##VIDEO ID:pZqYB1W-LzY## there is Waters but no coffee I always sneaking coffee I'll get it yeah someone dropped from HR join the HR team how come I'm not raise oh that's as high as it goes that's no not yet I'm trying to find it oh okay everybody's here okay i' like to call this meeting to order for valua County Echo now we'd like to welcome everybody here today on can you hear me now to call this meeting to order at 8:59 um I'd like to welcome everybody here this morning and um we'd like to do a roll call Reggie stilly here Jeffrey alt here Patricia Drago John Macaluso here Stephanie Mason Teague here Pat northy Pat Patterson here Jay Pendergast here Dwight Selby here we have a quorum thank you um public participation Teresa good morning um Echo board and staff thank you all for the time that has been put in on these projects doing the eligibility tour and I know the time that you have spent reviewing each one of these projects so on behalf of the cities of DeLand Orange City Pon Inlet Port Orange and a couple of not for-profits we would like to show our support for all of those projects and ask for favorable consideration um with especially the city of Deber and the exceptional status um that is before you the other thing I wanted to bring up is is the Alabama Greenway extension is was tentatively scheduled to have the ribbon cutting next week that has been delayed um because of conflict scheduling conflicts but that will be coming to you within like the next 30 days thank you thank you Teresa thank you for all your hard work okay um has everybody had a chance to read the minutes of August 14th would anyone like to make a motion to approve or are there any changes right yeah motion to approve no oh no changes okay the minutes will be recorded as stated new business Dan all right so today we have a uh scope change request from the city of South Daytona uh in your agenda is a memo as well as uh South the city of South Daytona's request so this is for the Reed Canal Park uh scope change uh this was awarded in 2005 for 200,000 for phase two of uh Reed Canal Park which funded restrooms picnic tables uh Pavilions playground equipment grills and a recreational Trail uh they're requesting a scope chain to relocate the existing playground equipment to Ned Wagner And they also plan to introduce the new playground elements of the prehistoric uh themed playground that comes before you today to be scored uh and they're asking approval uh for this scope change p didn't we talk about them moving this equipment when we were at the we did yep at the last meeting uh Les came up and and made you guys aware that we are moving the equipment a specific scope change is that what I'm what Ian there's nothing different than that that did they're required to do this yeah just that they're adding in these other elements as well that comes before you today so we just want to make sure we did the scope change in order uh you know to to meet Echo guidelines before you guys score the today all right so Daniel if I may so we're modifying the 05 Grant the 2005 Grant yes okay so we're and by allowing them to move the playground equipment to a different Park so that they can put the new playground equipment in the current Grant correct okay all right I just want to make sure I understood thank you any other questions do I hear a m motion to approve motion to approve second all those in favor say I I any opposed motion carries okay okay okay now we will jump into uh the grant review panel uh just going to go over some procedures before we start so we will review each application individually and then we will score those uh there can be committee discussion and the opportunity to ask the applicant questions and we do have a representative here from from each application um remember we're using the new score sheet which you have in front of you which is the four pages um and then we will do a roll call to verbally call out the scores and Ashlin will put them into the Matrix as we move along uh remember the highest and lowest score will be removed from the average and then we'll collect them as we go through and then me and Nick will'll we'll do some math on the on the projects any questions we we can use our original score sheets from home if we did it at home right correct okay we don't have to use the ones that are yeah I just wanted to make sure that you guys had enough just in case there were any changes all right so next we will jump into the uh exceptional status vote um so this is where we will vote on exceptional status for the city of Deb um remember an exceptional project is a Paramount or crucial countywide importance uh which provides significantly large numbers of people in all areas of the county um when evaluating exceptional status there are some certain criteria that we look that you guys should be looking for so a robust feasibility study uh public impact uh letters of support uh marketing plan Partnerships um and we will need seven of nine uh to move this to be exceptional status today okay we ready for a roll call yeah you can do you need a motion to do we want questions or sure have any questions yeah can we have the applicant up here yeah good morning Echo board Jason shit's here the uh Parks and Recreation director for the city of DeBerry and then uh Teresa Brooks our our grant writer um thank you um what are the main differences between this Grant and the last time you submitted and I'm primarily looking for Budget um yeah so we um there there was two main uh updates we did update the budget to provide more detail so the previous application had the budget that was um from the feasibility study so more so the projections for that we went in and fine-tuned it with the um the engineers estimates and you know exactly what's going to be done where uh and then we also had the um the detailed plans that were included that were you know okay so your the kimley horn um proposal that came through your feasibility studying all that yeah gave us numbers for a completed project phase one phase two those are the impact numbers the budget that you have only deals with phase one you're missing $10 million so well that that's what the request is so that's the difference the feasibility study is the whole project long term whereas the fine-tune budget for this specific request is what's in the application yeah but you're you're asking for an exceptional status for a completed full project and there's no there's no information about where that money is coming from so you gave us a budget to match this particular Grant but you're still 10.8 101.3 million short com with their um well that that's just that's the long-term vision for the park I mean that $10 million could come over the course of the next 10 years you know we're we're not sure right now our focus is phase one uh getting the park open to the public with the amenities that are presented to you all the echogr but once again the the master plan that was presented to us and to the taxpayers shows a completed partk and we're not even we don't have a timeline for that so H how are we how are taxpayers ensured that you're going to complete this project Port Orange put a $30 million bond issue you know on their on their ballot they passed it Orman Beach now has money set aside in the general fund each year to match projects like this I I don't see any any information from you saying where this money is going to come from to complete this project well again it's it's the longterm Vision the the project that's going to be completed as far as Ekko is concerned is phase one that's the money that we're requesting that's the money the taxpayers are going to be providing towards the project up to the $5 million or $25 million match that will get the park open that'll get it completed to the point where it's open to the public and ready to go from there we just build on it as time goes you know that that's what the feasibility study is showing you it's a it's a long-term Vision so yeah I'm very familiar with what a feasibility those things will come in time but he also also makes a lot of recommendations that I don't see any action taken from the city of De yet you know recommending Partnerships Equity Partners uh sponsorships establishing a 501c3 foundation for the project to make it eligible for broader range of Grant and uh donor dollars uh creation of an endowment fund you haven't you haven't made any movement on that not at this time no no again long long-term Vision that's that's what we're we're facing there so right now we're focused on phase one we want to get this uh this this portion complete we want to get the park open to the public so that's that's where we're at right now okay I'm done any other questions good morning um I think the park looks beautiful and the access to the public and the river is amazing I do have a couple of questions um there's a lot of information provided in the grant um so what exactly is included in phase one specifically so phase one's going to start with the Upland area so first and foremost we need to get the the park accessible so we're going to have the um the entrance redone to a three-way stop there you guys saw when you visited how there's a Bend there now and it makes it difficult to get into the property um so that'll kick things off along with the parking area the restrooms um and uh the things that we have developed on the on the up lenss to get people into the park the next part of that phase one project will progress into the water amenities which includes a uh a kayak launch uh fishing pier observation tower uh and then uh boardwalks um to get people access to the bar BM as well as kind of Shing up that burm to make it walkable the entire 2 miles uh and then we'll also be cutting some uh some nature trails throughout um the oak ham canopy and and the rest of the park so there will be two structures there'll be restrooms and a and you said a a Observation Tower observation tower and then we we also have the request um the uh the small Welcome Center I don't know if you you guys catch that that that's in there um that was a that was a revision from the last round um there are maintenance items on the plans but remember that's on the city that's not part of the request um we have to provide that uh just to get things open and get