##VIDEO ID:m4Uy4XFZk7I## all right you are live all right call the meeting to order at 7:30 in the secondary school media center 5:30 I like to say 7:30 and we'll start with Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh roll call Christensen here Porter is not here yet symbolic here sandstead here stunk here H is here and Vince is not with us tonight um Els do you have anything for the board tonight all right we don't have any public comment then we'll look at our agenda uh you'll see there's a couple modifications as we get to um the addition of a res designation um two hires and also there's a couple of additional resolutions that fall into that has to do with our special election and general election because of the way it went and we'll talk about those when we get there so um are there any other additions or corrections to the agenda move to approve and a second second that's everybody all in favor we don't even need ey so all in favor say I I hold same sign agenda is set all right we'll move into um Community Task Force update and so they did send a schedule I did uh sit down with Mr fene here one of the requests from I think folks on the committee was trying to find out those next meetings um so of course we have a meeting next Wednesday the 20th so the board meetings at 7 a.m. Community task force meetings at 6: p.m. that night so it'll be a longer day there but uh so then after that we'd like to get that schedule set um kind of for the upcoming meeting so people can plan so we have December 4th is our board meeting so we're going to that was one of the suggestions they had so we have to find a different date there um they said December 30th unfortunately I'm out of town that night so we'll have to find a different time there January 13th is open that they talked about January 27th we do have a home girls b game so um I think that was a Monday night there is what they were looking at so the group will now have to kind of determine that I think when we meet on the 20th to see uh so we can get that schedule laid out because I think there are some requests from a few folks saying hey we just need to know in advance so we can plan evening schedules from some of those on the task force our group did go around all three sites um Monday the fourth and I've got that my superintendent report as well uh we visited all three sites starting here at the secondary School making our way down to South and then ending the day up at North and I think there were some very good questions we'll need to come back with some information um because of course they had opportunity look at that assessment piece and so that is on the school website uh so people anybody can access that now we've got a a taskbar or on the taskbar there's a site that says Community task force so all the minutes will be on there the agendas those assessments and so uh people did have questions about looks like we have some um catch all areas if we just organize those would that take care of everything and that's not going to take care of things there I think some Heating and heating questions we had to explain to some that we don't have any climate control besides heating at North and South Elementary so it was going through those pieces there and then just kind of figuring out some other ideas but I think there'll be some good discussion upcoming here with the information that everybody has and and I think some of those pieces we've got a great knowledge base there I was just talking to somebody who is going to be on the committee unfortunately a mix up with email and uh just has some great knowledge too about door handles because this particular individual used to do commercial doors and said just the door handles alone he said if you've got to get those up to speed because we have the round door handles he said you're talking significant dollars just to do that and he said if you start on a project and it's over a certain dollar amount he said they won't grandfa you in anymore so I think there's going to be some some good knowledge that we have there was some great Insight that were that was coming from people and so I think this this next meeting will really take time on the 20th to kind of review what people saw hopefully come back with some answers of some of the questions that some of the task force members had and then start to move forward to make some some decisions there but it's been very nice to have that group here and and they've really done a nice job and uh been very astute to kind of what we need to take care of all right questions comments we'll move into administrative reports and we'll start with HRI great um so we've had some pretty fun events the last month at our buildings in both buildings they PTO or both PTO did fundraisers and so thanks to the PTO for putting those together they had a harvest hustle they called it at North and the Fun Run itself the the same thing students um come together they they run they're raising money and they're both fun events ESS F events so thanks to the both um the parent teacher organizations at both buildings and then Elbow Lake Kensington and the Hoffman fire department came into fire safety so um it's a great they do a portion an educational portion and then they bring the fire truck and they get to um show them how the water shoots and it's a really fun event they always come away with some I don't know water bottles or pencils or something the kids um enjoy that and it's a good Community event so we appreciate the fire departments coming in supporting us and then our teachers at the around the middle of October did grade level meetings and that was really um really welcomed by them they came together did a lot of collaboration around curriculum so that was um a good piece to bring our teachers together across buildings at the same grade level this year are both at North and South we are doing some um revisiting PBIS and