##VIDEO ID:lPAwplpFiu8## Andy you good great okay uh thank you I apologize we ran a little later than expected uh but we are now back in public session uh next agenda item is board correspondence Dr J you want to just uh address what we've gotten yes we had two items of board correspondence one was uh a letter from a parent uh asking uh for some information about their child's uh schedule changes that they were looking to make so we directed that to the counseling department and then another piece of Correspondence we got had to do with something uh we spoke about at the last meeting if you recall uh we had a a graduating senior Juliet changen who uh coordinated with uh Tina Osmond who was our uh Project Graduation lead to reach out they through us um we helped them reach out to families of seniors who had money left in their um lunch accounts asking them if rather than getting a refund check for whatever small amount was there if they wanted to donate it to the Somerset County Food Bank and we were able to make a donation in the amount of $536 38 and so we received a really nice uh thank you letter from the Summerset County Food Bank and actually Juliet and Tina asked me to send out a thank you letter to the families that donated on their behalf so I got that list from our business office and we're just sending them out a nice thank you letter so that was it was just a really nice result from from their concerted effort so I just wanted to share that okay thank you for those who orchestrated and thank you for the senior who volunteered to give up the balance of their lunch money the next item superintendent comments you're back on uh thank you so the summer is quickly coming to a close uh we are very active back in and around the building as all of our fall Sports have now commence their practices we have the marching band out on the field which is always nice to hear during the day uh we have a lot of construction uh that is getting into its final stages and I'll let Tim give the update on that I did send a letter out to the staff with an update on that and I'll be sending a letter out to the community tomorrow um with a little update on all the projects that have been done and when we think they will um be finalized in the coming weeks and today was our first day of new teacher orientation for the new year so miss Carol and Miss Denson are the main coordinators of that with all of the administrators as well as members of our teaching staff participating in that so our hope is that they all come back tomorrow uh but we had we had a we had a really great day today it's a nice group of very um collegial collaborative group uh and so and as the board members know you're invited to lunch on Thursday so we hope to see many of you there and then all of our teachers come back on Monday and uh next Thursday is when all of our students return Wednesday we will have orientation for our incoming nth graders so we're Full Speed Ahead from now until June thank you great thank you yes I had the opportunity to tour the school on Thursday it's beehive of activity with regard to all the work and construction and seems like most of it will be done whether it's the stem lab the photography lab um the pack got new carpeting lighting um the uh the track the pavement has been laid and they'll be moving on to the next step so hopefully everything is certainly moving forward and as Dr J mentioned students have been seen up and about campus I think when you drove in you saw the March I don't know if it was the marching band but a band practicing so it even though we're off for two months so to speak there's a lot going on in you know the whatchamacallits world they're training almost year round so there's no time off but certainly exciting and I can't believe literally next week students are back in school I mean moves quick so certainly looking forward to a great school year uh Mr sty I'm sorry okay um just uh a little bit of detail with the uh construction project the nurse's office is complete uh the nurses are actually in there so that's good um one thing I didn't really mentioned before but we did we replaced all the fiber optic cable throughout the building that project is complete that's been completed uh and that went well um the gym 56 locker room athletic training area which is I think the student athletes are going to love um just seeing what it is the space in there the amount of things and tools that are going to be available to the trainers to get the our student athletes back on the fields uh and healthy uh it's pretty intense it's it's going to be very good for them uh we're looking at early to mid-september on that one um a lot of it's done there was a little extra electrical work we had to do but it's in pretty good shape so we're thrilled with that one I thought that might be a little later but it looks like it's moving pretty good um same thing with ceramic Studio I think we'll have that early September um I know they were putting in Windows today I saw them over there and I had a big tarp on one of them but you know we we had originally thought the windows were going to be a month later but good news is they're here so they're going in so I think early to mid September probably early on the Ceramics the photog same thing with the photography lab um again it's amazing I can't wait to have the board take a look at it because what it was in that room to what it is now it's quite a difference um it's it's a very open room it's almost shaped like an l and it's uh there's going to be a lot of uh pretty neat equipment in there um it's not the old photo lab where you're were taking pictures and devel everything's computers now but it's pretty neat the way it is but that to me is also going to be early September the way it's going uh we did have to do some electrical work some major changes with that but that went well so it's going well uh the track as Mr bber said um that's going well all of the the asphalt is down um they just have to pour the U track surface on so it's in pretty good shape and and most of the area around it is clean so that's going well that should be right on September 2nd we believe and they have to do the fence yet they have the poles in but they just got to do the fence around that doesn't take too long uh the steam lab is the one that's going to take the longest uh no surprise there that that room is very intense and the amount of work that they're doing there is incredible um that we're looking at the end of October uh still quite a bit to do and that was a tricky space because there were two separate rooms and a lot of issues that we kind of knew were going to happen but so end probably the end of October on that one um once it's done I I you know again would love to have you guys all there