##VIDEO ID:KuYY7hO7Xlc## all right you are live all right good evening at 7:30 5:32 in the secondary school media center we'll call the meeting to order and we'll begin with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Gross here Porter is not with us yet sandstead here sour here I am here Josh here Vincent Yes here all right um we do have some public comment tonight so we're going to take care of that right away um there's a chair up here if you guys want to just step forward so we can all see you and hear you and then come on up and please introduce yourselves and Hello Lord thank you guys for giving us the time I'm uh David eers I'm a 2013 graduate of WCA I'm a local farmer uh my wife is an online egg teacher she's CT uh certified uh she's been doing uh work-based learning programs for almost 10 years um and uh we wanted I wanted to talk to you about my story of uh working with her on school projects and uh what I I experienced through our a program back in 2013 around that time um I didn't learn my first marketing and marketing class in college or a business class in high school I learned my my farm business and my loan management my tax prep I learned that in the egg Department um a lot of times we hear why don't they teach us tax and getting loans in in high school I learned that in the a department that's that's where that happened for me um my teacher was uh willing to sit sit down with me personally and teach me that um my wife uh is uh teaching a work-based learning program with Project based learning included in that so she covers mathematics she covers English the whole whole deal for uh 8th through 12th graders um she uses that CTE she gets the uh funding Federal funding for that and uh I I just can't expound how much how it's amazing how much her curriculum covers uh CTE teachers just tend to be this catchall that can they're they're obviously specialized M them are uh they they are able to uh jump in uh but it's it's really amazing to see how that that group of teachers works together and I would love to see WCA accomplish that same goal um currently like uh we I believe 27 seniors are doing work-based learning uh it's great that they can go to the the egg teacher for advice be really nice if they're in a in a business work environment that they could go to the business CTE teacher and and get some advice on that project um on the other hand as a farmer I'm looking for skilled labor we need skilled labor in this community uh when I'm was graduating high school it was me and two other guys were planning to stay in this community uh because and because they most kids were either bring College didn't want to sck around here me and other local business owners we need skilled labor and I believe the way to do that is to get kids interested in in the work that happens in this community um I think the best way to go about that to to give them that education was through CTE it helps us a lot with the budgeting for those kinds of teachers is that a federal payement program so that's all I thank you thank you hi thanks for uh I'm Ben brog farmed by wend Minnesota um you know I'm an employer and everything else like um David is and we are always looking we need we're always looking for new hires new um in the a fields and all fields around your course we need kids to stay local and to keep that like you were David was saying we need these core things to be well-rounded and everything else um I understand there's a new egg teacher possibly being starting in a process of maybe interviewing or hiring hopefully or additional one or something in those lines or that's what um and to have the those teachers be able to you guys can Levy for that CTE funding for them that 35% that you guys can Levy is an extremely important deal for to help keep these departments you know career and Tech on on all these career and tech ed departments to keep them relevant we need to see um the things they can get funding for to bring into the classrooms to be modern uh through that through those funding pools is incredibly important to keeping kids here instead of them leaving so that um so for like example if all the CTE teachers if all the keran tech ad teachers were certified you guys could Levy that 35% they could bring in federal and additional federal dollars to help uh move these programs forward and modernize them and and to help these kids stay excited about having careers in Grant County and around here so that's um I guess that's uh pretty much just the gist of what I wanted to talk about it just the fact that we're all looking for we want to see kids stay around here it's really hard to bring people in so if I can say one more and my wife uh is currently getting offers as an egg teacher uh that is happening now uh the hot hot time of the year is right when March happens Uh current teachers that might be leaving are looking at that time to drump ship or commit to a new school and students that are graduating with that CT program they're also on the uh they're up for the picking so pleas we're hoping you guys can get moving on it and get it done soon so thank you guys Forks time thank you all right uh if you want to dis reflect that Mr Porter joined us okay um and at this time we will seat the new board members so if all board members would like to stand I think you have to stand for the old and if you'd repeat after me you've got this whole sheet in front of you um at the bottom you see down there um I affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and this state I affirm that I will support the constition of the United States and St I will fully discharge the duties and the office of a school board member I will in charge duties of office School member of Independent School District 2342 to the best of my judgment and ability abil that was pretty good next time we'll do better okay did we want to grade them be lenient all right so now um you have your agenda um for this we do not have any additions or corrections to the agenda is there any other additions or corrections to um we'll just start with the agenda for the organizational meeting itself any additions or Corrections there I look for a motion to approve the organizational meeting agenda so second we have a motion a second all in favor say I I motion carries all right that brings us into election of board officers so we will start with as the acting chair we will start with electing a chair for the board so I would take any nominations for the chair position okay we have one nomination is there any other nominations for the chair position are there any other nominations for the chair position no other takers all right with only one nomination that would be declared I'll be I'll be the chair all right moving on we'll now take any nominations for the vice chair all jump at once that's be a long meeting are there any nominations for the vice chair are there any nominations period anybody want to do it anybody want to do any of these other three tasks let's start there I'll do okay Darren's up for any of them anybody have any nominations they want to make for a chair Clerk or Treasurer Vice chair sorry Vice chair Clerk or Treasurer is there anybody that wants one of those for sure Kayla are you clerk right cler cler I can see I can keep doing clerk I'll nominate Darren for vice chair I have a nomination for Darren for vice chair is there any other nominations for vice chair are there any other nominations for vice chair Darren you're Vice chair Kayla said she was interested in being the clerk are there any nominations for clerk I have a nomination for Kayla for clerk are there any other nominations for clerk are there any other nominations for clerk Kayla you will be the clerk are there any nominations sorry was that Darren or Josh Josh okay are there any nominations for treasurer nominate Nathan Porter I have a nomination for Nathan Porter for treasur are there any other nominations for treasurer are there any other nominations for treasurer Nathan Porter will be Treasurer all right that was easy now we will move to our representation for our committees if you go to the second page here you will see there are one two three four five six seven committees on on the page um what you'll see in parentheses there are the people that are currently on those committees or were on those committees last year all the blanks obviously would be the members that are not with us anymore um so I guess what I would start with is at the the buildings and grounds um is there interest in the buildings and grounds committee okay okay and I guess my one question would be is I I've been on there for a long time um it doesn't matter to me if you want me to stay on there I can if if you two would like to go on there with Nathan I'm okay with that too the board you know as a decide on that it doesn't doesn't matter to me on that piece so iay to St again I I want to make sure the board makes a decision so I you know I have some obviously some past knowledge but you know what it doesn't take very long to figure some things out so I mean Chad did it no right I can do it anybody right so um and I did notice in our policy 213 it does call it buildings and grounds facility planning so I did change that title in that since the document went out so I guess we as a as a board would you like I think the three of us are fine being your board chair okay so we'll go separated Mr Mr gr and Mr Porter for the buildings and grounds correct now Finance is pretty much wide open um is there anybody that's interested in the finance committee I'm not saying you have to be Miss reporter but as a Treasurer I think historically the treasurer has been part of that committee okay anybody else with interest there yeah okay is there anybody else I can certainly be on there if nobody else is interested doesn't matter to me sounds is that okay Personnel so Kayla and myself