##VIDEO ID:Ae2f2l8vgfo## [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e care Rick ready Ricky ready did you hear just text him yes good evening everyone welcome to the scheduled 2024 signed di meeting of January 6 2025 of the township of Washington Township Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers on December 18 2024 and this notice has been posted on the Township bulon Board and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance at Council meetings the fire exits are located through the double doors to your right and through the door on your left please silence all cell phones can everyone please stand for salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank [Music] you Lo counc Casio here councilman sear here councilman Omen here councilwoman valz here council president the sen here let the record reflect also attendance mayor Peter Kari Township administrator Mark D Carlo Township attorney Siobhan Bailey and Township Clerk Susan wowski PSA for January 6 2025 the township of Washington has added the recycling coach app to our website on the Department of Public Works page recycle coach is an address based app that educates residents on how to recycle materials appropriately for their area by downloading the app you will be able to obtain your curbside collection schedule sign up for alerts and quickly learn how to properly dispose of different waste materials there's no debris bulk pickup for the remainder of the Year and no special pickups well it's not the remainder of the year for the remainder of the winter Christmas trees are being picked up and there is no set pickup schedule all animal license renews have been mailed and are and are due by January 31st a $5 late fee begins on February 1st commuter parking residents May apply for a spot in our commuter parking lot located next to the emergency services building on Washington Avenue please visit the township website for the application the township is seeking members of The Advisory Board of Health if you are interested please contact the mayor via email at mayor atwp of washington. us the township Council of Township of Washington is hereby soliciting resumes Andor letters of interests qualifications from Township residents to be appointed to the Zoning Board of adjustment one position of a regular member of two of them an alternate Member One and an alternate member position two please visit the clerk section of the website under the forms page for the application the township of Washington is entering into a shared service agreement with the Saddle River Municipal Court we will be closing the court office in the township of Washington all phone calls will be calls made to the township Washington Municipal Kirk starting January 1st 2025 will be forwarded directly to the sadle River Municipal Court office the township website will be updated to advise the public the quanis club of the pasak Valley meets on the second Wednesday of each month if anyone is interested please contact Ralph culi at 516 581 8319 our next scheduled council meeting will be held on Monday January 20th 2025 thank you approval of minutes none individual resolutions resolution number 24- 387 authorized payment of bills December 13 2024 to December 31st 2024 do I have a motion some move second any discussion I a few questions yeah we got respon if you've seen it mrman the response that it's not the response answering the questions on the right column yeah yeah you want to respond to that Mr deparo or I'm prepared to sir yes please do so uh hello everyone happy New Year uh first question from Mr Olman is in regards to purchase order for TK elevator Corporation for $3,325 uh first question is how over budget is the project with this request it is not over budget the proposal and contract between the township and TK elevator was for 126,000 $665 and we are right on target with that what invoices are outstanding there are none has work been completed and do we disect any further invoices the work has been um inspected however we're just waiting for a final inspection from DCA for the elevator itself next one is a purchase order uh regards to TK elevator corporation uh for $188,600 the question is what project ordinance from 22-22 is this 19,000 being pulled from how much of the approved balance remains available for capital projects this was a typo the last three numbers in the capital ordinance account line should have been 234 purchasing department um typed in 224 so the appropriate line was soft costs for ordinance 23- 08 this was caught last week it just wasn't corrected on the Excel spreadsheet uh the next question is a purchase order for vendor name of fire file LLC uh the question is fingerprint and quotes perhaps the name is throwing me off but why would the fire department have this uh that expenses for dispatching and recordkeeping of calls for service for the fire department there is is a component of this where eventually the F the fire department will be able the firemen um will be able to use their finger print to uh sign in for calls rather than a signature on a book so it's not in place yet it's not in place yet but we still use the same company for the dispatch Services uh the next is a question um for a purchase order with the burrow of North Arlington for range rental uh the question is C question on target stands below um we'll skip down to that one uh there's a slow of questions uh for expenses for Amazon capital for $45.49 $79.98 $98 microphone yes $98 $55.97 $129.95 $291 198 $299.99 another one for $299.99 uh and then list a discount and then shipping for 1432 and the question is the range rental is for the space only North Arlington does not provide targets and stands that is correct the rage rental is for space only uh the Township Police Department is responsible for providing their own targets and stands uh let it be known now that the township has an account with Amazon uh the township is saving significant money and thank you to the police department for making the order through Amazon uh we're saving a lot of money with this so the answer to the question is yes North Arlington is just for space rental we have to buy all our uh stuff that goes along with it page two um I'm sorry I think I skipped one short rounds catering uh breakfast for the meeting for the police department should we be encouraging catering from Township businesses why to go to Emerson uh we had a similar question on a previous Bill list if you're M from local purchasing law I can't direct purchases and for preferential treatment just cuz a a vendor would be in the township of course we would like to use Township um but we go to where uh we're getting the best the best uh purchase for tax dollars so we get quotes for these breakfasts it's not necessary we don't need a quote unless there's a purchase over $6,600 so I guess you know we encourage or we go to businesses in Town looking for support for uh various initiatives within the town things like Town day things like the 5K and others um I guess I would just hope that we would reciprocate I don't know how much breakfast on $164 differs between short rounds and one of the vendors across the street but shouldn't we uh in practice want to leverage and use businesses that are in town I mean I think it's a it's not a quid pro quo but it's sort of uh supporting those businesses that support us and that's you know I I don't understand how we can't suggest that they do it and if they don't then we don't process it and I guess they would get the hint so that that's my that's why I raise it thank you uh very much moving on the fresh grer for cheer party food supply sir there was no question attached I don't know if it just snuck its way in there correct uh the next question is for a purchase order uh Advanced electrical contracting at the firehouse what work was performed for the ESB it was electrical work uh in regards to the elevator DCA came out and they did not um provide an approval for the elevator um unless this work was done I I don't remember specifically off the top of my head what the uh what the electric was but it was required by the inspector from DCA uh what invoices are outstanding there is none has been has work been completed and do we expect any further invoices yes the work has been completed there's no that I'm aware of at this time how much remains available on this ordinance for expenses and the answer is $863 N2 36 other question was a purchase order uh related to the recycling Green Team um at Grant Street Green it was a green team lunch hosted by um the Green Team coordinator councilman sheers the question is should we be encouraging kading from Township businesses why go to Dumont we discussed that similar question earlier and then the next uh questions I think the final questions pertain to purchase order um in regards to UI Energy Services uh it's a list of expenses and the question is when did we switch NG providers I imagine that's natural gas and is there any benefit to UI versus psng so in 20 23 the council passed a resolution um entering into a contract with the um company to get a cheaper delivery charge so we entered into a program with the Bergen with Bergen County in order to get a less expensive delivery charge for natural gas