##VIDEO ID:jRuuJYgghZY## good evening can we all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please United States Melissa you can call the rooll please miss here notice of the September 16th 2024 meeting of the Board of Education was emailed to the clerks of the burs of esss North p rosand and to the township of Fairfield and the editor of the progress on January 5th 2024 and the Star Ledger on the same day well good evening everyone happy to see everyone back it's the first official board meeting school year I know School in swing seems it's getting off to a good start so just want to say welcome back to the new school year I know we had back to school night at high school already Enlighten us on and then I know midle school back SCH oober and okay good evening members of the public so uh we're off to a brand new school year very uh happy about the opening of school um I'm going to leave the um opening of school uh details to the principles I know they have a lot to share since um we're going on about what three weeks now that we're in session um tonight I just want to spend a few minutes uh okay clicker talking a little bit about Safety and Security I just wanted to provide the board with an update um we had a Safety and Security committee uh meeting last week I know um Mr Sher will talk a little bit about that but tonight I just want to give you a little uh update um so first of all uh we take Safety and Security uh very very um it's a high priority here West essic for the entire School Community including students staff and parents okay the doe um takes proactive measures to work with school districts okay they specifically have an office uh it's called the office of school preparedness and emergency planning and that office provides direct support to to schools in New Jersey and establishing safe and secure School environments um we at West we've established and we maintain a school safety plan that we develop um in conjunction with the police department and IT addresses all hazards and follows the phases of Crisis management planning which includes mitigation preparedness response and Recovery Okay and like I mentioned we work closely with the north cwell Police Department we have a security team we work with our sending District police departments and superintendents and every year we have an annual review of the security plan which you will be provided with uh next month okay I'm going to touch on four areas tonight briefly the first one is physical security and Staffing the second area that I'll talk a little bit about is Drilling and what the drilling requirements are in New Jersey uh some training uh that we have for our staff and um I'll touch on cyber security okay so just talking a little bit about physical security and Staffing as you know we have our special law enforcement officers in our schools our class three officers those are our armed officers that are sworn and police officers through the north Colwell Police Department we also have a full-time safety coordinator Mr Pete Davis and he splits his time between both buildings um just a couple other things our radios um we're on the same uh we're able to communicate Direct with the north cwell Police Department with our radios which our administrators carry and um so we can communicate directly with North callwell we also have a state-of-the-art uh surveillance system where we have um cameras in both buildings and as well as on the exterior of the schools um each building is also equipped with the Raptor visitor Management Systems in both schools so visitors that come into the building have to put their IDs into the Raptor system and that does a quick check for um sex offender history okay um as you know lanyards and IDs um are mandatory for all of our students and staff as well as visitors and vendors that's one U measure that we put in place so we can make sure that we know who's in the building and who's supposed to be there okay um we do also have the say something Anonymous reporting system which is run through Sandy Hook promise and that's a 24hour a day 7day a week reporting system that anybody can use if they want to submit a concern whether they think there's a direct threat to the school or whether they think that somebody's a threat to themselves or others so there's a live operator there and we have a team in each building and a district team that will get alerts in the event that there's either a life safety emergency or a non-life safety emergency and then we also have visitor policies in place um which we um Implement and basically all of our visitors to the buildings must have a scheduled appointment okay um each team now is required in new each School in New Jersey is required to have a threat assessment team in their buildings and the threat assessment team has to have a variety of people from different backgrounds and they say to the maximum extent possible so you put together a team in your building based on what you feel is the most practical group of people that you can assemble okay but for sure our principal um is on the team as well as another um administrator typically you have a um a mental health professional or a counselor so it can be either your school psychologist school counselor social worker or any other employee on the staff that has an expertise with student counseling um there be a uh an officer or a um employee that serves as a liaison to the law enforcement department um the school safety specialist could be on the team and you could have a teaching staff member so basically those teams are assembled in the event that there is an incident um you assemble this team and they will go through a process to