were on that previously um I would be interested okay I don't know if anybody else is is there anybody else interested in the Personnel committee I'm not so sure Kayla you correct me if I'm wrong but I'm not certain that we've had a me meeting in quite some time um I know a few years ago we had a couple of meetings just um more of an incident-based meeting than a regular regular meeting but um I don't think it's happened for some time now um are we okay with cl being on that one with Kayla and myself okay um public engagement Kayla is currently on there um is there anybody interested in I will tell you public engagement probably hasn't met for a couple of years but they were very active during the bond Levy time they had several meetings back when those things were and obviously we have our you know we have our task force going right now I would I would assume that this comme may have a few meetings coming up in the next year or so but um I would do it okay anybody else interested Kayla are you still okay anybody else want to get in on the public engagement committee I mean I I can sit there if nobody else wants to we got a good mix right I think it would be if you're doing public engagement having a good mix of the community so I think we got Claire from elbow and so would be the only piece that I would recommend but ask procedural questions are these required numbers by policy or is this I think typically past practice we have just kept it so it was not a quorum of the board yep I was just and you know honestly that changed here a few years back so when I got on the board this was a threers committee so it wasn't a quum of the board at that time the interpretation of the open meeting law was if it was less than a quum of the board it didn't apply to the open meeting law you didn't have to post those meetings currently now we post just about all of those meetings are posted publicly um I'm not sure why that changed there's no you know there's no decision-making Authority there's no you know Quorum so anyway that's just been past practice I don't know that it has to be um that way but that's typically what we've done just as historical at least since I've been on the board y that sounds great so um you'll see the policy it's all board members we usually do those at our committee meetings anyway they're always read at the the meetings um meet and confer is one where we meet with the staff um I guess that one's been fairly we try to do that about quarterly roughly um in the curricular co-curricular I don't know if I've had one of those meetings since I've been on it but it needs to be re-engaged I think as we start to get more of a focus on our curriculum pieces again so yeah that will be reengage there so anybody have any interest in any of those remaining I would take me okay okay might be in your wheelhouse anybody else I should join that curcular okay anybody else interested in the public engagement yeah I'll that okay any any other I think that's the're we're going to go all the way down before we vote on these so any other changes or things you anybody sees they'd like to change on any of those names all right we'll move down to the negotiations committees um so certified staff is is our educational core basically support staff and clerical is mostly office and yeah so be Pa professionals kitchen staff custodial everybody that's not our certified teachers y okay well there's different group they have different groups though service pairs are together 10 Monon are separate yeah and district office staff are separate so when it says support staff basically there's about three or four different groups that are met individually with that support staff but they all fall into that category so if you're on support staff you're going to meet with that uh perah and yeah and sometimes we try to have them lined up so maybe the Paras and the cooks meet at 4 5:00 is a custodial staff so you're not having to come in all kinds of times we just try to get it set up and I would say depending on how negotiations go sometimes it can be two or three meetings maybe a little bit longer for those groups I would say teaching certified staff was a little bit longer and usually that one is the the the ice breaker and then everybody the marking stone for everybody hopefully the rest goes well but yeah so I do the certified or the uncertified the support staff and AD admin but it wouldn't be for me to the I think the other two would be okay yep yep y there wouldn't be a conflict yep with certified staff yeah you just can't I think I'm sure I was on certified Staff last year and support I think you were you were support because yeah you and I are set in on the meetings so that was the support staff I left that apologize I don't need to be this year someone interested in I'll help so so far Darren has said support staff or admin either either either one Darren you want both of those okay anybody else take stuff okay I move up to the certified yeah to you have a preference Claire on I really don't so a preference do you want to you have a preference I don't have a preference okay just trying to see so you guys can rock paper scissors and see who gets support or certified staff I'll do certified okay are you all right with that admin okay you just want to read those names just to make sure that I'm I'm just G to well it'll it'll be fine so right now I show adding Porter and alri to certified staff I guess my one question to the board would be should Josh and I be on the same negotiations together does anybody care about that I just want to make sure that we're open and should we I guess your daughter's a teacher I'm okay with that but and we well I I guess we could clarify too we've checked with msba because I don't receive compensation from her it's okay that I sit on that one because she's not going to bring dollar to my house yeah I just want to make sure we she should she owes me but yeah no we did check with msba and they said there is no conflict of interest it truly just does have to be a spouse so if everybody's I just want to make sure everybody's okay with that before we we say this is good so if we're all right we'll keep it just like that so I've got R Al Porter on certified sandstead gross and sour on support staff clerical and gross and Vincent on Administration sound right that's what I have okay then we'll move to our representative roles we have Community Education um are you okay staying there uh child and youth Council I I'm on that one I have no problem staying with that one um ECFE they all right there and Megan said those meetings will be together and we'll do a better job making sure that you're informed of those but yeah they are I think they are during the day but yeah but they she said they combine them together so said they're not separate meeting types so and then we have the following areas where we have representation on there's a legislative there's a Minnesota State High School league um Midwest special education Cooperative in Morris uh corporate sponsors and the WCA Education Foundation um quite honestly I can't tell you the schedule for any of those meetings for any of those legislative I don't know if you saw the the document there kind of laid out those the purposes and stuff like that if there things that we need to clean up let me know but that um legislative is mainly just I think probably reviewing um the msba the M document so we'll make sure that they have your EMA you know your email and you''ll be able get those pieces and maybe just bring that back to the board I will do that as well just keeping the board of course this will be a heavy year as a legislature reconvenes and stuff like that so I don't think there would be any committee meetings unless you know you and I would discuss it before the meeting just just to say what of the highlights what should we bring here's the platform and things like that State High School league uh Gary was the member on that one and that one was really just kind of the voting rep I think right Mr fosin the the board voting rep um is really what that entails I don't think there's anything else really on that one just being kind of a liaison again with the board and the State High School league special ed Cooperative I misspoke on that one in the notes it said that they met monthly that is the executive committee they already have those three members selected so it's just meeting for times per year six o'clock at night it's I think the what's it uh let me see here they've already given us the months for that one um well let's see here fourth Tuesday of January March July November at six o'clock and you can attend that virtually or in person for those meetings um so that was different than I initially reported on there um corporate sponsors that one meets one to two times per year or as needed uh to review those uh corporate sponsor requests on the Ed Foundation that meets monthly I believe it's the second Tuesday of each month at 7: a.m. and they would like to have a representative that plans to attend those meetings frequently just because of course we've got the big board there and we're trying to get that match so they'd like to have some regular representation there jump out at anyone I'd like to be on corporate sponsors and I would do leg to okay so far there yous I did the specialer interest all right they do ask for an alternate we do an alternate just because they have regular meetings correct y y for that quarterly meeting they just like to have somebody there because they sometimes run that issue of not having a quorum so kind of alter position okay High School league I'll take the high school league Ed Foundation I take that okay so I show sanset will stay on the Community Education all will stay on youth child and youth Council ECFE for Kayla Darren legisl Josh Minnesota State High School league Claire and Ryan