##VIDEO ID:eSeduqQsIAA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome to the September 17th business meeting of the Wall Township Board of Education please join me in saluting the flag the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all at this time I'm going to request our board secretary Mr Smite please read the sunshine announcement and perform roll call good evening this is the wallt Board of Education meeting for adequate notice under the open public meeting Act was provided by notice to the co-star asber Park Press all Wall Township Public Schools Township clerk's office and the board Administration office on August 29th 2024 take a roll call Mr anesio miss barbier here Mr buffer here Miss D Giovani here Mr malif here Mr Nasser here miss shimko here Mr wandra miss stes here thank you at this time may I have a motion to adjourn to Executive session miss GG Ronnie Mr Buffa thank you the board will be adjourning to Executive session for the items listed on the agenda we expect to be returning at 7 p.m. as advertised take a vote oh may we have a vote Please Mr Smite I might get it right one all in favor opposed thank you thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e on good evening ladies and gentlemen at this time I will be reconvening the Wall Township Board of Education business meeting for Tuesday September 17th please join me in welcoming members of our Wall Township nncc color guard as we salute the flag left wheel markor present col IED ALG to of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all car colors cut left wheel March like to take a moment to thank our cadetes and their Colonel for showing up this evening it's great to have you back um welcome back to the school year we missed you this summer at this time I'm going to ask our board secretary Mr Smite to please perform roll call Mr anio miss barbier here Mr buffer here Miss D Giovani here Mr Mali here Mr Nasser here miss shimo here Mr wandra here Mason Adam here Megan Cappy here miss Stites here thank you at this time we're going to be opening the floor for public comment in the event that you have a public comment for a school related issue please come to the podium do we have anyone for public comment good evening tonight Mr Adams isting on theard can what I'm going to talk about and unfortunately last time I was here you want my name yes please sir Dave Sasso thank you I'm a wall resident of uh close to 25 years um I represent the wall night Family Foundation uh I'm a founding member uh I'm the president of the organization as you know or may not know uh we donated uh a tuckaho Turf natural grass field on the uh football field in 2021 um tuckaho sad Farm is in South Jersey their state-of thee art their fields are in Pittsburgh Philly Green Bay they're all over the country the donation was valued at about $225,000 I'm here tonight to let the board of know the Board of Ed know how disappointed we are with the district's handling and lack of Maintenance over the past three years has been I have a an agreement that if somebody can maybe hand out to the uh to the board that uh myself and Dr hand toan signed uh Dr you remember July 9th of 2021 uh can you hand this out sir somebody I feel like I'm wasting time here course I only have three minutes uh anyway our Field of Dreams has been turned into a Field of Screams in just over three years your gross negligence and breach of our agreement signed by myself and Dr handhand um uh has uh caused the field to be destroyed um Mr Adam you'll attest to that after I was appointed pro project manager manager the only reason we were able to to complete this challenging project was we had help from uh Fields facility manager Nick Moretta um Nick um Nick helped push this project through uh we faced many hurdles uh from the start drainage weather sprinkler malfunctions which we laid out $18,000 to fix uh we did not get reimbursed uh along with other issues geese feces and in my opinion an uncooperative business administrator uh that made my life a living help in trying to get the project completed um Brian I blame you um your hire Mr Sasso yeah Mr here sir thank you your your three minutes are up so if you would just wrap up your comments we do have a second public comment uh I will I'll try to and unfortunately the last time I was here I think we had five minutes I was I was caught off guard and I I I just basically uh don't have enough time to go to go through this uh the sad fact is there's no possible fix this year for the condition of the field um the facilities manager Mr van who I believe resigned um didn't do his job and again that blame for me falls on uh on on Mr Smite it was his third hire I think in the last five or six years um you know I have just one thing in closing um a request we have a sign that was installed on the field uh three years ago naming the foundation as donor uh I I would request uh that that sign be removed immediately um you really at this stage want nothing to do with the field um it's just a uh it's just a really unfortunate situation and uh again I'm cut off uh but thanks for your time thank you thank you if you'd like to um give any paperwork that you have it can be work is just the contract which I'm sure you guys have so okay thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time Betsy cross I live in wall Betsy cross I live in wall sorry I didn't get to hear that entire conversation but yeah um usually all the big problems they do fall under Brian SM I mean we've seen that time and time again it's bad legal advice from atheno Cornell's firm bad legal advice from Michael gross's firm happens over and over again it's disgusting um yeah your fnf minutes are a joke again Mr Nasser we got two paragraphs for over two minutes and we're spending $100 million on the district there's nothing attached you have to do better I've been saying it I think for three years that you've been on the board um a referendum project update was made and will be up to loaded to the website uh Mr Smite seems to be holding a million dollars in Food Service he did did that again he did that in 2016 why wouldn't you spend the money in Food Service before school started