##VIDEO ID:kPyrTT0rZzg## find know e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e at mayor atwp of washington. us the township Council of the township of Washington is hereby soliciting RS Andor letters of interest and qualifications from Township residents to be appointed to the Zoning Board of adjustment alternate position for the vacancy term as follows 1 through 1231 2025 please visit the clerk's section of the website under the fors page for the application rabies clinic our rabies clinic will be held on Saturday November 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. at the DPW 350 Hudson Avenue all animals must be in carriers or on leashes please visit our website for a listing of rabes Clinic schedules for surrounding towns the quanas club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time the the quanas club of the pascap valley form for the township and Westwood meet on second Wednesday of each month 6:30 p.m. at the Westwood Community Center if anyone would like more information please contact Paul Ralph culi at 516-5813 one9 or pasak Valley kis at gmail.com Town Hall will be closed on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day our next council meeting will be held on Tuesday November 12th thank you uh mayor appointment thank you Mike good evening everyone uh council president and then the council of the township of Washington please be advised that I am appointing the following citizen for the positions set forth below a planning board member class two Mike pedo he's filling an unexpired term that ends on December 31st 2025 see class 4 class two class four he's a class for oh okay then there's a typo okay okay class four thank you sorry the oo office will be administered by the planning board attorney at the next meeting correct appointments to the Fire Department membership application from Andrew miles for the township of Washington volunteer fire department motion to approve and file I'll make the motion second all in favor I I thank you for your dedication Andrew we appreciate you being a volunteer in our Township Fire Department uh the administrator is not here so we will not have a followup report unless you have something for him Mr Mayor um he said uh based on the last meeting there was nothing to follow up okay just was sure general public motion to open the public meeting of the public comment portion of the meeting do I have a motion all in favor I there is no one here in the audience uh motion to close the public comment period of the meeting second all in favor I I ordinances adoption second reading ordinance number 24-19 an ordinance adding chapter 288 lighting outdoor to the code of the township of Washington resolution number 24- 345 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-19 do I have a motion so move second with anybody in the audience seeing none roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SARS yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman of alz yes council president to sen yes motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 24-19 so move roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman man yes councilwoman of alz yes council president de yes resolutions consent agenda the following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent of the council will be en acted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such item removed from the count consent agenda would anybody like anything removed from consent agenda Mike can I interrupt you for just a sec sure you had a motion to close the public hearing but this is second reading didn't you need a motion to pass it at this point it's not on the agenda I hate these short yeah I was looking for myself motion we're passing ordinance 24-19 right yeah motion to no we we the CL you CL the but we need to pass we need to adopt it motion to adopt Ordinance 24-19 do I have a motion second roll call give Cornel a second to type Tye I messed it up councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes councilman valz yes council president the Senate yes okay getting back to consent agenda thank you m mayor sure would anybody like any of the three any of the three removed yes yes Mr Alman 24348 thank you I have that removed also any others resolution number 24- 346 authorize the mayor to execute shared service agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for TV Inspection Services of sanitary sewer system years 2025 and 2026 resolution number 24- 347 authorize the mayor to execute shared service agreement with northbest Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for sanitary sewer cleaning years 2025 2026 motion to approve consent agenda resolutions second roll call councilman C councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman bz yes council president the sen yes resolution excuse me resolution number 24348 authorize extension of term and other modifications of access agreement Washington Town Center do I have a motion move second discussion um I'll go first go what other modifications were made to the agreement since um the last one has there been any sioban do you want to answer the question that's I your let me get let me give you a little background I was approached Rec calleded by wtc's lsrp um asking if the council would consider an extension of time time because he still had to install the monitoring Wells and do other work so that was originally the only request right before the last meeting I got a call from uh our Township engineer Mr beckme who advised that he had on his desk a soil movement Perman application from wtc's uh lsrp and what it reflected was that there was looked to be soil movement at activities and removal on Township property and not just on wtc's property the I spoke to the I I called uh um Mr jabuki I'm sorry I can't say his name lsrp called him and I asked him about it uh and he said um I didn't realize it um I had you know I thought the property stopped at the fence line it you know I I looked at the survey I apologize but we already did to work um and I said to him well do you