##VIDEO ID:Qa8tSrIEC3E## good evening my name is Tim sty I'm the school business administrator for the watchong Hills Regional High School uh this is our annual organization meeting uh time is 7 o'clock um normally we start the meeting right now we do not have a quarum uh we're one person short so I am going to read the notice of the meeting we'll go through the pledge and then uh I will ad administer the oath of office for two of our board members who are here and who were either elected or appointed um so let me just start with the notice of the meeting this is the Board of Education reorganization and re regular business meeting for which adequate notice under the open public meetings Act was provided by written notice on January 2nd 2024 The Courier News the echo Sentinel The Star Ledger tap into Warren and the clerks of the burough of wung in the townships of Greenbrook Long Hill and Warren so I can stand can all stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States America the stand indivisible thank you um just briefly I'll go through the election results and I think I already mentioned that one of the other board meetings but uh from Long Hill Township Susan Ober congratulations Susan uh from Warren Township Dan gallik who's not here at the moment and Katherine Lee from Wang Barrow congratulations to both of them uh so the first thing I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to administer the oath of office for Susan over from lill and then Janine Potter Who was appointed for Greenbrook so Susan uh if you'll just stand and raise your right hand and read your oath make sure put your microphone up yeah I Susan obber do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Susan nober do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God thank you thank you welcome back thank you all right Miss Potter I Janine Potter do solemnly swear that I will support the the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that it will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me back IED sorry iy I Janine poter do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office according to the best of my abilities so help me that congratulations to you and welcome back again so at this point in the meeting we do not have a quarum so I apologize to the folks who are out there oh we're going to have a quarum in two seconds great perfect timing Mr Gall nice of them and we'll train leaves the station my yes so let's we've already started the meeting so Dan um you are next on the docket so I what I was doing with Susan and uh jine as I had them sitting at their chairs just raising the right hand that's okay so if you want to just standing yeah I know right we did but that was kind of weird because everybody talked over each other so whatever had different names exactly you want me to just read it yes please okay I DK Gall do somly swear to or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of state of New Jersey and I will beare true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state under the authority of the people so help me God I Dan Gall who somly swear or affirm that I possess the qualification prescribe a law for the office of the me member of the Board of Education I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all duties that the office according to my ability to help me guide congratulations Dan welcome back [Applause] and there's one Katherine yes I Katherine Lee you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Katherine Lee do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations K welcome [Applause] back okay thanks everybody so we now have a full board so with that uh I will do the roll call so Mr Burber here Mr de magio here Mr gallik here Miss Lee here Mr mayek here Mr Morrison here miss obber here miss Potter here miss pra here and miss trumpour here okay right so and open the floor for nominations for the position of board president second sorry about the right is there any other nominations okay hearing none can I have a motion to close the nominations second okay uh can I have uh a vote for the Mr bernberg as president Mr bernberg Mr maio Gall yes Miss Lee yes may yes Morrison yes Miss obber yes Miss Potter yes CA yes and Mr chor yes congratulations there Mr bernberg thank you I think uh okay next uh thank you Tim did a great job running the meeting appreciate all your efforts uh now uh move on to the election of a vice president I open the floor for a nomination for vice president I nominate Dan Gall okay okay are there any other uh nominations for vice president seeing none I will close the nomination process and move to a vote uh Mr bber yes Mr maio Gall yes Miss Lee Mar yes Morrison yes sober yes Potter yes CA yes Miss tror yes okay thank you all congratulations Dan welcome back all right Batman and Robin yeah Odd Couple okay uh moving right into guilty man Robin it's okay you miss that's what I was struggling with we need to move on quickly yes all right let's move on I like the yes sorry uh okay item number nine uh Mr President I'd like to move items a through P second any comments conver actually go a through O A through o I would like to amend that to be a through o okay gotcha I didn't see a St oh not okay okay great all right so there's been a motion to approve uh resolution of board actions a through o is there a second to that second okay any comments or I had already oh okay I second FYI fair enough okay any comments or questions roll call vote Mr bernberg yes Mr maio uh Mr Gall yes Mr Lee Mr Meek yes Mr Morrison yes sober yes poter yes rasa yes and Miss tror yes motion is carried just because it's easiest while everyone's here in person we do have to take our annual board photo oh I should have scheduled it for tonight since