on we are on yes ready you all ready this me is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of uh time Dayton's place has been furnished to rid news and a Bergen Record also has been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building would the clerk county take the role mayor gardano here Mr brenick here miss sakola here Mr martinello here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here kindly stand for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all our W veterans and all veterans across our country who have given the ultimate ultimate sacrifice to serve our country to keep us free so that we could assemble the way we are today par please do it a prayer dear Lord we may we start this meeting asking for your guidance and wisdom may we find unity and fairness the outcome to reflect our wishes to assist the burough in all their Endeavors thank you in his name amen amen good evening everyone under my report it'll be very brief first of all I attended the um Chamber of Commerce uh meeting on Wednesday uh I gave a report of uh what's going on in our community as we move forward in 2024 there was also a 5k meeting which is starting already uh keep in mind the date which is in May uh more details will follow as we go along also there uh we met Steve and I met from our last meeting with the the woman that lives near the uh the Water uh situation at uh Schuler Avenue near the park there near Veterans Park we had a very good discussion and we left the meeting both in agreement that things will be done and they're not going to be done overnight but they will be done after the project is uh completed and that's all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor uh no real report tonight we will be I think uh wrapping up the budget soon and uh introducing it in uh in hopefully the next uh month thank you fire and police protection committee Mr brck well thanks Mr Mayor um we had a meeting between the uh fire and the police Chiefs um in order to iron out some some differences and um and agree on procedures and what have you and it was a very positive uh very positive meeting um both sides left both sides left uh feeling accomplished um we also have additional um fire department bylaws that are going to be addressed tonight and an issue that we will bring up later with regards to the um fire apparatus that's it okay thank you very much Public Safety Committee M AA thank you mayor as far as Waffa the waluk access for all I attended their first meeting of the year last night a notable achievement that I wanted to mention is an issue that was discovered by Jim a member of Waffa you notice that not all of the Waldwick Street crossing buttons were accessible to those in wheelchairs so as a result he's been working with Steven to address this issue Stephen has ordered the accessible buttons and has been in contact with the county as the intersections are all on County Roads so they will have to install them so I thought that was a really great achievement by the burough I appreciate that moving on to the Ambulance Corp as of February 24th the ambulance Corps responded to 42 calls with the majority of runs being on Saturdays and Sundays the core responded to 31 out of 42 calls in under 5 minutes Ashley attended the most calls at 16 John took a close second with 13 and Ken with 12 I want to highlight a few items from their February monthly meeting meeting starting with a tour given to the Girl Scouts on the 8th of the month wak also gave a tour to a local child they also noted that the walck 5K is scheduled for May 5th and mutual Aid Partners will be advised they will need three complete walvac Crews for the 5K and finally Adrian has been posting on their Instagram he created a story on their page to highlight small events and moments and their page is called Waldwick ambulance if you'd like to follow them thank you thank you Recreation and health committee Mr Mr monello thank you mayor um for tonight we have uh baseball uh registration is still open um still signing up kids from prek through 8th grade opening day is scheduled for April 27th and their annual field cleanup day is March 16th they're happy to report that the High School varsity baseball and softball teams will be coming down to help on that day so that'll provide a lot of extra hands for cleaning up the park uh junior football is having their first 2024 meeting this Thursday which I'll attend and then Warriors FC our travel soccer program is holding tryouts for for their teams for this spring on April 22nd through the 26th you can visit Warriors fc. to register for that and you also have a program for uh youth kids for soccer clinics starting in April you can also visit there Warriors fc. org for more information at the register and then uh the Midland Park Junior Panthers program a registration for summer camp has opened and it's open for Waldwick students Waldwick kids from the program runs from July 1st through August 9th you can visit www.ms nj.org that's it for tonight thank you thank you buildings and grounds committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor uh not too much this evening um just some updates on the walvac building uh the the uh bulk of the kitchen renovation is complete and things are moving forward quite nicely uh the EV stations are still on um scheduled to be installed in March and um we just just wanted to update that we had a nice meeting with the fire department I'm sorry with the police department last meeting about updates with the pistol range I think we're supposed to hear some more about that too that's all I have thank you thank you our administrative Stephen thank you mayor um just a couple things to note you'll see two ordinances on for introduction tonight related to the the acquisition of um two properties at 197 woff and 9 Brady um the one ordinance just allows us to make the purchase and the second ordinance um allows us to fund the purchase um we'll go into a little bit more detail on that we just received approval for our next quarterly posos notice um these are mandatory notices from the D that is ready to go and should be hitting mailboxes the week of March 9th so you should see that coming soon um you'll see a resolution on accepting the res ation of um dispatcher Adam Kora just want to say congrats to him he accepted a position at Ridgewood Police Department so he'll be moving on and we thank him for his service to the burough um and we have a couple unfinished business items that we'll get into and look forward to getting more feedback on the budget so we could um hopefully prepare that for introduction on March 12th thank thank you borrow Clark Kelly thank you mayor uh do licensing is ongoing the late fees go into effect March 1st and we've issued 566 dog licenses to date um I have quite extensive report on elections as we attended the Bergen County Municipal Clerk's um meeting with the county election officials um last week um just some fun facts uh currently there are 638,000 registered voters in Bergen County uh 30% of those voters turned out in a in a no election in 201 23 and um we had a lot of issues with the um the voting they've made a lot of changes which hopefully will help um they are also committing to getting the voting results out a lot sooner starting with at 8 p.m. with the early voting will go right out followed at 8:15 by the preliminary vote by mail ballots and then from 8:30 on every half hour they'll be refreshing to add more results that come in the primary election is to Tuesday June 4th um the general election is Tuesday November 5th um the county is also going to be um updating their videos on how to vote on the new machines which um they're also hoping to put in each polling place running on it a loop so that as people are in line they will be able to see what they're going to be doing when they get when it's their turn to vote uh and we will have those videos on our website embedded in and we are also planning on showing them at least um either be right before the council meeting or during the council meeting so that people can see what they need to do there's also a vote by mail video that they have that's quite good I used to use it when I voted by mail um they they do a good job with that um voters who wish to change their uh party affiliation must do so by April 10th unaffiliated voters May declare their party affiliation um and vote at the polls during the in-person voting and on the primary election day however if they want to vote by mail they have to declare a party by Tuesday May 28th in order to receive that mail and ballot they're not going to be sending out both ballots you have to make a selection um if you want to request that