##VIDEO ID:7AO6J_dGpp8## hi Jason we got you on speaker let me m it out good even everyone like to call this meeting the order welcome to the board he's T committee meeting of September 23rd 2024 if everyone would rise and please join me in the to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all if everyone would please remain standing for just a moment um on September 12th um the father of uh committee person Harry Platt um passed away Bernie Platt uh who was an icon in the South Jersey Community uh passed away ber he served as mayor of Trevy Hill actually uh twice uh and he served as a camman county commissioner um Bernie was beloved uh in the U in not just Cher Hill but the entire South Jersey community so our thoughts are with the Platt family so please join me in a moment of silence in memory of Bernie Platt thank you then we have a roll call here Mr yes mayor here this meeting is being held in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act two not of this meeting has been published by the clerk both the CER post and inquir newspapers as well as electronic notice as required by law also a copy of the annual meeting notice has been posted on the bulletin board outside the town clerk's office thank you our first matter this evening the first reading of number 46124 an ordinance of the township of Wares County of camman state of New Jersey authorizing an easement agreement between the township of Wares for the property located at block one lot 2.01 do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance motion I will second it there's a motion and a second any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so carried next is public ction uh for Resolutions only if there's anyone from the public that has any comments on any of our resolutions this evening please come forward seeing no one motion to close the public portion second uh all those in favor I opposed the public portion for Resolutions is closed we will first uh I will uh entertain a motion to table um the resolution the adoption of the public Improvement District budget resolution number 233-242 234-242 table uh those matters motion motion a second okay I have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed mayor would table would you like us to provide a quick explanation because I believe there are some members of the that um are Mall tenants um that would be interested in that sure um so Steve do you want to get the um so assuming everybody here is a mall tenant or has a stake in the mall uh so I want to give an update uh today uh we had a meeting uh as a Township to figure out what our next steps are moving forward how to get this mall open and more importantly how to uh make sure that the owners of the mall know that um our concerns are uh you know should be heard by everybody uh your concerns more more importantly um we um are tabling this B tonight because we received uh this afternoon a plan to um uh a sealed document with a full plan to um get permits to reopen them all it's early stages of course our construction official who is a pretty tough uh construction official um did a quick glance and things do appear to be in order um so we decided to Ted this as a result of that that being said we also reached out to n Dar and explain that there's a timeline to um to reopen the mall that the Township's expecting um and that we would be meeting with tenants individually uh as a Township to hear your concerns and to make sure that those concerns are taken right to the town to right to namdar directly from us um so that's we're we're moving in a positive direction we're not happy I'm not happy that it's 5 months um late but this is the next step in reopening the mall as much as the township can do um Chris is there yeah and and I would just note that as a in a public meeting there are certain things that we can and can't disclose and get into um due to the nature of potential next steps um but we are scheduling meetings as um Stephen indicated with tenants um we're hoping for next week um where we can meet with everyone and kind of give a little bit more detailed explanation so I believe we'll be reaching out um individually to everyone to to hopefully sit and talk with you cuz we certainly hear your concerns um we're doing everything we can from a legal perspective um to have the mall reopened um knowing that it is a private business so while we're connected to the mall it is still governed by the landlord but we are doing everything in our power that we can do um we're actually getting quite creative in what we're doing um doing things that aren't exactly um the normal route but we're trying to do everything we can possibly think of putting our heads together we met for probably three hours this morning on this very topic between myself um M Dina um stepen and committee woman f um so we're we're we're thinking of everything we're trying everything um and and we hear your concerns and as as you said we're not happy it's been 5 months we've expressed that to them multiple times so um we'll be reaching out to schedule meetings because we certainly hear your concerns and and we want to you know any ideas you have that we can present to them to to get them allall back open we that's that's everyone's goal to have the allall reopen as as good as possible um and just to give you guys an idea of what when we're talking about reopening and what that looks like um the plan that we need from our constru according to our construction official who is uh like I said really by the book it's about health and safety first and foremost it's shuring the uh a temporary wall to make sure that if anybody's going