##VIDEO ID:JsmAwdq3GbE## I like to call this meeting to order it is 605 this is a regular meeting of the township of Washington in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey statutes regarding open public meetings notice of the meetings was legally advertised in the Cur Post in the South Jersey Times and posted on the bulletin board in the mpal building fire exits are located through the double doors to the left and right please silence all mobile devices this meeting's video bit and taped anyone who wishes do not be seen on tele may be excused this will be shown on Comcast channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Friday at 10: p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. we'll continue until the next meeting this meeting is also being live streamed on YouTube right is that correct or it's not okay as of right now it's not being live okay all right we'll skip that part then please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God liy Justice for All roll call please Mr Bennett here Mr Brown here Mr delpia here Mr yurus presid Mr deell here mayor Burns here Mr Russo here Mr W here okay we're to move on presentations I don't think the um McDonald's is here quite yet so we're gonna we're going to push that one back also Nicole's not here for hers so we'll go right for press conf awareness mayor for procam [Music] good evening everyone I feel like I'm not like I'm talking to them I want to talk to you as we come together tonight I want to take a moment to recognize an important cause that affects so many lives in our community our state and across the world October nationally is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month a time to raise awareness about this disease to support those who are battling it and to emphasize the importance importance of De uh of early detection prevention and treatment breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer amongst women but it's crucial to remember that men can also be affected while breast cancer is in men is rare it is no less serious raising awareness for early detection and treatment is critical for saving lies regardless of gender we've seen tremendous progress through research improved treatments and community support but there's still work to be done the American Cancer Society has been a Beacon of Hope providing vital funding for research patient support and education making a real difference in the fight against this disease I want to recognize the resilience and courage of the individuals who have face this diagnosis both men and women along with their families caregivers and the health professionals who support them your strength is an inspiration to us all to show our support and to stand in solidarity with those impacted by breast cancer I'm proud to declare that Friday October 18th is we pink day in Washington Township I encourage all our residents businesses and employers to come together on that day by wearing pink and raising awareness about breast cancer this simple gesture sends a powerful message of unity hope and support to everyone affected by this disease let's make October 18th a day where Washington Township stands together wearing pink with pride and showing our commitment to the fight against breast cancer by Way by raising awareness supporting early detection efforts and encouraging research we can help save lives now it's my honor to ask Renee Pard who is representing the American Cancer Society to come forward so I can prevent present your organization with this Proclamation and thank you for the incredible work that the American Cancer Society has done and continues to do on behalf of Washington Township we are grateful for your tireless efforts and we stand alongside you in this fight thank you for all your support and for being a part of a community that cares deeply about about its people together we can make a difference you want to say [Applause] anything sure no absolutely [Applause] thank you mayor and Town Council um I did have a few other words for stats for glosta County um we are the highest in the state with uh breast cancer rates so it's really um personal for me because I have a lot of cancer in my family not just breast cancer but other cancers so this is personal for me and as I said loua county has the highest rate believe it or not so that's another reason why I'm doing what I'm doing so thank you again mayor and Council for uh this Proclamation and we will continue on behalf of the American Cancer Society we will continue that fight to find try to find an answer to her you know thank you thank you I really appreciate [Applause] picture for audence you no I need something no just so that out they their way okay yeah no problem no problem that's okay moving on to the bill list can I get a motion to approve the bill list for October 9th 2024 motion second roll call please Mr jurz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr Della yes okay moving on to the minutes can I get a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for September 25th 2024 motion roll call please Mr YZ abstain Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deell yes we go to ordinances ordinance of the township of Washington amending Washington Township's code chapter 260 vehicles and traffic article Article 4 traffic regulations sections 26-28 turn prohibited to prohibited certain left turns in and out of egg out a harbor place from Egg Harbor Road ordinance 0013 d24 is up for adoption after public hearing can I get a motion to open to the public on