##VIDEO ID:kg0ogU0K_7s## all right you are live good morning at 7: a.m. in the secondary school meeting Center and we will call the meeting to order and we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Christensen here Porter here sabolic is not with us sandstead here strk here ol is here and Vincent here all right do not have any public comment at this time um motion so we have a few modifications to the agenda you will see item 7.4.1 point1 um the resignation Cory Spencer you will see um the removal of item 7.4 . 2.2 Luke byes JV Junior High Golf coach and you will also see uh 7.4.3 notice of assignment for Anna Barons they change from that was approved before so we remember we were looking to get a an out of field permission for her or a tier one license to be social worker that wasn't allowed so now we're just putting it under a non- license that was a recommendation from a few folks that I talked to so it's a non-licensed position so she doesn't really feel fit into any particular agreement but remember she's doing part-time um 9 Monon support staff work and the other half would be the um student support specialist up at North so if there's some details in there when we get to that point that I'll explain to you on that all right are there any other additions or modifications to the agenda move to approve move to approve and second all in favor say I I same sign motion carries um committee reports Mr R okay Senator clovar was here last Friday and we hosted Ashby's FFA leadership group as well and uh and their superintendent and we uh our kids did an excellent job in of presenting their information to her um and it really stood out to me and how well they did present and share what they were doing and maybe some of the concerns that we have and things like that um from the egg piece I guess you could say and I just reminded our students that they did a great job but also what an awesome opportunity to have somebody with that much influence to actually come to Barrett right and so I know she even talked a little bit about the farm bill that's still kind of up in the air and gave some information that way and so um we were hoping to maybe invite a few more folks but evidently that's very limited and so that's got to be on a on a list there that they handle and so um so we did do that they got she got to see all those pieces well during part of that time they did mention I guess the water here is incredibly hard and so just to bring it to your attention that um within the first two years they've already had to replace the piping in the greenhouse because it's calcified so much so they've had to tear that all out uh so that was mentioned to Senator kashar and said it's about $25,000 to get a Reverse Osmosis System here at the school um they also mentioned I guess that South Elementary I think Mr swatski goes to Lee well drilling over there and gets water from them and that's what they use for the grow Towers to take care of that and she goes I think we need to look at something there so it sounds like she'll be able to maybe help us out with that a little bit I think there's already been some work with some different grants but they're not enough to cover the 25,000 so how is that affecting our water lines in the school and if it's affected that so quickly I don't know if it's the makeup out there or what it is but I think well I think Chad would say part of those lines that's why we're starting to see some of those pieces breaking and stuff like that you know behind the wall pluming and stuff there so I think it's very similar to that same thing so I don't know if the Metal's not as significant because it you know it's the misters up above and so maybe it's because they're having to put the Mist out and and are plugging that way but uh so so yeah just kudos to Mr swatski for for getting Senator clol Bashar here and and of course we had other folks from the Food Shelf from the Lions Club that were here to present as well so an awesome opportunity for our kids and they did an excellent job the walking path um I did take some pictures I'll get those out to you but they did get that replaced I know there was concern right away that hey they didn't tear up all the tar I don't know how asphalt necessarily works and so I did reach out to Kent and he said no they're he said they're going to ground the root so those don't to continue to disturb the tar he said they put a leveling course in there is what they told him and they said that's better than tearing everything out putting class five packing it but this leveling course would be the key thing to do and then they put tar on top of that black top on top of that looks great and so thanks to Kent Marshall for all the work that he did to spearhead that and and so again our corporate sponsors covered that expense it wasn't the full expense the city covered part of that as well as then there was a donation uh through the what Kent had worked on that way sixth grade parent meeting we had that a week or last Thursday I believe that that went well it was nice to have law enforcement here attorney Anderson kind of sharing the details of the current status what our plan is on how we handle things if we do get concerns like that I think one of the pieces that we learned as well is um more the threat assessment to make sure that it actually is considered a threat that was kind of law enforcement's key piece too that they got to go through those pieces and bet those out and just making sure that education's there some comments that we did receive from families prior to was we do have some unstructured time that we need to address probably in fifth and sixth grade so when there's passing time we need to take take care of that as well as some of the bowling issues and that's going to be an ongoing piece that we'll need to take care of but we'll work through those pieces There community task force those letters will go out this afternoon um we do have some pieces in your either in the packet otherwise I gave them to you at the table uh just kind of the questions that they have ready to go for that first meeting I can't couldn't get that letter out till we knew when the board going to set the special meeting date and so we're going to decide between the 28th or the 30th uh forward there um and that'll