are the um delegate and Alternate for the Midwest special education Cooperative girl on the corporate sponsor and Porter on the Education Foundation is that sound right yes all right are there any other changes to those representations then not I look for a motion to approve the committee and and representative organization okay all those in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that moves us to item number six to set the Schoolboard compensation for officers and directors um at this time it's $150 per month plus mileage reimbursement at IRS rate um I think we've talked about that before I'm not sure why that's in there I don't know that anybody's ever done mileage but um it's there um also there's a $500 annual compensation for the chair and a $300 annual compensation for the vice chair Clerk and Treasurer um we set that I think two years ago I think is when we set that it was prior to when I came I guess I think May was three years ago then so it it hasn't been very long um and then also an additional compensation for negotiation meetings of $50 are there any any changes anyone would like to see to that schedule I think it's been the same for at least four or five years so we pay that twice twice per year everybody's okay with that I'll make a motion to accept that all right there's a motion is there a second second all those in favor say i i p same sign sign motion carries all right and then we have um our meeting agenda so at last year our meetings were I'm going to make sure I say this correctly the first Wednesday of the month was our evening meeting like this it was committee meeting we did a lot of the talk during that meeting all say for lack of a better term um not typically a lot of action was taken at that meeting but there inevitably was some action taken at those meetings um and then the business meetings were held Wednesdays the third Wednesday of the month at 7 am. and that was typically a shorter meeting just for the action items um usually very most of the discussion was already done at the committee meeting and and it was very usually typically pretty short um reasoning being everybody needed to get to work so those that's why we did those meetings there um all the summer meetings we held all those in the morning um just to get them out of the way so people could have their evenings free in the summertime and it worked for most board members that time we have a lot of new members so I guess first of all I would ask are Wednesdays okay to begin with for everyone I think we found that was the least conflicting day with sporting events and activities and such so that's kind of why we moved to that day are there any issues with that Wednesdays okay then I would ask about the time so typically again we would do the first one at 5:30 in the evening the second meeting would be 7: am. is there any issues with those times everybody's okay with that so we set our regular meetings similar to what they were this year I'll throw a monkey ranch right away our first meeting in January the next one we'll have four board members that'll be at the msba convention in the cities so we won't be able to do it on the second on the third Wednesday this month so we'll have to reschedule the first meeting that we're going to have after this but after that we should be pretty good shape it just be three members and myself that'll be gone but right we count you as a as a as a member perfect so you're an ex officiate member of the yeah so um so the question would be then we'll stay with what we had from this year we'll hold all the meetings here in the media center um any postpone meeting you'll see there due to inclement weather or other emergencies would be rescheduled for the following day at the same time um any issues with that everybody's good with that part of it okay um we designate uh we'll move down to 7.2 will I think in the next meeting we're going to res schedu that right in the committee meeting I didn't have that in there but we can do that committee meeting if we need to add that to the agenda we can definitely do that we'll do that there so we know that this is how we're going to set up for the year and then we'll adjust that one at the committee meeting here in a minute um we need to designate the official District depository of Kensington bank and Minnesota school district liquid asset funds okay that three times fast um designate pton law as the school district legal council designate the Grant County Herald as the official District newspaper authorize the superintendent or finance manager to invest School funds in interest bearing accounts as cash flow allows uh this is a yearly requirement correct that we have to do each year so you'll see that every year you're on the board also authorize the superintendent and the finance manager to lease purchase and contract for goods and services within the budget as approved by the school board uh basically that just says they have the authority to sign leases and and do all those things um without having to get board approval for everything they sign for um and then authorize designated business office staff Andor superintendent to make electronic fund transfers to pay payroll direct deposits payroll taxes TR contributions Minnesota unemployment health insurance premiums vision insurance premiums basically this one says we're going to pay our employees and we have people all the wires I go with you see those wires every time each month but that's what it is questions about that one6 was there a dollar amount established for that or is that another part that so I think that's a different spot basically this says like for instance if we're going to lease a vehicle right we'll have to have a conversation about leasing a vehicle but this says Mr Brown delegate can sign for that lease right so that's what this does is a blanket statement within whatever the board deems so we won't do a specific dollar amount until we actually come to the point where we're talking about some to remember I think I think I brought that up when I first came here it was 10,000 and I think there was conversation say boy every time you're going to have to come back after so I think the key beinging it's got to be approved by the school board so the budget's got to be approved by school board for us to go out so as long as you guys as the board we say hey this is following under these pieces we're okay but we'd have to follow within those guidelines here as well but I think I did bring it up and I think somebody at that point said so everything over $10,000 are going to have to come to us and we're going to be approving all these pieces doll yep and that's typically any of those sort of contracts we'll have that conversation likely beforehand but this this portion of it just says we we've approved him to sign those those lease agreements for those or purchases for those kinds of things that makes sense then we did change one thing it used to be business manager but because our business manager and Todd's actually on the line so we did check with Todd to make sure he was comfortable with that but Maggie's onsite Todd said he would review all those things too and and give authorization as well but it's sometimes easier when we go up to the bank and you need to have your business manager and your superintendent while they're remote how does that so we've just opted to have Magie be the other authorized signer but like Todd said he goes I'll review all those pieces beforehand just to make sure that we're aware of that in the budget all right any questions on any of those um items under number seven on the consent then I look for a motion to approve those consent items and a second second all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carried that will bring us to the looking for a motion to adjourn the organizational portion of this meeting and a second all in favor say I I meeting is adjourned we'll call the regular committee meeting to order um you will see the agenda in front of you there are there any additions or Corrections we just need to add the setting the date for the January business meeting yep um 6.1 I suppose maybe or yep or would it be 5.4 you are correct 5.4 5.4 will make that and so with that addition is there any other additions or corrections to the agenda look for motion to approve the agenda and a second all in favor say I I motion carries um we'll move into our committee reports and administrative reports and we'll start with Miss Hendrick with the element Elementary all right um starting off with we had our elementary Christmas concerts at both North and South before break they were a big success um thanks to Nicole and Jennifer for all their effort preparing for the concert and then teachers for their flexibility to changes schedules and getting students um so we had um before break as well on the 20th we had two all School assemblies so we used those to celebrate our our students and um talking also about our night Pride words responsibility respect um safe being safe and being kind and so we talked about our word of the month which was responsibility we had staff doing skits as to showing responsible behavior and what is not responsible behavior and the students um were part of that saying if they were or weren't and it was a fun event just to culminate and then we also have teachers that um celebrated students who were going above and beyond showing responsibility and so they were um recognized in front of the the student body and it was a really fun really fun day for the kids um PTA also provided snacks and the Grinch and Mr Mrs Claus had a sighting at at North so that was a fun day for the kids we have fast testing coming up on the week of January 13th so that is the data I had talked about at our last board meeting that I'll bring to share how our students are doing to get some update we can look at how