##VIDEO ID:-eXcjDzrjVY## e check check oh yeah mik's hot microphone check microphone check okay second microphone check for Amy guys special one just for her e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone the time is now 7:00 the wieta Public Schools Board of Education regular meeting for Monday October 14th 2024 will please to order will the clerk please call the RO Heidi ker here Sheila prior here Sarah Johansson here Paris bende here Valentina SS here Dan janra here Milan Sone present Chase Anderson here thank you we have a quorum I hope everyone is enjoying the unusual prolonged nice weather and hopefully the beautiful fall colors will start soon if you wish to speak during the audience opportunity to address the board please fill out a form placed at the back of the room in the hallway there and hand it over to our District Administrative Assistant Amy sitting to my right all right the next item on the agenda is the approval of the agenda and the consent agenda items consent agenda items are considered routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or a citizen so requests in which case the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed the consent agenda items are listed in the materials the recommended action is to approve the agenda and the consent agenda items is there a motion I so move second second all right moved and seconded will the clerk please take cor call V Heidi ker yes Valentina SS yes Dan janra yes Sarah Johansson yes Paris bende yes Sheila prior yes Milan soney yes we have an agenda thank you the next item on our agenda is report from organization this section of the agenda provides an opportunity for wieta high school for wieta high school student council representative to report on information and events at Wisa High School is Pon M there okay all right I would like to invite Pon M student council vice president from WIA High School to please come forward welcome Pon to hold it oh there thank you um tonight I'm going to be representing why is it a student body like you said um once again um our last meeting we discussed the student council's plans um for uh the school's homecoming week um and I'll try to give a very brief rundown because there's a lot of people here of how it went um firstly I want to like talk about um the WIA homecoming pep Fest um this year our Junior vice president Scott um and the committee decided to have professional um MC's uh speakers during the event I think they host the Timberwolves I'm pretty sure um and they were a huge hit we had a large audience and a ton of participation within the crowd um which has been a very has been an improvement since last year um and then yeah okay um as for this year's homecoming um the student council was able to raise um more than $1,800 or 800 tickets um for the dance um and this was a drastic change um in the number of sales from previous years especially after the pandemic um and then we had the wisota BPA or business Professionals of America provide um concessions at the dance and this year they added crumble cookies which I think was was pretty a success um and then as for some sports um this year's football game um the homecoming game it was kind of a tough one um um but I think the school spirit made up for it like 100% um my mom always says that the process is more important important than the um than the product and I think that was clear with this game um and it was just extremely memorable um and then we also had last Thursday we had our tackle cancer football game against Hopkins and we won 55 to6 which is crazy um and it was just an extremely good game um and then the following Sunday um NHS or the National Honor Society and student council hosted a joint event which was the T tackle cancer flag football tournament um and we had more than 200 students um and staff present in the games um and we had over 28 different teams um and it was an incredible game with a huge Su and a huge success ESS um with our goal of trying to create a more United Community um as of this upcoming week we have it's a heavy week of sports I'd say um so the girls tennis team boys soccer and girls soccer start their section games tomorrow um I think tennis starts at 8 A.M tomorrow if you want to participate um and then the girls cross country team won the Lake Conference Championship um last week and then one little note I had was I've seen a lot of improvement with the Yetta photography club um they increased their size like dramatically this year um and they've been used by student council and other student organizations to promote other their organizations um and they've just been very productive this year any questions okay thank you Pon any questions or comments board colleagues just a comment thank you so much it's a especially homecoming right it's a it's a big task to pull off and so sounds like there's a lot of really hard work so thanks to you and the and the whole sto crew and uh good luck to all of our teams and sectionals thank you you I just wanted to thank the the council for the work they did on the um the black party it was a lot of fun the school board had a football toss and I saw you guys beautiful day and you guys did a great job helping us set that up so thank you uh thank you pton I I agree with Sheila it was I think it was a success we moved our table from way back in the end in the front and thank you for allowing allowing us to do that I think we had a little bigger crowd this year than than in from what I'd seen last year but also we finished most of the fruit Fruit by the Foot Right most of the Fruit by the Foot uh so that tells me tells us you know that many many kids that came and tried the football Tas so thank you again and we hope to see you again next uh month thank you thank you all right next item on the agenda is recognitions in continuation of our rotation policy for board members to take turns at the podium this time director genestra will now join superintendent Anderson at the podium everybody first turn on your mic rule number one good evening everybody my name is Chase Anderson I'm the superintendent for the school district and it's my honor to convene the recognitions part of our school board meetings each month I want to welcome all of you and thank you all for being here tonight for this uh special recognition event one that we look forward to each year I have to say though Payton you kind of put me in a bad place here uh competing with crumble cookies uh everybody's distracted now thinking about that but uh we appreciate you're sharing uh everything happening at the high school you did a great job of giving us an update so thank you so much for being here tonight so our first recognition this evening is uh an annual event and one that Roy is very excited about because we have an opportunity to invite in our students who have been recognized through the National Merit Scholarship program so I know a number of you uh are here this evening for that particular recognition um as I always say we're so proud of our students and uh the performance that they do on their academics and all the co-curriculars you heard about that from Payton earlier in regard to how involved all of our students are and we just so much appreciate and respect the time and energy and hard work that our students bring forth to uh make these wonderful accomplishments but we know it's not done in isolation and uh through the support of all of you as the adults and their lives whether you're parents or grandparents or special neighbors or other relatives you've all contributed to our student success and we're just so incredibly proud of all that they do and all that you do to support not only your kids but all their friends who probably hang out at your house and eat everything in sight while they're there I remember those days when our kids were in high school but you are part of that team regardless of your role and helping to encourage and uh uh uh you know ensure that not only your own kids are well taken care of but that you help uh with all of their friends and others in the community so we recognize that we appreciate that so much I would like to just share a little bit about the National Merit program and how it uh is applied here in wetta this year and then I'm going to turn it over to Amy Swanson who will convene the introductions and share a little bit more information so I would like to begin with the following we Isetta is proud to recognize 30 which is a very large number for high schools in the state of Minnesota and nationally wetta high school students who have been named semi-finalists in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship program congratulations to those students who will be recognized this evening to be among only 16,000 semifinalists across the country having 30 of them is a pretty big percentage really uh when you you do the math on that and uh when compared to other high schools um it certainly is is very impressive High School juniors entered the National Merit Scholarship program by taking the 2023 preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship qualifying test which served as an initial screen of program entrance the Nationwide pool of semi-finalist representing less than 1% of us High School seniors includes the highest scoring