##VIDEO ID:ntlpBsYnvzA## e e e e e ready okay tape is on can I [Music] go this meeting is being held in Conformity with the sunshine Lord notice of time in place has been furnished to the record and the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building with the clerk conly take the role mayor gardano here Mr Bren here miss sakola here Mr martinello here Mr runda here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone colle stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all a moment of silence for all our world veterans and all veterans across our country who have given the ultimate sacrifice to serve our country to keep us free so we could assembl The Way We Are Tonight also a a moment of silence for the the victims of September 11 2001 which we be celebrating or honoring tomorrow the CL kindly take uh do to prayer dear Lord we start this meeting asking for your guidance and wisdom may we find unity and fairness the outcome should reflect our wishes to assist the burough in all their Endeavors thank you in his name amen amen good evening everyone uh under my report it'll be brief um first of all as I said before tomorrow will be the um September 11th uh memorial service at company number two where we have a piece of Steel from the World Trade Center this Year we're doing it a little bit different instead of having it at 8 8:15 8:30 in the morning we were going to be having it at 6:30 at night cuz we feel that more people will be able to come out at night than they do in the morning because they have to go to work something different we're going to see how it works and if we we have a good turnout we'll move forward doing that from now on we have the fire department the police department we have the search we have the Ambulance Corp we have a lot of organ we have the the high school band coming so I think it'll be a a good uh night to uh to honor of those victims whose lives were lost protecting us also um I will on Thursday I'll be performing a wedding here a couple from our town that's getting married so I'll be performing their wedding uh we've been doing a lot of meetings with the uh DPW negotiations their contract is up this year so we've been meeting to talk about their contract and moving forward what they want what we want what we all going to get that is the still in the works we're still talking about it once we decide what's going going on then it'll be public information for everyone to know other than that that's all I have to report right now financial and administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor good evening everyone um so the state health benefits uh information came out last week I think it was last week um we were we were projecting those rates to go up it's going to go up 17.2% next year so unfortunately it is what it is we're looking at other options um but but in all likelihood uh we won't be we probably won't be changing so we'll be dealing with that to that end we've already started very early stage budget discussions we typically start the budget in January February um but for a number of reasons I think it makes sense to start that earlier this year so we'll be working through that as a subcommittee um there's no there's an election this year no guarantee that I'll I'll be here so at the very least from a continuity perspective we want to have things set up and then as we move into the new year we'll start the larger uh budget discussions that uh we typically do but um but yeah it's going to require some planning this year so so more to come on that so that's my uh report tonight mayor thank you fire uh police protection committee Mr brenick is with us on phone Mr brenick well thanks Mr Mayor in August we started Mutual uh Mutual L called several towns we had an MVA with injuries uh car fires multiple Co alarms uh gas leak and medical assist uh and we're also dealing with the convention the state convention is currently ongoing so uh while we have coverage back home all the neighboring towns are going to be responding um in a joint effort uh hokus Waldwick U Allendale Etc um we're going to be talking about Thursday from about noon to Sunday at about 1: p.m. uh again it'll be a joint response and that's all I have tonight great thank you very much Public Safety Committee Miss sraa thank you mayor for the month of August wak responded to 53 calls April trainer responded to 36 Ashley studo to 30 and meline Bonita's to 27 the majority of calls in August were on Thursdays and about 89% of runs were responded to in under 5 minutes since our last meeting i' would like to recognize the tragic passing of walvac President John papendick John was a loving caring father of his three boys and husband his contributions to walvac and the burough over the last 10 years were immeasurable he served as wvac president former captain and various line officer positions CPR instructor key fundraiser and most notably he was a mentor to many thank you thank you and let us keep uh Mr papaik and his family in our prayers it was a great loss and I want to thank everyone who uh came as a council to uh his wake it showed a lot of support to the family Recreation health committee Mr monello thank you Mr Mayor um just a quick report on fall activities uh fall Sports season is open um this week for football and soccer football has their home opener this Saturday um they like to thank the world wvac for being on standby for their games having someone there for any emergencies that the kids may have uh they also uh have their Penny can drive this weekend so you'll see the boys and girls out at different uh places around town thank thank you to the the businesses and the Chamber of Commerce for helping organize that for them um and then soccer had their first games this past weekend um they're looking forward to a great season and uh congratulations to the high school teams as they started their season uh this year this week as schools reopened that's it for me thank you thank you Public Works committee Mr rundo yes Mr Mayor uh Public Works uh starting to get ready for the fall cleanup uh the the team is uh working to to prevent maintenance and get the trucks ready they're also looking at uh preparing the trucks for snow removal in the winter so this way the equipment is ready to go uh it's been out to uh the vendors to get its preventive maintenance uh done and uh we're in the process of looking to hire a replacement for a gentleman that uh uh resigned and that's all Mr Mayor thank you very much building and grounds committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor