##VIDEO ID:Lupellv0BfQ## [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh welcome to the regularly scheduled public meeting of August 12 2024 of the Township of Washington Township C Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers in January and this meeting has been posted on the township Bolton board electronic Message Board WCTV and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance at Council meetings the fire out excuse me I'm not sure we're if he recording I'm sorry Start Over mik technical difficulties I don't see a picture so I just want to make sure he's not up and running here and I even put my glasses [Music] on I'll be good it's all right it's zoom's fault no we're not we're not zooming that's I know we're not zooming that's why it's got the the fake flower up there I just want to make sure he's recording out so nobody gets upset it says waiting for the host to start the webinar it's buffering [Music] recording in progress all right okay please notify the municipal Kirk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance and Council meetings the fire exits are located through the double doors on to your right and through the double door on your left please silence all cell phones if you are unable to attend the council meeting in person I would like a topic to be addressed at a council meeting please send email to the township of Washington contact all coun members at once TWP of washington. us can everyone please stand for a salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call councilman Casio here councilman Sears here councilman Omen here Council woman valz council president to sener Here let the record reflect also in attendance mayor Peter Kari Township administrator Mark De Carlo Township attorney Siobhan Bailey and Township Clerk wowski I got it right Mr Po for all these years I got Welcome to our new Welcome to our new attorney thank you okay payment of bills resolution number 24- 293 authorized payment of bills July 8 2024 to August 7 2024 do I have a motion so move second discussion yeah I um earlier this morning sent some questions to the administrator and I was just wondering if you had uh the ability to uh review them yes and will you go going to provide a response respond to your questions at the council meeting if You' like me to follow up with the written response that's fine no I mean however you want to do it did you want me to go down your list of questions sure okay you're going to respond to Mr Al questions Mr that's what he's requesting so yes that's fine uh Mr om man had a question regarding the payment to M Chevrolet for Ango M Chevrolet does shell sell Dodge Durangos and it was cheaper in price Mr dalala just very quickly on that I I I have a I have a posted here to talk to you about it have we heard we just did some uh I know you did your due diligence on making the purchase but there was an article published that the entire Indiana State Police of Dodge Durango is now on the sidelines because of engine troubles so if we just maybe talk to Chevy dealer and make sure that that's not we're having in Jersey but there's an or if you look up Indiana State Police Dodge Durango they have like like 500 of them sitting in parking lots cuz the engines are all bad on not being that we're going to get a bad one but after our truck we had for two years in in shop i' rather you know yeah no I hear you I hear you uh the next question was regarding a payment made to Boswell engineering for the commuter lot the question was what bills are still standing on ASB commuter lot was last component and has been finished for a few months this was an engineering fee there was a proposal that was on the table I believe it was for $36,000 so these are just uh bills that are coming in from the engineering Service as far as I'm aware there's there's no open bills uh left for that project that I'm aware of do you know how much is left in that ordinance I don't but I can get you that number you know I don't like to throw the numbers out I have a get an estimate in my head but I can get it to you it's only because uh at the budget meetings we had discussed that there might be some monies left over uh and we had asked if we could possibly look at a environmental type control for the building similar to what Mr uh councilman had uh proposed and uh that was removed from the uh the initial build out so if there's enough money for that you I I will get you to balance but just you know this this isn't this was already encumbered funds for this bill so it wasn't it wouldn't be taken away from the balance when I told you to say it's two months ago okay uh the next question was for the delage landing Financial Services it's the company that provides water cooler for the police department uh the question was has the township considered a water fountain bottle filler with water filtration LK model number is a model used um that Mr bman is familiar with and was well received uh from his place of business um we receive three water coolers for this price times three so essentially there's one for DPW there's one up in the kitchen uh for town hall and then there's one in police with their limited space uh they have a little bit of a special one that um is placed up on their um counter in their kitchen area so I didn't uh personally did but hopefully maybe if the renovations are approved for the police department we can situate one of those um those devices in the price that's included is to maintain the filtration and change the filter every so often uh the next question was on well and and IES uh service call for HVAC maintenance and repairs does the township maintain a maintenance contract on these units we do we have a wh and I service contract for the units at the ESB building and the ones here at Town Hall uh you'll see that $90 charge if we didn't have one I think the fee is $110 so on top of servicing it several times during the year I think twice not several twice during the year um we get a reduced rate for callouts okay uh the advanced electrical contracting was for electrical work at the ESB building uh the question was what work was performed um unfortunately a storm took down I always get the name right but it's one of those little cells on you know that that indicates to the lights when the sun's out and when it's not so it turns on the lights so it was under the threshold for deductible which is $2,500 so it was on us to make the repair unfortunately the storm took it down uh impact fire Services um several charges that was for our maintenance of the system so we could comply with our yearly fire inspection the question was what was the work performed is this a fire smoke alarms and suppression throughout the building essentially yes um but it had to do with our yearly inspection for the fire um the fire inspection understood uh the ambulance forp Washington Township received their third quarter um contribution uh Mr alman's Question in light of the agenda item should this be tabled I say no only because our contribution uh was approved by the budget and it really has nothing to do with the the shared service um what do I want to call it not investigation but the Ser the stud the study that we're doing so do we have a timeline of when that study might commence or when we're looking to move that out um it hasn't commenced yet as you know it's on the agenda for this evening for approval I'm I hope uh um Hillsdale is the lead agency will start on it in September uh but you know two three four month mons this is not something we can rush through as a public safety thing but happy that you know we're starting okay thank you uh the next were charges uh for main from Main loock uh and we charge to library Renovations the question as was rationale to charge Capital versus current account as you know there's no current account uh for the library we give their donation um not Their donation their contribution uh to them so there's no U maintenance lines for them other than the town hall maintenance line and weuse every bit of that so it wasn't appropriate charge to use under the library Renovations ordinance 20-1 the work that was performed was an emergency exit was converted to an emergency exit and staff entrance only so it has a life expectancy of well over well past three years which would be needed for an expense to a capital line do they have they don't maintain any expenses locally budgets no they do it all through their contribution you know she has a Miss rien has a budget based on the amount that's contributed that she has account lines for but um as you can imagine every cent is accounted for from what they get okay I mean the the reason I asked is it it just seems um I don't want to say wasteful but you know to capitalize a repair we're going to be paying for 20 years assuming this is going to be uh you know recapitalized and bonded and it just seems a waste to pay for you know $1,000 lock for the next 20 years so all right should should we consider giving them a current account line for repairs so it doesn't all have to be pushed through capital I wouldn't be inclined for the few times it happens but that's Council decision okay uh the next question was essentially the the probably about six question six are I'll just categorize them all is a reimbursement made directly to an employee the question was shouldn't the invoice be paid by the township I was under impression we are not reimbursing direct employees I.E bul payment to an individual for basketball refs um reimbursing is an appropriate uh charge it most of the time has a benefit to the township that the employees incurring with their own credit card a lot of times we can't do business with either a small vendor uh actually a bigger vendor would be New Jersey DMV so when you go to register or title a vehicle they do not accept the purchase order so our employee you know from the graciousness of themselves pays for it up front then seeks reimbursement so all of these that are on here is an appropriate reimbursement uh the next question was why is the township paying for spouse fees this should be the responsibility employee I do not believe the township should be paying for any expenses related to the spouse uh there was several um combination of council member spouse and employee spouses um the township was going to pay $10 for them to a company uh either a council member or the employee down to the Atlantic City C Leal of municipalities conference in November um ultimately this is a decision that the council will either approve or not I can tell you that last year the council did approve this expense on the bill list last year it was a combination of council members and employees again um where this $10 was paid by the township for their spouse to accompany them while they attend the conference for two or three days the next uh question was for the difference card e monthly fee I wasn't sure what XYZ I didn't I didn't get the question in so I can answer if you want to know what it is if you remember we have to pay a monthly fee that for every member to have the difference card so again don't pull me to the numbers but it's just for example I think it's like $53 and change per employee times 35 nood I was going to extend the question about um how much use or how many claims have been paid out at this point we had talked about having an account set up so we could monitor uh claims against the card yes I do not know that number off top of my head i' certainly get it so okay thank you and that concludes the questions from Mr Olman the council president thank you Mr anything else on payment of bills resolution 24293 no roll call Council massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz council president s yes PSA for August 12th 2024 psng is replacing ex existing electric and gas meters with new smart meters throughout the town as required by the BPU please be sure to respond to any letters requesting me a replacement if you do not apply your service is in Jeopardy of being shut off please visit our website for further information road work began on Calvin Street on Tuesday August 6 2024 the contractor will start with curb work and reconstruction of ADA ramps and crosswalks the road will be accessible during this part of the construction police will be onsite directing traffic Milling of Paving dates will be determined and residents will be notified when the work starts the township of Washington is launching its second round of our Hometown Heroes Banner program as a living tribute for our community to honor past and present members of the Armed Forces please visit our website for further information residents may now apply for a spot in our new Resident only commuter parking lot at the emergency services building please visit our website or contact the clerk's office at 21664 4425 for further information owners of rental properties must complete and file a landlord identity registration form with the Township Clerk please visit our website for further information or call the clerk's office office at 2011 664 4425 food trucks and tents for private events must be inspected by our fire prevention official please visit the website for the application and to schedule an inspection white goods also known as household appliances curbside pickup requests can now be made online please visit our website for more details residents are encouraged to sign up for nixel to be instantly informed of all Community Information you choose the information you want for the addresses you want all delivered at no cost via text message email Andor website please visit our website for sign up information the Kanas Club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time the Kanas Club of the pasak valley formed for the township and Westwood meet on the second Wednesday of each month 6:30 p.m. at the Westwood Community Center if anyone would like more information please contact Paul Ralph cardui at 5 56581 8319 or pasak Valley kaanas gmail.com excuse me Mike yes can you just can we go back to that prior slide can we just get confirmation because what you updated is different from what's on the slide meet on the 1 and third Thursday and I think you said the second Tuesday it says it meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 yes so something oh well that was okay we'll double check thank you sure sorry I'm being tele prompted by my PSA announcement on this purple form so no no I completely understand it's just I am not a I am not a robot I'm just reading what what's CAU caught my eye thank you thank you just caught my eye thank you Township offices will be closed Monday September 2nd in observance of Labor Day our next council meeting will be held on Monday September 9th thank you I would like to make a motion to suspend the order of our meeting and proceed with the presentations will somebody second second thank you I all in favor I I thank you thank you our first presentation will be to attorney Kent G paer for 42 years of service from the mayor and councel Mr Mayor yeah would you like the microphone I would yes careful well we were going to get him a set of golf clubs but we didn't have we didn't have the money in the Box hello hello hello hello hello there you go you're welcome I like the members of council to also join me down here this is a once in a lifetime things 10 minut come on up not coming back around too come on yeah we went all out so Ken after 42 years what to say um I'm I'm very speechless at this moment yeah I mean I I enjoyed being mayor uh you know for seven of your 42 years uh was an honor and privilege to work with you uh I'm sure there's a lot of lawsuits and things that you kept the town out of that most of us here aren't even aware of uh goes back that far uh but you know I'll miss your trusted advice and you know our phone calls and like that mayor yes can we shift you a little bit so you're on TV you're like way in the corner sure yes I'm just noticing that okay everybody wants to see you so with that being said uh yeah can I read you this uh yeah Township of Washington presented to Kenneth G parer Township attorney Department of Law in appreciation for your 42 years of outstanding service January 1st 1982 through July 15 2024 best wishes for your retirement [Applause] I'm also thrilled that state senator shapy is here with a proclamation for you also so probably if you wouldn't mind coming up thanks so much for coming may have to borrow your ey glasses soers right Myers are right there all they um but real briefly um on behalf of the state of New Jersey as well as a fellow attorney um the only thing more difficult than being in public office is being the attorney for those in public office and it's a real Testament to you to for 42 years in one Community a whole Myriad of personalities and doing it because you loved the community and I am here tonight um I'm really excited at your replacement as well my former law partner sioban who will be a great addition and I won't read all of this but I just want to say an illustrious graduate of Rucker law school Kenneth G PA is demonstr ated an uncommon measure of commitment to his fellow citizens since assuming the enormously consequential role of Municipal attorney in 1982 a post that's afforded him the opportunity to share his considerable legal exp expertise with four different administrations and numerous councils test with preparing multitudes of ordinances resolutions opinions contracts agreements memos Kenneth PA is deeply appreciative for a body of work that helped Define the township touch the lives of countless individuals living and thriving throughout the pasak valley and it's all together fitting and right for the members of this legislature to pause in our deliberations to recognize Kenneth poer as a man of exceptional character boundless determination we thank you for your service and thank you on behalf of myself assembly man off and theem the N [Applause] Ready I can't believe today is today um this working okay yeah uh so actually I lived in Washington Township when I actually became the municipal attorney uh back in 1982 and I actually was a young man I was my mid-30s uh which is a long time but during this time I've worked for and with a lot of exceptional people over the years some are not with us any longer but they were fabulous people and the people who who were on the day