they have shown growth since the fall and then where our current data is with number of students On Target um where we're at with like I said growth from the fall to the winter so our next for meeting I can bring that fast data that we give to all of our can for fourth grade students and I'll share that tomorrow our prek teachers have letters training so they've been coming together this is their third day throughout the year they are participating in that so jod mon from the co-op comes and does that with our our prek teachers and then on Wednesday at our early release our K4 teachers are getting some additional training on that fast assessment and how to utilize that data to form groups or or provide instruction for students and then our other teachers are focusing on curriculum so music fad um our counselors will be doing some curriculum work and then I have sent um information out to all staff so teachers and Paras I'm really excited I'm going to hold just short 10-minute informal check-in meetings with everyone over the next few weeks and really just to get a PA some how are things going what's going well with your year what's on your mind right now um what are we doing well at WCA what are things that um anything that they can see as things that we can work towards so I'm excited I just um got the the email sent out today so I'll have um those I think starting on Thursday for the next couple weeks I'll be meeting with all teachers and parents any questions for me great questions thank you and I am going to duck out I have some my husband has meeting too and I have someone watching my kids so Sak out so I can get home thank you thank you Mr wood all right good evening everyone um so this winter and school year is moving along quite quickly we had our winter um band and Choir concerts in December and they were both quite fantastic um students did an excellent job and also wanted to give a big shout out to miss NY and dar storm for really stepping up um it was a ton of work for them especially with our um lack of a band teacher they stepped up and did an excellent job and it really showed up um their hard work showed up in the concerts they were fantastic so also that time of year we need to give a huge shout out to Marissa sabolic for her outstanding work finding subs for us um she does an awesome job making sure that no matter what's going on we have every class filled and she does it in a way that is um almost seamless most of the time also want to thank our teachers um for stepping up and subbing um when their colleagues are out and also our regular substitutes that we have are fantastic as well showing up when they get that call at 6:30 in the morning and they're here and doing an excellent job as well um we're approaching the end of first semester the quarter is done on the 23rd and we'll have H staff development on January 24th and we're already starting to look ahead into the 2025 2026 school year um making preparations for registration process and course offerings um you know this is an extensive but crucial process that really takes a lot of careful planning we are looking at um revamping a few things we're not it's not quite ready to bring to the board yet but there will probably be some board action needed on a few things we're um we're looking at doing just to kind of both streamline what our grad requirements look like what our coures look like and finding different ways to Market our courses at WCA because we want students in the building so how are we going to find ways to make students want to stay in the building versus going PSO or taking an online class or whatever the case may be um so um getting some input from a few different people we're kind of brainstorming some ideas and I I'm pretty excited about some things that are kind of in the hopper right now um so hopefully by the next meeting we'll have more concrete plan of what that looks like but um and as always our our goal is to have student schedules done and ready by the end of the school year often um much easier said than done but that continues to be to be the goal for this year as well does anyone have any questions you ever like ask some of the students that went through full time part time at all like after they've been through it they done anything different it's really it's really good question to like they going full did they miss out on their senior year and high school activities friends they I mean how did it affect them outside of the education and the other thing I've always really wanted to kind of get a better feel for is how did these classes transfer because we when the kids graduate we often don't know now when they go and send their transcript to whatever College they're attending or whatever they're doing do those classes all transfer was it worthwhile does it save them a ton of money you know what what does that look like and it's hard to you know we don't have access to the students to do as maybe as much feedback Gathering as we'd like but finding some way to do that would be very helpful no just from personal Sydney just she's in that boat right now and and there was a course that she took here and of course they really want you to take it there with their teacher that teaches the next you know the next step as well and so it's kind of interesting to see you know it's tough for somebody as a junior to say this is what I want to this is where I want to go to college let alone say this is what I want to study and and which courses do I need but at the same time you know if you take one here and then they want you to retake it anyway did I gain from that or you know maybe it's easier there but you're still are taking it TW you know twice versus you know it's not not always as seamless as it as it appears so that's good and I would love to yet to know you know what's the percentage and what does that look like big picture and put part together yep any other questions for Mr wood thank you Mr wood excited to hear what you're thinking yeah some some kind of fun things same go awesome uh Mr fine well in in my report I'm going to call out a few students I I don't do that very often my report but I I want to recognize some of the great students that we have um our triaa and our XL committee met uh reviewed the applications and happy to announce our Exile Award winners this is for juniors um Marshall dwey and Isabelle pakowski and our triaa winners uh Ben by who's in the crowd here tonight and K come up to the camera can make a statement yeah these these winners will be recognized at the January 27th girls basketball game against Brandon Evansville to to go along with that I'm I'm part of um on our region committee our subsection 21 host and we actually have our subsection 21 AAA meeting here on Wednesday afternoon so we'll take all the schools and their representatives and pick our 21 representative to go on to the region so hopefully our two students here you just tell them to just meet up via teams you'll let them know who the winners are so we'll we'll see what happens so hopefully good luck to Ben and K in that process great a few other things going on um we're going to recognize our our corporate sponsors on the boys basketball game on January 23rd against Underwood that night um both of these the triaa the XL or all three of these excuse me the AAA XL incorporate will take place between the JB and the varsity games we'll do that between before the warm ups get started um we host the subsection 211 act play on January 24th and that will be a 1M start that's something again that WC has traditionally hosts and if you ever want to be a a a onea judge the State High School league is always looking for judges so there's my there's my plug for that thank you to Sydney Huntley our student council president and the rest of the student council members they did a lot of work uh the Christmas week of getting different things and and lining up some activities so thank you to them um the student council sponsors the 712 winter formal this Friday at at 8 o' maybe not a note that's out there we are going to open the building at 7 if people want to come in and take pictures and do all of that before the dance starts at 8 o'clock and if you want to stick around and Sh room hey Mr wood and I will we'll we'll be there with a few other people as well so um few few other things our Junior High boys basketball practice did start tonight numbers are a little lower there we we kind of anticipated out we have around 15 kids um thank you to Darren gr or Darren Hansen uh for stepping up at the last hour to fill our coaching spot that had been open for quite some time so thank you to him uh let's see the last thing I have on here and and I I I know Mr Mark mentioned it a month or two ago about live stream links U just kind of be careful there's lots of different scams out there for different games the majority of of our games will either be on huddle fan or on YouTube you go online you see all kinds of different pieces I had to work extensively with our school they kept plugging in an nfhs link that was never there so again for for our fans if you're looking for our games check H fan first or check YouTube and that's where you'll find the majority of of our activities that's my report can you talk to just why the Huddle fan YouTube Just Just for people so they understand uh we were contacted this summer from huddle that YouTube was making huddle pay to stream on there so what was happening is they would YouTube would pull it from our camera to a link and it would be sent out via YouTube and huddle was being charged for that well huddle has all that capabilities themselves to take it right from their camera and pump it out and with huddle fan now it creates a lot more well you could probably speak from a coaching side just so different pieces now they can do we can control our own basically huddle website