##VIDEO ID:vBxK_s3I190## good evening I'd like to call this meeting to order welcome to the Poli Township committee meeting of August 12th 2024 please rise and join me in a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice may we have a roll call please here Mr Mr Mr R here here this meeting is being held in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act do not this meeting has been published by the clerk of the C post and inquired newspapers as well as electronic notice as required by law also a copy of the annual meeting no and posted on the bulleon board outside the T clerk's office thank you thank you our first matter this evening is the first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 93 health and sanitation of the code of the township of Wares to establish a new section entitled privately owned salt storage do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance motion second I have a motion on a second there any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so Kyrie our next matter is the first reading of an ordinance designating the salaries of the officers and employees of the township of Wares County of campen state of New Jersey do I have a first a motion on the first reading of that ordinance motion second I have a motion and a second any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I I opposed so carried next matter is the first reading of an ordinance vacating releasing and extinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the paper Street known as 11th Avenue contiguous to block 293 Lot 2 to become block 270 lot 28 and block 295 lot one to become block 270 lot 66 on the tax map of the township of where Hees subject to certain terms and conditions do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordinance motion I have a motion on a second is there any discussion hearing none all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so carried next matter is the first reading of an ordinance vacating releasing and extinguishing any and all public rights to a portion of the paper Street known as 12th Avenue continuous to block 295 Lot 1 to become block 270 lot 66 and 296 Lot 1 to become block 270 lot 67 on the tax map of the township of VES subject to certain terms and conditions do I have a motion on the first reading of that ordance motion second I have a motion on a second is there any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so carried our next section is public portion for Resolutions I only if anyone has a comment on any of our resolutions on the agenda this evening please come forward seeing no one move to close public portion second all those in favor I opposed public portion for Resolutions only is closed our resolutions this evening are resolution number 19294 introduction of the 2024 business Improvement District budget resolution number 19324 amending records of the tax collector resolution number 19424 amending certain records of the tax assessor number one 19524 establishing the extension of the third quarter grace period resolution 19624 authorizing the rejection of all bids received for the police vehicle maintenance contract and authorizing read advertisement of bid specifications pursuant to njsa 4A col 11-13 point2d resolution number 19724 authorizing the publication of a notice of intent to award a contract through S sourcewell Cooperative contra contract number 11223 dthc for one H rearload trash truck from Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems resolution number 19824 authorizing the award of a contract for the purchase of a sidearm trash truck from McNeilus truck and Manufacturing through sourcewell contract number 091219 resolution number 19924 authorizing the award of a contract for the purchase of a tractor mower from Cherry Valley Tractor Sales through escnj Regional Cooperative contract number 65 MC ccps bid ej22 23-12 resolution number 2-24 authorizing the award of a contract for the purchase of playground equipment at myota field through the es cnj Regional Cooperative contract number 65 MCC CPS bid number ESC NJ 24251 resolution 201124 authorizing the purchase through a state contract rubber cycle LLC number 20224 authorizing the execution of an agreement for a disposal facility between the township of Wares and Omni Recycling LLC number 20324 authorizing deployment of njh Builders and redevelopers LLC as developer and approving a Redevelopment agreement between the township of Vorhees and njh Builders and redevelopers LLC resolution number 20424 approving a performance guarantee for Apollo equities block 270 L 28 number 20524 authorizing a memorandum of understanding buing between the county of Camden Department of Public Safety and the Vorhees Township Fire Department relative to the transfer of a hazardous materials response vehicle number 20624 approving a corporate structure change for the Mansion LLC resolution 20724 awarding a bid for temporary labor services to Express Employment resolution number 20824 accepting the resignation of fire fighter Christian Sanchez from the bhe Township Fire Department resolution 20924 appointing Kyler Bell to the position of full-time emergency medical technician in the Vorhees Township Fire Department number 21024 appointing Richard Langley to the position of emergency medical technician in the vast Township Fire Department resolution 21-24 accorting jarra Hossein to the position of part-time emergency medical technician in the Vorhees Township Fire Department and resolution 22-24 appointing amilio Ramirez to the position of truck driver in the vhe township Department of Public Works do I have a motion on those resolutions Mo second I have a motion and a second is there any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I I I opposed so carried there's no need for an executive session this evening next is approval of our minutes from July July 8th 2024 our court administrators reports for June 2024 and July 2024 our registrar's report for June of 2024 our tax collector report for June 2024 our Treasures reports for May 2024 and June 2024 our bills for July 22nd 2024 and our bills for August 12th 