##VIDEO ID:FNcDiGF4moY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Tuesday August 20th business meeting of the Wall Township Public School District Board of Education please join me in saluting the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you at this time I'm going to ask our board secretary Mr SMI to please read the sunshine announcement and perform Ro call this is the waltt Board of Education meeting for which adequate notice under the open public meeting Act was provided by a notice to the co-star ASB Park Press Township clerk's office all Wall Township Public Schools and in the board Administration office on January 4th 2024 take a roll call Mr adio miss barbier Mr buffer miss dgani Mr Mali Nasser miss shimko here M wandra Miss St this time may I please have a motion to go into executive session for the items listed on the agenda Mr adio second Mr wandra thank you all in favor outstanding uh the board will reconvene at approximately 7:30 for our business session thank you thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone at this time I'm going to reconvene the business meeting of the Walltown trip Public School District um please join me and salute the flag United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so at the end of summer obviously um our students are still enjoying their break we do not have any um oh excuse me I'm sorry Mr SMI will you please perform roll call yes take a roll call Mr Ania miss barier Mr buffer here m d Giovani here Mr Malo here Mr naster here M shimo here Mr wandra here miss St here so as I was saying we have no students here with us this evening but we hope they're all having a wonderful um break so there is no um student or staff showcase but we look forward to getting back into the school year and highlighting all the great things that our students are doing um therefore we're going to go right into public comment if you have anything to add at public comment please come to the podium do we have anyone for public comment Betsy cross I live in Wall Township uh I called the office today nobody answers the phone did stop by I was waiting for some documents for Mr SMI regarding uh when uh Miss Rella was hired um No Agenda has been produced it's been at least a month so I don't know what's going on there I see you're hiring somebody to replace her tonight and that's on the agenda um I did ask also Dr handerhan for a meeting um because I wanted to go over now that the lawsuits are settled or the first lawsuit settled for the trailers there might be another one after um or multiple ones after um there were some forged documents that were in the package given to the mammoth County prosecutor's office and to Mr gurillo and to Dr crem and it's really disturbing it's one of the most disturbing things you could see in this entire package and uh I'm going to give it to you tonight and to the co-store and I'm expecting a a reply but it's a letter from May 27 2008 and it's from Brian SMI to mobile e and it says please clarify or correct the attached statement of Origins they State the property was transferred in August of 1998 and that the first assignment is to Wall Township Public Schools and certifies that the homes are new now we knew that they were homes they were converted but you know we weren't told that originally but a Gina madori um she is a notary and she notarizes that the trailers were from 1998 and the person that signs it from pen lion his name is John herb eerb but he does not work there in 1998 so how do we have these documents signed by somebody who doesn't work there and they're notorized so Mr SMI reaches out to mobile Le and maybe he can tell us tonight what Gina told you because it's not possible that this guy signed these documents and you have a note to resigning it and we know the trailers weren't new and you've had kids in them for a year full of mold and everything else and we don't know where the trailers even came from so kman foster has now paid out this claim Dawn cha sent it to uh Michael Gross and it it'll be in your package tonight and it says we're sending this over to the insurance carrier it's horrifying and I don't know why I you know Dr hand on you can reach out to the prosecutor's office and say why wasn't this addressed why wasn't this looked at why didn't Mr SMI have to answer why documents are forged it is disturbing and I think you'll get more lawsuits and every single person up here should be named in it and C time is up do we have anyone else for public comment at this time anyone else for public comment seeing n we'll close the floor for public comment um again this evening we do not have our student Representatives but we look forward to having them back with us in September and at this time I'm going to be turning the floor over to Dr handerhan to introduce a special presentation for this evening thank you very much Miss Stites um each year school districts are required to establish District goals and uh we uh obviously do that we speak about the a lot and we report out on them twice a year we report out in February we give a midyear update on where the district is in in completing the activities that take us towards attaining our goals and established objectives we also do a yearend u public update for our for our district goals so tonight it is my pleasure to introduce to you our assistant superintendent Miss Jennifer McAn and Miss Kelly Bond and they have uh they will be providing you with uh some information to really highlight the accomplishments of um all of the wtps employees for the 2023 2024 school year so without any further Ado I would like to turn the program over to them thank you thank you Miss