##VIDEO ID:ZXhUF5YVroA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e Jay Pendergast and Dwight Selby who is also out we do have a quorum thank you Jill um is anyone here for public participation okay we'll move on to approval of the minutes from September 25th to 20 24 has everyone had the opportunity to read them do I have a second I'll second okay um motion is is minutes will be filed as okay okay motions will be filed as written okay on to new business Dan yes ma'am all right so uh first thing here on new business is uh uh scope change for the city of Daytona Beach Breakers Park uh this grant was in 2005 for 500,000 for the Main Street park Phase 2 project which is now considered Breakers Park uh originally this grant was intended to fund construction of restrooms Environmental Education Center picnic shelters playground volleyball court benches um and then in 2006 the city requested a change in Project scope um which was approved which replaced the playground with the splash pad now they are asking to replace the SP the splash pad that's in place and replace it with the playground all right uh the city plans to invest an additional $700,000 into this project and the plan is for it to be complete within 9 to 12 months do we have anyone from the city here yes uh Beth Gibson is here um she's the city Grant manager if there are questions about the project does anyone have any questions no I I'm just no so we originally had the playground then we went to the splash pad now we're going to the playground and and I'm familiar with the area and I'm just and I'm trying to think of who uses that currently and and it's going to be handicap accessible and all that I just a little more explanation just I'm familiar with the area and I know that it's got a lot of traffic and how do we think this is going to work thank you Beth Gibson Grant manager city of Daytona Beach also with me today is Drew jiso Deputy city manager and Fire Chief and uh David Waller Public Works director so you can definitely answer more detail if there's anything you want to know I don't cover just kind of generally a you know well I think it's really kind of awesome in a way because it seems like you're getting both things you know on the site it's been almost 20 years I guess that um that the splash pad has been there and it's just you know you all are probably familiar with splash pads they're very difficult to maintain very expensive and this one's on a beach practically so you can imagine the sand and all of that that constantly is filling up the drains and the the mechanisms and all that so it's it's been an issue and you know has to be closed frequently for maintenance and those sorts of things I think there's also been a concern about safety and not getting um you know a lot of children there um more being used for like showers for homeless and that sort of thing um so I think the intent is to have a playground where you know the children can really use it and have some some you know really cool ideas about what could be there um on the beach and have something maybe even beach themed or you know I don't know ultimately but um but to to have it be more for you know the kids that maybe aren't in the water or younger or can't swim or you know the parents are more up on the on the in the breakers Park and and will the playground equipment as I said be handicap accessible and will it be designed for non-sleeping I mean I think that's pretty much standard for the city but David you have anything else to say or good morning David Waller uh with City at Daytona Beach you know our playgrounds in general that we install we do try we strive to find playground equipment that doesn't have enclosed spaces that are see-through at all times and we'll obviously strive for that at Breakers Park as well we'll also look for a product that is uh you know is that is corrosion resistant looking at we're looking into some manufacturers that have a wood wood type product that'll be a little more resilient because of the coastal impact there we had another playground farther down the boardwalk that the lifespan on the beach side for playgrounds is pretty short so we'll look for a product that is appropriate for the location um and uh and you know the like Beth had said you know kind of the goal is to to get the park back to the intended User Group the splash pad unfortunately is not used by the target audience for our park and in expectation as a playground maybe a better fit um we redid All the pump equipment about 9 years ago the splash pad is coming around again on that life cycle we' rather spend our funds on something try something different I guess is kind of the that's what we're looking at thank you yes ma'am Stephanie I did have a question um and it was to do with the use of who who was actually using the park and I noticed that there were showers there now and wondered if there had been a homeless problem in that area um the the park that used to be adjacent to the um the public library in the city of Daytona was no longer used by any children at all um and that seems to be a problem in in some of those areas that the children are actually not using the facility um and I did notice you have a pretty robust um marketing plan so um are those showers going to stay there they're adjacent um well the showers that are adjacent to the splash pad are there because of State Health code requirements to have a shower at a public swimming pool so the showers immediately there will be removed um we do have another shower set that is closer to the beach um access point that's intended to allow people to rinse I think the expectation is to probably leave that in place we have a couple of those Shower systems down our our public beach areas along the boardwalk but the one Clos to the playground which is tied to the splash pad would be removed so hopefully the homeless won't convene there yeah and if we could keep the rinsing of of uh surfboards and feet and the general showering not at the playground you know right now that's really what the splash pad has turned into is a spot for people to rinse off um it's easier than going to the shower and you know and it's very hard on our equipment it's just splash pads are phenomenal Community assets and unfortunately for us this particular location hasn't hasn't shown to be that great for the intended audience anyone else P well if I read this correctly this is just a change of use you're not requesting any additional funding or did I miss that no that is correct yes is not a funding request this is just a request to allow us to