##VIDEO ID:5EsnQGyEJf0## the camera ready dang it all right you guys are live all right uh it is 7:39 in the West Central Secondary media center and we will call the meeting to order 538 538 I'm sorry you're right 5 let's say go 538 and we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Ali to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liy and and we'll take a roll call um Christensen is not with us today Porter here sabolic here sandstead here Strunk here cor is here and Vincent here um I don't believe we have any visitors that wish to address the board at this time is that correct we're good okay um then we'll look to um adopt our agenda we have um you'll see a couple of additions that are in the agenda 3.1 um we be part of Mr brownell's report uh 3.2 M Hendrick will give us a little MCA update um 4.3.1 um we have a corporate partner update and when we flip to the second page uh we will remove 5.2.3 point1 and we will also remove 5 four are there any other additions or corrections to the agenda I do have a couple other ones just we have the corporate sponsors and so that is included with Mr fos leans uh the minutes there so there are a few projects that were approved and I think it is uh requires board approval after that so do we want to to do that or if they've made the recommendation so it's going to be uh the black top here the walking path between the city of Barrett and then there were some other items that were approved there of course we got clarification on the auditorium lighting project um and then I think finishing off the trailer or the um press or the box for the tickets and things like that so I don't know if we want to we just add that to 5.4 and just re rename that uh it was consider improve the school walking path repair sure May approve partners corporate Partners um expense approvals corporate sponsor expense approvals recommendations well I think we have to I didn't know we had to approve it did we we' done that before I don't think so but I saw that was what was kind of approved in that uh CH back June of 2022 I think and then if we can add one more there hire of Morgan Anderson as student daycare worker has a higher so that would be under 5.2.2 point2 did you catch that whatever you say yeah okay that's yep anything else that is it to to approve the agenda is modified second have a motion a second all in favor say I I motion carries uh that will bring us to our committee reports and we'll start with you Mr Brown okay so as you're aware we did receive some threats here at the middle school we received two general threats um at the middle school we know that we know that that's created alarm uh amongst fames students and things like that so we dealt with the flat uh with the threats uh swiftly by Administration and law enforcement we notified law enforcement to conduct an investigation the district continues to work with law enforcement Emergency Management and the County Attorney to ensure the appropriate safety precautions and disciplinary measures are in place a meeting will be scheduled in the near future to discuss this concerning item with our students and families so we'll plan to get that once we get all the pieces put in place uh to let our families know uh here's how we will address um those pieces we believe that this is going to put an end to this we are very clear um at that piece there so that's kind of our plan to move forward but we do want to have an opportunity to share that information first of all with uh those families yeah um in the middle school and then moving outwards but always looking for ways to improve how we respond how we communicate and things like that but I think our our biggest piece is letting families know that our number one priority is to make sure that our students and staff are safe while they're in our building right thank you um any comment board comments okay um that'll move us into item 3.2 Miss Hendrick with our MCA data update is that yes Paul are you able to bring that P Kevin is I'm not sure what I what did I just do I got fancy I watch football that way I only watch one game I say I can watch two but do you have it or you want me to go grab it um I think she said it but we got to hide the slides so I think there a way to do that but she does oh that already be done so if you just go to present you can okay so find hold on one second okay you know how to here perect just the head so I have our data from last school year the 2324 MCA test scores and at the very end we have the ACT test scores as well and I think one thing with data to keep in mind is it's it allows us to ask questions we can ask questions on what are we doing well what do we need to continue or what are um it allows us to review our practices and say what might we need to do differently moving forward so as I go through just know that we take time to reflect on our data and um ask those questions what are we doing well and what what we need to change to do to do differently to um to do better so I'll go through and it has reading math and science for third through um the high school so here's our third grade math data and what I did is I took a snip of our Benchmark sheet so you can see our district and then compare it to the state data and then the green anything in the light green is Meats the dark green is exceeds the yellow would be partially meats and then the reddish orange would be the does not meet so any scores that are green and above are meeting that Benchmark level at that grade so you can see for third grade we were um slightly above the state for Math and then reading if you want to click forward our third grade reading we fell a little bit below the state um but close for fourth grade math we were well above the state in our proficiency we had 69% of our students proficient in our district for fourth grade math and then fourth grade reading was pretty close to the state proficiency is one percentage point below fifth grade math you're a little bit below and then reading for fifth grade you're slightly above the state here's our sixth grade math scores which is a nice 12 percentage points above the state proficiency and sixth grade reading your seventh grade math seventh grade reading e8th grade we felt pretty close to the state average for proficiency eth grade reading and then it bumps up to 10th grade so nth grade they don't have the MCA so we do 10th grade reading and 11th grade math those are our scores for the MCA and then in certain grade levels they take science as well so like fifth grade they do math reading and Science and you can see here's our fifth grade science scores and I believe eighth grade they take science as well so eth grade science scores and then the high school science and then the last slide would be our ACT scores so our composite remember Act is out of 36 so that our composite overall is at the top and then that's a breakdown in each of the areas for the act so one thing that we're we will do is we'll sit down as an admin team with our instructional coach we'll really look to create a structured plan around around um again looking at that data said it makes us ask questions what are we doing well what might we need to do differently and so we'll look at really creating a structured plan for our early outs our PD days um and give time for staff to review the data and see what practices we might need to improve so then we can improve student achievement questions for me I guess one question I would have is you know I look at those numbers and it's like I mean there wasn't hardly any numbers where even the state level was above 50% what do we ever ask what's on our test I mean as far as if over half of our kids are not meeting the expectations of a test does that qu I mean is is anybody asking that question you know how how come we're giving a test to kids that only 35% of them can you know can be proficient at or or are we just yeah at the state level yeah that's a good question I do know that we have new literacy standards that full full implementation year is 2526 and then along with new literacy standards means that a new MCA test to align with those new literacy standards will be coming out um I believe it's also the 25th to 26th school year so that test will change in reflection of knowing that the standards have changed and so we have one more year of continuing to look at our practices with literacy we have a new literacy curriculum this year to really align with our new standards and so by next school year we need to make sure we're fully implementing our new literacy standards and then the MCA assessment will then be changed as well to reflect that new literacy standards that go along with the state right do you know how long the proficiencies have been in in effect have they changed those standards over the last are they 10 years old 20 years old two years old like the numbers I just show no the standards the score that to be would take taking the same test as a fourth gr today so it would have been when they adopt standards then they would adopt the MCA test so whenever gosh I don't know when would