##VIDEO ID:foOMp3u0vo8## got the stram e e e e e e e e the township bulletin board electronic Message Board WCTV and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendants at mayor and Council meetings the fire exits are located through the double doors to your right and through the door on your left please silence all cell phones if you are unable to attend the council meeting in person and would like a topic to be addressed at a council meeting please send email to the township of Washington hyphen contact all council members at once TWP of washington. us could everyone please stand for a salute to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call councilman Casio here councilman Sears here councilman Omen here Council woman valz here council president desum here let the record reflect also in attendance mayor calari Township administrator Mar Carlo Township attorney Siobhan Bailey and Township CL Susan wowski payment of bills resolution number 24-302 authorized payment of bills August 8 2024 to August 29 2024 do I have a motion so move discussion I just have uh questions about uh a few go ahead Mr uh on page one of the purchase order listing by po uh I guess that's the system uh run the firehouse we're still incurring uh professional service fees for this and do we have a plan as to how many uh how much uh can we expect uh in additional Billings yes even though the construction phase of the firehouse is complete we're still incurring some engineering this is specific as we in question the Integrity of the concrete that was there so we've had several meetings as the September 23rd is our 2-year uh warranty is coming to a coming to a finish so we've had several uh meetings with the architect people the fire department representatives of the fire department and ambulance to assure any outstanding issues are done any punch list items anything that's come up now after operating in the building and there was some pitting found in the concrete in the front so Boswell engineering is representing us the township as our engineers in um coming to a conclusion as to whether the contractor will be at fault and have to replace or not that's where those bills are coming from okay we we still paying Boswell their monthly retainer or that stop when Mr beckme took over that's correct thank you and then the uh the first and second items just uh it looks like we're charging uh a ordinance from 2013 and a second ordinance from 2016 are these related to those roads or are we using it because it's just a generic Road Improvement and there's money in those ordinances you know with all due respect I have um explained this several times to the council that first po that's regarding the 2023 Road program we are using lines that were or that were funded that were old and still had existing balance same thing with second purchase order Cal engineering is assisting Us in getting our DOT reimbursement from the grant so if we're trying to get a grant shouldn't that come out of current like why are we so we're charging an ordinance that we're going to be paying for how many years you know it gets capitalized then there's a expense to carrying that so my only question is is that uh a prudent approach to you know charge these types of fees to hold ordinances because there's money in there uh when that money has a cost of carry and a cost cost of uh you know using it so I know I know Mr Alman we had talked about this on our previous lives on Council of clearing up all the past ordinances and zeroing them out and put sending the money back or you know paying off the debt with it so maybe that's something we need to talk to Mr Corker and and Mr Dar Carlo and the mayor about giving us a list of all the unencumbered balances on any old ordinances that are available and zeroing them out like we did a lot of them the last time we were up here you have been provided a list you were provided that list during the budget times and I respectfully remind the council where do we think we're getting the money to do all the things we do in this Township it's because we have money in these old capital lines that we were prudent enough not to close out things just don't get done we have to have funding for it see I would I would argue differently okay duy noted thank you you know I would argue that they were over capitalized and because there's money remaining doesn't mean we just should spend it okay and it may be going towards a road program but it's not going towards the road program that was approved in 2013 and if we needed These funds that should be part of the budget process the ones that you denied because we did ask for money for the 2024 Road program if you remember so I'll just send the council the residents your guys way when they need their drainage done or the sink holes done or all the sink the catch basins I'll just I'll just send them your way I understand thank you very much anything else Mr rman those are the only three any other discussion roll call Council CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president yes PSA for September 9th 2024 PSC and is replacing existing electrical and gas meters with new smart meters throughout town as required by the BPU please be sure to respond to any letters requesting meter replacement if you do not reply your service is in Jeopardy of being shut off please visit our website for further information new OP request form the new form form must be used for any request going forward please note the addition of questions two and three in the top section which has been added by the government records Council all sections must be completed or your request will be deemed incomplete and be denied both pickup will take place this week September 9th through the 13th of September the township of Washington's first annual Washington Wicked 5K kids fund run will be held on Sunday October 20th at 9:00 a.m. fund starts at Garder field please visit our website for registration information the Board of Elections is happy to announce they have joined with the New York Giants to conduct an event at medlife Stadium to recruit pole workers voter registrations and mail and ballot requests the event will be held on Tuesday September 24th 2024 at Giant stadium Lot G there will be giveaways meet and greets and light Refreshments the 911 ceremony will be held at 6 pm on Wednesday September 11th at the township of Washington Memorial monument the memorial and observance will begin promptly at 6 p.m. Bergen County satellite office and passport Outreach Services are coming to the township of Washington on September 25th from 10: a.m. to 2: p.m. please visit our website for further information our annual flu clinic will be held on Wednesday September 25th from noon to 1: p.m. at Town Hall pre-registration is required please visit our website for further details residents are encouraged to sign up for nixel to be instantly informed of all Community Information you choose the information you want for the addresses you want all delivered at no cost by text message email and web please visit our website for sign up information the Kanas Club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time the Kanas Club of the pasak valley for for the township and Westwood meet on the second Wednesday of each month 6:30 p.m. at the Westwood Community Center if anyone would like more information please contact Paul Ralph guli at 51 6581 8319 or pasak Valley kaanis gmail.com our next council meeting will be held on Monday September 23rd thank you everyone report of the administrator thank council president and good evening everyone this is my response from the township meeting on August 12th uh please just bear with me there are some updates from when I authored this report on August 28th First Council requested the DPW building plans to be sent to them again they were sent to council as of the date of this report 28th there I have not received any questions from Council uh council president to Senate did follow up with the question to me later uh in the month and it was just regarding the um Architects um opinion on split face ins insulated block all that information was passed on to the council to summarize it um it was still recommended by our architect to stay with the brick for Le the slightly higher level of aesthetic since it will be the council chambers will be next to it in front of the burrow Hall um if it was on its own site the split and polish concrete block would be something to consider but you also didn't think that there would be much of a cost savings there Council requested if there was any way to expedite the approval of the NJ DP emergency permit for the stabilizing of sections of the swaping brook I discuss with Frank Rossy of Boswell engineering and not be productive to work on a bid or specs Etc until the NJ DP approves the permit Mr Rossy stated that he will work diligently with the appropriate professionals at NJ DP and attempts to expedite the update the permanent application is going to the D this week most likely tomorrow certified letters were sent to Property Owners along the brook where anticipated work would be done it's also going to be advertised in the daily record on Wednesday and the clerk's office should be uh receiving certified mailing of the entire project document so if anybody based on those advertisement wants to come in and review that paperwork they can U Mr wowski has been informed of that Mr Man requested the remaining balance of funds available for the ESB building the remaining balance as of the date of this report is $79,700 account was created and funded with $75,000 from our health benefits current budget line the $75,000 amount is the cost of previous year's claims that is just a starting point the yearly claims may be higher or lower the yearly the year to date July 1st 24 to August 14 24 claims total was $673 787 that amount has been deducted from the account bearing the 75,000 updates the resurfacing of Washington a Ridgewood Road west of pasak Road and Van emberg road is anticipated to be completed by the end of September this will include minimal concrete work for kurbing associated with Ada ramp installation I received an email today from the county that they're expecting to do the paving within two weeks the drainage issues at the intersection of amher and pasak have been remedied with the installation of a catch Basin the resurfacing of Calvin Road has been completed this was done with the assistance of a New Jersey DOT Grant the concrete curbing repairs required at the county bridges on pasak road and ridard road were completed I was informed by Recreation coordinator Dan bueri that the batting cages are done at Sherry and Clark infield work has started at Sherry field there's three Fields there for the infield rehab from there uh the apron and possibly the pavement if the council approves that work order I'm sorry change order this evening will then take place uh the rehab will then take place at clarkfield Garder and then Memorial Field I was also informed today by psng that McKinley AV will be milled on October 2nd and paved on October 9th thank you council president that's my report thank you Mr car report of the mayor can I ask just a quick question oh sure Mr just with regard to the resurfacing yes is there any um you note that there is a minimum minimal concrete work for curbing uh for the Ada Rams which I know on Van Ember were completed but is there any opportunity to do any curving on Van urg and I guess the western part of Washington up the hill the curbing is would be the responsibility of the township and that no curbing was taken into account certainly not the funds for it so the only curbing the the county will do is when it's associated with the Ada ramps at the intersections okay thank you any other questions from Mr car Mr Man thank you good evening council members members of the public good to see you all um I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer now that school is back in session please be mindful of children in and crossing our streets Recreation news the 2024 introduction to cheer program has started its fourth season the children are enjoying the program program immensely thank you to all those who volunteered to help out with this and the many other programs the town offers the 2024 men's softball program season has ended congratulations to manager Brian Perez and his team orange crush on winning the championship the 2024 2025 basketball season registration will be opening in early October if you are interested in volunteering to coach please contact Dan scary a background check for all 18 years of age and older is required please visit the recreation page on the town's website for more information about this program also the 2024 fall registration for the fun with art and fun with cartooning programs is now open you can register for these programs on community pass again please visit the recreation page on the town website for information about the art programs Police Department news the depart Department completed its active shooter training they also hosted an active shooter presentation for Westwood High School administrators some of the members attended an election day safety meeting two pieces of equipment were acquired via the 1033 program saving the taxpayers money members also participated in a cone with the cop event that was held on August 29th fire department news for the month of August the department responded to multiple fire and Co alarms odors of gas and one electrical odor from a dryer the department also responded to the scene of a motor vehicle crash and one mutual Aid call to paramis for coverage during a working fire this past month the department hosted a Boer safety course given by the US Coast Guard auxiliary members any member operating the rescue boat will need to have this certification members have also drilled on the rescue boat as well as participating in a demonstration with their new airbag system a few members have completed fire one training at the Academy I was also thrilled that the department finally got the pitcher perfect day they deserve for their annual car show yesterday I was able to attend the event and it was so nice to see the attendance level so high congratulations to them on another successful event DPW news the next collection of household debris will be the week of September 9th the next collection of metal and white goods will be September 19th the DPW was involved with cleanups from multiple storms throughout the month tree canopies along roadways are being trimmed and elevated baseball and softball fields are being painted weekly painting of the football field began school zones were painted prior to the school year beginning Town Parks sorry town properties and Parks continue to be landscaped and maintained also many catch basins have been inspected and repaired zoning office the office was busy again last month reviewing and processing 50 zoning applications I am so happy that many of our residents are making improvements to their properties Library what a summer thank you to all our residents for their patience and encouragement as they navigated construction work this summer they were so thrilled to have such amazing participation in all of their programs and events as of August 26th they are still tallying the number of summer reading statistics but so far over 40,000 minutes were read this summer by participants with more paper logs still being turned in their upcoming fall session is bigger and better than ever with special programs like a muzel making class a teen wild robot event a special Grandparents Day event family crafts and so much more the annual mum sale fundraiser will be held on Saturday September 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. this year the event is walk up so no orders will be taken ahead of time payment options will be cash or check October is Italian-American heritage month and the library is looking for families to loan items for their glass display if you would be willing to loan something from your family's Italian experience please reach out to library director Laura riffkin disabilities Grant the special needs programming has been very well received the adult music classes are almost full special event events at pamis mini golf and our local Township theater are also seeing great responses our special needs theater improv classes will start in September Municipal Alliance the municipal Alliance program is thrilled to share the public speaker Tim Schumacher will be the week of respect presenter at Westwood Regional High School this fall he will cover both mental health and addiction in his program with the underlying theme being respect yourself and others the program will take place on October 10th this will cover approximately 800 students 50 staff members and parents of students in grades 6 through 12 will be invited