change the amenity that is on site okay thank you okay there okay that that was one of my questions as well but um Daniel didn't we change uh the project length this is a 40-year project and didn't we go back to 20 years now that or the new iteration of the program yeah yeah restricted Covenant is 20 years and when did we change that how long ago that would have been in 2020 that that started okay so so This falls under the old program but the new program they get a 20year discount pretty much right the new program would be 20 anything prior to that could be 20 30 or 40 depending on on the grant yeah I thought it was I thought it was 40 the only problem I have with this and I I certainly understand you know change and things around but and the fact that we're not being asked to pay anything there is is is good but uh it says the project is still conceptual and so I wonder is it's premature without having plans in front of us that are detailed so that's something I'm asking I guess I'm wondering why it's come to us when the plans are conceptual yeah I was just going to say the city wasn't obviously going to go through any kind of detailed plans without knowing that it was allowed and we have three grants on this property so you're the third one so we've we kind of had you know we were trying to coordinate them all make sure everybody said yes before too much but um I think we are planning to move forward quickly and you know if you want to more know more about the timeline David can tell you more about okay thank you that's it that's it for me just speak from a timeline perspective once we have we're we're green lit this is this is allowable on the parcel then we'll engage our our different vendors and we'll we'll work on some different options that can be reviewed through our commission and because it'll all have to run would you just keep us posted with those plans when they're finalized so we see what it is that we absolutely yeah we'll share them back through Beth and she can share them with you guys that' be great are there any other questions no do I hear a motion to approve second second all those in favor say I I I any opposed motion carries okay all right on to uh number two here new business it is the critical historic acquisition Andor stabilization Grant which is for the city of Daytona Beach Main Street Kina Arch project uh the request for this project is $540,000 349.50 which is also the total cash match one to one uh the Main Street coca Arch was constructed in 1929 it is a contributing structure in the Surfside National Historic District this Grant application seeks emergency funding for structural repairs as the nearly 100y old Arch is facing significant deterioration and poses a public safety risk uh the application is uh considered incomplete and has several deficiencies that M must be addressed uh the city of Daytona Beach plans to pay the debt to the county uh uh by the County Council day as stated in the Echo guide book uh the city also has Representatives here today to discuss the construction timeline of the project the plan for the long-term maintenance and the missing qualifications for the contractor and architect uh Echo staff supports this application and the project will meet the county council's approved requirements for critical historic acquisition Andor stabilization grant funding if these issues are resolved and they are here to answer any questions you may have about the project okay someone want to come up and answer some of our questions yes ma'am um I I have a question about the um the general contractor and they meet the requirements is that going to happen we have a list of projects that they've done the last five years that uh we feel are historic in nature and I'm happy to go down that list with you we just got it this morning yeah and we did forward it to Echo that have it as well but um within the last 5 years they completed Orange City utility office Renovations at 426 South fuia Avenue the architect was cph J Lambert the amount was 1 point or 1.1 million and it was completed November 15th or will be completed I guess November 15 2024 Peninsula Club Renovations 415 South Peninsula Drive and Daytona Beach Brent Cohen architect uh 4 $ 32,5 188 September 10th 2022 uh Deborah Stevens historical residents at uh 1412 Halifax Avenue in Daytona Beach bfy Architects um and the amount was $966 $540 and it was it's to be completed uh February 1st 2025 does anyone have any questions Pat yeah I'm I'm I'm a little confused I'll direct it to to the staff again this project seems like is not yet ready to come to Echo if we don't if we don't have the plans in place so how do I I love history historical projects and I I want to support this especially that is a beautiful feature that needs to needs to be supported but I have nothing in my book that gives me any information about the project about why it's been delayed as far as paperwork so that's what I'm asking where where is I'm hearing this stuff but where is backup material on this so the city of Daytona Beach submitted this to us this morning so we just got this information as to who the we knew Paul cover was the construction company that they plan to use but we just got the documentation showing the last five projects that they've done in the last 10 years we just got that today I I'll jump in here too as um you know Beth Paul Culver has shared some information with Beth and and the team and and they have shared with us we will certainly vet that but the staff's thought was it is coina there are no drawings for it it was built in the 1920s um so I'll look to Jay for his advice here but it's more like a playground it's more like a conceptual plan it's putting I mean it's stacking coina stucco I mean would there be plans for something like that Jay or well yes there would be we have we have construction this this is not just coina rocks if you look at the photographs that we received online that are not here you can see there's all kinds of shapes of corales and different details to this so it's actually cut and you know for formed uh coina and you know on one hand i'm of course a total uh totally into historic preservation and all that this of course looks like our classical uh demolition by neglect uh the photos that we received it really looked like nothing's been done to this for a hundred years and um actually you can see a pretty good shot of it in the playground picture with the uh Splash Pad uh that's the most visual we have to go by and uh and and one of my comments too is I mean can't this aesthetically look better I mean on the