##VIDEO ID:1Nsa-JgrkHk## the adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meeting meetings Act was provided by the posting mailing delivery and filing of this notice on January 12th 2024 this notice was on that date posted on the bulletin board in the township office sent to The Courier News and tap in the Warren and filed with the Township Clerk of the township of Warren all in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act please join me in Rising for the Pledge of Allegiance the United States of America indivisible andice it is my pleasure to report on the election results of the election held on November 7th 2024 during that election three uh Board of Education seats were up for election and the winners were Bridget granholm Richard molfetta and Ryan Valentino at this time I will swear each of those new and or returning board members in starting with Mrs grle and we will come to the front of the uh for your micone read I'm gon I'm going to ask you to raise your right hand and repeat after me and as I do it microphone your way okay I Bridget grolm do solemnly swear I Bridget grolm do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I Bridget grolm do solemnly swear I Bridget grolm do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education of member of a board of education that I am not disqualified as a voter that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified due to a conviction and that I am not disqualify due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12- one and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God next is Mr M please raise your right hand and repeat after me I Richard molfetta do solemnly swear I Richard maletta do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of newers Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the United States and this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I Richard muletta do solemnly swear I Richard maletta do solemnly swear that I possess the qualification that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education of member of a board of education that I am not disqualified as a voter that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified due to a conviction and that I am not disqualified due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God and the last uh the last new member is Mr Valentino should we block you over [Laughter] there there you go Ryan please raise your right hand and repeat after me I Ryan J Valentino do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I Ryan J Valentino do solemnly swear I Ryan J Valentino do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education of member of a board of education that I am not a disqualified as a voter that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified due to a conviction and that I am not disqualified due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 and I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office all duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God I will now call the role Mrs d here Mrs grolm here miss Keller here Mr molfetta here Mr Otto here Mr Tor here Mr Valentino here Mr Weinstein here Mrs Zan here we have perfect attendance the next order of business is to elect our board officers for the year I will first uh ask for nominations for the office of president I'd like to nominate Patricia Zan for president seconds are not necessary are there any other nominations for the office of President this we're taking nominations for president well thank you if there are no additional nominations for president I'll entertain a nom a um motion to close nominations at this time to close nominations is there a second second in unison very good me one second while I pull out a roll call sheet for though so this is to uh elect Mrs on President Mrs Dalton yes Mrs grol yes Miss Keller yes Mr molfetta yes Mr Otto yes Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes and Mrs Z yes congratulations Mr ready go thank you guys um I'm working for you so I hope I could do a good job thanks we have faith um I'd like to at this time take nominations for vice president of the Board of Education I'll goom La Kell likewise do we have any other nominations for vice president of the Board of Education motion to close nominations second all right Mr Hegel if you could do a roll call please sure Mrs Dalton yes I get a Mrs grolm yes Mrs Keller yes Mr Metta yes Mr Otto yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes and Mrs Z yes all right congratulations Mrs CER all right moving on to the board's annual reorganization action items I'd like to draw the board's attention to a couple of things item G um is where we have the appointments for board representatives to various outside organizations each year the board appoints representatives to the New Jersey School Board Association delegate assembly the Somerset County Educational Services Commission and the Watchung Hills municipal Alliance the time obligation is roughly a couple times a year for the njsba delegate assembly about once every one to two months for the Somerset County Executive um Educational Services Commission and the alliance meets periodically it is the custom of the Warren board uh to First offer these appointments to the board's newest members it's an opportunity for you to get your feet wet get right in there and meet board members from other districts um and accordingly I'm going to ask Miss Dalton who joined us um after we did this last year and Miss Gran hole um to uh let us know