no report tonight oh thank you our administrator Steve uh thank you mayor just one thing um I'll I'll let Matthew go into a little bit more detail during his report but I would like to extend uh congratulations and wish Matt the best of luck as he moves on from the buau so thank you Matt and and good luck on everything uh clerk Kelly thank you mayor I have a report resolution 2024 233 um on the agenda authorize the amendment for the autocab license all the uh paperwork is in order for you to consider that for this evening uh ordinance number 22426 that's the um in fees for the Outdoor Cafe permit we talked about it last time is the public hearing um we're going from um our fees been 75 since 2010 so we're looking to just move it up to $100 uh with regards to Park and Ride vehicle all the vehicle information and we discussed this last time but all the vehicle information has now been updated in the system and PD can now start um patrolling the lot um and while we are sold out with the uh permit parking um you know we're looking to try to change the way we do parking uh once we have our contract with uh New Jersey Transit so a little bit more on that to come but um that's kind of in the works uh the dog sensus were now up dog sensus and Licensing um as a result of the dog sensus um our licensing is now up to 1,49 dog licenses um elections um if you wish to opt out to receiving of wish to opt out of receiving your vote by mail ballot um there's a vote by mail removal form on the elections page of our website um you complete the form and you can either email it or or mail it to the um Bergen County Clerk vote by mail ballots will be mailed beginning September 21st um on the election page of our website is a link to a video on how to complete that vote by mail it's it's actually very informative so if you are having trouble um you should really view that it will definitely help you there's also a video on how to use the new voting machines I would suggest that if this if this is the first time you're going to be voting on the machines that um you take the opportunity to look at that video just so that you're come a little bit more familiar with the machine before you get here um October 15th is the last day to register to vote in the general election and my office will be open till 700 p.m. that night um just a couple of things that come up um with Tatiana quite a bit phone calls and emails um October 6 is the final bcua collection event for paper shredding electronics and computers um unwanted medicines and tire recycling um October 12th is our styrofoam collection from 9:00 to 1 at the recycling center October 14th through October 18th that's the that's going to be your final curbside yard waste collection because leaf collection will begin in District 2 on Monday October 23rd um that's all I have thank you thank you grant administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor no official report but I just will to take a couple moments to touch on what Steve had said uh this will be my last council meeting with the burough of Waldwick as I've accepted an offer to become the new burough administrator for the burough of Butler uh I was hired here a little over five years ago with a goal of becoming a bur bur administrator and I will be forever grateful for this town and the opportunities that they provided for for me in particular I just want to uh thank the mayor the current members of the council the former member of the councils that I I've worked with uh as well as all the staff in particular Steve Patrick wary our former administrator Kelly hallowitz Colleen Eris Colleen Enis Tatiana among all the others uh and finally just the residents of this town you've all been extremely welcoming to me and it's been an honor and a privilege to work here I look forward to seeing uh how the Burl does in the future I believe you're in good hands with your Administration and your staff and your elected officials and like I said it's just been I came here as a 26-year-old a single guy leaving here 5 years later uh married and it's just been an honor to work here and I'll be forever grateful thank you well congratulations and good luck with everything consent resol I'm sorry the attorney anything actually yes thank you mayor uh resolution 2024-25 on the agenda agenda tonight is to designate the uh the land the property across the street from Burl Hall as an area in need of Redevelopment um if that resolution is passed tonight uh we will move forward uh with the buau um uh planner to have that Redevelopment plan hopefully before um you by the end of October or in November now as she was saying that this is not saying that we you know we're not saying anything we're doing anything right away this is the what we the planning board reviewed it and then what happened is it it's coming back to the mayor and Council and we are just giving the okay to look into redeveloping that area we had the comments from the public they had meetings here uh last uh Wednesday I had to recuse myself from the meeting due to the fact that it's coming to me now so whatever was discussed with them I don't know but uh everybody all of us now know what's going on and uh we've met with the the community in that in the area that we're talking about and everybody seems to be all uh interested in hearing what we have to say consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions here withth listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of walck are hereby passed and approved 2024 227 approval of consent 2024 228 approval of minutes regular meeting and close session meeting August 13th policy votes a striker um requests to use Pavilion a on September 19th from 11:30 to 4:30 for a company pic picnic with alcoholic beverages being served B Robert scavone requests to use Pavilion on September 28th from 1:00 p.m. to dust for a family celebration with alcoholic beverages being served C Alyssa Woodcock requests use pilona on September 29th from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for a birthday party with alcoholic beverages being served and D waldeck high school booster club requests to use the oval and the walck pool restrooms on September 29th from 2: p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for a cornhole fundraiser tournament with alcoholic beverages being consumed 2029 229 concurring with the planning board's Redevelopment investigation findings regarding block 109 Lots 1357 8 9 10 11 13 and 17 and designating them as an area in need of Redevelopment with condemnation