photos that I saw earlier I mean you have some kind of white stucco buttress holding things up and I mean it really looks like it's been neglected uh aesthetically and physically for ever um so it's you know and again to Pat's Point there's there's absolutely zero plans for renovation restoration and for histo histo historic restoration your plans are usually more detailed I can I can tell you what how this started and what we've done to date and give you an idea of kind of I feel like some of the blanks may get filled in you know we we were did an inspection on the facility and we had identified some the corales I'll call them I don't know what the real term is the big round turrets kind of on the corner sorry you having trouble hearing me the the corales or the turret looking structures on the corners of the structure had started to separate from the from the archway and uh so our Engineers obviously were quite concerned about that and uh we hired a we we we solicited assistance from several different contractors Paul cover construction was the one who was willing to come out and and uh try to address our our issues and in that process they identified another in the column we identified a large crack on the south we get my southwest corner um near where the sidewalk goes under the small Arch and at that point we got graef um the structural engineers involved because it looked like it was getting to be a bigger issue than what we had anticipated ated and uh so we did some selective demo through uh Culver's Cruise which is really it's Daytona Stone and Daytona Stone I think is the name of the company is a Mason that they're using and um and to get grave a chance to look at structurally what's going on to cause this cracking and and looked like settlement on that Southeastern corner or Southwestern corner and uh what we DET what we find found was was what was calling the causing the corales to come loose is there's an old electrical system that was in the in the arch that had had lighting up on top there's there was substantially more structure on top of those cor Bells um when it was originally built and had light fixtures to the top and there's a metal conduits that run through the original Arch that are that are because of the intrusion of Salt Air and moisture is they're expanding because it's a steel conduit and you could actually F follow where that conduit went through the arch once we got the scaffolding up and see where the it was pressing the stone away was pushing those um cor Bells off that initially alerted us to the problem and then we get into the to the columns and there was rebar in the columns and a steel beam that went between column to column and the arch has basically just stack stone around this steel beam and the beam and the and particularly the rebar essentially were gone um there was once we got back there to do that once we did The Selective demo there was there was no steel there so it was being held up by you know the virtues of an arch right I it's pretty cool it actually stood up on its own but structurally it's not safe something we want to put pedestrians and vehicles through anymore so grave put together a structural solution for us which is essentially a poured concrete arch with with um a fiberglass rebar embedded in it so we don't repeat this problem again 90 90 plus years from now and then uh Daytona stone is C is cutting coina to to match what was there they've taken detailed measurements and they're re replicating with natural coina stone all of the art um architectural features of the arch and are going to place Stone back on top of what is now they going to be a CO a con concrete base instead of stackstone and Visually it'll look the same as it does just St with new coina as much of the existing Arch as we can the stairs on the North and South Side will all stay in place and as much as we can much as we stand Our concern is as we start to pull apart the parts that are structurally compromised you know that we may lose a little more than we had hoped for um but we're prepared to build back so it visually looks the same as it did prior to our work beginning with new stone for the explanation so you're you're essentially going to remove and replace the arch the the the portion that you drive under yes that Arch will come out that comes down that's the bridge in between that was heavily reworked in 2004 2005ish of course stays in place because it's new and then well yeah most of it comes down and then gets put back in the photos that I saw earlier there were like some like these like white concrete columns under the arch that didn't match anything that must have been some kind of retro repair I agree I don't know when that was done I mean it would be nice to see this put back looking aesthetically pleasing because right now it's it's it's really a shame to see something that started out very pretty look like it does there there's some unusual features underneath of it that I yeah before my time I don't know how they got there I I don't disagree and there's some there's a section of of wall that's more of like a faux Rock that's painted I think it's blue right now um yeah some unusual things there that have happened over the last 100 years or 90 years well and that's where if we had some drawings that would show your intent on on the aesthetic of what this will look like I mean we're talking about spending a million dollars which I don't want to sound like a hillbilly but that's a lot of money it is you know our our intent now with the plan that we have is that it'll be back in the same same format that it was um you know a year year ago we're not going back 90 90 whatever years I think I um I know the city years ago did the redid the Watchtower the Clock Tower and it was an admirable job and I kind of agree with Jay that white column if you're going to do the work let's do it right okay that's a beautiful feature and it is historic and it looked to me like I mean uh I know you're not planning to just put mortar in behind to hold the Rocks there I got it but it seems like if you peel the Cocina off and you get new Cina it ought to be rebuilt like the original and not have some eyesores that were put in the last few years as Patchwork I I really believe to spend a million or what have you it needs to go it really needs to honor the arch that it is okay I think of the Teragon Arch I think of the banso and I think of the clock tower we've got some significant pieces of work that the WPA did in Daytona Beach that Mark us for who we are and I I think that when we see the final plans I really