##VIDEO ID:DAoCKNR_SyM## e e e e e e e e e e e e at which formal action may be taken this meeting is being live streamed on the district website where a recording of the meeting is also will be posted the public have had the opport will have the opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda at points of the meeting provided for the public to address their board recording and photographing other than the private personal use requires consent of the parents Guardians whose children may be included is Karen Bion Johnson can have a roll call please Mrs agaro here Mrs Amadeo here Mr fras yes Mr Gonzalez here Mrs Harvey absent Mr Ang Gracia is absent Mrs jet here Mrs Santos is absent Dr Vince is Kua here enough people for meing okay yes thank you at this time I'd like to request Legacy construction management Mr O'Brien ofr our construction project executive to please come up to speak about summer project updat oops I got a typo there at the beginning um so I just want to give a quick update um show some pictures so Aon you can go to the next slide um so just a again a quick update and then uh some pictures and you guys have any questions we'll go over anything that you would like to see and talk about um so one quick thing um obviously we did have a delay with um the hbac equipment for this project um we are expecting um the remainder of the units coming uh this September um we did take off the units offline but they are back up line uh the fresh air and the AC is fully operational in the district um and that was in place in time for uh today for the start of school um we do have the ongoing HVAC installation um the workers will be working second shift to not interfere with the school um and as well as um the weekends as they are available with the scheduling with the district um the front office as well as the toilet rooms at Bayberry are in uh full use and they're operational uh we do have um some items as considered punch list items to still go through um we did push to have that um opened it was a push to the very last minute but they are in those rooms um the media center um we did have a delay uh for additional steel work that needed to be put in um that was above the ceiling to support the rooftop units um that did delay that Media Center being able to be continued working on in the summer um that is expected to be handed over to the libarian U mid mid September and there'll be some time to allow uh her to set up uh so it can be in full use for the district um the art room it is uh finished outside of the delay with the steel which was associated with the media center so the art room is directly below the media center that rooftop unit was also affected by the steel that had to be upgraded um we did have Pro uh Provisions put in place in the contract to require fresh air to be put into that space in case we couldn't have the unit up and running un fortunately the windows in that art room are fixed windows they were existing and the uh door to the exterior is part of the egress so it limits us with the ability to put Machinery in there to bring in the fresh air we did have units come in this afternoon um to do it um the art teacher was in the room we plugged in the units she did confirm that they would not allow her to uh teach in that environment because of the noise on the units so we actively trying to find temporary measures to get that room opened up um is making accommodations within the district um to continue the art class um I'm communicating with uh the administration on those updates to make sure we can get into that as soon as possible um the units are on site they have been installed on top of the roof they were done this past Tuesday um so now we're look working quickly to get the electrical hooked in as well as to control so we can get the fresh air going both gym rtus um those have been installed um the startup was done on those units um the interior duck work um is actively being done as we are standing here right now um but the units are running Valley View gym if you went in there it's the AC is running um even with the duck work not completed it still brings the fresh air as well as the AC into that space w sorry um and at at bberry they're also over there finishing up um additional duck work but that gym space as well has the frh share requirements as well as its condition space um and then Aaron if you want to go to the next couple slides what I did here is just showed some before and after photos this is of the the art room um this was the storage area that was part of the art room not part of it but off to the side of the art room um this is a different angle looking out to the hallway um this is now the new entrance into the art room or in the construction time um that's a photo of the back storage area looking into the art room um this is now the finished um area with the new floor and the Cabinetry into what what used to be that storage area we took down the wall um and put in supports um that's the new hallway um going out to the uh Corridor this is looking uh from the other direction out into that space um and these are the new uh Furniture um into the art room into the space um this is the additional view going into there we do have some boards um being installed um tomorrow um this is the was the existing main office these are some new cabinets reput along the uh Corridor wall this is looking at that same initial angle with the new furniture and the desk set up this is the Valley View gym um obviously it's hard to tell but that there was a lot of work that went in there and I know there was some concerns about the status of that that's taken um last week um but the gym has been fully cleaned bleacher has been cleaned all the bleacher uh padding has been wiped down by third party professional cleaners um and it gets cleaned up on a daily basis for use the next day um this is the new uh sink put at the Bayberry uh outside the Bayberry toilet rooms that was the existing uh bathrooms going into the you know kindergarten classrooms um these are the new U bathrooms with the new tile those um at the bottom there you'll see the Border um obviously not put in place that tile was a special order tile that got delayed uh we expect that um in the next week or two um and will be installed there is no um safety concerns with that that's just sheetrock at the bottom there there's no exposure to any screws or or nails to cause any concern um both toilets and the sinks and the inspections have passed um so those sinks and the toilets are fully operational as well as the electric in those rooms um that's a space into the classrooms and the next slide will show you the Finish case work and finally that's just a different angle of of the casework there's um a lot more obviously additional work that went into these but um you know duck work showing duck work and other stuff isn't uh I don't think pictures that people want to see um a lot of the rough electric and the plumbing that was done um as well as um on top of the roof with all the supports and the steel work um any questions from board members so there are two classrooms that are currently not in use is that right art and Library is that what you we at Valley View correct are they are there are they running in other spaces what's happening with those classes um my understanding is that the art room is is up and going and they're using other space um as far as the media center and the library I'm not sure what they're they're doing for that Karen's here if Karen wants to answer I I say Karen's here you don't want to run the building too so we've moved all the art classes in here it's right next door so it's very easy for Anna to get her materials here so the kids aren't missing out on any projects and their sinks back here so it's good um as for the library all the books are still housed in my old office so they're just waiting um but Miss Berg is still working with teachers on different units and things like that and planning interdisciplinary units and um she's also just kind of planning out how she wants to tackle this once it's all ready for her to get in um but there's no formal Library classes at the middle school it's mostly like sign up and collaborating with other teachers um the one thing she does do at the beginning of the year with fifth and sixth graders um mostly fifth graders is acclimating them to the library how to use the library system what resources are available but that's all going to be brand new so she's probably going to do it with every grade level fingers crossed in October so okay good questions I'm sorry I have another question um just wondering because there's there's clearly a lot of work done over the summer and up until now um can you talk a little bit about um how our budgets looking for for all the projects together at this point are we ahead are we behind are we saving money are we going to be able to finish out everything we want to do how is all that looking so we are still actively under the construction projects um so and these are existing buildings right they're older and stuff like that so we still have a lot to do with the HVAC with removing the old units um so I'm not conf not you know can't guarantee that we won't have additional costs with associate when we start pulling them out to where we are right now correct but with that being said the within the allowances that we did set for these projects I am confident that