staff is very excited to give you an update on the plan and where we're at in the process uh Brad's going to give a brief introduction of the plan and the task associated with the plan um and then I'll go into the presentation good so I just want to to say that um we heard you loud and clear last night we realized um the process was being slow uh we extended the RFP three times to get someone to bid on it um and then the person that bid on it we didn't feel had the right experience and so we basically took the liberty and just moving some of the items it's I'll give you an example of one we know that we need a grant management software um managing a program with Excel files and notebooks as not the 21st century so we we went had and did that so we've engaged Salesforce um which are on state contracts so we can pay you back on and we are um I think we've got them paid in a contract signed but basically every state of Florida grant program um the D you know Florida community's trust Grant all of the the the grant programs in Florida are managed with Salesforce so um there is a cost associated with it um as you remember we had 75,000 to do the Strategic plan so the items that we pulled out we've got support from leadership to do a a transfer from reserves to cover what that task would cost so um mean so there's two things there um so one is the Grant Management software we're moving forward on it we know that it needs to be we need to change has some really cool functionality where um with Jill approves uh everything will be online application budget requests changes scope change requests they'll go through a level of approvals um and we if we can push it to agendas for for these meetings um CGI if Jill looks at a reimbursement she can send she can approve it online it will go upstairs and they'll PR a check um you know the re requests can come through that portal there's also opportunity if some of you prefer to review Grant applications online you can get you will have signin to it as well and you can review the um re review the grants online and score them online we realize that's not for everyone I still like to review on in hard copy but it's not option um you know I think this will be a big one CU you know as we look to the Future and in continuity operations um every you can have emails associated with the grant so if someone emails us about a grant and says you know is this acceptable if I change the scope we are actually our Outlook will uh tag that as this Grant and all of the emails and communication we've had with the grant applicant will be in the portal associated with that Grant so uh we believe it's going to streamline a lot of processes um and um save a lot of time if you guys have never been to the second floor where there are offices there's about 200 white notebooks one in white notebooks so and if we ever have a fire like so we're going to try to get those moved over not this first year um I will tell you there's going to be growing thingss it's it's inevitable with with any transition like this the team has prepared the best we can for them and we'll get through it together that's kind of where we are on that and this is really I'll be frank with the group that Daniel is kind of leading the first step of My overall vision for Community Services where we're not managing things anymore out of Excel files and emails and um ex I do too but when you're just so disjointed and managing programs it's it slows down and we need to be more responsive to our grant applicants we need to be more responsive to our citizens but kind of the way that I'm going is you'll have one profile and and Salesforce if you want Community Services you can apply for food assistance you can apply for a grant you can apply for lots of different things um and your profile will you can rent a pavilion in a park you could run a room at a a library so that's kind of the the vision that I have for community services and and our residents who really expect more what what is timeline so this will be implemented by the next Grant cycle okay so the the next Grant cycle people will be expect it to use this sof yes so the question was when will that we roll it out it will be the next Grant cycle that we've already had Teresa thread to quick and close up shop to we going good um so so Brad touched a lot on the backend use of the program but one of the primary goals of us going to this platform is to make it easier for the applicants fill out the application uh and kind of shorten that process for them um can almost make it where they where they can't make a misstep and forget to submit something so Daniel's going to go over a little more of the details of his presentation how we're getting to some of that um but the other part of that is we do want to make it easier for the applicants to to get an application in the other piece that we pulled out of the the Strategic plan was the marketing section um I think Jack Sarat if he was here would be so happy um to see some of this going on um but this is we have a we have Aqua marketing on a continuing contract um they're a firm from like a Broward County I believe so South Florida they work with the airport the Ocean Center and our advertising authorities so we thought it was important that we marry some of our um I think I think it's my opinion that I've convinced leadership was that we have not capitalized on Echo as a something to bring people to this County um and that's what we're trying to do by developing a relationship with the firm that also works so with the advertising authorities um and they've made some they've actually already developed a communication plan for us um and so we pulled that out and done it as a separate tax assignment from the Strategic plan because we knew I don't people to tell me what we need to do on those two fronts so why are we going to pay someone to do that let's just do them so that's what we've done because of the comments we heard last time I I could tell you were losing patience with us yeah for sure yeah uh but very pleased with what they're presenting we've asked them to marry it with forever but it's basically a micro site what's a micro site it's a small site knew that thank you thank you for that clarification you'll get the full explanation of that he's he's way ahead of me right now um but really really cool like you know you could it's basically a map kind of thinking app um we liked it one day integrate the trails system the trails of parks the wck into it um but it's really kind of if you're somewhere it will tell you if there's a playground that's been funded by Esco within you know what's the closest one and we'll list all of them um it's also going to engage people we're that to develop a hashtag specifically so ask people to post on Instagram when they're visiting our Echo great idea yeah so um we're very pleased with what they've recommended and we've pulled some of uh the the social media out of it because we have a social media specialist here and we wanted to reduce the cost a little bit but they're going to build that kind of help of information for forever and Echo I would really really like to steal command deer um jointly use explore valua as the hashtag with our educational programs for The Preserves with Lucha forever right now that's who uses explore vucha but I think if we could hashtag explor vucha and do all Echo and preserve stuff would be super full so we're working on that and currently with with the social media team now we are doing monthly spotlights on projects um so the last one we did you know Jennifer is actually in the audience today we went out and spotlighted you know Atlantic Center for the Arts and how much draw did that bring in to you guys I mean oh yeah and they'll use that I mean we were out there for over an hour hour or so you know taking some footage and you know uh bringing some light to their facility um and we're going to continue to do that monthly so we already have the next two months planned out for some future projects as well I did have a question yeah um you I wanted just clarification you said that the Salesforce I mean I know it's not g to get that and we said it would be paid for out of the echo reserves look and that will be an ongoing thing like there's a front there is yeah so there's an outgoing subscription at least Y so it's under $1,000 you said it and each year I think the our annual uh subscription will be about 40,000 so that'll be just part of our administrator it we're going to move it above the line next time we have very minimal less than 3% operational um funds so yes for the next budget Year we will move it above the line um and the reason why we didn't have to Brant at the council is it's below Georgia signature Authority um and he can transfer stuff you know um when it's that low and we wanted to get this we wanted to implement this it's been a race the last couple of weeks months yeah to list in the Salesforce um Economic Development uses them as well and has been very pred so I think no they're not they're Global but they're they've got a lot of local workers I will say now yeah well Daniel it's this small world it's the guy who was working our case or was from newa and Daniel's like well Brad's from new you they know him and I walked we hugged so like he he was married to like one of my best friends one we right on high school so it's a small bo but he does the Tableau portion which is a plugin and and it's basically an executive dashboard so we can have a snapshot at any time how many projects are opened where they're at in the process all displayed on a dashboard internally that you guys can see as well so we're excited about working with Tableau to have that functionality even George and Suzanne can see it and that will replace the portal that we have out it won't because it's a accountability that was an accountability and transparency so it's here's the application here's the you know the funding Partners In the Mix it would be great to find a way to marry them and I'm confident that our GIS guy can do that but he's in Kuwait right now active duty so he'll be back soon now some of the grants are not on fat do it just take time to get them out or I using it l it could be operator error but I thought when I was searching for some of the grants it weren so the search functionality is not good p yeah you can't sword by City you can't swort by so we're we're trying to improve that to be able to find things but it may be the way that they named the grant as well so it would be really nice like Zillow where you could just draw a circle and say like give me the grant sorry here here I can tell you that CU we're working on you know a dashboard 2.0 um that we're looking at in Char um it's definitely filterable you can filter it down to whatever you wanted to find out City day Ona Beach how many grants they have how much we've awarded um to how much they've matched I mean everything matches up through an Excel file that matches up to our data right we have 296 projects in Eko now um we have one that's pending we're waiting for a location and then we have four coming to the cycle so we'll be over the 300 projects total um you know since Inception of the program so and I think that dashboard we could probably get to you guys by next cycle as well to roll out so we'll have a lot of new a lot of newer things on this itle is there any way to add