Powers 2024 230 change order number one and final payment to DSL Contracting for improvements to Harrison Avenue 20242 1 change order number one and amendment to resolution number 2024 141 for the 2024 Road uh Rehabilitation project to include chopek Lane and garabaldi place 2024 232 authorized advertisement and receipt of bids for Sheridan Avenue Evergreen Street and Hemlock Street water main improvements 2024 233 authorized Amendment to the autocab license for InStyle car and limo service 2024 234 author U authorized release of a dumpster as for uh 109 Lindberg Parkway 2024 235 approval of access to government records form 2024 236 accept the resignation of Matthew Gilder as Grant administrator effective October 5th 2024 2024 237 appointment of qualified purchasing agent Steven Neil 2024 238 appointment of provisional Public Works repairer Steven kensky 2024 239 appointment of perdm crossing guard tahar riscala 2024 240 cancellation and refund of taxes for Block 7 73.0 7 lot 5 and 2024 241 payment of vouchers do you have a a motion in a second to accept motion by Mark second by um Mike on the question anyone have a question um okay was there a was there an amendment for the boosters yeah I was just going to talk about that okay what happened there was a little bit of a situation with the booster club using the uh burough park or using the the base field for a fundraiser that they were doing what happened is we had already two families that already we committed to using the the park and we you know we Steve met with Mr Del re who was very accommodating with us and we came up with an agreement or we came up with a solution that we would have they they would be able to use uh our uh the pool parking lot and also use the uh oval for any overflow this is something we don't really do but we you know we just can't can't say no noted to a a fund raise especially for the children so what we did was we came to an agreement and this is what they're doing so what whatever you heard or saw it's being changed to what's going to be done now it's going to be the same time same day times have been changed probably everything will be posted all over again but it's something that we as a council has to do for the for the booster club for the kids and for the for the you know the school sounds good anyone else clerk take the role Mr bronick yes m sarola yes Mr martinello uh recuse on policy vote D for affiliation to um Warrior booster club okay on everything else great uh Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have four public hearings with the clerk kindly read the first one ordinance number 2024 d26 ordinance number 2024 number 26 in ordinance amending chapter 48 fee section 97-1 Cafe permit fee to increase fee collected anybody from the council like to comment on this as Kelly said that uh we were pay charging $75 uh since 2010 and we feel that or Kelly felt we all felt that $100 is not a bad thing to do since everybody else is getting that and even more so what we're doing is we're just raising the fee anyone else Kelly Kelly is this for uh any restaurants that open an outdoor dining property yes it's for good anybody else from the council if not I close the council's comments and I ask the public anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read if not I close the uh Public's comments and as for a motion a second to pass his audiance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise on local legal newspapers as required by law do I have a motion a second motion by Mike second by Michelle clerk take the role Mr bck yes Miss sarola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 d27 ordinance number 202 24-27 establishing a new chapter 90 entitled trees and shrubs of the of the code of the burough of Waldwick to regulate the removal and replacement of trees anybody from the council would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read uh sure um this is a require IR M from the D for all municipalities to adopt this ordinance um to regulate the the removal and replacement of trees within the buau um on public and private property um any qualified tree you'll have to fill out a permit application to remove a tree and there's a whole process set for that this also requires tree contractor um registrations with the bureau um and a small fee for that um so we're happy to see this get pasted uh I think we you know with everyone input created a fair ordinance to uh meet the requirement anybody else yeah sorry I'll just I'll just again reiterate that um none of us were looking were were looking to implement a tree ordinance this is just handed down from the state and you know I think we tried as Steve said we tried to be fair as a as a council do what we had to uh to abide by the state but it is it is what it is anyone else in the council if not I close the council's comments and have ask anyone from the public that would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read if none I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to passes on on second reading and that clerk be authorized to advertise it in legal the local legal newspapers as required by law have a motion and second by Mike second by Joe clerk take the role Mr brck Miss arola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes with the clerk county read ordinance number 2024 D28 ordinance number 202 24-28 amending chapter 92 I'm sorry 942 entitled water agent appointment term of office of the code of the burough of Waldwick anybody from the council would like to comment on this audience that was just read order AG Kell yeah um yeah so the the next two ordinances including this one is just to clean up some language um to protect uh employees and their benefits with the pension system uh it's just align their their job roles with the proper title anybody else from the council I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment if not I close the your Public's comments and ask for a motion a second motion by Katie second by Mike we'll give Andy it second by Andy thank you Andy um and we pass this audience on second reading that the clerk May authorized to advertise in local legal newspapers as requir clerk take the role Mr branck yes Miss arola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay cler kindly read ordinance number 2024 d29 ordinance number 2024 d29 in ordinance amending ordinance number 20245 fixing the compensation salaries and wages of officials and employees of the burough of Waldwick to add the title of water agent to the Chief Financial Officer tax collector tax collector