which of these um uh appointments would be your preference um I said I would take on the Somerset County Educational Services Commission thank you very much do do we have an alternate for the Somerset County Education Services Commission uh that would be Mr T as alternate um Miss granholm uh I'll do the municipal Alliance all right do we have an alternate for the municipal Alliance Mr Valentino thank you very much um we do need an appointment to the um which one am I missing oh the delegate assembly I see everyone's just jumping with joy to to go to the delegate assembly I'll take the delegate assembly do I have an alternate thank you I have many alternates I'll take alternate thank you very much U Mr Metta um additionally we annually appoint um a representative to the Somerset County School Board Association for the purposes really of just receiving the notices and and um uh being officially a part of that body but I do want to point out to all board members that your attendance at those meetings is completely open you do not have to be an appointed representative um I go to them regularly and they take place over at the Somerset County votech where the students actually prepare dinner for you and it's outstanding I mean full meal bread salad dessert coffee tea they have great speakers um who turns down a free meal you can go do not like think that the only person who goes is the person appointed typically um the board president takes that role and I'm happy to do that but the rest of you all join me please and it so happens that this spring at the Somerset County Schoolboard association meeting um we will have our superintendent honored I believe and one of our programs that received recognition at last year's um School Board Association assembly I believe that their annual meeting and it would be great that date will come around I'll let you know that date if we could have full board attendance there um so just giving you that heads up um moving on I also want to draw the board's attention to item d uh this is the meeting date for uh the coming year please please put these on your calendar we don't typically send out calendar invites so this is where your list of dates are um and uh it's we it's always so important that we you know all the board members come you guys are so valuable so please put those on your on your personal calendars um item e is the board member code of ethics um each of us this evening signed that we received that uh the the code of ethics and that we agree to uphold that code of ethics if that is published in our agenda so members of the public please look at that and you'll have a sense of what the board uh is committing to when they take on this responsibility um and finally I want to draw your attention to item F which is the board's mission statement which appears on every agenda of the board um and with that Dr mingle do you have any comments on reorganization action items okay um we are then going to vote just on the action items we do have a request to pull policy 5756 from a vote that is um item a under annual reorganization items does any board member have um a request to Poll for separate vote any other item see N Miss Keller motion to approve annual reorg action items a except policy 5756 and B through H motion was a second I'm sorry to cat that Mr Valentino all right before I call the role I just want to make sure I have the appointments correct I have Mrs Zan as the board rep to the uh njsba delegate assembly with Mr fetta as alternate I have uh Mrs doton as the board rep to the Somerset County Educational Services Commission with Mr tour as the alternate I have Mrs grolm as the board representative to the municipal Alliance committee with Mr Valentino as the alternate and then down at number six I have Mrs Zan as the suers county SBA representative that correct yes right very good thank you Mrs doton yes Mrs granholm yes Miss Keller yes Mr molfetta yes Mr aotto yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs on yes motions carry 90 Miss K motion to approve annual reorg action item a policy 5756 do we have a second is there any discussion on this item before we vote yeah I wanted to pull this one uh for a separate vote and a discussion uh I'm happy to speak to quite frankly a a document here that I printed out that explains the policy um for those unfamiliar or that need more education much like myself um happy to open it up and and chat about it and I can provide a brief overview and then open the floor to those who would like to comment or not uh for the benefit of the public policy 5756 is the district's policy entitled transgender students um we do have a policy in place I believe on how we address changes to and discussion on policies themselves and as this was not noticed either to the public or to the board for a conversation um I don't want a chill conversation on this I'm more than happy to put this with the committee and put this through the process to bring it up to board conversation and naturally Mr Weinstein if you have anything you'd like to say now but I think that the board would benefit from being having the opportunity to fully verse themselves in the matter before we have an open discussion do you have a thought I think that's fair okay all right would you like to just take it to a vote now and then we'll do that process and put it before the board or do you have further comments I want to make sure I'm understanding the process Would we not put together the committee first to then make sure everyone is up to speed on exactly