anything to the dashboard that would allow you to jump to a project or to the master organization like like um we we have a project that in the history I I think there is actually if you click on the button it has a well you click on the button that it has the description and then at the end it has a there's a link to their application from the ones that by the application plug but at the actual site yes the website of as part of the data we do are we are linking each specific project to a website so for instance like city of Port Orange they did a really good job of showcasing their their projects on their website where we you know where we may have somebody else that doesn't really showcase their projects on their website so we kind of have to go with the nonprofits and what the municipalities have for those particular projects but they will be linked I think Pat's not Pat's asking not it may not necess necessarily have to be to the project just the the father organization organization so like the city of Port website yeah right now it's linked to the actual projects for that title but we could go whatever route you know is transparent for you guys to be able on dashboard 2.0 version we can actually set it up both have a link to the project Direct and a link to or I think a link to the organization would be good too I don't know how rest they feel but I think that would be helpful for vehicle and this is the public facing dashboard which we talking about for transparency of all of the GRS yes and then the the new um Salesforce would also have aom facing have an internal Dash so it could be like so you instead of waiting on us to give you the the after the annual reporting you know you could go in and see okay we're missing three reports we could click on that tload dashboard and see who they were um so it give you some behind the scenes kind of looks which is fine with me fine and who did you say the marketing company was again I'm offall marketing offall y thank you yes so I think uh we'll go through the whole presentation and get you'll answer some of your questions that you may have that make hot um so task one was the Strategic plan so that is in final process Now with uh the selected firm with Thomas P Miller and Associates tpma they're based out Indianapolis uh we're going to be signing uh that contract here this week to move forward with this task um so they the main goal for this objective was to look at our assets and identify gaps and amenities so that's kind of the overall plan for this uh strategic plan to give us a vision through 2040 uh they have three t team members that are associated that they'll be working with us on for this project they do have years of experience with economic development and other Grant funded programs that are you know not to Echo similarity right but close so that's why they were were selected I think it's important to note there are not a lot of programs like Echo we are very unique so I think more of this strategic planning across sectors if you have that skill set you have the skill set um so this this organization we felt we actually had a good response to the last RP I think we had five proposals oh that's great um and some people look like what just form their consultancy business to be able to apply for this um but these were the ones really with the most experience um and uh I think they'll do a good job for us they'll meet with you as well so just know that when we go through this process they'll be meeting with multiple groups of stakeholders doing some surveys with the public um to understand the program I know our drant applicants will have their own kind of um focus group with them to give feedback on the process because it is a come process and Brad touched on those core components and when we include when we look at uh Grant applicants it would be really nice if they identify those who should have been Grant applicants but we're not we're daunted by the process and that might be some other nonprofit or Community groups that just felt that I mean I just I keep thinking part of identifying gaps will be those who have not participated to date but those groups that um I think offer tremendous assets or opportunities or innovation to the community so if that can be identified and include them in the focus group or stakeholder at some point in time stakeholder engagement yeah Jill probably will have a list of all the people that we've helped try to get there that just didn't yeah okay I do thank you I will say you know I told Nick what is this what does this what is the story that this Ty cycle tells you know and those of you that were have been here for a while we made all the changes for nonprofits but we have three nonprofits this time in one municipality so we have more nonprofits than Municipal governments which is probably a first time that's so well first time since I've been here but back in the day those from good that that's good I mean I think that shows a maybe a diversity and a welcoming so that's good okay so here is kind of uh their plan that theyve provided to us of how the project is going to launch and the different phases that they're uh recommending so we'll we'll have a meeting with them once the contract is signed um and then we'll go into you know defining the scope the timetable and the deliverables of the project uh we'll look at the communication strategies and then have how we're going to engage the stakeholders we'll provide them a list of the committee and the nonprofits and the municipalities our grant writers so that way we can all come to the to the table and uh work on getting this uh launched so we're going to look at the mission the Strategic initiatives uh you know our financial documents the organizational structure of the program and then the overall Grant process and how we can improve it um so there'll be an assess report an efficiency analysis um and then some preliminary recommendations that they would give to us um prior before they move into the engagement process so the engagement process would be you know having those key stakeholder interviews um doing a strength weakness opportunity and threats analysis of the program uh looking at the different areas of you know where we may be lacking brand you know on the East versus the West um we'll go into a design Sprint which is a structure time constraint process for solving problems and developing ideas through design prototyping and testing of you know the plant itself uh then we'll build develop the plan so we'll look at the purpose um what are elements and goals goals of the actual plan will be and then how we're going to implement so we'll review um the plan prior to it you know come in Full Circle uh there'll be some Stak we'll get the feedback from the stakeholders to really incorporate that into the plan and then from there it's about finalizing and refining the final uh plan to implement it through 2040 with measurable goals and having metrics to you know explain uh the time line and the recommendations and the framework of the overall flight pick so that's kind of task one in a nutshell um you know that one was about $64,000 for that plant to move forward one if I may so just to contextualize it for you what we've asked them to do is Look Backwards where are our gaps and we we know where our gaps are it's an historic and cultural projects so what are recommendations to address that Gap cuz it's a big gap I think 170 of the 290 are outdoor recreation projects so you know do we need to have a separate application do we need to do you know so what are some recommendations to I don't think we'll ever through 2040 make it all equal but if there's things that we can do to treat the program to get more applicants and let H and see then we'll do it um and then we've asked them to do some and I still stand by I a city's strategic plan is as good as the however long the people sitting in those chairs on the D are but there are some big things you know um Echo related things that are in the future maybe um that we can plan around so maybe it may not be every single project but if a city's going to do an exceptional project um in a few years let's um understand that and what the fiscal impact will be and plan for it so I don't know if you guys have seen and it it's public record theyve talked about it publicly um Daytona has asked for $15 million for uh Echo money to support Jackie Robinson uh stadium and the museum they've added a museum to it um so they have met with individual council members and uh we don't know as what we come up in a meeting so that's kind of where we are at this point you probably saw that the council is try to move forward with a public private partnership to develop a a large facility on the west take it on like ex yeah I think actually been I've been pretty pleased yeah I've been um pretty pleased as I've read more about these P3 Arrangements where you would engage the private sector to um develop simultaneously kind of restaurants and um in terms of what our cost will it will be significant I think it will I think it will be significantly less than the 40 million if we use that model but that remains to be seen But the team's working hard on that we've already started moving in that direction it will be our first P3 in this County as well and so the goal would be to stand up a system and process that can be used into the future um it's just one thing we add very quickly uh Tim and I have both got letters from two different firms immediately out of the gate the next day saying we love them partner with you and then I found out as I was reading the statute that a letter is like an unsolicited um proposal and like you have to respond within 30 days and like it's c yeah betic but um you know they've used it lots of for lots of years in the transportation world so they're just did you ever use did you ever do one Pete I know the school district is doing one now and I'm skeptical but that's neither here or there everybody's skeptical of that okay I'm just going I and if I looked at the contract safeguards for the public entity that's where my skepticism starts yeah I think that's a different discussion but it it's not s to other people people are are really questioning the public private partnership least on the west decided whether it's an issue or not I I don't I think it's I'm hearing all the time it's under the radar pad and well good because but it needs to go that's a different discussion okay I had didn't have a question though yeah okay I wanted to know what's the time frame for this whole so contract is supposed to be signed this week so once we do a kickoff session with them so as soon as the contract sign I'm going to reach out to the Project Lead and say hey when can we meet to disc us um so we we don't have an expected time I saw that was one of the first tasks yeah but the goal you have you have an idea you know like I said we would kind of like to have everything as close to summer as we can okay it's not two years it's let's get this and so the in an Ideal World we would bring so in March we bring the grants to council um and April is when we usually typically do the recommended changes to the program in an ideal world it would be then I don't think we're going to get there uh with all of these pieces so it may be May or June we're holding those changes but I'd like to couple of them the Strategic plan