2024 do I have a motion for approval of all that motion motion and a second any discussion hearing none of those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed so carried next is a comments from committee I want to remind everybody our next show and our summer series will be this coming Thursday August 15th where we will have the beels a tribute to the Beatles food trucks in the Beer Garden open at 6:30 and the free show at Conelly Park starts at 7:30 great show we've had them before any other comments from our committee this evening our final portion is our public portion if anyone from the public has a comment please come forward good evening hello hi hi my name is Sheila Haney I an ex-resident of Vorhees I currently live in another area I have a grand concern about the urn not sign where there's a oneway sign down across from the defunct um club sports club or whatever it was called between there there's a median between the Iron Hill Brewery and the defunct uh exercise I forget what they call it sporting something oh you're talking about along along the boulevard along the boulevard Center Boulevard okay there is a one-way sign which means when you enter off of Echelon Road you stay to the right mhm not happening twice prior and again this evening when I back out of the very first in front of the brewery handicap slot I have to have eyes 360° because people do not stay to the right they make that uturn around the fountain there oh okay I know what you mean that little circular area that whole circular area mhm I have spoken with Lisa here at the mall who throws it back to the police I have spoken to two sergeants one being Sergeant Daario he put me in touch and I personally met with a sergeant Mike whose last name I cannot remember they go back and forth between the mall and the police so the other day I called because I am very concerned about it um the burnt uh what is it called Burnt Mill fire department there and I spoke with somebody there there needs to be some way that the people cannot make that urn whether it's a no uturn sign it's a a temporary block yes there is a median there but I spoke with the fire department and um they probably although I cannot confirm or deny to make that uturn if they have a hook and ladder and need to get around there but there should be able to be something that stops traffic from making that uturn because if you back out of there in those first couple of Spots You're not looking for somebody doing something that they shouldn't be doing mhm it's bad enough you got to watch for pedestrians and little kids that are going there let alone so tonight on my way here there was a truck and I have the license plates of all of the others but tonight there was a big humongous pickup truck license plate x37 RSE that made that illegal turn as I'm trying to back out to come and go around the circle to come Park to come here I don't know what can be done but something should be done because it truly is an accident waiting to happen this is about the eighth time tonight that this has happened to me and I am a frequent flyer at the Iron Hill Brew well we want don't drink be we want you to continue to be a frequent flyer there as as we do many other people so we're going to do better than two Sergeant we have actually our chief of police who is here this evening uh listen listening very intently to your concern um I'm sure Chief boy would be glad if you would like to to have a private chat afterward yes um to make sure that steps are taken uh to make that area safe you're right we don't want people make I know exactly what you're talking about that little urn area uh we certainly want people frequenting that Boulevard but we want them to do it in a safe and a safe manner is not safe it is far from it okay and if it's happened to me so many times it's got to happen to other people but I'm not one to be quiet about no because if I back in and I back into a vehicle whose fault is it because I am in obeying the law they are not because they are going against the oneway sign absolutely so I understand now that there is no office here at the mall according to the mall security person that I spoke with the other day well I'm not sure what that means but our our police can certainly take steps to make sure that that that that's patrolled and the appropriate signage is there and like I said Chief Bo will be happy to chat with you soon as our meeting's over about that concern because we don't want it happening we appreciate you're taking the time the com it's it's very very disturbing to to me to to have to put up with this in order to come to do what I enjoy sure here in this town still so I only have one question question how many King of the Hill points do you have uh currently probably about 400 wow all right see but I I saved them because um when I lived here uh I had three children I now have two one was in a terrible horrific accident where a car an SUV ran him over so we do a huge fundraiser and I save my points for the King of the Hill and I take them all to King of the Hill after we do our fundraiser the monies that we made that's a great stay here in in the state of New Jersey for traumatic brain injuries well that's a great use of those points and thank you for letting us know and we certainly understand the state legislature honored us this past March for the work that we do for the state that's wonderful great stuff that's great thank you for coming you afterwards I appreciate it because I did have an officer come um I can't remember if it was a Friday or a Sunday and he drove up he parked be behind the handicap space waited approximately 30 seconds and then left and I thought he was going to go back around that Circle and come back now he just disappeared he did nothing to these cars where I have all those license BS well we appr I hope it can come to a stop we appreciate you're taking the time to share that share that with us thank you thank you uh any other comments from any of public this evening see no one move to close public por second all those in favor I oppos public portion is closed and we are adjourned good evening