it's always a very difficult job uh it's somewhat thankless uh there's a lot of work that's involved a lot of responsibility and it's been a an honor and a privilege to serve them for for all these years I also feel good that my replacement is more than adequate to fill my shoes whatever they are and she'll do a great job I'm sure and I do appreciate uh tonight's recognition uh for for the service that uh that I've been here for so thank you so [Applause] [Music] much I hope she just [Laughter] thank you so much thank you everyone uh next on our presentation the 2024 mayor Wellness campaign Mrs Beck Meer I guess Mr Kari mayor Kari will assist you in this presentation yes thank you again good evening Mrs beckmar good evening everyone is this on yes hi I'm Judy beckme I'm also the director of uh the Board of Health here in town and I'm here with my colleague Jeremy Levy who's going to be helping uh just just to explain a little bit about what's going on with the mayor's Wellness campaign so um I was kind of Blindsided because Kate BBA or B was supposed to be here and uh she is part of the New Jersey Healthcare quality Institute who runs the mayor's Wellness campaign uh we're very very excited uh for this initiative to happen um and may Mari will explain a little bit about how uh mayor sakowitz um was the first one to initiate this and now uh we through upheaval we we're starting again and we're very very excited because you know um it's just not about um obesity anymore uh the when this was first initiated um a lot had to do with Health and Fitness and Nutrition for children and so on but now um I have the honor and my and my board has the honor to to really um Infuse a lot of mental health um into this as we know it's it's it's a pressing issue these days so what we did um is with the proclamation that was given to us uh we kind of vamped it and put more about what's best for the community and um my um my subcommittee uh came up with uh goals and objectives about not just Wellness but um and physical uh goals and OB I but more emotional social and um and how it impacts our our community in general so that's you know we're just here to kick it off uh mayor Kari is here to read the proclamation um we're going to infuse a lot of these goals and objectives and and initiatives in town day on uh 105 and we're very very excited about it and really very excited about it so that's about it thank you Mr thank you Judy um yeah I mean Judy outlined it very well I just want to say that um as she said Janet started this under her term as mayor and when I took over the one thing she asked me was could she continue it uh because it was near and dear to her heart and uh of course I I said yes to that and uh but we want to make it now something uh bigger again as Judy said it's more of a mental and emotional support system Than Physical they're all important but uh I think we need to pay more attention to the mental and uh ethical sorry emotional part of it um and so I couldn't ask for a better team of Judy and Jeremy and all the other people on the health Advisory Board who will you know help to uh you know make sure that this initiative is very successful to the community uh so with that said uh there's a proclamation that I would like to take a moment to read whereas across New Jersey the conditions in which we live work and age in combination with Wellness particularly physical emotional and social needs impact our health and whereas the New Jersey Healthcare quality institute's mayor Wellness campaign in partnership with the New Jersey League of municipalities recognizes that the Mayors and other local leaders can be effective champions of Community Health and Wellness and whereas the goal of the mayor's Wellness campaign is to improve the health and wellness of New Jersey communities and whereas the mayor's Wellness campaign provides communities with technical assistance evidence-based resources and other support to implement Community Health and Wellness Improvement initiatives and whereas the township of Washington cares deeply about all of its residents and the future health and wellness of its community members and whereas the mayor's Wellness campaign will work to implement a comprehensive program to create and sustain local activities to improve Wellness in the township of Washington and now therefore be it olve that I mayor calamary ask that all residents of this community join me in supporting and actively engaging in our locals mayor's Wellness campaign and be it further resolved that I encourage the residents of the township of Washington to participate in the mayor's Wellness campaign activities as we work toward living living healthier lives together and improving the health and wellness of our community thank you thank you Mr Mayor thank you anything else got you took the Pledge yes I took the pl yeah okay great thank you thank you everyone uh next on our presentations is DPW building police department and ambulance building Mr iino is here um Mr Mar do you have a full presentation or are we here just for questions no it's really you know to recap all the documents that Anthony has sent since the last council meeting uh and see if if you have any questions for him because again uh I think we can all agree that at least the DPW part um you know needs to get moving at this point we've exhausted all the options uh different locations there just aren't any so uh you know to the extent I'd like to concentrate on that tonight but uh you know obviously if you have any other questions while he's here to the extent he's prepared to answer them I'm sure he will so AB okay thank you may so uh this the status of the DPW project um Mr could you just get your name for the record please uh sure it's Anthony iovino iov IO thank you the um we were initially engaged January of 2023 and we paused on this project in April of 23 so with the restart we should be able to uh have the project ready for going out for public bid um sometime November December of this year um that would mean that we go out there we'll probably span the holidays and get bids back in January and then that would make this a springtime project to break ground which is a good time for projects so you'll be out ahead of school projects and things like that one of the questions I was asked by the mayor um was a discussion of the sequence right we know we have three projects somewhat tied together right it's it's to renovate expand the police department council chambers needs to move and we've been looking at at at your request Reviving the ambulance building into council chambers excuse me um the question was whether or not the DPW and the ambulance building the question I received was whether they could be fit out together and my immediate response was it's not prudent to do that I know I sent a letter dated uh July 31st 24 that explained that essentially what happens in public bid is a bidder will give a price today for the bid opening and they can't adjust that price if cost of wood goes up if the cost of Steel goes up vice versa if those things come down you don't see the savings with the tendency through the pandemic and beyond for prices to continue to go up biders will automatically assume increases so since the ambulance building I think couldn't be reconstructed if you will the same time as the DPW since they're right next to each other and we need room for staging and to put other DPW equipment in the park um I think they need to be sequential so I outlined in that letter the time to do the documents the time for public bidding and the time for construction for all three of those projects so I had also updated uh over the past month or so well collected if you will because there's been a lot of information back and forth a very very preliminary idea of cost for the renovation of the ambulance building I will say I I don't know enough about that building to say definitively I think it's this so I gave a fairly wide range I think it was um 575 to 750 for that renovation and it we we here in this room need back and forth on the design of that we really haven't had the benefit of that yet so if you need a placeholder for budgets that ballpark I think is okay but we really need more we collectively need more information the uh police department renovation once this room we're in is vacated and expanded and you know and expansion in in the alleyway if you will for the sallyport that too is so many St ahead of us I'm very hesitant to give any kind of pricing on it right now and we do need more information on the site of what's happening between this building and our property line in terms of drainage utilities Etc that might come through that small area so there there's absolutely we need to do more investigation when the time is right in that sequence so that's where we stand right now and so so Mr I know see you're reading through you're saying step one is to build a new new DPW facility that's correct leaving ambulance cor Police Department as it is and that's an 18 to 24mth timeline from today all in right yes so in two years we would start then the ambulance core renovation which is probably a 9-month project yes and I did note that depending on the activity around the new DPW as it comes up out of ground you could decide to go out the bid a little earlier and have some overlap if you realize that you have the space but right now we're looking at 2 and A2 years from today for DPW to be complete ambulance Court starting in 20 let's say January 2027 no 2026 excuse me 2026 you're right I have it just before that but goes into 26 middle of 26 and then in the in September October of 2026 we could bid the police department Renovations take bids in of 27 correct I think we can complete by February 27 so I'm a little earlier than that okay um but trying to be optimistic about it okay but it still stretches out force majour and everything that's going on in our construction world I I I agree with you I've been optimistic but having uh paid $1 million in escalation Force Major's clause on my project I'm currently working on um it's it's the world we live in and it's it's amazing when you can't get cement to make concrete in the United States where we've become a third world country because of force majour and not being able to get supplies from other countries that are holding this hostage so it's a tough it's a tough time frame and I think you're you're there I'm not disagreeing but I'd add a little bit more time to it right I I think the bottom line is that it's fluid right I think we have these three major steps and we have to see how the first step is going to decide on two but I think it's important to have the documents ready so that you can make that decision and I'm not saying in here to do all of them right now I don't think that makes sense because the building codes change your needs are going to change um you know it should be as contemporary as possible thank you yeah so if I if I would ask I know Miss valz isn't here tonight but if we could finalize all our you know our our wants or not wants at the DPW for the September meeting right so we could final you know make a make a decision on this day as to say Mr Mayor please proceed with the final documents on the DPW building is everybody okay with that so we'll go yay or nay next meeting that we would give the mayor and the administration the authorization to say yes proceed in this manner if I could we we've been you know we worked on this for months yeah so you're there but but you know like I'm still I'm still reluctant in building a Mason re building out there like it's just it's just too much money to add it's I know it sounds like it's it's not a lot but 750,000 here another 500 it starts to add up very quickly and um it's just you know I I like to see some things added and some things taken out like kind of I I could email to uh to Mark the most current plans from April of last year the the floor PL Mr Mayor is that okay if if Mr iino shares that with Mr Dar Carlo if we can share with the council so we can make a determination for the next council meeting move forward it I don't know if it's in this packet it was in the last one for sure um but is that the latest or we don't know if no that is the latest okay so everybody has the latest in their in their in their July packet that we have and I would ask if you respectively have any questions for you know yeah get them to us so we can get them answered uh before the next meeting is that okay with everybody on the day yes yeah Mr I'm not I'm not ending the I just want to I want to put it out there so we have the packet from the July meeting if everybody could review it get Mr uh Dar Carlo questions for Mr iino for the next meeting so we can have him answered for the next meeting um and I guess depending on the depth and breadth of those questions Mr Mayor we may need Mr Rino here or they may be questions that Mr darara or yourself can answer but I I don't know the magnitude of those questions at this point right so I mean if they're that extensive we may have to have Mr iino back okay which I know he likes to see us so so just in the last month's package and I may have shuffled them in the chaos at the end of the meeting there is the most upto-date uh police and um's ambulance ambulance but there's no plan for the I can how about I send them out again know be the pl DPW just DPW at this time since the timelines now have been adjusted that we can't do them concurrently we have to do them you know one after another um if we can get the DPW get your questions to Mr Dar Carlo as soon as possible and hopefully we'll have a resolution at the next council meeting and I I I I kind of cheated and read your response already Mr Dar car yeah I was going to say why is Mr Rino here because we don't know what the costs are going to be but I know you you have costs coming in your report so so can I ask a question um the your excuse me your memo dated May 23 DPW garage and sight Improvement preliminary opin opinion of probable construction value it's the uh the 5.2 million memo yeah yes so my only question is has uh the Township's engineer done this uh prepared the site work estimate I know you have an allowance but last year not last year for the Emergency Services building which I understand is a much larger property and there was more involved but the construction of the building I think ended up like five 5.2 or 5.3 correct but we've spent close to seven so again we put a commuter lot in there was other site work but it just seems that 300 seems low based on that uh so that would be my only ask if you mind if I answer yeah we started off this project with BOS engineer we didn't lose any time and money on can you just speak up because they did the topograph the topographical boundary survey but in my uh in my update that was supposed to be before he spoke I had talked about some of this stuff so we did meet we got uh Mr Beck Meer up to speed very quickly so he was kind of brought in when we met two or three weeks ago to get up to speed and to ask for a more accurate as estimate of what the site plans are going to be so unfortunately he's still working on it what we're trying to figure out is how we put a salt Dome on the property as well if we can uh which is which is an important component so it's taking them a little longer to kind of give us that number so you know in a roundabout way you know doesn't provide the answer you're looking for but we're working towards um that engineering site site number to include his engineering fee and what he thinks the site improvements Mr D Carlo what detriment have we had using the county salt other than the loss of 15 minutes to drive down the road to pick up the Sal I mean what detriment is it to so when when talking to like we had this conversation with Mr laer to it and and Mr beckme as you know if it doesn't fit here where and what else can we do um and a lot of times we're beholding to other towns or you know I'm just going to summarize it by that when they're run out when their supply is when they're open when they're closed you would think if it's the same snowstorm they're they're most likely open um we get our salt from a combination of the county and a private company I forget the name of it so for every every storm we get a certain amount of tonnage from the county because we do the county roads so you know I don't remember off the top of my head all the uh the negatives that would be with that but obviously the best scenario would be to have the S I understand we also like a 50 Acre Site put all the on and then Mr IV won be designing in a shoe box but we don't have that ability yeah yeah I mean we've asked Mr beckme to look but the answer may come back there just is no place yeah yeah okay and just one last question man I don't know if it's from this you know is uh this number does this include the uh is it section 20 costs is does this include all of the engineering and it does not it includes his um we have a proposal that the council pass a resolution early 23 so the proposal for the architecture which is in my report is 195,000 we're down to a balance of I'm going to round it off to I think 153 154 so it includes all the architectural fees to get us through even the inspection of the construction I let you talk more but it does not include the engineering well there the site engineer so the fee for my team includes mechanical electrical Plumbing fire spring CL structural do you have observation services including till you occupy yeah so we're we're in there uh regular meetings Etc um a lot of records and and fingers crossed a good contractor after our public bid and we'll be good to go all right so Mr Alman to answer your question is that does not include all the soft costs which are calling some section number I forget anything else for Mr IO tonight gentlemen T thank you have a good night uh next on our presentations we have the proposed planning board ordinances uh Mr Sabino the chairman of the planning board is here with Mr lien from Burgess um I had I know Mr you know we've been going back and forth but I just wanted to give the courcy to our new Township attorney to make sure she was up to speed on everything cuz kind of her first day on the job we threw it at a wolves with all these ordinances I wanted to make but she's all set and ready to go