##VIDEO ID:g8jeI8C4RhU## hope e e e e check check check one two e e [Music] for e e e e a mandatory Workshop I appreciate you guys coming uh everyone can hear me virtually as well we just give Ashlin that thumbs up all right so uh I'm Daniel Marsh I'm the echo manager um we also have Nick Dunham who is the uh resource stewardship director and then we have Jill Markham who's the echo administrative specialist here with us today so we'll be presenting uh the majority of the PowerPoint that we're going through uh if you do have any questions just if you're virtual uh just raise your hand or or give a thumbs up and Ashlin will unmute you and then you can go ahead and ask your question and we'll try to get it answered for you same in the audience you guys got a question just raise your hand and we'll stop and answer your questions okay all right so just a little background about Echo um this was a a citizen uh approved referendum that was approved in 2020 um 72% of the voters uh voted for Echo to move forward um so we're Echo here for another 20 years uh on the ballot till 2040 uh These funds uh we use the funds to finance acquisition uh restoration construction or Improvement or projects that are used for the echo categories which are environmental cultural historic and outdoor uh Recreation uh so I'll touch on the uh four categories here just to give you kind of an idea of the type of projects uh in each category so for environmental uh these projects offer valuable opportunities to engage with ecological experiences throughout vucha County uh some of these projects include the environmental Learning Center Riverside Conservancy living Shoreline and the Marine Discovery Center for cultural projects we're looking uh for projects that provide opportunities to to explore and appreciate diverse cultural experiences including music dance Art Theater creative writing painting sculpture folk Arts um some uh examples of this would be Museum of Art and Sciences Children's Museum uh we also have the Peabody Auditorium and then art art house in uh Port Orange that's uh at the Port Orange Rec Center uh for historical projects those facilitate the preservation of historical resources while providing educational and enjoyable experiences related to historic landmarks throughout vucha County some of these projects include the Pioneer settlement for Creative Arts and the Enterprise Heritage Museum uh and then outdoor projects which we have the bulk of our projects are outdoor about 150 projects there um examples are West cryle and day and Deltona lemon Bluff boat ramp and pona and South Daytona um these are outdoor activities which can include baseball soccer uh walking trails uh kayaks and and much more um I do encourage you to go on to uia.org uh backo and visit the echo dashboard um that's where we have uh transparency where you can see all of our 278 projects that are in the Echo program now all right so now I'll touch on um standard projects so standard projects could be anywhere from 12,500 minimum to $600,000 Max um it is a onetoone match for those projects and we do require Public Access after two years from the grant award and then the maximum you can receive for the lifetime of that Grant is 3.1 million and then we also have an exceptional project so an exceptional project is anything over $600,000 to the max of $2.5 million for an exceptional project uh the required match is also one: one and the public access for an exceptional Grant is three years versus the two years for a standard project so an exceptional project what we're looking for an exceptional um is is the project Paramount or crucial countywide importance and it must be determined by a 34 majority vote of the echo advisory committee so we have nine members so we must have seven to approve exceptional status and what we're looking for is narrative to address why the project is considered in exceptional uh we're looking for a ro a robust feasibility study and marketing plan and then evidence showing um that the project has is going to serve a significantly large number of people so some examples that we have uh for exceptional projects right now uh we have moaz the West Wing uh reconstruction project uh Earl Brown Park improvements pona and then Alabama Greenway extension project here in Dand okay so now I'm going to turn it over to Jill Markham who's going to run through uh the applicant eligibility good morning I want to go over like you said the applicant eligibility uh requirement ments for an Echo Grant um the people that can apply are the ficia County government municipalities within fuchia County and not for profits that are registered 501 c3s in the State of Florida and have been for at least two years the applicant if you've received a prior Grant you must have have uh satisfied all the requirements um you must again provide Echo related services and agree to the required match in addition we have a requirement to pass a Clean Hands report what that means is that you cannot owe the county any money or have any code violations against any against you or any of your board members as well we run that before we go to County Council I would encourage you to run one yourself we have the form online on our website that if you do it yourself early and a problem pops up that will give you time to correct whatever that issue is prior to applying for the grant oh okay the next portion is the project eligibility the biggest thing in Echo is public access these projects were voted on in order to provide projects that can be accessed and enjoyed by the citizens of Lucha County as well as those outside the project must be accessible uh for a period of 20 years uh an unrestricted Covenant is placed over the property for that period of 20 years uh you must show ownership of the property and it or whether that's a deed or a lease lease must be for the entire 20 years if the project is on property that is owned by the state you must have a agreement with them for use for a period of 20 years as well as documentation for them agreeing to that 20-year Covenant accessibility requirements those are for the Ada uh portions of your project of course you have to meet all of those requirements um if you are a historic building you still have to have Ada access but some of those rules are a little different if you are