by the end of the active projects that we have that will actually be um under budget what we expected and getting back credits from those allowances um and then for the other projects that are upcoming um based on overall the referendum you know I confident that we have no budget issues what to finish those projects thank you mhm uh do all the classrooms have air conditioning if they need that now yes they will can it will have all outside of the the art room which is not going because of the rtu and as well as the the media center should have air conditioning yeah we were I was personally um there till about 7:00 last night um checking all the classrooms and confirming it and the plumbers were making sure all valves were turned on so I left there about 7 7:30 last night and all the classrooms had the AC running fellas when we were in there for meet the teacher yesterday it was it was on every on I didn't we had it already on for Wednesday okay Mr Rob Brian I just wanted to thank you um you know this was a short summer for me it feels like it went by so fast and it's to get so much work done in such a short period of time personally from personal experience I know it's not easy so I want to thank you for your work and um I look forward to what's ahead cuz I know there's still some stuff to finish so that's awesome thank you I appreciate it yeah no other questions for Conor I was wondering what you did with the old hvac's the units are still in place oh okay the the classroom units yes so we did Provisions to prepare for the upcoming work which was put in um isolation valves so that when we go forward with the work um we're not affecting the whole system so they'll go in um in a strategic order to go a classroom at a time and then we will that classroom be up and running by the next morning so we just about every classroom has a new one or no um there I don't have the exact plans in front of me but the classrooms yeah we have um roughly 45 to 50 more units to go throughout both schools and remove the existing and and reinstall so you we're waiting for more to come in is that correct okay we've been um alongside many people on on in this project pushing to get those units um and we've been as much as it's hasn't been successful at the beginning of the project because of the delay I will say that it's been pretty successful getting the units how quickly we were able to get them yeah thank you mhm other questions for Connor comments I'm going to say we also have our um architect Frank BBY from drg here thank you both for being here and for the updates not yes for the referendum but I'm going to say you have no idea Connor and I talk about a hundred times a day even when I was away um in the middle of the night first thing in the morning thank you for all of your efforts to get us back in the buildings I am not going to lie to all of you here and at home I had some doubts that we would be uh in this room together um but the tremendous effort of so many people brought us here tonight and um when we get to my comments later and some of the pictures you're going to see if you if you see what this room looked like just a week ago you you might not have been a Believer either um but thank you because we got everybody in on time for our new staff orientation on Monday for our welcome back for for our meet the teachers for our first day with students air conditioned fresh air um I'll talk about Ricky in a minute but with supplies delivered thank you both thank you thank you you at this time I'd like to call Mr TOA director of special services please Aaron there we go I didn't know which one he was going to put up first um so I have two presentations for us tonight the first is the 2022-23 local special education profile report this is the one that I get to present every year with 14 indicators from the Department of Education um indicator one is a secondary success indicator related to graduation rates and um because we're a prek to8 district we have no data available for this indicator indicator to is a another secondary success indicator about Dropout rates um the percent of individuals with special education programs who dropped down of high school and again because we are a prek to8 district we have no data available for this indicator indicator three look looks at achievement in ela and math it looks at participation and performance of children with individualized education programs on Statewide assessments so this chart Here Is the participation chart um you'll see fourth grade ELA participation 8th grade ELA participation um High School Ela participation which we have an N that means we have no data there a fourth grade math participation eighth grade math and high school math participation where you see the asterisk that means that our data from our district um is too small we don't have enough students with IEPs in a particular grade level that took the assessment um to report it publicly so it's protecting their privacy this is the way that the Department of Education gives the reports to the district the next slide is still indicator three and it looks at proficiency rates so the same areas fourth grade ELA 8th grade ELA um High School Ela fourth grade math and eth grade math it compares the local result results to the desired outcomes the state Target and gives us the difference in a percentage and this slide has proficiency for students that took the dlm the dlm is the dynamic learning map that's an alternate assessment that some students are eligible to take um for 22 23 we have no data reported by the state and this slide gives the proficiency gap for each of the proficiency areas on the previous slides indicator 4 a looks at rates of suspensions and expulsions um this indicator displays whether the department of of education has identified the district for having a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for students with disabilities and we have no data to display and 4B is still looking at suspensions and expulsions this one looks at whether a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspension and expulsion among students with disabilities is um in specific racial and ethnic groups and if the district policies and procedures contribute to that discrepancy and again we have no data for whatever reason this time they put a dash instead of an N um I don't know why in indicator five we're looking at least restrictive environment um in this indicator it's School AG children Age 5 through 21 who are in kindergarten through high school um and what settings they're being educated ated in so are they in the regular class for 80% or more of the day less than 40% of the day or in separate schools residential facilities or homebound Hospital placements and again that's compared to the state Target in the charts indicator six is looking at the same topic least restrictive environment but for our preschool age children are they being educated in a regular preschool setting a separate special education setting or a home home setting and comparing that to the state Target in indicator 7 um we were not in the preschool child outcomes cohort for the state of New Jersey in 2022 23 so we have no data to report indicator 8 um looks at parental involvement and for 20122 23 we were not in the state cohort so we have no data to report indicator 9 looks at Equity has the Department of Education identified the district for disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is a result of inappropriate identification and the results from the state say no and indicator 10 is also looking at Equity um has the department of Ed indicate the district for disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification and again the state has reported we have not indicator 11 is a compliance indicator um child fine this indicator looks at the percent of children that the district has evaluated within the state established timeline of 90 days from the date of parent consent for an initial evaluation the state Target is 100% And for 2022 23 our local results were 92.86% indicator 12 looks at um compliance again in early childhood transition this one is looking at the percent of children that are aging out of part C or early intervention services before the age of three who are found eligible for Part B or preschool services and have an IP in place by their third birthday uh the state Target is 100% And we have no data reported from the state indicator 13 is looking at secondary transition again this is um postsecondary in high school and because we are a preschool to eth grade district we have no data available to display but I like to put this one in because um for our parents that will be aging up with their kids to the high school at the age of 18 and above um IEPs need to include all of these components and indicator 14 is the last one um post School outcomes our students with disabilities exiting School prepared for work post-secondary education and independent living so again because we are a prek to8 district we have no data to display and our determination for federal fiscal year 20122 is that the district meets the requirements um the total points we were awarded on the bottom chart were 19 out of 20 possible points um so we scored an 86.4 for 2022 23 and there might there is one more good um so obviously we take all of this information that the state gives us um and releases every year and use it to plan for moving forward um in the