##VIDEO ID:4FAWnVGLVtc## good morning everyone we would like to welcome everyone to the December 6 2024 valua forever advisory committee meeting uh welcome to everyone that is in Chambers and that might be listening online uh for those of us in Chambers just a quick reminder please put your cell phones on silent so that we are able to concentrate on our speakers without interruption and with that if we could have roll call please Wanda vanam here Jessica gal here Steve Crump here Kelly frasa here John gamble here Derek lontine is on standby via teams John Macaluso here Suzanne schneer here David Sosa here we have a quorum okay very good as you heard um Mr Lage is on standby he has requested um that because he is not feeling well that he'd be allowed to attend the meeting virtually and in order for that to happen we need to make a decision as a committee so we need a motion and then a vote as to whether or not we wish to allow him to attend virtually so if someone would like to make a motion on that then we can vote on it I'll make a motion for I'm sorry L yeah sorry to um attend virtually second okay we have a motion by Kelly frasa and the first second came from um Mr maaloa so we have a motion and a second all in favor signal by saying I I I any opposed okay very good all right that brings us to public participation I do not have any forms but I believe we have someone that would like to speak great thank you all right Miss Tina Swift please good morning thank you all for the opportunity to provide comment on this important matter my name is Tina Swift 419 lemon Road in oin I'm here today representing the oin preservation society and oin residents as you've seen from the emails sent this week by members of our community tin is proud to see more of the environmentally sensitive and agriculture lands in our area up for conservation consideration we encourage the board to approve the LEF and Harang applications for conservation East mins covering over a th Acres these lands represent a vital opportunity to preserve vucha County's natural heritage approving these conservation easements would ensure that these valuable ecosystems are protected for generations to come safeguarding local Wildlife water resources and the Agricultural and Rural character of our community as you well know the retention of Farmland preserves not only the stability of the ecosystem but also preserves a dwindling way of life no Farmers no food by supporting these applications the board will make a significant impact on conservation efforts in this area of Lucha County this decision aligns with the mission of Lucha forever and demonstrates a commitment to preserving the unique and irreplaceable landscapes in our region we urge you to vote in favor of these easement to help protect this land for good thank you for your combined efforts and dedication to preserving our County's natural resources thank you for your time okay thank you Miss Swift anyone have questions for Miss Swift okay very good thank you for that that brings us to to the approval of the October 25 2024 meeting minutes does anyone have any corrections changes additions that they would like to make to the minutes okay hearing none would someone like to make a motion on the minutes please I'll move to approve the minutes as they're presented second okay we have a motion by Mr Crump and a second by Miss G for approval of the minutes as written written all in favor please signal by saying I I any opposed okay very good and that brings us to new business which is eligibility review and we will turn it over to staff good morning can can you hear me thank you all right good morning I I've got to keep this close to me okay uh Tim Telfer land acquisition manager um so we are now uh going to review a number of applications we at the elig ility stage we're not ranking today this is just determining whether the pro the um projects that have been submitted to the program fit the program criteria so that's our evaluation this morning and uh I think youve all been through this a number of times so I'm going to skip a lot of the other details regarding our process today and jump right into the first item so the first application for your consideration is called John Anderson Drive this is a fe simple application uh roughly 14 acres in Northeast fuchia County uh staff scored at 11 out of 21 the minimum required here is 10 out of 21 we're not within an acquisition Target area I will mention um this is within the um optimal boundary of the state parks in this area um it does have significant adjacent conservation property both North Peninsula State Park and Belo Creek State Park and with that said we'll stand by for any questions from the committee okay any questions on the John Anderson Drive property yes Mr Sosa okay my question you know I was looking at the price tag it says 42 million for you know 14 acres nine of it which is wetland so basically it breaks down to like 300,000 an acre for Wetlands um now is that something that the council would vote on if you know say we deem it eligible and the price is just out of range because me personally I wouldn't pay 4.2 million for it but is that something the council would approve or disapprove so um as we'll we'll talk about kind of the final steps and and under the assumption that it's made eligible today and ranked we bring it to the council the next stage for staff is obviously we go out we order a title report on it I do want to bring to the committee's attention there is already a PUD on this property here and that's why you see that higher asking price it already has that entitlement in place and that reflects fair market value so we go out and we order the appraisals on this Pro property that PUD is going to be part of their analysis