okay I'm going to call the meeting to order good good evening to all five of you and all of our amazing Administration that came in on an extra board day for a special meeting so I want to thank everybody um we do not expect this meeting to be very long we will try and get through quickly and efficiently um I will pursue to the public meetings ACT public notice of this meeting has been given by the board secretary in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board of the foreast Township Public Schools administrative building on May 14th 20 2024 sending written notice to The Courier Post on May 14th 2024 uh filing written notice with the clerk of Wares Township on May 14 2024 and posting the on the VES Township website on May 14th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND secretary roll call Mr Bryce here M K over here Mr Rosen here Mr Rosner here Mrs R here Mrs Stewart here Mrs ster here M verie here Mrs Watson here we will be skipping the first executive session um in light of the later one that we do have um audience participation anyone wishing to address the board please apprach the side table on the right and write your name and address on the login sheet while the board is limited in its ability to respond to the public on matters ofing Personnel litigation negotiations and attorney clim privilege the board will now hear comments from the public related to items on the agenda for this board meeting comments are limited to 3 minutes the board will not take action this evening you will be notified at some later time by letter electronic mail telephone or in the context of a later board meeting of any action the board does take um board comments uh I'm I have a couple that I want to just um share in light of tonight's agenda and explaining how um how some of this has come about uh as you know originally when we put out the agenda for special session we only had an executive session but we don't have meetings in July and until the very end of August and we had some pressing critical issues that came up in the interim we wanted to make sure that we did them as soon as possible um those are all items on the agenda including the school calendar which which I will address in a second and we had two Personnel um two three personnel two Personnel issues that we wanted to take care of so that we could hire for an open job role and hire for a new position um so that was the reason for some additional items being added to the calendar uh being added to the agenda the school calendar I wanted to address that as well so first and foremost I want to say thank you thank you thank you to our BTA president um uh Trisha Saka missa um as well as to Craig petange and to our superintendent and to our board for being incredibly thoughtful and solution oriented um we had several different complaints related to the calendar one we were ending La we were ending 2025 June 23rd it was conflicting with the start of day camps and Sleepaway camps um we also were not recognizing our diverse population in several holidays that had been requested throughout the year last year and we wanted to make sure that we were representative of our entire diverse population and so we wanted to make at least our first attempts at making the calendar more um representative of all of our community members um we're we're work in progress and we could only gain but so many days in a calendar that's already been approved and now we're going to make modifications to it so next year we'll be even better and we'll be able to gain some additional days um but we did what we did what we could with what we have um and I'm happy to say that on the agenda we have um if it's approved we would have representation for DW and e um and next year we we hope that we'll have some additional holidays added to the calendar um I think that's all that I have to say for now uh any other board comments I have to here as well um first I'd like to make a motion to resend my previous vote in finance and I'd like the whole motion has been resed I eriously voted in the minutes I should have sted please um can you just for the record to be clear can you explain what happened so that people understand what the we've never had a recision can you you provide some additional context around over a matter I I think I was just missed something on the agenda that I should have abstained from and I think there was just overwhelming amount of information and I unfortunately made an error and I Mis it so have St from the whole motion under Finance for the whole motion yes okay um so do you can I speak for a second so the motion is not the a motion is not the mechanism we use for use for resending votes um and I brought my Robert's Rules of Order with me today the proper procedure is that it's um a point of order a request for point of order to change an improper vote uh then the board president would recognize the point of order ask if there ask for additional permission ask if there are any objections from other board members if there are no objections you can sustain it and just to be clear under the rules this is only allowed if it does not change the outcome of the votes the for the matter and I believe um I believe in this inst there would not be any change in outcome so that that if the point of order was sustained um that would be acceptable okay I mean does she formally have to do a point of order yeah you have to it's not a motion it's a point of order oh sorry point of order okay are there any objections to the point of order having heard none uh sustained and the V will be Chang perfect and the vote will the okay um I just have some other questions about this calendar I just heard about the calendar on Friday afternoon I'm not sure if any of the board members and not that I object to the calendar I think we should be and representative of our community which I'm F in favor of and I 100% support I just don't understand where it came from because I know Dr hacket did have meetings um over the winter I believe when a lot of the feedback came in from the community and I thought she gave a speech saying they weren't going to make any changes um so I'm not sure decision was and why it didn't go through committee unless it did go through committee maybe I overlooked the notes I'm not sure um so I thought there was supposed to be a collaboration at the board unless I miss something I don't see any collaboration going on um so I just have some you know those questions any other board comments yes