what it is and then put it to the vote or we would we would typically refer this to as standing committee rather than the creation of an ad hoc committee um I think and I'll I'll ask Miss Dr mingel I think this most appropriately goes to the curriculum committee okay so this matter would be referred to the curriculum committee they would pull it and they would they would look at it and um make any recommendations of course um agendas for all of our committees are circulated to all board members and then out of that committee back to the board would come any recommendation that that that that committee would like to make and it would be put on the agenda at which time you could anybody could speak to the recommendation in favor opposed anything but it would actually be agenda then and people would see it being discussed okay is that okay sure all right all right on that we we'll put this one to about them we have a we have a motion in a second Mr Hegel sure Mr doton no just so we're clear on what we're voting no on passing on approving the policy right so we're not not approving got it no no would be a no no would be no I just want to make sure it wasn't a no to referring it to a committee no the clarification is good okay enough Mrs grle abstain Miss Keller yes Mr moletta no Mr Ao no Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino no Mr Weinstein no Mrs on yes All right so I have three yeses five Nos and one abstention which means this the policy doesn't pass this motion does not pass um so before we proceed we have to talk about that because that leaves us with a policy Gap rather than having a policy that we put to a committee and revive and vote on we now have no policy at all which puts us out of compliance with law um I would like to encourage the board to consider on the understanding that this goes through the process of review that we not leave the district with a gap in our policies which is where we currently stand do you have any thoughts on that I think what what I think Tai was getting at is maybe we don't vote on it and and we have that committee put together and then we discuss it so that there is not a gap and then we're voting on it but because we put it to vote um that puts us in the predicament that we're in right I the motion was to approve policies as they exist that keeps the policies in place we're free to change those these are board policies right but at the annual reorganization meeting which is what this is we reopt annually all the policies and all the curriculum um and then we adjust and make changes as as the board goes through the process of doing that to to vote down a policy means that we are not carrying that forward and we've left a gap that's the effect of this yeah just to be clear that was 100% my intention this evening all right so I'm not making any bones about that um the fact that there's now a gap in our policies is understood and it's our job to make sure there's no Gap and we address whatever shape or form this new policy takes having just abolished the current just for a point of order that the board did not just vote to abolish a policy okay it voted not to approve existing policy I don't have a legal analysis for you on what actually just happened I didn't know that that was on the agenda tonight so I don't actually know what to advise you on where the board or the district stands all right let's proceed minutes resolved the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the December 16th 2024 board meeting do we have a second second I'll call the rooll on the minutes Mrs doton yes Mrs grol yes Miss Keller yes Mr molfetta yes Mr aotto had to Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino abin Mr Weinstein yes Mrs on yes All right so so I have um seven yeses one abstention motion passes all right Dr Mel correspondence and information the board received one email regarding the board election date uh there have been no Hib investigation since the last meeting and there were two suspensions one in school and one out of school both at Woodland thank you Dr Domingo uh welcome everyone to the first meeting of the Warren board of education for 2020 I want to congratulate Bridget granholm Rich Metta and Ryan Valentino on their swearing in to three terms to three their three-year term on the board of education a special welcome to miss granel who's new to the board uh we're happy to have you join us and look forward to a productive year 2025 will be a demanding year as the board continues its work on several large and key projects specifically the board is in the middle of developing a five-year strategic plan for 25 through 30 it is preparing for a no tax impact ref referendum for Capital Improvements to all five of our school buildings it is continuing to address facility needs as our community grows um and it is participating in the shared service study which is being completed in the first half of the Year this list is not exhaustive as the board has many other duties that are regular large tasks of any District such as formulating a budget for the 2526 school year continuing discussion and Co operation with the township committee Etc um so as we look forward to 2025 this board is ready to undertake all the work ahead of us and I can't think of a bunch of people I'm happier to do that work with so looking forward to a great year Dr [Music] mingle just to Echo uh Mrs an's comments congratulations to our brand new member and our two returning members who've been reelected or elected depending on the situation also congratulations