[Music] welcome to the regularly scheduled public meeting of December 4th 2023 of the township of Washington Township Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers in January and this meeting has been posted on the township bulletin board electronic Message Board w CV and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance at mayor and Council meetings the fire exits are located through the double doors to your right and through the door on your left please silence all cell phones salute to the flag excuse me to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all call please councilman Casio here councilwoman fing councilman seers here Council valz here counc president Morgan here let the record reflect okay also Kari Township administrator to Carlo Carlo Carlo and Township Clerk with recognition resolution solution 373 Westwood Regional High School Football Championship um do you want to do that one or is that am I doing that I could do it okay um resol 23373 what what high team team team a Township Council of the township of Washington Bergen County commends rare athletic achievement and gives special honor and Commendation to those athletic members who pursue such Excellence that they become examples for the new jerseys Youth and whereas the Westwood High School football team achieved such Excellence on November 27th 20123 when they defeated Rumson Fair Haven High School to win the njs IAA group two state championship at Ruckers University Shi stadium in Piscataway New Jersey and whereas in a game that will be remembered as one of the most exciting state championships in recent history Westwood Regional High School Cardinals with an undefeated record rallied for a dramatic 2120 overtime win against the Rumson Fair Haven bulldogs and whereas in the fourth quarter the Cardinals led by linebacker Michael carich created a Line in the Sand with a tremendous goal line defense that forced the turnover on down and whereas led by quarterback Robbie kuch the Cardinals went on a 99 yard Drive highlighted by several kuch runs and passes moving the ball deeper into Bulldog's territory and whereas with 10 seconds remaining Westwood faced a second and goal at the Rumson six-yard line carage took the snap rolled his right rolled to his right and fired a touchdown pass to Tommy busanic as he made a tremendous play to keep his feet in bounds and whereas Cardinals kicker Shawn Morrison kicked home the extra point that sent the game into overtime tied at 1414 and whereas trailing 2014 in overtime and facing a third in goal from the 14 yard line carage once again connected with busanic for a touchdown strike down the strike down the middle of the field tying the game at 20 with a potential game wi game winning extra point kick pending and whereas Cardinal kicker Joe Klein scooped up the snap put down a perfect hold and marrison knocked the state championship winning kick through that led to extreme excitement as Cardinals players and coaches flooded the field hugging each other while the Westwood fan section ecstatically celebrated the Cardinals wrapped up a memorable season undefeated at 130 uh 13-0 and state sectional and group Champions be it resolved that the achievements of the Westwood Regional High School football team of its head coach Robert guy and of its talented coaching staff deserve recognition and have earned rightful place at the top of their sport for their impressive 2023 season and for the example that they have set for future generations of young athletes in this community this body honors the Cardinals and wishes them the best of luck in all their future endeavors be it further resolved by the township Council of the township of Washington Bergen County extends to each of the members of the 2023 Westwood Regional High School football team head coach Robert guy and his staff principal Frank Connelly and the entire Westwood Regional High School Community our sincerest wishes for their continuing success both on and off the field approve motion approve no do a motion a second okay so can I have a motion so move roll call yes sorry about that councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes Council yes council president Morgan yes thank you okay okay I will read a PSA I just want to say a note um and I'll probably say it in my followup but for any of us who were at the game I know so many watched it on TV but it it was out straight out of a movie it was like nothing I've ever seen before or been a part of so um super super thrilled to First have had my daughters in the you know their cheerleaders um so for them to experience that and then to see you know the looks on their faces and the uh the town response down there first of all we did have the best fan section um it seemed to be a little bit of a we finally met our match a little bit um they had a great fan section but it didn't even compare to to Westwoods and then to see the town response when they came home it was bigger than the Super Bowl at least it felt that way for me so it was um I just think the police and the fire department and the whole town just did a tremendous tremendous job rallying around them so congratulations to um Westwood Regional High School congratulations to Westwood and Township PSA for tonight new date our annual Tree Lighting Event will take place on Tuesday December 5th at 6 p.m we are pleased to announce the addition of a beautifully a beautiful newly donated live tree for this year's event join your friends and neighbors for an evening of holiday cheer kids craft hot chocolate and Donuts Holiday characters uh live performances from our local schools Santa and some special surprises are all planned on Sunday December 10th at 6 p.m. Township residents are invited to witness the lighting of our beautiful manur signaling the beginning of hanukkah's 8 day wintertime Festival of Lights all are invited to remain for light Refreshments Games music crafts and prizes provided by our co-host Valley Shabad following the event sorry about that attention residents we have received confirmation that Santa will be making an early visit to the township of Washington Santa will be on board Tower 41 as he is escorted through the town with a special guest on three nights December 13th 14th and 15th check our schedule at www.pof washington. us to see which night we'll be visiting your area sorry I'm seeing spots hold on okay leaf collection began Monday October 30th with Zone one there is no white goods pick up during leaf collection and the DMF the DPW Yard will be closed on Tuesdays but remain open on Saturdays for safety reasons do not park vehicles on leaves do not Place leaves near fire hydrants and keep leaves at least 10 feet away from catch basins as per the Department of Environmental Protection the last date for pickup is December 8th the 35th annual Bergen County Police benevolent Association toy drive builds Upon A beloved tradition that sees season brightening gifts distributed to hospitals Charities shelters and homes that could use some from holiday help please consider donating a new unwrapped toy today there's a collection bin at township PD headquarters located at 350 Hudson and we'll be there will be one at the tree lighting event on uh 125 was it yeah 125 as well all toys are due by December 15th 2024 Town calendar if you would like to advertise your local business in the township of Washington's annual Calendar please visit our website at www.pof washington. us to fill out a form and submit your artwork our calendar runs February 2024 through January 2025 Bergen County volunteer chore community helpers offering repairs and empathy helps Bergen County seniors and those with disabilities remain safe in their homes by offering repair services chore jobs include installing grab bars replacing outlets and switches repairing leaky faucets installing doorbells locks and changing light bulbs smoke and smoke alarm batteries chore does not service emergencies appointments are available by calling 2011 4897 790 the township of Washington Ambulance Corp is looking for volunteers if you can volunteer please call WT vac headquarters at 201 664 3784 leave a message and either president robt fox or Captain Trevor landow will return your call the kuas club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time the Kanas Club of the pasc valley formed formed for the township and Westwood meet on the 1 and third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Westwood Community Center if anyone would like more information please contact Paul Ralph culi at 5165 81 8319 or pasac Valley kaanis gmail.com I post it up there okay great next council meeting will be held on Monday December 18th 2023 at 7:30 p.m. um we have a report of the administrator thank you council president Morgan good evening everyone this will be my response to resident Council questions or concerns from the township meeting on November 8th this year first will be resident concerns Mr Olman ask that the contractor conducting the road resurfacing would Mill the road and leave it that way for the winter I spoke to Scott Goodman engineering inspector from Boswell engineering Mr Goodman stated that roads are not generally left Mill in more than 24 hours Mr Goodman stated that we would never Mill the road and leave it for the winter due to the danger of motorists potentially hitting the raised manholes or damaging them when allowing Mr Scalia asked if Washington Township has the ability to limit the number of rental properties in the township I spoke to Township attorney Ken perer who will be looking into the matter the DPW was requested to install dead end signs on M Street at Burk Street in order to unnecessary turnarounds from Vehicles currently there are the street sign dead LS right on top of the street sign um so we're looking to purchase and install the actual larger dead end signs to be more apparent to a motoring public Council concerns and questions councilman Casio brought up the concern of work being performed prior to the approval of a work change order by Council Council requested that I obtain more information on the matter as waiting for change orders to be approved in certain situations May cost the township additional funds I spoke to Gary Vincy and Alex Bree our financial advisers regarding the matter reviewed the township of Washington purchasing policy and local Finance board Rule 5 30-11 in order to provide my response councilman Casio is concerned that the practice of Performing the work prior to obtaining Council approval may lead to additional blemishes or recommendations on future yearly audits councilman Casio stated that this has been listed in the audit previously I spoke to Mr Vincy who stated from an auditing standpoint there is nothing incorrect by performing the work prior to the work change order the 2021 yearly audit recommendations page 105 recommendation number seven states all change orders modifying the original contract be approved by the township Council and included in the official minutes Mr Vincy uh stated that recommendation was listed because work change orders were never followed up on for approval rather the order in which it was done this page has been included in my response I review the township of Washington purchasing policy on page seven paragraph 8 paragraph a change orders it states the following the dollar amount of contract approved by the council cannot be exceeded without a change order and a resolution approved by the council if it is not possible to avoid utilizing the change order the request must be submitted to the business administrator prior to any work being performed or orders placed if Justified the change order will be presented to the council for consideration emergencies will be addressed on a Case by casee basis my understanding of the purchasing policy is that the business administrator has the authority to approve the work there's no established order in which the work change order must be approved by Council purchasing policy has been included with my response local Finance board rule Ru indicates that a work change order approved by resoled prior to the the five allows for minor field site modification to be authorized by the designated representative this rule has been included with my response I requested the topic on work change orders on the conference agenda if Council wishes to have further discussion councilman Sears advised that he's in favor of option three provided by architect Anthony iovino regards to the new DPW building proposal however is concerned about the anticipated pricing councilman Sears requested further Insight from the architect regarding the pricing I have included a memorandum that was provided in October so count May review again a few updates uh the contractor will be mobilizing equipment and hope to be site clearing at the commuter lot during the week of December 11th uh we received two grant reimbursements that will be can that will assist in cancelling from our current Grant receivable report that was listed on our 2022 audit uh so that is progress also the pass CAC manholes and uh s on Hickory have been completed and the power washing the painting and the uh roof repair has all been completed at Town Hall and I'm also happy to say that DNL contractors has begun the concrete repair work on Beach Street today as part of our 2023 Road program and council president that concludes my update for Council thank you Mr Mayor you have report yes thank you council president good evening everyone thanks for coming out um first I want to give a big shout out to the Westwood High School football team on their undefeated season and their win in the New Jersey state championship game I also want to publicly thank mayor aroyo from Westwood for inviting me to their home for the holidays event so we could both congratulate the team on their amazing accomplishment Police Department news the department had its accreditation on site inspection on November 20th inspectors from the accreditation committee came to inspect the department facilities and Equipment as well as procedures the department looked and showed the best that it has ever been the next and Final Phase of accreditation will take place in March when the chief and accreditation manager will appear before the committee in Trenton the department provided a ceremonial escort for the Westwood High School football team to New Brunswick for the championship game the department along with the fire department participated in a Victory celebration and homecoming procession to welcome the team home and celebrate their victory Recreation news the fund with art program is back for its third season this fall program continues to increase enrollment with each season the program has met its maximum number of registrants for the season the children are having fun creating masterpieces in each class the 2023 2024 basketball season it's in its beginning stages the teams have been selected for the travel program and travel games will be starting soon the rec teams are being selected by the the coaches wreck practices will be starting soon after the drafts wreck games will start the first Saturday in January the Westwood Recreation team Center is available to all Westwood and Township of Washington residents in grades 6 through 8 basketball pingpong Billiards and air hockey are just some of the available activities on Friday nights from 7:30 p.m. to 10 pm. at the Westwood Community Center parents must register their child in advance at register. communitypass.net Westwood the borrow of Westwood and the township of Washington Recreation departments have formed a joint venture to create a year round program called Snap for children and young adults with special needs the goal is to provide positive recreational and social experience for all of the participants this program is open to any child ages s through young adult who has physical or learning disability please visit the town website for more details about this program fire department news the department responded to multiple fire and CO2 alarms this past month they were also dispatched twice to paramis company 1 for standby while they tended to structure fires they responded to a vehicle with a ruptured fuel tank the department trained excuse me with bailout here this training was conducted by professional instructors the department is also currently selling Christmas trees grave blankets and waths at Memorial field the department is also happy to have have had its uh elections and to announce the 2024 Board of fire officers Chief Zach myos deputy chief Frank aello battalion chief Chris Campo Captain Chris Meyer first lieutenant Ty ster second Lieutenant Scott Meyer and third Lieutenant Kevin Zito we congratulate all of the officers DPW news the department is performing continued maintenance and painting of the fields for fall basketball and football leaf collection is well underway the DPW has three front loader Crews working the secondary streets while a leaf V is focused on the primary primary and Main County Roads currently the loader crews are finishing the second pass of the town and will begin a third pass when that is completed all residents should put their leaves at the curb as soon as possible if a resident has compostable bags of leaves please contact the DPW to arrange a pickup the department wishes to thank the residents for their patients during the leaf collection season the restrooms at Memorial and clarkfield have now been winterized and are closed until spring the next metal and white good collection is scheduled for December 20th Bachi Court I am happy to report we are asking for Council approval tonight on the quote to have the court installed Library November was another great month at the library and they are all so thankful to the families who participated in their annual Thanksgiving pie and cake fundraiser they sold over 170 treats this year December Pro activities and events headed your way so please check the library website and newsletter for updates stop by their table at tree lighting and tell us about the books you've been reading and get your own take-home S'mores Kit we have 167 residents who have checked out over 250 items so far the year are you one of them those who check out 250 items e content counts will receive a special edition library library VIP challenge coin for 2023 letters will be sent out in early January to those