entrance in each state these academically talented High School seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for 7,500 National Merit Scholarships worth nearly $30 million that will will be offered next spring Amy swensson gifted and talented coordinator at wetta high school will introduce each of the National Merit semi finalists and share the names of the teachers being recognized by these students Amy thank you for being here and I'll turn it over to you thank you I was joking with Dr Anderson earlier that I get really nervous when I stand in front of people when there's microphones and cameras so even though I've practiced the names and I know many of you don't be surprised if I make a mistake so as I call your names I'm going to have you come up to the front audience please hold your applause till the end students you'll grab your certificate and then kind of line up along the front okay all right our 2024 wetta High School National Merit semi-finalists are sadell abrahamson matanu aural Hari akina kavy Chandra Tara Chinta Leah day nidi Gandhi rywick gar Shelly go ashak Hussein abanov kamaki qua Lee Richard Lynn Michael Lindsay Andy luo Jonathan luo Arya Mahajan Sadie meisenheimer Jason Nicholls Tia petel yesika [Music] Poipu Shin Shri sua subramanium Samuel swan Audrey [Music] tusers Olivia Juan Johnny Wong Karen Yang Janie Y and Angie Jung so it's a long-standing tradition here in wetta public schools that our National Merit semi-final ists recognize um or identify um individuals who have played a significant role in their K8 and 92 education um this year's semi-finalist selected the following individuals as their esteemed staff nominees each staff member identified was presented with a lapel pin in Rec in recognition cpra Lauren Campbell clet Joel Ellingson Sarah Ellis David eler Joel Ellingson Sarah Ellis David Elmhurst Mark gch Jody grock danne Hodes Mark Johnston Shannon Kelly Debbie kimlinger Donald ksac Amanda Laden Alyssa McIntyre Jared Nelson Eliza Lewis ' Conor and Aaron Simmons wi Isetta is filled with amazing staff as evidenced by a summary of the words and thoughts of Our National Merit semifinalists who had these things to say about this group of Staff members and why they were important to them I quote it is very evident how much he cares for the well-being of his students he embodies patience and kindness and is always willing to go the extra distance to make sure each one of his students is getting quality instruction this person was incredibly kind and strove to make personal connections with everyone in their class in their classroom I felt a genuine love for learning they are a major reason for why I became invested in taking higher level classes and doing well in school and for that I am incred incredibly thankful another semi-finalist wrote I love how she took the time to make personal connections with all of her students she cared deeply about each of us and took time to be there when I was struggling she always made me feel special no she made everyone feel special another finalist wrote She Cares deeply for each of the students in her class she puts in extra work to set up thoughtful demonstrations and has tons of social activities to make the students feel welcomed even though her content is challenging she makes learning incredibly fun and engaging another wrote he always pushed me to be the best version of myself and taught me to embrace challenges instead of shying away thank you for giving me many opportunities to grow finally she helped me become a more accountable confident and motivated student she was always open to answer my questions or to work with me to help me improve as a writer and a speaker she cared so much about me as a student and took the time to write a letter to my family about my success in her class she created a close-nit community full of understanding empathy and respect and I want to thank her for taking that step towards me and helping me grow as a student and as a human being I would like to extend my personal congratulations to this amazing group of young people congratulations um to this year's National Merit semi-finalists and esteemed staff members we are very very proud of you thank you there e [Applause] not only are the National Merit semi-finalist I believe uh will receive notice tomorrow that that ties for the longest smile in history during the photo session so thank you so much uh again congratulations to our students for this wonderful award and uh recognition and we wish you well in the next uh rounds of this thanks for joining us this evening our next recognition this evening is for what's called menshape young professional teacher of the year award this is a big deal and I would like to invite Taran Adams forward as the recipient of this award feel free to come forward and congrat [Applause] congratulations I think this is actually a welcome back for Taran as I was reflecting I think you did a presentation here a few months back about the work you do and uh I recall the enthusiasm and the energy uh for her work and obviously others have recognized it as well so you're here tonight to be honored and recognized as the men shape young professional teacher of the year I'd like to share the following and then I'll give Taran an opportunity to uh share a little bit about her work and uh uh this particular award or whatever might come to mind I know you have a cheering section here of family members and uh you can certainly recognize them as well it's really great for you all to be here I share the following Taran Adams is a developmental adaptive physical education teacher more familiar uh known as dape instructors for some of you might recognize that terminology has been nominated by suar professor at Mano State University for the Minnesota Society of health and physical Educators menshape young professional teacher of the year award the purpose of the young professional teacher of the year award is an is to honor a younger member who has demonstrated outstanding potential for teaching professional leadership and Service and Health fied and dance and our Recreation uh procession T Taran consistently demonstrates a high level of professionalism and integrity she is fully committed to her role providing invaluable support and advocacy for both students and their families she Embraces the challenges of working with diverse students and staff always striving to offer the highest level of support Taran excels at building strong positive connections with students and families and is a true team player Beyond her work with students Taran has been an incredible support to her colleagues generously sharing her expertise and helping others develop their skills in adaptive education her passion and dedication have inspired us all and we are so proud to have her as part of the WPS Special Education team in addition to her role in shape Taran has been instrumental in initiating and implementing unified PE programs in multiple schools this program has highlighted the strong connections between special and general education students we are truly grateful for tering dedication and commitment to our students in such a short period of time and she is highly deserving of this recognition please join me and congratulating thank you so much thank you so much I just wanted to say thank you to the school board for honoring me today it truly feels so humbling and I'm very grateful to be a part of a district that honors Awards outside of our district I'm so honored to be a part of the wetta public schools and the schools that I am at which include gleon Lake Elementary Oakwood Elementary Sunset Hill Elementary and Plymouth Creek Elementary so thank you so much for this honor and I appreciate being recognized so thank you so much [Applause] thank you Taran and cheering squad for being here tonight so how did that feel to stand there and hear that long script while you're standing up here you don't need to answer but had to comment on that anyway thank you and for your kind comments our next recognition this evening is for October 2024 employee of the month and I would like to invite Jen cely to please come forward Jen [Applause] congratulations so she's had an opportunity to observe someone reading a script uh but really nice things uh for the person standing here before us so we're real excited to recognize Jen for this fine honor and I know she has some cheering Squad members here tonight as well family and and colleagues so we appreciate their presence why Isetta public Public Schools is honored to recognize Jen cely as the October Employee of the Month Jen is entering her 11th year as a teacher and eth year at Sunset Hill teaching grade five every morning Jen greets her students in the hallway offering words of encouragement to help them start their day on a positive note she prioritizes her students emotional well-being and recognizes the importance of creating a sense of connection and belonging within her classroom Jen students have choices and opportunities to engage meaningfully with the content she is highly Adept at meeting each student where they are in any subject fostering an inclusive environment where every learner is supported the classroom Community she builds encourages students to help and challenge one another promoting