$7 okay all right folks I'd like to call the me to order uh for the folks out watching on YouTube my name is Tim sty I am the school business administrator for the watchong Hills Regional High School uh I serve as the the officer on until we elect a president so I will bring the uh or I'll read the notice this is the Board of Education reorganization and regular business meeting for which adequate notice under the open public meetings Act was provided by notice on January 3rd 2023 to The Courier News the echo Sentinel Star Ledger tap into Warren and the clerks of the burough of watch townships of Greenbrook Long Hill and Warren we stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay so first of all happy New Year to everybody the board and the public um Andy uh and first thing I get to do is the fun part uh the annual election results uh from November 7th certified by the clerks of Mars and Somers counties uh the winners were Carol Carol pra Long Hill Township Heather trur Warren and Michael Burber of Wang B so in the alphabetical order sense if we could step to the front Michael you first sorry okay read your I'm Michael bernberg do solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true Faith allegiance to the same end and the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I'm Michael Burber do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me congratulations again thank you welcome aboard thank you okay Carol your turn good you can raise your right hand I Carol prasa do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United un States and and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Carol paza do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by the law for the office of member of the Board of Education and I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties that that office according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations again [Applause] Carol you did you did so you have practice I Heather tror do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of people so help me God I Heather Trump por do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of Board of Education and that I will Faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God congratulations thank you you thank you okay we have a board hooray okay given that I'll do the roll call Mr Burber here Mr maio here Mr Gall here M Lee here Mr Mayor here Mr Morrison here over here Potter here pra here and miss tror here okay so we move to to our my last order of business but the next order of business on the uh agenda the election of the president so I'm going to open the floor for nominations for the president uh Mr secretary I'd like to nominate Michael bernberg for president second okay is there any other nominations I'd like to nominate Dam gall for president sorry to clarify uh is there a second okay are there any other nominations okay hearing none um to have a vote for the position of president to do this so we should do um first we'll do for Michael I guess we'll do the vote that way and then we'll do Dan is that okay sure okay no well either what's well I'm the boss so for Mr you're yeah you're probably right so um we're GNA go for Michael first so for Michael Mr bernberg Burber Mr miio Dan Gall Mr Gall M Lee Dan Gall Mr Mayor Che Dan Gall Mr Morrison Michael Berber Miss Ober Miss Potter Michael Burber CR and M Trump War okay I think that's five5 yeah so that's that's a five5 so um our bylaws do say that we have to elect a president and a vice president and if we don't we have to go to the county superintendent to make that call for us so no I oppose Mr oh I I had a I just had a question oh we're in private session because I have a question everybody for okay all right we're back we're back in public session um we went through a round one we had a tie so we're going to have to go to a round two so I'm going to open the floor for the nomination of the position of board president uh nominate okay can I have a second on that okay are there any other nominations okay hearing no further names can I have a motion to close the nomination so move second okay all in favor I opposed anybody extensions no okay good okay so this is say vote for Michael bernberg as president quick on me Mr eyes worth word too Mr bernberg well you could just say yes Mr manio yes Mr Gall yes Mr Lee yes Mr Mayor yes Mr Morrison yes obber yes Potter yes pra yes Miss tror yes okay congratulations Michael I know right thank you Tim uh before we get to the next order of business Tim for the record I want to thank you did a great job running the meeting and look forward to you running the meeting again next year now that you have 20 something years of experience with this um and before I get started I just want to thank Bob again for his role uh for the past two years as the president certainly uh undying unwavering supported the school the school system the school board and certainly appreciate everything he's given and even though he will not serve as the president which in effect is first among equals at best 10% job uh I'm sure he will continue to serve as a board member and uh I know he's got some things that he wants to see through and uh we certainly look forward to working with him continuously so the next order of business is the election of vice president do we have any motions for vice president yes Susan I'm sorry I'd like to nominate Janine p is there a second for that great there any other nominations yes I'd like to nominate Dan gallik okay is there a second for that second are there any other nominations for vice president seeing none I close the nomination that a roll call vote motion oh have a motion sorry all those in favor hi hi the same way as the last one just give the name okay Mr bernberg Dan Gall Mr maio Dan gallik Mr Gall Miss Lee Dan Gall Mr May Dan Gall Mr Morrison Janine Potter Miss Ober Miss Potter Janine Potter Brasa Dan Gall and Miss trumpour po okay it's a 64 so Dan you are the VP congratulations Dan it's all yours yeah yeah move for that have a second for that all those in favor okay that was my notice Okay so sorry okay next item of business is resol um number nine resolutions for board action any motions for the organization items yeah organization page one Roman numeral 9 a a through P I need to Mo president I move um items 9 a through 9 is this just do a through o if you wouldn't mind amend that please yes a sorry a through o no you are you are you yeah because P we won't vote on tonight p p um we are we're not actually appointing everyone to those tonight that that's those are the assignments that everyone expresses their interest in and then the board president assigns everyone so Susan made a motion a through o oh uh is that the other one somebody else brought that up no that should be on here the calendar of uh meetings should be one of these agenda items uh that's uh it's B it well that's the board meeting yeah they want I think we want to adjust make an adjustment Mr President yes um just I'd like to have a discussion on Item B please okay but what item B we don't have a second on a through o we do I apologize