um and there's different components we could add to that we wanted to add in advertising if we wanted to add in I mean the list goes on and on and on but if you get the app or you get it from your TV you don't have to type in different links all the Huddle links can automatically put uh put in our school so it's the link is right there so it kind of streamlines the process a little bit it kind of takes YouTube out of the picture for for us and it doesn't it's no monetary value from huddle to YouTube it's also pretty pretty seamless where as the the game is being filmed here then huddle also instantly uploads it to like the coaching side of the film and directly shares it with the opposing team as well so if you're at a playing a school that also has huddle then instantly that game is shared with them so like when upsa swall came here our game gets filmed they have access to that film rightly it's pretty slow yeah and again there's lots of other components we can add and that's going to probably be a discussion with me and Mr Brown this spring as to what our contract looks like for huddle because you usually sign a couple year contract with them so great any other questions or comments from Mr fosen all right thank you uh no Community Ed Mr Mack would you like to come and do a technology report for us all right so the good news is is things have are pretty simple in technology right now but that can change on any moment um so since last time I reported to you there hasn't really been a lot of change the biggest piece that I'm going through right now is trying to figure out acquisition of devices for next year um every one of our salese that I've talked to don't really aren't willing to commit because they don't know what their costs are going to be um I have a couple that are in the process of trying to purchase large quantities like 60 70,000 units um that would lock in a price for us but there's a lot of unknown so I'm hoping by the committee meeting in February that I have more information have a clearer path um but as of right now it's so pretty murky but a lot of lot of unknowns unfortunately um but to come full circle that we are still streaming our Arts so our music and choir those things are still being streamed on our YouTube channel um we're working on trying to figure out the best quality for streaming on YouTube channel I have reached out to huddle to see if they have an auditorium setup they do not um so we'll just keep doing that on our YouTube channel which seems to work out just fine for most people um we were able to get a battery pack so that it makes streaming a little bit more accessible so that instead of having to be uh within an extension cord of an outlet now I can just bring that battery pack with me and plug right in so I can just kind of plop down anywhere in stream um which will make things a little bit easier get me a little bit better uh Viewpoint of the event that that's happening and then the biggest one for everything is always audio so trying to get better audio for our recordings um you know uh streaming became really big during covid and we continue to do it because we know that there's so many families and parents that can't be there and it's such a big special event for those kids we want them to be able to enjoy it with their family want their family to be able to see it when they're not able to be there in person so I think that it's a very good thing all the way around last but not least I have to say huge thank you to Stacy she is wonderful and amazing she continues to keep our technology department going at a very high level and she is a huge reason for the success of the technology portion of our school district all right any questions or comments for Mr MC thank you brings us to buildings and grounds Mr Norberg hey um everything's going well right now uh we're plugging right along um it's helped out that we don't have massive amounts of snow to move every day and every morning um got some staff on medical leave so we're shuffling people around and everybody's trying to pick up a little bit and work hard but my staff is doing a great job with that I guess my big thing is is I'm I'm excited to get this year started and get these new committees and get the buildings and grounds committee going um so we can be meeting on a regular basis and get some things set up for summer projects that are going to have to be booked here pretty soon um so we can make sure that they get done and not have to be an on call basis if they have time for us and with projects in the work that are these task force meetings and stuff buildings and grounds we're going to have to be on top of things also to just keep stuff moving along so that's what I have anybody got any questions thank you thank you was easy yeah that brings us to our business bus manager good evening good evening um here we go so we have the uh November budget update here um Paul if I share my screen can you see it we have you on um yeah a large projector so if you're able to do that that they should be able to see that perfect Todd you want to just give us an introduction right away just to get everybody on the same page here we got a lot of new faces in the room sure yeah so I'm Todd nitzki owner of SMS and your business manager um so you should be in good hands I believe you are and uh it's nice to meet everybody um sounds like we have some new board members uh coming on board so welcome and um yeah so U maybe just a little background on me so I I got started in school of Finance in 1998 in Marshall Minnesota um started SMS January 1 2006 um so I've been added what is that about 27 years and uh had have had the company here since 06 so about 20 19 years and um we've grown to an organization now of about 50 employees and working with about 75 school districts Statewide so all right um so in terms of the report you're looking at here can you see it fairly well yep yeah um not sure if you've seen this report before I'll just go through and kind of familiarize your you guys with what we're looking at here so we have two years of final data on the far left so we have Revenue at the top this is the general fund only uh the adopted budget so this would be the board approved budget um from last May June whenever that um was approved by the board um what's been received today again through November 30th and because our first meeting is so early in the month we're we're one month behind um I might suggest all that I present at the second meeting so we'd be more up to date okay um going forward um this shows the the revenues still to be collected in the remainder of the year um these numbers to me tell the story in terms of is the budget appropriate um or sufficient and um so right now if you look at State AIDS we're at 22% of our budget collected last year we at 20.7% and the year before we were at 20.6 so um it needs further research but right now we're tracking ahead by about a percent and a half in terms of budget collected so that might mean the adopted budget is a little bit low on state AIDS or the metering of state aid payments from the state might just be coming in quicker in a category and it might level off as we move forward um on the right here we have last year what we had collected through same point in time but a year ago November 30th 2023 and then two years ago same point in time um what we had collected so these percent of budgets really tell a lot of the story I'd urge you to focus in on those more than the dollars um and then in terms of federal grants in terms of federal grants uh not a lot collected today at this point or I'm sorry got off a row we're at zero last year we're at 653 we'll probably have a draw coming up um probably in January on our Title One title two grants so there should be some dollars here in next meeting uh property taxes I know I worked with Maggie today we posted November and December after this report had been completed so again property taxes we should receive about half of our tax revenues in November and December and then the other half in May and June so local revenues tracking a little bit behind prior year but ahead of two years ago so overall State AIDS reflect are represent 75% of our budget we're tracking fine there and and these other ones will catch up um so any questions on the the revenues can I so is this the part Paul this 2023 is this the part where we did the that 93 the one that's way out off there the is that the one where we did that at the beginning of the year instead of the the end of that's so that's why that category is off that was it was just allocated right away instead of at the end when it's supposed to be there so that's why it was done differently that year so just so everybody knows last year or that 2023 one is off because of that yeah that anomaly yeah person doing business at that point just had them allocated right at the very beginning instead of waiting until the end to clear up those numbers yeah it I was wondering typically be uh you know by the end of December at about 50% so yeah I was wondering why we were Dar near at a 100% at that point so okay on the expenditure side salaries and wages um again these should be tracking super close in terms of percent of budget compared to percent of final for the prior two years which we are we're a little ahead of last year by0 4% and about 8% below two years ago so that tells me our salaries and wages budget is is very close um benefits are tracking lower by about 6% and um again more research needed but it looks like something is a little off with health insurance object 220 um no insurance is posted for any teachers through November so that's something I'll dig into uh tomorrow with uh payroll and uh see what's going on there so uh purchase Services we're a little ahead of the prior year Pace by about 30,000 supplies very similar to the last two years and percent