##VIDEO ID:daxVqHA_r80## all right you are live all right good morning it's 7 o' in the secondary school media center and we'll call the meeting to order and we'll start with Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible with liberty and justice for all do a roll call Christensen here Order here sabolic is not with us and sad is not with us drunk here alri is here and Vincent Yes here all right um we do have one public comment this morning Kevin if you want to come up I was like where I'm a member of the public too oh I know so I just wanted to real quick bring to the board's attention highlight something that is a positive uh example of how our community can come together to supports the health and wellness and success of our student body and the kids of WCA um one of the things we did this year is the booster club for football purchased the guardian caps 100% based off of donations from the different Lions Clubs and fire departments across Grant County what these uh Guardian caps do they go over the kids football helmets we got them for all of our tackle football players so fifth grade all the way through 12th grade the initial intent was for it because they help reduce concussions by on average about 30 to 40% reduction on concussions however what the kids are finding and for me as a parent coach and Community member enjoy the most is the auxiliary injuries those helmets to the elbows to the ribs to those things it it significantly lessens that and it's making a game that can sometimes be um can hurt and be hard it's allowing the more kids to participate and to be safer playing the game and as a coach I love that because I can see the value that it brings to shaping young people into good quality community members and I think that it will just have lasting effects on both um in school having more participation in uh in sports as well as as just the health and wellness of our community so just wanted to highlight the board you don't always get the the the Sparkles and glitter sometimes you get the Doom and Gloom this is an incredible thing that our community stepped up to support the students of WCA in an incredibly positive way thank you all right we'll move into our agenda modifications you'll see um 5. 2.2.1 will be removed um we'll also be adding um a contract uh 5.2.3 point1 for Nicole aminon he approved the final reading of that policy 522 and also consider and approve a retaining wall repair will be down at 6.5 are there any other additions or corrections to the agenda approve and a second second all in favor say I I motion carries uh that brings us right into your report Mr Brown okay so just a few things here the filing period for school board did close August 13th at 5 o'clock and you're going to see that we have six folks who are seeking the four-year terms Michael Bruns Darren gross Jared Olen Kayla anstead mayo yolich and Claire Vincent and then two have selected the two-year terms Nathan Porter and Josh ulrick so we'll be um that ballot has already been kind of they proofing it for us and things like that it'll be part of the general election through the county so they're taking care of all those pieces there uh to get that ready to go Staffing uh we're fortunate to have folks as I told our staff earlier this week for people to step up we've still struggled filling a few of those vacancies as you're aware we had to have Nicole ainson fill in for part-time music as well as social workers down at South Anna Baron was a par professional so she's filling in doing par professional work but she's also a social worker licensed social worker so she'll be doing part-time of both of those positions at North and then um we have Miss NY who's really uh stepped up in the uh music area after the resignation of Mr canol we reached out to many people I was just talking to a neighboring School District what they had to do because their principal had to fill in all of last year and I said well I do have that uh I do have that license but I'm not sure how well the payroll thing got a little shaky when I try to do both so I'm not sure that the doing both of those but I'll be more than willing to help he said he actually had to reach out to the college and go over there and U make contacts to make that happen so we will do the same thing we'll reach out to all the colleges to see if there's anybody student teaching fall semester and that we can probably I think guess my suggestion would be you offer them a contract to say if you're successful you know successful with your student teaching once you get your license we'd love to have you join us in January and then the other piece that you'll see in the highers is Darla storm is willing to come back and help with the Junior High music and some of the lessons there as well we may have to reach out to maybe another person or two to help with lessons just to make sure that the kids get the lesson time as well the beauty is we're in a gifted area for music so we've got a lot of people in the community that would be able to help out with the lesson piece so we'll be able to take care of those pieces but please be be assur that we're still working incredibly hard to find somebody to take care of that and then we did have of course the resignation of Ben Johnson and so Mr sawatsky came in and said for right now let's just hold off um because he said the pool could be a little shallow as we get towards the end of August let's make sure we get the right candidate so he's worked with Mr wood to make some adjustments there so they'll have those pieces taken care of and then we would look probably right away in December January to for that position to see how does our CTE egg program potentially change he said here's a great opportunity to look at some of those pieces to to take care of that so again not ideal but I do feel very confident that we've got pieces put in place to to move forward there um I did have a student when I was in town here in Barrett just said robotics I was in robotics so now we don't have that note we're still so Mr Johnson did that as well so we'll get that piece figured out there to make sure we can move forward and get that taken care of and then you'll I was just going to say I know one piece I talked to Mr swaty on Monday a little bit he just said you