##VIDEO ID:GdFeN4_9meY## e e e e e e e e e e e a call to order for a Wong burrow Board of Education uh meeting on Thursday September 19th 2024 um all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of The Bu of Wang please be advised that this and all meetings of the board are open to the public and media consistent consistent with the open public meetings act chapter 231 laws of 1975 and at the advanced notice required there in has been provided this is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of The Bu of Wong at which formal action may be taken this meeting is being live streamed on the district website where a recording of the meeting will also be posted the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the board recording or photographing other than for personal private use requires the consent of parents/guardians whose children may be included in the image Karen Bishop can I have a roll call please yes Mrs agle Arrow here Mrs Amadeo here Mr fr here Mrs Harvey here Mr Ang Gracia is absent Mrs jet here Mrs Santos here Dr vincis Kua here and Mr Gonzalez is currently absent all right we're going to move on to presentations we have a presentation from leg Legacy construction management uh from Conor O'Brien good evening um I know it's uh it's been about two and a half weeks I think or so maybe three weeks since the last time so um just want to give a quick update um with some of the progress that we've made and just get an update on some of the um work that we still have ahead of us so um this projects that we're still with are the HVAC the toilet room upgrades the media center renovation the front office office Renovations as well as the security um in the front um the existing hbac uh continues to be operational with the fresh air and AC talk the mic what's that talk the mic oh sorry hold it is it better now okay so um the existing hbac continues to be operational um the media center uh we met last uh the last meeting uh we are pushing to have that uh ready for uh the 15th of September um we do have um some delays but we expect right now that to be turned over to the libarian at the end of uh the day September 30th um the building and electrical we had inspections today for the above ceiling and both of those passed for the media center they're up there right now closing up the ceiling um so we can continue moving forward um with the floors uh that will be finished being closed up uh by the end of the week uh the flooring and the casework is going to be casew work's already upstairs but the flooring will be delivered over the weekend um and start over the weekend as well as starting Monday um painting will also follow right behind as well as um doing the case work so it's a lot of work to do in a small little area but we fully expect that by the end of next week um and turning over with it fully clean so the librarian can get in there start loading the shelves with her books and everything else that need she needs to do um the art room um we did make some adjustments and those of today I know uh possibly some people might go in there later um it is now at a comfortable uh setting um so that is able to be back and have a functioning classroom um we've also um had a conference call with the districts controls vendors um that does the BMS system which Ricky controls every of the units um we're supposed to have that room uh on his system tomorrow um if everything goes uh well um with their setup tomorrow morning um the HVAC project as stated uh previously we did have some delays um but those unit ventilators um will start being installed on this upcoming Monday um we will start at a slow pace just to make sure that everything goes well and we have to take out those units and we have to make sure it's up and running the next day um as there's no swing space for any classrooms um we do have contingency plans set up uh for a unit but um we hope to not use that um so we're going to do one for the first day and that will ramp up to uh several units a night it will be done only second shift or on the weekends the weekends may have more than a few units as we can uh work both the Saturday and Sunday to get additional units done um the next day again the class will be safe to hold class um and we will be making sure this contingency plans put in place um there go um also in the next several weeks uh there'll be coordination between between uh Ricky uh Legacy H&S which is the H contractor as we prepared for this heating season to make sure everything is in working order as we did go in here this summer the units removed so we have to make sure that's in working order it is warm right now but it has to be ready for October 15th by law and we're going to make sure that's in place other project notes um we have communicated we know um there's already been one back to school there's also um several coming up next week there'll be no work at the those schools at those nights it's already been coordinated with the principles as well as to the contractors and Legacy the on-site project manager does go to that school uh before uh it starts to make sure nobody is there um by mistake um as we go through the classrooms and work on second shift there is communication with the principles a minimum of 48 hours to let them know what classrooms we're going to be in um making sure that they are cleaned um there has been some adjustments has um there been a ladder left in one of the rooms but we we made sure that moving forward stuff like that doesn't happen um coordinating with Ricky and his team in the morning there was also a separate project tied to the referendum but we um the school took advantage of the psng program to do uh two Replacements of the rooftops here uh we are scheduling with them to get it they have all the parts they have all the the roof curbs that they needed uh we just need to find a day that works when there's nobody