things maintained um but but yeah that's that's everything that's the total for uh almost $4.5 million so there'll be a Welcome Center parking area observation tower kayak launch and about one mile of trail along the BM so the the BM the bm's two uh 2 miles total and um we're also going to have a restroom facility uh that'll be in the Uplands area right off the parking lot there it'll be restrooms uh the fishing pier and the kayak launch okay um at one point it looked like the operating costs for the park would be $500,000 is that did I read that correctly yeah with with staff and maintenance and everything yes so that's going to be put onto the park operating costs I noticed that currently that's more than all the other Parks put together that'll be yeah part of our parks and W budget it's our our total budget is around $2 million a year for our in complete Park system um Staffing wise we're we're probably around5 $600,000 in Staffing and then you have the rest of the maintenance costs that trickle down from there so it's not quite as much as all the parks but it's let's say a quarter of our Park budget will be added on to maintain this park the operating cost I was looking at and yeah it said that there'd be that it's going to be open seven days a week and there'd be 247 security can you expand on that um it not 247 security so as far as Staffing goes we'll be Staffing the park seven days a week um as far as the security goes we've have looked into different things as far as what we have at our other facilities with um uh you know camera and locking the gates and things like that um but we do plan to staff it and have it open seven days a week as of now is what the the plan is calling for so in the exceptional status it's uh request it says maybe 20 I think 29,000 people are expected when looking at a five-year period and looking at all the demographic information that was included city of dubber is 25,000 people our to Total residents yeah 25 so close to it that's a pretty significant cost to the residents in the tax base to to operate that Park every year um has that been was that brought up at any of the focus groups I didn't see notes I saw and and kudos to that the focus groups and the surveys and things like that about what could be done at the park um and future uses there was also a whole lot of information about just enjoying the outdoors in general which was nice but yeah I don't think the park will ever include pickle ball or football is that correct soccer yeah yeah it's going to be passive it's going to be nature based conservation um nothing really ever came up as far as the operations go I mean there's just a ton of support I think people were just excited to kind of get ready and hopefully get this thing open soon um you know we did the tours and the the feedback prior as part of the feasibility study um and there's a turnout about 500 people you know that came out it it sold out um just a lot of positivity so people at the time you know weren't really concerned um about that you know those things will come we'll go through the budget process you know and turn and those will all get built in but I think um with the amount of support we have for the project that it won't be a problem I guess that was my main question is is it is it a park with the that's going to be a liability to your taxpayers and to the area with the limited um marketing budget it looked like there was about um $2,000 put aside for marketing in in of this park um which seems pretty small in order to reach that I think it was called the secondary um group of people that would come to the park all of alucha County to find out about it um and it's free to enter uh as of now yeah yep we don't plan we don't charge admission fees at any of our Parks none of the um facilities that we toured um as far as comparables charge admission just to get in um however we'll we'll have events programming you know things of that nature that would be fee based um and a lot of our fees the way they stand right now as far as programming uh essentially cover themselves uh when when you talk about cost recovery and things like that um but you know those are the discussions that we will come up and we'll have during the uh the budget process with the city and this phase one um as as Mr alt was inquiring um The Phases that are to come later there is not a plan at this time for funding those or completion of those there there is no funding specifically attached to it at this moment um however we're just we're constantly you know researching and looking for more funding opportunities to to make those things happen thank you P yeah I I just want to say um DeBry is doing a fabulous job getting the word out people all over the county particularly in Southwest valuan I expect by the time that you open this up it'll be a countywide asset people will know about it and one of the things that has gotten lost here is that Deber paid for this park they they didn't come they did not get uh V forever funds to help pay for it they put their money where their mouth was is they certainly have a robust tax space and they can afford to to take care of this park the way it needs to be taken care of it is an asset to this County and it particularly because of our growth that we're seeing here this park site was slight to be developed into high-end housing that isn't going to happen it's going to be saved for generations for my granddaughter's generation and not just for um fuia people I mean dearius is strategically placed where by seminal County so I expect you're going to see people from all over the the region take advantage of this park when it's done it is a beautiful site I'm excited about it it certainly represents to me everything an exceptional project should be this site is is big enough is going to uh bring people to together to it it has paramounts uh right here project of Paramount and count crucial countywide importance this Park meets that definition I got the mayor and I got lost not lost but we get ahead of a group of people walk I've walked this site I don't know half a dozen times and I can vision what it is going to be like when it is open and the rest of the world gets to see it and you're right Jason when we talked about the number of people when you put out the call for visitors people that wanted to see this I think that sold out those tickets when like in 24 hours I mean it was day or two yeah it was crazy people were so excited about this so I'm very excited about this site I think that I have all kinds of confidence in DeBerry they have done everything we have asked them to do on other projects they have a robust tax base they have a a community that likes their outdoor activities and DeBry itself is centered in a place where it is three Trail sites three Trail heads are there in DeBerry I mean they they they're becoming the nature-based community for for all of belusa County so kudos to them I'm anxious to see them move this forward and get this park open it's been long enough we we're ready for it said um our uh if you guys um don't mind our city manager Carman wants to kind of touch up on some of the questions you asked as far as the um the long-term vision of the park and uh some of the finances thank you I'm Carmen Rosanda city manager of DeBry uh let me just give you some examples um we're not a traditional government um we don't go out and borrow money uh to build these particular projects and pay interest rates and everything else have all you need yeah um I just give you some examples I mean we have five major projects going on right now in the city of DeBerry I mean road projects and everything else they total about 22 million doar if you look at our budget presentation uh just last week um we have $9.5 million in Grants and state Appropriations and we're very successful with the Florida legislature on getting those particular U legislative Appropriations this fits right into um one of our Partnerships on this project is FD EP and the Aquatic Preserve of Alliance of Central Florida um um that uh goes for water quality and uh our partnership with all that all this here comes together just gives us an advantage uh at the state level to go ask for those State Appropriations um we are very confident um that uh we'll be building this particular project out uh using uh not only our money but also uh other other folks' money as we call it uh from the Florida legislature uh and everything else we're very successful getting those dollars we don't have to go out and borrow money um to go do these projects but this phasing because this project is so large it's 170 Acres this Boardwalk is going to be literally Riverfront all the way around for two straight miles 20 ft wide um folks be able to enjoy the river without a boat um as I told folks before and I'll tell you again this will be one of the greatest vucha county assets um that we've ever had uh it's pure nature um and it's pure coner conservation and I think we'll be surprised that when we get it all finished and done maybe 5 years from now maybe 10 years from now as we build the boardwalk all the way around um it's it's going to be something special for um and different um for not only uh the city of De but fuchia County and all of Central Florida uh people when we get Main Street Has Broken Ground And once Main Street gets in and the trail all the trail Hub comes in main Street's going to be a major Focus Point Alexander island is just going to be a huge ug amenity to all that whole particular area of how we managed the growth and how we've managed uh to incorporate all the environmental and conservation and everything on with it we call it uh resilience grow resilient growth or balanced growth but it's it's a great combination and we getting calls all over the state on how we've grown or growing and how we've Incorporated uh ecotourism uh environmental and conservation all in the same area and it's uh it's it's going to be a spectacular place and we're very excited so I'll answer any of your questions while I'm up here you have any more thank you Ju Just one comment excuse me um it is an exceptional project there's no question about it I love it it's it's it's what the county needs and actually we also need something like that on the East Coast that's my point about the marketing