of budget as well and Equipment uh 25,000 last year we spent 31 and other expenditures which is primarily dues of memberships very similar to last year so overall we're tracking at 31.6% of budget um down about 1.2% compared to last year and about 3% behind two years ago so the expenditure budget appears in total to be accurate as well and just looking at the same numbers just by program Series so site admin and so on um nothing jumping out at me there it always actually amazes me how close spending by category is the prior year pretty tight and then we have activity for the other funds not as much detail but just revenues by Food Service Community head and so on as well as the expenditures so um I noticed food service is tracking behind and we did end in the deficit last year um but part of this year to-day tracking is our revenue is always one month behind and our expenses are up to dat so probably pretty close to break even actually if we were to recognize a receivable for November's meals um Comm Ed tracking in a deficit by about 90,000 and that service is fine not the very bottom we have a summary of all funds total revenues total expenditures any questions on the budget update any questions there Todd can you kind of give this is going to probably catch you off guard just a little bit but maybe a plan for Budget Revision in our preliminary budget I know that that timeline is really kind of in the month of January do you have a plan of what you're kind of thinking we can prepare for the board is that going to be a February meeting that they would look at that budget revision and probably start to because we'll have to have those finance committee meetings to lay out some budget assumptions and some guidance from that group but is there anything you wanted to add to that I know the other thing that we've talked about is food service and uh community service funds are the two funds that have us concerned the most and I know you were on the line when the Auditors were there and said it's probably time to start putting some money into the back into Reserve just a little bit right yeah my my plan is to get started on the budget revisions this week uh starting with a detailed Personnel budget um for Staffing so I'll have that done uh this week and my goal is to have the whole budget revised by the first meeting in February so we could review it at that first meeting and then approve at the business meeting um I'm not sure um what our timeline is for finance committee when would the finance committee meet next well we just established that committee now so is there a preferred time that you have I know you'll do it virtually so maybe the group could even meet virtually but is there a preferred time that works for you and then I've got to look at that list of finance committee maybe we try to get that sorted out yet yeah so ideally we of course want to meet before the that first meeting in February potentially we could meet the same dat before the meeting just depending on how much input and so forth you know the finance committee would want to have if we need time to make adjustments and so on some of them will already have a meeting prior to so um maybe we could do something towards the end of January potentially sure like that last week the 27th through the 31st I try to find my notes of who we have on the be me and Josh and Nathan is there a preferred date for you guys date and time he yes how does your last week look Todd that last uh Wednesday I'm actually out from Wednesday through Friday of that week probably Wednesday later in the day uh but Monday Tuesday would be wide open for me how about for you Josh is that we looking at end of January like 27th and 28th yeah yeah I can either one of those days should work okay yeah is there preference for you Nathan Y no either either day guys prefer is there a time of day that works better for you Todd no I'm I'm wide open I could do 5:30 like tonight or morning early morning if that's better what about you Josh uh I could do it early morning probably or or 5:30 I mean it it doesn't matter I do work that evening though so should we do like a 7 a.m. does that work for everybody does that Nathan does that work for you at 7: a.m. what do you think probably take us an hour to go through that Todd hour hour and a half maybe yeah about an hour probably is that GNA be virtual or is that you could join virtually if you wanted to can we can we slide that to like 7:30 okay that works for you Nathan okay 7:30 sure 7:30 on Monday or Tuesday do we get a date or we say the 27th 2 27th at 7:30 Todd yep perfect perfect all right thank you Todd I may I may come out too Paul between now and then just meet with the admin team and yourself um to do a review as well that would be perfect yep okay all right thank you thank you nice meeting you all all right that brings us to your report Mr bro okay so start of the second half of the Year kind of unofficially a lot of things that are going on and looking at that school calendar there's a lot of time in between now and and our next break but if you do look at our student enrollment that's going to be something that's of um somewhat of concern here as we move forward especially with facilities planning but also just how we handle things here within our own District as talk Todd talked about finances we did make an adjustment to our metered payments starting here in January but if you look at our kindergarten through 12th grade student enrollment total is 697 students and I don't know if we've been below 700 before um but so if you're on the computer it's I think I've got it linked on my superintendent report B so if you link into If You tab into that one it should get you to that piece there so I've got our December and January numbers we are down six students from December uh with a family moving and things like that but I also know that we have um now that I continue to call the secretary as frequently they call me right away too to say hey we've got a new family that's going to be coming in and things like that so I know we're going to be down but we're also going to be gaining some students this month as well so you'll be getting this on a monthly basis to kind of keep you posted as this is the biggest driver of revenues but also wants us to look at I think how what are we doing you know why are we maybe families choosing to leave and I think right now as Mr wood and I have talked and secretaries often times it's usually based on circumstance families are moving and things like that but we'll continue to monitor that closely for you um Community task force their next meeting is going to be Wednesday from 6 to8 uh did have quite a conversation at our last meeting and so we'll be reviewing those pieces as well as kind of moving into some I guess you could say visioning I don't think we necessarily got to that piece and so we want to get back to that piece there and I know that Lindsay and Brent have some uh pieces lined up that they'll go through kind of breaking into small groups and determining maybe some different pieces there of what do we need to look at and uh kind of getting that long-term vision for the district there then you'll see when the next meetings are scheduled the 22nd and February 3rd but again everything can be found on the school district website so if people have concerns they can definitely check the minutes out um and some of the documents have already been placed on there with agendas and a likee uh the leadership conference Josh CLA Ryan and I will be attending uh the phase two training on that Wednesday uh the one thing I know now Ryan will go down on Tuesday night so CLA will have to get that coordinated if you want to go down probably Tuesday with us maybe um we weren't going to do that to start with but Ryan needs to get into phase one so you would have a little bit of free time I guess if you wanted that evening while we're doing that that would be set for phase two so I'll get details out there but it will be a full conference and I think I've kind of noted already that both of those keynote speakers look to be amazing so I think that'll be fun to get that information and bring that back and and kind of go from there so I'll be in contact here over the next couple days before the end of the week to get that lined up since the conference is already next week but we do have reservations made so we should be good to go there uh Todd's kind of already talked about that school budget so we'll continue to work through that piece and uh and have that finance committee meeting and Todd's got some great pieces lined out too I don't know if you saw all the tabs on the bottom of his spreadsheet so there's many things that he'll be able to to share with the board as we make those decisions moving forward um in a very concise fashion because of course at our January meeting here too that's when we do start our budget cycle so not this meeting but at our um next January meeting is when we have the annual resolution looking at programs positions and things like that which kind of kicks off the budgeting for the following year and then that 25 26 school calendar we'll get that committee um again together so we typically take volunteers from each building um and also the various groups there we've had pair professionals sit on it before just trying to figure out that calendar uh the one thing that people usually find out after they're on the calendar committee is uh Labor Day Memorial Day Christmas break kind of all determine where everything else Falls of course we start with early entrance conferences so that does put a little bit of a a bubble into things there just a little bit to some people say well why do the kids in this neighboring District not have school on Thursday and Friday and you guys came back Thursday and Friday they didn't come back till Monday well you take one day