everyone's here um that is true it is the same I thought you said January 2 we did except I put that on there except not everyone is going to be here on the 21st so I just wanted to see if there was a date in February that everyone would be here last feu the uh I mean we actually could because it's the board's exactly the same what when do they do the pictures um you know everybody get dressed up for the for the you're not talking about I'm talking about our board pictures I know but you're talking about the yearbook picture yes that's you talking about so we could do it is everyone going to be here on February 18th as of right now oh I somebody said they won't be here the four I won't be here we really can't can just so here's what we could do we well we it's a we can use the same oh actually I'd be here but the photographers not here the photographer I know I I would have scheduled it for tonight um okay so we can discuss this I thought it was going to be easy that there was a night that everyone was G to be here so we can we'll regroup on this yeah we'll figure that out okay in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act be hereby resolved that the board move into executive session for the purpose of discussing confidential personal legal and hi matters in wh hpsa negotiations after which action may be taken it is expected that the matters discussed in executive session will be made public as soon as the need for confidentiality no longer exists have a motion to go into executive session all those in favor I I okay great we are in executive session hopefully we'll be done within the half hour hopefully by 7:45 we will be out thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh welcome back everybody thank you do we have any board correspondence this evening no we do not okay great it's the first opportunity for public comment the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items only for this meeting the second public comment period will be open to any topic all comments are limited to 5 minutes uh if you do have a public comment I'd appreciate if you sign in and you take the podium please tell us your name and where you are from do we have any public comments with respect to agenda items only for the first round okay seeing none I will close the first opportunity for public comment board discussion do we have any items open for board discussion yes Bob so I just wanted to uh provide an update for uh the rest of the board members on the uh recent ruling that we received from the Appel division of the Superior Court um as you will remember um this was uh this came about when we uh were in the midst of our negotiations with the Union uh and the union had requested that they have a bargaining Council uh up to the entire size of the union membership uh we had objected to that wanted to have something smaller um we filed an unfair Labor practice uh against the union they counter filed an unfair Labor practice against us with the perk um and perk ruled um that uh in October of 2023 uh they ruled that uh that the Board of Ed had been uh they found us had that we had been involved with an unfair Labor practice based on what we had uh asked for the union to consider um we then appealed even though we appealed it to the court uh we did abide by the ruling um the uh appell division ruled right before the holiday break uh to uh based on our appeal that they found that we actually did not commit an unfair Labor practice and therefore Vindicated the board's position that what was being brought forward as a novel concept uh needed additional consideration furthermore the appet division uh then directed perk to actually provide further guidance to districts about what is a reasonable size for negotiating um uh bodies um and the appeals court actually used the uh perk ruling language against them because perk even acknowledged that this was a novel concept that this was something that was new that there was no guidance there was no rulings there was nothing for either the union or the board to refer to uh for proper guidance so the uh appell division uh directed perk uh to come up with explicit guidance to provide two Boards of education and to unions on how these procedures can move forward in the future so a complete Vindication for the Board of Education uh a complete Vindication for other boards of Education across the state of New Jersey uh and now it is up to the the uh perk to come up with appropriate guidance that they will be uh uh making available to districts moving forward um so that is the update on that and I just again I want to thank the board members for their support uh in this particular effort uh because uh without us moving forward with this appeal uh this would have set a precedent that would have been uh uh used uh against school districts across the state uh and the fact that U they they found in our favor on the appeal uh is actually an important moment for other boards of Education uh and the folks at the New Jersey school boards Association uh were very excited about this particular outcome uh because of the ramifications that this had for other boards across the state any uh any questions thanks Bob appreciate that any other items to discuss okay see you none let's move on Mr Morrison oh sorry item five future action items is there any discussion with respect to those items sorry now let's move on uh Mr President I'd like to move items A1 through A3 second any comments or discussion with regard to those three roll call please Mr maio uh yes on A3 abstain a12 okay Mr gallik yes Miss Lee yes Mr Mayor yes Mr Morrison yes Miss obber yes Miss Potter yes rasa yes Mr trur yes and Mr bber yes Mr President I'd like to move items C1 through C6 do we do would youate to amend