of all of these projects we're going to hear today we have to hear this on the East Coast we have to hear it on the east side of the county we have to hear about this I look for places to take my grandkids all the time around the county whether it's conservation or Recreation so please let us hear about it on the east side of the county well we one of the things that uh uh you know you talk about the marketing budget but one of the things we've done since we've the mayor and Council and I have had come in since 2019 is we established one of the most uh efficient and effective communication departments um in bla County um and so yes we'll Market those everywhere we go and the speeches we give trust me the Alexander Island uh and all of our assets are uh mentioned and our and we do a a tremendous amount of marketing and you don't have to have money to do that um you can certainly use the media that uh that's available to us to get the get the marketing out so uh we don't have to produce paper or flyers or anything else that's kind of old school we're all pretty much all electronic and and and get the uh communication out so we've established a good Economic Development uh government Affairs uh and communication Department to make sure that everybody knows about these particular assets Jeff um yeah I just so what is your give me a timeline give me a timeline for when you want to see this project completed ballpark it well you know it we sit up here and an exceptional Grant's only 2.5 million and we've we've put up 1.8 million uh and plus a additional monies obviously the project this size to expect to have this all done and and to anticipate where all this grant money uh yeah grant money is is is difficult uh you don't know when it's going to come um but I just why the example I gave you is is can the city Deber do $22 million in projects and and pay for 50% of it with other people's money um and that's how successful we are and we're very confident that we can get this project done in 5 to 10 years depending on when these State Appropriations come we're constantly with our state representatives we're constantly with um uh FD and the fap grants and everything else that that are eligible we're into the federal government grants now as we get more proficient um we just received some federal grants um to for for for transportation and so now we're into U we got a a pretty top-notch lobbying group and I think we'll we'll we'll be into the federal government as well um to be able to get the dollars there but I give you an examp timeline of exactly when this Project's going to be done I can't do that however with these with these dollars that have come here we'll have a we'll have this park open we'll have nature trails done through the Oak Hammock we'll have p a portion of the the boardwalk open um we'll have uh and some of these peers and and uh overlooks done and the park will be enjoyable for people to visit on a smaller scale but as we expand this Boardwalk all the way around um yeah it's it uh it's going to take some time time and we're very confident that uh a good portion of the funding for that will be will be paid by other people's money the the problem I have and it's with the exceptional status and what this committee did two years ago when we changed it the single most requirement is is servicing significant large number of people in all areas of the county you don't do that with this project now before you you respond this is a beautiful project this is a great project I have no clue why we have this exceptional status it's ridiculous it's a dog and pony show what you do is you just get rid of the limit of $600,000 and you will let you let applicants come in for match money that way you could come in and you could request what you need Port Orange should be requesting a lot more than what the $600,000 request is it's a ridiculous system that we have here this isn't necessarily on you it's on this committee and what the county has done with it you don't meet the significant large number of people in the areas that's the main driving force that's holding me up on this well the would and just to respond to you I know the $229,000 29,000 people there um I think that number is tremendously low I mean once it gets open and gets popular Main Street comes in I think that that that number is going to go tenfold um matter of fact we we're kind of concerned about we're going to have too many people there to be honest with you um between the uh once it becomes po you know known with the bikers uh bicyclists um um you know we're a golf cart Community you can take your golf cart there if you want to um and uh so it's a with all the visitors that are going to be coming the SunRail station I think we have six or seven modes of transportation uh to get to this particular Park um they're going to come from everywhere going to be very I'm going to be very honest with you and I think the 29,000 number is is extremely conservative and I think it's uh when it gets open and gets popular it's going to be tenfold that easy you have to move forward on these kimly horn recommendations um you know feasibility studies are great but people take them and they don't follow recommendations of times they they used the visitors of of other parks in other areas uh I know there's an environmental Park in Orlando and and some of the other areas there and they get those particular numbers and they use them as benchmarks um but ultimately what our vision is in this here I mean we're we rebuilding Fort Florida road you can be able to go from the SunRail station on a trail directly to Alexander Island you can get off uh we're connecting we're doing a small project to connect the trail um from the SunRail station over to the Gemini Springs Trail um we're building Trails all the way around uh the city of DeBerry to this particular Park um so access um to this particular area that you don't see in this particular proposal um we're building the sidewalks down Fort Florida road and connectivity um so this park will be significantly connected to Main Street and all of the trail system and so it will be one of the stops of people who are going to tour um we're getting uh hundreds of folks taking their bikes up in SunRail um and getting off at DeBry they're get they're to get their bikes there it's it they're going to be thousands a week um once this gets done uh to be able to uh come up to SunRail station out of Orlando uh bring their bicycle on the SunRail and uh be able to enjoy all the trails and uh Gemini Springs and Alexander Island and and just and and and getting on the trail system in Main Street uh it's just going to be a phenomenal uh V visitor destination how do you predict that um I I think it's just going to be enormous be honest with you and that's we're going to have to manage the the flow of traffic just realized that my votes and my scoring reflect the policy we have in place so I think you have a wonderful project um I would like to see it completed though and you have a lot of work to do um well I wish y'all can grant $8 million and we would get it completed be honest with you but that that's that's the max that we that we can that we can choose um but yeah um unfortunately we're going to have to use the other sources because the restrictions of this particular Grant um look when we when we went into this particular project um you know uh we went through a number of different methodologies to try to purchase this particular project uh we ended up spending $3.7 million of own of our own money to buy this Pro we're committed uh to get this project done we see the vision um uh of of the benefits not only for DeBerry but for all of Lucia County it's this this is going to be a tremendous asset and I think something I think all of Luchia county is going to be proud of half of your impact area you know is in seminal County and that that's a large they're wealthy people so getting them up to duberry to also not only experience the park but to experience your new downtown and shopping your stores and everything well I'm I'm going to be very honest when you plan the market when you plan marketing you got to combine all that um you know I I hate hate to say this but sometimes the parkk markets itself we've already had conversations with simal County um they want to bring fery service um at some point in time to Alexander Island from from simol County and so they want to link um they have a desire to link Alexander Island to to simol County through various uh uh Marine uh transportation and other things like that through SunRail and so there there also we've had meetings with many Commissioners I've had meetings with many Commissioners uh from simol County who want to link us with them because they St such a valuable asset to All cenal Florida does the bike trail connect to the Riverwalk in Sanford the bike trail goes yes it goes across the St John's river and it goes all the way into into downtown uh Sanford um and that's that's one of the huge benefits you may not know I don't know if how much Trail you know but the three Trail hubs that come in there you can ride your bike from from DeBry on to Titusville eventually to St Augustine you can go to to um Delon Springs and up to Okala and and you can actually ride your bike all the way to St Petersburg and so it's going to be over the next 10 years you're going to see all the infrastructure along this trail camping sites um and small hotels and everything else I mean we've been talking to boutique hotels for our main street where people can ride their bikes from Titusville stop at DeBerry spend the night enjoy all the amenities there and then then go on to to uh Winter Garden down there on day two and make it a weekend so these are some of the conversations we have with the Florida Greenways and trails Committee of all the infrastructure that's going to be coming in associated with the Trails um so that uh bicyclist will be able to enjoy all of the amenities and and you'll find out it's going to be a a major um entertainment type of uh system there because U right now the the developers in Main Street believe it's going to be a lot of restaurants and and and social activities there at Main Street and so it's just going to be a hub for all of that ecotourism and and bicycle