who meet the goal call the library for more details miscellaneous we had two polls installed on pasak road to hang bangers banners excuse me advertising events going on in town we have a few things of interest on the consent agenda for the council to approve tonight the replacement of the elevator in town hall remodeling of playground equipment at both Garder in Memorial fields and drainage work at Memorial Field thank you thank you council president thank you let the record reflect also in attendance is councilwoman feni thank you sorry traffic in theity is insane okay um councilman Casio sure thank you council president um just a few things to report I had the uh privilege of going down to the five dime uh Brewery in Westwood and listening to the riverkeeper of hackin sack speak about their programs um apparently our Brook falls in the hackin sack Watershed and they have some programs we can take advantage of so Mr seers I hope we can work with them absolutely you know they have a cleanup crew and an educational uh arm to their uh their organization I think that would be a great benefits of the town so we can use them I also had the opportunity to go to the league of municipalities down in um Atlantic City uh last month which was a great educational um experience we go every year pretty much and there's a lot to learn a lot of vendors down there and we did pick up one particular thing that I want to bring to the attention of the council Optimum whether you like Optimum or not sometimes your service is good sometimes it's not in in my home sometimes you lose single but they have a uh connectivity for municipalities which is basically free so we can use them for um uh using surveillance uh real time in the township for police and fire also for our Fields when we're not there also uh we can get some uh Wireless commity for people that can't um readily afford it and also for automation of our traffic singling so I thought that was something that we could probably use I'd like the mayor and the administrator to look into that since it's a free service that they're offering and then last but not least I want to recognize my neighbor Shawn Morrison for kicking that winning field goal you know I seen him grow up uh from a little top but he's grown into a man I'm very proud of him being my neighbor so congratulations Sean and Westwood Regional football and that concludes my report thank you I really like the optimum idea I think that's great um Mr Carlo you'll kind of look into that a little bit more for that for the surveillance I love the idea of the fields being you know we can see what's going on there when we're not there um councilwoman feny yeah believe we do have some of those optim Services already we do have some yes we do have some yeah U I just want to say congratulations to the football team it's amazing I think the coverage was also great um I would love if we could reread the resolution for the next meeting and maybe invite invite them to come since they weren't able to make it tonight um if you could put that on the agenda when's the next meeting the 16 18 so I'd like to do that and have the football team come I'm GNA reach out to Mrs Dugan and see if we can coordinate that if that's good with everybody yeah that's great um secondary the Thanksgiving meal delivery was a great success this year we had plus 50 dinners delivered I think we had 50 four dinners delivered total to Residents in town we also had 30 volunteers who came to the senior center to help deliver and we had a tremendous um outpouring of support and generosity from the residents and I just want to read the list of the families who donated in town so the colar family the dve vilo Henry DeMarco phie Gano the doctor and Mrs diorio the Caputo family shambar O Sullivan Ender kado R Ritter the sanate family uh deti bagri Marini Tumi bz Martinez the cheral family golden sorick I'm gonna get this wrong Asom SK apologies Cummings miles loming Cooper Fox devano Silberman Greco Kenny the kaputo family again who lives in town uh Taran ryel kigian Garcia the rusty Perino family Burger Deno Ferrara Toro aons diorio Dow sarda Gonzales echa meagen limb the salenza salenza family I believe tantillo wheel the coacher CL family Odell Sears and the Tetra family in addition there were a group of seniors that donated to which was the castino family so I just want to say thank you so much for your generosity we are looking to do something again for Christmas and we will be publishing that so please look out for the Facebook post and we'll be publishing the date that we're going to do mail delivery we might look at something else to deliver but we're probably going to do meal delting also and then Mr Sears if you have at the veterans we're going to keep them on the list as always if you have a family you'd like to nominate please let me know my email address is on the website but I am going to be putting something up on Facebook so I just want to say again thank you to all the volunteers thank you um just as a side note I was I did get a couple phone calls asking about the meal delivery and I wasn't sure because it seemed to be later this year so um I wanted to make sure that they received something so my family donated to a couple of town we just went to Boston Market and got a couple of families some meals if we could have have if this is going to be ongoing maybe we should have like a date that we know it's going to come out um because it's we've done it for the last three years and so I think people really look forward to it or maybe even come to depend on it um so this year it didn't seem it seemed like it was later and later there was no information on it so in a panic I just wanted to make sure that this particular these two families it was published the first week in November on the mom's page on the mom's page yeah but not at the seniors really don't have a lot of uh some of them don't have you know Facebook or or they needed to be in my from what I was hearing there wasn't a whole lot of um uh information around it early on as there normally was there was no signups or anything so um just that's great and I just want to appre I want to thank you for your efforts with the the meal delivery this is something that you know we we started doing the first year we were on thank you for that really it makes a difference to the town it makes us feel like a small town so you know that ni small feel just to clarify it was published in the it was published on the township page it was also published on Facebook on a couple websites including the Westwood washingon CH website when was that it was like the first week in November and that's usually when we have and we deliver the same day every year which is the day before Thanksgiving yeah and then we usually we deliver either it's the Friday before Christmas or we if Christmas is a Friday we deliver Thursday if Christmas is a Wednesday we deliver Tuesday I guess it was around the time that I kept calling you and texting you and asking you is it out yet and you said you weren't ready you didn't have any information I don't have any text messages from you okay we can talk about it offline but just to be clear I don't have any I do not we could talk about it offline okay um just to be clear it was published the same time and actually we really got a good deal from shers okay so I do want to actually recognize them also so if you could support shers in orell that would be great because they give us a really big discount on the meils okay councilwoman valz I'm sorry usually Council Sears go for oh I'm sorry councilman Sears you're right you're right does matter if you're ready please oh okay sorry um okay so as everybody well councilman feni and council president Morgan said congratulations to our Westwood High School football program it's really exciting um I was watching when I could I had Parents night that evening at my job so unfortunately I wasn't able to make it but I heard it was a great game um not just from adult kids really enjoyed it so congratulations to the entire team the coaching staff and all the fans that were able to make make it out sorry um as uh councilman sorry Casio also said I was at the leagues of municipalities that's really a great event for uh the council people people um all the leaders in New Jersey very informative I this is my second year I appreciate you know what goes into making that happen um Miss wowski thank you for helping us see that through as well um sorry I'm a little off B here usually go third um let's see the delivery of the holidays meals for our seniors thank you councilwoman feny for putting that together um my daughter and I have delivered almost every single year I think and it's a great experience to share that with her this year I was able to bring my youngest one now that she kind of gets the volunteering behind it so thank you and there were so many people this year usually I'm ready to go to a whole bunch of different stops but this year I just had two stops so thank you to the volunteers for showing up and you know making it easier for everybody um let's see sorry for so many things um the township tree if you haven't seen it this past weekend at vanon Park I want to thank uh Andrea veon and Girl Scout Troop 98195 for decorating the township tree at vanon Winter Wonderland uh they did a tremendous job you could see on our social media pages as well as the county page our trees up there there's ice skating going on a lot of activities this Saturday they lucked out they had good weather um and they were able to you know to celebrate all the municipalities in town um all the trees there so thank you again to that girl scout troop for putting in the time and effort it takes to represent Township they did a tremendous job if you haven't seen it I recommend it they came up with a really nice theme um the holiday re ceremony uh thank you to Chief Skinner and Captain kalamari for inviting me to join them once again this year alongside councilman Sears we went to the pamis veterans home as part as a part of their holiday wreath ceremony for Our Heroes this is the second year that they do it so it's it's a great um it's just great to be a part of it and see the veterans last year unfortunately um it was outdoors and it was too cold for the veterans to join us but this year it was indoors and it was nice to watch to see the veterans enjoy that ceremony and being honored during the holidays so thank you again for the invitation um and then we were able to bring back our town wreath and place it in front of town hall so if you haven't seen it it's out there uh let's see unfortunately our tree lighting event which was scheduled for Friday this past Friday it was a wash out so a big thank you to the committee for um really you know it's never easy to decide if you're going to move forward with an event or you know or reschedule so it's one of those hard decisions um and I think we made the right call by moving it unfortunately due to a lot of scheduling with vendors and and our Inflatables and and volunteers Tuesday was the best date um you know as we get further into December there are a lot of commitments out there so Tuesday I welcome you tomorrow to join us at 6: pm. as council president said in her PSA um we are going to be having you know U Inflatables the Emergency Services police fire ambulance are there sharing um you know their their their goodies and they've got some you know delicious treats for us uh we will have Inflatables and I'm happy to report that we will have some pony rides so if you are around I welcome you to join us at the tree lighting ceremony at 6: p.m. tomorrow night um and a big thank you to amaroso tree service for donating our holiday tree this year so thank you so much for your generosity um also on Sunday right so we're again you know we've separated a couple of years ago where we separated the manora lighting and the tree lighting ceremony and now on Sunday December 10th at 6:30 uh we will be doing the manora lighting in front of town hall on the pasc side um along with Valley Shabad who generously will be bringing their treats and music um so it was a great it was a great time last year so thank you to them for partnering up with us um let's see do I have everything and then last but not least I want to thank um the mayor Mr Dar Carlo Mrs Mrs deleski for their effort in putting the polls up on pasac I think that's going to be um a tremendous addition to help inform our residents as you know we know not everybody is on social media um or has easy access to the website especially our the older members of our community so it's nice to have these banners out there being able to share what's going on in the town um and we were able to get a happy holidays banner up there this year so thank you so much for putting that together um I know all of us will be able to use it you know summer concerts the fire department the police whoever you know needs to inform the residents of you know happy H happy happenings in Township now we have this opportunity so thank you for that and I think that's it thank you thank you councilman yours thank you council president Moran again I will um voice my congratulations to the high school team um it was a terrific game I saw it on TV it was amazing um that they had such great heart it was uh truly one of the best games I've seen in a very long time um on behalf of BFW plus 6192 I want to thank Council woman feny for deliver bring meals to veterans in the township um they really appreciate it and the donations and the people that delivered them uh the uh post commander and myself thank you very much for um supplying a meal for some of the veterans that could not get out very welcome thank you um an update on the uh planning board master plan we have worked with the uh the master planner um some of the issues in 2019 that uh some of us here have worked on we have actually passed ordinances uh and approved them there are one or two minor uh things within the master plan uh that we are addressing and hopefully we can complete it uh by January February of next year then our master plan will be set in place um for the next 10 years so the planning board will be finishing that up um our CSA program The Green Team program for the fresh uh vegetables and fruits uh has ended and we are now starting it up for 2024 uh check our web page for the Green Team um please sign up it was such a great success um we had over 38 families that joined us and um every Tuesday they got a box of fresh vegetables or fruits that were in season at that time and it was at the library and we're doing get at the library so thanks everybody at the library for assisting us um again uh I was down with Miss councilwoman Val at the um Veterans Home of parama Sunday uh really emotional to see um them brought out in wheelchairs and the kids were singing them songs um uh cup Scout Pack 228 I believe is going to come up with some uh presents for them uh it was U for what they went through during co uh co uh there was about 30 I think that one time there was over 100 in there but we all know what the situation happened during that but it was really uh impressive to see World War II Korean and Vietnam veterans uh assembly at the order and I want to give a shout out to the police uh Chief Skinner uh uh uh the captain U that showed up down there it was a a great um event and um I want to thank you all uh also the green team has put out a letter uh a mailing letter I hope everybody received it or they will receive it in the next week it's an update on what the Green Team and the citizens of this Township has accomplished in the last two years it's amazing um uh what they have done I I am so honored to have such great people involved with this team thank you uh council president Morgan thank you um okay so one thing I just wanted to follow up on from the last meeting I mentioned with the swim club um some people did not receive the bond amount that they thought they were uh going to receive and it was due to the fact that they had resigned from The Swim Club um incorrectly or something to that effect uh so unfortunately I haven't been able to move the needle I have left a message and I will continue to follow up um with the contact at the swim club um to find out any more information and I'll have a followup at the next meeting um the just wanted to mention I mean we can say this it deserves you know it deserves as much accolades as we can give it but the the game was incredible for sure um it was probably if you were there um I I think so you you were definitely it was so much it was so cold it was freezing um I think the cheerleaders are often overlooked in in times like this and I mean this because the boys went in and I I love it they went in they got riled up again at halftime and then they came back out but the cheer leaders never left the field they were there the entire time so they were absolutely freezing the bands never left the field so um you there was so much support the boys were incredible there was it was a storybook finish we couldn't have written it any better um I just want to give a little bit of attention and a little bit of aades to those who supported them the parents that were out there um and especially those the cheerleaders and the band that didn't leave their side and really made it um kept them kept the momentum coming so um also I I attended the Westwood Parade which is I think I take it for granted I can probably speak for many of us who who live here I work in New York I work in Brooklyn and I was explaining to my weekends to somebody that I work with and they looked at me they're like where do you live it sounds like you live in like a lifetime movie um and because I was talking about about the game and I was talking about the West you know Westwood Parade and they're like parades um I do take it for granted and I'm I I realized that I'm so fortunate to live in this town and now Tuesday night you know having the tree lighting here um we are very fortunate that we live in a small town and we we are one of the last in the area I'm not telling you anything you don't know there is buildings going up around to the right of us to the left of us behind us in front of us and I do want to thank as much push back as given over the last three years um I do want to thank you for M Mr Mayor for kind of having the vision and the foresight to know