there in determining what actually is fair market value um those appraisals set a limit on how staff you know the upper limit on what staff can negotiate and present to the County Council but that entire package will be presented to the County Council assuming that we can reach an agreement meaning assuming that our offer is accepted um and it's and it's not a speculative or a proforma uh uh offer it's just based on market value so that'll be presented to the County Council and it'll be up to them to make that final decision on whether they deem the property worthy of that price tag okay thank you I'm sorry I thought you had a question Mr G uh since this is next to the county park is have you guys thought anything about I see there's up adjacent to to that I was wondering whether you'd carve that off and use some other funding for that instead of the environmental area or did you want the whole thing I mean because that's a that's a tiny little park that's pretty heavily used I don't know whether you've talked to Tim about that or not but it just seems like that's one that's one of the ones that seems like it might be a joint you know project so yeah we would be uh discussing with the uh other agencies in our partnership and negotiation some of the strategies yeah I mean I would the state be interested in thrown in on that too because all all the rest of that around there is State I mean you it's not like it needs a lot of management or anything up there so yeah so so I'm going to answer that question and and try to be careful that I'm not committing the state to anything I have uh forwarded this application package to my colleagues at the Department of Environmental Protection that manag of Florida forever funds it's not an official response but it was positively received I'll put it that way gotcha gotcha okay enough okay any other questions for sta M shriber so I have a few questions um there was a section that said that um the land was clear cleared who when was that authorized to be cleared was it actually vegetation cut down it was cleared or just did it mean cleared as in just an open area already I was asking about that because it there was a section that said cleared so that is a question that we may have to get back to you on um because we have not dove into whether there were permits and the extent of clearing and the time place that it took plays in preparing for this meeting but we'd be happy to get you an answer okay that's fine the um public Recreation opportunities uh there was mentioned that there was a new dock there but I think public Recreation opportunity set a three and I was wondering why that scored a three if you had an opinion on that because there there's a dock there which would mean maybe kaying and so and it was a new dock cuz it specified knew so so you're referring when you say three you're referring to the staff score correct okay so so are so I I'll give the usual caveat that our our scores are advisory and when we put a three there that's a result of some staff gathers up we we all scored individually then we meet as a group and then we work through whether there's a positive or A negative response to the question if there's a positive we try to give it a score on one through five and that's simply our opinion on how well it fits that question and you as a committee certainly have the prerogative here to to weight it higher than staff has okay three is so middle of the road I just wondered if you considered the new Dock and if the new dock was actually available to the public already or if there's something that's not usable I mean I'm asking because there's a new dock I'm just I'm just curious yeah I can't answer if the dock is available for the public this is still a private piece but uh we'll weigh in on the weight of the scoring uh you know some of the things we look at is the carrying capacity of the property uh you know this is not a large 5 600 acre property that could support multiple recreational uses so um that would be the reasoning for uh the weight we gave is the size of the property does play into that and the carrying capacity okay so did staff tour the property I have not been on the property we have not toured the property all right and um it's currently zoned for what ESC I believe environmental systems is that correct but yet there's a PUD on it so I see ESC under the future land use map as a future land use for the property and the zoning is the Pud H okay um a three on matching funds I'm assuming that's because you don't really know if the state park system is you're not committing for them and is that the case with the three on that that's an affirmative so we're technically not within a Florida forever boundary here but we're within a proximity in a in in an area that the state has been able to apply funds outside of a boundary they do have some flexibility depending on proximity to the boundary and then the value of the property um so we believe that there's a high potential here but again we can't commit the state to a partnership yet I understand and um I'm I'm uh perplexed as to why we're discussing price as part of whether it qualifies or not because the statement that was made about it being so expensive um I thought the instruction was to us that we're not um judging whether or not it's eligible based on the price so uh I was I'm just letting everyone know I was kind of turned off by that because we've purchased we've approved some extremely expensive pieces before and we've approved less expensive and we don't get involved in the negotiations so I'm just maybe that's more of a statement but letting staff know when you put the price in there it opens the door for that type of judgment to be made that's all I'm going to say okay yeah