vote by by mail again it's Tuesday May 28th um the ballots will start being mailed on Saturday April 20th uh the deadline to uh register to vote for the primary election is Tuesday May 14th and our my office will be open till 7:00 p.m. for voter registration um people want if anybody if any voters want to track their ballot there's a way to do that um and you can there's a we have that on our website but also um it just helps you verify when your ballots received and how it's being processed they it goes step by step so it's very this way you can watch what happens to your ballot and so you know that your vote counted um if you want to opt out that we H this is happening quite a bit people are now wanting to opt op out a vote by mail they'd rather go early or they want to come to the polls um there's an opt out form through the county we have it on our website you fill it out and you basically send it into them um and then they will take you off the vote by mail and you'll be able to vote in the polls or or do early voting and one other thing that they discussed that I am anxious to um hear more about and and find out um more about once they send me a copy of the letter is they're sending all letters to all the superintendents of schools um they did a pilot program in Tek this past um uh last year uh that was very successful um students ages 16 17 can work a half day at the polls from 11: till 7: they'll get paid they'll get paid for their training just like everybody else would um they'll have an hour for lunch and so we I am really looking forward to hopefully getting some of those uh Waldwick high school students to be co-workers uh the 18-year-olds can opt to work the whole day um but we're really kind of eager what ended up happening is a a class that takes normally like 2 hours for anybody else it took those kids 40 minutes to get everything opening closing they knew how to do everything so they kind of are the future and we want to tap into those I've also reached out to both Party leaders um because this is really an all Hands-On deck this is presidential election and we need bodies um we need people to know what they what they're doing um so I've reached out to both parties to hopefully tap into voters um from their parties to sign up to be Port uh board workers as well um I think that's it for now thank you grant administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor uh I received news that the electric vehicle charging station installation will begin next week so that's uh good news I'll work with police to make sure that the parking spots and adjacent parking spots are marked off off so there won't be any Vehicles there uh yesterday we applied for the NJ Board of Public UT utilities uh Grant application for assistance in creating a community uh clean energy program uh the goal is to get $10,000 to assist in the preparation of the clean energy plan we already have a proposal from an architectural firm to assist with that uh plan assuming we get the funding The Next Step would move forward uh give them a contract to have them start on their work once the community energy plan is in place then the goal will be to initiate projects from that clean energy plan and this is all based on the 2019 uh goal set by Governor Murphy to have state of New Jersey have totally clean energy by 2050 so hopefully uh we get awarded that the award schedule date is May 31st uh additionally uh Steve and I have been contacted by Superstar tennis this is the same organization that rented two of the courts last year uh they're requesting again to rent two of the courts on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll include more information uh in my memo this week but just keep that on your mind because I assume we will discuss it at the next council meeting um if any changes are to be made uh we would have to change the thee ordinance so just wanted to give the mayor and Council a heads up that that request did come in again and uh that's all for me thank you L attorney Craig uh thank you mayor the um at the last meeting you guys approved the settlement of the tax appeal for the Bristol so the mayor executed the settlement agreement we finalize the terms of the settlement agreement so their first payment is due Thursday we'll we find you know we'll get a completely or fully executed settlement agreement hopefully tomorrow because we'll exchange them with both sides they were getting it signed tonight as well and their first payment will be uh will be due on Thursday it's a total of $23,000 in change that the burrow will receive under that successful appeal or clawback will say uh also as Steve said you have the two ordinances tonight we'll discuss those regarding the purchase of the property we've already started our due diligence so that we can get the due diligence done as quickly as possible to make sure there's no issues there and that this can all go through uh as smooth as possible and I believe that's it in the reevaluation I spoke to the tax assessor and we're anticipating to have that completed on Friday so everything looks to be uh running on time that's because that's the deadline to get it submitted to the county that's all I have thank you mayor are we going into to close we do have one item for close session okay thank you very much consent resolutions and resolutions of the government body be resolved that the following resolutions herewith have list listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of walck are hereby pass and approved 2024 85 approval of consent 2024 86 approval of Min regular meeting February 13 2024 policy votes a Jim py requests to use Pavilion a on August 3rd from 12:00 to dusk for a family picnic with alcoholic beverages being served B Robin Brown requests to use Pavilion B on April 27th from 3 p.m. to Des for a birthday party with alcoholic beverages being served 2024 87 resolution of the buau of Waldwick County of Bergen opposing assembly bill number four Senate bill number 50 which proposes to overhaul the fair uh Housing Act in a way that imposes unrealistic obligations with unrealistic deadlines based upon onerous standards to 202 2488 authorized the gifted Society summer Superstars Camp to use the waldock municipal pool for their campers 22489 authorized Amendment to the autoc cab license for InStyle car and limo service 20249 accept resignation of fulltime Public Safety telecommunicator Adam Cura and 20 uh 2491 approval of uh appropriation transfers and 22492 payment of vouchers you have a motion a second to accept motion by Katie second by um Michelle anyone have a question uh I have a question about the 2024 d88 could we I know we got an email about that but did anybody speak to the pool director about what this is going to do to the pool you want me to go I can I mean I know the answer but I think the whole Council should know okay so basically um with regards to the pool the only organization that um they extend an invitation to or that he accept is or that you all approved last meeting was for the Midland Park camp um and that's because there are Waldwick children in that camp um other than that they have said no to every other group that has come forward just because then the residents who you know want to come to the pool now we're into an overcrowding situation so um um this group came to us they are u based in ramsy he has been in Allandale for many years but because now there's um School construction at I guess at Northern Hills Northern Valley Highland Island thank you um they weren't able to use the school so they were trying to get into Waldwick schools um but they could not do that either so um they're now in going to be using um The Village School I believe I don't have it in front of me so I'm just kind of talking memory yep you're right so the village they'll be at the Village school and they figured it's right across the street so they figured they would ask um they had always used um Crescent Lake they were able to walk there from where they were in um in Allandale so that's the request he has said I mean they don't even they don't do anything for the Girl Scouts the only thing they do is the the camp for Midland Park and then our high school middle school and um fifth grade fifth grade right fifth grade that's it the only thing I have a concern about is you you're talking about 85 people coming to that pool all the summer yeah it's it's too much for him and did you speak to Vic we did and what did Vic say no I just that's everything that you said I said I thought it was your interpr no I'm sorry no I mean we have to worry about our residents and you know I I like to be nice with children but the thing is what do we do with residents