on the register either locally or federal our state our match requirements for these grants are always one to one um what that means is your match must match whatever it is that you're requesting so if you're asking for $200,000 you have to have $200,000 as part of your match um allowable match and documentation requirements um unencumbered cash for governments and municipalities you have to have at least 50% unencumbered cash for not for profits that varies a little bit and I'll go over that in a second um the other option is previously spent cash that must be spent in a peri the last period of seven years and must be specifically for the project that you're applying for not just for your organization um in kind Services yes sir M yes no no if you've had uh the question was that if you've had a previous uh Echo Grant can use this exper the um sorry the expenses for that Grant as previously spent cash and answer is no um again you have to match that 5050 for an Echo Grand and if you're reusing that amount that we've already paid for that's not going to be a 50/50 Grant your initial one isn't okay so unfortunately no you can't use that um the other allowable match would be in kind services and again in that case it would have to be within the last s years and it would have to be specifically for the project that you're applying for in order to show um ink kind Services as as backup you'll need um information official information of what was donated whether that be time or materials um if it's time you'll need to show the cost or the equivalent cost cost of whatever uh that business would be for instance we've had projects that used Master Gardeners so in order to get that match for Master Gardeners they have to look up what is the average rate what is what is that time worth and that again can only go back s years the final match allowed is land match that can only be 25% of your overall Grant and it can be used for future grants as well up until you've used 100% of the value of that property and the value is set at the time you used it the first time so if it's $200,000 now and in a year or two that value goes up to 500,000 for the purposes of this grant you can still only use that $200,000 and again that is only allowable for 25% of your overall match now the not for profit match like I said it's a little different and that's based on your organization type and the size what you run on annually is what it's looked at oh I'm sorry yeah that's fine so for yes ma'am on the endind um um service portion of it would that be like the concrete that might be um if somebody donated it yes ma'am okay and building someone a contractor comes in and renovates the building again yes ma'am land would that be the city already owns the land and there's a building on it would that land be no okay I own it you wouldn't be able to use that as land match okay that's good thank you okay for a large not for propit running on $500,000 And1 and up a year you have the same 5050 match as the government does for midsize not for profit running on $500,000 to $250,000 per year your unencumbered cash match would be 30% of your Grant so it goes down your previously spent cash or in kind will be variable based on on what you use for your cash match um land value can be used for not for-profit as long as you own the land um and that stays at a limit of 25% for small not for-profit running on less than $250,000 annually your unencumbered cash match would be 20% of what you're requesting and again the previously spent cash would vary um due to that and the land value is stays at 25% so so for those of you that are here in your packet there is a sample match scenarios that you have in your packet that identifies this a little bit clearer for you the ones that are attending virtually that's what we had on the screen for you so you can follow along um but that way you guys can see the differences of what the matches are uh depending on what classification you may be Hey Joe before you start Daniel um Mark has a question so Mark you are available to unmute your mic and ask your question I'm sorry can you repeat that yeah is the land value how oh my goodness is land value what I'm sorry Mark we are having um audio difficulties right now so I'm going to um pass my phone to Jill for for you to repeat your question again I do apologize what's your question is the value amount appr information it can be the question was if the land value could be taken from the Property Appraiser's office and yes you do have that option it would be up to you as to whether you use the numbers from the Property Appraiser's office or if you wanted to have a survey and have it valued that way is that help Mar he can't hear you we're having okay we've gone over the funding requests and how the match has been broken down the next section would be the match documentation for match documentation if you are a municipality you have to submit a resolution from your city government um saying that that amount of money has been set aside for this specific project for a not for-profit you have to show proof of cash match by using your bank account we need your bank statement if you have a pledge you have to it has to be written and documented as an irrevocable pledge and it must be in the bank by the time of the grant review panel meeting so you can include that paperwork in your application and it will be counted towards your match as long as before that meeting it's actually in the bank um the in Services I discussed a little bit about um using the cost of the materials and also um work work served for materials that have been donated uh you would need documentation from the person that donated it that lists what that material was and how much it was worth okay for previously spent cash um you would need yes sir if for instance um our architect reduce the fee with the statement from the architect or the bill from the architect showing the reduction and then the final amount does that constitute documentation it does you would need to sub both that invoice and also a an official document from the architect saying I donated $5,000 of my time for this project which really goes over what I was gonna go over next no that's awesome um so again anything that is is uh donated we have to have documentation for that includes uh official