##VIDEO ID:vwfd1VW3A9A## to Proclaim Constitution we resolve that the board upon recommendation of the superintendent approved the resolution to Proclaim Constitution voice whereas September 17 2024 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention and whereas it is fitting and proper to officially recognize this magnificent document and the anniversary of its creation and whereas it is fitting and proper to officially recognize the Patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion and whereas Public Law 9915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the president of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution week now therefore be it resolved that the Wayne board of education does hereby Proclaim September 17th through September 23 2024 to be the Constitution week thank you Dr to okay so a number of committees met this evening education finance and technology so they have extensive reports to avoid duplication I'll focus on just a few issues first the opening of school with the exception of a technology problem our start of the school year was very positive and organized across all of our schools I wanted to thank Mrs fante our technology director along with Mr Mett and a number of other employees for working through last week weekend to resolve this technology issue and have it solved by Monday morning in addition I'd like to take a moment to thank our Lafia principal Lissa AB garos director of facilities operations Peter Roma director of facilities administration laen tibits building and ground supervisor Andy Roco maintenance supervisor Emanuel VI rioso and five additional members of our facility staff Paulo AR sorry I can't say it Aro yavi Karina bines Erica col AES and Caesar ped Bueno and amarine twahir for the around the-clock effort resolving this facility issue that could have kept Lafayette Elementary closed for the start of school thank you for your extraordinary effort and commitment to the school district um on the topic of enrollment enrollment in class size is something we've been monitoring closely all summer and at this point we are not over the class siiz guidelines that have been in place for many years so far this year there are no significant increases with enrollment in the classes that we've been watching so they stay under the limits and those numbers remain unchanged um just a quick note for our athletic teams best wishes to all of our fall athletic teams and coaches as we move ahead with the fall season I'm also excited to report some news about our ADV advanced placement results so um I'm excited to share news about our students performance on last year's advanced placement exams which is a testament to their hard work and dedication along with that of their teachers between our two high schools 512 students participated in at least one AP exam with a total of 1,1 69 tests taken so I'm proud to announce that 86 86% of our students scored a three or higher on their exams which is an outstanding achievement furthermore 58% of our students scored a 405 four or five which is an even greater reflection of their academic Excellence I also wanted to highlight that 38.4% of all of our graduates from the class of 2024 scored a three or higher on at least one AP exam during their High School career setting themselves up for college double success I also wanted to report that there's been significant progress since last year AP exams results came out so first of all the total number of students taking AP exams really was about the same 506 to 512 this past year the number of exams that students took jumped from 1,126 to 100 1,169 but more importantly the number of students scoring three or above on AP exams went from 379 to 435 so that represents a jump from about 75% of our students scoring three or above to 85% of our students scoring three or above so that's a 10% increase which is very exciting um these are impressive numbers that reflect not only the hard work and dedication of our students but also as I said the exceptional commitment and support of our teachers it's clear that both groups have worked tirelessly to achieve these results also have to report that there are no hivs to report technical thank you Mr Mett divisions to the agenda we have two under T emergent Human Resources the first one is number eight approval of revised items we're adding a number five tonight which will revise a daily permanent substitute rate from $140 uh per day to $175 per day and individuals are Andrew plasma B ma bar bar s s a n i Nancy shelock s c h NE l o c k Karen enderly e n d r l y Anthony dienzo which is D Apostrophe a r i e n z o and Banja b j o n d a ADI a d e m i second change to tonight uh T emergent Human Resources will be under number 11 adding number four uh it's a par professional transfer it's a par professional from Pines Lake to a par professional at r RC which is Randle Carter and uh first name is Ben guat it's b n g-g a t last name is carella c a n n a r e l l a those two changes are all we have time thank you this time we're going to open to the public for agenda items only this portion of the meeting is open to C C for comments on agenda items only residents are asked to State their name address and subject matter comments may be limited to three minutes per person members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student the board Bears no responsibilities for comments made by the public comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the board other comments may be responded to tonight or at a subsequent meeting under old business do I have a mover move Mr Jano Mrs Rosa anyone from the public wishing to speak on an agenda item good evening it's my first time attending this meeting so bear with me I'm sorry so my name is George ball I live at 58 Eldorado Drive um I don't know if this falls under the agenda but it's in regards to the school resource finance and employment