that have been here for years that they pay full Freight or they pay a discount because they're seniors and now they're going to have 85 more people at one given time at this pool and he's looking for Monday through Thursday yeah it's a lot of days yeah okay so do we want to pull this and vote on it separately yeah okay let's pull so we're gonna so we're gonna as we're going to amend the consent agenda that's going to be passed and approved with the removal of 2024 88 for a separate vote right so we the motion and the second um is that good for the people motions in second okay all right we're doing a roll call except for the one that was just pulled which was 2024 d88 correct uh Mr branck yes Miss saraka yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay now the Motions that were made by Katie and by Michelle will stay with the 202 4-88 no you want you can do now right do I have a motion to uh the 2024 d88 we're going to use the same people put it to a vote to deny to deny yeah to deny oh you want to use the same use the same people but put it to a vote Yes if you want it no if you don't Mr Brenning yes yes or deny this is confus if you don't want it you say no I don't want it you say no no no oh okay okay Miss sraa no Mr martinella no Mr Richie no Mrs Weber no okay thank you introduction of ordinances okay with the cler countly read ordinance number 2024 d02 ordinance number 2024 d02 bond order ordinance to authorize the acquisition of real property for open space and Recreation purposes in by and for the burough of Waldwick in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $2,575 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a Down payment to authorize the issu of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds a motion and second is in order to pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised on local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached Motion in a second motion by Mr brck second by Mr Joe on the question would you like answer this one because you were very instrumental with it um yeah I mean just again to go into a little bit more detail um the burough is looking to acquire um 3 Acre piece of property um located at 197 white call Fa which also includes nine Brady um right now there are no set plans for that piece of property but the intent is to maintain it as open space um beyond that we haven't had any further discussion um so I think everyone here's excited about this one yeah we're not going to build anything up or across we're not going to go build up or across we're going to keep it green so just so the Public's aware this is the property if you're going up wof where walwick Gardens is immediately to the right of walwick gardens there's a White House that property is actually goes all the way back to Brady place it's approximately 3 acres so it's that whole track of land there's actually a house on on the backside near Brady place as well it's that whole the whole property it's about three about three acres in total that the burrow is looking to acquire anyone else I just add a few things I think you'll look at the price it it certainly seems high our hope is that we'll be able to offset a large portion of the cost with uh grants that uh we feel uh we're you know we're in we're in the running to get so uh the overall cost of the burrow should be substantially lower and I and I I think that this this goes a long way to show our commitment to open space and green space in the town wherever we can so anyone else cler take the rooll Mr brenick yes M sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk Cony re ordinance number 2024 d03 ordinance number 2024 d03 authorize the acquisition of real property known as lot 6.02 and 6.0 8 in Block 136 as identified on the tax map of the burough of Wald County of Bergen state of New Jersey commonly known as 197 wof Avenue and nine Brady please a motion of second is in order to move this and pass this uh ordinance on first reading and that it be advertized on local legal newspapers as acquired by law setting a public hearing from uh two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon there or after as the matter may be reached Motion in a second motion by Katie second by Mike on the question so mayor I'll just touch on this this is this is the legal way you do this in order for a municipality to purchase a piece of property you have to do it via ordinance so you have to have a public hearing on it so you introduced the ordinance tonight just as ordinance 02 was the funding mechanism this is the actual legal way to purchase it there'll be a public hearing and then once that passes uh we'll be able to finalize due diligence and close on the proper anyone else clerk Please Mr Bren yes M sarola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have three items for unfinished business would it be all right if we rearrange them and do the uh vehicle the fire department and then the budget last that all right okay first one is take-home Vehicles 20249 3 amend resolution 2024 d32 to include the position of OEM coordinator to the list of take-home vehicles for 2024 and to include the approval process for uses not pertaining to commuting uh just to provide a little bit on this um we had inadvertently left the OEM coordinator vehicle off um at the reor resolution so this is just correcting that and adding that vehicle to the list of take-home and uh the burough attorney and I had some conversations on kind of how to outline and structure approved uses a little bit more clearly um than it was originally um and it's pretty hard depending on the vehicle is kind of where we landed you know PD has different uses than the fire department so we kind of added just some real General language in that um any use outside of strictly for Community purposes within the buau must be uh approved in writing by the administrator now all our vehicles are all up to date with everything or we have to still talk about something um I know we had an issue with the fire department or is that for another day I think that would be for another day it kind of would fall out I okay anybody else have any questions with this I want to discuss this is really housekeeping that we're doing yeah it was a new vehicle yeah it's it's really housekeeping uh is everyone all right with this yes okay do we have a motion and a second to pass motion motion by Andy second by Mike or take the role Mr brck yes M sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay SEC uh number c 2024-the approval of a portion of the wal volunteer fire department byw amendments what this is that we received I think over 41 amendments to their bylaws they were given to us it was given to our attorney for review attorney came back to us with recommendations to the attorney and the the people who are involved with the uh fire and uh police Poli protection committee met to discuss these bylaws we voted on some of them at our last meeting and these are the ones that had a little bit of a discussion so that's what we are going to discuss tonight so um I'll start with the with the easier ones the bylaw amendments 132 and 13 the second set that's listed in the resolution those were pulled because those have to be approved contingent upon ordinance changes so for instance your ordinance sets forth for the uh line officers so in order for this bylaw to be approved you would be approving it subject to the mayor and counsel amending their ordinance as well so if you approve it tonight next meeting we'll have an ordinance change for these four to basically um you know dot eyes cross T's and make sure that they they comply with the ordinances as written going back to the numbers 4 through 747 19 19 21 23 35 and 36 a lot of those referenced uh State statutes and what I had asked for was clarification from the Fire and Protection committee as to whether they would comply with the state statutes and way things are normally handled so the only bylaws that I have a concern with that you know really need further discussion is number 14 the proposed bylaw talks about dues um the proposed amendment talks about dues my understanding is in an earlier bylaw the fire department no longer has dues correct so then if that's the case this bylaw probably should be I would recommend you you vote it down but just send it back to them to say I think you need to further amend this to eliminate dues because if you don't have them how are you going to collect them so that would be 14 would be my recommendation on can I ask you about that yeah isn't there on there also says fines it says fines yeah do we give out do they give out fines that's another reason why I think this needs to go back to the