ordinance 00 13-24 motion all in favor I anyone wishing to speak about ordinance 13 please come forward state your name and address seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance 13-24 second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance 13-22 24 motion roll call please Mr jorz yes Mr Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr debella yes motion carries ordance adopting amend Redevelopment plan for the deli Drive Redevelopment area in accordance with the requirements of the local Redevelopment Housing law ordinance 0015 d24 is up for adoption after public hearing can I get a motion to O open to the public for ordinance - 0015 d224 make that motion all in favor anyone wishing to speak about ordinance 15 please come forward state your name and address seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance 15-20 24 make that motion second all in favor I can I get a motion adopt ordinance 15- 2024 make that motion roll call please Mr jorz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr debella yes 0016 d224 Bond orders providing uh providing for the is of trash receptacles made by the Township in Washington in the county of glosser by the state of New Jersey appropriating $3 million therefore in authorizing issuance of 2,857 142 bonds or notes on the township to finance part of the cost this is ordinance 0016 this is only for an introduction correct I okay okay can I get a roll call for the for this Mr YZ did you motion yes you got a motion roll call please Mr Yus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deoro yes so this was just an introduction with the actual vote will be next meeting correct October 23rd okay that'll be an October 23rd meeting the following resolutions are by consent agenda only require vote for all listed each one will be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed and heard sep they need to indicate prior to the reading of the titles does anyone need anything removed any discussion about anything clerk can you please read the following resolutions below resolution 253 resolution authorizing the township of Washington to enter into a Cooperative pricing agreement with Houston gaveston area Council Cooperative pricing system 254 resolution authorizing a change order and accepting a maintenance guarantee from think pavers Hardscape for White Birch Road Culvert replace 255 resolution authorizing a change order and accepting a maintenance guarantee from Paving Paving plus LLC for 2022 Road program Phase 2 256 resolution authorizing a change order and accepting a maintenance guarantee from Paving plus LLC for cdbg 2023 grenlock Lake Park Ada pathway and parking improvements 257 resolution awarding a bid to charge marandino LLC for 2023 cdbg improvements to arborwood court 258 resolution awarding a contract with the candom County Educational Services Cooperative to South Jersey Turf Consultants LLC for the turf application and service for the Washington Township High School athletic fields 259 resolution authorizing the township of Washington to solicit bids for the lease of property owned by the township of Washington known as 220 fish pond Road um block 8532 Lot 21 for agricultural purposes 260 resolution authorizing the township of Washington to solicit bids for the lease of property owned by the town of Washington known as 339 Selen Road 261 resolution requesting approval of Revenue and Appropriations from the Department of Community Affairs for the 2022 Federal bulletproof vest Grant in the amount of 9,576 262 resolution requesting approval of Revenue and Appropriations from the Department of Community Affairs for the opioid settlement Grant in the amount of 237,000 resolution authorizing transfer of dely Drive Redevelopment phase three parcel located at 104 a Harbor Road thank you man cler can I get a motion to approve resolutions r253 d224 to r263 d224 motion second roll call please Mr jurkus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr debella yes moving on to Old business new business reports councilman Ben want to start with you all right um going back to the breast cancer awareness uh again I emphasize how important it is to make sure that you do get uh checked UPS on a regular basis my wife was a breast cancer um Survivor of that so it's important to get and don't be afraid to go to the doctor it's a very very important uh step in making sure that you eliminate any possible long-term effects um couple things here um Friday night is the uh last home game for the Washington Township football team so we like to have people get out there uh they've had a great amount of people coming out a lot of spirit in the um that I'd like to thank my historical preservation group for the harvestfest they did a great job uh you know with the reenactments uh the hay ride and all the ability to check out the buildings and and then cooking at the um Morgan house um what else do I have here okay this Saturday uh the Washington Township environmental will have a hike at uh um 10: a.m. at Washington Lake Park just check out the web page for the environmental and that's a hike open for anybody uh from 10: to about 12 and one other thing here and my usual is slow down make sure you're doing the speed limit it's very very very important um on average I think Pat writes about aund the police department writes about a 100 tickets a a week which is good and again people need to know to slow down uh you know it's a hazard and you know it hit somebody or get in the crash so again when the when the speed limit says 25 it means 