positive discourse and deep involvement in the learning process her strong knowledge of instructional standards and best practices not only benefits her students but also supports our colleagues across the school and the district Jen's openness to vulnerability and teaching is evident as she regularly hosts walkthroughs and invites from other districts to observe her implementation of the curriculum she eagerly seeks feedback to refine her practice and benefits that benefits her students Beyond her classroom Jen actively contributes to the broader School Community she is our LEGO League adviser she has served on multiple district and building committees including the district's math leadership team and more recently the district social studies curriculum team Jen leads her professional learning Community or better known as a PLC she mentors new staff and serves as a resource for instructional Excellence Jen approaches challenging conversations with humor and positivity maintaining a focus on student growth and well-being families know Jen as a steadfast advocate for their children even during difficult times we are incredibly fortunate to have her at Sunset Hill Jen congratulations thank you board members for the opportunity for this recognition and thank you Dr Anderson for reading all those nice things about me um when I started my life as an educator I was filled with hope and excitement over the impact that I wish to make in the world it is no secret that teaching students today is possibly one of the most difficult jobs there is but it is one that has brought me incredible Joy growth and many excellent stories to tell at Family get togethers I can think of nothing more important than recognizing and celebrating kids for who they are giving them a powerful picture of everything that they are capable of and allowing them to see the steps that they can take to be the person they want to be in the world and of course making sure that they understand things like math I'm honored to be part of the world of education and it is incredibly hum humbling to be recognized for this work it would be impossible for me to be the teacher I am without all of the staff and Educators at Sunset Hill that I work to emulate each day the list is longer than I would be comfortable standing up here to read but most notably I want to thank the members of my closest instructional team the team of the month if you will I want to recognize Ross Williams for his thoughtful leadership Cassie van coverin for her excellence in student support Michelle Hull for her student first mindset Lily medling for her stream of innovative ideas including magically making all of my ideas instantly better Daniel Hal deem for his teamwork dependability and of course keeping our fish alive Melissa Murphy for his her powerful approach to instruction and relationship building and Michael Delan for his thoughtful insights and partnership the staff and teachers at Sunset are the best of the best and I'm lucky to be a part of their Community thank you to all my students past and present who share their light with me every day hard work would not be fun without them most importantly thank you to my wonderful husband who finds ways um a million ways to take care of me while I'm focused on taking care of kids at school from managing our life at home every Saturday so I can sip coffee and complete core or lesson plan to setting up my emergency classroom at home during Co to encouraging my new watercolor hobby he constantly makes sure that I can engage with my passion of Education without being consumed by it my world my career and our family are strong because of your partnership a final thank you to my parents my first and best teachers and to my daughter Reagan who plays patiently in my classroom while I work in the evenings thank you [Applause] thanks again Jen and sharing squad for being here it truly is a team effort and we heard some of those uh weekend supports and evening supports and everything that it it takes to help a teacher uh get his or her work done so we appreciate the the teamwork and the support our final recognition this evening is for those who have since our last meeting announced their intentions to retire and I would like to read four names this evening and uh share their current position and their years of service to the district uh first is Jenna hitz prepare professional in the transition program for 22 years I don't think I've spotted any of our folks that are retiring that are here tonight but um I'm sure they're watching us uh on YouTube tonight probably um another is Gail majer per professional at Oakwood 24 years Kathy Rhoden our payroll manager in the district service center she's been in that role for 32 years and Lisa yenser administrative professional uh District service center and she's been in the district for 16 years so again assuming and uh uh being quite certain they're watching us on YouTube let's give them a round of applause so they know how much app we appreciate their service and dedication to the school district a great deal and their contributions will continue to live on so that concludes our recognition program I than did anyone else come for some recognition tonight that I missed I don't think so I believe we got everybody but again congrat congratulations to all of you um you're certainly more than welcome to stay for the remainder of the school board meeting but uh Sometimes some folks might choose to make a graceful exit at this time although we're going to have a wonderful presentation from Sunset Hill and uh you might enjoy uh being a part of that here this well this evening so thanks so much for being here we greatly appreciate it and uh hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and we'll continue on with our board meeting thank you so much congratulations to the honores and thank you Dr Anderson and director gestra and now we have the highlight of our regular meetings the school Spotlight presentation tonight the spotlight is on Sunset Hill Elementary like Dr Anderson Anderson said and I'll turn it over to executive director of teaching and learning Dana Miller to make the introduction Dana thank you and tonight we welcome principal Ross Williams and assistant principal Cassie van coveran who are here along with um Michelle and other staff Michelle Hall and other staff to celebrate the amazing work of Sunset Hill um staff at Sunset Hill are committed to creating a sense of community and belonging at their school to reach the Strategic road map that each and every student is prepared to thrive today and Excel tomorrow in an everchanging Global Society to create this community atmosphere staff at Sunset Hill have committed to continued work in focusing on and in leveraging instructional practices that align with their school growth plan specifically their academic and student experience goal tonight they're excited to share with the board some of these instructional strategies and practice that support all students in their learning so with that I will turn it over to principal Ross thank you good evening um before I forget I'm going to make sure that I um again Mrs Van cover in Cassie and Michelle Hall Michelle Hall is in her role as a family partnership lead Cassie is our assistant principal uh just reflecting a little bit tonight um and some of the things we pulled together for you that you'll experience uh it took me back a little bit when Cassie was in fact uh working with me uh for five years as a Dean before joining me back this year at Sunset Hill so it has really been a process I didn't want to forget that I was as I was reflecting on things to say um certainly a pleasure to be here tonight thank you uh chair soney members of the board and Dr Anderson we've been engaged with and continue to build upon at sunset in the area of student belonging community and culture we're really excited to share this um it has undoubtedly been an iterative process explicitly thinking about how we continue to work to align goals and resources at the building and District levels to help us live out our best self as a school community at Sunset you'll also notice tonight with some of the things that we share um that it's a very thoughtful and articulated approach to carrying out yetta's Mission Vision and values and the resources and experiences that we have planned and and are going to share well I can't speak specifically for how these things show up exactly at other schools I do know that we all engage in the same work and whenever possible using the same afforded resources created and shared to align a term I here often known as our through line let's see um the first couple things I wanted to point out when I Was preparing for tonight and thinking a little bit is not that um you all need to be reminded of your of the district District's strategic directions or values but I I'm reminded that we're often on YouTube and I think it's important for people to recognize that uh the things that we're sharing tonight directly fit in I've highlighted a couple things that you can see there uh really um in my mind the work uh fits in well with strategic Direction one two and five there is a piece of number three that stood out to me uh when we get into what we referred to as a Trojan Pride calendar a little