Transportation thank you do I now thank you Reggie um Kerman this is uh you guys have really thought outside the box and are really big thinkers on this project and I commend you for you know investing your own city tax dollars uh to acquire the property and in my mind this there's no question that this is an outstanding countywide project um so I'm in support of it I have a question for you that um that relates to thinking big I notice on the aerial that there's a 57 acre parcel of vacant land to the east of your site you're familiar with what I'm talking about the HR Livington rington well um we have been discussions with revington and revington has been discussion with us um we're working on um them donating that property to the city um because Alexander Island becom it's going to become such an amenity um a lot of the Oak Hammock that's on the Uplands that go from Alexander Island goes into the 55 or 57 acres into the subdivision called Rivington um that Oak Hammock is as you see if you seen is unbelievable um and so they want to donate um free of charge donate that that property to the city of DeBerry and we're working through the the the legal Ease on on that so what you see is 17 acre Park um could potentially over the next 60 days be a 220 acre Park um and then more of the Oak Hammock um that you see on the Uplands right now more of that Oak Hammock will now come into Alexander Island and those Trails will eventually be expanded and that's why I said I can't this is going to be an evolving project as as time goes along we'll be expanding those nature trails the unpaved nature trails all through that Oak Hammock if you want to talk about old Florida uh there's not going to be a place in Valia County that's going to be like old Florida when you walk on this place very good that's that's great news thank you for sharing that you're welcome Pat yeah um how long the the exceptional status here the what you said you're going to get done here how long is that going to take you to to do that to do this now as far as this construction well uh as we've been talking about as soon as you you approve us for this particular Grant and it gets through the Council next month we we could be operational by January or February that kind of what my point was for all of you seeing that lady sitting over there that the mayor this is her Legacy project she ran a second term so she could get this project done CU I know we had those conversations she say she's going to do something she's going to do it I have no doubt about that and as far as the Barry it's location location location I have I watched this I in I was the one the keys for Corporation to you all when I was sitting up here as a council member I watched the city grow I have watched the city when it had had some really bad days I've watched the city go some l through some litigation and you all have come out you are I wish my city ran half as well as what tberry does I have full confidence that what you say because you two work well together what you say is going to get done it's going to get done but in my opinion it's going to get done because she's going to push it she can't run again and what two years you have Karen left two years yeah so it no doubt she going to cut the ribbon on this project so she's got a lot of whips and chains I just want to give her credit for credit as du because this is a big Vision project and Karen has a big Vision yeah this is a special project you know you can go along the St John's river many places on the St John's river in vucha County where people can enjoy the river without a boat right there's not many and there and you know you have to be at a marina um or you have to be at at at a park but this is going to be literally Riverfront and you can't hear a thing when you get on on that burm I wish we could have took you out on the burm and had time to go out in the burm area out there but you get out there it's pure nature you can't see a building you can't see a car you can't hear a car and it is and one of the things that um uh the general Eli from from uh can't think of his last name from the oton society and I'm sorry yeah yeah and um he uh he he said it very clearly he goes look he said you want people to walk on this particular property because this is how we teach conservation to the Next Generation you got to you got to let them see it touch it and feel it and when you walk out here and as I told the council last time you get that same feeling as you when you walk out into the beach that mother nature is a whole lot bigger than we are um and that's uh and you get out there and you just go wow this is this is pretty special so anyone else Pat are you looking for a motion here to to make this to Grant this an exceptional is is that where do we need to make a motion or we'll do a roll call roll call okay so you don't need a motion so this is open for questions right now okay I just want to say I think that this park may be loved to death I think so I think managing that is going to be probably the bigger challenge all and I believe that the grant money and all endowments will come but I believe managing the population and the interest in it in the traffic is going to be your biggest challenge over time so I have been enthusiastic about this from the start and I think we've I don't need to say anything more Stephanie thank you and thank you Carmen for explaining I think there's obviously a lot of excitement for the park and again I think it's a beautiful idea and a beautiful partk um I'm feeling a little frustrated with the review process because of the guidelines that were given and you know our our role as the advisory committee is to follow those guidelines and then it's put up to the County Council I don't think this is an easy discussion but I think that the guidelines as they are laid out now um some of our applications are are lacking I think you did a wonderful job of of things like the needs assessment um some of the others haven't and it becomes difficult as a reviewer to follow this rubric as is our our guideline and then make a vote based on our heart you know all of our hearts are saying this is amazing this is fabulous this is wonderful all the people are going to love it yet the actual guidelines that we're presented with to follow are perhaps not met and that makes it difficult as a reviewer um so who then is responsible for making that decision who has that discretionary power that's the County Council we're here as an advisory committee to follow those guidelines and I'm just saying that because we've got four grants to review today and many of them fall in that same kind of category where they don't really meet this even though we may love the project even though it sounds fantastic and wonderful um it makes it difficult as a reviewer as an advisory body however the ual you know the buck stops at the County Council they do have that discretionary power that I don't believe I as a reviewer have well I just appreciate not to tell with the county how to how to operate or anything else but there um a lot of times when we consider things um uh equivalence um and I use that term a lot uh that even though that I have not met the the the ACTA criteria and and not black and white there are such things called equivalents have have they met is there are enough things there to say okay they have met the the equivalence of what is being required and I I think if um and that's what we do as a city council is is that there there are so many criteria and that and that each project is unique on itself and uh and so we at the city DeBerry um look at equivalents and say okay yep they don't have this exact thing but here's the equivalent over here and that's then that's a that's what we asking for so thank you any other questions and and if May chair um just a quick reminder this vote is for the exceptional status only it will be scored at a later date in the agenda okay I think we're ready for a roll call vote Reggie senly yes Jeffrey alt no Patricia Drago John Macaluso Stephanie Mason Teague no Pat northy yes Pat Patterson yes Jay Pendergast yes Dwight Selby yes we have seven to nine so it passes on to yes so the project meets uh exceptional status so we'll score it later all right so moving into the uh first application uh this is the city of South Daytona Reed Canal Park prehist playground expansion uh the echo request is $600,000 the total match is $620,000 uh this is a proposed expansion of the playground which will uh feature a prehistoric theme highlighting the giant sloth skeleton discovered at the park uh it includes in installation of uh new and enhanced accessible playground equipment artificial t Turf and a POR in play as well as additional swing set saddle seats tire swings uh picnic tables benches interpretive signage uh the recom recommendation to the echo advisory committee was as presented the application and project meet the county council's approved requirements for standard grant funding do we have the applicant here yes uh Les Gillis uh City Manager for South atona I also have my mayor here Bill Hall thank you you do we have any questions for the applicant I just I just want to say I think this is the coolest park around and I think that you're going to have way more than just South Daytona kids come to this park when it's done so congratulations to you it's going to be a great Park to you see it's done you'll be proud I'm gonna come absolutely Jeff did you have something yeah um I I too I just want to say this is this is a really cool Park um you know I think uh children of all ages will just enjoy it um Jeff's going to do the Cy or the slide you know the the giant sloth uh you know dinosaurs and everything it's you know I didn't know a lot of that information about the history of that area until that site visit and you know I thank you for that absolutely um you know the one um you the one thing that I want to point out um and this was a problem with all of the grants and I think probably Stephanie picked up on it is um based on her comments is that this is a user-based grant and all of our grants are missing that data um how many people use your Park so I pulled you know your annual report 224,000 people use that Park a year that's incredible that needed to be front and center in the grant understand