it's just ridiculous um what else I'm going to give Mr Dugan and I want these documents to go to you because I'm going to open open them back um there's a document on these trailers that I've been waiting for for like five years and now they finally came from the GIF Brian business office dat stamps them and um I I never got them back before so the nonsense from this trailer uh that the problems with him over the years it is so upsetting um I see we're paying that's on the agenda I'll go over it later I don't know what's going on with this uh Ralph ad anio stuff everybody got in the mail um not me Pam tagore suspected it was me I went to the police with her said it is not me I think you need to find out who it is cuz the person is unhinged and uh you really should find out what the hell is going on cuz now you got somebody putting in his him on wall patch and now sending out Anonymous letters it's it's it's really strange um and I think Pam toar told me you got one miss di so I'm guessing the whole board got one I know Municipal got them as well um who has time for that it's like September 11th the most sacred day of the year and people getting that in the mail it's really upsetting um abstain from your use of profanity thank you yeah Bill Van Sickle he is the third person that's been in this district for that job in five years uh and who does the hiring Brian SMI um yeah so the Department of Agriculture has warned you again you have too much money in food service please let's hope we don't by Dell computers and uh do all the ridiculous things that Brian SMI did last time when he worked he was working here a hot minute Mrs I will be giving you a little bit of extra time your 3 minutes is concluded but in an attempt to be fair so please wrap up your comments I appreciate that um on the agenda I see some extra people are being paid uh Patty Warner is but patty patty Warner is one of them in the teacher in the uh w yes maybe Mr SM can let us know what or uh Dr Hannah what does she actually get paid for that extra time for Cindy bird is another one um how many how many um lessons a day are teachers doing that now we we have to hire these six six more um I've heard about foreign translators in the school I see we're paying Asbury Park Press 96,000 for for three students um I didn't get a response back on on why we're doing this that uh but if you could give us an update professional fees for The Architects there's no break down thank you thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time at this time we'll be closing the floor for public comment I would like to welcome our student Representatives back this year we will be having Michael southwell Mason Adam Megan Cappy and eron Richie um representing our our high school students and Reporting out this evening we're fortunate to have Mason and Megan class of 2025 new seniors love it so uh we look forward to working with you again this year and the floor is yours thank you so far the new school year at wall has uh been great this year we have a new schedule which we're all adapting to freshman recently had their orientation on August 28th which allowed them to see the school while we hosted a pep rally for them the football team has started off with three wins in a row hopefully we continue the streak this Friday against sjv at 7 the girls soccer team has started their season off with a two- one record and they have a game tomorrow sjv against at sjv versus sjv at wall wall girls volleyball has started off the season undefeated 4-0 making them fourth overall in the shore conference off to a great start and hopefully continuing many winning many winning streaks with the wall nights best of luck teams this Thursday at 6 is a college information night for all senior Senor parents followed by back to school night at 7:00 the High School blood drive is taking place in the cafeteria on Thursday September 26th from 2:30 to 7:30 it is a busy yet exciting time of year as everyone adjusts to another school year thank you hopefully you're not slammed with homework yet but in the event that um you would like to excuse yourselves you certainly may and we look forward to seeing you and your counterparts throughout the year so let's make it a great senior year you're welcome this time I'm going to be moving into my president's report the road to adulthood is complicated young people need to understand they are capable and have confidence in their abilities and their own worth the school years are critical times of devel vment and schools are charged with supporting students as they Define a true sense of self and direction I believe our school district can have an incredible opportunity to positively impact our students on their Journeys ideally our graduates should be prepared to engage with the adult world and be capable of seeking satisfying post-graduate opportunities through employment secondary schooling training and trades or military service the Board of Education continues to partner with ad Administration and Educators as well as our community to define a culture of excellence in our schools that sets our students up for Success we review develop and approve policies and initiatives that Advance students as Scholars and balance self-aware human beings our students will be our fellow community members policy makers and leaders in a very short time it is imperative the time students spend in our school system uh be positive and have a lasting impact on them as president of our board I take my responsibility of representing our Collective efforts seriously in addition to addressing the current student needs of the district which are many it is a long-standing goal of to ensure that the Board of Education maintains a strong connection and relationship with our stakeholders especially the families who trust their students to our district day in and day out I recognize the huge responsibility a school district a shoulder ensuring the safety and education of our kids there must be trust that the people who sit on the board and in key leadership positions truly care about the safety and well-being as well as the advancement of our staff and students as my term on the