bit later uh and that really has been something that has developed over time to support staff uh that are new to Sunset but to help us really make sure that the work that we're doing is schoolwide uh common vocabularies uh resources and lessons all of those things really help make sure that our teachers are supported in providing the experience that meet uh number one ensuring a high quality experience for students um if students aren't engaged and that uh they're not going to achieve so that's that inextricably tied piece between our student engagement goal which we're going to really highlight and um our achievement goal our core values I kind of did the the same thing when I think about um numbers two three four and six all the things that I'm sharing with you tonight all really do support that work um the whole idea of collaboration and working together in ways to eliminate barriers starts with our teaching staff and our kids and how we build community within the classroom um we've we've talked about the importance of building a sense of belonging I heard uh Mrs cely speak to that um a little bit earlier uh the whole idea and work around equity and when we really think of meeting each and every uh and then the last one respect uh learning from and through our differences uh perspective is is highly valued at sunset uh certainly can I think in anything create some challenges I don't mean that in a negative way but I think perspective is what makes us who we are and in order to work really well together we have to understand first each other so uh really works working on building Community I referenced before uh our achievement goal and our experience goal um tonight I think we're probably highlighting most the student experience goal which you you can see um we do give a uh student engagement survey districtwide and we are specifically focusing on ways this year to increase the opportunity that students have uh to interact and and share with each other uh I know that Jen when she was uh speaking uh she leads our PLC so just a little piece of that uh professional Learning Community um their goal is really focusing on um literacy this year referenc Jen maybe she just join us up here um she referenced her work on weekends on core but um again I I I don't want to spend tonight as much on the academic achievement goal as much as I do really the work around the belonging and student experience um but they are so importantly tied I'm going to turn it over now to Cassie and Michelle yes um so like you've heard we really talk about the importance of that creating that community and belonging and to do that we created this calendar it's called our Trojan Pride calendar to really help with that student experience um as you can see there's multiple activities that teachers have the ability to engage in throughout the year to help create that so um setting those expectations and limits really helping them understand how do we create that ideal classroom um um supporting kids and understanding my job your job my job isn't your job isn't so how do we really set those expectations so we can Excel and meet that achievement goal along with creating that experience for all the students um we've talked about I've been at a board presentation before where we talked about the basic needs but really embedding that scope and sequence for teachers to be able to support them in developing that understanding of we as humans how we behave and how we can lean in and understand how our friends or maybe a colleague or our um spouse or partner behave so really um helping teachers but also giving that ideal classroom room um in this each teacher will go through these different scope and sequence and you can see there's Heritage months so when there is a Heritage Month to talk about we place that on the calendar and there's activities that um all the teachers will go through along with a diversity lesson each month this month or September was around circling up how do we create those spaces where kids can understand and find perspective share empathy um get to know each other and create that morning meeting type atmosphere is our first really dive into that and also how do we fill and dip buckets um I had a I mean that is language that we just want to continuously use throughout our whole school K through five and like Ross had mentioned we started this about six years ago when I was the dean of students because teachers were looking for resources and wanting to really understand how to implement some of the things that we were saying that we needed and so this has been a support for them um and October month so like I said each month we have different activities for the teachers to engage in really this month is around that bully bullying prevention um also today was indigenous people's day that teaching and learning provided some resources for us to make sure that we're engaging in um this day and then to be able to experience this we are going to engage in what we call a protocol called walk and learn this is a high movement protocol and it is sociocentric so really getting to um collaborate with one another and what this protocol does is we're going to have us get up and we're going to walk over here so you guys can really see those activities that the teachers are engaging in and as you walk and look you can talk with one another but just what are those important ideas that you're seeing them um and then you can also just think about how you would see this play out in classrooms and these are all artifacts from K through five classrooms that we gathered today um but it just really so you can really see that experience and how we're really trying to set up that belonging and create that ideal classroom so all kids can learn because we know how vulnerability trust um engagement is really the core of the classroom so just helping you to see that too so we can stand up and we'll walk over here um I know this might be uncomfortable some but oh you can yeah if you have questions or this isud and how do they meet those needs and um so they have a lot of discussion around it okay within the classro this is a first grade classroom okay so they talk about the picture and they create like how do they try to meet their love belonging their power success need we talk a lot about bucket filling how do feel you did that it K when I was there so con yes it's very helpful is this poer like an wall in the this is in the classroom um right front and center but all of these would be in their in their classrooms hanging up um this is not some this is just a lesson plan of like a little couple examples of how to help engage in some different how do you decide which specific cl to put these in um the teachers create them on their own through the Trojan prider calendar so their activities are there and then they create the materials and hang them up in their classroom so these other schools where they actually have all these things literally almost identical things in the hallways on the walls yeah some are in the hallways and some are in the classrooms yeah and are these all in one one study session one hour of class um this is broken up normally each day they do a different one um and then as they go they continue to integrate it and talk about it with the staff thank you bigger grade what grade did the bucket filling this is second grade second grade look at that handwriting that's second grade hallway CL you know I took it today not just the handwriting but like the the depth of thoughtful too for sure are these remind me what these These are basic basic needs yeah yeah it's interesting because even adults need these right like as I see these M yeah I use it a lot with colleagues even yeah and like when I know I'm not showing up as my best self I'm like what am I missing I think my freedom has not been because I have a mother of young children yes I need space I am not my best motherly self right now I'm going to the gas station to get a diet con isn't it funny it's just something but that's the truth it doesn't take that much it's just a little something to get you through yeah we're all trying to satisfy it 100% And as you finish up you can make your way back to your seat of looking to see youo so as you can see over there we talk a lot about who's the person we want to be um who do I want to be as a student as a teacher as a colleague as a child um as a mother right like who do we want to be and how do we help show up because we're living in so much Community together all day especially you know six seven hours we're together so how do we show up and be our best selves um and we have another a Family Partnership lead to help support this work too and she's going to share a little bit about her work okay so as you can see up on the slide this is going to highlight some of the things that I do but then also my other the other Family Partnership leads across the district um but we are working with families and helping to build the bridge but not be the bridge uh between school and home so in building the bridge the other Family Partnership leads and myself we're out in the communities we provide resources and we partner with the family Liaisons in order to bring insights to teachers we also help develop instructional practices that leverage