to miss Miss Keller as for their appointments by the board as President and Vice President I have a few other comments on agenda items but I'll save those for the business agenda all right thank you very much um and before we move into discussion I actually omitted one thing I needed to remind all board members in my president remarks please email me before the end of the week with your preference for committee appointments okay and if you are um interested in being considered for a chair position of any of our committees again please make sure you highlight that too me okay we do not have any presentation but we have two items set for discussion the first item relates to board election date um the conversation regarding Board election date commenced last year and two of our existing board members were not on the board at the time so I'm going to give just a brief summary of of those conversations and let you know where we are but first i'm going to call my apologies um early last year um the governor signed legislation that made a change um if you go back to 2010 2011 um prior to that Board elections of um uh board members took place in April um at the same time the budgets for um school districts were also on the ballot for election and that had been the way it had been for a very very very long time um in 2010 there were changes that were made which um eliminated the need to submit the budget to the voters as long as the budget complied with certain provisions and the one that people are most familiar with is the um term 2% cap it's actually a um you know it's not really a 2% cap as we've seen but in any event that concept of creating strict uh guard rails around how much school districts could in increase their budgets uh came out of of the 20110 time period if the school districts complied with the uh Provisions capping how much they could increase um taxes on the local Property Owners on the school budgets they were not required to submit their budgets to The Ballot Box and at that same time um it was a requirement that if they wanted to Avail themselves of that then they needed to move board member elections to the November cycle early last year Governor Murphy signed legislation that allowed Boards of Education to make the decision to go back to April without it affecting whether or not they would need public approval of their budget so the board could decide to vote on board members on an April cycle which more closely aligns to the Academic Year so this board spoke about this a couple of times in the fall and agreed that we would put the matter on for our reorganization meeting when all board members affected by A Change Would have been seated with Miss gr home being our most recent one because the effect of moving Board elections to April is to shorten all existing board members terms by about 7 months since that time there has been a new development which I want to share with you before we continue this conversation um the New Jersey Department of Education clarified for um all districts um the statutory election dates and the budget process timeline for the 2526 budget so that's the budget we would be working on right and are working on right now um the legislation that allowed the um elections to move to April did not repair other language appearing elsewhere in the legislation relating to time frames for the preparation of the budget so it turns out that if we were in fact in this calendar year to move our elections from November to April the effect is we would cut a month off of our preparation time on our budget and that is a meaningful impact on our ability to um prepare the most fiscally responsible and complete budget possible because of that and it's entirely possible the legislature will wake up that they did that and it will be fixed by the next year and school districts could revisit this question but as it stands right now um it would be my recommendation to the board as we discuss this that we not move this year's election because of the impact that that has on our budget preparation calendar and with that I am opening it up for conversation I agree I mean as somebody that's on the finance committee the amount of work that it goes into the amount of detail um that that that we're looking at it's not something that we want to rush and it's not something that we want to you know lose 30 days on um if we want to do the the best job for our community and our school districts any other comments this does not appear on tonight's agenda for approval and I will not be adding it based on what I'm hearing and seeing here okay just one question is it a yearly decision it's as or not okay yeah we can the board as it's constituted next year can take the matter up again okay or not it's the default is it stays where it is yeah got it yeah is everyone okay with moving on from that question then for yep I am indefinitely okay um the next item for board discussion is the 2025 referendum date and I believe that um Mr Hegel Dr mingle you guys want to bring that up or so there uh actually essentially because of the decision not to move the elections it pretty much took care of itself but on the agenda tonight would have the 2025 zero debt referendum which I'll talk more about when we get into the business agenda there for a March election had the board changed its election date there would have been different things to consider but I think staying with March as it is on the agenda makes sense based on that decision okay okay um so we'll discuss U more the referendum when we get