said um you know that that was my frustration just reading through it because I was very excited about this I excited about all the history especially and then I you know just wanted that number in my head how many people use this and we did not have it so um but you know I think the you know surfaces the permeable surfaces allow the water know go through everything about it um it's a really it's it's going to be a great project I really appreciate that and our partnership with the Museum of Arts and Sciences right down the road was pivotal for us uh since that's where the sloth is actually located so to make that tie and I know at our field visit we had them there so uh we will continue that partnership uh where we'll have kiosk which link back to Museum of Arts and Sciences to give everybody that opportunity to see where it was discovered and then actually go see it and in in person at the Museum so we felt that was extremely important D Dwight y thank you Roi um I had the pleasure of walking in this morning with mayor Hall and I shared with him uh how informative I thought the site visit was when vice mayor Sanders was there and all the historical information he shared with us the creek that ran through there and all the other the the museum uh Personnel that were there uh talking about the thousands of other bones that may be buried you know in that by that Lake uh I guess to the further to the South so this is an amazing Park um my grandkids are going to love it and I'm sure you know my great grandkids when when they come around I don't have any yet um we'll love it also so thank you for South Daytona um for stepping forward in doing this and um looking forward to enjoying all of the featur and benefits of this facility thank you thank you very much there there's a time in a child's life and an adult's life that that you're interested in dinosaurs and my grandkids at this point two of them are really interested when I showed them the concept they want to know if it's finished yet now we're we we do go there whether it's to I'm a Port Orange resident but we spend a lot of time there whether it's to walk the dog or bring it to the dog park or just have the kids play in general uh the excitement is there I mean I had no idea about as many times as I've been there about the history and and the and the sloth being there maybe maybe I missed something probably but uh great plan great concept thank you yeah and our discovery of sloth is definitely not highlighted at that park right now it's just a little plaque and you'd miss it otherwise um in addition to you know we're asking for 600,000 and we're going to put a $620,000 match um we already have in the budget to there's a disc golf course there so we're going to Rebrand it and and replace it we're and enhance it we're going uh to stock the lake that's there to encourage fishing we're also going to um there's a wooden bridge uh currently over that Lake which we're going to renovate so there's a significant amount of improvements other than what we're asking for that we're going to do to that Park and like you know my my uncle Carmen um with DeBerry uh he um we don't like to borrow money and uh we like to spend it a as we get it so that's the commitment we're making to you for the improvements of that Park are um the entire park we're going to look at and renovate with this Project Pat I would when I came over the the day to look at that and I was really excited about it I took a some pictures and this and I said it down to my grand I have a grandson down in um uh Orman Beach and uh I told him what it was and and it reminded me of a time when he came out and my daughter my my stepdaughter was saying that Alex had all this stuff stashed we couldn't figure out what it was this was about a year or two ago and we asked what he was going to do and he said said well I'm going to go hunting for dinosaurs in California and so after this I sent a picture of it all he said I'm ready to go now pop pop so it's exciting project awesome thank you I thought it was a great project too I like seeing the partnership with moaz and I think it would be exciting if there was um a future architectural dig and try to unearth some of those additional bones anyone else Stephanie thank you for sharing some of the details of what will happen um or what can happen um at the park um I think it's a wonderful idea the partnership with moas is great you're working with Zach Zacharias I bet that is absolutely correct yes yes you could name him because everyone knows him in this town so especially next to the the giant ground sloth I like that um you actually consulted with disabled individuals and organizations when looking at the ADA compliance and accessibility sometimes we think we know what's best for people but actually asking them is is great i' love that you did that um the the park is definitely built around the giant ground sloth and when I was looking through the budget detail have you found one yet is there is someone going to be able to build that yes we and it's actually uh it's going to be customade okay and we couldn't find anybody in the US who would custom make it so um we had to go outside of the US and and were working on those details and finalizing it and we in fact we were just talking like oh we need to follow up and and let them know hey this you know we need to start preparing so um but yeah we've got some really good uh designs on a custom made and of course if you uh it it with us you know uh we want a very specific thing so we've gone through many iterations with them but we're quick and deci Ive and uh and like I said it's going to be amazing um height 15 ft it'll be amazing uh what's out there well that was the important thing that I wondered was missing um with your business plan feasibility study and marketing plan as I did State before Mr alt had referred to um many of the applications are lacking the details and the specifics of things that that would make the story fun to read that Narrative of what you expect to do maybe educational classes around the sloth or or clubs or organizations that could have programs or educational things happening at the park which I think you probably are planning to do yes um that would be great to learn more about that as we read through these organ these applications some of those specific details that narrative that really um make it meaningful but I appreciate you sharing them verbally today thank you and and our vice mayor Eric sander who was out there uh gave the initial presentation he will definitely and so will our mayor definitely uh be out there with kids and uh doing tours and because you know they we all love this history and the history of this park that's been the story hasn't been told so we want to put that out there may I say a yes so I'm a fifth generation South Daytona resident if if you count Herbert Street is part of South Daytona um my my point point being that last week I was at the elementary school and I got the pleasure of speaking to two kindergarten classes and we they we called it patriotic day but one of the things I shared with them was the concept of this part they all wanted to go right then they wanted to see it they wanted to touch it they they've all seen some of the movies that are out there so the teachers worked on that and so I know that the the publicity is going to get out there you know I I tell people all the time that that the two most important things I talk about in my world is my family and then my city and and this is my 42nd year with the city uh as as an employee if you will and and I've been blessed with the third term and you know we talked about Legacy uh in De Barry this this is kind of my legacy my my whole pre pretense of getting involved after I retired as Chief was to get us out of debt we were $21 million in debt we could not pay our cable bill in 2015 less worked in public works they kept turning the cable off exactly right because we couldn't pay the cable bill every month they had to wait till people did water deposits to make the payments we are now debt free with L and the council and and all the things we put in Motion in November we came we became debt free in our little Community we're 13,4 square miles it hasn't changed since 1878 when they first laid out the plans for South atona so when I tell you I love my little Community I'm not going anywhere I got four more years until my wife drags me off to out west somewhere but uh long story short this park has always been a a a pride and joy for us and the vision that that we put forth and and Les has taken the bull by the horns if you will and we gave him this much and Les has turned it into this much so uh I I can't talk enough I can stand I can sit here for stand here for hours and tell you how much this community in this park is going to mean we had two events in the last couple years one was a driveth through Boo at Halloween we had 2500 cars drive through we gave away pounds and pounds of coffee the biggest or coffee candy the biggest contributor was this guy here uh at Christmas time we had a drive through North Pole we had about 2,000 cars drive through that one they were backed up past Herbert Street on Nova Road just to get into our Park those of you that live in Port Orange you know I'm talking about when we tell you this park is is is patronized daily it's unbelievable how many people come to that Park uh but we ask for your assistance it's it's going to happen we're going to we're going to have a ribbon cutting that we're all going to be proud of we don't do anything halfway there you go thank you are there any other questions just uh I I want to talk about the giant sloth again yes is is that um you how are they building that is that going to be uh styrofoam carved and then covered in with fiberglass or yeah it'll be a hard surface so a fiberglass and we thought it was important to make it uh climbable you know if you will and so there'll be safety uh padn you know underneath and that's what we're working through right now is how climbable do we want it I don't know if you want a child up 15 feet probably not so uh we're kind of limit that in the design so uh but it'll be something to behold uh construction is one of my strong suits so I will be out there every day of the construction and