cultural knowledge for the classroom so one cultural Behavior I'd like to highlight just to give you a little understanding is uh conversational patterns so some cultures are comfortable with verbal overlapping they may talk over each other a little bit when someone else is speaking and in other cultures they may prefer a more linear way of speaking which would be like raising your hand or taking turns um but there is not a right way or a wrong way it's just a way of being um so the circles up on the chart talk about or up on the slides you can see that talks about co- teing lessons Circle practice basic needs lessons culturally responsive strategies and these are things that either are happening in our building or in other buildings that have the Family Partnership leads as well um so all right so then on here you can see this is our district uh definition that we use for culture so culture is the abstract learned shared rules and standards for generating behavior and understanding experience so at Sunset Hill we strive to honor everyone's way of being and provide opportunities for cultural differences to be valued so on the right hand side you can see the iceberg and we use this as a visual to represent culture and so if we think of ourselves the top part of the iceberg which is visible um is just such a small part of Who We Are and so then below the surface is the other parts that you know people don't see but are make up who we are as people so um just to give you a little uh background on that but if I think thinking back again to the conversational patterns of the verbal overlap so a teacher May provide opportunities for students to respond without raising their hand they may that is allowing for verbal over overlap and in addition to having students raise their hands they to share their thinking so thinking of both ways that students could respond um could help limit if students are blurting or if they're just so excited to you know share and so this would provide an opportunity for students who have different cultural variations on that so we're going to do another uh protocol and this you're not going to have to stand up for this one uh so this one is called moment of silence but if you noticed in the top right hand corner and Cassie did talk about that on the last one too it highlights some of the different cultural behaviors that we're focusing on and so this one the moment of silence it speaks to activity structure so and you can see the pink circle around there is for individualism which means this is an activity you're going to do by yourself and it also is stationary so there's not a lot of movement a lot of times we we look at the behaviors that are happening in the classroom and different variations and then we say okay like what what is it that we could change in our teaching to help our students in our classroom and a lot of times we have oh we need to add a little bit of movement and but uh for this activity it's stationary or for this one so we're going to engage in this protocol but we're going to use um your moment of silence is going to be a slide I show next that is a passage from cult culturally responsive teaching in the brain um but I'd like to point out oh wait nope I said that part um okay so this protocol supports Learners who prefer working as individuals and leans towards the no movement and might be a little bit uncomfortable if you like to read something and then you want to talk about it right away but in this for this activity you just are going to read it think to yourself and think about the action that you could take and that's you can see that from the three different things you'll pause think about the important ideas you're going to think does this confirm challenge or change my ideas and then you're going to decide if there's an action you can or will take to honor this but again it's a silent activity so here's what you will be reading e so we just learned that culture is a learned behavior and we all have culture so being aware of the multiple different cultural behaviors in our classrooms or with um all of us beings it helps us learn and to be able to understand one another better so these are just different protocols that many teachers are engaging in and Michelle's been co- teing and helping support um that Learning and Development so that we can reach those high levels of Education um and achievement so this next one we're going to take it to the classroom we have a video of one of our first grade teachers talking about poster your thoughts and how she engages in that in her classroom and then a little bit from students of how what they feel when you when the teachers are using different instructional culturally responsive practices so can you go we practiced um post your thoughts and we've been doing that a lot in here um and before I used it like with a lesson I practiced it with kids during morning meeting and they I just gave them like a question where they could draw a picture or write one word just so they felt more comfortable um with using post your thoughts through lessons so here's kind of like our um what we've been using for post your thoughts and I also throw this up here too so they I can give them the step-by-step directions um but a lot of times we've been using it and making meaning um we practice it during visualizing where they um draw a picture of what they visualize in the story that I read another way we practice it is with um wondering so this was also during the making meeing lessons during the read they would come and post one of their wonderings up here um and then again we got to read some to the class and they're so proud to do that I'm able to gauge more like if they're engaged in the lesson if they're really understanding what I'm teaching um also again holding students accountable to be able to show their work share it with the class um and again give them giving them more purpose I also really like this strategy too because in CCC we know that a lot of the lessons are just turn and talk turn to your partner and that's obviously not giving us all the activity structures and the people bonds um so it just gives more of um something else to do a lot of the culturally responsive strategies um obviously are maybe for older kids and I've adapted a lot of them but again it just gives me something else to do besides T so I found them really useful I it this I think it was exciting because you I got to like write St down about the book and I really like the book why do you want to do it again because it's really fun what do you think Raiden because it's really cool it was fun what made it so cool you better write what you think it's kind of cool cuz we get to White in our own Woods why do you think other teachers should try it well well because it's just really fun and and really cool I think it is fun you sometimes too long too got too long why do you want to do it again because it's fun I felt like it was fun why do you think other other teachers should use it in your school um because kids can write down what they think is uh stationary again but it's linear so we're g to one at a time and it's spontaneous and sometimes that might feel uncomfortable to be spontaneous when we don't have a planned action but this is just we're going to use think of one word to summarize your learning tonight from our presentation respond out loud when it's your turn and you're going to listen to others and try to connect to your learning so if somebody would want to go and say one word of their learning tonight and we'll just continue going to the right anybody want to start I'll go okay Innovative thank you thank you all um I think this was a great presentation and U it's it's I'm sorry are you still continuing oh hold on okay yeah my word was Innovative inov learning to listen to each other student centered I learned the kids think it's cool Bridges you can learn and have fun it was very impactful um some of you some of the protocols might have felt uncomfortable some of them might have felt comfortable but that's what makes this learning so um so that each and every can thrive in our Global society and learning to bridge to one another thought we'd end with just a quote from a book called We Belong 50 strategies to create Community from the moment their feet hit the ground the school grounds to the moment they leave students experiences of belonging or not belonging powerfully intertwined with the Dynamics of their classrooms affecting the overall School culture and each student's learning experience so um we hope you enjoyed tonight uh and really if there's one thing I want to really encourage and remind people is that uh learning itself especially with different perspectives you have to provide multiple opportunities for students to engage differently in context or in the work if you really want them to uh achieve so belonging is super important thank you thank you all uh greatly appreciate your presentation and uh there any questions or comments from colleagues Baris just a few comments so this is really great thank you for this opportunity and thanks for sharing the details again students experience is number one priority and the way you guys are trying to handle it by having them giving you know give you inputs what that experience looks