##VIDEO ID:wZbYSoW7v0c## theed of Al Al flag United States Melissa you can call the role please miss miss Christal here miss C Giovani here miss H here Mr Sable here M Cal here Mr Sher here Mr Sone here miss W here okay notice that the October 16th 2024 meeting of the Board of Education was emailed to the clerks of the burs of essexfells North Caldwell and rosand and the township of Fairfield and the editor of the progress on January 5th 2024 and a Star Ledger on the same day welcome everyone um the only thing I was going to this that we and I think Dr Westervelt will be um elaborating on we have a new student board rep who will be um coming this evening um Emily will be welcoming Emily this evening um she'll be sitting with us next week um and I also just want to mention um I think it was September 26 We Had the Time Capsule opening here at the middle school for anyone who attended was aun and it was a class of 1976 Middle School class of 1976 um I know I was like honored to be here to be able to you know see all the things in the Time Capsule they um and put some fun things in there so I just want to thank CL 1976 for inviting board um it was a fun event so um that's all I have oh yeah we're still looking for the pool according to the plan that we pull out the time cap there supposed to be a pool down the lower level but it didn't make um but anyway so that was a fun event and that's all I have so congratulations to Emily as well on being the uh student board rep um we're excited to have you join and uh later on in the agenda the board will be approving you and uh as Mrs wajt said uh next board meeting you'll be sitting up here with us so we look forward to work working with you okay um couple other things and then I'll uh turn it over uh so just happy to report out that in its 2025 rankings of the best school districts in New Jersey uh niche.com rated West essic Regional School District number 17 out of 243 districts Statewide and number three overall in Essex County also West Essex rated number four out of 374 districts in the category of best places to teach in New Jersey and number one in Essex County in the category of best District uh for athletes so congratulations uh to our entire staff and board and you know it's truly a team effort and um um while we don't you know while rankings are not the most important thing we we know that um it is nice to to um receive a rating like that so congrat ulations to the uh West essic Staff admin and board for U for getting that um for getting that recognition um I we had a PD day on Monday and I did uh make sure to to thank our entire staff uh we had them all together in the morning and I was sure to uh make sure that we showed our appreciation to the staff for that um last but not least October is National principal month um it's not often that the administrators can get some kind of recognition so I get the opportunity to do that so um we get to show appreciation to our educational leaders this month our principles are truly committed to our school community and they do an outstanding job each and every day Dr Westervelt Dr dun leevy Miss Hobie Miss ferola and Mr Mar Martin we appreciate your tireless efforts to educate children to support the the social emotional needs of your students and staff and to create a a culture and climate conducive to learning and growth so we appreciate everything that you guys do as principles um and um we honor you this month for National principles month so that's all I have Mrs wtz and I didn't know princip I would have said something so on behalf of the board congratulations you know like Daman said we appreciate everything you do here and value you so thank you um all right we'll move on to um director of curriculum Mr J okay okay that's fine sorry oh problem hi good evening how are you as you know we have to report out our oh I didn't know our numbers What's called the student data safety system these are reasons that the state gives us for students most of the time that are suspended they fit under certain categories so you can see we keep a kind of running total on them as we go so I'll just go through it very quickly so if you look across in h this year this P I'm sorry these are last year's numbers we look in the category of threat neither school had any if you look at physical contact we had seven the middle school didn't have any physical AGG um physical assault or a fight we had six the middle school had one the difference between inappropriate physical contact and fighting is fighting is two combatants two people inappropriate physical act bumping in the hallway you know a little trip something of that sort so it's usually on one person that's the difference in those two um false alarm or a weapon in the high school we didn't have any Dr dun liby had one it was a small little pocket knife but we do report everything so it goes out to the state our HIV investigations in the high school we had 17 cases we had five that were founded Dr dun leevia had 67 she had 29 that were founded um substance offenses we had five in the high school that were confirmed we had three electronic Vapes that we confiscated Dr Don leevy had two confirmed and she had four electronic Vapes that were confiscated also in your board report you saw a document called um HIV self assessment grade that is basically where we grade ourselves um what we we did last year it is a it is a um it's a the year preceding so I did the great even though in this position was um Dr McQuade I did it with her help so we went through it we did last year's and you'll notice that in the high school we got a 72 out of 78 the middle school got a 73 out of 78 where those differences and you can see them are in the educational component and our constant educating students and learning bringing in outside people like um no place for hate like some of the speakers that you're going to hear about from both principles I don't want to take their Thunder the other part of that is simply our job on reporting meeting our deadlines meeting our timelines being efficient getting all of our documents to you making sure they are all secured that's the the basis of this report and we grade ourselves