that we have to stop the buildt we have to protect this town um we are a gem a Hidden Gem and I do hope whoever you know moves in feels what I felt I'm a transplant I'm not from Township um but I'm not from a big city either but comparing the two it's like New York City and you know suburbs it's so so very different just you know two miles down you're going to see a much more heavily populated area with big tall buildings and we don't have that so I'm thankful for that um this is the best time of year for our town because you really get to see you know you really get that feeling of that storybook feeling the Christmas time the lights the the sense of community so I'm hopeful that that continues while we step down and step away from deas that those who come up behind us um keep that same motivation to keep the town this small town feel um and with that that is all I have okay we're going to go to General Public comment to participate in the general public comment portion of the meeting please click on the link below to join the webinar if by phone star9 to raise your hand star six to unmute each person wishing to address the council shall give his or her name for the record and we ask only that one person speak at a time please with a five minute time limit speakers are to direct all questions to the council president all members of the public and Council are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner any de derogatory abusive or threatening statement will not be permitted and the council president will immediately rule such conduct out of order and terminate any further comments motion to open Move second all in favor okay first is there anybody online I can't see no ibe there were people but nobody has a hand up okay is there anybody that would like to come up no okay hi Emily katzer here um I just wanted to follow up in one of the previous meetings Mr Mayor I believe you were planning to meet with someone at the district uh School District about sidewalks did that a meeting occur and was there a result um sorry yeah yes the meeting took place last Thursday uh topic of sidewalks was not brought up it was more a traffic uh study that you know we're we're both looking at um so uh ideas were spoken about uh perhaps changing the direction of traffic on School Street as was done in Westwood by Berkeley School some years ago uh so the police are working with uh the school people and the police in Westwood to uh evaluate how that went and see if it's feasible for here uh nothing to brought up about sidewalks at this time okay all right I appreciate hearing back on that sure you thank you yeah um out of curiosity uh we have paid a copyright fee a trans um somebody's copyright was infringed I'm really curious to know who the photographer was and who the photo was of um I don't remember can are we allowed to discuss this you're on mute Mr PA we you're on mute we settled still mute okay sorry sorry sorry all right um his last name was Sadowski uh but the clerk could give you the information uh tomorrow or the next day but that that's that's the name of the plaintiff I forgot his first name last name was but can we say who the photo was of uh yes yeah okay it was of Vito traps oh okay thank you thank you for the update um the kind of uh sort of to follow up on what councilwoman Morgan has said um I'd like to point out that we've made some really in my opinion wise Investments for the future in the town um it made cost us now but you know Pennywise pound foolish got us to a place where we haven't spent the money we should have over the years we my family moved here in 1984 and the Mantra from the Town Council and the uh mayor was don't spend money and then the next mayor who came along I think that that mayor was really talented at squeezing blood out of turnips so none of us um spent any money and now it's come to our attention that we should have been investing in this all along we could have saved money by making purchases in the previous years but here we are and I really am glad that we're at this point that was basically what I wanted to say thank you all and thank thank you for those of you who will be not on the council anymore um my years as a reporter I know what goes into serving on councils and thank you thank you council president can I just make another quick remark based on your comment and uh Emily's comment I'm happy to say that with the open space grants we also paid uh very minimal out of pocket from Township funds uh so I'm happy that our grant writer has been active in seeking out these grants and uh you know giving us a handicap ahead of time whether he feels we would get the grant money or not so he's been very instrumental in this also to keep the uh taxpayer money to a at least Township taxpayer money to a minimum I just have a few questions in reference to like you're introducing two ordinances well the second one is uh the use of 35 parking spaces at LGC can I ask you when the council discussed this was this a big discussion I I I don't remember publicly listening to you guys having a big discussion about doing this again and I you did it two years ago but and how come it's more money than you did two years ago did we give them an increase I'm just curious so I'm I will answer um we absolutely discussed it it was a while ago it was when I basically was pressuring to move a lot of the stuff out of the swim club um a lot of the did you do it in an open session yeah okay I believe we we diding budget during the budget oh so it wasn't just recently but we waited this morning to all right because the need wasn't Mrs just and the the need wasn't until now and we were notified by the administration that there was going to be an increase in the cost and rent and that was during open session just so you're aware and it's more money than it was because it was 2500 and this is written as a full amount for two years it's not written the same way just curious as to why this would happen What specifically is not written in the same way this one is given a one amount of money for two-year period which actually was written the same way and broke it up into monthly payments previously it said monthly payments $2500 it didn't come out with $60,000 it wasn't done that way yeah you're asking like is this a lease or is this a month by month is are we locked into that is that what you're saying yeah the whole situation completely different was you know no it's not it's not really different uh it's basically the same uh the uh there's a 30-day termination Clause if you want to get out uh from the lease so you can get out on 30 days notice the rent is payable monthly and I think the the full amount was put in just to uh to uh reserve the amount that that's the total amount of the lease okay the outside amount the M maximum amount uh that it could be but there is the same and it's the same lease that we had last time with a couple of small changes so it's not it's it's the same I could see where you would think it was though the way that the verbage of ver you know it's very strange and I really didn't I guess because it was on that I wouldn't have really heard about it uh then there's something else oh first of all Mr Sears this is lovely but is this recyclable materal he just he just you know come on I went to the printer that's what expensive all right my my POA on that one yeah that was really a POA and now I have to ask you a question because I have two grandchildren driving an anti-idling ordinance passed in 2022 excuse me of what an anti idling ordinance passed in 2022 that was from the state yeah we we actually passed it we had one there wasn't but we we covered it with the state we reinforced what the state came down at us but we don't have one we do it's not in the township we do well it's not anywhere our ordinances it should be in our Ord s I'll have to be search for you we took we took the state ordinance from that okay because I didn't see anything and saying here now we have an ordinance and I don't even you know Che tomorrow adopted it the first year we were de and I were on Council it's not in the you know if somebody could please get back me I apprciate not a problem I the consent agenda I have a few question again we have BS how much was that Grant originally for I'm sorry does anybody know how much the grant was for the budget 30 30,000 I Believe Miss hosman it's a $30,000 Grant with a $30,000 doll for dooll match okay so that we so I pretended the 43 9.98 was less than the amount that you know we still got the 30,000 yes and we only had to put in the okay uh then we went down to we did uh the elevator we're not having a new elevator it's just when we remodeling I mean what for 126,000 I believe it is I believe it is new because they don't make the same they don't make the parts anymore correct something to that effect say modernization of the elevator because I don't believe they make those it is correct it's it's a modernization rather um a totally new elevator but most components are new I just can't I don't want to throw out a percentage like 90 126,000 thing a lot of money I mean you know I don't know if to get other people but you know AR there aren't very many elevator companies left anymore no them are the same we we did receive four proposals and this was the the least expensive I think that's what I asking we are all in the wrong business uh yes obviously G field model certain playground equipment 177,000 then I'll go down to we went down to remodeling the playground at Memorial field that came out to all of this money came out to $244,000 at the second to last meeting of the year it seems strange that all of a sudden it has to all be presented at one time I've never seen or you know I've never seen a consent agenda have this much money that they had to approve in one time it just seems very strange that's all I'm going to say uh it's just very strange situation oh and then I have some questions about some thank you council president Morgan if I can just you can miss Osman the um most of that money for those projects was approved by the council during our Capital ordinance right so it was it was approved prior I think in June is when the capital ordinances were approved it just took time getting proposals and dealing with that what would happen if you didn't do it this week could you done it next week or the week after I suppose so yeah but you know we're trying to get the elevator done done it's it's goes out you know maybe once every two months it went out recently twice within a week so we're trying to get that done we're trying to stay on top of the projects and and getting them done the gardener field was a capital expense that was um approved by the council right and that actually was a much higher um initial ask and then we decided to kind of go with what needed to be replaced immediately to be safe um so we we were cost-saving trying to be cost efficient at that point so it's just a 200 I knowon I know a lot of money I know well it's actually not because we've done millions of dollars before at a council meeting so it's actually quite small in comparison to other Council meetings if we go back to the history actually we can pull it out of the ordinances and we actually did the same thing last year I believe in December for the additional capitals when it came to some of the body cameras later on right so this actually is not out of the ordinary and this does fall within the capital budget so it's not something that anyone up here is doing that has not been already presented to the public the money is ridiculous though I know it's not just I I put yeah I we put a um an uh 8 by5 carpet in my office uh in my last organization and I found it at Home Depot for $50 it was $875 at the hospital we had to put in we had to use their specific vendor so it's just um you know I know it's it sounds astronomical and it is um but is that is the going rate unfortunately and things just continue to increase right so as Miss katzer said had we done stuff in the past we' have saved that money so the longer we hold out on on the elevator for example correct we're going to have to buy a whole new elevator y right and a new elevator is running around three $750,000 on that though on that there the door that's out in the front that's not been working for over a year is there something that we're going to is that being repaired or the the push handicap the handicap one right The autoa Works Key System it only opens when the front door it only works when the front door oh okay okay all right it was it was not there was a small period it wasn't working okay it wasn't not it was it's fed now okay you're not you're right not that is there anyone else light CAU good evening everyone Michael Des at 347 Beach Street good evening Mr morning um I see the DPW building is on the administration's uh conference agenda for tonight I just I just hope that we put a pause on this while the new Council comes in that we have time to digest it I don't want to be spending money that um I I I I have some serious concerns about putting a second floor on a DPW building and having Council meetings above it and Court above it um it is supposed to be a state-of-the-art functioning DPW Yard with trucks and debris and Pickups going on and you know during emergencies if we have Council meetings you know DPW trucks could be idling underneath us um you have to walk through I don't know if anybody's walked out there Mr D Carlo saw the the remnants of parts of the DPW from one of the workers coming up and getting an agenda um so it it it it needs to studied a little bit more I think I think it's it's not a it's not the the greatest idea it's not the worst idea but I think there's got to be a lot more research put into this before we pull and spend another $8 million on the second floor for the DPW building to put the council chambers up there and the courtroom up there because it it just it's not the right fit so I just hope we pause a little bit and uh have a little time to to digest this thank you everyone thank you is there anybody else that would like to come up is there heat in this building you cold is Michael Alman 2 CLK Avenue um the ordinance 2318 for the good Council parking I guess when are we anticipating breaking Gap excuse me breaking ground on the new DPW I'm gonna defer to Mr Dar Carlo for that or Mr Mayor I I don't have that answer we don't have a date yet based on yeah where we are so far so if that's the case how does this contract work where we have a commencement date of December 1st 2023 so we start paying next month next month so I would just question uh why are we paying when we don't need it yeah well yeah I mean we don't have a plan we don't have a plan to an approved plan we don't have a date to put shovel into ground uh so it just seems uh premature May to commit to that kind of expense uh so that would be my observation were the tenants were they amendable to a flexible start um well if I can remind everyone uh now that we got the grant money for the swim club we have to move the equipment out of the swim club parking lot that's part of the arrangement once we take open space money we can no longer store that equipment at the swim plug so that's what we'll be going there immediately okay um and I've asked this previously and I I don't know if it's been fully answered um but you know the church has a uh you know an uh I guess a mission uh a religious Mission uh which I appreciate um they don't run a parking garage so my question is do they are these payments taxable or does it impact their exemption status and should they be paying property tax where uh monies are being received for a function that's really not part of their mission and I'm not sure if it's part of their exemption so I don't know if that's been discussed or reviewed with the tax assessor or we can get money back or these penalize them for helping us um I don't know what do you think I mean yes I can um the last time the lease was done the assessor looked at it and uh deemed it was appropriate based on the forms they fill out and submit to her okay they have to reported on their income tax also as Revenue even they are a church it does get reported on their income tax but that that's their problem I'm more concerned about if they're claiming an exemption because I don't believe they pay any property tax correct so if they're running a facility that's a for-profit sort of entity should that be property tax doesn't work that way in the state with classifications of use Excuse me the state of New Jersey classifications of use for property doesn't work that way if it's classified that way it's classified that way why they you somebody would have to take them to court and have them Declassified okay well maybe we should consider that we have an attorney on staff why would we consider declassifying them if they're giving us I I would you know stop it right here because again they filed the proper thing with the assessor each year or two years and uh past that it's not our concern right and if the state allows it I think you know it sits with them also um ordinance 2317 uh the removal and replacement is this in addition to or is this further clarifying don't we have a ordinance on file for this it's clarification of some of the um of the first uh addition of this ordinance we had a clarification on the fees and the penalties and um I thank Mr poot for getting involved with these things um it also signes um uh ownership on the contractors too if they deliberately take trees down without proper procedure it's a an update you know everything's in place councilman Sears do you mind if I just elaborate on that yes please do this revision to the ordinance was actually required as part of our stormwater management system through New Jersey D so they actually provided us with a sample ordinance that was just approved for them and I worked with uh Mr par to revise the um our existing ordinance to correspond with the sample ordinance provided by New Jersey uh D so can I just ask uh and maybe it's splitting hairs but this seems uh almost like a complete ordinance is this just is this the re rewrite or we deleting the pro prior and putting this in in its entirety because it seems fair comprehens probably merging of both I would it's merging it's merging yeah okay and lastly um for the purchase of the it 450 pasak as well as the grant that we're receiving