our last standards have been it's usually every seven to 10 years it's kind of the cycle review that they do now some they'll delay you know social studies took a little bit a time there um to get those pieces in place so what has the trend been if you're at 50 now I mean in 10 years ago it was at 60 and 10 years before that 70 so it's declining right y yeah I think it shows that we have some real work ahead of us to see what we need to do to make sure one because of course that this test here you know some people will say well this is teaching to the test well these are the standards that their colleagues have laid out to say here's the important pieces that kids need to have in Reading in fourth grade here's what we need to have in fifth grade and so I think it just gives us an opportunity now to make sure that we have everything aligned um with those pieces to make sure that we're working there there are some other pieces that we have to consider that want a student if they're maybe in special education they still take the test if their reading level might be a grade behind or two grades behind they still take the sixth grade test which I think I get it we want accurate measurement but I'm that's got to be awfully frustrating for that student as well right if they're working to get their skills up and they're growing but if they're really getting material in a fourth grade level but when it's time to take the test they have to take that sixth grade test I think that's an unfortunate piece you know that way eventually we want to see them at their grade level and I think we're working towards that but no by I think looking at some of these pieces here we got to look at our curriculum maybe our practice to see if we need to make some changes there and we'll work with our instructional coach to make sure that we can make those you know some of those difference and I think trying to figure out how we take off small bites to get there I think part of the conversation is always been we want to be at 85% we'd definitely like to be that way but we've got some work to get there to do that and so I think it's going to be I think Caitlyn and I have talked a little bit probably in some of her reports back to the board maybe in January after they've done some Benchmark data in the elementaries to come back to the board to say if our kids took the test right now as close as we can get it won't be perfect but we have this many kids that should be meeting proficiency and so hopefully that number is going to be at 60% and then at the end of the year we made this type of growth so we'll continue to Monitor and we'll bring that back to the school board so you guys have opportunity to get some some good information that way I think and in trying to utilize those meetings data meetings and things like that to really work on that I we're going to bring in some outside Consultants to say what data do we need to look at how do we look at that data and then what interventions do we need to put in place or what instructional practices do we put in place to make sure that our students are getting the the needs you know and and that type of thing met because I think sometimes our um resumés can look pretty good or you know the brochures that we put out that we have all these different pieces but are they having getting the results that we're hoping to to get but I mean there could have been teacher changes um I know we didn't have all of our PA of professional positions filled in certain areas so I think those could be some of those pieces as well and I think we also have to figure out sometimes on the test I think it was a couple years ago I heard that one of our tests was there a field trip or something scheduled on that same day and the opt out is another piece that starts to get involved that way so an opt out counts as a a zero score and so we need to figure out one to let our students know that this is more important for us but we do need you to put your best effort into it so we can get the information to make sure that we know how to evaluate our curriculum because this is a tool to evaluate curriculum not necessarily student performance we have other measures that we use for that um but I think we just want to make sure that it gives us accurate measure that we can say hey it looks like we've got some holes here in first grade what do we need to do to address that to move forward is it more resources is a different curriculum supplemental materials and things like that so are you saying that of those scores some of those red ones could have been op they could have been just zeros like we're we're counting that's in our number so I mean is there stats ons or not why would we our yeah the St it says but it says that yeah so so those numbers are in there though so I mean that obviously that makes you look at it a little bit differently a very good measurement unless we were able to pull that out corre s yep so maybe that so this yeah that's three reports that we get from the from the state so I know Kevin does some help with that why don't we work on that to see if we can look at that number where we have to be careful sometimes why the state wants to aggregate it that way is because they don't want us to be all to in a small school to identify to say hey if you say these students now they know that there was two or three students it shouldn't be easy to find that out but maybe special education or other um possibilities could be there but why don't we work on that to bring that back to the the board table can we have that done at the next meeting it's I don't I don't think it's something for the board to just know that you know hey well in this class five out of 20 kids didn't take the test that's a big deal correct yep especially when it comes already in the red right so it I don't know it's just really hard to know how about act that's just the kids that took it though that's their choice to take it so that doesn't include the zeros has that Trend been trending down or is that kids still take most so west central office act for free to our Juniors so most of our 11th grade takes the tests um but the 18 would include just the ones that took it it would zeros there would be no zeros that would be a better measurement maybe how's that Trend and that's been pretty consistent I would say that 18 over the last 20 years or something since since I've been working with act which is about the last eight nine years it's been pretty consistent um I would say that's got to changed though since we didn't used to get it offered where kids probably all take it kids that would not even consider taking it are taking it versus before where you'd only take it if you were planning on attending you know a certain college or or whatever so I would I would assume that there's people that you know kids maybe just taking it just because well it's free I'll take it but maybe aren't putting time into it either well and a lot of colleges are moving away from act as a admissions requirement also so it decreases the motivation on the test to care what their score is right that's what I'm getting at probably way different just because the fact it's readily available now and at one point I think the state required everybody right think they paid for everybody so you had kids that would take it and then that it wasn't fair to them either because they why am I taking this if I'm not going to move on if I'm going to go to a schooling or postc career piece that doesn't require that but I still think there's some information that we look at in certain areas to say okay how do we address some of these pieces and it could be curriculum that we're providing and stuff that way so we'll definitely dig into that a little bit I think I've got some ideas of you know looking over at some other cooperatives to say hey can you help us look at our data because sometimes that's the biggest work to say you've got the numbers but then you don't know where to start so and I I know years ago when I kind of reviewed some of these things with the MCAS I think it's even eye openening just for parents and board members when they show you some of the questions and you go because I know I got one wrong wrong one time when I was looking at I'm like no there's no way well no you didn't read the question it was really about this part of the window that needed to be measured and you had to answer it with your best piece there I'm like as a fourth grade student how do they know to digest all that and remember on the math test the reading test know they have to read all on their own right and so there is no assistance so if they've had somebody assist them during while they've been in the class now that's gone now they're on their own and they've got to try to do that comprehension so there's just some pieces there I mean to me we still have to P ourselves accountable so I don't want to come up with I've got this excuse or that excuse but what do we do but I think sometimes and those poor kids that day that they take that test it's a pretty daunting task to to get through that