##VIDEO ID:rkyECJw0Xhk## e e e e e e e e e e e e okay tapes on this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of date time and place has been furnished at the record in the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on a bulletin board of the administration building the clerk county take the role mayor gardano here miss sakola here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone kindly rise to the Pledge of Allegiance I pled alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for our walck veterans and all veterans across our country who have served who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that they we may be free and assembl the way we are tonight and may we pray also for those who are affected uh by the storms in Florida and North Carolina South Carolina and all over and watch over everyone that might be affected tomorrow and Thursday in Florida would the clerk kindly do to prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and has and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen good evening everyone under my reports there is two proclamations that I will be reading and then they will be also placed on our website the first one is uh whereas domestic violence is widespread and affects more than 12 million Americans each year and whereas according to statistics 24 people per minute in America are victims of rape stalking or physical violence by an intimate partner and whereas this means about three in 10 women and one in 10 men are victims or survivors of domestic violence and whereas domestic violence is a serious crime that affects people of all ages races gender and socioeconomic St statues and whereas children that grow up in violent homes are believed to be abused and neglected at the rate higher than the national average and whereas domestic violence costs Don Nation billions of dollars annually in medical expenses police and Court uh costs shelters forer care sick leave absenteeism and overall non-productivity and whereas only awareness and a coordinated Community effect will shine a light on the on and put a stop to the criminal behavior and whereas domestic violence Awareness Month provides an opportunity for residents to learn more about preventing domestic violence and to show support for the numerous organizations and individuals who provide critical advocacy services and assistance to victims and survivors now therefore be it proclaimed that the mayor and Council of the bough of walwick do here I Proclaim October as domestic violence Awareness Month in the B of Waldwick and urg residents to know the signs to report suspected abuse and to reject and denounce behaviors that uh mimics MIM minimizes or makes fun of domestic violence in real life movies internet gaming or any other circumstances it witness whereas I unto set my hand and cause the official seal of the B of walck New Jersey to be a fixed this 8th day of October in the year of 2024 whereas October 2024 is natural National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and whereas October 21st 2024 is national mamography day and whereas for women in the United States breast cancer debt rates are higher than those of any other cancer besides lung cancer and whereas about 1 in8 133% of women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime and whereas it is estimated that uh 310,000 3 310 thou 3 10,720 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the United States and whereas about 42250 women in the United States are expected to die in 2024 from breast cancer women under 50 have experien larger decreases which are through thought to be a result of treatment advances earlier detection through screening and increased awareness and whereas a woman's risk of breast cancer approximately doubl if she has a first-degree relative mother sister daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer less than 15% of women who got who get breast cancer have a family member diagnosed with it and whereas a mamography mography is the best available method of detecting breast cancer that may be cancerous and that breast cancer debt could be declined further if women of age 40 and older receive mogs at regular intervals now they forb proclaimed that I Thomas a jordano mayor of the burough Waldwick to here proclaim the month of October 2024 as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Wednesday October 21st 2024 as National mamography Day in the B of Waldwick if you notice we're all wearing pink today last year one of our Council women was diagnosed with breast cancer and in support of her and all the other women in our burrow and in our country we are wearing the pink for the whole month of October to show a sign of support for all those women and men that develop breast cancer it's something that is very serious and uh it means a lot to most of us here on the council and I know it means a lot to a lot of people in our burrow so when you see us next month I mean the end of the month at a meeting we will also be wearing pink two other things under my report on Sunday I will be attending a um Eagle Scout project of um coat of Co coat of armor our uh Eagle Scout project award the gentleman who did the uh outside area where we have our bench he's being honored and I'll be going to that uh ceremony also on Saturday as the president of the uh mayor Association of Northwest Bergen County we hold our meetings once a month and I usually report uh about the meeting and then after the meeting this month's meeting we are hosting well it be hosted by another