dtes um as Dr handerhan had mentioned um every school year we Implement District goals and we have a team of people throughout the district who work really hard to attain those goals um and tonight we are going to share with you our accomplishment for each of the goals for the past school year so back in September of 2024 we set forth with five goals the first goal goal around academics the second goal around Wellness the third goal um about um fostering and expanding our opportunities within the uh Community for more inclusive experiences our fourth goal centered around maintaining our facilities and our fiscal responsibilities and our fifth goal around Communications all right oh hit it too many times sorry there was a delay all right within our first academic goal and striving for academic Excellence Innovation and equity for all of our students in the K12 program as we reported out in the mid year um we had some initiatives that had started but we have completed our implementation of a new K2 reading program the magnetic reading foundational program centered around the science of reading as well as some revisions to our existing programs um within intervention technology and g&t across the district we have completed our partnership with Stockton University for a dual enrollment program for the upcoming school year at wall High School we've enhanced our nncc program we've improved our multilingual program for K12 across the district we enhanced our science program at the high school as well as looking forward to the upcoming school year we started a math program evaluation in grades 4 through 12 where some teachers will be piloting some new materials in the upcoming year we had our elementary SCA program our summer nights Academy that we implemented over the summer as well as our summer explorers program for our multilingual Learners and of course our esy program for our special ed students in terms of maintaining best practices we implemented a new um evaluation model which is really centered around good instructional practices it's called the Marzano teacher Focus evaluation model we implemented that magnetic reading program um around the center um science of reading we also worked with some teachers within the intermediate school and training them on how to work with students who are twice acceptional um and as I mentioned um implementing new practices for teaching science at the high school level also under goal one we were working on improving our structure for our data data analysis and implementing some Universal screeners across the district we did a beginning of the year midyear and end ofe assessment with Dibbles and I we piloted linkit at the high school and for mathematics and we'll be moving forward with using that um the data warehouse house portion of linkit across the district in the upcoming year but also using the platform to administer assessments at the high school we conducted many data meetings in terms of looking at data and how to implement it and use it for instructional purposes and this past summer we continued with our kindergarten screening to ensure that we have a good sense of our students who are coming in and how to place them and group them in the classrooms I'm now going to pass it off to Miss B for the next two goals so goal number two um primarily most of this work was done out of our Wellness Department um Miss Steiner led the district in um the seven mindsets implementation and we really focused on a three-pronged approach for this so professional planning and training where our administrators and our staff were given training ongoing throughout the school year to properly Implement seven mindsets um the student instructional lessons and activities where students were given explicit instruction in the lessons but then there were also some really um heartfelt extension schoolwide activities that that you've heard about in in previous board meetings um and then the community engagement portion where uh there's been a lot of presentations at uh board meetings the wellness and The Works newsletter and uh parent evenings that we've had to uh share with the community all the things that we've been doing surrounding seven mindsets another other Focus was postvention response systems and we've really been working to refine our practices in the crisis management teams and our threat assessment teams there's been a lot of really hard work that has gone into those teams and um the processes within each that we should be utilizing um and doing um continued work with our coordinated system of services you can see a variety of different staff members have received targeted instruction on um things that pertain to their specific positions so some of those topics might include um some CPR training um intervention and referral services 504 um so all different things that we would do to support our students and um goal three um the inclusivity experiences for our students and our families um much of this work comes out of the special services department but is certainly a group effort with all of our staff and uh building administrators we um have worked to create and develop the Rise program which will start in September to support um students at the high school level we've completed year two of Unified sports which has been really successful we've expanded the number of sports our students are engaging in and we also have increased the number of schools that we um are are their opponents so that's exciting too um we are completing the first um successful year of the ER the emotional regulation impairment program that started at whis in September we consider this a success because we kept