so we do do that fairly and we try to be as consistent as we can also that will come out in May and it is then out and put on the website in May they they emboss it in May so right now the I send it to the state they review it in may they send it back to us and then it goes up on the website okay thank you now I think it's good evening you really throwing me off my game here but stay behind the the only time I actually stayed behind the podum I think is graduation and even then kind of jump in a move around a little bit so I am happy to present to you this evening the 2024 assessment report uh I I hope that as we go through this report you you recognize uh some the good scores and and positive scores that that are kind of typical of West but I also hope that as we progress through some of this report that that you I hope that you see that there are some scores and in here that are just very very encouraging and really reason to be optimistic and they could be indicative of like a really good uh future growth so here's just at a glance what we're going to be looking at just our our current uh State and National testing dates for this year njsls uh njsla NJ GPA SATs and AP okay so let's jump right into it these are just our testing dates for this year okay for SATs and acts uh we administer virtually all of those on site so that our students can take these high stakes tests in a in a comfortable environment and I can say from Plenty of previous experience that the bottom four on there are all administered very very well and very professionally from the p SATs the NJ GPA APS and njsla and the building admin does a fantastic job of administering all those and making it real real smooth so let's get right into njsla okay and these are just the ELA scores so njsa is given in grades seven through nine okay uh there were earlier administrations that included 10th grade uh preo but no longer now just so everyone's aware njsla these are not tests that are of any great significance to our students okay meaning um they there's no summi of grade attached to it there's no graduation status attached to it there's no College admittance attached to it they could be used to help determine level placement but they aren't the only variable there would be other variables into taking that so when students take the njs slas the the motivation really has to be kind of intrinsic to do very well okay but nevertheless especially in ela we remain approximately 20 points above the state okay and that's fluctuating I am going to walk over here a little bit between 17% and 25% differ above the city okay and See's here we kind of stag and St went up that we'll be a little at in% above State moving on to mathematics so we still remain healthy percentages above the state okay now once you look at this data for just more than a few second you can probably notice this trend right here at where there's like a sharp Decline and not only in West ESS but in all of New Jersey okay now what you're seeing in this decline okay is in eth grade we have approximately 280 students in in3 last year but only 180 of them took math okay the remainder took the alra test okay and that's what's happen in grade not just in but in New Jers schools of our performers inod all three of these bottom groups could all be this is definitely isin now albra what we're talking about here with 100% freshman that are in alra okay so there were only eight students actually that even took this test okay and those are the eight students that are going to be in by their senior year if they okay so those the stud talking about but what you can kind of GLE from from this CH and these scores is that the longer students stay in our distri the greater the separation from the state aage so the longer they sit there distri with us the better they perform okay now I will say that no matter how high we are above the city which is like 35% in some cases okay but going to be happy with 66% okay no matter what we're not going to be happy with 58 66 or even 84 so we're always striving to do better now the question was raised in the curriculum committee do we do with these can are we able to determine how subgroups perform okay so that question came up and the answer that yes absolutely and it does not end there so this is information that we can present that's public but as Educators we actually have access to a whole bunch of other data okay that all says confidential do not distribute on it but what's on those what's on that data is plenty of subgroups that we can disag Agate by so we could disaggregate by gender race ethnicity whether or not a student has an IEP but further than that it certainly doesn't end there what else we can do is disaggregate the data by the standard and we can determine how well West essic performed with certain standards relative to the state for example we know we did much better than the states than the state on standard HSA a. A.B do3 which means absolutely nothing to you but that's a standard okay it it has to do with recognizing Zer in pols and then being able to predict what that graph is going to look like okay that's what that standard is We performed very very well much better than the state in that particular standard however we know so we know our our instruction is in is effective there but we also know that we perform closer to the state on level uh on on standard f- if if. one okay which has to do with functions and the relationships between range and the domain or F ofx if you want to think back to your high school okay so we so we did not perform well there so we need we know we need to make some adjustments there to our instruction and that is what our supervisors do that's what Stacy and Greg both do with their departments and I know that they have Department time uh scheduled this Monday to actually for for data analysis to take a closer look at these okay so that is math um moving on to the science test okay this is uh eth and 11th graders take the science test it's been around for a few years years does pretty poorly Statewide uh we still manage to you know a healthy uh percentage above the state and I I will say that by the time 11th graders take this