town not Waldwick and the uh the guest speaker speaker because we bring in guest speakers I've asked the be best the guest speaker and I know you'll appreciate this Eric is the gentleman from the SE Authority so he's going to be coming to our meeting I told him be prepared uh there'll be a lot of questions uh given to him and we've told him also we expect answers so if you Eric or anybody else has any questions you would like me to ask him please give it send it to me email it to me before Saturday morning so that we will have a list all the Mayors the 13 Mayors all are getting uh questions for him to answer and if he doesn't have the question uh he has to give it to us so uh I will fill everyone in on what happens at our next meeting that's all I have to report financial and administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor good evening everyone it's nice to see you all it's nice to see people here this is the best way to kind of hear what the bro is doing and get involved so it's nice to see some new faces um mayor great proclamations really proud that the governing body uh puts us together and supports these causes um it it's really fantastic um on the finance side uh you know as I said every year the biggest issue with you know facing us with the the Burrows our budget um and we often have to get very creative to solve these these problems so creativity is I think uh one of the strengths of this governing body uh this year for insurance we'll be offering employees uh options to either stay with the current plan that we have we're also going to be offering a higher deductible option which uh ultimately saves both the employees as well as the uh the burrow uh money um obviously the employees will have the option to to choose and uh you know we we'll see how that all flushes out you'll also so you'll see a resolution uh on the agenda for that there's also a number of ordinances as you remember our grant ad administrator uh resigned a few weeks ago to take a uh uh a job in in a different uh burrow different town we kind of take took a look at that job and the responsibilities uh of of kind of what's required and thought that it'd be better to separate them uh into two different roles um we think that it's going to increase the efficiency of uh the the the municip municipality uh up here for all and uh the goal and I think that we'll meet this goal is to keep it a net zero change in the budget um so we'll see greater efficiencies um I think we'll we'll do a much better job uh in these particular areas and and you know hopefully won't increase costes uh and and and bring on an unnecessary burden uh to the burrow so um those ordinances will be discussed later um and that's my report this evening mayor thank you thank you fire and police protection committee Mr branck he's not here tonight but uh he sent me a um a report the wal volunteer fire department responded to two calls so far in the month of October the calls that were responded to were a fire alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm this week is Fire Prevention Week members of the fire department are going around to the the schools teaching uh the students about fire safety on Thursday night they will have a uh they host their annual open house for fire prevention week at the October 3rd business meeting that was held at the fire department nominations for line and company offices were uh held and next month uh at their November meeting they will have their Department elections everyone that uh was nominated is been nominated unopposed right now it stands that the line officers which are the the firematic officers the chief of the department will be Andrew gugli Aro the assistant chief will be Michael Ferrara the captain will be David guy the uh second captain will be Matthew amamos and the lieutenant will be Christopher Moses on the company side which takes care of the financial part of the department and any social activities uh the president is Christina glio the vice president is Keith hakenbeck the secretary is Derek Delgado and the treasur is James oconnell at the next meeting in November uh Andy will talk to you more about anything that happened in the fire department and also with the elections that's all that Andy brenick has to report Public Safety Committee Miss sraa thank you mayor there were 47 calls for the month of September with one being mut Mutual Aid Ashley studo responded to the most calls with 25 April trainer with 22 and Adrien kayaga with 20 the majority of calls were on Saturdays a unit arrived on scene in under 5 minutes for 75% of all runs tonight wvac is hosting a CPR refresher at the building for anyone that needs it on Wednesday tomorrow the N Nicholas Negron mental health Foundation coordinated by former member now New Jersey state trooper Jack Rosen wants to present walvac with a large donation and I'm looking forward to attending this presentation additionally Captain Lucas nostos has been working with Andy Garo of the fire department at standby at some of the junior football events this is something they usually haven't done before but walvac members would like to support the town and help the fire department relationships finally walbec will be attending the mag ragamuffin parade and trunk or treat on October 26th thank you thank you Recreation and health committee Mr monello was not here he has no report I think he has a meeting on th on Thursday night at the health department Public Works committee Mr rundo thank you Mr Mayor uh just to keep uh everybody in the loop uh spoke