um the concern I have just I want to address um the before and after care uh my wife's a registered nurse I work for a utility company in the area um that being said I rely on the actual early care for my three kids that attend Tunis um I know there is a a hold on the actual registration it's a big concern I understand it's not the board of Town's problem but it does help the residents it does help us all out unfortunately I'm on the waiting list I know there was a deadline not putting no blame on nobody it was the deadline stated on the second page which is not relevant what's relevant is for folks that are away for the summer overseas and do come back to make these you know to enroll their children then was not I was not able to benefit from this that being said I know there's a high demand of enrollment this year I totally understand that I know we're trying to fully staff you know from the actual uh how is it worded um I know we need to hire more folks to to compensate for the children uh being enrolled I just want to see what are we actually doing you know as a town as a board to um fulfill you know the needs of the residents um I know work for the utility on the management side I'm not telling no one how to do their job I just didn't know if we're allocating just one Resource One vendor have we reached out for example is it the Y that we're working with have we reached out the pal have we reach out to William Patterson maybe use some credits to you know for early care before care after care have we thought of resources like this and I just want to bring that to the table see if that's something that has been thought of or you know add additional ideas on how we can compensate you know the residents that really do need the before and after care and I appreciate it but uh at this time I kind of needed an answer by Monday I didn't expect nothing from here I've been you know I switched shifts to compensate for this past week the week before we started school Thursday Friday was manageable but now moving forward I kind of need to know where I stand because it does affect our work schedule and unfortunately you know we got to raise our kids I do appreciate you all I just need to know where we stand that's that's the reason I did attend this meeting this evening I did want to send an email out to the whole to the board members Shay M me again I've been working double shift kind of to make this work so I did not have the time to do so and I don't know if this is appropriate with the agenda but I saw finance and you know employment so thank you thank you anyone else from the public wishing to speak see no one approach I to close Mr Faber Mrs all right let's go to committee reports Mr pazak tonight the finance committee met for myself Mrs wenting Mr Faber uh administrators Mr Moffet and this is lighting at 5:05 p.m. we reviewed the meeting minutes of the August 21st 2024 meeting and and approved it with no questions we reviewed the agenda items for tonight uh which included 2024 2025 contracts um in particular um the rewards of of contracts from The Cooperative contracts uh there was a parental Transportation contract that's pending um we reviewed uh Transportation contract for uh Sports trips and field trips uh we reviewed the old cancel checks uh that were emergent on the check register uh a donation came in from the JFK PTO for the JFK Elementary School um we had an emergent uh withdrawal from uh the maintenance Reserve that's on the agenda tonight we had to um take out $200,000 for the sewer line repair of uh Lafayette School uh and the tunnel there which is essentially half of what was put in reserve this year and this was going to be part of the referendum that was um that did not pass so I wanted everyone to be clear about that we had uh review of the emerging 2024 contracts which is vended meal agreement with the w Windsor learning school um we will see on September 26 policy 7510 an update on that one that's uh in regards to the use of athletic fields by the community and uh charges there we reviewed the uh Food Service um uh management transition everything's going well according to the administrators um they're still Staffing up also um the menus are all up um available for uh everyone to see uh the business office uh was busy uh in September here closing out um the ARP final which was the final covid money uh which was due which is due on October 18th also the idea and and other um Closeouts there uh they closed at the end of August the pcia lease uh they received money for the leasing program which is in regards to uh buses and Chromebooks uh the Auditors are back today so that was the annual audit update they're going to try to get them in and out as fast as they can we reviewed quoting Cheryl there um also uh for the 2025 2026 District budget um uh Mr mafa will be sending out to the board members uh the budget plan document so we can all take a look and and prepare for the for the budget um also um referendum planning um we're looking into uh uh other possibilities there and um there should be a a draft in October for uh the priorities we had a discussion on on priorities on uh what should be in our budget and um you know we have uh we had some discussion about about the the possible student enrollment increase and there are some concerns about technology we want to have an upgrade on on the network and some access points uh we have an RFP out for hockey time which is ice time for our hockey team also um uh as the gentleman brought up before and after care we have an RFP out there um to try to see if there's anything else we can do or any other programs um that the Ed committee is going to uh evaluate and um uh one more item here um I guess the selection committee is going to be looking at some some other RP I just about to read yes so that's it thank you yeah hi um the education committee met this evening and it is myself Mr jordano Miss