here it adds it there and so that's kind of how it all works there's not as much usually people say I want to be in that committee so I can see what we can do to adjust it to make it different and oftentimes we end up in that same spot but we will get that information and we'll bring that to the February board meeting for the board to review and to approve there we do have an early release for professional development this upcoming Wednesday I know that a lot of our par professional staff have already taken their testing I'm not sure if you are aware that they now have to be highly qualified in a schoolwide title one school they've had to be qualified for many years but now there's been some changes uh that have went about and so all of our specialed par professionals will be highly qualified so they either had to have a two-year or a four-year degree or they have to take a test um to actually be qualified so those who are already qualified through are certified through that uh College uh cour work they've already been cleared we're just finishing up some of those last folks there so that should be taken care of fairly soon talked about the community task force meeting here number four on the 8th of January phase one training for Ryan on myself on Tuesday phase two training Wednesday the conference Thursday and Friday and then our next Community task force meeting January 22nd at 6 pm and there's something that I was forgetting about today but evidently there's a birthday today for somebody on the board is what I was told so somebody somebody share we have to figure out what day we're going to have that next meeting here right yeah is it your birthday then is that is that what I heard there's a rumor so I don't believe everything you here happy birthday all right thank you so yeah so that means next week would be our typical third Wednesday the 15th and having three board members out and and we will be out Tuesday evening so even a Wednesday morning because that the phase two starts I think at 8:30 in the morning so it doesn't work on the 15th right uh so yeah two things one what's a better day for everyone for this meeting alternate from the 15th in the 22nd we already have the community Task Force at six o'clock but typically this next meeting is a morning meeting so would we want to just push to the next Wednesday and go at 7 o'clock on the 22nd is that work does that work for everybody is that okay I know in the past there's meeting 22 but it's that's in the evening we' go at 7 a.m. yep we make you start early and go late yeah so um the question would be that doesn't put us late for any bills or anything does it Maggie does any early pays if she needs to so we would be fine there so then we would look at setting that meeting for the 22nd at 7 a.m. for the regular business meeting in January and then my other question would be Wednesday night the 8th do we have two board members that would like to or able to attend the task force meeting I won't be able to go in February so I'm happy to do it okay Claire Wednesday 8 it'll be Wednesday at 6 o' yep the 8th I've hard time to sitting there observing well so now that's she's in no um I really like Chad's idea though oh what you propos during the last meeting something that nobody's ever said before something new something different there you go that's what we're looking for something new something different Something Borrowed something blue that's this Wednesday two days from now anybody else that can make that meeting make you can make that one work okay so we'll say Claire and Ryan are going to go to the meeting on Wednesday night and then we should be able to decide that morning who can make the if you want to start thinking about these meetings ahead of time which ones you can make obviously we don't want to have a quum of board members there so we try to keep that to two and just more for an observing enroll and bringing back information to the back to the board table to give some input on it so all right so we'll do CLA and Ryan and we'll do the 22nd at 7 a.m. I jumped ahead on that but y know we're getting there that's right we know that already so when we get there it'll be fast right I guess I should have asked the board members that were there at the last meeting was there anything that I didn't speak about that should have been mentioned or anything like that or I think we we know we got the demographer study and Hazel's been working fervently on that so she'll that ready to go and I know that um The Architects have actually delayed that piece by just a little bit but Hazel said she said it's still on its way so we've been giving she won't have it ready on the eth I don't believe and The Architects have moved it back I think a little bit just for some visioning and stuff that they want to do one of the things that we did notice and and maybe you have some answers for me but I've checked with actually Diane and a few others but there's a a real bubble from 1617 to 1718 in our student enrollment and so we've tried to see I think there were some families that moved back at that time I think there was one family of maybe five I know there was another administrator's family that moved into the district at that point so um I think it was maybe just a little bit there but there's nothing and so Hazel's question was she goes was it an anomaly or just something that you was there something industry open or something like that and we said I said there was nothing that I was ow I think you did touch on what I think that was about the time we did start offering free prek k stuff as well yep y because VPK funding came in that year you had 26 kids that qualified for VPK it was just the one year and then after that the district did pay for it right so it was at that point we started having those conversations and I think that did make it make a difference but I can't say for sure so CL when did you start because I know that's also when you guys started bringing in some EMR and the truck driving and stuff like that same as my first year okay so it could have even been some of those pieces there so we were just trying to figure out Maggie's looked at it because she was of course the Mars coordinator back then so trying to just figure out if there was anything that we saw and she just said I just see one one uh blip that kind of came up in the radar and wanted to see if there was anything in particular and we just really think it was a matter of some families moving back to the district and things like that but it wasn't something that was was she just wanted to know is there a new industry that created jobs that now we know that that's going to be ongoing and I not that I was aware of I think the one that I mentioned was many years ago while I was here I think the because nobody knew about it the crustable factory that what was out virot Tech was at what did they what were they for a couple years swich Factory yeah it was it was a name of it I can't remember what it was but not little B but it was something yeah anyway that didn't yeah it wasn't there that was my only guess so okay any other questions or comments for Mr Brown though and I guess the last thing just as I mentioned before we do see a long time now as we figure break so we're going to be visiting with staff see what we can do maybe break up that calendar from January till April 18th I mean there will be some student breaks in there with parent teacher conferences some staff days otherwise it's a it's a long time during the winter month so we got to find some ideas if you've got some ideas let me know but we'll try to figure out because it can be it can be a long haul during that time so all right well that'll bring us into our new business um we've got a couple of items here that will take care of all at once the first will be the lane change for Taylor lampy from ba to ba+ 10 and then we also have the annual review and updates for the following policies um this is the final reading for these is that right this is just the annual review so msba recommends once a year we got to go through the harassment violence so a lot of those were just updated in the last few months so it's just a review got it but then policy 414 415 are on our regular schedule of first reading that's just first reading so so for this then we just want to make take the action on the lane change is the only one that needs action or do we need it on the actual readings um nope I think you could just do it on the on the lane change so then I look for a motion to approve the lane change um for Taylor lampy so and a second all in favor say i i i p same sign motion carries and then we have um again just the annual review of policy 413 the harassment and violence policy 722 public data and data subject request policy 806 crisis management policy and we have the first reading of the following policies that are on a rotational schedule policy 414 mandated reporting of child neglect or physical or sexual abuse and policy 415 mandated reporting of maltreatment of vulnerable adults any questions or comments on those items all right and we'll move into our additional item of 5.4 which we just discussed we'll set the date for our January business meeting as January 22nd at 7 o'clock in the morning um do I have a motion to approve that and a second all in favor say I hi pull same sign motion carries um and that moves us into our discussion items uh vehicle purchases who wants to take the lead on that one so we have two vehicles there the Ford Expedition is actually the one that's about $7,000 left uh or less dollars but it still gets us the eight passenger vehicle of course we've looked up for one of those transport bands but those just you can't find those so we're going to move forward our recommendation is to to move forward with that Ford Expedition it does allow us to transport eight people in the vehicle and