thank you Mr Mayor for yeah course having that done but uh we wanted to make sure she didn't we didn't come tonight give us a presentation and then we weren't ready no no totally understand so um thank you council president Council MERS mayor and the fough administrator or Town Administrator uh everyone knows Lenny CEO I'm the chairman of the planning board and along with me to present this evening is Steve Leiden from Burgess Associates so before we St start down the path of discussing the draft ordinances and answering your questions this evening I thought I would give a uh some context as to how we got here it's been some time since but I've uh appeared before this uh um for you you council members so again just want to rehash spend the minute doing that uh back in December of 2023 the town engaged the Burgess Associates to review four recommendations that came out of the 2019 uh master plan uh uh re the re-examination and out of the reexamination report there were four objectives that uh were not timely addressed for a number of reasons first one was to review the area and bulk standards applicable to single family homes the second uh objective or recommendation was to review the current commercial vehicle on residential property ordinance uh third objective was to review the impervious surface coverage and the last objective uh was for burches associates to review the northwest corner of p c Road and Washington Avenue so of the four objectives that the town had engaged the burg Burgess Associates for uh we've completed uh two uh basically the first one reviewing the area and bulk standards we also reviewed the the ovious surface coverage the uh review of the commercial vehicle ordinance is currently in in process and I'm hoping that by the next planning board meeting we will have a draft for the council uh to review and then lastly there was no uh we did not review the northwest corner of pasag Road in Washington Avenue property and everyone knows why it was not included but we did not review that that piece of property uh so tonight what we would like to do is uh for Steve Leyden from burus Associates to review with you the the three draft ordinances which were approved uh by the planning board uh last month and as I mentioned hopefully by next month we'll have you the commercial vehicle uh draft ordinance but so with that I'll turn it over to uh to Steve good evening and thank you for having us thank you Mr there are three draft ordinances that you have and because I don't know your N clature I didn't number any of them but I would like if it's okay with you Mr President to go over the this order it's first it's the one that starts with section one at the top and ends with Section seven at the bottom of each one and it's a two-page uh draft ordinance and what this does hold on it's not the first one in our packet sorry ah sorry is that the ordinance to create new zone or no no it's uh it's the third one there you go and the last shall be first or something like that uh where is it coordinates to amend 580 it's no they all are the only one with that that title I or is it the one the east side of pass calor right side which that oh you got UNP that's fine it's uh it's two pages long and the bottom page one is section seven on it here it is ordinance to reone okay got it so what are we doing here Mr okay um well you know as as planners look at zoning two primary aspects are surrounding context of development and also environmental features and then we look at lock sizes know the exhib we have here this is an exhibit of cheet 15 of the tax m y r roads up here at the top the high school properties to the right and Pad going through the north to south if you will the left side of the exhibit what we're proposing is not to reone the stone gardens property at the corner but the next nine Parcels growing south on the east side of pasc road are all large Lots the smallest one is down here it's a little bit over half acre um this lot is four acres this one is 2 acres and the rest in between your your I almost hesitate to bring this but your your your tax map shows What's called a swamp line yes and you look at that line it goes through these lcks at about the midpoint on all of them what's important about swamps not call them Wetland they have buffers with them so even though this let's assume this line is absolutely correct it's not the limitation that DP would recognize they would look at least 50 ft closer to Pas ear so with that brief background that tells me that those Parcels are environmentally sensitive and they have the brook which you guys can pronounce better than I can the m Brook map syn I learned how to say it MOS squap syn broke I actually did lessons on it at home okay but um just really quick Mr Li just to back up a second we're not including ston Mill because they're still part of the uh overlay Zone okay but the overlay affordable housing okay that's why we're I just want to put it out there that we're not we're not looking that at all yeah but we we did not look at them because they're still part of our affordable housing requirements if they ever decide to devel all of these except little up here back up to the to the ook and that has been classified by D as a classified a category one stream which means that forget the W ons there's a 300 300 foot buffer from the top of the bank towards Pas world so we looked at all that data and we looked at that data in the context of your master plan reexamination report which looks to minimize flooding preserve the Township's natural features and uh um minimize impervious coverage and we thought the thing to do was all these properties are now in a half acre Zone and what this ordinance would do would switch them from the double A to the AAA Zone and make the minimum lot area an acre it would not change the frontage requirement because with the exception of the B Zone all of the zones in Washington Township have the same 100 foot Frontage requirement nor would it change the building uh coverage allowance since in every Zone in the township except for the B I think uh you have 20% coverage so what it does is it requires additional lot area recognizing the sensitivity of the um of the properties between East uh between PC Road East and and the brook so the AAA zone is the um I got a C my page here the one acre Zone correct one acre Z and right now it's in the double A which is a half acre Zone if if the council were to adopt this ordinance of the Mayors to to sign it that's the only change that would occur we're not changing setbacks we're not changing building coverages we're not changing uses we simply to take those nine lots and move them from the double A Zone to the Triple A Zone but the minimum coverage is a maximum coverage is 30% on those lots that's correct that's well right now let me take it back that that if if the council would adopt another ordinance that that right now there is no impervious coverage and we'll get to that in a second oh wow there's no impervious coverage in the Township in any of the residential zones one of that's not true yeah is so we've been enforcing it like a winking a nod yeah I mean that's I got a lot of flack for coverage on my addition on my house and now you're saying there was not like well there's a building coverage limitation and that's Universal 20% but there's no C coverage limitation and that's one of the things I'd like to uh I like to talk about but before we get to that um if there are no questions about the east side of grad how come how come we're allowing so Mr Li my eye on your little chart that you had submitted to us is we're making one acre lots right and we're saying the maximum impervious coverage is only 30% right but on a tiny lot in the B Zone on a 7500 we're allowing 40% right it's still less land area I but but how hard is it to build on a 7500 fo lot yeah with 30% in if you allow 20% impervious or building coverage yeah there's no room for a driveway or walk so yes you you you quickly covered the smaller lot zones would be allowed a higher percentage because you need it because you really do need it okay um and then the other question I had is in the a the single a Zone I thought the maximum Building height was was when was that revised to 28 cuz it used to be 25 used to be 25 was it revised a few years ago and okay no I was going to do the other but since we got to this one U maybe this discharge worth looking at no continue I I'm just I don't mean to steal your thunder I just car out well and I don't want Ste your thund you want me to go all three ordan so can we let's finish up on this one does anybody have any questions on the the first ordinance that Mr lien has presented I I think it's a great idea to to to do this I I have no objection to it and now that we've put it in the public that we've omitted the nursery because it's part of our affordable housing we're not picking on them we're not not doing anything for them because you know that's what people think but so we've made that clear and I'm I'm okay with this anybody else have any comments on this ordinance so we can if you're on mind slide I just WR finish one at a time this way we can get approval or comments or disapproval and put the this ordinance to to Mrs Bailey do you have any question one question are there any Lots identified on this map that would be zon zoned into non-conformity one I mean not nonform to use but this one here is just over just over half that's that's the only one that will become a non-conforming loot by area that's developed lot I believe um yes that's the one right next door to the night Columbus right correct and those that person would be able to buy and sell Lots land sell land um he wouldn't be affected unless he want to expand the dwelling um at this stage you probably would probably need a variance anyway because it's such a small lot but um that be the only lot that would become less than what is this new Zone would allow what what is that existing Zone now that that we're that's that's in the double a lot that's a double a lot so he's and how many how many square feet does he have right just over 20 2,000 so he just is over the minimum lot area by the skin of his team and that's on tax map D which better got much better through the years but it could be off but his Frontage and his lot width was still correct it's still 100 by 100 it's still 100 Frontage and the depth is more than that since he's 20 something and and we're not and I'm not proposing to change in the chart I'm not proposing to change the longstanding lot requirements so the only think that would that would make that a non-performing is the physical lot area everything else I believe he meets right that lot meets um because I think lot Frontage lot width lot depth he meets all that right and because the development is up close to the road he may also meet the impervious coverage that's proposed in the Z okay but I did not but other than those two those maybe so just answer Mr Bailey's question the only two things that would make that lot non-conforming would be the physical lot size and the and possibly the coverage possibly coverage so that's not too bad it's not like it's not like we're making it wider and he's not wider enough or depth and he's not deep enough and all that which sets off a lot more variances correct so it's really just you think any expansion as is would probably trigger something anyway probably because it's right right okay any other questions on this ordinance ladies and gentlemen no I'm okay with the next like to talk about a little more deta a little more which one is this now Mr this is the one yeah so good all right that's the next one on we did not prepare the re examination rep for the township years and years ago did look at all the lots and the only Zone where you have a numerous Lots which were greatly in excess of what the Zone standard is is in the a Zone the 10,000 foot lot and for one reason or another they seem to surround the uh the lake I'll call it Washington Lake because I can pronounce Washington um and and and the Ember um the and and that so that so that two of the the comp the things the re reexamination report we're looking to achieve they were looking to bring the zoning into greater Conformity with the development pattern and we're trying to seek um environmental sustainability if you will so what I've done in well sorry Mr chairman what the planning board has done looked at the BLS and they decided Lots in blue and you'll notice I included the lake right now the Lake's not Zone we would propose that these Lots be put into a new Zone I know you haven't done a new Zone housing places for a while I've called it the BB Zone simply to try to maintain your nomeclature okay and right now it's in the a Zone requires 10,000 square feet of lot area I'm suggesting we put this into a uh a Zone with a minimum a 18,000 Square ft do we have any non-conforming lots that uh there's about nine um I I don't I didn't count as to how many I was recommending but there are some obviously large Lots like the lake bot itself like our good Council um this lot 17 is owned by Township uh this 12 I Believe by the township as well as the L Association own some of the really narrow lar Lots which uh follow the stream that so here I was recommending you change the uh Zone designation and and if you do look at schedule one um I've highlighted everything that's new and different so if as you look down the BB column is highlighted entir can you pull the microphone closer Tex that yeah when you stand up maybe soon we still have the wireless yep okay maybe I try not to stand up either um so so on this schedule one uh everything in the BB is highlighted because it's a new Zone you'll also notice that everything in the maximum impervious coverage row is also highlighted because right now the township ordinance doesn't have a maximum prvious coverage so um and if you look at the the B uh the a column to the left in the B I tried to follow the lead of the current ordinance um so yes I changed the lot area the lot FR stayed the same you don't have a minimum lot width which I think is another thing you might want to do and in each case I made the lot Frontage the same as the lot width and and Frontage is measured along the street with is typically measured at the building setback line so what it does is it avoids getting really constrained Lots now you have to take two width require uh measurements um the minimum lot depth your Oran seems to require 95 fet as as a minimum lock depth um even in the acre Zone and to put my Builder Hat on which I'm not um a builder's lot traditionally has been called a 200x 200t lot 40,000 ft we have O Zone which requires greater lot area than that and your minimum lot dep is 95 fet yeah it doesn't work and and nobody who's got an acre lot wants a 95 foot wide lot because you'd end up with a very long elongated dwelling a narrow elongated dwelling so but getting back to the but I think Mr L I think this was done when flag Lots were popular and they were trying to get some people to be able to subdivide a flag lot out of it maybe and flag Lots are no longer popular I matter where I am but but that's that's what I think this when when you look at the 1976 doings and what was popular back then it could be it was it was for flag lots and I I'm glad they weren't built in Township because they're atrocious you know they're they're very few in the township I don't I don't know how many there are but there's not many there's not many at all um so I think that's why that 95 number came out so you could you know so back of your yard get getting back to the comparison between the a which is what the existing zoning is and and the proposed BB I did change the minimum lot depth to 150 ft which is a normal depth uh the front yard I saw the two larger Lots at 50 the a has 30 so I boosted it a little but not by much to 40 the side yards I kept the same as 15 the rear yards here again if you look at the AA zones a 10,000 square foot lot zone right now under today's requirements it has a deeper required rear yard than the Halfacre or the acre Zone I don't know why I couldn't figure that out it's and what I tried to do a lot of this was Rectify inconsistencies that clearly is an inconsistency just like a 95 foot depth on an acre zone is so um I knew I wasn't going to use a 25 so I came up with 50 um which matches the the other two larger zones uh maximum building coverage throughout the township is 20% so uh that number works for me so we used it and then as a council president I were talking earlier the in the small zones in the in the 7500 foot Lots um if you're limited on imp pervious coverage it's very very difficult to to build a dwelling so um recognizing that and and not trying to make everyone runs to the zoning board um I thought it made sense to give them a 40% um impervious coverage and then as the Lots get larger that number goes that percentage goes down doesn't mean the houses get smaller but just the percentage of impervious coverage uh gets gets smaller um as far as the the building height uh council president mentioned that we did uh the township did raise the building height a few years ago to 25 I'm suggesting in the in the um a the BB Zone we have a 30 foot uh Building height limitation and I'm also recommending that in the 10,000 foot lot zone it go to 30 feet and staying on Building height for the 7500 square foot lots I'm recommending we we increase that to 28 and that is that is pretty common in most municipalities these days because I know there's a lot of variances we when I was on zoning board that we give out for Heights it's a lot of work and it's you know unless you're you know and usually building he is 33 to 35t so we're still under the normal but we're closer to it at least you're closer to it and I think a a good architect can design a modern dwelling with 28 or 30 foot limitations I don't know that you need to go to 35 um but there is a good example up on pasak Road and wlif Lake where they I think artificially reduce the building Heights and and the buildings don't look right at least not in my estimation um so I think the raising the the B Zone to 28 and again keeping all the stores the same and a half and then providing a 30ft building height limitation for the AA for the a Zone and the BB Zone and and leaving the other