see that this uh gets done and I'll probably participate in that but um uh it's something we're really looking forward to and a secondary bonus as an aside too I wanted to mention uh relocating the existing playground over to Ned Wagner Park which is severely underutilize right now there's a basketball court and we have one uh Spring Police car that you ride on for little kids that's it so when I was telling the residents there that we're going to relocate the playground equipment from Ron out park over there you know they were extremely happy in fact I was with a couple of uh employees and a lady reached out and gave me a hug and they all reacted like she was going to attack me I'm like no no no no we're we're all okay we're all okay she's just happy you know so uh that's an added benefit to uh so basically you're getting two projects for one uh uh with this grant so I wanted to mention that as well so is is the sloth being built offsite and then that's correct it'll be so just make sure when it gets shipped in it's on a flatbed truck can you do a media release we will we get TV cameras out there might have already envisioned it with with Museum arts and scien is there Zach being there um might have already envisioned that and might have already envisioned dig sometime in the future uh partnering up with with the museum any other questions ready for scoring Reggie Santilli 98 Jeffrey alt 94 Pat drgo John Macaluso 92 Stephanie Mason Teague 91 Pat northy 89 Pat Patterson J Pendergast 95 Dwight Selby did she it yes she did 86 I'm sorry where's my name I wrote everything down I gave it a 95 she put a 96 in there is she things to me well they have DWI they do this is right not right what's up here do it again well it took me out because I no Dwight was yeah I don't have I didn't realize can the committee please look at your screens to make sure that you um scores are correct if not please advise yeah my my score Dwight Selby is 86 86 yes and uh Jay pendri gasto is 95 thank you so next next rotation we'll call them in order of the of the sheet so yeah please we'll do that next time to make the scoring process a little easier here um are all the scores correct from what you guys announced and Nick and I will do some math just to make sure that the math is correct as well everybody good okay so so green the highest score in green and the lowest score in red please okay so the average was a 93 so this meets the recommendation to uh to County Council okay moving on to the city of Port Orange uh South Causeway Park uh this is Echo request is $600,000 uh the match is also $600,000 000 uh the South Causeway Park project will include the construction of a of a new floating dock additional uh parking as well as storm water improvements now previously during the recommendation that we gave to the committee um we had said that um the application did not comply with the restricted Covenant because they did not have the F do agreement that is in your agenda um so that is signed so that agreement is now in place um so so that information has now been provided so the application and project will comply with the county council's approved requirements for standard grant funding okay just a project applicant want to come up good morning again Teresa Brooks and I have with me um Juno Reed who is the city engineer um just to clarify the match amount on this is 92,500 uh I think um he said it was 600 so we do have um more match than the 600 the lease agreement is in place I don't have any updates any other updates on that open for any questions any questions yeah um do you have any numbers how many people use this okay Causeway so I have personally gone down there and sat and counted the cars in the parking lot and on the weekends I've counted 120 cars on the weekends and on any given day I went random days and I've counted between 40 and 80 on weekdays that is the best estimate I can give you um I'm not sure who can answer this um but this seems to be part of a much larger project with a grand total of 5, 623,000 can you explain that yes I can explain that you you're referring to the master plan attached to the fdot lease is that what you're referring to um I guess okay so I'm not quite sure what what all right so um that that is for the Downunder project with it which is actually on the other side of the dun Lon bridge on the North side and because the lease agreement encompasses that piece of property and the piece of property where we're making improvements fdot included that as an exhibit on the lease agreement I was not comfortable removing it from the lease agreement but what we're asking for is on the South Side the South Southwest side of the causeway and that $5 million is for the other side and it's very confusing okay it was very confusing to me I looked at it and I I went back and forth and had the had the attorneys confirm wait a minute this isn't the property and they said yes it is so it's all under one lease agreement okay so the the safety lighting and murals to enhance the area the um water taxi possibility pedestrian Plaza all that that is for that is for the other oppos side the opposite side but it's an exhibit to the fdot lease agreement um and once we were down there Juno and I were talking and we thought it was just a really great idea to maybe try to incorporate some murals on the South Causeway side as well but that was after the application you know had already been submitted so that would be above above and beyond okay um and that that match of 9002 this is what I was referring to as a problem with our structure um I I have no I do not understand why we have a $600,000 cap and then a 2.5 it it makes no sense because they're the same thing they're the same thing um so we we would have liked to have asked for additional money but I talked with staff about it and thought I'm might have a little more difficult time meeting the exceptional status with our time frame being as it was so the city had to come forward with additional matching funds and we requested the maximum allowed under the standard so hopefully hopefully um when the focus groups come around and they're reviewing um the echo program maybe an increase in the standard and the exceptional could be considered because I I agree with you get rid of the exceptional Grant and people could come in for 2 up to $2.5 million that cleans up the paperwork and gets rid of that's even better or or increase the 2.5 you know because there because there's you know additional money sitting there so increase the 2.5 to maybe four or five million because construction costs continuously are skyrocketing and um we could have a lot more projects funded especially in Port Orange when the $30 million just the bonding just passed um they're going to have a lot of projects coming forward you know it's also um you know this is primarily for that dock but you right in the ballot resol re um resolution if people would read it the E is described as whereas a access to the Atlantic Ocean through the establishment of ocean front parks and Provisions of off Beach parking promotes outdoor recreational activity that's what your dock does so that's what this whole situation does and um we lose sight of that um that's why it's also extremely important to have accurate user numbers so it would help us out yeah and the user number thing is something we've talked about internally trying to come up with a way because we don't there's no charge there's no gate to go through so you know aside from having someone from staff sit down there and and literally count visitor and count cars we're we're trying to come up with a way to at least maybe come up with a an accurate estimate of overall visitors for the for the facility okay so if you all know my Courier you all know my Courier Mr Brooks I I send him out two parks to randomly count users and then I multiply it assuming that the same number of users are here you know that day every week and before I do that I have to call the city's Police Department and say look there's a 70-year-old man that's sitting there counting Counting children um using your park that is the only way that we've done it now the city of Dand did get a demonstration from a company that actually it's too technical for me to to speak intelligently about but it pings it pings things and gives you the number of users that they have to have a cell phone so you have to assume if there's a child there there's a parent there with a cell phone so they did a demo and they actually did it at Earl Brown Park and uh we have way under reported the number of users at Earl Brown Park so if there are any suggestions maybe this board could come up with to assist the grantees on trying to provide more accurate counting we're all ears any other questions Stephanie thank you Teresa and thank you for um explaining the Downunder I had that because I was like oh a water taxi and murals this is so exciting that's coming that that that's coming can you give an example it does list that there are fundraisers and community activities do you have anything planned for the that side of the of the of the park on wait a minute on the side where the that this for that there no it no that is for the other side over there which is going to be a passive cultural more cultural Water Taxi Etc on this side it's it's it's a boat ramp and dock um that's and that's pretty much it very heavily used that's that's pretty much that's pretty much it and and the first water access grant that I've seen come before you in a very very long time so quickly what you were referring to is called Geo fencing and it is the ability to actually put a Geo fence around an area or a park and you can count all the pings it's expensive but it may be something that the city could do overall that would Encompass all of the parks to give better and I'm not sure you're looking like I don't know um we tried they tried negotiating and they also tried with this company to allow multiple users to incorporate all of valua County well I mean you're talking a lot a lot of money so just for Old Brown Park I think it was like over $25,000 a year just for that one thing that we have done or that I've seen done is a simple QR code on a sign and then just let people know that when you're here um sign our guest book and that will help us