because it's it's going to look fantastic um we did do carpeting for the pack uh and we did lighting I think uh Liz called it seat lighting but on the side of the seats we we have more the LED lighting if you notice when the lights were out it was pitched black in there and you can't really see now the lighting kind of veers down so you can actually get out of those seats now walk and see where where you're going so that's good um and the carpeting looks great and they actually painted beneath the seats too so it looks I came out really nice uh some of the lighting that's part of the construction project is starting to come in so I was talking to them today and they were putting them up um so some of the LED lights um which are you know much more efficient um certainly lighter I I was surprised to see how much smaller and uh lighter they were and also they they don't put out the heat that those old old lighting if you have led in your house you know that that the bulbs are they get hot but led does not so that's a good thing um and then the chiller replacement that is scheduled to take place in October November when we don't really need a chill so everything you know it's it's gone well um they've you know I'm always cautiously optimistic but we're we're quite pleased with the progress um and and the way it's coming out I think it's I I think the students and the staff and um certainly the parents the board you're going to be I think you're going to be happy with what you say I think it was money must m and I don't like spending money you guys know that and that's that's my report you are so right I apologize I want to thank everyone again Tim in addition to that too we should mention all of the ongoing maintenance summer maintenance of the building has been occurring where they did all the painting the classrooms if you look in front of the South Auditorium we jazzed up that space a little bit um so I have to give Chris Beck and our maintenance crew uh credit Chris Shear who does all the painting because they'll actually be proactive about finding a space and coming to Tim and me and asking hey we think this would look you know cool if we did this or would really spruce up this space so you know the building and the the grounds in the front of the building I don't know if you came in in the daylight tonight and saw what our ground screw has been doing it's they take a tremendous tremendous pride in this building so in the midst of all the other construction going on that's all been going on uh which is really nice for when the staff and students return to see it looking like that so I I really appreciate all the work that they've done great okay committee reports Carol well I'm fascinated with how quickly things move because as I read this report you'll see so many things have happened in five days that the report's almost obsolete it is the operations committee met on August 15th attending were Elizabeth jwi Tim sty Chris Vic Michael bernberg Heather tror Bill marich and myself Tim reviewed a change order for the construction project of approximately $46,000 to be voted on at tonight's meeting this change order will resolve several previously unknown existing situations in the project which were uncovered during the construction Chris provided a detailed explanation of each component of the change order and how it affected the project Bill asked if we anticipated any additional changes Tim noted one change that might occur however we are still in the final stages planning stages of the project this will occur when the current health office is relocated to our newly renovated space which is obviously already happened and the current health office space becomes the op PT area Tim stressed that there are still several necessary conversations before final decisions are made on the element on elements of that project uh Tim and Chris provided an update on the track replacement project they anticipated that the track would be paved by Friday or Monday they also noted that weather plays an important part in any Paving project and noted that the contractors were currently on Pace to complete the project by September 2nd Tim and Chris noted that quotes were received from contractors for upgrading lighting of our flag poles which is on also on tonight's agenda and um Dr JW shared that she will be sending out Communications to the staff of community about the project that again has already happened so that basically that's the report are there any questions I said I almost didn't have to give it Well Done Carol any comments questions for Carol the only question I would have which we didn't talk about just uh explain the football schedule are we all good with that with our home games is there going to be any Interruption do we foree our first home game is September 13th and our track is on par to be finished by next week hopefully so so we should be good we're looking good which which is also good for our other sports that um utilize the turfield because they'll be able to start their Seasons as well so and just so everyone knows besides the track they they were working on the shop put area the long jump or the shop putting area the high jump area all yeah so it's not just a track it's all the track they repay the outskirts area so that's a lot better it looks nice great okay uh first opportunity for public comment the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items for this meeting only the second public comment period will will be open to any topic all comments are limited to 5 minutes are there any comments that anyone would like to make if so please state your name and where you're from and sign in at the sign in look if there is one over there okay great seeing none this is a closing of the first opportunity for public comment and as noted there will be a second opportunity for public comment okay uh next is the board discussion uh I wanted to talk about a board retreat I believe in February we had a board retreat and I would like to have another one in September so that we can you know set a plan for what we want to accomplish and what issues we might be facing for this school year uh typically I would like to do it in the summer but that's not practical as getting everyone to agree on a summer day is easier said than done but now that everyone is back or at least in the next couple weeks back in school mode um I'd like to set some dates and uh go from there does anyone object to having a board retreat okay so LZ do you have any ideas for dates well the first thing I'll do is check me's board meeting schedule to make sure we don't conflict with that well if it's as long as it's not on a Wednesday then it's not well I try not to do do you have two nights in a row of meetings sometimes yeah lucky you do whatever