have a soil movement permit and he said I believe I have a soil movement permit uh pleas it was unclear whether he got the permit spoke to Mr Beck Meer and since the soil's already been removed and whatever returning to original has been done Mr Beck Meyer's recommendation uh which I agreed with was to protect the township by adding language to this agreement a retroactive it doesn't say that permitting that access and also building in some indemnities in case that soil that was removed from Township property you know was make sure it's properly disposed of we see tickets we we get indemnities and the event there's any issue with that so that that is the modification yeah thank you thank you any other questions what are we uh why do they need an extension so I I guess there was supposed to be some action taken and completed by a date and that action wasn't completed right so uh I believe the expiration date was sometime in August of this year um the additional year was requested to install the monitoring Wells have those checked and quite frankly the access agreement that's incorporated into the original resolution with the time frame does contemplate added time to go on and check the monitoring wells in any event so the original agreement that has that letter Work Incorporated by reference already contemplates additional monitoring and access to do that so it makes sense to me to kind of line it up in a more realistic way anyway um then perhaps you know but can I ask is this to to access the wells because I know well have the wells been installed is my question well yes is it not as of the date I prepared this no I mean so what are they waiting for I mean this is you know there's a contamination that I'm assuming we're trying to Monitor and if we don't have the wells we're not monitoring it so what are we doing they would like to go on and do that work but in their view they needed extension of the access agreement and that worked to install those monitoring Wells is part of the original work that was approved by this Council by yeah previous Council who's the who's the uh who has oversight over this so you know they didn't meet their first deadline of August 24th of 2024 what if they don't meet next next year what if it doesn't happen and what if it doesn't happen the year after you know where's the recourse because I prefer not to uh approve this unless it compels them to do the work I'm told that the added work takes about four days um not the monitoring that that's ongoing and that's contemplated but I I'm told it's it's not a lot of work to be done but I did invite the lsrp to come tonight I told him that the council may have questions um so he's aware we're discussing I'd like to put a caveat that the wells be installed in one month from today that's my caveat if not the if not the uh the access agreement that you wrot do we know why there's a delay I think that's Mr man's UL well he's not here to explain him so there but they didn't give us an explanation no you know if it's a 4- day project why is it that's what I'm saying give them a month from tonight give them a month from tonight to install the Wells if they're not installed in a month we will revoke the access agreement and take him to court is that a reasonable amount of time though a month I I don't he's had a year but I don't know if he can that's his problem not ours it was his problem to get it done within a year and he didn't do that so now we're going to light a fire on to get it done we don't even know if it was a year he had he potentially had more time we've given we're year an extra year correct that's why I'm saying he's got to install the Wells within a month or we revoke the access agreement and then we take we take them my comment only is if is a month reasonable in terms of having them delivered because the work may take four days but the access to the walls themselves I'm saying as long as he installs them in four days he's got a month to install something in four days he's still going to need longer access out there which just gives him to monitor the wells but I'm just saying if he doesn't get it done a month from today we revoke the access and we take legal action against them that's all which we can do because he contaminated our property I mean I think you know a month is more than enough time to get four Wells to get four days worth of well drilling done I don't know what what's that I don't know what it takes so I can't say if a month is enough or not that they've been given it's a lot of time they've been given over a long time to get this done and they've played with it so now it's time to get it done and protect our residents from the possible pollution you want to put a daily monetary value no I don't think we can I think we just give them a month to get the for the wells installed or we revoke the access agreement is everybody okay with that I am I I just you know I'd like to use Mr and Mr becko monitor correct he's the one that's the that I saw his name is in the agreement so how about because this has to uh the only thing I would say is what's today's dat the 19th yeah it's 21st 2 21st give him to November or December 1st I wouldn't give him i' give him to November 21st I'm not I'm not being as he's had a long time to get this done and it's not our fault he didn't get it done I don't want to hear the ground's frozen correct that's what's going to happen there all right I mean you can drill in ground Frozen I'm not looking to stand up for them at all but I don't know if the members of the council know uh it used to be family managed shopping center they now have a third party Management in there they have been accelerating this a lot so uh they have turned it around and restarted the work appreciate that yeah I just want to make sure the council knows that it's still their property even though even though somebody's managing it the same people on but I'm just trying to say the management company has really taken it I appreciate accelerated it okay so everybody okay with adding the one month timeline to the uh to the