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2024 meeting any this discussion on the me minutes I'd make a motion to approve second okay I got a motion to approve the minutes for April 18th 20124 from Miss Shell and a second for Mr 6 minut any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay if anyone would like to speak for against the cases being heard today if you could please fill out a form at the rear of the Das here and give it to Miss Tucker to my immediate left we will be limiting you to a 3 minute time limit and after the comments have been heard I will give the applicant an opportunity to address any concerns the speakers have and answer any questions the Commissioners may have and at this time I'd like to turn it over to Mr sorya for legal comment thank you Mr chair uh just uh for the audience and for uh any applicants that Decisions by this body on special exception casee cases and cases which reone Real Property from one classification to another person to the zoning ordinance are recommendations only to the County Council and do not constitute a final hearing new evidence may be presented at the County Council um public hearing decisions on variances made by this body constitute final action subject to an appeal to the County Council what this means is that no new evidence may be presented at the time of the County Council public hearing on the appeal an agreed party that appeals such a decision is confined to the record made before this body hearings by this body on rezonings special exceptions and variances are Quasi judicial in nature meaning that this this body is acting more like a court and must take into account all oral written or demonstrative evidence presented their decisions on these cases must be based on competent substantial evidence in the record and competent substantial evidence has been defined as that evidence a reasonable mind would accept to support a conclusion thank you Mr chair thank you Mr Sor and while on legal comments I would like to ask the commission to disclose for the record any expart Communications that have occurred before or during the public hearing at which a vote is to be taken on any qu additional matter so I'll start with my immediate right with Miss Craig I have none thing none none none none and I have none okay it seems like we do have an item to be continued uh Miss Smith you want to tell us about that one yes sir this is a variance 22-34 uh this was an item that you heard a few years ago it was continued to no date certain they um did come forward and wanted to go this month however they miss do public notice so they're asking to be heard July 18th okay all right I think we need to put a Time certain on this one it's been out there for over two years uh can we make it for the July you July what meeting it's July 18th July 18th yeah okay okay I'll make a motion then the case b 22034 continue the July 18th 2024 meeting okay I've got a motion on the floor to continue variance V 22034 for a Time certain of July 18 2024 uh from Mr 6man and second for Mr Patterson any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay we do not have any unfinished or old business so we'll move right into our new business so miss Shelly can I get the first case read into the record please yes sir case number v-2 24-36 a variance to the dock and Boat House regulations on Urban single family residential R3 zoned property thank you Miss Shell Miss Smith this one is yours yes sir um this is a property on Lake George and Pearson the applicant came in for a permit for a boat dock and during the zoning review they found out it was larger than is allowed by the zoning code so they're requesting a variance to allow a dock size greater than 750 sare ft the zoning review revealed that this dock size is 1,320 square ft it includes two covered boat slips a dock and then the walkway the applicant states that they need the extra square footage for Ada access we did find when we reviewed the application that it fails four of the five criteria so um we do recommend denial however due to the width of the property it doesn't appear that it's going going to be injurious to the surrounding area it's pretty wide parcel with that I'd be happy to answer any questions okay do any questions from the staff hearing none okay is the applicant present the applicant is not present okay then we do not have any public participation forms for this case okay we're going to close the floor for public participation and open up for commission discussion or motion um Mr chair is since the applicant isn't here um they've waved any right to basically um contend or you know dispute the staff's assertions um you can continue to a Time certain and give the applicant a chance to um show up and make their case or you can rule on an up or down vote okay I would prefer to continue this to the end of our meeting today uh at least please give them in case they're running behind for whatever reason um Mr Patterson I I'd motion to continue the case till when to the next meeting July I would same here June I give the month June June June 18 all right we've got a motion on the floor for Mr Patterson to continue V2 2436 second and and is from Mr Patterson is second from Mr Costa uh to continue this case until our next meeting of June what date is that that will be June 20th June 20th I i' I'd highly suggest that um they show up in June yeah if they call when you when you inform them that we continued it that's a strong suggestion from us that they should be here exactly I agree yeah especially with the recommendation of the N yeah I I was out there there at the site on Saturday looking at that I was actually involved when on on the County Council years ago when that Park uh boat ramp was put in I had two gentlemen that donated that land and then that where this house is going which is humongous property um is it so I like see what they have to say okay all right we have a motion on the floor any discussion on the motions all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously and um just for the record I have a a correction on page five of the report at the top in the staff recommendation it says it fails to meet three of the five criteria and it should be four yes ma'am it's it's correct on the front page and it that back in here thank you just wanted that okay Miss shile could I get the next case please yes case number v-24 4-38 variance to reduce minimum yard requirements on Urban mobile