thoroughly review what the incident is and then from there um interventions put in place an action plan um sometimes it involves law enforcement sometimes it doesn't but it it it puts a it puts um it it gives the buildings a group of people that can kind of work together to to kind of resolve whatever incident May Come their way okay the drill law um just a reminder to the board I know our administrators are familiar with this um basically you have to have um at least one fire drill and one school security drill every month during the school day okay including the summer months because we have summer school so some examples of drills um obviously the fire drill but you can run a lockdown you can run a shelter in place an evacuation a reverse evacuation you just have to one run one fire drill and one security drill each month and the one piece with the drill law is that if you actually have an incident let's say there's a medical emergency in the building and you have to run a shelter in place that day the actual incident will count towards your required drill for the month and then one of the new new pieces to the drill law is on the day of a drill at the end of the day the principles will send out a notification to the community to let parents know that they ran a drill during the school day okay and um the last piece here is cyber security um it's an area that often gets overlooked um I'm not going to go into every detail because we can't you know come out in public and you know disclose all of our cyber security efforts that are going on behind the scenes but basically the two that I wanted to just touch on is just just to let you know that our Tech Team um you know has a great plan in place and you know two things we have advanced firewalls and an antivirus software to protect the infrastructure of our system and then one of the other things that we have is um we have multiactor authentication on all of our uh staff accounts to ensure that there's double layers for um our staff members to get into all their accounts so um anybody have any questions on anything okay all right turn it over to Mr dberto good evening so I am very excited about District goals I know my colleagues are very excited about the district goals but I feel there may have been a few more people at the home against Corell on Friday I'm sure they're all watching from home though Everyone's Watching from home so distri goals since 2020 District goal which are improve School climate culture and use data to improve student outcomes and the past several years we have made some really really great strides and progress towards those gos just a few examples there no place for hate designation huge to the credit of of both principles and and Lisa Hall we've had great success using linkoln to inform instruction even even our Arts remodeling is largely driven by by the data and and our enrollment and our forecasting enrollment so we've been using data and tremendous progress goals so this is a great opportunity to kind of revamp them a little take a look re-evaluate them and modify them if we need to now coincidentally in recent years we have also concluded uh a strategic plan for the Strategic plan that we also had our climate and culture initiative that we did with St Elizabeth there was also a committee for them so both of those committees looked at many many data points okay but what I'm going to show you is just a few data points that are probably the most here's the first one you can't read that this is now this is from our strategic plan strong connection between academic topics and their relationship to the real world okay and you can't really see these numbers we have about 50% of students who claim that that's not reason students are interpreting that way and they not internalizing those real world so obvious students this school now I'm I'm not the only one that hopes for something a lot more impressive than just a shap curve Elizabeth okay and utility of learning that second column there on the bottom so this again is an area of opportun something that we work utility of learning same thing usefulness of learning what are the real world applications of what the students are learning so there's a lot of between both surveys by two outside organizations so hence the Committees plan committee came up with several different goals and there's two that we're really embracing here to move forward as our district goals as far as academics and even climate culture and again these are like progressions from the from the old goals we're not going to aband andure our first goal4 atast year beond goal number one cultivate career readiness and real world learning experien for students career Readiness and real world real world learning experien I'll on that in a moment and go now we're just getting a little bit more specific about what improving School culture really is ensure a positive inclusive School culture and climate now both these go in particular the first one we already had some opening professional development that has occurred starting on that second day that we were back with s and what we have is the supervisors and I are modeling an interdisciplinary unit where we are co- teing the class and all 200 staff members are the class and we're really modeling it just as if they are students now why interdisciplinary certainly include real world applications within their class and try to highlight the emphasize a little bit but the more disciplines more subjects that we could bring into any learning experiences the more that those learning experiences will emulate real world situations so again we model inter first OCC on Tuesday a 27th we had science