IED too early you're good now okay good evening everyone I like to call this meeting to order welcome to the bo countship committee meeting of June 24th 2024 I would ask everyone please rise and join me in the salute to the flag I pledge the flag the United States of America and to the for stands one nation God indivisible may we have a roll call please here mayor here this meeting is being held in accordance with the requirements the open public meetings act do not this meeting has been published by the clerk and B car posted inquired newspapers as well as electronic notices required by law also account the annual meeting notice has been posted on the bulletin board outside the cwn clerk's office thank you our first matter this evening is the first reading of an ordinance of the township of warhe County of Camden in state of New Jersey amending chapter 1546 of the V Township Code entitled buffer and landscape design standard do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance so move second motion and a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so carried our next matter is the first reading of an ordinance to vacate an easement and right of way at 5 chip andam Drive wores New Jersey 08043 tax map block lot 20 do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance motion second motion and a second any discussion hearing none of those in fav favor please signify by saying I I oppos so carried next is our public comment for Resolutions only if anyone from the public has a comment on any of our resolutions please come forward seeing no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I opposed the public portion for Resolutions is closed our resolutions this evening are resolution number 17524 memorializing an executive session from the meeting of June 10th 2024 resolution 176 24 accepting a performance guarantee for Eureka stone quarry Inc block 1 15.04 lot 8.03 resolution number 17724 releasing a maintenance guarantee for Panda Express block 15018 Lot 7.15 number 17824 releasing a maintenance guarantee for Vorhees Pediatrics block 19903 L 32 number 17924 authorizing the renewal of 2025 4 2025 liquor licenses resolution number 18-24 authorizing the ratification of a memorandum of of agreement between the township of Wares and the International Association of firefighters local 3249 regarding hours of work and overtime resolution number 18124 authorizing the reappointment of special officers in the Ruiz Township Police Department number 18224 authorizing the hiring of John P Sweeney as a police officer in the board's T of police department and resolution number 18324 authorizing the hiring of Mark Hopkins to to the position of part-time fire protection subcode official in the vast Township construction Department do I have a motion on those resolutions motion second I have a motion on a second any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so carried there's no need for an executive session this evening next is approval of our minutes of May 13th 2024 our minutes of June 10th 2024 our executive session minutes of June 10th 2024 our registar report for May 2024 and our bills for June 24 2024 do I have a motion for approval of those so moved second motion and a second any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppos so Carri next is comments from committee I would uh like to express our congratulations to all of the different levels of the graduates of the class of 2024 here in our town uh thanks to our vores art commission our graduation mural outside of town hall here has been updated and as a wonderful place for graduation pictures uh any comments from our committee this evening I just wanted to comment that our Vorhees diversity committee did an amazing job last weekend with our uh first June celebration I hope it is the first of an annual event that we will continue to have and grow here in our Township um and also Al to invite everyone to the Eid celebration at Conelly Park this uh two weeks time on the 30th of June um that is hosted by a variety of local Town organizations and sponsored by our diversity committee thank you our final portion is our public portion um anyone from the public has any comments I know our friends from the bathon are here this evening so come on up it's nice to see you yay Mr Mayor and members of the committee we thank you for allowing us to come again and speak just as a reminder I think I'm pretty familiar now but I'm Jeff craige head I'm a cyclist and also a volunteer member of the planning team for the greater Delaware Valley Chapter National MS Society and bike MS City to sure so I'm here to thank you again for all the support you've done over the years we're entering our 44th year as a ride and personally personally it's my 30 I think I've been here for all those years well I've been here for 32 of them not here but I've ridden and this will be my 32nd year riding and I just want to remind you I always try to think of a new way to say the things that I've been saying every year but two years ago I told you about the groundbreaking news that the society added to their mission statement that we will cure Ms and prior to that they were unable to say that they've been able to say that because of research dollars spent largely by the MS Society the MS Society National MS Society has funded a billion dollars to date on research and just in this year alone 374 projects to the tune of $40 million are being funded and I think I always introduce my wife Pam she was diagnosed in 1993 she's benefited greatly from the medicines found during that research as have the 2.3 million people worldwide with Ms a million of them here in the United States 15,000 of them here just in our local area and the society could not do this type of expens expenditure without bike Ms bike Ms Nationwide is a significant part of the budget of the national MS Society and bike Ms in general is a big contributor but I want to point out how significant the ride that you're part of is I've mentioned before that we're the second largest ride in the country but what does that really mean well I've had that driven home to me I've had the opportunity to ride in other Ms rides around the country I've been privileged to be part of what they call the passport program if you raise over $5,000 in a given year the society allows you to ride any bike Ms ride in the country for free with no additional fundraising I've taken advantage of that I've been to Maine Vermont uh Buffalo Lake Erie area Gettysburg many of those places twice and just this year I've already done two rides I did one in Williamsburg Virginia and just this past weekend I did a very hot ride in State College Pennsylvania Y and we are I want to highlight them because it