home mh5 zoned property thank you Miss Shell and this is Mr Shams hi good morning Steve Shams with planning um so the property is uh mh5 on a waterfront lot and their the applicant is seeking to one variance to reduce the North Waterfront yard for an inground swimming pool from 25 ft to 10 ft it's currently developed with a single family home and a screened porch the porch is at the rear of the home and is approximately 14 ft by 34 ft um and between the porch and the seaw wall there is a 150 ft P area uh the existing screen porch or patio is non-conforming to the minimum Waterfront yard as it is approximately 19 ft from the concrete wall at the water's edge when it was permitted it met the old Waterfront setback of 10 ft and was a conforming structure so the applicants would like to uh put in a pool their proposed pool is U 12 by8 and also includes a spa that is 8x4 um in order to create a buildable area of the pool they're looking to remove uh four feet of depth from the porch on the patio's North side and the inground pool is proposed to be located 10 ft from the concrete wall at the water's edge um overall staff recommends denial as the variances failed to meet three of the five criteria um should the should PDC find evidence to approve staff recommends two conditions and I'm available for comment or question thank you Mr shames any questions for staff okay Mr Shams this is just for the pool or is it for pool enclosure also uh just the pool okay I do have a question question okay Mr C on page three the first paragraph the the very last line when it says when when it was permitted to met the old Waterfront setb back at 10 ft are you referring to just the screen room that's there now yes okay so and we're tearing part of that screen room down to accommodate the pool as well correct yes sir all right thank you okay all right is the applicant present would you like to come forward sir good morning sir you've heard the staff report this this morning anything you'd like to add to that and can I get your name and address for the record uh Gary L brok at uh 167 Douglas Street Edgewater Florida okay you've heard the staff report anything you'd like to add to it no sir um I just feel that you know it's improving the neighborhood we've got five I he didn't really say but we've got five letters from our uh neighbors who basically will wake up every morning in see this pool um it's an improvement okay and we didn't really know this when we bought the property in 2021 M and it was changed in 2021 and if it wouldn't have been changed we wouldn't be here today we would just yes sir be building the pool uh but like I said we're willing to tear off part of the pool or the screen enclosure to put the pool in to to meet the setbacks of the 10 feet okay all right any questions for the applicant nope all right sir do we have any public participation okay thank you sir we're going to close the for for public participation and open up for commission discussion or a motion well I'll say this that um looking at the the letters of support and that the fact that the overall footprint is not changing I'd be um actually I'd be willing to make a motion all right on case number v-24 038 that we approve the um the variance with the staff recommended conditions second okay and is it just one condition two conditions okay okay I got a motion something I might add too I mean the next door neighbors got the same pool basically so if the applicants willing to take most of screen en closure down they're equal with next door so yeah okay we got a motion on the floor for Mr Costa to U approve variance v240 38 with the two staff conditions and who seconded that Miss Shell and and Miss Shell give a second any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously Melle could I get the next case please yes sir case number v-24 d039 variance to the accessory dwelling unit Adu regulations on Rural mobile home mh4 zoned property thank you m shell and Mr Sams this one's also yours hi good morning again so the applicant is uh seeking a variance to the Adu regulations to allow them to construct an Adu that is larger than 50% of the existing principal structure um the property is currently developed with a 1,2 ft mobile home that was originally permit in 1994 they would like to add an additional mobile home to be used as an Adu and the proposed mobile home is 840 sare ft um if built to conform with ad regulations the maximum size would be 506 Square ft um therefore they're about 33% over what's permitted and as you can see on your screen they are proposing to have the the mobile home on the west side of the property uh overall staff recommends denial as the variance fails to meet five of the five criteria um should P the RC approv the variance staff recommends two conditions and I'm available for comment or question thank you Mr shames any questions for staff is is the Adu a mobile home as well yes sir it is okay so be two mobile homes on the same property that's correct anyone else okay is the applicant present could I get you to come forward sir and can I get your name and address for the record okay my name is Anthony Lanada um 1902 South ack Road okay you've heard the staff report anything you would like to add to that yes um we want to keep this home for one of us to live in my son's living in one of them and we want to add this one so me and my wife can live in this one okay and there's plenty enough room setbacks and everything there yeah so you're just doing it to to another family member utiliz want to toss my kid out okay okay and especially the way that everything is now you know I can't yeah okay I agree with you okay any questions for the applicant no all right sir do we have any public participation for okay we're going to close the four for public participation open up for commission discussion you can have a seat now okay any I'll close the floor and open up for any discussion or motion I'll make a motion case v24 039 make a motion to approve the variance um the excess of 50 square feet 50% uh with the two staff recommended conditions second okay I've got a motion on the floor to approve variance V2 2439 with the two conditions from staff for Mr CA and second for Miss Shelly any discussion on the motion okay all those in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion carries unanimously all right Miss Shell could I get the next case please yes sir case number v-24 d040 variances to minimum yard requirements and