I'm sorry C4 three three I'm sorry oh uh just to add the that it's funded by title 2A you're looking at for preview tit yeah I got but we can't do that until we make the motion you want C1 C no no no no no I would the plan is to make a motion for all of them right when there's a discussion on them then point out the fact that we need that the funding for C3 is from title 2A okay we could do it that way okay fine so we have a motion for C1 through C6 it's been second there any comment or discussion with respect to that Mr President I'd just like to highlight that the fund for C3 uh comes from the federal allocation of title 2A any other discussion roll call then okay Mr maio yes Mr Gall yes Miss Lee yes may yes Morrison yes sober yes Potter yes CA yes trur yes Mr Burber yes motions carry uh Mr President I'd like to move items D1 through D6 any comments or discussion seeing none roll call please Mr maio yes scall yes Lee yes may yes Morrison yes sober yes Potter Yesa yes and M tror yes and Mr bber yes G Mr President I'd like to move items D7 and d8 second any discussion I just yes go ahead I just want to point out this is um uh busing and transportation it is an incredible amount of money and I know there may not be a solution to this but we do need to acknowledge that this this cost center for our district is large um we definitely I mean at least should accept that it's large and see if there's any alternatives in the future uh I don't believe that there's an alternative today or for this year but it is a very large bill for 36 students so so I I I I think to your point on this there's there's a pretty significant discussion that's going on right now related to the school funding formula um because the funding formula has been finally fulfilled uh and so there is they're looking at uh ways to U create craft the new funding formula uh that would involve a number of changes one of the things that they're looking at is for special education Transportation we're supposed to be reimbursed for a lot of those costs not and and and there's a formula that has been used that they have not been following for the past several years so there may be some relief in that as they look to craft this new funding formula just as there may be some more relief for us as it relates to the cost of special education um because that's the the other piece of this so uh while they're looking at the entire funding formula those two areas of it are are certainly um have spotlights on them right I appreciate that Insight yeah just one thing Dan that that when you see the words Aid required that's going to drive up that cost no I I I completely understand that being said it is a large burden for the school district brutal for transportation not education that's I know it's right and that's why when when we look at the cost of um both tuition tuition's one cost right transportation's another cost that's when we start looking at you know the the cost of sending somebody out of District uh is over $100,000 a lot of money yep well well over 100 well over 100 be that as made just important to point these things out in the public knows that we didn't miss it and it's un rare thank you about let me just ask a question with respect to it it's my understanding just Bob you reference that the school funding formula it was had been my understanding that there was a cap at one point that school districts would pay like say the first 40,000 then anything above that then the states would kick in was that the nature of what it was but then the state never funded if we were over that amount you you get a um we we file an extraordinary aid application and they've changed some of those numbers like the ones that are other Public Schools it's that 40 but then if it's a private school it's 55 but then they only give you percentage of that so it's not really exactly what they set out anday and but we get some of it back we do get some of it back but it doesn't include as Bob mentioned the transportation costs which are brutal oh so that 40 or whatever that number is strictly to education right so none of this comes back to us but it's supposed to that don't well no you're required to you still have to you have to yeah because I because I was in North Plane field and that's not a that's a walking District but we had we still had this and the costs were you know I mean that's 15 16 years ago these costs are I mean they are off the charts and they've gotten worse in the last two or three years really I mean really bad as has as you will see during the budget the tuition costs have dramtic they've increased bad and it's it is I don't know what else to say it's it's it's uh we're at the Breaking Point with it I think I think we really are um so I hope that legislation I hope they're taking it seriously because it is it's it's serious at this point in time the numbers are just they're rough well on the other piece that they're looking to do um is to um create a requirement on the state that they release budget numbers to districts prior to the end of January so because of the problems that we've been having um and then some of the situations that have come up recently where you know after the the state budget is passed in July the numbers have changed on certain districts and all of a sudden they find themselves you know millions of dollars in the whole as a result of you know something that happens on the budget side and it's just it it's very difficult for a business administrator to manage the finances of a district when the the a a a significant portion of the funding is in question every year sorry to make that discussion it's fascinating because special ed and again they certainly mention we were down in I guess October when we were at the school board convention