##VIDEO ID:oEppz7P57ss## yes okay so do I mention that oh good that's really good it's inconvenient but that's really good yes and then we come back together January 8 yes January 8 were away question for is oh I was G to ask thank you hopefully for years for that's awesome that's I'm okay thank you for that letter need a thank you personal recipe that's to this was just in call Har were in hard to imagine just made Landing safety this is a formal session of the wal planning board regularly scheduled meeting for which the date time and location is set forth in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the Walder planning board at the reorganization meeting of January 2024 in accordance with the open public meetings act said annual notice has been filed with the burough clerk a copy posted in the vestibule of the Waldwick administration building and copies transmitted within seven days after adoption to the official newspapers of the burough as designated by the governing body to Wi the Bergen Record and the rwood news uh we are looking for a roll call please here here here here here all rise very moment moment of uh silent prayer and the pledge please you welcome everyone if anyone in the public has business that is not on the agenda you are welcome to come forward seeing none we're up to our minutes approval of minutes from November 6 um everyone has printed copies we are tabling the work session uh minutes until our January 8th meeting uh may I have a motion to approve is written by John and second by Stan any opposed seeing none motion carries unanimously thank you next we have resolutions for Thomas 11 Highwood Avenue block 7 lot 86 soil movement resolution you all have copies of that as well motion to dispense the reading by shs second by Joe all in favor secretary please call the role yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you applications this evening we have none any old business that we can talk about other than all of us sorry yes taing until January yes uh no old business new business is the review of ordinance 20 24-33 37-49 Harrison ab and 13 West Prospect Street Redevelopment area uh block 107 Lots 1357 89 10 11 mam chair I have to recuse myself from this thank you Mr Mayor We are continuing from our um work session uh has anyone thought of or would like to add any comments on the board I think we yes Joe I read uh Cliff's uh brief that he prop we proposed to send to the mayor and councel yes I thought it was an excellent summation of what we discussed I thought it was precise and well agree and I like to thank Cliff for sending this and um I hardly agree with all the facts stated in this docum thank you Joe just so that we're clear it only goes out if the board soires I I second chose position anyone else yes I think got it all covered he takes good notes and um yeah no and we appreciate that um yeah he writes well so uh we decide or we vote if this will go to Mayor and counsel so everybody has read the letter oh okay so we'll give call sh a couple of minutes no problem was no problem we just got it take your time com for that oh okay so members of the public would like to comment first and then we would have questions or questions first then comments yes 52 hours Avenue first question would right yes I am sir thank you can we get a copy of Cliff's letter I think it becomes public record public when it's sent when it's sent as far as it goes there there was a and basically the issues for theit of the public very quickly without getting into the actual the first point that is made is that standard ultimately is whether or not the proposed Redevelopment is consistent with both letter and the intention of as it has updated to Andes that yes in that it's absolutely consistent with the master plan particularly in so far as it seeks to upgrade the downtown area that being said it then lays out a number of concerns that have been put forward by theard discussions in that regard one point was that it seems odd that this Redevelopment plan proposal being the first seems to deal with a section of the area the whole track for redevelopment that was the least problematic um particularly in so far as it doesn't address the intersection of Franklin Turnpike and Prospect Street which is obviously the very center of town and the Right Aid and its expensive parking lot being of questionable utility Mar long since gone that was the typ of use that goes goes on to suggest that the there's a concern about the volume of residential and commercial space being proposed to that area along with the fact that that parking being problematic in the downt area in general this does propose 881 spaces based upon the uses and the size of those uses if everything is built that's about 53% short of what our code would require for those uses it also goes on to talk about the fact that board was directed towards the veil inale and is Crossing both of which are these taller residential uses the cus crossing the type of mixed that this is that is to say both retail and residential this the residential both apartments and town and the commentary by the board was that those awfully big compared to what we have involved with and there's concern that to the extent that we had that the board was given something to look at what it was looking at seem to be very large in comparon to what the eye of anyone who lives in this town used to and question is is it to the point where it's um in that regard most there seem to be a fair amount of members who went with the idea that going for stories is not something they were comfortable with obviously there are Arguments for and against and there are arguments in terms of the way the buildings are supposed to be laid out but again there is concern that that just doesn't necessarily cut it there was concern that