okay discussion on B so Item B on the on the calendar uh the past couple years we've had it where in the months of uh July August and September we've only met one time um and I find that once we get into when we get back to the beginning of the school year only meeting once in September seems to be problematic just because of the amount of stuff that's going on uh coming out of the summer so um I'd like to see if the administration would be open to adding a second just adjusting that calendar so that we have two meetings in September in the appropriate sequence that would make the most sense based on the navigation of the opening of school that you have to do yeah um Bob I appreciate you mentioning that earlier so I could take a look at the calendar and our um meeting currently scheduled for September is the 17th so if we just add a meeting on the 3D that keeps us on our first and third um Tuesday of the month and then our next one is uh the first uh Tuesday in October and another board member had mentioned that as well so I we have no issue with that that's probably helpful in terms of hiring so so if we could amend the calendar to to reflect that if everyone else is in agreement so it's a the edition of September 3rd we have a second to that okay let's vote on the a through o with the modification to B please we could do it all together okay uh Mr miio yes Miss Lee yes Mr Mayor yes Mr Morrison yes M obber yes M Potter yes M pra yes trur yes Mr Gall yes and Mr bber yes okay motions carry okay as item p as Dr J had mentioned we're going to hold off on that that is the appointment for the uh the Committees uh what I intend to do is keep the committees as they are for the next couple weeks because there's a couple meetings that have to take place to help out the administration and if everyone can send me what their interests are with regard to the committee and um and we're going to get I don't and whether they feel we need any additional committees or which committees we no longer need if you can just reach out to me then I will uh form the Committees hopefully within the next couple weeks anyone have any questions on that okay great okay in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act hold on one second we don't have I don't think we have anything pending for I was just going to ask them I don't think we have anything pending for executive that we need to discuss before for Action tonight so if the board I just was going to let you know if you want want to wait to go into close till after we go through the rest of the meeting just to not recess again that's up to all of you but we could probably keep going I correct I don't think there's anything pressing that we need to discuss before taking action um is there any board correspondents oh actually um if you don't mind I'll just mention this to the board in your folders you have the invitation to the Murray Hill Chinese School Chinese New Year celebration in February uh it's on February 3rd I know a number of you have attended before it's a wonderful celebration and performance um that they do every year and the the um inclement weather date is the following Saturday but everyone is invited and they always appreciate uh when we attend so I just wanted to bring your attention to that thank you thank you this is our first opportunity for public comment the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items for this meeting only the second public comment period will be open to any topic any comments are limited to 5 minutes are there any public comments okay see no public comments we'll keep moving forward um we have any motions oh sorry s any board discussion I apologize nothing sorry Susan I'll actually make a comment if you don't mind on one of the future items that a board member had inquired about um earlier today you'll notice a preview item for the program of studies every year we approve the program of studies in the winter um it will likely be on a February agenda um but seeing as uh this is our preview agenda um for it will not be take we will not be taking action on it at our next January meeting but we will likely be taking on it action on it early February so I just put it on here as a placeholder and a heads up to let the board know that that's coming but it will be on the upcoming Ed committee agenda and the board will get a link to that get a summary of any changes and updates to it um you know prior to being asked to take action on it I just wanted to point out that that's on there just as a little bit of a heads up I had I'm sorry are there any motions sorry at this point we're ready for action items yes I'd like to move uh items A1 through A5 on the agenda that's yeah it's a Greenberg thing yes Susan second roll call Mr St Mr masio yes M Lee yes Mr mayek yes Mr Morrison yes M Uber M Potter yes M Pro yes Mr tror yes Mr Gall yes and Mr Burber yes okay motions carry i' like to move items A6 and A7 second where's A7 right after A6 no we have just A6 are you you're in the in the future got go to the action items A1 a page 10 okay go to page 10 here good are we good questions or can I do a roll call yes now you can I'm sorry that's okay I thought there were some questions I Mr maio yes Miss Lee yes Mr Meek yes Mr Morrison yes Miss obber yes Miss pra M trur yes Mr Gall yes and Mr Burber yes motions carry okay before we go any further I just want to highlight that one of the Motions that we did just approved was A3 again at the last meeting we uh alluded to uh the partial settlement with respect to the union and A3 ratified um that part of the contract that we had made a uh uh um an agreement with respect to that with respect to the union so I want to congratulate everybody on the board for doing the work the union and everyone that so that we can move for with that forward with that and now we will take on the task of moving forward with a contract for uh July 1st 2024 for the next three years thereafter so thank you everybody okay uh there are no item c b or c for approval we have D Finance approval do I have a motion move items D1 through D6 okay any discussion with regard to those sorry okay roll call okay Mr maio yes M Lee yes Mr me yes Mr Morrison abstain on D1 yes Miss obber yes Miss Potter yes Miss PR M chour yes Mr Gall yes and Mr Burber yes okay motion's Carri great this is now the second opportunity for public comment again this can be on anything is there anyone who has any comments okay great um we're going to now kind have a motion to move into executive session all those in favor I'm sorry can you yeah can you read sorry Michael oh we have to read I apologize in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act we hereby resolved that the board move into executive session for the purpose of discussion purpose of discussing confidential personnel and legal matters after which action may be taken it is expected that the matters discussed in executive session will be made public as soon as the need for confidentiality no longer exists we have a motion seconded I think everyone was all in favor you want to know who made the motion who made the somebody