recommendations have the consultant come do the presentation that's one of the things we included um and talk about the changes that we you know they're going to come to Echo first and present these in Le well if they're making process improvements or changes to rec relations we would need you to you know endorse or deny them before we ever brought them to council so you would have your fingerprints on it and you know my concern so it's what what I'm asking is sometime this calendar year possibly by July we will have an opportunity to discuss and look at the Strategic plan see if there's any changes one of us might want to make yes absolutely for sure yeah absolutely well and I think too if there you know know I think a lot of times we talk about things in here that you may not have consensus at the time right but the consultant when they come to an initial meeting that will be the time to bring those things up if you want to try to get it the plan like this funding and yeah and I know when we had talked before we were looking at almost two years for this process so this seems like it's a little bit more uh comp moreel in our realm thank you I'll add you know one of the benefits to splitting it into the three tasks is now they're all running independently of each other so um so for Salesforce for the application um that's going to run through separate from this one so that one is on its own timeline it's possible we'll have some many other when it's finished they're not all going to be finished at the exact same time yeah so jumping into the task two which is Salesforce and and Cloud Creations um this one we've already had three meetings with them so we're already starting the backend process of working on you know how Cloud Creations can config configure the portal to make it you know easy to use right with uh asteris that they can't go past page one of the application unless they fill out everything specifically on the application so we've provided them the application and they are going to build it as if the application looks like in 2025 right so we're going to make sure that the applicants are make it an easy process for them to fill it out with no changes to the application moving forward one of the things can help us too is know I think each municipality will have their own login we did that to save one each so not every person it'll be one log the city of New will have one log in the turnover rate in our cities is really high and so we are providing lots of times what did that Grant say from that year so if you're in the city of newa beach you will have every Grant in your queue that you ever that the city ever applied for so instead of them coming to us and saying what did we say we would do and how do I do this report they'll be able to see everything in there which will be good for Sig and and part of the uh the the startup the the meetings Daniel and I have been having with them this it's also a training for us um to build this so going forward we'll be able to make internal changes independen you know there's future changes in the application we won't have to bring them back every single year to each part of that is our internal training as well in the start yeah because we got five backend licenses for staff we will have a a login for each one of you guys as well so you guys can log in and look at it and then we have up to a 100 Community logins for our partners so that is plenty enough to provide so every single nonprofit or municipality can have their own access to the portal to the database so they can do they can see where they're at the reimbursements of their projects they can go ahead and uh have the quarterly Report Form annual report forms will be in there if they submit a payment to Jill for $100,000 it would immediately show that a 100,000 has come off the top they have $100,000 left in a $200,000 project um they can we could track compliance you know the monitoring of it um you know where they're at in the award process from did they get their ntp yet to move forward it'll be you ever seen the Domino's Pizza Tracker before we've ordered from dominoes you know they say you ordered it's in the oven that's moving forward it'll be the same type of process that it will show for the grant so they know exactly where they're at I know I believe I heard you say that you want to exrate this process and he has other is Services of government so would that then affect like the gra which you the B nothing not this gra I don't think um but they have a solution for everything I mean they have a Parks and Rec solution they have a they what do they call them add-ons I guess but um for where we really see this working for other parts is like inconen assistance for like cdbg projects Grant projects cultural Council we'd like to get on this so um if it's really taking us into the 21st century and hopefully um it will provide us some to mean they need in other areas in terms of we I'm speaking on TR because sual meeting but we also need something in P you driver for people to easily access what's going on yeah that's so I'll add in parallel to this we're also working on dashboard 2.0 the wish forever it's going to be very similar to EO so it looks good I've seen the um the draft of it we we just hired a coule more people with forever too so we Tim teler has done a human's job of being basically the only full-time employee for forever um and our help along the way um but we've hired now we've elevated Tim to the chief of us we were how our time hire is the we call them Chiefs now of L mans WR and acquisition it's what the Water Management District calls thir folks um and it works we got a lot more applications so yeah yeah so Tim is now the chief of conservation land Acquisitions and now we hired a a a land acquisition manager or no have we're going to hire a decision making CH good um but I will just tell you for forever and I think it's for the benefit you know we just did an analysis for George's evaluation and you know in these we really didn't take our first application till 2022 after the the committee got stood up again uh we went through all the evaluation criteria again so from 2022 now the beginning of 25 we bought 5,500 Acres we spent 7 million in County money and uh 25 million in Partner money we have another 20 million coming from USDA on top of that so we've done a real job good job Tim has done a good job and us uh being strategic about our Acquisitions 2200 Acres of that 5 is in the flood plane so it offers a lot of fot player protection benefits and say that again 2200 acres is in the flood plane so we talk about flooding in our County Acquisitions for this year for for since we stood that up okay since okay yep so you know that that is a green infrastructure approach to storm water so um you know I don't think we share that enough with people I just said saying I'm real ploud of the program and I'm cheering cuz I think he PR I cheered the real authorization I really thank you so I talked about some of the process automation that they're providing to us so there'll be workflows for them um so they'll know exactly what's needed through the process to get to you know staff to move them forward uh there'll be docu sign available so they can quickly sign documents um if we need you know I can quickly sign off something and send it over and Brad touched on earlier about the uh compatibility with Outlook as well we'll be able to you know set it and forget it type of emails for them so they'll have reminders of when things are due so we're not C picking up the phone and calling and sending numerous emails hey you got to get your quarterly report and you know it's due like the ones today are do you know for this qu um so it's every time sit and meet with them I mean we're just blown away of what they can do for us and anything that we come up with an idea they're making it Happ it so we're we're really excited um you know it'll be access and security through different levels like I talked about earlier um that'll be with the license en portion um the license en portion for this what is going to be roughly you know 40 about 45,000 a year for the license the software was only about $42,000 good so they'll be able to do scope change budget change request anything that usually comes in via email they'll be able to just quickly fill out the form the reimbursement right online we'll get an email right away so and so submitted a budget request here is their updated budget chart will I print it out and then I can present it to you guys at of beating if we bring if we bring it out talked about Outlook uh tracking through you know where they're at the and the progress so they'll be able to see you know they 60% design through the project or if they're construction where they're at in construction process uh here's some of the deliverables that they said that they would you know make sure that they take care of for us so streamlining that grand application process from start to finish so we're we're really excited about um you know even them submit we were talking to them yesterday about being able to submit all the required drawings right well you know when the drawings come into us they may be you know a 100 Pages worth of drawings and we have to figure out before we send it to construction engineering well what's a site survey or you know what is the trees and topography or you know any of the documents provided they'll be able to Simply tell us what it is submit it add it into the file we'll be be able to quickly pull it in their file and print that stuff out get it over to construction engineering or just send them to PDF and they can review and then they would just give us a checklist back yes yes yes or no if they're missing something so then we can go over in the technical review process of exactly where they're at so and then it will be external for them to access at any time with their own community lawter so that's kind of task two in the nutshell any questions on that before I move into the marketing piece all right so marketing is through Aqua uh so the goal is to market the echo program to the public increase awareness and encourage participation in the program so they're going to have uh audience Outreach uh how can we engage the community you know with different mechanism where you'll see that we're going to um get with the airport we're getting with the uh advertising authori ities you know the advertising authorities could be a big help for us because they have an advertising budget that's set aside already well why haven't we partnered with them before so it's a great idea to get them to push these things at the airport we're going to have you know the stands that filter through right that you see they're going to highlight certain Echo projects for us so that people know what Echo is you know besides seeing the bronze Echo sign we want to Market Echo so people know what it stands for and highlight you know the the 300 projects that we had throughout the county and then you know it should bring a a return on investment for us as well so some of the key features that they're going to be providing to us would be you know a map um a micro site like Brad touched on earlier just a a standalone website that we can use another dashboard um and then user generated content news and announcements to let people know get the word out of what we got going on besides just our normal