here um because they have to Crane two units up on the roof and they have to Crane the two existing units off the roof so we're trying to find a day we believe we did uh find a day once the school was closed just waiting for confirmation back but they're available um and then these are just some of the photos this is the new Duck work that's in the gym that's here at uh Valley View um that's the casework that's um display case that's in the art room this is upstairs in the media center these are from not current like there now this is also from the last time we had meetings a lot of the ceiling is up that is a small sopit that has a darker uh ceiling tiles that's a different that's the uh the room off to the side of the media center that's just the shelving in the corner that's just a a piece of duct that's not there anymore that was just in the picture um that's a view from one of the sides of the media center again not not a current to what it is right as we stand here now but that's just a progress photo from the last time just the opposite view picture um this is at uh Bayberry uh again the right yeah the duck work being installed this is at one of the bathrooms this was a new heater that got installed in one of the bathrooms um and this is the ongoing with the ex exhaust fans some of the roof work that had to get done they're up there as well tonight making sure it's all flashed in and there's no leaks around the new exhaust fans um now also I know with the project there was some programs and some Community um programs that were tied waiting on our work to be finished so I will give it over to Dr Glazer to give an update with some of uh those programs a little good news right we'll get there it is all good news even though we're still doing this work um we are in the building successfully even though some is uh more delayed than we would like um again we are in our buildings successfully with um for the most part little disruption um unfortunately Valley View is not going to have the media center for back to school night and we won't have the display cases in the art room prepared for back to school night right but if that's the worst I'm okay um we have talked a lot about the gym and the work in the gym um we were a little concerned recently no problem again with instruction or during the school day but some of the other things that need to happen in there floors painting duck work and I am excited to say that I have gotten confirmation that they will complete that um even maybe a little before the schedule they gave us um we will see our first facility use fors I know you've probably been missing that but our first facility use fors will have um the volleyball program starting I think it's October 21st which is very exciting um I believe basketball starts November 11th also very exciting um we have the reinstall of the adventure course that we um so generously donated the week of November 22nd and we are hoping to do a ceremony to reintroduce that to the community that week before Thanksgiving so that is all exciting news um and just an add to you know what Connor talked about starting the HVAC units you know that we had a significant delay in the delivery in June um I don't know if those last six units got here today they were supposed to but except for those six units I can confirm that everything made it here um and is ready to um have the Mechanicals put in and they are starting Monday right at Bayberry to start to install that so also good news you know me I always want to end start and end with the good news thanks Connor I know you can hear us you can hear it in our voices we're here every day we're here late and early um but it's coming together and you should be very very proud um of what it looks like it's hard from Conor's pictures but I know um some of you have come for the committee meetings through the main offices and the secure entrances it really is um coming along and looking beautiful and we're hopeful to invite the full community in before the winter break before the winter break um so that they can share some of that excitement okay any questions I was just wondering when you have any idea like when the HVAC system they all be in so um part of the HVAC project was the chillers that was always long rout because of how long that lead time was and I believe I mentioned one of the meetings um but it's also on the contract schedule that that final chillers weren't coming until almost Springtime we did get them procured sooner contractor is has them available sooner but we got to schedule that because those are big big units um so this have to be coordinated properly um there so that's the longest thing and then as I said we're going to start with one UV make sure it goes in and out without a without a hiccup and then we'll ramp up the the the production on that to get them in but I have to make sure the schools there's no room so I have to make sure it's we don't do too much and then I cause an issue and then you know we don't have the the chance to take I'm thinking like the end of October I mean end of September that some of them will be in and running no we're we're starting Monday yeah Monday said that yeah Monday is going to be the first one that goes in um I I as I stand here I don't think we're going to run into an issue doing the one but we have to you know we have to make sure we have to take it slow there's electrical work that gets done with the plumbing work all in the same night control work there's there's multiple trades and then we got to get the unit out so there's a lot to be done have heat by the time it gets cold no they'll have the um like I said we're going to test the heat system there's valves put in place so we can isolate just that single unit that we're taking out so the heat will be up to that to the unit once they reconnect it they'll open up the valves and the heat will be right in it