lesson on Surface temperatures and heat ISS we actually outside measuring uh taking the temperature of of uh pavement and and and and grass and melting ice out there this last one just occurred today carbon sequestration as a man so earlier today we had our teachers all out measuring trees and then calculating the carbon that was sequestered in those trees on Monday October 14th that is our full uh professional development day we're going to have together studies and Ela class could combin like perhaps like a tree planting proposal so there's two objectives with this professional development specifically the first objective is just to model the interdisciplinary lesson okay just to model it and show what the potential of it there are multiple topics and methods approach this so the way we do it isn't necessarily the way that other teachers have to do it and the one thing that we do ask very understand they do actually want to explore decide that if they're doing it they invite other teachers into St now our topic is like environmental in nature for a couple reasons but it's really important to know that it's just an example of possibilities this is not necessarily a lesson that we're expecting people to do it's just example possib teachers can choose whatever topics they feel are engaging and appropriate to their own classes and curricul for example on social media mental health algorithms Ai and Silicon Valley perhaps tourism entertainment and real estate or energy resource tra depicting motion and perhaps an art class and carbohydrates another reason that we chose an environmental topic is because we wanted to align with new climate CH standards that soy Rec hasl these climate standards the first St you include these and actually really I'm the first one for these are middle school stands develop a model to describe howal and of the earth patterns of atmospher and oceanic circulation that deter Regional climates that is a middle school so we want to try address these PR pry early so that the invol different ways to have the other objective to our professional development is just to model throughout those lessons a whole bunch of other strategic uh Pedic that have been of emphasis in the past such as instruction grouping and management of instructional groups discussion techniques and higher level question those have all been areas of emphasis in recent years and as we're modeling the interdisciplinary lesson we call attention to what actually do and and gives a whole explanation for it so that is the second objective and here's us actually this is today these two hands in the top middle that's me and Jason learner preparing at 6:30 this morning Ty tying labels trees and then the rest you can see just teachers going through this lesson as students measuring trees just really enjoying the lesson uh initial feedback is good to the teachers uh I'm really excited about the professional development that's occurring it's definitely like a something a little fresh and new for the teachers and uh I think that they really enjoy just experiencing class from like a student's perspective again and that's District goals do you have any questions about District goals yes absolutely because they all they've all been step of the way so in terms of what we do but in terms of the real world learning experiences those are things that they will also make sure that occurring in perhaps a more direct way in their classes but they've been all the supervisors have there every step of the way planning this we did we did we did we did so so on the first day of your students and as such you will be coming with writing nuts charge Chromebooks and you're going to deposit your phones in the phone holders and they did it some of them begrudgingly I admit like they not want to put their phones in um you know even complete complete today with uh one teacher who put his phone in the wrong phone holder and and lost it but it was really in the so they they're really you know they're really gaining the student perspective but yes absolutely like when when we are asking them to be students we're we're going all the full nine yards right any other questions so in terms of the actual interdisciplinary design we're not mandating that teachers work together right now we're just encouraging it so and and we would certainly try to facilitate any anybody that wanted to do it uh so if we had even like individuals like one or two individual each that that would take advantage I would consider that a success in terms of all those other strategies uh that I that I showed to that was like the second part the second objective those are things that all administrators will be looking for in observations throughout the year so and that's in observations and in walks so that's certainly a way that we measure the success of that Prof else thank you very much I look forward to be here good evening everyone congratulations to Caesar and the supervisors they have worked really hard you can tell based on there's a lot of work that goes into teaching that people don't realize and all the planning so it's obvious to the rest of us how much time you guys have put in so congratulations I don't want to say this too loud but I think we're having a pretty smooth start to the school year in the Middle School we've had as as you know if you've been in District the middle school right now we focus heavily on the seventh grade transition getting the kids in the building doing everything we can to teach them the rotating drop to teach them the building you know know where to go every day it's not an easy task um and we do work really hard at it all the way from the summer from the open