so we pay psng for the supply and we pay ug I for the delivery they were not charging us on the bill with PG for the ESB they were only doing it for uh Town Hall so it took them a while to figure that out and this is just catch up otherwise it would have been on the [Music] P just going back to the advanced electrical was was that work that should have been completed as part of the initial bill or is this it was additional work that was requested and required by the inspector from DCA they wanted some signs and posters up on the electrical box I remember that we were able to do that out without cost but then there was some additional electric work that need to be done so you know I know you get tired of these questions uh and you know at times I get tired of asking them but you know this is something that's now going to be capitalized and be paid off off for the next I don't know 20 years um just because there's money available in the capital line I don't know if we should charge every expense to uh I don't know the rationale of you know paying or paying it for the next 20 years versus paying it out of uh current cash so you perhaps as a council we should decide if we want to continue to do that so we can discuss or cancel these ordinances and uh you know take that out of the administrators or the administration's hand if uh with all due respect if you do that I have no problems just please properly fund my account lines for the Emergency Services building and the rest of the account lines that are in the budget because the Emergency Services building maintenance line will significantly underfunded against my request and the line was already over encumbered so I utilized a resource of funds that I had available to moving on I think that's it that concludes uh the questions Council any other questions ladies and gentlemen on the no roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears I recuse myself from voting councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes and council president to sen yes adoption second reading at ordinance number 24-20 an ordinance of the township of Washington County of Bergen state of New Jersey to amend the code of the township of Washington by amending chapter 574 entitled storm water management in compliance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and JD Municipal storm water regulation program and the New Jersey storm water management Rule n colon J colon a colon c col 7.8 resolution number 24- 388 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-20 do I have a motion so move second rall councilman CIO yes councilman Danna yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes counc yes would anybody in the audience like to discuss storm water ordinance I don't think anybody's here for that so seeing no one there's a no motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 24-20 second roll call try it again councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes Council yes council president to Senate yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-20 at second reading by title do I have a motion so second roll call councilman Cel yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president Des sen yes ordinance number 24-21 an ordinance changing the fee for the men's softball program within the Township Recreation programs resolution number 24389 authorize second reading and opening of public hearing to Ordinance 24-21 do I have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council bz yes council president Senate yes would anybody in the audience like to discuss the softball ordinance no motion to close public hearing coordinance 24-21 do I have a motion so move second somebody raise their hand he's a little young for the senior games yet so he's not 35 yet there roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes Council bz yes pres yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-21 at second reading by title do I have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes Council bz yes council president yes motion to adjourn the 2025 to motion to adjournment to the 25 reorganization meeting have a second second all in favor I next meeting of the township Council will be held on January 6 2025 reorganization meeting beginning in 2 minutes thank you sit [Music] there I think the audience is ready okay here we go hello welcome to the scheduled reorganization meeting of January 6 2025 of the township of Washington Township Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers December 18 2024 and this notice has been posted on the Township buer Board and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance at township Council meetings the fire agents are located to the double doors to your right and through the door on your left please silence all cell phones if you are unable to attend the council meeting in person and would like a topic to be addressed at a meeting please send an email to the township of Washington contact all council members at once located on the website www.wp of washington. us under the government tab mayor and Council mid page okay right now we have councilman Cassio here councilman Sears councilman Des here councilman Sears I did you twice here and Council BL here let the record reflect also in attendance as mayor calari Township administrator De Carlo Township attorney Bailey and Township CL CSK Father Ray no father I mean Father Tom Father Tom can we B you now thank you very much uh first of all all I want to say that I did many of these invocations and benedictions over the course of the 22 years and three months that I resided in this town and helped at the church as a newly ordained priest in 1963 I think the last time I did an invocation was when my dear beloved Cousin Bill chetti was uh sworn in as police chief in this community years back we were very close to each other uh first of all uh we are in still in the Christmas season and our tradition uh we celebrate people celebrated the eight days of Hanukkah and uh just so you know that in this community there are two other Christian churches that celebrate Christmas uh on the 8th of January the Eastern Orthodox churches on Bridgewood Road extension marom Maroma which is from India and on pasak road the Coptic Christians which would be from the area of Egypt so we have these two Eastern Orthodox congregations as well so you can celebrate Christmas the the 8th of January if you wish I have another reason for being happy to be with you today today would have been my dear father's birthday Jan January 6th and uh I remember him well had he lived he would have been 121 years old today so but having such a nice group of people here I should have worn my vestments you know and could have put on the complete performance for you but uh just happy to be able to be asked father Ray is at the mayor and council meeting in Westwood a parishioner of Lady good Council Church is a councilman in Westwood he asked me could I cover here or there so I said I prefer to cover here if I can so uh I didn't intend to give a a mini sermon but here we are delighted to be here I'm a part-time now helping out in the church but I do reside in Rivervale so just let us pray Lord God Almighty you have brought us to the beginning of this day to this evening and to the beginning of a new year we ask you in your loving Divine conf your loving and divine being to be present with us in a very special way to bless our mayor council persons administrator and all who have gathered here this evening to govern this community with your help we ask you to send your blessing upon them as they deliberate the needs of this community and have done so well thus far we pray that they will continue to do the same may the Lord bless and keep each and every one of us protect us especially members of our Police Department of the fire department and of the Ambulance Corp keep them all safe and in your love and care which I pray for them as their chaplain as well may the Lord bless and keep all of us cause his face to shine upon us and be good to us the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us and give us his peace and his love and strength and happiness in the New Year in the name of God father son and holy spirit amen thank you very much for your very kind attention [Music] okay at this time of the meeting I would like to ask for nominations and election of the council president I'd like to nominate Mr desna as council president I would second that councilman Cassio yes councilman denum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council yes thank you everyone appreciate the nomination and support [Music] I Michael desna I Michael desna do solemly swear do solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do Sly swear and that I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of council president council president in the township of Washington in the township of Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of Bergen in the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] at this point we ask for a nomination election of the council vice president I'd like to nominate uh councilman Casio second roll call Council cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council W valz yes