to attend the evening program to day will be held on October 5th with the 6th as a rain date I thank the committee members for their hard work and dedication to this large scale Town Event just a few of the day's activities are pie eating contest for children and the second tug ofwar event between our finest and our bravest organizations and to repeat one thing that was in the PSA our annual 911 memorial ceremony will take place 6: pm here on 911 at Town Hall uh out in front weather permitting which it looks like it should I hope you can join us for this solemn remembrance that completes my report thank you thank you report of the council Miss VES yes thank you um so we're going to start off with the August Wellness series that took place during the month of August thank you to all who participated we shared lots of laughs and fun um a big thank you to Megan diero for volunteering her time to bring us yoga and thank you to Bethany Community Center for hosting our Thursday night Zumba with Miss Jenny um I was I was able to attend cone with a cop it was so nice to see many residents and the kids engaged with our officers I know my daughters had a great time enjoying a nice um ice cream on a hot evening so a great job by the police department and to repeat the PSA in regards to Washington's Wicked 5K and kids fundr run this will be taking place on Sunday October 20th it starts the 5K kicks off at 9:00 a.m. and the fun run at 10:15 all the details are available on the town website t-shirts are only guaranteed to participants registered by 101 opportunity for sponsorship is still available and as always we are still in need of volunteers so if you are looking to have fun with our little ones and our young at heart please join us on Sunday October 20th as a volunteer or participants and to our residents along the course Ridgewood Boulevard North Hoover Jackson Manhattan and westplace let's get those Halloween decorations up and going and a big thank you to the mayor councilman sear the administrator and his office for really helping me put all this together and as the mayor said on Wednesday it is 911 um last year the attendance was a little thin so if we could really make a point to come out um and be there together during this important day in our um in our country I'd love to see more residents attend and that is than thank Mr Sears thank you council president um the green team is meeting tomorrow at the library at 11:00 a.m. to uh plan out our fall cleaning and U fall projects um I worked with Lisa Lee on um from Easy Ride we applied for a EV Grant it was a 2hour zoom meeting and then another hour of paperwork um we entered the paperwork for the grant and uh we had to complete a townwide survey of the locations and the processes of of what we're going to do with uh I just got word today that we have received the silver award for our process and that will now uh put us into next step is for the grants so the town has received a silver award on our project on placing EV charges in the township where would we be placing these Mr uh I have two locations one will be up here in our parking lot and the other one I'm talking to the shopping center to see if we uh can apply uh put one down in there and uh we'll be discussing the the issues with that probably at a Clos session okay okay um the next step to that is the awards money grant and I will be with Lisa Lee next week uh coming up with our next process on how much we should ask or what they plan to give us but me put it that way our forestry certification will be ending up this year uh I need to U retake the course training at Ruckers U Dan scary myself and it was uh uh our comings so I'm going to need one person to join us uh getting our certification for the next five years that will carry us under all the state laws for trees forestry and allow us to get uh involved with um um more tree planting uh again the township has received the gold standard safe Street Awards this year uh there will be a ceremony down in Ruckers I believe the mayor uh and myself will be going down there for this uh the Green Team planted uh 30 uh jolly green Giants down at chevry field we put it right along the roadway uh it really looks uh nice we received a lot of U thank you uh for sprucing up the property on the VFW uh news the VFW will again be offering uh the Patriots pen and voice of democracy grants to the high school um the VFW will be offering a $500 Grant a $300 um Grant and a $100 if they finish through our process and go on to the district and to the state they can receive up to $35,000 if they awarded so we will be handing out those certificates and the paperwork to the schools this week uh we're always looking for new members to uh join the VFW please reach out to me our veterans uh guitar program is starting up again this week we have added four new uh veterans to our group so um it starts tomorrow Tuesday at 4:30 at Beany Community Center I hope everybody has seen the Monclair State student project for storm water management one issue that they pointed out was water basement uh Basin uh please don't blow your leaves into the water basins all your grass clippings um please if you see a clog call a DPW uh working to remove Target um hazardous trees uh the school is back in session all drivers need to slow down and all kids need to wear helmets when they're riding their bikes there's too many riding in the township without helmets and I want to welcome the new business in town I believe there's two will be uh one is a T-shirt and I think UPS will also be moving into the Shopping Center thank you council president thank you Mr yours Mr Cassio sure thank you uh council president uh I'll keep mine uh very brief uh again school is in session please be careful especially at uh Dusk and Dawn as you know the Sun is setting uh earlier and it's rising earlier and we're on the roads a little bit earlier getting to work since Summer's over and you know the glare from that sun can be really detrimental to Vision while you're driving so um please use your sun visors and your um your uh sunglasses um the other thing I want you to be aware of and I'm sure everyone is is uh a lot of wildlife especially deer at this time of year they're all over the place uh it seems like their only natural predator these days are uh cars um I mean there you know last night I was driving uh home and there was I must have seen about maybe well probably 10 deer okay so please be extra careful we want keep them uh alive I guess and we don't want the DPW having to pick that stuff up um other than that uh you know it is um it's the start of a a new fall season for everyone I know everyone was on vacation and you know you think that uh the government doesn't function during the during the long break but we're all active doing things uh at this point and there's a lot of things on the uh plates of the council and the administration and we're working diligently to make those things happen at a reasonable cost to you and that's the end of my report thank you Mr C Mr Alman yeah just before I start um Mr Sears the um basins keeping them clear would we want to consider a um an ordinance uh I think we have an ordinance for fire hydrants for snow we have an ordinance that says you can't put leaves or any debris within 10 ft but to keep them clear I mean is that you know well it does say it's the ordinance keep debris 10 feet and C the Bas clear if it rains and it gets into the uh catch Bas I think the rub might be my excuse me is um the fire hydrant is on the actual people's property not in the street the catch basins as we know are in the street so that might be some reason why we can't put that in an ordinance that it has to yeah we appreciate residents if they can keep them clean but I don't think we can mandate since it's in the street for residents to be responsible for but I would defer it to the town attorney if she wants to comment on that I don't have com we don't have a comment this time all right and I think that's also true of a county road as well we can't mandate what goes on a county road like uh you know pcak Ridgewood Road Washington venberg so that I I will I I'm just thinking of a technicality and I know that the homeowners do own a certain portion of the stri but I I think practically and and where I would come out is that you probably can't mandate that but I will take a look at that as a good citizen it should be done yeah right right well if you don't want the front of your house to flood you should do that's yeah well you know that's part of the Monclair State thing you hey clean up if it's in front of your house take a look yeah just take the quick it like a piece of property if you see it clog you know call us or clean it up call it or or go on the web and put in a complaint and you have a paper trail of it okay thanks um so uh I just have a couple of quick comments one is uh mayor kalamari wrote a letter to uh the editor recently uh regarding the road program and Mr Carlo reminded us this evening that uh you know there was no Road program approved for 2024 uh I think that uh there was an expectation that there would be a program for 2024 uh on the last day of the planning process uh at after midnight I believe after a 5H hour session um the council was up ated on an emergent issue in the musk Quin Brook River uh that required immediate attention uh and the in addition to the immediate attention it required funding uh in excess of $700,000 uh so there was a decision made at that meeting uh to foro the road program which typically was funded around that amount uh and use that fund uh for uh the remediation uh ordinance 24-10 uh was passed by the council uh funded that uh or approved that um $700,000 in addition to others for that emergency work and Mr Dar Carlo updated us this evening on the progress of that so uh you are quite correct uh Mr Dar Carlo and you are quite correct uh mayor Kari uh we did or the council as a whole did not uh approve funding of the road program there was a split on the deis but uh it was not funded so uh if people are wondering why I think uh that would be one reason why uh the other thing I would like to do is ask uh Miss B about um voting in a non uh uh while council is not in session or requesting a vote uh on an action uh via email uh because I don't know you know I've always been told that votes have to be taken in person that the actions should be discussed in a public meeting unless it is uh excluded uh and it's within a closed session uh but even that is you know regulated so I'm just trying to understand when we receive an email requesting an action you know what what are we supposed to do and what's going on here is that uh appropriate well certainly I'm not familiar with what email has been sent asking you to take action that would be very unusual because uh you have to comply with the open public meetings act obviously any action taken by the council any deliberation of a matter by the council even without an action taken has to be on noed to the public so that is why you see Sue s please don't reply all uh if she's sending information packets if she's sending information please do not reply all because she is trying to disparage the very act that is barred by the open public meetings act deliberation of something that has to be properly noticed by the council and taking any action okay you mentioned closed session no action can be taken in close session okay um whether or not the open public meetings act um is compli with and if there is a special circumstance whether it's by if there's an emergent situation whether or not an email vote if the pro proper notice has been given can be taken that is something I would have to look further into um and I can provide that answer to you okay so can you specifically look at an email dated 8:14 uh sent by Mr Dar Carlo uh for 450 the subject is 450 pasak Road uh I believe you're copied on that and then the uh followup from mayor kalamari on 819 where he questioned why a response wasn't given to him uh you know I I interpret that as a vote wanting Direction on how to proceed so I guess I'm just trying to understand uh what uh is appropriate here and are we uh you know within the uh letter and intent of the law thank you anything else Mr rman that would be it thank you uh I think everything has been uh discussed at this point that would have been included in my very quick response Mr Mayor I just had one quick question what did we Mr Mayor what did we acquire with the 10:30 three appositions um I don't have the specific list I was just called by the department in their report that they acquire two pieces I can find that out for you all right know oh okay Mr I know right is like those four-wheel vehicles that they were used remember we we told you in our Capital plan that if they didn't find in 1033 you may have to ask for money in capital we reliev of that so it's like those John Deere Gator vehic like the cold trickle car we have outside ex so we got two of those yes okay thank you I'm not sure we actually have the second one in possession but we're going the intent is to get to yes thank you uh mayor appointments for director with advice and consent to council appointment of director of public affairs and information Council resolution of consent to director resolution number 24203 appointment of director of public affairs yes may mayor read his appointment oh I'm sorry M I'm rushing sorry go ahead Mr quite all right um yeah Council um please be advised that I am hereby appointing the following person to the office in position um listed below subject to your advice and consent the director of public affairs and information to Sasha Lopez uh term expiring December 31st 2025 thank you have we changed it what wasn't the previous When Miss VZ was wasn't she just the director of public affairs or was it always public affairs in information it's grown into that because it is information I have a question if I yes Mr she's giving up her other position for the director's position is this what this is no so she's keeping both positions it's really three positions can you do that she's holding three positions right I mean I count two but this director there was two positions in the budget that she is capturing boths right now because there's nobody else to fill them correct no I think she's the assistant there's the assistant and there's this one potentially is the only one I'm aware of so she's making $9,800 for director's position and no well it's 8,000 for the assistant yeah in total between the two yes yes do we have to i s I thought you was giving up this other position you're not talking about her performance at least that I know of so I don't believe so do we have the rise her to talk about this we can't talk about it no we can talk about it as long as it's not adverse we're discussing our performance we're just talking about stiens and I'm sorry uh what do we call them uh okay what are they director sens right director sens or director salaries that's all we're talking about so go ahead Mr Sears I know you no I mean I thought she was taking on the director position and she can't be an assistant to herself that's what's baffling me well she can and um as a matter of fact we have that in the tax assessor's office if you recall when our latest tax assessor came on she agreed to be her own assistant uh and so there is a precedent for it and uh she can she can aily do both jobs in my opinion I think and many of the people who work on the Committees with her did anyone was anyone else considered for this position I've been putting word out for months about it so position um as you know I resigned on July 1st 2023 so the position's been open for 14 months nobody wants that position because of the amount of work that it take and as a result a lot of the events have suffered throughout the last 14 months so it it really is you know I've seen her in action and we need somebody to fill the spot at least temporarily until somebody but the reality is the amount of work that this position requires it just financially doesn't make sense for a lot of people hence the vacancy for so many months you have to love your T basically here's my take on it we only have one um director by stattion that can be um uh director and work in that department that's Department of Law there is no other so why are we changing this one or any other one where that occurs so I advise you to look at the statute how it reads um because it's hard to be the director of your of yourself okay because you hold that special position this Al as the counsel and as the Director of Law and stipulated by State Statute it doesn't stipulate that anywhere else I don't think there's another director in town that has that one I'm correct um I'm going to push back some and say just because it does not say it does not mean it is not permitted it's not meant to cover every circumstance