house where they can go to their lockers I even saw you know Mr Martin helping a kid with their locker I think this morning um um to our we lead orientation we had a welcome night event which student council hosted that's always really successful the kids just come into the building it's about an hour and a half or so um there's a DJ there's backyard games there's basketball there's um you know video games they just kind of walk around the first floor a little bit and kind of move about as they want again just getting them to feel comfortable coming into the building is really our goal uh so we had that and that was coordinated by Lauren summer and Jen bramall for student council so that was a great success we had our Spring Lake day camp and Mr Martin was uh officially inducted into wests 6 Middle School by attending that trip and I have a couple pictures of that kind of hard to see but I don't know Mr Martin do you want to explain any of these activities yeah come on up um so I had the great pleasure of being able to attend our seventh grade trip spending a full day with all of our seventh graders um it was a great way to KCK off the for them uh we did a lot of team building activities different sports and they had a really funfilled day uh the best part of it was on the next slide they uh we did a shelter building activity and it was groups constructed of kids from all the different towns seeing them work together seeing them like really putting their minds together to build some of these great the bottom right where those kids set that 10 for about 20 minutes and it was it was really cool to see and um everybody had a great day and it was a great way to kick off the year and Mrs arbaj who coordinates the trip so the kids are paired up based on their team you know we have the team model in the middle school so there's three teams per grade so all of the kids went to each activity based off of who's in their team so when you're on a team you share the same set of teachers so again when they're doing those interdisciplinary units in class hopefully they've built some relationship through activities like this having fun um they also have that trivia game which I know the kids really get super competitive with so that was a great great trip they had a beautiful day on Friday and they made it home in time for the buses so that was that was great and then tomorrow we're having a club Fair activity we're trying it new we have some posters and things in the hall so during the lunch block the kids can kind of walk around especially the seventh graders and just hear about all the different clubs that we have to offer we know the more the kids get involved um the better their transition so we have that tomorrow new this year as some of you may heard we've changed it up a little bit with our lunch block so I want to kind of take you through a couple of our changes some of you may know that in the past we have an hour lunch Block in past years we've had 30 minutes of lunch and 30 minutes of a lunch study which essentially is like a study hall so the seventh graders would eat first and then they would go to lunch study and the eighth graders would be on the reverse kind of uh cycle if you will so what we were seeing last year were there were just a lot of kids in the hallway during lunch study a lot of kids going to the bathroom to meet up with friends a lot of kids trying to get into different lunch study so they could meet up with friends um you know just different things going on as we walked around we realized most kids weren't actually studying a lot of them you know students were on their Chromebooks playing video video games things of that nature so we kind of took all this in from the culture climate perspective we looked at thinking of personnel and fiscal responsibility it was a lot to manage the lunch studies we had about 25 different rooms so with Staffing that became challenging so we kind of looked at all of this collectively and we decided to kind of make a little bit of a change so I want to walk you through that so what we're doing this year is it's a little bit more of a common lunch it's not quite like the high school so we have parameters the kids are now eating in one of three locations the entire seventh grade is eating in the Large Gym there's lunch tables and kiosks the eighth grade is divided between the cafeteria and the small gym same thing cafeteria we have our normal food line and in the small gym we have kiosks and tables as well all of the students can pick the table that they're in or the room that they're in except for the seventh grade but once they're in that room they can't really move too much among the other rooms okay they're in there the full one hour rather than moving to a separate lunch study they're in there the full one hour and what we're actually seeing is that peer pressure can be good because we're actually seeing kids do more work now now that they're getting some more schoolwork and more homework you can see them on their Chromebooks working collectively as a team but to complement that we also have some other activities I'll explain so when we were looking at the lunch block we had a couple goals we wanted to provide greater continuity with our school procedures and keeping so many kids from roaming the Halls um we thought that that wasn't you know the best practice from a security perspective we wanted to monitor the bathrooms that was important for us we wanted to continue to offer academic support allow students to spend time with their friends if that was their way to decompress from a culture climate perspective we thought if that's what they need for the hour we wanted to