##VIDEO ID:hbgo2dcq9TA## all right you are live good morning it's 7:01 in the secondary school media center and we'll call you into order and we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all B call Christensen here Porter here bolic is not with us sandstead here Josh ol here and my ol is here as well um do we have any visitors that would like to make a comment visitors teacher didn't tell you you guys had to make comment you don't get signed off if you don't all right there you go see done um then we'll move into um modify the agenda um I don't think we have any additions or Corrections at this time are there any additions or corrections to the agenda anyone move to approve a motion to approve in a second all in favor say I I motion carries um that'll bring us to our committee reports um in our last meeting we um had a closed session for superintendent evaluation um we had a long discussion in that um Clos session uh we came back with three are areas that we'd like to see some um goals um identified in um those areas would be communication leadership and finance uh so in the area of communication just better overall up and down in the district in the community um just something we can always work on is communication um and so coming up with a plan that um just keeps all of our stakeholders better informed um that will be an area we will look for goals in um leadership um we talked about um some discipline areas as well as um in the the leadership roles just up and down you know who's what's our chain of command what who who do I go to if I have an issue you know and all the way up and down here in our organization so um that'll be area that we would come up with some goals in and then in the finance area um we'd be looking at um obviously balancing our budget has always been one of our high priorities and then a long-term facility plan which we're currently working on with our task force um and those would be so those would be the three areas that we would look to um get measurable goals that we can look back to here over the course of the year you know potentially quarterly we want to get better on this piece so board did I did I miss anything in that Terry I guess at this point sums it up okay so um so as we move forward uh you know Paul and I I'll probably sit down and then we'll bring those back to the board table and we'll we'll look at those and and make sure that we we have a good plan going forward um and then we'll move to the superintendence report sounds good so some notable night news um I think we're passing around a card there that we received from uh a veteran over in Hoffman as well as a very nice email reg regarding our student Behavior at Applebee's after the musical which the musical was an incredible success if you didn't make it you missed out on something because it was really really good so but then after that I think after the Sunday show my understanding is they went over there for kind of a cast and crew celebration and uh the person who was there the manager on duty said you get a little nervous when uh you have teens come over unattended in a large group and she said they made your school really proud she said they did really really good so hats off to our students and I guess that's always our expectation right that our kids are going to reflect best no matter where they're at if it's on a sports team knowledgeable anywhere we want them to do that and they definitely did that here and and uh so Not only was the uh musical success success it carried on into their behavior as they represented our community inside of another community and then again the thank you card for one of the veterans just again noting uh the the pleasure of watching the program having all of our students in attendance that's very important to our veterans we recognize now that they want to see our students there and I think just showing that respect and I think also the idea that our students get to see the commitment and sacrifice that those um that our veterans have kind of done for us is very important so uh just another nice thank you card there Community task force we do need to identify a few folks that are potentially planning on coming tonight so we don't have a quorum remember that meeting's from 6:00 to 8: that'll be the second meeting uh they did do the site visits on the November 4th that Monday um and so they'll be bringing back all that information they're going to be doing a menta meter so people will be able to kind of identify their priorities anonymously but then they'll discuss those pieces afterwards to kind of start that process of moving forward as we do that one update on the demographer study unfortunately um the one person who I've received a couple emails from other superintendents that said hey this is the person you want to look at has an exclusive contract with IC of course we're working with witth and he said well you can make that work and witth that's kind of said that's kind of ironic how we can make that work because that is something that we're we're working through this they want to be the construction manager and I said I'm not sure that we're willing to commit to having them be the construction manager we haven't even really got that far yet so I've reached out to two um Lindsay from whth gave me two other names unfortunately the one came back and said I'm an economist for up in the Duluth area I can do this work I've done it for a district up there but she we just want to make sure we get what we need that it's the appropriate information because they're not cheap they're about $ four to5 thousand for those studies but again that's going to lay out our long-term enrollment numbers so we know for 10 years where we're going to be I mean if we're going to grow by 100 students that's one thing but if we're going to continue our decline where we're at or I think that helps us kind of plan for the future there so I did reach out to one other person uh to see if the state has any demographers that would be willing to help so we'll see where that's at because then the other gentleman that responded back said I don't do that work but I'm very interested in the housing study that's going on over in Elbow Lake I can give you some information there and but he said I can't give you the long-term enrollment pieces there so we're still working through those pieces hopefully we'll have something for you to review and approve at our um next board meeting because that's going to be an important piece in order to do that long-term planning and then the leadership conference again um that's coming up January 16th and 17th and so uh that is a Thursday Friday Thursday is a full day Friday's a half day it would be great if we could have board members attend um and there's a lot of different sessions and things like that from legal pieces to school boards being there to just share that information um and then if you're new to the board so it's going to be Claire and Josh you guys will have to attend the phase one phase two Darren you've I think already had phase one phase two and they said you're fine so it didn't require that again um but you do that is required by Statute Lakes