it specifically covers it in the Director of Finance because there could be a perceived uh conflict there but just because it doesn't say it here I respectfully disagree with you that that doesn't mean it can't happen I I disagree as as well with you so let's disagree we disagree any other any other discussion on this yeah I mean this is what I did I directed and assisted myself so the the ability and the reality of that happening is 100% because I directed the events and had to you know execute alone with no assistance only volunteers which you can only ask so much of your volunteers so but they did a bulk of the work did they not they did not they were day of they were day of volunteers that's not true well they attended meetings they attended meetings you had members that went out and got bids for shirts and they did schedules so but I think Mrs VZ I think when you when you were the director you did this as a true citizen of the township and didn't take the salary for IT well for the I there was no assistant position that's what I'm saying you did it like like a lot of us volunteers do in town you did it for the the betterment of our Township now there's a salary involved that people are earning to have this position when you did it you did get the $1,800 it was less I know it wasn't 1800 12200 12250 until they raised it when you got out right um but it's a different I think it's a different scenario now but in during that time period there was only five events now there are summer concerts that were added there were the Halloween that didn't happen last year because there was no director there was no home what do you mean Halloween didn't happen last year the the Home Decorating didn't happen the um holiday Home Decorating didn't happen the summer movies didn't happen a lot of other things did not happen because there was no director so all that was added as as I came on and continue to grow that department now to to clarify yes the volunteers do a lot and I'm incredibly grateful for them but when you're talking about all the emails in the phone calls and the vendors and the banners and all that that is the assistant which was me so yes we had people that did t-shirts but sponsorship seeking sponsorships they were some people that were much more active than others but I would say that the bulk of the responsibility fell on the assistant which was also the director which was me I speak because I was in the but but I mean in the past this this you know we had Town day we had we had concerts yes we did the fire department yeah but I'm saying but the town but the town had fire but we had concerts right the public the public affairs a few years ago I understand but why that happened I I can't I don't know the answer to that but we we had these events and they were true volunteer events like you know Town day was run by a committee of volunteers and you know we have a lot of lifelong residents that I don't see their faces any more so I've always wondered what happened there because they're lifelong residents of the township and they're not volunteering their time at these events anymore so I don't know what happened because it's sad to see those people not there um but Town Day in 2013 and town day in 2022 are worlds of heart so I mean just you can look at the bills themselves and the sponsorship they came in because it grew so much true right because of the I think but we're in a different I think you know things were different from 2013 versus 2022 you know I can only speak to what gets but I think you know there's a lot of there's a lot of volunteers out there that have spent you know countless hours thankless hours um and you know I don't think we should ever you know say that they didn't volunteer because they absolutely did because they're not thankless hours we thank them all the time and they know it's appreciated so they are not thankless I take exception with that you can take except but I'm saying I I didn't mean it in a derogatory manner Mr Meers don't make you said you said thankless I and I I may I I miss I I always owe my words I'm not sending out thisinformation I made an error and I'll I I'm correcting your ER you don't need to I'm an adult just like you are you get your turn to speak I'll take my turn to speak I'm making I'm asking for disappointment so I feel I can speak what's that I'm asking for this appointment so I feel I can speak You're you you've made your you made your your uh appointment and we take so you're silencing me again I am not I did I did I say to keep you just told me to keep quiet I said let me talk you're putting words in my mouth you let every other council member jump in when they want to you want to hold me to a different standard it's our meeting just ad it's our meeting Mr Mayor yeah you want to hold me to a different standard just admit it's not your meeting you're holding me to a different standard because it is not your meeting yes okay thank you now I know any other discussion on and consent to the mayor for the public affairs and information appointment I have a question I do also once Steve is done so what What's Happening Here is we we have a director you want to appoint a director and apparently that the way I'm reading it so the more the more things that this uh director does in this particular um uh division of the T um the more they'll get paid because they're doing more now so if we hold another 20 events is that going to go up that's my question because we're saying they're getting paid as an assistant because we're doing a lot more things so if we do double that are we going to have to double the salary I will come to you when that time if and when it comes or department needs more people I control the salaries you control the salaries yeah I consider that question was toward me okay we we'll see how you control it okay y well I mean my my recommend based on your comment Council um CIO councilman CIO if a department grows then you just need more employees so whether it's one person making eight or two making four I mean then that would be that that would be I think the the right call if the department growing then you need the Manpower but but I think we're losing sight of what this is these are volunteer events like these are nobody's volunteering but why aren't they volunteering well I mean I don't see you out there signing people up I make phone calls has anybody ever asked me I was I asked about don't get asked they volunteer I ask at every meeting for volunteers for a best as do I you are correct and it is on the township website as well so but where but what happened to the the the solid core of here we you know their kids grow up okay that's that's that's an answer then they you know they move on and then we hope to get another you know group of parents but as we all know everybody's busier and busier because it demands of life so the reality is that these positions go un they go vacant and it's not listen it's been 14 months since somebody filled that spot and I've asked and I've spoken and I've presented people I'm sorry D no no it's just it's not for lack of trying that's fine and and I understand so if there's a lack of if there's a lack of interest of volunteering okay that tells me there's a lack of Interest period so why would we push programs if there's a lack of volunteers and interest because it's supposed to be it's not supposed to be uh something that the town has to provide okay it's a luxury I disagree with you we taxes we pay a lot of tax a family growing Town yeah that's we want to to draw families and what draws family things that bring Community together they don't why would I move into a community where there are no children and nothing for my children we this is a a community of family so yeah let's offer these opportunities for our kids to engage with you know maybe they go to Washington school but they want to be friend somebody at George School let's give them these opportunities so I disagree with you entirely and the reality is that's the adults want it the parents want it but nobody wants to show up and the people that complain the most are the ones that volunteer the least that's the truth so if we can't get the volunteers like you know there are people on the committee who we've have asked hey do you want to take the director position would you be interested no no no no no they just like a little bit you know cuz they have a little time to give and not this much time to give so when you finally have somebody that's willing to give so much of their time then you know you're compensating them with like gas money truthfully I mean that's what it ended up being for me I can't even tell you how many dollars I dropped and I never got compensated for but like you said I did it out of love right for my community but you know something's got to give eventually okay so and and you finally have somebody that's willing to give so that's right recognize them if not the position would have been filled 2 months after I resigned but here we are 14 months later not for discussion tonight but perhaps we could do some type of uh survey of the residents you know I don't know uh email or physical mail but it just seems that you know we are uh you know middle class upper middle class Town people's fam's uh priorities have changed instead of going to a swim club now they have beach homes instead of going to the swim club they go to Europe for the summer I mean it's it's a reality of the town we live in and you know if we can't get volunteers and I agree with you m is that it is great for the town to have these events it brings a sense of community but if there's no appetite for people to volunteer and the participation is you know transactional at best is you know do we say we're not doing it anymore uh and focus on two or three large events and move on and not I don't know if that's the right answer but you know is that a potential option you know Town day and the the tree lighting and a 5K and you know that's our you know Recreation public Outreach agenda I don't know uh but you know if we survey and you know to your point people you know are not volunteering they want the benefit of it but they're not volunteering so you perhaps and that's a harsh reality unfortunately that you know they want the events but they don't want to volunteer and like it every time I go to any little function at somebody's house I'm like hey you know we're always looking for volunteers we're always looking for volunteers or are we cues this that and the other trying to recruit people right but you know what the only part of of your statement um council manman is we we as representativ of the community we have to offer these opportunities for our members in order to keep Community going right I feel it is our duty to continue to offer um opportunities for residents to continue to to use a relationship so that their kids stay in Township and their kids stay in Township and it continues to grow so we have generational families in this town you know like the Kamari themselves they've been here right they love the town right there's so many people that been here generationally so there's got to be something and it's our responsibility to keep fostering those opportunities okay Mike I have the floor for a minute on this can you turn your mic back on please Daisy I'm getting emailed getting text and I didn't it didn't get ref yeah I just got the text saying please tell Daisy to turn on her microphone thank you thank you um councilman seers councilwoman valz you've been at the past few meetings for Fall Festival um Sasha has led those meetings um I think the committee has her respect I think she has earned it um I'm hoping you can agree to that uh this evening um I I think it's a shame that this position has been open for over a year we have one person who expresses an interest and instead of thanking her we're here looking to criticize this person for every little reason like oh the director should not supervise themselves you know come on this you know it's not like she's controlling money in the town or anything like that it's you know she's she can take the lead and she can help herself in the process um you know as it's been said we don't have a lot of people who can vol unteer the time it needs to do these functions of the public affairs director and to assist to get these events off the ground uh we get extremely good turnout at most of these events so you know we're we're again nitpicking between these two positions less than $10,000 um you know if if if you don't approve her I don't know what's going to happen to the town events because no one else has stepped up in over a year we have a person who's willing to um you know let's treat her with the respect she deserves for wanting to step up and make our town a better place and you know if that comes with a little bit more money I'm all in favor of it you know we we all collect money and you know for doing what we do up here and you know so I think she's entitled to the position because she's asked for it and uh and the money that goes along with it uh to keep our town you know with these events so I appreciate your consideration before you vote thank you council president yes Mr I don't think there was no disrespect to this person that wants the position my point of view is we had a problem with the CFO when he was going to be his director and it was an endless battle then we had the same problem with the ex Town attorney when he was there and it was an endless battle now we have a third person coming into a position with the same scenario um there's no disrespect to her I I've sat on the committee with her watch the uh uh the process I'm telling you I a lot of the volunteers do a lot of work she may be the the director at the top saying topics you know but um my concern is that I don't want to open up this pen no box that now we have another director and another position reporting to the director that's watching himself we went through that CFO scenario it was it was a nightmare and that's that's you know uh yes she does a lot of work no doubt in their mind but the volunteers do a chunk of the work and no disrespect to her thank you council president thank you yes Mr what does the by being appointed director what additional uh powers or influence will she have over her current role um May I answer that council president go ahead um well as you know her current role is assistant um so she is assistant specifically to the director without a director um I don't know who she will assist because there will be no one at a high level to do what the director does as far as planning these events and needing someone underneath them to do all the things that um you know respectfully we don't put on our volunteers every minute thing that has to get done uh because we like you know we honor our volunteers time and you know we don't want to abuse it where we turn them off uh and so that's what the assistant does is a lot of the things that you know making sure Insurance certificates are filled out um you know going out and you know getting the best deal they can from vendors um and so I I I think I've answered your question so my only comment here uh would be uh the same as the current situation in the finance and the Director of Finance that it's an employee director and you know I I feel that employee directors should not receive the sment so if the individual you know warrants if per role if the role expands with this then you know perhaps the salary needs to be re-evaluated but in terms ter of the director to employee relation or the uh employee director uh you know I would have the same opinion okay um Ju Just a reminder um about the finance director in addition to supporting I'm sorry supervising um the CFO Department um he is also charged the director is charged with supervising other departments um so it's not just his Department it's other departments also um doesn't fit this bill but you know since you brought it up I just want to remind everyone that uh he's the person in that position would not be just supervising himself uh he would be supervising other departments um I I I've said what I said you know what I've said I I hope you can see fit to appointing her so it doesn't disrupt our town events thank you so so just a quick note um you know there was no disrespect anybody at at all volunteerism is a is a is something that is missing and it's sometimes it's missing because the leadership that's there drives our volunteers away right so when when you know people say I'm not volunteering enough I I volunteer countless hours as a president of little league in softball and I spend many nights away from my family to deal with business for the little league and I don't have a problem with that that's what it's about right we don't always have to be on we don't have to always out let the public know all the hours we