um I'm sorry I'll separate the two for the 450 pass act do we know uh what the impact of that will be to the taxpayer in terms of uh increase either as uh temporary notes or what the projected would projection would be for permanent funding we went over that the last time didn't we when you I know I don't have my notes yeah I don't either I thought it was six I thought it don't please don't hold me I do not bring my notebook with those numbers I thought it was $6 but I I can email you I did have the calculation I'm sorry I just don't have my notebook with me was it done last was it discussed last meeting it was but it was discussed more than just one meeting and I can't remember it was I think it was yes last meeting and it was discussed a couple meetings ago too but I'm very sorry I don't have my notebook with me that's right I a lot to car I I know I usually have it that's why I it so thank you and is that $6 over for one year or for 20 years it was whatever the it was whatever the term of the note was going to be for the single increase okay no I guess notes are typically one year so it would be $6 for a year yeah unless we if we unless we Bond we bonded it out that's what I which just going to be the one increase okay and lastly the um the 438 that we received for Ridgewood Boulevard North how does that make its way into the I guess Uh current account or is it going to a capital fund yeah Mr it goes is it going into the current counter Capital fund capital and are they um are we putting any uh caveats or controls as to what it could be spent on eventually or is it just going to be fungible within the capital fund do we are we earmarking it you know I don't remember my imagine description but Council specifically spoke about I I believe councilman Casio and I specifically made made reference that that was what it was going to be used for nothing more and that's what we were agreeing to okay thank you very much do you remember Mr almond they just did the math again it's between s and $7.75 and $8 for one year no for it would be over 20 years per year per year yes per year yes but for for the note term of 25 years yeah okay thank you very much yeah is there anyone else that would like to come up coming up are you on the phone uhhuh y ready hello what's the name phone number hello are you there hello this is William Ferrara can you hear me yes hi Mr farrara hi I just wanted to a few things um first of all I'd like to thank Mrs feny and Mrs Morgan for their service um you'll be very happy to get more time with your family um think oh and I wanted to bring up something else I went through the resolution that's being passed about the football championship which was a great thing and I did not see in that whole resolution the word congratulations but can somebody proof read it and check me I think the word congratulations should be in there just I mean goes all around the malberry bush but it doesn't hit congratulations so um and I wanted to bring up um with respect to the bot ball court I see it reading the ordinance or the resolution ition I see now we're going to have two bot ball courts is that going to be at Martini Park yes you know they yeah well you've got U Memorial treated former mayor there you've got benches there you've got walking paths there and it's not that big a park and the other thing I'm be concerned about is that you've got head in parking for about five cars I think is about the parking situation it may develop especially with two b ball courts I just think you might want to look and see if that's the best place for it my thought would be that possibly put it over with the at the revised renovated Swim Club but you know you can look at that um the other thing I wanted to ask about do you know what you going to do with the property at 450 pesek Road no currently open space currently right yeah when when we went to the open space uh commission uh for their hearing on it and our presentation uh we said we would probably just put a walking trail in there yeah I think actually I think that actually goes back if you go back to the the late uh councilman Cummings that was what his suggestion was because that's when this thing was voice proposed and I think that's a good idea to leave the trees and have a walking trail absolutely um the other thing I wanted to ask about was the um at the swim club property you have the $433,000 and I believe you also had a $551,000 um um grant that you received ear that was received earlier also for the swim club is that the total amount that's going to be available for remunerating the swim club um the grant writer is always looking for Grants uh as and as far as recreational uses go uh so I can only say right now that's what we've received in grant money uh but as it unfolds you know he continues to look for money and we'll apply wherever we think we have a shot okay that's it thanks very much that's it thank you have a good night yes Mr eugina Mr eugina are you on the phone [Music] hello one of our young res hi oh okay you know I hope have a good night everyone have a good night I swear I I did not raise my hand so all right no problem all right if there's no one else there is yeah there's one more that the same one hello hello uh yes yes hello hi hi it's Jim wshb Street um I can't top the last comment um but real real quick um the boty court I'm all in favor of Bot courts I just want to give you guys a heads up um I built a bot Court in Dumont we own the Dumont senior housing and when we built it everybody had a thought that we were going to be building a much smaller bot court but we followed the international bot ball court Association uh specifications and the court requires according to them that it's length be be between 78 feet and 96 feet and between 13 feet 8 in and 20 Feet 3 in so when we built ours to the minimum all the seniors showed up and they were like this is too big I just want to put that out there because 30 years ago I just appointed a bunch of people who want to play b ball all the time and they were surprised by the size of the court so I don't know if any of that thoughts G in but I've made that mistake once but we did build it official and no one's used it in 25 years side note FYI that's appreciated do we have to go I'm just exper experience well I'm just saying like they we they wanted us to build what Bergenfield had built which they were all accustomed to it was a much smaller non-regulation Court when we built it to the spec what's acceptable the seniors showed up and the court was huge and whatever so I'm just offering two cents I think it's a great idea and just let you guys know I made a mistake years ago and disappointed people and it's not been used in 25 years so anyway my me thank you for your input that's super helpful I can comment yeah can you comment Mr hi Mr Walsh it's Mark De Carlo um when we were doing our research we came up with three different sizes actually I think the shortest was 60 feet like you said 76 and 90 and I'm trying to proposal I think we went in the middle so we could kind of everybody it wasn't going to be too short and it definitely wasn't going to be too long of course to find this uh proposal to see what but I think we went in the middle you're exactly right like 12 or 13 feet wide so altogether the structure was like 25t wide by I think the 76 I just careful yeah I just I made you know we went through this oh I think we l yes are you still on yeah you're right yeah I'm still here that's where we did go we did go yeah okay no I'm just you know I did this a long time ago and the first time I was a young guy building this thing and everybody looked at me like I built it wrong but we followed the specs and you know but it's whatever doesn't get used as much anyway thank you for your time that's all that's I haven't heard b ball CTS Construction in a long time and I want to give my my experience appreciate that yeah thank you very much it's definitely helpful okay Mr Dar Carlo thank you thank you for the size the size that we're we selected would we be able to host tournaments and like do we have to fulfill a requirement of a certain size to be able to host tournaments I imagine you could I I think 60 feet was like the backyard then like 76 was like the official and then the largest um Mr Walsh I forget what I don't know if it was club or but I I think it is like Mr 76 to 90 something feet and then it's 138 to 20 feet three inches something like that I'm thinking you know oh here it is the propos excited it's finally happening we use the international bot ball Association I'm not saying there's not an American standard or other standards it's just expectations and then what we delivered were different and I just want you guys be prepared for that no that's excellent that's great you could also advertise it that way to make sure that we don't um mislead anybody thank you appreciate it Happy holidays everybody good luck happy holidays thank you thank you okay is there good evening Diane galdi um first of all I want to thank councilwoman Morgan and unie for your service I want to thank you also for acknowledging um commity for kuas Club of pasat Valley it's a very worthwhile and charitable organization and um open to all residents of pasc Valley now I um like to ask first of all was Valley Bank approached at all about storing the equipment um the DPW equipment they've got such a large parking lot in the back every time I go on the website it pans out and I see this huge they they were approached and not interested in temporary I'd rather not go into the reason but they were approached okay um second all this is going to be pretty unpopular but about 450 pasak road instead of um open space which I believe in open space I wish io's property was going to be open space but um it seems like with our parking situation in town hall the big asks of the police for space um and the ridiculous idea of putting a courtroom on the second floor of the DPW I think that's just absurd um would there ever be a consideration for putting a police station a police department on 450 Pass Road I think that was probably floated around we that was actually brought to light during um I want to say it's the same time as DPW for Charlie Brown when we were reviewing all the different locations in town it was brought up we discussed it at length and we determined it wasn't wide enough yeah wide enough of the Contour you guys were so afraid that there was going to be high density housing in 35 houses it seems like yeah we it was enough for that but not enough for a police department no we no um well with the high density housing had nothing to do with us I mean so that's not no but it was that was all of a sudden the knee-jerk reaction to like we got to buy it now I think it had to do with the drainage the grade and I think we were also looking to buy the lot on the corner which in order to make it accessible for the police department that's right sorry we right we we talked about buying the lot on the corner right Mr Shar yes order to make it accessible and not such a they were talk from the engineer about the design of what the land would look like with the police department on it about the entrance and exit so the egress would not be a good situation with the incline there and that was what was recommended from the engineering department and then we were looking at to buy that piece of property if you're looking at it to the left in order to make a better entrance and exit there and then that didn't happen and I believe that was abandoned that idea because of what was the chairman from the engineers there is a small piece of property that the township owns on Ridgewood Boulevard the house we wereing to buy on the actual house on the corner but there's a piece of property that's there's a slier behind that house behind that yeah that wasn't that wasn't big enough either so when we we did we actually did explore that a lot plus if I may council president the cost difference to put up a standalone police building as we saw when we looked at it at the Charlie Browns property far exceeds what we can do with renovating this space uh understood and I don't mean for new police station to appear in a year or two years time you know things can be done Band-Aids that we've all lived with for years and years can continue to be done while we pay for other projects knowing that down the line we are going we have a plan in place that's that's all I'm saying just like I making this this seems like we're just building this little space up more and more and more and we're complaining about parking we're complaining about not having space something's got to get so that's that's just my two cents um and I think everybody else pretty much touched upon everything have the dates been approved yet for the council meetings in 2024 no no probably at the 1 of do at the first meeting the re the re done new Council D okay we usually do the first meeting of the New Year okay very good but we have a reorg date I know that will be on the agenda conference for a discussion I think she's also got to wait for the other groups to who use this room too that's been the past Pro right well Council usually came first with their weor sometimes not always thank you thank you is there anybody else I just want to say I agree with Mrs galdi you know we a lot of stuff in this town has been pushed down the road and we are at that breaking point and we have mandated the police department for an exceptionally long period of time and then the issues with the gpw came up which just compounded the parking problems we have here and having the seniors here and voting and everything and so something does have to be done I don't know we really can wait I don't think that I mean we've attracted a lot of young families in town and I think it's because of the services we're now providing and hopefully will continue to provide and having a great Police Department a great fire department having a fantastic DPW offering the services we do at Town Hall only attracts them and only makes everybody else's property values go up so we do need to move on some of these items because it's been 35 years since a lot of this has been done thank God for the new Fire Department because they were having to use sandbags in order to wake the fire truck down and get it into the firehouse that's not a good okay agreed on all accounts um can I just say one thing since you guys brought up the fire house um I mean I think it looks absolutely fantastic and I just want to commend the the fire and ambulance for putting up the lights in on of our football team so we you know we missed that in the all of us missed that in the opening so just want to recognize them for their efforts and they did a great job decorating it looks great out there so I thank the council for moving the township forward by creating this opportunity for our fire to have a new building so thank you to everybody yeah it's definitely a beautiful building okay motion to close public second all in favor I I we're going to move on to uh ordinances adoption second reading ordinance number 23-14 an ordinance establishing maximum fees for participants in Recreation programs resolution number 23- 355 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for ordinance 23 3-4 may I have a motion second okay um call coun C yes councilwoman fny yes councilman Sears yes councilwoman bz yes council president Morgan yes any discussion no I'm good with I think it's a great idea public hearing y I'm sorry Mr Mar no I said it Mar I just don't understand this ordinance is it's not going to say the amounts for each program you're going to wait I don't understand how it's written it was in the last it was in the last meeting the bouns were in the last meeting it says maximum fee for I know but in the ordinance usually it has every sport and how much that's only what needs to be changed in the ordinances what shall all the all the fees will be part of it but this is only the fees will be part of it okay this just one little all right it just didn't make no sense just like this I'm going where is what Fe all right no problem thank you thank you any other discussion okay anyone on the motion to close public hearing for ordinance 23-14 second see roll call Council M Cassio yes Council yes Council seers yes Council woman valz yes council president Morgan yes motion to adopt ordinance number 23-14 at second reading by title second please councilman Casio yes councilwoman Bey yes councilman seers yes councilwoman valz yes counc president Morgan yes ordinance number 23-15 bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of lands in and by the township of Washington in the county of Bergen New Jersey appropriating $825,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $785,000 bonds or notes of the township for financing such appropriation for 50 Pas Road resolution number 23- 356 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for ordinance 23-15 may I have a motion second coun CIO yes councilwoman FY yes councilman Sears yes Council valz yes council president Morgan yes is there any discussion public come on up I told that's okay okay this project this property has been up for sale since I was Clerk and the first time it was up for sale we did an appraisal and I'm guaranteeing you it was $450,000 was the amount and I'm sure Mr Po can confirm that because I actually it was in my files 450,000 now it came came back and we did another appraisal and unless I'm wrong he came the appraisal came up with 475,000 how did we come up with 700 what did we pay for the property so I'm going to defer to Mr par for the specific details you're you're on mute I'm sorry you just doesn't want to talk to me the way this was predicated is we were getting a we're getting a grant of 524 525,000 right from I I I haven't seen the uh the actual document but the information was that we are getting that Mr Dar Carlo correct Mr darara give me a second um the uh the answer to that is we have not received the offici official letter from the county however we were told that it is a substantial amount okay of money so so this is predicated of that so assuming we get the grant the purchase price to the town is $200,000 to get this property we're actually giving Mr Morris $785,000 for his property correct $750,000 750 there's extra money that is that is needed for uh title searches uh uh survey all