council president Desa yes thank you Council pres just to make sure you live in the state of New Jersey yes hi stepen CIO hi St CIO do somly swear andir swear and affirm that I will support the Constitution I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of and the constitution of the state of New Jersey New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance I bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do solemly swear and I do Solly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform justly perform all the duties of all the duties of council vice president Council vice president in the township of Washington Township of Washington in the county of Bergen County and the state of New Jersey Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability God congratulations thank you very [Applause] much you be so kind as to sign these for me please sure very much Y and this time I would like to turn the meeting over to council president the thank you the wait is over gang thank you for your patience so we have police promotions uh Sergeant Vincent Santa Corporal Robert lusim uh Ro police officer Steven ryell Jr uh sleo officer one Morgan Sherer SLO officer one Andrew eart SLO officer 2 Justin bash and SLO officer 2 Vin mobano Mr Mayor if you'd like to administer the O um well I would you do your appointments first yeah just to make it official um so nothing happens without paperwork unfortunately um so uh to the council please be advised that having received the recommendation and endorsement for appointment of the following persons from the director of Public Safety I am hereby approving the following persons to the offices and positions set forth below for sergeant Vincent Vincent Santa uh all these effective dates I believe are January 1st 2025 so Vincent Santa for sergeant Corporal Robert lusome police officer Steven ryell Jr special law enforcement officer Class 2 Justin bch I apologize if I'm mispronouncing any names um also special law enforcement officer Class 2 Vincent mobano III special law enforcement officer class one Morgan sheerer and special law enforcement officer slo1 Andrew eart now we can get on with the swearing ins okay you got do double right okay good evening and obviously thank you all for coming uh and I know it's a unpleasant evening outside but but it's a fantastic to see this kind of showing it really is the support for these these officers in the police department especially is is greatly appreciated so thank you thank you very much uh so I'd like to start immediately with thanking the council uh for always you know supporting us you know financially and with personnel and and giving me the opportunity to do these things to come before you to discuss Police Department matters uh you know it's greatly welcomed and again greatly appreciated so thank you very much uh I'd also like to recognize Father Tom who's who's been our longtime chaplain it was great to see you here tonight it was an unexpected pleasure and uh he's he's our chaplain and he's also kind of a personal friend to each and every one of us so thank you for being here Tom uh thank you to the mayor and and our director Jim Giblin uh who's standing at the end of this long line uh again for your support uh you guys trust the department you you allow us to run our promotion process then we discuss it we go over it with them and uh and they they agree with us and they give us tremendous support with regard to that and and they're responsible for a lot of the great things that happen within the agency so uh so with that I'd like to start uh Vincent Santa Sergeant Vincent Santa graduated from the Bergen County College with a degree in criminal justice and began his law enforcement career as a hallworth I'm sorry Hawthorne Police Department auxiliary police officer he went out to Gra graduate from the alternate root program at the Bergen County Police Academy in December of 2010 he then became a police officer at the Washington Township Police Department in May of 2011 and was assigned to the Patrol Division Sergeant Santa was promoted to Corporal in July of 2020 Vinnie fills many critical roles in the department as a Firearms instructor our lead active and shooter active shooter instructor defensive tactics instructor field training officer head of the Department's juvenile division as well as a juvenile liaison officer to the Burgen County proc 's office and he's an operator with the Bergen County rapid deployment team he recently completed a one-year assignment in the detective Bureau then he distinguished himself during the covid-19 crisis when a sergeant was pulled from a regulator to handle Emergency Management functions then he stepped up and assumed primary supervision of his Squad it was immediately obvious how well suited he is to the position as his leadership and organizational skills were showcased during the crisis he will now serve in the Patrol Division as a patrol Sergeant uh there is one story I prise and in respect for those standing uh that I want to share and it's a professional story and I'm sure Vinnie knows exactly what I'm talking about uh early on in Vinnie's career he and I had the opportunity to go on a call together and the call was regarding a uh a military veteran who was having a very tough time and and he asked for help and he did the right thing and he reached out for help but when we got there he was clearly very agitated and Vinnie immediately went right to him he spoke to him he calmed him they sat outside on a deck and I'll never forget the image of my officer kneeling as this person sat and they just talked and Vinnie de-escalated the situation established report immediately showed respect compassion and empathy and and he's done that throughout his entire career but that was the first time I got to experience it with him and those qualities have only grown become greater and he's truly an example of those things I wanted to share that story because I have a lot of new officers here tonight those are the highest Traditions you can live up to okay compassion and empathy and respect never forget those words okay that's just something briefly I wanted to share uh because it was a special moment uh for him and I and and again I was incredibly proud of him and I never ever forgot that that call or that image so uh with that I I Vincent Santa doly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution in the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do solemly swear and I do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of Sergeant of the township of Washington police department and the township of Washington in the township of Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of Bergen in the state of New Jersey in the state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] ag ag [Music] got make it official two copies [Applause] okay next we have Corporal Robert lone Bob began his law enforcement career in October of 2016 at the SX County Sheriff's office after graduating from the police academy in April of 2017 he served at the Essex County Sheriff's office until 2019 when he joined the Union City Police Department in Hudson County as a SLO 2 in early 2020 he transferred to the Washington Township Police Department also as a SLO 2 later that same year he was promoted to police officer Bob's duties include Patrol investigations and information technology he managed our technology resources as a Department's it coordinator and has greatly improved the efficiency of our computer systems in January 2023 Bob was assigned to the buron County prosecutor's office cyber crimes task force where he conducts in-depth cyber crime investigations executes search warrants and teaches Internet safety to students across Bergen County Bob has been involved in several high-profile arrests including the apprehension of a suspect in a motor vehicle case as well as a multi-jurisdictional investigation that identified a juvenile from Virginia who was making swatting calls and bomb threats targeting businesses within Bergen County Bob was recently assigned to the detective Bureau where he will continue to conduct investigations Bob's family hi I Robert lusum do somly swear or affirm do solemly swear or affirm that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will be true faith and I bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do solemly swear that I do solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully imp partially and partially and justly performed and justly performed all the duties of all the duties of Corp other Township of Washington police department in the township of Washington in the township of Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of Bergen in the state of New Jersey in the state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay next we have Steven ryell [Applause] Jr police officer Steven Ral junr graduated from the Westwood Junior Senior High School and afterward went on to earn his Bachelor of Arts and criminology from the State University of New York at courland where he also played Collegiate football his academic and athletic achievements laid a strong foundation for his future career in law enforcement stevenh worked as a supervisor at the Washington Township