deadline or we revoke the access agreement what's the expiration date no uh November 21st 2024 12: p.m. right we got a set of time right sure we have to give him a time okay too much time with lawyers you want take I'm okay with that roll call motion we did a motion already in oh mo motion to amend the agreement to have a one month timeline to November 21st 2024 do I have a motion so Mo I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Elman yes councilwoman bz no council president to Senate yes motion to adjourn to conference agenda so move anyone second second yes all in favor I the next meeting of the township Council will be on November 12th 2024 beginning at 7.m sign up for nixel text 07676 to 888777 key code TW WP b b r g n thank you moving on to conference agenda uh we have Administration The Swim Club Mr Mayor yes thank you um first I'd like to uh just take a moment and uh read what I posted to the township website for people who maybe don't check the website as often as should foswell engineering very recently completed the pre-demolition survey report for the swim club property located at 464 Ridgewood Boulevard North the purpose of this survey is to identify the presence of asbestos lead base paint Universal waste underground storage tanks and pcbs uh I won't even try and pronounce what the PCB stands for um this pre-demolition survey was a proactive additional measure taken to identify an hazards in the buildings pools and grounds prior to any demolition or site remediation and development the pre-demolition survey determined the presence of asbestos and lead based paint asbestos was located in the swim club building floor tile floor tile mastic and window door claing as Festus was also located in the Lifeguard building pump house floor tile lead based paint was located in the swim club building and the pool uper wall paint the buildings contained Sun Universal waste that must be properly disposed of or recycled there were no underground storage tanks on the property due to the age of the swim club the presence of asbestos and lead based paint was expected Pump House chemicals were located in the pump house and must be properly disposed of or recycled a water supply well was located near the pump house building it is recommending that the well be sealed if it is not going to be used pcbs were located in the exterior CA of the windows and doors of the swim club building and caulking around the swim pool soil samples were taken um from the grass area around the swimming pools for the presence of pcvs results were obtained yesterday uh not really yesterday but as of the when I wrote this report indicating that the level of pcbs in the ground sample exceeded the 50 parts per million requiring a mandatory notification to the New Jersey D Boswell engineering made that notification New Jersey DP sent the township of Washington a suspected hazardous substance discharge notification this notice was attached to the email uh paraphrasing a little bit the uh Mark and I discussed the results of the PCB level with Frank Rossy of Boswell engineering our primary concern is safety the PCB in the ground soil is not Airborne any potential hazardous contact would come from direct disturbance to the ground the suspected area of contamination is surrounded by two fences secured with locking mechanisms and chains pre-existing no trespassing signs remain on the fence observable to the public the DPW has been informed not to access the property the swim club is situated in a low-lying area adjacent to a nearby stream soil sampling in our Swim Club has resulted in the presence of PCB and pesticides it speculated that in the past pesticides were mixed with used oil and applied to the properties to control mosquitoes and mosquito larva please know that this substance was not utilized by the township employees and is speculated to have happened many years prior to the acquisition of the property by the township prior to the township acquiring the ownership of the land lisco environment conducted a phase one and Phase 2 investigation there was no evidence discovered in either of these investigations that suggested the presence of pcbs nor a reason to investigate further the township also complied with the requirements of the Bergen County open space land acquisition Grant as it related to testing the level of pcbs will require soil remediation consistent with the New Jersey D soil or mediation standard the extent and cost of that remediation is unknown at this time and will be determined by further work to be form to be performed by Boswell engineering the township will be applying for a New Jersey D Grant if the grant is awarded it will cover 100% of the costs associated with a preliminary assessment site investigation and remedial investigation Additionally the grant May cover up to 75% of the total remediation cost that ends that statement um don't know if the council is has questions that they would like to ask uh Mark has been working very diligently with the engineer uh on this topic uh unfortunately he could not be here tonight he's out of town uh doing some training um so I would ask if the council would defer any questions till the next meeting and we will also try and have a representative from Boswell at the next meeting I I don't have questions but I have a a two requests Mr Mayor of course we've owned the property for over two plus years and we knew we weren't making it a we were never opening the swim club can the pump house chemicals be removed immediately and and Abad as required by Boswell's recommendation since they've been sitting there for two years and didn't have to be and can we have the additional hazardous signage put up around there also indicating what's been found so I I believe those signs are on water because it's very specific to the proper they did it is because it said we're using the existing signage but make sure the correct signage is ordered those are my only two requests yes that much I I do know about it thank you thank you yes of course anyone else just a question um for the at the bottom