so one a couple pieces we brought in is doing an all school assembly which I I love doing those I um all the kids come together this last month we focused on our word respect so our words are respect responsibility being safe and being kind are the the four key words we focus on and our PTO sponsored shirts for students of the month so teachers chose a student who really was exhibiting the um word respect so far this school year and we call them our shining nights so um shared their names a little blurb about them and then I talked about just what respect looks like in our building and did some um role play around that and recognized our students and then another piece we're doing and the students are very excited about this is they earn tickets for those four words and once we fill a jar or container we're going to do an all School celebration so every day they ask me how full the container is um so they're very excited to um to fill it up and keep being recognized for those positive um behaviors that we're seeing and then we'll do a a school celebration our quarter ended on November 8th and we're gearing up for report cards we go home on Friday and we sent our conference letters home just yesterday so parents received those to set conferences and conferences are at the end of November so um parents can look for those letters and send it back with their scheduled time and I know um teachers really enjoy that time with with their the students and parents to um continue to build goals and build relationships and talk about how the school year has been going any questions for me questions come thank you and we'll move to Mr wood all righty um so it's been really nice we've kind of settled into Rhythm at the high school and first quarter is over already teachers will be posting their final grades today by midnight um other things going on we're really excited about the musical um they our students and staff have worked really really hard on musical um of The Adams Family we had a school show today and there'll be public performances um 15th through the 17th um evening performances at 7 on Friday and Saturday and a mat at 2 um highly recommend you guys um go check it out if you get a chance it's gotten very very good reviews our kids really knocked it out of the park on that um lots of talented students that we have other things going on we had our Veterans Day program here on Monday want to um give a shout out to Mr bro he really took this and spearheaded it we made a few tweaks from how we've done it in the past and I thought it it went really really well um we had the entire student body in attendance for the veterans say program this year which is different than we've done in the past and it was it was I really really good I thought and we a lot of good feedback on that as well um students will be Juniors will be taking the ASVAB tomorrow um which is the military entrance exam if that is something they're interested in it's also a good um test to take prior to taking the act because the scores correlate very well with what you scoring on your ASVAB gives you an idea of probably where you're going to fall in the ACT um so that's helpful um M rolloff and M maffy are spearheading that um other things our efforts to support struggling students are in full swing we've met as a child study team um adding a few pieces with that um Cammy Weber who is our school of psychologist to the co-op Co-op is helping with that as well um just working on different ways to implement early intervention strategies to help some students that are struggling um as soon as we can instead of waiting till things happen um really our biggest barriers to Student Success right now continue to be attendance to students not being in school and then mental health of students that maybe are in school but are going through a lot of mental health challenges our fifth sixth grade is also um implementing um take a sand curriculum which is an anti-bullying curriculum that um has step-by-step lessons involving some role play with students to try and model appropriate behavior and how to handle some of the difficult social situations that students find themselves in at that age um and those are weekly lessons and there is a parent handbook that was sent home as well which is kind of um hoping to Garner some parent support in that as well we're also moving into the teacher evaluation phase of the year so meeting with our teachers and getting some observations done um and kind of the day-to-day grind is in full swing right now um so I wanted to thank the board for their support and partnership um and I wanted to leave you with the comment I always um asked staff if there was anything they want to put on the board report or anything that they want shared and this was a quote from a staff member that I thought was pretty powerful and wanted to share with the board um so this staff member said I felt solidarity amongst my colleagues in administration already in the first quarter of the school year we've problem solved as a team safety concerns athletic achievements and Community involvement have been at the Forefront moving into the second quarter I'm eager to see how we can grow and continue to make WCA a place to love as we all know this means change as a staff I hope we use our voice and talents to better ourselves our students and show the public the true reality of our district we care we invest we learn so I thought that was a pretty powerful comment coming from from a staff member any questions for me U just briefly you mentioned staff evil or evil evil of staff so is that admin eving staff is observations so as on year teachers were required to do three during their um non- 10e years and then we're on a rotation where every three years staff are observed how about can you speak to the attendance piece uh some metrics or do you have just generalities around that Gap or what do you how that