press release that we do yes now does aqu will work for all three advertising authorities or just the Halifax all three all three thank you yeah so we're excited about that partnership they've already been working with other you know divisions depart in the so they have a few strategies for us uh strategy two is you know developing maybe an incentive and awards program for the participants you know um we haven't we are meeting with them next week to do the kickoff meeting so a lot of the stuff we are going to try to plan together with them so we'll see what we we get with them and we discuss uh next week what kind of their ideas are so this idea has been implemented in like um explore valua so if you go to four preserves in the in a month it's like you get your passport stamp and you get like a Swagman you know that say I I explore ficia W agent to yes that's what this is so we want folks engaged uh you know have some contest on social media the best picture of the Year from preserves and Echo projects so do we still do Echo Rangers yep at the very know it it's packed every summer it's it's my per and then we we talked about strategy three which is you know the CBB and coordination with the airport um so you know like I said we got a lot of stuff going on and and this piece was uh you know $35,000 so for everything together it's the total you know 1.62% is what it covers out of the reserves that we have budged so out of that 11.7 million that we're pulling in we're spending 1.62% to make these three initiatives move forward re so and that 35,000 is to do all of these things yes um with us so the site everything that Daniel Smith should yeah and then like I talked about adding in our community information department has really jumped in Maggie has done a really good job for us about incorporating some of the things that we want to to move forward with so that's the three task in a nutshell uh any questions I'm enthusiastic me too sounds great I think this is a worthwhile investment that Echo has needed for quite thank you br well by Daniel's done a really good job I will say we've been um and leading this effort and engaging with the different um businesses so I pulled a in on other things across the department now seeing um your time because of the way that he's done this so we've been I think we've got the right person on the right seat for thanks I I just wanted to say I agree um obviously you're excited about it we are too um the online gr application process is something that we made with the kind of the long time the state has used it and I've used that and it it is it's user friendly and simple and they came out great videos for applicants to watch these are a Lear of like you're doing um I did have one question if we could go back to task one which is the um strategic plan and at at what time we kind of calling it a a visy of and and I believe that you covered that is was saying you know we're identifying the GS and amenities and um what criteria are we are we using for that like are we are we looking at other other um areas and how maybe a Cultural Arts Center has brought in tourism oh and that kind of thing what is the the focus of that kind of visioning and identifying so that the data for there's data out there that says you should have this many parks within this many square mile you should have this many museums you should have you know if you want a quality of life there's quality life indicators I guess in terms of the number of things you should have in a certain area um that's some of the data that they'll use you know um but not only you know there maybe some out there that haven't come to Echo you know so they'll look at kind of the totality of the communities um what it's lacking in terms of this quadrant um so you right now Deltona is going to significantly lack in the cultural and uh historic um and but maybe their thing is festivals and and using the Ampitheater that's one thing also we' been working on simultaneously is getting the Deltona Ampitheater to a place um where it could host ticketed events in the future so we're working on that in the background as well but really that's the focus for that Community the new guy there is Clark skot so yes doc y thank you any other questions so I'm going to see if this link works and if we get some video or some sound to it if not um I'll send it to you guys um I just wanted to share this that it's not problem I'll send it to you I just was going to show the monthly Spotlight from the last marketing that we did but went get I'm getting some views trying to get up to 10,000 000 for the next one but no I mean really I mean we're getting five six 7,000 views on these you know just for something to be spotlighted so it's uh it's it's exciting that we're getting the word out and I'm not getting questioned what is Echo is EO stand for you know I think people are really starting to understand what we're doing so with that being said uh Reggie you will get your uh request of the Master Trails presentation so I will uh introduce Tim Bailey who's the Parks and Recreation director and I'll give you an update on where we're at M Tre morning everybody uh it's Bailey parks recreation culture director my apologies for not getting to you earlier I mean we the days didn't line up I had a full calendar I couldn't make it so my my apologies for not making it earlier okay so let me ask you a question later in the presentation as a connecting and to do you have white L the YouTube should pull up okay good okay okay good all right so um today I wanted to go over not only the echo uh set aside right the fiveyear set aside if you look in the master plan it's a 10-year uh program in there I just took out five years the first five years to putting today's presentation but I also want because some of it overlaps with uh our our program right so you got the echo program you got the SunRail program some of those things overlap we provide uh services for u f do on on front end and they provide some of the funding so that's why I wanted to to to roll in Echo and suntrail and then I wanted to end with um something that we're working on internally on uh the natural surfaces in response to the passing of the Senate Bill 106 and I'll and I'll talk about that in a little bit so uh this is a summary of where we're putting the echo monies over the next 5 years and I'm going to go in Greater detail on each one of those years on where these mon monies are going uh I did include uh 2024 and what we spent uh last year the biggest portion of that um was a repair if it pet you might know this off of uh 4115 there was a repair that was about A4 mile it it was a a state project f. that trail section there right it wasn't the C right and then um there were some issues with erosion that uh that that uh they need to be addressed and if if you notice some of that railing was star to tip over some of there some of the uh uh material was washing out we had to hire an engineer to because as soon as we sign off on that now we're the Count's on the book to maintain an imp perpetuity right so uh we hired a contractor to to tell us what to do to improve that we did that all that was completed last year and that's that's what you see in that uh that First Column so with that um I wanted to go into where we're heading over the next uh five years uh the in my opinion the the most important connectivity issue for when we're connecting Trails not not amenities and not parking but the the connection um is from Lake Beford Park North to Minnesota on the West Side there's that Gap right so right now the trail ends at Spring Garden Ranch Road to Leon Springs and then it goes all the way down to that Gap and it's about a 3 and 1 half mile Gap and then it picks up at Lake beersford and then the trail goes all the way uh down to uh Dey over to the semal county trails and then all the way over to Bard County to Titusville and then all the way up to 10th Avenue New smarta Beach so that one Gap if we got that completed now you'll be able to travel from Titusville all the way up to Dela Springs out a continuous pay tra so uh with the state we're working on on that piece that's broken up into three three different projects right um there's two projects that are scheduled in the first uh two years 2026 and then the last piece which is uh from Lake beersford North to New York uh that's in the uh I think it's 2028 I'll go through that I'll probably be dead before that well I I we've been working on that Gap yes yeah years so so um um there's still eminent domain issues on that too there's so there's some issues with the private uh private property owners that do not want to sell uh to the county uh right away so there are some some some elements that still have to go to the courts to to get uh eminent domain right um but we're hopeful uh that all that will get get taken care of over the next uh couple years and then suntrail is going to fund it but not on not on the imminent domain properties right so all that's got to come from local funds which is why we have funding in here you'll notice I got in 2026 uh some rightaway acquisition for those pieces cuz we're not really sure right how what's what it's going to cost us in the end uh to not only uh to acquire it but then we'll have to build on it suntrail won't fund uh Trail development on eminent domain acquired properties so not only do we have to buy the property via eminent domain now we're using local funds to put the the uh the trail on the Parcels that are s with them it don't make okay um and then uh the other piece that uh is important here is the L SunRail station uh so we're uh there was two projects going on one fot was creating the station itself right and then once that project was complete which it is now the the Kelly's role now is to go build that trail head out it's a restroom with some signage a bike rack that was pledged before uh and then the rest of that from going from the Dand SunRail station uh down to downtown Dand uh that's going to be a little while before we get that go we had an at at iip Grant the active Transportation infrastructure program uh Grant but uh we didn't get funding I don't think anybody in the state received funding uh when I looked at who got funding uh some of them were like $13 million projects and so we just didn't uh didn't get any funding on that but so we'll have to use local if you wanted to pursue that can I ask a question yeah um f is going to be uh resurfacing 44 yes some way we can I yeah so so when you look at uh and Tad casur is not here but I've had some discussions with so when you look at what's necessary uh on 44 cuz that trail our attent our our um initial design alignment on 4 4 was on the south side of 44 of all the way through uh to what is that um at the street just west of 1792 uh is where the trail was going to be aligned so with that plan it was off-road threee Planters were going to be put in in to make it to beautify the project in coordination with the city and then all the drain cuz there's some drainage issues there so if you notice on a big storm events the roads get flooded so so when we're going through that process we're going to uh modify that drainage system so the drain drain uh ditches and and infrastructure can handle that additional ring right so that project is not that that's outside the boundaries of the widening uh or the improvements in state 44 so I