##VIDEO ID:tfclWIL2p_s## good evening everyone I like to call this meting the order welcome to the war Township committee meeting of December 9th 2024 please rise and join me in the salute the flag I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all may you have a roll call please here here here here this meeting is being held in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act do notice this meeting has been published by the clerk and B the CER post and inquire newspaper as well as electronic notice as required by law also a copy annual meeting notice has been posted on the bulletin board outside the township clerk's office thank you our first matter this evening is the first reading of an ordinance amending the schedule of fees for 2025 do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance second I have a motion on a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so Carri next is adoption of our business improvement district uh budget uh uh a resolution 23324 authorizing the 2024 business Improvement District budget uh in the amount of $882,500 to be read by title only do I have a motion for that motion second second motion a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so carried next is our uh public hearing for the business Improvement District budget if anyone has any comments on our business business Improvement uh budget please come forward seeing no one move to close public portion on the business Improvement budget resolution second all those in favor I I opposed the business Improvement public hearing is closed next is resolution 23424 adoption of the 2024 business Improvement District budget in the AM of $2,591 do I have a motion on that resolution so move second I have a motion on a second is there any discussion just want to thank all the members of the B who've been working on this for the past couple of years I'm glad we're getting something on the record and hopefully it'll get them all taken care of the way it should be um Motion in a second I have a motion on a second can we have a roll call vote please yes absolutely yes yes so Carri next is our public portion for Resolutions only if anyone has any comments on any of our resolutions this evening please come forward seeing no one move to close public portion on resolution second those in favor I opposed public portion for Resolutions is closed our resolutions this evening our resolution number 28424 memorializing an executive session from the meeting of November 11th 2024 resolution 28524 amending records of the tax collector number 28624 amending records of the tax assessor number 287 d24 authorizing current year budget transfers number 288 d24 authorizing the approval of the insertion of an item of Revenue into the budget $171,400 resolution number 29-24 authorizing the approval of the insertion of an item of Revenue into the budget $11,000 number 29024 approving the cancellation of outstanding checks number 29124 authorizing the purchase of two replacement submersible pumps through the pic Valley sewage commission purchasing Cooperative through Riner pump stations or Riner pump systems resolution 29224 authorizing the award of the generator maintenance services bid to gen serve number 29324 authorizing the township of Wares to utilize the contract for traffic signal and school flasher emergency response and and Signal modifications and miscellaneous electric service with an option for maintenance and inspection under the Cherry Hill Cooperative pricing system identifier number 37 ccps resolution 29424 authorizing the award of the e e aw security cyberlocks contract to eaw security number 29524 authorizing the award of the leaf dis disposal facility services bid to westerby Farms number 29624 rejecting all responses received for the vegetation waste disposal facility services to accept bhe Township vegetation waste and rebid the contract pursuing to njsa 40a 11-3 13.2 D resolution [Music] 297-4776 Lots 2 and three resolution number 3-24 authorizing the acceptance of a performance guarantee for First National realy Partners block 160 lot one resolution number 30124 authorizing the ratification of a memorandum of agreement between the township of Wares and Vorhees Township Municipal Employees Association do I have a do I have a motion on those resolutions Some Mo second motion on a second any discussion um Mr Mayor abstaining from 28424 I was uh not here on the 11th okay and Mr Mayor I need to abstain from resolution 292 d24 which is the generator the generator maintenance services bid to gen serve for conflict of interest okay with those extensions in mind uh all in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so carried our next resolution is number 30224 recognizing the international Holocaust remembrance alliance definition of anti-semitism which I will now read whereas in the spirit of the Stockholm declaration that states with Humanity still scarred by anti-Semitism and xenophobia the International Community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils the committee on anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial called the IH plenary in Budapest 2015 to adopt the below working definition of anti-Semitism and whereas on May 26 2016 the pl the plenary Bucharest decided to adopt the following non-legally binding working definition on anti-Semitism anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-jewish individuals Endor their property toward Jewish Community institutions and religious facilities whereas as manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel conceived as Jewish collectivity however criticism of Israel similar to that level against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-semitic anti-Semitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity and it is often used to blame Jews for why things go wrong it is expressed in speech writing visual forms and action and emplo Sinister stereotypes and negative character traits contemporary examples of anti-Semitism in public public life the media schools the workplace and in the religious sphere could taking into account the overall context include but are not limited to calling for aiding or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of radical