into to work on fire suppression systems or anything of that nature that nobody gets hurt first and foremost uh that's a liability for the township obviously we also don't want anybody to get hurt working on this mall the second part is then the fire suppression system both according to the the contractors that Namar has reached out to said both of both phases the that work should only take two to three days each so if project if this if this plan is uh uh submitted with everything that the township needs in order to get started the project shouldn't last longer than a week and we can have to get everything done and the township um the mayor has instructed me the committee's instructed me to make this a priority for obvious reasons um um that this is on everybody's uh to-do list in the Construction office the minute they get any kind of document any kind of documentation that they have to see that that first not to say Obviously we neglect anybody and you know other work here in town that's not true but obviously it's a priority for a lot of reasons priority for all of you here but a priority also for this Township because it's far too long uh that this has been closed so that's the idea of what we're looking at it's a two-phase uh construction project but our Construction office is ready to go our fire department has been meeting with Namar since the beginning explaining exactly what they need to see as well um we I talk personally with their contractors the contractors they have an agreement with about what the projects look like and how long it's going to take um so we're moving in a positive step today was a really positive step U according to our construction official and Construction office which is a good thing um but we'll keep everybody um up to date on other um other U updates that we have um especially during our one1 meetings um I think Mario dinal economic development person you know here in town um who'll be sending out an email to everybody figuring out what works best for you to come in speak to me speak to uh Chris Long our solicitor and and get a um a unified message across the namdar about not just the you know frankly the timeline that's taken too long to reopen but uh the conditions that are some of your offices and your businesses are that they need to help address as well normally we would we would uh take public comment at the end of the meeting but for the sake of of the people that are here that I understand are here for this particular topic we're going to go a little out of order if there's anybody uh here this evening that has any comment or questions about this very topic you're welcome to come up and um and share those those concerns or ask any questions you might have I'm sorry I you just step up just come up on the microphone no problem all we need is your name and address and you're welcome to share your concern good evening everyone my name is eii and I run the kitchen 's kitchen did your grand opening I remember yes yes exactly thank you um so two things of course the one thing is just trying to figure out is it another month another two months just an idea to know um when we can expect the mall to reopen that's my first question the second one is we were told that businesses with an outside entrance could re open and I had just finished setting up the former kudoba section to reopen but I was told I couldn't either so I'm wondering that side is outside you know we wouldn't be in the mall we would just operate from the outside door can we reopen I've lost all my employes M it's it's frustrating and the kind of food we cook is not what I can hire anybody to cook so I had people who were good at what we do MH well just to speak for the first question the timeline um the work shouldn't take long to do so as long as the paperwork uh and and the details of that I've left when we bring in everybody for construction with our construction Department because El get the weeds of exactly what they're looking for but it shouldn't take long it should if they if what they submitted today which was sealed which was provided uh to the township which I according to our first glance looked really promising this ball should be rolling now our timeline is November 1st it's the first week of November um we want to frankly apply pressure uh in in the right manner to turn to Nar and say we don't have six more months we don't have three more months we have to get this thing started um to answer your second question about the uh whether or not were able to open up I'd have to um uh have a conversation on our Construction office what exactly is is allowed what's needed what they need from that but I can get you in touch with them so we can figure out a solution to to your we can set up a meeting for you with our with our administrator uh and even the fire chief uh who who could probably give you some more specific answers to that question um and we really want to move this along I know I know there's concern from everybody thank you before you leave and everybody else I have my cards here too so at the end of this meeting I'm going to come out and give them out a candy um so you guys can have my contact information as my work cell phone I have it right here at all times so um so you can have an open dialogue too even if there's quick questions quick hey give me you know some kind of sense of this this and this um and we'll be able to we'll be able to help with that too thank you I really appreciate thank you thank you come on up how are you I'm F hi Atlanta CH from Vorhees and I coordinate the spot which our Township has so graciously paid our rent for us uh our my coordinator has