I don't I mean I can talk to Tad to see if we can try to fold that in right but I I think like but make sense yeah time so don't tear out that not road but people using the road exactly yeah that yeah so I I'll talk to Tad um but there's other things that we're accomplishing with that that they might be outside the scope of the of the project we'll look at that complet completely eliminate the idea use this was it beer Spirit going south through the old neighborhoods we're not well well so Maggie arido you remember M Maggie that was through Boris I think it was and back to the bus station that's in in theer South southlanders that bus States so that was included in the plan right um but to get folks to downtown to land they were going to hug 44 all the way to approximately what um 300 feet from 1792 Mike did Michael Place uh the city manager of the didn't want to lose any parking right cuz you'd have to lose parking to to add that trail so we stopped right at the right at the the the the land administration building and that trail would stop there and it f there'd be a bike rack uh set up there and then folks could walk the rest of the way to to downtown uh if they wanted to go to the bus station there would be another way to get to that bus station from 44 South that bus station but the trail was going to end right there go to down yeah the trail would end right there right quite at the administration building is where the trail would end to get to to the business what's that to Administration yes that's correct right off 4 on the on the yeah on the south side of 44 yep right there and that and that's with our dialogue with Michael CH he didn't again he didn't want to lose any parking spaces down there which is why it was it was ending at that point okay uh moving on uh so the the restrooms that we had planned uh last year which were at Gobbler's Lodge were at the m and at mtown Spur and at Ed water brid right that parking area right by the bridge there at 442 so uh we allocated 340 uh $350,000 for each one of those projects uh they were completed in design we bid out the project uh it came in at over $400,000 per site right so um looking at how the council had responded to other restroom structures prior to us getting that bid they we're not going to support me bringing forward a $400,000 restroom that was just two doors right so what we've done to try to uh alleviate the costs there uh is is is we're we're we're going to a prefab kind of setup and it's a Concrete restroom you might have seen them it's uh one the one that comes to mind for me is manufactured by cxt we saw them at a conference uh they're all concrete right the roof's concrete the walls are concrete the inside's concete uh very hearty right so uh and then it's just set on the concrete pad and then in those particular instances we've got internal uh contracts already for concrete work we've got internal contracts for the storm water and the uh the drain field because each one of those require a drain field and AC setic right so we're not talking foret no nope these are professional I I think I might have a picture in here yeah I have a picture of them they very nice um they're not the flushable toilet they not a comp any one I was P that well we saw P yeah very nice public the folks will be the public will be happy with that it's uh you're you're not missing a beat when we're going from a sight built restroom to a preab rest I think I think do so we'll save approximately somewhere between $60 $100,000 by doing that wow um and I think we're in a better shape by and so right now uh we're redes because it has to be read the the the design bid documents have to be redesigned now for this so we're in the process of doing that once that's completed uh we'd be moving forward with the the site work that has to be done uh including all the I mean the environmental all the environmental permitting I think is complete right uh so it's all the site work that has to be done and then that we fit out just the prefab and and then that would be dropped in and so when we go to Council on that it'll be a different dollar amount right and uh we'll have a good profit so that's kind of where we're at right there all right hey Tim yeah excuse me uh when you said the savings is that the per unit unit yeah per unit that's our estimate we're looking at what the site built costs we're tweezing it out from the bid versus what cost we get from cxt cxt might not be the final award but I'm thinking it it'll it's I think they're a national big so it might be that that's the the site we might s so so that bring you a departure what's that that will bring you a departure yeah that's right yeah and it yeah and it'll it'll be more palatable to the County Council approving that uh contract okay all right um let's see moving on here a we finding sign so um yeah we've been after we've been chasing the we finding signs for a while now and uh I when I say weight finding signs this is the St John's river see Loop weight weight finding signs right so the W finding signs are already in place on the coast to coast Trail you've seen them I've been here before you you travel on on that trail you'll see those the maps we finding signs the mod markers the emergency markings um we're doing the same type of thing on the St jge River to St Luke so uh where it ends uh on the east side it's going to go the the we finding signs are funded all the way up through 10th Avenue New SMA Beach City of Daytona which is done with their forc to the St John's river to see Lo Amon right they they identified where they want their weight finding signs to be I have a grant for it right so they've given us the GPS coordinates and what's on each one of those it's included in the uh submission to the state for approval uh and then on the West Side those signs will go all the way up to Spring Garden Ranch Road and Delon Springs so I'm hoping that fot will approve that uh that um submission and then once they approve it now we're ready to bit right and then once it gets banned have we have we sent a che thought yet so I I don't I I asked Travis just before I got here if he submitted a TR when I say Travis Travis there and he wasn't at his desk so I I don't know the answer to that if we have it we're really close because we met a number of times now the same company that did the wave finding signs for the coasta coast is the same company great sign yeah yeah yeah it was TS and they were take over by another company now but same guy that was same engineer that was involved in that Coast to Coast project is doing the uh the St CH so that takes us to to dayona yeah and then I know there is an issue on hly Hill they would like to widen their Trail we get to Orman and I know that they're they don't come under us as far as thundy but I know that you know a lot about that H yeah yep is there anything happening in Orman I need you with already T yeah so later in this presentation I'll go through all that and cuz it cuz there's a lot going on uh with that and it's and it's not just the county it's the state yeah lot going out with the state so okay um all right moving on and then uh these are resurfacing projects that we're uh we plan on getting to this year um every 10 to 15 years uh a pathway needs to be uh Mill and then resurface because it just gets old it starts cracking it starts eroding on the sides so this is what we're we're planning on doing in the upcoming year and then this is a picture of the of the restroom that I was talking about um and all that is concrete so it it's it's like a fortress um these are the three sites that we're we're planning on putting that uh in place like I said it's all flushable the rest the the the water fountain that you see there will probably be one of those b b filling stations not the just a drinking fountain it will be a drinking fountain and and a water filling station in addition to uh the restroom you'll see a bike rack uh that'll be a part of the program and a bike repair station that'll be a part of the program so all three of those elements will be a part of each one of those sites as folks roll into this area they'll have restrooms then they'll have you know all the other amenities that uh and in addition to the park map for the trail map and W finding signs will all be a part of this whole uh parking area where's W kind Dro well well yeah so I'm glad you brought that up because you know everyone thinks well is easy it's not so it's not just digging a hole right so once you dig that hole now you you've got to create a water treatment plant that meets a transient commercial water filtration system and so that that's that's where all the money comes in so you know when you look at the costs a lot of that St not bet tojust the water is $150,000 of the project to get that water is portable for transient commercial use so uh and that means I I'm swapping out uh filters and tanks and chlorine at each one of these restaurants because most of these sites are in rural areas and uh I have to use the well in order to get water and you want water you don't want water fact but folks want expect water right okay uh so I'm glad you brought that up cuz that's one of the more difficult parts of the whole project is the the water electric singy water's not okay um this is uh you might not know much about this project so uh in the in the trails master plan we had a need for parking in this area and it stated and that in the master plan that way um we have an opportunity off A Garfield Road um which is in keeping with the master plan to acquire a property and we're working on that right now we met on it again yesterday there two Parcels on on Garfield Road one of them looks to be potentially non- willing seller one of them looks to be a willing seller but that lot is not as is that as uh functional as the other lot so we're going to get appraisal on both of those lots we bring at the council for them to uh deliberate on which way they want to go right and then once that's acquired now we're we're ready to build a trail head there we're building a connection from Garfield along um uh the east side yeah the east side of Garfield down to Enterprise o Road and then over past the fire station past Stone Island that so so here's what they're doing so you don't have enough RightWay right uh to build a 12o wide Trail but we're using the the uh we're going to widen the shoulder pave it line it and paint and so you can get from Stone Island uh love you right and I I and I talked to Bob Bob about it I sent him uh the plan uh he he he seems to be good because he has it coming back so I'm assuming he's okay with it yeah yeah but he has it U I think he wanted to meet uh me to meet with the public I'm okay to do that as long as my leadership's okay with me uh going to meet with the public uh I think this will get them what they want right um it'll get the the area there a parking area southide did you say it's on the it's on the North side North Side on the North side there would need to be a a pedestrian crossing crossing that's right it'll be uh what do they call it R rfps uh you know you press a button it flashes right that that's what we be that's great thank you but do that is fer book for several years yeah yeah and uh if you notice on this that that that trail alignment would go past Stone Island up to and I can't remember the name of the street but it's in blue there um because