theage many of the old the old building it's sort of sitting there and it neither fits in nor is being particularly helped by any of the development around it and that goes parking given the fact that the space the oldage is now lot again there was concern about the fact that the most prominent Corner in burrow after all that's wor the clock is not being addressed there was there is a feeling that's been expressed that the matter is being rushed I've given information suggesting that may not be the case but it's a question when people become aware of what and so the record will reflect what refs in terms of that and again there was concern about who exactly is behind this and how are they qualified to do it anytime you have a project this magnitude you start wondering whether you're going to have a small version of the American dream that of editorial comar views of any and everyone else in Jersey that's a disclaimer anyway those those are the main points letter okay I mean I just have a couple questions and if maybe I have to go to the council meeting because I don't know if they should be answered here the I I went through the records and it looks like there's $200,000 in taxes those lot to PID and whoever did the study they did a very nice job the both handouts were very good was there any environmental or financial study done so the $200,000 we collect in taxes we gonna are we going to get that back where because I'm looking I didn't see anything from a financial side and the first thing I'm saying is there's five residential houses there maybe there's 25 30 people living in them if we go from 30 to 200 it's extra sewage extra garbage extra education so I'm not sure to anybody do a financial impact of this in the burrow uh that unfortunately is not for us now in any type of Redevelopment situation that is something that's considered however what you often wind up with in that situation and I can't speak to whether that's the case or not and that's a question that needs to ra coun okay there's a pilot stands taxes it's a financial it's a financial Arrangement that is reached between the developer and the municipality whereby they in essence become Partners in Project financially in terms of Revenue to the town and so structure and what what the exact numbers are the percentages that is not on the table before the planning board at this point okay because I would just hope that it's not a negative I'm hoping if there's 200 people that live there and there's a 100 children and now the course of Education goes up and we look at this and saying we're going to encour loss every year and by loss I mean our taxes go up because we have to cover the additional feet and garbage so I I right okay understood I understand I certainly understand your concerns okay but unfortunately that's not with uh what I when I read through the study and maybe I was just reading into this when I when I read some of the summaries they were like this house is in this repair this was in this repair and I said to myself you know what did this is this something that just happened and and I got to where they talked about lot lots 9 and 10 and it's been a parking lot since 2015 and I'm saying if it wasn't designed for parking in 2015 why are we worried about it in 2024 why wasn't something done in 2015 if so the wrong meeting no it's ultimately when you're talking about Redevelopment Redevelopment occurs when there is a longing as a practical matter if something falls into disrepair are you going to jump on it in a year and say okay we got to redevelop the whole area the answer that of course would be no that would re insane and so anytime you're dealing revelop you're looking at longings and there a lot of reasons for that irrespective of where you go SL talk about buildings that become as the goes inutile that is no longer valid for any use in the modern world and sother figure out something to do them repurpose them or you up redeveloping the area because at some point buildings that are not generating the revenue providing the habitat that is needed they're going to up being abon and that's trying to catch get to that point okay uh and I'm happy you mentioned a couple things cls's goal of redevelop development plan it says provide land uses that support walwick Central business district and take advantage of a Transit oriented location so I said to myself there's a lot of people working from home I usually walk by the train station I run run by it that lot's never more than 50% full that's supposed to change in 2025 everybody's supposed to go back to the office okay so but if we're basing this study that everybody's supposed to do something is like is New Jersey Transit planning on doing something that everybody says oh I'm going to go to walwick and use these parking lots and use that train station as a practical matter of us isn't necessarily an addition of how attractive living near the train is or isn't because after all I know enough people on my it's all anotal right y I know enough people on my know where I am up the damn hill over the erector set on my street who walk to the train every day so that the value of the train is that it let families run one car if they wish or at least you don't have to take it to the station because after all you got to pay for paring so that's the value of a tit Community I just I mean it caught my eye to say I hope we're not if we're going to build a case to say that that's part of the Redevelopment program because or a train station and and that's going to attract people I'm just and businesses I think with the um what the studies are showing is that that is something works it's been the truth is it's happening in town after town after town after town that they're building around different communi though huh it's a different Community