of the sheet that we got from to council um the proposal for 7500 for bosal to complete the Grant application yes microphone sorry sorry so the 7500 for Boswell to complete the application for the njd grant um is there a reason why Boswell will be doing that versus our grant writer um yes we checked with our grant writer uh it is a specialty uh that our grant writer is not familiar with so he agrees that Boswell is better in position to apply for it okay thank you are the 7500 and the 77,500 proposal from Boswell to do the remediation plans able to be paid out of through the open space money we've gotten from the county yes I believe that was in Mark's email to the council where he summarized I believe four Sun funding sources and we we checked and those are all available we can use for this project thank you any other questions yeah um so I I guess is Boswell the lead engineer on this and what is M or can you share Mr Beck Meyer's involvement that uh if if any I can yes um Boswell um was the well is the engineer on this project uh when we found out this information we checked with beckme engineering this is not an area that they have uh that they practice in um so that's why we are leaving it with Boswell okay and in terms of the initial report and I'm I'm not sure it's date or we have the date I mean I have the date of the uh excuse me I have the date of the letter to us which is this year but I'm not sure if that's reflects when the report was actually issued but they talk about finding pcbs in the claing putty uh this would be a memo dated October 7th to Mr Dar Carlo the pre-demolition survey report okay was that in the packet or is that let me just get to it what was it on this one no it's part of I mean there's so many October 7 this one yes yeah okay so on the second page and really in some of these others but on the second page they talk about the pcbs and the talking putty okay and it being under the threshold um you know I I guess my question is and I don't have experience in this area but if we found them in you know uh the building material can can you make the leap of faith or can you make the leap that they exist uh elsewhere or Pro or possibly in higher uh concentrations that would kick this off uh this reporting and this uh exercise that we're undertaking now and two um excuse me Mr Mr Alman in your first in your first question the claing is very limited it's it's just the it's it's basically the the coing around each window pane yes it's a very limited amount to get this this amount of pcbs it's it's not going to be promulgated by the cling of the windows well it's coming from a source like the mayor stated before oil being mixed with other pesticides and stuff and creating that it's not going to come from the window clocking when when we sometimes when we on on various historic uh projects I've worked on this is always this is a new one new phenomenon that's being caught this talking in the windows and it's it's removed very quickly and easily and it's it's not a a high Hazard you know it's not a h you know an extremely hazardous product to get rid of this window fcking and and to get to these levels to be over the state threshold you know I don't see the I don't think you can make a corring between too okay I mean when I and I don't have it noted but I thought that uh one of the letters that we received spoke to that as a possible source that it rolled uh that was the source of the pcbs uh in the soil so the other thing is do we have any recourse to the on the sale to the sellers uh if this was a known item and they did not disclose it do we have the ability to claw back any of that monies that were paid if there is if it exists for now all I'd like to say um is it's something we're still looking into okay and then I guess have and I don't know if it's part of the town's responsibility if it's a DP responsibility if it's something much broader but this evening we've talked about 464 having some type of chemical uh chemicals leeching into the soil potentially uh into groundwater we don't know but always a possibility when you say 464 M uh 464 Ridgewood oh oh okay address okay sorry um we talked this evening about a issue across the street at the uh Town Center with some type of chemical leakage spill that requires monitoring different Source you know we talk about this property uh where we had a monitoring issue due to the US and so I guess my question is is anyone looking at all of these issues holistically to see if there's something that we need to look at uh from a public health perspective um there is not currently um I can speak almost from firsthand knowledge um the one at the shopping center was caused by a dry cleaner who had their operation there it's unlike it is now where it's just a drop off and pickup point so that was very well defined as to where that came from also uh so I you know I don't want to say we have a handle on the rest of the town that would not be good but I think these are isolated cases where we can identify you know why they were at these locations fully agree I mean it's it's clear us they had production over there like the Tetra whatever yeah the perk yeah um you know we have pcbs potentially at a elevated level uh over at the swim club right uh so not discounting that they are isolated incidents but is is there a public health concern or you know does someone EV is there someone that can evaluate that you know are we putting people at risk uh and is there something that we should be looking into a little deeper I I can certainly ask Boswell because they have a wealth of experience in this area also so I can ask them based on the few locations that we're aware of uh if they will be it should be looked at more holistically I believe as you said okay does the DP uh uh notification mandate that we we ask Boswell the DP notifications mandate like notifying joining neighbors contiguous neighbors to the property yes uh I remember that came up in a conversation I don't want to say that there was a definite answer if there was I'm just not recalling it right now and