yep thanks okay thank you thank you Conor that's me you ready for me that we're going to move on to the student safety data reporting for the 2023 2024 school year CER yep so um you see on the agenda the it's called the student safety report we are required every year to present this um from last school year and what this report details it's a report that goes to the state its incidences of violence vandalism substance abuse weapons and confirmed hivs um violence is defined as assault fighting kidnapping robbery extortion sexual assault sexual contact UM simple and criminal threats vandalism is defined as arson computer trespass damage to property false public alarm theft and trespassing as you'll know you don't see any of those except for the um confirmed hivs um there were no confirmed hivs or incidences as defined in the um administrative code at Bayberry however there were two incidences that required students to be removed and by removed um that could be suspension expulsion any any of those um serious consequences and that is reported to the state also they do monitor that um and there are even rules for how often students can be suspended or expelled um at Valley View there were three incidences and three confirmed hibs um again as defined however seven incidences that required students being removed and I just want everybody to understand that the number of incidents I think you can see that clearly differs from the total number because sometimes you have multiple offenses that are selected in the report for the same occurrence okay so that's why those are different um as a followup to this report both buildings um now get to get to I know you don't believe that but get to engage in an HIV self assessment it's an online program that the schools use um to make sure their efforts to implement the anti-bullying Bill of Rights is in place it gives us the opportunity as a district um to reinforce and strengthen our HIV prevention and intervention programs um you'll hear a little bit later during the policy committee report we also um use it to review our policies and practices That's the basis of the HIV grades that you see on the district website and what Mrs doota who is our anti-bullying coordinator reports on twice a year so that's that's what you see on our agenda questions about what that is or when's the next report from Mr TOA so after this report comes the HIV self assessment I honestly don't know what the deadline is um to complete that um the state tells us when we report it is twice a year could be I don't think it's the October board meeting though I think it's maybe November or December and then for sure May or June is always the other one because we get our HIV grades back other questions I think you're up to enrollment right even though we haven't had enrollment on the agenda every month because it doesn't change and there's nothing to report we felt like here at the beginning of the school year you might be interested to know how many kids at um each grade level as you can see um our enrollment does still remains stable we are up um four students overall um and again you can see by grade level um where where we're at uh kindergarten in that for those same numbers right 56 last year and 72 this year obviously um class sizes haven't grown by 10 kids you have extra section um and everywhere else you can see um where those sections have moved at Valley View I know before I came um you know we talked about changes in enrollment um but again you can see that that's very stable as you hit the fifth through eighth grades and of course are out of District placements and Denise is here too for her report so if you have any questions um on the enrollment at least for Bay barri or For Me overall I see it Danielle I'm C this is potentially a conversation we could take offline I'm just curious to know um About Preschool enrollment and um what the difference is between uh actual admitted versus the interest but that that's perhaps number I can well and I just will answer it generally and I do think it's perhaps a larger conversation but you can see it's stable because we only have two classroom spaces we have a lot more interest right than this number of students our preschool is an integrated preschool program meaning it is a special education program and then um similar peers right are able to pay tuition to fill the rest of the seats we have a lot more interest than seats and unless we don't have classrooms right so if you're following in the state over the last couple years there are opportunities to expand preschool programs um in the conversations that I've had in the year that I'm here um it hasn't been something that people want to pursue because they want their kids in the same school right at Bayberry we don't have space at Bayberry the options for um expanding would be to partner with the existing private preschools would be to rent space right where there are classrooms that we could use and that has not been um has been not been well received when it's been brought up so long answer but definitely more interest than spots that get you for now were you for now for now okay we're up to session okay this time we're going to go into executive session the open public meetings Act njsa 10 colon 4-11 permits the Board of Education to meet in a Clos session to discuss certain matters now therefore be it matter rendering confidential by federal or state law student matters pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations and or matters of attorney client privileges specific prospective or current employees unless all who could be affected request an open session second we'll be back um second second I heard it say e e we're going to move on to superintendent remarks I am G to start off but then we're GNA um hear from Denise um the first thing on the agenda is our retirees we have three retirees um on the agenda