areas that were outlined by the indicators and that's it for the first one do have questions on the report for Nicole could I just could I get a copy of one of those indicators the one that I don't know which one it was the number absolutely it's all available on the department of Ed website but we can absolutely send you the links um so not the presentation I just gave but there's a um a one-page like fact sheet on each one of the indicators what it's looking at um how the points allotted are totaled we can send you the link because I was looking at the ELA and the math scores and I really really wanted to see that absolutely it's really the one I'm interested in understand the whole what are the um meaningful indicators for you that we will take into account going forward to plan with of course um so achievement obviously is one of the indicators um are we educating our students with disabilities in the environments that are most likely to help them um learn and and make growth and Achieve closer to the State expectations um the one where I said the target was 100% And we had a 92 um that was the timeline um uh the child fine timeline Target um so again having a child study team at that time of 2.8 people in a district of 600 students um was challenging was very challenging um the notice that we got from the Department of Education in all of our computer software when we put in our timeline dates It'll ask us like if this was delayed why was it delayed and the state recognizes that we put in reasons for any delays that happened that satisfied their you know their findings okay so we have another presentation um the 2024 2027 language instruction educational program three-year plan um this plan comes to us in the form of 100 multiple choice questions for the most part um I will not be asking you all of the 100 questions but they're broken down into a number of areas that the plan must include um how do we identify multilingual Learners in preschool through 12th grade the um uh how do we describe our program the number of Staff we have the curriculum um the evaluation design uh how do we review the process for students exiting from ml status and then our budget so Aaron there we go um there is a multi-step identification process that includes a home language survey that can be taken at home over the phone or in person and can be done in um an adults primary language or in English there is a records review and a screen if applicable so when a parent registers a child online in Genesis that's the first step in our process um we have Genesis set up to alert a number of Staff in District if any parent registers with a home language or a primary language other than English um we all get an email automatically from Genesis that says you need to take the next step in this process um in addition to that as part of the registration process process our front office staff do meet with our families coming in um our classroom teachers are involved in the identification process our ESL teachers our building principles and our bilingual program coordinator or supervisor which is me our program the list on the top are all of the um program options for language instruction um the English as a second language only is highlighted because that is the program that we are currently using that meets the requirements for the number of students we have that are eligible for ML programs um and also the number of students and the languages that they speak the criteria for selecting the program um and placing students into the program is laid down in the description um the school schedules are coordinated to ensure that our students have access to the full curriculum and that our students are eligible to engage in the um school-based extracurricular activities that are available the last bullet I put there because a bilingual parent advisory committee is established and consists primarily of parents of multi-lingual Learners does not apply to us because we have an ESL program only the staff so this part of the plan talks about us having a plan um for hiring the appropriate number of certified teachers to staff the programs that we need um it looks at the total student size that was reported to the state in our New Jersey smart October 15th snapshot um at that time it also asked if we identify preschool students and the correct answer is yes because that's required um the district size as of October 15th snapshot was 20 students who were eligible for English as a second language instruction um um and this part of the plan also looked at the home languages of those students to make sure that we didn't meet requirements to change our program at all so at that time we had 77 total certificated staff members we had zero bilingual bicultural teachers um and we had two ESL certified teachers that were serving in the role of an ESL teacher um in this District sheltered English instruction training is not required of the staff and staff do participate in socio so socio emotional and or culturally responsive teaching and learning the curriculum so our multilingual Learners must be provided with Equitable education opportunities that assist them in achieving the English language proficiency and learning the content State Standards um so the curriculum uses the weda English language development standards as well as um allowing access to Advanced courses where applicable um again the next one I included because it does not apply to us um if we were a 912 District we would have to look at and answer additional questions about the state seal of biliteracy evaluation design um so this includes consultation with all stakeholders the review of formative and summative evaluations um District performance reports accountability profile the access for elll results um that are analyzed by the domain Reading Writing listening and speaking and also by grade um and the Essa indicator progress towards English language proficiency um for much of this we did not meet the N size of 20 students in ela or math in order to report on those progress indicators so while we had a total number of students at um total number of 20 students we didn't have um 20 students in each grade level or in each way that the data could be reported the last accountability year was 2223 and our multilingual Learners did not meet The Chronic absenteeism indicator um and I think this is an important one our general education teachers do have access to the weda access for l scores and ELP indicator data um so that it can inform their classroom instruction and students exiting from multilingual learner status they must demonstrate Readiness to exit the program that includes having a 4.5 or higher on the access for L's um that's scored on a Sixpoint scale and um the English language observation form once a student exits from ESL status they are monitored for 2 years to make sure that we made the right decision in exiting them from level of support and that there's no gaps in their content knowledge um the average time a student has spent in hour program here is 3 to four years 15% of our students that exited oh 15% of our students exited in the last three years um none of the students that exited were reidentified within two years of exiting and again we did not meet the N sizee to report on their English language arts or math achievement and the budget um State funds are used to support all of the areas that were given to us as possibilities in that um in the list for this question in 2023 24 we refused the title 3 allocation um we received no title 3 immigrant allocation and we do not typically carry over any funds that would support um multilingual Learners this plan is meant to um as an opportunity to help Educators review the academic needs of our multilingual Learners and the types of programs and supports we have in place for them um so that they have Equitable access to education activities and programs and that's it I summed it up in seven slides which is amazing a 100 questions I know and I will say thank you for both reports it was amazing and for the work like I know that the question are you know but thank you because it still takes the work I just want to also acknowledge that even though we weren't able to take the money last year the title three money and the Immigrant funds and you'll see it on tonight's agenda we were able to join a Consortium of other districts who didn't receive enough money so that this year we will have those funds and we will be able to to use them to support the program that is correct any other questions questions for Nicole comments you that's with the bed Minister group right that Consortium yes yes the Consortium okay no thank you oh thank you Nicole truly thank you I know it was long if you're staying you'll get to hear me talk about more of your summer don't have thank you so much all right now we're going to move on to our say there is not a need for there there's not a need for um an executive session this evening um now we're going to move on to superintendent remarks and District update I have Mrs kid are you doing that yeah I didn't know you were staying I told poor Denise was so tired she was so tired she asked that's why I was surprised to get you back I know I just texted my dad and told him to feed the dogs that I was going to fall asleep so it's all good for being here again every day of course of course so good evening everyone welcome to the new school year here this is