Donna rman and there's a couple things we talked about um we talked about the enrollment the enrollment is stabilized we are not over our enrollment numbers and we are monitoring all our schools and we'll keep the public uh informed in the future months secondly we've talked about a high school trip for both high schools to Italy just in the beginning stages uh for our Italian children that not Italian children our Italian students uh um there's a lot of things we have to talk about before it can actually happen but um we feel that it would be a great program for our kids um and third um we talked about the extended day program and I know that is a big concern um we talked about the weit list and we are exploring options to help our parents with the extended day um program and we all we heard you and we are trying our best we're looking at other uh sources to make it work I don't have an immediate answer but I want uh I assure you that this is something we're talking about that's it B so the tech committee also um met this morning uh this evening um we discussed the network slowness the um uh Dr back referenced briefly at the beginning of the school year um that was uh a deep investigation into why we believe that that was uh causing problems we we think that we' found the underlying cause of that although we're going to be uh altering a firewall in the coming days and keeping them monitoring on where that is uh to see if that reoccurs at any time um but we think we have that under control now um we also looked at the canvas training uh that has been what looks like a relatively smooth roll out into the high school over this year um and they have started using canvas uh for all in replacement for all of the Google classrooms in the high school um we spent some time also talking about the summer Chromebook repair um issues that can occur what normally happens is that during school time you get a problem with your Chromebook you can take that into the media center they'll give you a loaner why they uh resolve that Chromebook but during the summer time um there isn't so much of an opportunity to be able to get those in so some of the children that have access to Summer learning if something happens to their Chromebook they can potentially lose the rest of that summer learning because they can't get a loan a laptop back um so we're looking at opportunities to be able to uh open up ways of being able to replace those pick up laners um and then get those Chromebooks repaired over the summer so that they are fresh and ready to start in the in the fall as well um we also spent some time talking about the new data center um PNG is helping us out by being able to run multiple lines so that we can keep both the central office and the data center up and running and be able to switch over between those um we are looking at being able to hopefully get that complete and maybe the data center up and running uh sometime in the next couple of months um so that we will be ready then to run all of our operations from our new data center um which would be fantastic um we also discussed a couple of things around security issues uh and upgrading some of our security software give us a slightly broader access to some of the uh uh potential security and um uh and software around there um and then we spent some time talking over Staffing laptops access to Staffing laptops at the high school um and being able to get those uh potentially upgraded for some of our teachers around those and a number of other updates over the summer work the replacement of some of the uh the closets tidying up some of the things access points and so on as well thank you anyone else any other committees yes see do you have a mover for the agenda I move Agenda One could we um have a discussion on policy 164 first well we have to move the agenda in order to have a discussion on it Mr J moves Mr fav second any discussion yeah i' I'd like to discuss policy 164 on the agenda um to start with um first first of all Mr G I've got a couple of questions for you on that um to start with so there was no um meeting notification for the policy committee to meet to discuss that policy in the first notification to the board members as part of that Mr with your questions I'd like to start out um as as attorney client attorney client privilege I'm not going to be answering any questions regarding any of the legal standards that have to do with that in public uh that would be an executive session uh matter and I just wanted to preface our comments by that um if that's an executive session then could we um move to have that policy strucken from the agenda so we can discuss that in executive it's up to the board census to move the policy to Executive session Mr denam anyone else want to move it to exec we could move it to exec then come back out tonight and re and vote on it we're going on anyway yeah we okay so okay we move that got get okay we're going to have a okay we have a mover mrak second Mr Jano move to remove the policy to EXA tonight for legal discussion and to be voted on tonight roll call Mr fav yes Mr Jano yes Mrs L andry yes Mr Paul yes Mrs regoso yes Mrs won no Mr Bill yes Mr pakos yes Mr yes motion carries any other discussion on agenda items see none roll call we have to remove that from theend right that item is being removed from the remove right so the the the whole uh the whole um agenda will be moved minus uh z z okay you to I'll be calling roll Mr Bill yes Mr Faber yes Mr jardo yes Mrs wandry yes you rest of the agenda accept that yes Mr Paul Mrs regoso yes Mrs won yes Mr Pacos yes yes motion carries this time we open the meeting to the public for comment on any topic res are ask to State their name address and subject matter comments may be limited to minutes per person members of the public are discouraged in speaking negatively about an employee or student board Bears no responsibilities for comments