know let's let's make sure we know where we want to go with this program and get the right person to fit that versus just get somebody in there and then have to direct ourselves in in that direction for their strengths you know let's let's get the right person for what we want you know as a school so I thought that was a great idea so yeah I've been very happy and when he just came in and he said let's not rush into this let's take our time let's see how we re maybe develop what we have in our program see if there's other pieces um I think Claire you are probably instrumental is my understanding as well kind of helping getting some of those classes set up within the med career so that's going to be our one area that we'll definitely have to look at to see I think there's some opportunities there as well as I've reached out to Lakes Country so we'll just make sure that we have all those pieces put in place but maybe you would be a great liaison uh to help support that as well to see what we do but yeah I think he's already as you know Mr swaty there's never any downtime right he's always thinking and planning and stuff like that so if I can stay up to him halfway that would be good and so that's what we'll do but I think he's already got some ideas and suggestions and and we'll make sure that that program flourishes into the future then you'll see the upcoming dates there um September's right around the corner we did have our workshops already starting on Monday and uh then we have new teacher Workshop tomorrow early entrance conferences will be next Tuesday or excuse me not next week the following week Tuesday Wednesday September committee meeting will be September 4th remember we switch back to 5:30 during the school year so that'll be a 530 meeting there and then our first day of school is Thursday September 5th still working on some things here as well one is the levy so we'll set that Levy meeting um the truth and Taxation meeting in December but we're going through some of those pieces uh Aeron and myself and so we'll get that put together and the other piece is transportation I did ride with um Christine Williams from the bus garage um one of the pieces there that we're still working through is to see how do we help those routes just a little bit our district is quite large it's even larger when you get in the vehicle and ride out to the northwest side and I thought maybe we I was in North Dakota but she assured me that we were still in in uh in the district so we do need to look at some of those pieces the unfortunate part that we have to work and consider as well is budget so I did ask I said is there any opportunity where we just take a and go out to the wendle drop point and then a little bit further there we get a smaller bus and they said yep we could definitely look at that the unfortunate part is the cost didn't drop by more than $30 a day so that's still a $57,000 added item to add that route and of course that's where our budget is it's going to make that a challenge so I did respond to their uh Financial person and just said well maybe the district needs to look at different options maybe we've got the a fund that was set aside for the buses maybe we need to get the the transport Vans are very difficult to come by but maybe we look at a smaller bus and then we figure out ways to to do that on our own um and things like that I'm not sure how they're going to respond because the contract doesn't really allow for that but I just want them to know that we need some better Solutions than a small route that might only take to me it could be a very small route that takes an hour just to possibly drop 20 or 25 students and then it would shouldn't be as expensive as that but but we are still working through those pieces so that's still a chance chenge in the next week or two to get that all taken care of all right questions comments from Mr Brown there perfect then we'll move on to our approve the payment of claims uh the total this month is $584,500 180 um I know Mr sabolic had a couple of checks you wanted to highlight yep yep well here's some things that Maggie just kind of put together as she was reviewing just to let you know why there's some larger expenses there um we paid our second half of our school Management Services fee of 37,500 on there to SMS we have glat felter and that's our insurance so we're doing that in a not all at once to hopefully generate a little bit of interest on that to help cover that now increased cost so that's a $522,000 $ 52,2 181 uh cost for our property insurance from July 1 to current um and then we got that Auditorium light project uh that is going to be corporate sponsored PID that was $8,900 payment to Morris area high school for the tennis our tennis uh Cooperative pairing and then of course getting some of those desks and things like that for our classrooms under the capital Outlet was 4,575 and so that's some of those significant bills that are in there that we wanted to bring to your attention as well as you probably saw two claims from pton um one was for the investigation that was conducted the second one was for just the legal fees uh for this past month all right questions comments about payment claims look for a motion to approve second all in favor say I I motion carries that brings us to our consent agenda um we have a few things there uh item number one approve the meeting minutes for July 17th and August 7th um you'll got those in your packet um we also have the following Personnel items the resignation we need to accept the resignation of Ben Johnson we also need to [Music] um accept The Hires of Dar storm as a part-time band director Anna Barons as a part-time social worker and then we also have the contract adjustments for Nicole aminon uh to adjust her music and Social Work role down itself and then approve the final reading of the following policies with the statutory recommended changes from msba policy 522 the title N9 sex non-discrimination policy grievance procedure and process any questions or comments on the consent agenda did we already um adjust I saw that kayn come here did we already do that it says it's on your August 21st but it's not on here it's down um below 6.3 just because separate yeah sorry there's a it's not a new anymore it's an adjustment