a principal's report for both Bayberry and Valley View um we began the summer with a new staff orientation which was enthusiastically attended by our new staff members we are thrilled to welcome Ian caerle Mariam ridy McKenzie Fawn Kathy Zimmer Bianca Martino Hans wiberg Gabrielle Lombardi Katherine Katherine Keegan Ashley buer and Samantha Gale as our latest Watchung burough School District family members um we did have some staff that was busy um doing some prep work and starting to write over the some curriculum over the summer and we curriculum committee will show show more about that and you'll see on the agenda um that we have those uh members getting approved for their hours um our teachers return to school on Tuesday for the first of two inservice days um our staff enjoyed a breakfast on the first day generously provided by our PTO and Board of Education thank you so much it was such a nice treat um our days were packed with training and resources about the school the district goals mandatory safety training and so much more Bayberry was able to held hold their meet the teacher event on August 28th it was a great opportunity for students to find their classrooms and meet their teachers before their first day parents also met representatives from our parent organizations to get more information on how they support our schools they also had buses on site to allow students to practice buckling their seat bels students began the 2425 school year on Thursday today busy day at Valley View students were greeted with an updated main office they got to peek at the gorgeous art room an added bonus was the cafe Furniture generously donated and set up by the PTO and we were also excited to receive Vex robots from we for our robotics program and student planners for both schools from cpeg to help the students stay organized this year at Bayberry their first day of school went very smoothly including Transportation there were many smiling faces in the halls of Bayberry they staff is very excited to have the students back in school thank you to the bus volunteers that helped the students be safe and successful and comfortable on their bus routes the entire baby are staff worked tirelessly to have all the classrooms and school building ready for the students a special thank you to all of our custodial staff at both schools who despite many challenges and a lot of dust kept the school shiny and bright for our first day to greet our students the entire staff was thrilled to welcome the students to the start of the the school year the opening weeks of school will include lessons focusing on students social emotional health transitioning to the New Year team building and communication activities of course we're going to sneak in some class expectations and safety protocols as well have a great night we're looking forward to a great year thanks Karen and it really it was a lovely opening I I will talk about that too um just more briefly but truly thank you for staying I know you're I know you're tired no it's in my comments cuz I wasn't expecting you so I just will skip it in mine um Karen Bishop Johnson business administrator report okay so the business office despite working remotely this summer um did our year end review our accounting our adjustments and reconciliations uh normal business office stuff for a summer um we were able to Institute a new credit card payment option for parents um we hear it's working pretty well uh we've opened to just for Tech fees right now and prek tuition but we'll open it up to more fees in the future there is a cost to use using that so of course checks are still accepted and welcome if they want to parents um we processed over 200 purchases this summer and uh everybody seems to have gotten their supplies and are pretty um everybody seems to be happy with that we sent out free and reduced applications this week you may have seen them um i' like to ask people to please apply even if you're not sure if you qualify because the applications affect our state AIDS so if we could um do that that'd be great and I think that's it nothing else for the business office oh you guys work so they are small But Mighty let me just say you don't get to see them front and center very often most of what happens is behind the scenes trust me small But Mighty that's that's what I'm gonna gonna go with for this sounds good for today um so again Connor and Frank thank you um I uh Aon I don't know if you are ready so ladies and gentlemen that is what this room looked like last Thursday wow and somehow it was completely set up in here for breakfast on Monday it was ready for professional learning new staff orientation and our board meeting this evening it doesn't really seem possible and like I said if you had been here with us I'm not sure you would have been a Believer either thank you for everybody who um contributed I am going to give a special shout out also to uh Ricky Boyd our buildings and ground director and the entire custodial and maintenance team they are amazing under normal circumstances but when I tell you seven days a week long hours frustration that their work was blocked or had to be redone accepting deliveries delivering Mail remotely all with a single-minded focus on getting us into these buildings on Monday safely making sure that it was Secure for Bayberry and meet the teacher and today when we welcome back to all of our students um so you all know because there is a lot of work in these buildings um I did put it in the welcome back letter but I will say it here as well um we did do air quality tests in both schools for all different all of the allergens mold as bestest everything that you could think of before we allowed any of our staff or students back in the buildings on Monday both of the um building reports came back clear because we were here but I wanted to let you know that that was also um done by the um buildings and grounds Department it is not you heard Karen say this our teachers will tell you um it's not as shiny and perfect yet or the way we've come to expect it for me when I walked in it was like The Wizard of Oz it was like when it went from black and white to full color I think it's beautiful so all of you thank you for everything you have done what we still have to do we are grateful and Aaron back there um also have to acknowledge our Onan ban technology manager who somehow not just getting this done but managed to support every Chromebook iPad Smartboard projector here being at the board meeting um and just for fun as a a font of pop culture and movie quotes and keeps us all laughing which we appreciate um it was a busy summer not just with the construction Nicole didn't talk about this but we ran our esy program in Long Hill this summer as a shared service um even though you heard from Nicole on some other topics she and her team work diligently to collaborate with lill with our families to offer a seamless program and they offer also offered before and after care this summer with that program a big lift so thank you um as you know pretty excited about this we were successful in expanding our shared services agreement for busing with the wat Chung Hills Regional High School District a tremendous amount of time has been spent to review and address um the issues from the beginning of the last school year so they would not be repeated when we returned today and with some minor exceptions today was a really strong start I am thrilled to tell you that on the six routes we had last year all of our drivers elected to return to their students um it was pretty fun to see how excited the students were to see their drivers we were excited to see them as well um both bus companies ran their routes in advance they were prepared for our students today and at the meet the teacher event yesterday we had two buses one with the harness one with the lap belts for our students to practice buckling and unbuckling I I could not actually believe how many children wanted to be on the bus it was a lot of fun and as one dad said he shouldn't have promised ice cream the bus was good enough so that was that was another um positive and all of those things came from our conversations last year as well as our transportation Town Halls today we also were able to have certified parent volunteers riding the buses morning and afternoon that will also um continue tomorrow one of look at those faces I can't stand it that's from the buckling and unbuckling um we also have a new addition to um our team that's Kelly Shen Kelly is now the transportation coordinator K 12 really long day for her today we will have her in person another day but Kelly has more than 10 years of experience in the role of Transportation she's already contributed to what I will say has been a strong start today um to the busing year and we are already all looking forward to working with her welcome Kelly her contact information is going to be added to the website just a note for everybody if you have already sent us an email or a text or called about your bus stop or another concern we have already charted all of those um they will be reviewed you do not need to send her another email phone call whatever beginning Tuesday she Karen Karen myself um we are going to take each of those concerns we are going to be working with the bus companies we will be going to each of the stops that have been identified and on the routes where there are places where we need to be maybe