tonight we want to wish them uh much congratulations and best wishes for a happy healthy enjoyable retirement um Cindy Scalera has been employed since uh 2021 as a district school instructional resource aid but she's been with the district for 12 years her students and co-teachers will miss us miss her and we'll miss her also when she leaves us right after Halloween Kathy DeFranco has been employed since 1999 first is a Bayberry um Elementary School instructional Aid then is the secretary at Bayberry and and now Valley View um we have been grateful she was able to start her career in wat Chung and stay with us through her whole career Kathy's commitment to the students and family and Community will be missed when she leaves us after Thanksgiving and uh finally tonight Martha Riley U Martha has been employed since 2012 with us as a music teacher at Bayberry and in that time she has left an indelible mark on grade levels of students um they have fond memories of playing the recorder lots of concerts and plays Martha is going to be with us for the remainder of the school year and of course she will be um missed greatly when she begins her retirement in July excuse me um Miss Victor principal's report I have water I know I have water all right good evening everyone Denise vickner Bayberry principal I have a pretty short update here so um we are off to a strong start with a variety of academic and social emotional activities at both schools at Bayberry we held our first all school meeting on September 9th we all gathered in the APR we chanted our School cheer went over school rules and sang a song on being a learner um we were getting ready for our I ready diagnostic students were encouraged to be more awesome which is kind of our theme this year I say it every day on the announcements um and I explain to them what this means is that every day we should all be working hard to learn and get better at something each day uh Valley you will show their school spirit with a mountaineer Monday pep rally on Monday the 23rd last night we was back to school night for our second third and fourth grad graders at Bayberry and it was a huge success next Wednesday September 25th is back to school night for preschool kindergarten and first grade Valley views back to school ns are held next week as well September 24th for grades 5 and six and September 26th for grade seven and eight students at Valley View had picture day yesterday and Bayberry picture days are next Thursday and Friday I'll send a reminder out uh order forms also were sent home La uh this week we sent them home uh students in grades K to8 have been working hard on completing their irate diagnostic assessment in reading and math once completed students will be assigned an individualized learning path and teachers will utilize the data to plan for instruction on Monday September 30th we will have a title one and multilingual learn parent meeting at 6:30 in the Bayberry Media Center uh we hope to see you there that's it I'll be there thank you and thank you for staying with us miss vickner see you tomorrow long um okay sorry Connor was asking a question I wanted to make sure I could answer him um Karen business administrator report um okay business office is business as usual um opening up the school year that entails writing many purchase orders encumbering a lot of money and also paying the bills for um July and August that's what we're doing now paying actually July August and September all at one time because our systems I I know I think I said this a couple weeks ago June is the longest month of the year it's our year end we keep it open for a solid month month and a half after the date so so now we're scrambling to pay July bills August bills and September bills all at once so that's that's pretty much what we're doing we are also getting ready for our annual audit which will be taking place the week of October 14th so we're starting to prepare documents and all the things one has to do to prepare for an audit sounds like fun thank you so you heard a bit from Miss vickner indeed we have had a strong start to the school year at both Bayberry and Valley View in addition to the back to school nights we look forward to seeing you I promised at the PTO food festival next Friday September 27th um from 4: to 7:30 I think um they have sounds like wonderful trucks we have the flyer on our uh Community page it's on your PTO page come out and support should be a lot of fun um transportation also a strong start very different from last year thank goodness um in the first weeks of school we've been able to address individual concerns and have been able to make some routing changes early on for safety um we are also grateful to the mayor and the burough for committing to clear grass and shrubs at some of the stops to make for a safer space for people to stand and clearer sight lines for drivers our new K to2 transportation coordinator KY Sheen has hit the ground running in these first 3 weeks and she's only been here 3 weeks but it I know the feeling probably seems like forever um she has been running the routes to address concerns she's been working with both bus companies to make these initial changes and now she's working to actually follow the roots in our Zonar System think you remember we we can actually see in real time um the buses so she is using that Zonar System with the new routes to refine the timing um and we expect that realistic morning and afternoon times are the next changes you'll see in Genesis you will receive a message well in advance of any changes we hear you if you can hear me I we heard you um I also just want to share um and this is um sad news so changing a little bit in tone our initial consultant Mr Jerry Ford who many of you met um and spoke with who you also heard speak at our town halls in just the past couple weeks has died suddenly and we want to offer our condolences to