all of our Wall Township students who were in that program in their neighborhood school and all of the tuition in students who were with us in September of last year are coming back to remain with us in uh next September we're also working to increase inclusivity by providing the appropriate academic supports to students so that they can remain in the least restrictive environment and be with their peers in the classroom we have reading interventions that the general education teachers are working on and also our special Educators and happy to announce we actually have a 20% increase in students who are going to be in more inclusive environments this coming September than we did last September so that's really exciting for us and another opportunity for inclusive experiences is the expansion of extracurricular activities more opportunities for students to be involved with their peers um our family and Community engagement continues via parent night out those are um opportunities we're hoping to expand next year our cpeg group our special education parent advisory group is a really strong group of um individuals and parents where we have a nice um School Home Connection there and our parent information evenings some of which were described on the previous slide where we partnered with the wtea for for some fast grants to have some speakers come in and talk to parents about a variety of different topics this past year go back the fourth goal as mentioned um is about our fiscal responsibility and maintaining facilities um the major focus of this particular goal was the supervision of the referendum from 2022 um and all of the project projects um that have been implemented uh whether it be towards the end of last summer or throughout the course of the school year and within the summer so we've provided um the community with board meeting updates um we've updated the website on a regular basis um like I mentioned we had the completion of last Summer's projects um throughout the course of this year we had bid awarding for HVAC interior alterations of the toilet rooms in a number of the buildings um site Paving upgrades to a number of the buildings ourbus abatement at Old Mill School throughout the summer and updated lighning Lighting in the buildings um we've also had Roofing work done for all of our schools um and we continue to meet with the design teams um from The Architects um between the district and the and their staff in designing uh the upcoming projects uh specifically the athletic fields um and the tiles and the bathrooms can't leave that out Dr handerhan um additionally um in terms of some facility needs we continue to work with the municipality um and working um on numbers from demographic studies to see what enrollment would look like in the district moving forward um specifically around some of the residential developments um that have either been proposed osed or have already been built um in terms of the facilities for district Support Services throughout the course of the school year the district was researching and evaluating potential locations for whether it's support services or Transportation um and as has been announced um we have found a new location for the student transportation facility and we continue to actively search and evaluate property for other support services that are housed um at the um towards the wall high school campus end goal five is again our communication goal we worked hard with districtwide communication plans um we worked on our website and uh Miss serwitz does a great job as well as other staff members in the district in keeping either the school Pages or the district Pages up to date with things that are happening within the district um as well as our social media posts on a regular basis um and Miss Steiner and her Department really worked hard on creating the wellness and The Works communication that was sent out on a regular basis with lots of information not just about seven mindsets but just about mental health in general um in addition to that we were striving to establish and maintain positive and collaborative relationships between parents and students um we always have our superintendent Communications that go out our principles had our monthly s'mores twice a month um various departments send out different newsletters uh we had a number of parent workshops um specifically in partnership with the fast grants through the wtea thank you wtea um and we'll continue to work with those throughout the course of the upcoming school year our high school and our Intermediate School um provided transition nights and placement processes and college processes workshops for our parents and our students as well as scheduling meetings for our students um internally within our Communications um we have monthly administrative meetings where we provide information um from either central office down to the building level or vice versa the building level also provides us with information we have newsletters that go out um as well as our updated website revisions Miss bonds and I truly um gave you a very condensed version of all of the work that truly was done throughout the course of the school year and if you would like to look at the specificity of each goal and each individual event that took place there is a document that will be posted on the website it is 22 pages long um that really outlines go Chris you can scroll um that outlines all of the individual events that we summarized for each section and subsection of our district goals and all of this work um truly comes from all different areas within the district um from everybody working together from the superintendent from