um I just wanted to also uh take a a minute to acknowledge the changes that we're going to be making tonight um potentially making tonight on the 2024 2025 school calendar notably to add Dali and e as inservice days to allow our families to celebrate these important cultural and religious polities as a day off to serve when we first discussed the calendar in December these issues and proposal came up um and I know that I and other board members uh did Express support for this and while we weren't able to get it done back in December I'm so glad that we can do this today and I wanted to thank the administration and the BT btea for continuing to think about this issue to address it um and especially to our faculty for being Nimble enough to make these changes now rather than waiting on the year um but I do want to acknowledge that the job is not done and that I'm disappointed that we couldn't get another New Year on next year's calendar um and I can understand that commun members who feel hurt by that ambition this year but I also believe that we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good and overall I appease that there's a plan moving forward to hopefully ComEd near in the future and for these reasons I will be voting yes on the proposal any other comments moving forward make get a motion to rolve the item under curriculum so moved I have I just want my I just wanted my questions answered before I'm able to make my vote there's there's no answers to your question everything was disclosed to you as to how the changes came about you were provided an email explaining the rationale explaining who was involved in discussion r as president you're not allowed want to act as our representative I didn't that's why it's on the calendar right now Randy I'm not going to say there and argue with you I explained why and how it came about we went through the process it's the appropriate process if you do not agree with the calendar you can vote no that's the end of this discussion there will be no further discussion any other uh motion to approve I think we're ready for a vote thank you online voting is open Mr Bry yes yes okay um I have eight yeses and one exension from Mrs St motion passes can I get a motion to approve all the items under personnel still move second second I have a question on this also can you explain that we need a principal and a director of preschool so the direct the principal is going to be the head person of the school running the day-to-day operations of the school that's going to help over 300 students the director um the correct title of our director is director of early childhood and literacy K5 so that person it works with our preschool mainly curriculum part of the program where this person is in charge of crescent and our three providers as well and also in charge of K to5 literacy across the district so that person we could not be it cannot be the same person thank you online voting is Mr Bryce yes motion C public comment anyone wishing to address the board please approach the side table on the right and write your name and address on the login sheet while the board is limited in its ability to respond to the public on matters involving Personnel litigation negotiations attorney client privilege the board will now hear comments from the public comments are limited to 3 minutes the board will not take action this evening you will be notified at some later time by letter electronic mail telephone or later 4 any action word does take my name is Eric S I would like to correct the record there was a decision made on the bo when Dr F presented his vote um to appoint this catch up that's Point number one point number two um deliberations are supposed to occur in public and I just don't understand that there can't be any comments are back and forth board members during a public meeting it does violate the Sunshine Law and I will send a letter sunshine thank you board member comments um Miss Lewis congratulations and I'd like to invite you up to make a couple of comments [Music] I just would like to say good evening to our Board of Education president Mrs Watson of course to all of the Board of Education members superintendent Dr hacket also to any District administration as well as District um staff as well as families and community members it is truly a pleasure to be here this evening um as I anticipate becoming a member of the Vorhees School District um I'm so excited to make a positive impact on our youth as they are entering the initial stages of their education Journey um it is with great intent that I plan to collaborate with all districts administrators teachers staff as well as families and our community members to make sure that we meet the needs of all students I believe that each day is a day to Excel and I plan to lead with u my example and um I'm just really honored and I look forward to serving this community and the district as the principal of the early of the Vorhees early childhood development center um I you know I I'm truly truly grateful I don't think words could really Express how excited I am for the opportunity so thank you for that I would like to acknowledge my parents as well as my son Weston for being in attendance with me um this evening and I I'm just excited to do the work I look forward to working with each and every one of you so that we can meet the needs of all students so thank you there was one other comment that I forgot to make related to the calendar um I know that there was some concern related to um a conference a full conference day that we have shifted to a half day um the district is committed to working with the staff to ensure that we um get all parent teacher conferences um that more to come on how that will be resolved but you're heard um and will work with you to ensure that all all teacher all all parents get conferences um outside of that any other board comments um can I get a motion to adjourn for executive session so moved all in favor [Music] we it will probably be around 30 minutes um but we will not be taking action when we return um yeah no action uh so you're you're welcome to we will literally just come back and close the meeting thank you thank you all very much s second all those in favor hi meeting oh no I'm sorry that's not true that's not true next meeting is August at 7 o' at the administrative building right I say that right okay um and yeah 7 p.m. and uh meeting adjourned or motion to adjourn the meeting sorry second all those in favor awesome