in uh late March that I'm sure that they have experienced serious test fatigue uh between NJ GPA and the SATs and acts that they have taken so by the time they get to this and late March they they may not uh be be feeling it all that much now getting into what I would consider tests that are a little bit of a little bit more consequence here's where you can really start to see a difference okay here's the NJ GPA the NJ GPA is the testing requirement for graduation okay so obviously this is a test of consequence if you pass this test you can graduate high school okay and this is where we can see the type of District that we really are and the kind of potential potential that we really have okay so for the class of 2023 where we're at 64% we students took the NJ GPA that year but it did not count towards graduation so the class of 2024 last year's graduating class was the first class for which this test counted as a graduation requirement and you can see as soon as it counts we jump up to a 92% okay nine points over New Jersey okay and then talk about just Ela okay 92 is really good I was really happy with that then we jump up 97% this past year for the class of 2025 that is a really hard five percentage points to get I mean to go from 92 to it's just really hard getting to like the the top of the wall there even in math okay so we stayed even when it didn't count we were at 77% stayed at 77% okay then when we got these scores okay the 86% there we did not get the state scores yet so I was really curious I was like wow this is a great jump not we got we jumped nine percentage points and I was wondering if the state had also gone up but the state remained completely stagnant so those are a genuine that's a genuine 9% increase there from 77 to 86% so that's really impressive hold that thought because that could be because of many many different variables but just hold the thought there of the ninepoint the ninepoint increase in math because I'm going to refer back to that in a little while continuing with uh oh so here's just another way to look at it okay just to to visualize this a little better again in both Ela and math just creating more separation between us and the state so obviously we're we're uh the red line up top and the state is the the black line on the bot okay sat here's another one where where we fared very well the past year so if if we're e you can see the trend from 2019 to 20123 but if you look at 2023 just to 2024 we went up in every single category okay evidence-based reading and writing math and the combined score while the state went down and again here it is just so you could see it visually again creating separation between us West Essex and the state okay and here's here's our AP scores for this past year now let me just explain some some of these data points to you so this top number here is the total en in all of our a classes okay if you look down here to this number 355 that's the number of unique students okay so we have 355 students filling up 957 spots in about 28 different AES okay so 355 students took 943 tests okay that's 9 99% of our students took the actual exam now last year I was very excited as the high school principal that this number had gone up okay from 22 to 23 2022 to 2023 we still went up in the number of students and remained still at 81% passive which is three old but in this past year we've gone up in the number take even just one AP jumped up significantly in the total enrollment and jumped up S percent points and per students so I'd love to take credit for that as the high school principal but that take time and set up all the test prep sessions and really really it's all year it's not just their test prep sessions but great job to all the AP teachers in in helping us make uh numbers like that okay so moving on from scores are there any questions specifically about any of the scores because I just want to move on to some of the programs that I think helped support some of these scores no okay so I asked you to hold a thought before one of the programs that we have recent recently implemented is called math Mastery okay and what the math Mastery is is students are taking an online assessment of fundamental skills on each chapter through an online program called Delta math okay those results are immediate we get them right away okay if students don't pass that the first time the first time they take it in class if they don't pass that the first time they retake it until they receive a p great now that is the actual definition of like a formative assessment in education language okay that is a formative assessment where students are completing a task over and over until it is satisfactory okay however we have attached a large Summit of grade to it so that it is a test of consequence even though in essence it's a formative assessment but because now we have a grade for it in the summit of column now we've made it a test of consequence and then the passing grade only is entered into Genesis as a summit of assessment okay and the makeups are all taken in lunch during our makeup assessment period this program okay was actually piloted last year in grades 7 and 11 so this could be a variable in what made us so successful in NJ GPA last year am I saying that it's the end all and be all no does a correlation necessitate a causality no but it certainly could be one of the variables so now we have implemented it in all grades for this year except for senior senior year so grade 7 11 we've implemented this math Mastery Program uh I think I just personal opinion that it's going great I actually end up uh proctoring that makeup assessment period uh during the learning lab because the supervisors are usually in in the other room helping to tutor kids in in mostly math but also language arts so I'm actually in one of those rooms and I could see sometimes the the frustration on their faces and and when they've you know perhaps not passed it for the second or even third time but ultimately those students are going to get it and it gets away from this mindset or like sort of a more traditional math approach where a student takes the first test of the year gets a 37 on it and then if if