maximum lot coverage on resource Corridor RC zoned property okay Miss Ray this one is yours good morning the applicant is requesting five variance five variances for a proposed 1,894 ft single Family Residence variance one is to reduce the north side yard from 50 ft to 8 ft variance two is to reduce the East front yard from 50 ft to 36 ft variant three is to reduce the South Side yard from 50 ft to 16.1 ft variance four is to reduce the West water front yard from 75 ft to 8 ft and variance five is to increase the maximum lot coverage from 10% to 28.8% um the property used to be split zoned Urban single family residential R3 and RC uh the previous owners requested an RC line adjustment to adjust the RC line to Encompass the entire site uh the previous owners also received uh variances in 2011 to construct a single family home uh the home was never built and those variances expired um staff's recommendation for variances 1 through five is for denial as it failed to meet two of the five criteria however should the pdrc find that the applicant has provided competent substantial evidence two conditions have been provided for consideration I'm available for questions thank you m Ray any questions for staff nope not yet none is the applicant present good morning sir name and address for the record please good morning uh 420 South Nova attorney for the uh owners and I do appreciate all the time staffs put into this and just to quickly maybe hit on the points that um we may have to dis agreee to disagree on the the denial criteria um the first one being that uh the I don't think it was the result of the applicant yes that one they didn't make the situation if if you look around all the zoning around it's R9 so you know R9 minimums are 35 square uh 35% loot coverage uh and have setbacks that are more stringent than what you see on this piece of property it just happens to be by implication a piece of RC property and if they had 25 acres to work with I bet you they could make a house work so um the other being the um uh the minimum possible I again it just doesn't if you look in the neighborhoods you look around they're not asking for something crazy it's a comparable house uh and I wish I had the other variants to show you but um yeah this these actually these uh setbacks are uh more stringent than the original variants uh one of the sidey Yards was I think 5 ft and we're going to 16 ft in the front yard uh we're giving 36 in L of 30 so um you know they're trying to do their best to make reasonable use I I can't speak for the previous owner of why they didn't build but uh these folks uh they've already done plans they're you know they're excited they they really like the property and they want to build and uh in terms of reasonableness of the request it it it makes sense given given the area and given how comparable this is to what's around it so uh I'm available for questions if there's um you know any clarifications but I at least wanted to put that on the record okay clarify the name and address again Joey posie 420 South Nova attorney for the applicant all right there you go you said you're the attorney that's why I was question I had to get that in there let's see if we let me see if we have any questions for you any questions for the applicant I do have a question for Mr posy good morning good morning how are you I'm doing good um so you mentioned that the property around surrounding it are zoned R9 correct if this property were had were in fact zoned R9 as opposed to RC would any of these variances be required or You' still be coming in for a variance I don't believe so maybe the rear the waterf front yard would still need a VAR the what side the water side the waterf front yard yes sir that would be the only one that would be the only one at that point okay yeah I'm I'm looking at this and I don't I'm not in my mind I'm not comprehending why that why this was rezone to RC completely if it had a split zoning before that they didn't go the other route as opposed to RC but I that's a good question to I can't speak for the previous owner so um okay that was my question thank you okay let's see do we have any public participation for okay we're going to close the floor for public participation and open up for commission discussion or motion be glad to make a motion okay Miss Shelly move the case number v-24 d040 variances to minimum yard requirements and maximum lock coverage to Resource Corridor zoned property be approved subject to the two staff condition Mr Patterson second Mr Patterson got that one okay I got a motion on the floor to approve variances 1 through five for v2440 with the two conditions from staff from Miss Shelly and a second for Mr Patterson any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously all right Michelle could I get the next case please yes sir case number s- 24-5 a special exception for forestry resource subdivision on forestry resource FR zoned property thank you Miss Shelly and this one is Miss Ray again good morning so the applicant is requesting a special exception for a forestry resource subdivision on a 30 .84 acre parcel in the cevil area uh the intent is to keep 10.84 acres for the existing residents and to sell 20 acres to the St John's River Water Management District for conservation uh subdivision does allow a density of one dwelling unit per per 10 acres um instead of the normal one dwelling unit per 20 acres so this would allow the applicant property to remain conforming uh to the zoning classification um the property is completely surrounded by the lake George forest and Wildlife Management Area and it is currently developed with a mobile home um the proposed project does meet the requirements of a of the special exception and staff recommends forwarding the to County council with a recommendation of approval I'm available for questions thank you m Ray any questions for staff he none as the applicant present would you like to come forward sir and if I could get your name and address for the record Sir Henry Morganstern 675 Lake George Road C sir you've heard the staff report anything you'd like to add to it I do have some comments if you all right yeah uh good morning Commissioners my name is Henry Morgan Stern I've own these 31 Acres inside the Lake George Wildlife Management Area since 2005 my land is zoned Forest resource which requires a minimum 20 acre lot size I spent the last 40 years of my life trying to help protect Florida's native forests habitats