department and they need to uh they need to take another look at this and uh refine the verbiage bring it back to us okay that's that's yeah that's number 14 so if if we I listed them all on the resolution so what I will do after we discuss these is if if you want to pull that one you know I would pull that you know as a separate vote approve all the other ones that are uh that are up the only other two is number 19 and number 23 what they're looking to do with these is as many of you are aware there's the business side of the fire department and the firefighting side of the fire department and you have officers on both sides what these two bylaws looks to looks to do is allow one person or multiple people to serve in leadership positions on both sides of the of the aisle at the same time I spoke to a couple um members of my firm who are members of of their fire departments that and they really recommend I spoke to some other uh Town attorneys they really recommend to keep those off keep those leadership position separate keep a dividing wall between the two and you really don't want to have that cross over for Best Practices you could create some conflicts you could create some intermingling where you really don't want to do that it could cause a lot more issues than than you really want so my recommendation would be to to uh not approve that one those two either that's number 19 and number 23 so other than that so 14 19 and 23 I think all the other ones are legal takes no issue with and you just have changes for the other four that's my opin anybody have any discussion about Mr Mayor just as a point of order I've been advised to recuse myself uh from comment or voting okay as I am a member sure anyone else yes yeah I just think on on 19 um reviewed it myself as well and I think from any organization that I've ever been a part of and continue to be a part of you always want to have a clear segregation of duties and you want to include multiple people in decision-making process so narrowing the scope of those people I'm against in in in practice for any organization okay anyone else I agree with Joe on that too there's a little bit of consolidation of power looks like going on there and you get to keep one one's handling the monies and that needs to stay separate so I'm not in favor of that either anyone else so yeah so do you want to remove 14 19 and 23 for a separate vote that would then take it back to the fire department correct correct yes so we're just going to vote on the bylaws as amended with everyone else put that everything else but that pulling yes pulling 14 group one 14 19 and 23 you need a motion second I need a motion second we have a motion motion by Michelle second by Mike CL take the role uh Miss sakola yes Mr marello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes now we have a motion in a second to send 14 19 and 23 back to the as a Noe right so you would right okay do I have a motion a second motion by Joe second by I can't do Andy Mike CLK take the role so yes vote is to deny is to send it back yes to send it back deny Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay thank you very much it'll go back now who's sending it back the attorney or St okay and what did what are we going to tell them to do with this I mean nicely I'll share with them the the concerns of the council and uh I'll meet with them if they want okay you can follow up can I just ask a question about this and and no disrespect for you in your office but every time bylaws are coming to us by the fire department they could be bringing us 10 bylaws a week we have to send them to the attorney for review we're paying for that is there anything in which like a cap could be put on this because this could be for a whole year that we'll be paying I mean I don't mind paying you but right I mean it's kind of crazy yeah I had some thoughts on that too I mean I don't know what it costs yeah we could Craig to be review you know for the office we reviewing them we could look at that some more maybe put a number on it for you that I could share with you and follow the fire department just to see what their plans are in the future going forward with the they could bring 10 blos in a week and or a month and we going be paying a fee yeah Mr Mayor I I'd be uh I'd be happy to take on that and uh and go over to the fire department and just uh have a sit down and and discuss you know what's the plan down the road you what are we looking forward to you want to take a bodyguard with you or not I think I'm okay okay good okay very good thank you thank you now we're going to continue with the 2024 Municipal budget discussion Mike thank you mayor so I think the last time we met um at least from my perspective we had uh come to a pretty good agreement on Appropriations uh as well as the capital budget and the outstanding question that we left with was uh do we uh deal with a 1% or one and a half percent increase understanding that a 1% would mean uh taking more from Surplus um and and I think that that really is the point that's that's on the table I'm happy to give my uh opinion on the matter now if if that's if that's a process we want to go through so I'm I'm I'm comfortable with a 1% uh versus a 1.5% increase I think uh this year especially because of the reevaluation uh it's a year where um you know some people some residents in town are already going to be dealing with with an additional increase um there's also the school uh budget that will increase taxes County always increases um I think we have the Surplus to take this on comfortable with our plans for the future to rebuild that Surplus over time so I'd be an advocate for for not going to one and a half and and going to 1% which really covers for the most part just the majority of inflationary uh costs over over the last uh 12 months we have not been taking on I don't think any additional employees we're not spending uh outrageously is should just deal with the kind of day-to-day ongoing price increases that really the the the whole country has been dealing with so that would be my stance I'm certainly open to discussion though I have a question um a 1% increase would reflect approximately how much to a resident per year that's a good question I think it's I believe it's $24 per year for the average household in town and one and a half one and a half would be closer to 40 thank you I mean I know how you you know I guess you know how I feel because I already discussed this at our meetings that I'd like to keep it at one as you said before that the town has been you know reassessed and a lot of residents are going to be hurting maybe and this is like a little way of just keeping it you know low for them for now but we have to really next year put more money into our Reserve anyone can I just note too um what was sent to the finance committee the updated numbers did have in there it had a the cost for a water rate study um which was around $25,000 Plus for a Redevelopment study um for around 15,000 and the cost of a new patrol officer on the road so I just want to make that clear um with that being said we kind of need direction on that really tonight um if we wanted to get the new officer on the road this year which would be the goal in which which is the request for the Poli supp what's that going to do with the the tax is still save 24 right so it's pretty much to we could keep things as it is and just take more out of surplus is really much if we're comfortable with that then we're good to proceed and we really don't have to make any more cuts to to Opera I mean Steve did discuss this with the police officer and they did discuss it with us also I think we we need to have a police officer because one of them is leaving so into reserve and plus also we our our community grew and I know we always said they're going to have 21 to 22 police officers we might have to think about that a little bit more plus they might be coming retirements coming in too so we we have to balance it and and what we did is we did speak to the police department and unfortunately because vacations and the summer and everything like that it's very very expensive the overtime it's high as anything and not that you know they are going to work their hardest to keep the keep it down with a new person and I and you know years ago we might have had a difference in opinion with the police department and us but the governing body and the police department have always been working hand in hand and we try to give them the best that that we could give them making sure that they they they stay safe and also our uh residents are safe and they do they are saying that there is a lot you know a lot of times that the police