um at a different stop area on another side of the street we will be doing that starting Tuesday we will make any needed changes to accommodate Safety and Security I also there's officer Mike that's a good time you what a bad picture of me hi officer mik um but I also want to thank um Chief Anderly who worked with me on what will be our first nixel alert reminding the community members that schools are back in session the laws for stopping for our buses when the you can keep going Aaron you don't have to stay on that one um when the lights are on and the arm is out we also had officers at each of the schools this morning Patrol cars on the road with the buses very successful partnership with our um uh wat changbo police I also want to thank our parents you know during all of our conversations last year during our transportation town halls there are concerns raised and people would say oh we called you you know and I kept saying what you need to do and you see something right see something say something please call the police nice face Caren kid um see something say something when you this is serious though so funny not that I don't appreciate the fun but this is serious what I'm about to say it's important we have asked everybody when you see something say something with an unsafe driver or an unsafe bus practice to please call the police and report it if you call me there's nothing I can do it's usually too late this morning we did already have a report of um an unsafe left turn we were able to address that immediately so thank you parents for following up on that it does make a difference I I know you don't think when I say those things that we mean it we really do mean it I will say even with all of this preparation there are still going to be some adjustments right to the timing to the routes maybe even to the stops um even in Genesis as you know we've told this in the past we're repeating it the times you see for this this beginning right they could be plus or minus 10 minutes either way don't think just because your bus wasn't there at 801 that you missed it just be patient please while we refine the roots and gain our consistency again with the schedule if there are any changes we will notify you um I did promise um Mrs bickner um and Miss Mrs kid although you can speak for yourself since you're here um this morning except for one bus everybody was in their classrooms on time this afternoon all the buses there and ready to go by 3:45 where's my frog parent who was positive I wasn't telling the truth home by 4:15 frog bus so um again that won't be a daily right we were lucky today with traffic we didn't have psse and G on the roads but very um very very pleased with how today went overall want to give a big shout out to Vince and hany from Durham bus company they were on site at the high school middle school and Bayberry this morning and this afternoon and for the input from both companies on the routing again we're very very fortunate to have our same drivers from last year they went through routing and went through already some changes our drivers today already with ideas of things we need to do they will go back to their supervisors and working with the transportation coordinator will be able to um continue to work on those those things so thank you to so many people um so many people that have made that happen we will continue every day until we get this to a place where we feel it's safe and consistent right and we'll continue these conversations if we need to um going forward Karen already shared about some of our opening events you got to see some pictures from new teacher orientation um from our professional learning um and from our opening day um again thank you to the PTO and our board of education for breakfast for the staff it it set such a lovely start to be able to welcome everybody um Manny spoke um for the board we had um PTO speak we speak um we will be um as Karen said accepting um grants tonight I'm glad to see people from we and PTO I don't know if cpeg made it there um but thank you and just um final comments I really want to this is my one-year anniversary by the way I don't know if you know that but I want to thank and acknowledge the Board of Education not just for Monday breakfast or whatever this board as a whole all nine members and um the three members that started with us have been committed to supporting not just the referendum efforts that you heard about today or making sure that Transportation was nothing like it was a year ago but a budget that's going to begin to stabilize the district's finances and a show of support for for our staff and for education and for each of the students here in wat Chung burrow I I know not everybody's here yet but thank you for believing in the possibilities and for working so very very hard to support um a vision and a tone for what education and what shung burrow can be thank you [Applause] thank you so much okay um thank you also Miss kid I think I said thank you but thank you again um we're gonna start with um uh committee reports policy committee um thank you Frank Miss uho if you can please help us out with that yep uh we have two virtual meetings this summer for the policy committee the first was on July 10th um it lasted from 5:13 to 6:40 p.m. and in attendance were Dr Glazer mof Dory Harvey myself Danielo and Phyllis jwet um we reviewed the following proposal uh policies uh P 4324 right to privacy this policy has been updated and is ready for a first reading um policy 44 21.13 post natal accommodations um we agreed to some updated policy language this one was not currently on file with with us and it's ready for a first reading uh policy 4432 sick leave um we are waiting to address this one uh until negotiations take place between the teachers union and and the district the district is covered by the current teachers contract so we don't want to change that until we know for sure what you know what the negotiations will bring um policy and regulation 5111 eligibility of Resident non-resident students um this is a revisit to potentially add on tuition transition years for fourth and eth grade um the committee is waiting on the feedback from Administration for dates to place into the policy if the feedback is given by the August policy meeting I don't think it was we didn't we were not sure we were going to Contin yeah okay um policy and regulation 5116 education of homeless children the committee agreed to the updated language and this is ready for first reading policy 5200 attendance the committee agreed to take the secondary school's information out of the policy language um and this is ready for a first reading regulation 5330 administration of medication the committee agreed to the updated language and this is ready for a first reading policy 5337 service animals the committee agreed to the updated language and it's ready for a first reading policy 5517 School District issued student identification cards um the committee agreed to wait and hear feedback from administr before proceeding to review this policy um because of what constitutes an ID card basically if the feedback is given by the uh was the feedback given Dr Glazer on the sorry the student IDs there there is nothing that we do with that currently yeah as we continue looking at Safety and Security that might be something down the road right okay um policy 5615 suspected gang activity uh committee agreed to the updated policy language and it's ready for a first reading and then 5570 sportsmanship um this is also uh ready for read-option as is uh things to follow up on policy 3261 dress and grooming the superintendent provided the committee with an update um based on the update the committee requested for feedback from the administration um and we'll hear from the next document because I forget what's written there what happened there um uh let's see honorary student achievement the committee decided not to adopt this policy because it doesn't apply to us that's policy 5440 policy 7510 use of school facilities um we need more time to work on the policy language for this one and we'll bring it back to the committee um policy 4161 Examination for cause left of left off first reading list in May this will be up for first reading and a yeah for tonight um potential board agend items um a couple of policies and regulations are on the agenda for a second reading but none of the committee members reive feedback from other board members um on any of the topics uh and then new business we talked about board goal a board goal of training um a Committee Member updated the committee on Gathering feedback from board members regarding organization and scheduling board training um and this was accomplished uh during the summer onward to the second policy committee meeting August 14th um from 5:11 p.m. to 5:42 p.m. this was also virtual in attendance Dr Glazer M free jury Harvey um and Phyllis jet uh and Manny I believe was in attendance I was absent um uh what was discussed policy 4218 use possession and distribution of substances the committee agreed to the option the added option and this will be on the agenda for for this evening policy 5755 equity and educational programs and services the superintendent will contact stess Esme to find out if the Board needs to vote to abolish the policy and if there is an additional policy to take place of this one um we'll receive feedback shortly uh policy and regulation 3212 