provide that and we also want to try and give them some some choices in the activities uh that they're choosing and also obviously for Melissa remaining fiscally responsible so during this lunch block during this one hour block the kids can use their chromework they can do their homework and whatnot at their lunch tables that's totally fine um we still have our library in zenen so the zenen is a quiet reading space for our our kids that love to read they can go there and sign out about 15 or 20 kids per day the library is open sometimes they have games or different activities they might have different themes on a particular week so that's all based off of Mrs moss kuchi in working with Caesar and the supervisors they're helping us with a learning lab and an assessment room so the assessment room is where the math Mastery Program will take place if you recall students who aren't able to kind of demonstrate proficiency on some of their formative assessments can do re math retakes you may have recalled this from last year so we have this assessment room that they can do that in and then the learning lab is pretty much like a um an extra help room and our supervisors are Manning both of those rooms so if a student has extra help questions or homework questions they can go and get guidance from one of our supervisors so those two rooms are 116 to 121 which are our larger rooms lunch Squad you may recall that's for our struggling students typically we use Title One funds for students who are either at the D or F range at the end of marking period one so that will still occur for those students and the difference there is those students would be potentially in danger of failing a subject whereas students who use the learning lab could be completely proficient but just have a question on it a you know a particular assignment we're getting club meetings up and running during the lunch block and we're kind of splitting the lunch block with you know now that we don't have um after school busing we thought this was really important for the middle school to get the kids involved in clubs so now club meetings will start occurring during the lunch block as well there'll be like 20 minute meetings so that the kids can also eat and then we have our counseling corner you may recall the PTO donated the room at the end of the hallway some kids choose to go there that's a quieter space for some of our students who maybe aren't as social as other students and then our last objective is we're going to try and figure out how to use the auditorium space perhaps have a movie on occasion or do different things like that that would give the Kids Choice so this is how we've kind of taken the lunch block this year I don't know if you have any questions for me hopefully I've explained everything they're allowed to walk around a little bit and move tables certainly in middle school there's a lot of peer conflict so one of the benefits of this model is that if as kids do change friend groups they can easily swap to a different table so that that's that's not a problem well I know this yeah so the supervisors I know went you want to talk about sure yeah so the supervisors actually they'll say hey who the learning and we have had kids in we we had kids every day right Miss Fredo also sends it out there's a Daily Bulletin that goes out every morning it's in there but you know kids they don't always check things so we try to as adults if we see them struggling encourage them them to go um but we had have you know some students go already which is great so that's been working really well so we're super excited and then I'll go into student council we have our Culture Club and our skip team just to get input what can we do how can we improve it um but you know we don't want to take on too much initially so but we're excited we think it's going really well yeah I'm I'm happy with it and then oh I'm GNA turn to the high school but before I do just don't forget back to school night on Thursday oh sure that's okay so we haven't had to turn anyone away 116 to 121 where the assessment room and the learning lab they're large spaces they could probably fit 30 35 kids 40 kids so and we have four supervisors to man that so we have plenty of room in those two locations the library she's using a Google form sign up and she's trying to make sure that like it's evenly dispersed so a kid could be in there multiple days as long as no one else wants to sign up so she's trying to kind of divy that up and then the clubs I mean as long as they're part of the club they they can go oh to eat so those locations are already determined they can't so the entire seventh grade's in the Large Gym the eighth grade has the small gym and the calf they picked that location on basically the second day of school for the most part they stay in that location and unless they're going to a a place where they would swipe in like the library or like the learning lab so they don't it's different from the high school in that our kids don't have free reign of the building every all the activities are basically from this end of the first floor back so it keeps the entire academic first and second floor free which is nice and it's quiet so we know where pretty much all the students are but um but it in terms of eating they kind of have to stay in those areas because you know middle school kids are a little they like to put their hands on each other and you know so we gota we got to keep our eye on them but I think it's going well so all right thank you have a good night Kim really it's all you okay um which is mostly for new parents and seventh grade parents but everyone's welcome to attend I'll just kind