would like to see that that has is our goal not to go back to where we were a year or two before Stephanie uh thank you um I actually have two well several questions one is this is an emergency Grant and it looks like in looking at the repairs and the maintenance that have taken place over many many years um that or that maybe wasn't taking place has created this emergency um it looks like the um the original um inspection was done back in January which noted all of the deficiencies and I'm wondering why you didn't apply for a regular Grant at that time knowing what was happening they would be in the same Grant cycle as this as as is now um from a Time perspective I when we first identified the problem we didn't anticipate it being as big as it was we had originally had a scope of about $200,000 for the work we thought was going to resolve our issues and uh the deeper we got into it we we were wrong and uh so that's it has ballooned from there to where we are now and from uh the perspective of bringing it back to what it was you know originally in you know 90 years ago I mean I know we we made a decision at the staff level to try to control the project from a cost perspective um and there is a significant amount of work that could be done to bring it I mean lots of pieces are missing I mean if you look at the pictures that we had from you know 50 years ago or so we don't have any real original pictures we have some that are much more UMES R uh reflective of what it used to look like there's a lot of pieces that are have been removed over the years probably for similar reasons um and you know there is more work that could be done we're just trying to compact this thing compact the work down to something that we were trying to manage from a financial perspective well with the lack of a maintenance plan moving forward what's going to keep that from happening again I didn't see much of a detailed in the maintenance plan and and and as Mr pandag said it's a lot of money but even more importantly this is an important structure to everyone in Daytona Beach and I believe um through the pages that you sub been it is registered on the National Historical registry um I I would be surprised if it qualifies right now um in its current state um what's going to make it how will the maintenance be different this time around um you know we we we we do regular maintenance on all of our facilities this is just one of our facilities we you know the the the complex all together along the boardwalk includes a Bandshell and the Clock Tower and this and and then of course the amenities that Breakers Park are all managed through our facility maintenance department um you know we we do we do regular checks and inspections on the on our facilities you know I don't know that this is you know something that's that's that is a a case of deferred maintenance um you know we did a significant amount of work uh 10 well 20 2004 so 20 years ago on that on the on the walkway portions um and the is issues that have created this this need is are concealed within within the within the within the stone and you know there not really work for us to do to that I mean we can't do maintenance on the rebar we can't do maintenance on the structural steel I think it's pretty remarkable that uh that the construction methods that they did use have held as well as they have for for as long as they have I mean steel I mean pretty I mean all of those facilities that were built the Clock Tower and the and the and the bans shell are remarkable structures that were built in a you know without uh you know in a time without the engineering knowledge that is used today and and the materials that we use today on the fact that they're still here and they're phenomenal pieces of our community and and this is really is an important piece for us um the the second part is I know that the guidelines for restoration must follow the secretary of the um interor and the and the historical preservation guidelines um I don't see um a recommendation that well I did see a recommendation that was made by graph and also stated Again by um I believe it was Kimberly reading who's the historical preservation officer that a historical preservation architect should be consulted throughout this process is that going to be done um it's not something we've done as of yet uh you know we started this is a structural um concern but we can certainly bring an architect on board if that's something that is important to um I think I think that that is potentially one of the most important things in preserving this Arch is having someone that understands the historical preservation and then also to ensure that it remains on the National Registry in fact I'm not sure that the the um the repairs that that will be done I think in order to remain on the registry it has to be certified by historical architect um and I think that's an important part of the of the repair work and so I'm asking that question if that um I I believe that's a requirement um so I think it has to be done I'm not familiar with those requirements um we have used a historical architect on a couple other the other facilities we did on the boardwalk they started a little differently this one we're kind of working backwards those we started those were planned repairs this one is an unexpected repair um but you know particularly if we're going to touch things that have been added over the years uh that you alluded to that we would need architectural support for that that's not it's not something our maintenance department is is up for I know that today we're not making action but we may make a recommendation would it be appropriate for us to have that requirement as part of our recommendation moving forward because I thought so valid we we have no objection to that if if that's the recommendation of the board um I think that's something as a committee and and staff that we definitely need to consider because we don't want to be back here in another 20 years and find that the repairs that were made were not historically accurate therefore it's been removed from the list I think it's too important and if we're taking the stage and investing all of this money um that we need to um have that I believe as part of the recommendation that a historical preservation architect must be consulted for the project just want to uh say that it's it's an iconic structure something that I probably photographed a 100 times walked over a thousand times um I hate to see it patchworked I I agree 100% with Stephanie with the with her comments um we we we need to keep it