like feels like I think it's it's really great so we can hear from our stakeholders and then try to make their experience better so loved it thank you so much okay so it was really hard to come up with just one word because I'm a lot more verose than that but thank um and I think the thing that I came away with because so often we we hear from families that we want to hear about the achievement of students and the numbers behind it and all of that but really hearing from you in this way helps me to understand a lot more that the belonging is really foundational in order for the achievement to even be possible so thank you so much for that and Leo a thanks um when we think about um Excellence for each and every right we have lots of things and what I think you showed us tonight is that Excellence for each and every is being intentional and intentional about the delivery intentional about the audience and the student needs intentional about the teachers and and the ways that they can shake it up and and I know it takes a lot of effort and energy to think about every piece um and each bit of that intention makes a difference and we saw that tonight and we see it in your school so thank you thanks I was going to say thank you so much for being here I was remarkable that you know reconnect with a lot of you and um all those you really fascinating things to see you you know now presenting to us about the mechanics of curriculum what you're teaching students and then to hear their Reflections and whatnot you know kind of you know both sides of the equation so just um really impactful really informative and thanks so much for being here okay thank you so much I I do have hold on one second one second I do have one question usually the chair asks the last questions or make usually makes the last comment so I do have one question and I don't remember which slide number it was but it was the slide that said School growth plan academic achievement goal so if maybe you can bring that up fourth or fifth slide I think from the beginning I think it's slide three three or four am there four okay so on the left hand side you have the academic achievement goal and by May 31 2025 100% of students will meet or exceed literacy goals aligned with grade level standards help me understand now are you saying that the goal is to have 100% reading Prof proficiency for all elementary school kids with no achievement gaps or is this something different that um this is specific to the professional Learning Community by each grade level so third grade their expectations or standards or specific work in literacy to achieve those goals or achievement might look different than fifth grade uh but what defines really the work is standards uh which are set by the state uh we are really focusing this year on very very specific literacy skills at each grade level um from early learning to read in our primary grades to more comprehension uh work in fourth and fifth to kind of break it down so that isn't everybody in the school but it's very specific uh as determined by a grade level team uh those literacy goals that they're trying to achieve okay so basically these are different from what the MCA okay I I just wanted to make make sure that that not would you me thank you so much that's all the question I how thank you again before you run off um at a recent meeting we introduced new administrators to the district and it didn't work out for Cassie to be here that evening we won't go into all the details on that but anyway I just wanted to highlight the fact that Cassie's in uh her first year in the role of assistant associate principal at uh Sunset Hill and we're just happy to welcome you to that team yet one more team that you've been on here in the district in the many incredible roles that you've been a part of so I just wanted to acknowledge that and appreciate you being here tonight with Ross and Michelle and in the cheering section and the teacher of the month or employee of the month and all these famous people that are here tonight but it's just really great to have you on that team and we wish you well in that you're off to a great start by the way let everybody know that so thank you thanks for being here thank you okay all right next uh moving on next is the audience opportunity to address the board Amy I don't see any requests so we do not have that let's skip skip to the next item on the agenda thank you all right moving on to administrative reports and recommendations first we have the superintendent report Dr Anderson will present six policies for approval board for the board by the board tonight thank you Mr chair m MERS of the board I'll say the following comment jokingly that our uh Executive Director of Finance is probably thinking it's time for the finance report since the number of attendees has dropped significantly as we've moved through the the meeting tonight but don't mind to steal your thunder you'll probably make some comment to that effect but we do have a number of policies this evening that are brought to you um for first reading uh as a reminder all of our policies are reviewed within our policy committee and uh uh board members on that committee the three board members provide input and offer suggested edits we make those edits we bring them forward uh for Board review and our typical protocol is uh uh review of the policy we have a a prescheduled cycle that we go through as we review policies then we bring them to uh a board meeting and uh uh move move it through toward board approval uh we have um several policies that are up for review this evening and they're listed here first one policy 406 chemical use and abuse policy 408 Personnel records policy 421 employee Publications instructional materials copyright and patent ownership policy 427 workload limits for certain special education teachers thank you policy 512 staff uh notifications of violent Behavior by students and policy 53 for grading and assessment so those are the policies that are up for review also uh uh two policies that we're sunsetting include uh Personnel records policy 408 and uh 427 workload limits for um certain special education teachers so I think some of these are being incorporated into other policies in different ways so um I just wanted to share that so I'm curious Amy I'm just wondering if I might be able to ask you for some clarification so on the board agenda it indicates policy recommendations uh 427 workload limits for certain special education teachers was that on the agenda only for sunsetting of that specific policy 408 there two that were for sunsetting and the other four were for review so on the agenda they're listed numerically entirety got it sorry I just all of a sudden I got confused want to clarify that so 406 421 512 and 534 have been revised with a new revision dates policies for sunsetting 408 and 427 um as recommended so the recommended action is uh approve the above policies as presented in the attachments and I'll turn it back over to you Mr chair thank you Dr Anderson so colleagues the recommended action is to approve the policies as presented by Dr Anderson is there a motion so moved and do you okay thank you any second second thank you moved and seconded any discussion hearing none okay this is a voice vote all in favor say i i i oppos n motion carries thank you so much okay there is no report from teaching and learning tonight uh um next we have the finance and operations uh report presented by executive director Scott L thank you for wait PTI waiting patiently Scott uh Scott will first present the combined Financial reports for the month ended August followed by a presentation on open enrollment for board approval Scott all yours Perfect all right we can start with this one um and thank you board chair soney board members superintendent Anderson um Dr Anderson you did steal my thunder there so I can tell you I honestly was like you probably saw my eyes I went oh my gosh am I next so um joking of course um this one you guys have heard me um talk about them they traditionally come to the board on a monthly basis um we kind of had a pause the last two months and I'll explain why um it even kind of leans to this I know we talked about it in the finance committee of the board meeting on Friday um but it's really hard to make these uh reports kind of useful if you will this time of year because this is only covering I know we're in O we're in October but these are only going through the end of August um majority of our budget is made up of salaries and benefits a lot of our staff are not working during that time um a lot of our projects over the summer are going on but we have not been build for them so as you can see um if you kind of scroll down Amy to the next page um I'll kind of talk about what's that okay um but I can kind of keep talking to describe why those are coming up um just a few things to point out with the revenue um I know that our there we go our property taxes um obviously the way that we recognize them um it's right in line with prior years State AIDS are slightly up but our enrollment is also up and we adjusted that slightly so I'm not surprised by that um Federal AIDS this is something just to note um as you recall and as you probably saw in the news and heard in other um material the Esser