historically we've always given um the tax the value of the property by the taxpayers historically that's always been on there but also historically we've been instructed that we are not to consider pricing and that uh our evaluation is on the merits of the property that the pricing is put in there for general information but shouldn't be part of our consideration so I understand it both ways and i' I've wondered that myself if it'd be better not to put that in there but historically it's always been in there so I wasn't going to comment until the comment came up I just want to say that out loud um I view this as being desirable to the state as well as like the T the tamoka marsh property it's a similar type situation um opposite sides of the river but similar and and that property was eligible and it took a long time but it progressed to the point where the state took it over um I understand there is no definitive answer as to what would happen with matching funds no matching funds state taking it like that's all an open-ended um decision right now to happen in the future but if it's eligible it's eligible I just want to point that out um I do understand I think I think this is going to be a difficult call because of the fact that the price was there and been commented on and I find that to just be an unfortunate situation I just want to point that out again so when Mr SOS asked the question I viewed it as not relevant to his decision on whether the property was eligible or not but just more requesting an understanding of how these prices are factored in as the County Council considers an acquisition which is multiple steps down the road from where we are today I viewed it as more of informative and not necessarily meant to influence the the decision that would be made today well from an opinion standpoint I didn't view it that way and that's why I'm saying this out loud um I'm not David is entitled to his opinions and that's not not my point at all my point is is once we talk about the price out loud I think that it has an impact that's all I'm trying to say here um I think that's it for right now okay thank you Mr ryber any other questions or comments yeah I just want to comment I've been on that site a bunch over the years uh that whole Central Area is a is a black Rush salt marsh um we've seen alligators and stuff in it now I haven't been on it in since in the 2000s because I left mosquito control but we used to land in there check for mosquitoes we used to spray that regularly that's a mosquito producer producing Marsh in there so um and you can see on the wet on page 28 uh the uh the stuff that shows the esterine marsh and how much of that property is Marsh now they might have got a PUD to put something on the Upland but the dredge and fill cost for that would be pretty high so um I think that's that's a to me it's a good parcel um just because it's proximity to the county park and all the rest of it stayed around there it's really an inappropriate place to put development and that kind of thing and and it has he has a really nice pretty nice Marti and at least it was one last time I saw it so and I don't think it's changed at all since then so okay any other questions or comments I have one more question okay Mr rver there was it was noted that there was a storage building on the property um that was the only building noted but it did say storage building on the property because I made a note about it you know do you know the size of that I I don't have any information on the size of the structure okay okay okay anyone else all right with no further questions would someone like to make a motion on the John Anderson Drive property I'd like to move that we make it eligible okay we have a motion do we have a second I second it okay M motion by Mr gamble second by m rber any further discussion okay all in favor of deeming this property eligible signal by saying I I any opposed okay very good on to property number two LEF Corporation please all right before we get into the uh LEF Corporation property by itself I just wanted to bring to the committee's attention uh this proximity map because the next four applications um are all right here together um and I know the the original um location map could not show them very well so I wanted to provide this for a visual um this is all all four applications are all the same family um all willing Sellers and all asking for an conservation or um agricultural easement on the property so um I wanted to point out to the committee that we did evaluate each of these properties individually from each other so they were not evaluated together um each criteria they will stand on their own but I wanted to provide the map as a reference um for location purposes so the first property is the LEF corporation uh it is a working forest and farms land agricultural easement staff score of 16 of 19 requirement of N9 of 19 it's approximately 935 Acres it is in the valuch conservation Corridor and the Florida Wildlife Corridor it's adjacent to the Palm Bluff Conservation area as well as a valicia County held conservation eement okay and thank you for that map um that helped because I was drawing on our existing maps and it's kind of hard because they're so vibrant but that helps a lot so any questions for staff on the LEF Corporation property okay with no questions would someone please make a motion on this property I move to make this property eligible okay do we have a second I'll second okay we have a motion by Mr Sosa a second by Mr maaloa to find the property eligible any discussion okay all in favor signal by saying I I any opposed okay motion carries very good property number three all right the next property for consideration is the Donald and Chelsea Harding property it