his family and his colleagues it was a big shock to everybody um on the agenda tonight I need to call your attention to a date change on the district calendar the county has alerted us that even though Eid is celebrated over several days the official observances um seem to be pretty consistently locally Monday March 31st so we will approve that change and also um have the observance um here in the district on Monday March 31st we will be closed for students on that day and of course any staff members um that um observe and celebrate and would like to take that day um we will be putting out our information on no homework no assessment um evenings and days along with our um calendar after we re approve it tonight that's it here thank you okay we're going to move on to committee reports uh Personnel um Mr fr actually I think Jen has it no gave you the public ones okay do you want she okay do you want I mean I can I'll read it no worries um the Personnel committee met on Thursday September 12th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in attendance were myself Mohamed FR Anthony and Gracia and Jennifer vinc Kua and Dr Glazer uh so we discussed the exposited certificates that the county thankfully helped us to get um so big thank you to them because they did it super fast um we also discuss the approval of before and after Care staff the approval of the pursuit of Excellence the approval of mentors um mentors are people who receive uh or receive training to provide mentorship for provisional staff um that plan is also on the agenda for approval um we also are approving EXT or on the agenda for approval is extracurricular positions and they are posted by interest in need and then the three retirements which were all just read uh and that's all thank you and now we're going to move on to curriculum U Mr okay uh this was Thursday September 12th from 4:00 to 5:30 um I was there Phyllis jwet Dory Harvey was there Fus Santos came in virtually Mohammad uh our vice president came in virtually also Administration and guests with Dr Glazer was there Denise vickner Bayberry principal came in virtually Nicole dtoa director of special services was virtual and Karen kid was there from Valley View items from the administration principles kid and ficner updated the committee regarding the progress of curriculum development that occurred over the summer at Valley View the physical education curriculum was completed according to State requirements the health curriculum for 7th and e8th grade was flipped 7th grade will be doing General goal setting and eighth grade will focus on diseases the reasonings for this is that the eighth graders will be going to high school and should be made aware of transmittable diseases prin uh parents will be receiving a letter prior to when the comprehens of Health curriculum units will be studied Lifeline awareness has been added to the seventh grade Health curriculum which focuses on suicide awareness students will learn what science to watch for and suicide prevention the fifth grade science curriculum has been updated with more to be added whatever was eliminated will be taught in the upper grades this will allow the fifth graders to concentrate on topics more in depth in English language arts all standards were updated narrative writing has been added to the curriculum social studies was re written a few years ago and textbooks were purchased the fifth grade math curriculum separated the data and measurement domains to allow for greater understanding in each area outdated standards were removed the focus being on accuracy and efficiency in grades K to 5 old standards were replaced with new ones fifth grade math students will be changing classes for math this is not by leveled or homogeneous grouping it's a different way of moving the students around it evens out the amount of students in each math class gets them up and moving and allows them to interact with friends from different classes all special needs will be met language arts at Bayberry will include more explicit phonics and V uh vocabulary to be taught vocabulary building will be shared with Valley View All standards were removed and new skills were added to align with the note all curriculum documents are avail available on the district website thank you now we're going to move on to policy miss Harvey sure we met on Wednesday uh September 11th we met from 4:00 p.m. to about 5:30 it was virtual those in attendance were the superintendent uh board president myself uh Mrs Amadeo and uh Mrs Jette we reviewed um some proposed policies we went over again the harassment intimidation and bullying that was uh reopt in April 2024 the superintendent reviewed the policy with the committee all the consequences for an affirmed Hib are listed in the policy not all consequences are only disciplinary some consequences will include counseling reflexing uh I'm sorry reflection social justice Etc the superintendent went through the Hib investigation process and explained the difference between a Hib and a student code of conduct violation the committee discussed some consequences such as seat changes um since it is difficult to always separate students due to our small uh school size and the committee also suggested possible consequences to be shared with the administration for parents to understand the potential consequences to a substantiated Hib they should read the policy uh the the district follows and understand that there are more consequences to each Hib other than lunch detention and counseling the superintendent has recommended that the staff in both schools focus on lessons and where applicable um around empathy kindness and bullying Dr Glazer will encourage more of this discussion to take place during Mountaineer Mondays in Valley View at Bayberry and with our resource officer hi will also be a topic for a proposed parent series of discussions the committee