they certainly were talking about it and certain people were highlighting you know changing the funding for special ed I only hope they do I'm not holding out much hope because I I know what their priority is and I've discussed that before their priority is literacy and not special education yeah anyway with that said roll call please uh Mr maio yes Mr Gall yes M Lee yes may yes Morrison yes Miss obber yes Raa yes trur yes and Mr Burber yes motions car okay now we're at the second opportunity for public comment again this opportunity is a comment on any matter it's not limited to agenda items um do we have anyone who' like to make a public comment I have some I'm sorry when when you're finished with the public since there's not I had something to okay as soon as I close the public on session I'll call on you Carol okay now I'm going to close the public comment uh under other business Carol Pro I know has actually some I think it's kind of exciting news for the board um the high school hall of fame is inducting its very first group we've only ever in the past inducted individuals and the decision the very first group that is going to be inducted is that very first Board of Education 70 years ago that put this place together literally our fathers and mothers of the school while well Tim was very very helpful he had lots of good information for me when we were putting this together but I I was not there it's not I it's just so impressive to me that these men and women in basically what a three-year period of time got three towns to come up with agree to do this two counties dealing with two County superintendents come up with the money to find the land to hire The Architects to hire the staff to literally at that point buy every single single thing to open a school when we sit around this table I I just am in awe of them still now as far as we we do not know if any of those folks are still with us um but we're reaching out and we I'll provide the names to everyone we're trying to find the descendants of them to invite all their descendants anyone who would like to at this point grandchildren great grandchildren to come and for the induction ceremony um it happens that three of those uh three of the children of the that original board were my classmates so we have a head start on it so we know where three of them are and we've tracked down two others at this point but it there'll be new notices in the newspaper and uh I think we can all be very when you read about these folks very impressed that they just dug in and put this this together but thank you just wanted to share that with them Carol thank you you for that that leads nicely into I just want to give a brief update since I didn't have a superintendent report tonight um and whoever from that group or their descendants are able to come I think they would probably enjoy a tour of what the building looks like now especially our Design Lab that is now we have a CO for that we got that over the break so and I want to make some acknowledgements with regard to that because Tim uh was on top of that to make sure that uh everything got done that needed to get done over the break and uh Our IT team and our maintenance crew were in that room setting things up literally when I stopped in um and Quinn enjoyed watching the work in action because our it Department was under the tables I have to say it looks immaculate in there the way Andy that you and the team uh installed everything um and the maintenance uh crew were unloading our we had a a storage unit outside they were unloading everything from there to make sure that it was all and we waited until we got the co to do any of that um so they didn't have a lot of time because that was at the end of break so they were here doing all of that so that we could open that room the day we came back and we're in the process right now of organizing it and getting it set up and I believe Mr ponzio said he hopes to have his classes in there next week I think they've been in there a little bit organizing uh so and what we'll do is maybe before one of the upcoming board meetings uh you guys can go check it out but that was really everyone coming together I just can't emphasize enough Our IT department and our maintenance department what did over break to make sure we got that done um so that was that was impressive we have our punch list of things we're going through but at least we're we're occupying the room now um and I did talk to uh spel to their um marketing person she's going to be coming so we can we're actually going to do all the spaces of the school that we've done over the past 10 years from Back To The Music Tech Lab all the way to the design lab and do you know a three minute little promotional video really um with serving a couple of purposes one so that we can share it with our our eighth graders and and those parents but also to share with the community to thank the community and the board for their support because all of this has been done because of the positive community support for the referendums that we've done so we want to make sure we show them what we've been able to accomplish uh as a result of those so that way when we go to our next one they know they can actually see what's coming of it um so you know we're but we want to make sure when we do it that everything is ready to go and in like good condition to show everyone you know we're still organizing that space um but you know Pete as well Pete ponzio has been essential in getting that organized so it's been you know everyone has been been pitching in um Gina heinan our supervisor of science uh you know everyone was there when Tim and I were here on on the Monday over break the room was packed with with people you know working on getting it