on the historical list so let's let's go forward with that yeah the amount of pictures that are taken is is stunning by the way I know a lot more about that structure than I've ever known after reading the grant good thank you you're welcome yeah I'm I I came in here fully um I'm getting spam phone calls like crazy um I came in here fully supportive of this project I I think but the more I'm listening the more concerns that I have and um espe esally on the the issue of the um the findings uh this is it meets the findings absolutely but it feels like I don't have enough information right here and I'm not getting it talking to you all um it says right here the operational plan included in the application is vague and essentially maintains the status quo which to Stephanie's comment isn't good isn't you're right you are absolutely right on that we need to put that into any em motion that we that we make and and the fact that there is not a timeline concerns me and I understand it has to be two years correct according to your overview yes years so what happens without us having any kind of planning document to hold the city accountable I mean if we require a historic architect does that go to the council with that recommendation or does it go to the council with well the echo committee said they thought we should do this whatever motion you guys make today to recommend if you guys add that in it would that will be sent to County Council okay thank you our our current plan is as it is now we anticipate work to take about nine months um if we um if we're going we're going to engage with an architect we'll have a little l while we go through that process which likely could improve the project and then uh if there's an additional work there may be a little additional time I I guess what concerns me is I'm not getting a sense from from you all that you realize how significant historically this is as far as the repair of it I'm not hearing I'm not hearing that so that that concerns me is there a way to seal the coina um um not not that I'm aware of no you don't want to um you know the you know part of its part of its nature is is that that paracity with it um that's why we're you know any structural items we're recommending go back will be a fiberglass rebar product um so that because it does imp permeate the you know concrete and and the cocain is all porous product um so you know as a preventative measure that's just part of our recommendation is going back are there any other questions J well with with the coina you're going to replace the coina like when you remove most of the time cooken is kind of a veneer anyway but those historic pieces what's going to happen to those those are all going to have to be removed so is it is the intent to remove and replace or you know I mean I I just don't really think you got I know this is an emergency but I don't think you're even ready for an emergency to be perfectly honest with you I mean um like kind visual you know pictures Maps history and and I'm just not seeing that and I'm seeing Zero background here and I I'm just having a lot of trouble with this and I'm really passionate about Florida history and architecture and all of that and I'm I'm really struggling with this I just don't think you're even ready for an emergency Mercy Grant personally can I you know I'm I'm looking at Jay and I'll bet you we' both tackled projects that look like we could tackle it this way and once you get started if you just cover it up with Band-Aids you'll be back again and this is too important too iconic a piece to do that I believe that once you get the structural piece and a historic architect involved you're going to find that you're taking the whole thing apart putting it back together again properly and uh I agree it's an emergency I can almost see like I'm seeing a notron with a mesh on the outside to keep the stones from falling while you design this okay but there's a lot of work to be done yet and are people walking across this bridge right now no it's closed it's closed so is there any kind of temporary access to the boardwalk while this is going on this is going to take a couple of years the currently the pedestrians walk back to the uh West and they go down Ocean Avenue and back up through Breakers Park I'm just going to say that this what I'm looking at seems to me to be a a a regular Public Works project not not recognizing the historical significance of what you all well I mean I can tell you from De Hall a project that I was involved in there's always something there that and without having that person and place in the front end before we even approve it I have a problem with that and I understand Mr barbar BB's point about this being significant but I think that until there is a historic architect that's involved with this that has taken a look at it and planed how to do this I'm I'm not sure I can support the I think this is a very worthy project it's worthy of echo funds I think we value it you heard that from this entire group but before we engage in that I think we need to know that you really know what you're about I I I believe that uh that this is going to be deeper and it's much more important and I but I believe that it merits Echo funds just not yet well and without any kind of um backup how do we know it's a you know a million dollars you're asking us for $500,000 match and you have the match and all that but without the drawings and and planning how do you know this could turn into two or three million when you get into really doing something historically accurate and correct and I'd hate to approve it and then come back and just see some overpass put in uh because there wasn't enough fund in or planning um I I just again I agree with Pat like you know I'm passionate I'm a third generation Floridian I'm really passionate about our history and um and I'm not feeling like it's being correctly respected here any other comments can can I just make one comment I was just um reading through the secretary of the interior's guidance for you you know restoration Rehabilitation preservation there's four levels um but it does not unless I'm mistaken and couldn't find it but it does not specifically even address Cocina it does address masonry brick you know stucco terracotta specifically and it mostly addresses buildings so it talks about so there's not a lot of specific guidance for how you do a coina structure because they're sort of unique I mean we have a number of them in Florida but it is sort of unique um and it says you know where it talks about masonry and that sort of thing to