two larger Lots larger zones Alone um so so that's basically what the the second ordin we're discussing does it creates a new Zone in town the rest of this um you do have a somewhat unusual zoning ordinance in that you list all the Lots in each of the zones so in order to delete these Lots out of the a Zone I had to delete them from the chart and then I had to put them in to the BB zone so uh that's what you see here and and I decided because I was trying to work with your terminology um right now you have Article Five Class B District I decid to I suggest we make that the class B and the class BB District so then I I run R through all of the lots that are shown on the on the map in blue which were taken out of the except for one one was taken out of the C Zone and I said I wasn't going to get up real quick this lot here 21 um one yes it is in the it is owned by the library but it's in the C zone so I'm suggesting that it's not going to be developed commercially probably won be developed residentially but um I I I'm just suggesting that that be put in the BB Zone um so then I I had if we're going so the only lot you're taking out of the commercial zone is the library the library lot yes which I have no objection to doing that I I didn't think does anybody else have an objection to that then in in order to make these changes that are shown in schedule one I needed to go through the ordinance and and insert them or modify them um where the the verbiage is so that's why this looks very redundant um because it is because it's done for each lot of for each Zone um and there and then at the very end of this ordinance on page eight um minimum lck depth for some reason was shown under residential buildings and lot requirements but it was the only Dimension shown there I'm suggesting we take that out and and Des call it reserved for future use okay and then 84 we have a long list of the residential zones we just need to put in BB for that if if uh if the council is going to adopt this ordinance so um so that's basically what this does and if you look at um page six for instance um 27 58- 27.2 I I put the lot coverage and the coverage requirements and the lot width requirements all in there because those are I was trying to maintain the the Integrity of the ordinance so I added the impervious schedule in there or the impervious limitations in there and he also said to to see the schedule a which then become part of the order right now your zoning ordinance which I don't think I brought a copy of with me is it schedule one not schedule a is schedule one yes so there's a Tio on that you know I was supposed to change that for the planning board and I didn't my apologies um right now your your zoning map has a legend if the ordinance to create the BB zone is going to be adopted and signed by the mayor um the zoning map needs to be changed I think the legend should come off the map at the same time and be replaced with schedule one um that would make the most sense it would so that's that's why that recommendation is there um and and that's really what this second ordinance seeks to do and to be consistent with schedule one any comments on the second ORD um Mr Bailey or anybody on the day C yes can you please give me a clear understanding on what can be built in the new Zone DB single family dwelling strictly single family yes and and the associated you know detached garage a pool right the purpose is to have just like it is now with the azone but on a somewhat larger lot okay yeah because the B zone is is small lots and it doesn't really these lots are are are you know double the size you know it's more than double because 18,000 is the minimum square footage versus 7500 in the normal be well most of these are in the a Zone okay right so so but still 10,000 to to 18,000 is a big difference almost double size it it is a big difference and I think it's somewhat mitigated by the fact we're leaving the frontage at the same 100 ft so it's not you know it's not trying to penalize people it's trying to come up with a more sustainable environment and uh make the lots that are in the township more consistent with the ordinance yeah any other questions on BB all right you got one more right Mr Li one more uh this one is really a Clarity and consistency ordinance um the way I think think of it and it starts off with a few uh definitions and you know I'm not going to criticize anyone who came before me because God knows all the critic when I leave but your corner lot had a very good definition except it said it said what it says and then it said comma of a conforming lot area and Frontage well a lot at the corner of two streets is a lot at the corner of two streets whether as conforming lot are and conforming Frontage or not so what I try to do with with these definitions is in that case clean it up um and and take off the requirement that they have a conforming area um and then we're we're now regulating impervious coverage you have to tell people in the zoning or what you mean by that and you also have to tell them what impervious surface is they're terms you've got to Define them the impervious surface is not one that I can't definition is not one that I came up with I stole this Lock Stock and Barrel from the D regulations because that's where impervious surface becomes most important so I figured the township didn't want to go off in its own different direction as opposed to what the EP is looking at as impervious service it that would do homeowners no benefit so we use the exact same definition from DP um lot Frontage and depth and side yard and width of lot I was just trying to to clean them up the side yard definition for instance the way it currently reads goes out to the street and it goes all the way to the rear lot line but that's not the way your ordinance actually regulates it so what I tried to do here is talk about the um the side yard extends from the front of the dwelling to the rear of the dwelling and no further because as you go as you don't quite reach the dwelling as you're walking in from the street all of that from lot side Lot line to side Lot line is the front yard and then after you get past the dwelling that's side from side yard to side yard it's all the rear yard but but your side yard definition didn't read that way so this was just to make it consistent so one of the things I Mr L not to stop you there is you don't talk you don't have you don't you didn't redefined Building height and it's my pet peeve when people build Ugly Houses like you're talking about by building up BMS at the corners so we take the uh differential in height from the Corner that's been built up with modular block and changing of the grade to get that corner height to meet the 28 or 25 or 30 and then years later those building blocks disappear and they have a 35 foot house because they graded the side of their house up 7 feet is there any way we could add some more teeth to that to Building height like you've done on the rest of these definitions yes from if you could unfortunately that did not come up it's fine I it came up in my review I just wanted to make sure if you could if Mr spe if we're not against it cuz I've seen it happen all over town people the Height's off so we build up these little you know we build up these BMS on our Corners CU then when we do the the the height evaluation around the house at all the different points it comes up with an average that's less and it's really not because it really isn't eventually they're going to remove those walls and it's way higher so yes I can I can absolutely uh provide you with a a definition for Building height um right now accessory buildings it wasn't sure how close you could be to a lot line so um we confirmed that they can only be in the rear yard which is what your origin seems to want right now certainly I don't think anybody wants a swiming pool in the front yard and um we left the 15% of the rear yard you're allowed to cover with uh accessory features because it didn't seem to be an issue um was there any was there any have we have we looked at what other towns allow because I know that that ends up you a variance in front of the zoning board a lot because it's so it's it is restrictive you know 15 sounds like a lot but like you said when you start you know putting in ground pools and pavers and all that it starts to head up quickly so is that something we could review to maybe 20 that's my that's me talking Mr I don't know if you guys want to entertain it or not but it would just when you talk about accessory villing we are talking garages are we talking sheds what are we talking pool pool Cabanas pool Cabanas okay anything anything that's not attached so a shed yep yes a pool a cabana a garage pool yes a pool would count in the impervious coverage yes or the 15% yes so I can take a look at those yes all right and see what some other communities have I've seen some good Engineers use a pool as a as a storm water detention B yes so I'm not sure those are good Engineers no but they've tried they've tried I've been at the board when they tried I think the question that I have and it's come up on this board a lot of times where we have people that are putting up sheds and garages yes and the issue is what is the setback for a side yard okay a rear yard and with the two meet so that's the one that we get hit all time and now he's but he's he's addressed that I want to make sure that that's that's well defined you know I mean there's some Lots in town that are very small okay small houses on them and those people really rely on having a shed for their their equipment and I don't want to penalize those people for having that I mean if you're living in a triple A it's not a problem if you're living in C or you know C or B it becomes an issue so I want to make sure that we have enough you know enough setback so you're not on your neighbor but enough where they can actually you know make a have a have a shed or something like that well you know we did talk about a lot of that not so much with shed well we did with sheds but HVAC equipment in the side yard right and there was concern about that so we talked about having at least a 5 foot setback and that it had to have some vegetation around it what about generators we had a separate or there's existing separate order separate separate ordinance for generators and I didn't touch that because that didn't come up but that you you have you reviewed that to make sure we're good it's okay presid yes Mr do we have a ordinance that defines the height of a what a shed could be and how wide it could be uh not the width but the the height the square footage I thought you had square footage [Music] for isn't it like if it's over 120 sare feet you need a permit and a whole thing if it's under you don't I believe something like that not underwear two complaints I received that the height of a shed I I think there is a limitation on the heights maybe it's on the definition I know garages they have they can be equal to the home from what I understand who want a 35 foot high garage I don't know yeah I think I'll have to get back to you councilman with that I appreciate that thank you thank you council president no problem anything else gent on this Mr Alman anything well thank you Mr Sabo thank you Mr lien thank you and I'll get back with some information to to the council for sure appreciate it so Mr Sao I think we're um if Mrs Bailey's ready and we just have these two questions add two or three issues addressed by Mr Leiden you think we'd be ready for the September meeting to adopt the resolutions first reading introduction um September 9th yeah we could get together sure they're pretty they're pretty done they're pretty they're pretty together already so council president just to ensure I have there's three questions come out of the Chapter 58 first one is to find the building height yes please second one is to provide some Benchmark data on the 15% coverage if if if we we need to go to more than that if Mr Len can do some research I know he does other towns and it's easy for him to look it up say yeah but to be H when we were going through these through this process uh Mr Li will tell you I mean the ordinances in Bergen County all over the place fine all over the place well we just I mean it doesn't you enough to do a dissertation on just if if if we think 20% might help a lot of these variance requests or you know it's only 5% it's not a lot but it's it stops people from having to spend thousands of dollars to come here for like another three foot of a of a walkway around the pool because they're at like 18 instead of 15 you know one thing we might try if I might suggest on the Fly which I'm been told never to Z but I'll do it anyway we might have a limitation percentage wise of the lot but we might say something along the lines of not with understanding this provision a shed of no more than 80 feet would be permitted as of right on any lot lot okay because that way you're not harming the person with a very small lot but uh it wouldn't count toward the calculation of that 15% yeah there's a way of there's a way of hear you okay look at that okay and then the last one is the uh Mr Sears is Max sh yes maximum sh which may be in here but I'll check and I'll get back thank you thank you thank you very much have a good night thank you so much all right um do we take a five minute recess everyone yeah is that okay yes we'll take a 5 minute recess recording stopped o e e e e e e e e e e e e e report of the administator progress sorry Mr Dar Cara you're up thank you council president this is my um is your microphone on yes this is my reply from Township meeting council meeting on July 15th there was no resident concerns or questions to report back to uh Council concerns and questions Council requested the tax impact for the borrowing of money lvb Lurch Vincy Bliss provided the attachment with an estimated tax impact for $1 million the attachment was included for Council Council requested an estimate to provide lighting for the proposed Great Lawn concept designed at the swim club the parking lot and access Drive lighting is approximately 150,000 for ornamental walkway venue lighting is an additional approximate 160,00 Council requested the cost estimate for demolition of the swim club building and pools I spoke to Kevin Boswell of Boswell engineering Mr Boswell stated prior to providing a precise estimate for demolitions cost it's necessary to conduct a pre-demolition environment survey for the swim club this survey is designed to identify and test substances for ASB bestus lead paint Universal and hazardous materials the cost for this scope of work is $1 13,650 and is being paid for using Bergen count local Recreation Grant funds this work has begun Council requested to know if ordinance 20-11 Library Renovations was a funded ordinance this is a funded ordinance and the balance is $ 66,6 Council had two followup questions regarding the proposed renovation design of the old ambulance building the rear exit behind the deas cannot be made Ada due to its grade there are sufficient 88 entrances and exence in the design according to law the doors can be made wider to allow for voting boosts to be brought into the building in the front of the building councilman Ol Man requested further inquire of DPW needs during hot weather I spoke to DPW supervision and the DPW union representative again regarding any needs during hot weather that the town can provide or assist with I was informed that the members do not need anything additional they all take water and a cooler with them to work sites Council requested a more precise cost for the engineering architectural fees for the anticipated new DPW building police Renovations and renovation to the old ambulance building mayor Calamar and I met with Glenn beckmeier of beckme engineering and Anthony iino of arari and iino Architects Mr beckme is still working on the site plan in order to provide a more precise estimate engineering would be for the project consisting outside of the building January 27 2023 Council approved resolution resolution 23-43 awarding a Professional Services contract with arari and iino for the DPW building project the fee total was 195,000 there is currently a balance of $3,562 Mr V iino was obviously here this evening to discuss discuss the topic further Mr iino has provided the professional opinion that the three anticipated projects should be should be completed one at a time and priced at the time of the project start attached as his written opinion on the recommended project sequence uh bear with me I have uh numerous positive um updates for the council and for the township residents first one being the storm water management system at Northgate Condominium Association has been completed on July 23rd 2024 John y Kimi and I were given a tour of the system this renovated system will have positive benefits to the residents in the culdesac of M Street coolage Avenue was submitted is the 20202 the 2025 New Jersey DOT grant for resurfacing we've completed the first month with the difference card and we have receiv received positive feedback from Members McKinley Avenue was mistakenly overlooked by P for resurfacing when they conducted work on the road a couple of years ago I have spoken to psng they have informed me that the resurfacing will take place in the near future I'll will continue to monitor for completion theia was completed the resurfacing of Jacob Brook Hoover Avenue in Curtis place where they conducted work last year DPW conducted a cleanup of the swim club parking lot for leaves and branches a recent auction on on gov deals ran from July 29th to August 2nd 2024 we sold 29 items totaling $624 this amount will be deposited into miscellaneous Revenue not anticipated they not at deleski and Lieutenant Sheriff fielded a tremendous number of inquiries about the items and we appreciate their efforts during the the process DNL has begun the project on Cen Street on August 6 2024 the project will cons consist of curb work 88 ramps resurfacing DNL will also resurface the library parking lot repairing sidewalks and curbing immediately proceeding County bridges on pasak and Ridgewood roads and improving the apron and entrance to the shield the Sherry Field parking lot I have several more updates that um have been have comeing since I