spend those are the thankless hours I'm talking about Mr Mayor there is I'm up till 2 o'clock in the morning sometimes doing registration right nobody needs to thank me that I enjoy doing that right it it makes me happy it makes me happy that my father taught me you know what it meant to be a good person and to give back to our community right because he was a hard worker he was a welding for You' spent 1108 hours in 110 degree tank welding and he come home and make time for our youth sports and for his boys and his family right I have a I have a I sit behind an office so I have no problem giving back time and I don't need anybody to thank me for doing that time and that's what I meant by that comment so for you to jump down my throat and tell me what I said is totally not correct and I just want to make sure that all the volunteers from When Miss swiid started Town day are thanked because they did a wonderful job all those years even though it wasn't as large as is today like you said miss it was still Town day and it was appreciated and all the events that we do even when the fire department ran the concerts is appreciated and all our volunteers and all our boards are appreciated right that's what it's about all right and and all I'm saying is you know volunteerism is not to be you know to take credit for everything that goes on for this town it's to do it behind the scenes and make sure things happen for our residents and sometimes that's a bigger volunteer and those are the people we don't see and those are the the truly unappreciated people and I'll leave it at that so for for moving forward we have a council resolution of consent to director resolution number 20 yes just one quick question be the last question hopefully we can vote on this um so I will ask the mayor are we going to be looking for another assistant to this to the director in the future another position why would I I'm asking I don't know why would you so apparent the way I'm looking at this right now we don't have a director and we have an assistant who wants to be director right correct and we're we're compensating her to be the director plus being the assistant to herself correct that's what we're asking for tonight right that's what we asking for so my question is is there ever going to be is there going to be a time where we're going to separate that from the directorship to another person so she'll be a true director and then we'll have someone under her to direct for her to direct you're asking me to speculate on something that I'm not willing to speculate on okay so you're indecisive I get okay no I'm not indecisive that was indecis indecision okay if I may Mr Mayor um I mean if somebody would have said yes to this position by now we wouldn't be in this in this Boe y so resolution number 24-23 appointment of director of public affairs and information Sasha Lopez do I have a motion sove second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council Le yes council president yes mayor appointments Mr Mayor I I I just want to thank you all you know we get heated up here once in a while but uh you know I'm I'm truly glad for the town and for the volunteers that uh this decision was made by the council so I thank each and every one of you from from the bottom of my heart sincerely your appointments Mr Mayor yes thank you um yes we have a special law Enforcement Officers being appointed this evening um special law enforcement officer uh class three Nicholas Copa uh John djano and Brian Meltzer uh special law enforcement Class 2 full-time Steven ryell Jr I'm sorry all those effective dates are as of 9124 then we have uh school crossing guards regular Angela boia Joseph Bo James mahish John Walsh anou yian and Scott Zain all for the school year 24 to 25 and then we have two crossing guard substitutes Ron ceral and Danielle ficker uh same for this school year 2024 2025 thank you thank you motion to open the public meeting comment of the meeting some second all in favor I would anybody like to come up and address the council at this time yes you may five minutes right five minutes we have a clock up here no awesome I'm not I'm not you know so first I want to say thank you to everyone out there I know I have to give my name I'm Andrew McKenna I'm a Township um resident but I want Mr McKenna of course I want thank all of you for your time your dedication and your support for this great town that we live in we moved here in about in 2017 and I started my first day with a request hey there's no street sign on Howard Street my in-laws get lost mayor saax picked that up she gave me a call and the next day the DPW showed up and put up a sign so darn good service from day at day one Sue before I get into what I actually want to talk about I want to thank you because you're an All-Star every time I call you help I put throw in a suggestion to council a couple years ago of that's right thank I throw in a a suggestion to council to let the residents know when street sweepers are going to show up because otherwise they're just sweeping the middle of town soon somehow that gets on the internet and we all know about it now and my street is clean curb to curve so I'm starting with a big thank you because all of you are dedicated love this town and really push things forward um one very much side note the calendar listings on the website if you click on them it says this is still virtual or hybrid it's not so some language changes might be good um I'm here today to bring up a little bit of the past something that didn't get resolution um but we're here again about 12 months later in September of last year I emailed mayor and counil about the Westwood Recreation wrestling program the Westwood Junior wrestling club all of our shirts say Westwood and Washington Township all wrestling events happen here in 07676 our ZIP code at the high school that both towns pay for send an email Mr Casio thankfully brought it up at the next meeting on the 2nd of October I'm sorry yeah 2nd of October and there was a nice conversation that went that went on from there that ended with and I'm just looking at the meeting minutes with mayor calamari you stated that you were going to reach out and talk to the other mayor and take care of it or at least have a conversation 11 months later and a couple of days I've heard nothing nothing was done no conversation happened that the public is aware of Westwood on on our team snap for wrestling we get the messages over the weekend hey registration is open but guess what that's just for W it's not for both towns so this year registration is opening up again or it's opened up for Westwood we are the second class citizens in the program um and I don't think any conversation's happened between both governments if it has it hasn't been shared with us but again we have the extra out of town fee for an event that happens or a program that happens within our town and I would love to hear if someone can own this have conversations take it off the line and and get it resolved $25 is a couple cups of coffee it's not about the money it's about the principle of this program and it used to be our program and it used to be our program which is a real kick in the teeth um but with that being said this is one of those areas where politics and the fights that have happened in years passed I mean I titled my email last year can Township in Westwood please get along 11 months later we don't so can we get a solution let let me ask a question because you know the wrestling is near and dear to my heart so the the the the sticking point is one or two sticking points one we don't advertise it in town right we don't okay and two is a $25 fee it's it's just the fact that the fee is there for a program that happens here in town okay um and this year they opened it up early to their residents and not ours I I'm pretty sure I can talk to sua she gets stuff DB you know we can all talk to her if we can get that on the website somewhere that it's registration for it's not open for us yet it's not open for us yet I think we have another week I think it says wrestling in the dates it's open isn't it like all the other on their yeah on ours oh I didn't see it on ours at all CU that's how all our Sports usually show if I remember correctly if we're doing something jointly with someone the the opening date should coincide because then you know well we don't control the program so it's difficult to say that because we got to get you know Mr buckmeister has to agree to that we didn't do that for the we didn't do that for the uh summer program the summer camp yeah we we had it on the same day and then everyone in Washington Township well not everyone there was a vocal cor group that said we should have priority and we deferred everyone else so all Westwood is doing is applying the rules principle yes we did so I disagree very slightly because as we said this used to be a Township program that now Westwood has taken over uh they always had their own summer program in addition to ours so it's a little different so I think that's something that we can I think that's an easy thing we can work out I don't think that's but is it wtw Cardinals yeah it's Washington Township West it's Washington Township West with Cardinals that's what's wrong with the whole thing can we just make it Cardinal wrestling no WR wtw Cardinals that's why I almost wore the gear today even more well you don't want to see me in my single because it wouldn't be a pre- sight but thank you you're well you know my wife doesn't let me uh wrestle anymore at the bail out of the last uh fat and bald classic but I did win it in 2017 just let you know um not my original W class posted on the website that you got to scroll and scroll scroll so that's an easy one EAS so so the fee is the the other exist we all pay taxes on the same building that this is in it was supposed to originally be for field use we debated that last it's field use plus Community pass but that cost less than 1% of transaction not 25 bucks it is every um every sport though it's not just wrestling we it it it is true it's every sport we do that se charge and you know this we charge him a search charge Mr Mayor for lacrosse I'm I'm pretty sure there's no exclusion so I'm pretty sure that we do I think that's something we did charge 25 for for camp for re yeah yeah yeah it's it's ridiculous it's 25 on this and then 25 on the other and I bring this up with the Westwood mayor probably quarterly to say Hey you know when can you guys since you started this ridiculous $25 thing when can you end it we're happy to end it as you know as soon as you do um you know I think he's trying to convince his Council to do so um you know now the Summer's over we have our meeting next week I will bring it up to him him again and you know see if he can make any progress because it's been ridiculous since day one you know we share the same scho system so we're both paying taxes to keep the school buildings open I think that's where the wrestling program takes place in the school so it it's ridiculous I'll bring it up with him again and I'll try and include it in my report for next month awesome if I could be selfish if you don't mind pinging it quarterly that we all know being worked on I'll be got you I think that's important again the $25 fee was instituted a few years back for whatever reason um you know and I can understand um maybe other towns were adding that fee to okay I get it you know you come from Hillsdale we do share children we do share schools we share a lot we're Sister We're sisters communities so I think we should work on that and I'm gonna I'm going to pledge to you that we're going to get it done thank you okay somehow I how we're gonna do it but we're gonna do it if I could take 30 more seconds my kids are staying up to watch at home I left them to take care of some other stuff and to be here tonight but this is what government is all about so thank you thank you thank you for taking the time would anybody else like to come up and address the council at this time good evening good evening Keith Jensen been about a decade here in town uh 133 Woodfield um you know I'm involved I email you guys I keep in touch with different things I see volunteer to help out with different projects and hecko whether it's uh taking care of landscaping across the street by uh by by the library or um taking care of the property that I own a 414 that I was getting fined for that was Pro the town's property but I was taken care of it for a while until I sold it um I'm here to talk about uh costs and and and um um real estate speculation that the town gets involved with acquiring and why we do this then if it makes sense you know um the recent article by was by mran with the the DPW and the swim club and the seasons and EMS fire police um Council incre Council Office is increasing all needed right um how you going to do it how we're going to pay for it you know that's something that that that's got to be discussed but you're talking you know maybe more than $10 million easily um we saw what happened with different cases in the back in the past but one property particular I'm concerned about or questioning about is 450 pasc pasac and um not to get involved with um negotiations to of of acquiring it if those were even happening because everything's behind the scenes is what the purpose is for a lot of people in town don't know if if it's going to be acquired when it's going to beir it's been discussed back and forth for a while but maybe we're getting close to the finish line of that happening and great if it's if it's if it's at a great price and you know it makes sense but um you know as me building some houses in town selling them you know what I wanted to do on 414 if I was allowed to buy buy those Odd Lots but the town would not sell them to me for whatever reason I was going to put a nice home on there increase the ratables by twofold right great for the town but I couldn't get those lots so I couldn't build the house I sold it fine um 450 as I understand it um you can only build one house on that lot main reason is zoning right can't build anything else on there so don't worry about it and the second is fire you can't get a fire truck up there so you can't do it you can't go a colde sec you can't get out the other way so you can only put one house on that property therefore the value of that land is really what you can do with that land so me and anyone else wants to buy it is only going to buy it for what you can build on it to sell so if we were to acquire it you know if I was to build a house or someone else build a house you're looking at maybe $30,000 you ratables that you're not going to get anymore right um and uh it just doesn't make any sense unless we know why we want to buy it because I know that the residents origin want want a free backyard I got it great for them but no need for us to buy it for them so the question I'm asking everyone here is what are we buying 450 for that I'm stopping is that something we can answer Mr Mayer I mean yes I can give you my opinion as to why we're buying it um I'm sure everyone up here has an opinion on it uh mine is um it's a few fold it's to keep it in its natural state as it is uh with the tree canopy that it adds to the town to me anytime you can purchase a property that is adjacent to already a property that the town owns uh I'll call it our Flagship field Memorial Field uh that's a good investment for down the line uh you know not not currently but you know if 10 years from now uh someone decides the mone's available to make the field bigger perhaps we've acquired the property uh also Bergen County open space sees the value in it because they're putting up about two-thirds of the money uh for us to make the purchase and so they see the value in keeping it open also so I see it as acquiring three acres uh I agree the topography isn't the best uh but to acquire 3 acres for the town share um I believe is a good investment for the town so those are my reasons why I think it's a good purchase anybody else Mr s you have something yeah I I got to agree with the mayor on this that the sole purpose is to keep that property open space I mean there was thought of eventually putting two CER Apartments down at the very end uh but you're right we we can only build on that single type of uh a home uh we looked at extended uh parking lot and putting more handicap parking spots up in that area um but the way that property goes I mean you know and you're aware and I'm aware that one developer wanted to put 47 condos up there and it was absolutely no way a fire truck could go up there because it Narrows like a pine you know so it it it has some benefits for the field uh in the future I see also I see a lot of uh benefits for Washington school that we can open that back part as an environmental uh um area for the kids to work on uh does need