and ecosystems I bought this land because despite being an overgrown fire hazard and impediment to the sound management of your beautiful surrounding Wildlife Area I could see from The Remnant 100-year-old Longleaf pimes the Stream running through it the isolated the rare isolated Tupelo swamp that we have in there equally rare and valuable scrubby Flatwood Uplands that is across the stream a part of the uh that this was potentially an ecological gem if it were only managed the way you Valia County have so well managed the surrounding Wildlife areas at my request when I purchased the property the Florida Division of Forestry with the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission prepared a wildlife and ecos and ecosystem management plan for me under the Forida forward stewardship program I have been diligently on my own to this day try following that management plan and an updated 2020 plan funded and approved by the US Department of Agriculture I'm proud that the stewardship program saw fit to give me this recognition uh certif certification in recognition of your outstanding natural resource management activities under the Florida Forest stewardship program um I'm here today because 20 acres of the best ecosystem areas on my land are now ready largely due to my U work over the under the management plan to be turned over to become part of the late George Wildlife Management Area as managed by valua County as you can see from your staff report I have a contract to sell those 20 acres uh to the St Jos River Water Management District however that will only leave me 11 acres to keep as my Homestead which is below the minimum lot size in the forestry Zone fortunately there's a provision in in your rules that allows me to have a special exception for a minimum 10 acre l size in the zone so I am here to ask you to allow me to keep my 11 acre Homestead I'm not doing any rebuilding no development or nothing I just want to wait was it's been uh keep my 11 acre Homestead so that I can sell those 20 natural ecosystem acres to the Water Management District let me read to you an email from this only take another minute sorry uh an email from Cynthia vudi your own vucha County Land manager who's very familiar with my property and and has been a big help to me since uh uh the time when she was district manager for my area a while back um here that's it Mr Morgan Stern I was very excited to hear that we hopefully will be acquiring your 20 acres I will absolutely put in a good word for you and asked I should add thank you for your interest in selling to the Water Management District and having the property added to the lake George Flor forest and uh Wildlife Management Area you've done great work out there and now you're leg will be able to live on thank you take care of Cindy vudi land manager for L County Miss vudi has also asked me to tell you that this plan is also supported by the fuchia fuchia forever uh conservation program uh your previous land manager steuart Jones was also wonderfully supportive uh in getting me started back when he was your land manager in 2008 2010 Commissioners I'm 72 years old without long-term management my restoration areas will once again become overgrown and lose their ecosystem value or worse my ears will be forced to sell and someone could come in and clearcut it for any of the long list of environmentally incompatible uses allowed in a forestry Zone please help me protect both my work and your Wildlife Area by allowing me this special exception I do also have Mr uh George Jones George uh excuse me George Johnson uh here who was the USDA Forest resource person in the land from and has helped helped me with grants helped and monitored is very familiar with my land uh who is willing to uh address you um to tell you the value of my work and the great loss it would be if it were not preserved for management by valua County I'm open to any questions or if you'd like to hear from Mr Johnson okay any questions for the applicant no sir okay uh would you like to speak Mr Johnson did he fill out a public participation at the end if you'll just fill out a form and give it to Miss Tucker to my immediate left okay pardon me should I sit down yes all right good morning sir name and address for the record George Johnson 2809 County Avenue and delt okay Mr Johnson You' like to speak to this case yes sure I'm I'm a retired District conservationist for the USDA natural resource conservation service and I may office was here in Dand I work with Henry for that's at least 10 years probably with uh conservation planning and Forest management practices he had several cier contracts through USDA nrcs to help him accomplish the work he worked really hard to get this stuff done is a very unique kind of ecosystem in the middle of the forest it's it's very rare and without proper management it will revert to you know a fire hazard and lose all its econ ecological value so that's what I'm here to just bring that out and okay he wants to preserve that and it's a very unique piece of property so any questions for Mr Johnson all right well thank you sir okay anyone else like to speak Miss Tucker do we have anything else do we have anyone else like to speak to this case okay we're going to close the floor for public participation open up commission discussion or a motion I think I'm ready to make a motion here okay Mr 6man uh I case s245 um going to make a motion for approval to before the County Council okay okay I've got a motion on FL to forward the special exception case S2 24005 to the County Council for final action with a recommendation of approval from Mr sixma and a second from Mr Patterson any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay Michelle can I get the next case please I did want to make a comment when I drove up to ceville to look at that property up there I was very impressed with what's going on and I I could see where there had been some fire damages on some of the pine trees you could see so I'm glad it you're doing what you're doing Mr Morgan C thank you yeah and very rare we get the case like this very rare we get a case like [Laughter] this okay Miss Shelly could I get the next case please yes sir case number s-24 d008 special exception for nonprofit organization camp on Prime agriculture A1 zoned property thank you Miss Shelly Miss Smith this one is yours yes sir uh this property is located in Deon springs on the Northern Banks of Lake Winona um just very