##VIDEO ID:iOSk-EIyxTo## okay go back there good ready okay there were people walking the meting oh yeah what happened where did go good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting the order welcome the boast Township committee meeting of September 9 2024 please rise and join me in atic flag I pled to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible andice may have a roll call please here pres here and Mr Rabbits had requested that I um call for this part okay we hear we hear this meeting is being held in accordance with the requirements open public meetings act you know that this meeting has been published by the clerk about the carer post and inquired newspapers as well as electronic notices required by law also copy meeting know and post on the Bol board outside T clk's office thank you our first matter this evening is the second reading of ordinance 45724 amending Chapter 93 health and sanitation of the code of the township of bores to establish a new section entitled privately owned salt storage this is the second reading of an ordinance I will open up to the public for any comment seeing no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I I oppos public portion is closed is there a motion second second I have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none may we have a roll call vote Please Mr SE yes Mr yes [Music] mrit uh he's not on now yes yes so Carri our next matter is the second reading of ordinance 48-24 amending and superseding ordinance number 44323 designating the salaries of the officers and employees of the township of wores County of Camden and state of New Jersey this again is the second reading of an ordinance I will open it up to the public for any comment see now from the public move to close public portion second all those in favor I I opposed public portion is closed I have a motion motion second I have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none may we have a roll call please Mrs yes Mr yes M yes yes so Carri our next matter is the second reading of ordinance 49-24 vacating releasing and extinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the paper Street known as 11th Avenue contiguous to block 293 L 2 to become block 270 L 28 and block 295 l 1 to become block 270 L 66 on the tax map of the township of Wares subject to certain terms and conditions this is a second reading I will open it to the public for any comment see no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I I opposed public portion is closed is there a motion motion second I have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none may we have a roll call vote please yes Mr yes yes yes so Carri our next matter is the second reading of ordinance 46-24 vacating releasing and extinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the paper Street known as 12th Avenue contiguous to block 295 Lot 1 to become block 270 lot 66 and 296 L one to become block 270 L 67 on the tax map of the township of War subject to certain terms and conditions this again is the second reading of an ordinance I will open up to the public for comment seeing that one Mo close public portion second all those in favor I I opposed public portion is closed is there a motion motion second I have a motion and a second is there any discussion hearing none we have a roll call vote Please Mr yes Mr PL yes mrso yes yes so Carri next is public comment for Resolutions only if anyone from the public has a comment on any resolutions please come forward seeing no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I opposed public portion for Resolutions is closed our resolutions this evening our resolution number 23-24 memorializing an executive session from the meeting of August 12th 2024 resolution 24-24 amending records of the tax collector number 25-24 authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $800,000 of special emergency notes of the township of Vorhees making certain covenants to maintain the exemption of the interest on said notes from federal income taxation and authorizing such further actions and making such determinations as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate the issuance and sell the notes resolution number 26-24 authorizing the mayor and Township committee to certify the results of the 23 audit number 27-24 authorizing an amendment to the development services fee agreement and lease agreement between the township of Vorhees and Vorhees solar Holdings LLC number 28-24 authorizing an agreement pursuant to a publicly advertised request for proposal bind between the township of Wares and CME Associates for construction management construction inspection services for pedestrian improvements from Summerdale Road County Road 678 to White hor Road County Road 673 in the township of Wares resolution number 29-24 authorizing the award of a bid for the supply installation and maintenance of security and access controls for the Wares Township Municipal Building Public Works building and liance Lake Community Center to Paramount security Partners number 220-24 authorizing the award of a contract through the sourcewell purchasing Cooperative contract number 11223 dthc for one high rear rearload trash truck from Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems number 22-24 authorizing the publication of notice of intention of intent uh authorizing the purchase through Houston Galveston purchasing Co-op for ambulance remount services from VCI emergency vehicle Specialists resolution number 222- 24 authorizing the publication of a notice of intent toward a contract through the Source well purchasing Cooperative contract number 50896 for1 20254 e-450 Horton 553 type 3 modular ambulance from VCI emergency vehicle specialist number 22324 authorizing a shared services agreement between Eastern High School and Vorhees Township to provide trash and recycling collection number 22424 authorizing the reappointment of special officers in the v Township Police Department department number 22524 appointing Megan League to the position of school traffic guard in the v's Township Police Department resolution 22624 appointing yogger massing to the position of firefighter in the voast Township Fire Department number 22724 appointing Brandon Holmes to the position of firefighter in the v Township Fire Department number 22824 appointing Antonio Klein to the position of firefighter in the v Township Fire Department department number 22-24 appointing Mark J to the position of firefighter in the voce T fire department resolution number 23024 appointing John peas to the permanent position of Deputy fire chief in the vast St fire department number 23124 accepting the retirement of Denise Campbell from the Vorhees Township Department of tax assessor resolution number 23224 authorizing the ratification of a me memorandum of agreement between the town of Vorhees and v t Public Works associations do I have a motion on those resolutions so Mo second I have a motion on a second and a discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so Carri there's no need for executive session this evening next is approval of our minutes for August 12th 2024 a registr report for July 24 our tax collector report for August 2024 our Treasures report for ju 2024 uh our bills for August 26 2024 and September 9 2024 do I have a motion for approval of those motion second motion and a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so Carri um next is comments from our committee a couple Community announcements are gvaa baseball league is having an annual golf ating on Friday September 27th at Ramblewood Country Club beginning at 11:00 a.m. contact John Connors if you're interested at jonnor 5632 gmail.com or vhe Business Association is having their annual bowling fundraiser on September 27th at 6:00 at 30 strikes in Stratford visit Vorhees buus association.org for more information it's it's always a fun night next uh Vorhees animal oranage is having their annual wolf stock fundraiser on Saturday September 28th from 11: to 4 here at the Town Center our DPW is hosting a free shredding event on Saturday October 5th from 9:00 to noon at the town center and our annual Vorhees Halloween and fall festival is on October 26th from 1: to 4: p.m. uh finally I would like to recognize our esteemed Chief L bordy who today received um an award from The Volunteers of America for excellence in service so chief congratulations we're very proud of you [Applause] it's uh any other comments from our committee this evening um mayor just one other community event the Bor Soccer Association is having their first annual golf outing at Little Mill Country Club on uh September 23rd 2024 and that can be information on that can be found on their um Facebook page or their website great any other comments from our committee our final portion is our public portion anyone from the public have a comment seeing no one move close public portion second all those in favor I I opposed public portion is closed and we areour