looks well and so it's it is either students are here all the time or then we have students that are frequently missing like one out of 10 I mean we we have students that have probably missed half the first quarter so I mean they've maybe been here for 20 of the 40 some days and and it's really hard some some have um you know parents constantly excusing them sometimes it's just uh they're just gone a lot um and so there's you know a myriad of reasons why but it's really hard because we can't do a lot when students aren't here then when call all time us too so we talking single digits or is that maybe up to 10% that would be a concern I would it's not even as high as 10% I wouldn't say small it's a smaller number but it's just so yes yes so chronic is a good way of putting it okay any other questions comments from Mr wood thank you Mr wood um M us to activities director Mr fine anything big happened lately I actually have my first line on my report just a fantastic fall season Lydia sweep qualifies for the state tennis meet Carter chzo qualifies for the state cross country meet football plays in the Fargo D for a chancef for Section title volleyball wins section 68 and plac his third at the class a tournament with the program best 2 29 and5 record I mean it's just just been great a lot of a lot of great things a lot of great Community Support I I mean I can speak personally just the things that EMS did to escort our team in and out was just I get so many compliments from people that just just your community just doing that it's just phenomenal yeah it's been been fun and and with that I mean that's a thanks to all the game workers all the refs bus drivers I anybody who's helped of make it work this H it doesn't just happen by accident work the coaches put in the student athletes put in and all the help that everybody um brings forward just kind of makes things go along pretty nice pretty s so you know we we now kind of shifted gears it just kind of happen like that with basketball starting on Monday know the the winter sports season is is upon us you know remember to stay up to date with the our school app regarding schedules live streams tickets um bus times uh Etc remember live streams from here are through H fan and most of our conference opponents are also on fans as well um we're still looking for some game help as we are in about every sport and every season this one right now would be Junior High andc basketball refs we do have a dedicated handful that will help out but it's always nice that have more so the same people don't always have to work the same games a couple things a couple things I have I did attend the West Central conference meeting on November 6 at Mose we had great discussion about the future of online tickets Statewide girls basketball numbers scheduling a promotion of Junior High activities and we had other things on our agenda it was it was a really good meeting we only meet four times a year so there there's usually lots of items discussed at that meeting some other upcoming events as I stated the winter season did start on Monday boys and boys Bas wrestling start next Monday I have a region six meeting on November 27th um there may be some changes there regarding one act and speech due to the amount of schools that have have these may impact some subsection or section placement we'll know that later on and then December 3rd is our fifth sixth grade concert here at 2 pm um we did make some changes with our concert times this year we moved all of our K through six concerts to a two PM start that's not new for this building that's new for North and South um there were several factors that went into that decision that wasn't just one that we just flipped Accord and said we're making that change um so just so you know all the the 712 concerts will still be in the evening but the k6 concerts have been notom to so that is that is my report okay any questions or comments for Mr P what's going on you seeing a very negative Trend with your basketball not just here but I everywhere Nationwide Nebraska's cancelled five Varsity programs I saw a headline pop up yesterday thought well we we CED a number of different reasons and I don't think you can just pick one I think there's different reasons for different schools I I'll share one area school Breen 10 kids 9 through 12 I me that's that's crazy I mean so sock Center School what probably Double R 21 kids grades 9 12 so no interest I I mean I I don't know if the interest is waning if it's I mean there there's all kinds of factors but yeah just those basketball numbers are just are are in a tough spot right now hopefully this is just a phase and they can come back up but every every school is feeling that no doubt any correlation to I mean girls wrestling is really picked up is there is there any is there any you know we we we did discuss that and our our feeling amongst ads was the girls wrestlers that our schools are having our kids that maybe maybe did youth grow gosal of third fourth grade but have sure they didn't to many that school I look at our girls basketball numbers 912 we're right around 16 to 18 we're not we're not great but there are a number of schools that are way less than us so yeah I'm think if you can solve that write a book we all to find the bring back Terry's easy practices from third grade yeah they were easy we need but we won games we need something and like I said it's not just here it's it's our neighbors it's our conference schools it's it's a lot of the ads that have suppos so and that that really jeopardizes c teams and you're you're not going to see a lot of girl teams that's just where it is right now so I said hopefully it's a phase but we'll see what it looks like very good all right thank you Mr fene uh Community Education thoughts all right um November steam is up and running at both elementary schools uh we have a gear up for wrestling camp that um