made by the public comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded today tonight by the board other comments will may be respond to tonight or at subsequently under old business do I have a moover Mr PA anyone from the public wishing to speak is it just to agenda items or anything you want any topic related to the school keep it clean prise hi my name is Rebecca Bradley I'm at Pitman place in L New Jersey I'd like to talk to the board about your woeful lesson that was taught for September 11th I think it's shameful my daughter came home she's 10 in the fifth grade she didn't hear the words Osama Bin Laden she didn't hear the words Al-Qaeda she didn't hear the word terrorist I understand the climate that we live in and I understand that you feel a need to be sensitive there isn't an alternate perspective to what happened on September 11th as Mr Minelli's letter suggested not suggested flat out said that should you choose to teach about September 11th to which I ask why is there a choice you just made a resolution to celebrate the Constitution I believe you have a duty to that Constitution to then celebrate and learn and appreciate and understand our history not just the documents that founded us and for our children to be told that it is to quote from Mr Minelli's letter it is crucial to approach the subject with sensitivity the events of that day are complex and evoke a wide range of emotions and perspective there's nothing complex about a terrorist attack on American soil there never was in the past there should not be now you can teach things and in fact my argument would be to the groups that may feel identified with Al-Qaeda the best way to protect them is for you to teach the difference not for us to pretend that it didn't happen or whitewash the history Our Town lost people in that terrorist attack from Al-Qaeda on September 11th you cannot ignore the facts of of the history because they are inconvenient that is disrespectful that is disgraceful you you are Educators you promote education it is your job to educate I am appalled at what my children did not learn at what my children did not hear and I've seen so many we remember we remember you are not only not remembering you are willfully erasing and shame on all of you I hope very much that you revisit the way in which you teach 9/11 that you teach it I understand the sensitivity around it but we are Americans first and this is our history and there should be nothing divisive about it and shame on you for suggesting that there's an alternate perspective thousands of people were killed in a terrorist attack that's what happened I urge you to revisit this repair this teach our children keep our communities safe and do not avoid a history that is important because you don't like the language thank you thank anyone else from the public wishing to speak any old business new business I want to talk about can I talk about what you just said so I was you know there've been a lot of situations as of late where it seems like there are topics that can be considered controversial that come up and we end up having knee-jerk reactions on how to you know how to tell the teachers how to approach them or deal with these conversations um so because in a lot of cases we don't have a standardized curriculum for them and we don't have a board approved curriculum so what I would like to suggest I don't know how to potentially go about this would be to have the administration put together a list of these topics that are out there that need to be taught added to you know appropriately put in the curriculum and then have a curriculum proposed to the board for board approval so this way we could have a standardized version for each grade because I did feel that you know the fact that the letter said don't deviate from this that lesson probably was you know fine for somebody who first to second grade but for someone like high school level it probably could have gone more in depth but we wanted to keep it to something very narrow across the board so I think that we should potentially have the education committee review some of these um curriculum ideas this way we don't have to worry about it when it comes down to like something coming up last minute and then having to try to address that situation so I don't know how we go about doing that but I think that that's something and that protects the teachers because they have a board approved curriculum it protects the district and then from what though well no ma'am there's no back and forth conversation so that it seems like there were people that were concerned about how to teach it so that's where the guidance came from so we want to make sure that they feel comfortable yeah I want to address Miss Bradley um I was at 911 uh in Manhattan and if you could be in my my mother's shoes she had all her kids both my sisters were also in Manhattan I lost people that I knew uh over there I worked at 99 Church Street right diagonally across the street from there um what happened to be in Midtown um during that that day that you know started out at 8:00 a.m. was beautiful day then uh got into my office and went on CNN.com and I I said you know what idiot flew a plane into the thing I I expected it to be a small plane when CNN said you know plane crashed into the World Trade Center um so I'm not an educator uh as you you mentioned I'm not and I think a lot of people at the table are not Educators but I found out about Mr meli's um uh email to to the staff it was really a general email my understanding is it was a general email so he was telling the music teacher he was telling the fette teacher if you choose to I mean I don't see any reason why a music teacher would you know bring up 911 so I think he was trying to in a in a general way say if you choose to to teach about 9/11 we will follow this lesson plan which was the 911 which was later shared to to the board here and I think