that student doesn't go for the extra help then the class is just moving along and then the 37 on the next test turns into like a 28 you know so now this is a really good opportunity for students especially like mid-level students to really grasp the concepts before moving on so that's math Mastery again now implemented in all grades and here's a few of the other academic supports and extra help opportunities this slide is just the middle school we have our foundation class for Math and Ela that Dr dun leevy introduced I think it's two years ago now uh that's for Math and Ela and that class is part part of a student schedule and those students are identified by standardized testing teacher recommendations and with the parent consultation we also have study strategies in seventh grade and academic coaching in eth uh those are also identified through special services counselors teacher recommendations and parent consultation we also have the uh recently implemented learning lab uh that's run by the supervisors and myself ACD days during lunch students can come for extra help in in any any subject and they could also take the Mastery at that time too so they're they're not taking it during class time uh we have the night Squad that will uh start up at the end of first marking period or after first marking period That's a title one program uh for eligible students based on grades and staff recommendations and again that'll be beginning in November at the high school we also have the math lab and Mastery retakes that's also during lunch or after school we have the Writing Center just like in years past and we have NHS peer tutoring during lunch and after school since the the beginning of the year we've already had 58 tutoring 58 tutoring sessions coordinated through September and October most for meth but that's a significant number and of course we have summer school for the Ms and the high school students for both remediation and enrichment and that's my assessment report any questions have you gotten any feedbacks from the students with all the that's a such are we talking about specifically the Mastery lab or anecdotally yeah I mean anecdotally I could tell you conversations that I have with kids that have perhaps not done well on it the second time you I spoke to a kid today I mean there's there's frustration you know with the with a student that has not passed it for perhaps the second or even third time in a row and they don't really know why that's happening and you know there it takes some encouragement um and then ultimately that student is going to get extra supports also in order to pass those those Mastery tests you know that like those students will go in and do the practice test with one of the math tutors that are that that are in the learning lab and they'll take that practice test before even taking the Mastery test with tutors so that they really understand what they're doing for the next time that they go back certain and we can identify even with those Mastery retakes immediately what type of problems they're they're having problem on you know and and very informative for any tutor or or the teacher or the administrators that we have working in there I in terms of just math we're talking just about math I I really would like to see the results of that math Mastery Program there are other so that's to I think that's a very high leverage program where like you're really maximizing your resources and what teachers are doing there are other okay now one other thing I did not mention in order to even determine the the effectiveness of it Mr ashof Greg ashof the math Supervisor has created a a what what we're calling a math achievement committee okay so we're not just using anecdotal data Greg and some uh Math teachers from both the high school and the Middle School are going to collect the data over the course of the year to determine how effective it really is with ma with regards to Mastery and a few other programs that have also gained traction uh especially at the high school they've been looking at uh building thinking classrooms which is sort of a different method of teaching so they're looking at that as well but the math Mastery Program is kind of the big one right now that we're looking at and we' like to look at the effectiveness of that with a few others before introducing something else because like I said I do we do think that it's a pretty high leverage program really to to of points you also need to focus on the middle I think very the middle kid very much so thank you yes I I do think a program like that yeah concept you could certainly take the concept and apply it to to anywh you know I mean they use they use Delta math the the program they they create the test themselves so they right and it's the the Mastery is is really the concept then we use Delta math in order to to facilitate it but I mean we we we could certainly apply it to other other subjects as well in the future yeah writing writing writing thesis statements yeah anything else okay thank you very much good evening everyone even as you probably know October is school safety month so we have a lot of kind of activities to review last week was the week of respect which if you did not know aims to recognize upstanders and positive role models in our building uh we kicked off our no place for hate campaign um and our English teachers did that so we did that in English classes so that's our first um activity we did a pledge signing and it was called Open Hearts open minds respect starts here so no place for hate is underway and hopefully we'll get our our pledge signing up on the wall soon this week we're celebrating safe schools week which educates everyone about how schools can be made safer and more secure um and then next week is Red Ribbon Week which it encourages all of us to have a healthy drug-free lifestyle so we have a couple of different activities um Sergeant Rich was here yesterday he gave an assembly to our eighth grade students on Cyber security uh Sergeant rich is from the summit Police Department he's been with their Police Department for about 30 years now so he's quite experienced and he talked with the students about