quickly there's one correction on page two number nine this is in the Deon Springs priority Focus area this mistakenly said Blue Springs um it the camp is owned by the YMCA and it's been operating for over a hundred years as an overnight camp and full disclosure I attended in the 1970s so it's it's been there quite a long time wow the organization applied for a conceptual site plan in March of 24 they're trying to build a 1300 squ foot stage for outdoor performances and at that time um the staff flagged that this facility is a non-conforming use it's been around a lot longer than the zoning code it's allowed to continue operating but it cannot expand until it comes into compliance um they can continue operations they can't expand the applicant needs a special exception for a not for-profit Camp to come into compliance once that use is approved they can apply for a final site plan and they can go get their building permit for the stage again they've been there a long time no problems no complaints no violations and in case you haven't ever been to this Camp if you look in your staff report there's a bunch of photos of happy campers it's a great place and we do recommend approval of this use okay thank you Miss Smith any questions for that just curious why why wasn't this able to be done at the desktop staff level this this approval the the problem is they've been here forever they weren't operating under our current zoning code and our our zoning staff flagged them and said they need to meet the current code and the current code would be to get that use in place because in A1 this type of um this type of thing would not be allowed currently but it can be through a special exception so even though they were grandfathered in from over a 100 years ago they still have to go through this process unfortunately okay it's they're expanding it if they want to operate as is and not put another building in and they're just making repairs they could continue to do that but it's because they're building this new stage outside of the original footprint it's considered an expansion okay right thank you so M Smith this special exception does not put any additional restrictions on them correct that's correct then what they currently are under they'll need to go through site plan just to um formalize their site plan um and that's with our Land Development Office and then they'll have it the plan on file and they're they're good to go to get building permits okay but there is an issue with the site plan of being required to do additional steps in order to get to come in compliance no sir with the special exception no sir I just didn't want to put a burden on them with just for the B the uh special exception okay all right uh is the applicant present good morning sir if you want to give me your name and address for the record sir Chris silop 320 West Rich Avenue Dand Florida all right you've heard the staff report anything you like to add to that uh no sir no sir we they've been very supportive fantastic and I can just say this is necessary because we plan to do a lot of Renovations upgrade to campino in the next few years there's only two WI camps left in Florida it's they're being sold off before there's five now there's two and so we want to do a lot of upgrades and improvements at Camp to make sure kids have a place to go in the summertime without their phones so so we just trying to make sure we get all our ducks in a row so we can start our c campaign and get moving to do some much needed improvements out there okay all right do we have any questions for the applicant all right sir do we have any public participation oh okay slipped it in there only okay Miss manui good morning could I get your name and address for the record Amy munizzi representing the Delon Springs Community Association not just myself but the entire community and uh our address is 150 Spring Garden Ranch Road but I happen to live in the area of camp wona and I can personally tell you what a pH phenomenal organization they are um and as they said you know this is really kind of a housekeeping thing they've been there for over a hundred years but um they did the right thing when trying to come forward to get a permit to build a stage and that's what kicked all this into gear for them but it just gives me an opportunity to come forward even though I know you'll probably pass this unanimously I hope so but it gives me an opportunity to come forward and tell you how valuable they are to this community in De Leon Springs how valuable they are to vucha County and they have kids that come from all over the state and as she said you know if you look at the pictures of all the happy campers it really is true these kids some of them are lower income some of them are high income some can afford it some can't some are special needs they have a diabetes camp that they've done for at least 20 years and you see kids out there they come to Camp some of them have never left home before never had an overnight and they come out they're like little scared Rabbids and by the time this group is finished with them they are excited excited They're laughing they scream all the time you can hear it all the way across the leg because they're having so much fun uh it's just a wonderful experience for all of them they as he touched on it's such a techn technological world for these kids and they shut off their phones they get out under the stars they see the Wonders and the beauty of nature deer walk through there I mean most of these kids would never experience something like that so this Camp is so valuable to our community in this County and the state and as he said more and more of these camps are closing down um so this is all the more valuable because there are so few of them so we highly recommend that you give them this special exception we just wanted to get up here and tell them in front of all of you how much we value them and if you didn't get a chance to go out there and check it out I know they would love to have you come out and see it because if you did you would just be blown away what a wonderful experience it is for the kids thank you thank you okay do we have any else okay all right I'm I'm I remember this Camp as a kid and I can tell you if you haven't been out there you need to go out there and take a look at it because it is just a a very good of my kids over 30 years ago were out there def yeah my son was out there too yeah it's it's a heck of a