documents for the in-kind services um that does count uh donations and again also um the amount of money that the time of that worker is worth and you can get that if if there's a regular job like the um Master Gardeners I mentioned that's going to be easy to find um the other if it's just somebody that is pouring the concrete or installing tiles that's something that you would need to to look for an average cost of how much it would cost to have that done if you were going to pay for it and you need to have that documentation and again it will need to be assigned uh documentation as well for land match you need a copy of the deed um or and the appraised value um when you turn that in you will also have to provide the legal description of the property where it is that will be on the Property Appraiser's website as well okay and then for least land on State Property again you would need that agreement from the owner of the property the state saying that you have a lease that lasts 20 years and that they recognize and will honor the restrictive covenant that's filed back to Daniel all right so I'll go over the uh application process kind sign uh some important dates that need to be known uh for the process here so we're at the mandatory Workshop today um the technical application would be due November 7th by 3 p.m. uh when your technical application is submitted to the staff we will review your application we will provide feedback we'll reach out to you and let you know and give you kind of a summary an analysis of what we saw in your application to help you and and improve your application moving forward um that usually takes us about a week or two to get back to you and then we give it we'll send it back and then you guys will apply for your final application which is due December 12th by 3 pm Once you turn in your final application there can be no changes to the application after it's submitted um then you'll go to a an eligibility meeting where we'll come out to the actual site uh take a tour of your facility the advisory committee comes there as well that gives you uh a chance about five minutes or so give a brief presentation on your project and the advisory committee may ask a few questions while we're there uh then we have an A a grant review panel that's actually where your application gets scored by the advisory committee um we have provided you guys a sample score sheet so what your application is scored off of is in your packet here with you today um these dates have not been determined yet um we are bringing our uh tenative Echo calendar to our advisory committee uh on the 10th of next week um that's where they'll decide and confirm some dates moving forward for the 2025 uh cycle once we have those dates we will provide them to you for those that attended here and then we'll also post them on the websites that way the calendar is is on our website um once uh the grant review panel is done we're looking for a score of an 80 so any any projects that is 80 or above get recommended to council if for some reason the project is 80 or below we will still send that project to council and then they make the final decision on that project all right so for 2025 we made a few tweaks to the application so I I listed those changes here um we numbered the applications um they used to be in sections you know one to seven and then we'd start the new section numbered um we just decided to number the whole application to make it easier so you knew what question we were referencing during the review uh we changed the type of project from renovation to Improvement to meet the ballot language uh we moved the funding request up into the application just so that way uh as you start writing your application uh the application does get lengthy so we want to make sure we can find that funding requests uh and the match requirement there um we did add three questions into to the application um those were based on green infrastructure and sustainability um so we're looking at how does your project conserve water uh and energy and promote renewable energy and then also meet the Green Building standards and certification um those when you do go on to the application we do provide the Green Building standards there for you so if you click the link it'll it'll take you to those standards um we also remove the permanent Echo sign as a required drawing document from from the application so it's still going to be required but we won't do that until post construction so you don't need to let us know where you're putting the sign things may change during the construction process so we took that out as a required document uh in the drawings all right so the next slides are kind of going to go order and Order of the application um so that way you guys can follow along in the application that's in your packet today um so we're looking for your applicant information type of project where it's located what category does it fit in is it an acquisition is it an improvement is it a new construction project um and we also asked for the funding request all right then we go into your project description uh give us a construction timeline um your green infrastructure and sustainability standards we're looking for uh you know public uh access to your facility as well as Ada and then if there's any additional phases that you may have for for your project uh then you'll give us a project ma team and management team and then your performance measures uh goals and objectives that are related to this current project all right then we asked for Budget information um your budget detail chart um so what we're looking for here is must be line items related to the different aspects of your project so we've given you um a budget detail chart that kind of shows you the different categories of what we're looking for uh mobilization earthwork concrete playground equipment um the budget is broken down into the four categories that Jill touched on earlier uh previously spent Cash unencumbered Cash Land match and in-kind services and then we also encourage you guys to put in the temporary and permanent sign as part of the budget as well so the projects that we've seen recently that have come in the temporary sign are ranging anywhere from $500 to $1,000 for temporary signs the permanent signs are coming in