an adjustment yeah so yeah I just read read it I'm like did I miss that so I'll move to approve and a second second all in favor say I I motion carries all right we'll move on to new business um we have the resolution accepting donations get to that sorry there's a copyright there I think of that perfect so we have the following um donations to accept uh K CFT is this a is this a dollar amount yeah six $6 $6 to the night closet donation um right seed $500 corporate sponsor the rest of these will be all corporate sponsors bright seed PR Ridge Hospital Ellis Insurance Agency um Elbow Lake Dental Center farmer Co-Op Farmers agency Kensington Bank Brothers Market tipson am Mountains campground evolve Orthodontics Elbow Lake Co-op grain Farm Bureau Agency Midwest Machinery starbank DHS Wendel Pioneer insurance and Palmer bus uh for a total of 856 um Mo to approve motion to approve in a second second uh roll call uh Christensen yes Porter yes Strunk yes Al is a yes and Vincent Yes all right we'll move to approve the long-term substitution teacher pay schedule that one there is very similar to what we've done in the past just a few small adjustments there with the number of days we're fortunate to have folks that are willing to step up and uh take care of those pieces but we did keep that cost at the 225 since we didn't raise the rates since we did a significant increase the prior year um so it just kind of shows that breakdown and we know that we'll have a few long-term Subs again this year to take care of some Child Care leaves that some folks have scheduled so recommendation is to move forward with that plan like I said there's not sign ific change there um just making some small adjustments especially at the 91 days in the same assignment paid at that b Step Zero just some clarity sometimes you think it's clar to you until the people in um payroll say this doesn't make sense how do we how does this work here do they get this and so we just wanted to clarify those pieces all right any other questions comments I look for a motion to approve the long-term sub teer pay schedule and a second second in favor say I I motion carries um 6.3 is approve a step placement from ba Step Zero to ba step one for kayin olich y and just the EXP explanation there it's in that Personnel recommendations is statute actually says if you're here more or if you serve in the same um licensed area uh then you actually are need to be considered for a year of continuing cont contct so she has one year probationary period because of her work last year at South which was Far exceeded the the 90 days so then just to simplify things and I think to make it right then you just make sure that they're paid at that same piece too because all of a sudden 12 years down the road somebody else comes in and then somebody says well why does it say she was here but she's only getting paid here so let's just make sure and she did serve over half of that time so I think it's uh fair to move her to that ba step one and I had to pull it off the consent because May will have I will abstain from the vote because yeah I have some sort of relation with Miss Al I'm Mo to approve and a second all second all in favor say I I I opposed motion carries um and then we'll move to 6.4 uh approve the read act memorandum of understanding with wcea and there was just a small yep so what you have in front of you there is just the this really came about uh through Education Minnesota as well as the school boards Association and one of the things that was not included in the first copy that came out was the mileage request and so um we typically would pay mileage on that the one thing that will'll do better is we didn't have it in place to start with and so several of our teachers in July and August had to go to Morris and uh so we weren't able to be necessarily as efficient as we'd like to be to say hey the district will provide transportation um to do that but we'll definitely do that in the future but it is probably necessary to to pay the mileage and then it's that $30 professional development rate that we have in the contract and uh so you'll see that that references those different contract pieces so there's nothing significantly different the state is actually giving Aid to take care of that um expense as well and so we'll have some pieces to to take care of that because again this is a huge lift for all of our teachers and remember there's a few phases so phase one is really our K by State Statute it's prek through third grade we have our prek through fourth grade already since they're all kind of in that same grade level going through that and and all of our special ed teachers so we've got to jump on that of course we're also adding the Wonders curriculum uh the new curriculum piece there so we'll work through that as well so I know our elementary teachers have been quite busy getting those things ready to go and in place for the start of the school year so I think almost every District across the state is doing this react mou um I think most in our area CLA correct me if I wrong I'm wrong but I know you were at the collaborative yesterday the inservice day and I think most of those districts were talking about that I know in my superintendent group uh meeting as well there was talk that yet we're doing this and it's really came out from school boards Association as well as Ed Minnesota working together to say here would be that model mou that District should put together and utilize so it's been vetted out by them and we just put in our pieces that pertain to WCA all right any questions or comments about thatou then I would look for a motion to approve and a second second all in favor say I I motion carries um 6.5 is to consider improve the retaining wall repair uh the buildings and grounds met just briefly with Chad prior to this he did get a couple of different estimates the reason this was thrown in today was because some of these um well the one particular uh the low bid wanted to get this done before school started and so um if it's not something the board wishes to do we can certainly pause it but if we do want to get this done this fall it would be ideal to get it approved today um the looks like the estimate for essentially removing the north side of the retaining wall and