cabinet from principals supervisors directors teachers parents um so thank you to everyone who participated and continues to participate and support the initiatives within the district because all of this truly can't be done um in isolation it takes all of us to do this together so thank you well I'd like to certainly thank uh Miss McAn and Miss Bond for providing us with uh such a really such an enlightening presentation and uh they really did a great job really distilling um they're not kidding it's a 22 page document so they did a dynamite job uh providing an overview and if you are interested we truly encourage you to uh to visit the website uh to visit it please go under uh Board of Education and under Board of Education you'll see goals and uh you'll see the 2023 2024 goals with accomplishments but you'll also have the opportunity to see years past as well that are archived there so um you know it's every single member of the wtps community has had their hand in um attaining the in working towards these activities in attaining the goals and objectives and um you know I'm I'm so incredibly proud of their work and uh I'll talk a little bit more during my superintendent report but um well done okay okay um at this point I would like to redirect the meeting to miss Stites perfect thank you so at this time um you know we're at an interesting point in the summer uh I'd like to wish good luck to our 2024 graduates um we've got folks who have gone into uh the trades and they're doing their time and their hours required we've got students who have been come gainfully employed we have students who are pursuing um careers in the military and we have students who have chosen to pursue secondary education and we wish them all luck um they should know that the wall Community is incredibly proud of them um and that the board certainly supports them um and that they should feel confident knowing that they've got a whole Foundation of of um folks that are rooting them on and uh they always have place here it's always good to know where at home is I'd like to wish the best of luck to our students who are transitioning along into kindergarten into our Intermediate School into our high school um parents should know that there are uh some outstanding transitional um activities that are planned for your students in order to help get them acclimated as they come in we're really excited um and each school does you know super things um getting ready to to welcome the kids back um so we're we're excited for them and a lot of work has been going into that um so awesome for our Transitions and then our student body as a whole we can't wait to see you I'd like to remind folks that PTO have already started meeting um if you have an opportunity I think it's really important um to join your pto's your ptas your home in schools your cape whatever whatever your different school is called tremendous amount of opportunities to interface with your administrators with your teachers and really get a chance to see um your kids in a Different Light I feel like these groups add an entire other layer of enrichment to what the kids get to experience and really make it special um and I know my time on on Old mom and school and and the pto's is really given me an opportunity um to really enjoy some of the fine details and and the fun experiences it's tremendously fulfilling um and it's also a great way to kind of have a pulse on what's happening at your schools so please remember that those opportunities are coming um and take the chance to join um they do a tremendous amount of of great work every every year um the board is having a retreat 5:30 next Tuesday here in this room we do not adjourn to Executive session so we come in and then immediately go into Retreat so be aware that that's happening and we do hold that in public it's an opportunity for us to um explore some topics as a group but again as a reminder to the public the board does not meet as a group of nine unless it is in public um because that's how we are are obligated to conduct ourselves so if you'd like to come sit for the retreat feel free um and you know I'd like to thank our administrators and our staff um our teachers our maintenance staff our facility staff our drivers really everyone who participates in this District plays a really important role and they have been working hard I think when you're not in education you might think that the district sleeps during the summer but in reality that's where a lot of hard work happens um and we've been seeing a tremendous amount of work um over the summer I'd also like to thank everyone that has helped us reach um these District goals the end of the year update was very enlightening um we have made tremendous progress in this district and I think it's very important especially in times that are challenging to also focus in on what is happening that is positive um and and we have definitely made tremendous stride so thank you to everyone who's helped make that happen um at this point I think that's going to conclude my report I'm going to turn it over to Dr handerhan for the superintendent's report thank you Miss stes good evening again um and also once again I would like to thank Miss McAn and Miss Bond for their pres presentation on the accomplishments of the district goals for the 2023 2024 school year the presentation enabled the public to have an overview and better understanding of all of the hard work and dedication of every wtps employee during the summer of 2023 the Board of Education and districtwide administrators worked diligently to establish specific activities to further the goals and objectives set forth through strategic