place okay any um okay we're going to close the for for public participation I'll bead open up for commission discussion and okay Miss jelly go ahead um I move that we forward the special exception case number s-24 d008 to the County Council for final action with a recommendation of approval second got okay I've got a motion on the floor to forward the special exception case number s248 to the County Council for final action with a recommendation of approval from Miss Shelly and a second from Mr Costa any discussion on the motion I all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously okay Mell can I get the next case please yes sir case number p-23 d013 a resoning from the transitional agriculture A3 and the commercial Marina B7 zoning classifications to a planned unit development PUD with a mixed use subclassification okay Mr Shams this one is yours hi good morning Steve Shams with plan um so this site is being reowned U as a PUD historically it's been active since the 1950s when it opened as a sunshine fishing club over the course of its lifetime it became the sunrise fish camp and is operate as a a restaurant a Marina and a bait and tackle shop uh in January 1997 five mobile homes were permitted on a site and have been continually occupied by permanent residents there have been two other attempts at expanding the uses to a PD resoning since 97 but these have not been successful uh the restaurant on site burned down in 2013 unfortunately and was removed shortly after in 2016 the applicant or the property owner applied to restore the marina but due to unforeseen circumstances has not been able to proceed until now so overall the Pud has two objectives the first is to legitimize the existing five single family residential uses uh three RV pads the marina operations and Marina storage units the second objective is to expand the original request to add 17 wet boat slips four dry boat slips six additional RV pads and 12 rental cottages as you can see on the uh southern side of the property the rental cottages will be established in a new area on that southern property boundary and the other improvements will be made in existing areas the proper proper will be provided portable water by the lake barisford Water Association and sanitary sewer Services by the city of D land the PD will be developed in two phases uh phase one which is estimated for 2026 includes all the the existing um features of the site and phase two with the 2027 commencement includes the cottage area um there's also a provision in the development agreement that as these the permanent residents um either leave or the the structures be are removed they can be converted to Cottages through the uh final site plan process um to no more than five additional Cottages uh the project meets the County's PD requirements the manate protection plan requirements and the honon island local plan requirements it's consistent with comp comprehensive plan policies related to AGR tourism and public access to waterways for rec creation and if approved the project would generate an estimated 216 daily trips and would not reduce the level of service below a c rating which is a requirement of the honon island local plan uh staff recommends forwarding to County council with a recommendation of approval and I'm available for comments or questions okay Mr James any questions for staff okay Miss Craig um do you have is there any indication of why the this was appr uh not approved in 97 I believe at the time they were looking to expand the site considerably and the County council did not um did not approve the action and the size of the lot no not the size of the lot the use they wanted I believe uh 50 RB sites oh which the County Council didn't believe that was a good use of the property the the rental properties that are on there are they long or short term um so the proposed rental properties would be uh shortterm because they are we're adding the use hotel motel to the site okay all right it talks about several a couple of storage um property or uh buildings on site what are those storage what is that storage for do you know it's for the marina operations oh I see okay that makes sense and we do have the applicants representative here who can probably provide more detailed information to you Goa okay thank you okay Mr Shams also this U PUD total overall even converting the existing dwelling to a rental unit how many units are we actually looking at adding in there so there's with the pads with the RV pads okay so there would be um nine RV pads 12 rental cottages um and there's five existing homes which could then be converted to five cottes could be converted to five Cottages with the five existing homes what was your question I'm sorry so so I'm just trying to figure out how many actual rental units could go into that area so it's a maximum yeah so it's five in the residential area and then there's 12 in the cottage area okay got it total 17 all right any other questions for staff is the applicant present good morning sir if you give me your name and address for the record good morning uh for the record Mark wats with the law firm of cob Cole 231 North Woodland Boulevard Dand and uh my clients were actually going to be here this morning but you guys have moved so quickly that my estimate that this wouldn't get up until 10 or so um proved to be absolutely inacurate so you they may you don't look like ni I I'm a little taller I'm a little taller but um no we appreciate the opportunity to be here this morning um want to thank staff for for all the time that they've spent with us kind of working through the PD here this is actually one that when we started working on it I was pretty excited about because I think it's a really good use and and reuse of this property that you know as the staff report indicates has long been kind of a recreational opportunity to provide access to the the river and to Lake beersford um you know uh Mr Mills to answer your question 26 would be the total uh between cottages and the potential expansion of the cottages and the RV um pads if you added all those together it would be about six places for people to come in either with an RV or you know to rent The Cottages so this is really similar to like Highland Park fish camp out out in the Glenwood area where you've got some of those Park Model you know Cottages things of that nature where you can come in and rent for the weekend or rent for the week and get out into Lake