the all the things that would be required to acquire property so so when you did this appraisal this time at 475,000 the value of this property which is it's terrible looking I mean you drive by it and you go it looks like the property used to be with the senior housing used to be right okay so so the thing is this a appraise value yes the praise value in its current state and and in zoning uh 400 whatever, it is if it but it can get approval for uh not not all those homes that that developer was talking about but regular a number of homes uh uh it was it was there were appraisals for 900 around $975,000 as that coal um so the value of the property with a variance would be um considerably higher than as a one Family Residence okay just think of one piece of property that's bigger than the minimum zoning um and it can get a variance I'm not saying it's absolutely guaranteed but it can get a variance and that was the Assumption if it got a variance uh the property would be worth uh the the nine I think it was nine and change and there were two appraisals by the way um which supported that uh because those appraisals had to be given given to the uh County for them to give the award for the amount of money that they gave so they are they accepted that so long and the short of it is with the um with the uh Grant the the pocket outlay for the town is $200,000 to get this property how however many acres it is I forgot how many acres it is but uh $200,000 purch price okay so but now do we have any money in there in order to clean up that property because that's going to be our responsibility not his you know the last time we saw property that was this bad or property was purchased to do something the person who bought it to put up the senior housing had it paid to clean up the property yeah there's not senior housing is not going there that that's number one uh but it there there's extra money in there for uh demolition um now I I don't know what they're doing in terms of trails open space or however they're doing it but um this was the amount of money that the bonding attorney um thought was appropriate and that's the amount that we put in so there is money for um the due diligence um and uh uh some extra for cleanup things of that nature uh demolition I think is even mentioned if I'm not mistaken Mr paer I have the exact amounts of appraisal if you wish me to sure yeah there was two companies as Mr parer said and uh one appraisal was for 885,000 the other appraisal was for 900,000 thank you thank you come up Michael Des at 347 Beach Street Mr par is it in our affordable housing plan isn't it stated that 450 pasak is not a developable piece of property it wasn't it wasn't one of the ones that was included as as developable property correct so it did not fall into high density zone or anything like that no no no no okay I just want to make because you said it could be more than one thing no no when I said I thought you just stated so no no no no what I said was the the the I remember that the uh owner had a a developer who came in with some not came in the talk was um that you know multiple multiple housing on there is is what he talked about but our affordable housing plan prohibits that correct yeah it does correct correct correct all right about to make that clear so is is the is the amount to knock down the Morris House included in this $775,000 origin or is it not there end up with theore at the end of this meeting and it's going to cost probably 25 to $30,000 demol it can cover demolition costs yes no is it but I my question is one person is saying it's included some say it's not is it included or is it not that's the question it can be included it is an authorized cost we can include a lot of an authorized cost the authorized cost so Mr dalla can you answer that question is it included to to demolish that in that Bond ordinance the specific answer is it was not technically included in it well Mr PA saying is out of the borrowed money or if we do borrow can utilize it he's saying this cost already Associated that we know we have to get a survey done we have to do other things title searches and those things all cost money they're not they're not cheap on a three acre property run I don't want to commit to that excuse me excuse me excuse me okay so the I as I said before the bond ordinance reads if you want to read it okay uh for public purpos including open SP including demolition of the existing structures thank you that's what it says in the bond ordinance I I said that before that's what I said all right thank you Mr Paul thank you thank you did just a clarify one thing in the COA agreement it doesn't say it can ever it's just this COA agreement so in 2025 could be up again for reevaluation of the high density housing if the town didn't own it just so everyone's aware that's correct the agreement only no but it's 2025 so we are looking at going through the court Master next year to start our tcoa 2025 process so this is actually a benefit to the down we don't buy it now it this is not just because it says it's not going to be used now for COA in 2025 the qut master could say well you've got this piece of land that's up for sale I'm deeming it for um okay anyone else want to come up to discuss you come Michael lman um so the number 785 was uh there should be some basis for it I would think probably a line by line uh not a guesstimate of things that may happen or we might do or might not do so like what is the what's the purchase price of the property 75050 750 so that leaves 35,000 okay do we know like was that sort of like this or how much is the survey so I know that these are supposed to cover as we mentioned the soft costs Mr par did you have when you were calculating this number um for 785 would there specific things that you put in there that you came up with this number first of all I do I'm not the bonding attorney that's number one so this number is the bonding attorney came up with that after talking about what's involved in getting this property and what might be involved in the acquisition process and that was the amount that and it was I guess it's a it's a number that the bonding attorneys generally use in different uh scenarios that they put in these costs uh now I will tell you that you know a survey for one family house you know that might run uh uh you know 350 400 450 I guarantee you the survey for this property is not going to run anything like that and then maybe other survey type things there's environmental there's there there are other costs involved and that's a number so this is not an item in term and and you know you don't have to spend it this is really just to cover the costs if you incur them okay if you don't want to knock down the house and you love the house so you won't have the demolition cost and if you don't want to do a survey a topographical survey uh then you won't have that cost but you know I mean we're putting in there or the bonding attorney put in there what would be appropriate for the acquisition of a property of this nature right and it's broad purposely it's it's of course I mean it's it's ridiculous to think that you could sit here and start to project what the the uh actual uh contract cost for demolition of a building that nobody's actually looked at with a contractor and come up with a biddable number or something like that I mean these are numbers that are used by bonding attorneys when they're approaching projects and they put in the the extra to cover these other costs and they as as they are incurred you have the money for it obviously if you decide not to do something or something doesn't isn't required you won't have to do it I mean you won't to spend it so C president may make a comment and Ken please listen to what I'm about to say I think everyone maybe is overlooking something unless I'm reading it wrong but the first line in the ordinance says we're appropriating 825,000 but we're only bonding 785 so we have 825 for every all the items listed in the ordinance right because we're putting 40,000 from our Capital Improvement fund if I'm reading it correctly so we have 75,000 inre correct we have 75,000 purchase those yeah incidental yeah pretty signicant in just one last question on that so I understand sure um due to the age of the house uh there I would assume at one point it may have had oil heat uh maybe not but have we do have we determined if there is is the potential for an environmental uh issue or cleanup uh has anything been certified or in the due d okay so let me let me let me jump in on that so part of the process when you do when I do a contract or you do a contract of this there is the due diligence period and during the due diligence period you investigate all sorts of things you investigate environmental you investigate you do a title search you find out if there are any leans uh and you find out if title is good you find out all of these things if there is something wrong you you have the right at that point to back out of the of the purchase so but as of today we it's an unknown until those investigations are completed right I mean you you don't own the property you can't go on and start testing the property without even having a contract for it well I understand that but if you perhaps ask did you ever have oil heat in the course of a discussion it may have come up that was my question well they okay all right fine listen what is is is it unreasonable to ask that they don't have to answer it is unreasonable for that when they they have a due they it's going to be a due diligence period to do the investigation okay I mean that's that's the way that's the way it's done that's the way it's done you know I mean I could ask him uh do you have a bad title do you have a a claim against your property I could ask him a whole bunch of questions you could ask if they have a dungeon down there you know I know when I purchased my personal house my realtor asked I mean I didn't go to closing I didn't go to contract it's a it's a logical question you know I'm not asking is he splitting the atom in the basement okay well there's a gas tank the difference the difference is is that real estate brokers came up with their their in their certification of what the disclosure of what it is to buy a house and they know it is and so the broker actually gets that before the people actually even get involved so I mean has nothing to do with with you asking what they have your broker is doing nothing because that's what Brokers do and that's a one family house that's not a piece of property such as this so it's kind of apples and oranges so this is a one family house we're purchasing no it's we're we're buying a piece of property it's not a one it's a one family house that's on the property but it's a quite different property than a one Family House in the township okay council president quick comment yes um we could ask them um but I would never take their word for it anyway because it might have been before they were there or something so I think we'd have to do our due diligence anyway um most certainly yeah completely agree sir okay we actually even if they said they didn't we would be doing testing to see whether they have tanks correct okay motion to close public hearing second uh Sue all in FA I mean um roll call please councilman Casio yes councilwoman feni yes councilman seers yes Council woman valz yes council president Morgan yes motion to adopt ordinance number 23-15 at second reading by title so moved second uh V call please councilman Casio abstain Council yes councilman seers yes Council valz yes council president Morgan yes ordinance number 23-16 ordinance providing for the Improvement of lands 464 Ridgewood Boulevard North in and by the township of Washington in the county of Bergen New Jersey and appropriating $438,000 therefore constituting proceeds of a grant from the County of Bergen resolution number 23357 authoriz reading and opening of public hearing for ordinance 23-3 call counc CIO yes counc woman yes yes any discussion anyone like to come it's okay with the swim club have we actually purchased the swim club and paid money for it and now its own title is countship of Washington yes okay uh and this is the we're accepting the grant money which is half the amount hypothetically of what we paid for the so we've already accepted the grant money it's not we are accepting it we this is this is showing you've accepted it we have accepted it and this is dedicating what it can be used forting four right now uh so this really this amount of money 438,000 from what I understand doing a survey for that property had to be very very expensive because the swim club tried to do the survey with and it was costing so much money it was just for there was just no way H because she had gone to as you know people had gone to aelen Fury for it and they said 70 $80,000 it it was if I remember recalls correctly it was in the low five figures is like between 10 and 20,000 okay all right that was hard so this $438 is going to do everything including re passive use facilities improvements together with all structures Landscaping it's it's all to do things on that property that's what this ordinance does I believe and so but we don't know what we're doing on the property yet uh correct we do not know yet okay so we had this for suppose it comes up where what happens if you need a lot more money we come back to the council and say we need a lot more money um if it needs a dime more than this then yes we do and the grant writer continues to look for uh grants to uh support uses on the property do you have any timetable as the mayor as to when you want to improve this property umove I do um yes as soon as a plan gets approved uh by the rec Advisory Board and by the council and money is appropriated as I've shown with every other project in town as soon as that's done we execute it I know that you would discuss with the rec board about this property and a originally you had said that you would go to ask residents their opinions also not just people you put on the board and some of these people have no CH yeah they're older I know CR we have a good cross-section of people on the board well that's your but I just want to know that this is so you didn't do that you're not going to do that it's only going to be these people that you have yourself have chosen no when the when the council gets around to approving it that's when the public will be involved also and and have their input but if you come up with a uh what you want to do with the property what difference would that make what do you mean what difference the council has to appr council has to approve contracts that we will go out to to support I don't mean that you originally said that people will have their opinions I mean I think made that statement president I think there's a misunderstanding here there is no final plan a plan has not been submitted to anybody for review the initial conversations are still happening and the plan hasn't been submitted yet so I think there's a misunderstanding that there has been a plan that's been submitted and finalized when there has it so he I believe from the last couple meetings where we've talked about this they're still working on the plan still taking input the plan will come to the council and then it's going to go for Resident opinions also so at this moment in time there isn't plan set in stone they're still working on the plan but this money is needed to do these things in order to move forward okay so when there is do you will actually have you will go to the residents and say who would like to be on a committee to help with this to see if this is the correct for the township so that is absolutely unfortunately I won't be here at that time which is a shame thank you um but that is exactly what I thought was the plan I know the rec Advisory Board was one component of the decision I knew the council was as well and I thought there was going to be input back and forth um so that it was thank you because that's what I thought that's why I'm here asking right all a I heard that they were two been put on but it hasn't come but it's not what you thought was going to happen what you thought was going to happen is still happening it hasn't moved past that point yet that's the point there shouldn't be some sort of something put out there saying that the administration is hiding this plan and nobody else is going to have any input talked about baseball field please is what's been talked about this property correct no actually it hasn't there have been multiple options besides baseball field soccer a Rec building a Christmas tree we talked about all of these things are still being taken under advisement there is not so then we're not actually doing just baseball fields there correct no there is no plan set in stone at this moment which is what everybody is saying I know what you know as far as what what's been discussed we've all there's been ideas thrown around um the one thing I think was solid was there's no pool the pool was off the board yeah the council voted on that to it there's no pool correct and that because that was the recommendation of the of the recis recory board um but short of that nothing else was put in place it was still very much up for discussion but I do want to just say one thing I do think strongly as I leave this de that the the residents should have some there should be maybe a special meeting just to discuss what could happen there um where that's the sole focus of the meeting so I'm just going to recommend that for the new Council coming in and the current Council who will be sitting here that that's my recommendation that's what I would do if I was sitting here I think it needs that that need input from the res they're not at that point when they are we when we're at that point absolutely yeah so that should be made is there there um no it's not going to be a board open open there's no committee it will be for Resident input right so you know how we did the traffic committee or or traffic committee we did like traffic discussion we had one meeting where everyone kind of came up and they expressed their opinions it'll be the same back and forth um and then that's how the best ideas happen when it's collaborative so not a committee because um that kind of doesn't give everybody a voice so I think you would advertise it as a special committee to