Dr to if you can address um uh this situation and correct me if I'm wrong um it was basically follow the 9911 Museum and memorials lesson plan so don't deviate this is what it is so that's that's really what what they they they presented to the to the students that you know did have a chance to to learn about 911 so um so that that's what I I'll say about that um thank you for for coming today um I also want to bring up uh I know U Mr Bell mentioned uh the canvas uh role out I have been hearing actually some friction or some difficulties with that that um that program so you know versus what used to be Google Classroom I guess so so just wanted to to put that out there so um um I think everybody here is very sensitive to what you're speaking about about 911 because um and I think for anybody not to understand the importance of that in our education system is kind of startling so um but I think that we all because we've been discussing it um a teacher is given a certain amount of autonomy and knowing that they're Educators and knowing that there are age appropriate discussions um you wouldn't have a second grader looking at some of the video clips and stuff like that right that that's for their parents to really elaborate more on but perhaps um take a closer look at um and I'm just saying this because I totally get what you're saying I think it's so important to Ed at our kids about that um I think I saw so many beautiful things that happened in Wayne schools today I saw every every school had a moment of silence um they had different discussions some Sayang my country TI a the we had um different people who are gifted um with musicians um one of the boys was playing a what is that a saxophone I guess it was or maybe it was a trumpet I don't know but it was it was just so sweet so a lot of really beautiful things happened and I think that trusting that the teachers will speak about things within a certain um uh consideration given the students age I think that that's kind of what happened today and I feel badly that but I will say that um because I printed some of of the 911 Q&A that was also given to the teachers and I will say this what happened on 9911 if I might just read this to you uh one of the questions was and these are just guided sort of like if you want to you know want to discuss more in detail what happened on 911 on September 11 2001 a series of terrorist attacks occurred in the United States four airplanes were hijacked by a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda two of the planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City one hit the Pentagon near Washington DC and another one crashed in a field I could almost cry even thinking about it about that day right because we all know where we were we all know how we felt we the horror and the fear right two uh thousands of lives were lost that day and it had a lasting impact on the country and in the world other things here why did the terrorists attack the United States stems from a group called al- qaa which is a deep political ideological disagreements with the United States so they could elaborate on that given age appropriate conscientious carefully considered lesson plans and I think that a lot of teachers um shared personal sentiments with their students and I feel sad that your kids didn't you don't feel that they got that but maybe have a discussion with the teacher and just ask you know just maybe ask say what were you what were you thinking when we were talking about 9/11 and how did that go respectfully you know what I mean it's every body's afraid to speak or afraid to you know but I think it's worth it and you entrust your children to that teacher right so it's worth it to have a conversation respectfully and to share your thoughts thank you so much for coming up to the pH yeah Mrs Bradley I I don't want to sit up here and try to defend any of what everybody wants to talk about but I want you to understand we didn't vote on that policy for that curriculum right so to come up here and and shame on us we didn't have anything to do with it right that that policy didn't come to this board right no but I want everybody to understand kind of how things work right and not think that we're up here telling teachers administrators not to teach that type of stuff right it didn't come across this board and I'm not going to defend that letter um I saw it probably after you saw it so we didn't get to see any of that stuff all right well that's the that's so understand like that's why we're here to try to fix that issue so you know we're we're I'm I'm in agreement first of all thank you everybody coming up to gentlemen we're going to work on as in the education committee today we're going to work on the idea of but after care was the very first thing that came out and they won't take we're having a hard time hiring people it's just plain flat that's the problem we're having people to come in we want have good qualified people to come in and watch your babies and I don't want to put anybody else off the street for doing it so we're in we're looking at other Aven that's the reason why that particular happen we've got the space we've got the will it's the hiring pool is dry that's the real problem so we're really seriously exploring things out of the box and it's a top priority for us um Mrs Bradley uh I'm a former educator of 30 years I was teaching the day that 911 occurred and I was teaching high school and I had to explain to students what was going on because no TVs were out because the the World Trade Center had the TV transmitters and channel 8 Univision was the only one broadcasting and we wield the television in the classroom and listen to in Spanish and we grabb some poor kid out of the SL class yell translate translate translate and then Mario machada came on and spoke in perfect English saying we're down we are one nation and we are here for you and he began the