be that initial meeting in the thought being that the full board or whoever could make it but we'll set it as a special meeting so everybody can be there from the board to maybe lay out a little bit of that work that that the board has you know expectations for the committee and things like that and then you'll see Thursday and Friday uh no school for mea break our first Community task force meeting either the 28th or the 30th general election is already here my understanding is I have not seen the Grant County Herald yet but I think that came out this week I think on Schoolboard candidates early release for professional development is November 6th and the Schoolboard committee meeting um well depends on if the board takes action to move it to the 13th but if we don't we'll have the meeting on the 6th and then we'll have to schedule another meeting because we have to Canvas the results of the school board election and you can't do that for until 3 to 10 days after the election of course our it would be awfully difficult to ask them to close the election at 8 and say hey we need those results because we have a meeting tomorrow or at 5:30 so we'll just look to and by law you can't do that anyway all right any questions comments from Mr brownall then we will move into the payment of claims um you will see that we have the following amount 1, 14319 364 um is there anything you wanted to touch on in those Mr brownall well the number is probably staggering because I know when Maggie first gave it to me but she did give some nice notes there um remember we have not been able to get all the payroll liabilities through smart uh the smart system so now those are all in there I think all the way back from June so it's going to be our taxes uh teacher retirement PE so Public Employee Retirement it's a catch-up of all those so the board has to approve those so we just can't say well we're going to let those go and not catch this up so those have all been caught up on the check side of things the big ones that you need to be aware of is of course the audit started so there's a check to Clifton Larsson Allen for $1,392 another big one is um we have glad felter that's our insurance company so each month that comes out at 12,719 remember that uh premium went up by $50,000 annual premium increase McDow company that was one of the projects that you approved last year for our summer projects for the roofing um pieces at our three schools so that's a check for for $331,000 here's the big one Midwest special ed Co-op $232,100 so that's for half of the year's expenses so you start to take some of these numbers off and then that number is a lot different and then of course vinco $3 38,200 that was another approved expense by the board to take care of our door key fob entry systems at both North and South Elementary and then there was some technology piece that needed to be um situated here so we could make sure that it all worked and that could take care of those key cards and things like that so that is a majority of the big expenses any questions or comments i' look for a motion to approve the payment of claims a second second all in favor say I I I motion carries um we move on to our consent agenda um we have the approval of the meeting minutes from September 18th and also from October 2nd um we also have the final reading of the following policies um with the statutory and recommended changes from msba um policy 408 subpoena of a school district employee policy 409 employee publication instructional materials um inventions and Creations expel policy 412 expense reimbursement policy 66.5 Library materials and that are the policies that we have to approve so it be just those two items on the consent agenda I have a motion to approve is there a second second a motion in the second all in favor say I I hold same sign motion carries moving on to Old business um the snow removal quotes for 2425 looking at so the recommendation there is to break those up to have grow green take care of North Elementary in the secondary school and then have jmj um take care of South Elementary I think a few years ago that might have been how that was handled there so we're recommending to do that again so again grow green with take care of North and the secondary school and jmj would be the uh vendor taking care of South Elementary you see the dollar amounts that are included there so that's the competitive quotes that we received any questions or comments on those quotes I would look for a motion to approve so move and a second second all in favor say I I I post same sign motion carries um new business we have the resolution accepting donations uh we have the following donations this month um many a corporate sponsor uh Lang plumbing and heeden $500 corporate sponsor uh Kent Marshall Law $500 corporate sponsor Grant County Lions $500 corporate sponsor Hoffman Lions $500 corporate sponsor JC electric $500 corporate sponsor executive sanitation $500 corporate sponsor Johnson Jetline $500 corporate sponsor Olson oil $500 corporate sponsor the West Central Ed Foundation $758 38 for educational supplies and experiences uh Jill buin $500 corporate sponsor Tammy Olsen $500 corporate sponsor and Titan Machinery $500 corporate sponsor would someone like to make the resolution to accept those donations second and a second we have a motion the second roll call vote Christensen yes Porter yes sandstead yes Strunk yes H is a yes and Vincent Yes all right we have the insurance compliance report um you have any background on that Mr B so it's an annual requirement as you see there we have to to list all of our staff who well we have to identify who our human rights coordinator is based on policy Title 9 coordinator based on policy in 504 coordinator based on policy so you'll see the names there this goes to the state annually then we also have to verify that all of our staff have been through the mandated reporter training which of course has changed significantly over the last couple years used to be one and doubt report now they say uh when you re before you report make sure you do an evaluation to make sure that we're Maybe identifying certain um demographic folks and things like that so that has changed quite a bit there but all of our staff have went through that either through the