some of the stone Isen residents actually go that way to get to the trail right that's a private road so I can't do anything with the private road but I could get the trail to there so they can cross Enterprise oting Road get on the trail go over to that private road and then get right to the I'm excited yeah TR yeah so anyway I think this is a good good um it's marrying the needs I'm not just servicing Stone Island because I might get push back on that uh but I am servicing the old the southeast Corridor by giving them access to the trail at this location okay um this is the uh the way finding sign uh program that I was talking about uh if you look at the the difference the the river to Sea Loop is currently on the bottom of the sign on the coast to coast on the St John's uh mapping and signage now that'll be moved up to the top top of the sign right Valia County logo will be on the bottom of the sign the colors will be slight different because you you want to Brand the trails differently right so you know that you're on the river to se Loop and you know you're on the coast coat um and then but the rest of it all the mechanics uh will all stay the same and then uh on the upper right hand corner that's uh an example of what's on each side of the mile marker and post so you got your emergency marking you got your US National Grid you got your mild markers and then you got uh mergency contact information all of those uh mile markers are submitted to the first responder so if someone is in a in an emergency situation they just read off that four-letter code that's US National Grid and the First Responders know exactly where they're were at and where the nearest extraction point so that we're working Tandon with the uh emergency folks on M uh all right now this is uh this is the St John's river to Sea Loop connecting the gaps suntrail program now if you count the projects that Belia County uh has been awarded over the 5 years I think there's 19 and when I look around the state and around other areas outside of Lucha County no one comes close to that so we way what's that we've been feeding the way oh that's right and and they've been throwing the money at luy County to try to get uh us to the finish line so um and I'm going to go through each one of those so you get idea and it'll ask your point your question that you had on the orament project so from Granada to Sandra this will be on the on the west side of A1A there's a substandard trail sidewalk there now right so that'll be expanded uh to 10 or 12 ft depending of wherever the rideway is and that'll go all the way up to Sandra they're doing it in parts right and then uh the next phase is from Sandra to the Flagler County so if you those of you that are familiar with like hyb park or Tom branic Park you'll see there's this a skinnier sidewalk there and it that North peninsul in Holdings parcel it brings you all the way up to puam county line or the flwor county line that'll all be expanded to be a a wider Trail and it it just it makes more sense for you for passing and as you're riding a bike to have a wider Trail so they're going to reconstruct that to make it wider it's it's funded in the suntrail program over the next 5 years uh then US1 to Dale uh designer is underway um that's in in Edgewater and then Myrtle Avenue to 10th Street where it currently ends uh is also uh they're in the uh that's F dot or they're they're in the construction that's will be in the construction phase and at from uh State Road 44 to L at and this is also part of the St John J to se Lop to us want they're doing a PD study that's working directly with the city in New Sera Beach because they didn't they've done this before City didn't like the alignment they had to go back to the drawing board and so now they're they're trying to finalize the alignment with the city uh Spruce Creek Road from South Seline Circle to Herbert Street uh scheduled for construction saws to McDonald Road to Carman Drive R Ridge Boulevard designer is underway in the construction is in 2028 uh from State Road 15 this is now on the West Side uh uh from State Road for of the bla county line now that section of Trail is connecting to the Heart of Florida so when I say the pet think you know what the Heart of Florida is that that's a 250 260 mile loop at the center of the state that is 80% complete I don't you knew that but I was irised when I saw the data on there it was 80% complete so this will connect to that uh that heart of 4 they C to deal that's right yep that's right plus um Mike Stevens uh I don't know if you know Mike Stevens he's been an advocate he's been doing a great job trying to get funny that well um and then uh let's see Delon Springs Boulevard to State Road 40 uh design environmental is and RightWay acquisition is underway uh south of spring guard Ranch Road to Lake wota so that's that'll be the next project that is is going to be happening in the area so if you can picture um so you passed the Leon Springs Boulevard right um and then you go up to the next I think it's the next intersection that's spring guard Ranch Road that's where the trail currently ends so the state is going to create a roundabout there and then they're going to create a trail that's on the east side of 17 yeah up to Lake Winona and then start work yep yep once they're completed with that they're going to De us the the the lamb that's on the corner of spring guard Ranch Road and 17 and then we're going to build a uh trail head there and when I say trail head same Resturant thing you saw there with the bike rack water Filling Station a bike repair station Maps um we finding signs so and that and that's free land for us so that'll that'll offer good access to that area of the trail once that's built that's great um let's see Lake design is in the RO okay uh hoston to state road 40 so that's another section of trail that is in the sunt trail program that's going up to to State Road 40 and then from 40 North to the puam vucha county line and uh that if once that's complete now right which will be complete um after the lake beersford piece now you'll be able to get from putam all the way to Ty on pain trade that's that's a big deal is it's a big deal that isn't that's impressive yeah yep and then um once that trails connected to the Heart of Florida you know off of 40 there now you be if you wanted to get to go that way now now now you got access to another 250 mes of Trail so it's the connectivity is getting to be really significant in Central Florida and in BR County uh okay um and then uh the other pieces here the old New York uh to uh Avenue to St Road for for that's that Gap the lake beer Street Gap that we're talking about here and that's over the next 3 years that that funding will be in place hopefully that'll be all completed I'll be retired by that time I won't be here I got two years 10 months and I'm out so I that that probably uh be done wasid before I retired but not not the counting rate right uh okay um all right so this is this is where I wanted to roll into uh the S SP 106 so let me let me spend some time on S SP 106 so uh Senate Bill 106 was passed in 2023 and in that bill um it it added the uh the the um uh Florida Greenway to the eligibility for suntrail funding so you know the whole Florida Greenway the corridor you know Florida Wildlife Corridor that that goes through the center of the state from from Miami South Florida all the way up through North Florida um is all now eligible for suntrail fund right so that was big deal I was like great we can build Trails you know inside our our conservation lands because we got a lot right so um however um fot has dug in when I say fot I'm talking about um Robert Birdsong and and Leadership over there have have interpreted that to main paved Trails on conservation Lakes so that's a problem for us cuz on our conservation areas we don't paay trados it's it's natural roadways fire lines um interior roads that were that were built before we acquired IT and management plans and some of the other agencies that helped us buy and prohibits us to put pavement on those corridors so um I've been working with the state and I'll I'll show you what we're doing um I've been working with the state to give us an alternative that's not pavement right and so um and and and another reason why I can't put pavement on these properties is with they will be out uh doing fire logging or logging trucks and then fire lines and heavy equipment and bulldozers and stuff that goes over these properties uh pavement is not the way to do that it's a natural surface that you need to be able to Traverse these properties with that heavy equipment and plus the land managers around the state they don't want to deal with bement they they all want to have your natural surface and they're they've been pushed against that too so you got two things going on you got the bill they passed that said hey we're able to build Trails uh using suntrail Monies to to to build an the cornor but then you got fot which is the implementor of the bill to say we're only going to fund payment and and now you now you got to you got to they're separate right they're not they're they can't coexist so um and and I I I presented this to the OBS of Greenway Trails council at the time I was sitting as a board member um uh because I was filling for another another uh board members and then and I also sit on the foundation so we have kind of the the year of the policy makers you know on this issue so we're uh the foundation um and just as I was reading I I I got an email from one of the the folks that his name is Rob Vickers who is one of the AR architects of SB 106 six he wants me to send the presentation up to him that I've created and he's going to try to get the build modified to create Clarity you know on uh that issue right so allow us to build something else other than pavement on the trail to get S to get access to the trun Sunil I you I thought you had done a demo I did and I'm going to show that to you right and I presented that to the offs Greenways and trails Council here's what came out of that so um they now have uh a motion to create a advisory committee on developing standards for natural Trails inside the cor and I sit on that right as well as Dale Allen I think you might know Dale Allen so we've been we've been talking a little bit so um the goal would be to come up with um some viable standards then that would be embraced by the office of Greenway Trails Council which would then be um recommended to modify sp1 6 to include the standards in the Florida greenbook 224 CU that's what fot is going by they're going by Florida greenbook 224 which says just pavement so there has to be a separate design guideline for natural Trails inside a conservation area so that's what we're working on right now if that passes right and the council and Mike Stevens sits as the chairman on that right and he's on board with it so if that passes then Rob Vickers who I'll just mentioned he'll make a a bill modification Amendment to the bill and change the statute to include the the standards for natural Trails inside the conservation P or inside the wildlife cortor so that's the whole goal so we're getting there's baby steps that were taken all all along here know if that happens now wow we can and I'll show you what what it'll look like once uh once if if that passes and then if we got access to sunro funding