Woodruff or the various places you know kind of around um you know the west side of the county and enjoy the river so um just a I really didn't have a whole lot to add with regard to the the presentation I think staff the staff report does a great job of of kind of summarizing both the history and the request um M Craig to a couple of the questions that you raised the um the storage containers they actually use the marina also for some of the rowing uh training that happens out on lake beersford so you may be familiar with stetson's um rowing facility there are also a couple of private um coaching um groups that that uh coach people that are in to rowing or skelling and uh so the storage containers would be for the equipment related to that and the and the marina operation um but I think otherwise you know as staff indicated it's consistent really lines up very well with a lot of the policies in the comp plan with regarding to with regard to providing access to you know our natural resources and Recreation you know opportunities um and I'd say the only thing that I took minor issue with in the staff report was that we couldn't use the the dirt road as part of our common open space and I thought you know to anybody that's ever seen The Andy Griffith Show and the lead into that you know Andy and Opie walking down the road to go fish um you know that was the thing that came to mind to me Mike Woods went and walking past my office whistling that earlier today after I was talking about that so anyway uh here to answer any questions you might have but I appreciate your time and the time the staff spent with us on this okay any questions for the applicant just just want to make a comment don't underestimate the efficiency of this Council of this commission rather we go we go rather quickly I last it him there's like 10 things in front of me I was like surely this is going to be 10 10:30 before we get up so well done um okay Mr Watts I do have a question are you familiar with the previous PUD and the why it failed the my understanding was the intensity of it again that was a purely an RV park operation and it was 50 or so units so more than double the intensity that we're looking for in this particular application um that was also back in 97 I think there were some additional may have been some additional comp plan policies in effect at that point in time the main comp plan policy with regard to intensity that we've had to make sure we're monitoring on the honon peninsula is the level of service C that's adopted for the roadways out there and as you see in the staff report we are very well below um that standard so I think it really is coming back with a much less intense plan U versus the one that was in 97 um that that is the primary thing here and this one really is kind of a an evolutionary plan everything won't go in at once it's kind of planning for the the gradual evolution of the site okay um and as we all know that is a little bit of a wet area out there are you is there plans in the development stage to raise the elevation of this property I don't know whe from an engineering standpoint whether that would be necessary where the way that the property is it does slope down pretty well down you know from honon road down to where the marina is so I think in the cottage areas you know we may have to have some leveling or things of that nature that'll all have to be reviewed obviously during the site plan review process but I'm not expecting a lot of import um on this site just because of the the natural Gra that's already there okay actually that one of my main concerns is we don't have a big impact on the adjacent property owners and raising the elevation higher than what theirs is from the existing elevations and so other than that that would be my biggest concern there and and as you know we we have pretty strict restrictions on what we're able to do in that regard um that goes through your staff review okay all right okay do we have any public participation yeah we do okay sir we have a someone like to speak I'll give you an opportunity to address their concerns or rebuttal after the fact good morning sir could I get your name and address for the record and if I could when you're done if you could fill out a form at the back and give it to Miss Tucker to my immediate left okay yes I'd be glad to all right um my name is harlon bassir um I own the property at 1903 honon it's just uh North there's 11 11 acres U and a large residential piece of property and then A3 so I have some concerns um that I wanted to voice I was hoping to meet the owner because I don't really want to you know get on the bad side of a neighbor but I didn't have the opportunity to do so so I'll just raise the concerns here um um a couple of them are um the expansion of the RV area uh is one concern I think back in 97 when they tried to do this uh the width of the road was a big issue uh we have a pretty narrow road that kind of leads out to our properties and I know there was some concern some of the RVs these days are quite large and so and just the transient sort of nature of the expansion of the RV area was a little bit concerning to me and um the value of our properties so I wanted to kind of raise that um second I didn't see on the plans I didn't see a restroom uh on the plans uh it might have been there and maybe I missed it but there's you know 17 boat slips and then there's you know some non-motorized boat slips I suppose those are like house boats or whatever but I didn't see pump out uh anything written about pump out stations or restrooms and I did also didn't see you know the parking you know for that many slips I mean I'm I I'm not really um I I think the plan overall is good I you know I have no problem with the cottages and um I think the you know the water retention area the landscape buffering I thought it looks like a nice plan I just had some concerns and questions about that um I think there was a Mark brought up the comparison to Highlands Fish Camp I think it's a very different Ambiance to Highlands Fish Camp you know it's a very it's more of a rural sort of uh setting where ours is there's a lot of really fine homes that run along honon uh Peninsula and U so I I think it's quite different in the in the ambience of it um but I have no problems with cabins or um you know the boat slips in general or the Landscapes of the Retention Ponds just has some concerns about being next door and you know its impact on