Owen and Hunter gko uh volunteered to do this year which is awesome um that leads into Elementary wrestling that registration is open and that's going to start November 18th so coming soon uh change makers events so that's for our fam zero to five with zero to five year olds um upcoming we've got November 21st we be roller skating in Hoffman and December 10th we'll be playing Bingo and wendle um families can register online through school pay or if it's easier they can just contact K craft to get on the list um if you're not familiar with that K does a great job um if they register ahead of time they get fed a meal um and it's it's really good um Community Building because a lot of times especially like myself working moms you don't really get that time to connect with same age um kids so um they've been really well attended so shout out to KI for doing that um I am working with a couple of varsity girls basketball players to get some dates together to do some elementary basketball skills camps I've had a few parents reach out asking for that um adult coed volleyball registration is open um and that league is going to start at the end of November and run through February on Wednesday night um I put in my report I'm waiting to hear back from Andy but I actually talked to them yesterday about Thursday night skiing they're going to be getting that information to me soon so I can start that registration and that program will run um December through well weather depending March um and then um just the last piece of kind of token of good news um looking ahead to Spring I had a meeting with our swimming lesson provider um and I had voiced that I was pretty disappointed in last year and how they did not want to come to our beaches um and our registration numbers reflected that um so they're willing to work with me um and scheduling some times back hopefully at both of our beaches um this next summer um so great news again that's still kind of beginning stages of plan they're not absolutely 100% concrete on that yet um but by January I should have that news and I'm hoping that it's at both beaches back to what it used to be so any questions what was the main reason that they didn't do that last year they told me Staffing and that they were going to put all of their classes at that one beach and then they could do multiple you know districts or schools at the same time but I think I mean it hurt our numbers big time it then hurts their numbers I mean they they they weren't pulling in nearly as much money as they do we we historically like even prior to my time have great swimming lesson numbers so well the bottom line what we've seen a fury even is people want want the kids to learn to swim at a lake at a pool yep and so that's why y that's why we've been really pushing that so it was sad last year to see that they changed that so now the fact that it affected them yeah now are they going to work harder to find staff or they do they it sounds like they have a pretty solid plan put in place they're working with um Fargo I don't know if they like partner or something I I'm not sure um but I was in a meeting with a guy from Fargo and um the person from Fergus and it sounds like they have a pretty decent plan put together to hopefully solve that problem so thank you all right any other questions from Mr dots that brings us to technology Mr mamir hello good evening um first foremost I just want to say thank you to all of the staff and teachers um towards the end of October and the beginning of November both sty and I had quite a few absences that overlapped so there was no technology supports in the district and they did a fantastic job getting by and then were patient with me as I was trying to catch up when Stacy was gone as well so that is incredibly um one of the incredible things about our our staff is their understanding and willingness to chip in a little bit extra and to change plans if something isn't working so um very very appreciative of the people who work here um one of the things I want to bring to your attention is we are currently on Pace to be over 20% breakage rate in our student Chromebooks this year um it's not super off from we've been in the past um the national average you try and shoot for is between 11 to 14% breakage part of our issue is the fact that kids don't pay for breaks um but I don't know that there's a real good solution to that either um so of that 20% I'd say half of it is accidental it's in a backpack gets dropped somebody bumps it off of a desk any of those things happen um a quarter of it is normal wear and tear just from opening it and closing it the hinge breaks or a piece falls off a key stops working those are very normal wear and tear items there is that quarter where it's kids that are just neglectful um they're not taking care of it and they don't see the value in taking care of the device the way that we would want them to the the challenge becomes there's no way for us to hold consequences as far as like charging people for the fixes because we we don't pay for any additional fixes that's why we buy the devices way we always have is because then it's easier on all of our families and on us to not have to constantly be chasing after $20 for this or $75 for this or $300 for a brand new Chromebook all of those pieces that we don't want to do um but it it is challenging and I I I think it all ties in also we have some kids that struggle with mental health and they don't have healthy ways to deal with mental health when they get frustrated with a problem they take it out on their Chromebook and I would rather have them do that than to do anything else but um still things that we need to work collaboratively together as a whole uh school and District to help these kids become healthy and happy individuals that don't break their own technology in the future um also there is a huge spike in uh cyber security challenges