of go over some basic student handbook and the philosophy of the middle school and then block one begins at seven yep thank you good evening all right so how did we open up School this year we actually start our school year on Tuesday August 20th with our senior privilege meeting and it is one of my favorite meetings of the year because it is our first time addressing the students for the school year and we're talking to our seniors um we offer four senior privileges are three senior privileges on campus parking off-campus lunch and then late arrival early dismissal based on their study halls so this meeting starts off with our one of our um driers education teachers Ryan Logan he is certified in New Jersey Manufacturer share the keys program so he then shares this program with the seniors and it's a really great talking point for parents and seniors to talk about safe practices and expectations on the road like do you have a set time a curfew when are you supposed to be home who's going to be in the car with you then we turn over the meeting to our expectations at the high school for the Privileges and we just really just want to ensure that the students are safe throughout the year like safety is like the big key takeaway I always hope that when students walk away from that meeting they're like okay the school has these rules in place but it's to keep us safe so that was on August 20th the senior privilege meeting then the following day we had freshman orientation which was hosted by our we unite peer leaders um the focus of the freshman orientation is really to form connections what research shows is that's really what's important for students to succeed in school to feel that they're connected to the school community so that's how we start day one with our ninth grade class they come in they're connected to a peer mentor and then they're also in a peer group so that throughout the year they're forming connections with these students that they may typically not see or connect with throughout the year on their own um it was really positive event we had over 200 of our ninth grade students attend which was really good um and the here are some pictures from the event our peer leaders take them on a scavenger hunt to also get them familiar with the building and it's a really positive experience um we also give the ninth graders a survey at the end for them to complete so that every year we're tweaking it to make it a more um useful and beneficial experience for the nth grade students and then School opening day one we were really excited to introduce our new ma our new mascot um whose identity cannot be revealed um so our mascot came and I know I know you would be surprised um but anyway we were really excited to introduce our new mascot it kind of just gave a nice touch to everyone high-fiving students as they were coming in putting smiles on kids faces as they were coming back because you know that first St back is exciting but when it's at the end of August some kids are like not ready to dust off the sand just yet so the mascot added a nice touch for us um and then day two of the school year with the students we have class meetings individual class meetings with the ninth grade class then the 10th grade class and our Focus this year was on expectations and opportunities and like I explained to the students just like in class when you receive a rubric when you're assigned uh a task that rubric is telling you your expectations up front so that you can be successful on the assignment and that was the same thing for our class meetings we were giving the expectations upfront so that they can have a successful year so that they know what is behave um what is expected of their behavior throughout but I always like to make sure we keep everything positive especially in the beginning of the school year that's really important to me that kids feel really good about being in the building so we ended the meeting with all of the opportunities that are available to the students so we talked about the club fair that we were hosting we then also talked about joining our climate culture committee because that's where it's our student advisory panel and students have a chance to really have voice in the school um and and then later in the year if they tell me that they didn't know that those were the rules I can say but I was there when I gave you those rules and then what's been happening in September in the building um we had our senior parent night hosted by the guidance department on September 5th that was um an event where there's actually a new mandate on the regarding the FASA and so that was an important workshop for the parents to hear this this is information coming directly from our guidance director we had photo day on September 11th with Legacy Studios and thank you to miss uh Jaclyn D'Angelo our yearbook adviser for putting together a smooth day for us we also held a club Fair on September 11th and 12th we broke it into two days because we had over 30 clubs that were available to the students that we set up tables out outside the gym Lobby so that's where our ninth graders typically eat lunch during our unit lunch they could step right out and then students upper classman in the clubs were running the table so that they got to interact with their peers to hear what is this club about what do you guys do what's the commitment and um I did have one ninth grader tell me she's like I signed up for three clubs this uh today and I was like that's awesome and so now they're getting involved so it was really positive experience for our students on Thursday September 12th had our back to school night and we always enjoy inviting