gone in to take out some of our game equipment and has cleaned it up but he's you know I went through there's a lot of like so is this something we are responsible for doing or do you have a company that's coming in to clean out the areas for this specific your specific spot the spot um that's something I would have to talk to the to the township about and what we would do for the private businesses I'm not sure I don't think that would be the case um but uh because it's a Township own area I mean I I we would have to have a conversation about I'll just pass that information along okay thank you thank you L good evening Chap and I am in the process of opening the Tri State archery Academy down in unit 2025 um we were in the process of getting ready to open with a couple things we still needed from the township couple um inspections we still have some work to do in there when can we be allowed to go back in I don't have any smoke damage there's no soot damage because I have glass doors so I don't have that problem but I still have a to finish painting to finish and some things to build when can we get permission to get back in there to let us do our work when the fire suppression system is complete well that's my next question are you in the mall Mario are you in the mall physically in the mall or in that strip over no I'm in unit 2025 right here upstairs I'm in the mall the other question I have for that is I have 16 or 18 sprinklers that have to be placed because they are all painted shut so the mall is supposed to pay for it but I think if you're in the process of trying to get that straightened out my store should probably be straightened out that should be part of and that's been worked out with Damar they're to pay the they're all set up to pay the bill we have all the letters for it but I'd like to get that done before November 1st if that's the date we're shooting for because I'd like to open yeah sure with you no and that's exactly why we should have that that that conversation with tenants so we can as a collective unit go to Namar and say it's not doesn't just stop at reopening there's a lot of things including the escalators including the elevators um outside uh entrances into some of our businesses that are frankly crumbling um there's it'll be a laundry list of this isn't just the stuff that we need just to get things open it's great that's the first start just so everyone can get into their their respective businesses because I have access from the outside I don't have have to come into the S mall to access my store and again when we meet with the construction official I'll be able to have cuz he it's ultimately we can say what we want the construction off has no I understand that but I'm see 100% we're as soon as we can let someone in that he signs off as safe um based upon the fire suppression CU I know there were issues with that so even though your store might not had the damage there's certain fire suppression issues as your um you know your your sprinklers are not working so that has to be approved before we can even let you go in and do any work God forbid something happens we need to have that up and running so that's when we meet with him we can hopefully have a good timeline for everyone and because everyone's situation is a little bit different right um so and again with what we are limited to say here um that I think that's our best Avenues sit meet um but as soon as legally and safely we can do it is is our goal all right thank you look forward to you opening okay so you're looking at each other anybody else have a question about um the mall the status at this point no okay we're going to move on with our agenda then um May oh I'm sorry hello hello how you doing Liz good Liz six bir Street Bo so I'm sorry I came in late so I'm going to ask you to just are they planning on opening it after November 1 that's the goal that's our goal that's our timeline that we're giving Namar um so give a quick recap of what happened so basically um they submitted original timeline said you have until tomorrow to submit um the the application process to the township they actually submitted it today our construction official who um I summarized and I think he'd say like that I summarize him as it's tough to be honest with you um at first glance he said this is actually pretty promising um which is good news uh we can't unfortunately uh release our foot from that pedal and we're going to continue to apply pressure in terms of a timeline of what we're expecting the second fold of that is um we want to meet with tenants to have a uh a coalition a one single voice that says look we need this open that's Paramount but second is there's also concerns with you know uh each and every business that is having issues with either Road in or uh fire suppression concerns and um so we have a unified voice in that measure too um the two things that they need in order to reopen is to shore up a temporary wall to make sure that it's safe that it doesn't collapse and anybody's doing work and then the fire suppression team would come in the ones that they hired the contractors to come in to re to fix everything according to the contractors the work all in all is roughly six days 5 to six days two or 3 days each it shouldn't take long the biggest problem is making sure that they have their plans in place and the processes in place we know what they're about to do is up to code up to Snuff and then we can go on there um mayor and committee have instructed that the construction Department uh treats this as number one priority so that's why we I we brought our construction official in and said keep your eye