provided this response to the council one being the drain improvements to the intersection of Amhurst and pasac should begin this week the library renovation uh the finished the finished installation construction should be done this weekend uh the the library will be closed on Saturday I know that's been put out through um social media after that's done a separate contractors coming in to finish the railing so that project should be done in its entirety within a couple weeks some playground updates the batting cages at sherfield and clarkfield are underway the infield Rehabilitation will begin next week at Sherry field and the playground equipment for Gardner field has been ordered the last one Boswell engineering is then the final preparation stage of the application to New Jersey D for the Emergency permit to restore the bank around the two exposed manholes there quite a bit of work involved in that preparation of the application and hopefully they're going to be done within the next week or two council president that can close my update thank you thank you Mr D car any questions from Mr yes is there a timeline for the larger project for the last update the sewer repair you unfortunately I guess even when we moved into the preparation of the application it's taken about two months unfortunately from there fortunately unfortunately it's going to be in the hands of New Jersey d p which they had estimated to me like four to five months um for it to come back toj P hopefully I'll have a better idea once he confirms with me that it's actually submitted but that's what I've been told for for now and just one more question does would this be repaired under a state contract or do we then have to go out to bid imagine we have to go out to bid can can we uh we ask Mr yimer and Mr Boswell if we can go down to the state and meet with them and describe the magnitude of the emergency and request that we be authorized to go out to bid to at least start getting contractors geared up before the winter months because i' hate to I mean hurricane season just started you know last week we're up to letter F already um luckily Debbie did more damage Upstate New York than they it did in beron County but um I'm not taking away from the people in Bergen County that but we we we kind of missed the wrath of Debbie this weekend but with you know being up to letter F on the hurricane scale and the magnitude of this and the environmental disaster we could have and maybe if we get a letter from violia you know in support of our project to say Hey you know if something happens this all ends up in the reservoir down you know in the reservoir so I just to make sure we're you know if if we it's easy to ask and be told no at least then it's their fault absolutely so I just want to you know I know Boswell is very you know worthy of yeah believe me I mean I you know I know they've done everything they I know they've done everything they can but I think we should maybe just request a meeting with them and say hey can we at least go out to bid on this so This Way once you give us approval we're ready to go I will speak with um the mayor in buzwell engineering you know of course my responsibil is this is an emergency permit yeah like so you know we're kind of at the whim of NJ DP but I will uh surely exhaust every option we have see how quickly we can get it done just one followup question does Boswell do they make a regular review to see if it's deteriorating further or which uh DPW checks it weekly we do documented checks physical like we go there and observe it and we keep track of that thank you any other questions from Mr D no Mr Mayor thank you good evening everyone um it is with great sadness that I announced the passing of long time Washington Township volunteer ambulance member and retired Washington Township Police Department Sergeant Thomas Tommy lton on August 7th I was happy I was able to attend his wake yesterday and his funeral earlier today my thoughts and prayers as I know the communities are with Tommy's family during this difficult time I had the privilege of knowing Tommy for many years long before my time in local government those who knew him can attest to his Larger than Life personality and his ability to always bring a smile and leave you with a good laugh he could tell a story or a joke like nobody else this is the way I will finally remember him if you knew him I am sure you would have at least one warm-hearted memory of him and we'll remember him in the same way if you would like to make a donation in his name the family has asked donations please be made to the Washington Township volunteer Ambulance Corp the 2024 summer Recreation camp program began on Monday June 24th and ended on August 2nd by all accounts the campers had a terrific time during the six weeks I'm immensely proud of this program as it gives children the opportunity to enjoy many activities with their existing friends and make new friends during the summer at the same time it offers employment opportunities and experience to the numerous local counselors the town hires to support the program I want to public acknowledge the Bethany Community Center for their support in this program without the use of their facilities we could not have come close to Growing the program to where it is now I also want to thank Recreation director Amon Tumi and Recreation superintendent Dan gader for their support of this and all our Recreation programs one additional person to thank is Bob stickle from Lifesavers for his CPR training of our counselors I could not be more thrilled about this and other programs that are breaking records for the number of participants you have my commitment that I will continually strive to expand the size and quality of all the programs we have here in Washington Township and I hope we can add even more so that all residents can and will continue to enjoy and participate in them the department of public affairs hosted the B Street Band once again on Saturday July 20th for a free summer concert in the park at Memorial Field it was great to see so many residents along with their families and friends who came to some of New Jersey's own Bruce Springsteen Music performed by a great band the weather cooperated that night and it was refreshing to enjoy an outside event without the oppressive heat of the prior couple of weeks it was truly a classic small town experience as fans sat in lawn chairs some danced to the music and young children ran around the field laughing and playing a special thank you to public affairs assistant Sasha Lopez and councilwoman daisy valz as well as the entire public affairs team of volunteers for their work on this and many other events like it that take place here in town if you would like to get involved and help this talented group of people or even share ideas for future events please contact me at mayor atwp of washington. us or public affairs at public affairs atwp of washington. us as your mayor I am always looking for responsible opportunities to cut costs while continuing to move the Township's progress forward along with our administrator and qualified purchasing agent I attended an informative seminar held by the buron county Improvement Authority regarding municipalities ability to borrow money in conjunction with the county and other municipalities by using the ability to pull their borrowing needs with the needs of individual municipalities we can reduce borrowing costs and procure lower interest rates for all involved I want to thank Bergen County Executive Jim Desco and the bcia for putting this program together we'll be gathering more information on the program and hope to use it for our future borrowing needs I invite you to look through the brochure for the program available on the website Recreation news the introduction to cheer program will begin on Saturday August 17th the program has a total of 57 registrants again this is the highest enrollment for this program the men's softball program is in the playoff parts of their season we are excited to announce a new class to the art program it is called fun with cartooning in the step-by-step class participants will learn how to draw a favorite cartoon character in each class Young Artists will create masterpieces using watercolor markers and pencils the 2024 fall registration for the fun with art and fun with uh cartooning programs will open in late August please follow the recreation parks and public affairs Facebook page for updates on these programs fire department news for the month of July the department responded to multiple fire and Co alarms odors of burning and one grill fire on July 5th in the early morning hours the department responded M to a mutual Aid call to paramis on the parkway for a serious accident where two people unfortunately perished the department responded with the rescue truck to extricate one of the victims an excellent job was done by all and the opportunity to speak with a counselor was offered to all who responded during the afternoon hours of July 18th the department responded to a property on me Mr Mayor yes sure thing uh can the record reflect Mr bz has joined us VI as oh great thank you next during the afternoon hours of July 18th the department responded to a property on vanen bav for a vehicle that backed into a raised deck attached to a home the supports for compromised so the department utilized their rescue Jack system to support the deck while members shored up the supports until a contractor could repair it like any other call they respond to countless hours of training with the right equipment ensures a Swift and safe operation as I often say they do much more than put fires out we owe them and our Ambulance Corp members a debt of gratitude for all the unpaid time they invest in our town as volunteers four members took the rescue boat out on the Reser to do an initial break-in period recommended by the manufacturer the boat performed well and further training for other members is planned next month DPW news the next collection of metal and white goods will be August 15th catch basins continue to be cleaned and repaired where necessary they pruned more dead and dangerous tree limbs on town-owned property and the department used another 900 lbs of black top filling potholes zoning office the office was busy again last month reviewing and processing 40 zoning applications Library Sumer programs are going strong they hosted their first Medieval Festival on Saturday August 3rd hosted music classes stitching groups story times for all ages and special teen programs and the summer is not over yet please check their website for the extensive list of exciting upcoming programs including the annual Touch a Truck Event Lego building family events and their annual kindergarten mixer Library construction is wrapping up with work being on done on specific Days please call or check the library website before heading over for the most upto-date information special needs Grant registration has officially open for the special needs programs and classes there are several events and classes for all interests and abilities classes in include music instruction for all neuro diversities taught by musician Carol miza who holds a certific and special needs music instruction from juliard theater improv classes with marble Jam all abilities event at Monster Golf our local Township movie theater and much more fers containing a letter that was co-authored and signed by by Library director Laura riffkin and I were mailed to all Township residents on July 31st with many details about the program but you can stop by town hall or the library for extra copies or check the library's web page details police and DPW space um we already spoke about this with the uh presentation from Anthony iino I hope we can move it along to give both departments the space they desperately need to continue the services they provide to the residents emergency Waterway Bank stabilization I am ha I am now happy to report and want to thank representative gimer for recommending the project for federal funding more information regarding the the Grant and his recommendation can be found at the following web address gimer that's go h m r. house.gov project- requests click on the plus sign next to the FY 2025 Community Project funding submissions details of our project are shown toward the bottom of the web page employee health insurance we are receiving notices that insurance premiums will be increasing by over 177% for 2025 I want to again thank our administrator and health benefits coordinator for all the work doing the research and implementation and the and sorry and the employees for taking a chance on the difference card as Mark said in his report so far we are receiving positive comments from the employees as we said the switch to the different card is a win for the employees by keeping their coverage the same with lower premiums for them and for the taxpayers with lower matching premium costs last but not least organization meetings please reach out to me if your town Affiliated organization needs a space to meet I would like to see how much of an unmet need there is for this in town that concludes my report thank you council president thank you Mr Mayor report of the council uh I guess we oh surey [Music] just um I know you had given uh uh Mr gimr's uh URL to check yes has has the request been approved at this point or has it just been he has recommended it for federal funding but it it needs to be approved at the federal level sure Peter when when a a meeting room request is made you get a copy of that correct do I get a copy of it did you say you had asked that any organization that uses the meetings like I I go through the superint no I I meant more anyone who was not currently using space but is looking maybe to use space so we're using it already no you're fine yeah thank you I guess Miss valz if we can unmute her if she can unmute Miss Les do her report to the Council of the council first since she's you know go order good evening Daisy hello can you hear me okay yes we could hear you okay great hello everybody thank you okay so first I want to start by congratulating Mr PA on a tremendous Acom accomplishment um I know we didn't work together as long as others have but my short time with him was was positive so I want to thank him for giving me a positive experience while he was on the de with me um second I want to congratulate councilman Sears on his work with Monclair State on July 30th they gave a great presentation and it was really nice to hear and learn you know quite a few things from a great group of young adults you could definitely see that they have a passion for their work so thank you councilman sear for you know being the the pioneer of that project um next the Hometown Heroes banner I kind of tried to to catch a little beginning of the PSA uh so thank you to for announcing that we're still working towards getting a few more banners so if you are still in need of um sponsoring one of your family members please visit the website for the hometown banners program um the summer concert like the mayor said was well attended it's nice to be at spectator um I'm still getting used to sitting on the sidelines but I it's nice to see all our residents enjoying a nice summer evening together with their family and their friends uh the August Wellness series that has um gone off very well we have Zumba on Thursdays at Bethany in the back lot it is taking place Thursdays August 1st and 15th at 700 pm. we already did one Zumba and one yoga class so far we still have one of each left yogas will be taking place on Saturday mornings uh there was the first one which just took place this Saturday and the next one is the 24th that is Saturdays at Memorial field at 9:00 a.m. all you have to do is bring a yoga mat or a towel and register online so we're excited that we were able to do this as part of the success of the um spring 5K something that you know councilman seers myself and the mayor have been working to really bring to the community as was you know mentioned by um Mrs Beck Meyer with the May mayor Wellness campaign um one second oh the medieval event at the library that was a really fun event I was able to catch the very end of it and it was well received by the people that were there um I learned a couple of things I'm really impressed with so much that the library has to offer and just thinking outside the box of different events to bring to our community um so thank you to the entire Library staff and Miss riffkin for bringing such a different and fun activity to our residents and then last but not least I had announced at the last council meeting that we were working towards a fall 5K so that is underway the official date will be Sunday October 20th and it'll be called Washington's Wicked 5K and Kids Fun Run thank you to Mayor kalamari and councilman Sears who are always so supportive of uh the ideas and you know getting everything off the ground you know for our kids and our community it will be focused on a kids fund run um so costumes are encouraged and we look forward to a nice event for our Township residents and the kids and that is my report thank you thank you m CL Mr Sears council president thank you uh mine will be very short tonight because we have a large agenda yes uh I want to just thank uh Ken paa for his years of service to this community um the uh damage to the bridge over on Woodfield has been corrected and it's uh fully functional now um I still have no report from the police department it's been about 6 months now um the $11,000 reward is still open um and the last item with uh councilwoman valz mentioned the Monclair State students they did an outstanding presentation um to the council I want to thank uh Council vice president Dr CIO for leading U the committee that day thank you uh your comments were well received by the group of kids and and councilwoman of Alis also um they uh were able to give us a clear understanding on uh water damage some problems how to solve it and then then uh Council not Council um the administrator Mr the and myself attended their overall presentation to the college which included all of their five uh College administrators and all of the uh sponsors of the group um they were exceptionally well received uh they received one of the highest honors for