the personal and legal consequences of misusing Technology social media and popular apps like Snapchat Tik Tok Instagram and more so they were pretty engaged um listening to him next week we have a social media assembly for our seventh graders with Lauren marielo uh her presentation is titled the social media culture and how it has changed you she will discuss how social media has addictive qualities she kind of educates the kids shows them the research um she explains why it's so easy to be mean over social media and she encourages them she doesn't try and say have you know not to use social media at all but rather encourages them to have a healthy balance she often says two hours or less per day on social media encourages the kids to get their phones out you'd be really surprised if you ask your own child many kids are up over 10 hours a day um um on social media she is also hosting a parent night here in the Middle School auditorium on October 22nd which I believe is Tuesday night at 7M there's also an event on October 30th called hidden in plain sight it's a virtual parent night uh parents are encouraged to attend the presenters will guide attendees through an exhibit and explain substance abuse Trends uh signs and symptoms in an effort to provide resources for parents and community members so it's called hidden in plain sight because it's essentially telling parents it's right in front of you you just aren't seeing it for whatever reason so parents are encouraged to attend that and we're also happy to bring back our cookie with a cop event which is just our way of bringing our local police department for the from the for sending towns into the building during the lunch block they kind of have cookies with the kids and just you know it creates a sense of you know the students being used to having police officers in the building um and just friendly faces so that will occur on the 25th during the lunch block and then finally this is our spirit week so today was a pink out for us to celebrate breast cancer awareness tomorrow we're having college and um athletic attire and then Friday we'll finish the day uh the week with West Essex Weare and a pep rally so a special thanks to the high school for letting us use your marching band and your chorus and all of those uh types of activities to make it a special week thank you good evening okay um so let's start off with some good news now it's all G to be good news um so the 2024 graduating class has earned the AP School honor roll award the silver award um which we should really be proud of the our three categories are measured culture credit and optimization so School Culture The College culture is about um we had earned % which means 60% of students in the graduating class who took at least one AP exam and so that was actually um in the silver criteria for college credit and this is students in the graduating class who scored a three plus on any exam and we were actually at 51% which was in the Platinum category so we're we're crushing it there and then optimization is students who took five or more AP exams in high school were at least one of those exams was taken in either n9th or 10th grade that's because this college board looks at students who take at least five AP courses um it's an indicator of their college graduation rate and they don't want to put too much pressure on students by taking classes only in Junior and Senior year so that's why they include it being one taken in ninth or 10th grade as well so we're really proud of our students and our AP teachers for their work in earning this silver award um I also want to acknowledge um the guidance Department who hosted our college fair on October 1st it was a very successful night we had over 110 colleges universities show up represented there and we had over 330 students who visited um this year the guidance Department used this program called strive scan so the students had like a QR code on their phone and they went around to the university so that's how we were able to know how many students did enter um and this gives really important data to the guidance Department like for example Mrs Hull shared with me that the three favorite colleges the highest um visited tables were Penn State Syracuse and the University of Florida and for those of us who were there at the college fair you know that just from the length of the line when you walked by um so but it was a very successful event neighboring towns were invited as well we had um students from James Caldwell Verona High School all there as well so it was just a really nice Community event um that was well attended just want to highlight on October 10th um we had our students our um 10th and 11th grade students take the PSAT test and our grade nine students they had spent the morning connecting with their peers and our peer leaders there was a whole bunch of different activities for them planned in the gym which um with the focus was on building connections with our students research shows the number one indicator of Student Success is their connections made in school and so this why this program is so successful because that's what it does it helps students not just make connections with their peer leaders but with their peers and so students are placed in a group in the beginning of the year at freshman orientation and they stay with that group throughout the year and this group is not their friends it's different kids from varying groups and it's really um I think it's something that really sets the tone for our culture at the high school um and then after that those activities the ninth graders had a presentation by Mr John Halligan um Ryan story Mr Halligan shares the story of his son who um and his son's traumatic experience of death by Suicide and he talks about he shares his son's story and things that he encountered and the The Bullying that he that his son had faced um and after his story though he focuses on the lesson of forgiveness forgiveness of others and forgiveness of ourselves and our past behaviors um he challenged the student students to apologize and and to just say like it's okay if this is what you experienced in the past but like I