summer Recreation program for four years he also volunteered his time to various local causes including Cardinals versus cancer Special Olympics New York New Jersey and the Hillsdale Food Pantry in January of 2024 Steven was appointed as a slo2 by the Washington Township Police Department and sent to the Mars County Police Academy there he excelled in his training and earned the prestigious Firearms award for his performance since joining the department Steven has been assigned to the patrol and Traffic Division in his short time with the Department he has had many positive interactions with residents and earn the respect of his colleagues and the community stepen will serve in the Patrol Division where a combination of strong education valuable Community ties and a proven commitment to public service will continue to make him a trusted and valued member of the township Washington Police Department I I Steven Rodell do Solly swear or affirm do Solly swear or affirm that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government's established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do somly swear and that I do somly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of police officer of the township of Washington police department in the township of Washington in the township of Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of Bergen in the state of New Jersey in the state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] before they sit down I would also like to recognize Steven's father Steven ryell senior Steven served with the Washington Township Police Department for 26 years and retired on December 31st of 2024 uh Stephen's career was incredible marked a lot of Great Moments did a lot of terrific things in Washington Township helped an incredible amount of people served as a mentor a friend uh a supervisor a leader in every way shape in every way possible uh he was a fantastic officer and I'm sure his son is gonna just following those those Traditions so thank you Steve i' like to present I'd like to present him with his retirement badge and uh you know may you collect that pension twice as long as it took you to earn it [Applause] okay next we move on to our SLO uh two appointments the SLO tws uh they will be attending the Bergen County Police Academy starting in January which is why they're in suits and not uniforms and so I will not be painting badges on them because I don't want to ruin those nice suits uh so we'll start with Vincent montelano Vincent Montalbano III is a lifelong resident of Washington Township and graduated from the Westwood Junior Senior High School where he wrestled in addition to his academics he still trains consistently in Jiu-Jitsu After High School Vincent began attending Ropo College in pursuit of his degree he's been on the dean list consistently at Ropo and will be graduating with his bachelor's degree this may Vincent has a strong sense of service and commitment to this community he has been a dedicated volunteer with the Washington Township Fire Department since he was 16 years old and has worked parttime for the Washington Township Department of Public Works as a seasonal worker throughout College in both of these capacities Vincent has demonstrated a strong work work ethic as well as high standards Vincent is being appointed to the Leo 2 position and will attend the Bergen County Police Academy basic recruit course Justin Bash Justin B is also being appointed as a sleo to and we attend the B County Police Academy basic recruit course in January Justin grew up in Washington Township and graduated from Westwood Junior Senior High School in high school he wrestled all four years served as wrestling team captain and placed in both the district and County tournaments in wrestling After High School Justin continued to pursue his academics and this winter he obtained his bachelor's degree in Justice studies from Montclair State University throughout College his commitment to Washington Township was evident he coached the Washington Township youth wrestling program for the past four years and was supervisor with the Washington Township summer Recreation program the last four years as well Justice Justin's interest in law enforcement began early on when he attended the Washington Township Police Department's junior Police Academy as a youth we're always proud when we can have uh you know former attendees and a lot of credit go for that program goes to retired Chief Skinner who's here uh he went on to complete his college internship with the pris police department and recently worked for the Saddle River Police Department as an emergency services telecommunicator we're we're proud to have these two coming on board and look forward to see what they can do do and I'm sure they're going to have a great time at the Academy I know I did over 30 years ago congratulations [Applause] guys we're going to swear them both in at the same time so if their families would come up to hold the Bible since there's only one microphone I'm not sure how this is going to work exactly uh so maybe I'll speak loud yes um so if you guys I hope just can both read off this template um I do L swear or affirm to swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that OB true Faith true faith and Allegiance and alance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do Solly swear I doly swear that I will faithful faithfully impartially and justly performed justly perform all the duties of all the duties of special yeah that's fine the township ofon Washington police department in the township of Washington in the township Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of Bergen in the state of New Jersey in the state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] before you for next we have our slo1 officers I'll start with Morgan cherer Morgan cherer was born and raised in Westwood where she lived for the past 21 years she graduated from Westwood High School in 2021 and began attending Bergen Community College a short time after Morgan has been a volunteer fireman with the Westwood fire department for just over five years and a member of the Hillsdale Ambulance courp Morgan has been an emergency services telecommunicator for over three years having worked in Maywood from 2020 to 2023 when she was hired by Washington Township Police Department she's also certified as a police matron from the Washington Township Police Department again Morgan will be attending the slo1 training course at the Bergen County Police Academy starting next week Andrew eer Andrew is a lifelong resident of Oakland New Jersey and graduated from the Indian Hills High School in 2023 he then attended Bergen Community College where he Ender his associate degree and was on the honor rooll there Andrew was hired by the Washington Township Police Department to be a perdm emergency services telecommunicator and started his training this week but before he started his training he interviewed for the sleo position he's always had a passion and for a career in law enforcement and is excited to join the Washington Township Police Department you have someone coming up we have a second [Music] dais back I think tiredly swear or affirm swear orir that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and aliance to the same to the same and to the governments established to the governments establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I do Solly swear and that I Solly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of offic got of the township of Washington Police Department of the town of Wasington Police Department in the township of Washington the town of Washington in the county of Bergen in the county of in the state of New Jersey in the state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability to so to God [Applause] [Applause] congratulations I think that's from the family [Applause] that's okay everyone once again thank you for coming that concludes our promotion and appointment ceremony I'm sure the all these officers [Applause] your support matters to them keep it coming they've all got great careers ahead of them they're going to do fantastic things so welcome to board guys disappear right [Music] d [Music] turn take a minute break hey e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh you want me to shut this shut the door okay you think anyone's watching at home no Mary camari's comments yes thank you good evening everyone we somebody's blocking it he can't even shut it push him out the way can't be sh excuse me might work as well Mr se you might have to go take care of this it's like stuck I think get your fire axe [Music] out thank you sir thank you thank you again um the following message appears in the annual Town calendar that was previously mailed to every household in town but due to a budget cut from the majority of the council to save about a dollar per year per household we are only renting a limited quantity this year and none of them will be mailed please check the website and eboard for availability to pick up your calendar it is an honor and a privilege to be starting my eighth year as your mayor it is a position I never take for Grant granted and generally appr genuinely appreciate the trust you have