but I think we just need to look at it to see what we need to do also off that Mr bro one thing with standardized testing that's always so difficult that's a snapshot of one day in that student school year and we don't know what's going on with that student they might not have had breakfast they might have test anxiety there's so many factors that play that you can't measure with data that impact the end result too so I think finding like other benchmarks to compare to the data is important as a as a district and the staff as as well we can look at our you know our star data our fast data we get those screening Windows three times a year so there's other data that we can pull that um Paul was saying and bring that to the board at for sure January or February we would have some of that that screening data or Benchmark data that we can use to compare and use that as projections too to say here's where we're projected to be if we turn out close or if we didn't then ask why I mean again ask us questions well why we were projected to be here why did we not and or we were projected to be exceeded what happened like we can ask those questions when we look at that data a little further maybe we just take one group and give them breakfast in the morning in one group and don't give you know that unfortunately that's a real thing right I mean it is you know so there's a lot of work to do thank you any other questions comments perfect well that'll move us right into your Elementary report so you can just keep right on I'll keep going so first I just want to say um so being new there's been change and sometimes changes hard but change is good so we've had I myself as administrators new we have two new secretaries in the buildings we have a new custodians so we've had a really good start to the school year and um I just I our staff are great and so it's been really wonderful to see have all the students in the building to see um all the hard work that's being done I I I'm in the classrooms every day and I see the work that teachers are doing it's just it's been phenomenal um I really appreciated our early out today we had youth Frontiers the youth Frontiers Retreat we talked a lot about purpose and knowing your why and so it just really was rejuvenating after um the first month of school for us to gather and and hear each other's stories and hear you know what's our purpose for why we're doing what we're doing every day which is which is the kids and um it was it was a really good Retreat we've had um a lot of events we had our homecoming so it was really fun to have spirit week it was great for my first experience coming over here with all the kids to our petfest and that was that was wonderful to see the excitement and the energy around that at North PTO sponsored a ninja anywhere event so that was great that they brought that in and kids got to um try their hand at a ninja course for an afternoon so that was that was really exciting and then on Friday we have two additional events at North and South the fundr run in the Harvest hustle so those are we'll get kids outside and running and um that's part of our PTO fundraisers at each building speaking of data we had our data day where we looked at our data from the fast testing at the beginning of the school year and our interventions are up and running which is um good for us too just speaking into what we were talking about so we have reading and math inter interventions going and students are getting um specific work on skills they need and so that's going to going to help continue to work improve our data when we know we can hone in on the skills they need and that was good to get those within the first couple weeks of school to have that already going has really been great and then um Ki had started a grant through Horizon um Statewide Health Improvement partnership and so we're getting some lactation spaces at all three buildings so we got to meet with um May if I'm remembering correctly and she came down and looked at our spaces and we're going to have a designated space at all three buildings that will be um for mothers and so that was an exciting thing that I think all all schools will will welcome having that that space any questions for me all right thank you thank you I bring this to Mr wood perfect um so overall a lot of this theal with more of the beginning of the year stuff even though now we're a month into the school year which is um kind of crazy but our Year is off to a really really good start um you know Mr brono touched on some of the the hard parts that have happened in the last week but overall 99% of this school year has started awesome we have a wonderful student body across the board um some great senior leadership we have a few of them sitting back there right now um but some seniors that are really doing a great job of setting the tone for the building um and doing an awesome job with that one other positive from um you know Silver Lining out of some of the negativity in the past week is there's been some really great parent conversations and connections with parents that I've appreciated a ton and will help us to improve and get better and I'm excited for that piece even though it's you know out of a negative thing but hopefully we can build something positive from that I did want to um give a huge shout out to Morgan maffy and Anna Roloff our two counselors and they have done such an amazing job for the start of the year in the whole Myriad of issues that happen at the beginning of the school year they've been rock stars and handled everything and we've it was a very very smooth start schedule wise for the um school year which it is not always so that was great um also Mindy and Amanda in the front office have been um doing wonderful work as far as handling a lot of things that come through there other things that have been going on homecoming week has come and gone it was early in the school year which was a bit of a challenge but it was very enjoyable week um Mr fene will probably touch a little bit more on some of the the things that happened during the week but it was busy um fun activities and I believe it was a special week for students just some other things that are going on um a department is um rocking and rolling with some um pretty cool things they're getting additional support um for the next year from two grants and that has allowed us to contract with David mcardell to handle the a lot of the plant production and things going on in the greenhouse and we've also um hired Meadow Christensen who is a West Central Alum graduated a few years ago and she started an 11-month contract with the Minnesota pollution control agencies program um and this is sharing with WCA and the ashb a programs and what she's doing is she's working on um systems management to help schools improve their efforts at providing local sustainable food so using the greenhouse the growed and the meat processing trailer she's kind of coordinating how we can then use that food to provide for our community which is awesome and the ad shop is also currently going through a complete cleanup upper classmen are working on a list of tools and equipment that they want to bring into shop classes in the future and kind of update some of the um materials that are in that shop and they're working on reaching out to potential donors and grants to help upgrade these facilities um we do we're still able to offer a small entrance class this fall and we will have welding in the spring and the plan is to hopefully bring back some more shop classes as we move into next year I think that is about all I have are there any questions from anyone thank you Mr wood thank you Mr fosen stepped right in WoW okay um to segue off Mr wood here homecoming week I actually didn't have that in my report so uh a few things on homecoming week the weather was great which that's kind of something new in my time here we have not had good weather for homecoming so it was nice to have a very very nice Friday night coordination on the Sunday went well again so that that was you know we moved that to a Sunday two years ago and that seemed to go over pretty well uh dance was well attended by students and overall was a good week so it was nice to have it early it's nice to get it done too so um moving on to playoffs girls tennis starts playoffs tomorrow they actually travel to Pipestone it's a nice short car ride for our tennis team tomorrow cross country section meet is the 24th of October at wadina football playoffs start the 22nd and Mr wood and I spoke earlier indications are that could or should most likely be a home game here the 22nd uh volleyball first round of playoffs is the 23rd and that I think I can say confidently will be a home game here as well Junior High basketball starts on October 21st uh we are still looking for coaches so if you know anybody that that deadline's coming quick so um a few other things here we are continuing to look for game workers uh not not only for this fall but also for this winter the FFA National Convention is October 22nd through the 26th in Indianapolis