in anywhere from $5,000 to $6,000 for the signs so sometimes we get you know a lot of budgets that only have $2,000 or you know $2,500 for the sign the price of the sign is has jumped up with everything else in the world right to about that5 to $6,000 range this year so you would so the question was they already have a a permanent sign on a part of their building and they're adding an an additional uh Pavilion or to the to the to a new project so yes there would be a new required sign that's correct y all right so we're going to go in a little bit more detail uh of the of the budget chart here so what we're looking for is an overall uh so on the screen here we have what is an incorrect budget chart so this kind of gives us like construction is listed at 500,000 well we need to know what is being constructed in the project so we need an itemized budget that shows what makes up that $500,000 so we would need it to be detailed with the line items specifically we don't need need to know specifically in the construction uh you know if you're if you're paying for um concrete and surfacing right we don't need you to list $25,000 for concrete we just need you to total everything up for us to get to that $500,000 so that way you have interior construction excavation and concrete those three categories will total up to the $500,000 the um information that we put there General requirements Construction Specialties they may not apply to your Grant those are just examples of things that may be a part of it so you can get rid of those you can add different ones as needed and we use this budget detail chart so that when we're going back so if your project gets approved for reimbursement requests so when Jill goes through she's matching and identifying that these things were associated with your budget so we can issue reimbursements for your project all right and then Jill's going to touch on uh the match documentation a little bit more and the restricted Covenant okay the match documentation we already went over um if you have any questions about that you can ask them now um or at the end of the meeting and of course you can call us any time during this process uh the restrictive covenants what that is is is a 20year promise uh contract that you're going to use that facility that land that project for Echo purposes that there will be Public Access it it will go in it basically commits you to keeping this grant in place for 20 years that does have to be we would get that to you after the grant has been approved we would give you the template for the restrictive covenant you would have to have that signed and filed with the clerk of the court and then return that to us no it's not you won't do that until you're approved you wouldn't want to make that kind of Commitment if if you didn't actually receive the grant Daniel I got you next I can do it okay all right so also as part of the application requirement is a business plan feasibility study and marketing plan so uh these three plans are definitely uh reviewed thoroughly by our Echo advisory committee they are looking for these plans um they must be you know specific to vucha County so A business plan is your future objectives and strategies for achieving them the feasibility study is your plan to provide a clear roadmap for the organization and then a marketing plan which just outlines your advertising strategy your organization will Implement during the whole 20year restrictive covenant then we have a uh fiscal St uh stability chart which shows uh your past present and projected operating information uh this uh review includes the organization or Department local government uh includes your funding and costs associated with the project now this must be completed for the prior year um the current fiscal year and then the upcoming two fiscal years not for-profits May reflect the use of endowments to demonstrate the fiscal stability um and then in the audit uh the financial audit process uh municipalities must provide a link to their financial statement so on the application you'll just link um your gasby or um not Prof not Prof uh for profit it requirement is determined by the organization's size so just refer back to the size of your organization yes let me uh yeah if you need to add lines in there that's fine we we just that's our template that we have for you but if you do have other stuff that's in there and you want to provide that information to us then yeah absolutely yeah you would need to Total it up for us correct yeah yeah you can throw in another category yeah so the question was if they can add to uh the fiscal stability chart so we we just gave a template there so you can add uh or delete things that aren't necessarily required for your specific uh entity all right that next we get to the required drawings so all drawings construction documents are reviewed by the vucha County engineering and Construction Division so they provide once those drawings are submitted during the technical review process we send them immediately over to to that Department here in the county and they review those documents um to make sure that you have what you need if you are missing something then we get back to you and say hey you're missing your site survey or your site plan or you know this isn't included in this specific drawing and uh the things we're looking for is current drawing of the facility uh site survey your street locator map which just gives you your physical location of where where you're at uh uh we're looking for your site plan which includes uh civil drawing water retention drainage and circulation and then there's a tree and topography drawing as well and then you'll need your preliminary and schematic drawings uh just a general model of your floor plan showing the location of your project elements so for instance if you have a playground that's going in we would need to know the specific project elements and where they're located for the project uh there's also a Florida friendly landscape plan and then for design and development documents uh we'll need to know the selection of materials and Engineering Systems involved and then a lot of time people forget about the detailed cost estimat so also need that to be provided for for the project and what sustainable environmental materials you're using and