their presentation uh um I can't say enough about those young um um College interns they did an outstanding job and um I congratulate them going forward in any Endeavor that they have thank you council president thank you Council M Council M Casco yeah as councilman SE says we have a lot of on our play tonight so I'm going to keep it brief uh I would also like to uh Echo the cents for uh Mr par he was been uh a part of this uh Council chamber for 42 years and we know he did a lot of work behind the scenes uh a very effective attorney and he I know he got me out of a couple jams with the public in the past and I think you can you can say about everyone right at one point and his legal opinions were uh greatly valued uh we will we will miss him but we have a great replacement you know um also I'd like to acknowledge Mr lon's passing as well uh Tommy here in town he was a lifelong resident a graduate of Westwood High School and uh if you are if you've been in the town for a while you know you couldn't have stayed calm somewhere um but he will be missed as well uh in regards to the Monclair State University students and the presentation last two weeks ago um it was really uh a fantastic and wellth thought out plan uh it was um very informative I think we have that on the website don't we Tom yeah it's being shed now we also have a hard copy on a Thum drive so um you know I would uh urge residents to just take a a peek at it again it was a fantastic presentation and they'll those people will succeed definitely in life and then um I guess that's really about it everyone have the rest of the safe summer it's coming to an end fortunately so please be safe uh and one more thing I know uh Tom you had something with the police department and bicycle safety yes we did okay um again just um my office is on the Main Street I see a lot of kids go by they're still not wearing their helmets please wear your helmets it's so important and that concludes my report thank you Mr C Mr Al yes thank you uh Mike um I really don't have much to report I did I did want to raise uh or ask the mayor and the administrator if uh we could look at a few items uh the first being uh dispatching and Outsourcing of dispatching uh today um you know uh we recently had to hire some uh a dispatcher uh and I know at the budget meetings uh there was discussion that a portion of our dispatching which at one point was uh fully here in the township has been outsourced already uh and I wanted to know uh or I wanted to ask if we could explore that a little further uh the other is um a review of the Aged ordinances and the possibility of cancelling some of those so i' appreciate if uh that's something that the uh administrator and the mayor uh would consider supporting a review of and lastly um the pool club and the Great Lawn you know I really think uh that uh a lot of effort went into it by uh the recreation committee and the uh their proposal uh was very nice uh looking at the capital plan that was provided and you know a $5 million ask I I just question if that is money well spent for the level of space we're creating and the usability of that space case so I I really think that we should uh take a close look at that you know I don't know when the next iteration is going to come before us but uh when we do I do think we should uh pay close attention with some of the other large expenditures that uh the town is facing and that is my update thank you Mr Alman council president Mr what was the the request about the dispatching to just uh can we examine uh the full Outsourcing of dispatching so I think uh Chief kalamari sort of dumbed it down for me or for the council and that there's incoming calls and then the dispatching of resources those incoming calls I believe are handled by an outsourced group but the dispatching of resources in in town is handled by by a staff here uh my question is can we review and look at completely Outsourcing that function thank you thank you m m thank you uh I'll be brief uh I'd like to congratulate Mr par uh I've known Mr per for a long time um yes he brought a a lot to this deis um so I hope he hits him straight and stays healthy for another 30 years God bless him for retiring so uh congratulations on your retirement uh my condolences to the laon family there were he was a big uh he was a he was a big man that wrote a lot to our police department and having deal with them through the years on traffic issues and other issues for our opening days was always a pleasure and my condolences go out to his entire family at this time and I would just like to thank Mr gimer for supporting our effort to uh this emergency project and hopefully uh bringing some funding to fruition which would be great that's all I have for tonight thank you uh mayor Kar you have an Advisory Board of Health member uh appointment tonight I do yes thank you um yeah to the council president and the Council of the township of Washington please be advised that I am appointing the following citizen for the position set forth below uh Advisory Board of Health member Andrea Doria uh term expiring December 31st 2026 uh I'm happy to say that in connection with the uh mayor's Wellness Plan she comes from a great background of mental health support and so uh looking for uh you know for her uh input on a lot of these things so um please contact the clerk's office for oath of office to be administered when you get a chance thank you uh approval of minutes public meeting meeting October 16 2023 conference meeting October 16th 2023 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes um councilman Omen obain Council bz yes and council president the Senate abstain public meeting November 8 2023 conference meeting November 8 2023 do I have a motion so move second R call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman abstain Council bz yes council president to sen abstained public meeting December 4th 2023 conference meeting December 4th 2023 do I have a motion so move second roll call Council CIA yes councilman SE yes councilman abstain Council woman blz yes council president the sen abstained general public comment motion to open the public comment period of the meeting so move second all in favor I I uh there is no one in the audience at this time is there anyone on Zoom no they're not here on Zoom they're not here on Zoom uh motion to close the public comment period so second all in favor I adoptions second reading none introductions first reading none resolution consent agenda the following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent of the council and will be enacted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such item removed from the consent agenda does anyone want any of these items removed from consent agenda can I um 297 297 sure any others gentlemen Okay resolution number 24294 authorized submission of chapter 159 budget amendment for local Recreation Improvement Grant 2024 in the sum of 66,000 resolution number 24295 authorized fund for release of performance guarantee balance block 128 loot 10 in the amount not to exceed $2,471 resolution number 24296 authorize refund of tax over payments made by cor Logic for block 140601 lot6 and blocks 34 34403 lot 13 in the amount of not to exceed 7,228 128 do I have do I have a motion move a second rall councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes counc president yes resolution number 24297 authorize can cancelling General Capital fund Grant receivables and Improvement authorizations do I have a motion move second discussion yeah so my only question is um are are we going is this a um a write off so is there a cost for cancelling this receivable no so what do we so we have a receivable on our books from do for two projects yes they were they were Capital um grants receivables um you may have most recently recognized them from our last audit and we've been working very hard to get the several years of New Jersey DOT grant money that was due to the township when they make the grant award it's really an up to amount so if we get the grant award for 150,000 but the project doesn't cost that much and again these are just example numers and they only give us um 135 we have to cancel that other 15 that other 15 is really not there and available for us to use so the capital lines that were set up in association with these like say it was several years ago obviously um if there was a balance in there these amounts were taken from the balance so say there was a balance on 2110 of 30,000 I would have to reduce that available balance down you know 30,000 minus 19,259 73 so that money was set up to be used because the grand amount was was a certain amount but we didn't actually receive that amount in the end so canceling out is essentially a good thing because um that money is not there not available for me to use it if I used it would be improper because it's really not there so it doesn't benefit us really in any way it's just a checks and balances you know we we we created a line saying we're going to receive this Grant and then eventually we're going to hopefully receive that grand money which we did and it just kind of balances itself out so that like that amount doesn't go to Capital Surplus or Capital Improvement fund it's just no longer there for us to draw from and use question mark was that money physically in our accounts or no not really okay not really I I'll just follow up separately but thank you for the explanation I mean it's okay you want to ask a question that's it's okay okay roll call councilman CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to Center yes adjournment to conference agenda do I have a motion move second all in favor I next meeting of the township Council will be on M Monday September 9th 2024 beginning at 7 p.m. conference agenda August 12 2024 under Administration we have the DPW PD ambulance building which do we have anything else to Mr Mayor now that we've discussed at the beginning of the meeting I don't believe I do Mark you have anything to add no just ultimately if you're so you're gonna email that to everybody M and then ultimately in September we' be looking for you to say yes continue moving forward that's that is the intent of the 99 meting Swim Club concept design um yeah I'm you know kind of the same um nothing new to report um I I think councilman Alman you asked um when we would be getting the next set of plans um right now there is no intent to get a next set of plans it's really up to the council to decide U how much of the town's money and hopefully grants that we want to spend on the project uh so right now that's in the council's hands okay so the the plan that was presented at the meeting and then um there's no action on the committee's part it's this is what our first go is this is is what it's going to approximately cost right and so you want to spend more less uh but that's a council decision so that needs to be decided before I could charge the record Advisory board with going any further any other discussion on this Mr Mayor yes um based on the meeting that was held with the residents will any of their um thoughts or you know wish wishes be used to perhaps come up with another plan um or modification uh I have to give you the same answer is that it depends what the council wants to spend and you know whether those uh requests will make the funding cut or not so so we have them saved um but you know right now we're talking the 5 million U so again up to council to say you know what can we do for either 4 million or 6 million just so you know I have a direction to going understood okay thank you thanks for the question Finance director Mr Mayor yes um this was a carryover from our last meeting that uh got ended kind of quickly um WCTV if I can ask you to put up the um PDF I sent you thank you um during the budget when we spoke about the salary for the uh the Director of Finance uh there was a comment made and uh it's only partially true through that uh the person would be checking their own work if you see items A and B there the uh the director is also in charge of the Department's office of assessment and office of Revenue uh C is CFO which um you know I agree the person would be checking their own work but those two other departments um you know per se they will not have anyone that they report to at a high level that is covered in the uh the finance director scope of what they're supposed to do so I just want to point out that um you know the since the council chose not to fully fund that position um you know it's uh I would I would ask and the CFO would ask if the council will reconsider uh a transfer toward the end of the year because he feels that those departments U you know should have a high level of supervision and uh you know he he would like to continue doing that job but you know we don't ask anyone to take on extra responsibilities uh you know for no pay in general so you know he he asked me to kind of do a straw poll of the council to see if there would be an appetite for you know a transfer uh it's already fully uh in the salary ordinance uh so again he would just like me to pull the council see if there's an appetite uh you know because he would like to continue in that job uh and he said with the council's word a majority that you know he would be happy to uh assuming that you could see yourself to transferring the money in November when we can make transfers I would be fine with doing [Music] that I will agree I'll think about it is it a $900 transfer Mr Mayor yes it would be in November okay my position is the same no no you're no okay okay um let let me just point out that you know since you funded half a year and we're past the half a year point you know that function is not being done at the moment so I appreciate the fact that you you know at least councilman Casio said he wants to think about it um I have an answer for you the next meeting Mr Mayor okay overnight parking thank you appreciate that wait I'm sorry one one more comment so then who is going to oversee the these other departments in the meantime or just in limo um yeah they don't have high level supervision that this this position well you said he would continue to do it as he's been even though he hasn't been mil page is what you said prev just few minutes ago no no he would like to if the council gives his word that work okay for a transfer so we have so we have the finance department I'm sorry what's the other department the office of assessment and the office of Revenue okay so they will go unsupervised uh for the time being until I can get a majority of straw bow straw pole votes okay overnight parking um thises kind of an ambush I didn't know anything about it it got put on here out of respect to the chief I left it here but I'd like to before we add something to the council agenda could you please reach out to us in the future so I didn't feel I didn't feel I should be a jerk and remove it but it should be address correctly thank well I I think me and the administrator um well no we you know I left it I left it on there Peter like I said out of respect to the office but it kind of we didn't have any you know we like we've always said we'd like to have a little back up before we meet well well again I don't think the the chief expects any decision tonight it's just to fill you in on something all and again uh you know usually the progression when the chief wants to address a council meeting he goes through myself in the administrator we generally ask the clerk I assume you know she lets you know no I know no I know when I put on the agenda I nothing else either but again no decision is expected tonight right Chief it's just to fill in thank you Chief thank you Mr parar if you'd like to come up thank you while the captain hands out uh just some materials I I'll start because I know you guys have a long agenda uh so to give a quick context on the overnight parking situation in town for the 30 years I've been here the ordinance has not changed it's no parking as we all know on the streets from two a.m to 5:00 a.m. uh and it works out pretty good we have a system where the residents they used to call in for permission and in the past few years we got the new Frontline system which allows them yeah to uh to do it all online it it helps the officers tremendously because they're able to right from the card uh log in and see who has permission and who doesn't uh so the system's been working really well uh so when I first took over as Chief one thing I I noticed when I reviewed it uh was that in the ordinance it doesn't Grant the chief permission to exempt anyone from the ordinance it's never been in there because the ordinance has never been changed I know this ordinance goes back probably to the 70s and uh so that was something I wanted to address immediately but since I've taken over as Chief uh I've received complaints about overnight parking so I put my officers out there I asked them to increase their enforcement of it which they did um they did a very effective job what we also did was limited in that Frontline system we limited the parking to 10 nights per month per vehicle okay uh that was done at my discretion to address complaints that I was receiving from residents that that Vehicles were chronically left out there and with the new Frontline system it made it so easy and convenient that it was almost too convenient and uh and vehicles were being put in for an extended time frame so somebody in puts the same license plate number after 10 the 11th time they'll say no you do not have approval correct that's fine I didn't that's now a problem I'm sure the people that were doing it know that but we didn't know that a problem arose with that uh with that 10 night system that I was still getting complaints because what was happening was houses that had more than three vehicles would park a vehicle out in the for 10 days then they would just switch and park the next one for 10 days so I was still getting complaints from residents with regard to their neighbors parking on the street pretty much consistently all the time that there was a vehicle uh on the street and so I reduced it to six days which would effectively eliminate that issue and force those residents to come up with some sort of resolution almost immediately I started getting contacted from residents which is the reason