the value of our property and any kind of uh environmental you know concerns about our property there's going to be a lot of you know traffic so I just I'm kind of wondering where they're going to park so again I was going to ask the owner some of these questions but didn't get a chance to okay well maybe Mr Watts can give you some explanation on that that was my concern is we don't see an actual development plan here what they're going to actually do is this is more or less going as a PUD and for the UN amount of units and it has to go through the uh Land Development process and they'll have to address all those issues there which is really out of our hands once it gets out of here got it got it you know but I'll let Mr W try to address some of your concerns and then we'll see if you're going to be get some kind of an idea what's going on there okay thanks for your time all right do we have any other public participation okay Mr whats yes sir thank you and and just to address a couple of those points um I don't recall I don't believe offand that there is a restroom facility that would be associated with the marina um if one's required then obviously we would need to site that during the site plan review um with regard to the parking that's being provided we're not looking for any um variance or waiver through the Pud from the parking standards that would apply so when we come through the site plan we'll have to provide the number of parking spaces that are required based on um your Marina parking standards and things of that nature um the individual Cottages um you know have parking associated with them so they would have a place to park a vehicle and and you know uh have that right there next to the the cottage I think that the parking that's required you can kind of see on the plan it's really kind of hard to see it's down there in the marina area but again if those numbers need to be expanded based on the code requirements then those would be added during the site plan review process with regard to um pump outs there's not a separate pumpout facility that would be provided here we would have to provide the sewer connections and everything else for um that as part of the facility upgrad so um as the staff report indicates we do have sanitary sewer that comes onto the site um that is provided by the city of Dand um so we'll have to provide connections into that sanitary sewer system for all of the units including those RV units that are installed so um I think that covered those um the only other thing that I would just note um that with regard to those kind of particular uses um access um I we're aware that you know the road system out there you know it is a fairly narrow narrow road um if we have to do any upgrades for Access you know turning Lanes or anything like that that would be kind of reviewed and determined during that site plan review process those would be required improvements that the applicant would have to to add in to accommodate you know RVs and things of that nature coming in and out you do have a couple of similar um facilities out on the peninsula um as is you've got um Riviera um out off Bots Landing Road that I think has some RV spaces I know you've got RV spaces at 44 at the old crows Bluff facility and I think at honon Marina they've they uh out across from the the island you've got some additional things like that so it's again not a huge component of the overall proposal here those nine spaces um but we we think that it's consistent with the comp plan providing those additional you know recreational access opportunities so um more than happy to set up a meeting get to get you and and the owner talking anytime between now and and going to councel so okay um I guess this is a question for staff during the development review is can his issues be his concerns be brought up to that from the public during the review absolutely okay and those are public meetings yeah so that would be a good time to bring up your concerns like I said because once it once we approve the Pud it's everything's left up the the development and we'll make sure to make contact and and schedule a meeting with our client and and all the neighboring Property Owners between now and and Council okay as well okay any questions for Mr yeah I was reading on page 59 um it said on there that the uh bathroom facilities would be uh furnished by the neighbor what what's that about page he's joking Mark there is no page9 like 59 send everybody to the yacht club you know okay all right okay if we don't have any other public participation forums we'll close it off to public participation open up for commission discussion or motion I'm ready to make a motion that's that's it's a beautiful side out there too I think this is a well well done project here uh case PUD 23013 I'm going to make a motion for approval to uh the County Council okay do I have a second I think Don's got a question yeah Miss Greg if we pass this and this goes to County Council when are these things going to be addressed as far as the um the land review after the fact after yes ma'am okay okay any other discussion on the motion okay I've got a motion on the floor from Mr sixma to forward the resoning application case number PUD 23013 to County Council for final action with a recommendation of approval and a second for Mr Costa was it Mr C the second any discussion on the motion all those in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries unanimously appreciate your time and your expediency this morning okay that does it for the business of today and um so do we have any other public items no sir we have any staff items just one as you know um there are seven members on your commission you have two ex official members one from the school board and one from the military your military representative as has asked to come and have a presentation in June so you'll hear from him about some of the military operations in our area at the June meeting okay all right any other staff items no sir all right staff comments no sir all right commission comments you had a worried H you had him worried I had a word Mr watt you had him worried looking for that P he was looking for page 59 where is yeah he did okay any other commission comments Preston citizen comments when's Al gonna say something Al we need you to come up not gonna say anything he's a smart man this meeting is adjourned good job guys e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for