Indiana the ninth graders annual flying day at the ELA Lake airport is October 16th and Mr Masterson and I are working on details to get that put together and lastly I took a group of eight student athletes to our West Central conference leadership day last Wednesday uh to Sock Center it was a great event John Malay from the State High School league if you guys follow him via social media he was the keynote speaker gave a great speech about his what what he do or he does his background and kind of what led him into that talked about well I've interviewed Michael Jordan I've interviewed all these people but really high school sports is really more the the following and it means a lot more to people than some of these professional athletes that was it was a good good presentation from John students were divided into different groups they get to ask questions and answer questions amongst themselves as well as ask us conference a decent question so it was a good day it was a good day what was your uh favorite question well my favorite question was actually directed at the Bold ad if you guys know the Bold ad he's very long handlebar mustache and they asked him a how long does it take them to grow it and be and they break so we all got a we all got a pretty good chuckle out of that one all right any other questions for Mr fosen I just have one comment the uh thank you to everybody that puts together that Flying Day Report that's something really special I think to those nth graders that it takes a lot of time for the people that give the rides and that's a you know that sets a stage for somebody that wants to be an atic some experience an exceptional opportunity that I've never see I got some great videos of some some kids too if you want to see them sometime awesome anything else for Mr B thank you you want me to give that other update here yeah we got that included there y sure sure we met yesterday morning um people in attendance was myself Sarah Mr bro Mr wood Austin Hansen Brandon Gro Addie Stark and Matt Allen did join us after the foundation meeting I want to just clarify this is a corporate sponsor update oh yeah so just y ahe thank 43.1 um talk about the account balance we discussed the the auditorium project we discussed other projects including the frame for the night tent as we saw and discovered during homecoming that frame is need some TLC uh we talked about some money for the wait room uh finishing off the ticket booth the trailer was bought back in 2020 get that finished talked about allocating funds for the walking path um we talked about requests for a golf trailer we also talked about some caretaking needs at the environmental Learning Center um all of those items did pass um except the request for the golf trailer and that that was was tabled because we needed some more information as well as we know there was some indication we'd be receiving a trailer from Lakes ser uh Lakes Country service Co-op and I think we receiv received an email today yesterday pertaining to that trail so um yeah we also talked about uh some bylaws and governing procedures about corporate Partners maybe some things we can include in the letter next year and that was the meeting can you maybe just give a brief clarification remember I had some confusion at the last meeting saying that it was an old sound board it was was put in 2017 it's just we're trying to make it user friendly I believe right yes yes we did reach out to the company for clarification on so just have some console on the stage but also there'll be the soundboard we not touching the sound board just or light board sorry the lightboard but can you kind of so and there will be some preset they call it a wallmount station so there will be 10 preset options in the light and sound room as well as back by the stage where we can preset everything for say a band concert a choir concert the one act and different things where they can just go hit their settings and they're there for them the other piece with this is to establish base a base plot and base position for the lights so say the musical moves down there's set spots up on the catwalk and different places for those to go back certain presets for everything to go back to when it is done and then they would provide all the training all the binders everything for us to make it more of a user friend system for everybody so we don't have to always call people hey come in and do that everybody should be able to learn out this system it is iPad capable so we can connect an iPad to that as well so the overall goal with it is to make it a more user friendly system for anybody who wants to use it instead of always hey can we come and do this can we do that hey this isn't working this isn't set up the way we want so all right perfect any other questions comments about the corporate sponsor update are we approving a set that'll be I think it's just a how many dollars are we talking yeah so basically the corporate I mean they they make the decisions we're just approving it you know they made they already passed all the things because it's not under our control basically other than the funds are under our control so the committee voted on it yeah I think the the s or the light was about 17 five I think right right around yeah and then the frame for the tents I think we we we have a we didn't we didn't know a dollar amount on that but I thought asking around $1,000 you thought there and obligation was a th the ticket booth we don't know that number yet trying to find somebody to do it I think yet right and whether that's done and how Ser I that's more material piece Grand no I mean no the total will be you're going to put me on this the balance be down to 30 something when we done balance is right around 70 so hope we can spend the balance the balance doesn't should not be this high so we wanted to Encompass several projects with this okay to get that down to where it should be should be something where we carry meaningful projects we carry a large amount and so yeah the biggest two are going to be the the lighting and the m so that um walking top walking path and did reach out today to um because there was concern that there was just going to be an overlay for that price but did reach out to Kit Marshall and they said no they're actually digging that all out they're going to cut some Roots as my understanding more where the yeah so roots are breaking it up they're not going to damage a trees but that's actually the city portion anyway I think and then looking to make sure I think there's some water flow issues underneath that we're just going to make sure there so the total project cost is roughly 39,000 uh Riley Brothers because they were able to put their equipment on Kent's property are going to cut half of that cost off so the cost would be about 39 the city's going to pay about five started at 7 started at 70 went down to 39 no the the the sorry the black top project oh the black top yeah so that was a 30 so if we did it on our own it would be roughly 39 the city's going to cover about so half of it's being covered the city's going to cover 5,000 for their portion and it'll cost the district 15,000 15,2 281 but corporate sponsors is going to pick that up so then that'll all be repaired and they need to do it as part with Riley's is they' got their equipment here now so they didn't want to wait so that's feels like it's a little bit rushed but I think they weren't doing it next year so it had to happen yeah yeah all right any other questions that brings us to technology good evening everyone um as far as technology goes years off to a very good start um very little issues we've run into so far which is always wonderful with the number of devices that we are putting out at the beginning of the school year um the one piece that I did not see coming was our elementary iPads that are currently one to one in grades kindergarten and in first grade are no longer compatible withl so ISL is a um it's a curriculum supplement that we use to practice both math and uh language arts um so I'm working withl right now on that one trying to find an alternative route around it um I posted to them their options are to either reimburse us for the licensing we purchased for those kids or they find a way to make it work on the iPads we have and the issue we run into is the iPads we have no longer update they need to be replaced um so that's our one hiccup the one really good news that I heard yesterday was after many months of going back and forth with the FCC um our e- rate from that I uh submitted back in the spring was finally pushed to the next process it got there was a hiccup in it and went back and forth like four or five different times with usack then FCC um but got the official word yesterday that is continuing to move forward that covers our costs 70% of our cost for our internet connection and the 21 miles of least fiber we have through uh R Stone um so it's a significant uh it's a significant amount of money for us um and it will retro back to uh July 1 but we'll probably hopefully start seeing those funds