board winds down I will continue to do as much as possible to com to combat the continued attack on this board and the district by meeting with as many members of government fiscal oversight and law enforcement as possible to ensure for the public that this board is responsible and accountable on June 30th Dr handerhan and I met with District 30 assemblyman schnall at his invitation to establish a relationship um with the assemblyman um and so he was able to gain an appreciation for this individual Community um and the priorities that we share I was happy to share our commitment of the advancement of our students and professionals the modernization of our facilities and the support of our community as evidence in part by the successful passing of the rep referendum I also shared what I believe is a huge roadblock to Total Community buyin which is the ongoing allegation of cover up of any number of issues primarily by a very vocal Community member I provided the letter sent to the com controller's office as evidence of my effort and detailed some of the accusations made regularly in meetings and on social media sites and how this Behavior has negatively impacted our district we agreed community members should not be discouraged from serving on the board of education because of concern of being ridiculed harassed or demeaned Mr schnall will be gathering more information on the topics of concern and was encouraged to survey the social media pages and the recordings of these meetings to see for himself some of the alarming claims that are made contact has been established with his office and our board counsel he has indicated he is willing to take the information he substantiates and consideration and attempt to help dispel the claims including potentially contacting the Attorney General's office to bolster Community confidence in the board we are grateful for his communication with the district and hopefully his future advocacy efforts on August 2 I contacted the office of the comproller Via telephone to follow up on a letter that was sent via ver certified mail to their office in May I spoke with a special investigator for almost half an hour while I shared the details of that call at the board Retreat last uh month I will recap again now the office of the comproller is a politically neutral entity charged with examining all aspects of government expenditures including reviewing public contracts auditing finances and evaluating the performance of programs they are obligated to receive every allegation comment accusation that is given to their office from any person if they launch an investigation and an allegation is found to be true a report is generated and published on their website they do not participate in ongoing criminal investigations I shared with the special investigator statements made that the office of the comproller had encouraged a Community member to keep the information coming almost suggesting a partnership and he did state that they have no control of how an individual may present an affiliation with their office when I presented my concern that our community at large may be alarmed by statements suggesting corruption and coverup I was directed to review the reports published on the the website which would identify any reports for founded allegations there are no such reports related to findings of do wrongdoing in our district to date is my understanding that the office of the com controller has requested information from the wall School District on a single occasion and that information was provided again reports on the website demonstrates that zero of the multitude of complaints that have been forwarded to the office of the comol have been found to be substantiated over the span of several years board counsel for this District excuse me has made requests for comment um and contact with the mammoth County prosecutor's office requesting a definitive statement directly to the Board of Education regarding ongoing allegations of coverup specifically related to the trailers it has been communicated repeatedly that the investigation was closed in 2020 on August 20th of this year a member of the public attempted to provide the board with documents which were allegedly fraudulent those documents were directed to the mammoth County prosecutor's office via board counsel at my request at The Retreat on August 27th I shared an excerpt from that email between our board a board attorney and the mammoth County prosecutor's office related to those documents the email in part stated that the mammoth County prosecutor's office would not be reopening an investigation into the trailers at that time since that meeting our board attorney has received a letter on official letterhead from Raymond Santiago the mammoth County prosecutor and it states I have reviewed the documentation provided to the Wall Township Board of Education on August 20th 2024 regarding the trailers and an allegation of forgery our office closed its investigation into the trailers in November of 2020 attached is a copy of the letter by assistant prosecutor Supa dated November 4th 2020 explaining the reasons for the closure based on my review of the documents submitted to the board on August 20th my office will not be reopening the investigation into the trailers any allegation of forgery occurring back in 2008 would be outside the statue of limitations to Brak to bring criminal charges if the community members Who provided these documents would like to discuss the matter they can reach out to Sergeant althia Baldwin there's a telephone number provided or via an email that is also provided very truly yours Raymond Santiago Mammoth County prosecutor by Lawrence Nelson director assistant prosecutor Financial crimes and special prosecutions unit in the attached letter from November 4th of 2020 the mcpo did reference the fact that they do not pursue ethics complaints or investigate fiscal responsibility of the school districts and do not investigate lack of compliance with with bidding regulations the letter directed that any concerns in those areas be fielded to the Department of Education or the school ethics Commission in late August I left messages