##VIDEO ID:x2t246f0ePA## e e was pay D sure is on ready I'm not sure that we're on this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record and rwood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building would the clerk county take the role mayor Jano here Mr brck here M sakola here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs we here everyone Conley rise for the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all walwick veterans and all veterans across our country who have given the ultimate sacri Freedom so that we could assemble here The Way We Are Tonight would the clerk kindly do to prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen good evening everyone tonight uh after our meeting we are going into close am I correct correct uh how many items two two items any reports of committees Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor good evening everyone uh quick quick uh report today you'll see in the resolutions uh 2024 247 that's an amendment to increase the hourly rate of our crossing guards uh when it came to the Summer's end we lost a a crossing guard um we were told we were a little bit low on the on the rate we did an analysis we looked at the outside towns we were a little bit low I don't think that uh lack of crossing guards is anything that any of us want to uh even risk having so we're immediately adjusting that and we hope to be competitive and and keep all our crossing guards here and you know uh uh Happy um uh also we planned a finance uh committee meeting uh for mid- October that's a bit earlier than I think most of us have have ever had these uh meetings but we want to get a jump start on next year's budget and I said I said at the last meeting at the very least from for continuity purposes if the Committees change at least there's a framework for uh people to work from so uh we'll start that early this year and and hopefully that'll lead to us uh uh being able to uh get the budget done earlier this year thank you mayor thank you fire and police protection committee Mr brck thanks Mr Mayor since our last meeting we had 25 calls and the fight apartment among those were residential fire alarms uh odor of gas carbon bioxide U Mutual Aid calls and uh 15 members went to the New Jersey state fireman's convention and on the 28th of September uh our Tower ladder is going to go to White Off the cover uh for an event that they're having at 6:30 p.m. that's all I have okay thank you very much Public Safety Committee Miss s Cola thank you mayor starting with the Ambulance Corp typically walvac does monthly um endr run reports so the latest and greatest is what was shared at the last meeting but going forward I've been working with Lucas and he's going to provide a mid-mon highlights um summary for me so I can have something for the mid-mon report um moving on to walck access for all the minutes from their August 19th meeting were released um they delivered their library donations and took some photos uh as far as the burough Park Renovations go they're following up with Steve to make sure they can provide input to make sure that working is up for discussion and they have been working with the board of ed for board who are also a member very active member of the ambulance Corps uh gave us his resignation uh today due to the fact that he has to serve a little bit more time with the ambulance core because of the death of Mr pck so we'll get to that in the best they could like you said uh r no report tonight Mr Mayor thank you Public Works committee Mr rundo thank you mayor uh spoke with Mike Lor this week uh caught up on some of the items that have been done since our last meeting uh catch Basin work is complete on all the roads that the paving is going to be completed on road paving is almost complete hopefully that should be all done um did run into a water check on low pressure on walwick a and no issues were found um getting ready for all the fall leaf cleanup uh at this point all the PMS have been done and they're just waiting for the rest of the leaves to come down and that'll be beginning uh also PM is complete on all snow removal equipment so the snow removal equipment is ready for the for the winter time so that we don't run into any issues with regards to equipment being down and the last item is they're in the process of interviewing candidates to fill the open role within the DPW that's all Mr Mayor thank you very much buildings and grounds committee Mrs Weber no report mayor thank you very much our administrator Mr Neil thank you mayor uh just want to give an update on two things we had two um resignations at dispatch recently so you'll see we have resolution on for an appointment of two new dispatchers these These are full-time positions uh last week uh myself along with uh two lieutenants and and PD interviewed uh about 10 different candidates so we're we're very happy with these two candidates and look forward to getting them started thank you thank you B clerk Kelly thank you mayor uh resolution 2024 246 is for the grad ball calendar raffle this is something that they do every year uh all the paperwork has been submitted and it's for your consideration uh I just wanted to report again on elections if you wish to opt out of receiving a vote by mail ballot