cleaning it does need some pruning but it it has a lot of opportunities for the community Mr Jensen you have one more minute if you'd like to bring up anything else before you run out of time yeah I think um on that note you know you have to also look at the cost later on of what you're going to do if you're going to put a par lot what the engineering is going to cost on does it make any sense why you didn't even think about allowing me to buy the other Lots beforehand that made no sense to that kind fiscally now if you want to buy this other property I mean you know your insurance your auto insurance is cost you know your your energy bills cost you know your property taxes you know cost of living now it's gone through the roof now if you buy this even if it's even if the county is paying for two a third of or two3 of whatever they might or might not do that's still our taxes too I mean it's coming in collectively maybe not as much from town but it's still raising our taxes if you can't build on that property you know once you take it over I know that property in and out it costs a lot of money red to make it safe for the kids in school you know cutting down trees pruning it up getting rid of stuff that's back to environmental you know that house itself you know you're now have you taken into account that hundreds of thousands of dollars that are going to go into fixing that so it's not just buying holding it it's not just the tear down part it's then the the remed the remediation of the whole whole strip back there you can't build anything there it's Park it's just open space why not let the uh you know we're getting into we're getting into speculation you saw what happened with the swim club we bought that now we don't we doing up we're putting potentially lots of money into that and it's a it's it's on a highway you know I built a house on a highway nobody wanted it because it's on a highway nobody wants to walk around the park and relax on a highway now but the point is you know once you buy something if it's at the right price first of all I hope it's sell at the right price then what's the cost later on and do we really need to do it if you can't build anything on anyway you know I would easily build a house on there bring in you know half million dollars of new Revenue back to the town I would donate back the whole back of the land to the to the to the 10 seconds left Mr John to the town so you can actually look at that and not to spend all our tax dollars and buying piece of land for the people on ridg road I'm done thank you Mr can I just uh Mr Jensen because course you would asked um you know while I agree with the mayor's comments I also think that it is uh you know a defensive measure uh for a builder who may seek remediation through the courts and there's levers I mean don't I I disagree with you I mean you know uh I think there are levers that can be pulled uh you know initials that can be spoken of and you know uh all someone has to hear is COA and you know magically things happen so I do think that uh the mayor articulated a clear strategy as to why it's being acquired uh I also think on top of that there is a a matter of a defensive measure and I but I do share the same concerns you have about you know the cost of acquisition is one thing but what are we doing with it and to your point too the county um you know the grants that we received they come from the county that money is not free I mean I got my tax bill today the county portion is just you know is there just like the municipal and the um school so it is all our money M but if I me you know it is important to to have this open space you know councilman Casio spoke about the wildlife and his opening statement I mean if we develop every piece of land where are where are animals going on the dinner plate maybe my back out so I mean not every piece of open land needs to be developed in my opinion you know we we should leave it the can of be I mean like everybody said you know I'm in favor of open space even if it sits there you know there's natural habitat taking place so that's that's my position on open space thank you Mr Johnson thank you everybody M just make one more quick comment um I I doubt very much our County taxes would go down if we did not take the grant I'm sure another town would get the money so I just see that as cloring some of our tax money that we pay to the county back for the town purposes and as we all know the swim club was a swim club for many many years I never hear heard one complaint that it was too close to the Parkway and affected by anything by the Parkway and that was a huge recreational use as a swim club so I respectfully disagree it wasn't a complaint by members of the swim club for I'll say 40 50 plus years except business after 40 50 years as we said times change I went out of business because of its proximity to the parkway thank you everyone would anybody else Miss tickle you like to come up good evening hi good evening I'm uh marelen stickle I don't have to say I'm in the township right no do we know we um I just wanted to thank the DPW for checking our manholes um they came out very quickly because they there was a chance that they could have been clogged um they came out right away and they are excellent and a lot of times we forget that they are so good um I want to thank them um I also wanted to thank Laura rifin the uh Library director she did uh an excellent job during the construction um uh things go back and forth and there's a lot of coordinating that goes on especially with the staff and the construction workers and whatnot and keeping everybody safe uh I just want to thank her um I want to thanks Sasha Lopez she's doing a great job currently on the um Town Fair um she's taking the lead and she's doing a great job um I came down uh mainly because uh the public relations um position does not need to be two positions uh it's a waste of taxpayer money and you all know it um it's government at its worst um I'm embarrassed that people voted for her to have two positions I think one position as the Director when it was on the agenda I thought oh great so she's getting promoted in my opinion to the main position and she's good at it and I respect her and she's going to do a great job job but now that you're telling me she has two positions and she will be paid for two positions this to me is just a disgrace especially since I am a volunteer and have been there from the beginning I've been there with Tom Sears I was there with Dina Burke it's a cookie cutter event all right we've been doing it for years now I don't know 15 years uh plus it's the same same people who show it's the same vendors that come it's the same sponsors you're using my same original solicitation letter it's the same letter everything is the same this is not rocket scientist work so when you hire somebody to do the position which I think happened with Dina also they hired a trade show coordinator to come in um I understood that I was like I get it you know it's a lot of work whatever and then you know Dena decided to leave and then you took over Daisy it's great and now we're handing it off to Sasha but now we're giving Sasha two for the price of one two positions for two salaries it's it's horrible I'm I'm it's disgraceful and as a volunteer it makes me not want to volunteer anymore and I don't even know what to say but that's why I did come down here and I'm embarrassed I'm embarrassed that this is the way we're really going to do this and the way it's going to play out um I don't know I'm really just upset and um I think it should be re rethought and um just have one position thank you Mr want to thank you for everything you've done in the past and hopefully continue I'm not even up here to look I mean I do it for the fun I've done it for my kids we've done it for our kids we know we know we've done it for our kids for years every time I go out there and and Tom and I have set up everything and we're looking back out we're watching the kids jump around and we're saying this is why we're doing it yep right this is why we're doing it the kids are having a great time and here it all came together and we get there early in the morning we're like oh gosh is going to come together and we're giggling and we're laughing and things are moving and shaking and then it all comes together and the kids are just jumping around having a good time and that's why I do it I don't do it for somebody to Pat my back but now do I want to do it no I don't really want to do it now I don't know now I'm really goingon to reconsider it you're paying somebody to do two positions and then rata was at the meeting too what was she doing at the meeting were we paying for her to be there too I mean you know she's great also uh I thought she had a stake in it or something I I didn't know but I'm embarrassed I can just say she she was not paid anything extra to be there she came because she wants to see what's going on Town Hall so okay all right that's it thank you Mr okay anyone else like to come up seeing no one motion to close the public portion of the meeting uh move have a second second all in favor I thank you uh ordinances ordinance number 24-13 adoption second reading an ordinance amending the ordinance chapter 22-11 entitled chapter 233 fire prevention your time's up I know you're you're done resolution number 24-34 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-13 do I have a motion so move second any discussion any no one is in the audience for this roll call councilman C uh yes councilman Sears yes councilman nman yes Council valz yes council president Des yes motion to close public hearing ordinance 24-13 second all Council Casio yes councilman te yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president the Senate yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-13 at second reading by title do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president the Senate yes introduction first reading ordinance number 24-14 an ordinance permitting overnight parking for active First Responders of the township of Washington motion to introduce and pass ordinance 24-14 at first reading by title motion second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council woman valz yes council president to sener yes resolution number 24-35 authorized publication of ordinance 24-14 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion move second call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman oh I'm sorry yes counc valz yes council president to sen yes ordinance number 24-15 an ordinance to implement a quick question is this um isn't this adopted already we had to revise it to include County Roads so last meeting we had uh discussion include County Roads so we include the county roads ordinance number 24-15 an ordinance to implement goals and objectives of the township of Washington 2019 master plan reexamination report motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-15 at first reading by title so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president to sener yes resolution number 24-36 authorizing publication of ordinance number 24-15 and scheduling a public hearing do I have a motion so Mo I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes Council W valz yes council president to Senate yes ordinance number 24-16 an ordinance to implement goals and objectives of the township of Washington 2019 master plan re-exam report by rezoning specific properties motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-16 at first reading by title second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president the Senate yes resolution number 24-37 authorizing publication of ordinance number excuse me ordinance number 24-16 and scheduling of public hearing you have a motion so move second roll call all right councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes Council pres the sen yes ordinance number 24-17 an ordinance to implement various goals and objectives of the township of Washington 2019 master plan reexamination report motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24717 at first reading by title so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president and Senate yes resolution number 24-38 authorizing publication of ordinance number 24-17 and scheduling a public hearing someo second councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council valz yes council president the Senate yes resolutions and consent agenda the following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent of the council and will be enacted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such items removed from the consent agenda would anybody like any items removed at this time uh 24313 for discussion 13 and just uh I'd like to remove 24-39 just for discussion and can you just uh do the same for 311 please 311 yeah just discuss resolution number 24310 authorize tax collector to cancel any current tax liability and future property tax bills for Block 4210 lot to 619 Hickory Street and refund and overpayment in the amount not to exceed $1,413 9 resolution number 24312 authorized purchase and installation of playground equipment at Gardner under State contract from MRC Inc 2130 route35 seagar New Jersey and the amount not to exceed $ 71,2 4061 resolution number 24- 314 Council appointment to the vacancy position of altern alternate member number two Zoning Board of adjustment Desiree Morgan term expiring 1231 2024 resolution number 24-35 authorize Amendment of the award of contract for joint feasibility study regarding ambulance services and the amount not to exceed $5,800 motion to approve consent agenda resolutions as presented so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to sen yes resolution number 309 uh excuse me resolution number 24-39 it authorize acceptance of bid and award of contract to appraisal systems in for Township wide reassessment services in total amount not to exceed 40 $470,000 I excuse me who pull off 24 309 because I have 306 I do said 309 not 36 306 is 306 oh I heard you say six and I apologize ready it's an upside down six do I have a motion Mo second um Mr Carlo will this start January 1st of 2025 the reassessment or when when is the anticipated start date soon as you because it seemed to me the the language mentioned 26 but they weren't starting till October 202 of 20 25 25 I thought we were a year ahead now my understanding is that it's going to take it's going to take the year um to do all that work there's no way they would get that done between October 5th but I do I do see it the way it's written I mean I would have hoped that they would start as you mentioned Mr Dar Carlo tomorrow they they are they are I I I can't I'm sorry I should so these these dates in their letter should be up a year right but if you look at the if you look at the RFP or the response it's very specific it's this so they're not starting till next year is what they're saying No this well according to their response they're not starting till next year so a year from now basically that's going to throw you to tax not a benefit but we won't see the expected Equalization until the tax year of 2026 so I think did you reading it different way no saying they're not starting the assessment till next time o over not this o over I don't think that includes the prep work um I mean I would I really thought this was going to be a 2025 impact correct I thought by the next August tax bill or close to it we'd have a re you know we'd have a new tax base well I mean I know I know we were hoping to get the resolution pass as soon as we could so they could start the work so I don't know really how to explain it so because claric and then what we resp or I mean I could would you want me to step out see if I can make a phone call now no fine okay you got any any other discussion on 24-39 um just has um the tax assessor and the tax collector have they both reviewed the response from the r on the RFP and my concern is they the vendor really spoke about their process to do it to perform it and they have a lot of Outreach and their website and emails um but in theory I'm guessing every property will be impacted uh either up or down uh few may not and how does that come back into our systems you know the integration of the findings because I mean how many properties do we have uh in town3 yeah I was say 3200 to update 3,300 records manually you know they the uh the RFP talked about cama which I'm not familiar with um but you know again we're going to have all this great information do we know how we're getting it back into our books and Records uh to to integrate that back because that typically is one of the bigger challenges uh they come up with all these edits or adjustments and but we have to reflect them so um you know as long as the assessor and The Collector are comfortable that they're going to get