for several members of the Department of Education who are tagged in multiple emails I did not receive a response from those outreaches however on August 29th and September 5th I emailed Mr Thomas Martin of the Department of Education outlining the concerns and received this response on September 5th of 2020 4 at this time I can confirm that the New Jersey Department of Education Office of fiscal accountability and compliance investigations unit does not have any active or pending investigations concerning the Wall Township School District signed Thomas C Martin manager of the investigations unit office of fiscal accountability and compliance for the New Jersey Department of Education on September 5th same day I also sent a message to the attorney General the of uh New Jersey website requesting their assistance via the office of constituent services with a suggestion of communication with the Office of Public integrity and accountability I did receive an automated response stating that I may contact them if I don't hear from them within 10 business days unfortunately we I believe we're on day eight so I'll be calling them if I don't hear from them in the next couple of days I do recognize that there are many people out there who wonder why so much effort has been made to contact and communicate with our assemblymen and contact the office of the com controller the mammoth County prosecutor's office the Department of Education and the Attorney General's office but I hope it demonstrates that we have done all we can to document um to get documentation that this District as it stands today is not under any suspicion or investigation by any of these entities the Board of Education will not continue to revisit issues already reviewed by Regulatory Agencies and considered closed by law enforcement agencies nor will the board participate in the harassment of persons employed by the school district with further inquiry we must focus on the current practices of our district and continue to seek the best avenues for furthering the development of our staff and providing the best education we can for our students I would like to thank the various members of the agencies who have helped provide the information that I've presented this evening letters from me to the controller's office as well as the communications from the mammoth County prosecutor's office and Department of Education are posted on our website under the Boe Communications tab they are there now as we speak I do appre appreciate Dr Lester Lester richens for attending the meeting this evening and allowing me to address this issue in his presence further demonstrating that we are acting openly and under the O observation of the mammoth County Executive superintendent's office at this time I invite parties that are invested in the in education of our children and the children of this District should join the board and our incredible Educators in providing the best experiences we possibly can for our students we have an eye to the Future there's a tremendous amount that has been accomplished we have a lot on our plate and goals to accomplish in the future and that is the position of the board at this time so I thank you for your attention with this very lengthy presentation but I hope for folks who have had any question at all about confidence and the ability um to trust in the actions of this board of education as it stands today um where we stand I meanwhile wish a happy back to school to everyone um I thank our staff for the amazing job that they did in welcoming our students back to our staff who have gotten our building ready to our staff who have transported our students to school um to our administrators who have helped Craft um some fantastic goals for us to accomplish and I look forward to seeing where this school district is at the end of this school year but in the meantime enjoy the ride because every day every moment and every experience for your kids is really important um and as the parent of a senior and one who just graduated I can attest the time does go quickly um and it's important to make the most of it so I hope that we are going to be moving forward collectively as community and uh you're not going to have to listen to me much more tonight I'm going to turn the floor over at this time to Dr handerhan for the superintendent report thank you so much Miss Stites and and thank you for all of your dedication to uh wtps and to the students and to the staff of this District um your commitment uh I think speaks volumes tonight so I think thank you for that I would like to also extend a heartfelt thank you to the wall High School color guard and to our student representatives to the Board of Education in particular this evening Mason Adam and Megan Cappy for joining us tonight welcome back students and staff we are off to a great start to the school year it is so great seeing everyone back in the classrooms and enjoying all the student activities throughout the district we are in the midst of our annual back to school nights and our parental attend has been very strong thus far and I do hope that this trend continues for the rest of our back to school nights and throughout the year uh with all of our family engagement and uh activities that are open to the community and to the families we do have a bit of departure from my traditional superintendent report this evening at this time I would like to invite our director of intervention services and student wellness Miss Tiffany Steiner to the podium and she will be setting the stage to our second year of imple implementation for the seven mindsets so without any further Ado Miss Steiner thank you Dr handerhan and I just wanted to thank the board of education for allowing us to be here this evening I am accompanied by miss kayn gilvar our district selects leader um but tonight I'm going to be speaking on behalf of the program just to get us started so for those of you who may not be aware EXC me of um what is the seven mindsets program we are in year two of implementation of a research-based student wellness program to develop habits of mind related to happiness and success those habits of mind are