there's a vote by mail removal form on the election page of our website uh you can complete the form and either email it or mail it to the Bergen County Clerk's Office vote by mail uh vote by should go out before the end of this week uh so anybody who is um on the list to get a vote by mail should um start to see those uh again starting next week if you don't receive it um give us a call and uh we so if you get your vote by mail ballot and you're having a hard time there is uh right on the homepage of our elections uh section is the video on the step-by-step instructions it is quite comprehensive and quite good so if you're having a hard time definitely should look at it also for those who have not voted on the new voting machines um although we've had them now for over a year um but if this is the first time you're going to be voting on The Machine we also have a video on how to use that voting machine um so that you can take a look at that before you come to the polls as well October 15th is the last day to register to vote for the general election and my office will be open till 7 o'clock for voter registration um another thing that you can do is you can avoid the lines and consider early voting and that's going to take place October 26 through November 3rd it's Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh the two closest early voting sites although there are many throughout the Bergen County the two that are closest to Waldwick is the woff library shot meire room 200 Woodland Avenue in woff and the Tyson Senior Center 411 Chestnut Ridge Road in Woodcliff Lake thank you thank you our attorney Mr bang uh thank you mayor my items are for close session to no public thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions here with listed by having been considered by 2024 242 approval of consent 2024 243 approval of minutes regular meeting September 10 2024 policy votes a Gina Alo requests to hold a block party on October 5th from 2: p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with Evergreen Street to be closed between Hemlock and floral with Monroe Street to be opened for for with with Monroe Street openest dates as per their email dated uh September 6th C appointment of niie Salazar as a senior member of the waldick volunteer fire department 2024 244 change order number one final and final payment to DLS Contracting Inc for improvements to Hudson Avenue and boner place and with tamaron Association for snow plowing 2024 to 2026 2024 246 approv raffle license 20245 for the 2024 2025 Waldo High School graduation ball Association calendar raffle 2024 247 amend resolution number number 2024 1119 adopted March 26 2024 to increase the hourly rate for school traffic guards effective September 1st 2024 2024 248 appointment appointments to the Waldwick Green Team 2024 249 accept the resignation of Austin Reed full-time telecommunications officer effective September 23rd 2024 2024 250 accept the resignation of Danielle Dy as a full-time telecommunications officer effective September 23rd 2024 2024 251 appointment of full-time Communications Officer Jennifer Conan and 2024 252 appointment of full-time telecommunications officer Brian scattini and 2024 253 payment of vouchers do I have a motion and a second to accept motion by Mark second by Joe anyone have a question I'll touch base on the one which is 2024 d245 the condo associations in Tamron day Ops uh every year not to have uh us plow their uh streets in return we give them money so that they could do it themselves Tamron has a three-year contract that starts 2024 2025 and 2026 the first year they're going to be getting $4,800 from us second year they get $4,900 and this third year they're going to get $5,000 from us they worry about their own development and we don't have to worry about it they all also other condo associations the one next to the pool parking lot they do the same thing theirs is not up yet so that's why you're not hearing about them yet Tamron is up what we do is we cut them a check they put in their fund they have no snow they make out if they have snow it's whatever it is anyone else clerk take the RO Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have no public hearings we have no introduction of ordinances anybody from the council have any unfinished business nope anybody from the council have new business yes yes Mr Mayor uh environmental committee met for the first time since the begin sorry environmental committee met for the first time uh coming out of the summer uh we you know usually uh don't have as much attendance because people are on vacations so uh couple things that came to light um there was an inquiry from Matt before he had uh uh of eps or styrofoam as the trade name is used U from a landfill um and we also uh generated 3600 lb of plastic recycled to get the four track benches thanks to the residents within in Waldwick um we're also waiting to put some labor projection together for a proposal for the uh Bridge flower the capital aspect but we want to put the full proposal before we make a and we just received three new members members um their names were read for the part of the resolution for tonight and they started our first meeting and then they'll be sworn in in our October meeting uh once we're approved