##VIDEO ID:B_8Fd7lIXvE## good evening and welcome to the January 6 2025 reorganization meeting of the Wares Township Board of Education it is now 7 o'clock and we will begin we will call the meeting to order my name is Helen Haley I'm the school business administrator and board secretary pursuant to the open public meetings ACT public notice of this meeting has been given by the board by the board secretary in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulle board at the Vorhees Township Public Schools administrative building on July 8th 2024 sending written notice to the carer post on July 8 2024 filing written notice with the clerk of Vorhees Township on July 8th 2024 and posting on the Vorhees Township website on July 8th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for [Music] all the summary of election results um the November election are there's three full year terms and uh the certified results are Monica Watson 9,288 votes Julie Kover 887 votes and Crystal Mion 7,32 votes there was an unexpired two-year term and that that position was awarded to Jason Bryce with votes of 9 million 9 million 9 million wow record number he a dollar sorry about that 9,000 353 votes congratulations to all of you thank you uh we will now uh Square in the new members all right so I need Mr Bryce Miss Mion Miss Kover and I know Miss Watson's virtual we could all Step Up you have are you available to do this as well yep I'm here heref I will support the consit theif [Music] number 121 ofice thank you congratulations to you too [Music] oh I will now call the role Mr Bryce here miss cover here Mrs Mion here Mr Rosen here Mr Rosner here excuse me Mrs Rudder here Mrs Stewart here miss verie here Mrs Watson here here excuse me we'll now move on to um the next item which is the code of ethics for board members uh each of the board members have received uh an Ethics form and a signature page I believe all of you have returned that to me if not if you could read that and return that to me by the end of the meeting that would be great thank you so much um the next item is election of board president what we'll do is we'll open it for nominations I'll have to write down who nominates the person and the name of the person that's being nominated then we will vote to close nominations and then we will vote in the order that we received the nomination so first we will start with do we have any nominations for president I would like to nominate Mrs Monica Watson do we have any other nominations okay I'm going to uh open if everybody has board docs open um I would like to make a motion I would like someone to make a motion to close the nominations for board president I'd like to make a motion to close the nominations for board president do I have a second second okay voting is open okay I have I have eight yeses and one abstain the exstension is Miss birie now we'll move on sorry now we'll move on to the voting uh what I will do is I will call this is going to be a a voice voice a Voice vote I will call each of your names we will be voting for Miss Mrs Watson as president so the answer will be yes or no Mr Bryce yes Miss Kover yes Mrs Mion yes Mr Rosen yes Mr Rosner yes Mrs Rudder yes Mrs Stewart yes Miss verie no Mrs Watson yes yes uh motion carries with eight yeses one no we will now move on to nominations for vice president I nominate jul C over okay I'd like to nominate myself for vice president okay me just write down who's doing that do we have any other nominations we will um vote to close the nominations can I get a motion i' like to make a motion to close the nominations for vice president can I have a second second online voting is open Mrs Watson do you want me to enter your vote yes please okay is the answer is yes okay the motion unanimously passes so it's now closed we will vote in the order oh sorry I have to save this we will vote in the order that the mo that the um nomination was made so we'll first be voting for Mrs Kover and the answer would be yes or no Mr Bryce yes Miss KOB yes Mrs Mion yes Mr Rosen no Mr Rosner yes Mrs Rudder yes Mrs Stewart yes Miss verie no Mrs Watson yes Miss Kover U has won that vote uh seven to two so miss miss Kover is now the vice president since Mrs Watson is remote U Miss Kover will run the meeting so if you want to move over here okay or if you'd rather do it from there do you think you'd rather do it from there yeah that's okay okay and uh Mr Morlock and I are here to help if you have any questions oh yes okay you want to take okay okay so moving to the next agenda item audience participation anyone wishing to address the board please approach the side table on the right and write your name and address on the log login sheet while the board is limited in its ability to respond to the public on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations and attorney client privilege the board will now hear comments from the public relating to items on the agenda for this board meeting comments are limited to 3 minutes the board will not take action this evening you will be notified at some later time by letter electronic mail telephone or in the context of a later board meeting or of any action the board does take okay seeing no comments from the audience moving to board member comments are there any board comments okay we do not have executive session tonight we do not have executive session so we are next moving to awarding contracts for Professional Services so can I get a motion to approve all items awarding contracts for Professional Services in line item 13 including 13.1 1 13.2 13.3 and 13.4 toe moved second was that that was me okay thank you online voting is open the motion unanimously passes uh board secretary report there's no report for tonight thank you okay sorry thank you moving right along I'm new at this as you can tell okay that's moving to number 20 um motion to approve can I get a motion to approve all items awarding cont sorry hang on can I get a motion to approve the progress pay payments shown Below in the executive content for 20.1 Joe moved second Rosner online voting is open the motion unanimously passes okay there are no items under Finance moving to public comment anyone wishing to address the board please approach the side table on the right and write your name and address on the login sheet while the board is limited in its ability to respond to the public on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations and attorney client privilege the board will now hear comments from the public relating to items on the agenda for this board meeting comments are limited to three minutes the board will not take action this evening you will be notified at some later time by letter electronic mail telephone or in the context of a later board meeting of any action the board does take seeing no audience comments are there any board member comments just make a quick one just to congratulate um Miss Mion Miss Kover Miss Watson and Mr Bryce on uh winning your seats and uh looking forward to working for you working with you again this year and working with you the first time um miss m that's all thank you thank you any other board comments okay this might be the shortest board me meeting ever in the history of board meetings our next meeting will be January 22nd 2025 at 7 pm it will be a regular meeting um in this building the administrative building can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting so moved than you all in favor I I unanimously passes wow