25 so thank you thank you councilman Council Brown from the library uh last two dates for the open houses at the hegen library are Saturday October 12th that's for grades 6 to 12 and then Saturday October 19th is a makeup day for all and one other event they wanted to make known is Saturday October 19th a crystal bow Crystal Bowl sound bath sounds in the forest um an immersive sound bath meditation and an hour of harmonic crystal bow sound frequencies for the Mind Body and Soul uh always check their website for other important events and information about the library um the this Saturday the fire department is having their fire prevention at Lowe's uh they used to do it on a Wednesday night uh for logistical reasons they kind of had to scale that back so if you're at Lowe's over the weekend they'll be doing um fire fire prevention displays uh so come out and support the fire department on those um on this day the uh the 12th and on Monday October 21st uh for the police department they will be doing the 25th anniversary um memorial service for Corporal Steve Levy who was killed in the line of duty back uh 25 years ago um it will be Monday morning at 7 a.m. I believe it is at the park at the Steve leevy Memorial any questions you can reach out to Chief gersi that's it all right thank you councilman Council vice president oh we go Jack first all right oh thank you um to our residents of the Jewish faith we wish you a happy New Year rashash Shana and an easy fast uh I wanted to get that out there uh for all of uh our citizens and I also wanted to address uh the hurricane relief right now as we talk uh Florida's being battered battered um they got hit pretty hard by Hurricane Helen um I happened to be in Key West when it was going through the gulf and the winds were pretty high that night I would not want to be in a hurricane be honest with you there's a lot of relief efforts going on and I wanted to councilman Anthony DP is going to address that with the fire company but I want to make my services available anyone who goes shopping and they buy stuff for the hurricane relief if you'd like me to stop by and pick it up uh my number is 8 856 271 5142 that's 856 27151 42 um cases of water cases of canned foods not uh non-p perishables I'll swing by and pick them up and I'll drop them off at the fire company um because this this is really serious for people people are dying dying down there and it's so widespread that it's going to take an effort of a the entire country to try to help these people out but without further Ado thank you I want to turn everything over to uh Anthony doia thanks Jack um first I just want to remind everybody uh tomorrow night is the last uh football game at the high school is senior night um the game starts at six o'clock so if you can get out there support those seniors uh for their last football game of the season Thursday or Friday uh tomorrow Thursday Thursday Thursday night yes Thursday night uh but it a senior night um as councilman jorus has mentioned uh the fire department in Washington Township is doing uh collections they're collecting over on East Holly Avenue 213 East Holly at the fire department drop off any donations before this Friday they will get him down to North Carolina uh they're looking for jackets sweatshirts uh beanies worm hats space heaters uh first a kits baby formula anything non perishable I believe that mayor we have that on our website as well right right you can go to Wasington Township Facebook page or website and you can see the flyer um you know if you can help out in any way anything helps um our thoughts and prayers are with everybody in North Carolina and everybody else that who's going to be in the path of Milton also I want to mention this weekend I was um outside shop right with rotary of Washington Township and we were collecting food for the local food bank of Mother's covered we collected 25 bins of food so um picture the large recycle cans we have 25 ATM full of food between th uh Saturday and Sunday so it's a great effort by rotary uh councilman Della joined me and um it's for our local food bank here for mother's cover so appreciate everybody's generosity and you know if you can continue to to help out it's greatly appreciate it thank you thank you so much mayor I just have a couple things I want to again congratulate and wish um detective Tommy Myers and Captain Cony a very um healthy happy retirement um they both retired at the end of September and they had their walkouts and it was a great event held by Chief over at the police station I just want to send a congratulations and a happy retirement out to them once again um and then I just want to say and I believe council president is probably going to go into more detail about these events but we had a bunch of grand openings over the last couple weeks Floren deor just opened Cafe Marino which is delicious I think you guys should all try that um and golden foe um which uh councilman or council president Peter delello and um Anthony delpia both went and did that grand opening over there golden foe who's in um what's that shopping center on herel cros road what's that cherry is it Cherry treeo one what what's the name of that cherry it's is and AFC urgent care it's over it's over there golden Fox if you give them a try they're pretty they're pretty good as well um and that's about it well thank you mayor report us all right I have a couple of things yet uh first is I yesterday took a a tour of the South Jersey Dream Center and wow it was amazing so Natalie runs this and what