I'm here tonight uh because what they're articulating is hardships in terms of they don't have enough space in their driveways to accommodate the vehicles that they have they they're telling me that they have parking for three vehicles but it's uh it's two parents and two children and both of those children are now driving so they just don't have the room to accommodate the vehicles uh so we started looking into it uh Police Department wise you know what was a way we could could address this the the captain did some phenomenal leg work and found an ordinance out of fairon which is what I uh handed to you we spoke to Shaman who was by the way fantastic uh as far as responsiveness and thoroughness so thank you uh we we also had another issue with some shoplifting down in the in the shop uh shopping center and and your response was terrific uh so thank you very much and it was very timely uh but we discussed it uh with Siobhan and uh my point here tonight is is to see if this is something that the council is interested in moving forward on the fair loan ordinance postulates a hardship permit that could be applied for to the chief to the town we can set up however we want to do it here we don't have to follow Fair laan exactly uh but it allows people to apply for a permit where the police department would go out confirm that they have more than the number of vehicles that they can accommodate that those vehicles are registered to that home and they would receive you know a permit which would allow them to park on the street um it's something that speaking to the fairon chief works out really well for them de you know demographically and and and town wise They Don't Really line up to us they have significantly more rental units and things like that but the ordinance seems to work out for them and they're happy with it so my point here tonight was how many people are we talking about Chief is it a dozen homes is it approximately yeah it's no more the people who have reached out to me are no more than than eight or 10 uh with regard to to this situation and they've all articulated uh the problem consistently is exactly that that some of those the houses on the east side of town I know we were discussing the uh the zoning stuff earlier uh you know a lot of those houses were built in the 50s where it was never conceived to have more Vehicles you know two vehicles and you were considered you know opulent but uh and and some of those still have those constraints and uh so again it was to speak to the council find out you know if you had any questions feedback if you wanted to move forward on changing the ordinance I will say this regardless of what we do uh I would ask that we add a provision in there that gives the police department the authority to exempt people from that ordinance because right now we're pretty much operating as far as I'm able to know if a past practice that I'm able to give people uh exceptions to the parking ordinance but there's nothing you AR past practice is the only thing that I can find that governs that and you and you nobody ever gave exemptions no we do that's the that's the calling in overnight parking permission but as per the ordinance there's no provision to exempt a resident we're operating off pass practice so technically I don't have the statutory authority to do what I'm doing but we've been doing it for so long that we continue to do it this way and I tested that I mean it was very rare growing up in town that anyone put a car on the street ever you know and it was also rare that you know they would get a ticket usually you would come by and say you know you're on the street and all that and thank you for coming in junk because they take my eat off of my counsel thing all the way at the bottom I didn't know if that was the same thing that's the same concern from a number of residents that they have you know very small driveway it accommodates two cars and they have two adult children living at home and it's not just one incident it's a few um uh residents so um obviously it's an issue and you know I don't want watch the township turn into uh some cities I mention because I don't want to see cars up and down you know uh Beach Street and Fern Street and all the streets that way we don't want that to happen we already have that on Beach Street so well we we want to limit it but we want to also be accommodated because we know that people have you know they have vehicles you know this is a 1950s and 60s Talent 70s Talent people didn't have that back then so you know whatever we can come up with I would be very happy with the permit and you could also obviously charge a fee for it it would be a yearly fee they reup it every year that's what F does you charge whatever you want so I I don't want my is I don't want the on street park to become a habit correct you know what I'm saying like Okay so now I have two adult children living at home hopefully they move out right and then we'll have to deal with that we just have two more cars until then you know we have to do something to accommodate right so you think I think I think you can't make it $10 cuz then everybody will want one you knowbody if you read the ordinance there are specifically provided for hardships there it's not a blanket thing and that's why we would have that established and verifi look at their dri driveway see if they have enough room for four cars and we de nope can't get it you so what are you doing during storms hurricanes uh snow well during snow we would still fall back to our our snow no parking on the street so they would still have to try to get in the driveway like they do now and if they don't they're they going to get a ticket for overnight parking so speaking to some of the residents who are having that problem now Tom is that I'm sorry councilman serious is that they find parking in uh church parking lots they ask for permission in commercial locations and then they shuttle cars back and forth that two of the residents have articulated that that's what they do now uh during schol events correct because even you outside the scope of getting permission they knew that they couldn't receive permission those nights and so they already had Provisions in place to to even with a permit they'd still have to be off the street correct a caveat of the permit okay all right we is this self-inflicted by us limiting it to 10 days I mean no this was an issue before though I mean if we didn't have that limit we El have even more complaints with no with no restrictions comes more complaints yeah so the restrictions were put in to address the complaints yeah because we have a neighbor that likes to just leave the car out like 247 365 days uh Mr Alman and never Ed their driveway and then my neighbors come and complain to me then I complain to the chief I complain to the administrator and if you gave them 30 days they would then say Oh I got to go five minutes go log on to this that's the way it used to be it used to be three days at a time but unlimited so so there are people that have cars that they work on sitting in their driveway um they may have four people but they have five cars because somebody has a couple of extra cars they like to work on but that that would be different we we could make the ordinance whatever we so how would it be different in terms of you would deny them because one thing we can do is verify the number of driver's licenses at that location they would have to provide that and I would agree with that because there's also another issue and it's probably what you deal with mik some have they can accommodate four cars but it's in a single Lane driveway and then in the morning someone has to move cars and exactly jockey cars around so the convenience of parking in the street they they they use it and that's what led to abuses uh think more so than anything else was was a convenience factor so so they would get a a similar placard like we're giving our Emergency Services correct whatever we chose yeah we can because we can make it that only one of those Vehicles is the one that can be parked in the street uh you know if that would be a good idea to the if it's left to discretion I'd much rather see you know a small Toyota sedan out in the street as opposed to a big pickup just in terms of visibility and things like that you know and and if it's if it's left to the police department's discretion that's what we would request from the resident and we would have control or oversight over that if fact just tell on with Dr Cassie said he doesn't want to have our town turn into a fair long when they're all over the place should we set a limit to how many we could distribute like maximum amount of year like like yeah you could do it per household you could say two per household Max and remember it has to be based on a criteria it's not based on simple discretion expanded their driveways for this issue and come and spent tens of thousands of dollars because they' come to the zoning board and widen their driveways with retaining walls and that's why they came in front of us was so so you have those residents that have said all right I got to park these vehicles somewhere all right I'm going to spend the money and rebuild my driveway rebuild the front of my house you know the guy cross street from you uh Tom you know like so you have those people that have made it work but they spent you know they've had to spend some money this is from more of the people that don't have that space corre they don't have that perable I just don't want to have if you review the fair loan ordinance it spells out the CP what constitutes a hardship so all right so can we take a look at it for the next meeting we'll have a decision for the next meeting M you okay with that the other thing yeah the only the only comment I was going to make is you know as life gets more expensive a lot of the children are living at home a lot longer longer so if you are a with three kids or four kids you know you're going to have a series of cars so that would be my concern if it's a ton of cars versus you know just an extra one or two so kind of Ste in the middle on that you know big family versus a smaller family but the hardship is still there yeah it's going to be a tough one to I want three parking perits CU I have 10 five kids now well that's why you know you'd have to decide do you limit it to one or two all right household all right so everybody okay uh just just one just one comment we talked about emergencies like snow and storms and whatnot not parking on the street I I hope you know if you had a a driveway or a house that has let have two spaces for two and they have three cars in a situation like that I hope we would allow them to park on on their grass cuz I've done that with my car you know I had an extra car for those emergencies it's got to be off the street I got to C it up on the grass I know we have horns that has to be on a impervious not imp per surface but it's some type of surface clams or rocks or whatever other than grass I hope we would do something along those lines it's funny to bring that up because we have an ordinance against no parking on front lawn areas that ordinance gives him permission to wave it for an emergency okay so our current that was written lately yeah so like we need that caveat in the parking overnight parking as well so regardless of permits or no permits we need that part our parking okay and this would be strictly for residential no commercial vehicles like that correct okay all right so we'll uh we uh review it in the next uh you know for the next meeting what are you looking to review just if if council's okay with it or not okay with it so we'll get through them so now not introduce for the next meting just on the conference agenda just on the conference agenda for you know final discussion and a final decision so we can then approve an ordinance or not approve an or or not my objective was to start the dialogue I know you're working off of this one but can you present exactly what you would like to see absolutely in this way we can say yes no or what you know modify I was hoping for that question so thank you if you could direct it and give it to me and I'll put in the packets I will do perfect thank you are you splitting so can people still ask for you know my brother is sleeping over and he left his car overnight you can still request that and be approved through the normal channels this is this is over and above correct exactly what you articula is exactly how it works now that's that up to six days permission they can log into front line uh you don't it's not even a login you just go to the site yeah it's it's very self-explanatory it works great and that's exactly how it's working now these are only family members of the household yeah it would only be for those living in the house yeah yep great have those squatters come to visit me for a month can't can't par thank you everyone thank you Chief thank you thank you uh next uh is feasibility study ambulance services I'll set y okay pleas Bill study ambulance services thank you um yeah I've been working with the Ambulance Corp the past few months um daytime membership not just for them but for many towns is getting challenging um and it is a matter of public safety and response time so um I want to say about six weeks ago Hillsdale hosted a meeting of all the surrounding towns uh because Hillsdale recently went to a paid daytime uh program where they have a couple of paid members on their payroll uh Monday through Friday Friday I believe 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um it's working out well but it's uh quite expensive yes and um so they brought us all together to see if we would be interested in a study um of the towns that were involved to see um you know how we can cost benefit uh amongst all the four towns uh as opposed to them just going at it solo they went at it to try the concept it seems to work well uh but we're hoping that you know combining four towns we can you know maybe get economies of scale somehow um so after that meeting uh I met with the the senior members of our volunteer ambulance Corps and uh you know they're in support of it they said you know there's no magic out there that's going to recruit people you know now you need over 200 hours of training uh to be an EMT and you know that's prohibitive for most people these days who want to just volunteer you know where do you get 200 hours from so it limits the pool to either existing nurses or other people in the profession who had to get that type of training as part of uh their full-time paying job um so they authored the letter that was in the packet um asking myself and the council to uh come up with the uh money to go in on the study with the other three towns uh I don't see it here um I think the the final number was 4700 if I remember correctly you mentioned 4350 4300 okay 4350 yeah and so um again you know there it's something they would like to do at this point they don't they feel that you know we should go in on the study uh and not go at it ourselves and they're hoping like uh like we found money to go in on the COA project for 10 grand that we can also find this money with Council approval to go on this study for that amount I'm sorry mayor yeah go ahead I'm assuming you mention Hillsdale I'm assuming Westwood no Westwood has a deal with the Valley Hospital I'm sorry pasak Valley hospital so who would have four towns um it was us Hillsdale River Bale and bapan right Mark is that s cor yeah it's in yeah yeah it's in the it's in the hill yeah it's Hill River in yes it's in the ordinance in the resolution packet it's in the resolution packet it's in packet I'm I'm I'm okay with the 4350 um is that the total and we have a that's our contribution our contrib our contribution it's 17 it's um it's $177,400 total split between the four towns our portion of it is $4,350 i' I'd make a motion to uh see if the administration can find the 4350 and move forward with this because as part of the agenda tonight I I was going to ask the council to request the administration to do something similar to Hillsdale because I know our daytime uh Staffing is very very light I know what Hillsdale is spending is a lot of money so maybe if we did it half the time Hillsdale does it on a you know different times every day like you know 6 to 12 one day and then 12 to 6 another day and see if we can help the ambulance CP out with that for time coverage yeah I think I'm right saying this Mike uh that since Hillsdale is now currently footing that bill in total they keep those paid people in town don't there's no more so that's what we're looking to do to see all right you know can we get more coverage with the same amount of people or and that's what the study will look at but I was I was just going to ask is if if if we could temporarily see if we could find some funding either either provide some kind of stien uh uh you know for you know like a a 6 to 12 shift not a like Hillsdale is going 12 hours a day right they're going 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. so I was saying like on a Monday I know we can't figure out when people are are sick and need the ambulance but at least give them six hours a day where we know that hey from 6: to 12 on Mondays we're gonna have paid people then the following day be 12 to 6 and then just kind of switch it and see if that would help the ambulance CP out you know somewhat for now cuz I know phale spending a lot of money right now for the 12 hour shift yes about 200,000 a year it's a lot of money yeah and uh and are they just paying the staff cost so they're using the corre volunteer equipment that's correct and they're using the yeah because it's their own employees if they were using outside employees then they would have been hesitant because there might be finger pointing who damaged the ambulance uh supplies are missing so it's employees of the of the town okay and [Music] just clearly Hillsdale I understand I mean riveral and ultan from a proximity I guess are we thinking I mean is the study an open book and they're just going to look at everything or are they looking to do something because I don't understand now you know a paid person in P Japan is you know the response time to get yeah I I you know all this will be looked at I believe as part of the study to say