that's all we have thank you Mr thank you anyone else no one okay at this time public comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the uh Podium to the microphone and just give us your name for our records if not oh is someone coming up uh yeah sure come on up you should come right over here uh my name is jod fortino I live on Sheridan a and um uh I've had some issues with my water uh not it's not has anything to do with the PFA or the pfos um I think it was not too long after the water main break over on West Saddle River Road it was like end of June beginning of July um I noticed like a tinted yellow color to my water and it had a metallic like River smelling to it um the the color isn't as bad now but like when I clean my toilets they're dirty again it still has a a bad smell to it um especially when it if you fill the tub or in my washing machine if if you let it fill and and lift it up it has a terrible smell um and I like I said I noticed it uh end of June beginning right around Fourth of July is when it started um and you know I don't I I don't know what's wrong with it or how it can be rectified my neighbor who couldn't make it tonight she tells me when she I know we're all grown in my house so we don't really take baths that often um but when she runs a bath for her son it has a tinted yellow color um you know on Facebook moms people in town have been complaining about it um so I'm just here to uh to voice my opinion about it and find out if almost 33 years and we've had great water for a long long time and uh and and not so great right now uh our administrator Steven Neil when he was hired he was hired mainly because of his expertise in in water so what we do is I'm giving you credit so what we do is he'll he'll answer all your questions it comes to water all right so he'll he'll address it right now for you okay and this is stepen Neil So if you ever have any problems with anything you know if you send me an email it goes right to him so he'll get in contact with you so he'll discuss it with you now okay uh sure thank you mayor um so in your specific neighborhood uh it's actually a different issue than some of the other issues that have been talked about recently um but I will update you that we're actually out to bid right now to do um water main replacement work in on uh Hemlock and Evergreen no I'm on Sheridan on Sheridan so and Sheridan Bergen it kind of yeah I'm on the east side of 17 okay um yeah so that should help there's there's dead ends over there so what we're doing is actually connecting them into the the whole system so it should continuously Loop which should help clear up some of the discoloration and the smell the smell too yeah could be from elevated levels of iron um which we've found in some other areas too which you know comes from the cast iron piping okay cuz I find I have to put like more laundry detergent and even lotion on my skin to get because sometimes it the smell is really strong like it's it's a bad smell it's like a metallic almost like a river smell okay to it um yeah we could I'd be happy to catch up with you afterwards too make sure we have your address and everything log too because we are trying to log everything um we want people to report any issues so we could track it and and take care of it okay thank you y anyone else how you doing my name is Mike gell I live on uh 81 Waldwick Avenue very similar issue here um for the last 65 days I've been in constant contact with Mr Neil with the DPW and the water department about the yellowish tint to our water um through the town's um work they have flushed hydrants Non-Stop changed my pipes um two years ago we just redid our entire house um and our house is being destroyed from this uh discolored water um it took 58 days to confirm that the water was safe to drink uh we first called the town on July 22nd and we were literally in constant contact with um Mr Lor and some of the other DPW workers uh as well and uh I have a family of five I have three girls my wife and I we take showers in this water every day we haven't drank it since the start of this um and a week ago we just found out there is no bacteria in it so it is safe to drink so we've been filtering it a couple of times to drink but before that for the last 58 days we have been cooking with our sister-in-law's water we've been uh bathing in it which is unfortunate because it does smell uh pretty bad my girl's hair smells they have long hair um I've been in constant contact with Mr Neil and it's kind of like the same issue over and over and they're just we kind of need an answer um our clothes have been ruined we don't do white laundry or light laundry at our house uh we're on Waldwick a where it is more of a Crest to the to the street so there is no dead end there is no um you know every thing we're trying to look at is just uh balic moms to kind of get it out there um and it does seem like there are a lot of other people that are having similar issues um we did get a report that the iron level is higher and we just kind of come to say please help us please uh come with an with an answer um for our specific instance um and we just would like to know what the plan is uh for that specific region U same thing my my couple of neighbors have it and I just kind of