are out there on PS that we don't know about in the middle of the night so I think you know one thing right now is we do have to give them a police officer I mean that's that's a given because the mind one and then vacations come people get sick what do they do and I hate to have a a shift without somebody in there anybody else my concern is when the officer comes back are we going to be at 21 or 22 we're expecting retire yeah so a couple things actually on that so one thing that you're referring to is we're actually down we have one officer who's out on deployment right now he's gone for the entire year is plan that he'll be back for 2025 um so that's one issue um and we do have a planed retirement for the end of this year also so we're going to be down an officer no matter what this year already we are currently down one um and we're expecting to drop another at the end of this year so really if we hire one in 2025 we'd be at the same number we are at currently um and you might there might be future retirements that we don't know of things like that so even if we hire one now basically we're going to be flush at 21 again at the start of next year okay just trying to plan for that now because of the academy time and everything um Bergen County Academy did open back up they're accepting a class this March so we if we want to get someone in and hired and trained by the time that retirement happens at the end of the year we kind of need to jump on this because how long is the academy you know like if you had somebody start Friday if we had them go in with the March class which is mid-march they would be ready to be on the road by mid November I believe nov the year anyway if we were to approve that Steve how quick can we find someone to go to the academic do they have people lined up kind of for that so we we have an active list right now current list and there is a candidate on there that they would like and of course the resid anyone else so you're all right with the the police yes and then you're all right with the 1% or no 1% budget yes or no that's it it's no like middle I'm going to say yes however um a 1% tax increase is not going to get us out of where we are right and and it's not going to get us out of there in the year down the road or two years down the road um yes um 1% increase I don't believe is going to get us out of where we are um we are attacking Surplus and in years past we put it back um unfortunately uh we can't do that now I think a 1% increase in tax taxes is is not really going to help us too much in that regard however if uh if the board feels that a 1% increase is is necessary then I will say yes but I think what Mike was saying also is that moving forward we're going to be doing a lot of putting money back into Surplus and finding ways to do it okay I I I I'm happy to yeah I I agree I think a 5% increase would not dig us out of the issue that we're in right now um I think that it's going to require some creativity some some Redevelopment that we've been discussing certainly um and so I'm comfortable with the five to five to sevene plan that we've been discussing I think we have the Surplus to get us 5 to seven years and I think that we this is the year of all years to not put additional tax burden on the residents if we can avoid it so I completely agree with everything that you're saying 100% and if I wasn't comfortable with if I wasn't comfortable with our long-term plans I would also be voting for more but I think that I do wholeheartedly believe that will'll be anyone else yes you know it kills me to raise any taxes but I think that we're all committed to finding other options to bring in Revenue instead of putting on the backs of residents so I feel confident with 1% okay thank you I'd love to sit here and say that I could uh go for a 0% tax increase as being fiscally responsible but just to to make the numbers work I think the the 1% is is needed to make sure we're we're balancing and not taking too much from Surplus this year but I to Echo what Mike said we really do need to look at other ways to grow the Topline Revenue uh costs are ever increasing in terms of uncontrollables uh utilities benefits um waste removal those things are are highly uncontrollable what we can control is looking at creative ways to bring in Topline Revenue um I think as a council we need to seriously consider that this year with the uh additional funds we put in for a study on the Redevelopment we need to look at what options come in um with a very open mind thank you Michelle I agree um I would like to see 1.5 but it's not going to really do much we have the Redevelopment study has to be done we don't have a lot of revenue streams in in the buau and we have to get really creative over the next couple years or we're going to be in some trouble so I I'll I'll vote Yes for 1% but we serious L have to take a look at down the road Y and we'll start that as soon as the budget's pass Mike yes uh I'm I'm in favor of a 1% increase I would also like to to be zero but I think 1% is the the middle grounds that uh makes sense thank you that was one okay thank you okay we have any other unfinished business okay anybody from the council have any new business nobody well there's an issue that came up with regard to the uh to the fire truck well you have to F pleas there's an issue that came up uh to our attention just the other day um with regards to the fire truck that we have on order um the bottom line here is that the city of Anglewood um just purchas purchased the same truck that we're going to get it's a few thousand lbs lighter than the truck that we have on order nonetheless uh the other day the chief of the department went over and visited the chief of Anglewood um took a look at the truck that they just took delivery of uh went out and what they found was that the going up inclines in the road um this truck runs about 15 miles an hour the problem the problem is that damn the problem is that the uh the engine is just underpowered uh it was brought to our attention as I said yesterday uh in order to fix this and replace the uh pulley engine and replace it with a larger engine um it's going to cost $ 58,7 53 1% in talking with the chief I said to him well how are you going to do this um the deal was made with the town for X number of dollars and we're going to stick to that and he said I have a plan whereby we can get the $ 58,7 153 that we can that we need without uh going to the town and asking for an additional dollar um he outlined in the form of a letter uh to myself and I believe to Steve and um I think we should go and uh move on this because if we're in this far uh to get an underpowered vehicle I think is just ridiculous so I I think that we should let them uh reconfigure the truck and uh and move on didn't they notice when they went had a committee I know they had what happened the the answer is I don't know I wasn't here at that time if one explanation I heard um from the Chiefs was that at the time it was specked out the original build the motor that they're proposing the new motor wasn't available so they weren't able to include that in the pric now that the motor has become available it is an option so that was the exra I Reed I never heard that they origal weos I don't know all I all I know all I know is uh that we need to address the problem at that's that's my point and uh never original I'm sorry Andy go ahead I'm sorry I'm sorry I can talk or I can hear but I can't I I think the only way to rectify this problem and it's it's right in our face is is we need to we need to go back and re-engineer the uh the truck and if it's a a net zero cost at the town I I don't see any other way to do it it has to be right thing to do it has to be a net zero cost I agree I agree entirely and they have a way of and they have a way of coming up $58,000 I yes sir as I said there is a there is a uh there is a letter from the chief outlining the steps required to make that number right if they could come up with 58,000 can't they come up with 75,000 ,000 I really I really didn't ask him that well can we ask that well sure cuz we're talking about a lot of money I understand that a lot of mistake $1.9 million paper weight yeah I I I get it and I mean they need the truck now how long is this going to hold them up yeah from what I've been told by the fire chief um if we as a council go ahead and say yes we approve the reconfiguration of the truck this will have to be done by Friday again with the no disrespect but we we were forced to do this when we picked the $ 1.9 million truck on a Tuesday night we had to do it Tuesday night or we couldn't get the truck I we need time I mean I do understand your point I do