placed in me 2024 saw continued improvements in town the police department completed their accreditation process in addition to ensuring the department maintains current industry standards and best practices the town also receives a discount on its insurance premium many of our town and local sports teams made their respective playoffs and championships the quality Recreation programs continue their upward trend of participants our summer wreck program is a first class program that provides enjoyment for over 500 children and provides an employment opportunity for many of our local teenagers we unfortunately had a setback in achieving our plans for the former Swim Club property I look forward to getting the remediation done uh as quickly as possible two 5K walks and runs along with the health fairs took place I thank council members seers and bz for putting these and other events together like the veterans Banner program the DPW did their usual excellent job in keeping our facilities in top-notch condition our fire department and ambulance Corps members continue to serve our town residents and neighboring towns I thank them for their participation in our town events please consider joining one of these great organizations I thank the volunteers of WCTV for their amazing coverage of all the Township events for people to watch if they cannot attend them the library continues to offer programs and services that drive their their participation numbers higher than ever most notable was the new special needs program it was a tremendous success members of the planning board continue their work of a full examination of the master plan for the township the administration successfully implemented a new health cover new health insurance plan for the town employ employees that did not alter their coverage but save both the taxpayers and employees a significant amount of money we are awaiting approval from the D to complete the project to stabilize the bank of the map syn Brook where it comes in close contact to sanitary sewer lines I am optimistic the federal funding we applied for will be forthcoming to pay for this portion of the project we recently executed two new shared service agreements with neighboring municipalities I am happy to report that during the last few years ending in 2024 most of the county roads in the township have been paided our relationship with the county has never been better I am proud to oversee these many positive things happening in town for 2025 I look forward to the DPW building getting underway in working with the Department we were able to reduce the footprint of the building thereby lowering the cost after not taking place in 2020 2 4 I hope the funding for a local Road resurfacing program is reinstated by the council the town will undergo a long overdue full reassessment of all properties this year this process equalizes the taxes on all Property Owners based on current property values I hope it also equalizes us with Westwood for our share of the school taxes for years the police department has requested automatic license plate readers to be placed at Key intersection in addition to assisting them in solving crimes in the town the readers also allow for reciprocal sharing of information with other towns finally the DPW needs two garbage trucks to replace two that are necessitating more frequent costly and unexpected repairs the lead time the lead time for delivery is unfortunately measured in years so we need to get them ordered now on behalf of the staff of the township I wish you all a happy healthy and prosperous New Year um that concludes the calendar message now going to my monthly report as part of my monthly report I asked the department heads if there is anything they wanted to add that took place during 2024 so some of the Department's reports are a little longer than usual it was a pleasure to attend many events in December the veterans holiday wath ceremony in paramis our holiday tree and monora lighting C ceremonies and Sergeant Steven rell's retirement and walk out to name a few it is always a pleasure to run into Council memb seers and bz at these events Recreation news the following projects were completed in 2024 the Garder field playground renovation new batting cages at Clark and Sherry Fields the infield rehabilitations of Sherry East West and Miner Fields clarkfield Gardner field and the memorial and soft Memorial softball and baseball fields the 2025 intermural basketball games and instructional basketball program started on Saturday January 4th good luck to all the teams and hopefully have a great season GRE team weat can we turn it off no we just turned it on because te are chattering over here he kill us okay go ahead okay thank you um the 2025 lacrosse program registration will open on Friday January 10th and close on Friday February 14th the 2025 fun with art and fun with cartooning programs spring season registrations will open on Monday January 13th and close on Monday February 24th as always please visit the recreation page on the town website for more registration details about these programs Police Department news The Command Staff completed the hiring processes for two slo2 officers and two s1's officers as evidenced just earlier this evening and the promotional process for a new Corporal I am happy to swear them in this evening which I did the traffic Bureau won the triaa traffic safety award Chief calamary and Captain Bor represented the department at the veterans holiday wath ceremony in paramis the department also celebrated Sergeant Steven rell's retirement and walk out fire department news the department always has a busy December besides responding to the normal fire alarms Co alarms gas leaks they also had a few vehicle crashes one involving a rollover they tended to a brush fire that turned out to be minor Christmas Day the department responded to three calls one being a broken pipe with nobody home um as I said at their uh their ceremony this past weekend to uh swear the officers in uh definitely a great group of people uh who were really dedicated to the town to uh respond to three calls on Christmas day and you know they they don't never complain about it anything like that so kudos to the department the department was also busy selling Christmas trees they also had the privilege and pleasure of driving Santa Claus around the town which by the looks on the children's faces was a huge success the department also attended the town tree and manora lighting events during 2024 the department continue drilling on their equipment for example airbags new nozzles and the boat to name a few the department continues to train and is ready to respond to whatever the call may be they continue to attend and run different townwide events and look forward to doing the same in 2025 DPW news the department completed its leaf collection program for 2024 they had the street swept after leaf collection in anticipation of icy and snowy weather the department has nine Salters and 12 plow trucks at the ready public affairs our annual Tree Lighting Event was held treats and beverages were donated by fresh grer the Ambulance Corp and fire department Inflatables entertainment and pony rides were provided performances were provided by Washington and Jesse F George School choir noteworthy and the Girl Scouts amaroso tree services again donated a live Christmas tree in conjunction with the Chabad of woodcliffe lake and Rabbi Dove the department hosted the Township's manora lighting zoning office there were a total of 15 zoning applications reviewed for the month of December the library and Municipal Alliance asked me to recap for the public what they did with the grants they received in 2024 Sage programming for individuals with neuro diversities 16 music classes were attended by 207 students and caregivers one special concert by Ridgewood Symphony was attended by 22 participants 21 people attended a special holiday party a holiday craft and gift making program had 15 attendees three sessions of police police officer meet and greets were offered for childrens and their caretakers and parents and Guardians two sensory friendly movies were held for all ages child through adult lastly was a special needs night mini golf outing for all ages child through adult all events and programs were limited to residents of the township and students enrolled in the Westwood Regional School District that is a total of 28 events attended by 410 people division of mental health and Addiction Services youth leadership Grant this three-year Grant came to its conclusion at the end of 2024 in 2024 the grant sponsored a series of programs and workshops led by empowered parent they covered the dangers of underage drinking drug use prescription drugs vaping and bullying parent workshops were also offered in the evenings Municipal Alliance this Grant had a great year sponsoring a number of programs and speakers highlights include footprints for Life Washington School all third graders and anti-bullying Workshop save your breath anti- vaping program at the high school 600 students week of respect activities also at the high school 600 students prom drunk driving car and free ation all high school juniors and seniors and lastly safety Township bike safety