lowering down to about one block around the driveway out and blending that down to where it's not going to fall anymore and it still leaves somewhat of a curb there so you can't just drive up to the fence um it's about $30,500 [Music] um I think I think other reason for jumping on it is remember there was a concern because that block is starting to tip on that side so a safety concern as well as when we have other folks come to the community and our own Community residents when they look at that it doesn't look very good um but to replace the retaining wall block was going to be $150,000 so I think that's why I was kind of like oh we might have to hold on that then there were some suggestions and ideas of can we make that more of a rolling hill and would that be a cheaper expense and so from $1 150 now to $30,000 seems to be more reasonable um I guess my suggestion would be because we continue to talk about budget challenges as well we still have money in the long- range Capital Improvement but that fund has depleted quickly over the last couple years due to some significant repairs and improvements that way so I guess my suggestion would be we approve it so we can get it taken care of because I think we want to well you guys are the the people that know how to grow things probably more than I do but we probably want to do it now instead of waiting until next summer when you try to plant seed it doesn't work as well if we seed it now hopefully by next spring it'll be ready for softball so my suggestion would be if you think it's worthy to do we approved to have it done we use long range Capital Improvement because that's the dollars that we would have available the the Budget on the other side is not unless our student population changes we could make that adjustment throughout the year and then for next year's budget for fiscal 26 you could then recommit money to go back into that fund if you so chose to do that to say hey we've got to be careful here so we need to get that built back up so we could take that $30,000 out of our maybe maybe next year's operating Capital funds we say hey we we had this ear marked already so we got a move to do that the other piece just to bring to your attention um that Chad didn't want me to forg get is the gymnasium also needs some after they came through and did that inspection we have three Hoops that will be inoperable that we can't use unless we get those fixed now there's more that could be done so we're going to come up with a priority list and bring that at the September meeting but our Windows pretty tight there as well where we don't want students into the building um you know and things like that so we're looking probably at that mea break or sometime between volleyball and basketball to get that done so that would be probably another suggestion that we would have to say let's also use long- range Capital Improvement so it may be a $45,000 not 30,000 for that plus the 15 there to get that taken care of then we would just earmark that to say hey in next year's budget we need to move out 45,000 from Capital outlay into that which are allowable expenses I did check um many years ago when I was looking through some past minutes that certain times I think when when I was even a teacher here I saw that most of the expenses were for things like that trying to cover those different pieces when I think Kelly Smith was here I was kind of checking on that just a little bit so that is my suggestion on that um I don't know if we can wait longer I think we've waited long enough on that piece and like I said now it's if somebody would not realize they're standing on the edge and step on that and fall over it could be a big deal there as well it just as well doesn't look real great when people are are there and probably time to maybe take care of that and like I said I don't think we would have jumped on it at $150,000 because we weren't sure where that was going to come from but 30,000 seems to be more reasonable and I think it's going to be a longer term plan as well right and I think we looked at a couple other things possibly um there's some drainage issues off of those fields that you know per potentially while they're working on this part maybe they could alleviate a couple of those other pieces so our dugouts don't fill with agine and you know we we probably could do some simple things in that process that would benefit the field overall so um you know there may be a I wouldn't think it would be a terrible amount extra to you know as you're running a blade across to catch a little bit extra you know so we'll have to look at that P but um definitely would be a beneficial piece here so any other so the little bit is this shes Excavating or is it yes y That's the low bit Yeah I think we had so we had the bid of 150,000 to take care of the retaining wall and we had two bids to do the Escavating um one was from headstrom I believe that one was earlier in the packet was that 30 32 yeah I guess the only I know he mentioned Kyle I don't maybe he did not have that in this that's I thought mentioned too is that there was a third bit wasn't there or I think Kyle is my understanding is Kyle is at shes okay okay yep that is my so Kyle we up is the shores got it okay y so I'll move to approve project we have a second second all in favor say I opposed motion carries that brings us to um the pre-referendum got one sheet here Paul if you want to talk about that so I just laid out some different examples trying to figure out about that Community task force what other schools have utilized and used you'll see Cook County schools has an election coming up this November they talk about having nine listening sessions with community members staff students which helped identify the challenges at the building and opportunities to improve the learning spaces for the student staff and Community um manal area schools did an election last November composed of their task force was composed of community members parents and staff identified challenges and explored possible solutions for their District cgb a neighbor of ours not too far away um they passed their uh Bond last November and you'll see that theirs was a pretty tight timeline if you notice from May to June 2023 they had their Community advisory committee composed