to um agenda items um that'll be B6 um so seeing nothing else that's the end of our scheduled discussion items we have no committee reports as we don't currently have constituted committees but we're going to fix that really fast because it turns out we have a lot of business for some committees to look at really fast um so curriculum people expect to be meeting quick finance committee always meet quick uh after this meeting um so tight time frames lots to do moving on uh this is the first opportunity get my notes this is the first of two opportunities for public commentary I ask that anyone interested in addressing the board please raise their hand or use the raise your hand feature on Zoom each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes please begin your comments by stating your name and address and by directing your comments to the presiding officer and that would be me please know that the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the Public Public commentary is intended as an opportunity for the board to receive such input but it is not intended as a Q&A session following public commentary if appropriate the presiding officer or the superintendent May provide some response for this first opportunity we ask that your comments be limited to items that appear on tonight's agenda there will be a second opportunity for all other comments later in the meeting so at this time look into our audience do we have any public commentary on agenda items we have a Podium and microphone back there sir uh good evening everybody Daniel croen uh 42 Fairfield Avenue here in Warren Township also uh deputy mayor of Warren Township uh just wanted to come on behalf of the township committee uh committee man Blick is here as well tonight to uh wish you a very productive year congratulations to the new members to uh board president Zan board vice president Keller we look forward to uh working together uh just know that we're here as partners um and look forward to any opportunities for shared service I'll be serving as a board of edaz on this year um so missan looking forward to uh to meeting together and getting to work congratulations again thank you Mr croen do we have any other comments in the audience seeing none do we have any comments on agenda items from members in our Zoom audience see none do I have a motion to close first public commentary motion second all in favor I opposed abstain the first opportunity for public commentary is now closed Dr mingle any com any um remarks on the agenda items yes thank you so I just wanted to talk a little bit about item B6 on the agenda which is the referendum for 2025 you've heard a few comments about this already uh for the members of the press who might be covering the meeting we will have a statement once the board votes to authorize this so you have all the details as well um but I wanted to kind of give a little bit of a history because I know that there might be members of the community who either are new since the last time there was a referendum like this or just need a good a good reminder this will be the third time that the Board of Education in my nine years serving a superintendent has voted to authorize a referendum which does not cost the taxpayers any new money in their tax uh bills which I know is very important and I wanted to share a little bit about the payback to the community of those previous votes so the first time this was done here was in 2019 that referendum was uh worth a total of $6.5 million with $2.2 million coming from the state and the benefit of doing the referendum this way is that the state pays about a third of the total cost through a complicated Debt Service uh process but about a third of the money comes back just for reference all other state aid that this board received that year was $1.5 Million so by having that referendum the Warren Township taxpayers received back more in state Deb service Aid than it had received in all other state aid as a school district that year so it's pretty significant amount of money those projects back in 2019 were boilers and pumps at alt HVAC upgrad at alt HVAC upgrades at Central boy and pumps at Mount horb boy and pumps at the middle school and a partial roof replacement at the middle school basic facilities ongoing needs kinds of things in 2021 the board authorized a referendum worth nearly $9 million with $3 million coming back from the state again twice as much as the state aid was leading into that point that those projects are currently underway almost completed they'll be done this coming summer that included fire alarm upgrades at all schol tools a partial window replacement at alt HVAC boil worm pumps uh an interior door Replacements at Central a boiler and HVAC replacement at Woodland as well as a much needed security vestibule at the entrance and at the middle school LED light fixture upgrades HVAC replacement in both gyms and the first upgrades to the science lab since the building was opened uh 50 years earlier and the referendum that's on the agenda tonight has a total price tag of around $8.5 million with an anticip I at State Debt Service Aid of almost $3 million again that includes at all schools exterior strobe lights which is a Safety and Security upgrade public address systems which in most schools have not been addressed since they were opened in some cases there have been patches here and there but at all schools brand new public address systems and replacing the security camera system with a much more upto-date uh system for our security compliance