we got millions of dollars that we can program in our conservation cour off so let me uh let me show you what uh what we built here um this on YouTube yeah we put it on YouTube you got to say where's the the little mouse button oh here it is have FL [Music] sweet let me make sure we get it to that screen here stop the screen yeah I may have to pull the power point down first in oh I see you would get there we go yeah I just have to reop okay you that good say work okay should be the steak [Music] [Music] [Music] you that since Theiss her B so service go and then go two to this work seot studies these think sing a lot creation what I about this was was round which is what like abouty naal say we a of they does resource ership is new M benefit in this system is it allows L use of the prop so we have this back liers AA access bicycles G Vehicles all the same Tresses without netive impact in the conservation the DAT system management such as straight forward we can take across the at we can take as watch EST the B teria all at the same time be able have shoulders Le same accidents do by to this service here life um has nice stability it's to e not to travel on expains of this is in lot opportunties for access to conservation believe obervation and AR this I think is just unique and I think even the wom not this is country this to be used State you can have this that people will be now on these areas enjy this property this yeah for so well uh just get me back to the presentation so uh has anyone been out to uh a conservation area after a rain event walking on the the trails of roadways right it's it's it's flooded you got Toth holes you got water standing and you're walking through bud you know uh and you're wait for it to dry out right so um Nick and I after uh hurricane Milton right he went out to the uh to the site and looked at that 200t uh prototype that we built and it was exactly the same shape that we left it there wasn't any runoff there wasn't any uh potholes there wasn't any slushing you could it's as dry as it was there on that it was exactly how it was when Nick arrived there right after and then all the standing water was on the side it's all flooded right but if you have that across all your conservation corridors now those Trails become usable right after rain right that um an unended consequence number one under attended consequence number two is now next people don't have to go out drag the road re repurpose the road you know for a and reile the road and and use staff time to do that if you had these trails in place it minimizes your your FTE uh requirements your resources on the on the property and they're out able to do all the things without maintaining grows so this would be a really good byproduct even if SunRail does not fund it or if we don't make it to the end game here this is still a great opportunity for blue that John Tyler out on that se segment I don't know the answer to that cuz I know you took the SunRail tripic but he's a bik cist and yeah he he and District 5 is District 5 you speak for so he ought to be yep we can I can reach out to yep I too I yep I'll can you send me your presentation I will yep I will um in addition we had uh horseback books uh that were supposed to uh be in the video on the day that we filmed um but the roadway getting up to this prototype was so hilly they they couldn't get their Horse Trail through and they didn't tell me that until you know the the day up right so but we're so planning on modifying the presentation to add the equestrians because equestrians can can absolutely use this uh this trail system here um and they probably prefer that than being on pavement anyway they'd rather be on natural natural ter terrain so all right the last line I got here um this is uh an alignment that we created from the coast to coast in St johnon Southwest Luan County up through our conservation lands so that uh little breadcrumb Trail is where we can build a trail already on public ownership already within Disturbed lands to build that type of trail system so if you wanted to get off the trail and go into the woods deeper into the woods onto the conservation Corridor this would be the way to do that if that will connect to the farmton that's correct yeah yeah Ernie and I work together yeah Friday that's right yeah okay so Tim what's the cost yeah yeah I should have brought that up so it is it is 20% left tell it's 20% of the cost of a PID constructed Trail so it's one it's 1 the cost to to uh to create this versus a paid uh structure and are there multiple companies that produce this product uh there are um the one that we used um I'm going to call it the the the formal terminology I think is honey kong Geotech confinement system right and so there's a lot of different companies that make a similar product everybody has their own C on their own particular product uh so there are a variety of different companies but uh the honeycomb that the the texture the height uh the ability to hold the 57 stone that's the product that you really want to put on the loose Trail just and and ni ni team put it up with what two days yeah that that product came to uh um through one of our mitigation Banks or a low water cing so we we needed to find a product that we knew wouldn't be uh a problem for permitting and that product is actually it passes the Army Corp V mirrors process for hard water crossing for roads so we we could use that um and it passes Army Core it shouldn't have any problems in a regular Road system um you can see how how well functions with it still allows some water flow to each side of the road without way over the road uh that particular stretch was about three miles down that road it leads to one of our public campsites and every time we got a half inch of rain that road was just blown out you couldn't you could hardly drive down like four-wheel drive so all those users you saw in the video would have been able to get back that far without that type of service um they down on the bicycle by the time they hit that stretch or you have to turn around and go back the way they came so and that would all be on public lands right we would put ours and then with the farmton which is private wants to connect yes yeah yeah we we I've met with Ernie yeah on and you seem to think that this is going to go well I hope he's right because we're you know Len I I don't want to speak badly about our scem ws and trails Council but they action steps yeah right you a lot of listen it but no action we're trying to get on Friday yeah so I will talk about the yes and try to encourage him to from the private sector y to get you up St Washington tallah has y yep yep we're we're in it from all kinds of different angles right so uh but I think we're going to I think we're going to get there um it's just the fs just dug in on pavement and it's just about it's not a solution on the corridor I'm really it's just not if chn Tyler out there yep uh so that that concludes my uh presentation so any questions yeah fres and I'm going to go back to the east side we need we need to find a way for coming down A1A correct Y and then we end up on US1 we have a gap right there in the or yeah where the bridge is yeah are there any plans to so you're talking about are you talking about an East West Gap or you talking about a north south Gap no East West I'm talking about how do gift from US1 excuse me from A1A West to US1 yeah in Orman in Orman yeah so that that is a that would be a city project I think it's in the master plan as a part of the proposed trail system but I have not heard anybody talk about uh and that and that's not suntrail eligible it would be local fund it's not it's not suchal eligible that's PR okay I yeah and and I'm thinking out loud here right cuz suntrail is on A1A yeah uh but but where does whever the alignment is from Holly Hill North if it's on one and because the the suntrail that alignment goes to A1A so that lightly on the suntrail uh priority network is because you have to get from where it eggs on the mainlight to get it over to the Barrier Island cuz I know the Barrier Island alignment on the sun suntrail is on A1A and I know it's on one you know south of or so you're probably right there's got to be some kind of connection so it would potentially be eligible for sunro if they agree on the alignment especially this it's a it's a bridge right I I mean Lori Tolen on the 20 port and Y the the the the trail over the bridge is easier because you already got got people walking over the bridge and kind of like what they did in 1792 in in DeBry where they created that separate uh yeah that would work it was millions of dollars believe it or not yeah but it works great right it's lit um so yeah that would be a way to do that yeah yeah I actually have that same question um I know F.K really presented what they were doing on A1A but it yeah there it's short yeah and then you can't get there either end really and then um the orn Scenic Loop has been of course a topic of conversation for a million years about having a stfe way for cyclists Walkers anyone to yeah do that y on the eastern border of the orphan Scenic Loop this Trail would be the eastern border of that Loop but then when you go what is it Anderson and then down uh what is that you go across the bridge and go up um yeah but doesn't it help John Anderson um it's kind of an alternate route but John Anderson runs yourth the same so if there's a if there's a SI Trail in AA you wouldn't need one ONN Anderson yeah but you need something on the other side yeah and then something at hybrid or something at because right now it's just a straight piece that goes nowhere yeah now the hybrids were solved in the hybrids piece cuz um as we build that uh as we build the trail head on the corner of uh U A1A and hybridge road cuz we're going to build a trail head there on state LS right because we met a couple of times on it now there'll be a a uh a trail that leads all the way to hyb park but not West but not west of high breaks right West so right so um they yeah what's that it couldn't come down us one all the way from hybridge well hybridge is on the Barrier Islands um and us going right yeah yeah got it cross Bridge yes it's right right right so uh John Anderson is challenging to build a trail on cuz it's just not enough if right away the trees are you know and no one's going to let you touch a tree nobody wants I mean so it's fine on A1A it's one that you want to get get meat well or or Beach is the actual scen who one a little bit farther away but there's there's just seg Meed little AR but for cyclist it's it's yeah that's a CH it's that is challenging cuz you you you want 12 ft trying to get right away for 12 feet so that's going to be continue to be a challenge that that might be decades away to get something like that sorry yeah yeah Ju Just I just want to say everybody this has been a project was started by the county in 1993 and the first mile of trail was across ji Springs that's right I got to take it through the process in TV at well Zen then but since you have been in the position and well Coto set aside the amount of uh the 10 million then we increase that yep specifically for Trails of Cindy's and I guess yours idea anyway we have between you and Jared BR jured this year we have built Trails we have built Trails we have 92 miles Trail so I it's like a 35 year overnight success story I real yeah