then of course a bid set of plant or architectural and Engineering documents Daniel we have a question on teams Britney Council good morning good morning so my question is um I see up here for Florida from the landscape plan so for those that need that plan are they to come to the extension office for us to work on that how do how are they being recommended to go about obtaining that if that's something that that program so there's also a link uh for that uh uh Florida Finly landscape plan on the application okay cool thank you so for the construction documents we're looking for written and graphic instructions uh we should focus on the specifications of the project the floor plans The Building Systems the ele elevations uh and then we're looking for Ada information as as well and then we also uh in the applications a certification of information and compliance and this must be executed by officials with appropriate Authority for contracts either a CFO or Board of Directors for the nonprofits any questions on any of the required documents yes for non for for non for-profit yes all right so again these slides just show give you the important dates again November 7th by 3 p.m. um this is where your technical application is due and then we'll provide feedback and review the application we'll get it back to you and then the the final application is due by December 12th and then no alterations or uh deficiencies can be corrected at that time and then we talked about the tour and eligibility meeting that date will be given once we know what it is and we'll come out uh to your site and that's where we'll answer you know give a brief presentation and we'll answer uh your questions and then the grant review panel um is is mandatory so both of these are mandatory moving forward in the process and then we'll score the applications and applications scoring 80 or above will be recommended to the County Council and then Jill's going to touch on the uh award process y yes yep so the question was after the site visit uh we'll come back to County council chambers uh for the project to be to be uh scored and that is correct that's usually a very long day because we'll need to go to Every site for each application you have the opportunity then to give a short presentation 10 minutes the advis committee will ask questions on site if they have any and then we move to the next site and do the same thing so the eligibility meeting we do schedule it for a time sometimes that runs a little late um of course we can't we plan as best as we can it will definitely not happen before that time but it may be late so it and it is mandatory like he said for you all to be there and I did miss be it's not to be scored it's just to determine eligibility at that meeting it's a y or nay vote so the award process is next um you will after you've been determined uh your score has been 80 or above you'll be required to execute an echo Grant agreement and that will be executed prior to it going to County Council once the council approves your project they'll immediately um execute that document and that's when we will send you um your restrictive covenant to take care of um and you'll need to provide any management agreements um the documents required before beginning construction will be your bid documents your performance bond um naming fuia County as a co-obligate uh what that means is for those of you who who aren't sure um it means that if the contractor um bails on you for some reason he has to pay you back and you of course will have to pay us back for any money we've given you I'll tell you that's never happened um but but it is there just in case um after that you have your performance bond and your restrictive covenants return to us that's when you'll be issued a notice to proceed so that just means we've got everything that we need and you can get started with construction any work that happens prior to the notice to proceed being issued cannot be allowed for match um for for the grant it won't be uh reimbursed for [Music] that the contractor yes ma'am we can help if you need to but any contractor should have to um give a performance bond uh the the difference would be naming us on it as well we have have a question from the teams meeting Gregory Jones you may unmute your mic thank you I'm just trying to find the the notes so I can uh the you keep sometimes you guys refer to charts and uh I want to print it out so I have it in front of me absolutely after this Workshop has been completed we will be posting those documents on online uh by the end of today so that you can have the have access to them yeah I I will also be emailing everybody that's registered to that em to your email address that's listed so you'll have those documents right after this meeting does that answer your question sir yes ma'am and I appreciate it thank you very much no problem before we move on we have another question okay um Stacy hi um can you review the ADA requirements um especially if it's like a historic um if it qualifi qualifies from the historic perspective um is that like you have to that information I'm sorry oh just because that's something something that um unlike a historic property that could be challenging right all that information is on the website of the Secretary of Interiors uh website um and they go over what you can and can't do as far as as the historic um property goes um some historic um you could lose your your uh designation if you don't pay attention to what is allowed by the Secretary of interiors and what is not so right now you could access that yourself or of course you could contact us and we'll go over things in detail for you okay thank you and and we also have some verbiage in our guide book on page eight that that specifies uh Ada okay thank you and sunny you can um unmute your mic yeah uh good morning uh my question is in regards to the technical application um the drawings required for that are the drawings required for the technical application the complete list of drawings that you have they are sir on there so that okay so that includes everything from I mean it really ends up being good set level of plans yes sir it does okay okay I just wanted to clarify that thank you okay the projects are to be shovel ready and one of the best opportunities with an echo Grant is