illustrates the significance of our ride not to diminish their ride but just to give you a little statistics so in Williamsburg they had 400 Riders and they've raised so far to date $500,000 in State College 106 participants and to date they've raised $300,000 just to remind you last year we had close to 4,500 Riders and we raised 4.3 million so that's what it means to be the second largest ride in the country and we are a significant contributor to that money that the society can give towards research and not only research but local Aid to people uh with Ms also advocating in legislatures just in this past year 26 States passed laws to help MS people have better access to care and that was a result of advocacy by the national MS Society so the money is significant and as I've said before bike Ms would not be bike Ms without the townships that we ride through and you a key Link in the chain that gets us from Cher Hill to Ocean City so that's why I come here every year to thank you and and uh it is greatly appreciated and just to remind you just the you know the housekeeping about this year but it's the 28th and 29th of September so we're totally in September this year I think we bled into October the last couple of years so the last weekend in September and we know we impact you but I think I've mentioned you have the benefit of being close to the start line so we'll be on Crescent Road Crossing Ean Centennial Boulevard but probably only between 6:00 and 9:30 on Saturday it can spread out all day 9:30 to 4: on Sunday but if you've ever taken note it's a lot less people ride both days and it's spread out it's probably not a whole lot different than just people out for their Sunday ride as far as the impact on your community but I do also always like to point out that we are very thankful to the police officers and how much help that they give us every year year because we want to be safe and the police officers help us get through the intersections and we really appreciate that and I want to stress it's an ongoing mission of ours to educate our cyclists in safety and courtesy we want to leave a small of footprint on your community as possible and we we will continue the staff at the MS Society will work with the police and the and the township to work out any traffic issues and try to again minimize that impact that we have I think I've mentioned in other years one of the things we do is we hand deliver a letter to every single house that we ride by on the ride and it tells them when we're coming what to expect Etc and that's just something that we do every year so you can imagine quite a few houses it takes a bunch of us to Fan out over the root and deliver those letters so lastly I would encourage you to get involved you could ride if you want you could volunteer we in addition to the 4500 cyclist we need a, to 1200 volunteers to make the weekend happen and I know just this weekend I was thanking the volunteers and they always are very nice and say oh you're doing all the work and I always say no but I couldn't do it if you weren't here giving me Gatorade and food at at the rest stop so it's a team effort you can go to Ms to again sign up to ride or to volunteer here and uh as always I have some information I'll hand out to each of you and we have the plaque I don't know if you have 44 of these hanging somewhere in PR to we're wallpaper in the bathroom that's awesome very good so uh again we going to buy tile but we didn't need to yes very good so again I want to thank you and ask you if you have any questions you're veterans at supporting us but do you have any question questions no questions but I want to say thank you I think I shared with you last year my mom was diagnosed around the same time as Pam um and the national MS Society was a huge support for our family as a um not even I guess I was a pre-teen at the time I recall attending um Family Support member meetings at our library where we lived at the time and it was also the first organization we would attend certain conventions and my mom um was introduced to different color glasses and it turned out that wearing a pink lens would diminish her optic neuritis and her double vision wow so long before there were any drugs available for patients of Ms um The National Society was looking for ways to alleviate symptoms so we were very lucky to have been introduced very early in Her diagnosis to that happy to say she has been in remission for quite some time thank you good um and I also have uh my dearest friend from high school and and law school was surprisingly diagnosed at the age of 22 after suffering a terrible migraine and about of optic nartis during law school exams as you can imagine the stress of that um even you know that was more than two decades ago told you 44 years right there even though that was H quite some time ago at that point there have been so significant many significant strides so she's been medicated and um therefore because of that has been able um um to live a Wonderful Life uh has a beautiful child um and despite having some concerns along the way really she's been been able to U manage her disease and her symptoms very well so I'm a huge supporter happy you're here and I wanted to let you know that I will ensure that our uh diversity committee and our art commission who tend to be a big chunk of uh the volunteers in this area have this information as well as the students who work with us through their our liaison groups with the high school they are required to have volunteer hours for National Honor Society and things like that and I think that this would be a great opportunity for them yes that's that's great thing for high school students that's that's true just an example of the change in all those years Larry kanaine was the founder of the ride and his mother was told to move to Florida because the heat would help her and heat is absolutely the worst thing for Ms people so that's how things have changed from 44 plus years ago so thank you for those comments any other questions or comments no I will as I always do dedicate one of my weekly mayor columns to the event um and and ask people to volunteer share the share the information and we can't thank you enough for for really being the impetus behind all this it's a wonderful cause and um someday for the right reason maybe you can stop doing it right right yes that is true when we're done we'll get a picture if you don't mind of the of you presenting us the plaque um uh unless you have anything else to say okay that's fine great thank you thank you uh any other members of the public that have any comments seeing no one mve to close by the portion second all those in favor I opposed public portion is closed and we are adjourned evening