is also a working forest and farmlands agricultural easement application staff score of 12 of 19 for the requirement of 9 of 19 plus or minus 10 acres um it is in the St John's River Water Management District 5-year acquisition plan um the adjacent conservation property that there are none this is a uh smaller 10 acre piece um adjacent to the larger 900 acre piece you just viewed okay so at this point there is no it's not adjacent but potentially is adjacent due to the larger piece as are all of these yes today it is not adjacent to a current eligible of L rubber property okay okay very good uh any questions of staff on this okay not hearing any questions would someone like to make a motion on the Don Chelsey Harding property I'll move that we make it eligible okay we have a motion do we have a second second Steve Crump okay we have a motion by Mr Campbell a second by Mr Crump any discussion okay all in favor please signal by saying I I I any opposed okay very good property has been voted as eligible all right the next property conf for consideration is the gns LEF Family Trust property is a working forest and farmlands agricultural easement with a staff score of 11 of 19 with a requirement of 9 of 19 it's approximately 21 Acres there's also within the St John's River Water Management District 5year acquisition plan and um currently not adjacent to a eligible L rever property okay questions for staff on this property okay I'm sorry Mr Crump I just this one has that little track off to the by the highway is that is that the one we're looking at gns Le yep yes okay any further questions okay would someone here to make a motion on the gns L Family Trust properties move to make it eligible second Mr Sosa was that you yes okay we have a motion by Mr Gamble and a second by Mr Sosa to find the gns Le Family Trust property eligible any discussion on the motion okay hearing none all in favor please signal by saying I I I any opposed okay very good that brings us to property number five property number five is the John and Susan Harding property it is a working forest and farmlands agricultural easement the staff score of 9 of 19 with a requirement of N9 of 19 it's approximately 10 acres it is not in an acquisition Target area or adjacent to a current Conservation Area or eligible flu forever property so same situation until when and if the property has been um deemed eligible it will be then be adjacent to other conservation properties but at this point we can't call it adjacent correct okay okay okay Miss SC question I just see in the summary that it references cattle and Timber I think probably just Timber but is all of the surrounding area around the homes do you know if that's planted crop it looks very orderly so I would it does look like it's planted Pine from the aerial phot photographs any further questions okay hearing none would someone please make a motion on the John and Susan Harding property I'll make a motion to move [Music] eligible okay we have a motion by Mr as do we have a I'll second it okay a motion by m r second by Mr s to find the John and Susan Harding property eligible all in favor please signal by saying I I I any opposed okay very good exact same and and I will add for the committee that we received a uh number of letters of support for these properties uh we received three more this morning before the meeting and we will get those out to you in an email okay okay yeah no these are some good properties so very exciting Miss I think those additional letters were put in our binder too when we got here there were three more okay confirm okay okay that brings us to item number five staff comments and reminders okay so I'm going to start out with our property update phase of the meetings just give you folks an idea on where all these projects are that you've been handling over time um so first of all the Evans is Project is behind us now uh we spoke about that at the last meeting Morgan Stern has closed uh that was led by the St John's River Water Management District they've closed on the property uh the Stewart Property if everybody recalls that's the 2500 acres in the Edgewater area we are in the closing process right now so we are in the document distribution and an execution phase of closing on that project and that should be wrapped up in the next couple weeks um McMillan this is a a piece of property that we have um uh had an offer approved internally here we're going to distribute that offer probably later today before close a business that that's our Target goal um Cooper this was approved by the County Council for acquisition on November uh 19th um we've got the phase one and survey ordered obviously once those are completed that'll move to closing also um after that is double eagal double eagal is kind of um uh tracked along a little bit slower than desired um but we are engaged with the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services as a as a financial partner on this transaction uh they had uh as a matter policy decided to order their own appraisal on the property and that that appraisal has been a little bit delayed by uh some health issues by the appraiser himself so we are nearing the offer stage on that one we're simply just waiting for the state's uh report to come in the Carter Quail property still scheduled for the Governor's cabinet meeting on December 17th um we expect that one to go through without any issues tamoka marsh uh up in the north northeast corner of alucha County um the appraisals are now underway and in fact that the the appraisers conducted a site visit on November 20th so we should see their reports in the next uh probably month uh the holidays may slow that down it maybe towards late January but the state is um obviously pursuing this one