workshop 20 attendees for ages 5 through seven thank you that completes concludes my monthly report also thank you Sor believe the U mayor pretty much went over everything I just want to wish all our residenc and everyone on the day and all our staff a happy and healthy New Year any uh comments Mr CIO uh yeah sure um first of all thank you for uh fell counsil putting me back in the position of uh said that before but thank you and I do appreciate the uh the support not a lot going on in town the mayor covers everything like usual and I appreciate that makes makes my job a lot easier uh just a couple things that I just want to go over noticing around town uh when we're putting out our rec Ables please don't do it way ahead of time because as you know last time we had a lot of wind and there was boxes and debris all over the place did a very good job picking they did they did a good job but you know they can't go around and pick up all over the place they did a good job so I hope that the uh oh on Mr Sears I like me I'll you stand up well he's stretching I you okay yeah I'm okay it'll pass go ahead thank you council president again I wish all the residents a happy New Year just to cap on 2024 the Green Team uh did an outstanding job we put trees in chevry field clarkfield Gardner field we cleaned up Lincoln Park uh we redid the uh Bridge off of wood field that was um damaged we replac uh two trees in there we continue to um uh seek uh green initiatives within the township um we had the storm water um review done by Montclair State was a great presentation given to the uh the community uh just to go on to the BFW within the township we started a guitar program for veterans we started with three veterans we are now up to 14 and it's it's getting kind of big and I'm just gonna end this right now because we have a lot on the agenda thank you council president this oh man so and true Daisy form mine is a little longer um so first of all happy New Year to everybody um I'm excited to now be starting my fourth year on Council which uh it's hard to believe that three years have already passed but I'm pleased to say that it's been a great three years looking back the town has seen so much needed improvements like the completion of the Emergency Services building um the start and completion of the intersection and upgrades to our fields and more so thank you to the mayor and administrator for seeing all that through successfully I know we are all going to enjoy it in some capacity um I am proud to have introduced the Halloween fund run and the spring to Wellness 5K and healthare with mayor kalamari and councilman Sears last year we happily awarded two $500 scholarships to two graduating high school seniors entering the health field I look forward to doing it again this year so save the date Saturday May 3rd 2025 we will be hosting our third 5K runw walk and healthare again graciously at Bethany um I'm also especially proud of the veter Banner project that councilman Sears and I brought to our community to honor honor our local veterans it's easy to look at these projects and think it's just a bunch of brackets and Banners on a poll but the level of coordination between the county psng the vendors application submissions graphic design and the back and forth um is no easy task councilmen and Sears and I probably walked up and down pasak half a dozen times just making Mak sure we got all our numbers right for the county for psng um but it was absolutely all worth it it really is important to remember and honor those who protected and continue to protect our nation so this is the least that we can do for you and all this work in coordination was made possible because we have a great team especially behind the scenes so thank you to Mayor kalamari Mr Dar Carlo Mrs rata deleski Mrs Heather Henry who is the ultimate computer wiiz your assistance and dedication to our veter veterans in our community is much appreciated and last but not least to all the Departments and their employees thank you thank you for a great year you are the ones that keep the wheels of this town in motion from the fire department to the police department to the ambulance and DPW and all at Town Hall in the library your efforts and love for our town don't go unnoticed and to the council I look forward to serving another year with you we have work to do and projects to bring from Vision to reality so let's get our priorities in order and get the gentleman of the DPW the building they have been so patiently waiting for and the facilities our residents deserve so thank you and cheers to a great 2025 that is all thank you Mr Mr Al thank you council president uh just uh wanted to wish uh the members of the community a happy New Year uh look forward to uh moving forward this year uh with the budget and you know trying to ensure that we can deliver uh quality programs at a reasonable price to our community uh we do try to stay off social media uh and and but recently it was brought to my attention uh a number of complaints about the DPW and the clean up of leaves I think that was addressed uh by the mayor and uh administrator the Carlo and then you roll forward a few weeks and people are complaining that the roads were brinded uh last week uh into the weekend and I guess I just uh you know you can't please everyone DMF I feel does an excellent job uh you know everyone has a misstep now and again but uh you know if the roads weren't brind and we had the weather event today and it was icy we would be hearing about it so uh you know you really can't please everyone uh and I guess you have to take what you see on social media with brain of salt but I do appreciate their efforts as well as uh all the other departments uh and the volunteer organizations that support our towns thank thank you Mr Mayor appointments for directors with advice and consent of council none Council resolutions to consent to directors n mayor appointments with consent of councel Mr Mayor yes thank you again good evening um yeah there's just one that fall into this category um please be advised that I am respectfully submitting the following citizen for the position set forth below subject to your advice and consent a a library board trustee to Cindy mazan and her term will expire December 31st 2029 thank you thank you mayor appointments with no resolution required thank you again um yes so uh in this category we have quite a few uh mayor's alternate to the library board trustee Joanne Greco that term will expire to December 31st 2025 um planning board Class 2 member Vladimir wjo oransky that term expires December 31st 2025 Marty e mean sorry I probably pronounced that wrong uh term expiring December 31st 2028 that's for recreation Advisory Board I'm sorry did I not say that yes okay also Recreation Advisory Board Jim Hansen uh same term expiration December 31st 2028 recycling coordinators Dina tarabia and Daryl esoldi both terms expiring December 31st 2025 Risk Management Consultant vicini representative to vicini insurance term expiring December 31st 2025 Advisory Board of Health Jeremy Levy term expiring December 31st 2028 same for Larry deino Advisory Board of Health expiration date December 31st 2028 Chris Robertson Advisory Board of Health term expiring December 31st 2028 and last but certainly not least officer office of emergency management coordinator seio Fano term expiring December 31st 2027 thank you thank you Council resolutions relating to certain appointments uh resolution of 25-16 appointment of member Library Board of Trustees Cindy maznik do have a motion second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president the Senate yes mayor's announcements 2025 fire department officers yes I think as I said earlier it was a pleasure to swear all these people into their ranks this past weekend um Chief Zachary myos deputy chief Frank aello battalion chief Christopher Campo Captain Chris Meyer first lieutenant Ty ster second Lieutenant Keith Mahoney third Lieutenant Scott Meyer and fourth Lieutenant Tim Meyer um as I said those uh oath were administered already over the weekend thank you yes under Council appointments nomination of Representative to the planning board class three I'd like to nominate Tom Sears oh yes yes I'm sorry I'd like to nominate Mike Alman have an order second oh anybody you have a second on Tom I'm sorry that's fine I'd like to nominate Mike Alman for make motion to nominate Mike Colman have a second I'll second Mr roll call counc Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Olman yes Council one valz no council president uh the sen yes resolution number 25-17 planning board class three Council representative council member Michael Alman do I have a motion oh no nomination I do it again do we have to or I mean you have the resolution there did there Motion in second yes no okay we just we have to administer the oath of office not we do it now or later we do it later we'll do it later okay uh motion to open the meeting to the public do I have a motion everyone else gets there would you like it now I could do all right you do right now it's I have a Bible we all have a Bible in the for wait Michael we wait you sure motion to open the public meeting all in favor I would anybody in the public like to