cares funds related dollars ended 930 across the country um and I believe we have until the end of November December to draw those um but they have to be spent by September 30th so you'll see a huge decrease in our federal dollars also if you recall with our budget last year we did allocate um $1.5 million of our federal dollars into state to pay tuition bills um so you'll see just a big decrease over the prior years um and we do draws without the do draws um on those dollars throughout the year um just some other um high points to point out you notice with the food service on if you recall last year was the first year that they were doing um it's metered payments with the free launches similar um of Revenue style like we get in the general fund um so you can see up there um and that's just because those payments are on time this year and everybody's getting used to it Community ad is right in line with the prior year and then the other two are right as fall next page all right um and then on here uh like I mentioned salaries and benefits we are just barely through um two months of the fiscal year so we don't have the majority of our staff on site so nothing really to point out on these purchase Services supplies materials Capital expenditures those are things I think I feel like I'm saying the same thing every board meeting but they vary significantly it depend on when we get build um so those can hop up and down from year to year um and then just Food Service fund Community Ed um they're pretty much right in line um community service might be offering a little bit more programming or they might have something going on in the summer that would have bumped that a little bit but you notice their revenue is also up as well so um nothing else to point out really too much on those um just know it is a um normal to not have a lot going on right now so next month we'll start seeing quite a bit because that will go through the end of September and then we've got our first payrolls with our um teachers and a lot of our other staff so uh then the data becomes a lot more meaningful and finally this is just essentially it's called our investment report um but this is essentially what we have cash sitting in the bank as of the end of August any questions from the board thank you Scott any comments questions um I I I I'm I'm happy to see that the year to date revenues are higher than previous two years and expenses are lower we want to see that right all the time my I reading that correctly at least um when you see budgeted versus actuals yeah it's just so hard because our payments are metered and it depends on like when our um when our property taxes come in that's when the state kind of holds back so it's really hard to know that um we paid to be honest with you we pay a lot more attention to our expenditures than we do our revenues um because those revenues will come in based on the student count and our expenditures are what we can kind of really watch and make sure we're on budget but that's a good observation I did I hear you say say that we will see the numbers change drastically at the end of September because August I think we still have a big gap between budgeted and actuals the revenues haven't started coming in the expenses haven't occurred yet um the big like line share of our normal expenditures happen in September because that's the first pay period for the teaching staff um and for a lot of the other staff the hourly staff that starts so that's kind of when our expenditures start to kind of pick up and then it kind of Trends throughout the year okay I just have another one final comment about the mlap fund you know we see the numbers you know 5.1% 5.2% return and I think with the with the decrease in in federal rates those probably will drop as well right savings rates and money market rates will will probably not stay up that that high yeah so that would be our assumption and we um we took that into account Even in our current year budget that we presented in June we we kind of pulled back based on whatever what our advisers were telling us obviously last year was a great interest environment for the district um but we had to pull back kind of with a conservative estimate with the trends from our advisers okay thank you Scott there are no other comments questions us yeah actuals um it's 2425 right I think it's it says 23 24 but should be 2425 okay I must have missed one of those so make and I know usually you talk about those three yeah three years right so we may want to get it correct okay that sounds great thank you it's small typo yeah no that sounds great thank you thank you pares um all right if we don't have any other questions let's move on to the next one the resolution all right I'm going to have Jen wel joined me up here um my team always loves when I invite them to board meetings so I tell them they're very exciting and they keep coming back so they must think so so all right um Jen is kind of our expert in this area she's our student accounting person she handles Mars um she is the person over the course of the summer when we saw our enrollment increasing tremendously um you guys have heard me talk about it but she was someone that I was bugging I think on a morning basis because I knew Dr Anderson would also want to know and I live in a paranoid state with our budget too so um Jen keeps our pulse on all of that um and watches all of this especially right now with uh the studies that we have going on but anyways before you um tonight we have a report that comes to the board on an annual basis this is just a normal report that comes what is a little bit different um from last year is that if you're called due to Cost Containment we had um the board we had recommended the board which the board did um open a roll up to 100 Kids in grades N9 and 10 um so this would be going back to how we've traditionally done it so um just looking at the resolution the first part so according to Minnesota statute 124 D3 subdivision 2 aboard May by resolution limit the enrollment for nonresident pupils in its schools or program according to this section to a number not less than the lesser of 1% of the total enrollment at each grade in the district or the number of District residents at that grade level enrolled in a non-resident District according to this section so J I'll kind of cover the next part and kind of put it more in layment terms so our recommendation for the 2526 school year is to limit open enrollment in grades K through 12 to maintain the minimum of 1% of each class size we'll accept an additional five students of siblings who are currently enrolled in wetta public schools as well as five additional children of District staff members um in accordance with the law we will accept an open enrollment for kindergarten students um who have siblings that are already here as well and the school of attendance will be determined based on capacity um the required if we have don't have enough students that submit an application for open enrollment then a lottery will be held which hasn't happened in the last few years so perfect questions yeah any questions from the board so the recommended action colleagues is to approve the resolution providing for open enrollment non-resident agreement for 2025 26 has presented is there a motion I so move and ask that we wave the reading of the resolution second a second moved and seconded any discussion now we can ask questions or make comments yes I have one question and again I don't know if it is relevant um so if it is not let me know but when we look at the open enrollment and I know we are looking at the sort of boundary and you know the the distribution of it do we look at both aspects together meaning looking at where we are putting boundaries and how the class sizes or the attendances in one particular school would that influence our decision on sort of non-resident enrollment or that those are two separate and distinct items say two separate I think those are two separate issues okay okay so because it would kind of be looked at as a macro level okay item okay so if any particular school has availability let's say that doesn't mean that we can increase the percentage it has to be 1% or less as as the recommendation says correct okay okay Scott I have a question I I don't know if I'm reading this wrong but apologize go back to the recital you you're already on that page right so the first bullet point it says limit open enrollment in grades K through 12 to maintain a minimum of 1% or should that be a maximum of 1% of the class size I'll let you expl it's a minimum of one class sizes so if we have a th students and a grade 10 students out of open enrollment for grade k for example or one but we're we don't have any space space open at one next year because we filled all those kindergarten kids so we have to take 1% of every class size so if we have 975 students that's 10 students that we have to take under open enrollment for that grade so if that's the minimum what's the maximum we can take well you can take as many as you want yeah that's what open enrollment districts have so kind of a qualifier I would offer on that is it depends on what the board sets as a parameter so right now we have a minimum of 1% which means if we had uh uh eight students that