top time there's a state recording that they were able to view and then we did do that with the rest of our staff so that's got those pieces identified we have to have a harassment violence policy policy 413 uh that has been updated so you're going to see here it says last submitted date when I submit this new one it will actually be January of 2024 when we made some of those minor changes there and we just have to go through all the other federal laws and state laws that we're going to adhere to those when it comes to um the Assurance of compliance so again annual piece just need to make sure we bring that to your attention for approval questions comments look for a motion to approve so move and a second second all in favor say I I iose same sign motion carries uh adopt resolution of governing board supporting form a application to Minnesota State High School league Foundation yep so I think Sarah has the form there this is one that again is an annual piece we normally get roughly you know 122 to $1,500 based on how much money is in the foundation the State High School league foundation so it's a separate entity from the State High School league but still under their you know not necessarily under their umbrella but attached to them and so as you'll notice in the resolution it says a grant to offset Student Activity fees remember based on free and reduced we do allow students to participate um if they qualify there without that fee and so we can use those dollars to help offset that expense to the district any questions comments approve motion there a second second a motion in a second all in favor oh sorry resolution uh roll call vote ch yes Porter yes sandstead yes Strunk yes is a yes and Vincent Yes all right then we have the following Personnel items um item number one Cory Spencer resignation is there a motion any discussion I move to approve motion to approve is there second second all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries um 7.4.2 is in two different categories item number one would be the Head Boy golf coach um Deion hary is there a motion to approve that I have some comments before we do that um you know I talked to you on Sunday I talk to you on Monday I texted Jake Monday to call me because I had questions about this he did not return my call he read my text immediately but did not return my call um instead he called Deion hary and gave him my cell number and told him that I was the one causing the problem so I got a text from Dean hary last night asking if he could call me and instead I called him right away and we had a good conversation and he was confused because he was offered the job prior to our last board me before we had it on the agenda and I told the end that I was the one that asked to have it taken off the agenda I told him again that I asked have taken off this agenda and I asked him several questions that I had concerns about uh a lot of red flags for me and he appreciated that that I was being very transparent with him and I told him our goal is to hire from within if we have we have a we had somebody apply for the head coaching job and so I just have a lot of lot of concerns about this I told the end that I would I wasn't going to vote for it last month and I won't vote for it again this month I said I can't I couldn't call the other board members because it would be a Serial meeting he understands that he's been the SE the school district for a long school for a long time and so I'm a I'm still a no vote on this I don't know where the rest of the board stands but I feel that if we have somebody within our district that is interested in this job then that's what we need to focus on so I don't like I said I don't know how the rest of the board feels but that's how I feel and that's my stance on it agree with you 100 any other discussion and and the other thing too I mean we don't have a gulf meet till April 11th so I don't understand the the the emergency on this uh I feel like there's coaching positions like girls basketball that need to be a priority I feel like we can just leave this leave this position open I know there's other interest around the health course and just to see where it goes I I don't think this needs to be I don't think it's a good fit I don't think it needs to be approved right now okay so that's how I feel other discussion my discussion is I mean is it the board's job to decide who is hired or fired are we here to approve it absolutely it's our job especially given the events that we that have come to light lately I don't feel like it's Our obligation to approve a recommendation it's our job to do our home work and ask questions and then approve it if we feel so inclined I mean just because somebody recommends something doesn't mean I have to approve it correct it's absolutely correct I guess my my concern here looking at this is obviously the other name that was on here is now pulled and I what the relation is to that is my question because we know obviously like I said we have someone from within that wants that position so that concerns me as well so is this something we are you Terry are you suggesting we table it or what are you suggesting um whatever the board wants to do I'm I'm an absolute no vote so I don't know if we want to table it or just vote on it it's up to you guys it's up to the rest of the board like I told Dean I'm just one voice other discussion so there's a couple options I'll call for a motion to approve this hire if there's no if there is no motion it will die on the table for lack of a motion um if somebody wants to again table it to another meeting for more discussion that's also an option [Music] um so I'll I'll open it up is there a motion to approve the hire of Deion hary for Head Boy golf coach is there a motion to approve the hire of Deion hary for head boys B call Coach is there a motion to approve Deion hary head Voice coach this item will die on the table for lack of a motion we'll move on to baseball coach Tim Riley head boys baseball coach is there any discussion on this is there a motion to approve Tim Riley head boy baseball coach to approve is there a second second all in favor say I all right I oppose same sign motion carries item number 7.4.3 point1 Anna Baron's 0.5 FTE student support specialist I think Paul gave a little