not to not clean it unless it's absolutely necessary so while it may look like it has been a badly maintained you know Public Works project I'm not sure that's the case the best treatment of it is to not over clean it that sort of thing because the more you do it the more it deteriorates it so I just I just wanted to point that out that you know there are standards in there but they're very sort of minor there's not a lot of specifics in there about the coina um and I think that's why the need to have stone masons that deal with cookina you know the ones the few that have built these structures and that are dying out and that that maintain them and it's my understanding we do have that person on this project you know that knows how to cut the stone how to place the stone how to carefully put it back so I just I just you know understand your comments and appreciate them I just wanted to make that point just as a point of clarification and information um you know to you if that if that helps at all thank you any other comments do we have any motion guess not so perhaps we have a sense of urgency yeah we agree it's emergency get the get get get it together and bring it back I think that's probably the recommendation of all the committee members do you want that in the form of a motion that uh we support the project but we require additional information before we particularly with historic AR Tech before we can commit County funds to this I think that's excellent does anybody second that what we want a set of plan a set of plans forward that respect value and as aural dire is that a motion yes do have a second all those in favor I I any opposed that motion carries so one of the things I'll just I'm planting the seed because I I don't want they don't to have to do all of the work but likely this will be an exceptional Grant when it comes back um based on what we're talking about we know how historic projects go so just want to plant that seed with the committee to be prepared for that I would hate to see them do all the work all want this to be successful that's what we're trying to get to yes ma'am yeah yeah abely I thought the motion reflected that it was of value to us yes yes yes I'm I I that's very clear to I'm just planting the seed that it will be back as an exceptional Grant possibly right and that's fine if it's an exceptional Grant what we're concerned about is the Integrity of this historic piece and seeing that restored as opposed to just budgetary oh we only have X amount of dollars so this is what you get you know yes sir we want that historic I get I'm not I'm not disputing what you're saying I get it and I hear you I'm [Laughter] just I'm not with you we want to say yes however yeah yeah I get it thank you bet thank you we want to see you back with plans yes okay all right uh item three on new business today is the 2024 2025 Echo calendar um that was submitted to you guys uh I do have one correction to the calendar um it's Thursday July 10th not Thursday July 12th other than that all the other dates on the calendar um so we don't meet again until after the New Year that's correct calendar okay yep okay yep so our technical applications would be due in November for this upcoming cycle uh final submitt would be due in December and then we would run into our first meeting on Wednesday January 15th 25 all right staff comments staff comments we'll need uh just a motion to approve the calendar oh oh yeah have a motion to approve I'll make that motion I'm sorry suprem like the motion needs to include the change to the 10th correct I'll make that motion uh with the amended date and Pat worthy you second the motion all those in favor say I I I oppos motion car Ares okay staff comments all right staff comments so I'll start with uh what we discussed at the last meeting was you guys wanted some more information on the echo strategic plan so I think I got some good news for you here today to discuss uh the new strategy um that staff has come up with to move forward with the Strategic plan uh So the plan now is to take task one of the initial strategic plan and it'll go out for an RFQ through purchasing which we've actually submitted this past week to uh reach out to see if we can get some bids on the on task one only for our strategic plan in task one was uh strategic planning for the Environ for Echo projects and the deliverable for that plan was a long range vision and imple implementation plan to guide ekko's development and resource allocation through 201 40 so we've put that out um it should go through purchasing intake and we should have it out for bid by the end of November do we know that purchasing reviewed what's happening in other communities in Florida to see what firms might be appropriate so that the RFQ is sent specifically to firms to be solicited correct and we also if you guys have any that you guys want to suggest to us we can reach out to purchasing and have them reach out to those specific uh counties or other places that have done this in the past so you do have a list of firms that are prospects we do yes thank you we're confident we will find someone for task one very good all right so the second part of the Strategic plan was to an analysized Grant process and recommend process improvements moving forward uh the deliverable for this task would be a recommended uh modified process for applicants and staff that is Con informed by the consultant's experience and stakeholder feedback so we are in the process of of working uh with uh a vendor now that is uh hoping to get on contract with us for this specific piece um for task two and then for task three to improve marketing moving forward we have a continu in contract with aqua marketing uh through the county now that we plan on using um we've reached out to them last week so we're waiting for them to deliver a scope and a fee associated with that scope and then we can move forward and create a task assignment so we've now broken the Strategic plan into three separate items moving forward we we've separated them into three separate tasks the way the county procurement process works as we have continuing contractors that we can use through task assignments and so for number two and three um that's what our goal is so we'll use aquam marketing for number three I think the feedback we got from folks was you're asking for a firm with three different skill sets to do one project and we we heard that and so we broke it into three it's the same the same scope that this committee has looked at multiple times um we're confident that we have someone for task one