discuss potential wreck you know at the swim club you're going to get a lot of people in here and it it deserves its 3 four hours so not St in the idea so one group of people is the entire conversation we've had with the about the swim club which was the rec Advisory Board the council and and the residents not to have a committee in between for the residents to say this is the set group of people are going to make decisions the idea was to have an open conversation with the residents and not limited to a certain set group of people okay is there anybody else that would like to come up and discuss I understand and I hear everything everybody's saying and I understand what Mar is saying also St name Diane galdi thank you um but I think in the beginning when we were talking about this there was going to be more resident input we were talking about survey monkey monkey survey whatever that is and and reaching out more early on instead of having the committee The Advisory Board tell us you know what they want and then anyway that's what I think um we know the pool is going to be gone right corre so do we know the cost of that I know the cost of a residential pool filling it in is it's not inexpensive pardon me it's not inexpensive it's super expensive I mean I'm wondering if it's going to take up a good chunk of that money and the building itself I know there was a lot of work done it's not in good shape but there was a lot of work done um the seniors didn't want that for their senior center seniors have a senior center correct and we have a courtroom but we might not have a courtroom so we could move it to the senior center the courtroom if the senior center could be moved to to the swim club it's just again just a suggestion it seems like everything all options should be out agre there's nothing off the table yet other than as Mrs Morgan said it's not going to be a swim club but the building wasn't even um decided that it would come down actually yeah we had right right so there's a potential for still recck use there um because it fell under what the guidelines are to use that money to rehab it it did fall we were allowed to and I think the senior center would be also this way we wouldn't have to move the court I'm just again thinking about this complex and trying to keep it as intact as possible and we could make that a beautiful scene yeah I think you have great idea there too please come to the meeting when the developing think think session starts yeah be there see the pool Revisited because I keep having residents tell me they'd like to see the pool I agree I did hear a lot of that I did hear a lot about the pool being uh revamped I'd like to see the pool stay I would seriously I think we could we could use um we could really use Hillsdale they would I spoke to them they would be willing to come and advise to how to make it profitable because they it does take a couple years but you can turn it profitable quickly especially by offering out of town like in town amazing rates and out of town decent rates because a lot of the swim clubs in our area have gotten to be astronomical and if we could attract locals Hills out I think Hill would probably stay at but Emerson or surrounding towns that might be an option I mean Richwood had a lot of problems this past year with her with the beach there that it was closed a lot of a lot of the days so before shovel hits the ground we're going to have discussion and who knows the you know if enough people have that opinion when they come and it may it may be back on the table who knows and council president just one more comment on that um you you said you thought that was going to be the process early on where residents would have input that would be premature because without the survey being done we don't even know what the property could support uh and the survey was just done a couple of months ago so even though there have been preliminary ideas spoken about by the rec Advisory Board it would be premature to put it out there and say what do you want before we know what the property can support in my opinion just like yes no I agree but it would have been premature until we know what the property can support okay is there anybody else Michael Omen um just following up on that last comment mayor uh has the survey been complete and has has it been presented to uh The Advisory Council for lack of a better term the uh survey has been complete and Boswell is now uh reviewing it and superimposing some things that the rec Advisory Board spoke about okay thank you sure so can we um with the 438,000 can we uh incorporate that into the costs that we know of so far for the swim club so what was that what was the initial purchase price uh have we expended any additional funds that were not part of that initial purchase price or that are over what was previously approved and is the 438 the first grant that has been received have we received other grants for this property if you want to yeah Mr nman as far as I'm aware that's the second Grant so the first one was the first one that we actually received the funds for was the local Recreation Grant which was5 ,000 part of that money was utilized to pay for the survey for the property from Boswell engineering um the purchase price I don't like just throwing numbers out but I think it was 735,000 uh I believe don't hold me to it um the second Grant we received was the um land acquisition Grant from open space which was the exact dollar amount of what we're trying to pass night for the ordinance so that was um that was not borrowed money so we had let me see if I'm saying it right um it was an unfunded Source in the game so we didn't borrow money to buy that piece of property so when I advise Council that we'd be receiving the grant money soon and um ask their input for what we could do for it that's when Council elected to um establish a capital ordinance and able to utilize that money for whatever we have as our future needs for so the 735 then if I understand your comment uh the township did not need to issue notes or permanent funding or permanent bonding for that acquisition I I I may disagree with you on that Mark I think we did Bond some of it if not all of it uh I don't think we went that much out of pocket um and took our Surplus to do that so I think we bonded it and this money could have gone to either repay pay part of that fond or to um to improve the property and happy to say the council has gone a direction we should use it to improve the property okay so we expended 735 we're receiving we received 51 in the first grant uh that was not used to defer any of that 735 so we expending that for sort of acquisition cost or surveys or these types of analysis and then we're getting another 438 that uh could be used to retire debt we're making a decision that we're going to use that money for improvements of the property please don't it's a weird situation but we did not borrow that money because Council specifically asking regarding the paying down of debt and we didn't borrow it we Bor so we either General Sur then we'll have because we have disagreeing opinions from the audience and us here on the day so we'll have to look into it and get you a that you know it's a it's a random question yeah so I could follow up um but so 735 was purchased I mean that we can agree on yes 51 we received as a grant we're using that for uh analysis for lack of a better term and we received another grant for 438 that we are going to use for improvements that's corre the ordinance should pass yes based on the preliminary uh survey that was done by Boswell or the survey that was done by Boswell and the preliminary feedback from the rec board and what Boswell is doing do we have any numbers for what the improvements of that facility might be we do not okay so at the moment our all-in costs are 1 point I can't even add but 1.2 million in round numbers I would agree with you yes okay all right thank you and I just want to add there's more potential for Grant oh absolutely on the property for for other things that we want to do there there's potential to get more grants for the work that needs to be done certainly and there's also potential that the expenses could go much higher and hopefully the grants will help cover those as well understood that's the that's the hope we all do yeah thank you just clarify so we have received grants and we talk about and I fully appreciate we everyone has to make decisions we have to make decisions with this money to retire debt if it actually is debt uh to understand the rate situation and is it better to use that money than borrow at a higher rate whatever that is but you know we've held that carrot out that we have the ability to get grants uh we're getting these grants um but we still have you know that initial purchase price and potentially we have expenses that are going to either equal or likely exceed these grants so there is still the potential that our out of pocket is going to increase there's the potential for that and there's the potential that we're able to offset a lot of those costs I mean there's it's it's well I'm going to go out on not much of a limb and say this 400 and some thousand is not going to cover all the improvements that want to get done at that property we we all know the cost of things these days that's why I say we're actively looking for Grants but we have to have a direction before the grant Rider can look for those grants understood thank you would it be your opinion to not develop the property well I just I it was just an honest question to not develop the property in what sense uh for either Community use or in general would your opinion be to just leave it as open space and not develop it I don't think so I mean I think there's we've made an acquisition uh I think that any decision on to develop it needs to be overlaid with the cost of that development so when I looked at the topological is that a topography topography yeah you know there's a huge slope oh yeah so if we want to build fields at the bottom I'm assuming we're going to have to build large retention walls and drainage and all other types of infrastructure to support that absolutely so you know if the decision or the recommendation is to put you know two baseball fields and a park uh a path to Garden or whatever you know that sounds great but if it's going to cost you know five or six million dollar then I don't know and if we're not going to get that in uh grants that are out there and I would say maybe not you know maybe leave it as passive space and you know put a path there so uh I don't I not against developing it but I think we need to understand the plan before what would be in your head what would be a reasonable amount of money that you think that you would spend uh you said five or six million I mean the thing is these days any any job or school job or public you know remediation of of open space is in the5 million to $7 million range and it is six acres mind you so the acquisition of $450 is going to cost five or six million no no I'm talking about the six acres at the swim club Only I'm saying with the six acres that we have and because of the size of the property you are in the range of between five probably and eight million I would say you're probably higher that's I don't disagree with you so and if it's higher than that I probably would say no okay thank you if I may um I I since we all know it's going to cost significant money I see it being phased in you know we might have to do this in three or four different phases as money is available grants become available I don't foresee us bonding the whole thing on day one and doing the whole project that that's my opinion thank you that is how I envisioned it as well the grants will help us with that all right anyone else motion to close public hearing for ordinance 2316 so moved second it um call please Council M Casio yes Council bini yes Council seers yes Council woman vales yes council president Morgan yes motion to adopt ordinance number 23-16 at second reading by title second counc yes councilman Sears yes Council valz yes council president Morgan yes introduction first reading ordinance number 23-17 an ordinance to establish requirements for tree removal and replacement in the Township of Washington to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff promote infiltration of rainwater into the soil and protect the environment public health safety and Welfare motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 23-17 at first reading by title so move second roll call councilman cassum yes Council yes councilman seers yes Council bz yes council president Morgan yes resolution number 23- 358 authorizing publication of ordinance number 23-17 and schedule public hearing they have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes Council woman yes councilman yes Council bz yes counc president Morgan yes ordinance number 23-18 an ordinance authorizing the renting and use of 35 parking spaces by the township of Washington from Our Lady of Good Council Church motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 23 -8 at first reading by title may I have a motion second Des may I just jump in I think this should have been under a first reading all these others are under second reading but this is first reading are these all still first readings 17 my mistake apologize okay I think the title is missing on the documentation last why where for the second readings there's none no it's there that's the whole title of the ordinance and motion to introduce have a motion second okay call Council vanio yes Council by the shade councilwoman phy yes councilman seers yes Council bz yes council president Morgan yes resolution number 23359 authorizing publication of ordinance number 23-18 and schedule public hearing second Council Cassio yes Council woman yes Council yes Council valz yes council president Morgan yes that's okay ordinance number 23-19 an ordinance revising the Township's pay to-play requirements in accordance with state law which preempts local payto playay restrictions and in accordance and in accordance with notice from the state local Finance board motion to in introduce and pass ordinance number 23-19 at first reading by title show mov second roll call councilman Casio yes councilwoman F yes councilman SE Council woman bz yes council president Morgan yes resolution number 23-30 authorizing publication of ordinance number 23-19 and schedule public hearing PA second councilman CIO yes Council woman vanie yes councilman yes Council bz yes council president Morgan yes okay resolutions and consent agenda the following items have been determined to have unanimous consent of council and will be enacted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such item removed from the consent agenda does any resolution need to be removed from anyone um yes which one can you remove uh 362 and 370 and um that's all anyone else going once no Okay resolution number 23- 361 authorized payment of bills November 2nd through November 30th 2023 resolution number 23- 363 authorized refund of tax overpayments quarter 4 2023 added assessments block 4510 lot 6 and the amount not to exceed 3,477 22 resolution number 23- 364 authorized refund of tax overpayment quarter 4 2023 block 4304 lot 43 and the amount not to exceed $4,599 resolution number 23365 authorized refund of engineering escoro block 4304 lot one in the amount not to exceed $412 resolution number 23366 authorized refund of engineering esero block 310 3 lot 18 in the amount not to exceed $284 45 resolution number 23367 authorized refund of engineering esero did I just do that one no block 4202 lot 13 in the amount not to exceed $50.75 resolution number 23- 368 authorized construction of botche ball courts to my Backyard Sports LLC in the amount not to exceed $ 43,98221 authorized modernization of the elevator project at Town Hall to TK elevator in the amount not to exceed $16,669.24 72 authorized and execute contract for certain remodeling of playground recreation equipment and drainage at Memorial Fields MRC Inc and the amount not to exceed 66345 and resolution number 23374 authorize Award of contract for natural gas supply Services 3 years January 1 20 2024 through December 31 2026 okay so second she yes thank you roll call CIO yes Council womani yes councilman councilwoman bz yes council president Morgan yes Okay resolution number 23- 362 yeah uh the question motion I yeah a motion so move okay and second second okay discussion so the question is is this a um bided contract or just people we've used before this particular payroll service this service is prime Point um if Council remembers during the 23 budget approval process I mentioned and actually requested the approval of of funds to find a payroll service that was all inclusive um with our current one we we are unable to have like time management self-service portal and um HR function so it took a while for us to find one that was all inclusive but didn't put too much work back on the employees and therefore not being cost effective so we did get um proposals from other companies okay so this this one was selected based on inclusivity that's the word of all the um options we were looking for hopefully that answers your question but this was the only one that had all those Services yes and was it cheaper to use them as opposed to using different services for those different functions yes okay all right thank you question answer thank you is this a sass platform for the payroll you're going to do it online is this what you going to do this payroll is this an online platform yeah it's in the cloud the yeah okay and um there is a portion though that's self-service that employees can go in and change their contributions and it's more for time management the self-service portal I'm not I don't know off the top of my head all the extent of what they can do again this would be better organization use of Technology um more professional so you know that F submittal for time off will be used be tracking the pay STS will be out there they need to reference them two years from now get their W2 forms you know through this port yeah this is how payrolls down right yeah and it's not much more than what we were paying for and and receiving all these additional a lot of companies are moving to these sorts of systems okay are we good yeah I just have one more