planning we set out to do a lot tonight was a review of our Collective accomplishments I could not be more proud of everyone's hard work for a more detailed breakdown of the action accomplishments of the 2023 2024 District goals and objectives please visit our website and just a little tip it actually was just posted so so please um it is available now for your viewing this summer this the administrators have been drafting strategic activities for the 2024 2025 school year goals and to reiterate next Tuesday August 27th the Board of Education will assemble to refine these activities which support the multi-year Strategic goals and objectives this meeting as Miss s said is open to the public and it will also be live streamed the board of education is currently on schedule to adopt the 2024 2025 District goals at the September Board of Education business meeting with the opening of school just around the corner I would like to express my deep gratitude to our Summer Staff our maintenance staff custodian con custodians technology staff school office staff and central office staff have been working tirelessly preparing for the return of students and faculty as most of you are aware we had an unanticipated major asbest abatement at Old Mill school and resulting ceiling tile replacement and lightning lighting pro lighting project I am so grateful to all of those involved with every aspect of this project I wish to express a huge thank you to Old Mill staff for all of the necessary packing the custodial staff from from Old Mill and from the other schools that helped out District Maintenance staff and also the business office I was thrilled to see so many Old Mill staff members back in the building this week and last preparing for our meet our opening as I noted in summer correspondence staff throughout the district have been very busy preparing for the upcoming school year I would like to express my gratitude to all of the district administrative assistants custodians maintenance staff Food Service personnel and and administrators for all of their hard work so many teachers have returned to their classrooms throughout the district to create Beautiful bulleon Boards and other preparations to make our schools exciting learning spaces for their students I would also like to thank our school pto's and parent booster groups for all of their support this summer and throughout the school year their contributions to the school Community are incalculable and their efforts do not go unnoticed a huge thank you to all this week this district will be hosting the ual new staff orientation I am very excited to welcome them aboard and kindergarten orientation is right around the corner and we are so excited to officially welcome the class of 2037 I know I would also like to share some updates on facilities west belmore's parking lot project is wrapping up the final phases of the high school and Old Mill Roofing projects should be wrapped up by early next week restroom tiling continues at the high school West Belmore and Primary School we are looking forward to the installation of sinks and toilets very shortly the two classroom Renovations at West Belmore School are moving forward new casework should be installed by early next week if you are interested in some before and in progress pictures of the summer work at each of the schools please visit our website and click on the referendum tab we've been updating pictures all summer just a reminder all parents must complete the annual forms in the Genesis parent portal for students to view their class schedules or classroom teacher schedules and classroom assignments will be coming out soon so please be sure to complete those forms and remember they're completed through the Genesis Parent Portal I would also like to stress that incoming Sixth and Ninth Grade parents have their updated resc residency documentation submission that needs to be complete in addition to the annual forms so if you have a rising sixth grader or a rising ninth grader you have an extra piece you have the required residency documents and that could be uploaded right through uh the parent portal in Genesis um if you have any parents of sixth Rising Sixth and Rising 9th if you have great if you have any um qu any questions please visit the email that was sent out to you yesterday and um with any more questions please U direct those questions to our district registar and the contact information is available in the email that was provided uh Miss Gowan Miss mcgaan is our district registar student wellness continues to be a major priority for wtps as I am sure you are aware there's been substantial research conducted on the impact of the use of cell phones in our schools the findings are startling not only is their use impacting academics negatively but the impact on student wellness and mental health is alarming this year we at wtps will be working to preserve the sanctity of our learning Spaces by making efforts to curtail the use of cellphones during instructional time so on behalf of our building principles I ask parents for their support in this very very worthy Endeavor I wish to convey that on a personal note I am extremely excited to welcome the two 2024 2025 school year so I say bring it on Miss Stites okay probably 3,000 kids at home going oh but it's all right it's all right it's gonna be great year be great a okay this time for the Board of Education report Mr nassor do you have any updates on the referendum for us please covered a good portion of it already um so I do want to mention that if you navigate to our website and click on the referendum tag on the leand side um not only are there PCT a link for pictures