in the next couple months um I think that's that's about it for the technology World um other than that I have to make sure that I tell everybody how wonderful Stacey has been she is an incredible asset to our school and to our district and to the students and staff um without her things would come to a screeching hope is there anything else that I can provide information for people on wonder thank you um did you have anything you wanted to put out Mr Brown L for either Community ad or buildings and grounds well Aon or excuse me um Megan's report was written so I think I don't know if I need to just read off that no nothing to add have anything to add to those I didn't ask I guess so I wanted to make sure okay but for Chad there's a few things here so remember the um County was no longer monitoring our alarm systems so our new uh Alarm Monitoring with Summit is up and running and so they're going to test the north building tomorrow the roof projects for both the elementary roofs or the RO yeah for both elementary schools has been completed as per the quotes that we had approved earlier this year and we've already talked about The Walking path and then the basketball equipment that was approved or not the equipment but to take care of the gym pieces there you know with the hoops and the wenches and all that stuff that will take place all those repairs will happen between um the volleyball and the basketball season the week of November 4th and that most of that equipment is again know delivered here all right perfect uh that brings us to the business manager can you still hear us Aaron yes I can still hear you okay I got my report fixed for you so it's nicer to look at um before I read this report I just want to let you know that we are in fulling with our audit we're hoping to can't say for sure when we're going to get it WRA I have a meeting on Friday with the Auditors and may to go over some things and hopefully we'll be wrapping that up soon um but for now we just keep Ching away and sending things over to the Auditors that they request and they should be done with it like said hopefully within the next couple of weeks so um if you take a look at the budget report that I sent this remember this is for a August um so you can see in that First Column we have our adopted budget for fol year 25 and then we have what we have spent so far in fiscal year 25 up until the end of August and then we have the prior year where it says total actual for the school year 24 that is what we spent for the whole or that's what we've received for the whole entire year of fisal year 24 and the year-to date column for both 24 and are what we spent up until the end of the longest of those years so you can see if you look all the way over to the right under the revenue sources we have currently we have received 10.14% of our budgeted revenues and prior year we had received 25.5 n% and the year prior to that was 99.55% and again that 25% in 2024 is because our taxes were recognized much earlier than normal in F year 24 so that's why large a Tim difference yeah that's at like a million dollars this one's at $100 yeah okay and then um you can see down by in expenditures we have currently this year we've expended about 6.16% of our budget year prior was 5.7% in year 3 was 6.42% and then again that next section is just showing by object we spent salar benefits things like that um so that's going to be the same amount as the expend by program and currently we are um fting 448,000 54,57 on our par fund balance then if you scroll down some more we've got our revenue for our other funds this year we're at 11.58% of the budget 24 3.47 and 6% in fisc year 23 again that's the taxes and the timing um and then expenditures we're at 5.93% this year 3.68% and 6.36% um you can see there's a big differ in food service from this year in Prior years and that's because we ran our summer food service program this is the first year that we had done that so that's why there's more expenditures there um and that's about it it looks like our debt Redemption we had not um that's still pretty much current in line with what we s okay any questions for Aaron all right thank you very much and that brings us Mr Brown L okay so student enrollment uh currently stands at 76 students and that's for our kindergarten through 12th grade so a little bit smaller than we had initially anticipated so we'll continue to keep a close eye on on that our Ed focus groups we did meet last week with staff in all three of our buildings and actually had some students as well uh that participated and were able to get some great information back and have some themes that the Architects will be willing to share here when we start our uh Community task force meetings there of different things that were seen as needs that needed to be addressed and so they've got some ideas to move forward on that Community task force we had a great number it kind of came in kind of slow with that last day I think we jumped up by about 15 so we're just under 30 people who have applied uh to are submitted an application for the community task force which we'll look at a little bit later here in the meeting of people to looking to help figure out our facility uh needs and and issues that need to be addressed here in the coming year so we'll have to get that set up and moving forward there late bu um so far this fall we've not been able to run a late bus and and I think families have adjusted uh to make that work um however I do know that I think there's some things being addressed here with some of our Sports practices uh for some of our late fall and winter activities uh due to practice locations at North and things like that we're going to have to address some different pieces there so I know that Mr fosen and Christine from Palmer bus are going to be kind of working through those pieces I think mainly that we do have folks that are writing and what kind of is that number you know and we realize that families kind of count on that but if we're only transporting one or two you know what is that is that a cost to the district and things like that we're trying to be um more I would say accountable with those funds because one of the things we're looking at even with some of our transportation in the elementary some midday Transportation we're going to start utilizing rainbow Rider uh to provide that Transportation Contracting with them because that dollar amount if we don't have to get a specially equipped um ban was going to be quite a savings I think each trip is $4 for that the trip and I think our van for the day was going to be $388 so we're going to continue to work those things to watch as closely as we can um to honor our agreement that we have with palmer but also to make sure that we can address those expenses and then the levy we did get that all set and so that does the deadline was September 30th the one piece really to point or bring to your attention is on that operating Levy as we continue to decline in students that Revenue actually declines as well so um but now our Capital project Levy for technology that one does see an increase there and we'll go through more of that at our truth and Taxation meeting but now the Auditors have all the information the final numbers had to be submitted to mde they'll get that off to the Auditors they'll put together those truth and tax statements and get those sent out at the end of no November and then at our December truth and Taxation meeting that's where we discuss our budget and also then set that final Levy for taxes payable in 2025 and then I did complete um both the levy and Esser were both due on September 30th but we got both of those in thanks to Maggie for helping with that and Aon as well um but we were able to expend remember that was that Finance 161 the outside of school time uh there was a transition at the person monitoring at mde they were pretty strict about outside of school time what could be spent and now they open that up and so we were able to expend all 118,000 which will also have a positive impact on last year's fund balance because we were able to cover some curriculum pieces um some different technology pieces remember the $300,000 Capital project Levy doesn't kick in and didn't kick in until this year so our Chromebooks because students take those Chromebooks home you could utilize 20% they felt that um 80% was in school 20% was to work on stuff so that was outside of school time and then we were able to also buy some new technology which I'll uh show to Kevin here on some different things in the elementary but we're holding on for just a few days to make sure that they don't change their mind and say hey that wasn't an approved expenditure but we got some neat pieces coming in there but a bulk of those dollars will be able to to cover last year's expenses for some supplies and things like that and some equipment so we're happy to report that and like I said that dollar amount was just over $118,000 there um early release today as Miss HRI said was for professional development I know our Fair professionals who are