um task two is um very close I would say is um we had our final presentation yesterday from the vendor but it is a complete Grant management software from the very beginning of application everyone will have a login it's what the state D uses it's a Salesforce product and it's a complete Grant Management program so we will not have a 150 notebooks up on the second floor anymore associated with the the grants um but it will automate everything the annual reports there will be a dashboard you all will have logins to look at the project it will be realtime information transferred to our dashboard as well so it will be a completely integrated program is the goal um now does that solve some of our process issues or as I've said before you know I get feedback all of the time from our main primary grant writers that it's very very difficult um to write an echo Grant so we're going to convene a focus group of some folks including you to see what is really necessary you know one of the things that we've went to is and when we're talking about the budget you know is being more 10,000 foot view rather than this is for electrical sockets because if you change that line then we've got to come to council and we've got to come here so um we're making tweaks around the edges that staff can do to make it a more friendly process I would say um my observation is that just like we do after every two years we look at the the process and we add rules um but we never take any away so if you if you continue or adding to the plate you should be taking stuff away that's not that important anymore um so we'll come to you with a report from that focus group when we convene it uh with some recommendations but we plan to hopefully make that part of our our recommendations to Council in the next spring can I ask a question about funding the council only allowed what 50,000 75 75 they didn't allow 75 okay so can we do all this within that framework so by doing the task assignments have we already spent that money and we're just using them yeah the it we'll fund the task assignments okay yep okay um I've been pretty vocal about task number two and my frustration in that the the Grant application would come before us incomplete and was that because the grant was too hard as maybe some suggested or or what you know why why was that happening but I felt it was putting us as committee members in a difficult situation just as this morning you know we're looking at this emergency Grant and it's not really ready and so it puts us in a difficult position so um I believe you said it's Salesforce and and that's the online portal that would be the Grant I think as important as as that which I think it sounds wonderful um I've completed many online grants um through the state and and National um processes is is the clarification for the applicant and I think that that's going to be in the process that you you could could get from the focus group um I think we also need to look very close L at other communities that are doing this very thing um successfully and is that part of that focus group to to we we can definitely make it a part of the focus group yes I mean I think that you know we don't need to reinvent the wheel we can look at things that are working quite well in in other Florida communities um that have that seem to have streamlined the process and identifying municipalities as opposed to small nonprofit Cafe and coffee shops because there's a difference um you know we're looking at at this exceptional status Grant well the cost of materials is going to make a lot of things exceptional that maybe aren't really exceptional that's just the cost of materials and so I think that there's a lot of the format and structure that needs to be considered in this and I'd like to think that we as committee members will be included in in part of that but just in in moving forward to utilize some of the experience of other other um governments that issued this type of Grant anyone else I just want to say that I'm pleased that we're moving forward I will continue to look for ways that we can handle those large projects and make sure as we did today encourage this is exciting project it's not quite ready for us yet but I want to make sure that we have a way to relay that and to build that expectation so that some projects take longer term planning and funding and I want to be in a position that we can do that so thank you for taking this forward taking the tasks apart and uh getting started so okay uh next in your notebooks uh you've been provided uh the quarter 3 reports uh they came into US October 15th so we wanted to provide them to you so that way you guys had them the next report would be for Q4 we would get that January 15th so we present that to you at the uh January 30th meeting so the Bold ones Daniel are the ones who Clos so the Bold projects are complete um and then the projects that are on the bottom the five that have the asteris uh those were projects that just got approved uh for the July 16th 2024 dce updated plan so that's why you do not see a second quarter report because they were approved in the third quarter could I might make a recommendation for the future yes ma'am could we just the ones that are uh dce projects just you know parenthesize them on the on the list just just so so just DC parentheses because I'm I'm I'm looking at this and okay there's a lot of Environmental Management resource stewardship Parks and Recreation and mixed in with them are the projects that have come to us through a regular traditional process so I guess I'm TR trying to how about we put one on one side and the other on the other side yeah I was going to say we could separate them out we'll give you the regular standard and exceptional grants and then put DC on a on a separate sheet hasn't come before us yet are you going to DC DC that the Motocross facility it was it was approved it was it was reviewed by this committee it had 3.5 million in it I don't remember that we didn't approve it that is correct you just reviewed the DC yeah we didn't okay the DC is not in there because it's it's tentatively October 1st of 2 of of this past budget year so you won't see a report on that until the following quarter that was last be correct when we had that before us and we were told we weren't going to vote on it it was just reviewing yes yeah yeah when you I think it was the meeting before last yeah it was couple meetings ago we were delighted yeah that's ridiculous other questions about any of the projects I did do we have an update on the um new samna beach um skate park and