um in every aspect of life um but it hits us as well it's primarily coming through to us as fishing emails so emails that are requesting information and all those pieces our staff has done a phenomenal job in Catching in the ones that slip through our filters we have three different filters that try and pick those up before they make it to our staff but our staff's doing a great job and I believe a big part of this is through the education we've done with that no before training and those pieces where they're seeing that an email doesn't just quite look right and they're flagging it and sending it to us which is really nice because then we can adjust our filters to try and accommodate those pieces um there is also another boost that's coming through in compromise websites because you can Google search anything and there's 7 Million results that come up there are beginning to be more and more websites that have bad links bad downloads bad those pieces the fortunate thing is all of the precautions we have in place as far as protecting the actual devices themselves and then also filtering within our Network it's blocking pretty much everything that's coming into the network so we we've been doing well there um also since we're we are live streaming I just want to push out a PSA to people that there is a gigantic increase in text scams that are coming through people's mobile phones um mobile numbers are everywhere and there are a ton of scams they might come in as if it's a random number texting you it also might come in as a like a a shipping depart or shipping company saying we need more information to complete your shipment so just be aware of those things people who are creating those are incredibly creative and some of those uh scams look very real so um remind family friends especially parents to be be conscious of that and be diligent when they're going through and giving out personal information and last but not least I just have to say thank you to Stacy for all of her incredible hard work that she puts in she is absolutely amazing and when she was gone it made me really sad and made me really realize how much that I need her in order for us to be successful so um when you see her please make sure you extend the gratitude for all she does for our district questions for Kevin so that probably wasn't my Amazon order I got text about you thought you got Christmas like God dang it that is supposed to be delivering something it's it it is really hard because you get now in the the connected World we're in you get messages when deliveries are on their way and it's really hard to tell what's real and what's not so I usually just tell people error on the side of caution awesome thanks Kevin uh brings us to buildings and ground Mr nor here our buildings here's our grounds there you go any questions um our gym project is completed and done we've got that taken care of um I'm just waiting on a bid to give us an idea to move our switches from behind a concrete wall so we can have visual contact uh which is also a safety issue that was brought up when they came through and did our evaluation um so uh like I said I'm waiting on that that would be the other part of that project um Chad me interrupted when last time used to Wi she had to count to 200 now that's only 75 signific did you write that on Sharpie on the wall I think Miss Dey did yeah no um the boilers are up and running um just doing the proverbial chasing and uh tweaking of things um again this time of year it's just hard with the way the weather is it's cool at night it's warm during the days um you know you you turn those things on the buildings get warm it takes forever to cool them off and if we leave them off too long then everybody's cold and so it just it is what we is and we're trying to do what we can and make things work um I do have Agy chemical out of Fargo um they did come over and look at our electric one at South um we got to have some work done on that per the state um inspector but they are also going to I had them look at both North and South um they're going to come in and do some training I'm going to do some training with them on chemicals and balancing the system and trying to keep our our water um or the water that's going into them at a much better level um it's pretty acidic right now and I don't think there's been much done since I've been here for eight years to try and help that system out so hopefully we can get some help out of that um sending out another little tidbit um I know I've talked about this the stage pieces I tried to move those to get those out of the way on Friday when when we had a couple people around that can help um I dropped those through the plywood on the inclosed trailer didn't wreck the trailer but it's just that weight thing and trying to move all of this stuff to get them to North to go back and forth again um and it's not easy it's it's not safe for employees um we're going to end up with something taking place so what were you moving the stage pieces for them to do their concerts on because we have to have them here for graduation and then they usually use them for homecoming for coronation but then I need to get them up to North because we don't have enough for both places so I have to transfer quite a bit of them to North and my objective is is to try and get them loaded before we end up with ice snow and rain and the Christmas concert takes place I'd like to have them up there ahead of time it's just a lot easier to move them I thought we had enough we don't have enough up there for no so um and had to walk around yesterday with Wayne from Lakes Country um did the we did the the fire OSHA walkthroughs um did the six-month as Festus check and then we also um did air quality um monitoring I wouldn't say that we did any substantial stuff but he had been to a couple classes lately over the tail end of the summer um had some worksheets and stuff