not all already highly qualified because they've got a two-year or a four-year degree they're working in the master teacher piece and so they'll have to it's a new guideline or reg regulation set by mde part of the state and so all of our PA professionals have to be highly qualified and that's either done through a training p and passing a test or having a 2-year or four-year degree uh so they're working on that through all of our 2-hour early releases if they're while they're doing some student supervision some of this and also supporting some teachers with different pieces there next school board meeting is just before mea on the 16th and then our mea break is October 17th and 18th all right any questions for Mr brownall all right hearing none we'll move into our new business uh we get the first reading of the following policies um um just there's a football game right that Wednesday is that a morning meeting or is it a morning okay yeah I'm just trying to remember because I remember it's a Wednesday yeah that's right yeah no morning meeting is always our third one um all right and following first reading of the following policies with the statutory and recommended changes by msba uh policy 408 subpoena of school district employee policy 409 employee publication instructional material inventions and Creations policy 412 expense reimbursements and policy 66.5 Library materials will be all the ones that will'll be looking at um any questions on those maybe just the first reading so there will be no action on that that's correct y all right questions comments just maybe a little bit of clarification there so a lot of those policies have been set for a while you're going to see policy 408 was just minor grammatical changes policy 409 412 there's nothing there really the gist of policy 409 is if uh staff are um creating curriculum and they're getting paid for that curriculum it's really the property of the school district um you know that way and so it's just kind of laying that out in our policy says that we would have access to that for 5 years so if they get paid for the entire time that they're building something you know uh in curriculum pieces that would be the district's uh property since they're being paid for that expense reimbursement is really when people go off to conferences and things like that to reimburse for mileage and meals those rates will stay the same then policy 66.5 Library materials uh that is still being reviewed uh we did have Claire in Marissa we looked at it today there are some pieces that talk about a licensed media specialist so we would have to reach out I'll reach out to um probably the elow Lake Library when we review some of those materials uh to see if they would be willing to participate in that otherwise we'll probably look at either the Alexandria public library or the Fergus Falls Public Library just to make sure that we have those people on board with that committee as we review those materials so that's still a little bit of a work in progress we'll follow up with that and bring that back for a final reading at the next meeting all right any questions comments on those then we'll move on to the following Personnel items um item 5.2.1 we have the resignation of Carrie AEL per Prof par professional um 5.2.2 we have the two hires um Heidi Luna student daycare work and Morgan Johnson correct Anderson Anderson sorry um we also have uh the contract adjustment for Anna Barons to a 05 FTE student support specialist any questions or comments on those Personnel items to approve I have a motion to approve is there a second second all those in favor say I motion carries that brings us to approve our uh task force committee members so you should have all got the emails with the list of members or would you like to start that conversation well and I should say one of those folks has I he saw that there's uh husband wife in there that are School staff so Mrs KR is is asking not to participate or has decided not to to do that um so we have 29 applicants it looks like we have a good balance amongst the various communities I think you know um if we add Administration and school board it would put us probably closer to 36 to 38 people I did reach out to um The Architects I did not get word back but I think with having six you know five communities probably makes sense to have that many people as you know can everybody make every meeting Maybe after that initial meeting some people will say this is not what I thought it was going to be and may say hey I'm not going to do this so I hate to limit that number and then all of a sudden three people say h this isn't for me and now we're got to go back out and find you know other people and things like that so my recommendation would be that we include the entire group there is one um person on that list that is um not within the district boundaries but I know has property within the district boundaries and did reach out and here's that fine line right of of we set the the kind of the guidance here what we wanted to do really the purpose of the guidance was to make sure as I explained uh to a few people was if you have somebody that sits on the committee and they have a lot of great ideas but could be costly so maybe we have one person that's from the brand in Evansville District sitting on the committee and they say well we think we need a Turf on the football field we need lights here we need to have a bigger Auditorium we need to have this we need to have that but they don't pay anything thing in taxes some folks may have a hard time with that and so this might be a little bit different situation in that case that they don't live in the district I think they've been in the district before they do have egg land in the district so they are paying taxes however they're not able to to vote um on that so that's one I just wanted to bring to your attention maybe at that first meeting there's a conversation there to say is there a different does that person get to participate but maybe if there's a final recommendation they're not part of that vote so it's a it's a real fine line right of what we want to do I think we have the guidance there of what we were kind of looking for but this one the situation might be just a little bit different in the fact that they are paying taxes in the district and things like that as well so I guess that I don't I mean I don't know that one person's I mean they're not going to sway you know the whole group so I don't know that that's an issue okay personally and if they're feeling inclined to participate I mean they spoke with you y wanting to be on you know knowing that that that was on there saying hey you know I know I'm not in there I guess I think as long as it's made clear in the meeting that everyone else participating knows then I don't think it's an issue personally that's just my opinion it's one person out of 35 or you know what I mean it's one person I I that's just my op I guess I looked at it as you know maybe that's also a unique perspective that we aren't getting from some this is actually somebody who chooses to en chooses to enroll their kids here versus you know and I'm not saying there's any good or you know I'm just saying it's a different perspective from from what we might get from some other C you know so and we're looking for every perspective at this point so I mean I guess I don't know myself that's my personal opinion why that would hinder us can I offer different funds I I think all of those things make sense I I wor about the parameters we set for the committee and so if the group uh pursues that plan and this is a a person that does have B hospit we all know that that's positive and could be productive um then I would suggest that you make it clear in another announcement that if there are others in the community who said oh snap I can't apply because I think we have to open that door or that we run the risk of having some it just doesn't look right so we either have to accept the application and offer it to anyone else that there was if there was people considering doing it but they weren't a resident but they wanted to be on the committee we either have to open it up and say if there's anybody else that this is the reason you didn't apply reach out or we need we might need to just say no just because I agree with you there very publicly we want this task force to feel like they have a room place and if we bu a little bit there it it could have an un consequence my feeling is one of the First Things We Said must be a district right and I think so I guess here's the here's be my question then is we said that with the intent that just like Paul alluded to we don't want somebody who doesn't pay any taxes here to come in and tell the taxpayers what they should spend their money that was kind of the idea behind you should live here and you should have to have some skin in the game as far as that goes so again this is just a I want to make sure that we're all on the same page the this and you know again you're I absolutely agree with you CLA we should probably let somebody else