uh vouch for people how could just be the two or three or four houses around us so I would just kind of recommend for those people to take a pail take your tub fill it up and just and just look at it because I don't know how it could be just a few of our houses and uh people down the road or in line with the water flow of that direction um but I I don't know what else to say than just help yeah uh yeah thank you obviously we've been going back and forth um I just emailed you guys a little while ago I don't even know if you saw that update yet um but we do try try to continue to get towards an answer um we just had the leak detection done yesterday ultrasonic Leak Detection it was done on Bergen Lincoln Waldwick Grove and Manhattan um no leaks were found so that could detect very small leaks too um we were in a way hoping we would find something like that because it would kind of give us an answer to some some of the issues you're experienc that we don't have the official report back so when we get that be happy to share that with you too um so the next step is tomorrow tomorrow actually DPW is planning to set up um a temporary extended flushing system on Waldwick AV um right at the corner of nordom um so they're going to hook that up that will run continuously for about 48 hours at least um just in hopes to kind of keep keep water flowing as much as possible and try and clear up that line um after that if we'll recheck everything you know we'll check in with you guys and your neighbor that we've been working with um if it's not clear at that point we're we're going to regroup again with our engineers and and come up um this is kind of one of the last steps in the process um so you know obviously I apologize you know for the issues you're experiencing um we definitely are sympathetic to it we are trying our absolute best to find the solution to it okay so the the one hydrant will be open for that long yeah so it'll be out of the smaller valve like the 2-in side not the main steaming valve um and then it goes directly into a catch Basin it actually goes through kind of like a small filter um because it has to be chlorinated as it goes back in can't just dump the water water in so there's a little bit of a setup and process to it um but that should continuously flow for like I said at least probably through the end of Friday is the plan um just to see how it goes um and we'll re-evaluate from there do you recommend shutting the valve off to your house when that happens I have heard of like people since there has been so much flushing in our direct neighborhood like some people's meters have have been running when it flushes do you recommend turning that off I will confirm but I wouldn't do do that right now you show I have a little bit of background with water um you don't have to do that okay and if the meter's running if because they're flushing that's not what causes it to to do that okay maybe there's something running in the house but don't I wouldn't mess around too much with the valves okay it's it's not necessary what you can do though is if the if it gets more discolored just run like the lowest level syn cold side if you notice it becoming discolored and then obviously let Steve know if it if it gets worse while we're doing the the flushing Yeah in our specific instance it has been over two months I know I know I've been in in touch with him about it too we've all been trying to figure out yeah what's going on and and the engineering firm is is involved too so it's it's a pretty big group effort on it m to get it resolved for you all right we'll look forward to the report thank you be in tou tomorrow thanks anyone else hi I'm ran gipa I live on we don't need your address oh lock no no problem I have just the same um story as everyone else with the water and I just wanted to share my story not um small children that b know if this is healthy so maybe if you can speak to that at all um I have an 18-month-old who you know I can't help it but he is drinking the water in there I try and make it quick um but there's only so much I can do so that is a main concern just everything revolving them and using bottled water and distilled water as much as I can so things don't get ruined and that for formulas and whatnot um outside of things with my children you know laundry is getting ruined we just we renovate it's in the toilet bowls we clean it every week it doesn't really matter cuz it comes back right away um the stuff is slowly just getting worse and worse and it's not going it's not coming off at this point um so it's been frustrating to just have this happen and it's just gotten worse since the water main break not your address but just the street you live on Lockwood Lockwood and we could catch up after too okay so if is or if it's safe to be um yeah so for Lockwood that's the first report um that I've received on that so yeah definitely want to follow up with you with your address and everything and we'll we'll check into it okay I definitely know my neighbor has it I saw Lauren's message which is why I'm here and there were several people um nearby that are struggling with this so okay yeah thank you again just want to reiterate please report it to us so we could actually look at it and and try and correct it okay