with Mike Lor October 23rd is the beginning of leap collection they're all prepped and ready so uh the schedule will be out and people will be notified as to when their collections will be between now and the end of the year um also next week is the final week for yard collection uh so the 14th through the 18th will be the last week of curbside yard collection for grass clippings and other yard waste um waste disposal day on the 5th was quite good uh they had a very good turnout from the town uh they did fill up some things and had a very good uh success with that hydrant flushing is complete to date uh and reminder on October 19th the styrofoam collection will be at Burrow uh recycling center that's all Mr Mayor thank you thank you building and grounds committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor um the uh water storage t uh treatment tank um I'm sorry water storage tank rehab we're waiting for some more information to uh go out to bid on that the pistol range in town um is going to get some an update on their HVAC system and that's still in the design phase uh Lions playground the engineer will be presenting some designs to design options to us this coming week and the hemlock Evergreen and Bergen Avenue water main projects are going out to bid on uh October 9th and that's all I have thank you thank you very much our administrator Mr Neil thank you mayor um just want to note that resolution uh 2024-25 deals with renewing old bands in the amount of about $6 million and funds in additional $3.9 million for this year's Capital Capital ordinances um that were passed previous um earlier in this year um also note we are we have an appointment for a new DPW laborer uh employee that will is poised to start next week um so that resolution's on and also the appointment of two new crossing guards um both in the full-time slot so our um increase in the hourly rate seems to have encouraged some new applicants which is great and that's all I have thank you thank you Alber clerk Miss Kelly thank you mayor October 15th is the last day to register to vote in the general election my office will be open until 700 p.m. that night um this is also a great opportunity for um residents to come in and pick up their 2024 dog licenses which are still here um reminder for vote by mail voters if you're having issues completing your vote by mail ballot if you go to the website under our elections page there is a video on how to complete your vote by mail ballot that is um you know it's quite comprehensive and and makes it easy uh the last day to apply for vote by mail ballots by mail is October 29th um you should maybe you can avoid the lines and consider early voting October 26th through November 3rd Mondays through Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 10: a.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh there are many um sites throughout uh the uh County but the two closest sites to us are the woff library shot meire room on 200 Woodland na in woff and the Ty Senior Center 411 Chestnut Ridge Road in woodcliffe Lake also I want to remind people to sign up for Constant Contact which is our new platform for our weekly Community news and updates as well as our new monthly newsletter uh nixel will continue to be used by the PD for their emergency notifications that's all thank you thank you Alor attorney Mr bzang uh thank you mayor uh resolution 2024-25 7 supports the leg legislation that's been introduced at in uh in Trenton um in regards to COA so what PE people might not realize is Affordable units that are in urban areas the the municipalities that receive uh Municipal Urban Aid which I believe are uh 62 of the municipalities Statewide those units don't count to the overall number when they look for what the regional need is and what the state why need is for affordable housing there's an exemption for them so those units or those numbers have to be spread out amongst the neighboring municipalities what this legislation does is it stops that exemption so when there's talk of X number of units are needed in an area if there's an Urban Aid municipality in there the units that they have in their municipality would also count that way it would sort of slow down any type of urban sprawl and uh really give a fair number number of uh a fair count to the affordable units that are within the state so with the the new numbers coming out October 20th uh this the Senators and the assembly people have sponsored this bill to uh to try and um lessen that impact we'll say and so uh this is a supporting resolution of that legislation that's all mayor thank you are we going to the close tonight no no items for close okay thank you very much consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the govering body of the burrow of walck are hereby passed and approved 2024 255 approval of consent 2024 256 approval of minutes regular meeting and close session meeting September 24th 2024 2024 257 support s 2103 and a 971 for fair share affordable housing obligations 2024 258 approval of chapter 159 for the community energy plan Grant in the amount of $10,000 2024 259 appointment to the Zoning Board of adjustment 2024 260 appointment of laborer 1 Keef uh Doheny 2024 261 payment of vouchers 2024 262 resolution of the burough Council of the burough of Waldwick in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey coveting to uh comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue code of 19 1986 as amended applicable to the exclusion from the gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest and obligations issued by the buau of walck authorizing the mayor municipal clerk Chief Financial Officer and other Bureau officials to take such action as they may deemed necessary or advisable to affect uh such compliance and designating uh 9, 900,000 Bond anticipation note dated October 10th 2024 and payable October 10th 2025 as a qualified tax exempt obligation pursuant to section 265 B3 of the Internal Revenue code of 1986 as amended 2024 263 approval to offer a financial incentive to those eligible employees participating in the high deductible Health uh benefit plan the HD low 2024 264 appointment of full-time crossing guards Patricia Cassidy and Thomas Smith you have a motion a second to accept motion by Mark second by um Michelle anyone on the question if not I think uh you talked about uh the incentive yeah so that's all all good anyone else clerk take the rooll Miss sakola yes to all but I'd like to abstain from resolution 2024-25 n okay she's right I'm sorry yes oh let me let me go back okay no she don't have to go it's fine she can that's okay yeah absolutely no you should yeah okay uh where was I uh so I got K okay Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay just for the record the reason why Miss arola did what she did is because the zoning board uh one of their members Ken Gan resigned to be more active in the ambulance courp because of the debt of John papadin and in return everybody that's on the board has to move up and her father is one of the members of the zoning board on the lower level so everyone moves up that's why she had to recuse herself okay we have three uh ordinances with the clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 D30 ordinance number 2024 D30 an ordinance amending ordinance number 22427 chapter 90 trees and shrubs Article 1 Section 90-8 a tree removal permit and section 90-1 c tree removal contractor requirements notice and deadlines of uh the code of the burough of Waldwick a motion seconds in order to move and passes ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised in local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by Katie second by Mike on the questions or on the question uh thank you mayor this is really just as we were diving into the tree ordinance some more we noticed a couple language uh issues that we want to change um specifically it initially outlined the permit application would apply $50 per tree per application um we actually pulled that back and it's just $50 fee per application doesn't matter how many trees are on that application uh seems to be a little bit more fair to the resident um and also we are changing the contractor registration insurance requirements to um match what the state requires of them uh the original ordinance was going above and beyond it was from 2 million went down to 1 million yeah anyone else clerk take the role Miss sarola yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk county read ordinance number 2024 D31 ordinance number 2024 D31 amending chapter 2 entitled burrow administrator of the code of the burrow of Waldwick to create a new section 2- 7.1 entitled confidential assistant Motion in second is in order to move and pass this ordance on first reading and that it be advertised in local legal newspapers required by law sending a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by Katie second by Mark anyone have a question what this is is that we're establishing a new uh position at our next meeting we'll discuss everything about it but right now we're just introducing it to the public anyone else clerk take the role Miss sakola yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 32 ordinance number 224-3204 fixing the compensation salaries and wages of officials and employees of the Bureau of Waldwick to add the title confidential assistant to the administrative executive section a motion and a second is in order to move and pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised on local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. 2 weeks from today or soon as therefore the matter may be reached motion and a second I'll start here Mike and Michelle on the question what this is is this is setting the salary for the position that we're hiring or we're establishing and that will all be discussed at our next meeting when it's open to the public for discussion anyone else clerk kindly take the road oh sorry thought we did that I went I went ahead sorry Miss Saka yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes any unfinished business from the council new business from the council okay Public's comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the microphone and state your name only name only just your name please hello uh my name is Katherine Hartman Cassie Hartman and I was hoping to make a statement regarding uh the council and mayor May support of s 2103 a 971 this is the affordable housing legislation I am a little background I'm also a social worker I am deeply disappointed to see that our council is supporting this legislation and I wanted to voice my opposition this legislation ultimately decreases our responsibility our legal responsibility to provide more affordable housing um and it increases the burden on places that already are bereft of resources to provide safe environments good schools safe and clean housing we are in the midst of an housing affordability crisis there's no one none of us know someone who can't afford to live in a place that they want to live or have grown up in or where their family is due to