then I guess as a as a council you know there are some can we sorry can we post can we post the report to the website Mr M um which report Mike the Boswell the Boswell report there's a a few things that came from are you talking the big one the big one please so that so the the township knows about it I know you issued your press release but I think being transparent we'd like to get the report out there so this way people can make a an educated informed decision on their own but I I hope that people reading it bring your level of expertise to it because for 95% of the people myself included you know it it goes but I think above my pay grade ter it may make people less you know fear it may it may take some of the fear away or it may add fear I agree with you in both scenarios but I think we post it to the township website as part of the pool plan okay sure if we could post the Boswell and the lisco to it that'd be great yeah I think that okay both reports them yes please on okay with that yeah did I read correctly or recall correctly that we were going to have somebody come in and do a presentation on it um I don't know if presentation is the right word but I think it's more to answer more questions then I can have the answer to it my level of non- expertise on this saying if there's a way to kind of simplify for residents I think we we should put post it first Daisy and then see what the questions are and then maybe Mr Dar Carlo keep a running total like we did with the swim club comments we did for the for the swim club comments we had all the questions like ahead of time so the person from Boswell could address them before you know so we release the reports I think that'll help a lot of people and maybe we put it out on wcv or something that the reports are available for and next to the posting we can say if you have any questions please email the administrator and work on getting because like Mr D Carlo said in thata email um it's not born so that's really important for people to know like unless you're physically engaging in the property yeah but we don't know which way the water is running beneath the property so it may just because it's not Airborne it may be flowing beneath us you we have an issue with with Plums from the gas stations down on Washington you know it's not just isol that area it does you know it does travel just like our problem don't want I wouldn't want to scare I think it's but I think with the mayor's you know public Outreach and not having the report I think it's beneficial to us to get the report out there as soon as possible this way people can make their own informed decision of what and send their questions send their questions in right okay so the the other thing is and I think it's as a council and as an Administration you know there's a a proposal for 78k to do yeah another Next Level uh analysis then there 's a request to do the uh grants of 75 and I guess you know where where do we think and the mayor very uh you know positively uh stated that some of this or all of it potentially could be covering grants or the remediation up to 75% I think uh you know so I I guess the question is we're now starting to invest some real money in this property without having any return other than just figuring out if it's actually safe and how much how how much longer or how much you know what's the line in the stand that says you know we don't we don't have enough money to invest here uh not only to remediate it but then to develop it correct so I think that's a a question question that you know we have to think about as this moves forward absolutely I think now that we've we've opened up Pandora's Box we need Boswell to close it for us and come up with a remediation number of what it's going to cost to remediate in their cost opinion right and then see what that costs and that'll determine how we're going to pay you know we'll have to figure out how we're going to pay for this mic and and hopefully we'll get the grant um you know I agree with you it's we're going to have to make some big decisions in in the upcoming year with this because it kind of puts the plan that we have the the Great Lawn plan on hold right now until this is done because we need to remediate all this before we can do anything so right now I know there's some great ideas about hockey ranks and all kinds of stuff at the at the pool but that's all going to have to be on hold because you know unfortunately two things uh we have this remediation we need to do now and unfortunately hockey rig can't be built because we can't build any new structures on the any build any new buildings on the property except cuz we have to get the waiver just for the bathroom so building a an enclosed hockey rink is going to be however if we're referring to the same post Mike that I saw uh I think they said that it only has a roof and it had soft walls and I think that is something would be cons no I think open walls was allowed but we can research when the time comes but again we're going to have to put everything on hold until we get this remediate until we get the remediate I'm familiar with C caucus because I played there uh many years ago and the roof certainly there is a gazebo for lack of a better term a pavilion yeah Pavilion overhead but there's tremendous infrastructure like the refrigerant house locker rooms uh you have to build the rink it's a permanent fixture on the property so uh that was going to be my question so the The Pavilion aspect of it may not be but there is there's infrastructure around it that's required um so okay you know they was just brought up and now again public keep the ideas coming but delayed little they're going be delayed a little bit because it's remediation yeah thank you everyone uh motion to uh resolution number 24349 450 pasak Road attorney client privilege the township anticipates not coming back from uh closed session so motion to enter into Clos session so moved second all in favor I take a five minute recess so Ricky can turn off the cameras and then we'll go on close session thank you wonderful