expressed in the circle which are everything is possible passion first we are connected we explore these different habits of not of Mind routinely throughout the school year focusing on elements of each of them and implementation for Student Success and success too is measured not just in improved attendance and academics but also in measures such as resilience and grit over the summer we did some planning preparing and practicing um and in doing so I think we've come to a position where we're in a strong starting position we have in the planning area we have worked on a ninth grade curriculum and experience for the grade level which consists of a schoolwide uh a grade level read of the seven mindsets as well as planning our strategic plan which was expressed at our last meeting preparing with our Administration we had a real strong Focus this summer on leadership and exhibiting Leadership within the mindsets so to build better school culture based on the habits of mind and as far as practicing is concerned we created some opport o unities for us to apply the mindsets for example Miss Marney Henry our um athletic director she organized a Disney movie night inviting team members to come and watch the movie Miracle we had a family night in the middle of the summer and this is the first time we've ever hosted a family night over the summer um and we really focused on how to avoid the social slide that occurs often when students are taken out of the social arena for a couple of months in addition to that we have some upcoming activities that we're excited about um one started at uh Old Mill with their opening faculty meeting where our Miss ananello focused on belonging and the theme of belonging and how belonging and a heightened sense of belonging to a school Community really increases student engagement and achievement and so she has made a commitment throughout this year to f focus on the we are connected mindset with a good emphasis on belonging and how do we make our students feel like every person is a vital part of the school community at West belmare and um also a district evening event was another family night that we had in our first week of school which highlighted the power of showing up um what made this night unique is that we did have a translator available to help our Spanish-speaking families fill out some of the beginning of the year paperwork while we also wanted to focus on that sense of belonging and um as you many of you may be aware or may not be aware that September is attendance awareness month so this really tucked in a lot of the themes of coming to school and feeling like you are part of the school community at Central and Allenwood they have began the school year with um some student challenges and I don't know if you can see them down there on the corner but there is a challenge where they have have different mindsets on a bulletin board and they ask students to take cards from each of the mindset do the action that's described in the card and then pass it along so they're really trying to get some uh you know emphasis on the mindsets and reviewing the mindsets through these student challenges and at wall High School there will be I know it was mentioned the back to school night presentation for our seniors but there also will be a back to school night community commity social that our 9th 10th and 11th grade parents are invited to come and meet Community Partnerships Community um representatives and um hopefully to forge some Partnerships and get some great resources of what the community has to offer finally at wall intermediate school will'll have a back to school night um with a emphasis on everything is possible and the counselors will be presenting on resilient youth as you can see these back to school nights are pre presentations um if anything you'll get great parking so we encourage parents to show up at 6 o' and you know try on one of these presentations so our next steps we are embarking on our first mindset which is everything is possible you will see in upcoming meetings we'll highlight week of respect School violence awareness week and Red Ribbon Week activities that are all lined to this everything is possible mindset we are planning right now to further some parent engagement and um our elementary will be sending out information about a Kinder meet and greet which will be a virtual opportunity for our parents of kindergarten students to learn a little bit about the mindsets but also learn a little bit more about our Wellness Department um finally at the wall High School Community I wanted to highlight an activity that I know Mr huitt and Miss baracas have been organizing all week and this will focus on the everything is possible where teachers have been completing stars of Big Dreams sharing dreams for students and um those will be also offered at back to school night for parents to complete a star and then it will be showcased around the school building and finally we are getting ready to gear up for our mindset mentors and our Wellness webinars so more to come on that um you know in the spirit of the mindsets I did I will share with Dr handerhan I have a gift that I'd like her to to share with some of the board and it was an activity that we recently did at one of our um one of our workshops where I had asked the staff to make emergency bags of confetti and the goal is really to remind us that there's so many things to celebrate in life that um maybe it's time that we all put a bag of confetti in our purse or in our pocket and be prepared to start to show children you know the joy that we find in so much of what life offers thank [Applause] you thank you very very much Miss Steiner and I just want to uh again just thank you and uh Miss G for just your abs absolute uh wonderful and sustained leadership in um you know in our journey as we fortify the seven mindsets across our prek through 12 uh Worlds at wtps so I am incredibly grateful for all of your work um and I will tell you that uh the students are listening I do hear them and they're very proud of their work so um here it is what is it the 17th of September and I'm already hearing of the students talking about it and