that we are where we are thank you yeah yeah don't I'm enjoying it I get excited about go betrayals yeah and I'm getting excited about building our Sports Complex if we ever yeah get that yeah yeah probably happen after I'm I'm gone too so J J promised me when I was in Council I was not happy that he was put charge of trails and he came to me and he said I promise you we will full Trails P he was good to his word yeah he was he took over and we've done exactly what we said for we're getting a lot of funding from the state too so we're we're we're we're a good position at the state they like us they fund us so we're doing we're doing it all right right than you okay thanks a lot czy Tim will you send me that please so well I'll I'll plan to send that saying the power point and the you know the YouTube clip and all that stuff to you guys right after this meeting all right so staff comments a few things just want to bring to your attention uh January 24th which I believe is next Friday 1 p.m. city of new samarta beach is doing the grand opening of the new Samara Beach skate park Expansion Project that was a part of this past cycle that we approved so that project is done um the city at Warman Beach already had a ribbon cutting for one of their projects as well so we've already finished two projects uh of the eight that were approved so I'll I'll give you guys full uh details and information uh before we reports are due to us today so we'll have that at the uh next meeting on January 30th we'll give you where we're at with DC projects as well as you know the projects from 21 22 23 and 24 that are still outstanding uh so the next meeting is January 30th uh right now I'm waiting for the tour schedule to be finalized which we should have that finalized by the end of the week but the the tenanted plan is to start at 9:00 a.m. um we will more than likely start on in new samna because we do have two projects on new samna um so the Little Theater of new samna is a project um we also have the Hub on Canal uh is a project um and then we will go from new samna to oate um for the Dr Ranch Preserve and nature center great project which we're very excited about that project um all three of those are are nonprofits um and then we'll go from dranch preserve to DeBerry uh DeBerry is uh has a project for Bill Keller uh park for their pickle ball court improvements so those are the four projects that are in uh the hopper for this cycle um total is about 1.36 7 uh you know and then there's about almost roughly about $4 million worth of match coming to the table a lot of that obviously is going to be dranch property um they're asking for 600 but they're bringing roughly uh over $2 million worth a match to the project all right and then when we are finished touring those four sites we will come back to Chambers in Dand uh after you guys break for lunch um the plan tenative plan right now is 1 p.m. so we'll let you guys break for launch um at what date is this this is January 30th yep and that's that's on our uh you know Echo calendar that we approved in October so nothing has changed it just it was a TBD time so we'll start at night um and by the time we Circle the county and finish those four projects I think we'll finish right around 11:30 in De So the plan is to let you guys break for lunch you know it's going to take 20 30 minutes to get back over to Delan so that'll give you guys enough time to go get something to eat and then meet back in Chambers at 1:00 for a yay mayay vote for those projects uh January 21st uh County Council the the agenda went out uh yesterday uh we will have the two reappointments to The Advisory Board there for the two vacant seats that we do have now um and then for you guys all of your guys seats are up March 31st so that will also go to council um I don't have a date on that yet but it'll be prior to your expiration of terms um I know all of you have turned in an application uh so I would encourage each of you to reach out to your you know Council representative if you you know want to get reappointed so I will let you know um when that date is confirmed um other than that I have uh USB drives for each and every one of you uh these drives will have uh the grants for this cycle as well as the final review for the four grants there will be one uh final review that it's not get one on the drive yet because we just hav got uh it finalized so as soon as I get confirmation on verbiage on one of them um you'll get that report as soon as I have it available okay and that'll be for city of DeBerry we're just waiting on uh a few terms to be decided before we add something into the final review um we're we're pretty excited about this cycle uh there's uh you know not a lot really that's comments or concerns for these project so I think uh Jill did a really good job with uh meeting with the nonprofit we met with all three of them extensively to get these projects to the finish line and like you know Stephanie we had a conversation about that about making sure that we're doing that right so we just got called about two new projects for next year nonprofits that reached out yesterday that we had discussions about two new ones that have never applied before so I think like I said we're getting the word out there um and we're always available to meet with them to try to get projects to The Fetish line and that's all that I have so could you send the calendar again I can't to the my cup is yes so I'll tell you guys where we're at and I'll send it to you as well um so January 30th is the tour uh February 13th it's a Thursday that's our grant review panel that's when we'll score the applications with that new scoring rubric that you guys approved last cycle um and then April 10th also on a Thursday all of our meetings were on a Thursday moving forward and then we got July 10th and then October 9th all Thursdays all 9:00 all in Chambers hey do we have any advisory committee CL I I do okay I'm sorry check just see one minute okay um I think most of you know dve Brandon please to speak here is what's that Dave Brandon Dave Brandon he used to work with upstairs with the um okay Sheriff's Office anyway he is now our bu is working for on police CH somewhere in bler County anyway he sent me at a message he' been uh of to savan Georgia over the holidays and the P house they have here is very similar to this and it's well lit and says I can send it to you all send out out to the uh the fct they he sat Mak the rest of the great we would was asking to the W more you have a to the to the J right yes so I I spoke to a step this morning and I want to be sure that it's okay with the with the committee that we send that on see the St to take a look at it because I think Nick you said there might be an issue with outdoor lighting but but it's is it something that you all would be interested and say to happen Jak feels it's an iconic slewn yeah and he was here Halloween night and yeah it's not best right J for so it was you was thinking the base like right open if we could definitely look into that we are working on you know our updated DCA dce plan now so the plan for that is to come to you guys February 13th meeting and then we are going to bring uh after you guys review the plan that will go to County Council in March I think it's March 18th I think is the date on that um we're at R grance and the DC to the council at the same time okay is the plan okay and yer says that Miss saying the Jackson La CH were time so okay and that the Acoustics of this all R here forward right it's been delayed but we're moving forward on the r just section of the screw right fix and yes and then um I I think I've asked is but don't the answer do we require we have we did when I was Lo C will have an art public place Ordinance one do we still have that ordinance in effect and two we we make our Echo applications put art public places in that in their places so there is still an art and public places ordinance in effect that goes with construction for it's so side to construction so for construction projects come to us through Echo are we requiring art public places no the the art public places ordinance is directly related to County construction projects not I get that I understand that but I'm I'm I think it ought to be expanded to our application there ought to be art there should be art anything that is constructed by some kind of art it it is based on the amount of the Construction contract so for example the re Center does apply to that so there will be art public places at the ref Cent is it 1% do I do not it's up I think it's up to she up to but that's our project but any projects come in from anybody else we don't require them to do our Compass place it's not a county Project B this not County project so we could add that to our application they had to follow that is a as of right now it's not in the application again next time talk about the okay I I just think it's really important colge enough stepy yes I just wanted to um invite everyone and make everyone aware of the sewer Johnson sculpture tour that's taking place in the hearts District in Orman Beach there are 13 bronze sculptures um like size placed throughout the arts district they're 10 on the Barrier Island at three on the mainland side that crosses that they we're not a bridge um it's just been a wonderful opportunity to bring art and public spaces and um and it will be on through April some wonderful tour walking tour well bying tour if we had it's not a b King tour right now so I that would be nice John no C okay um I just wanted to remind everybody um why I asked him to come and give us a reward the trails is Echo is is a strong advant of the trail program and we do donate $1.5 million on a echo budget every year to a Trail Road Round good I appreciated that Reggie because I have not been acquainted with it as thoroughly as what we did today thank you yeah and all the foney that's in the reserves and all everything that you showed for is isn't accounted for right so Tim's done a really good job of making sure that we're putting that 1.5 million every year that we set aside to work so but the vacant positions are going to be on the council agenda for the 21st just the two seats that we have vacant now correct yeah because we have two seats that are vacant those two seats will be up for reappointment on January 21st I think it's the last item I think it's item 14 or 15 on the agenda for that day appointment would it be John and the and a chair this uh so it's Don Dempsey's district and then Jet rows yep so those will be the to to select whoever they decide so we could have one two or new appointment so and thank you staff for fing work the powerment bringing us see the digital alens no and and as Brad said you that's that's uh all Daniel's will house right now he have been the one bringing this to the young man I notic the name like on the company or young names Lindsay and Jack something so as as I sat down like I came over and I checked my phone I got an email at 9:15 from the Project Lead about setting it up for the kick on so as of today so like I said so must have been process we'll be rolling through with that uh and I'll give you guys updates along the way so you guys know every meeting I'll give you guys you know an update of of where we're at so we have GE second second all in favor I we are that's why I retired stopped doing [Laughter] papers I could