the Civil historic school they look like they've not made a lot of progress while the skate park am I if I'm reading correctly has not made any all right so the design complete from the last quarter there's there's been some movement as the the the the skate park the contractor has been CH Chosen and they've had two Community stakeholder meetings and the design has been finalized for that project for the skate park um for Seville um I know that we issued them a notice to proceed with their construction so they have started some of the construction for that project and their design is complete so they didn't have any design complete last quarter it looks like and this quarter it's 100% complete so thank you you guys lit the fire under these applicants thank you I think the council did too and US say staff we were talking to the ones that are on this list regularly to see where they're at and you know once they send in their report we reach out and and kind of try to guide them to the finish line per se and Performing Arts after they had their problems that's not part of art I see compl and they're they're under repair now but that's not anything to do with us well it is an echo Grant and they're on the list here as completed um we're waiting for them to reopen once they reopen in November is the plan we would go out and do a final site visit and then we would mark them off as being firmly completed you can always ask about any Echo project we'll be happy to you know get an update or provide information to committee members we get that often any other questions no okay all right few more things here we have a ribbon cutting on October 27th uh which is a Sunday at 2 o'clock at the Daytona Playhouse and then we also have a ribbon cutting on Halloween October 31st at 9:00 a.m. uh with the city of Delan for the Alabama Greenway extension project yeah yeah yeah it's a new one for me it's going to be right at the corner I have the it's going to be the corner of Minnesota and Garfield so there's a ston parking lot it's if you guys remember it's where those of you that were on the committee it's where we met for the site visit the otherwise that there's a small kind of is it a shell parking lot or it's paid parking lot on the corner there so you can park okay I must have missed that could you resend me that information of course thank you you and so are you saying that the Alabama Greenway is complete cuz I went by it the other day and I don't didn't look complete to me um it's all the way to 92 yes as far as uh they should have what they submitted to us drive it it didn't look complete said it was complete on the 15th of this month it looks good does it not what I looked at so there's another sidewalk project going going on I think around the corner from the school and I'm not sure but I don't know could you send me the information on been cutting um and then lastly uh I know you guys have asked about the master Trails update um Tim couldn't make the last meeting so we are going to add him into the January so he'll give you a master Trails plan on the amenities the $500,000 that you guys requested will be at the the next meeting and that's all I have for staff comments today today any questions for anyone for Dan no advisory committee comments Jay uh no comments okay no comments Stephanie I just want to thank again the city of Daytona Beach I understand I know You' put a lot of effort and work into this and we we really do want to see this um historic Archway brought back to its historical significance and then kept that way so I do appreciate the time you've put in and and hope that you will you will bring that back and um and also to staff for um I I know I personally have been very vocal about this application process and I appreciate the time that you're putting into that I think it's really important not for for the community for you and for us as committee members um to review this process so thank you for that no comments com I want to thank Daytona for coming come back to us you know we all see this is a worthwhile project it probably will cost more than you anticipate and and we do want to see it done thank you and thank you for staff at that meeting is adjourned is an they her for like two more hours it usually does take forever oh good good good good okay so from June 25 then what is okay okay got I hope I live till I long okay okay that's great news um really quickly on the the Miami Corp hunting lease I'm trying to understand what and I I guess I need to call Miss dangle Danielle yeah um something something's wrong there I don't know what I'm just telling you that that that that uh people I'm talking to are very concerned about the increase in the feeding area and I didn't get an answer on that so they did offer to give me a tour which I'm going to take because I'm not hearing good things anyway about them taking down trees and that kind of stuff but uh I am still concerned about the email that came to me serpenti justly by the way uh so I had put put that in the mix but I feel pretty good about where it came from and um I don't think that I get a real answer so I sent that back to Danielle many last night saying I I'm don't think this was answered my concern okay so just so you know D might come to you yeah yeah I'm sorry but there's an issue with the feeding area that they've expanded the feeding area and I I've even sent the email to playay Henderson clay was originally involved in that stuff and he's not sure that he understands exactly what we're looking for so understand I'm maybe on a wild goose here but um I need to yeah they did okay okay which is my concern about Ours by the way I haven't given up on that um my son is said there is a good example in one of the other counties and supposed to send me their policy on that how to um get the public on that property for hunting which would that happen to go through a private club that doesn't advertise that's that's something me it feels very private and um but I where so so what does that include where does that go for the lease but but then how how does the lease get managed by they bid they bid for lease and then they go out and get their friends yeah but that's my concern they fill the members it's not it's not public the process yeah I mean they fill with their friends so unless you're a friend of the lease holder you don't know about it because otherwise otherwise you would you would have to lease the entire I mean you could as an individual do that but if you just wanted to be part of a of a Hunt Club you couldn't because they don't advertise e e e e e e for