attendance the committee agreed to the language and this will be on the agenda tonight regulation 6112 reimbursement of federal and other Grant other Grant expenditures to issued dates uh for this regulation so we agreed to the language in the current policy and this will be on the agenda policy and regulation 7102 site selection and acquisition this was currently missing from the from our website the committee agreed to the language and this will be on the agenda policy 8330 Student Records the committee agreed to this and it'll be on the agenda policy 8350 records retention same thing we agreed this will be on the agenda policy 5750 Equitable Educational Opportunity the committee agreed this will be on the agenda um policy 5841 secret societies the committee agreed to this language and it will be on the agenda um policy 5842 equal access of student organizations um the committee agreed to this language and it will be on the agenda uh policy and regulation 7610 vandalism revised the committee agreed to this new language and it will be on the agenda um there's nothing for followup potential uh agenda items there are a couple of new policies and regulations for second reading none of the committee members received feedback um and new business uh we received a legislative update from Dr Glazer um and we looked at a cell phone policy from another district and asked the committee to review it um uh and compare it to what we currently have in our next meeting um superintendent updated the committee on all back to school activities and that's it thank you all right now we're going to move on to person um this is Vince ska if you can please help us with that sure uh the Personnel committee had two virtual meetings one in July and when in August I'll start with the minutes for the July 11th meeting that was um at 5:30 p.m. for approximately an hour um with committee members U Mr fr uh Mr ingracia uh Dr Glazer and myself um there were items that were reviewed from Administration in relation to um vacation day carryover um there were discussions in relation to uh those eligible for contractual 5 days of carryover By Request um um there was also a discussion in relation to um Dr Glazer's um contractually entitled carryover um the board agenda items that were in discussion was the appointment for the Bayberry librarian for 2024 to 2025 the Valley View school nurse um um resignation that was received and um as well as the approval for the curriculum summer um the approval for uh summer curriculum writing um that's for grades K through four um for elll ELA math um grade five social studies science Ela math and then grades 7 through eth for health grades 6 through eth for phys physcal education in relation to um a new business the WEA negotiations were discussed as well as various Community um upcoming meetings that were required um and that pretty much uh sums up for July 11th I will transition over to August 15th uh this meeting uh took place at 5 45 virtually and met for approximately an hour um the committee members U Mr fr Mr Gracia Dr cazer and myself were in attendance um and so there were various Administration items that were reviewed um in summary there were various challenges to hiring staff um to find uh leave Replacements um both at Bayberry and Valley View um and on the um positive side there were several amazing candidates um and um but as they received 10e track positions or longer term leave positions um unfortunately we're losing them to other districts um and there was an ongoing commitment to continue the interview process and being quite hopeful that we would be uh fully Saed prior to the start of the school year which was today um and so um there were also additional discussion items um in relation to that um Bayberry librarian position for 24 to 25 again um the um nurse resignation from valy View and the various summer curriculum writing um there a continuance in terms of the wbea negotiations and again the discussion of community events that took place towards the um this this month tail end of this month um and welcome backs for staff and teachers and that is the summary for personnel committee thank you thank you um now we're going to move on to curriculum Miss shuet okay we also had two meetings one in July and one in August on Thursday July the 11th from 4 to 5:7 this meeting was held virtual and our members were myself Elis Jet Chair Dory Harvey was there ftim m Santa Administration and guests were Dr Glazer Karen kid from Valley View and Nicole doota our director of special services the committee reviewed the following agenda items local special education profile we just went through that there was a you know presentation today so we don't have to this is basically addressing grades 9 to 12 and that doesn't affect us now um NJ dooe language instruction education ational program that's the L three-year plan 224 to 227 that's that was presented tonight this address the ESL students where English is a second language and when our schools meet the criteria for additional resources chapter 27 emergency or remote instruction program plan will have a plan in place if we ever have to go remote in an emergency situation bberry school I has an experienced Library she's working on organizing the library and is interested in attending Watchung Library meetings sixth grade schedule principal kid developed a schedule to meet the needs of students transitioning to sixth grade students taking French or Spanish will be able to have equal amounts of time for PE study skills and the language of their choice curriculum writing right is in the preliminary stages it will be a work in progress during the school year and be ready for adoption by Spring this summer teachers are doing prep work reviewing programs for Math and Ela for grades K to 5 social studies and science for grade five health for uh grade 7 to8 and physical Ed for grade 6 to 8 and that was for that date now I have August 15th all right this meeting was held from 4: to 5:00 it was also virtual and and the committee members were myself phis Jet Chair Fus Santos via cell phone Manuel Gonzalez president Board of Ed via cell phone Administration and guests were Dr uh Julie Glazer Denise vickner Bayberry principal Karen kid Valley View principal items from the administration curriculum review is ongoing and up for approval in September Bayberry and Valley View professional development plan every teacher has a PDP professional devel Vel mment plan standards have been updated for reading and math weaknesses are targeted through professional development data used to me uh measure pro uh progress includes I ready assessments writing pieces and other uh assessments chosen by the teachers professional development is funded through grant money and titled two multi-year administrative goals are being uh drafted and we had potential board board agenda items the presentation of the uh special education Pro profile which we saw tonight presentation of the L p3e Board of Ed approval uh now we have Emeral emergency virtual or remote instruction pan approval McKinny vento agreement this law provides a homeless child access to school and this basically was what we discussed and then we had some new business and we went all through that already new staff orientation and welcome back and uh PTA meeting uh PTO and the parents meeting the teachers and regular Board of Ed meetings which is tonight and that's it thank you thank you um Mrs a can we have operations sure uh just bear with me I just realized I'm the only person from operations here I wasn't planning on reading this I I got them open if you want me to do it m okay um we also had two virtual meetings over the summer the first one was on July 9th in attendance was Dr Glazer Mr Gonzalez Connor O'Brien uh Frank BBY Dory Harvey myself Karen Bishop Johnson and Muhammad FR and Ricky Boyd um started around 5:15 I believe and it was about a 2 and 1/ half hour meeting um we obviously um got an referendum update I'm not going to go through all of it because we just got a much more upto-date update um but needless to say there was quite a lengthy discussion about the hbac delays and the culan efforts to get the units here um on time or as soon as possible um we also discussed um a special education program for autism for the grades 5 through 8 at Valley View we did discussed um the transportation and candidates for the coordinator position the consultant and what their roles would be um we discussed the upcoming negotiations um we discussed our liability insurance and also putting out an RFP for uh our strategic plan finally we discussed um the board recertification process we have might as well just update it now instead of later we are mostly there as far as getting our recertification we just need um finish the policy wellness check and get a little tiny bit more education credits and we should re-qualify and finally we discussed the October workshop and who would be going I'm happy to say everyone um with the exception of the two individuals who will be near the end of the term will be attending the workshop it's great to have that commitment from everyone our second meeting was on August 13th again was virtual started shortly after 5:00 p.m. and ran till 7:30 in attendance was Dr Julie Glazer Mr Gonzalez Connor O'Brien Frank BBY Dory Harvey myself Karen Bishop Johnson Mo FR um and Ricky Boyd again we discussed the referendum received updates as to where all