broadcast the rest of the day in English I buried three classmates that day my brother lives in Middletown New Jersey and he watched the cars getting towed out of the parking lot day four day five day six when both parents were gone so I know when I see this yours is one straw on the back that I'm seeing coming very recently we have been dodging issue after issue after issue after issue from groups coming out and saying we have a problem with this we have a problem with this we have a problem with this and yours to me is the straw that breaks the camel's back I'm in favor of Mr Faber I'm on the education committee and I'll be happy to sit and discuss it it should be called controversial topics I've been teaching for so long that one of the things I understood controversal all controversial have a conversation with me and then tell me to stop okay want to guide your conversation toward me I need to answer ma'am it's not a convers it's not a conversation then don't address to me ma' please the fact that conversation you call it a problem because you have a problem with it that's that's I'm not saying it's controversial because we shouldn't be saying I'm saying it's controversal because you got a problem with it education is here to serve the people of the public so now the people of the public over the last three or four meetings have been saying there's a bunch of issues and quite frankly we've been dodging like mines so this is one of many and I'm with Mr fa I think we should sit down and form a committee to look at these and say okay we're going to say this frankly and it's going to be a b c d and e and when this comes out and somebody yells about it cuz quite frankly society today is not saying you are but Society is coming out with people who want to play victim you know like something that's worded something is being said and they come out and they yell about it they all have to be addressed because we are a mixed community and in this mixed Community we've got to go to the community and say this is what we see as educational professionals this is what we're teaching as education professionals before we go teach them as education professionals let's talk about it because there's just too many things coming up right now the horrors that are happening in the Middle East the stuff it's going with 911 it's all l in link whether we want to know what we would like it or not it's all Interlink I'll I'll address the gorilla in the room the 500b 800 lb gorilla in the room it's all Interlink so we need to sit down and say okay we've been reacting now it's time to start making plans and act so we'll sit down and talk with Mr pav we'll sit down and talk with uh superintendent p uh superintendent called you the superintendent liend to he don't want the job um but we our job is to gather this information we can say okay the community's got a problem let's talk about it so we've heard you and the community has a problem we're going to have to talk about it so my apologies for Mak for making the little to this controversial it's controversial because you have a problem with it and that's what makes it my problem and it makes it a problem for everybody here thank you actually that's what I was going to say but it's the whole goal is to deal with these things proactively so that a topic again using the term controversial it's not that it the topic itself is controversial it's a topic that causes controversy it's probably a better way or anger yeah it just it's emotional for people so we have to figure out how to do it and do it right anyone else um yeah um Mrs Bradley I agree with you from somebody who taught the curriculum yesterday not here someplace else from someone for the last three years who has taught terrorism in a high school class um the lesson plan is great appropriate and that's where we have to be is great appropriate and we need to make sure we do have a curriculum guide for our teachers because we don't want people going astray which brought all the issues we had in June with the teacher not following curriculum no teacher should ever not follow curriculum period not getting into what what people believe and what people think because I can't change that in people I can I do have some power to change and look at what exactly is being taught in a classroom I it's very difficult my classes are when you say Multicultural I have every background you can imagine and we had a really productive discussion with seniors about it and yes it was great it was great appropriate it's a college level class I'm teacher so that's how in the discussions were Frank now would I teach that same lesson first second third fourth grade probably not wouldn't go there but we have to come up with something it's incumbent upon us to come up with something and not just forget about it I remember that day very well because I don't know I was a police officer in this town I remember people running to the school just grabbing their kids out of the building and I remember being told you make be going there friends of mine who got pushed into were sent down to Jersey City and spent 3 days there right then watching people come back here going to tell relatives of people who died there that we don't know so I remember it well I remember the perfect day it was with the Clear Blue Sky can tell you exactly everything that happened in my life that day and yeah we have an obligation and I don't care who you are but we have an obligation to keep this alive and it was funny I heard or read I can't remember where it was saying that 14y olds today don't have a clue and it's sad when you have the worst terrorist attack probably in the world ever at least on the soil here because we were low to sleep because we always said it happened over there the other side of the ocean well it came here and you know what we can never forget that it came here so I agree with Mr Faber 100% And I will assure you in my