that and that on the 20 you know in early 26 we're not sitting there wondering how we're updating 3,300 records or the records okay I will find out I I know the tax assessor um reviewed it um I did not provide it to the tax collector but I certainly can and I mean this CA I don't know if it's like a a county level or a state level or but they talked about specifically that in a few uh responses so you know that's we find out what that acronym stands for that'd be great what what was the acronym I I think it's c m c okay any other discussion on 309 roll call councilman cassia yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president yes resolution number 24-31 authorized purchase a patrol vehicle under State contract from Mall Chevrolet 75 Haden Field Drive Cherry Hill New Jersey amount not to exceed $ 47,9 18595 do I have a motion so move second discussion discussion yeah uh just Mark just quick that with that particular purchase that's just the purchase of the vehicle not the not the equipment yes okay is this a Durango or is this the oh this is for Chevy Chevy yeah so we're not getting the Durango good no we have the Durango already oh we got the Durango yeah it's w to be outfitted right now okay so this is this is the one that that was for this year this was the back correct so finally became available so the seven the 479 is just for the purchase and we have enough left over in that line item to equip it oh yes you guys approved 90 guys and girls approved 90,000 this was a previous Council Mike this was approved by the previous Council no we oh this is but I thought we bought oh we bought the oh last year they couldn't get the toso correct so quick so they so they didn't fall behind successively we got to get the Durango so this year we're getting a Tahoe not a Durango keep our fingers crossed that was my only question thank you I just one question is this the amount uh was this in the bill list last month no no no I think what was in the pill list was the dangle you asked questions about that last meeting all right yeah so this is this is so we can actually place the order okay thank you roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president the center yes resolution number 24-33 authorize infield Rehabilitation to five ball fields to field Pro enterprise LLC 55 Patterson Street Unit 302 Hillsdale New Jersey and the amount not to exceed $ 77,4 15 do I have a motion oh this one got changed I'm sorry time out yeah we Chang on the agenda yeah I'm sorry it's for 106,000 we have the new resolution but it's not updated in the agenda if so 24- 313 is for a not to exceed amount of 10 16,200 so what happened was we have a motion second please motion second I'm sorry motion a motion thank you second Mike I I'm no I'm going to someone it Tom thank thank you so I guess when we were getting bids right Mr Dar Carlo we didn't get the two from memorial for the softball diamond and the baseball diamond and this now add those rehabilitations to it no we did it thank thank you sue uh again because it was like a five o'clock um I was re reviewing everything and I noticed when when reading the resolution it didn't include Memorial Field so when I asked um Mr scoary about it they didn't include Memorial Field because we didn't know if we were going to do it based on the engineers's recommendation we had the engineer before we wasted money on the infields we won the engineers's recommendation like because you know there's an overall drainage problem over there so we met with Mr Beck Meyer a couple days ago and he recommended now that there's other things we can do you can you can go ahead and do the field Rehabilitation that just didn't translate into the the new resolution so we went to Sue and asked if she could change it so there's Seven Fields instead of five we added Memorial Field it used to just say cherry Clark and Garder and then it upped it to 106 but it's still within the money that Council approved doring capital budget so sorry for that confusion councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council W valz yes council president to Senate obain motion to adjourn to conference agenda second all in favor I can we take a 5 minute recess please yes thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 2024 uh DPW building Mr Dar Carla um you Mr both of us yeah um no one from the council reached out to me with any questions as Mark said in his uh opening report um you know he looked into your suggestion Mike about the different brick type uh I don't know if that satisfactorily answered your question and just you know we we did it at the firehouse to save money it was a big cost savings I know the firehouse is a lot bigger than this building but you know it's kind of keeping the buildings more uniform if we did the same split face block like we did at the firehouse with the brick front okay if we could look at that that that would you know I think uh it it will save some money I I understand his cost opinion says it's limited but you know the reason we did it at the firehouse was to save it saved a considerable an amount of you not doing all that brick work except for the couple prominent areas in the front facade which which hopefully could do here okay um I'm I'm outside the scope of what I'm about to say here but I don't know if if when we put it out to bid can we bid it both ways and see how the bids come in we can check with the architect on that I i' I'd appreciate yeah so so I guess Mr Alman had a couple questions last meeting Mr Dar Carlo about do we include the site work and what was the did we get a number from Mr beckme for the site work and all that we did not yet um I mean he would be in charge of the site work correct yes sir so I guess if we can facilitate a full um cost opinion for the project including all the site work and all any any other soft costs of both his fees and whatever I know Mr I know Mr io's fees are all inclusive in his his an original contract correct he's got from yes designed to construction Administration right so what Mr Beck Meers fees would be for his design and administration and what his rough cost opinion would be you know rough order of magnitude of what his cost would be so we could put a final price tag on this and then if you could have Mr corkin tell us what that would equate to per I know we did some cost opinions right but we didn't include the whatever Mr Beck me's G to include right I think the numbers are going to stay the same it's just based on how much we end up borrowing yeah we gave you a few meetings ago that cost per million that won't change so well if we can back into it from when we have the total cost okay so if we could get the final total cost while we're working on that council president are we okay to tell Mr iino to move forward with completing those plans Council are we okay with telling Mr iino to continue with the plans as presented at the last meeting and I had just asked for one alternate to be added with the split face block to match the firehouse which is the brick facade in the front um I know I know the firehouse is a lot bigger but it did save a considerable am M when we did at the firehouse so we can have yeah I just had one question there's um maybe I didn't read the plan right is there plans for a uh a pit for maintenance of the trucks no no what like a pit open pit at the bottom for maintenance of vehicles oil changes and things like that I think we there wasn't but I think we talked about it would be could be a piece of equipment to buy a a lift I guess would be the thing nothing was designed for someone to go underground yeah and also I I want to say I'm so happy with our arrangement with the county to do the maintenance uh you know that wouldn't be something that I would propose but certainly willing to listen to councel uh CU not would it cost extra I would think to do the pit or the lift but then we'd have to have a mechanic doing that work and you know again my opinion is it's working out very well with the county for them to do maintenance and repairs on our vehicles so unless it's you know the most minor of things uh all of our vehicles are going out at this point yeah since we took the DPW building down so it's been working for quite a few years now okay all right I'm I'm I'm okay with giving uh I will make a motion to uh have Mr iino finalize the plans for the building with the alternate of the split face block on the two sides in the rear of the building with the brick facade um in the way it was presented in your email sent to us Mr Dar car do I have a second on that we need to do a roll call S councilman Casio yes councilman yes councilman Omen yes Council valz just to be clear it's the way that it was presented by Mr B car the mayor with the second option cost analysis correct the building with no second floor for us on top you know well it's half yeah well not for counc no no it's not Council yeah half a second floor for the men the workers to have a room no council chambers or anything on the second floor the last email mrct in August what day yeah it's the a it's the it's it's the previous August whatever email Mr D correct yes can we put that date in this council president um can you just well you want to finish the roll call yeah let's finish the yes yes m w I'm yes and council president to S them I'm a yes okay there we go Mr D you got a question so the the alternate still includes the front as brick yep and then it's the other three sides as split placed insulated block yes other three sides okay thank you thank you swim club um more at this point you know just a placeholder um you know I don't know if Council you know wants to put this on hold for a little bit but I just been putting it on every agenda I I did not have anything new I I mean I'd like to see some progress not a final decision let's not make it a placeholder let's some action just to recap where we are now council president is we're you know Boswell's conducting that lsrp see if to identify if there's any hazardous material inside the building as bestus Leed other such and then I kind of got the sense last time we would move forward with the Demolition after that so this needs to be done first so he can give us a proper cost estimate of how much demolition would be but nothing you know nothing like there's going to be a splash pad or there's going to be ball fields or anything like that so there is mov so demolition I I thought it was Demolition of the the pool right Y and all the ancillary buildings right so it would be it would pretty much put it back to Earth with no concrete other than the pavement of the asphal and and some of our local recre improving grants like we got to start spending that money so that would be good even if it's just to make it earth like you said Thank you finance director um I I know at least one of you maybe more said you wanted time to think about it from the last meeting with the information I had presented so that's why it's on here again um again just to refresh everyone's memory um you know the person would like to do the job uh but he'd like to be compensated for uh it's not just overseeing him but two other department uh that would you know report to him um as part of this U and so again he was just looking for council's um you know word that you know come the end of the year U you would transfer money to cover the extra $900 anybody entertain a motion to increase the finance director line items from $900 to $1,800 make that motion roll call councilman Casio councilman Sears uh yes councilman om man no council Wes yes councilman council president the Sena yes not happy about it but I'll do it overnight parking on behalf of the uh CFO I I want to thank you for approving that overnight parking what do we got I guess is that why you're here Chief good evening Chief hi Chief just tap it to make sure it's on it's on that's good thank you so we were you were here last time talking about overnight parking and the problems you were having with theat offenders that were calling in multiple times correct uh where where do we where do we stand uh an ordinance was prepared uh you know and I just wanted to see if everyone got a chance to look at it and had any questions and uh you know if we if we felt like moving forward with it that'd be great uh it definitely met with my approval uh closely mirrors the uh Fair loan ordinance which we modeled it after but we made appropriate changes to accommodate us and and our unique situation versus theirs so could you just put on the what what would be the maximum number of times we would allow an address the falling C uh currently it is six nights consecutive and six nights in a 30-day period and it would remain that correct the ordinance correct correct I just want to put that out I I read it but I want you that is that is at my discretion and that's what I've come up with as a reasonable amount for those who don't get the permits refresh those um permits uh how how we determining with the adult home adult children of the home or more than two cars my intent would be no more than two per household and it would need to be the number of vehicles and number of uh licensed drivers would have to exceed the parking yeah in other words if you have four drivers but six cars I would consider those extra two cars to be discretionary and we're not going to I would not be in favor of accommodating that because that is discretionary in my opinion uh but if you have four spaces and four licensed drivers with four cars I consider that a necessity today so okay so that's how the decision will be made correct based on the number of vehicles and number of licensed drivers sorry and the enforcement and how are you going to enforce are your officers going to have a list of those homes with them as per the they would because I don't anticipate it to be that great but the ordinance also specifies that uh the permit or the tag will be in uh displayed in the vehicle again I think our concern being concern you don't want to turn into you know completely agree uh I really don't see more than half a dozen houses in town even qualifying I could be wrong but based on the number of uh residents that have reached out to me I think that would be in the ballpark in terms of qualifying there could be others that that just hav in their Frontage not in somebody else's frage with that is correct as for the ordinance unless they have a uh a fire hydron or something like that that precludes it but yes the that contains in the ordinance you shall Park it's their front not my Frontage or somebody else's Frontage where correct you're upset agree with that and that's only on Aros doesn't apply to the county right that is correct I I was just going to ask do will the council entertain putting something in for people who live on County Roads maybe to park on the closest Township Road um I don't know if that presents a challenge to you or as long as they have the placard I wouldn't think so but but it puts a vehicle in front of somebody else's house maybe we should hold off on and see if that problem actually occurs and exists and we can we could always always decide later but may a burden on the person you have somebody parking from 7 to 7 in front of your house every day and you can't even utilize M your own grassing piece because somebody's parked there right agre will the will the tag match the vehicle so you you can't just pull it out and put it in your bu car it's going to have the license plate on it like fa something to identify the tag to that car yes like Fons has the license plate I believe said printed on the tag correct it go Li yeah sorry I didn't understand at first but yes it'll be that the permit will not be registered to the house it'll be registered to the vehicle to the vehicle correct yes will Council will the council get a list of these homes that will get this quol special permit to park in the street that would go through the I would have to go through the administration on that if you request that from the administration absolutely I would I would want you to be informed as to the number of applications both accepted and den how will they be double check to see if there's four people that live in there or only three and their cousins coming up and they're going to put him on this how do we the driver has to be the driver will have to the household speaking of fairon the household will show me a list of driver's licenses with a photocopy of the actual driver's license that shows the drivers correct where it is that the driver's residence is that home yeah I intend to scrutinize very closely because like you a b deal yeah I want to accommodate those who need it but I don't want this to become a free-for-all that's well and that's that's a big concern of mine as well that's what a lot of us on this day are afraid of is that this becomes a freefor all and we end up with over parking on