bit of background on that previous um essentially it's changing the title cuz it will be a non-licensed position but it doesn't necessarily fit into the 9mon support staff agreement but it doesn't fit into the teacher agreement either by not being licensed and so the recommendation is to pay $24 per hour uh for the time in that position which would be half of the half of the day but the benefits would align with the nine-month contract just to keep it simple otherwise you you take that half off then you got to try to blend okay you get this money this much for health insurance and we'll do this so um just seeking to keep that simple to do the 9 month support staff agreement for health insurance life insurance LTD personal Leave paid holidays in the sick ESS leave and the 403b to keep that where it was before for for her it won't change anything there so it's just offering really $24 per hour and remember this is not an ongoing so the thing about these atwi contracts is um at the end of the year you know we wouldn't need to put it under a Ula or a non-renewal we inform because I think our goal is always to try to find somebody licens if we can in those roles because that's a pretty high need area for us I would say and so we would post again and I think that um she is aware of that as well a motion to approve is there a second second all in favor say I I post same sign motion carries uh last item there is we have a lead request for Sarah Nelson yep Child Care leave request any other discussion for H long call we okay motion approve second and a second all in favor say i i p the same sign motion carries uh item 7.5 is to set the initial Community task force meeting uh we have a couple of options October 28th and October 30th a Monday or a Wednesday there are no sporting conflicts I don't believe on either of those two dates because I think we discussed that well Jake was here at our last meeting so it's your preference on Monday or or Wednesday and witth does have their calendar open there there are some details that we need to be handled uh prior to that meeting I think if you didn't have a full packet it is on the table there it says withth task force Committee Member questionnaire um if you do have the full packet it's the last two pages there um the questionnaire and then they kind of got that first meeting agenda um for you to review there and then we want to get that site tour scheduled as soon as possible as well um so really the purpose of setting that meeting is because we would have to post that meeting if the board's going to be there or a quorum of the board's going to be there um to kind of lay out the goal for the task force verify I would we're assuming that a majority of the board would like to be at the first meeting is that an accurate assumption correct okay so we yeah so we just want to make sure that that's available and it gets posted on time so is it Monday or Wednesday a better date sign up have to be Monday night so Wednesday okay Wednesday so far fine with me Wednesday looks good Jerry we have the corn done by Wednesday you tell [Laughter] me okay I'll be there if I can okay it' be a 6: to 8 6:00 pm to 800 PM meeting and I would say we're looking at the 30th is that accurate everybody's good motion to approve the 30th of October for that initial task force meeting second we have a motion in a second all in favor say I I I post same signed motion carries 30th at 6: p.m. so we'll get that posted then okay um we also need to we talked earlier about canvasing the ballots uh we can't do that within three days of the election so our November 6 meeting is too close so the recommendation is to move our November 6 meeting one week PRI later to November 13th that would be a Wednesday same time yeah it would still be our committee meeting so be that evening meeting at 5:30 and then we would go again the 20th for our business meeting the following Wednesday second Motion in a second all in favor say I I po same sign motion carries our last item is just some discussion on the pre referendum planning yeah I think if you wanted I kind of brought this for you to look at if there's anything with the questionnaire that you think needs to be added concerns um you know just uh that's what the WTH put together uh kind of moving forward here I think the other conversation that we had with WTH was the fact that uh after the initial meeting we won't be setting Schoolboard meetings special meetings because full board's not in planning to be there we told them probably be two members we weren't sure if it was going to rotate or if there'll be one constant maybe one other person rotates or if somebody's schedule's busy somebody else would fill in and we did explain to them besides there was some concern at first I said well that's going to be a large group and but they understood kind of the reasoning why and and they did understand that maybe after that first meeting some folks may say oh I didn't realize there was going to be this many people there or I didn't know this community was going to have such a strong representation and so they realized that there might be some folks there then that maybe are not continued or you would not continue and they also understood that attendance may not always be possible for everybody there I think there's some Norms that they want to set for the meetings to say kind of here's the expectation so that's what you'll see in the agenda just saying here's how the meetings will be operated we'll leave that up to the group too but I said they need to come with some identified Norms that we can work through to make sure that they're productive meetings you know I think there was conversation a little bit about attendance and I think we had thought that we don't want to say that you need to make 80% of the meetings but if you've missed the first three and then all of a sudden say hey I'm here I don't like where this plans going right now we need to revisit these things that that's not going to work either because it's um each meeting additional meeting costs money so I mean we want to do it right so that's not the but it can't be because somebody hasn't been there and things like that all of these there's talk about putting it on our website so the meeting minutes not recordings meeting minutes will be posted