understand your point it's again with the feet to the fire on that on this no pun intended I mean I don't mind you know we if they have a plan fine but we yeah we have to see I'm not approving it tonight if if they're expecting that no I'd like to see that okay okay um what's the have the letter can we letter yeah yeah I mean we didn't even get nothing I thought Steve had the letter yeah we have we have an email um obviously nothing is concrete they kind of laid out what their plan would look like I guess with suggestions and that's kind of where we're at right now so so Andy what you're say saying is that they're going to they're going to move things around like take accessories off to make up the difference get understanding from what I understand um they're going to um redesign the suspension system um there is a production a production trip which is relatively standard for any other truck that uh is not going to happen this time around for a savings of $6,000 in an of itself it's not a whole lot of money but it's $6,000 we also get things called prepaid credit and prepaid credits are essentially you sign a contract and in that contract it stipulates that if the burrow uh signs a check to the manufacturer for X number of dollars and I don't know what that number is um you will recognize credits to the effect of $34,636 111 you're talking like an early payment partial early partial payment early payment prepaid the you get a discounted amount we praid the chassis we prepaid right we we got a pretty big check the the purchase order for the truck was the full cost not including the prepayment so if the truck was 1.9 million and you pay x amount early that price would go down okay we were expecting that payment but you you appropriated the full amount there were no prepayment credits coming yeah the 34 would have been seen as a credit okay what they're proposing is that we just won't see that we won't see the credit it goes into the oh boy we're having a problem with this truck right now I think $6,000 to go for the trip there I think they should go I mean they got to look and see what we're getting they have their eyes we don't they know what's goes on with vehicles I mean maybe you should talk to them and say listen we just figure out something else you got to have somebody from our burrow down there look at this I'll I'll be more than happy to go back with any recommendations $6,000 is you can find it somewhere else I mean don't you think somebody should be down there from the fighter pump to look at what's going on I suppose the answer is yes perhaps they should um I mean I don't have to have everybody but maybe just a couple of couple of the officers go down and see what's going on with this truck well I believe that this was yes I believe that this was just um and I may be speaking out of turn but I believe this was this trip was just for the uh the officers and the people on the truck committee how many I don't know yeah I think it was a preconstruction meeting for my understanding um we did ask for a little more information from the manufacturer on this too to kind of provide some backup um so we'll try and pull everything together see actually you know I mean the point here is this um if the manufactur is asking us for a yes or no by Friday and we don't do it yeah we're still going to have to do it down the road correct at at additional expense can I ask you a question sir no has the manufacturer said yeah this truck with that engine is going to be a problem for you I mean we witnessed it obviously with the angle wood truck that I get but is the manufacturer also saying like oh yeah we we kind of like unders spect the power of this engine for the weight of this vehicle I'm not privy to that I don't know I mean I would I would like to see something something from them too saying yeah it's definitely not going to work mean I can do whatever you like yeah but just I mean for the amount of money the truck is I would think the manufacturer would be here but maybe not but send something well but Andy to your to your point I'm somewhat concerned that if we don't make a decision we'll have a paper weight correct uh $1.9 million paper weight and now something that's functional I did I understand all the concerns and um but I would rather have a functional truck and if the route to getting this at a net zero is real then um I think we need to deal with uh as an aside uh like these last some of these some sometimes these last minute changes right but I do think that I would prefer to have a functioning truck above all well yeah I believe that's the uh I believe that's the common and they're guaranteeing US $ 58,000 scratch out I beg you for they they are agreeing that they could they scratch out 58 $8,000 cover $ 58753 $753 thank you and now what happens if the yeah it's the it's the difference from the not the credit right credit goes away and they're they're knocking off say $24,000 it's not not at zero not that zero no paying 34,000 still paying 34,000 that's very different it was just 34,000 we never had in our pocket to start with right right yeah but I already spent that money and it's. you're not going to to spend anymore but you're not essentially not going to get a check back for $34,000 and we're going to get a better engine right that's what I'm hoping that's the that's the that's my question about with from the manufacturer like yeah if we go up to this big engine that the things you know will be able to go 40 miles an hour up a hill right you know the only num one big hill the only numbers that I have on the engine right now is 505 horsepower is the size of the engine that we currently ordered 5 505 505 the engine that they want to change for change out for is 565 horsepower you got to remember that you're moving a whole lot of weight oh yeah up a hill understand I understand um and you got that's why I'm a little bit that's why I'm a little bit um shocked that the the manufacturer didn't say hey this truck weighs three tons you need this to move it m that should be a basic um yeah I I'm kind of surprised that well but but by the same token I was not involved in those meetings I did not ask those questions now we're like stuck between a rock in a hard and right now this is what we have to deal with and I agree with Mike that there are certain issues that perhaps should be addressed on the side down the road however whatever term you want to use but this is the nut that we have to cra right and I think we have the benefit of actually going to Anglewood and seeing this engine right of course I'm glad we saw that that on Sunday arrived yeah we need to make decision yeah before yeah right so basically the fire department is going to come up with $4,125 in some sort of truck changes right flashy things mhm or whatever I'm assuming they have a list of things they're going to take off already does the have we have the list mhm do they have a functioning truck with the 565 horsepower engine and know that it goes more than 20 miles an hour um you're asking me questions I can't answer man I think that's the question and we need to ask the manufacturer is how much performance Improvement are we getting for that $58,000 are we getting 5 miles an hour we're getting 20 M an hour good point what's the cost right 60 good 60 horsepower what are the other truck I don't know what the horsepower is on the other truck what are the horsepower of the other [Music] truck why didn't we do I believe around 500 horsepower is the current ladder truck what the new motor is yeah I know this one was bigger now what do you want to do so do we have we don't have a a lot of options we we did it's a tough time CR we did ask the Chiefs to ask the manufacturer for something that they could provide to us just to help clarify some of this uh we don't have that yet so hopefully we'll get that you know in the next day and we could provide that to you and we ask them to kind of come up with they had they sent us some rough estimates with some changes but we'll try and zero in on that a little bit better I'm just really curious what Cliffs side's going to do are they going to accept their 15 mph truck are they getting some kind of credit back from from the company for underperforming vehicle um I really think we need to talk to the manufacturer and understand what we're paying for and you know what what's their remedy for an underperforming drug St will give him a phone so may maybe I could recommend a middle ground would be back and ask the fire department to find 34,000 and some odd additional changes to the truck so it truly is a a net zero if it's a net zero a true Net Zero I personally have no opinion one way or the other we I think we should