um tamoka Farms Road this is another project that we are currently in communication with the land owners on uh we've completed the title phase and we're getting a couple more matters organized before we order the appraisals that that one should start um very very soon and we'll move towards an offer on that one very soon uh Lake George in Holdings this is a partnership with the St John's River Water Management District there's been an offer presented to the owners and we're simply waiting for a response on that one right now um I want to point out so uh the rural and family an Protection Program this is our partner through fdax FL Department of AG Agriculture and consumer services they're going to be opening up another application window on December 18th it's going to run through January 29th we've targeted some projects that we want to have submitted to that program but I I share that with the committee as you go out and speak in with the public if there's somebody that doesn't want to work through vucha forever they can app apply directly to the rural and family lands Protection Program um starting on December 18th uh so as you know we we we had opened up uh our our Regional conservation partnership program application window we have both the carway lakes and fourstar Timber applications processing through right now uh and we are already talking about opening up an a second application window somewhere around February and March we just have to get a couple of these applications organized for that um I'm going to move on to the resolution before I continue with my updates I've got some that'll be better explained via PowerPoint slide but the we put uh resolution 20237 7 status update on the agenda we're going to distribute that via email what you're going to see come back to you is the same document that you saw in July when we had our Workshop so so that that that simply addressed the um eligibility question at that time we're going to put that back out for your consideration as well as any other issues that you feel are are pertinent um that may need to be modified in that resolution what have we learned over time via handling these applications that would make our process process more efficient more accurate we're looking for that feedback from you all um we're going to ask that you respond via email so we can compile all those requested changes we'll bring those to your attention at the February meeting and and try to get an approved uh uh resolution to present to the County Council either in February or a subsequent meeting there I do want to point out I'm going to throw it in right now that um when we talk about the timing of these meetings there's going to have to be some special handling as we work through this resolution we may have to call another meeting uh possibly in late late February to get it approved uh because that is that all of your terms do expire in uh March so everybody must reapply that wants to stay on the committee just want to point that out make sure everybody's aware that you're you're going to expire in March please reapply if you want to stay on the committee um okay so I'm going to move to the 2025 meeting schedule unless there's any questions okay okay so we are putting the meeting schedule um on display right now uh I'm not sure if everybody everybody's brought their calendars and is prepared to approve the this schedule or you need a little bit more time what is the feeling of the committee would you prefer to look and discuss this later or is everyone comfortable with stating that these meetings are good with them I I mam chair I'd prefer to take a look at it and uh and get back because like I stated earlier I have three calendars home and they all have to make sense okay I I agree with him on that same with you okay um how would you like to handle this staff do you want emails sent in or do you want to put this to the next meeting or what works best for staff here please email us and and we'll try to get this uh distributed back to you be for approval at the February meeting and also bear in mind we may have if if if we're not approving the resolution at the February 7th meeting we're probably going to call another meeting in late February before your terms expire to get a vote on that document and I think there's possibly also uh potential for additional meetings depending on timing of the properties being deemed eligible and then wanting to move them forward as quickly as possible I think everyone needs to understand as we put in applications for the committee for the coming two years that there's a potential that we're going to have more meetings um to try to move these properties along so M rber if this schedule stays as what you presented I'm good what you got right here I prepar okay so if everyone could email staff with even if it works well that you don't have any conflicts please just let them know um so that we can get the schedule approved as soon as possible again bearing in mind potential for additional meetings can you email this slide to us or the the dates on an email yes so yeah because I don't have that at home so yeah and and and please when we distribute it please take a look at your calendars and get back to us as soon as you can because if we have to move meetings we'd like to reserve the rooms as early as possible to hold them yeah okay so uh may not display terribly well but the next topic we're going to talk about is an update to the valua conservation Corridor expansion so we've talked about this a number of times uh over the years this is one of the goals of the committee is to work on this Expansion Project we had originally been partnering with uh lch conservation trust and had extensive dialogue with the UN University of Florida that