address the council at this time seeing no one motion to close the public meeting sove a I'll second any all in favor I I adoption second reading none introduction first reading ordinance number 25-01 ordinance providing for the Improvement of coolage Avenue in and by the township of Washington and the county of Bergen New Jersey and appropriating $19,050 therefore constituting proceeds on a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 2501 at first reading by title do I have a motion second roll call can I ask a question yes um Mr Carlo I believe you gave an update on this project as well as the larger proposed 2025 Road uh resurfacing at the last meeting yes and not for now because I don't think have the information but it just seemed that the engineering on this program was higher than the engineering expense on the larger resurfacing just do you know how or can you find out how that calculated I'm going to guess that it has to do with probably the Ada in the concrete work that's going to be on coolage as opposed to the other roads um but I haven't gotten their official proposal yet those are just estimates that I read off I could find out more specific but I'm I'm guessing that's probably what it is okay I didn't know if it was a percentage of the contract or it's specific to his actual a line by line for lack of a better term yeah I wouldn't be able to tell you that until I get the proposal which I can certainly share with you but I'm going to guess the difference is because they have to do all the concrete you know work and the inspections and put together the designs and things that all right thank you wel sir thank you roll call um 2501 at first reading by title what look at that sorry counc CIO yes councilman seus yes councilman yes Council yes council president yes resolution number 20 25-10 authorized publication of ordinance number 251 and schedule a public hearing who have a ro Mo second roll call I don't think have yes councilman yes councilman yes Council yes council president sener yes ordinance number 25-2 an ordinance to regulate the parking and storage of boats Boat Trailers commercial vehicles and recreational vehicles and residential districts uh I need to have another conversation okay can we can we just discuss it really quick I'm getting a lot of I'm getting a lot of um calls and feedback from this ordinance I I was going to ask the mayor if the chief could come back to the next meeting regarding the amnesty of uh pre-existing vehicle amnesty that we're providing now because it seems to be causing a lot of headaches for some of our residents and this ordinance also because a lot of residents have big like massive Vans like they're not Vans anymore they're like Sprinter like mini they're like mini box trucks but they look like Vans and they don't don't fall in any of these regulations and you know they're like 10t high but they're a van technically not a a box truck but it's a commercial vehicle so I'm I'm happy to ask him but just he when he looks at the agenda he did not ask for this this is from the planning this no no as I didn't know if you were trying to tie the two together well I am because I'm getting the same complaints on both of them it's it's the the commercial vehicle aspect of this because you know I I guess I I've got a couple calls people have tractor trailers parked in their driveway which I have not witnessed but I've been called to okay uh you I have witnessed them people called me and then they have these massive vans that are parking in their driveway they're not I guess they're they're large utility uh Vehicles they're like Sprint like the Mercedes ben what's that commercial be big yeah they're very big and then a lot of people are saying that because we're granting exemptions to let people Park out they're putting their utility vehicles outside and they get up during the night and they get up and they move and they slam the doors on these vehicles out in front of their house now not in the driveway and it's making a big deal so if we can have the chief come back in to address it and maybe we just talk to him about it and see if there's ways to Ament it and if we can amend this somehow in this ordinance 252 you got so we'll T so we're g to table so motion to table 252 no now I have a question oh I'm sorry thank you appreciate it I pleas you no uh uh well my question isn't um or I don't know to call question uh regarding the boats where did we come up with 18 Fe is that something that's normally in a particular this was a recommendation by Virg's uh office okay um the yeah these these depths lengths and so forth we all Rec defition all of that yes because I'm like we can ask him to come if we could Mr Mayor if we could have sub burges coming to explain 1902 got and the reason why is there are several um boats water vehicles that exceed that length um I know of one right on rge of road that is at least 25 ft in length so what are we going to do with um one boats that people already have that exceed that length two is that just the length of the boat itself does that include uh including length of an outdoor uh and uh outdoor outboard motor and it's um bracket because that can ex that can extend the length even longer by about uh 3 tot 3 to 4T so I want to make sure if someone's got their uh you know c r parked out front right now that he doesn't have to get rid of his boat you know if we're doing exemptions you know for one type of vehicle I want to know if we can do that and you know I wouldn't want someone be penalized for having uh a vehicle over oversized at this point so I don't know how exemptions work but they have to have it registered before certain time um you know I assume it has to be registered at the particular residence that it's at so those those are two questions I have Shan so you can kind of find out from other ordinances how they um you know determine one uh exemptions and two the actual length of the uh water craft but are are those two different ordinances no it's this one it's it's 252 the parking you're referring the parking is different yeah parking is a different ordinance parking is different but there should be no commercial that was not for commercial vehicles but that's what's happening is is now people are putting their vehicles and leave it there and saying if because I guess I I wanted to talk to the chief about this I don't want to go any further on it because somebody he saying is if you if you have an emergency commercial vehicle you're allowed to keep it at home which I don't think our word it's allows but that's what they're saying people that that's what their neighbors are telling them it's like well no they shouldn't be parked on the street to boot yeah well that would make I guess a little sense if it was like let's say Plumbing or heating right and you midnight emergency but I believe that if we talked about it and if they if like a company shows up if you have a water problem you know they will be working at the house that's different no but I'm saying they're saying but a resident shouldn't be parking the commercial vehicle and the police should not give them a um hardship a hardship over that well that's what's happening I believe I I don't want to speak for the chief that's why I I ask the mayor if he could come to talk to us about it yeah I think the other thing is the the ordinance um for boats trailers commercial vehicles I mean that was discussed at length by the planning board before it came here okay those those Dimensions were I think generally you know well thought out trying to account for the overall growth in uh vehicles that people drive I mean you know a uh you know a full cab pickup truck is going to is like 50 feet it seems so you know I think there it was a balance of finding the right spot gotta there were discussions about Sprinter vans and you know roof racks and all these and this was I think you know The Sweet Spot of where people thought okay these these Dimensions were uh certainly can review it uh that's why they refer it to us for discussion I I'll motion to table till we any other questions before we table it I'll table it all right motion to table 252 so move I'll second it all in favor I thank you ordinance number 25-3 an ordinance correcting ordinance 24:15 implementing goals and objectives of the township of Washington 2019 master plan reexamination report motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 2503 at first reading by title do have a motion so move I'll second it rall Council Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes excuse yes council president de yes res number 25-12 authorizing publication of ordinance number 2503 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council yes council president to sen yes consent agenda all of the fin following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent to council will be enacted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member have such item removed from the consent agenda for independent consideration does anyone would anyone like any of the resolutions removed before we do it ously I just have a question sure what's your question Mr De Carlo in the got motion what's up I just have a general question for few of them it's not I don't want to