thought these were good suggestions we did get a followup on policy 3261 which is dress and grooming the superintendent gave an update but the policy is still being worked on along with um honoring student achievement which is policy 5440 and then the administration is still working on use of school facilities which is policy 7 510 potential board agenda items um everything that was on there no one discussed any feedback from anyone and the committee didn't have any uh feedback as well so those are on uh the agenda and then uh we did discuss the district calendar but that was reported already so I'm not going to go over that again um under new business we went over an election change the superintendent was asked by the Wang Hills Regional high school if our committee was interested in pursuing a change in the election time for board members from November to April the committee stated we were interested in finding out more as the situation develops with the high school and the other sending school districts a report developed by Warren Township was shared and they have decided to move their elections to April and that's it thank you okay operations Dr Vince SC other Jen other Jen the operations finance committee met on Tuesday September 10th at 6:45 it was both virtual and in person the meeting ended at 9:07 with Manny leaving at 9:00 p.m. in attendance was Muhammad fras the chair myself Dory Harvey and the Boe president Manuel Gonzalez um guests were Dr Julie Glazer Karen Bishop Johnson Ricky Boyd Frank BBY Connor O'Brien ER Turner um we had an update on the referendum from Ricky and Connor from Legacy who you heard from tonight and Frank our architect from drg I won't go over it again because we just heard from Connor uh we also had an update on transportation from Dr Glazer she reviewed the work that was started last spring and began to resolve many of the issues that were identified during the last school year she has also updated us today um from the business office uh the special services out of District transportation contracts were still getting Roots so they're not on the may not be on the agenda uh the third party administrator needed for um some expired financial plan documents is a third party administrator is needed um for compliance considerations but we're going to move this to next month's agenda um the parent Transportation contract payments were close to our Aid inl amount for the year 2025 special services settlement agreement was settled with Wang Hills Regional High School with no cost to us and we discussed um board travel and um hotels for our Workshop potential board items were payment of bills transfers and financial reports the new business was the district calendar and the election times and our RFP for strategic planning went out um the opening bid will be October 1st and we expect there to be a large range that's it okay um just a quick um update on the ad hoc negotiations um myself uh Mr fr uh miss agara and miss Amadeo was not present at the training right virtually she was oh virtually right so she wasn't um but we went through the training um and that's all I wanted to report okay um now we're going to go on to board liaison report um Mr fras uh there is no update at this time okay um Somerset County educations eison Miss Harvey uh we haven't had a meeting yet so um okay Somerset County Board Association liaison s nothing to report okay uh school boards Association Mr uh just that the next meeting is October 10th and it is hybrid at the uh Somerset votch school and I believe the topic is AI okay uh regionalization Mr fr uh no update no update at this time I haven't have one okay and then mujc so I don't know if you know this but um by virtue of my position I am also on the board of the Morris Union joint Cher commission um and we work with them in a number of shared services so I do attend their board meetings and I um am going to start having a report for you so at our most recent board meeting um principal Carl bird um the principal at the DLC and Warren talked about um what they were doing to expand access to the climate change um content resources that have been mandated by the state curricular changes they are doing a lot of things with um cross content and some of the things that we have started to talk about so it was very interesting to me they have a garden at the DLC and they're looking to expand that Garden um at their New Providence site they were able to get a grant from the Department of Education um and ways to respond to climate change was actually a resilience Grant which I found really interesting and it is resilience to food scarcity they are using um what the students grow in the garden to donate to the food pantry in um Summit as part of that Grant it sounded amazing they're also enhancing their Greenhouse Focus they have a greenhouse so they're using this um GR to focus again on scarcity but this time water scarcity again I thought it was really interesting and they are partnering with a group called The Great Swamp Greenhouse um that I reached out to because I didn't know anything about them um and the next faves for them is expanding their Garden to include a sensory garden which I the idea of that to see everybody's mou's excited I'm excited um I also was really interested you know we think about outdoor classrooms we've talked about Gardens and expanding that he talked a lot about the focus on the transferable skills the career Readiness involved um with these projects um they have in their Outdoor Learning space something called the Wildcat Cafe that exists in the summer they want to make that a 12 Monon space they want to make the learning opportunities meaningful and I I really felt like we could get some wonderful ideas and take a lesson from what they're doing um I I loved all the partnership so happy to to share that with you thank you okay seeing that um we don't have any