country has one actually um in Fergus Falls on December 3rd so that would be a lot closer with the leadership conference they actually do the phase one Wednesday night no Tuesday night Wednesday is the full day phase two and then the leadership conference is Thursday Friday so we can talk about that a little bit more just to see what works best for your plans and typically there's a mentor that goes with so you're not there by yourself so we would go and and get that taken care of uh that way but that leadership conference again hotels uh do book rather quickly the one change that the hotels have now made down in the city's area is they do require a cancellation fee I think if it's canceled after the fir the early part of December superintendent used to just register everybody and then they would kind of so they've changed that to say you know we need to have some cancellation policies now so we'll just kind of need to get that prepared and ready to go as well you'll see that the registration for uh the Lakes Country training is the the 25th so Josh and and Claire if we can maybe talk after the meeting just to see which date you would prefer so we can get that ready to go there as well so Community task force meeting tonight at 6 parent teacher conferences are next Monday Tuesday um in the evening we start with an early release on Tuesday so those will start a little bit earlier so we can accommodate all of our conferences Wednesday is a no school day of next week um and then Thanksgiving break Thursday Friday our fifth and sixth grade concert is December 3rd 3rd 2:00 in the afternoon to our early release for professional development December 4th in the committee truth and Taxation committee meeting that includes Our Truth and Taxation meeting is also that December 4th at six o'clock and then our audit they will be having that ready to present at our December 18th meeting uh they're just getting some final pieces taken care of there and things like that so she said they would be here at the December 18th meeting to present their audit um and everything's tracking fine there all right that's a lot um I do know on the topic of the meeting tonight Nathan said you could make it was there anybody else that was able to make that meeting tonight um I guess really Darren and Claire you guys are free to go to the meet you don't you don't you know you don't hinder the the open meeting piece right at this point so if you guys are interested in being in there um the one thing that we did kind of talk about and I you know CLA Claire was here obviously but for Darren you know we're kind of there to listen you know and and so if we have historical information that they're looking for you know that would kind of be our intent would be to give that but if um as far as you know input wise um you know our role in these meetings the two members that we send is just going to be a a listening bring back information to the rest of the board you know this is what I saw that kind of stuff so um that's kind of more the intent of our presence there um yeah so if Terry you're not you're not able and Kayla you're not able okay well then you know potentially I'll try to make tonight's meeting okay um and then that'll be our two and and then we'll go forward with the rest of the meetings so um any other questions or comments from Mr brownall then we'll move on to our approvement of the payment of claims um tonight's to this morning tonight it's dark outside it's tonight right um the number is uh $ 85,3 621 um that would include um looks like Gary pulled a couple of or these are the check numbers that we're at so it' be $335,500 24 in the checks and then the wire payments so $469,500 that one's $40,200 that's for one semester of classes so I have met with a couple students yesterday yester just to see uh we want those students to have opportunities but we want to make sure too that we're getting the best uh return for our money that we're spending there so I think we'll look at some of our electives and see if we can maybe change that just a little bit because you take that one and if you look at Southwest State just a little bit lower that one 6,600 so we're paying a lot of money out to other schools to help educate but again we want to make sure our students have opportunities but we want to make sure that the right opportunities um you're going to see some uh deit so then credits the ram Mutual Insurance Company the audit was not um submitted yet from payroll so they needed to do some cleanup so it's not that total amount I think there's a smaller amount for $3,000 lower uh there are um $3,000 for the total cost because we'd already made one payment so that's taken care of of course our annual our monthly glad felter that's for our insurance of $112,000 for our our district Insurance remember that's the one that significantly shot up uh this year here again you're C region 6A as a credit and then a so a debit credit and then another debit that's because we needed to split it up between volleyball and football before we submitted that payment to them so they wanted to make sure that that was there so you had the ram Mutual down at the one of the last lines you'll see that is 3,369 so a lot different change there and then Maggie is also going to look into our milk she believes that that is a lot less expensive going through Stony Creek than it was with Cisco remember before we were struggling to find a milk vendor so she believes that has turned to be a lot um better that as that way as well all right questions or comments on the approvement for the payment of claims a motion second second all in favor say I I motion carries um we'll move into our consent agenda uh we need to approve the meeting minutes from the October 16th uh regular meeting and the October 30th special meeting and the November 13th committee meeting we also need to approve the final reading of the following um statutory policies with the statutory and recommended changes policy 417 420 and 422 as well as the Personnel items of uh approving to leave for Holly natwick and The Hires of Bennett Grove Tanya winter and is that Melle yep blasic as a pair professional uh sorry to Bennett Gro long-term sub for social worker and T winter long-term sub for preschool teacher um any questions or comments on those consent agenda items then I would look for a motion to approve in a second all in favor say I I motion carries that brings us to our new B business uh resol resolution accepting donations find that getting closer here we are we have um two on here tonight we've got Cosmos Enterprises for uh $4,100 and WCA wrestling boosters for $354 um any question comments on those looks like Cosmos is going to go to some Viet equipment and the wrestling boosters um get speakers in the wrestling room yep all right and I would look for a motion for that resolution and a second that'll be a call vot Christensen yes Porter yes sandstead yes R yes and R CS um item number 6.2 accept the resignation of Sarah Strunk um from the school board um Sarah resigned her position uh we want to thank Sarah for her time on the board we appreciate the work that she did um we wish her the best moving