to know how many users and help us for grant funding and help us to better better the park for the visitors if you if you have a building such as your beautiful facility that's easier than like somebody coming into Earl Brown Park where they would come from multiple directions and and we try we do we do try it is it's a challenge for anything that's free and Outdoors it is one of the things we talked about since I'm an engineer I kind of try to think of an engineering solution so there's a traffic counts that people do you put on the little the little tubes that go across the road and just count the vehicles that's one of the things we thought about potentially doing it wouldn't last a full year so we couldn't get it but we could probably get a you know 60 or 90 days worth of data on it good idea just a General common um we're a big County with water on three sides of us and we need more fishing peers more places where you can put boats in um I hear that all the time from people is there we don't we haven't grown that piece of our business our Recreation business as we've grown as a a population so kudos to you all I know that Park is well used my sons use it when they when I go out on the river so I I would say to anybody if you can if you have Waterfront and you want to put a booth slip in you'll get my support tght yeah I just wanted to jump on that also and and thank uh the city of Port Orange for taking the lead on this I live up in Orman Beach and we use that ramp um if you're going to the disappearing island in the inlet um to come from Orman you know that's probably 45 minutes of idle speed only so to drive down to your boat ramp you know under the bridge there is really convenient and you do have to get there on the weekends you got to get there early in the morning just to get a parking spot yeah it's it's crazy and then I also learned that you don't drive to the right there because then I got smashed in between the boats and couldn't get out it was it was ugly and then the other thing I wanted to mention was that when you count cars that's interesting but there's not usually just one person in the car so you got to figure out what the multiple is what the average multiple is on number of people because at the end of the day we want to know the number of humans that are that are positively impacted by um by the investment that so would you say like an average of three people per per V yeah per vle you have to you know you have to do get some historical numbers you know on and I I would think you could do some sampling you know like you've done unofficially and uh get a pretty good idea a pretty good projection without an actual says are you kidding me you I really have to go do this yeah you really do any other questions one more comment just want to point out again your strategic plan is out of date it's you're using data from 2016 uh for this 2017 22 plan so that that needs to be it's in the process of being updated and I think I made a note on there that it was in it was in the process of being updated and we didn't have and I don't think it's complete yet but thank you score Reggie Santilli 95 Jeffrey alt 80 Pat Drago John Macaluso 93 Stephanie Mason Teague 90 Pat Patterson 82 I'm sorry can you repeat 82 he said Pat northy 94 Dwight Selby 88 from what IED oh you forgot me 87 hello we got it 87 no I didn't even say a word the number is 91 one okay sorry about that what is going on here oh yeah you go committee if you could look at your um the spread sheeet on your board in front of you to make sure that the numbers are correct this time does even work will you hit enter or move the there is anybody that even there we go okay everybody double check your scores please what what is the cut off is it 80 80 80 80 is the recommended score yep everybody good uh Reggie would be the green Ashlin okay uh so 89.29% all right so moving on to project three uh this is the city of Port orang City Center improvements project uh the echo request is$ 280,000 the total match is $282,500 uh this project uh will Encompass an addition of a large covered Pavilion and ADA Compliant restroom facilities various amenities including picnic tables and grills uh one of the things that we asked for them to provide was a uh detail cost estimate as well as an updated budget page which that is also provided for you um here today um in your agenda so this uh information was provided and the recommendation to the advisory committee is the application and project will comply with County council's approved requirements for standard grant funding okay do we have any questions two plaques yes there's one that's already been ordered for the one side and then there will be another one over on the bathroom thank you just a just a comment if if anyone has ever been on that side of the field and needed some facility ities during a during a game believe me this is well worth it ported poies yeah okay je just comment um yeah I agree with with John um they're much needed uh you know once again there's no user data though and the Strate the same applicant strategic plan is out of dat so right you know it's when we come the next time we will have an updated strategic to score high when proper information isn't there so understood Stephanie thank you um one thing I did notice the Strategic plan is out of date but it does have a nice mission statement for parks and wreck that is not listed I think that the the mission statement that is that is used is the city service Mission which doesn't really align with Echo but the parks the parks does um so that was in the Strategic plan um and just another comment that the needs surveys and some of the language is is unclear and non-specific it's kind of more generalized and it would be nice to know a little bit more because I know the Park's doing wonderful things and lots of people are utilizing it but just having that in front of us when we're reading the information is so helpful um I haven't lived in Port Orange in a really long time but I did at one time so I'm very familiar with the park and know that a lot of people are benefiting and that's should be um realized in some of the numbers and the need surveys and who you talked to and who said they needed it and why okay thank you anyone else Reggie stily 95 Jeffrey alt 80 Jay Pendergast 882 Pat drgo John Macaluso 93 Stephanie Mason teag 86 Pat Patterson give me a break here for a minute checking my numbers Pat Nory 88 Dwight Selby 86 thank you here's where you can everybody scores look correct okay uh city of Port Orange City Center Improvement project 87.7 one uh will be recommended to County Council as well all right the uh last last project today to be scored is city of DeBry Alexander Island uh Echo requests $2.5 million uh the cash match is uh $1,885 and the land match is $625,000 for a total match of $2,555 uh this application seeks to develop Alexander Island Park a passive Park situated along the St John's river uh this park will provide public amenities for Passive recre ation paved and unpaved trails a fishing pier observation deck and a kayak launch uh the as presented the application provides evidence of meeting the requirements for exceptional grant funding um and the application and project meet the county council's approved requirements for exceptional grant funding the applicate want to come up again for more questions C do we have any more questions no ready for scoring Reggie stilly 97 Jeffrey alt 67 Jay Pendergast uh 97 bat drago1 John Macaluso Stephanie Mason Teague 84 Pat Patterson 96 Pat Nory 95 Dwight Selby 91 everybody's scores look correct okay city of DeBry Alexander Island uh scored 92.2 n also meets the uh recommendation to go to County County Council for approval congratulations all applicants thank you for coming in explaining your projects to us and goes on to County Council yes and the uh tenative uh date to go to County Council will be November 19th morning slack assistant County attorney can we have a motion to recommend them to County Council please a motion do I hear a motion yeah I'll I'll make that motion second all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries thank you staff comments okay so a few things I wanted to bring to your attention uh first is the uh Echo strategic plan that was discussed at the last meeting uh so that did go out for bid uh we did have an evaluation uh committee um we did not accept the uh bid that came forward to us we only had one so we are in process of uh kind of revising the scope and putting it out for bid um again through our purchasing department on that what exactly are we putting out to bid um so we we've presented you guys the actual scope before um so there's three different tasks that we have um that we're looking for so task one is to identify future needs uh related to the echo projects the deliverable for that task is uh to implement a long range Vision plan um we're also looking at uh uh analyzing the grant process and and recommending process improvements for the program uh the deliverable for that task is for uh the Consultants experience and and stakeholder feedback so we'll hold some focus groups um as well as looking at other Technologies to um you know kind of FastTrack our application process per se uh and then task three is to improve marketing um to the tourists and residents of Luchia County so we're looking for them to implement a marketing plan where where what where does the public come in in all of this we used to do listening sessions when we first started and then when we did the uh reauthorization we had listening sessions what what are we doing to bring the public into this process to make sure that we are doing what they're expecting us to do with their taxpayer dollars so we will ask for we're are going to have focus groups when this does you know come to fruition and how how are you going to focus groups uh so that one through right now it's it we're going to kind of see what happens yeah and we'll include you know people from this so why do you think we did not get a u what why did the committee not select the I don't even know who the who the person was but would did not select them what happened we had three on the committee um what was presented to us uh you know we did not think that they met the qualifications for what