move it forward yeah I mean the only thing that bothers me about all this I mean we need the truck I know that we need theck when we were we specifically told the fire department you have to put two people on the committee and they weren't on the committee and that bothered me because now if they were on the committee Maybe we would have not they would have fought it I don't know but the thing is I mean this truck has been a problem since you know the way it was handled brought to us and it was just not the right way to do it and you know I I don't think it's fair to us to be thrown down our throat this once again I mean we had to give it the DAT you know we said that on that Tuesday night we had to do it or we're going to lose it and you know maybe we should have lost it and go somewhere else but $1.9 million later don't yeah I mean you know you tell a taxpayer that the you know that's that's kind of where I'm a little annoyed yeah we get painted into a corner and then we're like what are you doing and then then we're talked about and we're bad and then we get trashed and Meanwhile we're trying to worry about the community and worry about tax we're talking about doing a 1% or 1.5% tax increase. well by the way $60,000 more for the fire truck is it possible to go back and say Hey you need a full Net Zero and if that's the case you know we do this and we'll address this issue we do need to address these last minute changes but yeah yeah I mean for 1.9 million they should be able to find another 34,000 I I I don't know the answer to your question yeah um all I know is the time constraint that we have to deal with yeah can it happen yeah I imagine it could but is that going to change whether or not we're going to move on this I don't think so but that's my opinion let's I think if we we'll try and pull together as much info tomorrow as possible details we'll reach out to the manufacturer get their input we could get something official from them you know a little bit more info on the horsepower and the difference in power um that it's going to do what we need it to do um and everyone feels comfortable with that you know I think yeah we could reach out to Anglewood I could actually you know get some of their feedback see what their plan is for the truck at this point I'd be curious to know what that is too um we'll try and we'll hustle we'll try and get all the info we can if if you know also ask them too if we can actually get some more time extension if we don't give them answer in the next you know by the end of the week what does that do to the build right and Friday is a definite like if we have if they get an answer Friday morning the manufacturers like they haven't started the bill they can do a change order that's our understand that's that's I'm sure that's true okay all right uh Steve will go speak to everybody about then by Friday we'll give them the vote I mean it has to be done but I mean the fire department is willing to cut let them cut but you know yeah got to be a little bit more careful next I know there was a decent amount of extras there make sure they got TI all of them all four TI all right so you're going to go back and you're going to more than four and we'll you could call each council person and you know give them all this information and then Friday we'll decide what's going on okay fair enough absolutely thank you any other new business that the council has nope okay Public's comments anybody from the public would like to comment on anything please come to the microphone just state your name for our record please do not give us your address hello Al Al Holden can you people in the back hear me pretty clear now I don't I don't understand I'm just a regular citizen coming up here talking at a microphone and every everybody can hear me now you got a bunch of people up there that it's it's your job to learn how to talk on on a microphone I love you all by the way I've got nothing against you but learn how to talk on a microphone some of you we can't I'm sitting right here in the in the front row it sound like mumbling just get here early before a meeting and practice to something but learn how to do it I'm not saying who I have a pretty good idea there's a few people are you talking about him no uh no not no not just him there's a few people that seem to talk to you instead of talking to the public they like me well you just got to get a certain distance to the microphone and it'll it'll work that's but it's frustrating to sit there and listen what's going on but you don't know what's going on here just you know make an effort to learn the space between here and you know how to use a microphone we bought them for years the town bought them all for you I agree so you might as well use it while you got it can you hear me all right now when I talk my husband tells me I have a big mouth but I never know what can I exactly thank you thank you thanks anyone else he you know what he was next no no no you're next David guy 44 Hickory Lane um captain of the wall fire department couple of the questions here regarding the truck um couple answers I am on the truck committee myself uh I've been heavily involved in the truck purchase as for the horsepower um at the time of when we were going to purchase the one .9 million ladder truck we had speced out an X12 525 horsepower motor uh due to EPA regulations for the motors that are coming in 2027 that X12 has now been discontinued which we had to go to a new motor which is the packar MX 13 which is the 510 which Anglewood just purchased uh we weren't able to view that truck or view that performance of that motor because it hadn't been released to our area this is the first one in the area that why it's kind of taken so long the production is like two and a half years on trucks right now um you also have to understand the terrain of this area compared to say Miami Florida that's flat as board 500 horsepower might work down there doesn't work on the Hills here so they're building for the entire United States um on top of that the 565 is we viewed trucks that have the bigger motor which is a 605 an X15 cumings um we've now viewed the packr mx13 which is uh underpowered for the question of Anglewood Anglewood already accepted the truck they have to live with it um we're trying to avoid that happening here um we have ridden on the trucks that have the 605 obviously the 605 is going to be more expensive we didn't want to push that we know what that performance is we know what the performance of the 510 is so 565 is the middle ground uh from a cost saving standpoint uh if there's any other questions I would feel free to uh answer them for you as there was a lot of uh I don't knows MH um we're trying to meet in the middle here with the burrow um as for the urgency Pierce has put a bunch of engineering already into the the vehicle obviously we've cut the PO for it um it's just a to secure the motor uh obviously they're building trucks every day the urgency is to capture that the motor the block for the apparatus rather than wait and maybe not be able to get that motor and then be stuck with this one so that's the sense of urgency for that um if you have any other questions please feel free I can try to answer them to the best of my ability otherwise I just wanted to clear up some of that uh confusion thank you I appreciate that thank you thank you anyone [Music] else good evening mayor council you all know me Joe orette uh I was listening at home to the meeting and I just want you to know that I fully support your uh backing of the 1% increase in the budget I thought that was a very uh Frugal move I think it's good for the borrow I'm glad you're all in pretty much agreement for that um as far as the ladder truck goes for the fire department I have opened the the reports the inspection reports for the ladder truck that we currently own for the last two years and uh if you would like me to share with you the uh results of those reports I would be happy to review those reports with you um the the current truck that we have on order uh I don't believe we need right now because we have a truck that has virtually nothing wrong with it and uh I would be happy to discuss with you any of you [Music] the reports that I have in my possession and they're available to you and uh that's all I have to say I'll talk to you if you need to talk thank you thank you yes sir good evening everybody mayor and Council my name is Sayad dmed um I basically along with couple of my fellow resident uh emailed you a couple of days ago and sorry for the short notice uh this is about uh the putting up a crescent uh which is so I'm just going to read uh an quick excerpt from my email which is a