challenge you to go apologize to somebody he talked about the role of bystanders and how that that's a life-saving decision for a bystander um and also some Suicide Prevention as well so that was a really impactful presentation for our ninth grade class and we had some students even at the end who were full of tears and wanted to speak to Mr hallan and so we just knew that it really did hit home for some of our students speaking of climate and culture it was the week of respect so we kicked off our no place for hate program with pledge signing in the English classes this year the theme for that was be a friend don't offend and so it's a basically an Instagram campaign and we thought that was important because one the students chose that that was you know the students created this campaign and the students voted on it and we had also saw in the high school that many of our hi cases do happen online so this is kind of targeting um targeting that we um also our spirit week is next week and we end Friday with Battle of the classes formerly known as color day and we're really excited for that to see which class is going to be the winner this year um actually the Administration has something really fun planned so if you follow along on our Instagram please do because we're excited to share and I also something we did different this year in the high school is each month the administration is recognizing a department in the school um in my teacher advisory committee the teachers were saying like we just don't feel appreciated not just only in the building but like in the state in the nation like they just feel like people are you know not appreciating teachers as often and um I always think about okay like what can we control like what do we have control over right so something we did was Rec each month we want to recognize a different department so in the month of October we recognized the special education department and the CST team um these Educators create a true sense of belonging for our students they've made a career out of differentiated instruction and it was really important for us to acknowledge them and to highlight them in front of their colleagues um and so we thank them for making our community more inclusive and I just wanted to acknowledge them here tonight in front of the board as well and now I am so excited to share and to introduce our newly elected student representative to the Board of Education miss Emily boss um Emily is a 12th grade student she is a volunteer on our culture and climate committee for the past four years a member of the Chinese Club chamber orchestra the round table she helped introduce the no place for hate program last year to the students in fact when I asked my entire Committee of 53 students who is willing to stand before the student body and help introduce and roll out this program she was one of two students to raise her hand which is just speaks volumes of who Emily is as a person um she has spent the last four years advocating for students she's truly a voice of the students and a diverse population of students Emily is always reaching for the stars and I'm really excited for her to work work with you guys so that you can experience the Emily that we get to experience and who's just truly an asset to our community so Emily congratulations and just a little bit about the process and how we got to this place so I held an interest meeting for the students this is open to 11th and 12th grade students I held an interest meeting for them and explained all of the requirements the criteria explain to them the board policy um they had to have an endorsement record where they needed to get signatures from at least 10 people in all four towns and teachers as well and staff members as well they had to come up with a platform statement their essay why they should be the board of um education student representative and then it came down to a campaign video so we had in the end we had two students who submitted campaign videos um and then that went out to a schoolwide election and in that schoolwide election we had over 75% of our students vote which is that's big for us you know because some times you know elections don't take much interest but this one they did and over 75% of the students voted and Emily is the winner so I'm excited for you guys to work with her Emily congratulations and that is it for me thank you thank you and Emily after we approve you we're looking forward to working with you um okay at this time we're going to move on to any comments from the board members do we have any committee reports con so we had oury meeting lastek and discussed our athletic director from director of Athletics to assistant principal of then at this time we'll open up the floor for public comments on agenda items do we have any comments on agenda items Ouran surely the following Finance motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items 1 through 15 we voted upon one motion and I any questions or comments Miss P yes yes missani yes Miss H yes Mr SA miss Calon yes Mr CH yes Mr stampone yes M Yesa do you want to take buildings and grounds please any questions or comments Miss P yes Miss cisal yes Miss yes Miss holl yes Mr SA miss C yes Mr Sher yes Mr Sam yes M yes Joe you want to take Personnel please any questions or comments misso yes M chrisal missani yes Miss H yes Mr yes M Cal yes Mr sherff yes Mr s yes Miss yes deie do you want to take the curriculum please uh the following curriculum special education motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items one through will be voted upon in one motion and I so move any questions or comments Miss yes Miss chal Miss yes Miss yes Mr sa yes M Mr sh yes yes Miss yes uh R will you take miscellaneous please the following miscellaneous motions are made as the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items one through 10 will be voted upon in one motion and I second any questions or comments Miss yes Miss chrisal yes missani yes Miss H Mr yes m c yes Mr sharff yes Mr s yes M yes okay um at this time I'll open up the floor for public comment on non-agenda items are there any public comments on non agenda items thank you everyone