that we had gone through and looked at and tried to answer some of the questions um and he's going to be putting that report together and we'll be getting that to us um with what we had gone through what we had found what had taken place with both the the fire safety stuff the OSHA stuff um well we also did the lead water testing we had to retest eight different areas between the three buildings um because that has changed from the state it used to be anywhere up to 5.5 parts per or five parts per billion um the state has knocked it down to two parts per billion um we have a couple areas that we were in the high teens and one in the 40s um speculation is is it's probably the faucet itself not piping or anything like that um so he was also going to look when he comes next time to see if he could find any paperwork um or maybe anybody knows where it might be that supposedly especially for this building there should have been paperwork from the um Architects that stated that there was or the contractors that there was no asbest or lead stuff used there should have been signed off on but I said I have no idea where that's at I said well talk to Mr BR and we'll pass some words out when I get to the board meeting if anybody has any ideas but he's going to look for that um and then lastly we got a couple new staff members uh that are going to be starting and that will be training in and continue to work on training so that will be very helpful um the rest of my staff has been really pushed and they've been doing an excellent job to just try and help keep things as clean as we can um and hopefully with this getting these people trained in and stuff is going to free me up to get some of this other stuff done and caught up as far as fixes and and paperwork to Fire Marshals and things like that so and uh a little tag on uh Mr wood saying that things are going into the flow I'm not I'm still running full bar we jumped from getting started with school and everything going and the kids doing great and all these stuff to state things like that now like you said we're flying right into basketball and having to change gears to get stuff ready but um but yeah it's good I mean it's it's it's good the kids are great and and I'm glad that we have the opportunity for our students to to keep flying along like that and a lot of them are so dedicated so I appreciate it any questions questions comments from Mr nober all right thank you that brings us to business manager was there anything wanted to highlight about that unfortunately Aaron has another board meeting tonight she said so she was unable to make that um financial report in front of you there but just a couple updates the audit will be presented here at our December meeting that's how we'll do our truth and Taxation as well so that'll be in regards to the levy um so things are kind of finishing up on the audit I know that she just put in I saw it come through the bank last night about $65,000 in eser money that would have been from fiscal 24 so that's uh for some supplies and things like that that we purchased so that'll be a good help to our budget as we knew that their budget was being hit fairly hard last year and then for the upcoming year we were able to put some of those expenses to that as well so we did use the full 118,000 I think there was some concern about that and we do have some technology that we'll be utilizing so we got a got it all ordered now we just got to figure out a roll out plan to get that out into the hands of our staff but we want to make sure that we have somebody that can do the training for that so it's not just giving them those tools and saying here try to get this figured out they're busy the way it is so we want to figure out the right way to do that but we don't want it to sit back in my office much longer it needs to be able to be utilized but there's some great coating pieces we have some bbbots um some spheral balls and things like that so some great technology tools that our kids will be able to to be cutting edge with that so we'll work those pieces there and then we'll start to work on our budget revision for this year as well of course our student population has dropped I think below where we were anticipating but we've also had some other cost savings um not necessarily planned but because of Staffing shortages and and things like that and and late bus pieces so so there's going to be some savings there and we'll bring a revision here fairly soon for you on that to review so we can take our first um approval of that budget revision here probably towards December or January all right any questions on that one we'll slip right into the superintendent report then okay Community task force I've already touched base on that so um but yeah I think then we'll probably just have to determine from here on out I think we're just using a couple board members so we don't have a quorum at the and have to run an official meeting there so if we can get that determined for next Wednesday's meeting that would be good school calendar modifications so yeah with all of our success and like uh Jake had noted earlier it's not too many places where you get to have the student walk through the hallway to be recognized for tennis and then I think it was the following week or two we had the exact same thing for cross country and then after that football we're getting ready to go for that and then volleyball so very lucky I think it's a great experience that those are the experiences that kids remember much longer than they remember probably what they did in kulus and social studies and things like that or are those different experiences I think to have the the crowd there the fans there um pep band sounded great at volleyball and of course our volleyball players did a nice job too so does make it a little more challenging for the scheduler uh try try to get things figured out and things like that