uh basically we have we have been benefit from the diverse culture in our town it is a great to see to celebrate Christmas tree lighning and mon manura Lighting in our town we would like to request a crescent lighting a cultural event celebrating Ramadan which is the ninth month of Muslims uh where we fast and uh and offer prayers this year there are over 40 towns uh within Bergen County celebrating this uh this uh lighting ceremony uh including uh the neighboring town like Allendale Midland Park W called Franklin L uh Ridgewood uh this has been happening in other towns for the last few years uh but uh W Weck has been missing out so we thought to bring this up to the council uh consider ation uh the Ramadan the month of fasting is starting on the 10th of uh uh this uh next month uh the March 10th um and uh we wanted to put a small Crescent around 5 ft uh in front of the like any prominent place along with uh some light and uh want to host uh a very small ceremony where basically if you uh if you are available and we were thinking of uh March 14th as the date for uh this so that's the the the request basically that's the ask the email was sent on Sunday uh this uh afternoon I tried to follow up uh I couldn't get a hold of I talked to the deputy clerk um I couldn't got got a hold of uh the clerk or the administrator but this is uh the ask basically here well I received your email but unfortunately you get you sent it on a Sunday everything that discusses was discussed tonight has to be brought in by the following Thursday okay and also you didn't send it to the whole Council for anybody to review it you only send it to certain council members so we didn't nobody here got a chance to review anything that you looking for so what we're going to do is we're going to have to review this we'll have to talk to each other and we'll get back to you before the end of the week to discuss what we're going to do all right perfect the reason there just a couple of things here you you said that you want to have it in front of our building here we don't put nothing here everything is being put at the library so we have to ask permission from the library if that could be done all right and then going to be taking care of everything yes okay we as I said I mean in the future if you ever want to discuss anything with us best thing to do is give us a call talk to us in person and then we would explain to you that the Thursday before our Tuesday meeting is when all our paperwork has to be brought in and you know I I do have it and I will discuss it with the council and we will I just if you just give me your phone number you don't have to give it to me you know just come here and give it to me all right the and then we could uh we'll get back to you by Friday all right sorry about that the reason I did not have the email uh of all the Town Council because in your website there are only three uh council members where there are emails and the rest of them the the three other three they don't have the email address published there at least we'll that yeah because I I was just looking at the okay and then we'll also have to check with the 14th I don't think that's a problem but what time are you talking about because you do have the library that's open 6 p.m. basically and how long is it going to take uh 45 minutes and it's not political it's not political it's not you're promising it's not political it is not political okay no because we're very we don't no absolutely we're aware of very much and what's the the March 14 6 to 6:45 okay as I said I will call the council tonight I'm not tonight tomorrow and then I will get back to you before if you could just give me your phone number write it down and I will call you all right and I have ESS with me take 30 seconds sure sure absolutely absolutely so every you know what can I just get your name uh e okay so every year there's multiple different there's multiple different events in last year a lot of different towns had events for the beginning of Ramadan by setting up a crescent light Ceremony this was really good for me cuz I'm a Muslim and I would and I felt um and I felt very inspired and I felt part of this and I feel like we should have this in our town because I want to show my friends a part of my religion and share my celebration of Ramadan with them too so I hope and I I would really appreciate if you could set up the Crescent life ceremony thank you how old are you uh I'm 12 very good very good very good speaker thank you very good speaker I don't want no oh there go thank you very much anyone else from the public Teresa Sherman um I want to thank um fireman guy I don't know his title I forgot what he said for the explanation on the engine of the truck um when I first heard councilman brenick comments um I was floored that um this company would sell us a truck with an engine that didn't work properly um so I thank uh fireman guy for pointing out that the engine that they need was not available back when they ordered the truck um my only concern is that when the fire department um spec gave us the specs for the truck they told us at that time that every single thing still that was on the spec sheet was bare minimum and it was everything that they needed to perform their work God forbid there's a fire in our burrow um and now councilman brenick said that they're going to be able to cut thousands and thousands of dollars from this truck so something in my mind doesn't balance out and I don't understand where suddenly they could cut all these things from the truck um so that's a huge concern for me um I would like to know how they're able to cancel things off the spec sheet and still have a safe truck for the members and for our residents to perform the job um I was meeting with the fire department and pretty much all over this truck because of the huge price tag involved in it now we're um having to come up with basically 59 more thousand $59,000 more which um I don't know I still can't wrap my head around how a company could sell us a vehicle that cannot climb Hills um is is there a way to back out of this contract at this point and get a truck that includes all of the fire department's needs so that they're not cutting things off our current truck just to make up the money because that's a big concern to me because I was assured that everything on the spec sheet they definitely needed so I hate for them to cut things off the truck just to get an engine that performs well that is a big concern to me um the other question I have is you're approving um all of these changes to the what are they the bylaws of the fire department and you were listing all the numbers and stuff you were in approving number 141 19 and 23 um um we didn't is that not public knowledge because it wasn't attached to the agenda so we're not able to follow along with what you're approving or ask um questions about it they can be distributed I believe thew so my question I guess is why were they on the agenda without backup for the public to read so that we could follow along and like we were just hearing like different numbers that weren't good because of this word or that word uh I didn't have them so that's why they weren't attached what's that I didn't have them so that's why they were not attached okay um and then also uh to expand upon Council woman Sarah cola's report for the ambulance Corps general meeting um I want to congratulate um Adam Kora on becoming a police officer in the Bureau of Ridgewood I wish him well and a safe career I know he comes from a family of police officers and I wish him all the best in his career I also wanted to mention that Ashley stado became an EMT for the wallac so we're very proud of her and um she's already got the patch on her sleeves so very excited for her new position um also so uh two police officers from the burough of Waldwick were accepted as auxiliary members into the walwick volunteer ambulance Corps so congratulations to them and I also wanted to make note of um an item that was discussed at our meeting of the wallack um nj.gov you could go on the website or you could um go to a a local Pharmacy one here is Right Aid and they will give you free Naran to anyone who wants it um with the drug problems in our country uh you know some people might be happy to have an ran because uh a lot of people are facing problems with drugs so that's all I have thank you thank you anyone else if not do I have a motion to go into FL motion by Mike second by Michelle all those in favor I oppose are there any decisions being made No it should be about 20 minutes it'll be 20 minutes you want to wait until we come out you could if not there's no decision being made thank you very much