position title anybody from the council would like to comment in this ordinance that was just read I think Steve said it the best that all we're doing is tightening up all our titles and uh our finances and everything and our CFO who's also our tax collector is also our water agent so now she has one big title she doesn't get money but she get the title anyone else from the council if not I close the council's comments and anybody from the public would like to comment if not I close the uh public comments and ask for a motion a second to pass his ORD on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in the local legal newspapers as required by law do I have a motion in a second motion by Katie second by Joe clerk take the role Mr brck Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay anybody from the council have any unfinished business anybody from the council have any new business uh on the uh on our website starting tomorrow morning there will be uh proclamations uh that we are uh supporting uh this month the first one is the proclamation supporting childhood Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation supporting National variant Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation recognizing the month of September as hunger and action month proclamation in National Suicide Prevention and action month if you go on the website tomorrow under my messages there'll be all there the proclamations for you to read also as a reminder in uh in uh October our October meetings we will be wearing pink shirts that we had made if you don't have a made shirt a shirt that we had made for you for the council any pink shirt uh would be suffice uh that will be for us to uh as our Proclamation for uh breast cancer awareness any other new business from the council if not Public's comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the microphone in the podium just give us your name for the record good evening Eric leor the Sewer Authority again Steve Labor Day weekend was ridiculous quarter to 7 in the morning trucks packed up beeping horns crazy really crazy easy um then the aroma started that whole weekend complete all right um we call the police their responses we can't do anything uh then the trucks start idling by the farmers market I don't know if you ever anybody sees them there they just sit there uh zud aapola Earth care coming that just sitting there and you could I mean probably you know on on the other side of the tracks but you can smell it you can smell Diesel and it's get you know it worked that couple times um I talked to somebody down in Little Ferry they have a um lawyer there uh what they people did was they got the mayor and counsil together they got a petition from the town uh from the people in the whole area of the town and they put it in the newspaper I don't know a while ago this was going back a while ago um seems they do not want the public publicity because it's the state do we have to do that to get everybody to get a petition going from everybody here to go to a meeting and there's got to be better communication of what to do when to do it and how to do it with the uh you know the police you know again like I said it's horrible because they have more important things to do than go to a sore Authority and tell them that you know it smells and it's not good I mean um the environment is no good as we know with the uh the diesel fuel and the and the smell what can we do you call the police in Labor Day what time did you call them on Labor Day it was that Saturday or Sunday about 6:30 okay they but the a gentleman came up that night and he said yes we do have a report all right you just from from the you just said that the beeping you just said the cop said you the police officer said that you cannot do anything they cannot do anything there's miscommunication when I talk to the dispatcher and I'm not going to throw the per the dispatcher name well we have to find out from the police who the dispat is given misinformation to our residents well they gave it to the I'm sorry go ahead they had talked to a s a sergeant that was in the office at the time and they said our uh standards do not show that we do anything with them okay find out who what else can we do I mean we've done this how many times mayor what we'll do is when uh our regular attorney Craig is back okay we will let him we will discuss this with him to find out how we could go about getting a petition and everything of that nature because they don't want the publicity we we'll we'll talk to him this is from another mayor down in that area okay but and I'd like to know who is the dispatcher and who the sergeant that said that they can't do anything well I'm not going to say it all but I can tell you side we'll find out we'll find out okay and then we will we no disrespect to our attorney now but we'll wait for Craig to come back and we will have Craig guide us on how we could get a petition signed by the residents going to their meetings means nothing because EXA I used to go to their meetings and when they saw me there they would go into to cloth and they never came out that's exactly what they did that's what they do yeah so we'll have our attorney to try to see how we could go about something with a petition no being down there going to the meetings with Mr Paladino was the uh they hide when they see exactly okay but we will we will reach out to Craig tomorrow and we will find out how we about doing a petition thank you thank you anyone else JN report I just have a question about tomorrow night is it in front of this build or in front of the firehouse over here or is it no no the one we had a 911 memorial is on White cof Avenue okay because the notice that I got today is said 15 Prospect Street the notice from us yeah we have to check that I didn't do I didn't do a notice to that okay we'll have to look into that it came in the email because I thought I thought that was strange but that's what I wrote in my in my diary and then well we're thinking about bringing it here but not yet right so it's it's over by company company number two we always have it okay right we'll we'll look and see what happened and we'll correct everything yeah 58 y f is how it's listed what's that 58 y call Fa yeah well it's 15 Prospect that's why I was confused okay all right we'll check into it thank you okay thank you anyone else if not anybody else we have no close session no close Okay do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Mike second by uh Michelle all those in favor I all those opposed thank you