they do is they they bring people and it's not a hand out it's a hand up they they do anything from diapers to food to formula to clothing so I did a post online so please take a look at that and if you have anything you want to donate please let us know you can drop things off here we'll get it there so if there's anything going on and you can't get it to where it needs to go drop it off here at the building want make sure it gets there we have a food truck uh Festival coming up October 12th which was this Saturday this Saturday coming up at this food truck so take a look at that uh this past Monday we celebrated one year and it wasn't really celebration more memorial for the people of Israel we actually had uh they had something at Rowan and they had a uh his name was ABI and he actually was a survivor of that event he was there he actually had video of of right before the attack started um there's still over 100 people that are being held captive so it was really a ceremony to try to let them know we lost lost almost 12200 people in that that that attack so really you know our hearts still go out to those families like like Council vice president said rary had their food driveway was amazing floring Decor you could win $110,000 nobody up here won 10,000 we were there uh not just for the opening but they had the $110,000 rolling actually a Washington Township resident won the $110,000 and uh he said his wife drug him out he didn't want to be there but he's so glad that she did uh but I did leave Meg home for that one cuz she wants a new bathroom so I did not bring her to that opening but I brought I was going to bring her to Golden foe but I didn't bring her to that one because I know uh but yeah also I don't know if anybody saw the article or the story about chickfila that basically they someone pulled up and they realized the person was intoxicated they called the police and they probably saved that little girl's life so congratulations to them they didn't want to be recognized but just you know we'll recognize them just from this standpoint but but thank you so much to them also we had coffee with a cck which is always a good one uh yeah coun Council vice president there mayor stopped by it's always a great event people really seem to like like that one also I posted up the information from Atlantic City Electric basically we got the same letter probably everyone who put in and and and wanted more information about this they have $175 rebate that really doesn't do much and the qualifications to get that really are are really kind of difficult so we're still working with that understand that I know congressmen are working on this you have Commissioners working on this you have politicians on on every level working on this so as soon as we have some more new information we'll kind of bring that to you we also have Dancing With The Stars in the house uh Nicole uh we we went to that that was awesome we had a great time with that it really was Nicole did an awesome job it really was was something if you haven't seen that I think we posted some of the video for that as well so please take a look at that it was you know she I the number was huge I mean you raised how much Nicole 76,000 $76,000 when they told you the total number and then you started seeing the other people like one had 4,000 it was okay but I'm like my God Nicole must have raid's like 76 it was like unbelievable and really congratulations to you cuz that is amazing so thank you uh just touching Bas also a woman Patty here in town donated 15 cases of baby formula to to go for the for Hurricane Relief and kind of like what what councilman yurkus had said our hearts are are are with these families there there's just no words for them it's it's Florida it's parts of Georgia it's the Carolinas I mean it's just it's just everywhere but it's so great though that when these things happen people in Wasington Township Step Up you had people calling from all over they they they been dropping things off here fact the mar just dropped off those 15 cases and that room had had a lot of items but they can use more I mean they literally have lost everything so anything you can do even with the rotary I mean people in this town are very generous I mean we had almost what 35 containers worth of food 25 containers if you ever come here on Thursday this is actually where the mother's mother's cupboard actually runs out of sometimes the line goes around the building so it really does go to people who need it they're very appreciative if you ever come here and see them they're very thankful they can come here and get what they need so thank you to everybody and that's all I have sure Peter reminded me of something with the incident at Chick-fil-A um unfortunately last year we had a death in this town a person was drunk no one stopped her and at the intersection of ganttown Road and egg harbor she killed someone who had just got done work he was the father guy worked very hard there is no excuse no excuse for death by AO for drunk and driving today you have Uber Lyft you can call friends back in August down in syum County an NHL hockey player and his brother got killed while bicycling by someone who's a counselor and works at a drug and alcohol rehab center there is absolutely no no excuse today for someone to drive drunk yet all on Green Tree Road every month someone who leaves a local establishment goes down and takes out the side of the road or a sign so you're not only putting yourself at risk but others so please think of other people if you can't