that technical review I've worked with grants my entire career and this is the only grant program that I've ever been involved with that offered a technical review and the um what that does um as as Daniel mentioned is we go through the those application with a fine tooth comb and we give you a report and we contact you so we'll talk to you about it on the phone and anything that is missing uh we'll let you know uh maybe a section could be beefed up a little bit we might have um examples of verbi that that would be a little better just anything that could push you over the edge when it comes time for the final review so that's why those uh technical applications have to be 100% complete and if you guys do visit the dashboard like we talked about earlier and you do see a project that may be similar to what you guys are doing reach out we'll send you the uh the application that we received from that prior project as as well um as far as bid documents go local governments must uh follow their procurement rules for for each city um and of course for the county um all other Grant applicants um just provide us documentation of the bid process when you turn those in the next is publicity requirements okay um the valua county logo must appear on the project and applicant website as soon as it's awarded and it has to be included on any media uh whether that be print or electronic within 90 days of the award we of course will provide you uh that logo in addition uh your temporary sign must be erected within 90 days and the language for those temporary signs is in the guide book during the construction phase um you have to remember that for a standard Grant uh your limit is two years for an exceptional Grant it's three years from the date of the agreement execution um we do have options uh for project extensions scope changes or budget changes when you get into your project maybe you realize that you were going to use vinyl but tile is better we can help you with that um if you've put $100 in one light item and you realize that maybe you only need 50 there but you need 100 elsewhere then we'll work on you with the budget change those are all official they have to be requested and there are documents that that we have that are used for that those requests usually go before the advisory committee and before the County Council and what determines whether or not they go there is the extent of the change I can change as I'm doing your budget change uh reimbursements I can approve up to 20% overage in a l line item anything over that does have to go to County Council the reporting requirements excuse me uh you will be required to turn in a quarterly report as long as you are in the construction phase uh we send those out once a quarter with instructions and a form and if you have any questions about that you can contact us it's very simple what it does is it allows us to know where you are within the project you'll need to provide the percentage of design uh the percentage of construction are you halfway through or are you only 10% sent through uh that's what that's what that does it also lets us know um if you're having any issues that you haven't spoken with us about um it it just contains information that we can use to help you and also to be transparent for the citizens to let them know that the project is progressing we do monitoring visits during the construction period it's got at least twice a year I usually go more often than that um and if there's something that you need us to see um all you have to do is let us know and of course we would come out for that as well your post construction requirements I spoke a little bit about the scope changes um that's the same process after the grant is complete say you put in a splash pad and five years down the road you realize that that splash pad is just not going to work maybe it's old and they don't make the parts anymore maybe you're having trouble with it breaking down every two weeks and you're having to spend a lot of money to get it fixed so you've decided that you want to replace that splash pad with a playground there's a method for you to request that change to us which again would go to the um advisory committee and then to County Council because that would be the change of an element in your application and you're required to keep those of course for that 20 years so you can do a scope change if you run into a problem during that 20 years uh we require annual reports for that 20-year period they're due every July 15th and as same as the quarterly reports I'll send out forms and instructions in plenty of time for you to complete those of course they ask more questions want to know about what kind of programs maybe you've had during the year um how many users have you had take advantage of your site we keep up with all of those numbers again for transparency sake and it's interesting it's it's a good way to know how these projects are working within the community and it lets us know and it also lets the citizens who voted for Echo know what's going on um the monitoring once the project is complete is uh at a Minal minimum of a tri anual basis again we may come out more often if we go out on a tri-annual basis and we find a problem of of course you would be out of compliance and we would make more often visits so that we can help you get back into compliance uh a permanent Echo sign must be installed uh at the end of the project and the language and materials are in the guide book uh so you'll know what to do if you are doing a historic project I would Conta us because there are a little bit different uh opportunities for those signs um these must be installed prior to us releasing the retainage on your pro on your project because we do hold back 10% from every reimbursement request that that you turn into me all right so here's a little uh screenshot of our dashboard so like I said I encourage you guys to visit visit the dashboard and look at other projects that we have we got 278 total projects 153 out outdoor 26 environmental 49 cultural and 50 historical projects so you can go through the tabs and look at those specific project types and look at something that may be similar to what you're trying to do and like I said you can request that application and we'll get it over to you uh this is just to give