out for this plan he dropped everything to go meet with the Namar representatives and the contractors that came in with their with their information so how do you know if a space that you rented has functioning sprinklers it's an excellent question that that would be part of the um inspection process so before before you get before we give them the final sign off to reopen our construction official or someone from the uh the fire department will inspect the property and that way you'll have comfort that your your build your area is safe okay and we want to address not just getting people in here we're going to address all the issues with Amar too so that goes into the escalators gentleman his sprinklers were painted close so sort of like a check list of things that that's why I asked that question like I wouldn't even know if this nor would I but that before before it reopens now before they can issue any opening and let people in that that will have to be signed off on that's part of the process that we're going through now okay thank you thank you welcome okay we're going to move on with the rest of the bo mayor to close this public portion a special motion um I'm going to leave it open and then we'll resume at the very end somebody else has a question uh our resolutions this evening are resolution number 23524 memorializing an executive session from the meeting of September 9th 2024 resolution number 23624 amending records of the tax collector number 23724 authorizing the township of Wares to accept the Grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General in the amount of $7,795 under the FY 2025 safe and secure communities program sub award Grant number 25- 0434 and authorizing Mayor Michael MCA and police chief Lewis bordy to execute and the Township Clerk to attest to a sub word Grant any and all uh documents in connection with this grant resolution number 23824 authorizing a settlement agreement between Wares Township and SFA 1020 Laur Road LLC block 198 8 L 10.02 resolution number 23924 authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to conduct a public Au auction to dispose of inventory no longer needed number 24-24 authorizing a federal aid agreement buing between the township of Wares and New Jersey Department of Transportation for the installation of pedestrian improvements along Lucas Lane and vanan Road also known as the echon center pedestrian Improvement project 2022 two safe routes to school program Federal project number t- fle X d646 NJ do project number 583 4305 F a-221 vhe Township -57 resolution number 24124 authorizing a federal aid agreement buying between the township of Wares and the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the installation of pedestrian bicycle improvements along sommerdale Road Preston Avenue Fairview Avenue and eam Road also known as The Pedestrian and bike lane improvements for access to the Asin PATCO station project Federal project number cq- 0679 300 NJ doot project number 583 4304 faap 20224 East Township 000038 resolution number 24224 authorizing issuance of One plary retail consumption license to the highest qualified bidder pursuant to public sale number 24324 approving the insertion of an item of Revenue $38,000 cdbg Grant resolution number 24424 adopting a Deferred Compensation Plan and service agreement with Empower retirement LLC number 24524 appointing Kenneth balber to the position of Class 2 special police officers in the Vorhees Township Police Department resolution number 264 24624 Appo Brian hmel to the position of part-time emergency med medical technician and the Vorhees ten fire department and resolution number 24724 reporting Brian battle to the position of part-time emergency medical technician and the Vorhees Township Fire Department do I have a motion for approval of those motion uh I I will second that um I have a motion and a second any any discussion all in favor please signify by saying I I I oppose I I uh and MCA I abstain on resolution 238-243 is no need for an executive session this evening next is approval of our minutes from September 9th 2024 our registers report for August 2024 and our bills for September 23rd 2024 do I have a motion for approval of those motion motion I have a motion and a second uh any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I oppos I so carried next is comments from our committee of I'd just like to remind everybody that this coming Friday is our gva baseball annual golf alley uh at Ramblewood Country Club beginning at 11:00 a.m. anybody interested in participating can contact John Connors at J Conor 563 3 2@gmail.com this coming Friday is also our VES Business Association annual bowling fundraiser for uh starting at 600 p.m. at 30 strikes in Stratford it's a fun night uh if you're interested in attending uh visit vor's business association.org our Vorhees animal wage will hold its annual wolfstock fundraiser this coming Saturday the 28th here at the town center from 11: to 4: for more information you can visit the animal or.org our Department of Public Works is hosting a free shredding event on Saturday October 5th from 9:00 to noon here at the town center and our annual Wares Halloween and fall festival Fall Festival will be here at the Town Center on October 26th from 1 p.m. to 4 pm. it's always a fun day uh any other comments from our committee this evening our final portion is our public portion if anybody else from the public has any comments please come forward seeing no one motion to close public portion I will second that all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppose public person is closed and we are adjourned good evening