officers and others to be able to access at alt there will be floor repairs inside the building as well a replacement of all interior Corridor doors at Central School there's original and not too far after original mill work in some classrooms in a building that goes back to the 1930s that would be upgraded at Mount horb School interior quarter door Replacements and at the middle school removal of a partition wall in one room the final security vestibule upgrade to complete all five schools and interior Corridor replacement and at all four elementary schools Replacements of playgrounds some of which now have uh pieces that are no longer compliant with the regulations for playgrounds at schools so all told over the course of those three referendums a total investment in a in the district's infrastructure of $24 million with state aid return to the taxpayers of a little over $8 million which couldn't happen without going through this process so I know it's a lot of information to give in this setting but I just thought it's a good reminder of how these projects have been to our ability to provide uh the facilities that we do and I know our our voters have been very supportive of us as we've gone through these processes in the past we will be out communicating with everybody as soon as we know we have to go ahead from the board to make sure that our community members understand um what are in what's in this referendum and why it gives us such a good payback as a district one other item I wanted to mention is item B7 which is a zoning item this is for uh the new Hills at Warren Development we had actually previously approved several of the other streets but now that we have students moving into homes in that development we are learning about new streets in that zone uh in the last two weeks or so we've received 10 new students at Central in in new homes and Woodland is now just starting to see the registrations happen from from the hills at Warren so uh we've talked about this several times but I want to point out that that's why it's on the agenda tonight and says no current students are effective because that's a street where there are no certificates of occupancy just yet that's it thank you Dr mingle um does the any member of the board have any other item um for board consideration they'd like to pull for a separate Vote or comment seeing none Miss ker motion to approve items for board consideration A1 through A2 B1 through B7 C1 through C6 do we have a second second Mr Hagen right I'll call the role on the consent agenda Mrs Dalton yes Mrs grolm yes Miss Keller yes Mr molfetta yes Mr AO oh that's right Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes and Mrs Z yes motion is pass 80 thank you um we have no unfinished business or new business on the agenda AGA for this evening oh my God yes of course so i' just like to request that the board consider making a new business item related to the failure of the approval of that policy so that there's a very clear charge to whichever committee is going to be charged with looking at what to do next um that way we have a clear majority of the board voting for whatever it is that is going to happen next I move at that item that uh board policy 5756 be referred immediately to the curriculum committee for review um and advice back to the full board from that committee does that serve Dr mingle yes move that policy 5756 be immediately referred to the curriculum committee for review and advice back to the full board do we have a second for that motion second before I call the role I'm just going to read this real quick make sure I got it correctly move that policy 5756 be referred to the curriculum committee for review and advice back to the full board yes okay I'll call the role Mrs Dalton yes Mrs grh yes Miss Keller yes Mr molfetta yes Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Z yes motion passes a um this is where I am going to request um I said by the end of the week but I'm I'm going to put you guys in a little bit of a shorter leash because of our time frames here IDE ideally I'd like recommendation back to the board as quickly as possible so we do not leave the district with a gap in policies our next board meeting is only a couple weeks away accordingly I'm going to ask the committee requests please come to me by no later than the end of business tomorrow is that something we think we can all do sooner is always better and I'll constitute those committees and then um the understanding want everyone who's going to end up on curriculum to be alert to the fact that we're going to be looking to for that committee to meet before our next board meeting okay all right then um any other new business unfinished business nope okay um we're going to move on to public second opportunity for public commentary um this is the second opportunity and it is open to any topic you wish to raise to the board's attention again I ask that you raise your hand or use the raise your hand feature on Zoom remember that comments are limited to 3 minutes and please state your name and address before beginning looking first to the room where we have nobody um moving on to zoom is there anyone in our Zoom audience that would like to address the board on any Topic at all last call see none do I have a motion to close public commentary Mo second anyone second okay all in favor I opposed abstain second opportunity for public commentary is now closed Miss cower motion to adjourn motion all in favor I I opposed abstain uh this meeting is now closed thank you guys