this particular person does pay taxes in the school district because they do have Eggland in the district they just currently live outside the district and may move back again again neither here nor there we probably have other people that are outside the district that may have Farmland in the district that might you know fall into that category they can't vote in the district they can't vote you're absolutely right but they are going to pay taxes on whatever we vote on right so they're it's kind of a little bit different situation you know and again one way or the other we either have to accept it or we have to open it up well I thought is who's going to lead it w whth whth will Le that I thought when we had the guidance there talking about trying to get a group of about a dozen I mean I'm just thinking being being involved in these in the past I mean you get a group of 40 with a lot of passion are we going to be able to drive that or you know didn't they recommend that Am I Dreaming I went back and depends on your it depends on your and maybe we want to do 40 I mean this is a that's a big group maybe that's what we need I thought their recommendation was to try to get4 I thought they was a 24 24 Oh I thought they were talking a dozen would be best like two two Business Leaders to a to clergy they had a list of a perfect you know but I think interesting it's it's it's a different situation in the fact that we have so many communities that where we're going to have to have more people because of the fact we have more people more communities involved and my only my other thought is too is right now is you how are we going to pick them that's my my honest opinion is if we it's going to create a problem with who we pick so unless we're going to draw it out of a hat yeah I don't want to pck well if they think they can lead a group of 40 or 50 then more that that's great have you reached out to them about I did email I did not hear about so I did tell them here's where our number was I don't think they'll be like I said and who knows until after that first meeting drop out some folks may get there and say I didn't know we were gonna have this many folks and so let's I think of all 30 people showing up at one meeting very I mean it's going to be or they're going to say I I put my name in because I didn't think you had enough applications and maybe I'm really not interested I mean there's all sorts of things want to make sure that there's going to be representation from like or the Hop area and they might get there and be like okay you're here I think I'm okay yeah and was it one or two or no board members through this process or what were we no they were talking two board members and I think where our conversation was is that is it going to be rotating board members or is there two that are just going to be continued board members so I think that was part of their conversation there as well yeah if they're comfortable and you're comfortable leaving it I guess more is probably better so it's but it's a big it's beig I think I would like I said I think I'd be comfor more comfortable knowing that wet is comfortable with that amount so like I would be like I'd be okay to approve it and with the anticipation that that's okay like they say yep or if they come to you and say whoa what are you doing then we need to reevaluate it but I would say as long as they're okay with that number if they're the ones leading it then sure and I like I said I really don't think we're going to end up I don't know that they'll all decide to be able to do it either I guess I just want to Circle back if there's a plan to to include this person that does certainly have a a a perspective that will be helpful for this group and we open it up are we saying that they have to pay taxes on property in that they own the property of the district I I just think we have to be very explicit if we're going to open I think that in this circumstance if we're going to accept all of them I think we need to leave that one off because if we're already going to be at 35 and we're going to open it up we could end up with five more yeah number at 40 45 you know what I mean and maybe we just you know politely I mean obviously like I said it's not that we don't value the opinion it's just we set these rules in place when we said you know this application you need to live in the district and they good point do you open enroll do you own land do you have you know a grand child you could be so many different things you have a business to modify something we have to be very explicit so that I'm worried about it feeling Equitable for people and we want this group to really feel like um it's a solid group that can that we're delivering on what we said when we talk to our task force and then you know clearly I'm sure this group is very experienced in running running a large meeting but the most important piece is establish the norms for how we take care of business in that meeting and I'm sure they will help us do that it's a good it's a good group but very diverse I think like you said the communities are well represented there's a lot of diversity within the individuals so I wouldn't lean that way too I think it's you know that's where we started but I would move to say that we should approve all except for the non-resident just because the parameters were set not for any other reason um with the exception that if wood say come back and said that's too many then we need to reevaluate it but I would that would be my I would motion that yeah otherwise I'm names out of a hat sorry I'm not interested in selecting I'll second CL second I have a motion in a second is there any other discussion on that item we're clear on that essentially I'm going to summarize here you would like to move to approve all Resident applicants correct is that yep over simplified no okay um no other discussion all those in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that brings us to item 5.4 to approve the corporate sponsor recommendations correct yep and is there any I know we've talked a little bit about some of those items is there any further discussion on those items I have a motion to approve second and a second all those in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that brings us to a couple of discussion items um 6.1 is the pre-referendum planning process you kind of got a little bit of a timeline outline from wit there this says the modified schedule yeah so there's just some pieces there talking maybe about getting a um demographic study to see where our student enrollment numbers may be you know down the road and so making sure that we have all the information ready to go we do a demographic it was 18 I think it was 17 I think it was before the 1718 okay so I'll look the files there to see that'll be helpful because then I can see who that person was if they would be willing to update it [Music] yes somebody out of duth because I huh let's see if see if I have in my bag I just kind of tells you where your population's going because we used that for when we were figuring out location we used it for the 17 referendum I'll look that up to see and I think we did do another one the last for hofman you're absolutely correct that that we did the locationing I don't know if we did the demographic on it I think we did residency So within a mile we did Rings within a mile within five miles within 10 miles of the circle and so I think it was a locationing thing for that one I will do some followup there I did reach out um to a district down the road and they had given me a name from somebody out of um theth but I think it would be nice to have a couple quotes just to make sure it's a fair and reasonable price the name of that company probably can punch it into the I'll double check I I've got quite a filing system piece there with all that so I'll see if I can find that um so then you'll just kind of see this is pushed back what we we pushed back about a week on the starting you know I think initially it was looking at the 20 2021 area it's right around mea I think there and so just with that looking at the demographics and then the questions that were that came up I think when we had this when we met there was still only 14 perspective candidates for this and so at that time the question was well we might have to extend this a little bit further to make sure that we allow time for people to be a part of this if they want to be we obviously got a good push there the very last day so um that number is okay but I don't know that you know I think this timeline kind of gives us a little bit of room for that demographic piece um so that we can come with more information than less when that starts than you get that gra to us that quickly well the the process he said they probably wouldn't need it like the first couple of meetings it wasn't going to be vital but to have it by like the third or fourth meeting would probably be you know as far as um so it wasn't like we need it for the 28th there's a lot of other things that'll be covered but um but the idea of if we start