on the website and then people would know who the task force members are to reach out to them if they want to you know say hey I think this needs to be considered they should reach out to that Task Force member to make them aware of that because they because the really the committee task force members are the the ones that can be active participants at those meetings otherwise I think had 75 people right so and that's that was the one current concerned we already have a large committee can we just ensure that it's going to be you know that group that's going to be you know giving feedback and things like that doesn't mean that others can't reach out to a task force member or a board member and say hey I see this was on the agenda these were the minutes help me understand this or I've got concerns about this but just need to find a way to have productive meetings and to keep the process moving forward I think they also mentioned that this questionnaire was kind of a way to get people's mind in the direction of what they're trying to figure out here not necessarily you know is this going to be a you have to submit this back to me or any he said I think they would take him that the night of the initial meeting um just to get that that kind of information is where they're going to start with this task force and then also that um along the same lines of not if you can't make next meeting typically they're going to have an agenda or try to have the next meeting's agend you know so if there's an item on that agenda that you wanted to give input on you know you could give it to somebody else or send it in advance so that we're not continually stepping back when somebody can't make a meeting so um just a couple of ways to try to mitigate some of those things so and I think they were talking about with that I think assigning homework right they they felt that at the end of each meeting they would say okay here's what you need to come with prepared for the next meeting just because again of the number and making sure that that process moves ahead and and not having to take two hours to investigate everything and then to move forward to say okay how do we do this and things like that and probably also asking wif to say hey when you come to the next meeting can you help us better understand these things here's the information we need to make better excuse me decisions is this is I like this I'm just curious will the information from this will they summarize that and everybody on the task force gets a copy of that or I think that's the thought I think there was also talk about doing like a Post-It note type of activity where they were going to maybe do that but no I think that this I think we would have a summary here and this will probably be a summary that will probably also be in our notes and stuff like that so I mean it just gives you a big picture of where right yep where they're starting and things like that yep other questions comments oh we have to extend the meeting for another 30 minutes because because you guys are here guys got a lot shorter me yeah they can't be wondering somehow they got they got a memo though we' never had this many here that's good all right I do have and I don't even it's not on the agenda but I just have a question that I got a phone call last night and it's a question about office procedure um when a parent comes to pick up a student and so they they said that let's just say I call the office this is Terry Christenson I'm here to pick up Tate who's in sixth or seventh grade um they said the students are able to sign themselves out and walk out of the school to the parking lot to meet their parent in the car is that how it works right now I don't know I'm just asking because this is a concern because the concern was that anybody can call the office say I'm so and so's parent and if the kid is going to sign themselves out and walk to the parking lot we have no idea who's actually picking them up so that was a concern I come in and sign for my kids so I don't know well this has happened so that's why I'm asking if I I assume it's not procedure but it has happened so how do we how do we get that I'm just gonna ask Kevin I think I saw it one time is there a camera that goes out to the very front is that what they're looking at sometimes to see if the vehicle yes so we have one that's sitting right outside of the district office meeting room that is pointing to towards the flight pole um so there is times just simply because our secretaries are so familiar with our community members and parents there are times where they are able to see them through there however I I don't know the the ins and outs of it but yes that is that is a spot where they could clearly see um at least the vehicle or if the person's outside of the vehicle um they also have their window right there where they can see out to that location um but again I don't know what the the official procedure to that is that was a question if it can be a procedure to make it mandatory that the parent needs to walk into the school and I get it sometimes there might not be time or maybe some people aren't able to or whatever but that was just a concern about our procedure how we do that at the school and so I think it it only makes sense and I could see where it could someday be an issue we hope like that it never would be y but no I just a question so I'll bring that up to them now I know there's going to be probably some parents that are going to be upset say that's just what we have but I do know that I've seen out to make sure there was a camera there cuz I've seen the secretary say yep so I think they've called and said I'm going to be there in 5 minutes I say okay I see your mom's car is pulled up sign out and you can go you know that way so I think maybe but I'll talk to Mr wood just to so I didn't have an answer yeah nope I think I have seen that but I think it's because they do see or or the student will say I just saw my parent pull up so I'm gonna go and things like that but yeah we can definitely make that Tighter and there's no issue with that for me FIS Beer's day off that's right yeah all right any other comments questions concerns Sarah no oh motion to a Jour it's too early are we G let him vote really all in favor say I motion carries that was