ready to go so thank you to the board for support but it this is exciting uh because we really you know are we're going to be able to offer an entirely new program for the students through that space and we'll actually be talking about that at Ed committee coming up um with the new course we're going to be adding to the program of studies for next year so anyway much more to come on that um but that's pretty exciting and I really want to thank Tim uh for his follow through on all of that because he was relentless in making sure that it got done so that's the plan we want to get that out to everyone because we want to thank them and even an open house that we're that we actually started a list and for um I just started a Google doc that I shared with everyone um internally that we're working on it that adding people that we want to invite to that because everyone from Realtors to um people from local businesses that you know might be able to help us with um different you know aspects of um uh robotics you know for that space um so we're we're we're thinking marches just because we think by then is when we'll really be in good shape to do something like that but uh any of you who have suggestions or ideas for that just send them my way because we we really do want to get the word out there about what we're doing here on that board 70 years ago on that night well there's there's an induction yes and the other inductees also I mean there also are the individual and one also one of the I think the only football team to ever win States in all the 70 years so far and they are also being inducted but um and then there are several individuals this year so yes all of them they and I oh oh sorry one one quick mention uh Warren Township mayor lantai announced a junior Member Program with the boards so um at least in Warren Township U they're looking for students uh 8th grade to 12 to um be a junior member of the planning board board of adjustment Board of Health um and all the other committees so I don't know how we can let the students know at least Warren Township resonance that um but we should at least work to see how we can provide those I will yeah I was actually kind of excited about it it's nice to see the young people get you know interested especially in the planning board so it's so boring they could sit there and be bored with us long as the meetings as meetings aren't on Tuesday nights exactly after I I have another one so I just want to understand was the new law that came out that people still need certifications now I mean Elon mus is all over X about it New Jersey and so I know there has to be a lot more about this I was actually thinking about Bob when I read that so uh as everybody is aware uh we have had over the past more than a decade a increasing teacher shortage here in the United States um and it was bad before covid uh and Co just sent it over the cliff uh and as a result um everyone's been looking at okay what are the things that we need to do to make changes to the process so that we can ensure that we can successfully matriculate students from college into jobs teaching and one of the things that was done um there's been a lot of research that's been been done or what are some of the barriers what are the issues what are the things that you're concerned about uh the the research that was done here in the state of New Jersey identified a couple areas that were problems for students particularly students of that were coming from lower socioeconomic areas um and those happened to be one student teaching um not that student teaching was bad but student teaching for free uh had been a problem for for some students because they they can't afford not to be able to earn money while also trying to be a you know trying to do their their student teaching uh so that was that was one area uh another area was this thing called the prais test uh and that is what uh uh Elon Musk has been uh what what he tweeted about was uh he sent a message out saying uh what is it that New Jersey got rid of um you know basic reading tests for you know potential teachers that we got rid of basic literacy tests for teachers uh that is not the truth uh what we got rid of was the practice test and not only did we get rid of the practice test but so did several other states for the very same reasons that the cost of the test was a barrier for some of these students now we're talking about students who are coming out of college with an undergraduate degree trained in education uh have all of the other train other training areas and have to pass tests within their specialty area so it's this so what they got rid of was was the practice test which has some basic skills elements involved in it now what you have is you have the people that are pro producing the prais test that are pushing back against it because of the fact that they're losing money it's a these testing companies will do whatever it takes so that they can maintain the test because of their financial interest in it which is one of the reasons why we went through everything that we went through a decade ago or you know eight years ago with common core and the Common Core testing then everyone and standardized testing and then Pearson's making all of this money on the standardized testing so to make a long story shorter um uh a he's completely misinformed in what he's talking about um B it is not having an impact on the quality of our Educators that are that are practicing in our schools and the third item is what it's trying to do is ensure that we have enough teachers coming into the profession so that we can keep our Schools staff now fortunately we've here at Watchung Hills we've done okay but if you look across the country or even other parts of of the state you