what we found out is that when our when our mapping specialist Mike Richards was hired he was capable of doing all the same work that we were considering Outsourcing to those groups so Mike has gone through and done a pretty significant analysis we have a physical copy of his report that we've distributed to the committee members there and so what you see on the screen here everything on the leftand side is the the the valua conservation Corridor boundary as it exists today and then on the right hand side are the proposed expansion areas and Nick may be a able to explain a little bit better some of the gis and analysis that went through there if you have questions on that the bottom line is we do have recommended areas for expansion so the next phase for us is to start some dialogue with the state and talk to them about the Willing seller process because that's the next thing that we have to do is reach out to land owners that may be within these expanded boundaries and make sure that they are comfortable with their property being included in this application make sure they understand that it has no regulatory weight it doesn't mean that we are going to seize their property anything like that so we probably have extensive conversations that we'll have with land owners within the proposed expansion areas there is there a question I see you moving to the microphone I have a question okay um on the the right uh it's a little blurry so I'm asking in general what I mean I see the left and I see the right is it basically just everything outside of what's on the left that is in the possible expansion I don't want to presume something here that's why yeah so so his a analysis looked at a number of different layers the same layers that the state had been using for a lot of their uh project analysis and this is the output from his analysis so he's you know plugged all these GIS layers into a uh into his software and written some scripts for it for the analysis and waiting and this is the output of that process so it would be the additional green and yellow areas that we would look at including and the significance of green versus yellow okay help me [Music] out all right so I'll dig into the gis side of this a little bit um so we utilized um three different state layers one from FWC one from F and one from the Florida Wildlife Corridor and we have overlaid that um throughout the entire County and um also overlaid that with our current BL conservation Corridor so what we've done is we've identified areas where all three of those layers overlap um on the right hand side of that that slide that is the uh darker green that you kind of see with the border so those are the highest priority layers where all three data sets overlap the yellow are where some layers overlap but not all three so for us they're a secondary uh priority ranking to the first one so the map on the right shows the current BL conservation Corridor with the highest priority and the secondary priority layers expansions okay so at this point we are presenting to the state but we don't have any idea what the state's response is going to be do they will they respond to do we know will they respond to the idea in general or are they going to want to respond to each addition do we know what to expect there uh well this is a draft form right now so some of this will rely on the Willing seller aspect if there any adjustments that need to be made at that point before we take it to the state okay okay have any other counties gone to state with something like this to expand their corridors or are we the first that are attempting this we're not the first it it's not uncommon to see modifications to your Florida forever boundaries so so there is a path there and as Nick said we we do have a little bit more homework to do before it's formally submitted to the acquisition and restoration Council and that's the extensive first stage before it actually um uh becomes a an eligible an additional eligible area um but we'll reach out to their staff also so we've been in communication with them about a number of projects and and and how their processes work and have Lucia uh integrates within their processes so we'll reach out to staff directly before there's an official submitt on this application okay so this is a a lengthy project this is not something that we're going to see a resolution to quickly here we've got a lot of steps to go through before we have a resolution one way or the other that that that's an affirmative and that's a great transition for me if there are no other questions I I'd love to tr oh you have one more okay sorry so did you do ground truthing to come up with this as well is that what I'm understanding here no at this point there's uh no ground truth thing this is based off available data sets and aerial photography and current uh okay boundaries and then so um my understanding was not a whole lot of counties have pursued this so you're saying some have you know ever how many has there been a fairly good track record for those counties in success do you know I mean just as simple yes or no I'm not looking for details here yes with data support they've had success okay good to know we we do know that we we can't go to to the art committee and just bring you know we just want to expand it to the wildlife Corridor that's not going to no I understand that's yeah I didn't I get it I understand okay so like I said I'm going to use this as a transition point but let's let's back up a step so everybody understands what we're talking about here is we work this through the acquisition and restoration Council and what it does is it opens up an additional Florida forever U uh project area so that means pardon me that there are additional funds that are