of 25 volunteer community members who represented a cross-section of the community met five weeks in a row investing approximately 14 hours of their time to take care of those bullet points that they've identified so their meetings were you can actually go on their website yet and you'll see it and it lays out even has the minutes from their meetings I believe and it's one right after the other it's like every Wednesday uh for that time frame there to get what they uh needed to do and then you'll just kind of see here's what the group the community Advisory Group made the recommendation to the school board and that takes you all the way down to the oio school district of May 2023 um they talk about U multiple years of in-depth research which probably aligns with what WCA has done and then uh used study groups that involve student staff parents caregivers and community members so I think the theme's pretty consistent community members um staff parents as well uh you're going to see that Winona public schools January of 2023 they used resident staff and students evaluated their six schools and then Bon back in August of two uh 2018 they had a community task force including business land owners parents and other community members and they met in January uh before their bond election in August uh to get those things taken care of and I know that Brett and Brent has reached out and they're ready to get started on those pieces there we did bring that to the uh staff's attention on Monday so we'll start getting those folks ready to go Maya just said they'll be back in our building checking flow and things like that to see um how that works in our classrooms outside of our buildings so we can start to move forward there with them so I just wanted to lay that out I know we kind of talked about that task force and it seems like that thing seems pretty consistent of trying to figure out you know who you're going to use and and then in these cases here I think for the most part the task force kind of after they hear all the information they make a recommendation to the board to say hey we believe this is the direction that we need to move forward on could be different here I know you guys have put in a considerable amount of time I think since 2013 right trying to trying to get something uh to move we know I think the consistent piece yet is something does need to happen I mean that's uh I I think if you read um as I checked one of the districts might even be Clinton Graceville Beardsley seems to align very close to ours just talking about how their facility issues and needs um are really taking a lot of their budget and that's where we're kind of you know dealing with as well with some of the repairs that we've had to make to make sure that our our facilities are still in operable condition to make sure they are a good learning space uh for students and staff any comments questions ideas answers so you said they um as far as their timeline is it still similar to what they talked about before when they were here yes yep I don't think that's going to to change anything there and I think like I said again looking at cgb's I think it's a really tight timeline doesn't give you a whole lot of time to mle things over right if it's from one week to the next week but you definitely don't forget anything that way either but I think we've got ourselves set up in a a good time now to get that information and and move forward and get the community task force set in place and and I think the numbers that I saw um anywhere I think cgb says they had a 25 member committee um I did look at St Cloud public schools theirs was way back to I think 2015 but theirs was more of a financial thing they had 90 members on their committee that becomes I think awfully challenging to to get everybody to agree on the same P but when you're that large of a community I mean that's a little bit different as well with that many different schools and oio actually if you go on their website to look at say well this wasn't it was for their entire District but it's really just one particular Elementary School that they were looking to make a change on to take care of that well I think these are examples of exactly what we're trying to do all right so we'll uh continue to work with width and lay out a plan as far as what they're schedule looks like getting in the buildings now this fall as the students come back and looking at how they you know the actual operation of the buildings versus just the you know the square footage of the space how is it utilized all those things that they were going to additionally do and then we'll also have to um you know put on your thinking caps as far as how we how do we select committee or how do we do we just take all volunteers do we you know is it so much from each Community is it is it uh you know so many parents so many teachers so many businesses you know what is that how do we comprise that committee do we get enough people from just putting it out there in the newspaper do we have to go knock on doors and ask people um you know that that's going to be part of how our selection process is I don't want it to be a I don't want there to be any misconstrued ideas that we pre-selected everybody I want to make sure that we get a good cross-section of all all those involved here and make sure that we can get all views to the table um so if you have talk about before to reach out first reach out to all five Mayors and get their thoughts and recommendation and see if they like a community champion or if they want to be that person you know that's a I know that's what we did in in the past just to make sure that no Community felt like we we didn't you know look at you know somebody they wanted for their representative um I don't know if we I think we had a couple mayors that were involved and then a couple just said I don't have time to be at all the meetings but this person would be a good advocate for that so um that may be a good start and then some I guess parents obviously we need some parents involved um I know you mentioned the one had kids involved in there I don't know you know I don't know if there's a I don't know maybe Claire you can give us some insight on you know is there a grade level that you would say you know these kids have some