parents into the building I'm so proud of our staff for what they do and I was great night to acknowledge what they do and for parents to see the hard work that goes into it and on Friday night it was a busy week for us this past week Friday night was our home football opener and we also did a salute to service night so we reduced the ticket price to $3 for everybody in hopes that we could encourage donations to the West Essex first aid Squad they are in looking to purchase a new um oh CPR machine AED CPR defibrillator yes yes and so hopefully with that money that they um received that night they can put that towards the purchase of it so then that way they can have one in each of their four ambulances and what was really cool about that our home opener was against Caldwell so the West S6 firstate Squad serves both of those communities so it was really important and we be Caldwell I just thought I'd put that in there just add that in add that in um I'm also really excited to share that we had eight AP Capstone diploma recipients this school year so if you're not familiar with our a AP Capstone program it is a dual course option for our students so there's AP seminar and AP research AP seminar is a course that the students can take in 10th or 11th grade and it basically introduces them to like critical thinking skills and to explore topics of research it's a very introductory course then the following year in 11th or 12th grade they can then take AP research and here's where they take a deep dive into a research topic and they really spend the whole year exploring this topic and and ultimately writing like a mini thesis for it it's really amazing work that the students do to earn the Capstone diploma these students scored a three or higher in both AP seminar AP research and four additional AP courses throughout their four years it's like it's cumulative throughout their four years so at this time we have eight students that earned it from the 24 2024 AP exams as you can see two of them were from the class of 2024 but the rest are current 12th graders so we're really proud of these students students who take this AP Capstone program if really is going to serve them well after high school I mean the just the skills they learn the research and diving into areas that interest them perhaps there's a course that as a seniors they can't take now they can take this class and really research a topic that's of interest to them so we're really excited and proud of these students and then looking forward in the next few weeks we are hosting elections for our student representative for the Board of Education I held an interest meeting this past week had six students express interest so we're really looking forward to the candidates coming forward with that um and our culture and climate committee this year we are continuing with our no place for hate program we're going to do our pledge signing the week of October 7th which is also very fitting because that's the week of respect and it's also important to know the students who sign up for the culture and climate committee who it was open to any student who wanted to be part of it like every student has an opportunity to to be part of it that's our student advisory panel so that's all Al at these meetings an opportunity for the students to voice any concerns they have um the student council members it's kind of mandatory for them to also be part of culture and climate so because the student council is the voice of the students as well and so they participate and it's just a really um we're really looking forward to the good work that we're going to continue doing through this culture and climate committee and that is it for the high school any questions excellent thank you for that I was uh so excited to hear the presentation tonight I went out of order but I'm going to go back to uh board committee reports and then we'll go on to business are there any reports the Safety and Security committee met last Tuesday uh the 10th um and I want to thank Mr Mai for reporting just about everything I had to say um I also want to that we were able to meet with the north CUO police chief who was helpful as always helping gu our philosophy it was focus on the physical security um our cyber threat awareness and prevention as well as threat assessment teams um and training that Mr CH staff are undergo for everyone here I think we can look forward to a safe and secure environment for the coming school year um obviously we can't get into these particulars in the public forum but I trust that again sta everything well EXC any else um we'll move on to unfinished business I'll just read this one the following unfinished business motions are made to recommendation of superintendent schools anything placed on this agenda item one will be voted upon in one motion and I Mo any questions or comments that was just our newest board member we were just putting her on her committees for this rest of this year okay so um at this time we'll open up the um floor for public comments agenda items anyone has any public comments agenda items Finance you want to take Finance please sure uh the following Finance motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent in schools anything placed on this agenda items one through 10 will be voted upon in one motion any questions or comments yes yes items 1 through four abstain from five and yes 6 through 10 do you want bu yes you want to take personel for please certainly following personel motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items any questions or comments yes yes would you like any questions or comments yes yes com yes yes yes comment agenda than