pull non specific yeah n for all the the resolutions for purchasing what exactly are we buying or selling all these uh purchasing agreements coops for the co-ops co-ops yes yes those are in case we want to use them there's nothing planned right now if you remember when he came in he was asked a question I believe and he responded that we should renew the utilization of these co-ops at every year should just a formality yeah I know there was no but I just wonder what have have we purchased stuff in the past yeah we may use all of them we may use none of them we're going to use some of them okay me thank you so uh 25- 132 Mrs uh Bailey has asked that to come off so 25132 will be tabled she needs to do more work on that correct m m that's correct and what was the other one that was it can I ask for 116 you'd like 116 removed okay any others ladies and gentlemen just6 is being removed okay all right and we'll start resolution number 2513 establish the 2025 temporary budget appropriation resolution number 25114 designating official newspapers for 2025 resolution number 2515 authorized canceling small balances resolution number 25-17 authorized fixing rate of interest for delate taxes resolution number 25-18 can can I ask I I I know I should have I I want to I want to I want to do 117 also I'd like to take it off and discuss it sorry G resolution number 25118 authorize the tax collector to prepare and issue estimated tax bills for the third quarter of 2025 resolution number 25119 authorize a tax collector to organ and participate in an electronic tax sale in 2025 resolution number 25120 confirmation of change funds resolution number 25-21 authorize inter local service agreement for Police Department Mutual Aid and Rapid deployment Force resolution number 2-122 support the Bergen County Fire Mutual Aid plan resolution number 25123 affirmation of civil rights policy resolution number 25124 designation of public agency compliance off officer PCO resolution number 25125 authorized Tage Grant applications and designating a recycling coordinators for set application resolution number 25-26 authorize the township administrator to administer all applicant applications vouchers and documentations relative to Bergen County Community Development block grants submitted in year 2025 resolution number 25127 acknowledge certification of compliance with the US equal opportunities commission enforcement guidance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 resolution number 25128 authorize the local police department to participate in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement Support Office 1033 program resolution number 25129 adoption of form required to be used for the filing of notices of Tor claims against the township of Washington in accordance with provisions of the New Jersey Tor claims act njsa 59-8 D6 resolu number 25130 authorize refund of tax sales certificate and premium block 3601 Lot 2 in the amount of not exceed $ 35,2 786 resolution number 131 authorization authorize execution of St service agreement Municipal Court with Saddle River resolution number 25133 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchase agreement with the New Jersey state contract New Jersey starts resolution number 25134 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with the sourcewell national contracts resolution number 25135 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with the county of Bergen purchasing division registered Cooperative sourcewell National contracts resolution number 25136 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with National Association of State procurement officials Cooperative purchasing organization NASPA resolution number 25137 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with educational services communication of New Jersey ESC andj resolution number 25138 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchase agreement with hunterton County Educational Services Commission resolution number 25139 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with Cranford Police Department excuse me Cranford police Cooperative pricing system resolution number 25-140 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement the Houston Galveston area Council Cooperative purchasing program resolution number 25141 authorized to enter into Cooperative purchase agreement with the inter local purchasing system tips resolution number 25-42 authorized to enter into Cooperative purchase agreement with Omnia Partners resolution number 25143 authorized to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with General Services Administration GSA and we have to take 144 off because we have to appoint uh we had one applicant for Mr L Mr Lada who's on the uh so we'll do him separately please after we do discussion so we'll remove 116 117 and 144 everybody okay with that motion to approve the consent agend the resolutions so move second all in favor I I resolution number 20 25-16 just designating cash management plan do I have a motion some second discuss yeah just one thing I know um Mr Dar Carlo and Mr Carin have been uh have looked at the uh interest rates that we've received uh and you know have made a significant change for the positive in interest income to the town and I was just wondering did we go out uh this uh for this year um on rates to see if there's anything better out there as far as the yes no we no we have not okay is that something going forward we could do I mean forgive my ignorance on the matter you know I'd have to discuss it further with the finance department and the mayor you know I don't answer is probably we could but we have a very good you know working relationship with Valley um nothing appears to need changing but you know like I said I can discuss with the mayor and our finance department okay I mean it's just uh interest rates you know are volatile um and rates we may have been receiving last year if we can Avail ourselves of a higher uh rate of return if it's money in our pocket so understanding that there are other factors that are you know other factors in the decision but uh you know I think that's something worth looking into thank you you're [Applause] well roll call all in favor I I I I resolution number 25-17 authorize fixing rate of interest for Del taxes um do I have a motion someone second discussion um I I ask for it to is there is this the maximum we can charge Mr darlo or is there a way to charge higher than 18% um I'm sorry sir I do not know the answer to that I didn't have uh any input or you know interaction with creating this resolution so I'm not sure that answer I can certainly find out I believe from prior years that that is a state number I it's a statutory number yeah we can't make it higher I think it said by Statute yeah I'm pretty us well I I'm all for like get like higher than 18% yeah you like City Bank yeah I want to make 29.9 it's like a payday loan all right if it's if it's statutory then we'll have to leave it all right all in favor so resolution number 25-44 appointment of um we had one application for the uh zoning board Mr LR submitted his paperwork um so I'd like to make a motion to make him a full member of the zoning board so um do I have a second on that I'll second any discussion I've served with Mr LR on the zoning board he was my vice chairman and he does an acceptional job he's very thorough be a shamed to lose him since we have other people that we need to fill so thank M jobs right yeah any other discussion all in favor I I thank you everyone um motion to go to close motion to adjourn the meeting Mr President yes can I suspend the rules and continue my report just for just for this that's what you get for playing um tag with uh kindergar um and I apologize to the public but um just a couple things I'm getting a couple complaints about um our post office that things are not being delivered on time so um if you have a complaint please call me and I'll get in contact with the postal customer uh service representatives for the township of Washington Post Office uh the other thing has to do with garbage please make sure that your garbage is put in a container with a lid on it there's been a lot of free uh spread around town because of you know Vermin so if you can do that does our or state that be in a can uh I don't know to be honest with it I would assume to be I assume people are putting just bags out so it it does become yeah I think it does I'm pretty sure when we went from the purple bags or blue bags whatever it was I think that's going change all right because a lot of people are just putting like the kitchen bags out on the street and the animals get into it get into it and becomes a nuisance and the last thing is um pet FAL material I you know I walk my dog a lot and I see a lot of stuff on the ground that shouldn't be there you know snow snow and leaves does cover it but eventually it Bears its ugly head so I would urge people that have a pet please C uh clean up after it and that's really my report for the even thank you motion to uh go into close session second we will not be coming at a close session we resolution number 25 -45 450 pasac Road and property Acquisitions thank you everyone all in favor to go into close session so move so move