of course four-wheel drive is nice but I don't think it's always the necessity but sometimes out in our area it probably is and so we'll be able to get that taken care of we do know that we're getting a lot more miles on our Yukon so we just we've kind of waited on this vehicle for a while I think Jake's been pushing me at the door for a while I've been pushing the dealer as well so yeah only one just I did ask him because you look at those if you look at the specs in there you do see and then I had to read even more closely but I started seeing some things that I thought were maybe more than what we needed and stuff like that but if you look at that very some of those last pages that does say standard package remember these all have to be bit out for schools so they have to meet that qual those qualifications for Nelson uh and they've got the state contract for that they're not the only dealer but one of the prominent dealers in our area that does that so I just double checked with Jake to say this is we're not getting something that people are going to go wow this is something for a school vehicle and yeah he he said it's a standard I looked at it standard package rims exactly I can see I can see that this will be able to pull the trailer and everything I'm assuming it's going to have a hitch package all that sort of stuff so that's all good so then where is the the Suburban is that so the the old suburban um that is what year that an eight nine that's that's a nine so so that no longer meets the code we cannot get that do so or to transport students we can transport adults we can't transport students so we only we have the mini buus and then the Yukon are our two to transport students U we have had some issues with our Impala and we know right now it's an electronic issue that we have chased we have chased we have chased and put dollars into it that we we need to stop chasing um that will be that will expire as well to transfer students so really we're down to two vehicles the Yukon I believe is a 21 or a 22 and that has 60,000 miles on already so we have been using that extensively to haul students everywhere so I mean this is this would significantly help that Avenue as well and and it would help just with with the amount that those Vehicles go out in the fall and in the spring for activities so yeah it would be a nice nice addition to have at the end of the day you'd have the Expedition Yukon and the mini yep yep and then we're going to look at bringing one more recommendation for a a handicap accessible vehicle as well that would have enough room for two wheelchairs but then special ed kid use that would really fall under their so would get funded through that PC there some of our medical assistance dollars so Todd's aware of that so I did ask Todd and then you're not approving I just wanted you to have an opportunity to look through this so if you do look at it and say hey this seems to be too much on this side let us know right away because I'd like to bring the recommendation to the board for approval at that next January meeting for the the vehicle purchase so we can have that ready to go but when I did talk to Todd he said hey if you've got money already in those CDs remember got it reserved for the school bus purchases for about $550,000 which Todd said isn't going to buy very many buses so he said it's probably probably something the finance committee should have a conversation about say hey do we want to redesignate that money somewhere do we just keep it there and lock it in for vehicles but he thinks that we should his recommendation is to purchase the vehicle not financing it remember I had some of that um Rec or looked at that last time so that's his recommendation to do that to pay for this vehicle but then we'll come back with another vehicle we've actually been working with somebody to look at North Central to get a recommendation there and hopefully that'll allow us to take care of more of our special education trips um to really kind of hopefully help that cost we've got to keep an eye on that because our our our contract piece has gotten expensive that just continues to grow as as Todd had mentioned purchase services our transportation contract follows under purchase services and that's the piece that um just really has gotten to be a lot more expensive and so we want to try to figure out some ways to maybe we provide more of that Transportation piece especially instead of getting that vehicle and taking kids down to the nursing home or anything like that what they've done now is they just charge us a minimum and I get it right for them to get a driver in and somebody's not going to come in for a half hour do that come back and say just I only want to be paid for an hour they're going to say my time's got to be worth something so now there's a minimum charge on some of those trips too so they're great trips but they do get expensive so we allow us to maybe take care of some of those pieces as well so we'll bring that final recommendation but I just wanted you to see those specs the cost right now we're leaning towards that expedition is one that we believe would serve our best interest and it's about $7,000 less than the than the Yukon our our Yukon goes out daily bringing students in our special education up to the workforce so that's where we do get you know quite a bit of mileage so if we could get into that other vehicle that Mr Bron talked about that could clearly be their vehicle to take as well so now if it has two chair is there other seating options in there or is it just yeah actually the the guy and I have been in a large game of phone tag here um but what we're looking at is a passenger then a second row seat and then two wheelchairs um I we we we talk about with one wheelchair you lose that second row of seating so really you have the driver and then the wheelchair and that wouldn't fit our needs so he said bigger is your better way to go so then we could have enough like so enough passengers so this one would be a minivan this would be a larger yep vehicle is that correct yep okay correct correct yeah so okay any other questions comments about the is there there a time frame when you get through this guys bid or whatever how long you have to hang on to them before you can sell them and buy another one not that I'm aware of I know you can only have so many years to transport students that's the only rule that I'm aware of I'm not sure if you if there's a regulation on the other piece of how long you have to keep them because we're just we're paying the state bid contract price so it's that just wondering with the discount as large as it is if it if you talk to Nelson or whatever if it would be Fe would the school district be money ahead to be selling that vehicle every two to three years getting another one at discounted price and maybe not really costing the school anything because of the disc sure all right public you get a pretty good discount on those Vehicles so when you resell them if you're selling them after two years if it's allowable also Che on that you might get your money back and kind of be in I thought you first every couple two three years without leasing y you're actually owning it I thought you were just GNA have to start buying Vehicles out of that 550,000 while and say he wants to buy these vehicles at a good deal yeah new one's in that good depreciated time frame that might be advantageous to the district I'll ask Todd that question but see if stay up on the mile so you get you know when you trade it in at the 50 60,000 miles they like those special ad you know you might be down into the I don't know 10 15,000 a year or something yeah I mean take take pretty good mileage off that you so they might be quite valuable at two years old or three years old to be able to get back into another one discounted and and kind of stay there where we don't have these big waves of I think it's something you and I could look into to see what that looks like yeah a regular cycle or something like that no absolutely trade it in before it was out a warranty too you know I know I don't know how Ford works but I know GM if you get a certified you know if you get a certified vehicle trading is way more valuable than if you're over 100,000 or what you know if they have different levels or whatever but I'm sure Florida has something similar to that but this might be a way to and working with this company a lot of it is just what what they can get from from their services too you know when when we priced out that that SUV a few years ago was yeah we can get you this this this now that window has really tightened as to what what they can get their hands on from a dealership side too so because we're four months out from the Expedition yeah three to four months out is what they said so hopefully sooner but you never know so but you might you know if that's the case then to get like you say IE AE of schedule and to say at you know what at twoe Mark we're going to start looking again they might be able to give you some you know forite on what be worth in a couple years they be able to tell you what theirs worth based on I standard inflation the price on this one compared to when we bought that one I know three four five years ago whatever that was I mean you can definitely tell that things have gone up so $20,000 difference is it yeah so it's a big number but these vehicles now that you're buying at that are standard like you said they basically are standard but Ian people happy with that that's kind of what people are buying on the regular Market as well so it have some value maybe the value is good for the school be able continue roll through them sounds good we'll check into that all right any additional discussion there and that brings us to look for a motion to adjourn move a second yep all in favor say I I I motion carries meetings adjourned