every street how do you Anin we could revoke it yes how do you distinguish between the person that has the same name that's relative and they're in there license number you know will that be checked verified well that car will have a tag for that car the vehicle will have to be registered to that home so the the number of vehicles registered with the actual registration certificate which I intend to observe myself and go to the home and look at the driveway so the the address that the vehicle has to be registered to that address to a resident of that address and there has to be a greater number of drivers that exceed the parking in the registered to that home so in other words if you have parking for three you're going to have to show me four licenses current valid licenses exactly so if you just don't want to jockey cars around you're not getting away that's what I'm afraid completely agree on that you decide to fill a spot up with a a beat up car that you're going to work on that car is registered to the town the home there's only one one per driver but it's one per driver so if that that car would have to have a driver associated with that car that's the reason for both I want to know both how many drivers live there and how many vehicles and one can't exceed the other then it's no longer a hardship so if I would like to do this on a temporary basis you know to see how let's do a 90 you want to do a 90day trial ordinance and see how it works out that temporary 90 days seems enough if it goes WR we yeah we're in favor of it put it in place and if it's a problem we revoke it but I think doing a temporary is I think if people know we will revoke it if it becomes a problem they'll probably yeah I think I'm okay with having this introduced at the next meeting but if it if it doesn't you know if it comes if it becomes too combersome for the department and for our residents because there's too many cars out on the streets then we're going to revoke it so I want to just put that out there that's I I I see that as a valid point but I also see like calls out in the street now and then not getting ticket that's that's that's yeah that's my concern Beach Street has a lot of those Mr a lot of them if you're aware of vehicles out longer than six six nights in a 30-day period Please let me know please you came you came when I told you that yeah please send send me an email so I can have it checked myself and make a point of it I have the officers out there enforcing uh but as we know the convenience for calling it in I'm not going to deny that right now you have empty spots in driveways and vehicles out on the street for no reason whatsoever other than convenience I'm I'm not going to deny that exists because it's more convenient to log on on your phone and register that vehicle in front line than it is to you know put put your sneakers on and go outside and move the car the ordinance to say if you have a parking spot in your driveway well that's what it says keep that car out of the street well that's how more than what you have to I've thought about that I did explore that the issue becomes if it's not a resident of that house and other words the officer pulls up he sees the vehicle in the street he runs the vehicle the vehicle comes I'll use fairon the vehicle comes back to a reg to someone in Fair Lawn I don't know where that person is but if the vehicle is in front line if the vehicle's requested permission and received permission it could belong to a house Three Doors Down that has the driveway full in which case was it's impossible for us to determine where the person who registered that vehicle for overnight parking is and so the logistic can we put a line in front line to say what address are you requesting this overnight parking for they put that in but that doesn't guarantee that that's where they are because I'll give you an example uh school ends we have uh everyone has graduation parties we wind up with a dozen cars in the street that night so I might be at at 399 Beach Street but I'm actually so I'm parked in front of 399 Beach Street but I'm actually at a I I came from a party at 412 Beach Street or something like that that it went all the way down the street exactly and that's what I'm worried about you know we end up with all these car spots because yeah completely agree that believe me I do not want the character of the roads the way they're supposed to be at night on for many reasons not just uh quality of life issues but public safety issues you know the officer going around checking these things you know there's a big difference between someone who called in overnight and somebody who parked a vehicle to go do something nefarious in the middle of the night uh so I don't want this to get out of control by any means I truly just want to take care of those small handful of residents that have a legitimate issue and that my controls have now inconvenienced or or made it impossible to to address those issues with introducing this at the next meeting anyone else object Mr alond is there a hesitancy to introduce it tonight or I I don't think I don't think we have a resolution right and I there's some yeah she's got to get suggested fees and everything so I don't think we can introduce it tonight so if we can button that up for the next meeting we can introduce if everybody's okay with it yes my only question the chief is this seems like a lot of process is that going to be too much overhead I don't see it that way okay I'm not that I don't see it is a lot of process I agree with that part I don't think I don't think it'll be burdensome because I don't see the volume being that great like I said I I truly foresee I'd be I'd expect about a half a dozen that would qualify based on what I've seen if I get I think I'm going to get a lot more applications than that because people I've already since bringing this up last time I've already gotten applications from people who needed it explained because it was exactly what I talked about at the last meeting they didn't listen to that part they have four vehicles and two drivers and I had to explain to them this does not apply you will you under the way it's written right now you will not qualify so I think I'm going to get a lot of initial applications but then once people are denied I think it's going to be like I said about half a dozen I'd be surprised if it gets up to a dozen that would qualify Mr Mayor is it okay if the chief includes this in his police report that we get every month of how many applications were approved is that okay is that okay for him to add that to it very easy is that is that everybody okay with Council yeah that's fine we if if the chief adds it to the monthly police report we received and then this way we'll know how many permits are right given that month or active I have a question for the chief um I guess under let's see 22317 D2 under exception yes contractors service vehicles are you allowing them to park overnight even though they're working in a house yes the reason that would be is why would we have contracted vehicles in street I'll give you an example if serve pro in the middle of the night if if your basement floods and you get sered Pro to your house and it's a time sensitive thing that they're working there we we will permit it it's that's fine it's an emergency but I I'm just looking on the dock side of oh I'm working in the house and he's gone and his vehicle's there overnight how do we control that he may be there three nights saying well I'm working in the house would that be addressed under construction ordinance or something to that effect it's I'm just yeah I'm glad you addressed it I'm glad you addressed it if we're not going to do this tonight I have no problem with removing that and keep it under the general so we could take that out that's that's an excellent it take it out thank you yeah that was a good catch it was originally envisioned like I said just for those but they can go through the regular process anyway so could go through right here exactly you'll know about it because you'll have a fire call or kind of call this year I can see hey I'm renovating my house and my Builder's going to park a truck there while he's building the house thank you Chief yep yeah thank you that was a good catch but while you know while we're here you know we can go to be where we're talking about you know permits for this you want to put some prices in there I mean you know if the administration puts a price in there we don't agree with it we'll have to go back to the drawing board so I'd like to are we using Fair launch prices or are we using different prices what I left that up to your discretion Council sets the fees usually we set the fees for this stuff so we have what's fair fees well what's the commun parking lot fee I think it was $100,000 year but that's going to be up for a debate we're going to bring back to the table once we fill up I think fair was $100 per year so I'm okay with keeping it at $100 per year per permit two cars 100 each yeah well it's only one car no first vehicle and then additional vehicle so what do you want to do I I believe there was a provision in there also to limit it to for the council to decide and I believe I would recommend two two Max two Max per household I think it's two Max per household and $100 per vehicle is everybody okay with that yeah I mean we want like in a way discourage it you know but I like to make sure that the points across this not not not you know an easy thing to do so I'm okay with two maximum cars per per household and $100 for the first vehicle and $100 for two Max you can only Park two cars on the street you can only get an exemption from the cheap for two cars two hous have four College children you know plus two ad problem you got a problem what give one of your kids buy one car what them share is so I mean there he hasn't had a problem with anybody asking I I have never received a request for more than two that was the max John if we go to B right so we have the first vehicle right x amount of dollars so we said 100 right per month all right 100 per year no wait a second it says first vehicle blank per month or blank per year so what do you want do you want to just do a year you want to do yearly or monthly well if before purchase it purchase before March 1st so itates a$1 you're purchasing in June you shouldn't have to pay1 I got you okay and then you shouldn't read each additional vehicle right second should be second vehicle you're not doing you can interpret that as having three or four that's the second vehicle one thing I would like to discourage uh and I I would hope we could do through the the fee schedule is some people have like I just articulated uh maybe only room for three cars but they have four drivers and they all qualify but two of them are away at college so now people are just going to want the permit for May June July and August because then the kids go back to college I'd like to discourage that because the kids are going to come home on the weekend and then you utilize The Six Day limit uh so I'd like to discourage that make them annual permits like get it because otherwise then we are going to have a lot of paperwork then we are going to have mrman refer which is a lot of processing the second one for the second $100 per year no no Pro rating right that's what I would like 100 each car flat rate no matter what month of the year so let's make sure that's in there right and then we we have a section for active military spouses right that meet the predetermined criteria what do you want with that I mean we could wave a the fees wave military military I mean active military milary active military W the fees all right's as long as he stays within the two car limit you no tanks no Jeeps any other discussion on this ladies G tank Circle back for a second just thinking a family in town with three out of four kids who are driving who are still you know young um and their youngest is 15 so she'll be driving shortly so in that scenario I know we Max had it too is there a way that you could let us know if that becomes I mean I'm happy to provide feedback if I'm if I receive I think their driveway is big enough but at one point they may have six vehicles and legitimate you know the kid are still young enough but not old enough to be on their own but to be drivers so just to keep that on your radar as potential I think it's may have to morph or be revoked it depends on how it becomes you know I think that's I think it's either going to morph or get revoked so it's gonna or it's going to be okay the way it is just carons is twins is there language in this that saying if you violate the rules and regulations you're uh well anyone who fies right Department can be revoked I believe there is uh no warning and then a rtion perhaps well violations and penalties right the bottom a want to falsify willingly falsify information given to the application required here in or fortunately obtains par commit without bonafied being a bonified resident shall be subject to penalty as provided in chapter one in jision blah that's another article so if anyone is in violation they're just it's the same as if they parked overnight without permission yeah correct all right so is everybody okay with uh so putting on this with the Amendments we just talked about so in uh we're taking that out right we have this sooner sooner than our packet so for the fees a is 100 B is 100 C are we striking veterans and are we just leaving it as active military and waving it well if we keep well it says veterans with 100% disability yes so it has to be that correct so I'm looking at this from a Statewide thing this would I'm always thinking that this would give us an incentive for state grants are than the veterans because if you offer certain uh uh entities to Veterans the state will you know give us certain money towards the veterans priority parking signs and things like that I mean so it's 100% disability so it could be a wheelchair a veteran it could be a missing limb uh I think it's a we would be honored to do this for the veterans you so in C should veterans be taking out then you want just take it out because we're not going to charge them right for say charge no charge we make shall not be shall not be shall be wave down there oh you want to take you want to take veterans out I don't know no veterans active military 100% disabled is what it said right it is but I thought that counil saying they need to be no no no we should yeah keep that there okay got it all right ask the chief a question um is there anything in here that stops a car from being on the street let's say 30 days not being moved at all since daytime assuming they're not the school zone or anything um that you know it's just there someone put their hobby car out there and they're got to work on it in the street and it's going to stay overnight hobby cars wouldn't count toward this ordinance right uh because it' be an extra car that you don't drive as a daily driver okay maybe not to use that as an example but maybe the one where kids go back to school it's out there all while the kids are in school and they're not allowed to have a car you know I don't think we want cars on the street not being moved for days on end there is nothing for that because I can't think of how to enforce it but I'm just bringing it up yeah but is there a title 39 statute that would cover a vehicle 4 hours 4S okay there you go can we juster can we just make sure that that exists in title 39 48 Hours it has to be moved that is tile 39 on the public roadway I agree with you Peter that would be a problem if it just sat out there that's what we're trying to avoid yes is hey I park in in front of your house but I have a tag that's not a true hardship in my opinion agreed thank you all right that's title 39 was it correct it says Max 48 Hours on the road all right anything else on overnight parking I guess while we have the chief here can we talk about uh amend chapter 223 parking standing and stopping right that's yours too or no I I did not put that on that was that was I think part same thing I think it's the same thing same twice okay it was just a sample the all right thank you okay that's fine all right thank you Chief thank you all I really appreciate this getting up finalize Mr mer we ask that um Miss Bailey get this to us before the packet just so we can have some time to digest it and if anybody body has any comments getting back to Mr darlo and the chief just to make sure we're all on the same page is that okay assuming she can reasonably because I know we have a lot on your plate these days so I could do that okay I mean not you know we got plenty of time for next Mee couple week but if it's in if if it's got later yeah I'd rather have it so this way we can have the final ordinance adopted that night with no strikeouts or revisions because