community members here for PTO we or cpeg we're going to skip to comments from the public um should I read it even though nobody's here got to okay um we welcome input from the public there are two times during the meeting when the public is invited to speak the first opportunity to comment on agendum items only is now the second opportunity for the public comment is towards the end of the meeting total lot of time is 30 minutes before you make your comment please state your name municipality and residence in the event it appears the public comment portion of the meeting May exceed 30 minutes the presiding officer May limit the statement made by participate to 3 minutes duration our public forums are not structured as a question and answer session but rather offered as opportunities to share input with the board in instances where the board feels response is needed the presiding officer or superintendent will address the comments the New Jersey statute do not permit the board to discuss Personnel or hiring in public sessions name of student should not be used members of the public should consider their comments in light of legal lights rights of those affected and identified in their comments and be aware that they are personally legally responsible with potential liability for comments that they make to the board the board shall not be held liable for comments made by members of the public okay we're going to move on to action items Mr fr can you please move um action items A administrative I make a motion to move uh administrative items one approve minutes of previous meeting two affirm the superintendent Hib report three approval of professional development plan four approval of mentoring plan and five approval of revised 2024 2025 school calendar Miss Bishop Johnson can I have a roll call please second second second second any discuss any discussion okay Mr Bishop Johnson can have a roll call please yes Mrs Amad yes Mrs Harvey yes but I have to abstain from number two m Mrs Jette yes Mrs Santos yes Dr vincis Kua yes Mr fras yes Mrs agaro yes but I'm abstaining from item number two and Mr Gonzalez yes motion passes okay um chemy can you please move Personnel approved before after Care staff approve mentors approve extracurricular positions approve student teaching approve whrhs student volunteers after Care Program approve appointment non-certificated staff second any discussion um roll call please okay somebody's computer on no it's H's watching football oh sorry Mrs Mrs AG Aro yes Mr fr yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Dr vinc Kua yes Mrs Santos yes Mr Gonzalez yes and Mrs Amadeo yes motion passes dein SC can you move operations and finance please yes um I make a motion to move the items under operations and finance um number one approved payment of bills number two uh the uh transfer of funds 2024 to 2025 number three Financial reports number four professional development School business and related expenses number five final payment of accumulated benefits number six Chromebook purchase financing number seven payment application for Bayberry and Valley View hbac upgrades number eight approved payment application for toilet room Renovations at the Bayberry Elementary School number nine payment application for educational alterations at bbew school number 10 uh parental contracts for student transportation number 11 um approval to put a temporary fence on Grant field number 12 2023 to 2024 extraordinary Aid um revised dates second um I just have a question so my name is in here on um on the section for the ngba workshop um for reimbursement but I I didn't I'm not taking any reimbursement so it doesn't matter myard is okay um so any other discussion on that are we able to vote on that the spending money on ourselves yeah it's the board right so you you kind of have to okay all right roll call please it's the whole it's the whole thing okay okay Mrs Amadeo yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs Santos yes Dr vincis Kua yes Mrs jet yes Mr fr yes Mrs agaro yes and Mr Gonzalez yes okay motion passes all right and um M sh can you please move D curriculum yes uh adopt revised curriculum number one second that's all any discussion okay roll call please Mrs aaro yes Mr fras yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes Mrs Amadeo yes Dr Vince Kua yes Mr Gonzalez yes motion passes okay UMO can you please move policy y i I move I move um a policy items one first reading which there are no items listed not sure if we have to actually vote on that uh number two items for second reading and that is it thank you second second second any discussion yes why why are we why do we have number one on there if we're not voting on anything there did the format of the agenda just there there isn't anything to vote exactly so why are we even voting on one you're not point of order to remove one there you go okay so do we vote on that separately we vote on that first and then I think we go back and vote yep on just number two okay so I I make a motion to remove item one from the policy listing second there's nothing any further discussion okay wait don't we have to cuz there's already a motion on the floor before Danielle said anything don't we have to vote on that and then she can make the motion and then we do it again so we'll do a roll call on that on the motion and then we'll do then we're voting on both items I think we have to we probably have to vote no for the first one because we don't want to vote for something that there's nothing there and then she's going to make a motion for us just to vote on the second okay only okay okay call there you go so wait wait what are we voting on now we're going to vote no for the first one collect and two currently and then two will vote whatever we want to vote okay okay all right I'll figure out how to set this up okay so we're going to vote on the first a roll