have I think the number is 44% of all school districts in the United States right now have vacancies uh districts where the majority of that are serving majority lowincome students it's 60% so the whole idea here is we're trying to attract people to the profession not repel them from the profession and when we have misinformation that gets out there or or or the this type of commentary that degrades the profession it repels students from wanting to become Educators we saw this during you know during one of our former Governor's Administration where he made Educators a pinata and as a result it really drove down uh the the teachers desires to want to teach in our particular State because they felt that they were being disrespected they weren't being treated as professionals and this type of activity does not serve the taxpayer it doesn't serve the public in any way it certainly doesn't serve the students uh and what we need to focus on is how do we bring more people into education how do we provide them with the tools and the resources so that they can successfully make their way through uh the collegate experience and how do we do it in a way where we're also diversifying our our teaching profession at the same time to make sure that our profession is reflective of the students that they're teaching and by the way so that students can see people like them in front of the classroom to inspire them to become teachers right so this is a very complex problem that we've been dealing with for well over a decade here in in in this country and also here in this state and there was a task force that was put together that released a report um regarding the the teacher shortage their report came out last January and in that particular report one of the things that they called for was the elimination of the practice test and that was coming from superintendant education leaders the njaa the school boards Association every education official in this state said we need to get rid of that practice test as a barrier but instead we have billionaires putting out tweets and now everyone's in an uproar spinning around wasting their time on nonsense instead of focusing on the things that we need to be focusing on like how do we do a better job of educating our students other piece too it's just the so for to get math certification you're required to take the math subject specific practice test and then there's different ways the I guess the basic skills test has been a requirement for years I never took that because if you have a certain GPA um college gpa or SAT score or whatever it is you don't need to do that um so it was just another it's not that they're dropping the the subject specific test requirement besides the fact that you have a bachelor's degree in education or and if it's High School in the the subject it was just another cost and another test and another barrier and another test where I if we haven't learned by now that some people are not good test takers and so it's not a good measure of somebody's capacity to be an educator it's it's silly that it's turned into this the way they're worded are so ridiculous you end up you end up doing just test prep to make sure you because if you haven't done those things since you know high school or it's like somebody taking a you know an algebra test when you haven't done that for a number of years you're literally studying to make sure to what the test questions are so you can pass the test um so yeah I mean it's turned into something ridiculous we've been asking them to decrease these requirements for years because they don't make a difference there's nothing linked from them to the effectiveness of a teacher there's absolutely no data to support any of that so I'm glad they're finally trying to eliminate some of the costly barriers to students who are have college debt and now we're asking them to pay more to go into a profession that is not as lucrative you know as other things they could be doing don't say anything more followup does that answer your question I have some really exciting news uh one of our graduates uh turns out my nephew is the actual noo go person for the second stage of the Bezos rocket that's going to be launched oh nice probably maybe on the 10th but within five days of that so one of our graduat uh graduated mechanical engineering then want to be a rocket scientist which is really cool origin he's one of the 10 people who have the No goo which I'm not sure I'm allowed to say but I just said it anyway when is that ever yeah it really hasn't very exciting now oh I just wanted to remind everybody everybody should have received an invitation to the Murray Hill Chinese school this we Chinese New Year celebration on January 18th encourage yeah you do have to RSV well they want you to RSVP because they like to so apprecia treat us special and then just uh on your way out of the building um you'll notice that there's a lot of activity in the Performing Arts Center uh the New Jersey youth Symphony and the New Jersey Youth Chorus are actually rehearsing in the pack this evening for a major performance that they have at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center on Sunday this is called voices for hope uh is the concert and so they have their their top groups are in there rehearsing right now so as you make your way out you may just want to peek in and see a little bit of what's going on and by the way their operations manager who I talked to on the way in um mentioned that the reason why they rented the facility here is this is the only facility in northern New Jersey that's big enough to be able to hold all of this all of the students for this type of performance in the New Jersey Performing Arts Center so second Hi and then she was yes