question is there um tech support is included and they're going to the setup fee and the upload of all the information is all the staff's going to receive training oh yes part of The Proposal okay thank you roll call K Casio yes Council yes Council MERS yes Council valz yes counc president Mor yes okay and then um resolution 23- 370 yeah sorry so me second okay okay so M uh a couple questions with this uh particular contract between the township and the new appointed chief of police and as Ken knows I am in never never in favor of a contract between a at will employee which we all are or in the township as opposed to a contractual employee um again the chief of police seems to have a special uh a special place for some reason in the township having a contract prior to Chief chetti no one had a no Chief had a contract so I have always voted I've always voted no on a contract for a police chief correct Ken you're muted Mr par okay okay yes correct okay there you go so he knows how I feel about it it's not fair to the other employees that are um in the township why should one particular position have a contract so you know it's going to be a note for me there two I don't think it's allowable that the mayor can appoint a immediate family member as an employee um that's my second point and I thought the third point was when we talked about this increase for um the chief that's going out that that wasn't going to be carried over until a new contract I think we all agreed up on it that we're going to be held to that number so those are my three points so I would like a separate vote on the resolution itself two I don't think that the mayor can make this appointment and sign the contract because there is a clause with the local Finance board that he can't do it was he's an immediate supervisor of his of his sibling and three that um price increase that we talked about with the last um Chief because he was leaving uh early in his contract so those are my three points okay I can jump in on some of it okay go jump I'm jumping uh by the way uh as you know there was only one police chief before chetti right for Jetty that was it but okay um so uh and by the way just so you know this this has been handled by labor Council um but as far as the uh the mayor has not been involved in the process of selection of the uh of the police chief it was handled to it not he was not involved with that at all uh it was followed by the director and the um uh he makes the appointment uh and the mayor is just ministerially just going to sign a contract if if you're if if it gets approved um the um uh there's no this is not a um uh a contract that he is giving to any body so I there is no conflict there's no kind you're saying that he can't sign it but he's only signing in a ministerial way how is there no how is there no conflict because he's a he's an immediate symol he's not making he's not making the contract you guys are making the contract if you say no contract there's no cont he's not giving a contract to anybody he's the signer of all documents contract Char correct he signs a document but he's not giving the contract in other words and actually to tell you the truth if wanted to he could he could assign that duty to an acting mayor and they could just sign the contract so uh he's not the point is is he is not giving the contract or conferring the contract on anybody all he's he's being directed basically by the council to sign the contract that the council is approving so uh like I said he could do that he could even do that with an acting mayor could do do that sure that's right that's in the chart you can have an acting mayor L than days to do it that's correct right that's correct that's what I that's that's those are the points that I wanted to cover at at the end of the day he's his immediate supervisor is he not no no he he his immediate supervisor is the director of Public Safety and who is who's the director's immediate supervisor the director of Public Safety is his immediate supervisor no his question was who's the director of public safety's supervisor well the the organization is the mayor's first the Departments are second okay well I we can vote on it but I'm going to send it to the local Finance board to see if it's um of Sound Nature I I I don't think there is I see there's a potential for conflict and whether it was Peter and his brother are someone else it it's not the it's not the person it's the way the position is is handled um so again uh we can vote on it and but that's what I'm going do I'm going to send it down for uh for a question to them just to find out if it's okay okay all right thank you you're welcome thank you okay so roll call councilman Casio no council woman M yes councilman Sears yes councilwoman bz yes council president Morgan yes okay okay the next meeting of Township Council will be December 18th beginning at 7:30 p.m. sign up for nixel text 07676 to 888777 key code is TW WP b r g n motion to motion to adjourn one I just want to say one so I just want to this is my own personal opinion and not in response to anybody but Captain calar has served this town since 1993 1993 he lives in this town he cares about this town he grew up in this town and I think we we are all blessed to have police officers firefighters ambulance who live and work in this town and cares so much about this town so I think he is only an asset to further this town forward and keep us all safe thank you okay motion moot sorry motion to conference agenda okay so move second check it okay um all in favor I okay sorry about that can we take five sure yes yeah maybe six maybe six thank you okay did he say go yes he said Wiki is wctp excuse me is ready okay so we're going to move to DPW building um this is going to be Mr Dar Carlo and uh mayor um yes obviously um well I shouldn't say Obviously but um it's my intent to put it on every agenda um just to keep it moving forward and um you know so I'd like to you know just hear if Council has anything I assume you got uh the document that Mark sent uh regarding how the costs were determined from the architect uh so you know it's really just an open-ended agenda item to see if anyone has any further questions or a direction or anything like that when you going to [Laughter] start when you got to put a a shovel in the ground yeah um well I think we're a long way from there um you know as I Tom you've expressed you liked option number three right and we have the you know the cost for it based on but uh you I need to hear from more council members that you know that's the direction we should move in uh to uh you know start the next phase so the only thing I will say is that I listened to Mr Danna um come up and in in in all honesty I'm vacating the seat and I think that there may be other conversations around May potential things we're not you know seeing maybe there's other situations um that can be explored so I would just me personally I don't mind giving the new Council the opportunity to have some input since it's really going to be sort of how we Stacy and I um were tasked with what happened with the fire department we kind of got the brunt of all the decisions that were made prior to us coming um nothing to do with had do with it right and so we're sort of doing the same to them coming in so I'd like to me personally I would like to say you know the first meeting in January you guys should start really discussing opportunity and move with it but I I think yeah I actually I think you know we could move forward with the design and get the pricing I think we've come a long way with the design over the last 12 to 18 months and I think we're pushing it um the remediation of soils happened that took I how long did that take you 3 years maybe four um yes when all was said and done y I mean you know we're operating with a temporary situation which doesn't help anything it's actually in current cost now we need to run space at Our Lady B Council so we're only pushing cost down all I if we could get some sort of a start to the plan it's been 18 months literally since this has been pushed and everybody you know from the ghetto everybody is coming up to the podium and saying everything takes so long well this is why everything takes so long and that's the other problem we need a DPW there has to be a decision we only have so much space unless we acquire another piece of property if we don't acquire another piece of property to do something with we are going to be set with these costs and again we're still pushing things down line if we don't the other thing too is look at costs I went to the grocery store two weeks ago I went to the grocery store today chicken went up again the same thing's going to be steel nuts and bolts cement cement has got to be one of the most ridiculously expensive things I've seen in a long time and cement was the cheapest thing going and the further we push this out the more cost it's going to be I don't see why we have the plans what are we really waiting for I agree with you and council president and uh and councilwoman feny um you know to me you're still members of the council until you are not members of the council I would not disrespect you by not putting something on the agenda uh because of that appr so I uh you know let me say I would appreciate your opinions on it if you want to share them that was one of my re you know obviously I'm cognizant that you know there's only two more meetings left we can't get anything done in those these two but again I would never disrespect any city council member by not putting something on the agenda just because of the the way an election went I apprciate that that was part of my reason of putting it on all no thank you and and up until you know um Mr desna made the comment I would very much want to vote on anything and finish out what I started you know while I was here but in all fairness and and knowing what we went through um I I I just that his comments changed how I feel about I feel like they have maybe some input that they can share that might have a better solution yeah so that was that that's all but I do appreciate that thank you I I tend to um agree with councilman seers and councilwoman feny we we've got to see this project through it's been on delay for far too long and we will we will continue to spend years trying to find an even better solution and the fact remains is we need a DPW and nobody wants to move it you know Charlie Brown's didn't work out all these other places that have been suggested have not worked out so everybody seems to think that here is where it needs to happen so let's make it happen we keep kicking everything down kicking the can down and what happens then it just accumulates and then there's massive spending in one shot so as we've seen prices are just not going down what could have been done years ago to to get us to get the DPW the fire what they needed now just is double triple and there's no site that it's dropping so we should have bought the we should have bought the property on pasac that was $450,000 and that was four years ago and the building would have cost us more than less than half of what we're looking at spending now we had and that on a main road with access to the highways and there was no Residential Properties on either side and it was a good size we had the plants I I can't opinion to that because that was before my time but this is just a trend is and again I'm not looking to Russ a decision uh but the Architects have mentioned to me had we looked to cost out the new uh EMS building in today's dollars instead of it being between 6 and 7 million it would be between 9 and 10 million uh because of how inflation has gone up even just these few years now the pandemic had something to do with it also but you know let's face it I don't think my opinion prices are not going to go down if anything they'll level off or continue to rise so and uh you know I think we were all up here to not get stuck in doing Band-Aid Solutions anymore that's how the town got in the position it was uh you know years ago before a lot of us came on and we've made great progress uh progress costs money sometimes unfortunately but um yeah there's certain things that have to be done okay anyone else I have a question so what's the what do you need next that's I guess we're saying giving our opinions but I'm I don't I'm trying to any Clarity on what you need us to do next in talking with the uh architect on this project Mr iino um he he needs direction from the town to say are we going to go with one of the three options that was presented or they going to be rejected and suggestions made for an option four five and six um that that's where the project stands right now does anybody have a specific preference on a design that they're solid on right this second option three so why do you like do you mind me asking why do you like option three it gives us it it gives more flexibility within this property you know it takes care of police it takes care of DPW it it allows us to forge ahead for the future if anything else comes down the line we'll deal with it but we have to deal with it now this will be their third season out in the Cole yeah I mean it's not fair to them they do a terrific job uh I mean they work they work their their butts off you know and to have them out in the cold and have them out in the rain repairing trucks out in this weather I mean we actually owe it to them in the community to to move ahead we we just can't stay stagnant any longer I I agree with you councilman seers we we we have to do you like number three too I do I think it it covers a lot of it checks off a lot of the boxes and you know within reason of everybody's needs is it going to satisfy everything like a brand new building would no but I think it's checks a lot of the boxes and it will give us ample time to grow within those [Music] walls so I I think there's just some there's some questions right like just structurally I'm sure it'll be you know if there's a truck downstairs that's getting ready to pull out because of there's whatever going on there's an emergency like Mr desna had mentioned the far and few twens and it's it's on and it's turning on are we going to get the fumes or are we going to hear the noise is it going to be you know what's the cost to I keep hearing from WCTV I know you said it's nothing but they're telling us that we're missing something the cost from broadcasting and moving all the stuff that they have to move over to there they're telling me that we're missing something we're missing uh calculating that cost in so I just have to change elections too what's that I have to change elections too which going to incur another cost which is which is with number three or yeah if you take the take over this room and move well move over into the senior center and put the courtroom up there unless the senior Cent is going to stay somewh the same I don't think it will be right I can't i' lose a whole whole voting district what's that $750,000 elev second Flor so so like there's so there's just question but still I still have the page change it from here to there it's and Mike I think I'm maybe I shouldn't be addressing you from the audience sorry sorry and again you know we can talk about this for a long time but you know to me if the DPW is operating at night means there's a snow emergency so any Mee going to be canel election for twice a year we can't with all fairness make a big decision on a 365 days for two days a year right so that's my personal can I ask the why correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a time that certain districts were out of the library yes so why can't we use a senior and then the library as we did in the past I don't think Sue saying it can't be done it be done it works far better in one building now just two building and especially after the elction of the up and down up and down up and down I mean you can ask the administrator if I spent two hours I understand it was a lot you know I need to definitely have a heartbeat on what's going next year of course it won't be happening that way but but um what happened Mrs riffkin when we had Co had used that a storage and plus she had some construction going on and there was no way she could empty out that room and therefore everything had to be moved over here and in order to do that the county has to come out the county has to inspect the county has to approve once they approve then I have to put in they have to change it and it doesn't involve not the timing isn't so bad but you know it is just an expense just that I want you to know and they inspect do doesn't the County come in I'm just they have to come out every election doesn't matter no no the location no the county comes out when you change the location okay and then my other concern for election purposes is the same as if we went into a fire department you know you've got trucks in and out you've got people crossing over the elevator would be brand new thank goodness that would be a good thing but I'm concerned also for the safety of the voters you know if they're going to be mixed in with vehicles you know um those are some my thoughts you know just thoughts I appreciate I didn't know what happened with the library so appreciate what is the D the dpw's feedback which is do they have a preference on which um plan they like best he was here he men they were here I think I forgot which one he like um I don't know they said three works for them considering what it gets to town overall I mean I'm paraphrasing what they said yeah they were he was very they were very like yeah whatever is best for the town is no because I do remember in the end he said he liked three of the best because it had he felt everything that they plan to fit in the building was going to fit in the yeah that was the yeah none of their B were removed from the original plan so so can we technically vote on a plan to move forward so that the architect can get going or the engineering whatever next I mean I don't know what's next I mean I I can certainly ask him um for price on option three to um yeah let let me talk to him about it and see what I can come back with for the next meeting yeah okay okay all right and like you said you'd like it on every agenda so I made a note that we'll do that then yeah can we take a straw poll though to see where we're sitting right now with design wise