transparency to the citizens and everyone can kind of look and see what projects are still in progress so right now we got 31 different projects that are still in progress with Echo and then whatever we get this cycle will add into the dashboard when those projects get approved yeah I also related to this encourage uh a site visit to some of these other sites you see on this dashboard that'll help you get some U good ideas of how their projects turned out uh you know where their assigned locations are at how they phase things in and uh the issues that they ran into so it's a good idea to to utilize the dashboard but also make a a site visit to these sites as well that that'll help you out through the process all right so now we're going to go over the uh submission instructions ashlin's going to put them up on the screen so we do we like I said we will put the application on the website after this meeting's over um so you'll just go on to the website click the application and it's it's autof fillable in there for you um and you'll complete the application and it's entire um the technical application is again due November 7th um you'll upload the completed application and Word format and then save it under your organization's name uh you'll scan all the attachments and upload the documents again with the organization's name if you're having an issue where the attachments are too large you may uh submit a hard copy to us providing the cover sheet um just so that way we have those you can mail those out to us or email them to us and we can we can print them and try to upload them for you uh when the application is ready for submitt uh you'll click on an application upload button and then you'll enter the password and the password is listed here for you and uh it's all uppercase and then you can log in and insert the organization name and attach your files as needed it's a separate document no you're fine yes they are so the question was if the applications are required to be submitted online and that is the yes and like I said during the process you can contact Echo staff at any time we'll help you through you know through the process if you have questions on your application you know please reach out to us that's what we're here for we want to try to get as many of your applications to the to the finish line and get approved is there any other questions on the submission instructions all right so next we'll go into the flowchart which is also provided for you here um this just gives you the the process of things that we've talked about today moving forward so your technical application into the review Into the final application uh to the grant uh review panel you know to the tour if it's eligible um or not they will vote yay or nay on your project and then if it's eligible we move on to score uh then once we score those projects they go to County Council for approval and then we go through the the grant agreements and restrictive covenants and then once we have those documents back we'll issue an ntp uh notice to proceed so you can move forward with the with the start of your project all right and that is the end of our presentation so if there's any other questions or discussion Now's the Time here right if you look in the guide book it will it will help you with that it goes through the questions and it asks for project descriptions it ask for project analysis um and and that's where you would put who you are what you want to accomplish and how and then as far as the goals go you set up why do you want this what do you want to achieve through this project and they should those goals should relate to Echo I know you may have other goals as well um but the specific ones that you list should be Echo rated goals yes ma'am yes ma'am correct y yeah so I'll give you an example of the current cycle that we're in right so we just had our grant review panel last week um and the applications got scored and so it was September 25th now those projects are going to County Council on November 19th then those projects will get appr approved hopefully by Council and then uh we will send out the documentation for you as far as the grant agreement and the restricted covenants once we get those documents back from you then we will issue you a ntp that goes out and then you can start your construction for your project so for this cycle I would anticipate uh that probably February is when we'd score um March or April would when the projects would get awarded and then I would say may may is probably would be a good timeline for when we would issue an ntp yeah not not until we have that ntp and we'll send an email out to you that says here's what we're you know now you can move forward with the ntp Here's the final documents that are remaining for that process as a yeah as a guesstimate yeah y some of that's going to depend on how quickly you get that documentation how quickly you get the documents filed and those agreements will be given prior to award so not afterward that's a new process we do have a question online Diane yes hi uh just changing gears very quickly does Echo require designated parking spots Park we require parking for for projects for certain projects right but they don't need to be lab B and available only for those participants not at all okay thank you you will be required of course to have um handicap spots within that and there's a determination who does that traffic there rules as to how many you need uh based on how many parking spaces you're putting in understood I just wanted to make sure that like the logo didn't need to be printed on a certain number of designated spots or something like that no not at all just the only the only thing Echo that it will be showing at your project would be the permanent sign got it thank you uh any other questions okay I think that's it I appreciate everyone uh coming and attending the workshop today for those that attended virtually uh like I said we will send you the documentation that the uh people that attended in-house will send that over to you via email and we'll also post uh most of the documentation on the website uh please feel free to reach out to us at any time for help moving forward okay thank you thank you we appreciate it all right thank you all for coming appreciate it y told yes know how you doing to