the cost of housing and it is up to up standing communities such as ours to increase the amount of affordable and low-income housing rather than decrease our responsibility to be honest this legislation is Loosely veiled nambi it's it's Loosely veiled not in my backyard this sort of fear of urban sprawl and the the lowincome urban areas coming out towards us and and leeching our resources but myself and other residents don't support this legislation um ultimately it comes down to stigma against affordable housing there's a huge stigma against affordable housing but we had these wonderful month proclamations National Breast Cancer Awareness Month domestic violence Awareness Month both of these things require affordable housing people cannot leave abusive situations if they don't have a place to go that they can afford women who get breast cancer at 40 years old their their economic resources go down when their husband or their jobs are impacted because they can't get to work or their promotion opportunities are limited affordable housing is for our seniors who can't reside in their homes any longer but want to stay in their Community it's for our disabled neighbors who live on the fixed income affordable housing is not a bad scary thing it is something that communities such as ours should always be supporting and not trying to sort of get less of a burden of we should see it as a good thing that improves our community rather than something that takes away from it thank you thank you anyone else Ted szo uh back when Katrina hit New Orleans somebody in town put together a truckload of items to be brought down now now I'm asking does anybody on the council know of anybody doing a similar action and for the people that went through helina or even this new one for Milton does anybody know of it I only wish to contribute I don't want to run it I can't no no no no and that's fine I know of some local places that are doing it I know the Mawa Police Department was collecting items they had a list of items that they want that they were looking to collect it's they doesn't seem that they want clothing it's more of um because I think that's what happened in the last go around they got so much clothes they didn't know what to do with it so it's like toiletries and things like that also the wof Country Cafe that's um in woff on woff Avenue next to three Chas I think it is over there oh okay they are doing a collection as well that I think they're that's like another point and then they're bringing it to maaor Fire Department hathor fire department too okay now is that the Mawa PD Mawa PD okay thank you very much you're welcome now a couple items uh I don't know how come people on the council and I'm talking to the people that are elected I'm not going to the people that are appointed include you mayor please pay attention I always do to you thank you uh there's been couches on White Avenue by L Lakeland Bank for how many days now and when's the bulk pick up come on I I when I get company to come to my house I don't want them looking at garbage on the street B they're always putting out the recycles in plastic bags I come back from crossing guard yo they took the plastic bags and allil and I mean this has been going on not one week it's been going on for months I don't see any action please if you're not supposed to put it out in plastic bags you all got plenty of employees running around full time maybe somebody can do something Ted are you referring to the house next to the Lakeland Bank yeah the one that would yeah the that was uh brought in on trucks spoke to them they spoke to they were they were summons I believe because they had about I don't know 70 black garbage bags along their driveway at one point and that was that was a dress and then they brought the dumpster in and what about the the couches sitting out there I can't speak but I know that they've been on they've been on the list okay yeah well this this couches are still out there about the street wens okay to the okay okay house can something be done I mean when my relatives come up can you also address the speed limit sign on Prospect by Ridge how long has that been busted I'm to I'm not throwing Mr Neil or anybody that's appointed under the bus I want the council people that are the elected officials to answer my questions can we answer go right ahead yes go right ahead you don't have to wait till November excuse me is this the first I've heard of any of so okay this house specifically and the sign so for you to stand there and lecture me like I well no you don't answer it you're not part of this year committee are you answer what whoever addresses these items you drive by it every day I don't I don't care I'm talking to the whole Council you're you're part of the council all right well I should read everyone's mind that's where we're at no okay I don't expect you to read my mind I expect you to pay attention what's going on and I would invite everyone here do me a favor stand on the quarter one day and just watch what goes on just watch no campaigning you got two eyes and two ears listen and see oh just so you know I'm not running for any office now why are you here now uh how much money are we getting from the water settlement any idea yet will we know before election day okay um so we have we just heard from our attorneys everything's being reviewed by the settlement administrators we don't have a solid timeline obviously they have thousands upon thousands of claims I understand but sir I'm not asking you for answers I want my elected officials