pretty good Insight I mean obviously you're think of your seniors first but a lot of times they don't really care because they're they're on the way out the door so maybe that's not the answer I don't you know well hard when most of them would benefit from It Anyways for right yeah that's usually their first comment yeah like this would have been cool but I don't really need to be here anymore because this is going to be after my time you know it might be young but it'd be really interesting to see the tour eighth grader we really need to look to give that group of voice it's always an issue of BU that middle level group and so maybe a middle level student and maybe a 10th grader or something yeah I have one quick question I'm new to the table so I'm just curious you have kind of a Target date for the vote that's we we don't really I mean we haven't really set that part yet I just want sure kind back sorry yeah so when do we need to task so we're so just to bring you back up we talked to a couple of months ago about um with width on the so they they would like to get into the to the schools to the elementaries and just look at the flow of how traffic Works how spaces are utilized um you know they kind of went in last fall and looked at you know assessed you know the function of the buildings but as far as how we use the buildings you know um they really want to take a look at that part of it to see and then um excuse me with that um they thought that you know this fall now we could have some Community type meetings starting out and hopefully you know by like December time frame have some sort of an idea you know we really don't have we really don't know which direction we're going to go yet so as far as what the bond would look like I I don't think we have an idea yet I just need little y so so the idea would be there a document that we got not that long ago from what that kind of yeah I can probably forward you some W things and so so that's kind of the the idea I think um and somebody can correct me if I'm wrong but as we work through this fall and into you know hopefully by the December time frame you know you know kind of have a better idea of which direction we would like to proceed and then you know look at okay if that's a let's just say we're going to bulldo everything down and we're going to start in erall with a new building you know that we know that we need this much time before that Bond you know that that kind of an idea so that was kind of the thing is we're going to get all this stuff set up we're going to figure out what our best plan going forward is and then we can start to work as as far as how long do we need to present that to the public so that we can have a successful Bond great that help the document I'll just send it to her right now perfect thank you yep so and whith also wanted to wait until school started so they can sit down and talk to the staff members and kind of get a feel of what their needs are and get thoughts and ideas from them as well so and I think that's an important piece too for the community task force that they some of the groups said that they had their Community task force in the building when kids were there because that oftentimes changes things you it looks empty you're thinking boy this is there's no problems here but as soon as you move students into the building you go oh that part is congested or how do they make that work and so I think there's having kids in the building is a whole different piece and being wide open to go yeah and I did touch base with or Brent or he sent me an email to say that you know those extra meetings if we would need to look at that as long as it doesn't become extreme they would be okay with that and realize that there might be some extra work needed and that that they needed to do some extra piece says they would let us know in advance whether there was going to be additional cost right I know it's sometimes I've heard you know why do you need 300 extra square feet for kindergarteners vers you know well when you see 20 kindergarteners in a you know they they bounce a little different than 27th graders do or 20 seniors so anyway that that's one thing that would be a great option for people to see so I think sometimes too it's just that what the fire code allows that you can't have you know lockers being in the hallways kind of been a thing of the past it's changing just a little bit especially in the elementaries but you're definitely not supposed to have anything outside of those lockers so if you have to put the boots outside or hang up the jackets that's not really Cod and and things like that so that's the other piece you walked down the hallway with every Locker open and it Narrows up in a hurry our little ones putting their boots on and things like that and you got a pair of profal trying to help and all it's like wow this is a lot closer than it was when the floors were freshly waxed in the summer m so we'll continue to work on that and bring more hopefully to each meeting here as we start to look at what that task force would look like um obviously if there's community members with interest we would certainly like to hear from you um as we start to get this going in the right direction do you want me to reach out to any of these schools cgb to see if they would be willing to have maybe their superintendent with the board chair or somebody sit down with folks to say here's kind of how we laid out our process I don't think I need the full board just to get some ideas I to say here's the pieces I could reach out to C County as well if there's other ones Benson I know that I've been in contact before ask them to send us I mean they don't need necessarily come here but just to give us a summary I'm sure they would because they probably done it for other people just a summary of your process okay I can do that like I said if you go on the cgb's website you'll be able to see all their minutes their planning minutes meeting minutes and stuff like that and how they uh followed their process and things like that so yep I can reach out and just have them kind of give us some details there perfect SS good anything else motion to adour I have a motion to aern is there a second second all those in favor say I I motion carries give me a second May