okay what what did we uh the last time do you remember what day of the week it was I think we did an off Tuesday an off Tuesday okay that so that we have meetings third and the 17th so we could do the 10th or the 24th I'm traveling the 24th does anyone have an issue with the 10th doesn't have to be a Tuesday and we can also we can also do a Thursday if uh that avoids the Wednesday Wednesdays you're away that whole week is that a Thursday 11 that's a Thursday the 26 no she's the 10th Bob couldn't do the 24th what about how about the 11th that's the first Thursday or second Thursday are you back that's what wait the the 11th is a Wednesday sorry and Wednesday was no good uh well the 12th is Thursday I'm sorry what do you know you want me to look to see when your meetings are in case that's Fine's the on the about the 12th that's a Thursday is that good yeah all right let's make it happen was easier than I thought September 12th okay uh we normally start that at six o'clock with dinner we'll invite Mark to be there as well I so I'll make sure I'll see if he's yeah make sure okay great all right perfect uh any other items that people want to discuss with respect to board discussion um yes Bob so I just um want to acknowledge the passing of Barry Hunsinger uh our Watchung representative longtime serving representative uh from Wong that served on the board uh a huge supporter of of the school um in came through the school uh his family has been involved with in within the community both in and maang hills for decades and um it was just a very sad loss uh and so I just wanted to acknowledge his passing as well as um send our condolences to his wife and his family and um and and and also state that he he really loved this community he loved this school he loved our athletic programs he was always at events you would see him hanging out you know on the track with the other coaches and everybody else and um you know it's a great loss for our community and I know that he'll be missed so yeah and I apologize I meant to bring it up and I totally blanked on it but yeah I had the fortune of uh serving with Barry for uh two or three years and I sat next to him so as everyone knows that when you sit next to someone it's completely different board relationship than sitting across from someone because you have a tendency to do a lot of talking to that person and and uh he was quite passionate and I think that was quite evident true supporter as we all are and he really you know lived and breathed in the wung Hills so yes he will be missed and he was a great supporter and again like uh Bob said condolences go out to the family Barry blood brown and gold I have no doubt of it he loved this school more than almost anyone I encountered any other items for discussion okay Mr President I'd like to move items A1 through A3 second any comments discussion roll call Mr Mr maio Miss Lee Mr Mayor Che yes Mr Morrison yes Mr obber yes poter yes rasa abstain on A1 and A2 and yes on A3 Mr chur yes and Mr brenberg yes okay motions carry uh Mr President I'd like to move items A4 through a13 second comments questions roll call please Mr maio Miss Lee Mr Mayor yes Mr Morrison yes M Uber yes M CA yes Mr tror yes and Mr Burber yes motions carry uh Mr President I'd like to move Walkin item A14 yeah uh for the benefit of the public uh A14 had not been published I will read the resolution second I'm seconding it oh I'm sorry SEC sorry about that uh again A14 read resolve that the board affirms the finding of Hib in case number 112 324 presented during this evening's executive session and be it further resolve that the family shall be provided with a written decision along with information on the right of appeal to the commissioner any comments or questions with respect to A14 roll call vote Please Mr maio Miss Lee yes Mr mayek yes Mr Morrison yes M obber yes Mr Potter yes pra yes chour yes and Mr Burber yes motion carries Mr President I'd like to move items C1 through c31 wow second okay second no here a second uh any comments or questions with regard to uh those 31 items we've been busy yeah uh seeing none roll call vote Mr maio yes Miss Lee Yes mayor yes Morrison yes sober yes spotter yes rasa yes chur yes and Mr Burber yes motions carry uh Mr President I'd like to move items D1 through d18 second comments or question with respect to those 18 items seeing none roll call please Mr maio yes Miss Le yes Mar yes Mr Morrison yes oer yes Mr Potter yes rasa yes Mr trur yes and Mr Burber yes carry uh Mr President I'd like to move items d19 through d22 second comments questions roll call please Mr Ma yes Lee Yes Mar yes Morrison yes M over yes rasa yes chour yes and Mr bber yes car okay thank you everyone for that it's second opportunity for public comment okay seeing none uh do we have any other business and just so the sorry go ahead uh just one another one item for other business and not that we need to have the discussion tonight um but as most of you are aware there's been a movement uh that's been going on across the country that is now entering New Jersey about uh how to handle cell phones in schools um and so since this is becoming you know more of a Hot Topic and we've got several districts in the state that have now um removed cell phones from uh use in classrooms um wanted to see if this was something that would be worth a a more in-depth discussion at a future meeting and what the board W's uh you know interest is in something like that AB yeah Bob I agree I think I would assign this to the education committee I think that would be the proper venue have the committee do a hard dive into what our existing policy with some of the other school policy what's going on out there and seeing if we have to change create modify whatever we need to do so we've been talking about it administratively you know just with every all the the noise around it so I think that's a great topic I mean if if we I don't know that we'll have our education meeting do you have we're we actually so that's on my to-do list is we do want to have one before our September 3rd board meeting so we be yeah so then we could maybe talk about it at the retreat after we discuss yeah that'd be great yeah yeah put that on the retreat agenda among our other items okay great thanks Bob for bringing that up um okay uh motion to go back into executive session okay all those in favor I I okay so we're going to go back into executive session we have items that we were not able to finish in the first executive session uh we intend to take no action after that and uh the plan would be so the public knows come out of executive session and then most likely adjourn the meeting so just way everyone's aware of what's going to happen we just met her you w here yeah you were W here when we just met her