to answer the questions I realize you get thrown a lot but I expect my I my elected officials people that stood for the office to answer the questions you know what Ted I don't want to disrespect you but this is a great time for you to come up here right before an election I have been sitting on this I'm talking let me talk I always let you talk and I always listen it's in bad taste what you're doing and you know what if that's the way you want to get people elected go right ahead you want to sit here and trash us go right ahead we got dick skins go ahead good and the next time you say somebody stuck their finger at me forget it it you just said to me a joke when I walked in and said hello to you Ted No you said she me the finger it was a joke when I when I said hello to you good I goad good now is the water at my home safe yet let's see no who's on Council it coveres at the last meeting I'll answer go ahead so they're still waiting for the the clearance from the DP but the posos is at the regul is is below where the regulations are supposed to be that's taking waiting for the clearance and clear letter from from the government but as far as what's being going through our system yes okay now is that test taken at the tanks or is that maybe gone out on on the furthest end of the water system and throughout the town they're test the town throughout the town yeah glad to hear it now the noise ordinance that used to be on the weekends no noise before 8:30 it got changed to 7 o' how come okay we used you used to have people coming in here complaining about the leaf blowers at 7 o' in the morning changed the ordinance you put it to 8:30 now it's back to 7 how come can't have a quiet weekend okay I think Seven's appropriate you think 7 o'clock on a weekend is appropriate okay anybody from the council anybody else from the council think it's appropriate it's appropriate for 7 o'clock people are working during the week they need to be able to do their lawn work during the weekends so a lot of people like to get up and get it done people are busy yeah and I think if you have a problem with your neighbor you should you know speak to them and if you can't you know 7 o' is reasonable to I don't think so I think that what I don't like is the fact it was changed from 8:30 to 7: that's what I don't like the sun rises around 7 so I think that's appropriate as well you're entitled to your opinion as are you so okay so if I get a petition through town asking you for it to be restored to 8:30 will the council take and consider the petition yeah you can present it to us correct okay now previously I had taken up recycles in the dumpster behind the police department okay still happening can you get it recycled I've often taken a position that if the town doesn't do it it's going to look lousy so please look into it just so you know it was the targets from the from the police range okay now also behind the police department you have the fire department sign I don't know if you've ever noticed but the F&I are crooked it looks lousy maybe somebody can pay attention and look at it and have a nice spacing okay what else oh did the council ever mention the passing of Sue coverly the lady who was a crossing guard for 40 years we didn't know about it we didn't yeah nobody told us I didn't I didn't know about it and I I loved sue me too she was the crossing guard for for 40 years here and where our children okay cross all the time and I was really disappointed and upset that we I didn't know about it sooner but I know they're doing a service for her that I just happened to see on Facebook mhm so I thought that was kind of and since then has anybody said anything well I I know the day yeah the board of EV said something out okay but the council has not okay okay now what is the bipartisan work that's going on in burrow that you have the banner at the DPW for what Banner that was there's a banner there's a banner there y it's always been there does can somebody tell me the work that's done under that project was it just was it just the The Joe bid been there for the last two years it was the posos oh so what was for the POS for the POS oh so did we get money for the posos well I'm now I'm asking the question I I honestly don't know I honestly don't know I know the state required all the towns to put them up I don't know what what we got specifically because a lot of the money went through the ibank thep money yeah the money we discussed this at the council meeting maybe two months ago yeah okay I'll have to look at the minutes and get caught up reallocated yeah they reallocated right okay no I'm not trying to get anybody elected you could have fooled me on that sir do I have anyone else comments Eric come on up Eric lorta tonight was a night with with the uh we heard oh she told us all right sorry I didn't means a ver of rubble Eric yeah she told us can anybody go to that meeting Saturday no give me a list of what you want me to say right I mean I have our list but I mean I won't mention your name but we'll just say residents in the area no you don't okay and Mr Richie gave me his number regarding a petition uh I'm more than welcome Happy to You Know start it yeah um what I'll do is I'll tell while I got to go yeah unfortunately into the hospital take care of your own personal business I'll let him know there's a petition a petition coming in from W yeah it's going to be a bit all right thanks you're welcome anyone else if not do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Katie second by Mike all those in favor I