they're looking were looking for um especially with Grant processes they lacked uh having any experience with that um so that was kind of the main reason for not pushing it Forward well then how do we and I'm sorry but this is really important that we do this and I want to make sure we we're doing it right but how do we how are we advertising to the outside that we are looking for someone to come in and run this process well that goes through our purchas purchasing department to go out to bid um so you know hopefully we can get more than just one understand that but what are you using to what what is the purchasing department using you want to jump in Kendra yeah I'm not sure of the Avenues they use to get the word out it's their normal process to do that but we can definitely get their process and what they do to to see if you have someone speciic obviously there's something wrong here if if we're not getting feedback we're not getting people that want to apply for this this job there we're doing something wrong right I understand so I'm not sure how they advertise um but we can find out and get that back to you so Daniel if you can reach out to purchasing and yep get that for them yeah and that's what we're working on right now we're trying to revised the scope uh maybe change the title there were some suggestions that were made by our purchasing department for us to do so we are working on those now so what is our timeline now um we have to submit it into purchasing and then it'll probably take uh I I can't give you an exact timeline but it may take another I would say what three to six months before we have somebody to to come in so for me that's unacceptable just just so you know I think this is this is crazy the way this is going out and and it ought to be that yeah I and like I said next meeting I'll give you an update from our purchasing department to give us an exact timeline but once we submit there are requirements that we go through with them um to get these things scheduled so so just um I think we're all struggling because we we were're not involved in this exactly what does purchasing how does that process work with purchasing to begin with I mean are they just posting stuff on the website or how does anything go out for bid you have any idea yeah they like I said I'll bring you more information next time at the next meeting I didn't on staff update uh that just for that part if there's any other questions about that okay so uh moving on to the next meeting uh which will be Thursday October 10th um at that meeting we'll review the 2025 tenative Echo calendar uh we will also review a uh Echo critical stabilization Grant uh submitted by the city of Daytona Beach for the Main Street coina Arch project um we'll also bring a scope change request for Breakers Park in Daytona Beach and then we'll also be giving a master Trails presentation by Tim Bailey um that was requested by this committee uh also want to bring to your attention we will have a ribbon cutting at Daytona Playhouse on Sunday October 13th at 2 p.m. it's for uh their Phase 2 project that came through in 23 and then also uh Nick and I had the pleasure to attend Pat northy was there as long as Jeff alt was there as well um moaz for I don't know if you saw the article in the paper but they are uh donating money $75 million and they're matching up to $150 million for the expansion of moaz it's great project awesome and that's all I have for uh staff comments okay hi yeah um advisory committee comments Dwight yeah I just um regretfully I will not be able to attend the October 10th meeting I have a commitment out of town but other than that no comments okay Jay any comments uh no I'm good thank you Pat yeah the only thing I want to um elaborate on is Daniel talked about the the mois um announcement and yeah Pat and I were there um for the presentation and uh the one thing I disagree with hayatt is when he said that he wants to turn mois into a regional attraction I think it's already there um it's it's one of the only cultural organizations that we're able to talk about in Orlando on that committee as as having a real uh impact and being run to a very high level so uh but his his vision is is incredible um it I think it'll just add to um you know the cultural offerings and one thing that I want to point out that that he did reiterate is when you bring in major corporations like a Boeing and they're going to build a plant here and they have um they have a lot of you know High salaried people coming in those people want high quality cultural and quality of life experiences in the area so um you know that's something that uh you know to consider as we move forward with the echo strategic plan and even the county direct expenditure plan Stephanie yes thank you I just wanted to um thank everyone on the committee and and the applicants um I think it's a privilege to be allowed to serve on this committee appointed to serve on this committee and I've enjoyed so much learning more about our amazing valua County and I did say before I'm feeling frustrated with this review process so um for some of the things that we've already talked about and I'm just excited to hear that even though it's not as timely as we' wished that we are moving forward with the focus groups and the planning process and the visiting Pro visioning process because I think it's imperative that the applicants have the guidance and the reviewers have the same so that we can further along these projects even more effectively but thank you John I just like to thank the applicants as well than I'd like to uh challenge us and maybe and staff to see I think we have a level of frustration and we're looking at going out for a new consultant and we're looking at 3 to six months before that is begun and probably a two-year process before we have a completed uh long-term vision and I can I can look around I know Jeff is uh has pointed out some very specific things Stephanie you as well and I'd love us to explore what possibilities we have to address that within this group in a more timely way recognizing that this is coming perhaps but you know what is possible what can we do and I and and we will have a new County Council of some sort to start in January I would love to have had us have a discussion and know what's available to us to make the changes that we see need to be at least couched today and perhaps an opportunity for some public input before we would go forward I think there are possibilities to move without waiting three years now in the past we did have a workshop when we did uh raise the grant amounts I was about two years ago and you know I think it is time that we have a workshop where we can discuss that I know that there's a problem with doing grants on two phases one would be for construction drawing LS and that's because there would be no Public Access and that would be a change in the in the guide book you want to speak on that yeah I mean during when we do the tenative calendar at the next meeting that is something that if you guys want to try to incorporate a listening session then we can try to uh make that possible and then the guide book changes would not come to till about March is when usually you guys review uh the guide book that would still be well in advance of three years to be able to adapt something so I appreciate that thank you is everybody good with that okay sounds good thank you everybody for coming all the applicants and for staff I know you put a lot of work into this we appreciate it and at that I got to update some scores for some math um so for City Center improvements project uh the Reggie Santilli should be a 95 okay you have that good just want to make sure um City Center improvements project alt score should be 81 according to the math and then uh DeBry Alexander Island Reggie santii should be 97 got it okay all right so I'll still uh meet the required uh scoring of 80 so that once again that that those will go to Council on November 19th which should be a 4M meeting and are you offering the chairman an opportunity to present before the Council Bless couple years it's just been staff that's been invited to IT staff has attended and Council excuse me this advisory committee has not been asked to come I'm just wondering if we're going to to go back to the old ways where old ways excuse me um my my brain tumor is acting up um when you can when the chairman was identified as the chair and asked to make presenting remarks on if there was any from the council I mean we're gonna include our staff recommendation as well as your recommendation this is going to go on it's not going to be it's going to not be a time certain item it's going to go in consent we don't know yet that'll be decided by upper management at their at their meeting so but I'll pass along the information because we will have a multiple agenda items for echo on the 19th uh city of South Daytona scope change will also have to go um the critical grant for uh Daytona Beach will go as well so and I encourage everybody to come to the council meeting yeah as soon as I get the approved agenda I will let you guys know if it's time certain or if it's an item on the agenda and and we should know that about a week before when the agenda conference happen happens and upper leadership determines uh if they want to do a Time certain on or not okay okay at that we're adjourned thank you all right thank you guys good luck on getting out Atlanta yeah it's going to be up there probably welcome now good yeah all they good to go thanks guys backs hurt today oh crap I forgot to tell them hey guys before y'all go I do for that regie I got one for you I forgot to tell you guys all right we'll see you on three weeks you guys left your notebooks I left than you you e e I yeah I texted e e e by I didn't get these two Stephanie that was that was oh know the I had not I ripped out my um my one br they she to EX the excep okay PC hard start about make ch should yeah I know res can so something could dep br be got yeah do you you need me to go or we go with you for a deep brief or okay yeah there's some stuff down here Jill your neck she took the whole she took the whole bucket she wanted to get out of here huh I think she has oh really I think so but I'm not sure come on let me get some of this you was e e