forward um at this time she said it's not in her best interest to be on the board so um as we move forward we'll have a couple other items around that but we would need to accept the resignation from Sarah Strunk from the board Move Motion there second all in favor say i i p the same sign motion carries well that brings us to our discussion about the board clerk position um I have had a couple of conversations um I know both Kayla and Nathan said they would be willing to fill that position um for the remainder and obviously we'll have to decide going forward how that all sets out um so not only for today's filling this clerk position but we'll have some positions to fill in January that will'll have to be thinking about as well so um I guess at this time I would look for a consider nominations for the board clerk position who wants it worst I Nom second I have I have a nomination a second is there any other nominations for the bo board clerk position is there any other nominations for the board position so we have one nomination congratulations Kayla you are now the board flert I hope you have a couple hours to meet with Paul afterwards a lot of till s so we're 7 o'clock tonight I thought it yeah exactly oh I was going to say well we're late already so okay um I believe with one nomination we do not have to vote on that um we can though I think I think you're fine you yeah so all in favor say I hi motion carries congratulations thank you Caleb for that um couple of review compulsory education report yep so this is an annual report that gets submitted mainly deals with our homeschool uh students that are in the district within District boundaries as you do look at it you're going to see it says students in compliance student not in compliance and those are ones that did not meet the deadline uh by October 1 they have to give us that information so Mindy does a nice job of sending out pieces and and waiting for responses actually also does a follow-up just before that time frame so and that's just kind of what we need to report to the state so again you're going to see we have several students and I think that was one of the conversations that the board had a few months ago was trying to figure out our best way to maybe reach out to those families there's probably some classes that those students may be interested in um I definitely think it's our extracurricular activities would also have a good a possibility of bringing some of those students in as well um so but just a piece that we need to keep an I on so that's just mainly for your information what needs to be submitted down to the state here by December 1st all right any comments questions on that report then we also have a Community Education report yep and Megan dots does a nice job of getting that all completed she's already submitted it but just wanted to present that uh for your information as well so you kind of see uh what we what we have there and what we're working through when it comes to community ed we have a very big summer recck program in the summertime and then of course it would that would include our adult volleyball over the winter months and then many of the other activities that she puts together and we do need to look at getting that district office administrative assistant position filled so we will repost that because she said now with skiing and things like that things will get very busy and so she could use some support and we can use some communication support from that office position as well but that's her report they do four uh meetings I'm not sure who the board rep is um for that I know at one point that yeah to see who I think it's you K okay so yeah I think unfortunately those meetings are usually held during the day or something like that so makes it been one that I've been notified of so okay I'll and just see with Megan to let her know um and then again yeah like Maya said in January will'll reset that so we'll make sure that we have that ready to go all right any questions or comments on that report then we would move to the discussion on the board vacancy um I guess my intent would be we do it the same as we have on the last couple uh we would post the the vacancy um take applications for those um initially we'd like to get that done by the end of the month you know close that by the end of the month so our December 4th meeting we would have time to approve uh an appointment um couple of things that happen then that appointment then is eligible to sit at the table the first meeting in January when everybody else comes to the table so it kind of puts everybody on the same page as far as committees and all those sorts of things um we will have to hold a special election for that position because it's more than two years until the expiration of that term so uh next year we will have to hold a special election which means we will also have to designate our polling places is at this time I believe we would be the only entity in the county that would have an election for next year so um so I guess if there's anybody has any comments or any other ways they want would like to see this handled otherwise we would post that again similar to what we did um when both Nathan and Claire were appointed to the board and and we would uh look through those applications we'll probably get a couple of day turnaround before our meeting but hopefully we can have those all in by the you know the first or second of December and get those out to the board and we can come on the fourth and make make an a an appointment so yeah if we did like December 2nd your meetings the 4th if we had them do like at 4 o'clock and I made sure that we got that out too that give you enough time to to review that because then if you nominate on December 4th remember there's that 30-day window that may then Clare had to wait aligns in with that January 4th which is the first Monday in January janary 6 is the first Monday so we would be P we would would be be pass that so it would be they would be eligible to sit at the table at that organizational meeting in in January for all the committee assignments and all these pieces there so it just aligns fairly well so I'll get that out are we comfortable using the exact same application process that we used I feel like that's good process okay what about reaching out to ones who have applied in the past do you want me to do that and so I know we've had a few that have done that okay so I'll reach out to them and and make them aware of that as well but we'll make sure we get that uh if Kevin get that on our website again so people know and then we'll probably get it out on Facebook that folks know that that um spot is available uh for that and then that would be that same election process that we followed the last time so it's those two polling sites one in Kensington and then one in Elbow Lake which I'll see that combined polling place resolution at that December 4th meeting all right any questions on that and that brings us [Music] to these these guys' favorite part of meeting get easy um I would look for a motion to adjourn Mo and a second second all in favor say I I meeting is journ you guys picked a great day