think of yourself think of the public and and ask someone for a ride I'm sure people will be happy to give you ride home make sure you don't kill yourself in someone else but I just want to bring that up because it's senseless it's we have enough problems with drugs let alone drunken drivers so please keep it in mind thank you thank you councilman now move back to proclamations I believe McDonald's is here now yes let's presentation actually get the I'll [Music] here you go all right so I'm just going to give a quick intro so this is Pat Powers he's a McDonald's franchisee he owns um multiple stores including the one on green tree and uh the Black Horse Pike and the one in the Walmart shopping center um also Keith who's not here tonight he owns multiple stores as well he owns the one on um a haror road down there at Water Tower um they heard about what we're doing for the playground so they both got involved um they did some din donates throughout the month of July and um they're here to do a presentation but I also want to tell everybody everybody sees McDonald's is a big corporate place right they're really family-owned like getting to know Pat since he redid his place in um Walmart from when I first met him they're normal people that run these businesses like little businesses they're not this big conglomerate you know Corporation everybody thinks um you know and one day I went Pat to tell people his story because it's just like any other small business person getting involved struggling with the same things that go over and over again and the corporation is the corporation but it's not the people who run it so we appreciate everything you do Patrick and want to pass over to you I appreciate thank you I appreciate that uh well like I like uh you know uh Anthony just said that we did some uh DIN and dashes throughout the entire month of July we all picked uh it was uh Wednesdays and we all of our units uh did a different Wednesday uh with those Wednesdays uh our restaurants Rose uh $2,500 and Keith's restaurants Rose uh you know we did uh $2,500 hours as well and then my wife and I um we're just so pleased with the cause and and and it's such an important thing for children you know of all you know abilities and disabilities to have a place to go uh we match that and uh we're going to be donating $10,000 to um the Blackbird [Applause] foundation and here are the real ones appreciate it you go thank you um I just wanted to um thank Pat and bernardet and Keith or and the rest of the McDonald's crew um Anthony was right this is a um this is a family affair um it is I love Pat's story like Anthony said when we met him um and his family we loved their story he came from the fire service they were all volunteer firemen a bunch of his buddies also work for them so everybody that's in their operating crew is also you know Small Time family business uh they're all local so your story is great and I I really want everybody to know that when you go to these places it really is truly a small family business too um they're and they're a great family so definitely stop out to all the McDonald's we're so appreciative that you did this for the town um and everything that you do to contribute so thank you very much you're very welcome [Applause] [Music] we have bring the gri out Hur [Applause] [Music] up your your I showed him that rock an election and people running against each other yeah yeah so we kind of kept it like very cool right like which is so uh and they were like sometimes B deal about but you get like thir remember the metal was like super hot you never think about get out get out that's why they got hope there's very little to know all right moving on the food truck like I said earlier Festival will be held this Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Washington Lake Park come join for live music trucks vendors kid activities and more come out and join the fund complex will be closed on Monday October 14th in observance of Columbus Day mark your calendar for the township shred event this this one's always a great event it's October 19th from 9:00 a.m. to noon uh you might want to get here a little earlier cuz that event does get get uh and they're usually done by by noon yeah last time I think we had what two trucks back back yeah we we we actually had a second truck because we had that many people but come out and we we all we all chip and that's actually a lot of fun just remember please no paper clips and Staple Staples are okay but no binders uh and clips and no plastic bags please no plastic bags and no x-rays right uh I didn't know that was an issue the general election will be held on Tuesday number fth the deadline to register is October 15th forms can be obtained in the clerk's office and you can register online all right we're now going to move on to our public uh public portion please uh please follow the public portion posted the quum which has been attached to the public agenda and limit your comments to 5 minutes once you have completed your comments or questions please take a seat I'll ask if any member of the governing body or their designate wishes to address your comments or questions asked by the person I just spoke can I get a motion to open to the public motion all in favor all right anyone the public to come up and speak seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public motion all in favor I okay this meeting is now Jour the next council meeting will be October 20 23rd 2024 at 6 PM can I get a motion to adjourn second me now adjourned all right