well it isn't it is yeah it's a more a community I know that's where you're going little larger but the truth of the matter is that that train has always been utilized it's also you're pointing out to saying the lot's not being used but there's a waiting list to get on that people aren't using it but they're still paying for the for the um for the parking of it so and there's a waiting list I agree but when I walk by and run by it it's 25% full and and and when I look at the re all I'm saying is when I look at the Redevelopment plan if we're saying we're going to build this strip mall and put these houses and we're and the train station's going to be a reason why people move there I'm I'm kind of hoping that you have another reason other than that because then I go through it even further and says oh it's going to be eligible for low and moderate income so I okay loan moderate income are they using the train station to go to the city I don't know I'm just concerned that that's one of the four reasons Tres only to the city oh yep understood wife train to Rich Y and it's an asset that the community has and can you know maximize maximize your strength that's a strength and Cliff I know you addressed this in your letter which was good because in the master plan it says encourage compatible land use development while maintaining the residential character of the burrow and I'm glad you mentioned the valin Allandale because that sits on West Crescent and it only boarders one residential street and the one meeting I I came to I think they were talking about going 50 you mentioned 40 I don't think that works with the while while maintaining the residential character of the burrow where it is so that's that I'm going to make that a question because I can't comment now so I don't want to with that uh as far as the affordable housing okay I'll have to go to another meeting to ask what the low and moderate income is the last question I have is so just so you're aware there's a whole round of affordable housing and every town is getting soed yeah we don't know in wal yet what we may or may not be able to negotiate but right now I think the number like 180 we are Steve to responsible for and so that's part of our reality y okay and the last question I have is I know at the last meeting I asked how is that area selected I know up on Crescent Avenue there's there's a house 103 Crescent a that I think had a fire in it eight or nine years ago and I was reading the criteria you know uh I think it was a through H you know dilapitated so that house has probably been there for eight years it's boarded up it's got cars on the front lawn I doubt anybody lives in it because you shouldn't be living in it the lot next to it 99 is vacant so after reading through this I'm guessing that's the next proposal you're going to be looking at to revitalize that area because it's probably been eight years that thing sits there and if we're talking about something dilapidated boarded Windows cars on a front lawn that would be the Baldi Pro all right you know what Joe thank you I didn't want to mention Oscar's name but so a as as we're looking to redevelop things in walwick that's two nice Parcels of land you might want to look at that I agree thank of possib because of it location it could easily being about this but the property next door to it I think you got a lot ofet issues there oh because it floods whenever it rains I go by it it's flooded and so it's to be problematic yep but thank you and again I tell the associates that did the uh presentation they did a nice job except for financial pce which would be interesting thank you anyone else Paul I got to read I think it's very ACC up all the points I think it's still a good idea to do this but then again if you want to point me towards the uh the Hocus that's a massive thing right and it I don't think it fits in the midle ofus but you make this a little bit smaller and I certainly think we should be redeveloping it I I definitely agree with that right but um the height is one of my biggest problems and also I now I now that I read this also the parking is going and and the couple things why is the just why is it staying there why they AR developing that what that the um Cottage Cottage right that's not part of this Redevelopment maybe it'll be part of another Redevelopment but I I I do agree good anyone in the public have comments thank you seeing none I think we can vote I think we all agreed that the letter is prepared just the way we think it should be right so we'll have a motion to send the letter to the mayor and Council as is motion by Paul p and John V all in favor I I we need a roll yes yes yes no yes yes thank you thank you everyone I don't think we have anything else mayor you have anything for us uh yeah um some of you will get letters renewing you some of you might get letters saying thank you very much thank you bye bye bye but uh your time is up on the board you will uh you will get an email from me telling you to uh you know welcome back again I don't think there'll be any movement uh we are bringing a new person in name to Joy send him an email and start the packet with what he has to do he's taken the place of John so probably Havey Mo up and Al number two and for you to to know that Jo does have to send you a letter um since we do not have a attorney for the zoning board um Jo might talk a little bit Andor thank you very much we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas a happy New Year absolutely good health to everyone in their families thank you all for your time thank you public whoever shows and all that don't next meting is January Janu it's not the first Wednesday I hope not that would be the first you be here new I'm not to be here ring the bell midnight very good thanks everyone we are think'll