somebody catches something right and how do you want that addressed you you want to come back to you you want to back no come back to it should come back to M send your comments to Mr Carlo and then right I mean it's got to go to Administration right so or actually it's ours so address it to address it to sue we'll send it out and if we have changes we can send it to the administrator all right does that work question is that right I'm just clear on who it's going to okay feasibility study ambulance services Mr Mayor that was just um because the amount had to change because one of the towns uh dropped out of theud so River has dropped out of the study no excuse me ultan yes so it's Hillsdale Township and river and river Bale corre all right is there did they give a reason um they did not that was for the that's why we changed the resolution the beginning of the meeting to 5800 versus 4,000 change correct Sher field change order Mr Carlo I know you had some pictures in there yes thank you I did ask uh I think Su we asked WCTV if they wanted to just put it up so it' be bigger I do want to start off by saying thank you to the council for the other three change orders that you approve I promise this will be the last one associated with Calvin um if you look at it you guys have previously approved even though it hasn't been done yet to have the 8 in re forc concrete driveway apron currently there's those 88 parking spots that you see in the picture the proposed change order would just be to link the two the you know the anticipated concrete apron and the 80a spots with 400 square feet of um asphalt just kind of you know you see in the lower left corner the condition of the way everything looks um and it would obviously make things look better but it'll also be more appropriate for use um if you do that the cost would be $1,850 and I would pay for it out of the capital line that was approved for Calvin Street if you remember you approved the line of 300,000 that will not we will not have to borrow money because it was money that was in capital Surplus and the Calvin Street project came in at bid at 203 and I'm anticipating it being even less than the 203 so right now there's a balance of about 18,000 and change um in that Capital line and I'd be asking to use the the 10,8 it would be a big safety Improvement down down Cherry field with that PA so I'm in favor of it anybody else have any objections to that I agree Mr s you okay I'm good Mr Alman um the apron alone is a huge safety Improvement but the apron and the asphalt would be a huge uh so the asphalt that we're proposing um the rest of it is gravel aside from the um ada8 spots yes yeah it's like compacted kind of gravel you know Dusty you know so oh and I should say that we're permitted to do this within you know our in water restri there is no water restriction um because of the uh masquat syn Brook yeah my only question would is there an opportunity or is there a need to expand the paving either way even more you took the words out of my mouth I think we end up with Wetland and issu issues the reason the parking lot is all gravel is for a reason we've asked we've asked we've asked previous councils I know I met with uh mayor swiit back when and I know you know the impetus of those handicapped faes you know the mayor got mayor squit got a grant years ago to install those and we're worried that that asphalt would have triggered something and at the time uh it didn't trigger but the more we paav the more we have D on our back down there but how far could we go that's an that's a question for Mr beckme to answer but I don't know if we want to it gets destroyed by the leaves even though we're just dump you know leaving the leaves and taking them out the same day the load is destroyed so we pave that we don't do that anymore no they go right from truck oh yeah you're right to go truck to revolving with the truck I'm not saying this year but maybe it's something we can we have Mr beckme look into how much we could pave there's money left over get even that one piece yeah and it doesn't you know cause problems for us then I don't think it's going to be done before the 20 second so if I can get that information I can bring it to you you guys can tell me all right thank you all right um lighting ordinance samples CCO yeah well we I asked the uh Council to look into a few that we have or other municipalities have she came up with uh what was that the two models one that's more detailed detailed standards from the bough Saddle River Saddle River that's you know resulting after hearings from retaining an expert to to address the issue and then the more General notes again this is something that's been brought before the council numerous times when Pete was on Council if he remembers we probably talked about three or four times since I've been here for the I don't know long I've been here now a long time so I don't know you know what you want to do with it if you if you want to consider it I think that the problem with an ordinance is enforcement you the enforceability of so who does s R's ordinance uh put the for Ability too uh I would imagine the building department similar here I suppose what councilman Casio is talking about is actual getting a conviction even if you issue with summons yeah I mean it's a summon summons generator but could could we send those two examples to the code official to have him look at it to give us a a direction you know I mean they would they would know better and give us some guidance on which too might be beneficial for I mean Mr Mayor is that is that uh are you amendable to that we have the code enforcement officer give us his opinion on which ability which one he thinks is is better for his needs if we get complaints about this and have him my only uh I'm happy to do so but while we're on enforced enforcement um you know what if how are we going to force this if the complaint comes in at midnight that you know are we going to send him out I don't think so um so I I would need further guidance that's that's an issue right you know cameras cell phones I guess you could do yeah but that doesn't show you know when you see something on a cell phone the vode officer would have to witness it himself otherwise the neighbor would have to take the complaint out kind that's okay the code enforcement off officer can issue a complaint summons without showing a probable cause but a but a member of the public a neighbor can go in swear at a complaint lay out the facts that it would just have need a prob gives him the ability to any ordinance can be enforced I wasn't aware of that yeah yeah all right so that so could we have could we have him look at both ordinances and see which one he'd be more comfortable with the council or hybridize it if you need to yeah if he wants to meld the two together and you know something you and then we can decide what we want to do with it okay you know again like I said it's it's come before this Council numerous times and every time it for one reason or another it doesn't um go through so no problem um do we have a budget to buy the equipment needed I don't know how much a uh light meter is a candle meter is or a light meter they're all different prices and I mean do we have one I'm sure we don't I don't know we have investigate which like meter You' want Mr Carlo and back us yes uh the one on Amazon that is Prime and all right um continuing uh parking and storage of commercial vehicles and recreational vehicles in residential districts uh the planning board so I don't know if the mayor and Mr Alman our planning board Representatives would like to discuss what the impetus was for the planning board to present this to us [Applause] the defer the re uh the reexamination report yep um so this uh it was deemed that there was a an issue uh with commercial vehicles and parking within the township uh and uh this is the response to that so so this is the board and Mr Sabo uh recommendation on how to address that correct issue so and the planner also yes and the planner yes uh basically uh it's controlling uh one recreational vehicles and two commercial vehicles and where they can be parked and stored on premise I think they will how much screening they need also um does this include boats I I think it includes the trailer that the boat would be on right Mike uh that sound familiar that includ trailers it includes trailers on but I thought they were travel trailers like you know you could livein trailer not like this this is mainly for RVs if you read it it says motor homes campers and travel trailers but it doesn't say anything about votes or um anything else like that so FN well FNG are commercial so it does address uh commercial um and but it doesn't speak to uh Vats I don't think that ever came up in our discussion okay just wanted to make sure it wasn't included any uh anybody have any comments for this ordinance so the the current with the commercial vehicle right I mean we have a lot of um uh uh laborers you know plumbers electricians landscapers landscapers and they all have yeah and they all have you know like Vans right that they Park in their driveway and I know we have something on on books for that is that what we're really trying to address more than anything else or is it really like the the RV type of no it's definitely it it's RVs but it's definitely commercial because I I believe and it the uh Genesis of this predates my time on the council but I believe there were uh complaints brought up to the planning board and this was uh deemed to be the solution so it talks about the size of the vehicle right the restrictions of the vehicle where they can be parked on premise um so to control that right you know usually on a sidey yard with a buffer right that's not what it's saying we got to we really need to read this because that's it's not saying what you guys are asking at to St because it's basically allowing motor homes to be parked but they have to be parked on pavement and I don't I'm I'm trying to grasp because one of the problems was between a a four-wheel vehicle and a six wheeel vehicle where one of these issues came up a box truck yeah and the guy's a a gentleman happens to be a landscaper and his truck is a six-wheel vehicle and he got fined for parking his vehicle on his property and I think the the question came up like how do we resolve this is his live Hood how do we allow him to do it does he park behind a secure fence so it's not seen or you know how far do we allow since the town is a blue collar plumbers electricians uh like uh councilman all in said it's it's a lot of type of vehicles and uh I I don't see that in here yeah that's what I'm saying this doesn't really address what I think the problems are so we may be is is it okay if Mr Sabino and the me you know somebody comes back Mr Mayor is that okay I think we already have that somewhere well can we bring it up with them at their next planning board meeting uh which is Wednesday night coming if you guys could discuss it with that way doesn't have to wait we don't want to jam anybody exactly we want to be what is what is the what is the minimum screen you know it says it's got to be screened but it doesn't give like you know how it's going to be screened like it's saying well it can't be over x amount of tall but then you're saying an RV could have unlimited dimensions on it so how are you going to screen that if it's got an unlimited dimension on it I think one of the challenges was uh similar to uh when the uh dimensions and the setbacks were done for the um lot size is that uh leaving it I guess generic was felt uh they have more latitude uh to enforce it so if we're going to say so if you're looking for specificity like it has to be equal to the height of the vehicle or you know a certain I just if we could ask the planner if there's more if other ordinances are more specific and provide more details of how to address the issue so you so H is not uh strong enough I apologize I just uh went away from H second page the first bullet and I'm not disagreeing with you I just want to make sure that we're not cycling too many times so every commercial vehicle parked in a residential district shall be screened with fencing or a landscape buffer or both such screening shall be designed to Shield the commercial vehicle from nearby residen and you kind of you did bring up a good point commercial vehicle could be a four-wheel six wheel or it could be a tractor trailer like you know there is an ordinance no tractor trailers the it's set out in F I know I know so it's set out in F so where's F I don't have it I have H it goes before yeah it goes before I know long night long night yeah no commercial vehicle parked in a resident shall exceed the dimensions listed here in a commercial vehicle shall not exceed 8 feet in width shall be no higher than 10t in height and shall not exceed 23 feet in overall length so there was a big discussion about like Sprinter vans um I think like a base model Sprinter fits within this but then they have like expanded ones with uh the uh they would not qualify so you know we started to go down classifications and it got way too complicated and I think this was a uh the path of lease resistance to set those parameters it says every commercial vehicle parked in a residential district shall be screened with fencing or a landscape buffer or both such screening shall be designed to Shield the commercial vehicle from nearby residences but then you screen on one side and then what do you do on the other side it's your house yeah if you have like let's say Jackson for example everybody's driveway is open so you can screen one side but yeah how do you screen both you can't screen yeah there you know I'm just going to read from uh AR code right because they they Define a commercial vehicle displaying any advertising limit not limited to commercial lettering name Andor address address of the individual or entity Commercial Graphics or other medium which Bears the license plate reflecting or consistent with commercial usage and then you go down here to the re the restrictions what you can have right so that the two have to melt one way or the other they got to Jive because if one doesn't jive with the other we're going to have an issue so that that particular portion of the code has to be you know considered when we do the master plan yes it's got a definition in R it's got a definition in the R so it it talks about you know 1,400 lb all types of goodies in there so I just more restrictive the way it's in the it's pretty it's pretty restrictive so I think you know when we talk about doing the master plan we take a look at this portion of the code so is that that is uh [Music] 330 5 to look at that okay um it's 33 0-3 through all down I guess mrman can we discuss the existing or definitions versus what we're trying to adopt here and the ambiguity between the two with the planning board is that for that's for that's for commercial B but that's not I don't think that's onsite is it I I think the section of the Zone 580 that's being addressed here okay is is is in is off Street rather and this has to do with on street parking I think 3 section 330 so what parking of commercial vehicles and residential areas because it's on a residential property that's a residential area I I think that that parking that's regulated in that section though okay is on street parking we don't have on street parking yeah so it can't can't be that right let's see parking on posted property all right guess if we could see if there's any conflicts between the existing and the proposed with the I mean they made the weef it as a vehicle that's commercially registered but they're talking about weights and single axle that's res right the existing ordinance talks about we I just play one on the days okay all right so uh Steve Steve can you give him the the reference number you get put it up uh it's 33 yeah chapter 330 it goes from 331 to 338 or 330 D1 to 330 um the final thing on our agenda is the town day trophy for the fire department the police department tug of war uh Mr Ser it's okay with you I will donate I will call Crown Trophy tomorrow and I will donate the trophy to the event I'll have it made with a big box on the bottom and so we can list the Champions by years and you got the the guy on the top F in the Rope we'll have a guy well I'll call Crown tomorrow and we'll get a couple samples person no it'll be yeah it'll be a person yeah thank you sh and I'll donate the trophy person all right we're going into Clos session for resolution 24-36 450 pasak Road employment agreement to the police department potential property acquisition 660 pasak Road 11 Boulevard South block 10 block 4103 lot 14 we will not be uh coming out of close session so motion to enter into close session some move second all in favor I I we will go into close section Ricky uh turn to off the cameras