but we did make that work on Friday the 1 um I did not receive any concerns sometimes there's concerns from folks saying hey what about child care these different things here we did not receive anything that way I think it's something that we've made a continued habit I know there was some discussion of do we run school you know I mean in your bigger Schools they're going to have Elementary are still having school and the secondary is still going to you know was going to be able to go and things like that but we're at that smaller size where I think a lot of our families were going to go our staff wanted to go so I think it made it challenging there so the staff did have to make up that time they were able to do that uh remotely to get that taken care of plenty of things as we in the in the first quarter with grades conferences report cards things like that think we'd also said if there were some projects kind of like that bowling project that we'd like them to work on those things where they have time to maybe move into something that would Intrigue them and maybe make their classroom uh uh you know some improvements there and then on with volleyball we did have a early release at one o'clock so we did move that one early release uh we moved that one from staff development cancel that one but we did release at one o'clock that day and folks could go to the game if they wanted or they stayed here and I know we had student supervision I believe my the numbers at North were a little over 30 yeah and two four I think or maybe it ended up being 30 to and three at South yep three at South and we didn't have anybody here at the secondary so it's again one of those pieces I understand for families that's a hardship right when all of a sudden they aren't planning to go to the game and then they need to to find somebody to watch their children but I think everybody was picked up at 3:15 it worked out very well we had a pair of professionals that were there to support in both buildings so that worked out well um and then of course we didn't have school on Friday so our staff just needed to make up that time for that State volleyball game so those things all worked out well I've not made any schedule modifications yet eventually have to approve that if we know we're not going to have any snow days I do it so if somebody wants to say we're having no snow days we could do that at the next meeting but I'm a little apprehensive to do that msba leadership conference that is coming up January 16th and 17th uh they seem to open that up earlier and earlier and the biggest thing is room reservations but they've also changed the policy on that I think you can reserve early but if you cancel like after the first part of December then there's some cancellation fees they never used to do that but I think some schools have just taken eight rooms and all of a sudden two days before they cancel six because only two are going or things like that but if you know you're going to go please let me know so we can get some rooms reserved as well as getting um you registered for the conference great opportunity there uh School boards you know people who have not are new to the school board have to look at the phase one and phase two training uh the beauty of that now is Lakes country is actually doing phase one training msba is coming out to Fergus on December 3rd from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. so people don't have to travel that fall to do that training um I did find out if you've already been trained so we have one board member uh Darren will be coming back does not need to attend those trainings because he's already been trained there and that's still current for for Darren there so but all the others Claire and um Josh would need to be trained there as we move forward on that's a statutory requirement phase one and phase two and then you see what we have going on for the month of November for those upcoming dates all right any questions from Mr Brown though I don't think that's fair at All Phase One Darren should have to go through that again oh he's not here we could tell him he stop the record Put it we'll let him know that he's got to have time take a test and see if he can test out all right that moves us into new business uh we've got the first reading of the following policies with the statutory and recommended change changes policy 417 chemical use and abuse policy 420 uh student and employees with sexual transmitted infections and disease and certain other communicable diseases and infectious conditions that's a mouthful and policy 422 policies Incorporated by reference uh that's just the that'll be the first reading you should have those in your packet um any questions comments on those we'll move to approve the following Personnel items uh 5.2 resignation of Roger Luther and also the hires of oh boy Corey chyl chyl Hannah WN winra yep and Emily Courier as a prayer professional move to approve and a second I'll favor say I I motion carries um that brings us to a resol resolution to Canvas the votes now there's a little information there um do you want to tackle that PA or should I tackle that I can try to do it so I I called one last time to Greg Abbott tonight just to make sure that I understood it and I think by one point he was confused he said could you put it on a whiteboard for me so I can understand so so we have those two seats remember that are filling um vacancies due to unexpired terms and so Nathan will be fine because Nathan's ran for the two-year seat Nathan's the appointee so he can he'll just go from his appointee status to filling that term and he can do that seven days after you canvas the election tonight so you canvas that election seven days have to go past and then so he'll just go from appointee to board member to fill out the rest of that term till the end of 2027 little more convoluted for um uh and it kind of all came