at least to say that at least we have some sort of a consensus right today December 4th not that it's can not change I'm just saying they we're giving direction to say get us a price and let's see what it looks like so let's get a SW on that a price on too as well well I don't get a price on the old well I'm saying we should get a price on the one that's agree instead of asking them to do more work but you know at this point with the designs we've all looked at it you prefer a different one then let's talk I think we said three to begin with initially right everyone was basically the majority was three so well can we get a sh for which design everybody lik obviously I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you up just like we have the approximate prices for all three options but this is to take one of them now to the next level almost you know coming up with bid specs for it things like that and so again I don't as you're saying this would just be a straw po because I feel the new Council should certainly have a say in it uh but again you are the sitting Council your opinion means something yeah my op I think we said three I mean I'm not sure why we need a St poll we said three so many times right okay yeah so then we're all agreeing to get a get the bid STS in the preliminary PL out for option three I'm for option three correct I'm for letting the new Council have a lot more input because they have to live with it um so I want to be fair um but if yeah three was if I'm making that decision I like three but there seems like there's more um decision there's more discussion that can be had around it but let's keep the me meeting moving so we got that but I think it's to be fair to the administration we have to move forward with three and dis is that what we're saying or we just did okay fine so everybody agrees to that okay um so we're going to move to work change orders Mr Dar Carlo and Mr Mayor thank you C council president in light of what I um the information I gave at the beginning of the council meeting um I want to see if it ex it is I can't talk anymore tonight if it is acceptable to the council under certain circumstances uh where a council me meeting might be not for a couple weeks and the opportunity to save money on you know minor projects such as what presented itself on tasak road and and Beach Street um that I could certainly provide the information to council and you know if there's an issue they can get get back to me but assuming that I would have the approval um to move forward and I'm certainly not talking about in in every situation um in most situations where there's a change order there is an engineer and or an architect involved that knows um that work or merchandise is going to be purchased or or performed and then it makes its way to to to me um I think in some s situations it's a little difficult to control um the contractor such as you know he's doing work on Salem Road and then he wants to just go on the same day and fix the pothole on Beach Street and I might not not be able to prevent that prevent that so I guess I'm asking for the the leeway um to notify you prior to a meeting um with essentially I guess the the assumed um Authority or approval to get that work done and again in in minor situations where it's potentially going to save the township money you know I'm certainly wouldn't be considering a third floor on a building you know I have the authority to do that but again just wanted to throw that out there considering um it's not an action that would end up on the audit as long as we followed up with the approval so it's both my piece and just love you for your guidance nobody else someone email you send an email out to each member through Sue yeah we okay with that okay thank it's going to save us money absolutely I appreciate that discretion and Trust thank you okay do we need to do a memo to the file saying that this was agreed to upon the Council on I think you should do that question yeah it's not you should still do that in the it'll be in the minutes Jo okay um ordinances and legislation so we're looking at the clothing allowance for the fire department officers and firefighters again um we all received either I think it was by email and then it's also in our packet the director um giving his you know explanation of how that money should be allotted I just want to go on the record and say I've never worked with a budget where when there was money left over it went back to that department usually it got absorbed back and then in the next budget season you don't put it in there because it wasn't used um so you know this has been discussed over and over and over um at least this is now the fourth time it's on here um so the only thing that compels me to want to move forward with the director's recommendation is that they are um significantly lower than our surrounding towns so that is the caveat to why I can say at this point I will agree with the director's request my own opinion I mean I don't know how the rest of the council feel um but that being said this cannot be practice it needs to be if they don't use that piece if they don't use all of their budget we you need to remember that during budget season because it's going to show as used and then we're going to say oh well they used all that they must need an extra you know 2% 3% on top of that and then we're going to keep Rising that way and then if they don't use it they don't absorb it we're going to give it back to them so that doesn't feel very responsible or fiscally reasonable to me at all but again I'm going to reiterate based on the fact that I looked into a few meetings ago when they first presented I still have the the um comparison sheet and they are significantly less than our like towns um not Westwood but more Hillsdale um W Le that kind of thing so for that reason that reason only I agree with the director can I make a comment Council sure um I I think maybe there's a little misunder understanding um it it's not that they were suggesting these because there was uh money left in the line item they were just pointing out that with the surrounding towns we are on the low side and that there was the money to cover this in the line item for this year but they they weren't necessarily saying we're doing it just to spend up to the line item amount that feels like semantics okay I I don't mean it to but no I know you don't but that's in my head it's like it's the it's the same it's going to show the same in the budget right they're going to have used everything because they have it in the line Am I Wrong oh oh I I do absolutely you're not wrong I you're your idea of it is exactly right if it's unspent it will go you know it stays there for the year to pay any un you know spended bills for the previous year and then it goes back into Surplus that second year so I think what what they were trying to explain is that you know they're not looking to say hey there's 10,000 left in the pot we want to divy it up you know I'm just you know saying in atic way obviously I think what they're saying is you know or I'll tell you what we do we budget it as if every member is going to comply with the requirement to get the money this year I think it was $47,000 not everybody traditionally complies with with the requirements so they don't spend War so they were saying to raise their individual um clothing allowe wouldn't wouldn't cause that budget line to be increased but it would spend it's anticipated to spend more money than usual right and so the budget's going to read that way that it was spent yes and then when we're going to be looking at it you're going say oh they this so we need to give them more next year because we always give everyone a little bit more I don't think that's their intent because like the administrator just said it's based on a formula oh no I don't think that's their intent but I think that's the outcome I think that's what happens because I think when they put through their recommendation they wouldn't look for an increase on top of this year uh because it got them where they needed to be and and what it doesn't say in here is had they did not had extra money in the line item they wouldn't have even propose this for this year it's just that they see that when they compare us to surrounding towns we're on the low side uh it's volunteer position which you know I like giving whatever we can to our volunteers because it saves us a boatload of money if we had to go to a paid fire service no I get it yeah I'm not AR please don't take it as argument no no no no not at all never May or no but no what I think what I'm saying is if there was money left in the line item because it wasn't used by for whatever reason I wouldn't be um for using it like it just you know for this reason if they weren't so grossly and I know you're saying they wouldn't be asking it if they weren't so grossly uh yeah and if there wasn't money in the line item to justify for this right so the council just needs to remember when you're doing the budget that this was the situation as to why it was used why the line was used how the line was used I should say does this this happen often is this like a yearly um occurrence where there's money left over if you will depends on how they how many people make their credits credit yeah so if the police department has left over money are we going to give them extra money here's the DPW have spend all that money are we going to give them money like when you open up this box what you're doing they have a procedure that they put in their salary and then it comes before us and we vote it on it like any other department if you don't spend your money it always goes back to the town now we're we're bending a rule to fit a need now what's to say later on some another department wants to bend the rule you already set a president if they want an increase you put it in the budget for next year that's how the procedure to goes We Can't Stop bending rules Financial rules because while we have extra money we should get it doesn't work like that towns don't work like that and that's just my opinion on that I mean would you be more comfortable if maybe the ordinance effective for next year's instead of this year's well you can't make the ordinance you you you you're rushing an ordinance to sue a need and that's not procedure wait I'm confused on the rushing the ordinance because this is our fourth or fifth time discussing so and we already said that we were going to share it among the members if we were going to do it I thought the increases were being shared across I know they're different at the different levels but but you can't B base our fire department on woodliff lake or Westwood why not they have the industry they have the money more than we do but it's and I'm not saying I'm not saying the officers don't deserve an increase but the men deserve an increase and you just can't say well we have leftover money let's give it to them let's uh the police department has $100,000 left over are we going to get break it up among them you but they operate a little differently than we do but well you're creating you're creating a policy here but I also don't think our firemen look at it that they should not be compared to wake or Westwood it doesn't matter a fire is a fire a volunteer is a volunteer this also set the evaluation of our volunteers and we all know right now espe look at the am for how hard it is to get volunteers and to get people to sign volunteer we all know that but we're talking about a procedure here that eventually could grow to another department we're not saying that they're not worth the money what we're saying is you have a procedure in this town a policy and you have a budget where you put in your raises it comes before that and we vote on it that's what I saying do you want to change the rates for next year's a budget because this is an ordinance and it's this that's what we would be changing is the ordinance but we can make the change and make the Mr power if we take this ordinance and we make it effective for the next year is that can't do that well can we no no we very so what's the next move do we we next year it's unspent money right right now there is no ordinance for this year's clothing allowance so you have to take A or B and I forget which is the existing versus which is the the existing prop so that's really the decision tonight uh to get them any clothing allowance for this year because then it has to go a second reading so this re vote tonight yeah nothing okay so motion stays the same or goes with their recommendation okay terrible so uh go with me I motion to go with the uh original ordinance oh I'm sorry go ahead all right hold on a minute guys um councilwoman you were in the middle of saying something what you say yeah no I said all motion and then which one a I'll second okay okay vo councilman cassia uh no councilwoman feing yes councilman Sears have to recused myself from voting [Music] yeah um one yes Council well yes Council no no council councilwoman valz yes and council president Morgan yes all right so you've got one no three yeses and one reuse so that sounds like it's a go it passes okay hey hey and does it stay that way now no every year you change it every year it comes up always in or October every year okay all right and we're gonna move on um to so do you need to go through like the whole first reading stuff I'm trying to figure out what you guys are doing this is the first reading a yeah introduce you an ordinance tonight yes yes I can and and and you have the ordinance in front of right and then I have a resolution handy that they [Music] can here this is going to be the resolution that you will use to introduce and it's going to be a nothing so just make sure you're just going to say resolution 23323 introducing of ordinance number 2313 an ordinance under chapter 87 reading not all of it just the title oh okay all right so I'm introducing resolution you read the first yeah ordinance number 20 I was getting there ordinance number 23 death ordinance number 23-13 entitled an ordinance under chapter 87 of the code of Township of Washington setting forth the rate of clothing allowance of officers and firefighters of the fire department in said municipality for the year 2023 moved second thank you thank you sorry okay St is that right uhuh yeah okay Council woman be ay motion and counc second in Ro call councilman Casio yes councilman Fe yes councilman Sears no oh I'm sorry myself Council valz yes and council president that to get him upset yes okay so I'm hold on hold on so now that you introduce it now you got oh gosh I don't have this on right same that you use for your introductions on the other ordinances take the first page y so now we did this we did the mo motion introduce and pass the ordinance by first reading and then you have authorized publication we did this one 23-3 23 okay author authorizing publication of ordinance number it's this one yeah 23113 okay 23 oh yeah 2313 and schedule public hearing right and schedule public hearing so moved okay second roll call please councilman Casio yes Council be yes Council MERS we C ourselves Council valz yes coun president Morgan yes okay and now that should be it okay there you go thank goodness okay all right are we down with that one it was actually very painful right and that's a okay all right so then we don't have any financials so when will that come up next meeting yeah we're moving to miscellaneous I was just going to say just you all know we talked about that and we'll touch based on it the next meeting if you adopt the ordinance at that next meeting there'll be an emergency resolution um approving it immediately so you don't have to wait for the 20-day estop period and then at the sign die meeting that is when the bill list with those payments for those officers will be placed okay so it's okay we're going to go miscellaneous zoning board um DVA member appointments year 2024 soon um just wanted to let you know sitting in current and future Council people that there are four um seats that will be up for 2024 just to put a Tickler out there um you're going to have two foure F foure terms you'll have one alternate two-year term and one unexpired term which would be uh 2026 just some for processes and anybody you want to talk to okay and then signed I reorganization meeting date the thought would be possible if the council's in agreement to it of doing it on Tuesday the 2nd since January 1st is a Monday but to take the holiday as a holiday like we've been and go to the second for that meeting and I would have to advertise for it in ahead of time it's usually what we do right what we've been doing January second is Tuesday yeah that work for you guys that's the only meeting that I would ask for any any guidance right now so Council says yes I mean I would prefer January 2nd the third Wednesday Wes Daisy would prefer the third the only my only concern is that temp budget being able to get that done for the second considering all the holiday but we did it for January 2D or third last year whatever it was was the second though that would be my only concern so the third would work better are you saying do you need an emergency appropriation for the year ends for it can't do that temporary budget no I know just you you have to do it for the first time we've done it after the first we haven't been on the first last years what would be the next meeting that two weeks later second if we do the first be and then that's can't be that just have to wait till the 15th 15th is Martin Luther King are we going to do meeting that's to whatever the new council is oh okay I will put that schedule out and then you can a discussion you want to do that okay so you guys is it the second or the third or I requested third I think now for the administration it doesn't matter based on our conversation okay so councilwoman bz is better with the third Thursday Wednesday Wes Wednesday Wednesday the 30 oh New Year's is on Monday New Year's day Monday because Christmas is uh on a Monday on a Monday coun Cass sitting here do you have a preference all right then I will advertise for the third then thank you okay you're welcome the third all right okay is that it thank you thank you yes all right we do not have any closed session oh one so um a gourment um yeah thank you second all in favor I next meeting is December 18th