recalling all the work they did that they did last year so that's really a good sign of uh great teaching that to see the see it spiral uh the way it is Through The Eyes of the students so I thank you for that I would also like to um take a moment to express our Collective condolences to the family of Miss Beth Lair Miss Lair was a school nurse in the Wall Township Public School District and we remain so grateful for her service and for her commitment to the students during our time at wtps so um I would be remiss if I did not um you know share our condolences and also take pause uh to think about all the wonderful things that she has done for this for the students of this district and uh we remain grateful Miss titites I'm going to turn this back to you thank you Dr handerhan this time as we move into the Board of Education I'm going to please ask Mr SMI um who is our custodian record of Records to please give us a um report on Oprah yeah so this fiscal year since July 1 the district has received 28 uh open public record act requests a response has been provided to each one of those requests we have one request that is currently outstanding an extension uh was uh required uh in order to provide uh documents deemed to be responsive uh 27 requests have received uh responses and are closed 10 of those requests um were for records that the district did not have in our possession or the records did not exist and um of the 17 requests that we did provide records to the district has provided 6,435 pages of government records to date thank you very much Mr Nasser will you be kind enough to give us a referendum update please yes thank you madam president um first I'd like to just touch base on the the comment that uh on the length of our finance and Facilities report this month um for those at home and in the audience I'm nursing a broken wing here so I had emergency surgery last month keeping it short sweetened to the point was um necessary um in putting together the minutes for last month and citing the relevant attachments in the minutes um I attempted to do apparently it wasn't clear enough so I will try to uh in the future I'll work with Mr SMI to make sure that we have links directly to the relevant information that I'm about to review right now um the financial summary has been posted it's current as of today um traditionally we do it uh around the bills list so that it's as current as possible when it goes up our progress update is from September 3rd that's when we had our fnf meeting with representative from spel Paving upgrades at West belmare are substantially complete in the punchless stage um interior alterations uh good portion of which was uh the toilet rooms at and work at the high school West bmore and Wall primary um that's generally complete and they're in the process of punch listing that our HVAC upgrades at Allenwood Old Mill and West Belmont uh the phase one work is complete and the rest phase two and three which is the bulk of the work is in the submitt phase meaning it's under engineering review uh our Roofing replacement at multiple schools again is uh substantially complete and in the punchless stage and as of right now we have four projects in design uh one of which is in the bid phase uh the other one two three are um going to be opening at at some point next month and that's all I have I will Point people to our referendum tab where all of this is there thank you madam president thank you Mr Nasser do we have any uh members of the board that need wish to contribute to the board report at this time okay at this point we're going to be moving forward I would like to point out that um committee minutes are posted um do we have have any updates from any of our committee Mr Buffa thank you madam president um just in regards to the personel committee um just to Spotlight the last bullet point on our um minutes from the last meeting uh Dr handerhan uh I guess kind of took the pulse of some of the new hires um as they were kind of going going through the onboarding process and uh there were a bunch of bunch of them that had um complemented the ease in which uh their their onboarding process was uh information was readily available um the human resources department was always available to answer questions uh so on and so forth so I just wanted to um kind of give give a little shout out to Mr Scarano and his team in Human Resources because making you know a happy yet stressful time a little less stressful is um always a good way to start things out absolutely thank you for pointing that out thank you Mr Scarano and your whole team and welcome to all of our new members of Wall Township Public Schools we're thrilled to have you do I have any other input from any of our other committee chairs at this time okay seeing none I'm going to be opening the floor for second public comment on agenda items if you have any comments on any agenda items we welcome you to the podium at this time do we have anyone for second public comment seeing none I'll be closing the floor for public comment at this time may I please have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll motion Mr Buffa may have a second Miss GG Ronnie Mr um smite roll call please miss barbier um yes but I'm going to abstain on item 16p as it pertains to myself noted Mr buffer yes but I will abstain from item 16p as it pertains to myself Miss D Giovani yes but I'll abstain from 16b as it pertains to myself Mr Mali yes I will also abstain on item 16p as it pertains to myself Mr Nasser yes I will also abstain on item 16p as it pertains to myself Miss shimpa yes and I amings Mr WRA yes Miss stes yes but I will abstain on item 16p as it pertains to myself it will note 16p is for profess development and board members cannot approve professional development costs directly for themselves hence the abstention thank you I believe that that is bringing us to the close of our meeting I wish I had a bag of that confetti right now because I would use it um May I close all right at the this time um may I have a motion to adjourn Mr wandra may I have a second please Mr Nasser a second anyone opposed all right welcome we're back in the school year giddy up for