about one one I didn't have the I had to change the resolution up because it did not include the counties no longer give us the state doesn't require the number of Voters in your school district so I called on or emailed Greg aot he goes yeah we're hearing that from other districts too that they're no longer doing that so just take that out of the resolution so we did that and then I said well now we got these two-year pieces how do I word that I said can I just take the special ele one change it here he goes well let me word it for you and he goes actually we're going to have to redo our our um model pieces here because he said it's been such a change over in a lot of board resignations so it becomes complicated here that Claire's the appointee when CLA was appointed she was appointed until we had a replacement ready for her in seven days Josh is able to replace so he will replace Place Claire on the 20th Claire then has to wait until the first Monday in January and so that's how that works and that's how the language is and so yeah when I called again to explain to him we had several emails and I don't know if he didn't remember me because he goes can you stop again he goes I'm gonna need to he said I kind of got to write this down and I said well we've got I said four board members who were elected to their four-year terms said one of those board members actually was appointed to fill uh a vacancy based on a resignation and I said but now she was elected in a four-year term so I said she's on that cycle and I said but the other another person was elected for the two-year and he goes okay that is correct he said you have to have that person then at seven days after so he said you have to seven days after your election is canvased and they turn in all their paperwork so the certificate of election all the stuff that Sarah's been signing if that's all turned in they campaign Finance report then they qualify to be the board member to fill the term so so yeah so at next Wednesday's meeting if Josh has it all turned in Josh sits at the table and Claire does not sit at the table until the first Monday in January I think that's the the way the verbiage says it just says the appoint is up until the election and then at the election C time that person then assumes the remainder of that cycle the bottom line is come January who will be the seven board members the ones that got the ones that got elected okay Sarah Sarah Maya yep Gary Claire Josh na yeah so it's just this little see six week yeah [Music] it's a little odd bottom line January people want the public wants to know who will be the so the ones that are got elected we'll canvas that for the four and for the two it just gets a little bit crazy because Claire who is appointed now has to step off until January and Josh now fills that role through the rest of that term and Claire becomes a new board member with a four-year term in January so the next six weeks is the next yeah it's goofy for the end of the year but yeah so there you have it so that's why there's two resolutions for canvasing the returns for the general or one for the general one for the special and then authorizing the issuances of certificates so it's yeah it took a little while to get through all those pieces but that's why it's there because yeah they once they get their paperwork in the seven days now they're a qualified candidate to fill the rest of that term I said in the verbage it just says at the time of the election that person now fills the remainder of the term which includes these two months so all right clear as mud we'll go on to resolution number one then um so the first is the general election resolution canvasing the ballots which in the final reading then Jeremiah alich Kayla sanded Clare Benson and Darren g have received the highest number of votes and are elected to four-year terms beginning the first Monday in January 2025 does everybody understand that one so we'll look for a motion in a second move to approve in a second and then we'll do a roll call Christensen yeah sabolic yes sandstead yes strun yes and Al is a yes resolution number two would be for the special election in that election Nathan Porter and Joshua olich having received the highest number of votes are elected to two-year terms beginning as soon as they qualify after the election which is the seven day waiting period there's a contest period and then as long as their paperwork is in that's all relevant does that make sense so I'd look for a motion and a second for that resolution second and Christensen yes symbolic yes sandstead yes Strunk yes and Al as a [Music] yes now this has to do with the issuance of the certificate of election this resolution would be for um therefore be resolve the school district ISD 2342 um the chair clerk hereby authorized to execute the certificate of election on behalf of the school board of Independent School District 2342 to the following candidates Jeremiah Al Kayla sandstead Clare Vincent and Darren gross that would be for the four fouryear term any questions on that that's for the certificate of election so I need a motion in a second for that approve uh roll call is Christensen yes sabolic yes sandstead yes Strunk yes and Al is yes and then the last part would be the certificate of election for the two two-year positions um that would be for Nathan Porter and Josh olich um who have sufficient large number votes to be elected to fill a vacancy on the board caused by the board member resignation based on the results of the canvas so I look for a motion to approve approv that so move and a second second and a roll call V Christensen yes symbolic yes sandstead yes Strunk yes and Al is a yes all right and with that that will bring us to closing meeting for the superintendent evaluation so I need a motion for that so move and a second second all in favor say I we will close the meeting for superintendent I have 624