the projects were at um we also discussed um some extra help for the business office which I believe is on the agenda tonight uh we discussed transportation and going back out to bid for some extra buses which we did and they started today discuss again the transportation coordinator um we had an update from the business office we discussed the out of District contracts that we're getting the Spectrum contract um we discussed the the increase in the hours for the clinic uh CST that we are also on the agenda tonight we discussed the donations from both we and cpeg so thank you uh we're updated on the online payment options that have been added for parents I believe us the pay schools um we discuss conquer math trainings for 2025 again we discuss the uh request for proposal for strategic planning and um again acknowledge that we have negotiations coming up with the teachers union in January that's it thank you I owe you lunch um so now we're going to have uh we're going to move on to board liaz on reports there's a couple uh board members MERS who are not present tonight um so I'm going to go to um Somerset County uh school boards Association s y there are two training events coming up that I am hoping to attend so I can report back um but Others May find this interesting as well on October 10th in the evening there is a um hybrid meeting on uh the potential of AI in education and preparing schools for future for a future with AI is that that's October 10th October 10th mhm um and then on November 18th in the evening there will be um a meeting on improving School climate for students a little bit more General um so I'm hoping to attend both I think the ai1 might be really interesting and phis has already registered for that one too from our policy committee so you can maybe you can collaborate there too awesome that's it okay great thank you so much okay and we're going to do just uh one more because again oh no we're going to also do one with you Dr GLA um so um Miss G if you can give us a school boards Association update sure um not much to update over the summer except just to make sure that everyone's aware that our field represent field representative has changed it is no longer Gwen Thorton is now Patty Reese and she's available by email and by phone Gwen was promoted to the director for so I feel like I need to say it's not like she disappeared congatulations she was promoted um to a Statewide level um doing uh professional directing professional learning for boards for the state that's awesome it she was wonderful and she'll be missed is wonderful she when if you heard that you're wonderful you'll be missed um if we can move to um my eyes are crossing mujc the Morris Union joint CH commission this um liaison report um for whatever reason was not on all of last year I don't know if you know this but I am a board member of Morris Union jointure I go to monthly meetings um and there hasn't been a report we are um a Consortium it's not just me as the board I think there 20 superintendant from Morris County in County right um and because we are taking advantage of those special education right services and partner with them I'm one of the board members by virtue of that our first meeting is coming up in September and I'll start sharing information from them that's awesome thank you very much now we're going to move on to community engagement um if anyone here's I have an update from the Somerset County Educational Services Commission from Dory Harvey you go okay they had a meeting of the representative assembly and board of directors on August 7th Mr Harold dun svage gave his superintendent report their extended school year program was underway and providing services to almost 70 students this year which is an increase of nearly 30 students experienced staff members will instruct and Council students to provide a supportive extension of the regular school year in addition with the increased number of intakes conducted throughout this summer it is anticipated that they will start with a strong number of student enrollments in September they are in process of relocating their special education transportation department from the central office to a new location the leasing of the space was necessitated due to the growth and expansion of the program this will enable them to continue to add additional Personnel to meet District demands in addition their non publicpublic programs department will be relocating to a new space as well this will enable them to repurpose their former office space at the school into an additional classroom for their incoming students it is estimated that the school facility modifications for additional classrooms next summer could cost around $500,000 they are in investigating the cost of replacing the roof and this could range from 800,000 to 1 million all items under their Finance transportation personnel and policy past they are all available for the public to review since it is a public board meeting and the next meeting will be on October 7th or sorry October 2nd that's it thank you very much okay now we're going to move on to community engagement if we can have someone from PTO someone hello Daryl Eisenberg connecton I'm this year's PTO president um we got started right out of the gate this week on Tuesday we helped cater the welcome back breakfast with the teachers alongside the generous uh work of the Board of Education yesterday was meet the teacher at Bayberry and PTO staffed a table in the APR to rally the troops for parent involvement in volunteerism and some candy for the kids to draw them to the table um and we're looking forward to all the usual fall activities with the PTO um hopefully food sales will be live pretty soon class parents sign up uh hopefully a fall food truck event um and some other events coming so we'll be back every month with updates um and when we have uh upcoming PTO meetings we'll of course invite the administration board of education is welcome to join us um and we'll keep you posted of all of our activities this year thank you thank Youk you thank you uh anyone from we y hi every everyone welcome back you too Angela mey with W Chung Educational Foundation and I just want to thank everybody and I'm just amazed at all I heard about all the construction I know that's probably a private citizen comment but just on behalf of we I know in the students I'm really happy to hear everything that's been done in the all the work on the schools so I'm excited to actually see that we have partnered with a couple of things we had a new issue uh this year we partnered with the burough on a block party event which we had which was a lot of fun and it was kind of a a new twist for a fundraising event and we're going to continue to explore opportunities with them to do future fundraising so that was really a fun thing over the summer one of the things that you're all expecting is our Trunk or Treat we have that on October 26 on Saturday so mark your calendars I know that's a a fun event for everybody and looking to nov we have our friends giving which is kind of our give back to the school here and then in Bayberry we have the pretzel delivery there and as was already mentioned we worked with Mrs kid on the robotics program to upgrade their whole robotics program they were able to start for this year and we also had uh I don't know if it had been mentioned previously some musical instrument expansion for drum and the stand and things like that anyway we look forward to continuing with our grants and partnering with you and the teachers and the schools to continue the extracurricular activities and and financing for some of those things that the schools are not currently able to afford thank you thank you we've talked about this at previous meetings but since Angela's here they also funded um our adventure program being reinstated so when the Valley View gym is complete um The Adventure Course people will come and reinstall everything so that program will be returning for our fifth through e8th grade students absolutely we could not have done that without you thank you thank you absolutely and we'll be excited I know you're excited to see it I know the train I think they've done the training actually for the so yes um the training has has happen teacher was trained but now we have to get the equipment back and I'm hoping Connor I hope you're hearing me I'm hoping that in um October we're going to be able to invite the community in um ribbon cutting I don't know what to call it a showcase um and by then we'll be able to also showcase the return of the adventure yeah and I I know that was that was one of my son's favorite thing when he was here is that whole Adventure Course so I'm glad that's being upgraded and continued so I'm glad to be a part of that may I ask what is the adventure program I'm oh it's a kind of a ropes course it's a all sorts of different things to challenge the students it it's part of the gym class and I think they use it outside of the gym class and it's a whole multipurpose challenging like they have ropes all sorts of adventure thing rock climbing type things that they don't normally have and it's it was a very specialized equipment and what had happened is over the years they had really the it had deteriorated to a point where it wasn't safe and so what they did is provided a a grain of around it was around 20,000 I think for that professional learning equipment and uh so that