uh but there's also a link for Progress updates and financial summaries that are up Tod date um two things I I additionally I want to mention one I just want to reiterate a huge thank you to our custodial maintenance teams um especially this time of year it they're they're picking up the pieces and dusting everything off getting everything ready for the kids to come back for the teachers to set up so I I mean we are incredibly thankful to have them as part of our team and uh thank you I know it's tough you get through it every time you make things happen um thank you uh the last thing and this is a shout out to Mr SMI uh for the third year in a row Brian we have been awarded the certificate of excellence for financial reporting by asbo International uh kudos to Mr SMI and his team uh this is an honor it's something that we appli to there's a lot of stringent uh requirements that have to be met and uh you know we're proud to say that we able to accept it again this year thank you thank you do do we have any other contributions from anyone else on the board at this time okay do moving on um minutes from the committee meetings are posted on the website I would like to take a moment um in reviewing both cni and policy I did note that there have been a change um for um Elementary School some Elementary School report cards um I recognize that again I like everybody else I'm in summer mode and maybe some folks may not recognize that um there are some changes coming and I thought this might be an interesting um point to highlight so I'm going to ask Miss mccan to please just kind of give a little background for folks as to what to expect sure no problem um so this past school year as everyone is aware um we implemented a new K to2 reading program due to the adoption of new materials and new standards the kindergarten through second grade report cards were revised last summer and implemented the new version um this past school year for 2324 um with that being said um the official standards um from the njdoe were adopted in October for ELA and for math um in all grade levels with the original intent for the new standards to be implemented for September of 2024 however we were just recently notified that the math standards we they are giving us a grace period of another year but with that being said we had already started the process of making some changes um and had already budgeted to have our curriculum as well as our third fourth and fifth grade report cards updated to meet the new standards and the new expectations of the reading program in talking to our elementary administrative team as well as getting feedback from teachers in grades four and five the recommendation was to move slightly away from having a standards based Rapport card and moving back to having grades in fourth and fifth grade in order to start to to make that transition for the intermediate school so with that being said third grade is staying as a standards based report card fourth and fifth grade will be updated to reflect a numerical grade grade um for all subject areas starting in September um in addition to that one other slight change um is they will be now receiving report cards for first second third and fourth marking period whereas in the past fourth and fifth grade um only received report cards second third and fourth so they will be getting a quarterly report card um for all course areas with a numerical grade and we will be following the grading scale as per policy which again is up for um read um that matches the Intermediate School grading scale where an a is 992 to 100 a b is an 85 to 90 or an 85 to 91 C is a 78 to 84 and D is a 70 to 77 and F is below 70 the new report cards will be available in Genesis um and we will be providing a parent notification when the time is appropriate as to how to locate that report card access it read it understand it as well as providing the teachers training on how to work with the Genesis grade book as well thank you you're welcome do any of the committee chairs have anything to add to their minutes anything to report okay thank you seeing none I'm going to be um opening the floor for second public comment if you have public comment please come to the podium at this time bety cross I live in Wall Township um I think it would have been helpful if you put those presentations up on Friday Friday or at least today you might have had some parents here actually if they knew you were going over it I think it's the first time ever we've had a presentation like that and we weren't allowed to ask questions it's ridiculous Christine Stites is the president and James malof is the vice president it's it's it's awful um I want to where is texter can't see can you hand these I want to make sure they get up there um whoever supposed to take them um you know basically like I said before um this whole trailer thing is going to open up really big problems and maybe Excuse Me Miss cross this is for Action items only so please let the board know Mr resolution you're referring to company that gave Mr SMI his accreditation he can show him all the documents that were forged that he was asking questions on uh he lied and said the trailers were inspected by wall Administration and Ted Hopkins when they were not and I've asked this a number of times Miss handran if you have uh read and listened to agenda items only miss cross please let the board know which agenda item referring to for the same price on new so he bought used disgusting trailers but budgeted amount of money SE Dr Hanner had taken my meeting I would have been able to go over it then so I want to be sure it's on the record Mrs cross um I'm going to go over