the 21st it probably isn't in by middle of November you know so that was going to be one of the pieces that they were looking for um and then I guess as far as board wise um I guess one one question would be is there anybody that's adamant they want to be at every meeting I thought Claire was going to raise her hand but she didn't so um so I guess the the question would be one if if somebody if somebody is really Adam that they want to go um you know that's great um I know that we've talked about not everybody can make every meeting there's always stuff going on um do we want to just set up a rotating schedule to where you know you two go this meeting you two you know you two go this meeting that kind of a rotation to where you still get to see some of the process or does that leave us with a little lack of continuity is it guess be my question I think if the question is is there somebody that's going to be at that wants to be at all of them if not I think then we do have to establish some sort of rotation I thought that's what I said but yeah I know but no one offered to want to stay at all of them did they well I think I would only suggest like Terry and myself will be off through the process so that we maybe don't make the best candidates toless we join the committee afterwards or you know so I would say consistent would be part of it so I would leave you guys be here so that really leaves us with Sarah and Nathan are pretty much the only two that we know are going to be here in January yeah not I did not say I was going to go to all of them no I I didn't say that I said I said you are the only two that we know will be here in January well I don't know that that's something we need to decide but the other the other the other thing is too is after the November election whoever does get elected at that time even though they're not acting board members could be there in place of board me Members because they're going to need to get involved as soon as possible right yes so whether or not we're gonna you know whoever does get on and realistically they could go and it wouldn't matter as far as the board member and all but so I'm just saying maybe we just make a plan for who's going to be at the first one and wing it it wouldn't be a problem if you if you can attend you do attend I mean if there's four you know as two I think if there's four then we we maybe it's a posted meeting anyway I guess it is a posted meeting but do we have to do different things if let me let me get some clarification from msba because I think as long as the group knows that there's a quorum there I think that's fine and that no action is going to take place so I'll just make sure that that's indeed the case but yeah and maybe would they had some guidance around keeping a little more remove well I think they talked about that where they didn't want it to be everybody I mean they want we I think if you go and observe that's one thing but if you're very vocal well maybe well I see that's I think maybe that's the key is as if we are there we're only there if there are questions that may be posed like sure like we're not participating in whatever activities they're doing but we're there to observe and be a resource if they're like well you know there something comes up maybe you know because you were there versus yeah listening just sitting there listening but if they want some sort of reference point to something that they maybe would need clarification of otherwise we aren't there to participate we're there to observe so then I don't know that it does need to be more than one or two of us I mean unless in I don't I do not there's no way I'll be able to do them all but yeah so because you are an active participant does it feel less important to have consistent people there every time well that's my my the thing is is if there's somebody here that feels they want to get you know that they feel like they need to be at all of them but the whole point of this I think to me is for them to bring to us in the end anyways so I don't I still don't even know that we need to be there at all to be completely honest because this is only one step in the process so I don't know maybe we that's an option too is we aren't there at all I don't know well I guess you know I I can't say that I can make every meeting but I probably have the longest tenure on the board at this point and so you know if that's what it is if we're going to be there for just facts and right you know a resource you know we could certainly try that and and I could just report okay this is what you know at each meeting this is what we talked about at the last Mee or you know some of that stuff maybe people don't you know maybe there's going to be a lot of ideas that are going to be thrown around in the wind to see what sticks and you know somebody doesn't want you to say well we talked about um you know the turf football field out there all this whole meeting and you know obviously you know that's not what the goal is here but maybe that's part of the kickoff meeting it's maybe to find out what the committee feels about having a board member there maybe that's part of the process you know what I mean like maybe maybe you have one show up for the first meeting or maybe maybe we don't have one go to the first meeting and that's part of their process like would you feel better about you guys being able to have this discussion and not having a board member there I maybe ask that to so y ask about the size of this part but it's pretty clear yeah what's the role of the committee you know what are their responsibilities I think it'll be I think it'll come pretty clear hope you know if they've done nothing they can leave although Sarah it maybe because I see review pass referendums on there might have to have a board member on there just potentially for that piece well yes and no because not all board members are you going to even have that you know what I mean the history beyond that they're going to have to have that prepared anyways maybe you Maya I wonder if that first one would be just a good idea to have at least one board member there to case there's if would does have a question to say somebody says well what is the board looking for from us if nobody's there we're not going to be able to to do that well maybe the um they can advise what other districts are done but we initiated this task force so it feels to me like we need representation there not not that we're participating but there's the Optics of that feel a little odd to me if we didn't we initiated this Tas for how committed are you to this you're not here for listen and I think they want us to hear so listen I think that's the key you know I mean I'm certainly willing to come as frequently as I can I'm going to be gone for two weeks was planned before this charge um but I think you know people with more dep or be much I wouldn't mind listening you know be in there you know because we do have you know one site 10 years ago failed repair all three failed one site again failed repair and build new failed it's like how where do we go with this right how do we where do we navigate right yeah so find out if we can do four I guess we just got you gotta I will I will come back with that and maybe that's you know I guess at a minimum may maybe we post the first one as a you know it's a list you know we'll call it a listing session or whatever but obviously with that's going to lead it I think the goal of usbody come wanten support you know say hey we do this group means a lot to and we can ask those questions at that time you know does anybody feel like they can't talk because the words you know what what is that feel of the group good all right any other discussion on that one then the last item is the Lakes Country Board elections so yeah if there's anybody interested in uh wanting to I mean I think we have up until um I think we have another if we had time at our October meeting we could do that the one thing I want to bring to your attention though if you look at one of the bottom paragraphs it does say say the Lakes Country service Cooperative board meets the second Thursday of each month at 11:30 so it's the middle of the day and I believe it's two hours for each one of those meetings but just wanted to make that available to you but I believe we've got to have a nomination in uh back by October 28th so if you wanted to think on who's the representative right now that we have on that because we have somebody on that as a representative not as a elected board M I'd have to double check is it you Nathan I was gonna say unless Nathan wants to we probably don't want it I'm already on the I'm already on the board yeah that seems to be not a great time for a meeting no midday yeah that's so that was just for your information I didn't want to leave anybody out got that in the mail so we don't have to we don't have to take any action that I won't include anything unless somebody changes their mind motion to adour please second all in favor say I I motion [Music] Carri well boys it wasn't as it wasn't as as long as it has been