that's entirely upgraded and so it's it's something that all the kids really love and look forward to in the class so I know you have a new fifth grader so it is for every every child here at Valley View participates it's through as as we said through the PE program but there's also through the club and that they they learn from class they extend that to hiking and some other kinds of it's just so different than like playing dodgeball or not not downplay all the other wonderful things you do in gym class but it's just a little step up we're thrilled to be having it return thank you fantastic thank you great thank you good night Angela uh anyone here from CAC than seeing that there's no one here from CAC we're going to move on to comments from from the public on agenda items only we welcome input from the public there are two times during the meeting when the public is invited to speak the first opportunity to comment on the agenda items is now the second opportunity for the public comments is towards the end of the meeting total time allotted for public comment is 30 minutes before you make your comment please state your name and Municipality of residence in the event it appears the public comment portion of the meeting May exceed 30 minutes the presiding officer May limit each statement made by the participation by participant to 3 minutes in duration our public forums are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather are offered as opportunities to share input with the board in instances where the board feels the response is needed the presiding officer or superintendent will address the comment New Jersey statutes do not permit the board of to discuss Personnel or hiring public session names of students should not be used members of the public should consider their common in light of their legal rights of those affected and identify their comments and be aware that they are personally legally responsible with potential liability for comments that they make to the board the board shall not be liable for comments made by members of the public seeing that there's no comments from the public we're going to move on to action items um I'm going to start from the left misso can you please move administrative action items yep I move um administrative items one approve minutes of previous meeting two approve special education placements three approval of contract with the NJ commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired four approval of mckin vento Education of homeless children and youth program Lea General intent collaborate that's it second second discussion roll call please miss Ken B Johson yes um this is Amadeo yes Mr Gonzalez yes Mrs jet yes Dr vinc Kua yes this is agero yes everyone oh my goodness ABS what happens when wait for a summer giving names right know everyone else is absent everyone else is absent yes Mr motion passes Mr yes motion passes thank you um Dr Vincent SC can you please uh move Personnel items sure um I'd like to move items under B Personnel item number one approve appointment of leave replacement teachers item number two I reading from the wrong one am I reading from the wrong one there was a no there's a number one one approve renew that was you're might be in an old thank you we got each other's back thanks for that we sure do um coming back item number one approve renewals and salaries for administrators revised item number two approve appointment of leave replacement teachers item number three approve appointment certific uh certificated staff item number four approve appointment non- certificated staff item number five approve Bayberry School volunteer item number six approve before after Care staff number seven reappointment substitutes 2024 to 2025 school year item number eight appoint District substitutes 2024 to 2025 school year item number nine approve School summer curriculum writers item number 10 approve Special Services office staff item number 11 approve leaves of absences item 12 accept resignation item 13 approved termination of employment contract and that's the final item second any discussion roll call please yes one question you have one question about the Bayberry School volunteer is that um is that like an aid so this person has been volunteering for a number of years which is kind of nice um the person um actually works right with Miss D TOA to to be part of the program a beloved volunteer okay Dr Vince Kua yes Mrs J MH yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mrs agero yes Mr Gonzalez yes okay motion passes okay um Mr go could please move to operations and finance sure I move under operations Finance one approve payment of bills two approve transfer of funds 2023 to 2024 three accept Financial reports four approve grants from Wong Educational Foundation five accept donation from maang ceg six approve Grant from the school's Health Insurance Fund seven authorize application submission and accept allocations for individuals with disabilities Education Act or idea Part B and preschool eight approv title 3 fund Consortium with Bedminster Branchburg and South boundbrook School Districts 9 authorize the application submission and acceptance of allocations for elementary and secondary Education Act Esa Title 1 a title 2 a and title 4 part a 10 except 2024 2025 extraordinary Aid 11 approve Property and Casualty Insurance renewals 12 approve annual petty cash accounts 13 approve parent contract for student transportation 14 approved agreement with pay schools 15 approved payment application 16 approve payment application 17 approve payment application 18 approve payment application oh you lunch again 19 approv payment application 20 approved payment application 21 approve professional developmentschool business and related expenses 22 approve additional hours for the child study team members for summer 2024 evaluation case management revised 23 approve esy special education instructional staff revised 24 approve stipend positions and that's it second any discussion would it be possible next time for all the different approved payment applications next time something like that happens to say approved payment application for X so that we know what they are as we're reading them out just so it's clear for audience like to have that written into the document if you read the resolved part you would see approve payment application number two to H&S construction for Bay bearing value right just knowing that you have to read it yeah right there's no way to simplify it as a highlight just knowing that we read these just these high level pieces for people who are watching you know so they understand what it is you yeah you so you're saying put it in she could no no you don't have to no I think it's fine just you know it's it's unclear it's it's because we weren't here all summer so we're basically instead of paying one month we're paying two months but for each each of the or you know two months approving each project so one Bayberry one valy view hbac for both so okay I think what you're sharing is just maybe um as part of the title that it may be like item number 19 was in relation to the application number three to the north Eastern interior services for toilet room we could do that might be a little lengthy right good one the best one roll call please sorry you ready for your you ready yes all right let me just get to my okay okay um Mrs Amadeo yes there many people missing Mrs jet this include the Ba's report because I went we went through it so fast that was all in here right the operations report except Financial reports was that was all through that's the first numbers yeah I know I think I'm looking at you know how we had to correct the uh but what I wanted to do um yeah except the report I'm going to stain on that only because I didn't have enough time to go through all this and I really felt I wasn't doing my due diligence if I didn't so I'm just going to obstain on that and which one which number three except Financial reports but everything else you're a we have enough votes to pass that Financial reports it's an exstension isn't to no okay so we're okay on okay okay uh Mrs AG Arrow yes Mr Mr Gonzalez yes incia and Dr vinc SCA yes motion passes okay um m jet can you please read policy oh I'm sorry curriculum I'll do oh what am I doing all right now the way I have it on here is I have curriculum one Li 3year plan approval MH is this correct okay just want to make sure it's on on the right one uh two is emergency virtual or remote um instruction program plan approval and approve the 2023 2024 chapter 2 7 emergency or virtual instruction plan than second any discussion you call please okay uh let's see Mrs jet yes Dr vinces Kua yes Mr Gonzalez yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mrs aglia yes motion passes okay I'm gonna I'm going to do a policy um um I move one first reading and I move two second reading the easy ones for myself just kidding um is there a second second any discussion roll call please Dr Vin Mrs agara yes Mrs Amad yes Mrs jet yes Dr Vince Kua yes Mr Gonzalez yes motion passes okay great um so now we're going to move on to board business the report okay um and now we're going to move on to comments of the public one more time no okay no comments to the public may I have a um motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I right this meeting has adjourned okay thank you right by it's a long agenda and we're done like e e