expense account transfers could you go over health insurance I see you budgeted 14 Milli 150 and you transferred tonight 66,500 is is that the final number or are we going to have some mysterious uh money coming from somewhere else is 14084 457 uh the year end for health insurance um if you can go over last month you went over why you didn't have to go over the Central School trailer lawsuit the Katie Warick lawsuit it's not making any sense it's not this this is not the appropriate time this is public comment for agenda items only as you know I didn't get to get up again so we want you already had a public comment at the beginning of this meeting you can hide the trailer lawsuit you should be voting on it items only so it's not appropriate at this time in the meeting thank thank you over it last time you should be fired Athena Cornell um we should be seeing some big changes around here and Brian Smite should be fired again agenda items only I'm going to say it you should be fired and Bri be public comment session of the meting those with regard to agenda items only TR time is up do we have anyone else for public comment at this time anyone else for public comment seeing n we'll close the floor for public comment at this time may I have a motion yes yes Mr Smite think you just clarify a couple things with regard to public comment uh one with with respect to the open public records act and request of the district hiding documents uh not providing them the request was uh for the agenda when the district hired an individual some 10 years ago that was the request was for that agenda a response was in fact provided uh although the agenda was not provided because just to make sure everyone's aware a custodian of record is not required to search records in order to find the record that may be responsive or that may be the record that somebody is asking for uh we are to produce the record that is requested we are not to search records to determine what records uh the requestor is actually looking for so uh we're not hiding any documents uh no one is waiting for any uh response with regard to the opah request a proper response was in fact provided we've received 24 op requests this school year starting July 1 we've responded to 23 of them uh we have one outstanding that was received about 5:00 this evening um that'll be responded to same as all the others uh in the appropriate time frame of the open public records act uh with regard to the document that was handed to the uh Board of Education it'll come to me as the board secretary uh it was a document that we've provided I think a number of times in response to opah requests so we're familar with the document I just want to clarify uh it was correspondence that I had sent to the contractor copied the architect because the district received it as part of closeout documents from the architect uh I requested clarification or correction with regard to the document uh which was the statement of origin that the uh vendor had provided the district in transferring title uh of the equipment of the trailers uh however there was no mention of any uh any documents being forged or forgery I just want to make that clear that uh that wasn't insinuated and there was no reference to that um with regard to the document thank you thank you Mr SMI excuse me Mrs cross please stop calling out thank you Mrs cross thank you no Mrs cross that's the end that's the end at this time I would like to ask for a member of the board to make a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make that motion Mr Buffa may have a second Mr wandra Mr Smite roll call please Mr Ania yes M barier yes Mr buffer yes m d Giovani yes Mal yes but I will be abstaining on uh 16a Roman numeral 7A number 20 yes on the rest noted Mr Nasser yes M shco yes wandra yes M yes thank you prior to closing the meeting this evening I would like um to just invite our families in wall to focus on the upcoming year um and to understand that the board is proud to serve our students and our staff as well as our community members um I would invite you to attend meetings and potentially reclaim the tenor of our meetings so that they reflect um this community and I am working very diligently to hopefully get us some answers that may allay any concerns that members of the public have that I'll hopefully be able to share with you in September so in the meantime I wish everyone a wonderful and safe remainder of their summer as far as I'm concerned summer goes until October so don't worry nobody panic just yet um I want to invite our students to be excited and I would like to just one more time remind families please look at your emails I know it's sometimes a little painful in August to be opening them up however the reminders about your forms on Genesis are there um principal newsletters are there at least as far as the high scho school goes um I know that they're out and um things are really gearing up and starting so you know jump in now get a little bit done so that uh when school opens it doesn't Club you over the head but we're looking forward to it and I would like to take a moment to thank members of the board um I think it is important for folks to realize that Committee Member uh committee meetings happen all summer long um the board remains committed year round um and I know that the members of this board work very hard to serve our Comm community and our students and our staff and um I thank them for all the hard work that they do so thank you and I hope everybody has a great evening take care see you next week can I have a motion to adjourn I'm already out Mr adio second miss dgani all in favor all opposed anyone no great e e e e