ideology or an extremist view of religion making mendacious dehumanizing demonizing or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective such as especially but not exclusively the myth about a Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media economy government or other institutions accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by non-jews denying the fact scope mechanism EG gas Chambers were intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of the National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplishes during World War II the Holocaust accusing the Jews as a people or Israel as a state of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel or to alleg priorities of Jews worldwide than to the interests of their own Nations denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination EG by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist Endeavor applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other Democratic Nation using symbols and images with classic anti-Semitism EG claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood liel to characterize Israel or Israelis excuse me Jo comparisons of contemporary Israel policy of that of the Nazis holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel whereas anti-semitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law for example denial of the Holocaust or distribution of anti-Semitic materials in some countries and whereas criminal acts are anti-semitic when the target of attacks whether they are people or property such as building schools places of worship and cemeteries are selected because they are or are perceived to be Jewish or linked to Jews and whereas discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Township Committee of the township of Wares County of camman state of New Jersey that the governing body of the township of War Hees does hereby recognize the international Holocaust remembrance Elias definition of anti-semitism do I have a motion to approve that resolution I will make a motion on the resolution I'll second the resolution I have a motion and a second is there any discussion mayor I just want to um make a comment um I want to thank um store Platt who has been leading uh the charge in South Jersey um stored as a resident of Wares and he's been fighting not fighting literally but um he has been fighting to have these ordinances resolutions passed in different towns um and so has state senator Jim Beach attempting to get this passed in Trenton but unfortunately because of um security threats and security concerns there have been repeated scheduled hearings which have been cancelled um by certain ele officials who make those calls whether bills stand or don't stand um so um just a thank you to stort and a thank you to state senator Jim Beach for their hard work um and thank you to committee for uh passing this resolution I want to thank members of the jcrc board who are here um who were also uh like St making sure that municipalities everyone in cam county is aware of this definition and getting it passed throughout the county and state as well so thank you very much for all your efforts any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed so carried next is uh uh there's no need for an executive session next is approval of our minutes of November 11th 2024 approval of our executive session minutes of November 11th 2024 our registar report for October 20 24 our tax collector's report for November 2024 our treasurers report for October 2024 approval of bills for November 25th 2024 and December 9th 2024 do I have a motion for approval of those motion second motion and a second any discussion Mr Mayor I'm just obing again from um November 11th okay any other discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so Carrie next comments from our committee I would um first like to thank our fire department police department our art commission our diversity committee and all the volunteers who made last week's um holiday parade and tree lighting the success that it was it was um um a wonderful evening I would also on behalf of this committee and myself uh because this our last meeting before the upcoming holidays wish wish our entire B's Community a happy and healthy Christmas and Hanukkah any other comments from our committee this evening it's also a happy New Year not going to see each other until 1 of the year so happy New Year to committee and everybody any other comments from committee okay our final portion is our public portion if anyone from the public has any comments please come forward no one seeing no one move to close public portion second all those in favor we have a very briefly hi I'm Sabrina Spectre I'm the executive director at the Jewish Community religions Council hello how are you thank you so much on behalf of the Jewish Community we really just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for passing the IRA resolution um it means a great deal to us to know that the township has our back and our support and um this is just another step in helping to fight anti-Semitism and combating hate so thank you very much from the bottom of our heart we all appreciate all of the efforts that you guys do for us on a daily basis thank you thanks any other comments I canot say something I can't help myself I'm good my wife will kill me uh Mike Freeman 7 F Lane of warhe New Jersey obviously I want to thank all of you as well for passing the IH definition of anti-semitism and it's a shame that we even have to take these steps but we do I mean we're seeing a Resurgence all across college campus high schools in the streets we saw what happened in Amsterdam which is just you know things that a lot of us never thought we'd see again so it's prevalent um and and certainly anti-zionism is anti-Semitism there's no question um so again it's good to live in a town where we have such uh stalwart support um unwavering support even though some of you have been the targets of of hate yourselves um so again thank you so much and uh keep up the great work thank you Mike thanks Mike other comment see no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I oppos the public portion is now closed and we are adjourned good evening