call on item one no it's she she made made a motion for both one and two that was seconded by somebody who by Mo so we have to vote on that so we shouldn't have seconded it okay what have died on the table it on they're going to votee so wait we're voting on the amendment we going to do a roll call you have to vot on the amendment first no because we already made the motion we're going to make a second motion there was a motion on the table and it was seconded so we have to vote on that one first because it was seconded right so we need to vote that down I don't mean to tell everybody how to vote but we have to vote that down and then we can make the amendment she can make a motion and then we can vote it it okay thank you no okay so we're going to do a roll call that Mrs igly Arrow no no that's right they're all going okay got it this is Amo no Mr fr no Mr Gonzalez no Mrs Harvey no Mrs jet no Mrs Santos no Dr vincis Kaa no the motion did not pass I motion to make an amendment to this dropping item one from this policy list is that is that a good enough way to say that second second okay now we vote on that vote on that roll call on that please okay mrso yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mr F yes Mr Gonzalez yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes Dr vincis Kua yes the motion passes I motion a single policy item second read reading second roll call please Mrs aaro yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mr fr yes Mr Gonzalez C Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes and Dr Vince Kua yes motion passes all right complication that was interesting okay now we're going to move on to board business um this is nothing new this is um a revote um per our Council uh the parties involved uh should have abstained um this is a uh resolution authorizing filing of charges with the school ethics commission whereas the board is responsible for protecting and maintaining the Integrity of its operations and whereas the board has an obligation to ensure that the watchong School Board District is well run and whereas the board recently was made aware of alleged actions and statements by board member Mr neia and petition filed by Mr nasia with the commissioner of the education that the potential jeopardized operations of the board and whereas the school ethics Act was enacted to ensure The Preserve public confidence in the Integrity of elected and appointed school board members and school administrations njac 6A col 28-11 and whereas the school ethics act further provides the board members must support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties and board members are prohibited for taking private action that they may compromise the board njsa 18 a12 d241 and whereas the alleged actions and statements by board members Mr nasia if proven true May violate the school ethics act and code of ethics for school board members and whereas the board cannot and would not make an ultimate decision as a guilt or innocence but recognizes the appropriate place for such determination is a school ethics commission which can be weigh the relevant evidence and testimony and whereas the board takes the allegic conduct seriously which it hopes to have addressed in an appropriate form to allow the board to focus on the district business while maintaining the confidence of its employees and the public now therefore be it Sol resolved this board empowers a direct the directs the board president to file an appropriate complaint with the school ethics commission with regards to alleged violations of the school ethics act and or code of ethics for school board members with assistance of the board's special counsel and be it further resolved that the board directs and empowers the P the board president to file this action with regret to such actions as necessary but believes it is left with no regard with no other alternative in order to have this matter reviewed and concluded while maintaining the Public's confidence in the board second any discussion can we clarify one more time just that this motion this entire motion is exactly the same as the one that was done several months back nothing has changed in terms of what has been filed we simply need to revote because because of your your need to abstain because of case correct I don't know if you want to add anything additional but no it's just because of the members involved in this party for our Council um we should abstain right um any further discussion no Bishop Johnson can we please have a roll call yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs Santos yes Mrs Jed no Dr vincis Kua yes Mr Gonzalez abstain Mr fr yes and Mrs igaro yes okay motion passes okay now we're going to move on to comments from the public and seeing that there's no members of the public oh never mind HT you at Elenor Drive um regarding your last action um I'm not clear on any of the items that you spoke about where there's an Ethics violation can you um elaborate on what the actual violation is degre gating the school that's it has to be something done to do that and to not have confidence something needs to be done not to have confidence that is not an Ethics problem what is is the actual charge that would warrant an ethical investigation we have no comment provided this we have no comment well let me just say this board is a disgrace and I hope the media picks this up there we know what the reason was why the ethics charges why this is dragged on so long it's to try to to intimidate Mr engracia and the only thing that I hope that he does that he actually lodges legal action against the board of the board here in Wang and I would be more than happy to contribute to his legal defense I am ashamed to say that I've lived here for 50 years okay now um going to have a a motion to adjourn so moved is there second second any discussion I'm sorry who second it all in favor all e e