had applied using Jen's example of a th 10 would be 1% if we had eight students and we had a number nine and a number 10 that requested open enrollment and we said no we would be out of compliance because we're obligated to to meet that minimum 1% per grade level across the district and Scout's not inaccurate by saying you can take as many as you want some districts do they take them all uh because they have capacity but we are not obligated to do so and we're asking the board to take action on limiting it to this minimum of 1% due to our capacity challenges so the minimum will be one and the maximum then also will be one right we if correct if 12 app we will not take 12 or 14 we'll take only 10 correct okay that all right so I'm just clarifying making sure that we don't have the minimum is kind of in there because it's required State Statute so yeah but that's a great Point okay sounds good thank you any other question I might just add one more thing so the language that's included here is very consistent with what we've done for decade plus we've been closed to open enrollment generally other than to these parameters a couple minor changes well changes I'll say over the years has been the priority given to staff so that's been a change within the last decade maybe four or six years ago I think correct maybe it goes further back but it's about seems about right to me and um we've had some fluctuations over the years but generally uh for the mo the more recent years because we have been growing so much and adding so many Resident students every year uh we've just maintained uh striving for this minimum in most cases just I think I wanted to make a clarification just that we are doing exactly the minimum because we don't have capacity and this is a requirement of the state we have to do a minimum yeah correct thank you right so those additional five siblings or additional Children of the staff member does that above and beyond 1% or it is part of that 1% It could go above the okay so there is the provision okay thank you just to kind of con to confirm um and to agree with Heidi that um we are full so it makes sense for us to not go above the 1% and that that is what the recommended action is yeah just to kind of put it in terms too if you recall the board had um last year due to Cost Containment when we opened up grades nine and 10 to 100 students if you recall we also had to asked the board to take action just a few months ago to close it because we saw our resident um District growth outpacing anything that we had projected so just kind of in alignment with what you mentioned Sheila okay so that yeah that was kind of my next question did already close open enrollment and now we're this is kind of the yearly revisit of we close open enrollment because we had opened it and things were going too fast and now this is just kind of yeah yes and something Jen's probably about to say what I was going to say yeah this is the annual impr prep for 2526 so next school year where you had just closed 2425 um we already have families that are asking about Open Enrollment and the state has deadlines for families to complete that and so that's why we come here in October planning for 25 26 school year thank you right thank you and uh so the recommended action is to approve the the resolution providing for open enrollment non-resident agreement of 2025 26 has presented all right we already moved and um we have moved and seconded so this is a rooll call Bo Sarah Johansson yes haris bende yes Sheila prior yes Heidi Kar yes Valentina s yes Dan janra yes Milan soney yes thank you the motion carries thank you Scott thank you J all right there are no Human Resources reports today and there is no other board action as well so the final item on the agenda is board reports this section of the agenda provides an opportunity for board members to update school board members on school board related work or to make announcements of interest to the public today we have the superintendent evaluation committee report presented by Vice chair Heidi K Heidi thank you chair soney um as you all recall uh there is an annual evaluation process that happens uh between the school board and the office of the superintendent uh this letter that I'm about to read is kind of the culmination of the work that the school board has gone through over the course of the past months um to complete Dr Anderson's annual evaluation so I'll go ahead and read that on Tuesday August 20th 2024 the wetta school board went into a closed session pursuant to Minnesota state section 13.05 subdivision 3A to evaluate the performance of superintendent Dr Chase Anderson superintendent Dr Anderson's annual performance evaluation was for the period of July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2024 the review was based on board members input on 8 questions to provide feedback to Dr Anderson regarding his performance on behalf of the district feedback and discussion were organized into four areas one District strengths two District challenges three Dr Anderson's strengths for Dr Anderson's professional growth opportunities this year's eval valuation brought forth overall positive feedback on Dr Anderson's performance despite necessary continued Cost Containment implementation Dr Anderson demonstrated exemplary leadership and a commitment to students staff and the long-term success of the district regarding District strengths Dr Anderson is implementing and encouraging the use of of the Strategic road map and the equity commitment to guide decisions districtwide these guiding documents are brought to life through the district's continued use of the center for educational leadership otherwise known as Cel and building instructional leadership teams built which provide with which prioritize the student experience sense of belonging academic achievement and striving towards reducing the achievement Gap other examples of District strengths include a focus on the student experience and supporting students in realizing their potential and Excellence strong leadership among staff at all levels resulting in attracting and retaining high quality staff a commitment to Community Partnerships and operational successes including overwhelming passage of the tech Levy efficient and responsive use of facilities and continued fiscal Prudence the school board has a high degree of confidence in Dr Anderson and deeply respects his experience unparalleled work e ethic generosity of time and talent and incredible dedication to the district the board has encourage Dr Anderson to consider the following potential goal areas for the 2425 Academic Year When developing his performance goals one finalization of the district operational plan otherwise known as the do with Associated measurable goals in all strategic directions two continue to engage and partner with the community to understand and respond to changing student staff and Community needs three monitor student growth as it relates to fac facilities needs and class sizes four prioritize academic Excellence for each and every student which includes a commitment to student growth at all levels and Dem demonstrable progress in the reduction of the student opportunity and achievement Gap in summary the School Board continues to value and appreciate the experience unique skills and genuine dedication Dr Anderson brings to the Yetta Public School District the board looks forward to another successful school year and remains committed to partnering with Dr Anderson to achieve our mission vision and strategic directions as defined by the district road map and Equity commitment Dr Anderson thank you for another excellent year thank you thank you Heidi board colleagues do you have any comments or questions I want to thank go ahead go no go ahead no I think you're probably going to say the same so I wanted to thank Heidi for this effort I know it's not an easy task um again just Gathering all the inputs from everyone getting them organized having that dialogue making sure um everyone's voice is heard and then ultimately sharing that with Dr Anderson it took time and effort so appreciate all your help and support in compiling all the notes and putting together the recommendation so thank you you make me a blush but uh I it's really the work of the board that that brought this all together I'm only one of seven and just one who organized right so I really appreciate all of the work that you all put into it as well all right I want to thank Heidi Sarah and Valentina for the committee printed in the evaluation committee that they were on great effort and again the board actually did did get involved and uh you know thank you Dr Anderson for being a part of it and uh letting us uh do that and uh we look forward to again another fruitful year next year thank you thank you our next board work session will be held on Monday October 28th at 400 p.m. in the same room this concludes the Wisa Public Schools regular board meeting I want to thank everyone for their participation in a process that is focus focused on students in our district is there a motion to adjourn I move I second all in favor say i i i i oppos n the motion carries the time is now 8:30 the WETA Public Schools Board of Education regular meeting for Monday October 14 2024 is adjourned