all right well if you put an ambulance in this town you know how quickly can it get to that town and things like that one of one of the things uh I know years ago I had asked about this and it was you know it wasn't uh viewed correct but I've always thought you know if we give our DPW Personnel a stien to get their EMT and you know it's not forced but we'll give them a stien to become an EMT and become a volunteer fireman that could drive during the day both an ambulance Drake or a um because I know other towns do this like other towns if you join their if you're member of the DPW part of becoming a member is that you need to be on when you're when you're being paid as a DPW worker you're responding to fire calls and you're responding to ambulance calls which I know it it affects the DPW absolutely but it gives you coverage during the day yeah because you Public Safety trumps 99% of the cases so I asked you know last time I was on Council about this and I know people didn't like the idea but I'm still a big proponent of it and and we're not forcing you know I'm not saying like hey you have to do it but if you'd like to do it we'll give you a you know we come up with some kind of stip in or maybe this study looks at it and says hey if if you offer them x amount of dollars per year to you know because getting your EMT certification is not easy it's a you know a process becoming a fireman and being able to drive is another process but having a person on staff during the days and during events that they're on call anyway because we have a snowstorm we have you know things going on I I recommendation and then you know we can choose to go our own way on certain things we're not bound by anything of this study but we think it's a good start Point okay I'm I'm okay with seeing if the admin yeah what um what towns do do you not the top of your head just out of curiosity what town do that I've never heard of that before oh I I I could I can get you the list yeah I'm just curious I mean yeah it's there's a bunch there's a bunch of towns in Upper Bergen County that do it um and it's just you know when it's it makes it a lot easier because you know a lot of towns have a lot larger gpws than we do so a lot of them are town or town residents that work for the DPW so it makes it even easier but um there there's a few towns in ber that I know about that do it so I can get that to you Mr Le okay yeah just like one or two just for curiosity and Mr Mayor how long is this study you know projected to take um they're hoping to start it in September and have initial results toward the end of October oh okay all right thank you sure Peter I don't know how well how you talked about this service with Hillsdale but uh my question is um do does the company that they use charge uh insurance for their services that when they use it or no Hillsdale yes they're not using a company that it's their own paid employes but they are charging it to the insurance company are they charging it to offset they were no that was spoken about but they not do it well you need a minimum of two rigs to be able to bill for your Services they only have one rig right now so what if we went so what if we went with I guess could could could the study look at because Bergen County just bought 30 ambulances I wonder why right the county just bought 30 ambulances because they know what's going on So eventually we're going to have probably a County ambulance service for the entire County but um so is that something they're going to look at also is what Bergen County can provide and is there a way we can ask Bergen County now what it would cost if they because I know like other towns pass that cost along to the insurance carriers if it's if if they have insurance they they they wave it if you don't have insurance so they don't want to make you they don't want to give you a bill that you can't afford but if you have insurance and insurance companies pay this all the time because it's it's a known fact so can we look at that temporarily just to see if we can help our ambulance core out during the day I mean the the ambulance the Ambulance Corp um is happy with waiting for the study since it will done in October I don't want toar go down a parallel path where we're these are St they're very openminded because they realize the issue and so this is being done in total support okay of them well you know down at the leag they had a couple of those companies that asking and right you know it seems to be very very successful for um everyone it comes to um providing that service because one the ambulance company gets their services and they get paid right we get coverage and the resident has the insurance they're utilizing their insurance if you don't have it we don't you know we don't balance bill you if you don't have any insurance so kind that kind of works out very well for really everyone so all those things are you know have been spoken about part of the study no problem thank you sure um the next I'm sorry I would be remiss if I didn't mention we're asking the administration to constantly find money in a budget that you know was tight going in so I just want the council to be aware of that time that sometimes a little extra should be left in some line items for flexibility if everybody's okay I I have the resolution in front of me um to introduce this tonight so this way we can get it going because I don't want to hold this up since it's something as long as the administration's comfortable finding the money for it okay yeah so I'd like to make a motion to authorize resolution number 24299 a resolution authorizing the award of a contract for a joint feasibility study regarding ambulance services I'll make the motion anyone want to Second it second it's for a total of $177,400 to be divided equally amongst each of the four Towns at a rate not to exceed 4350 per town the towns are the burrow of Hillsdale all right yes call please Council C councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes counc she mut thank you and counil Pam yes thank you everyone uh next on the agenda is future anticipated Capital uh Peter you provided some sheets version five it says right uh yes version five uh because we use the uh the annual as a starting point for this so it's really version one of this threeyear one um but you know the numbers kind of speak for themselves happy to answer any questions about any Pro but I don't think there's really anything new or unexpected on here um you know we we met with all the Departments and you know these are the their requests that they could think of for the next three years um so you know I know a lot of you were just over the weekend perhaps yes so not expecting any answers necessarily tonight but it's it's a starting point thank you yeah I just have one question on uh engine 43 yes so is that uh a rescue truck or is that a pumper councilman seers to answer that it's a bumper bumper and so uh I just saw Mawa um they were talking about uh putting a secondary truck in place while something went out for repairs that's 30 something years old uh and the truck that's going out for repairs is 20 something years old I guess I'm just wondering how old is this truck and you know uh are we uh looking at the uh full life are we uh anticipating the full life of the the item um Tom I know per se you're not supposed to speak on fire department matters but I don't even know uh the the age of this engine 87 okay it it's it's within that range that we usually come up to replace uh the tower ladder was over 30 years old the old Tower ladder so we definitely got our money's worth on that truck and 43 is 87 yeah it's it's getting up there U not mileage wise but uh engine the pumper you know it's old y okay all right uh under Council ordinances of legislation lighting ordinance uh Mr Casio yeah uh I again uh some residents uh are complaining about uh light coming in from Neighbors uh lights obviously at night uh coming into their their uh property and disrupting their sleep patterns and whatnot um we talked about this a while ago a couple councils ago um so I'm just bringing it up again is there any appetite to do something with this we know it's something that's really difficult to one come up with a good ordinance two to enforce um and three again it doesn't seem like there was ever any um appetite for it so I bring it to the council's attention again tonight I I what you what do you think I know that the uh um code official has stated the state ordinance he has gone to a couple of residents and he has qued the state ordinance that directs lighting and indirect lighting can he provide that to Mrs Bailey so she could look at it and maybe possibly create a Township one sure yeah this one this one from ultan this is ultan and oh you have ultan again this this the one that's in the packet there's a couple of them too one Froman one's from Cresco which is and they're very um General but are they they seem too too too loose to well we had one from hackin sack too A couple of years ago and there was little fairy what's what's your experience with these there there's two different models here two that are expressed in the cestal M pan and that's more of a discretionary I know it when I see it type of violation with the code official the other the Saddle River Ordinance is has more concrete standards in it using my Prosecutor's hat I like I like that they're easy to enforce they're clear when there's a dispute between residents but then there's sometimes where you have that discretionary qu that you'd like to make so I would I mean if it were me I would use the Saddle River model as a start and maybe incorporate 16-2 or whatever the provision is that says or or in the event that you know in the discretion of the the code official there is a annoyance whatever the language is that is an alternative maybe marry these two together is that something you can marry together and give us a version next C Mr Mayor can we allow the attorney to do that absolutely you would mind that would be great and this way at least we can address it and if it you know goes through go through it doesn't go through it it doesn't so thank you for your time thank you uh proposed planning board ordinances uh Mr Sabino is here they did a great presentation I'm glad we're finally amending these ordinances they're very overdue and something that needs to be done uh chapter 2 233 fire prevention amend the fees uh Mr D renzio asked us to look at these um does anybody have any objections to the new fees he's proposing no do we know no they're they're on the shown on the backup Mr alond okay there two sheets right yes okay and this is for all res res Mark correct me if I'm wrong I think these are to come up to the state suggested DCA recommended fees yeah but mrman asked what the old fees were it's in our packet okay so anybody have any objection to uh prepare a resolutions for the next meeting uh changing the um if everybody's okay we can do it tonight I have it here uh it's it's ordinance 24301 umow do you need a motion I would we're only I'm sorry go ahead M the only changes is in the late Fe is that what I'm no the annual fee goes up also I don't think so no I thought the annual just the late fee I don't see a big difference except for the late fee that's of a $50 increase correct that's all it was I thought there was more to it yeah I mean if this is this is what this is his this is the fire department the fire officials recommendation correct mayor I'm just saying it's not it's not a big yeah this fire it's within it's within dca's guidelines and it's his recommendation everybody okay with it yes the permit fee has gone up quite a bit yeah I knew one of them was higher I don't know $10 for type one yeah like type four went from 500 to 640 yeah do we know how what the formula for these numbers are were they the state they're from the state DCA uh Division of Community Affairs uh do I have a motion to pass ordinance uh 24 excuse me introduce first reading ordinance number 24-13 an ordinance amending thee ordinance chapter 2112-1 entitled chapter 233 fire prevention motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-13 at first reading by title so move have a second second roll call Council Casio obain councilman SE uh yes um councilman Omen yes Council wz yes and council president Des sen yes resolution number 24-31 authorized publication of ordinance number 24-13 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion I'll move second I'll second it roll call councilman Casio councilman Sears yes counc nman yes Council W bz yes council president to setum yes thank you thank you uh ordinance 24-9 County Road Ridgewood Road from the Washington Township Fire Department I guess in the ordinance uh it was left off that Ridgewood Road is a county road for the overnight parking list for the First Responders and we want to make it all County Roads All County Roads All County Roads so is Anybody Everybody okay with amending that 24-9 ordinance to make it all County Roads uh including Lynwood from Ridgewood Road uh to the pasak uh Township Line do you want to specifically put the roads in there no we wanted to make it all County All County roads this way it makes it easier everybody okay with that y they we we named we named the roads and we didn't name that a couple of them were County Roads so in order to make it correct we just want to say all County Roads I would assume most people know if they live on a county road but maybe you want to say all County Roads limit you know not limited to but in including certain ones I don't know if the portion of Ridgewood Road that goes north to south is a County Road well it was me from the pasc from pasc road to the township border specifically that's what I was explaining tonight before the me that makes a difference but then they asked me just do all County Roads so which one just do all County Roads All County Roads and that solves the problem don't name it generalize it all right we Che look see if we can amend we have to reintroduce okay so we'll reintroduce that the all right we'll have to reintroduce it the next one all right um on street parking you already discussed right Mr Cas we're taking that off yes uh miscellane zoning board uh we still have not had any applicants for the zoning board so I know the um the link wasn't working it's been corrected so uh please uh apply to become a zon board member it's a civic duty that uh will bring you a lot of uh joy joy that's a good way to put did we not get a application or it wasn't completed from it was not no they it the link wasn't working it was corrected so immediately so it was upun for at least two weeks before didn't we get a email from no a resident that said they had an expression of Interest right but that was never submitted didn't submit they didn't submit were they told they had to submit it yes yes okay just just traffic issues on Mountain Avenue and Colonial Boulevard I know Mr Dar Carlo and was uh after we got the email I had forwarded to Mr Dar Carlo the mayor immediately uh got the police chief involved uh I don't know if any new speed limit signs were put up as requested I haven't been able to drive down mountain in the last since we got that request so I don't know what happened on Mountain but uh we really need to look at the speeding on Mountain Avenue and Colonial Boulevard um Beach and Beach beach is very very uh you know cut full cut through streets and it's becoming an issue so um I know it's it's it's typically the residents that are speeding unfortunately that's what ends up happening when we try to enforce this so if we can just keep putting the speed monitor signs out there Mr Mayor and uh maybe I know like beach has no speed limit signs on it but we all we should all know it's 25 miles hour but should reminder doesn't help a reminder doesn't help it doesn't hurt excuse me uh authorized rfqs received for for the uh Township auditor we receive three rfes uh excuse me two no three two no that's a reference okay that's okay sorry so we got one from liny and Bliss and one from my and Associates I hope everybody was able to look at them um anybody have any questions on them so if we could take a straw poll so we can um advise the township attorney which way to proceed with the resolution for the next meeting um I would recommend okay yeah I have two I have two resolutions here one for each one of them so Trev we want to after we do aw if we decide tonight we can appoint them tonight I would I'm sorry Mr go ahead I was gonna say Vincy they've been with us for quite some time they're doing a fantastic job they know our business I I don't know why we keep going back and forth with this there's no issues so my my opinion is L thank you M plus Mr Alman you were about to I was going to uh suggest uh Mr Mai Mr Sears I am going to stay with L FY Mr Casio I'll make a motion for uh Mr M I'll second that motion so you said you have both resolutions here yeah motion motion by counio second by counc now just a roll roll call so motion to introduce resolution number 24-30 for the township auditor of lumayan Associates roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears no councilman man yes Council valz no council president Thea yes uh commuter parking lot up oh yeah commuter parking lot update M mowy it was just um there was a a comment or question I should say mentioned last time around about how many parking spaces we had done since we had opened it up and I believe has got eight people on it out of right now and how many do we have available do we find what we say 32 I think SCT something like that2 and only eight of line yes so far we only have eight she gave us the list of applied yeah so we keep you know you keep doing a PSA on it it's on the website I mean people have changed since Co their jobs they commitments there would yeah I'm just I'm just surprised that that that I would think maybe you know 25 something like that but eight out of 30 some is really yeah that's why I wanted to to bring that to your attention just making a lot of money resolution we're going to go into closed session and we will not be uh coming out of Clos session session so resolution number 24- 298 use acquisition of property 450 pasak Road motion to enter into close session so move second all in favor we need five minutes for Ricky to come down and turn off