available for Partnerships or to to request the state take uh the lead on projects and it also saves a lot of time because when you're within a Florida forever project uh area you don't have to go through the acquisition and restoration Council so as a staff person I package it up and I send it to my colleagues at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection they have a process called triage where internally their staff will take a look at all the requests that are coming in and make a determination on what the staff capacity is to handle those applications and then assign them out to to various acquisition uh staff members so again that's the real benefit of EXP Banning out these Florida forever project areas but but I also have some very good news that I'm going to put up on the next slide here okay so what we're taking a look at right now is the okal Oola Wildlife Corridor so let's start on the map on the left and if you see the yellow boundary on that map there that was the old I'm going to call it o to O for the remainder of the conversation that was the old o to boundary area it's since been modified to the red and if you if you look closely that red area now moves in down through vucha County and we've kind of put a map on the right side showing where our current projects fall within that area so why is this good news this is good news for a number of reasons first of all this operates the same way any Florida forever project boundary does any projects that the County Council has put on the a or b list our staff then can package up and send to the D staff and request that it be uh reviewed in their triage process so basically when you take a look at the majority of the Northwestern portion of the county and down through the central portion of the county when we have applications come in and we we we automatically have a partner with the Department of Environmental Protection and we immediately move past the acquisition and restoration Council stage and immediately start dialogue with their staff and requesting them to pick it up as a project either in Partnership or for them to take the lead on the other reason this is good news is this is one of two projects the o to and there was a project down in South Florida in the 2023 uh legislative session these two project areas had a combined special allocation of about $800 million now I don't know how much of that has been spent down yet but there's significant funds remaining so now what we're looking at is we are starting to stack different funding opportunities on top of each other we have the traditional Florida forever boundary areas we now how have the o to O project area as you're familiar with the regional conservation partnership program boundary Etc so we are now stacking these funding Partners one on top of the other here and this is one with a significant War chest to utilize going forward so we're very happy with this want to make sure you all are aware of this uh significant change before this you know really really gets out we we hope that you again our ambassadors for the program knowledgeable and commun can communicate with the public about these great opportunities for us my apologies did you say a or b list would Auto the map shows just a did in your comments did you say a or b list so so I treated that as County counil approved project so as we've discussed the b list sometimes needs something more to come back but even if you're on the b list we can work on that something more and you're automatically eligible for this state funding thank you questions on that okay very good um could we back up just one second I'm sorry the Carter Quail property that is going to be um looked at by the state are you involved in that uh process at all do you go and speak on that or is your part in this finished and it's now just up to State we we have completed our part and it's now in the state's hands okay okay all right okay I do want to point out just just for clarification that fucha County will be the end manager of that Pro property though so we're still engaged in that capacity but for acquisition purposes the state is now the state has the football okay okay all right um do you need anything from us on any of this a vote on anything or just for us to get back to you with the calendars and then to look at the resolution and get back to you with any um changes suggestions on the resolution follow up on the calendars follow up on the resolution and then the reminder that um eligibility is going to expire in March so if you're going to reapply please consider reapplying now okay all right and when does that window open to to reapply I don't is there is there is there a time date on that yeah we we'll have to send something back to I mean I don't want to do it now if it's not open or whatever so we'll get an answer for you okay thank you I have okay I have a question okay M ryber do you need letters of support for the submitt for the expansion of the conservation Corridor to FD we will when we submit it yes we will need some support can you let me know when that is when you're ready I'd be happy to thank you and and who too at the same time yes absolutely okay other questions all right if no other questions and that will conclude the staff comments and that brings us to advisory committee comments anything anyone would like to comment on or questions okay I'm sorry Mr SOA I just want to say everybody have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year since we won't see you till the next year thank you you too thanks all right anyone else very good thank you everyone for your time and attention um good meeting good properties so also merry Christmas happy New Year and we will see you in February thank you we're adjourned