time on this board that's left I will make sure it happens tell that okay so just just um a few quick comments regarding um our speaker who wanted to discuss before and after care I know that U the board has already responded about some plans that we're working on that we'll be able to implement some maybe sooner some maybe later but I did want to mention that um on the agenda if you look on page 15 and 16 combined you will find five employees that are being hired by the Board of Ed as Caregivers for Community programs so so where that leaves you exactly in terms of a waiting list and you know what what that will lead to that's probably information that you'll be able to find out tomorrow I can't tell you directly at this moment okay that we are are taking action there are um five people that that we're moving ahead with for Community programs as caregivers okay um I know that um number of the board members already Spar spoke regarding situation with um the 911 and what exactly happened in classrooms throughout the district so you heard a little bit about that um I would also um like to just extend my my help to make sure that ultimately in the future there are some Protections in place there are things that we have available for our teachers that ultimately we have standardized across the district so just um to clear so why is it that Mr melli would write a letter why did we include those resources I don't know if you saw um or if the if the members of the public saw the whole thing the FAQ right the the quiz or the I'm sorry the lesson but um it's hard to say how things will play out in a middle school so I'm a former Middle School principal and you don't know if students are going to want to talk about 911 are they going to bring it up is there going to be a discussion in class so the FAQ was really meant to help teachers have that discussion if they want to have it it was something provided by the district so there already was an effort at some level to standard I responses to probably what Mr melli thought would be frequently asked questions he certainly meant no harm he meant to you know he certainly didn't mean to offend anybody um and then again that was an internal communication that I think the teachers would understand differently than perhaps parent Community might understand it so the other thing is as Mr pck said there are a number of issues related to curriculum where teachers are concerned and they do worry about deviating from the curriculum the fact is is 9911 is not part of the curriculum at most of our grade levels it's part of us2 history based on the New Jersey student learning standards it used to be a seventh grade topic when us2 was taught in seventh grade that has since changed based on action of the state doesn't prevent the district from looking at something that we could do across the district but I'm just pointing out the reasons in his mind why he felt we had to reach out to the teachers and provide some level of assistance for 9/11 okay so that's really the basis of that um you know he um he he he has spent a lot of time meeting with people in the community he's responded to emails and um he's done everything he can to help explain his position also I want to thank Ferris because he produced an article and tap into that provides some additional background information for members the public if you would like to see it um it's right up there with in the education news and tap into okay so but we will work on this and we will make sure that um ultimately we standardize things across the district for next year okay the district continued with pretty much everything that has happened in Prior years we've been the district has been approaching 911 for the most part the same way for the past 23 years and so there has not been um really anything too dramatically different that's happened obviously when I I wasn't here in like 2003 or but since my time here we've been basically moving along and we do have events we do have different things as the schools determine are appropriate it's not something that has been centralized before maybe it should be and maybe we we could certainly look at that all right at this time we we the board we going back into executive session uh we have a number of legal matters uh to speak about and a policy we will be coming out to vote uh there will be uh vote at the end um we're probably going to be a half hour to 45 minutes and exact have a motion to adjourn second Wendy for all right we're going to take a five minute break and then we're going to go back into exact all right uh we have one item you two do I have a [Music] mover wow any [Music] discussion on YouTube to the first two we have motion um Mark and [Music] Wendy Mr Gano what I tell you yes mrry yes Mr Paul yes regoso yes Mrs wion yes Mr bersi so I am really concerned by this policy it's overly restrictive it limits us down in the things that we need to be able to go through and do it affects everybody in this room I think you're wrong for the approach that you're trying to take to get this Comm through I think you've done this secretly I think you've done this by pushing things through I think if you look at the people on the committee that are doing this that the people have attacked my family and is let's please address it to the policy I need to be able to vote no to this I do not believe that this is the right thing to do report it as a no Mr Faber yes Mr Pacos I vote no because I believe it creates a hardship on some board members Mr Pac yes motion carries I we have one more item for adding to the agenda approved contract of with the Canon with the canon law firm in amount out to exceed 4,125 do have a moover Wendy Mark Wendy roll yep any discussion roll call Mrs lamandre yes Mr Paul yes Mrs ralo yes Mrs witing yes Mr bersi yes Mr Faber yes Mr gardano yes Mr Pacos yes Mr pav yes motion carries motion to adjer motion Barbara mat everybody